Why do you dream of drowning in water? Drowning in clear water.

Dream Interpretation - why do you have a dream?

DROWNING You risk getting into a bad story.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

A dream in which you are drowning in a river or other body of water means that difficult financial times are coming for you. If you are thrown a life preserver, in reality you will improve your situation thanks to the support of your friends. Seeing people drowning while swimming means writing off gambling debts.

Boundless streams of water- foreshadows marriage. Continuous streams of water surround the body- portends a court case. If you dreamed that you are knocked off your feet by a stream of water, then this dream predicts a stunning event that will leave a deep mark on your soul, which you will not be able to get rid of for quite a long time. Crossing a rushing stream- this promises security in difficult times. Flood and surf symbolize emotional chaos and the fact that you are completely overwhelmed by feelings and emotions. But this is not necessarily a bad sign, since it sometimes takes great excitement to break down old structures and stereotypes. Flood:
  • if the water is clean– temporary postponement of cases, surmountable difficulties of a temporary nature;
  • if the water is cloudy and “big” - you will find yourself in a position that is incomprehensible to you.
  • I dreamed that the water was receding,- succumb to dangerous influences. If the sleeper feels at home in the water- this means a successful solution to life’s tasks and problems and normal, successful development. If a person falls into the water, drowns and feels awkward in the water- this indicates his disadvantageous position, the loss of ground under his feet, the lack of stability, “buoyancy” in life. If you have such a dream, you urgently need to reconsider your entire lifestyle. it is important to pay attention to the characteristics of the water: clean, transparent, running - a good sign; but the water is dirty, cloudy, stagnant or, conversely, very stormy - an alarming sign. Drowning in a dream- a sign that you cannot demonstrate all your abilities in life, realize your plans, and this depresses you, forces you to be more active, work feverishly, and leaves no time for rest. Falling into water in a dream- to worries and troubles; you are at risk of imprisonment. Fall into muddy water- a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes and will be painfully upset about it. If in a dream you happen to fall into a puddle or pond with dirty water, then in real life you risk making serious mistakes, which you will later regret. Immersion in water- get into a difficult personal situation.

    Why do you dream of drowning in a river?

    A river seen in a dream is a symbol of the current life situation. Drowning in it means struggling with emerging difficulties. If a person fails to swim out in a dream, it means that he will be defeated in this struggle. If he nevertheless makes it to shore, it means that in reality he will receive unexpected wealth. At the same time, he will be wearing clothes - he should wait for a promotion or gaining fame.

    It is interesting that after such dreams a person experiences some changes on a subconscious level. In ordinary situations, a person does not behave quite adequately and can do stupid things.

    According to some reports, drowning in a dream can mean joy and profit in reality. An important point is what kind of water a person is in. If it is cloudy and dirty, then the interpretation will be more negative. Seeing clean and clear water around you, even if it goes deep, is most often associated with the appearance of good news.

    Sinking - In itself means profit; to drown through the oversight or cunning of another means loss, loss and ruin; Seeing someone else drown means joy or triumph.

    Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

    Dream Interpretation: What does drowning mean?

    Drowning - Difficulties, as the dream book predictor reports.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    3. Seeing a drowning person in water in a dream is just a warning. You are facing a dangerous adventure - and it is very important that you have time to understand, notice it, and determine that you should not get involved in it. Don't take risks.

    4. A dream in which the dreamer happened to drown, but people saved you - this is a clear sign that in reality there is a very reliable friend nearby. In general, you are not in danger of experiencing loneliness; you have someone to rely on. Appreciate it!

    5. As the dream book says, drowning in dreams in clean and even transparent water (in any body of water, even a bathroom) is a sign that in reality you will soon be overwhelmed by streams of emotions.

    Water plays a huge role in human history. Whether it is a deep fresh lake, a river that brings life, or an ocean that swallows people, water is both friend and foe. If a dream contains this significant symbol in any form, it is extremely important to understand its role. Water in dreams is a powerful symbol because very often its appearance coincides with the highest point of feelings. If other objects have a relaxing effect, then a babbling stream flowing through the meadow enhances this effect. If some symbols create a feeling of fear or ANXIETY, then the stormy ocean intensifies it. Water has a symbolic, primary meaning, according to which it either ensures the existence of life, or keeps a secret, is fraught with danger. This is a reflection of the human experience with water. At the dawn of humanity, hunter-gatherers quickly realized that water was a central component of life. (They die from thirst much faster than from hunger.) Even more important was to know where the water was, because it made it clear where the FOOD was. However, with the spread of trade, water became a necessary evil, fraught with unknown dangers. TRAVELING by water was dangerous and mysterious, as sea creatures, storms and rough seas took the lives of many travelers; contaminated water affected livestock and spread disease. Emphasizing the positive view of water, it should be noted that it is often a symbol of new life, restoration of strength and energy. Water in controlled quantities or in a controlled environment almost always causes this feeling in the sleeper. Managed water is the key to solving problems. If there is a lake in the dream, is the entire shoreline within sight and probable reach? If you dream of a river or stream, have they overflowed their banks, and in your opinion, can they be overcome by ordinary means? These are all examples of managed water. Water represented in this way often indicates renewal. For example, a tired traveler, dreaming, suddenly comes across a stream. A place where you can refresh yourself and gain strength to continue your journey is close, at hand. Perhaps the dreamer is sailing on a BOAT, slowly gliding along the surface of the water. The sleeper must be anticipating a time of respite from everyday worries or trying to specially create such an opportunity. Uncontrolled water creates anxiety. Raging rivers, rapids and boundless lakes reflect the uncontrollability of the circumstances in which the dreamer finds himself. Quiet, deep water that seems refreshing can also create feelings of anxiety. The reason for this is the potential danger lurking in the darkness and the lack of knowledge of what lies in the depths. The exception to the general statements above are water taps. In a dream, it is important to determine whether the tap is controlled by the dreamer or another person and for what purpose this is done. If the dreamer is ineffective at operating the tap, then it can be assumed that he feels that he is out of control and unable to cope with simple circumstances (or, even worse, perhaps there is no water in the tap). If the tap is controlled by another person, then we can conclude that the dreamer feels that his position, whether good or bad, is determined by the whim of another. This whim can cause one to feel significant discomfort or comfort, depending on whether it comes from an unpredictable boss , lover or other persons significant to you. Modern dream book Why do you dream of Water – Clean – luck, prosperity; muddy, dirty – depression, resentment, gossip Vanga's Dream Book a symbol of change, resolution of contradictions, evolution, renewal, washing away of sins and oblivion. In a dream, drinking clean cold water - in reality the world will be renewed, and you will be involved in this process of purification and resurrection in a new quality, along with many people around you. If you dreamed that water was pouring on you from above, then this is an omen of an impending wave of cosmic influence, which is unreasonable to resist. If you manage to find harmony with the cosmos, then you will become a great person and become famous throughout the world. Seeing muddy water is a sign of trouble, complexity of situations and relationships with people. Show kindness and patience, otherwise you will stain your soul with unworthy impressions. If in a dream you saw water flooding your house, then in reality expect a stream of news, one of which will radically change your sense of self and relationships with people. Drowning in water means in reality resisting the natural course of events, as a result of which your health will be damaged and your life will be shortened. Seeing circles or ripples on the surface of the water in a dream means you will have difficulty withstanding the coming changes, but by surviving this stormy stream of events, you will gain power over yourself and other people. Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Cold is happiness. Spill - you are carried away by the right thing; cloudy - an obstacle; drown in water - you will encounter obstacles; cross a ford - you will be freed from danger; swimming - you are rehabilitated from suspicion; bathers - get along with enemies; drink cold water - health; drink warm - illness; scalded by boiling water - incur losses through negligence; walk on water - you will overcome all obstacles; hear the sound of water - you will be harshly judged. Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus Why do you dream about Water - a symbol of life. To see crystal clear water collected in a huge ball - this dream foretells favorable weather, which will bring many benefits for agricultural work. Drinking water and seeing a fly at the bottom of a glass - this dream means a lawsuit, litigation or slander that will change the mood of society and its faith in the future. Walking on water and seeing schools of carp - this dream suggests that relations with Japan will be brought to a critical point, but it will not come to violence or a declaration of war. Walking underwater and talking with dolphins is a harbinger that you will discover a previously unknown nation to the world. Seeing strongly seething water is a sign of the birth of a new teaching or science, a favorable period for discoveries and complex experiments. Seeing water with blood - this dream foreshadows the birth of a scorpio, who will become a great man and declare himself publicly. Esoteric dream book

    Correction of cases; seeing a woman drown is an unexpected success; to see your husband drowning - to learn about his heartfelt connection.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    Why do you dream of Drowning:


    You may find yourself in a situation from which it will be very difficult to get out.

    Also, when we drown, we sink to the bottom, so from this point of view we can consider this process as a fall down the career ladder or a loss of strength.

    In contact with

    Not all dreams tend to come true. Therefore, there is no need to worry again. Of course, we must listen to these signs that are given from above. After all, sleep can save you from upcoming danger. The main thing is to find the correct interpretation.

    People often wonder why they dream of drowning in water? A dream in which a person may drown is a harbinger of some events. It influences a person’s subconscious so deeply that with its help you can find out the future, or try to solve important problems that haunt you in real life. This is a warning dream.

    Eighty percent of man consists of water. Scientists have proven that the water element is one of the most mysterious phenomena on planet Earth. Water gives life, quenches thirst, heals. And, at the same time, it is a huge store of information. And the quality of the water depends on the latter, and how the water will affect a living creature, be it an animal or a person.

    Water is the wisest element, because it knows everything, sees what is deeply hidden, what is yet to happen. A dream in which a person is drowning can indicate to him particularly important problems that he does not know about or does not want to know about.

    For most people, such a dream is a nightmare. It seems to a person that he will never swim out, his heart will stop, and his lungs will fill with water. The fear of death in such a dream always frightens people, regardless of age, social status and position in society.

    It is important to remember that this is, after all, a dream, and here is the only advice for a “drowning person”: try to either swim out or wake up. Still, it is human nature to control one’s dreams.

    There is also a moment when a person is terrified of water because he once had the opportunity to drown. In this case, this dream also takes place.

    Water has always interested scientists and astrologers. This mysterious phenomenon still excites the minds of many luminaries, and even mere mortals. Water is adored, worshiped, and at the same time they are terribly afraid of it, because it has destructive power. Tsunamis, floods, waterspouts, storms - all these are the tricks of water.

    The worst nightmare for former sailors is a storm on a ship. Huge waves carry the unfortunate people into the depths of the sea, which swallows them, and perhaps forever.

    Those who have drowned at least once experience this nightmare again and again, but in a dream and get rid of the phobia with the help of a psychologist.

    Children often drown in their sleep. This may be explained by memories of being in the mother’s womb, in the amniotic sac. The human subconscious is a big mystery, and it presents no less vivid mysteries to its owner.

    There are different ways to drown in water. Someone drowns in crystal clear water, someone manages to choke in a dirty puddle or goes to the bottom in a muddy lake. Someone is trying unsuccessfully to get out of a filled bathtub. There are those who experience a nightmare in which they drown in blood.

    If a person dreams that he is drowning in a clean body of water, it means that he knows about the problem that worries him and sees it from the inside.

    Drowning in dirty water (puddle), a lake with muddy water is a harbinger of a serious illness and difficult to solve problems that lie ahead in the future.

    Drowning in a bathtub (swimming pool) means being in a very constrained situation.

    If a person is drowning in a pool of his own blood, then this dream has a double meaning. Blood flows into the body - increased health. If blood pours out of the body, it is a harbinger of a situation from which exit is impossible, severe malaise.

    If a person wants to avoid the worst of such a nightmare, he should fight for a happy ending: swim out. Then, perhaps, if this dream is a signal, there will be a way out of difficult problems, or an idea on how to prevent a serious illness.

    It is important to remember that this is a dream. The most important thing is to wake up and live a real life, in which you can learn to fight your fears, including nightmares. Man was created to recognize the signs of fate in time and fight them.

    Drowning according to the dream book

    The tenacious embrace of waves from which it is impossible to get out, a suffocating, oppressive feeling, and you begin to drown, slowly go to the bottom... And suddenly - a breath of fresh air - it’s good that it was only in a dream. What is one of the most unpleasant dreams? Our dream book will tell you about this in detail.

    Carefully analyze the scene you saw: who was drowning - you, a stranger, or even some object or animal? Did you manage to escape, what sensations accompanied the dream? For a reliable interpretation of the dream book, all these details are of paramount importance.

    What does it mean to drown in a dream? Interpretations of different dream books

    The interpretation of the dream book may depend on what time of year the dreamer was born. It’s especially sad when you dream about drowning for those born in the fall. This is a sign of serious danger to your life; you may find yourself in an unpredictable situation that will end badly for you.

    What does drowning in a dream mean for summer birthday people? This plot is unfavorable for business men. They will face a suspension in their business, and possibly their complete collapse, which will occur due to circumstances beyond your control.

    If a person born in spring had to drown, then the interpretation of dreams will be unfavorable. The dream book advises not to maintain relationships with reckless adventurers - they can drag you into a bad story that will unsettle you for a long time.

    According to Miller's dream book, drowning in a dream is a bad symbol that predicts an accident, accident or other catastrophe that will happen to the person who saw the dream or to his loved ones. In addition, the dream book advises not to trust unverified individuals; through their fault you may lose your property.

    The meaning of the dream where it was the dreamer who had to drown is a bad omen in Azar’s dream book. In reality, you have to overcome serious obstacles that prevent you from achieving your goal. But if you escaped safely, then the obstacles will not be as difficult as it seemed.

    Unbridled emotions, the inability to find peace of mind - this is how Medea’s dream book interprets what it means to dream about drowning. You need to put your feelings in order, or even go to a psychologist - increased excitability can play a bad joke on you.

    If, upon opening your eyes in the morning, you realize that you dreamed that you were drowning in the sea, the esoteric dream book advises you to urgently pay attention to your health. There may be problems with the respiratory system, in particular with the lungs, especially if you have experienced a pressing feeling in the chest.

    Drowning in the river is a dream book prediction about obstacles before achieving material security; do not forget about the machinations of competitors, they can affect material well-being. But if you still managed to overcome the rapid flow of the river, then in reality you will become unimaginably rich, you will literally be swimming in gold.

    A 21st century dream book gives a double interpretation if you drown in a pool in a dream. According to Velesov’s small dream book, drowning in a swamp in a dream is a bad omen. In literally all areas of life, losses and failures await you, and only true friends and relatives will help you get out of them. Don't refuse help, you need it more than ever.

    Drowning in a dream but being saved is a favorable forecast for absolutely everyone: you will gain well-deserved respect from others, and in business you will be accompanied by unprecedented success, which will help you achieve a stable and secure position in society.

    Why dream of sinking and swimming in a dream? According to the interpretation of the dream book, if the water was clean and transparent, then minor and unpleasant troubles await you, which, nevertheless, will lead to harmony in family life.

    Why do you dream of a drowning man?

    According to the gypsy dream book, despite all the negative meaning of the plot, seeing a person drowning in a dream is a good sign. Soon you will take part in a joyful holiday that will lead to new acquaintances and leave pleasant memories in your soul.

    Take a close look at the financial situation of your friends if you had to save a drowning person in a dream. Friends need outside support more than ever, and if you try your best to help, you will receive immediate rewards and joy for the success of your loved one.

    Saving drowning people in a dream is also a harbinger of good luck. All your efforts to achieve your goal will not be in vain: well-deserved happiness will not take long to arrive, and very soon you will feel much better both physically and spiritually.

    Freud's dream book interprets what a drowning child dreams of from the perspective of subconscious fears. This dream is especially common among women who have recently given birth and are afraid of losing their newborn miracle. Throw away all fears, remember, thoughts have the ability to materialize.

    Saving a drowning child in a dream is a prediction that you will have to take care of someone in need. And if we think from the perspective of psychoanalysis, then this is the dreamer’s desire to show tenderness and care, the need to provide compassion and empathy.

    The dream book promises good luck if you had to save a drowning child from clean and clear water. If the dream ends in a successful rescue, then in reality you can expect an upsurge in all areas of life.

    Also, if you dreamed that a child was drowning, it could mean that one of your loved ones is in vital need of help or at least practical advice. Don’t refuse to help, everything will be remembered in the future.

    If a woman sees her daughter drowning and she saves her safely, then in real life she will receive unexpected news that will bring positive changes. If it was not possible to save the baby, then the news will bring sadness and grief.

    For a man, what a drowning son dreams about is a good omen in the dream book if he managed to pull him out of the water. This plot foreshadows an increase in salary or an unexpected profit. It can also mean a promotion.

    Seeing a drowning relative in a dream is a sign that in reality you will help this particular person in solving any problem. If the relative was not pulled out of the water, then your help will be useless.

    If a boy drowns in a dream, then in reality you will have to take part in a profitable business that will end in improving your financial and family situation. For a girl, such a dream promises the appearance of a new boyfriend.

    Why do you dream of a drowning girl? If a man saw his beloved in a dream, then he can be sure of her feelings - she will never betray, and certainly will not cheat. If a girl saw such a plot, and her friend was the drowned woman, then in reality she would expect the appearance of a rival.

    What were you drowning in?

    Beware of scammers if you had to drown in mud in a dream. In the near future, with the help of skillful blackmail, a large sum of money will be extracted from you, but this waste will be in vain - the blackmailers are simply skillfully manipulating your feelings.

    You are not in control of your life situation if in a dream you had to drown in a car. It is especially likely that all events will escape your strict control if you were unable to get out of it.

    Drowning in sand in a dream is an omen of large financial losses. Under no circumstances agree to take part in adventurous ventures or participate in gambling. There is a high chance that you will be left penniless.

    Drowning in shit is a dream associated with money. Seeing feces is always a dream book’s prediction of profit, but if you are drowning in it, then it is likely that in reality the money that you practically had in your hands will literally float away into nowhere.

    Why do you dream about a sinking car? This is a bad omen, and the dream book advises against traveling long distances by any means of transport. A car accident cannot be ruled out and can happen at any moment. By listening to advice, you will save the life and health of yourself and your relatives.

    If a boat sinks in a dream, then the dream book predicts deterioration in business. Cunning competitors have set their traps on your path, and in order to confidently overcome them, you will need to put in a lot of effort.

    When a submarine sinks in a dream, and you are inside and cannot get out, in reality the dream book’s predictions have a negative connotation. You will meet an unpleasant person who will thoroughly ruin your mood and plans.

    If you are currently not having the most favorable period, and minor troubles make you nervous, then don’t doubt why you dream of drowning kittens. Soon all annoying disagreements with loved ones will end, the lack of money will disappear by itself. Such a plot promises a significant strengthening of family ties and career growth.

    Why does a woman dream about a drowning cat? If at the moment you suspect your spouse of cheating, then soon all your suspicions will be dispelled. And if he really has an outside connection, then it will soon end, and it will be the man who initiates the breakup of relations with his mistress.

    The dream book interprets what a drowning dog means in a dream as an unfavorable symbol. A faithful friend will no longer be able to provide you with full support due to personal circumstances. You will have to cope on your own and mobilize all your internal forces to achieve your cherished goal.

    Why do you dream of a drowning horse? This strong animal is the personification of freedom of choice and action, and such a sad dream does not carry anything positive. In the future, you will find yourself under the influence of unscrupulous people who will deprive you of your will, manipulate your feelings, and undermine your personality.

    Dream Interpretation Drowning in water

    Any dream in which a person is drowning in water speaks of an unstable situation, self-doubt, and fear of circumstances that may be stronger.

    Drowning in a dream is a signal that you are not showing some abilities or talents, and this circumstance greatly depresses you.

    This sign is especially alarming if the water in a dream is cloudy - it means that troubles and problems have knocked the ground out from under your feet, and coping with these difficulties on your own is very difficult.

    If you began to drown in a dream not because you fell into the water, but because you were knocked off your feet by a strong stream, expect a stunning event that can radically change your life.

    Dream Interpretation Drowned in Water

    Why do you dream of a Drowned Man in water in a dream according to the dream book?

    You dream of a drowned person in water when you want to get rid of some depressing factor. This desire may be associated with a person who is boring you or with responsibilities that are a burden to you. The vision reports that such an opportunity will soon present itself, and it will be possible to get rid of this burden forever.

    If a drowned person was in clean water, this means serenity, purification of thoughts. Some problem that you have been thinking about a lot lately will be solved by itself and this will bring you peace of mind and allow you to breathe freely.

    Who was the drowned man in the water in the dream?

    The meaning of a dream where a man was drowned in water

    According to Felomena’s dream book, seeing a drowned man in the water means that you will come close to solving the problem that worries you. Now you are closer than ever to the answer to a long-plaguing question. There is no certainty that the revealed truth will be pleasant to you, but your curiosity will be satisfied.

    What does a dream mean in which a woman was seen drowned in water?

    If in a dream you saw a woman drowned in water, this means that something is not satisfactory in your relationship with your chosen one or chosen one. Attempts to change anything were fruitless. And now you don’t know what to do next - look for the reason within yourself and try to adapt to your partner or end this relationship before everything goes too far.

    The vision suggests that feelings cannot be revived. If there are problems now, then they will only get worse.

    Interpretation of a dream in which a girl was drowned in the water

    To see a drowned girl in the water in a dream means significant changes will occur in your personal life. Whether they will be positive or not can be judged by the appearance of the drowned woman.

    If she was young, pretty and you felt very sorry for her, a bright love adventure awaits. You will completely surrender to the will of feelings and passions. This hobby is not destined to develop into something more, but the memories of it will leave a warm mark on the soul.

    The repulsive appearance of a drowned girl, causing disgust or fear, indicates that you will connect your life with a person who cannot give you happiness. This connection will only bring pain and disappointment, and it will be very difficult to break it.

    How many people drowned in water have you dreamed about?

    If you dreamed of a lot of drowned people in the water

    A dream in which you saw many drowned people means that you will leave your competitors far behind, disrupting all their plans. Thanks to the support of influential people, you will have the opportunity to implement your most successful project, which will allow you to take a leading position in your professional field.

    If all those who drowned were female, you will find yourself at the epicenter of a scandal. You will have to try to maintain your dignity and not lose your authority.

    Dream Interpretation Drowned, why do you dream about seeing a Drowned Man in a dream?

    Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why do you dream about the Drowned Man according to the dream book:

    Seeing Drowned in Water in a dream means getting rid of the problems that have been bothering you. Seeing a drowned person in the water not far from the shore - very soon you will be able to solve the problem that bothers you the most.

    Why do you dream of a drowned person in water? If the drowned person is a woman, then changes await you in your personal life, the burden of personal problems will be lifted from you.

    Drowning in water is not always a bad sign. They can be interpreted differently depending on what the situation was in the dream.

    Autumn dream book Why do you dream of a Drowned Man according to the dream book:

    Drowned - Drowned means drunk money.

    Summer dream book Why do you dream of a Drowned Man according to the dream book:

    Drowned - Soon you will have to face hypocrisy.

    Spring dream book Why do you dream of a Drowned Man according to the dream book:

    Drowned - You will have to express sympathy for a person who was fired from his job.

    Small Velesov dream book Why the Drowned Man dreams in a dream:

    Drowning - Change for the worse; drowning - loss; drowned - to bad weather, to cold.

    Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov Why do you dream about the Drowned Man according to the dream book:

    If you dreamed of the dead body of a drowned man and they are trying to revive him using artificial respiration to no avail, then minor everyday problems await you.

    If you yourself drowned in a dream, then a heavy loss awaits you.

    See also: why do you dream of a drowned dead person, why do you dream of drowning, why do you dream of a terrible dead person.

    Dream book by A. Vasilyev Why do you dream about the Drowned Man according to the dream book:

    If you dreamed of a drowned man, then you will experience the loss of something valuable.

    Why do you dream of a drowned man according to the Great Dream Book?

    If you saw a drowned man in a dream, then serious changes await you.

    You are probably on the threshold of a new stage in your life.

    If you saw in a dream that you yourself drowned, then you are afraid of not being able to complete what you planned on time.

    If you dreamed that someone you knew was drowned, then you will soon receive unexpected news.

    Dream Interpretation: What does it mean to dream about drowning?

    Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Drowning

    Drowning in water in a dream means that you are surrounded everywhere by lies, deceit and betrayal; it is also possible that the person who is called your best friend is not such and is spreading dirty gossip about you behind your back.

    If another person drowns in water, sea, river, swamp or mud, your enemies will be defeated and will no longer be able to harm you.

    If in your dream you see that a child is drowning in water, then this dream promises you problems with the law or a reprimand from your superiors at work.

    A sinking ship in your dream predicts loss of property, collapse in business and resulting bankruptcy.

    In our dream book you can find out not only about what dreams about drowning mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to drown in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

    Why does the Drowned Man dream, what does it mean to see a Drowned Man in a dream?

    Summer dream book

    Why do you dream about the Drowned Man?

    Drowned - Soon you will have to face hypocrisy.

    Autumn dream book

    If you dream of the Drowned Man, why is it:

    Drowned - Drowned means drunk money, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had.

    Modern dream book

    According to the dream book Drowned, what does a dream mean:

    Seeing a Drowned Man in a Dream - If you dreamed of a drowned man, then significant changes await you in real life. Perhaps you are on the threshold of a new stage in your life. If you dreamed that you yourself drowned, then in reality you are afraid of not being able to complete your plans on time. If you saw someone you know drowned, you will receive unexpected news.

    Spring dream book

    According to the dream book Drowned:

    Drowned - you will have to express sympathy for a person who was fired from his job.

    Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

    Interpretation of the dream book: Drowning - can mean a literal warning or can relate to a physical condition, for example it can indicate lung disease, depending on the context. Emotional stress; the sleeper may feel that life is suppressing him, that he is “going to the bottom.”

    Grandma's old dream book

    Why do I dream about the Drowned Man? What does this mean?

    Seeing Drowning in a dream, but not drowning, calling for help: for a woman - to surprise, to unexpected success; to see a drowning husband - to reveal his connection with another woman; to drown yourself - to improve your affairs.

    Everyday dream book

    What does it mean to see a Drowned Man in a dream? A drowned man in a dream necessarily predicts to the dreamer some changes in life, whether they will be favorable or not depends on the course of the dream.

    So, for example, if you dreamed of a drowned man who was not familiar to you in real life, then you should open yourself to changes and innovations - they will happen in the very near future, but will be so unexpected that you will try to resist them. In fact, all these changes can radically change your life for the better, even if it doesn’t seem so at first.

    Seeing a drowned man in a dream, who is familiar to you in reality, predicts that the dreamer will receive some important news. The news will come very soon.

    If you dreamed of a drowned man in whom you recognize yourself, then such a dream means that in reality you are afraid of not being able to complete what you have planned on time, these thoughts depress you.

    Seeing in a dream a drowned man washed up on the river bank by a current means that changes in life will happen so quickly that you will only have time to state the facts that are happening to you. At the same time, you shouldn’t be afraid of innovations - you are simply entering a new stage of your life, which can make it not only more interesting, but really, better.

    Adaskin's Dream Book

    Dream Interpretation The Drowned Man interprets this as follows:

    What does it mean to see a Drowned Man in a dream? A drowned man whom you are trying unsuccessfully to revive means cooling in family life (love will turn into a boring duty due to everyday troubles).

    Lunar dream book

    Why do you dream about the Drowned Man in a dream?

    Seeing a Drowned Man in a dream book means the loss of something. Saturn.

    Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

    What does the Drowned Man dream about according to the dream book?

    Seeing a Drowned Man in a Dream - Seeing a drowned man in a dream is an omen of illness or suffering of one of your loved ones. Seeing yourself drowned in a dream means that you are under the influence of others and you need to free yourself from this.

    Dream book for girls

    Seeing the Drowned Man in a dream:

    Drowned - Seeing a drowned person in a dream means illness. But don’t worry: the illness that the dream warns you about will be short-lived and not severe, but you won’t see your friends and classmates for some time. However, this dream may have another interpretation: it is quite possible that you spend too much time in the water and risk catching a cold.

    Drowning in dirty water

    Dream Interpretation Drowning in dirty water dreamed of why you dream about drowning in dirty water? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see Drowning in dirty water in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream Interpretation - Drowning

    Drowning in a dream means difficulties and obstacles. Such a dream also foreshadows the loss of property or an accident. If you can get out (escape) in a dream, then luck awaits you that you did not expect. Saving a drowning man in a dream foretells you that your merits will be appreciated. If you dream that a person who is dear to you is drowning, then you will experience grief because of this person and disappointment in him. Drowning in the sea in a dream foretells death far from one’s homeland. For lovers, such a dream predicts that they are overwhelmed by insane passion and have stopped seeing the obvious. After such a dream, you should avoid hasty actions or decisions. See the interpretation: by the names of the places where they drowned - river, pond, bath, etc.

    Dream Interpretation - Drowning

    Drowning in a dream foretells an accident or loss of property. But if at the same time you are safely saved, then noticeable success awaits you - career advancement, good health, respect from others. If you dream of a drowning person whom you come to the aid of, this promises you well-deserved happiness; in addition, you will help your friend in time, contributing to his rise. If a young lady sees in a dream that her lover is drowning, this portends her sorrows.

    Dream Interpretation - Drowning

    Drowning - A sign of illness: pulmonary infection, heart failure, asthma. You or someone else drowns while diving - you will have a heart attack as a consequence of mistakes in finding solutions to problems.

    Dream Interpretation - Drowning

    If you drown, you will experience great difficulty.

    Dream Interpretation - Drowning

    Drowning - experiencing difficult moments - being saved - getting rid of danger.

    Dream Interpretation - Drowning

    Drowning in a dream is a harbinger of an accident or some kind of loss. If you managed to swim, promotion, good health, and respect from others await you. If you dream of a drowning person whom you come to help, this foreshadows the happiness you have suffered; In addition, you can come to the aid of a friend who is in a difficult situation. If a girl dreams that her lover is drowning, this portends her sorrows and disappointments.

    Dream Interpretation - Drowning

    A dream in which you are drowning in a river or other body of water means that difficult financial times are coming for you. If you are thrown a life preserver, in reality you will improve your situation thanks to the support of your friends. Seeing people drowning while swimming means writing off gambling debts. Drowning in a quagmire that slowly but inevitably drags you into the middle of a deserted swamp - in reality you will have to fork out for a gala reception. Saving a drowning person in a dream means sad events in the family.

    Dream Interpretation - Drowning

    plight, “drowning in exams.”

    Dream Interpretation - Drowning

    Life difficulties, obstacles; psychological discomfort; drowning husband betrayal; drown something in water to get rid of it (idioms: “drown or drown in exams”).

    Dream Interpretation - Drowning

    A woman drowning means success. Drowning yourself means an improvement in the state of affairs. Drowning something means a bad mood. Seeing a drowned person means a loss.

    You can correctly interpret why you dream of drowning in water by taking into account exactly how this symbol was seen in a dream: whether it was in muddy or clear water, whether the sleeper drowned or floated out. The dream book indicates: the dreamed plot predicts some events. This is a warning from which you can learn about the future or find solutions to problems.

    General interpretation

    When you dreamed that you were drowning in water, you probably feel dissatisfied with your lifestyle. Why dream of lacking air? According to the dream book, you are too practical and rational. To correctly assess what is happening, you need some emotionality. Often a dream foreshadows trouble, especially if you happen to drown. However, when you were able to swim out in a dream (either yourself or someone helped), it means you can turn the tide of events and improve circumstances.

    Miller's dream book gives several explanations. Possible loss of property or accident. Safe salvation means success at work, career growth, respect from loved ones, colleagues, and good health. To save a person drowning in cold water in a dream - the dreamer in reality will help a friend in time, facilitating his progress. It also portends happiness for the sleeper.

    Why do you dream about someone drowning? Omen: losses await the sleeper. In reality, you need to be careful, because some kind of danger threatens. In general, if you dreamed of drowning in water, it means that the dreamer cannot carry out his plans, show all his abilities, and this is very unpleasant for him.

    Dream details

    The dream book emphasizes: drowning in a dream can mean betrayal, treachery in reality on the part of those around the sleeping person. Perhaps he lives among lies. The dream also warns of losses, accidents, and trauma. When this happens in clean water, it means that the hassle will be minor. Dirty conditions mean serious troubles that are difficult to deal with on your own.

    Why do you dream of drowning in icy water? When you fall through the ice in a dream, it means there is no true well-being, only for show. The dream book warns: one should balance internal and external success. There is no need to deceive others and yourself by demonstrating false success so as not to lose everything.

    In dirty water - portends a rather long period of failures in life. Drowning in the ocean - your whole life can get much worse. In black, unforeseen circumstances will soon appear, which will be quite difficult to resist.

    In icy, the dream book states: you need to pay more attention to your health, since you may have a disease that should be treated immediately. If you dreamed that you were drowning in muddy water, serious problems were possible ahead. But running on water and not drowning in a dream predicts good health in reality, joy, and fulfillment of desires. Moreover, the more liquid under your feet, the more obstacles you will need to overcome.

    If someone else drowned

    Why do you dream that someone else is drowning in water? The dreamer will have joy. But if it’s dirty, a quarrel is possible. For a man, a dream where a woman is drowning in clear water, according to the dream book, portends unexpected success. For a woman to see her husband drowning means that he is having an affair with a young woman.

    Seeing your child drowning in a dream means a high probability of illness. A stranger - expect minor troubles or a bad mood. Dreaming of a child drowning in black water - financial difficulties are possible ahead, you need to prepare. The dreamer may also have an illness that cannot be overcome quickly.

    Saving someone drowning in a dream is a sign of good luck, a symbol that all the efforts made to achieve the goal will bear fruit. The dream book states: soon you will feel improvements on the physical and spiritual level, and after a short time you will find well-deserved happiness.


    • Recently I dreamed that I was walking through my yard and stepped on a frozen puddle, and fell into deep dark water, sinking lower and lower into the darkness. There is only one thought in my head - to ask my mother for help (she has been gone for 14 years). I woke up from my own scream. What does it mean? Something bad?

    • I dreamed of bright green water, not dirty. I can barely reach the bottom and jump to get air, and I hold my cat above the water in my hand. And I'm not alone in the water. There were a lot of people around, but they reached the bottom normally. Maybe this is due to the fact that I have a complex because of my short stature.

    • I dreamed that I was walking across a bridge, on one side the water was clean, on the other it was dirty. In front of me is a man whom I know very well (but I don’t remember exactly who), and this man falls into clear water, and I went to the shore. Help, what is this for?


      And I dreamed that I was walking through my yard, where I lived as a child. I’m walking through the wet snow and suddenly I start to fall through, first up to my knees, then up to my waist, then completely. I see a man standing next to me, but I simply don’t have time to call for help, and the snow has already covered my head, I see how it closed over my head. And it became so scary, and I woke up. Anyone who understands this, interpret my dream, I constantly remember it.

    • I dreamed that I dived into the water, and no matter how hard I tried I could not swim up into the air, as if I were rowing on the spot, like running on a treadmill, but in the end I felt for a moment with my hand not water, but air and got out and then woke up.

    • I dreamed that I, my sister and her boyfriend went swimming at the sea, sort of. There was no shore there and I had to just jump into the water, which was immediately deep. The water was clean, not at all cloudy, we swam calmly until the storm began, right at that very second. We were carried away by the current, but I managed to grab onto something, and my sister took hold of me, saying: “you are my savior,” and her boyfriend was also saved, I don’t understand what this could mean. Moreover, this is not my own sister, we rarely communicate with her.

    Seeing yourself drowning in water in a dream is not the most pleasant dream, which can be classified as a nightmare. But the positive or negative meaning of a vision depends not only on the emotional perception of the dreamer, but also on significant details of the dream.

    In particular, the dream speaks of the dreamer’s dissatisfaction and uncertainty. An unfavorable meaning is a dream in which the dreamer could not be saved and he drowned - this promises a lot of troubles and painful experiences.

    I dream that I am drowning: meaning

    The rescue

    If in a dream a drowning person managed to escape and swim to a safe shore, then this is a favorable sign promising a solution to all problems. Even if difficulties seem insurmountable, they will soon disappear and peace and order will be established in the dreamer’s life.

    Another interpretation of the dream is to overcome overwhelming complexes and making a bold decision to realize your dream, to express yourself in all its glory. This indicates the manifestation of a person’s strength, acceptance of his individuality, as well as the truth that no one can help him except himself.

    An important detail is also which body of water the dreamer managed to escape from: if from a river, then this portends profit and income; if from the sea, changes for the better in the personal and professional sphere; from a swamp, avoiding difficulties and the opportunity to show one’s perseverance and hardness.

    If you are drowning in the endless sea or ocean, this is speaks of the dreamer’s inability to cope with his feelings and control emotional impulses. Some manifestations of emotions can have a negative impact on communication with other people. The dream also indicates small household chores and workload.

    When you drown in a river, it means that the dreamer has taken too much on his shoulders and risks not being able to cope with his burden. If the river flows too quickly, carrying a person with it, then this indicates frivolity of personal life and inability to start a serious relationship. The dream advises a young girl to break up with her lover and not try to replace some feelings with others.

    Drowning in a lake in a dream means in reality showing extreme caution and common sense in solving problems and overcoming difficulties. For young people, the dream promises happy and strong love, as well as successful education.