Horoscope for September 21 for Sagittarius. Horoscope - Sagittarius

Today you can get lost among the abundance of information. You may find it difficult to choose between several routes, companies, ideas, games that seem equally attractive and exciting to you. Your loved one will help you make the right choice. If you want to pamper your children with another toy that develops intelligence, do not impose your tastes on them, listen to their opinion.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 Taurus

A great day for socializing and studying. You shouldn’t get hung up on patterned patterns of behavior and limit yourself to familiar ideas about the world. Today is a great time to prepare and hold a family holiday. These days it is easy to find original, fresh ideas in the field of cooking, design, and room decoration. The prospect of extra expenses will not bother you if you sincerely want to please yourself, your children or your household.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 Gemini

The day is good for meetings and discussions. An exchange of jokes and pleasantries will make any conversation enjoyable and mutually satisfying. Polemics on serious philosophical topics can easily give way to flirting or a competition of wits. In controversial cases, an arbitrator will quickly be found to resolve the conflict. Today is a great time for initiatives related to teaching, advertising, travel, and information business.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 Cancer

Today, the main components of success are sociability and a positive attitude. Perform your duties with pleasure, then the result (including financial) will be higher. Don’t be shy to learn and ask about things you don’t understand; those around you will be happy to share their knowledge with you. Left alone, look for the necessary information on the Internet. This is a good moment not only for communicating with people, but also for contact with animals.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 Leo

Plans today are varied, but most of them can be successfully implemented. This is a great time to raise children and organize educational and recreational activities. Exhibitions, concerts, presentations, excursions, advertising campaigns will not only be a way to have fun, but also a reason for new promising acquaintances. You may find it difficult to choose between an in-person meeting and a friendly party.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 Virgo

Today, you may find yourself wandering through a multitude of information sources and feeling stressed by the lack of clarity. People you respect (parents, teachers, friends) are capable of taking diametrically opposed positions. Before drawing conclusions and making plans, explore all the paths and options. If you are confused about them, get the opinion of your loved one. It is he who will tell you how to reconcile incompatible things.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 Libra

On this day you may make new friends or new knowledge. Work can be combined with pleasure, flirting, jokes, compliments. Today is a great time for communication, intellectual pursuits, searching for information, and purchasing books. You can choose your travel route, country of residence, and curriculum. You will have success in areas such as mediation, teaching, and information support.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 Scorpio

Today you are not in danger of running out of money, but due to increased demands, additional funding may become necessary for you. This is the right time to buy textbooks, guidebooks, dictionaries, books in foreign languages, and popular science publications. You can safely purchase imported cosmetics, original clothes and jewelry in ethnic style, exclusive gifts, and educational games for children.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 Sagittarius

On this day you need interesting interlocutors, as well as opponents who can give you worthy competition. Your success will be determined by your popularity and personal talents, not by your position. Today is a great time for a debate, an advertising campaign, a public speech, or a thesis defense. There is hope for strengthening marriage bonds, for developing a love relationship with a person from another country.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 Capricorn

Today the need for games, celebration, and adventure is intensifying. You may be visited by a dream of an extraordinary vacation, travel, business trip, or change of residence. The workday will be especially productive if you are involved in the tourism, education, arts, gift and entertainment industries. If you work for a foreign company, you may find the prospect of an office romance attractive.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 Aquarius

The focus of your attention today is on connections, knowledge, romantic relationships, and creative hobbies. There may be an increased interest in raising children, especially in their educational program. This is a great time for informal communication, for joining a new community of interests, for exchanging fresh news and original ideas. Liking a friend can turn into something more.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 Pisces

A good mood, love or creative inspiration, and the ability to have fun will help you spend your day profitably. You will not have problems if you know how to create a festive atmosphere around yourself and give people positive feelings. Participation in a corporate event can be a step towards a career. Today, work related to the creation of vivid images (for example, in the field of advertising, animation, computer games) will be successful.

Lunar calendar for September 21, 2017

1-2 lunar day
Waxing Moon in Libra
A smooth and harmonious day, a time of mercy, patience and spiritual transformation. Practical efforts will not yield much results. But don’t give up what you started and be sure to finish it. Overloads are contraindicated. Dedicate the evening to home, family, loved ones.
Haircut - although cutting your hair will speed up growth, it will make it unruly.
Coloring is a favorable day for hair coloring - your health will improve, and life will become much brighter.
Manicure, pedicure - a very good day for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions and facial and body skin care. Trim your nails, it will give you self-confidence and help you establish yourself in society.
Facial care - the fight against wrinkles is most effective.

Name day September 21

Maria, Korbinian, Levi, George, Ivan.

Folk calendar September 21

Autumn. Nativity of the Virgin Mary. Rich man. Harvest Festival. Popularly known as the Little Most Pure One.
They noted: “If the weather is good, autumn will be good.”
Autumn - the second meeting of autumn. Pasekin's day. They remove the bees and collect the onions. Onion teardrop day. The earth strives for white mornings. “All summer is amen (end).” “Indian summer has scared away the quiet.”
Autumn people are greeted by the water. On this day, early in the morning, women go to the banks of rivers, lakes and ponds to meet Mother Osenina with oatmeal bread. The older woman stands with bread, and the young people around her sing songs. After which they break the bread into pieces according to the number of people and feed it to the livestock.
Avelov's day. Girls named Alena, Anastasia, Anna, Antonina did not wear a braid on this day, as they were looking for a betrothed. If there were good people in the village with names starting with the letters B, D, G, then it was believed that marriage with them would be happy and unbreakable.
In the old days, there was a custom for newlyweds to treat their relatives, which is why September 8 was also called “Presentation Day.” All relatives and friends came to the newlyweds. The invitee invited such guests: “To visit the young, look at their lives and teach them wisdom.” After a hearty dinner, the young housewife showed off her entire household in the house. Guests, as usual, were supposed to praise and teach wisdom. The owner took the guests to the yard, showed them livestock in the barns, summer and winter harnesses in the sheds, and treated them to beer from a keg in the garden.

Signs for September 21

Winter must be strict if the birds take off in unison.
If the hares' fur turns white, winter will come soon.
An abundance of fir cones means a harvest of spring crops, peas and cucumbers next year.
The flowers of the field marigolds shrank tightly, the word withered - before the rain.

08:00 / 21 Sep. 2017

Find out what the stars have in store for you

Try to plan more interesting things for this day. It is worth meeting people who are dear to you, but for some reason you have not seen them for a long time. Some will decide to go shopping for some soul-searching, while others just need to get some sleep and take a break.

Now, contrary to logic, you need to act first and think later. The first impulse will turn out to be correct, and the more you begin to think and analyze, the further you will abandon the right path. Listen less to the opinions of others, trust yourself more.

On this day, you need to fill your schedule to the limit with important things and pleasant meetings. Don't leave a single free minute. But do not deny yourself the pleasure of attending entertainment events. If you are not only an outside observer, but also an active participant, you can have much more fun than you expect.

There is nothing bad to say about this day. You will be in high spirits and will be able to work hard and relax. Go out into nature with friends, and in the evenings take walks in pleasant company. Don't refuse to help your friends.

Don't plan anything serious. It's time to take a little break and relax. If you do not have such an opportunity, then do only the most necessary things and do not take on increased obligations. Don't avoid new meetings and interesting events. A new person may appear in your life who will change all your plans.

You shouldn't get into verbal battles now. Your ability to convince your interlocutor will disappear for some period, and you yourself may be subject to other people's influence and opinions. Do not rush to solve personal problems rashly - you may harm yourself. A time not very suitable for meetings and entertainment. It's better to wait it out alone.

On this day you will plunge into a whirlpool of events. Many interesting negotiations await you, which can bring their own, sometimes unexpected, results. But in conversations, don’t go too far, and if you feel that your interlocutor is not ready to give an answer, don’t put pressure on him. This will prove to be the most effective. Everyone has the right to a time-out.

You will look like a little light. who can not only warm those around him with his warmth, but also ignite a spark of enthusiasm and optimism in them. In love, pleasant surprises await you, and some representatives of this sign will encounter promising acquaintances.

You may find yourself in a difficult position right now. On the one hand, a lot will be successful at work, but on the other hand, difficulties will arise in relationships with a loved one. Try to avoid quarrels and be more tolerant. Take note of disturbing dreams. They may be the key to unraveling future events.

The day promises to be extremely fruitful and generous professionally. Make an action plan and start solving the problems facing you, don’t waste time, the good period will soon end. There will be a lot to do, but your persistence and hard work will give you strength, and you can easily cope with any amount of work.

This day does not prepare for negative situations. Rather, on the contrary, interesting and unpredictable twists of fate await you that can change your future for the better. Try to communicate with others as much as possible, since you will find the key to success through connections and acquaintances.

On this day, keep your nose to the wind. You will have to be active to achieve positive results. Try to establish mutual understanding with people. with whom you are interested. Avoid stressful situations and extreme sports.

Compiled by astrologer Marina Alexandrova

An extremely negative day, bringing deceptions, illusions, unfulfilled hopes. The stars warn that today Aries may conflict with those people who are closest to you. For many representatives of the sign, compromise today is not something you can come to terms with. Now Aries needs a partner who can take the initiative and share their needs.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 - TAURUS

This day will be the most favorable for peace, harmony, restoration of interrupted friendships and relationships. Now it is advisable for you to control yourself all the time and not give free rein to negative emotions. In the evening - just relaxation.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 - GEMINI

The stars promise a great time for you to explore new horizons. If you want, be sure to find time to visit a new place, go out of town or to another city. Therefore, the love horoscope predicts a pleasant acquaintance for single women of this sign. Be open and the Universe will pleasantly surprise you!

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 - CANCER

It is better to postpone important matters for a while. Now Cancers may turn out to be incompetent in many matters or simply be mistaken. On this day, Cancer women should pay attention to the new ideas that will come to your mind. It is likely that they will soon significantly affect your life. Also, do not avoid casual acquaintances, as today is a good time for useful meetings.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 - LEO

Leos, the next day can hardly be called calm. The cycle of events will spin you in its round dance. Business, meetings, trips, bustle and turmoil - this is what awaits representatives of this zodiac sign today. But the energy of this day is high, so the main thing is not to sit idly by and act actively, then the result will not be long in coming.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 - VIRGO

It is likely that today circumstances will force you to actively defend your principles and point of view. Today is a good day to focus on work, improving your skills, gaining new knowledge. This will bring you a feeling of satisfaction and security.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 - LIBRA

Libra will feel a boost of vigor and energy today. This day is conducive to communication, so representatives of this zodiac sign will get along well with others. Therefore, you can make appointments, negotiate and correspond, and go on dates. Today is the day when Libra can let themselves shine!

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 - SCORPIO

Today is not the most active day for Scorpios. The horoscope recommends stepping back from actions and immersing yourself in reflection. Now you need deep inner work from which you can get a real feeling of satisfaction, and at the same time visible results.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 - SAGITTARIUS

Sagittarius today is one of the energetically “clean” days, which is favorable for active recreation, physical activity, and walks. During this period, you should not act in a hurry or under the influence of strong emotions. Don't look for disputes, try to come to a peaceful agreement.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 - CAPRICORN

Today is a good day to focus on work and your career progress. Review your goals, ambitions and the steps you need to take to achieve them. The stars also recommend that you listen more and express your opinion less during this period. Because for many, their language today can become an enemy.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 - AQUARIUS

Aquarius has a favorable time for travel, learning and charity. The day will pass under the sign of wisdom, inviolability, and justice. You cannot refuse requests, show greed, or selfishness. It is recommended to donate, advise and listen to advice.

Horoscope for September 21, 2017 - PISCES

Today, Pisces’ state of mind may be far from harmonious. The discrepancy between what is desired and what is actual can lead to pessimism or an aggressive state. It is not recommended today to make calculations, lend or borrow. Physical labor is useful as it will distract you from negative thoughts.

The start of the day will be successful. This is a great time to socialize, including with people you didn't get along with before. Now we can agree on everything and start making common plans. There will be a chance to achieve professional success, but only if you make some non-standard decisions and are not afraid to bring them to life.
You may need support in the afternoon: difficulties arise more often than usual at this time. Overwork and malaise are possible. It’s better not to plan difficult things, to relax.

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Love horoscope - Sagittarius

It is possible that tomorrow Sagittarius will be able to spend a wonderful romantic evening in the company of a loved one, seize the moment.


It seems that your ambitious career goals are affecting your relationship with your partner, and you need to dot all the i’s in this matter. Sometimes you want to just drop everything and go on a date with your crush, but your clear career plans prevent this. You understand this, and thanks to this, you do not build any sky-high expectations and illusions on the amorous front. But if you nevertheless come to the conclusion that your life priorities have changed, do not be afraid to change your usual approach.
In this world, nothing is more important than the little things. Therefore, take a break from your grandiose plans for a while and pay attention to those small issues and problems that have accumulated in your relationship with the person you are interested in.

Once you decide to go through life next to this unlucky person, you should not give up your words. Take the reins and decide everything for the two of you. This is the only way, and not otherwise, that you can get your happiness, and you don’t have to rely on help from your partner.


Family horoscope - Sagittarius

Neptune's advice: don't expect too much from your loved ones, otherwise you may be bitterly disappointed. Try to see them as they are, do not attribute unrealistic qualities to them.

Business horoscope - Sagittarius

Tomorrow it is better not to take on new business and not to rush into signing contracts. Be careful, luck may run out on you.


You will be inclined, figuratively speaking, to share the skin of an unkilled bear. But you shouldn’t count on any assets other than those you hold in your hands here and now.

Health horoscope - Sagittarius

Tomorrow everything will be fine with you, so you can get down to business without hesitation, your strength will be enough for everything you need. In the evening, try to find time to relax. Sitting on the couch and watching TV is not at all necessary; if your active nature wants to relax actively, then do so.


Pluto's advice: be sure to get enough sleep - this is the only way you can maintain clarity of thoughts and good spirits. The morning of the evening, as we know, is wiser, but only if the morning was preceded by a night of full sleep.

Mobile horoscope - Sagittarius

Lately, your main emphasis has been on developing your professional skills and directly demonstrating them to others. However, you are not ready to take risks and sacrifice anything for the sake of your goal. You really want to just spend time with friends, but the path to achieving success is paved with endless difficulties and hard work. Of course, the choice is always yours, but it is worth considering the consequences of each option. Ambition sometimes comes at a price.

Beauty Horoscope – Sagittarius

You are not usually a frugal person, but today you will probably have a good reason to be frugal. Use your imagination and you can find many creative ways to save money.

Personal astrological forecast for September 21, 2019 for women and men born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius. The start of the day will be successful. This is a great time to socialize, including with people you didn't get along with before. Now we can agree on everything and start making common plans. There will be a chance to achieve professional success, but only if you make some non-standard decisions and are not afraid to bring them to life.

You may need support in the afternoon: difficulties arise more often than usual at this time. Overwork and malaise are possible. It’s better not to plan difficult things, to relax.

Astrological forecast for today

Sagittarius has a desire to return to the past - to revive an abandoned project, restore old connections, bring back old friends. There would be nothing wrong with this if the reason was simple nostalgia. But everything is much more serious: you feel the approach of change and try to hide from it by reviving the past.

This is completely pointless - change will find you anyway. So now it’s better to focus on developing a new strategy and tactics, think about what, how and why you will do. As soon as you have a plan, even in the most general terms, your allies will come along.

True horoscope for Sagittarius

On this day, the attractiveness and sexuality of Sagittarius will be noticeable even from a distance. Your increased sensuality will require an outlet, and therefore you are unlikely to resist flirting with a handsome colleague of the opposite sex. Only the stars know how this seemingly innocent affair will end.

Personal horoscope for September 21, 2019

One of the “clean” days. Favorable for active recreation, physical activity, walks. All purchases, except precious metals and furniture, will be successful.

Horoscope life zodiac sign Sagittarius

Today, Sagittarius will begin to slowly implement secret plans and plans. This is a good sign that will please not only you, but also your loved ones. The horoscope predicts a wonderful financial situation, so you can safely put aside some of the money for a trip to the sea. Sagittarius will clearly succeed in amorous affairs when he sings a serenade under his beloved’s window.

Horoscope house for today September 21, 2019

The first half of the day is favorable for showing initiative. Many Sagittarius will come up with proposals to their superiors. New jobs and partners may appear. Success is nothing more than being able to do what you can do well and do everything you want well without thinking about fame.