I want to sleep and feel sick for reasons. Causes of headache, nausea, weakness and drowsiness

A sluggish, unpleasant state of the body, rapid fatigue, accompanied by dizziness - this is a common occurrence among people. Complaints about such symptoms can often be heard. Many people do not understand why they feel nauseous and weak and dizzy with drowsiness, but the reasons can be very good. They can lead to various diseases that greatly interfere with the stabilized functioning of organs.

Causes of ailments

Such symptoms can accompany many problems: from trivial to very serious. So why do you constantly have a headache and want to sleep?

There are many sources of ailments. They are usually divided into two types: common and rarer.


Brain tumor

The tumor often causes headaches, lethargy, and nausea. Feels tired. Can be malignant or benign. There is no pain before going to bed. They occur in a person during sleep (this is the main difference from migraines) and pass after he wakes up.

It usually manifests itself in the form of a pulsation and can occur suddenly during coughing attacks or a change in body position.

Symptoms of a malignant tumor are detected quickly enough, while a benign one can grow for a very long time. Therefore, if she is not warned in time, she may turn into her worst form.

In older people, the entire body or some parts of it are often paralyzed with this disease.


Regular pain caused by migraines is usually very sharp, with strong throbbing in the forehead, eyes and temples. As research by scientists has shown, they are especially strong not during sleep, but after sleep, and can last for several days.

Most often, a migraine does not come alone: ​​it is accompanied by fatigue, fatigue, nausea (and even vomiting), and a lethargic state.

The irritants of the disease can be both external factors (bright light, sharp sounds, weather, stress, certain foods) and those coming from body processes (hormonal imbalance, “critical” days, pregnancy).

Unfortunately, scientists have not yet identified the exact causes and methods of combating migraines.

Intoxication of the body

Poisoning, alcohol, long-term medication use, or work injury.

Intoxication is usually accompanied by all major ailments. This can be rapid fatigue and resulting drowsiness, loss of balance, usually the person feels nauseous and feels apathetic. In this case, the headache actively manifests itself in the back of the head.

In this situation, it is necessary to go out into the open air, drink a lot of fluids, milk, and medications that can quickly remove substances that pollute it from the body. If there is no acute poisoning, the symptoms will go away on their own.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Continuous work and heavy workload lead to headaches, lethargy and fatigue.


Presence of mild traumatic brain injury

The complete opposite will be headaches, drowsiness or dizziness after a fall, which was accompanied by a blow to the head - here we are talking about a concussion and the need for urgent hospitalization of the victim.

Traumatic brain injury can cause headaches, feelings of drowsiness and lethargy, and dizziness. Sometimes these phenomena are accompanied by gagging.

Progressive mental disorders

Mental disorders manifest themselves at least in the form of partial or temporary memory loss. Such a case is also considered clinical and requires immediate contact with specialists.

Headache and drowsiness, apathy, stress are the main phenomena in this case.

Disturbance in the blood circulation of the brain

This illness is usually accompanied only by severe pain in the head. In this case, medications actively help, but you cannot use them alone. You should consult a doctor in time, otherwise the situation will worsen.

If blood circulation is impaired, convulsions, an absent-minded state, a constant desire to sleep, memory problems are observed, and the person often feels sick.

Sharp cold

Drowsiness, headaches, lethargy and weakness occur with sudden hypothermia. Therefore, this reason mainly manifests itself in the winter season. In this case, the pain may be prolonged and not recede quickly.

The sources of such phenomena are different, and it is not worth judging right away. It is necessary to understand the details before coming to any even superficial conclusion.

Physiological diseases

When considering diseases that lead to such ailments, it is necessary to note migraine. This disease still remains poorly understood. Women are more susceptible to it, especially if there are hormonal imbalances.

Migraine is difficult to treat. However, modern drugs and techniques make it possible to minimize its manifestations.

The next disease that can manifest itself through the mentioned symptoms is a tumor. It usually causes a throbbing headache at night that is not felt during the day. This disease also brings weakness, dizziness and other related phenomena.

The examination reveals the presence of any formation in the head. Therefore, just wanting to get better is a bad idea. This must be done in a timely manner, before the disease becomes malignant.

Weakness, dizziness and memory problems can lead to impaired blood circulation in the brain. Instead of drowsiness, insomnia comes, and even normal sleep will not restore strength.

Pathological diseases

The diseases mentioned above give symptoms of a physiological nature. Pathological phenomena are detected during examination, which should not be postponed.

Hypersomnia manifests itself as a strong desire to sleep, even if you have already taken the time to do so. Perhaps you experienced psychological or physical overload the day before, or you had sleepless nights - these are the main symptoms of hypersomnia, according to which you feel sleepy.

However, we can also talk about brain injuries and mental illnesses, inflammation. Asthenia is also a type of disorder when the body needs to regain strength after an illness.

Anemia gives similar symptoms. The lack of oxygen needed by the brain in the right amount causes drowsiness and headaches, and the same thing happens with sclerotic phenomena, when the vessels become clogged and allow too little blood to pass through. At the same time, hearing and vision deteriorate, and in addition to drowsiness, problems with motor skills can be observed.

Rare diseases

For some diseases, symptoms in the form of headaches, drowsiness, nausea and others are only indirect signs of a secondary nature, however, these nuances are worth considering at least to complete the picture.

Thus, with diabetes mellitus, you can often hear complaints from people about attacks of headaches and weakness. However, these signs become only a small fraction of the entire bouquet.

Apnea syndrome, that is, stopping breathing during sleep for a short period, also brings insomnia, daytime sleepiness and headaches.

People suffering from high and low blood pressure also experience the same problems. This is quite typical for periods when it goes outside the norm.

Painful phenomena of this order bring depression, as well as stress. Spring and autumn depression is typical for many people, and during this period you want to sleep a lot, performance decreases, periods of insomnia and headaches may occur.

Short-term stress, tears, worries - this can also cause insomnia and headaches.

Sports, vitamins, and sometimes the help of a psychologist help cope with such conditions.

Meningitis and encephalitis are two more diseases, interrelated in their localization, that can bring similar symptoms. In this case, you will feel compression of the head, vomiting, severe bursting pain and drowsiness. You should contact specialists as soon as possible if you value your organs.

Signals indicating an urgent need to see a doctor

A headache can appear for non-serious reasons: from a hangover, stress at school or work, or from the influence of the weather. Such symptoms usually go away and no longer bother people. But there are cases when signs of a serious illness begin to appear. This often happens:

  • sudden onset of severe pain;
  • the appearance of an aura unusual for the body: disturbances in the functioning of the sense organs;
  • continuous, worsening pain;
  • the occurrence of sharp pain when changing body position or various loads;
  • memory problems;
  • change in the nature of pain;
  • sudden malaise in elderly people over 50 years of age.

Treatment process

Before you begin to combat such symptoms, it is necessary to clarify in detail the cause of their occurrence. If you understand why you feel weak or have a headache, you can easily help yourself on your own, using medications or traditional methods of treatment.

But if there is any doubt, the symptoms are acute or have been haunting you for several days, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Which specialist will help?

It makes sense to contact a therapist who will examine the symptoms, prescribe the necessary tests to clarify the cause of the manifestations and refer you to the appropriate specialists for treatment.

Additional examinations may be required if the examination results are insufficient. Most often, they are dealt with by neurologists, since headaches are neurological in nature.

Endocrinologists, surgeons and even psychiatrists can take part in the further treatment process, depending on which of the causes of symptoms is suspected.

Some simple tips will help you overcome your tendency to headaches, weakness, and migraines.

  1. Get rid of bad habits or start your journey to getting rid of them.
  2. Walk and move more, play sports, breathe fresh air.
  3. Review your diet, add fresh healthy foods, buy a vitamin complex.
  4. Give up coffee. But drink plenty of water - at least 2 liters per day.
  5. Create your daily schedule. The mode will help solve many problems.
  6. Learn to get enough sleep, create all the conditions for this.

Headache and apathy, vomiting, drowsiness, weakness - these symptoms, in full and incomplete complex, may indicate many problems in the body, both minor and requiring immediate attention.

Therefore, if you experience even the most minor symptoms, consult a doctor.

A state of weakness accompanied by dizziness and the desire to sleep are quite common symptoms. Typically, many people do not consider such signs to be a disease; they do not consult a specialist about this.

Such symptoms may be due to severe fatigue, nervous exhaustion, or changes in weather. Sometimes, in order to recover, it’s enough to take a day off and sleep.

In cases where rest and sleep do not bring relief, the usual vigor does not appear, additional symptoms are added, such as fever, shortness of breath, general weakness, apathy, in this case it is necessary to find out the reason for their appearance.

Why do you feel dizzy and want to sleep?

A state of weakness, when you are constantly dizzy, can be observed after suffering an acute respiratory viral disease and other infectious diseases.

When there is weakness and you want to sleep, this may indicate disorders associated with the central nervous system.

The cells of the central nervous system react almost immediately to insufficient oxygen.

During the course of the disease, all forces in the body are mobilized in order to defeat the disease. Then he needs time to recover; the rehabilitation period can last about two weeks.

In cases where states of weakness and dizziness do not go away and continue for more than two weeks with the appearance of additional symptoms, you must consult a doctor for consultation and examination.

If you feel dizzy:

  • If you experience dizziness, you should lie down and ask to open a window to ventilate the room.
  • Place a wet towel on your forehead.
  • To stop dizziness and drowsiness, never close your eyes, as this may cause loss of consciousness.
  • Rub your temples.

Be sure to visit your doctor to determine the cause of these symptoms, as they may be a serious illness, or the cause of physical and emotional stress.

The reasons for the appearance of this symptomatology

These signs can signal pathological processes that have begun in the body.

If a person does not seek help from a doctor and is not treated, malignant tumors may appear over time. How is such a state expressed?

  1. The patient constantly wants to sleep, and his headaches become more frequent.
  2. He feels a feeling of malaise, loss of strength and weakness.
  3. The person feels dizzy, suddenly the person loses his memory, he cannot immediately react to the situation, and it is difficult for him to concentrate on something.
  4. Adequate sleep and rest do not give the same vigor, strength is not restored.
  5. The patient experiences nausea, vomiting, throbbing pain, and compression in the temple area.
  6. Feeling dizzy, constantly presenting weakness, drowsiness, these symptoms occur when blood microcirculation is disrupted and when a tumor develops.

This condition, in its symptoms, resembles a developing inflammatory process in the brain, which is characteristic of encephalitis and meningitis.

These signs are quite serious, their causes are pathological. In this situation, urgent medical attention is needed.

Additional reasons why these symptoms appear

Headache due to concussion. The patient may also experience frequent attacks of nausea, vomiting, he wants to constantly sleep, and weakness.

In case of disorders associated with the functioning of the thyroid gland, a decrease in vitality is observed.

If the thyroid gland produces hormones in insufficient quantities (hypothyroidism), metabolic processes slow down.

A person feels weak, gets tired quickly, and wants to sleep. The patient may feel dizzy.

With this disease, memory decreases, problems with hair appear (they become dry and brittle), and weight increases.

These signs indicate problems related to the thyroid gland; it is necessary to check with an endocrinologist and take hormone tests.

People with low blood pressure constantly feel dizzy and want to sleep; headaches occur in people with low blood pressure. This occurs due to incomplete blood flow in the brain; there is a decrease in blood supply to the brain.

The brain begins to experience insufficient oxygen. With this disease, there may be dizziness, a constant state of drowsiness, weakness, and pain in the head area.

In order to determine whether this condition is hypotension, it is necessary to monitor blood pressure. In the event that the pressure is below the required standards, you need to consult a specialist.

If a person experiences a state of depression, the stable emotional background in his body is disrupted. There is a decrease in activity, memory is inhibited.

The body's reaction to a stressful situation, depression is expressed in the fact that a person feels the need for sleep, he feels relaxed, and constantly tired.

The routine often gets disrupted and night sleep is disrupted. When you are depressed, your heart area may hurt and you may experience headaches.

To ensure that the situation does not become complicated by serious consequences for the health and life of the patient, it is necessary to undergo treatment for depression.

Daytime drowsiness, weakness, dizziness may indicate diabetes.

If there is an imbalance associated with glucose production and consumption, the patient experiences constant drowsiness, with this condition there may be different levels of glucose (it can be high or low).

In this condition, a person experiences dry mouth, itchy skin, a frequent urge to urinate, and may have low blood pressure.

These reasons should alert you and be a pretext for visiting an endocrinologist and taking a blood sugar test.

With apnea syndrome, short-term breath holding occurs during sleep. A person suffering from this disease cannot sleep fully at night, so he has to sleep during the day.

In order to understand that the patient has this particular diagnosis, you must ask him to observe himself while sleeping.

With this disease, mild dizziness may occur, and the patient’s blood pressure usually increases in the morning. In this situation, consultation and treatment with a doctor is mandatory.

If an injury or bruise occurs, the patient has pain in the head, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, this can lead to poor circulation and swelling.

A certain area of ​​the brain is responsible for its area of ​​work in the body. If a person has a traumatic brain injury, the areas responsible for breathing and cardiac activity may be affected.

If a patient has the above symptoms, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance, in this situation you cannot hesitate!

If the patient experiences a drowsy state, he constantly complains of fatigue, and he has dizziness, iron deficiency anemia can be assumed.

These signs may be due to a disturbance in the production of hemoglobin. Therefore, it is necessary to take a blood test.

If, after an analysis, iron deficiency anemia is determined, it will be necessary to undergo treatment, which will include a special diet containing iron.

What to do if a person experiences a constant state of weakness, a sleepy state, why does he have a headache?

  1. Lead a healthy lifestyle, stop drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking tobacco, as these two habits can cause attacks of weakness, nausea, and dizziness.
  2. It is necessary to establish your daily routine; it is important to go to bed at the same time. The rise should also be at the same time. Thanks to this, the body will get used to these rules and will react correctly to the time of sleep or awakening.
  3. Try to determine your daily sleep norm and try to maintain the desired rhythm in the future.
  4. Be smart about how you allocate rest and time for work.
  5. Be sure to make it a rule to be outdoors. Include walking or jogging along the alleys of the park. You will soon notice that your headache and nausea have gone away.
  6. To feel healthy, be sure to drink about two liters of water.
  7. To get rid of attacks of weakness and dizziness, select physical exercises for yourself and gradually add new ones.
  8. If you experience symptoms associated with headaches, nausea, weakness, or a feeling of constant desire to sleep, try not to drink large amounts of coffee, since coffee is a stimulant of the nervous system. Its use increases the need for oxygen and makes a person feel energetic. Replace coffee with green tea.
  9. Choose healthy foods. There should always be fresh fruits and vegetables on your table.
  10. Reduce the amount of carbohydrates you eat.

Useful video

The condition when you feel dizzy and want to sleep is quite common. These symptoms can be the cause of many diseases.

This circumstance is explained by the fact that drowsiness is the first sign of a malfunction of the central nervous system, the cells of which are incredibly sensitive to a lack of oxygen. In addition, weakness, nausea and other symptoms may appear.

Why is this happening? The same causes can affect different parts of the central nervous system, so not only dizziness, but also other clinical signs are determined.

Reasons for development

What are the reasons for dizziness and drowsiness? These can be either direct diseases of the nervous system or indirect ones.

Therefore, these symptoms cannot be considered highly specific, since they are signs of many pathological processes.

So the reasons are as follows:

In addition, overdoses of certain medications are also considered as causes of drowsiness and nausea.

Therefore, before taking any medication, be sure to consult your doctor and read the instructions.

Diagnostic search

If you feel dizzy and want to sleep, weakness and nausea appear, be sure to consult a doctor for help. Depending on the specific clinical situation, the following examination methods may be prescribed:

Health care

Dizziness, weakness and drowsiness require specialized treatment, which depends on the cause of this condition.

However, the patient should adhere to general recommendations to make him feel better.

If you want to sleep, you should follow these recommendations:

At this time, you must perform the following steps:

Thus, when you feel dizzy and want to sleep, you need to visit a doctor to find out the causes of this condition.

The causes of nausea, drowsiness and malaise are varied, ranging from fatigue to oncology. To determine the exact factors of their occurrence, you need to consult a doctor. We will look at the most common causes of drowsiness and nausea, their characteristics and additional signs that can be used to conduct self-diagnosis.


If a depressed state, abdominal discomfort and a strong desire to take a nap appear rarely and go away after rest, the problem is fatigue. But when these signs persist constantly, you should consult a doctor.

Constant fatigue and drowsiness, joint pain and a significant decrease in performance, depression and irritability are clear signs of chronic fatigue. Here's what doctors say about her:

People often come to me with similar complaints, and during diagnosis they turn out to be completely healthy. In this case, we can say for sure that this is chronic fatigue syndrome. There must be the right regimen: nutrition and physical activity.

This is another likely cause of constant drowsiness, nausea, poor appetite, weight loss and irritability. Neurasthenia is characterized by:

  • chronic headaches;
  • increased sweating;
  • apathy;
  • forgetfulness.

Neurosthenics often become social phobics and begin to fear sharp sounds and bright light. If you have such a problem, you should contact a neurologist.

First signs of pregnancy

Pregnancy also causes drowsiness and nausea, especially in the early stages. Symptoms are triggered by hormonal changes in the body.

With the help of proper rest and nutrition, you can completely eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of toxicosis, and by approximately the 2nd trimester, the feeling of nausea and fatigue completely disappears.

Diseases that cause symptoms

  1. Hormonal imbalances that cause dizziness, sudden weight gain or loss, swelling, mood swings, baldness or excessive hair growth.
  2. Oxygen starvation of the brain, which is provoked by bad habits, stress, poor ecology, cardiovascular pathologies, intoxication with poisons and chemicals. Additional signs of oxygen starvation are pale skin, instability of pressure, rapid pulse, shortness of breath.
  3. Orthostatic collapse, which most often occurs with a sudden change in body position. Additional signs are decreased blood pressure, dizziness, fainting.
  4. Food poisoning is a common problem, accompanied not only by nausea and weakness, but also by stool disorders, dehydration, headache, and body aches. You can be poisoned by any expired or improperly prepared food.
  5. In the presence of cervical osteochondrosis, a person constantly experiences a feeling of heaviness in the head, headache, clouding of consciousness, nausea, and severe weakness. Symptoms worsen after prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable position or position.
  6. Diabetes mellitus - this diagnosis can be made if, along with the above symptoms, a feeling of thirst, frequent urge to urinate and itchy skin appear.

Chronic malaise may also indicate the presence of a sluggish chronic infection in the body or oncology. Infections can be viral or bacterial, ranging from the common cold to more serious infections such as HIV and hepatitis.

When and which doctor to contact

It is necessary to go to the hospital if nausea and drowsiness are constant or accompanied by sudden weight loss, constant dizziness, digestive disorders, and pain.

To determine the exact cause, you should see several specialists: a therapist, an endocrinologist, a neurologist, an orthopedist, a surgeon, and a gynecologist. You also need to take tests: blood, urine, sugar and hormones, antibodies, if you suspect an infection.

Medicines and folk remedies

To quickly get rid of nausea and drowsiness, it is recommended:

  • calm down, take a horizontal position on a hard, flat surface;
  • concentrate attention on one point;
  • ventilate the room.

No antiemetic or stimulant medications should be taken without first consulting a doctor. As a rule, doctors prescribe the following drugs against nausea: antipsychotics: Aminazine or Etaperazine, prokinetics: Domperidone, benzodiazepines: Diazepam or Lorazepam. Vitamins, caffeine preparations, and dietary supplements can invigorate and relieve chronic fatigue.

You can help yourself at home using folk remedies:

  • strong green tea with honey;
  • water with ginger;
  • dill decoction: brew 1 teaspoon of seeds in 250 ml of boiling water;
  • tea with lemon balm and mint.

A remedy with lemon and soda works great against nausea:

Take a citrus fruit, squeeze out the juice, add half a teaspoon of soda and drink at the first urge to vomit. Relieves nausea instantly.


To prevent nausea and drowsiness, as well as chronic fatigue and nervous exhaustion, you should:

  • sleep at least 8 hours;
  • spend more time outdoors;
  • eat properly and fully;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • ventilate the house regularly;
  • strengthen the immune system with hardening and vitamins.

If nausea and drowsiness persist for two weeks or more, then go to the hospital as soon as possible. Only doctors will be able to quickly determine the exact cause of poor health and prescribe effective treatment. Self-medication in this case is undesirable and you certainly should not ignore the problem.

Almost everyone has experienced slight dizziness when making sudden movements or changing body position. However, if the symptom recurs constantly, accompanied by weakness, drowsiness and, especially, a feeling of nausea, all these signs may indicate a serious problem. Moreover, most likely, about the same pathology, which makes it possible to simplify diagnosis, knowing the characteristics of the patient’s health condition.

Sometimes nausea and dizziness are not symptoms of some illness, but a consequence of severe physical stress or even hunger. However, in most cases, their appearance indicates the presence of severe damage to the body that requires immediate treatment. Other symptoms or tests ordered by your doctor can help distinguish physiological problems from diseases.

Hormonal problems

For the normal functioning of the human body, the balanced functioning of each of its systems is required. An imbalance of substances, including hormonal ones, can lead to unpleasant consequences, for example, nausea with dizziness and drowsiness. Hormonal problems are caused by various reasons - intense physical activity, poor diet, taking contraceptive medications, and even the patient’s bad habits. In addition to dizziness, nausea and weakness, symptoms such as weight gain, sudden mood changes and even vomiting may occur. And to eliminate the symptoms and the problem that caused them, it is usually necessary to undergo a two- or three-week course of hormonal therapy.

Oxygen starvation of the brain

Among the causes of nausea, drowsiness and dizziness, one can find a lack of oxygen to the patient’s brain, resulting from:

  1. problems with blood circulation and the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  2. shock after experiencing stress;
  3. lack of oxygen in the air;
  4. poisoning with hazardous substances.

Only a doctor can identify a more specific cause of oxygen starvation. To do this, tests are prescribed and signs of other problems in the body are studied in more detail. These include, firstly, increased heart rate and breathing, and secondly, discoloration of the skin, which acquires a pale tint.

Orthostatic collapse

The main causes of this disease are a sharp decrease in blood pressure with a rapid change in body position - for example, when a person quickly gets out of bed. Or vice versa, if the patient lay down too quickly. Prolonged stay in one position can lead to orthostatic collapse. And the contributing factors are considered:

  • dehydration;
  • intoxication;
  • bad habits such as drinking alcohol;
  • hunger;
  • some medications.

The problem also occurs in older people and in women who are trying to lose weight with the help of diuretics and laxatives. And, in addition to dizziness and nausea, patients also suffer from fainting and even hearing loss. The last symptom is especially dangerous, since if a patient falls, he can accidentally injure himself.

Hypoglycemia and anemia

In patients with anemia, nausea and dizziness may occur for the same reason as in the case of oxygen deprivation of the brain. And sometimes they occur as a result of hypotension (a sharp decrease in pressure) accompanying this disease. You can clarify the cause using additional symptoms of anemia such as shortness of breath, lack of appetite and yellowed skin.

With glycemia, which is a decrease in blood glucose levels, nausea and dizziness can be associated with starvation of brain cells. Lack of energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins is also expressed in the appearance of trembling hands, increased sweating and a strong heartbeat. And among the main causes of glycemia itself are fasting (for example, diet or religious fasting), heavy mental and physical work, insulin overdose in patients with diabetes or insulinoma (tumor). Sometimes it occurs when drinking alcohol.

Food poisoning of the body

Dizziness, weakness and nausea can be caused by the patient consuming low-quality food (for example, missing dairy products), which leads to intoxication of the body. Additional symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. And sometimes also dry mucous membranes and lack of appetite.

The feeling of nausea and vomiting does not go away while the poison continues to act on the body. The head may feel dizzy, and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach indicates the presence of congestion. Over time, the severity of symptoms decreases, especially if the patient takes enterosorbents. Vomiting continues for some time (every few minutes), even after the stomach is completely empty. Sometimes there is blood in the vomit, indicating an inflammatory process.

Spinal problems

The appearance of dizziness in combination with nausea and weakness may be a sign of problems with the spine. And, if this skeletal element has recently been damaged, the likelihood of it being related to the symptoms is close to 100%. A symptom may also appear if the patient has osteochondrosis of the spine or neck.

Poor blood circulation in the brain

One of the most dangerous causes of dizziness and nausea is a problem with cerebral circulation, most often occurring with hypertension or head injuries. Measures against this disease should be taken at the earliest stage - it is best not just to go to the hospital, but even to call an ambulance.

A late response to a problem can lead to a stroke - and recently more and more people who have not reached old age are becoming its victims. And, in order to reduce the likelihood of such a problem, you should periodically undergo a medical examination and be less nervous. This especially applies to patients at risk, which include people who are constantly exposed to stress, smokers, have diabetes and are over 45 years of age.

Problems with the endocrine system

If nausea, accompanied by drowsiness and dizziness, appears along with a feeling of thirst, urination and itching of the skin, the cause may be that the patient has diabetes. If you suspect this disease, you should immediately contact an endocrinologist and get tested for sugar.

Another type of disease associated with the same symptoms is dysfunction of the thyroid gland. In addition to nausea, dizziness and weakness, problems with weight and memory arise. Sometimes patients may experience separation of nails, loss of hair color and volume.

Other reasons

Other diseases and causes that cause similar symptoms include:

  1. prolonged exposure to the sun, which led to overheating of the body and sunstroke;
  2. hearing diseases;
  3. a state of depression in the patient, which is also characterized by an additional symptom in the form of pain in the heart area;
  4. taking certain types of medications, including tranquilizers and hormonal drugs.

Drugs that cause nausea and dizziness include narcotic painkillers. And, if any of the medications led to this condition, they should be abandoned. To do this, the patient should contact the doctor who prescribed the course of treatment, asking to replace the medications with others that do not have such a side effect.

Symptoms during pregnancy

Increased fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness and nausea are often observed in expectant mothers - especially during the last trimester. Although there is no need to worry about this - most often the symptoms indicate hormonal changes in the body. You should only consult a doctor if these signs are accompanied by others that indicate the development of some kind of pathology in a pregnant woman.

Increased sleepiness in children

In children, nausea and drowsiness may indicate eye problems. If your child has not had any vision problems before, you should consult an ophthalmologist. If there are no signs of myopia (most often found at school age) and other visual diseases, it is recommended to be checked by a cardiologist. Heart problems often lead to similar symptoms in children.

Determining the causes

Attacks of nausea, dizziness and weakness should be responded to immediately after they appear. To do this, they turn to doctors such as an ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, endocrinologist and neurologist. And they do the following tests:

  • blood (general, glucose and biochemical);
  • audiography;
  • MRI and CT;
  • radiography;
  • Doppler ultrasound.

As a rule, these methods are sufficient to identify the problem and prescribe appropriate treatment. However, sometimes it is necessary to use additional diagnostic methods. And even contact other doctors - for example, a surgeon or gynecologist.

First steps when symptoms appear

If you periodically experience intense and prolonged attacks of nausea, dizziness and weakness, you should call a doctor. Before his arrival, take the following measures:

  1. open the windows in the room, increasing the flow of oxygen;
  2. lay the patient so that his head is higher than the rest of the body;
  3. if dizziness intensifies, leading to a semi-fainting state, cotton wool soaked in ammonia should be brought to the patient’s nose;
  4. in case of poisoning, give the patient plenty of fluids and absorbents;
  5. for stress, use sedatives (for example, infusion of motherwort and valerian).

Important! All these methods do not allow us to cope with the problem itself. With their help, you can only temporarily alleviate the patient’s condition until a doctor arrives or goes to the clinic.

Getting rid of drowsiness

One of the symptoms accompanying nausea and dizziness can be caused by separate causes. Often, drowsiness is caused by a lack of sleep - and is eliminated, accordingly, by increasing the rest time. Sometimes vegetative-vascular dystonia leads to this condition, and you can get rid of it by finding and eliminating the cause of the disease.

If drowsiness during the day appears as a result of nighttime insomnia, it can be eliminated with the help of general strengthening measures. When hidden depression leads to the appearance of symptoms, appropriate antidepressant medications are taken. Adrenergic blockers are used if hypoxia of the central nervous system leads to drowsiness.

Prevention of the problem

To reduce the likelihood of nausea in combination with dizziness and drowsiness, it is recommended:

  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • be in the fresh air more often, play sports (within the limits acceptable for the patient’s health condition);
  • stop drinking coffee and reduce fluid intake to 2 liters per day;
  • get enough sleep by creating suitable conditions for sleep;
  • try to avoid stressful situations.

Sometimes such measures help, if you cannot avoid the appearance of dangerous symptoms, then at least reduce their frequency. Moreover, even in situations where they are associated with serious diseases. However, a correct and healthy lifestyle will help you get rid of not only dizziness, weakness and nausea, but also many other problems.