How to effectively treat bronchitis in adults at home: recommendations. Bronchitis - treatment with folk remedies and medications Bronchitis how to treat it at home

Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchial mucosa. Most often it develops against the background of respiratory infections, but it can also have other causes. To understand how to treat bronchitis in a particular case, it is important to identify these causes. Competent therapeutic tactics will help eliminate the main symptoms of the disease in a few days.

Treatment of bronchitis is the sphere of competence of a pulmonologist, but in mild forms this disease is treated by general specialists - therapists.

What drugs and antibiotics help with the disease?

Before prescribing any drug, the doctor determines the cause of the disease. Bronchitis of a viral, bacterial and allergic nature requires a different approach.

Therefore, the list of drugs for the treatment of bronchitis includes drugs from different groups:

Group of drugsNameApplicationContraindications
Mucolytics"Bromhexine"1-2 tablets with a dosage of 8 mg 3 times a dayexacerbation of gastrointestinal ulcers;
I trimester of pregnancy;
"Ambrohexal"1 tablet with a dosage of 30 mg 3 times a day
I trimester of pregnancy;
"Fluimucil"1 effervescent tablet dissolved in a glass of water, 1 time per daypeptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase;
individual intolerance.
Bronchodilators"Salbutamol"1 tablet with a dosage of 4 mg 2-4 times a dayheart rhythm disturbances;
heart diseases;
thyroid diseases;
"Theotard"Orally in capsules. The dosage is determined individually.epilepsy;
gastritis and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
heart diseases;
bleeding and hemorrhage;
prostate hypertrophy;
Antiviral"Viferon"Rectally, 1 suppository with a dosage of 500,000 IU 2 times a dayindividual intolerance.
"Tamiflu"1 tablet with a dosage of 75 mg 2 times a dayindividual intolerance;
pregnancy and lactation - with caution.
Antibiotics"Flemoxin Solutab"1 tablet 500 mg 2 times a daypregnancy and lactation;
kidney and liver dysfunction;
gastrointestinal pathologies;
lymphocytic leukemia and mononucleosis.
"Ofloxacin"1-3 tablets 2 times a day. The dosage is calculated individually.pregnancy and lactation;
epilepsy and neuropathy;
individual intolerance.

Antibiotics for bronchitis are prescribed only if an infection of bacterial origin is detected. Antiviral drugs are recommended for the treatment of viral infectious bronchitis. Bronchodilators - with the development of bronchospasms or in cases where hypersecretion of mucus is observed in the bronchi and they cannot get rid of mucus on their own.

Therapy for bronchitis of various origins also involves the use of anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory drugs: Timogen, Aflubin, Immunal. Antihistamines - Suprastin, Zyrtec - can also be prescribed.

Inhalations as a treatment method

Inhalations are a mandatory procedure included in the bronchitis treatment program.

Direct delivery of the drug to the bronchi helps achieve the following effects:

  • thinning thick sputum;
  • moisturizing the mucous membrane;
  • reduction of inflammation;
  • relieving bronchospasm.

You can carry out inhalation at home using the “old-fashioned” method - breathe over a hot solution, covered with a towel. But it is much more convenient and safer to perform this procedure using a nebulizer.

The nebulizer allows you to use pharmaceutical drugs for bronchitis for inhalation - “Fluimucil”, “Lazolvan”, “Gensalbutamol”, “Berodual”. In the absence of a device, steam inhalations are carried out with homemade solutions, which will be discussed below.

Also, this procedure is contraindicated in case of cardiovascular diseases, a history of heart attacks and strokes, severe pathologies of the respiratory system (emphysema, pneumothorax, etc.).

Folk remedies

In the collection of folk remedies there are many useful recipes that can be used as aids in the treatment of bronchitis:

  • Infusion for inhalation of chamomile and pine buds. Place 30 grams of chamomile flowers and 30 grams of pine buds in a thermos and brew 0.5 liters of boiling water. Screw on the lid and leave for 1 hour.
  • Expectorant and anti-inflammatory infusion for inhalation. Make an herbal mixture: 1 tablespoon each of eucalyptus leaf, licorice root, calendula and chamomile flowers, sage herb. Place everything in a thermos, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and screw on the lid. Leave for 2 hours.
  • Propolis solution for inhalation. Pour 1 tablespoon of propolis alcohol tincture into 1 glass of hot water and use for steam inhalation.
  • Expectorant with honey and aloe. Mix 120 ml of honey, 150 grams of butter and 20 ml of aloe juice and store in the refrigerator. For bronchitis, dilute 2 teaspoons of the product in 1 glass of hot milk 2 times a day.
  • Marshmallow root decoction. Add 2 tablespoons of dry crushed marshmallow root to 1 glass of hot water and place in a water bath. Keep covered for 30 minutes, cool, filter and consume 0.5 cups 4 times a day.

For bronchitis, it is useful to drink a lot of warm vitamin drinks. For this purpose, restorative infusions of rose hips and dried fruit compotes will be useful. At this temperature, you can prepare fruit drinks from cranberries, lingonberries, and black currants. Raspberry tea is another universal traditional medicine for the treatment of many respiratory diseases.

Massage and therapeutic exercises

Auxiliary methods for the treatment of bronchial inflammation are massage and breathing exercises.

The goals of these manipulations are as follows:

  • improve local blood circulation in the bronchi area;
  • improve lymph flow in the bronchi area;
  • activate bronchial muscle contractions and epithelial motility;
  • normalize oxygen metabolism.

For bronchitis, percussion, drainage and vibration massage is performed:

Type of massageExecution technique
1. The chest is vigorously rubbed in the direction of the lymph flow - from bottom to top.
2. The areas where the ribs attach to the vertebrae are rubbed.
3. The intercostal spaces are rubbed from the periphery to the center.
4. Warm up the neck muscles.
5. Symmetrical sequential tapping of the chest is performed through the open palm of one hand.
DrainagePerformed from the back:
1.The chest is vigorously rubbed in the direction of the lymph flow.
2. Using the fingertips, a targeted effect is applied to the intercostal spaces from bottom to top.
3. As you exhale, the patient’s chest is forcibly compressed from the sides several times.
VibratingPerformed from the back and then from the chest:
1. The chest is rubbed in the direction of the lymph flow.
2. Consecutive symmetrical tapping of the chest is performed directly with a hand clenched into a fist.

Massage is contraindicated for neoplasms in the massage area, epilepsy, hypertension, skin inflammation and elevated body temperature.

Breathing exercises are especially indicated for improving gas exchange in tissues and clearing phlegm from the bronchi.

The Strelnikova complex is especially popular:

  • Exercise "Pump". It is done while standing. On a sharp, noisy inhalation, the body leans forward, and on a smooth, long exhalation, it returns to its original position.
  • Exercise "Hug your shoulders." Performed while sitting. The arms are bent at the elbows, with a sharp noisy inhalation the elbows move energetically towards each other, and with a smooth exhalation they spread apart. This is done alternately with the mouth and nose.
  • Exercise “Palms”. Take 100 sharp, noisy breaths through the nose while clenching your palms into fists. Exhalations are smooth. The intervals between breaths are 5 seconds.

Breathing exercises are contraindicated at elevated body temperature, pulmonary tuberculosis, oncological processes, thrombophlebitis.

Treatment depending on the form of bronchitis

Depending on the form of bronchitis, the approach to therapy may have a number of nuances.


Chronic bronchitis is diagnosed if the inflammatory process becomes sluggish. A wet cough accompanies a person constantly and is painful. The temperature rises occasionally, to subfebrile levels; no other symptoms of respiratory organ damage are observed.

A pulmonologist deals with the treatment of chronic bronchitis.

Usually he prescribes individual courses, selecting drugs based on the nature of the disease:

  • simple chronic bronchitis - antiviral, antimicrobial, mucolytic, anti-inflammatory and restorative agents;
  • complicated chronic bronchitis - antibiotics, bronchodilators, mucolytics, anti-inflammatory, tonic agents;
  • purulent mucous chronic bronchitis - antibiotics, mucolytics and expectorants, anti-inflammatory, tonic agents.

If chronic bronchitis is complicated by other pathologies (hypoxemia, hypercapnia, cor pulmonale), other specialized specialists are involved in the treatment and the list of drugs is expanded.


Acute bronchitis has a pronounced clinical picture and is accompanied by high fever, general intoxication and severe cough. The cough can be either dry or wet. At the early stage, very little sputum is released, it is thick and viscous. Subsequently, it liquefies and its quantity increases.

Treatment of acute bronchitis is carried out according to general principles. Drugs are selected based on the nature of the disease.


In medicine, obstruction is a pathological process in which the lumens of hollow organs close. Accordingly, obstructive bronchitis is characterized by swelling and narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, accumulation of mucus in them and difficulty breathing.

To treat this form of the disease, the following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • bronchodilators - to relieve spasm and expand the lumen of the bronchi;
  • mucolytic - to thin sputum;
  • anticholinergic - to reduce the tone of the respiratory muscles;
  • anti-inflammatory - to restore the bronchial mucosa.

Obstructive bronchitis can lead to the development of respiratory failure, emphysema, and complications from the cardiovascular system. Treatment must be carried out under strict medical supervision.

Smoker's bronchitis

Often, to make a diagnosis of “smoker’s bronchitis”, other than cough, no other symptoms are needed.

Depending on the stage of the disease, the cough can be of a different nature:

  • Stage 1 - mostly in the morning, mild, without sputum;
  • Stage 2 - wet, with yellow-brown sputum, at any time of the day;
  • Stage 3 - constant, strong, with thick brown sputum.

In parallel with the intensification and change in the nature of the cough, shortness of breath develops with smoker's bronchitis.

In the initial stages, the disease is treated with mucolytic and anti-inflammatory drugs. If pus appears in the sputum, antibiotics are added to the list. In the later stages of the disease, bronchodilators may be required.

Treatment of smoker's bronchitis is promising only if the patient quits smoking.


Allergic bronchitis develops in response to the penetration of an allergen into the bronchi - pollen, dust, wool, mold, chemical fumes, etc. The difference between this form of the disease is that the person’s general condition does not suffer, but the cough can be very strong, painful, accompanied by bronchospasm.

How to relieve cough with bronchitis?

You can relieve cough with the drugs listed above from the group of mucolytics.

They help increase mucus secretion and improve its discharge. When the cough becomes wet and productive, the condition improves significantly.

How to cure bronchitis during pregnancy?

Treatment of this disease during pregnancy is carried out in the same way as the usual treatment of bronchitis in adults. The difference lies in the careful and strict selection of drugs - especially from the group of antibiotics. The emphasis in the treatment of bronchial inflammation during pregnancy is on immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory drugs, antiseptic inhalations and physiotherapy.

Since bronchitis tends to be complicated by pneumonia and other severe pathologies, self-medication is unacceptable. The course of the disease and the progress of therapy should be monitored by a doctor.

Almost every one of us encounters a disease of the respiratory system called bronchitis at least once in our lives. Its main symptom is a severe cough, sometimes with shortness of breath and viscous sputum, as well as headache, general weakness, etc. But the worst thing is when a similar situation repeats at intervals of several weeks, or even months. In this case, we may be talking about a more serious form of the disease, that is, chronic bronchitis, which causes a lot of problems for a person and is difficult to treat. So, what are the signs to recognize the chronic form of the disease, and how to get rid of it forever?

As mentioned above, the key sign of any bronchitis is a cough, and in its advanced form it lasts about three months a year for two years in a row.

However, even if you have a prolonged cough, you should not make such a diagnosis yourself, because the development of the disease requires appropriate conditions and factors:

The essence of chronic bronchitis is that the above factors (one or more) have a negative effect on the bronchi and their mucous membrane. It begins to produce an abnormal amount of sputum, which does not have time to be eliminated, which creates an excellent environment for the proliferation of bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms.

During the examination, the doctor may note too long an exhalation, whistling and moist rales in the lungs. To make a more accurate diagnosis, a number of studies are carried out, including radiography, bronchoscopy, as well as tests to exclude tuberculosis, emphysema, neoplasms and other diseases.

How dangerous is the disease?

Initially, a patient with chronic bronchitis is only bothered by a cough, dry or wet, which can appear at any time of the day. Over time, it intensifies, odorless yellow sputum appears, then its volume increases, and the release of purulent masses begins. There is a violation of the patency of the bronchi, the person feels severe shortness of breath, first after physical exertion, and then at rest. At the same time, chronic fatigue, a feeling of weakness, and decreased performance appear.

This form of the disease is called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, since not only the bronchi, but also the lungs suffer from a lack of oxygen. The body begins to experience hypoxia, which leads to the development of a variety of disorders and pathologies, and ultimately can cause death.

Is it possible to cure chronic bronchitis forever?

This question worries all patients who have had to deal with a similar phenomenon. The answer to it depends on the spread of the pathological process, the stage and phase of the disease, but it is quite possible to get rid of mild chronic bronchitis once and for all. This requires timely contact with a specialist, accurate diagnosis and adequate therapy.

Traditional medicine

Most often, medications for chronic bronchitis are used in the acute phase, but during periods of remission, doctors often prescribe drugs that alleviate the patient’s condition and support the body.


Treatment with antibiotics is carried out during acute periods, when an active inflammatory process caused by pathogenic microorganisms occurs in the patient’s bronchi. The prescription of a specific drug is carried out after the causative agent of the disease has been clarified and the necessary tests have been carried out.

GroupDrugsExample imageEfficiencyReception features
Semi-synthetic penicillins"Augmentin", "Amoxiclav", "Amoxicillin" It has an effect on gram-negative strains, less effective against streptococci, staphylococci, spirochetes. Not active against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and KlebsiellaIt is taken on an empty stomach, the dosage is determined depending on the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the patient’s body. Course of treatment – ​​5-14 days
Macrolides"Sumamed", "Clarithromycin" They are effective against streptococci and staphylococci, Haemophilus influenzae, and chlamydia. Does not affect gram-positive bacteria resistant to erythromycinTaken an hour before meals or regardless of meals. On average, the course of treatment is 3-5 days
Fluoroquinolones, respiratory"Moxifloxacin", "Levofloxacin" Inhibits gram-positive strains (streptococci, pneumococci, listeria, and to a lesser extent enterococci), as well as gram-negative bacteria (hemophilus influenzae, gonococci). Inhibits tuberculous mycobacteria and some anaerobesTaken 1-2 times a day, therapeutic course – 10-14 days
Cevalosporins II, III generations"Cefaclor", "Ofloxacin" Effectively destroys gram-positive and gram-negative aerobes. Does not affect some enterococci and some streptococciTake three times a day, the dosage is selected individually. Duration of treatment is 7-10 days

Expectorants and bronchodilators

In addition to destroying infectious agents, during exacerbation of chronic bronchitis it is necessary to restore the basic function of the bronchi, eliminate their narrowing and reduce the amount of mucus produced. For this purpose, bronchodilators and mucolytics are used, which transform viscous mucus into liquid, making it clear through coughing, and expand the lumen of the bronchi, making it easier for the patient to breathe.

GroupA drugImageEfficiencyReception features
"ACC" Liquefies and removes mucus from the bronchi, reduces the formation of secretions. Also effective against purulent sputumThe dosage and course of treatment depend on the course of the disease and the characteristics of the patient’s body.
Mucus thinners"Mukodin" Reduces the viscosity of bronchial secretions, reduces coughAverage dosage – 50-750 mg per day until a therapeutic effect is achieved (duration of treatment 8-10 days)
Mucoregulators"Bromhexine" Increases bronchial secretion, has a pronounced expectorant effectTake one tablet regardless of food. Course of treatment – ​​from 4 days to 4 weeks
Mucoregulators"Ambroxol" The effect of the drug is similar to Bromhexine. Effective for respiratory distress syndromeThe average dosage is 1-3 tablets, depending on the patient’s age and the course of the disease. Taken after meals, long-term treatment is required to achieve the desired effect

It is important to note that the effectiveness of mucolytic and expectorant drugs increases significantly when drinking large amounts of fluids (especially alkaline ones).


A good action for chronic bronchitis is called bronchodilators (bronchodilators). They must be used after the first signs of obstruction appear, that is, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, etc. These drugs include " Eufillin», « Atrovent», « Berodual», « Salbutamol, « Neophylline», « Fluticasone" They expand the lumen of the respiratory tract and eliminate negative processes associated with the disease. The best option for using such medications is inhalation using a nebulizer or inhaler, as they relieve bronchial spasm as quickly and effectively as possible.

One of the most modern methods of combating chronic bronchitis is halotherapy. The procedures are carried out in specially equipped chambers, where optimal conditions of humidity and temperature are created, and the air is thoroughly cleaned and saturated with saline solutions. With the help of halotherapy, patients can completely get rid of mild forms of the disease, and with a complex course, significant relief is achieved, thanks to which a person can do without medications for a long time.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine is often used in the fight against chronic bronchitis in combination with medications, but their use has a number of side effects and requires consultation with a pulmonologist.

The use of folk remedies and conventional medications should be carried out in such a way that the interval between their use is at least an hour.

Lemon with glycerin

An easy-to-use product that is suitable for patients of any age. Take a medium lemon, wash well and boil for 5 minutes. Let cool, squeeze the juice from half the fruit into a 250 ml container, add 2 tbsp. glycerin. Stir, add honey so that the resulting mixture fills the container to the top. Stir again and leave in a cool place for 2-3 hours. Drink one tablespoon before meals (30 minutes) until the therapeutic effect is achieved.

Black radish

Black radish is one of the oldest and most widely used remedies for combating bronchitis and other diseases of the pulmonary system. Take a medium-sized root vegetable, remove the core so that you get a cup-shaped container with a depression. Place a tablespoon of honey in it, without filling it to the brim, as the radish will release a lot of juice. Place in a suitable container, leave for 12 hours, then take the resulting juice a tablespoon four times a day, the course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.


Onion is a strong natural phytoncide that destroys harmful microorganisms and helps relieve coughs in chronic bronchitis. Onion juice can be used for inhalation, or effective medicines can be prepared from the fruits for oral administration.

Dissolve a glass of sugar in a liter of water, put two medium onions in the syrup and boil until the volume of the liquid is reduced by half. To treat chronic bronchitis, the remedy should be drunk two days in advance, and in other cases, take half a glass 2-3 times a day until the condition improves.

Another effective recipe is as follows. Peel and chop two or three small onions, place in a saucepan and add milk. Boil until the onion becomes soft, then add honey to the liquid at the rate of a teaspoon per glass. Take a tablespoon every hour, the course of treatment is 1-3 days.

Herbal decoctions

Decoctions of medicinal herbs, as well as the fruits of coniferous trees, help well not only with chronic bronchitis, but even with confirmed pulmonary emphysema. Pour a tablespoon of soft pine buds into a glass of boiling water, steam for half an hour and let it brew for 15 minutes. Take a tablespoon three times a day until the condition eases. The mixture can be used as a solution for inhalation.

If we talk about medicinal herbs, then Thermopsis lanceolata, licorice, plantain, coltsfoot, licorice, and creeping thyme have the greatest healing effect. They are taken orally in the form of decoctions, as well as alcohol or water infusions.

Video - How to treat bronchitis at home with folk remedies

General rules for the treatment of chronic bronchitis

The first and main condition for recovery for all people diagnosed with chronic bronchitis is a complete cessation of smoking, and patients should not even be in rooms where there is cigarette smoke. The apartment should be regularly wet cleaned, preventing the accumulation of dust, as well as ventilation (regardless of the time of year).

In combination with medications, it is necessary to do therapeutic exercises, breathing exercises and harden the body. It is important to note that measures to harden the body are carried out exclusively during the period of remission with great care to prevent hypothermia of the body. Proper nutrition, spending time in the fresh air and taking vitamins play an important role in the recovery process. If you follow all the above rules, you can get rid of not only chronic bronchitis, but also forget about colds and ARVI forever. study at the link.

Video - How to treat chronic bronchitis

One of the most common diseases of the human respiratory system is bronchitis. This disease is an inflammatory process that affects, among other things, the bronchi. Bronchitis occurs due to infection: in most cases, viral, less often bacterial in origin. In the international classification of diseases, bronchitis is presented in two forms: acute and chronic. They differ in etiology, pathogenesis and necessary therapy.

The main symptom of bronchitis is cough. In the first days of the disease it is dry with severe attacks at night. Because of the cough, the patient often cannot sleep normally and suffers from physical illness. After a few days, the cough becomes wet and with the right treatment tactics, bronchitis goes away within 10 days. Quite often there are cases when a cough, as a residual phenomenon after bronchitis, lasts much longer than the disease itself. This is due to the fact that the process of restoration of the bronchi after the inflammatory process is quite long.

The only cause of concern is a cough that lasts more than four weeks. In such cases, you need to consult a pulmonologist, who will determine the presence of third-party causes of cough. In addition, foreign inclusions in the sputum, especially blood, should alert you during bronchitis. They should prompt an immediate visit to the hospital, where they will be examined for tuberculosis and lung cancer, for which blood in the sputum is a fairly characteristic symptom.

Treatment of bronchitis

When considering the issue of therapy for bronchitis, first you need to identify two important points:

  • The treatment tactics for bronchial inflammation are influenced by the form of the disease (infectious or bacterial) and the type of course (acute or chronic);
  • Treatment of bronchitis must be comprehensive. In most cases, the result of taking medications alone will not be effective enough.

At the same time, drug therapy for bronchitis is quite simple. In itself, it does not require any complex drugs or procedures. The main thing this disease requires is the correct identification of the causative agent of the inflammatory process and the form of its course.

Antibiotic therapy for bronchial inflammation

The issue of using antibacterial drugs for bronchitis causes quite a lot of debate. But official medical protocols state that the use of antibiotics to treat this disease is necessary in two cases:

  • if inflammation of the bronchi is caused by a bacterial infection;
  • if the course of viral bronchitis is accompanied by complications or the patient is diagnosed with concomitant diseases.

The list of antibiotics here is classic for bacterial infections: penicillins, cephalosporins, macrolides. The choice depends on the individual characteristics of the patient.
In most cases, with viral origin of bronchial inflammation, antibacterial drugs do not have the necessary effective effect. In addition, they can cause the development of broncho-obstructive syndrome - blockage of the bronchi caused by swelling of the mucous membrane.

The main symptom of bronchitis, which indicates the need to use antibiotics, is sputum with purulent patches. If it is present, the doctor prescribes an additional study, based on the results of which he prescribes an antibacterial agent. But in no case should an antibiotic be prescribed independently for bronchitis. The probable harm from its use may significantly exceed the expected effect.

Acute bronchial inflammation is almost always treated at home and requires only topical medications. Antibiotics for bronchitis are not a key medication.

Use of antiviral drugs for bronchitis

The fact that inflammation of the bronchi is provoked by a viral infection itself hints at the need to use antiviral drugs to treat this disease. But the issue of using medications in this group is very, very controversial. Many doctors are confident that there are no antiviral drugs with proven effectiveness and that the body simply needs to create optimal conditions to fight viruses. In some ways they will be right. Another group of doctors insists that viruses need to be suppressed with antiviral drugs and that without them the disease cannot be dealt with.

Two drugs are used for viral infections: interferon and oseltamivir. At the same time, no one takes them from a pharmacy without a prescription or drinks them without a medical prescription. The use of antiviral drugs is indicated for the treatment of chronic bronchitis, in most cases with concomitant hospitalization.

The truth, in fact, is somewhere in the middle. During normal course, bronchitis can be overcome without antiviral drugs, as well as without antibiotics. If the disease is accompanied by complications or there are individual prerequisites, the use of medications in this group may be justified and necessary.
Now let’s talk about what you really can’t do without when you have bronchitis.

Expectorants for bronchitis

Bronchitis always begins with a strong and dry cough. Therefore, the only group of drugs that are really necessary for inflammation of the bronchi are expectorants.
In medicine, this group of drugs is divided into two subgroups based on the way they affect the body:

  • medications to stimulate expectoration,
  • drugs to thin sputum.

Medicines to stimulate expectoration

This subgroup is also called secretomotor means. The action of stimulant drugs is aimed at irritating the gastric mucosa, which provokes increased activity of the cough and vomiting centers of the medulla oblongata. The consequence of this is an increase in the production of liquid secretion in the bronchi and an increase in cough reflexes.

The main drugs in this group are thermopsis herb, a number of essential oils, ammonium chloride and others. It should be noted that drugs to stimulate expectoration have a fairly short-term effect, and an overdose can lead to vomiting, nausea, nasal congestion and tearfulness.

Medications that thin phlegm

A subgroup of these drugs, also called mucolytics, thins sputum without causing it to increase in volume. This effect is achieved due to the fact that disulfide bonds in acidic mucopolysaccharides are broken. The main prerequisite for their use is viscous sputum, which is produced in diseases of the respiratory tract, including bronchitis.

The most popular thinning drugs are:

A drug Price Description
Bromexine from 19 rub. It has a pronounced expectorant effect and promotes the separation of sputum. It has virtually no toxic effect on the body. It has no contraindications, except for the first trimester of pregnancy.
Trypsin from 772 rub. The effect of Trypsin is based on the liquefaction of viscous secretions. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory effects. Contraindications for the use of Trypsin include only individual intolerance in the patient.
Ambroxol from 73 rub. A classic mucolytic that reduces the viscosity of sputum and its ability to adhere. Due to this, it significantly facilitates its removal. A wide range of release forms allows Ambroxol to be used even for newborns. Taking Ambroxol has virtually no side effects.
Doctor Mom from 117 rub. A bronchodilator whose action is based on the expansion of the lumen of the bronchi. In addition to being an expectorant, it also has an anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect. The use of Doctor Mom should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor, as it can cause an allergic reaction in the body.
Alteyka from 98 rub. Herbal expectorant. The main component is marshmallow root. It provides reflex stimulation to the cough, respiratory and vomiting centers. Do not use for dry cough, as it may cause it to worsen.
Ambrobene from 263 rub. A mucolytic that stimulates prenatal lung development. The decrease in sputum viscosity is caused by the activation of hydrolyzing enzymes.

In principle, all these drugs can be considered as analogues of each other, and the prescription of a specific drug is carried out solely based on the preferences of the doctor and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

In addition to the above-mentioned groups of medications, the occurrence of bronchitis may require the use of antipyretics. In most cases, inflammation of the bronchi is accompanied by only a slight increase in body temperature, at which the body is given the opportunity to cope with the problem itself. But if the temperature goes beyond 38 degrees, then classic ibuprofen or paracetamol should be added to drug therapy.

This is where the drug treatment of bronchial inflammation ends. In its normal course, this disease does not require other medications, but it does require a special regime for keeping the patient and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Changing your lifestyle and regimen for bronchitis

When wondering how to quickly cure bronchitis, you need to remember: with bronchitis, the main condition for recovery is to create the most favorable environment for the natural restoration of normal functioning of the respiratory system.

The first and most important thing for bronchitis is moisture. At the same time, in addition to the moist air in the room where the patient is, he needs to be provided with as much fluid as possible. Moreover, you can drink absolutely everything, with the exception of soda: water, juices, herbal teas. The main thing is that the drinking temperature is comfortable.

To ensure sufficient humidity in the room, it is best to use humidifiers. If they are not there, hang wet towels on the radiators, spray water with a spray bottle - do everything to increase the water content in the air.

Already these two rules will create favorable conditions for overcoming a dry cough and beginning the process of sputum separation.

In addition, with bronchitis, especially in the first three days, bed rest and lack of physical activity are necessary. Short walks are allowed only at the first relief, and they need to be carried out in places with clean air: in squares, parks, in the forest.

A separate point of the regimen for bronchitis is complete cessation of smoking. Inhalation of tobacco smoke is a provoking factor for dry cough and smoking during bronchitis can not only prolong the recovery process over time, but also cause the development of serious complications. By the way, doctors believe that inflammation of the bronchi is an excellent (so to speak) reason to quit smoking.

By adhering to these simple rules, treatment of bronchitis will take place in the shortest possible time and with a minimum of necessary medications.

Physiotherapy for bronchitis

  • inhalation,
  • massage,
  • breathing exercises.

Inhalations for bronchitis

It is recommended to carry out inhalations using special devices - inhalers. Steam inhalations are also possible, but, especially for children, you need to be extremely careful to avoid burns to the mucous membranes.
Inhalation of the following drugs is effective for bronchitis:

  • saline and soda solutions;
  • essential oils of eucalyptus tree, pine, mint, garlic and rosemary;
  • Lazolvan, Ambrobene and other medications whose action is aimed at removing mucus from the bronchi.

There are only two contraindications for inhalation: high temperature and rapid heartbeat. But immediately after overcoming them, inhalations can be used. This is one of the most effective methods for bronchial inflammation.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis

There are quite a lot of methods of breathing exercises for respiratory tract pathologies. Regardless of who developed a specific set of exercises, they all have a positive effect on the rate of overcoming bronchitis. You need to choose the appropriate breathing exercises yourself or on the recommendation of a doctor. The most popular are the methods of Strelnikova, Buteko, Kofler, as well as yoga and the martial art of wushu.
Any set of exercises for the respiratory system prioritizes the following goals:

  • increasing the functional reserves of the respiratory system;
  • changes in the functioning of organs, which are achieved by influencing the respiratory system.

And most importantly: when performing such exercises, you need to remember that they need to be carried out in the fresh air, which in itself has a positive effect on the condition of the respiratory system.

Massage for bronchitis

Massage during inflammation of the bronchi is prescribed when the disease has subsided: there is no high temperature, the cough has passed into the wet stage, there are no associated complications.
The massage should be preceded by a very warm bath, which will soften the skin and allow you to spend some time in a room with one hundred percent humidity. There are several massage techniques for bronchitis. Let's describe them:

  • 1. The patient lies on his back on a hard surface. During inhalation, the massage therapist runs his hands along the sides in the direction from the chest to the back, and during exhalation, back. The chest should be slightly compressed during this.
  • 2. Lying on his back on a hard surface, the patient needs to slightly raise his head with a pillow. With the pressed palms of the massage therapist's hands, movements are carried out from the abdomen to the shoulders. Similar movements are carried out with the patient lying on his stomach. Hand movements, respectively, are carried out along the back. This allows you to stimulate the removal of mucus from the bronchi.
  • 3. Another massage procedure to improve phlegm removal is as follows: the patient lies on his stomach so that his head extends beyond the massage table and is slightly lowered down. At the same time, a pillow is placed under the feet so that they are raised. In this position, intercostal massage is performed. The recommended duration of the procedure is 25 minutes.

Finally, we note that the treatment of bronchial inflammation in its normal course is quite simple, but at the same time it requires competent tactics for taking medications and using physical procedures. Therefore, if you get bronchitis, consult a doctor. He will tell you how to treat bronchitis at home, accurately determine the characteristics of the disease and select therapy that will give the most effective result in a short time.

Bronchitis is an inflammatory process in the bronchi.

A characteristic symptom of the disease is a cough, which causes some discomfort.

Not everyone knows how to treat bronchitis in adults at home, but it’s not at all difficult; it’s enough to have the necessary medications on hand.

In most cases, bronchitis is the primary disease and has an infectious etiology. Bronchitis is caused by the following infections:

  • viral: adenoviral, enteroviral, rhinoviral;
  • bacterial: staphylococcal, streptococcal infection, hemophilus influenzae.

Rarely, bronchitis is caused by fungal pathogens - aspergillus, candida, etc. In approximately 85% of cases, the disease is a consequence of exposure to a viral infection.

The acute course of bronchitis is characterized by a sudden onset and rapid development. The average duration of the disease with proper treatment is up to 10 days.

After this time, gradual regeneration of the affected bronchial tissue occurs. Full recovery occurs in 20-21 days.

How to determine the symptoms of bronchitis at home?

The clinical picture of the pathology is in many ways similar to a respiratory infection, so only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis, based on the results of diagnostic studies.

The main symptom of bronchitis is cough, the nature of which changes as the disease progresses. At the initial stage, there is a dry cough, barking, but over time it turns into a wet one.

Additional symptoms of the disease include weakness, fever, rhinitis, headache and chest pain, shortness of breath.

Only a doctor can determine how to properly treat the disease. It is not recommended to undergo treatment without first consulting a doctor, as it can not only slow down recovery, but also cause additional harm to health.

However, you can take medications at home, but only after approval by your doctor and in the dosage prescribed by him.

Treatment of bronchitis at home in adults will be more effective if you follow the following recommendations:

  • Bed rest must be observed (depending on the general condition);
  • you need to increase the volume of liquid you drink throughout the day to 2.5 liters. Avoid coffee and alcohol - drinks that increase the removal of fluid from the body. It is better to give preference to herbal infusions, fruit drinks, and mineral water;
  • you should give up bad habits that aggravate the course of bronchitis and slow down recovery;
  • it is advisable to avoid exposure to any factors that irritate the bronchi - dust, smoke, strong odors, toxic fumes;
  • It is necessary to ventilate the room in which the patient is located daily.

It is important to maintain a normal level of humidity in the room. For this purpose, you can purchase a special device - a humidifier.

Traditional medicine for bronchitis in adults

Before treating bronchitis at home, you need to undergo an examination to determine:

  • type of pathogen: viral or bacterial;
  • Features of the development of the disease: acute or chronic course.

The main treatment for bronchitis in adults is taking medications, and therapy with folk remedies is an addition to it. The latter can be used only after consultation with your doctor.


Treatment for bronchitis must be comprehensive. It is recommended to combine drug therapy with physiotherapeutic procedures. However, in most cases it is possible to get rid of the disease with medications alone.

To treat acute bronchitis at home, you can use drugs from the following groups:

  • antiviral: prescribed for the viral nature of the disease, when bronchitis has developed as a result of influenza or ARVI;
  • anti-inflammatory: used to suppress the inflammatory process, reduce temperature;
  • expectorants: help improve the removal of sputum, alleviate the general condition of a wet cough;
  • antitussive: used for dry cough;
  • Antibiotics: used for bacterial diseases.

In any case, before prescribing medications, it is necessary to find out which pathogen caused the disease. This can be done using laboratory diagnostics.


Do-it-yourself infusions and decoctions are not suitable for inhalation using a nebulizer. This can be explained by the fact that the remains of raw materials that get inside the device render it unusable.

For treatment using a nebulizer, agents from the following groups are used:

  • antiseptics;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bronchodilators;
  • antibiotics;
  • vasoconstrictors;
  • mucolytic, expectorant;
  • hormonal;
  • immunomodulatory.

Steam inhalations are carried out using folk remedies, from which infusions and decoctions are prepared. The finished product can be used up to 5 times, warming up before the procedure. The following recipes will be effective:

  • elderberry and eucalyptus (20 g each), Kalanchoe (juice in a volume of 5 ml). Mix the ingredients, add 400 ml of hot water, leave to infuse for 30 minutes (inhalation is carried out up to 3 times a day for 10 minutes);
  • chamomile and pine buds (30 g each). Mix the herb and fruits, add 400 ml of hot water, leave for an hour (inhale for 10 minutes three times a day);
  • licorice root, chamomile, sage, calendula, string, eucalyptus (30 g each). Mix the ingredients, add 400 ml of hot water, leave for 2 hours (do the procedure for 15 minutes three times a day);
  • peppermint, yarrow, wedge bush bark (20 g each). Mix the ingredients, add 500 ml of hot water, leave for an hour (inhalation is carried out for 20 minutes three times a day);
  • soda (1 tsp) is dissolved in 300 ml of hot water (inhalation is carried out for 20 minutes three times a day);
  • salt (3 tablespoons) is dissolved in 1 liter of hot water (inhalation is carried out for 15 minutes up to 4 times a day);
  • essential oils of fir, lavender, mint, eucalyptus, juniper, pine or cedar, tea tree (1 drop per 0.5 liters of hot water): inhale for 10 minutes twice a day.

Like any medical procedure, inhalations have contraindications, including:

  • purulent process in the lungs, bronchi, throat;
  • nosebleeds and predisposition to it;
  • elevated temperature;
  • severe cardiovascular disease;
  • emphysema;
  • development of respiratory failure;
  • brain pathologies;
  • allergic reaction to the components included in the inhalation products.

If you do not follow the restrictions and carry out inhalations contrary to contraindications, adverse reactions occur that are harmful to the body.

Treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies

Treatment of bronchitis using folk remedies in some cases is no less effective than traditional therapy.

Most often, decoctions and infusions are used, which are taken orally, used for inhalation, and for local use.

Decoctions and tinctures

Folk expectorants used for bronchitis are infusions and decoctions based on medicinal herbs that can be taken orally (2 tsp before each meal).

To prepare them, they use pharmaceutical chamomile, yarrow, elderberry, eucalyptus, calendula, and peppermint. In this case, traditional medicine helps remove phlegm, thereby speeding up recovery.

Healthy foods

Folk remedies for bronchitis also include some foods. For example, juices are prepared from cabbage, beets, lingonberries, and carrots, which have a beneficial effect on bronchitis:

  • cabbage juice is an excellent expectorant (to improve the taste, which is slightly bitter, you can add sugar or honey);
  • beet juice: after infusing freshly squeezed juice for 4 hours, it can be taken orally to eliminate symptoms of intoxication;
  • lingonberry juice has an expectorant effect and helps prevent congestion in the bronchi;
  • Carrot juice has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Folk recipes for making juices can be found on the relevant forums.


Treatment of chronic bronchitis with folk remedies in adults can be carried out using compresses that warm the airways and accelerate the removal of mucus:

  • from potatoes: boil 2 tubers with peel, cut hot, grind into puree, place one part in a cotton bag and put on the chest, the second in another bag and on the back (covered with a warm blanket, soak the compresses until completely cool);
  • from honey: apply a thin layer of honey to a piece of gauze, which is applied to the chest, wrap a warm scarf on top, leave the compress for 20 minutes;
  • from horseradish juice: soak a piece of gauze with the product, apply it to the chest as a compress, and leave for 15 minutes.

The procedure is carried out at least 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is until the symptoms of bronchitis are eliminated.

Additional Treatments

Additional methods of treating acute and chronic bronchitis include exercise therapy and massage.

In addition, proper nutrition is required during treatment of the disease.


It is useful to perform physical exercises during treatment of bronchitis. Despite the need for bed rest, it is recommended to devote 10-15 minutes a day to physical activity. Exercise therapy helps:

  • increase body tone;
  • improve blood circulation in the area where the inflammatory process is localized, that is, in the bronchi;
  • accelerate the liquefaction of sputum by improving blood flow and its removal from the bronchi;
  • reduce the risk of congestion in the bronchi.

You can perform light exercises: bending the body forward and to the sides, circular movements of the body, “bicycle”, “scissors”, “cat”, etc. Breathing exercises are no less useful.

Before trying to cure bronchitis in this way, you should consult a doctor, because exercise therapy has contraindications.


Treatment of bronchitis at home includes massage, which begins on the 4-5th day of illness, after the temperature has normalized. Before the procedure, the patient must take a position on his stomach so that his head is lower than his pelvis.

First of all, massage the back, stroking the skin, then rub it and knead it. Next, the same manipulations are performed, but the patient lies on his back.

The duration of the massage is up to 20 minutes. A course of procedures helps relieve the symptoms of bronchitis, in particular cough, but only if carried out in combination with drug treatment.

Nutrition for bronchitis

During the treatment of bronchitis, proper nutrition is required with the inclusion of protein foods in the diet - cheeses, low-fat cottage cheese, chicken, fish. These foods help replenish lost protein.

Nuts, peas, brown rice, bananas, buckwheat, tomatoes, mackerel contain magnesium, which improves general condition and relieves symptoms of bronchitis.

How quickly it is possible to increase immunity with the help of nutrition depends on the degree of its weakening.

Prevention of disease

Rather than wondering how to quickly get rid of bronchitis, it is better to take care of prevention in time, which consists of:

  • in hardening;
  • in improving the protective function of the body, that is, strengthening the immune system;
  • in proper nutrition;
  • in preventing hypothermia;
  • in the treatment of respiratory diseases (influenza, ARVI).

These methods can reduce the risk of developing the disease in both adults and children.

Treatment of bronchitis carried out at home involves the use of ready-made medicines and folk remedies. Taking any of them must be pre-approved by your doctor.

Otherwise, you may harm your health and cause adverse reactions.

Dry cough, snot, sore throat, discomfort in the chest area and general deterioration in well-being. If you encounter similar symptoms, consider in detail how to treat bronchitis. If it develops in adults, pharmaceutical medications and homemade remedies are used. Warming up and other manipulations will also be needed. But first things first.

Symptoms of bronchitis in adults

Bronchitis in adults, manifested in acute form, requires certain symptoms and treatment. It is quite easy to identify signs of the disease at home:

  • constant headaches that do not subside even after taking analgesics;
  • sleep problems;
  • difficulty breathing, wheezing;
  • severe fatigue;
  • loss of food cravings;
  • tickling sensation in the chest area;
  • increased temperature (38-40 degrees);
  • sore and sore throat;
  • runny nose;
  • sputum production when coughing.

Bronchitis resembles a viral infection, which is not surprising, because it often develops against the background of ARVI. A cough begins, which subsequently becomes strong and wet. A lot of mucus is released, which may have signs of pus (greenish or yellow sputum). When suppuration occurs, bacteria join the viruses, and accordingly, the approach to therapy changes slightly.

First aid for bronchitis in adults

1. We tell you how to treat bronchitis. At the first symptoms in adults, you need to immediately take care of the appropriate atmosphere. The patient must be at home and rest is required. Avoid going outside and especially not working.

2. After a 3-day rest, the regimen changes slightly. You are allowed to move more, since the body is partially strengthened. Starting from 4-5 days, it is permissible to visit the street, walk more.

3. To cleanse the body, it is necessary to give the patient plenty of fluids. The water should be warm, preferably with lemon juice. The liquid expels phlegm and cleanses the blood of toxic substances that viruses leave behind.

4. Throughout therapy, it is necessary to review the diet. Diet food is prohibited; the menu must be high in calories and healthy. Preference is given to cereals and plant crops.

5. It is very important to ventilate the room systematically, opening the windows for 15-20 minutes. You should also take care of the air humidity; if necessary, place a wet towel on the battery.

6. To make the airways easier to clear of mucus, give the patient medicinal teas (mint, chamomile, raspberry, linden, etc.). Taking Borjomi mineral water with honey shows a good effect.


Since bronchitis needs to be treated comprehensively, it is worth excluding foods/drinks that provoke the formation of mucus in adults. During therapy at home, give up coffee and black tea. You should also not eat sweets.

Step-by-step instructions for treating bronchitis in adults

Step 1: Rinse

Gargle with furatsilin solution (1 tablet per 250 ml of lukewarm water), soda or saline solution. The duration of rinsing is at least 2 minutes, the frequency is every 2-3 hours.

Step 2: Drink

After rinsing, wait 30-40 minutes, then take hot herbal tea or warmed milk with honey in moderation. The drink must be drunk every time after treating the throat with solutions.

Step 3. Inhalations

Inhalations can be steam (breathe over a pan) and directed (use a nebulizer). In the first case, you must first prepare a decoction of mint, thyme or St. John's wort, and then add eucalyptus ether.

How to treat bronchitis if adults have a nebulizer? The following products are suitable for use at home:

  • "Ambrobene", "ACC"- liquefy and expel thick sputum, used for any type of cough;
  • "Berodual", "Atrovent"- used if spasms of the respiratory tract provoke suffocation and breathing problems;
  • "Miramistin", "Dioxidin", "Chlorophyllipt"- anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, cleansing drugs used for the release of sputum with pus;
  • "Lidocaine", "Tussamag"- effective for dry “barking” cough, which causes pain;
  • saline solution- promotes hydration of mucous membranes, softens them, relieves irritation;
  • "Cromohexal", "Pulmicort", "Rotokan"- relieve swelling of the respiratory tract, eliminate inflammation in any type of cough.

Step 4. Nutrition

Even if you don’t feel like eating, eat through force. Eat meat and fish dishes, cereals, berries, and vegetables. Consume pumpkin seeds and spices, they help remove mucus.

Pharmacy products for the treatment of bronchitis in adults

Now let's look at how to treat bronchitis with medications. If you do not take pharmaceutical drugs, the disease may return in adults, but in a chronic stage. Certain medications are suitable for home use. But to take them you need to get the approval of a therapist.

For complex therapy, the following medications are prescribed:

No. 1. Antiviral drugs

In cases where the disease develops against the background of acute respiratory infections (more than 96% of patients), you need to take drugs to suppress viruses. Doctors often prescribe Genferon, Viferon, Interferon, Arbidol or Groprinozon. These medications are taken as soon as bronchitis makes itself felt (the first 2-3 days). In the future they will be ineffective.

No. 2. Cough remedies

Drugs designed to eliminate cough and remove even hard-to-clear phlegm must be used wisely.

There is a certain algorithm of actions:

  • Manifestation of the first signs of illness. The patient suffers from a dry cough that “tears” the throat. After agreement with the doctor, you can relieve unpleasant symptoms with Codelac, Sinekod, Faringomed, Glaucin, Libexin.
  • After 3-4 days. The cough becomes wet and mucus comes out. The drugs that were used at the first symptomatology need to be removed. They are being replaced by mucolytic agents: “ACC”, “Mukaltin”, “Bromhexine”, “Ambroxol”. All of them are aimed at liquefying and removing mucus.
  • When the bronchi are blocked. If the disease provokes obstruction—shortness of breath due to blockage of the respiratory tract by mucus—then it is necessary to administer drugs to dilate the bronchi. "Berodual" is suitable; it acts faster when used by inhalation.


Before treating bronchitis, you need to visit a doctor to prevent complications in adults. The methods presented above are accompanied by the use of breastfeeding at home. For a wet cough, take collections marked “No. 3” and “No. 4”, for a dry cough – “No. 1” and “No. 2”.

No. 3. Antibiotics

You cannot prescribe antibiotics for yourself; this must be done by a doctor. Otherwise, pathogenic microorganisms will gain immunity and it will be difficult to fight them. In addition, bronchitis is often caused by viruses. Most antibiotics are powerless against them. However, there are certain cases in which it is simply necessary to take such medications:

  • age exceeding 60 years;
  • high fever lasting 4 days or more;
  • symptoms persist for more than 2.5 weeks;
  • the disease is confirmed by tests;
  • manifestation of intoxication in the form of vomiting, nausea, diarrhea;
  • sputum with pus.

To treat the disease, antibiotics are prescribed by the doctor. Broad-spectrum medications like Cefazolin, Rovamycin, Azithromycin, Flemoxin, Ceftriaxone are needed. Medicines cope with mild to moderate illness.

When the disease develops into a more complex form, treatment is carried out in the clinic. Antibiotics are administered by injection. To avoid hospitalization, follow the following rules during treatment:

  • follow the dosage, do not exceed it;
  • follow the prescribed course, in particular its duration;
  • take your medications at the same times;
  • in addition, use probiotics (Linex, Probifor, etc.).

Folk remedies for the treatment of bronchitis in adults

Consider how to treat bronchitis in adults using traditional methods. At home, full-fledged therapy is difficult to implement without proven means. They suppress infection and boost the immune system.

No. 1. Sweatshops

In the first days of the onset of the disease, it is important to sweat thoroughly. To do this, use the following tools:

  • warm up 0.2 l. milk, add 1 tsp. honey, 2 tbsp. l. carrot and cabbage juice;
  • mix apple cider vinegar and vodka in equal proportions, wipe your limbs regularly;
  • drink warm juices/decoctions from apples, raspberries, lemon, viburnum, rowan;
  • take herbal decoctions (elderberry, elecampane, linden, etc.).

No. 2. Cough medicines

How to treat chronic bronchitis if it is accompanied by a dry cough in adults? Use the following recipes at home:

  • warm up 0.2 l. milk, mix 7 g. soda and honey, take before going to bed;
  • combine Borjomi and milk (50 to 50), drink 130 ml. three times a day on an empty stomach;
  • Finely chop the onion and cook in 0.2 liters. milk, filter and consume 30 ml. 3 times a day;
  • squeeze the juice from black radish, mix in equal quantities with honey, eat 20 grams. up to 4 times a day.

No. 3. Relieving inflammation

Drugs of this type help both treat bronchitis and prevent its development into the chronic stage in adults. The following options are suitable for use at home:

  • pour 0.5 l. water heated to 90 degrees 50 gr. dried sage, add 2 drops of orange and eucalyptus ether, inhale every evening;
  • turn garlic and dill into a paste, spread on bread and consume with warm milk;
  • Boil the lemon for a third of an hour, squeeze out the juice, mix with 50 ml. glycerin and 30 ml. honey, take 1 tsp. 6 times a day;
  • turn into a homogeneous mixture 1 kg. ripe tomatoes and 150 gr. garlic cloves, add 0.3 kg. grated horseradish root, take 20 grams twice a day before meals.

No. 4. Immunity restoration

When treating, do not forget to strengthen your immune system:

  • pour 60 gr. calamus and St. John's wort herbs 0.25 l. boiling water, leave for 3 hours, take 80 ml. every 7 hours;
  • chop 2 apples into pieces, pour 1 liter. boiling water, after half an hour add 10 grams to the infusion. honey, take 0.2 l. daily;
  • grind 0.1 kg in a coffee grinder. dried rose hips, pour into a thermos, pour in 1 liter. water heated to 90 degrees, drink 0.15 liters instead of tea;
  • Place 70 g in a thermos. black tea, 50 gr. lemon and orange zest, pour in 2 liters. boiling water, drink the infusion throughout the day.

No. 5. Warming up the chest

Consider how to treat bronchitis in adults with heat. You can make various warming compresses at home:

  • combine 25 g. honey, mustard powder and flour, stir until smooth;
  • combine 0.1 kg. flour, 0.2 l. onion juice and 30 gr. mustard powder;
  • Make a puree from 1 potato, add 3 drops of iodine and 30 ml. vegetable oil;
  • Make a puree from boiled potatoes, add 50 ml. vodka, 50 gr. mustard powder and 15 gr. honey.

A cake is formed from the finished composition and applied to the chest and back area. Cover the mass with gauze and wrap it in a warm scarf. You can keep the product all night.

No. 6. Juice therapy

After a treatment course, the body needs full recovery. Natural juices cope with this task perfectly:

  • beetroot– squeeze out the juice and refrigerate for 4 hours, drink 0.1 liter once a day, the active composition improves blood quality;
  • carrot– in combination with beetroot it has a restorative effect, mix 75 ml. juices, drink once a day;
  • cabbage– to improve the taste, you can add a little honey, the composition has an excellent expectorant effect, drink 120 ml once a day.

At the first symptoms of the disease, find out how to treat bronchitis. In adults, it can develop for various reasons, so carry out timely therapy at home. If you cannot cure yourself, consult a doctor.