How to make dough for dumplings with strawberries. How to make dumplings with fresh and frozen strawberries

During the strawberry season, it’s hard to resist making delicious, juicy dumplings with them. I’m sure many have been familiar with this summer dish since childhood. Hot, with a fragrant sweet filling oozing out, topped with sour cream - it’s simply divinely delicious!

Dumplings with strawberries, of course, can be prepared according to the recipe I posted earlier. There is also an excellent Lenten option, and a recipe for kefir dough for making airy steamed dumplings.


Dough for dumplings:

  • 270 g flour
    (about 2 cups)
  • 170 ml kefir
    (2/3 cup)
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon soda
  • a pinch of salt

Strawberry filling:

  • 200 g strawberries
  • 50 g sugar

Dumplings with strawberries – photo recipe:

  1. First of all, we knead the dough for our strawberry dumplings. Even slightly expired kefir is suitable for this. Pour it into a bowl, add oil, soda and salt and mix first with a spoon and then with your hand.

    Knead the dough

  2. Knead the dough, which is not sticky (or just a little), but soft. Cover and set it aside while we make the filling. After the dough rests for 10-15 minutes, it will become elastic and pleasant to work with. Even if you forget about it for half an hour, nothing bad will happen to it.

    Dough for dumplings is ready

  3. Wash the strawberries and tear off the stems. I cut large berries immediately before putting them in dumplings so that they don’t leak, but I don’t cut small ones at all.


  4. Roll out some of the dough on a floured table and cut out circles with a glass. Or you can roll the sausage, cut it into pucks and then roll each one into a flat cake. Do what is most convenient for you. The thickness can also be varied depending on how much or little dough you like in the finished dumplings.

    Cut out circles from dough

  5. Pour 1/2 teaspoon of sugar into the center of each cake and place a few pieces of strawberries.

    Add sugar and strawberries

  6. We connect the edges and pinch them with a pigtail, a fork, or just tightly. Place the formed dumplings with strawberries on a surface sprinkled with flour and make the next ones.

    Making dumplings

  7. Now all that remains is to boil our dumplings (or freeze). To do this, bring a pan of water (possibly salted) to a boil, add the dumplings and cook without a lid for about 5 minutes from the moment of laying. When the water boils, be sure to reduce the heat.

    Boil in water

    Or you can make dumplings with strawberries for a couple– in a double boiler, multicooker, on gauze... Be sure to grease the bowl of the steamer with oil and place the dumplings at a distance from each other.

    Or steam it

    They cook in a double boiler or slow cooker for about 10-15 minutes.

    Dumplings in a slow cooker

    If you don't have a steamer, pour water into a large saucepan, tie cheesecloth around the top and bring the water to a boil, then place the dumplings on the cheesecloth, cover with a large bowl and cook for 5 minutes.

  8. Transfer the finished dumplings with strawberries to a deep plate. If you first put a piece of butter on the bottom and then carefully mix the dumplings, they will be lubricated with oil and will not stick together.
  9. Serve dumplings deliciously hot or warm with sour cream; you can sprinkle sugar on top or make strawberry sauce by chopping strawberries and sugar in a blender.

    Bon appetit!

    Julia author of the recipe

Dumpling recipes

dumplings with strawberries

1 hour

205 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

It is impossible to imagine Ukrainian cuisine without dumplings. This legendary dish is mentioned in many works of fiction. What made them so popular? I think it's easy to prepare and tastes great. They are usually prepared with cherries, potatoes or cottage cheese. Strawberry filling for dumplings is used less often than the listed ingredients. But these dumplings are also very tasty.

This dish can be prepared from various types of dough. It is made on the basis of dairy products: kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk or yogurt, as well as with water, regular or mineral. I want to offer you several options for dough recipes for dumplings.

Dumplings with strawberries made from water dough

Required utensils: pan, sieve, rolling pin, knife, slotted spoon and whisk.

Dough ingredients

Filling ingredients

How to choose ingredients

  • Mineral water can be of any brand. It should be cool, but not icy.
  • Vegetable oil can be either sunflower or olive. If you prefer sunflower oil, take refined one.
  • Flour can be of any type. The dough for dumplings is quite tight and should not rise during the cooking process. Therefore, choose flour to your taste, any grind.

Step by step recipe

  1. Mix 0.5 cups of mineral water with 0.25 tsp. sugar and 0.25 tsp. salt. Beat in 1 egg.

  2. Then add 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

  3. Whisk the mixture and begin gradually adding 2 cups of sifted flour.

  4. Knead the dough and let it stand for 20-30 minutes.

  5. Meanwhile, prepare the strawberries. Wash the berries and cut them into small pieces. Don't forget to remove the stem. If you have small berries, such as strawberries, you can add them whole.

  6. When the dough has rested, roll it out. Then cut into small pieces. To ensure that when rolling out you get neat circles with even edges, roll the pieces of dough into balls.

  7. Now each piece needs to be carefully rolled out so that the dough does not break through.

  8. While you are making the dumplings, place a pan of water on the stove. It should boil.
  9. Sprinkle a little sugar (about a teaspoon) on each rolled out piece of dough. Place strawberries on top.

  10. Pinch gently and carefully so that the dumplings do not open during cooking and the filling does not fall out.

  11. Dumplings can be placed on the table or cutting board. The main thing is to sprinkle this surface with flour so that the dumplings do not stick to it.

  12. When the water boils, you can throw in the dumplings. Be sure to stir them so they don't stick to the bottom or stick together.

  13. Cook for 5 minutes (from the moment it surfaces) in lightly salted water. It shouldn’t be very salty, because these are sweet dumplings, just a little salty. This is necessary to enhance the taste and to ensure that the dough products stick together less.

  14. The easiest way to remove dumplings from the water is with a slotted spoon.

Did you know? This dough can be made lean. In this case, do not add the egg. To ensure the dough has the correct texture, add about 20 ml of additional water. Such dumplings will be a wonderful treat for fasting people.

Video recipe for dumplings with strawberries made from water dough

Dumplings with strawberries || The perfect dough recipe

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Dumplings with strawberries from choux pastry

  • 40 minutes.
  • It will work out 4-5 servings.
  • Required utensils: sieve, rolling pin, spoon, bowl, slotted spoon and pan.

Dough ingredients

Glass capacity 250 ml.

Filling ingredients

Step by step recipe

  1. Brew 1 cup of flour with 1 cup of hot water. To do this, pour hot water into a bowl of flour, stir and leave to cool.

  2. Crack 2 eggs into a separate bowl and beat them with a whisk.

  3. Add 0.5 cups of flour and stir.

  4. Then add 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. soda and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. All ingredients must be mixed well.

  5. Now add the choux pastry and stir again.

  6. Add the remaining flour gradually and do not forget to stir the dough all the time.

  7. Now knead the dough with your hands. It should become elastic and slightly tight.

  8. Roll the kneaded dough into a sausage and cut it into small circles.

  9. Roll out each circle and fill it with strawberries and sugar.

  10. Pinch the dumplings in a way convenient for you.

  11. Cook them in lightly salted boiling water for about 5 minutes after surfacing.

Video recipe for dumplings with strawberries from choux pastry


How to cook dumplings with strawberries. A very simple, excellent recipe for choux pastry for dumplings with strawberries.
COOKED DOUGH FROM WHOLE GRAIN FLOUR. How to make dumplings correctly. Dumplings with strawberries and sugar. Homemade recipe for dumplings with strawberries
Choux pastry.
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Dumplings with strawberries made from kefir dough

  • Dumplings can be prepared in 35-40 minutes.
  • It will work out 4 servings.
  • Required utensils: pan, sieve, bowl, rolling pin, slotted spoon and spoon.

Dough ingredients

Filling ingredients

Step by step recipe

  1. Add 1 tsp to 2.5 cups of flour. salt and 1 tsp. soda Sift the flour along with these ingredients.

  2. Add 200 ml kefir. Knead the dough first with a spoon and then with your hands. The longer you knead the dough, the better it will become.

  3. Leave the kneaded dough for a while. To prevent it from weathering, cover it with a bowl or towel.

  4. Roll the dough into a sausage shape with your hands.

  5. Then cut into small medallions.

  6. Roll out each medallion.

  7. Fill the dumplings with strawberries and sugar.

I always look forward to summer, and especially strawberry season. I strongly associate my childhood with this picture - my grandmother prepares lush, delicious dumplings with strawberries and sprinkles them with sugar. Then this dish seemed to me the most delicious in the world. My grandmother taught me how to prepare different types of dough for dumplings with strawberries - with kefir, custard and the most common one, with water.

Recipe for dumplings with strawberries made from water dough

Scales, bowl, sieve, colander, spoon, board, rolling pin, pan, knife.


How to choose the right products

Strawberries should be dry, with bright red berries, with green tails and in no case rotten. If the berries are too dark and spotted, they have most likely been treated with chemicals.

If you have to store strawberries in the refrigerator for a while, do not wash them, otherwise they will release juice and turn into “mush.”

Step-by-step preparation

  1. For the dough, sift 3 cups of flour into a bowl, add ½ teaspoon of salt, an egg and half a cup of water.
  2. Knead the dough. At first you may think there is too little liquid, but as you knead the dough will become smooth. Ideally, it should be as soft as your earlobe. If the dough is too tight, add a little more water to it.

  3. Transfer the dough into a bag and leave it for half an hour. During this time, the gluten will swell and it will become softer and more elastic.

  4. While the dough is resting, prepare the strawberry filling for the dumplings. To do this, wash 300 grams of strawberries well under running water and dry with napkins. Let's cut it into slices, but not very finely.

  5. Divide the dough into several parts. We put the dough that we are not working with yet back into the bag.

  6. We form a roll from part of the dough and cut it into pieces approximately 1.5-2 centimeters thick.

  7. We lightly press each piece onto the table and roll it out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 2-3 millimeters. You should not make the strawberry dumplings too thin, otherwise they may tear during the cooking process.

  8. Place some strawberries in the center of the dough piece and sprinkle with sugar (0.5 teaspoon).

  9. We pinch the edges of the dumpling.

  10. Place the formed dumplings on a kitchen board covered with film. You can also sprinkle the board with flour.

  11. Cook the dumplings in salted water (0.5 tsp salt). Place them in boiling water, stir with the back of a spoon so as not to tear them, and cook for 2-3 minutes over low heat after the dumplings float. There should be enough water so that they do not stick together.

  12. Remove the finished dumplings with a slotted spoon and place in a bowl.


Dumplings are served as a main course or as a dessert after a light lunch. They can be poured with butter or sprinkled with sugar. Sour cream is served separately in a sauce boat. Dumplings in a plate can be decorated with mint leaves and fresh strawberries.

Video recipe for making dumplings with strawberries

If you want to learn how to make beautiful strawberry dumplings, watch this video. Also from it you will learn some secrets of preparing this dish.

  • Strawberries need to be chopped immediately before making dumplings, as they release juice quickly. For the same reason, you should not sprinkle it with sugar - sugar should be placed along with the strawberries on the dough before forming the dumplings.
  • Dumplings can be prepared for future use by freezing them in the freezer. To do this, they need to be laid out in one row, and after freezing they can be put in a bag.
  • Dumplings will be even tastier and at the same time retain more vitamins if you steam them. To do this, you can use a double boiler or a slow cooker.

Recipe for dumplings with strawberries in a slow cooker

I prepare the dough for this recipe using kefir and soda. The dumplings turn out very fluffy, juicy and unusually soft.

Cooking time: 50 min.
Number of servings: 8.
Calories: 136 kcal.
Kitchen appliances and supplies: multicooker, scales, bowl, sieve, spoon, board, rolling pin, knife.


Step-by-step preparation

  1. Sift flour (500 g) into a bowl.

  2. Add 1/3 teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of soda to it and mix well.

  3. Pour in 300 ml of kefir and knead the dough.

  4. Cover it with film and leave for half an hour.

  5. For the filling, cut washed and dried strawberries (400 g) into large pieces. The sweeter the strawberries, the better.

  6. Roll out the dough to a thickness of approximately 2-3 mm.

  7. Using a glass, cut out round pieces.

  8. Place strawberries and a little sugar in the center of each piece.

  9. We pinch the edges, forming boat-shaped dumplings.

  10. Pour a glass of water into the multicooker bowl, place the steamer bowl and place the dumplings on it, seam side up. We place them at a short distance from each other.

  11. Turn on the “Steam” mode and cook for 5-7 minutes from the moment the water boils. The dumplings are ready, all you have to do is serve and eat!

Video recipe for making dumplings with strawberries in a slow cooker

See how quickly and easily dumplings are prepared in a slow cooker. You will definitely want to repeat this recipe! Dumplings with cottage cheese.

Each housewife has her own recipe for dumplings, and more than one. This dish can be prepared for a holiday or for every day. What's your favorite dumpling recipe? What filling do you prefer? Write about it in the comments. I will be very glad if my recipes are useful to you. I'm sure you will succeed!

Dumplings with strawberries - general cooking principles

Instead of unhealthy and high-calorie cakes and other sweets, you can make delicious dumplings with strawberries for dessert. The dish is often included in children's menus, but this does not stop adults from enjoying dumplings as well. To prepare strawberry dumplings, you can use fresh or frozen berries. In the latter case, you need to take more sugar, as the dumplings may turn out a little sour. The principle of preparing the dish is the same as for other dumplings: first prepare the dough, then roll out and cut out circles. Place the filling (in this case strawberries) in the middle and seal the edges. Dumplings can be frozen or immediately boiled in boiling water. When served, ready-made dumplings with strawberries go well with sour cream, syrup and powdered sugar.

Dumplings with strawberries - preparing food and dishes

To prepare strawberry dumplings you may need: a saucepan, a bowl, a glass, a rolling pin and a colander. You can do without a pan by cooking dumplings in a double boiler or slow cooker.

Before you start preparing dumplings, you need to sort out the strawberries, choosing only whole and unspoiled berries. The tails need to be torn off, and berries that are too large should be cut in half. The flour must be sifted, and kefir or milk must be slightly warmed. This is where the preparation of products usually ends.

Recipes for dumplings with strawberries:

Recipe 1: Dumplings with strawberries

Dumplings with strawberries are a wonderful dish for the whole family that can be prepared for lunch or dinner. For the filling you will need fresh strawberries, and the dough itself can be prepared with water, kefir or milk. This recipe uses milk.

Required ingredients:

For the test:

  • Flour - 2 cups;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 5 ml vegetable oil;
  • Water - 3 spoons.

For filling:

  • Fresh strawberries;
  • Sugar - half a glass;
  • 0.5 teaspoon starch.

Cooking method:

Preparation of the dough:

Pour flour into a bowl, make a hole and crack the egg. Mix water and milk in a glass and pour into flour. Knead the ingredients into a dough; if it gets sticky, add another spoonful of flour. Add butter to the dough and mix again. Leave for 30-40 minutes.

Preparation of dumplings:

Sort the strawberries, wash them and cut them in half. Sprinkle strawberries with starch. Roll out the “rested” dough and cut out circles. Place several strawberry halves in the middle of each and sprinkle with sugar. Seal the edges tightly. You can put the strawberry dumplings in the freezer or boil them in boiling water.

Recipe 2: Dumplings with strawberries in a slow cooker

Housewives who have a multicooker have long switched to preparing almost all dishes in this convenient appliance. Dumplings with strawberries in a slow cooker do not fall apart and turn out very beautiful and neat.

Required ingredients:

For the test:

  • Flour - 2-3 cups;
  • Egg;
  • A little more than a glass of kefir;
  • Sugar - two spoons;
  • Yeast - 1 tsp;
  • A little salt.

For filling:

  • Fresh strawberries;
  • Sugar.

Cooking method:

Preparation of the dough:

Beat kefir with egg, sugar and salt. Add flour and yeast. Knead the dough and leave in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours.

Preparation of dumplings:

Wash the berries and pick off the stems. Cut strawberries that are too large in half. Roll out the dough and cut out circles. Sprinkle each circle with sugar and lay out the berries. Connect the edges tightly. Freeze or boil strawberry dumplings and serve immediately. When serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar or sour cream.

Recipe 3: Dumplings with strawberries on water

A very simple way to make dumplings with strawberries. For the dough you will need a minimum amount of ingredients, and for the filling - only fresh strawberries and sugar. A little effort and time - and a delicious treat for the whole family is ready!

Required ingredients:

For the test:

  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • One and a half glasses of water.

For filling:

  • 600 g strawberries;
  • Sugar - 3-4 spoons.

Cooking method:

Preparation of the dough:

Sift the flour into a bowl and make a well. Break the eggs there, add salt and pour in water. Knead into a homogeneous dough and leave for a while.

Preparation of dumplings:

Sort the strawberries, wash them and pick off the stems. Place in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar, put in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Drain the strawberries in a colander and strain out the juice. Roll out the dough thinly and cut out squares. Place the filling in the center of each square and roll the dough into a triangle, sealing the edges. Boil the dumplings in boiling water until tender, pour over the drained juice and garnish with mint leaves.

The most important thing in the process of preparing dumplings with strawberries is to roll out the dough correctly. It should not be too thin (the filling may leak out during cooking), but not too thick (the dumplings will turn out rough).

Dumplings with strawberries are a summer dish that is usually remembered when a couple of buckets of fresh strawberries have already been eaten, pies and muffins have been baked, preserves, marmalade, confiture have been prepared and compote has been brewed for the winter. And strawberries continue to ripen in the garden beds, without caring about the peace of mind of gardeners. This is where the time for culinary delights comes. And the simpler they are, the better. The main thing is that they are not common. To make successful strawberry dumplings, I use a time-tested dough recipe. It is very elastic, does not tear or become soft, does not become soggy and perfectly “holds” the juicy berry filling. You can make not only strawberry, but also cherry dumplings with this dough. All the juice will remain inside, the dough walls will turn out thin. The dumplings cook instantly, so the strawberries inside retain their freshness and shape.


  • strawberries – 300 grams
  • hot water - 100 ml
  • flour – 200-300 grams
  • salt – ½ teaspoon
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon (for filling), 1 teaspoon (in dough)
  • potato starch - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons

Cooking method

Sift the flour. Pour hot water, vegetable oil into a deep bowl, add one teaspoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt, then gradually add flour. Knead first with a spoon, and when the dough reaches a comfortable temperature, we begin to knead with our hands, adding flour until the dough stops sticking and becomes firm and elastic. Those who find it difficult to decide what the dough should be like add 250 grams of flour. Over time, you will be able to tell offhand when there is enough flour. Roll the finished dough into a ball, cover with cling film and leave to rest for half an hour.

In the meantime, let's make the filling. Sort the strawberries, separate them from the stems, wash them thoroughly and dry them. Cut the berries into pieces.

Roll out the dough thinly on a floured surface, but not until transparent - so that the filling does not leak out during cooking. Use a glass to squeeze out circles.

Sprinkle each circle a little with starch, then with sugar and add chopped strawberries on top.

Seal the edges of the dumplings and pinch. If necessary, lightly moisten the inside of the circle with water along the edges so that the dough sticks together more easily and the filling is securely preserved inside the dumpling.

Dip the finished dumplings in portions into slightly salted boiling water (just add a pinch of salt). Do not throw all the dumplings into the pan at once so that they do not stick together. During the cooking process, it is important to gently stir the dumplings to prevent them from sticking. After they float to the surface, cook them for three to five minutes, remove them to a dish with a slotted spoon and immediately add the next portion to the pan.

Serve the dumplings hot, putting a piece of butter on a plate and sprinkling with sugar, also with sour cream, whipped cream, yogurt or condensed milk. It is important that dumplings with strawberries can be prepared for future use. To do this, do not cook the finished dumplings, but place them in a row on a cutting board, place them in the freezer for half an hour, and then transfer them to a freezer bag and put them in the freezer again. Bon appetit!