How to use liquid vitamin e for hair. Hair mask with burdock oil and vitamins a and e

Do you dream of beautiful, healthy, shiny curls? Then be sure to add vitamin E to your list of hair care products. It is the main vitamin that maintains the beauty and health of hair.

Today's article is about what vitamin E is and how to use it correctly for hair.

Vitamin E for hair: benefits and contraindications

Vitamin E or tocopherol is considered a natural antioxidant. Many women simply call it the vitamin of youth, because it is practically a panacea for diseases of the scalp, hair and even face.

Let's take a closer look at the beneficial properties of tocopherol. According to reviews of vitamin E for hair, the following effects can be distinguished.

  1. Tocopherol is considered one of the safest vitamins. It is hypoallergenic and has no toxic compounds. Thanks to this, there is no excess of vitamin E in the body, and even if its content is exceeded, no side effects are observed.
  2. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, vitamin E perfectly saturates the scalp with oxygen, while improving metabolism, blood circulation and constant cell renewal.
  3. Vitamin E significantly slows down the process of graying and stimulates the production of color pigment in the hair roots.
  4. Tocopherol perfectly moisturizes the scalp and hair, preventing the formation of dandruff and split ends.
  5. With constant use of vitamin E, the removal of free radicals from the body is accelerated. This property helps prevent many diseases, including cancer.
  6. Tocopherol promotes the production of keratin. When treating hair with vitamin E, even very dry, split and lifeless hair becomes stronger, shinier, and its structure is restored.
  7. Vitamin E protects skin and hair from the negative effects of sunlight.
  8. When using vitamin E, the functioning of the sebaceous glands improves and hair type is normalized.

It is noteworthy that vitamin E can be consumed both internally and externally. If you want to improve your hair, then both options or even a combination of them will do.

It is worth noting that in rare cases, a negative reaction is still possible when using vitamin E. We are talking about allergies and individual intolerance to an excess of tocopherol. The following side effects are observed:

  • itching, redness in areas where vitamin E was applied;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin of the treated areas;
  • small pink rash on the face and scalp.

If you notice such symptoms, immediately stop taking vitamin E and drink as much still water as possible without dyes or sweeteners.

Using vitamin E for hair at home

Vitamin E comes in two types: liquid (in solution or ampoules) or in capsules for ease of internal use. Tocopherol is a fairly affordable drug: it is sold in almost all pharmacy kiosks, and the price does not exceed one dollar per package. Both liquid tocopherol and capsules help with hair health.

Liquid vitamin e for hair

Vitamin E in the form of a hair solution is very easy to use. Simply apply the product to your palms and dip your fingers into the hair growth area. In this way, massage the scalp, rubbing the vitamin into the hair roots. After application, the head should be wrapped in a towel and the tocopherol should be left on the hair for 28-30 minutes.

You can also use liquid tocopherol by adding a little vitamin E for hair to your shampoo, rinse or conditioner. For this:

  1. When washing your hair, open one ampoule of vitamin E.
  2. Squeeze the required amount of shampoo, rinse or hair conditioner into your palm.
  3. Add tocopherol to the contents of your palm, mix the mass with the finger of your free hand.
  4. Apply the product to the scalp and hair using massaging movements.
  5. Rinse off the product as usual with running water.

Vitamin E capsules for hair

Tocopherol is a very important vitamin for the growth of healthy, strong hair. Our body does not produce this vitamin and can only be obtained from the outside. It is worth noting that it is not necessary to eat pharmaceutical vitamin E capsules; you can first review your diet and add several foods to it. For example, such as:

  • liver (beef or pork);
  • fresh herbs (cilantro, dill, parsley, basil, etc.);
  • fresh sea buckthorn oil and sea buckthorn berries;
  • spinach;
  • cucumbers;
  • oatmeal;
  • vegetable oils;
  • nuts and legumes;
  • cabbage (cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Beijing sprouts).

Still, if you are determined to improve your hair, then you can’t do without pharmaceutical vitamin E. Tocopherol capsules can be found at any pharmacy. They should be consumed only after consultation with an appropriate specialist who can determine the level of vitamin E deficiency in the body and prescribe an adequate dosage of the drug.

It is not necessary to immediately consume tocopherol in capsules in its pure form, because it is prescribed only in case of a catastrophic lack of the vitamin in the body. First, buy a multivitamin complex that contains tocopherol. This drug will help you maintain not only the normal balance of tocopherol, but also other vitamins necessary for the body.

The main source of information when using vitamin E capsules for hair is the instructions. Only in it you can find the necessary information about tocopherol, its use and dosages.

Hair masks with vitamin E

How to use vitamin e for hair? The most effective and popular method of use is in the form of hair masks.

Burdock oil and vitamin E for hair

A mask based on vitamin E and burdock oil is great for split ends. Thanks to their special effect, the components of the mask penetrate deep into the structure of the hair, saturating it with useful elements and activating biological processes.

How to use.

  1. 3 tbsp. Place l burdock oil in a water bath.
  2. Preheat to a temperature of 35-40 degrees.
  3. Add 1 teaspoon of liquid vitamin E to burdock oil.
  4. Distribute the product onto the scalp and hair from roots to ends.
  5. Put a plastic cap on your head and wrap your hair with a thick cloth.
  6. Leave the mask on for 1 hour, then wash it off with warm water and shampoo.

To treat split ends, this procedure must be carried out 2-3 times a week for a month. Then as needed.

Vitamin E for hair growth: mask with mustard, tocopherol and glycerin

Girls who dream of long, beautiful curls are also recommended to use vitamin E. A mask with mustard, tocopherol and glycerin will do the job perfectly.

How to use.

  1. In a non-metallic container, mix 1 tbsp. l mustard, 1 tbsp. l boiled water, an ampoule of vitamin E, 12 grams of honey and a few drops of glycerin. Stir the mixture until smooth.
  2. Apply the resulting mask to the hair roots.
  3. Do not wash off the product for 1 hour.

The course of treatment with this hair mask is three months, two to three times a week. Many girls note that the first result is visible after a month of use. Hair becomes stronger, shinier and grows noticeably.

Mask with vitamins a and e for hair

If your hair is in a deplorable state, then try to revive it with a hair mask based on vitamins a and e. It is quite simple to use, and a positive result will not be long in coming.

How to use.

  1. In a separate container, mix one ampoule of vitamin A and one ampoule of vitamin E.
  2. Add 3 teaspoons of any oil with cosmetic effects to the solution (burdock, castor, olive, sea buckthorn are suitable).
  3. Apply the mask to the entire length of your hair.
  4. Massage your scalp.
  5. Leave the product for 1.5 hours, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Use this product 3-4 times a week for a month.

Mask with vitamin E and dimexide for hair

This product is perfect for strengthening and growing hair. A mask with dimexide and vitamin E for hair is very easy to prepare and extremely effective.

How to use.

  1. In a separate container, mix 30 ml of caste oil and 30 ml of burdock oil. Heat the oil mixture in a water bath to a temperature of 30 degrees.
  2. Add 1 tbsp to the oil mixture. l vitamin E.
  3. Add 1 teaspoon of dimexide to the mixture. Mix the solution thoroughly.
  4. Apply the mask to slightly damp hair along the entire length and leave for 1.5 hours.
  5. Wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo.

The course of treatment with a mask with vitamin E and dimexide for hair is one month, no more than twice a week.

How to use vitamin e for hair. Video

In order for your curls to be thick and silky, they must receive adequate nutrition. Tocopherol plays the main role in providing hair follicles with everything they need. Vitamin E is a real elixir that triggers the mechanisms of restoration of damaged and aged cells. If you use tocopherol correctly, you can cure weakened hair in a short time, improve the immunity of the skin and the body as a whole.

Vitamin E: benefits for hair

A natural antioxidant intensively supplies cells with oxygen, along with whose molecules necessary microelements and other substances are delivered to them. So, what is vitamin E good for and what does it help you avoid? Here are its main tasks:

  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • stimulating the growth of their roots;
  • protecting curls from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation (which usually causes them to fade), thermal protection when using curling irons and straightening irons;
  • improvement of hair structure - it becomes stronger and more elastic, acquires smoothness and shine, and stops splitting;
  • when used externally – effective healing of scratches and wounds on the surface of the head, relieving local inflammation;
  • Moisturizing the skin prevents it from drying out and causing dandruff.

It is important! Masks with tocopherol are applied to slightly moistened clean strands, a plastic cap is put on the head, and a towel is covered on top. The capsule preparation is washed off with plain warm water. If tocopherol is dissolved in oil, then shampoo is used to remove the mask.

Vitamins A and E are recognized throughout the world as the main vitamins of youth and beauty. Two main vitamins that are responsible for the health and beauty of our skin, nails and, of course, hair, today I want to talk about them in more detail about their properties, effect on hair and methods of use.

There is no difficulty in purchasing vitamins A and E in oil; they are sold in every pharmacy and are not at all expensive. Fortified procedures (wraps, masks) have a very effective effect on the overall condition of the hair.

Benefits of Vitamin A in Hair Oil

Vitamin A improves hair elasticity, makes it elastic, shiny and silky, protecting it from the harmful effects of sunlight, affecting active growth. Vitamin A stimulates the restoration of hair structure, provides protection against free radicals, and also makes hair strong and elastic.

It is the lack of vitamin A that leads to dry and brittle hair.

Vitamin A is very good to add to hand cream, just 2-3 drops of oil and the cream will begin to work much better, especially in winter, when hands are very dry. Vitamin A will also help cope with dry skin on the elbows and heels.

Vitamin E in oil for elasticity and smoothness of hair

Vitamin E promotes cell renewal, increases blood flow, resulting in improved circulation at the local level, helps fight hair loss, promotes hair growth and restoration. Vitamin E helps cope with scalp problems, especially dandruff and dryness.

In addition, vitamin E is included in many commercial hair masks, even luxury ones.

Once a week, I apply vitamin E to the skin around the eyes in the form of a leave-in mask: I take two drops of oil, rub it with the pads of my ring fingers and apply it with patting movements to the skin around the eyes, just an excellent mask, and most importantly the result from it.

Vitamins A and E work best together, so beneficial features I combined these vitamins together, since their actions are similar:

  • treat dry and brittle hair;
  • nourish and restore dull, split ends;
  • strengthen hair;
  • accelerate hair growth by awakening dormant hair follicles;
  • improve the overall condition of hair.

How to use vitamins A and E in hair oil?

Vitamins A and E for hair can be used in several ways. The simplest is to add 2 drops of vitamins to a portion (at a time) of hair shampoo, and leave it on your hair for a few minutes, but the shampoo should at least be free of silicones, and ideally as natural as possible.

Vitamins can also be added to store-bought hair masks. For example, once a week I make a “thorough mask”, that is, I take a good store-bought mask, preferably a professional one, add a few drops of vitamins A and E (I take the masks for one serving), apply to damp hair, put on a shower cap and a towel or woolen one. hat. and I warm it all up for 5-10 minutes with a hairdryer and let it cool for another 10-15 minutes. then I thoroughly rinse everything off with water for a few minutes, and the result is hair like after a trip to the salon.

And my favorite way to use vitamins A and E is to add them to homemade hair masks, the best of which are:

Oil mask with vitamin A and E in oil

  • 1 teaspoon olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil;
  • 8 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil;
  • 5 drops of vitamin A and E in oil.

The proportions of oil can be changed depending on the length of the hair. Mix coconut and olive oil, heat in a water bath in a glass bowl and at the end add 8 drops of ylang-ylang and vitamins. While warm, we apply it to the hair, moving away from the roots of the hair (although this mask can also be applied to the scalp, but I prefer it only for the length). We insulate the mask and leave it for at least 2 hours, or preferably overnight. It is enough to do this mask once a week.

Anti-hair loss mask with vitamin A and E in oil

  • 2 tablespoons of capsicum tincture;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of castor oil;
  • 5 drops of vitamin A and E in oil;
  • 5 drops of essential oil or cinnamon, rosemary, mint, lemon.

Mix all the ingredients and apply to the scalp along the partings, warm it and leave for one hour, after the time has passed, wash your hair as usual.

Hair mask before going to the beach

  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil;
  • 5 drops of vitamin A and E in oil.

Coconut oil is famous (and for good reason) for its ability to protect hair from ultraviolet radiation, and also prevents the loss of protein from the hair (hair is made up of 70% protein, keratin) during washing. Vitamin E also protects hair from ultraviolet rays.

Take warm coconut oil, add vitamins to it and apply it to your hair length. There is no need to apply too much oil so that it flows down the hair, just saturate it, paying attention to the ends of the hair.

With such a mask, you can safely go to the beach to sunbathe, swim and be calm about protecting your hair. The mask washes off easily with two washes of shampoo.

Conclusion: Some of the best vitamins in home hair care.

Lifestyle, nutrition, and external factors negatively affect the condition of the hair; it becomes dry, brittle, and, as a result, begins to fall out. Hair masks help maintain hair health; adding vitamins A and E to their composition enhances the healing effect, gives hair elasticity and volume, restores structure, and fights hair loss.


The benefits of vitamins A and E for hair

The beauty of hair directly depends on the level of vitamins A and E in the body. Today, the lack of these vitamins in the body can be easily compensated by purchasing them at a pharmacy at a reasonable price. They can be in the form of an oil solution or in capsules; they can be taken orally, in case of hair problems, or added to healing and healing masks. For a hair healing course, you need to make 10-15 masks with vitamins A and E, 2-3 procedures per week, unless otherwise indicated in the recipe.

Each vitamin plays its role. Vitamin A has a protective effect, maintains hair health and strength, and at the same time has a positive effect on its structure, increasing elasticity and adding shine and silkiness. It is especially important and necessary for weakened and thinning hair. Vitamin E is a strong antioxidant that increases blood circulation in the scalp, nourishes hair follicles, and stimulates hair growth. It also has a positive effect on the hair structure, strengthens it, gives strength and shine.

Video: Benefits of retinol acetate for hair.

Rules for using masks with vitamins for hair

  1. Vitamin masks should be left on the hair for forty minutes to two hours (if you have time).
  2. The thermal effect enhances the effect of the mask components, so after applying the composition, be sure to use polyethylene and a heated towel (with hot steam, on a radiator, or with an iron).
  3. Hair vitamins work well when paired with onions, mustard, brewer's yeast, red pepper, etc. Oil solutions are also good to combine with cosmetic and essential oils that are most suitable for your hair type (jojoba, flaxseed, castor, olive, burdock and their combination).

Homemade vitamin mask recipes

Masks with vitamins A and E for hair growth and against hair loss.

Mustard mask.

Revitalizes weakened, dull hair, adds shine and elasticity.

Dry mustard (powder) – 2 tbsp. l.
Warm water – ¼ cup.
Egg yolk – 1 pc.
Burdock oil – 30 ml.
Vitamin A – 1 tsp.
Vitamin E – 1 tsp.

Dilute the mustard with water, add the remaining ingredients, and finally the vitamins. Distribute the finished composition over the entire length of the hair, paying attention to the roots. Keep the mask under polyethylene and a towel, which can be periodically heated with an iron for greater effect. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes, then rinse with water and mild or baby shampoo. Gradually, the exposure time of the mask can be increased to 1 hour. This mask can be done once a week.

Mask with dimexide.

Enhances nutrition of hair follicles, strengthens brittle hair, increases elasticity, restores strength and shine.


Castor oil – 1 tbsp. l.
Burdock oil – 1 tbsp. l.
Vitamin E – 1 tsp.
Vitamin A – 1 tsp.
Dimexide – 1/3 tsp.

Mix the oils and warm them up a little in a water bath (or simply immerse the container with oils in hot water), add the remaining ingredients and rub into the scalp, distribute the remaining mixture over the entire length of the hair. When applying, the composition should be stirred all the time to prevent separation of dimexide from the oils. Keep the mask for 1 hour under polyethylene and an insulating cap. Wash off the mask with boiled water at room temperature; if necessary, you can use a mild shampoo. Make a mask once a week.

Onion mask.

Strengthens, nourishes, stops hair loss, restores shine, accelerates growth.

Egg yolk – 1 pc.
Onion juice – 1 tbsp. l.
Castor oil – 1 tbsp. l.
Burdock oil – 1 tbsp. l.
Tincture of red hot pepper with alcohol – 1 tsp.
Vitamin A oil solution – 8 drops.

Heat the burdock oil to a comfortable temperature and combine with the other components of the mask. Apply the finished mixture to the hair roots, distributing the residue along the entire length. Insulate the top with film and a towel. Keep the composition for half an hour, maybe 40 minutes. Rinse off with running water, using shampoo if necessary. To eliminate unwanted onion aroma, rinse your hair with water acidified with lemon juice.

Nourishing masks with vitamins A and E for all hair types.

Mask with herbal decoction.

Nourishes hair follicles, increases elasticity, softens, gives strength and shine.

Chamomile flowers – 1 tbsp. l.
Nettle leaves – 1 tbsp. l.
Boiling water - 1 glass.
The pulp of a small piece of rye bread.
Vitamin E – 10 g.

Prepare a decoction of herbs by pouring boiling water over the dry mixture and letting it sit under a lid and a towel for half an hour. Pour the filtered infusion over the bread crumb and add vitamin E. Rub the finished mask into the hair roots, secure on top with film and a towel. After an hour, wash your hair with baby shampoo.

Oil mask.

Nourishes, moisturizes, softens, heals.

Olive oil – 10 ml.
Jojoba oil – 10 ml.
Flaxseed oil – 10 ml.
Vitamin E – 10 g.

Combine the oils and heat in a water bath to a comfortable temperature, mix with the vitamin and apply to the roots and entire length of the hair. Apply the composition to clean and dry hair. Build an insulating cap from cellophane and a towel on top, leave for 1 hour and wash off using mild shampoo.

Hair mask with vitamins.

Saturates with vitamins, enhances shine and increases elasticity, revitalizes any type of hair.

Egg yolk – 1 pc.
Flaxseed oil – 2 tbsp. l.
Vitamin E – 5 years.
Vitamin A – 5 g.
Vitamin B3 – 5 g.

Grind the yolk with butter and mix with vitamins. Distribute the composition onto clean and dry hair, keep for an hour under film and a towel. Rinse off with water at room temperature, preferably boiled, with mild shampoo.

Egg mask.

Strengthens weakened hair, nourishes, softens, cares for dry ends.

Vitamin E solution in oil - 1 tsp.
Egg yolk – 1 pc.
Burdock oil – 2 tbsp. l.

Grind the yolk with oil, add vitamin E. Massage the finished composition into the hair roots, keep under film and a towel for half an hour, then rinse under running water.

Mask with tincture of Eleutherococcus.

Nourishes, vitaminizes, moisturizes, restores strength and health.

Egg yolk – 1 pc. (if the hair is below the shoulders, then 2 pcs.).
Flax oil – 2 tbsp. l.
Tinctures of Eleutherococcus (or ginseng) – 1 tsp.
Vitamin E – ½ tsp.
Vitamin A – ½ tsp.
Vitamin B3 – ½ tsp.

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply with massage movements to the scalp, roots, distribute the remainder over the entire length of the hair. Keep the mask for 1 hour under cellophane and a towel. Rinse off with warm water.

Before using any composition on your hair, test it for allergic reactions by applying a small amount to the skin of your wrist or the inner crease of your elbow. In general, vitamins can be added to absolutely any composition suitable for your hair type. These can be both ready-made care products and homemade beauty recipes.

What does beauty consist of!? Roughly speaking, from the food that we eat and from what we lubricate and wipe ourselves with. After all, these are all vitamins and minerals, and harmful substances along with them. Today we will pay attention to beauty vitamins - vitamins A and E. We need them for the case when, looking at ourselves in the mirror, we understand that nothing much has changed, but we look somehow dull... Often we do not get what we need the amount of certain microelements and vitamins so necessary for our overall health. This is when we understand that there are certain problems, for example, with skin or hair, and that it’s time to run to the pharmacy and solve this problem. This means that we need to buy the necessary vitamins. Vitamins A and E can be purchased in capsules, and they also come in liquid form, which is very good for adding them to a cream or using them as a complex mixture to revive hair or skin. Vitamins in liquid form are cheaper than in capsules, and they are more effective, so we will buy them.

As a rule, 10-15 sessions of their use will be enough to polish the situation to where it needs to be.
Both of these vitamins have a huge role and importance in shaping our health and beauty.

So, What are the functions of vitamin A?:

Protective action
- maintaining healthy and strong hair
- positive effect on hair structure
- hair becomes elastic and vibrant
- hair becomes shiny and silky

At the same time vitamin E is responsible for:

Improving blood supply to the scalp
- nutrition of hair follicles
- the strength and thickness of your hair

Vitamin A and E for hair - masks, application

When we talk about how to use vitamin A and E for hair, using them in practice turns out to be very simple. The main thing here is patience and desire! We must understand that weight is not only facial, external care, but also hidden, coming from inside the body. It’s like washing your face in the morning and drinking your usual glass of water on an empty stomach to wash your body from the inside. Now it is important for us to add one more little thing that will do us a great service. This is 1 tsp of oil. Choose the beneficial properties of corn oil, sunflower, flaxseed, sesame or olive oil that you like best. It is better not to consume unrefined vegetable oils immediately with water, but to drink some water on an empty stomach, and after 15 minutes a teaspoon of oil. But if you are just starting to instill this habit in yourself and at first the taste of the oil is very unpleasant to you, then you can wash it down with water. This is what is important to know about the internal use of vitamins A and E.

Mask with vitamin E and A oil

First, let's decide on the base oil. Any vegetable oil can serve as a base for a mask with vitamin E and A oil for hair on the head. You will need 2 tablespoons. Add 1 teaspoon of vitamin A and E to it. Distribute the mixture according to hair growth, rubbing into the scalp and paying special attention to the ends of the hair, which need moisturizing the most. Now we create a “greenhouse” on the head using an oilcloth cap, polyethylene or other handy means. Next, it is recommended to warm your hair with a hairdryer and insulate it with a towel. From my own experience, I know that you can replace a towel with an old favorite hat, which you’d hate to throw away and don’t really want to wear anymore. But here she is my best friend.

And it fits more compactly than a towel and warms just as well))! Keep the mixture on your hair for at least 2 hours. Some experts claim that 15 minutes is enough, but this is not true! The longer the mixture of vitamins stays on the hair, the better - the hair will be more saturated with vitamins. Therefore, it’s better to go to bed without taking off your hat. Well, of course, you will have to warn your household so that they don’t suspect anything bad).

When preparing the next mask, we expand our capabilities - we add other ingredients that will help us polish the condition of our curls. This can be kefir, sour cream, a decoction of onion skins, sour milk and raw potato juice. All these components helped our grandmothers in those days when pharmacies were rare and did not shine with modern abundance. All these components mixed or separately can serve as a base for a mask and again add oil vitamin A or E or A and E together.

Cosmetologists recommend making such masks 1-2 times every 7 days. This is probably due to the fact that the oil is not easy to wash out and we have to use more shampoo and conditioner, and this does not particularly contribute to strengthening and healthy hair.

Vitamins A and E for eyelashes

Vitamin A and E are also useful for eyelashes. As proof, we can recall Valery Smaglie, who is from Kiev and is 58 years old. He grew the longest eyelashes in Ukraine. Their length reached 3 centimeters! Girls, don’t despair - we will succeed! What should you do for this? Again, it's very simple. We already have purchased liquid vitamins A and E. In the evening, when you have washed your face, apply 2-3 drops of liquid vitamin to the edge of the eyelid, where the eyelashes grow from. We do this either 15 days in a row, or every other day for a month.

Vitamins A and E for eyebrows

We also use vitamin A and E for eyebrows. Just lubricate your eyebrows with 1-3 drops of liquid vitamins. To improve the condition of the lips and skin in general, we use liquid vitamin A. This procedure is very beneficial for the lips. They will become softer and more tender when they stop peeling from lack of moisture and vitamins. It is important to remember that the problem comes from within. Therefore, do not forget to drink 1 teaspoon of any vegetable oil on an empty stomach in the morning.

Vitamin A and E for eyelids

Sometimes it happens that tired skin looks older. This is unpleasant at any age. Very often the eyes give away age. Namely the eyelids, which may look heavy and droopy. All this is due to the inelasticity of the skin of the eyelids. Therefore, to support such delicate skin, we also use liquid vitamins A and E for the eyelids. Although we insist that vitamin E initiates hair growth, you have nothing to fear. Your eyelids will not “spill” even when you begin to frequently perform this rejuvenation procedure.

Vitamin E for hair

What would I like to say in conclusion? It is important to remember that we can always extract vitamin E for hair from products growing in our garden plots. Let's try to diversify our daily diet with them. We recall the beneficial properties of apples, tomatoes, turnips and greens, lettuce and spinach, as well as cereals and legumes. What can you cook from spinach and other named products? Yes, a lot of things! It is also important to eat seeds, nuts, and olives. If you experience any discomfort, consult a doctor; do not get carried away with self-healing from the very beginning. Use traditional recipes in addition to those prescribed by the doctor.