How to always be desirable to a man: women's secrets and advice from psychologists. How to be loved and desired by a man? To be loved and desired

In this article I will give a man’s point of view on how a woman can become loved and desired. It is foolish to deny that the opportunity to become loved depends not only on a woman’s behavior. A significant role here is also played by the compatibility of characters, matching the appearance, voice of a woman, etc., some kind of image inherent in a man by nature, which he may or may not fall in love with in principle, as well as some amount of luck.

However, very, very much depends on the behavior of the woman herself. Some women fall in love much more often, and the main thing is that they can keep a man’s love and desire for many years. Some women fall in love much less often, and even if they do fall in love, such women cannot maintain love even for a few weeks.

What are the fundamental differences between this behavior? I will write briefly about this below..

First, respect your life, your hobbies, etc..

In a man's world, if someone gives up or refuses to fight, then all respect for him instantly disappears. A weakling, a coward, or something like that. (With age this is less pronounced, but still present).

So, don’t completely immerse yourself in a man’s life. Here, as usual, there are two extremes. The first is when a woman practically does not know the life of her loved one from the inside. The second extreme, which is what I'm talking about, is when a woman is completely immersed in the life of her companion.

This is an analogue of a mother caring for a small child who cannot do anything without his mother. But I’ll repeat a thought that I’ve said more than once. “Moms” are rarely married, and if they are married, they are often abandoned. (Although anything can happen)..

Third. Respect yourself

A man cannot be in love with a woman he does not respect. I hope you already understand this. And even if he was in love before the wedding, then as respect is lost, love and desire are lost. Therefore, you need to respect yourself. If you don’t want to respect yourself for yourself, then respect yourself in order to keep a man in love. If you don't know how to respect yourself, develop confidence in yourself, which will help you value yourself more. I described in great detail how to develop confidence in the book.

In this article I will describe the necessary actions that will allow you to respect yourself more.

Never run after a man.

Never run after a man, even if you are wrong(I'm not saying don't ask for forgiveness, I'm saying don't run after a man). And in general, is a woman sometimes wrong? A woman is always right, a man is always wrong. Therefore, there is no need to run under any circumstances.

Let's assume that you are actually wrong. You can call after some time and apologize, or send an SMS message (short, not 2 pages). Enough. This is already something of an overload. Running after a man with apologies - this should not happen.

There is no need to come up with all sorts of nonsense that the “little boy” is sick or his car has broken down or there are big troubles at work, so you need to call him yourself.

There are no exceptions (or rather, the bar is very high) to this rule. A man is a man. If you are sick, let him get treatment. There are troubles at work, the path solves the troubles. At this moment, calling him is obviously going to lead to rudeness. If he gets bored, he’ll call him.

If a man called and then stops calling, then he does not respect you. Send him to hell. Maybe this will somehow correct his behavior. If not, then send him even further, and even further, that you are embarrassed. It won't do any good anyway.

Fourth. Respect the woman in you.

Somehow, recently it has become fashionable to be more and more feminist. And this, in essence, is trying to behave in a way that deeply contradicts a woman’s instincts, invested over millions of years.

But male instincts tell a man that he needs to fall in love and love women, and not feminist women who behave like men. And if a woman behaves like a woman, then it is much easier for a man to fall in love with her for life than with something feminist.

What exactly do I mean?

Instinct tells a woman that she shouldn’t sleep with the first man she comes across in the first few meetings..

I'm not talking about morality, etc. now. things. Let's talk about instincts, which largely control our behavior. For many, many centuries in a row, sex for women carried much more risks than for men. Pregnancy, the need to feed a child, the resulting temporary helplessness, etc., all this led to the fact that a woman and her relatives took much longer to evaluate a man before having sex with him. This is not morality - it is instinct.

Men also respect much more, marry much more often and remain in love with those women who do not sleep with men on the first date. There are exceptions, but they are either rare and there is no need to take them as a basis.

Refusing intimate relationships in the very first meetings with males is natural behavior for a woman. But lately it has become fashionable to reject it and even be ashamed. But remember that instincts govern our behavior. Instincts tell a man that women who are unavailable at first meetings should be valued more. It is the instincts that prompt further behavior, such as marriage, falling in love for life and preserving the family.

Don't try to think that defenses have made all this instinctive behavior irrelevant. Everything works the same as it did thousands of years ago. After all, on the average man, instincts work stronger than brains. And your task is to use this, and not complain that men are “stupid, imperfect, wrong” and that the situation with their brains is so bad.

Instinct tells a woman that she needs to be weaker than a man..

Femininity is when a woman is weaker than her man. This is an axiom. Women who are weaker than their men attract them for many years and can easily maintain a man's love and attraction.

This point often causes misunderstandings or disputes. Therefore, the statement will be a paragraph long, and the comments will be several paragraphs long.

A weak woman does not mean at all that you need to indulge a man in everything, always give in to him, completely immerse yourself in his life, not have your own interests and hobbies, etc. The last thing I would like is for you to understand this point as something like that.

On the contrary, in almost every point of this article I talk about the fact that you need to not allow a man to do this and that, not to allow him to do this, not to immerse himself in a man’s life, you need to respect yourself, send him away, etc.

To be weaker than a man means only to allow a man to decide for himself and achieve success for the most part in external life and partly in the internal life of a family or just a couple.

This is too broad a topic. I can only suggest a criterion for whether you are behaving correctly in this area. If you are consciously trying to be weaker than a man, and because of this he takes on more and more responsibility and decides more in life, then you are doing everything right.

If you become weaker, and nothing happens to the man, then most likely you are doing something wrong or have not worked out the image of the parental relationship (read about this in the book by A. Guy). And don't tell me that men don't want to do anything. It is not true. Young men want to do a lot, but they don’t know how to do anything. Men in their prime can do a lot, but no longer want anything. But men, under the right guidance of women, still do so much and almost with the belief that they themselves wanted it.

So, don’t try to be stronger than your man in men’s issues and at the same time be strong in women’s issues. That is, recognize the woman in you and defend your true women's rights.

— Instinct tells a woman that a man should treat her well, but a woman may not always treat a man well.

Endure and fall in love - this saying is more about women whose husbands treated them well, and then the women fell in love with them.

A man should always treat a woman well- this is an axiom of falling in love for life. A woman can treat a man either well or moderately well., then it’s even quite moderately good and everything can go more or less normally.

How to get a man to treat you well?

The answer to this question is more likely to be a series of articles than a few paragraphs, but I’ll write it briefly.

First, don't date men who know to treat you badly..

This would seem to be an obvious rule. But, nevertheless, girls often try to date young men who, no matter what the reasons, treat a particular girl with disrespect.

A couple of examples of what it means to be disrespectful and respectful.

— A man who respects his woman is sincerely glad to see her, i.e. smiles, greets you, hugs you when you meet, helps you take off your coat, etc. A man who does not respect his woman makes a face when she appears.

— A man who respects his woman, tries to meet her, takes the initiative in scheduling the next meeting, calls, writes, etc. A man who does not respect his woman does not make dates himself, rarely calls, etc.

— A man who respects his woman, tries to make her laugh, help her (for example, when not needed, he gives his advice), tries to do something else pleasant for her (to the extent of his understanding and upbringing). A man who does not respect a woman expects something nice to be done to him, but does nothing himself.

If even at the stage of first meetings, falling in love, etc., a man treats you badly, then it is unlikely that in the future it will be possible to radically change his relationship. This is understandable. It is much easier to adjust something than to radically change it.

Therefore, if a man treats a woman with disrespect even at the first meetings, then nothing will work out for them. The exceptions are women who skillfully master the secrets of influencing men and usually relatively young men, whose behavior is better amenable to correction.

Secondly, if you start dating, don’t allow yourself to be treated with disrespect..

What it is? Stop any rudeness towards you. Do not allow rude jokes to be made towards you, do not allow swearing or swearing at you in your presence. Also do not allow any other manifestations of disrespect. This could be being late for a date, constant failure to fulfill basic promises, failure to comply with basic rules of politeness for his circle (opening the door for you, etc.).

Here I cannot give clear recommendations. What is absolutely normal for one circle of people (swearing, for example, when communicating with a woman), for another circle it is a clear manifestation of disrespect for the woman, after which you need to immediately break up.

How to stop rudeness? There aren't many options.

You can say that some of his behavior is unpleasant to you. The man himself won’t guess, don’t even hope. Of course, you need to say it not on the fly, but allocate at least 10 minutes for the conversation. Try to give analogies that a man can understand. For example, this is just as unpleasant for you as this and that would be unpleasant for him.

The second option is that you can leave. To leave, of course, in the most general sense of the word. Say that such behavior is unacceptable for you and hang up the phone. We can go home. And so on.

There, depending on the situation, you need to look at whether reconciliation is possible and necessary at all. Did the man understand something? Is he ready to do something to prevent this behavior from happening again in the future?

The third option is gradual education, outside the context of specific situations in your relationship.

In the first case, I talked about your reaction to some specific, boorish behavior of a man. Such conversations are usually quite conflicting, because men do not like criticism.

However, if in the process of communicating, watching movies, etc. tell your man What such behavior is rude for you, but This- unpleasant, but such It's nice, it's a gradual learning process.

Third, do not provoke rude behavior.

In the presence of some women, the vast majority of men are transformed and begin to behave as correctly as possible. In the presence of other women, the same men often turn into the likeness of animals.

Develop in yourself those qualities of a woman that stimulate correct behavior and do not provoke rudeness. A few examples to make it clear what we are talking about.

- Don't get drunk, especially if you lose control of your behavior,

- Do not flirt or cheat with other males,

- Don't spend a man's money without his explicit consent. Be independent in terms of money, at least as long as your family is not involved,

- Do not tell others what was intended only for you,

— Don’t be intrusive, don’t call first, don’t agree to sex on the first date, etc.

Don’t laugh at too “dirty” jokes, be rude to someone, don’t talk rudely about strangers, or the painful failures of other people.

Compliance with these and other rules set out in this article will definitely lead to much greater respect for you, falling in love, etc.

Fifth. Instinct tells a woman that it is very desirable for a man to be monogamous or, in other words, not cheat.

What to do to reduce the likelihood of cheating is a long conversation. However, the simplest thing you can do is say that monogamy with your partner is important to you.

The second simple rule is to observe monogamy yourself.

And here we are not even talking about betrayal in the literal sense of the word. We are talking about flirting with other men (especially in the presence of a man), communicating with “friends” who are the woman’s former lovers (or at least wanted to sleep with her), etc. If the conversation turns to other girls (acquaintances, in films), then do not justify their cheating.

Sixth. Maintain the qualities that the man admired when you met him.

As far as I've noticed, men's tastes change very slowly. Usually, those character qualities and appearance features that he liked when you met, he may like after 20-40 years without any special changes.

Remember what your loved one liked when you met. Try to restore these character qualities, appearance features, etc. If you met recently, then just remember or better write down what your man likes, and try to save it in later life.

I don't know what exactly your partner likes, because men have slightly different tastes in women. For example it could be:

- your laughter, i.e. the ability to laugh for any reason, maybe even tease and make fun of your loved one not very harshly,

- your sincerity. This is when you speak without fear, what you need, what doesn’t suit you, what delights you. And at the same time, you do this despite the risk of dissatisfaction, without any thoughts of manipulation or anything else. Quite a rare quality.

Your appearance. It is clear that appearance changes with age. But this process can be quite delayed and even reversed up to a certain age. Changes in appearance can be partially compensated for by sports, diet, good clothes, cosmetic procedures, etc. (We are not talking about lipsticks, varnishes, etc. things)

Seventh. Don't do things unilaterally.

An important rule, especially for poorly educated men. Forget about advice “Bring your loved one coffee in bed”, “Give me a phone, slippers, socks” or something else for him if he is poorly brought up or selfish by nature.

You will never receive similar actions in your address. It is more likely that in a couple of years all you will do is bring a phone, slippers, coffee and do a dozen more similar things, and in return you will receive nothing, only dissatisfaction and swearing. If you stop doing something, you will receive sincere indignation in response.

There can be no talk of any kind of falling in love in response to your such “exploits.” Forget about this crazy idea, throw away the magazine where you read it and erase the bookmark on the site where there are similar articles.

Therefore, for poorly educated men, the answer is the same from the very beginning: “you need to carry it”.

If a man is of average or well mannered, then you can do things a little differently. In this case, he is not a complete egoist, but is also ready to do something for you, more or less, depending on the circumstances.

Then, of course, you can do something for him, or even do a lot. But don’t hope too much that such actions can preserve love or strengthen it. Such actions should be natural when both partners are moderately selfish and want to give each other some pleasure.

Don't be afraid to demand reciprocal action from your loved one. They don't have to be similar to yours. It is not necessary to calculate with ugly pettiness who did what to whom.

Nevertheless, some kind of balance must be maintained according to the rough rule: “You give me, and I give you.” Don't be shy about it. In the life together of a man and a woman, some kind of exchange also takes place. It is clear that it can be very thin, uneven at some period of time and not always equivalent, etc.

However, if a woman does more for a man than he does for her, then the man has a well-founded opinion that he is a real “Star” and that his meager efforts in your direction are simply so valuable that they exceed your numerous, but valueless services .

Do you want to raise a “Star” out of your loved one? Forward is not very difficult. Do you want a man to love and respect you? Then there is no need to grow a Star from it. (As well as from myself).

Eighth. Praise a man, but do not underestimate your merits.

Praising a man is useful and necessary, although not so easy. I wrote in detail about how to praise a man in the first part of the book “How to make a man fall in love with you for life, or never run after a man, let him run after you.” If you remember a little, you need to praise specific things, and not general ones (not “you’re smart,” but “you solved this difficult problem well”), praise for specific actions, and not in advance, don’t over-praise, etc.

But if in relation to the topic of this article, then you need to praise the man, without belittling your own merits.

Praise: “You are a smart man for being able to do...” is quite possible. Praise in the form: “You are a smart man, and I am a stupid woman...” is absolutely not suitable. If you periodically talk about yourself like this, he will believe it after some time. (Men are very gullible) Soon he will think that he is dating a stupid woman and he needs to look somewhere for a smart one who would truly appreciate his genius, because a stupid woman is not capable of this.

So, the first rule of this point: Forget about praising a man against the backdrop of contrasting himself with himself in a derogatory form.

The second rule is probably already clear to you. Don't forget to praise yourself in front of your partner. If you do not periodically praise yourself to your beloved, then the man will also praise you either rarely or very rarely. The exception is the wise men, whom everyone has heard of, but no one has personally seen.

That is, praise yourself more often. Praise yourself for various reasons. Look for things to praise yourself for. Even what you say about yourself in praise is not entirely true, the man will still get used to it after some time and will assume that you are what you say about yourself. After all, I repeat, men are very trusting of the words of their beloved woman.

So, keeping a man in love, his desire and respect are interdependent tasks. It is clear that if there has never been love, then no techniques may help (or they may help). But if you were in love, then use these tips and the man will be yours.

And a short afterword. Putting these tips into practice requires, first, knowing what to do. This knowledge is presented in this article and my books on the psychology of men on the Sunny Hands website. Secondly, they require minimal self-confidence. If you lack self-confidence, you may not be able to implement the advice. I wrote a book about developing confidence. “How to develop self-confidence in 3 months”. For those who are interested, purchase on the Sunny Hands website, study and develop confidence.

Best regards, Rashid Kirranov.

Any woman wants to remain the only one, loved and desired for her man throughout her life, but not everyone succeeds in this. Winning the heart of a man is not so difficult; every charming woman has a lot of ways to lure the object she likes into her network. But not everyone succeeds in keeping a loved one close and becoming for him the center of the Universe and the meaning of life.

1. Man is a hunter, woman is a trophy

It is not without reason that they say that women and men are inhabitants of different planets, and accordingly, they have completely different views on romantic relationships. A woman looks for protection, stability and confidence in the future in her chosen one, and for her partner, oddly enough, the emotional aspect is more important. Remember how your feelings arose. You got to know each other, new sensations attracted, excited and aroused open interest. Over time, it began to weaken. Why? The man achieved his goal and calmed down, you are already a trophy for him. You haven't forgotten that a man is a hunter, have you?

But there can also be different attitudes towards trophies. A stuffed killed pheasant can gather dust in a closet for years, and he will constantly show off his luxurious bear skin to his friends. Have you ever wondered why this happens? In order to get a pheasant, the man did not have to put in much effort, which cannot be said about bear hunting. Here he had to buy an expensive gun and special ammunition, go to the taiga, track the beast and go one-on-one with it in mortal combat. Do you feel the difference? This suggests the following conclusion: become a precious and desirable prey for a man, for which he is ready to spend his time and money. Never call first and don’t pick up the phone after the first ring, reschedule meetings, flirt and intrigue, demand special treatment, do not refuse gifts and signs of attention. At the same time, you must treat your partner with respect, without humiliating your own dignity. A real hunter cannot help but be provoked by such difficult prey.

2. Man is a child, woman is a wise teacher

Men are big children, you should always remember this. What does an experienced kindergarten teacher do when the kids get bored with something? That's right, it switches their attention to something else. Therefore, in order to captivate a man and maintain his interest in her person, a woman herself must be a self-sufficient and integral person.

Remember, the circle of your interests cannot and should not be limited only to your chosen one. Live a full life, work, create, read, travel, discover the world and share your knowledge and emotions with your loved one. A man must see and understand that he is not the center of your Universe and with his appearance, your companion is not ready to completely change the usual way of her life and put it on the altar of family relationships.

3. Everyone has their own chair

There are two chairs in a relationship – male and female; it is very important to always remember this and not claim someone else’s place. Since Old Testament times, it has been the custom that a man is the breadwinner, and a woman is the keeper of the hearth. Of course, time has made its own adjustments, but the essence remains the same. Therefore, you should not grab onto male responsibilities, even if you can handle them. It is important to be able to inspire a man and properly motivate him for masculine actions and actions. It may take some time, but you will know that there is a reliable companion next to you who is ready to take responsibility for your family.

You need to constantly remind him that he is the best and you can’t do it without him. Do not skimp on praise and thank your loved one, compare with others (in his favor, of course), let him feel his importance and irreplaceability. Take a closer look at how men dote on their little daughters. And all because these tiny women sincerely, at the level of natural instincts, admire their fathers, quite truthfully considering them the best on Earth. Remember that no great man would have succeeded without a woman to inspire him.

4.Oh, sex, you are the Universe!

Sex is the most important aspect of relationships between men and women, so this area of ​​​​life should be given great importance. To prevent carnal pleasures from turning into a boring routine, you need to make a lot of effort. Remember how you were going on a date at the beginning of your relationship, how you carefully selected your wardrobe and meticulously assessed your reflection in the mirror. Take these simple but vital tips as a rule:

Wear only beautiful and sexy underwear. A man should not see stretched everyday panties and washed out shapeless nighties. Walk around the house in playful robes that are ready to slide off your body at any moment. Teasing short shorts will also not leave your partner indifferent, no matter how hard his day is. Ask him to bring a towel and slippers to the bathroom, and don’t even doubt that he will carry you to bed in his arms and will not leave you there alone.

Get your body in order. Lose weight, go in for sports or dance, get your skin and hair in perfect condition. Even if your body does not have model proportions, it should be fresh, clean and smell delicious. What could be more pleasant than soft, silky female skin and a head of fragrant hair, still slightly damp after a shower!

Don't be prudes and don't be shy about experimenting in bed. Watch porn movies together, practice role-playing games, have sex in different places, not limited to the bed. Let your partner be woken up in the morning not by the sound of a hated alarm clock, but by your passionate oral sex. Believe me, he will remember this throughout the day and will adequately thank you in the evening!

5.Feed your man right

Everyone knows the proverb about the way to a man’s heart through his stomach. No matter how trivial it may sound, there is a deep meaning in this, inherent in the peculiarities of male physiology. Let a traditional meal turn into a ritual for your couple. If a man brought breakfast in bed at the beginning of a relationship, do not refuse such a privilege in the future. Let him know that for this you will thank him with a passionate kiss, a good mood and a romantic dinner.

Even if you haven’t prepared anything grandiose, set the table beautifully, serve your partner food, offer a napkin, salt shaker, bread, refills. Be sure to sit at the table with him, even if dinner is late and at this time you are no longer eating. Do not start serious conversations until the man satisfies his hunger.

We hope these simple tips will help you become the most desirable and only woman for your beloved man. Good luck!

The strongest emotions tend to subside, but a woman never ceases to worry about the question of how to always be desirable to a man. Being significant in the lives of others is everyone's natural desire. And in a woman, moreover, this is reinforced by the instinct of keeping the hearth and home.

Psychology of men

Men don't tend to leave relationships when emotions pass; instead, they create new connections. Therefore, a woman’s efforts are concentrated on how to remain desirable to a man. It is impossible to return the old feelings: hormones will no longer rage so much, the woman’s mystery has been lost, and the man has gotten his way.

There are many charming girls around, and there are no restrictions in admiring them. The correct position is that every time, paying attention to someone’s radiant eyes, the husband cannot forget about the merits of his wife and returns mentally and soul to her. The presence of infidelity also depends on the man’s upbringing.

Human psychology is such that his opinion about himself is transmitted to others on a subconscious level. Therefore, no matter how good the appearance is or how pleasing the position in society is, if there is a presence inside, it will definitely be a tangible partner.


A woman is attracted by her beauty, but it is impossible to hold anyone back with her appearance. If after meeting and communicating with the image of perfection there is no atmosphere of interest, intrigue, desire to exchange thoughts and impressions, it can just as well be replaced by another, prettier or more developed personality.

To become desired by the man you love, as some believe, you need to be a sincere friend. But you shouldn’t completely open up to him. After all, the moment comes when you want to open your whole soul to your chosen one.

But when such moments pass, you will certainly have to face a cooling-off period. And if a woman thinks that there is nothing mysterious and unusual about her, she needs to work on herself.

You can acquire mystery in your own eyes by diversifying your life with creativity and unusual skills, and others will subsequently begin to notice this. It is useful to learn psychological techniques and practice them, getting pleasure from it day after day.

It would be wrong to believe that the life of a married woman does not belong to her, and all she is supposed to do is keep the house clean and maintain the mood of her partner. During each day there should be time allocated for personal development, as a result of which a degree of mystery will naturally appear in it.

To the self-development of the individual, which enriches life, one’s own and the couple’s as a whole, it is worth adding high self-esteem, a share of elusive magnetism and unpredictability. After all, the so-called “mystery” combines several qualities at the same time. Every woman should independently discover in herself those individual traits that she, first of all, values ​​in herself.

Determine a list of qualities

It is human nature to improve, so it is quite natural to realize one’s shortcomings and strive for the best, to develop certain skills and character traits.

Before becoming attractive to others, being loved and desired by a man, as psychologists advise, a woman should honestly answer the question of what exactly she values ​​herself for. Then look in the direction of the desired qualities and note those that are missing.

Thinking about ways to improve your personality is more than half the battle on the path to valuing yourself on the highest scale and loving yourself. When this happens, the inner radiance will spill onto the surface of the soul, and life in a new quality awaits the person, no matter what it touches.

Get slim, learn how to cook deliciously, play a musical instrument, become a designer, and if this is a need for education, write out a step-by-step plan for “moving from point A to point B.”

Then, to the extent possible, apply the same to other achievements. “Investment” in yourself is always profitable, and given that it will bring happiness, it is worth putting it in priority over all other things and moving towards your happiness.

Time to love yourself

Every day a woman should devote time to her soul and body, both in terms of development and relaxation. The ideal option is to have a rich, interesting life for yourself. The “radiation” of such a woman, the results of her work and development will stimulate those who are paired with her.

A schedule drawn up for a month helps to concentrate efforts in the right direction and use time rationally. But among the courses, trainings, and mandatory tasks, you need to find free space for a “personal page.”

This hour or minutes devoted exclusively to oneself is time that should be spent with pleasure, in detachment from worries, as a kind of energy recharge.

But this method also has another function: after attention is regularly and automatically drawn to oneself, the feeling of one’s own “weight” and “significance” in one’s eyes naturally grows, which will certainly affect one’s self-esteem.

And a woman who at some time intends to consider herself worthy of the best, for example, to eat only healthy foods, will not want to behave differently in other fundamental issues.

Time spent with pleasure leaves a reflection of “holiday” in the soul, sets you up for success, and mobilizes you for new exploits. At the same time, psychological dependence on others is reduced, as well as the likelihood of a nervous breakdown and prolonged depression, when it will take more than an hour or two to restore mental strength. All this adds its share of charm to a person’s everyday behavior and attracts the sympathy of others.

Financial independence

Financial independence plays an important role, allowing you to model a lifestyle that is independent of circumstances and other people. Awareness of material wealth brings a sense of self-worth, the ability to manage your life, allocate funds for self-care, be the mistress of your appearance, and, ultimately, your destiny.

It’s great if additional income appears in the life of a woman who is active in all respects, a good housewife, an exemplary employee. Even if it is not there, there is that, albeit a small part of the funds that can be spent exclusively on personal needs or pleasures.

Whether it be cosmetic procedures, beautiful lingerie, saving money to make a dream come true, or buying sweets - this state of affairs benefits self-esteem and attractiveness to people around you in the end.

Combining roles

A lover and a friend in one person is a rare phenomenon. But it is precisely this combination of qualities that allows you to remain desirable to your man. As always, a woman will not cease to be surrounded by worries and her own problems, but she should not allow their boundaries to merge with the sphere of carefreeness and love.

If a partner manages to provide support, give advice, act as a psychologist, and at the same time, do not forget about her own charm, bring lightness and playfulness to communication, the man will appreciate her skill.

Protecting this space, making it “sacred”, skillfully transforming from an attentive listener into a “passionate doll” will provide balance in the relationship in order not to close oneself off from each other, and so that communication is meaningful.

How to always be desirable to a man? Advice from experts is as follows:

  • Naturalness. If you are not confident in a man’s feelings, this is not a reason to lower your self-esteem, and perhaps in this case you need another person. It is acceptable to use minor tricks to keep the spark alive, but radically changing one’s personality in order to conform to an invented ideal is not justified. Sooner or later the tension will bring everything to naught.
  • Femininity. Extreme care and bottomless simplicity are associated with the nanny and “the guy,” but, as we know, these images do not inspire passion. Parental care and masculine angularity need to be replaced with tenderness, independence, and a little “fragility” and capriciousness should be added. And such a young lady avoids using foul language or discussing her competitors behind her back.
  • Tenderness. Calling a guy by a diminutive and moderately affectionate nickname is another way to become desirable to a man. How can this not affect his pride? From time to time, emphasize his merits, remind him of his merits and talents. Touching is also a way to show affection.
  • Looseness. Prohibitions and secrets are not for intimate life, which is an important component of relationships. Giving your loved one freedom in the intimate sphere is one of the secrets of how to always be desired by a man.
  • Restraint in words. Most women are talkative and men don't like it. Not everything that has accumulated inside is useful to express to your husband; there are topics on which a friend or acquaintance would better support. You shouldn’t get to the point where a man avoids a woman’s company because she’s too talkative.

Advice to ladies: find out from your man what qualities are valuable to him in a partner. Understanding your advantages and disadvantages will allow you to understand how to always be desirable to a man, as well as adjust your behavior properly.

According to experts on family relationships, the stability of a marriage largely depends on the quality of the intimate sphere. The presence of bright moments, one way or another, gives an emotional coloring to life, and impressions, as we know, are worth a lot. In the following revelations, a happily married woman shares her personal experience.

How to be always desirable for a man, the opinion of the happy:

  1. Change your wardrobe: not just an update, but a choice of clothes that emphasize attractiveness and sexuality. Create a beautiful image, a pleasant picture, taking into account your age and existing advantages.
  2. Always look attractive: take care of your appearance at home; do not allow yourself to wear things with flaws. Radiate positivity: this inspires and helps in life.
  3. Demonstrate sexual interest: the husband will appreciate the departure from the stereotype that initiative is only his priority.
  4. Wear sexy lingerie.
  5. Do everything to make sex feel like relaxation, not obligation.
  6. Show confidence and not be afraid to experiment in sex, do not be afraid to offer new ideas.
  7. Be unpredictable: men are turned on by women who are not easy to “guess”.
  8. Make surprises: prepare a bath, give a massage.
  9. Praise: as long as they inspire, I am always happy to devote myself to my family.
  10. Correction of habits: stress, poor diet, smoking, etc., have a harmful effect on sex life.
  11. Show whims: in order to excite a woman, it is not harmful to show her temper, replacing it with playfulness, which will make a man’s heart beat faster.
  12. Elevating sex: It brings partners closer together.
  13. Joint endeavors: useful against routine.
  14. Making your life bright: your husband will certainly appreciate it.
  15. Take initiative in relationships.

Men also love to feel desired, so one success becomes a continuation of another in a couple. Give them what they need, and perhaps you will be more than endowed with what is meaningful to you.

What kind of women do modern men love?

Qualities of a woman that are always valuable:

How to be feminine and always desirable to a man? Advice: start with yourself. And this path will definitely lead to happiness.

Every woman could notice that over time, even the most ardent and passionate emotions of a man begin to subside. The one who at first could declare to the whole world that he loves, soon stops doing this. One who has done noble deeds eventually ceases to do them. Scientists say that it is quite natural for feelings to subside over time. However, how can a woman remain loved and desired by her man?

Specialists from the psychological help website agree with the opinion of the famous poet S. Yesenin, who said that if feelings pass, they cannot be returned. Scientists can also agree with him based on the conclusions they received during their research. It turns out that the feelings that people experience at the beginning of a relationship are nothing more than a play of hormones. Nature made sure that people reproduced. She gave them hormones that begin to be produced in such quantities when they see suitable partners that they thus affect the functioning of the brain, when it becomes darkened, stops thinking critically and begins to see the world, especially the new “soulmate” with “rose-colored glasses” "

Hormones cannot be released in large quantities all the time. It is enough for nature if people have sexual intercourse several times over the course of several months. After a year - a maximum of 3, the hormones completely stop their play, and only two people remain with all their qualities, dreams, desires, true aspirations and behavior patterns. This is where people begin to feel that their feelings have passed. Some even believe that .

However, we are just talking about hormones that naturally stop their play, leaving people alone with their soul mates. What a man and woman will do in such a situation depends on them.

How to become desirable?

A woman who begins to notice that her partner’s emotions have subsided significantly begins to worry. And there are reasons for this. Modern men hardly ever think about how to solve the lack of sex, new feelings and impressions. They go to the left, almost never breaking off their love relationships with “official” partners. It turns out that if a woman ceases to be desirable, then she is primarily worried that her man will begin to cheat on her.

This practice actually exists among the stronger sex. This is where women want to find the answer to the question of how to remain desirable so that their gentlemen, even their husbands, do not go to the left.

Of course, it is impossible to return those feelings that a man had at the beginning of the relationship. Let the woman not even hope for it. The reason for this is hormones, which will no longer rage as brightly as they did in the beginning, and the fame of the woman herself, who is no longer as mysterious as she was at the beginning, and the conquest of her heart, which at first may not have belonged to the man.

We can say that the man has already received his due, so after some time he calmed down towards the woman. This does not mean that he does not value and respect her. This simply means that his hormones have calmed down and he is now living a relaxed life.

Is it possible for a woman to somehow remain desirable to her man? It is possible, but you will have to work constantly for this:

  1. A woman needs to become beautiful again. If over time she stopped taking care of herself, gained weight, stopped wearing beautiful clothes and putting on makeup, as she did in the beginning, then she should remember this again. Many women sin by ceasing to be beautiful for their men, believing that they should love them in any way. But this is a mistaken opinion. Men should not love women as they became over time, and not as they loved them when they met.
  2. A woman needs to update her wardrobe. Most likely, during the entire relationship she did not particularly do this. She had already moved all her outfits. She hasn't changed her underwear for a long time. It's time to fix it. A man loves novelty. He will be pleased if a woman dresses herself up in a new dress and puts on new underwear.
  3. The woman forgot about the mystery. Undoubtedly, over time, people get to know each other. It is difficult to maintain a mystery when you constantly live with a man shoulder to shoulder, are forced to solve joint problems, reveal your desires and secrets. And yet the woman may not be completely solved. Acquire little secrets that a man will guess about, but to which he will never receive answers.
  4. A woman forgets that she is a woman and her man is a man. She shouldn't treat him like a child. She should not look after his wardrobe, tell him what to eat, when to go to bed, etc. He should definitely decide such small issues himself. Moreover, a man must have responsibilities that he will fulfill, since a woman is weak, ignorant, and simply doing other things.
  5. A woman should resume interesting sex with a man. Since you are afraid of betrayal, then the man should have sex with you. If he has been dreaming about something for a long time, but you did not agree, then you can try it. If he doesn't mind experiments, then offer them to him.
  6. A woman must be confident in herself. In particular, we are talking about attractiveness. Many women neglect themselves while in a love relationship, which naturally leads them to think that they are ugly. Men feel this and begin to hang out with those who are confident in their sexuality. To avoid this, a woman must either put herself in order, or (if she feels comfortable in her body) take care of her external attractiveness. Make yourself who you want to be, and always be confident that you are beautiful, confirm this with appropriate actions.

How to become loved?

Over the years, not only passion, but also love fades. Feelings subside completely, leaving room for a cold mind. If a man looks at a woman and understands that she is a good person with whom he feels comfortable living, then he will continue the relationship with her.

The presence of infidelity in such a couple will depend solely on how the man was raised. Many people say that cheating is a consequence of problems in relationships. We will say that even in stable and calm marriages, men can walk. The reason here is not the presence of problems, but the education of the men themselves. So that a man does not have thoughts of going to the left, a woman needs to warm up his love for her. How to do it?

  • You need to give freedom and joy. Men are freedom-loving people. In fact, women also value and love freedom, but they achieve it in other ways. So, if a woman can give a man freedom of action and decisions, while being confident that he is doing everything right, then he will be pleased with such an attitude towards himself. A woman should also remain cheerful. The question arises: why are women only cheerful with men at the beginning of a relationship? If a woman can be cheerful all the time, even after many years, then a man will be able to maintain feelings for her.
  • Separate two roles - to be a lover and a friend. It is impossible to be a lover and a friend at the same time. A woman will have to change these roles and combine them with others. You need to remain passionate towards a man. In bed you need to allow yourself to be crazy. At the same time, in everyday life you need to allow yourself to have reason and prudence. The man will need help, advice and support. If a woman can give all this, then he will definitely appreciate her.
  • Stay beautiful both externally and internally. Many women think that if they achieve certain body parameters, dye their hair white, learn to take certain poses and dress smartly, like all the men at their feet. However, they forget that external beauty is only good for attracting men. Then they want to know the inner world of women. And if it turns out to be empty, then such a relationship will not last long. In order not only to arouse, but also to maintain love for herself, a woman needs to be an interesting person. Undoubtedly, she must remain outwardly beautiful. But if it is interesting to talk to her about something, then she will also be loved.
  • Develop. Over the years, people change (not radically, but still change). If a man moves up the career ladder and strives for something, then this provokes his natural growth. To remain loved by him, a woman needs to grow together with her man. Do not forget to engage in self-development, when your knowledge will be enriched as well as your lover’s wallet. A man should see that you are not standing still, you continue to amaze him with your intelligence and intelligence.
  • Maintain your independence. Undoubtedly, relationships imply that partners begin to live a life together, somewhere giving up their plans and becoming involved in each other's lives. However, you should not take things to extremes. Man and woman should not merge. They unite, but do not become one. To remain interesting to your partner, you need to continue to be as independent from him as before you met. Undoubtedly, you are together and live taking into account each other’s interests, while each has their own concerns, affairs, interests, friends, preferences, even opinions, despite the fact that we would like them to always coincide.
  • Be content with yourself. If a woman is completely satisfied with herself, then the man somehow on a subconscious level also becomes satisfied with her. Notice how a woman treats herself, the same way a man perceives her. If a woman criticizes herself, then the man also joins this process. If a woman is happy with herself, then the man loves her too. Surprisingly, a man treats a woman the way she treats herself.

A woman should have her own interests, hobbies, work and worries. A woman can communicate with people with whom her man does not communicate or does not want to spend time. However, all this will help her maintain her individuality, be enriched with new impressions and be interesting to her man.

How can you ultimately be desired and loved by your loved one?

Every woman, sooner or later, is faced with the need to do something to make a man want and love her. Over time, the “hormonal” feelings subside, and the man begins to look at the woman with a sober gaze. If he doesn’t see anything good in her, then he can break up with her altogether. However, if he has some feelings for her, then they can be inflamed a little so that the woman becomes even more desirable and loved.

All this will require effort. Nothing can be achieved in one day. You will have to constantly perform certain manipulations in order to evoke feelings for yourself. If a woman is ready to live a life that is unusual for herself, then let her try and get positive results.

10 Rules - how to become desirable and irreplaceable for a man. Many women dream of becoming the woman dearest to a man’s heart. At the same time, they suffer from a lack of communication skills with the opposite sex, which ultimately becomes an obstacle to personal happiness and the creation of strong marital relationships. But why then are there women who do not need to rack their brains to find a life partner, since men surround them everywhere? Why are such women lucky in their personal lives, and is it luck?

Here are 10 rules, by adhering to which, you will learn to understand what is what in relationships with the stronger sex, stop making mistakes that lead to unsettled personal life, and in the end you will be able to become a desirable woman for your man!

Don't demonstrate maternal instincts!

Yes, you, of course, really want to protect your beloved man from the work that you yourself are able to cope with. Do you think you are doing the right thing? Absolutely not! Remember that for a man you are the woman he loves, and not his second mother, so do not make your husband a mama’s boy, but give him the opportunity to express himself, his masculine core.

Learn to communicate without words!

A girlfriend is the person with whom you can talk as much as you want, but with a man you better learn to communicate with your hands, eyes and smile. One form of intimacy is silence. Why would you use words where there is only room for eroticism?

Be sexy and attractive

These two qualities can be called indicators of internal state. Agree that the person who feels great looks good. Men want to see just such a woman next to them, who has the opportunity and desire to reveal his sexual charm. Desirable is the woman whose face displays femininity, carelessness, coquetry and lightness.

Build a love nest

Great sex is only possible in a place where everything is aimed at fueling desire. In ancient times there were temples of love. You need to create a similar zone. Create a real temple of love and intimacy from your bedroom, and from time to time experiment with sex in an unusual place.

Drop shyness and doubts

Everyone knows that men feel quite free in the company of women of easy virtue. Why? Because such ladies are ready to give a man freedom and fun. Why don't you try to do the same? Are you worried that others will not correctly interpret your actions? But you are not a courtesan, but just a desirable woman with whom a man feels free and pleasant!

Mood will help you become a desirable woman

Are you used to waiting for the mood to come, thereby dooming your man to wait together? And everything can end unpleasantly, since over time your chosen one will begin to think that he is the reason for your reluctance and gloom. Make your man happy, create a sexy mood, and if that doesn’t work, play!

Show your chosen one your erotic magnetism

No, this is not sexuality, but the erotic magic of seduction that can awaken an irresistible fire of desire in a man. Lower your eyes, touch your lips with your finger, let out a gentle sigh...

Be a lover!

Remember - no matter how hard you try to become a friend and lover for a man at the same time, it is impossible. Men clearly separate sex and friendship, therefore, a girlfriend is an open book, and a mistress is a mystery that you really want to solve, but you just can’t, because every time she is new and unpredictable! Try to keep your secrets to yourself, and be only a desirable woman for a man in bed!

Don't teach a man

Without a doubt, a woman knows better about the qualities that an excellent lover should have, however, do not rush to share your knowledge with your chosen one. Give your loved one the opportunity to learn the art of love himself.

Learn to trust yourself!

You cannot contradict yourself and your principles even for the sake of winning a man’s affection. For a man to value you, always remain yourself in any situation and trust your inner voice.

Every woman is able to independently create her own image, which means she can play a major role in arranging her personal life. Become more liberated, throw away all your complexes, and you will certainly meet your One and become the most desirable woman for him!