How to control normal blood sugar levels? Eat the right carbs.

Diabetes mellitus is considered the most formidable pathology of the endocrine system, which develops due to a malfunction of the pancreas. In pathology, this internal organ does not produce enough insulin and provokes the accumulation of an increased amount of sugar in the blood. Since glucose is not able to be processed and exit naturally from the body, a person develops diabetes mellitus.

After the disease is diagnosed, a diabetic needs to monitor blood sugar levels every day. For this purpose, it is recommended to purchase a special device for measuring glucose at home.

In addition to choosing a treatment regimen for the patient, prescribing a therapeutic diet and taking the necessary drugs, a good doctor teaches the diabetic how to use the glucometer correctly. Also, the patient must receive recommendations when it is necessary to measure blood sugar.

Why you need to measure your blood sugar

By monitoring blood glucose levels, a diabetic can monitor the progress of their illness, track the effects of drugs on sugar levels, and determine which exercise helps to improve the condition.

If a low or high blood sugar level is detected, the patient has the opportunity to react in time and take the necessary measures to normalize the indicators. Also, a person has the opportunity to independently monitor how effective the hypoglycemic drugs taken are and whether enough insulin has been administered.

Thus, it is necessary to measure the level of glucose to identify factors that affect the increase in sugar levels. This will allow timely recognition of the development of the disease and prevent serious consequences.

An electronic device allows you to independently, without the help of doctors, conduct a blood test at home.

Standard equipment usually includes:

  • A small electronic device with a screen to display test results;
  • Pen-piercer for blood sampling;
  • A set of test strips and lancets.

Measurement of indicators is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Before the procedure, wash your hands with soap and dry them with a towel.
  2. The test strip is inserted all the way into the glucometer socket, after which the device turns on.
  3. A puncture is made on the finger with a piercing pen.
  4. A drop of blood is applied to a special surface of the test strip.
  5. After a few seconds, the result of the analysis can be seen on the display of the device.

When you first start the device after purchase, you need to study the instructions, you must strictly follow the recommendations in the manual.

How to determine the level of sugar yourself

Sugar level

It is not difficult to conduct a blood test on your own and record the obtained indicators. However, it is important to follow certain rules in order to get the most accurate and correct result.

With frequent procedures, the puncture should be done in different places on the skin in order to prevent irritation. Alternatively, diabetics alternate between the third and fourth fingers, while each time changing hands from right to left. Today, there are innovative models that can take a blood sample from alternative parts of the body - the hip, shoulder, or other convenient areas.

During blood sampling, it is necessary that the blood comes out on its own. Do not pinch your finger or put pressure on it to get more blood. This may affect the accuracy of the readings.

  • Before the procedure, it is recommended to wash your hands under a tap with warm water to improve blood circulation and enhance the release of blood from the puncture.
  • To avoid severe pain, the puncture is not made in the center of the fingertip, but a little on the side.
  • Handle the test strip only with dry and clean hands. Before the procedure, you need to make sure the integrity of the consumables.
  • Each diabetic should have an individual glucometer. To prevent infection through the blood, it is forbidden to give the device to use other people.
  • Depending on the model of the device, before each measurement, it is necessary to check the device for operability. It is important that each time you insert a test strip into the analyzer, check the displayed data against the code on the test strip package.

There are various factors that can change the indicator, and increase:

  1. The difference between the encoding on the device and the packaging with test strips;
  2. Wet skin in the puncture area;
  3. Strong finger grip to quickly obtain the required amount of blood;
  4. Poorly washed hands;
  5. The presence of a cold or infectious disease.

How often do diabetics need to measure their glucose levels?

How often and when to measure blood sugar with a glucometer, it is better to consult with your doctor. Based on the type of diabetes mellitus, the severity of the disease, the presence of complications and other individual characteristics, a scheme of therapy and monitoring of one's own condition is drawn up.

If the disease has an early stage, the procedure is performed every day several times a day. This is done before meals, two hours after eating, before going to bed, and also at three in the morning.

In the second type of diabetes, treatment consists in taking hypoglycemic drugs and following a therapeutic diet. For this reason, it is enough to take measurements several times a week. However, at the first signs of a violation of the condition, the measurement is carried out several times a day to monitor changes.

With an increase in sugar levels to 15 mmol / liter and above, the doctor prescribes medication and. Since a constantly high concentration of glucose has a negative effect on the body and internal organs, increases the risk of complications, the procedure is carried out not only in the morning when the awakening occurs, but throughout the day.

For prevention, a healthy person measures blood glucose levels once a month. This is especially necessary if the patient has a hereditary predisposition to the disease or the person is at risk for developing diabetes.

There are generally accepted time intervals when it is better to measure blood sugar levels.

  • To obtain indicators on an empty stomach, the analysis is carried out at 7-9 or 11-12 hours before meals.
  • Two hours after lunch, the study is recommended to be done at 14-15 or 17-18 hours.
  • Two hours after dinner, it usually falls at 20-22 hours.
  • If there is a risk of nocturnal hypoglycemia, the study is also performed at 2-4 am.

How to use a glucometer correctly

To ensure that the results of the study are always accurate, you must strictly follow the instructions, monitor the condition of the device and test strips.

When buying a new batch of test strips, make sure that the numbers on the device are identical to the code on the packaging of the strips you are using. The reagents on the surface of consumables purchased at different times may differ, so you need to carefully monitor this.

Test strips can be used strictly within the period indicated on the package. If the expiration date has expired, the consumables should be discarded and replaced with new ones, otherwise the analysis results may be skewed.

After removing the test strip from the case, the individual packaging is removed only from the side of the contacts. The rest of the packaging that covers the reagent area is removed after inserting the strip into the glucometer slot.

When the device starts automatically, a puncture is made on the finger with a piercing pen. In no case should the blood be smeared, the test strip should absorb the required amount of blood on its own. The finger is held until an audible signal is received confirming the detection of a blood sample. The video in this article will show you how and when to use your meter.

Blood sugar levels are a major concern for people with diabetes. The norm of sugar is an indicator from 3.6 mmol / l (65 mg / dl) - to 5.8 mmol / l (105 mg / dl).

High blood sugar, known as hyperglycemia, occurs when blood sugar levels exceed 180 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL), which is 9.99 mmol/L.

Keeping it at the right level is the key to preventing serious complications in diabetes.

Why is it important to control blood sugar levels?

Over time, high sugar can damage blood vessels in several organs and systems, leading to serious consequences - poor vision and blindness, foot ulcers, infections and amputations, kidney failure and dialysis, heart attacks and strokes, and peripheral vascular disease that reduces blood flow. to the limbs, damage to the nervous system leading to pain and weakness.

By keeping blood sugar levels below 100 mg/dL (5.5 mmol/L) before meals and below 180 mg/dL (9.9 mmol/L) after meals, people with diabetes can significantly reduce their risk of side effects from the disease.

There are a number of activities that can help a person lower their levels.

1. Monitor your blood sugar levels.

High blood sugar often does not cause symptoms until they are over 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L). Thus, a person with diabetes needs to monitor their blood sugar levels several times a day and take action.

2. Reduce your carbohydrate intake.

Low-carb, high-protein foods lower sugar levels. The body breaks down carbohydrates into sugar, which the body uses as energy. Some carbohydrates are needed in the diet, but for people with diabetes, too many carbohydrates can cause sugar levels to rise.

3. Eat the right carbs.

Simple and complex carbohydrates affect sugar levels in different ways.

Simple sugars are mostly made up of one type of sugar and are found in white bread, pasta, and sweets. The body breaks down these carbohydrates very quickly and blood sugar rises rapidly.

Complex carbohydrates are made up of three or more sugars. The chemistry of these carbohydrates is difficult and it takes longer for the body to break them down. As a result, sugar is released into the body gradually and sugar levels do not rise quickly after eating. Examples of complex carbohydrates include whole grain oats and sweet potatoes (yam).

4. Choose foods with a low glycemic index.

Foods with a low glycemic index are those that are rated below 55 - sweet potato, quinoa, legumes, low-calorie milk, leafy greens, non-starchy vegetables, nuts and seeds, meat, fish.

5. Increase your fiber intake.

Fiber plays a significant role in blood sugar management by slowing down the rate at which carbohydrates are broken down and the rate at which the body absorbs the resulting sugars.

There are soluble and insoluble fibers. Soluble fiber is the most beneficial for sugar control. It is found in vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and fruits.

6. Maintain a healthy weight.

Weight loss helps control blood sugar levels. Losing even 7% weight can reduce your chances of developing diabetes by 58%.

It is important to note that a person does not need to reach the ideal weight. By eating healthy foods filled with fruits and vegetables and exercising, you can lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

7. Follow portion sizes.

Overeating while sitting can cause a spike in blood sugar. Not only simple carbohydrates, but all foods increase blood sugar levels. Careful portion control can control it.

8. Exercise regularly.

Exercise has many benefits for diabetes, including weight loss and increased insulin sensitivity. Exercise also helps lower sugar and encourages muscles to use it for energy.

9. Water.

Drinking water prevents dehydration and helps the kidneys remove excess sugar from the body in the urine. At the same time, all sugary drinks should be avoided, and alcohol consumption should be reduced.

10. Try herbal extracts.

Herbal extracts can have a positive effect on the treatment and control of blood sugar levels. Among them are green tea, American ginseng, bitter lemon, cinnamon, aloe vera, fenugreek, chromium.

11. Manage stress.

When the body releases stress hormones, they raise blood sugar levels. Take steps to prevent or reduce stress.

Good sleep helps a person reduce blood sugar, which tends to rise in the early morning hours. Lack of sleep can have an impact on insulin resistance.


Blood sugar is the common name for glucose dissolved in the blood that circulates through the vessels. The article tells what blood sugar norms are for children and adults, men and pregnant women. You will learn why glucose levels rise, why it is dangerous, and most importantly, how to effectively and safely lower it. Blood tests for sugar are taken in the laboratory on an empty stomach or after a meal. People over 40 are advised to do this once every 3 years. If prediabetes or type 2 diabetes is detected, you need to use a home device to measure sugar several times every day. This device is called a glucometer.

Glucose enters the bloodstream from the liver and intestines, and then the bloodstream carries it throughout the body, from head to toe. In this way, tissues receive energy. In order for cells to absorb glucose from the blood, the hormone insulin is needed. It is produced by special cells of the pancreas - beta cells. Sugar level is the concentration of glucose in the blood. Normally, it fluctuates in a narrow range, without going beyond it. The minimum level of sugar in the blood is on an empty stomach. After eating, it rises. If everything is normal with glucose metabolism, then this increase is insignificant and not for long.

The body continuously regulates the concentration of glucose in order to maintain its balance. High blood sugar is called hyperglycemia, low blood sugar is called hypoglycemia. If several blood tests on different days show that sugar is elevated, prediabetes or “real” diabetes can be suspected. A single analysis is not enough for this. However, you need to be wary after the first unsuccessful result. Hand over the analysis again a few more times in the coming days.

In Russian-speaking countries, blood sugar is measured in millimoles per liter (mmol/l). In English-speaking countries, it is expressed in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). Sometimes you need to convert the result of the analysis from one unit of measure to another. It is not difficult.

1 mmol/l = 18 mg/dl.

  • 4.0 mmol/L = 72 mg/dL
  • 6.0 mmol/L = 108 mg/dL
  • 7.0 mmol/L = 126 mg/dL
  • 8.0 mmol/L = 144 mg/dL

Blood sugar levels

They were identified back in the middle of the twentieth century based on the results of a survey of thousands of healthy people and diabetics. The official sugar norms for diabetics are much higher than for healthy ones. Medicine does not even try to control sugar in diabetes so that it approaches normal levels. Below you will find out why this happens and what alternative treatments are available.
The balanced diet that doctors recommend is loaded with carbohydrates. Such food is harmful for diabetic patients. Because carbohydrates cause spikes in blood sugar. Because of this, diabetics feel unwell and develop chronic complications. In patients with diabetes who are treated with traditional methods, sugar jumps from very high to low. It is increased by carbohydrates eaten, and then reduced by injections of large doses of insulin. At the same time, there can be no question of bringing sugar back to normal. Doctors and patients are already satisfied with the fact that diabetic coma can be avoided.

The body regulates blood sugar by secreting hormones that raise or lower it. Glucose levels are increased by catabolic hormones - glucagon, cortisol, adrenaline and many others. And there is only one hormone that lowers it. It's insulin. The lower the glucose concentration, the more catabolic hormones are released, and the less insulin. Conversely, excess blood sugar stimulates the pancreas to secrete additional insulin.

Very little glucose circulates in the human blood at any given moment. For example, in an adult male weighing 75 kg, the volume of blood in the body is about 5 liters. To achieve a blood sugar of 5.5 mmol / l, it is enough to dissolve only 5 grams of glucose in it. That's about 1 heaping teaspoon of sugar. Every second, microscopic doses of glucose and regulatory hormones enter the blood to maintain balance. This complex process goes on 24 hours a day without interruption.

High sugar - symptoms and signs

Most often, a person has high blood sugar due to diabetes. But there may be other reasons - drugs, acute stress, disorders in the adrenal or pituitary gland, infectious diseases. Many medicines increase sugar. These are corticosteroids, beta-blockers, thiazide diuretics (diuretics), antidepressants. It is not possible to provide a complete list of them in this article. Before your doctor prescribes you a new medication, discuss how it will affect your blood sugar.

Often, hyperglycemia does not cause any symptoms, even when sugar levels are much higher than normal. In severe cases, the patient may lose consciousness. Hyperglycemic coma and ketoacidosis are life-threatening complications of high blood sugar.

Less acute but more common symptoms:

  • strong thirst;
  • dry mouth;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • the skin is dry, itchy;
  • foggy vision;
  • fatigue, drowsiness;
  • unexplained weight loss;
  • wounds, scratches do not heal well;
  • discomfort in the legs - tingling, goosebumps;
  • frequent infectious and fungal diseases that are difficult to treat.

Additional symptoms of ketoacidosis:

  • frequent and deep breathing;
  • the smell of acetone when breathing;
  • unstable emotional state.

Why high blood sugar is bad

If left untreated, high blood sugar causes both acute and chronic complications of diabetes. Acute complications have been listed above. These are hyperglycemic coma and diabetic ketoacidosis. They are manifested by impaired consciousness, fainting and require emergency medical care. However, acute complications are the cause of death of 5-10% of diabetics. All the rest die from chronic complications in the kidneys, vision, legs, nervous system, and most of all from heart attack and stroke.

Chronically elevated sugar damages the walls of blood vessels from the inside. They become abnormally hard and thick. Over the years, calcium is deposited on them, and the vessels resemble old rusty water pipes. This is called angiopathy - damage to blood vessels. It already in turn causes complications of diabetes. The main dangers are kidney failure, blindness, leg or foot amputation, and cardiovascular disease. The higher the blood sugar, the faster the complications develop and the more pronounced. Pay attention to the treatment and control of your diabetes!

Folk remedies

Folk remedies that lower blood sugar are Jerusalem artichoke, cinnamon, as well as various herbal teas, decoctions, tinctures, prayers, conspiracies, etc. Measure your sugar with a glucometer after you have eaten or drunk a “healing agent” - and make sure that you didn't get any real benefit. Folk remedies are intended for diabetics who engage in self-deception, instead of being properly treated. Such people die early from complications.

Fans of folk remedies for diabetes are the main "clients" of doctors who deal with kidney failure, amputation of the lower extremities, as well as ophthalmologists. Complications of diabetes on the kidneys, legs and eyesight provide several years of hard life before the patient is killed by a heart attack or stroke. Most manufacturers and sellers of quackery drugs work carefully so as not to fall under criminal liability. However, their activities violate moral standards.

Folk remedies that do not help at all

Check your blood sugar with a glucometer several times a day. If you see that the results do not improve or even worsen, stop using a useless remedy.

Means that help a little

Check with your doctor before taking any home remedies for diabetes. Especially if you have already developed complications in the kidneys or have liver disease. The supplements listed above do not replace treatment with diet, insulin injections, and physical activity. Once you start taking alpha lipoic acid, you may need to lower your insulin dosage to avoid hypoglycemia.

Glucometer - a home device for measuring sugar

If you have been diagnosed with prediabetes or diabetes, then you need to quickly buy a device for measuring blood sugar at home. This device is called a glucometer. Without it, diabetes cannot be well controlled. You need to measure sugar at least 2-3 times a day, and preferably more often. Home glucometers appeared in the 1970s. Until they became widely used, diabetics had to go to the laboratory every time to measure their sugar, and even stay in the hospital for weeks.

Modern glucometers are lightweight and comfortable. They measure blood sugar almost painlessly and immediately show the result. The only problem is that test strips are not cheap. Each measurement of sugar costs about $0.5. A round sum runs up in a month. However, these are inevitable costs. Save on test strips - splurge on treating diabetes complications.

You cannot determine blood sugar by how you feel. Most people do not feel the difference between sugar levels from 4 to 13 mmol / l. They feel good even when their blood glucose is 2-3 times higher than normal, and the development of diabetes complications is in full swing. Therefore, it is necessary to measure sugar with a glucometer. Otherwise, you will have to "closely get acquainted" with the complications of diabetes.

At one time, doctors desperately resisted the entry into the market of home glucometers. Because they were in danger of losing large sources of income from laboratory blood tests for sugar. Medical organizations managed to delay the promotion of home glucometers by 3-5 years. Nevertheless, when these devices nevertheless appeared on sale, they immediately gained popularity. You can find out more about this in . Now official medicine is also slowing down the promotion of a low-carbohydrate diet - the only suitable diet for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

How to get accurate results when measuring sugar with a glucometer:

  • Read the instructions for your device carefully.
  • Check the meter for accuracy as described here. If it turns out that the device is lying, do not use it, replace it with another one.
  • As a rule, glucometers that have cheap test strips are not accurate. They take diabetics to their graves.
  • Learn how to properly apply a drop of blood to a test strip.
  • Strictly follow the rules for storing test strips. Seal the vial carefully to prevent excess air from entering. Otherwise, the test strips will deteriorate.
  • Do not use test strips that are past their expiration date.
  • When you go to the doctor, take your glucometer with you. Show your doctor how you measure sugar. Perhaps an experienced doctor will point out what you are doing wrong.

How many times a day do you need to measure sugar

To manage your diabetes well, you need to know how your blood sugar behaves throughout the day. For most diabetics, the main problem is high sugar in the morning on an empty stomach, and then again after breakfast. In many patients, glucose also rises strongly in the afternoon or evening. Your situation is special, not the same as everyone else's. Therefore, an individual plan is needed - a diet, insulin injections, taking pills and other activities. The only way to gather important information for diabetes management is to frequently check your blood sugar with a glucometer. Below is how many times a day you need to measure it.

Total control of blood sugar is when you measure it:

  • in the morning - as soon as you wake up;
  • then again - before you start breakfast;
  • 5 hours after each injection of rapid-acting insulin;
  • before every meal or snack;
  • after each meal or snack - two hours later;
  • before bedtime;
  • before and after physical education, stressful situations, stormy chores at work;
  • as soon as you feel hungry, or suspect that your sugar is below or above normal;
  • before driving a car or doing dangerous work, and then again every hour until you're done;
  • in the middle of the night - to prevent nocturnal hypoglycemia.

Patients with type 1 diabetes, as well as severe insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes, need to measure their sugar 4-7 times a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and before each meal. It is advisable to measure also 2 hours after eating. This will show if you have chosen the correct dose of insulin before meals. With mild type 2 diabetes, if you control your sugar well without insulin injections, you can measure less often - 2 times a day.

Each time after measuring sugar, the results must be recorded in a diary. Also indicate the time and accompanying circumstances:

  • what they ate - what foods, how many grams;
  • what insulin was injected and what dose;
  • what diabetes pills were taken;
  • what did you do;
  • physical activity;
  • nervous;
  • infection.

Write it all down, it'll come in handy. The memory cells of the glucometer do not allow fixing the accompanying circumstances. Therefore, to keep a diary, you need to use a paper notebook, or better, a special program on your mobile phone. The results of total glucose self-monitoring can be analyzed independently or together with a doctor. The goal is to find out at what times of the day and for what reasons your sugar goes beyond the norm. And then, accordingly, to take measures - to draw up an individual program for the treatment of diabetes.

Total self-monitoring of sugar allows you to evaluate how effective your diet, medications, exercise, and insulin shots are. Without careful control, diabetes is “cured” only by charlatans, from whom there is a direct road to a surgeon for amputation of the foot and / or to a nephrologist for dialysis. Few people with diabetes are ready to live every day in the mode described above. Because the cost of glucometer test strips can be prohibitive. However, do a total blood sugar self-monitoring at least one day every week.

If you notice that your sugar has begun to fluctuate unusually, then spend a few days in total control mode until you find and eliminate the cause. It is useful to study the article "". The more money you spend on glucometer test strips, the more you save on treating diabetes complications. The ultimate goal is to enjoy good health, outlive most of your peers, and not become decrepit in old age. Keeping blood sugar no higher than 5.2-6.0 mmol / l all the time is real.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

The article indicates the norms of blood sugar for healthy people. But the doctor said that it was dangerous for me to lower my sugar to such limits. Is he right?

If you have lived for several years with high sugar, 12 mmol / l and above, then it is really not advisable to quickly reduce it to 4-6 mmol / l, as in healthy people. Because unpleasant and dangerous symptoms of hypoglycemia may appear. In particular, vision complications of diabetes may increase. Such people are advised to first lower the sugar to 7-8 mmol / l and let the body get used to it within 1-2 months. And then move on to the indicators of healthy people. Read the article "" for more details. It has a section "When you need to specifically keep high sugar."

I found that my sugar rises only if I eat something sweet. Is this already diabetes?

You don't measure your sugar often enough with a glucometer. Otherwise, they would notice that bread, cereals and potatoes increase it in the same way as sweets. You may have prediabetes or early stage type 2 diabetes. More information is needed to clarify the diagnosis. How to be treated is described in detail above in the article. The main remedy is a low-carbohydrate diet.

Why does blood sugar rise in the morning on an empty stomach? After all, a diabetic patient does not eat anything all night.

Fasting morning sugar rises due to the fact that in the hours before dawn, the liver actively removes insulin from the blood. This is called the dawn phenomenon. It occurs in most patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Read more,. It's not an easy task, but doable. You will need discipline. After 3 weeks, a stable habit will form, and sticking to the regimen will become easy.

When is it more important to measure sugar - on an empty stomach or after a meal?

It is important to measure sugar every morning on an empty stomach. If you inject insulin before meals, then you need to measure sugar before each injection, and then again 2 hours after eating. This is obtained 7 times a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and 2 more times for each meal. If you have type 2 diabetes and you control it with a low-carbohydrate diet without fast insulin shots, then measure your sugar 2 hours after eating.

Is it possible to measure sugar without piercing your fingers every time?

There are devices called continuous blood glucose monitoring systems. However, they have too high an error compared to conventional glucometers. To date, it is still not recommended to use them. Moreover, their price is high.

Try to sometimes pierce with a lancet not fingers, but other areas of the skin - the back of the hand, forearm, etc. The article above describes how to do this correctly. In any case, alternate the fingers of both hands. Do not prick the same finger all the time.

What to do if blood sugar is high? How to lower it quickly?

The only real way to bring your blood sugar down quickly is with a shot of short-acting or ultra-fast insulin. A low-carbohydrate diet lowers sugar, but not immediately, but within 1-3 days. Some type 2 diabetes pills work quickly. But if you take them in the wrong dosage, then the sugar can drop excessively, and the person will lose consciousness. Folk remedies are nonsense, they do not help at all. Diabetes mellitus is a disease that requires systemic treatment, accuracy, accuracy. If you try to do something quickly, in a hurry, you can only do harm.

After exercise, sugar should go down, but on the contrary, it rises. Why is that?

You probably have type 1 diabetes. A detailed answer to the question is given in the article "". In any case, you get more benefits from physical activity than hassle. Don't quit exercising. After a few tries, you'll figure out how to keep normal sugar levels before, during, and after physical activity.

Doctors say that carbohydrates increase sugar, but proteins and fats do not. For lunch I ate only meat with raw cabbage and nothing else. And the sugar after eating still increased. Why?

In fact, proteins also increase sugar, but slowly and not as much as carbohydrates. The reason is that part of the protein eaten in the body turns into glucose. Read the article "" for more details. If you're following a low-carbohydrate diet to control your diabetes, you'll need to factor in how many grams of protein you're eating to calculate your insulin dosages. Diabetics who eat a "balanced" carbohydrate-laden diet don't count protein. But they have other problems...


Did you know:

  • How to measure sugar with a glucometer, how many times a day you need to do this.
  • How and why to keep a diabetes self-monitoring diary
  • Blood sugar levels - why they differ from those of healthy people.
  • What to do if sugar is high. How to lower it and keep it stable.
  • Features of the treatment of severe and advanced diabetes.

The material in this article is the foundation of your successful diabetes management program. Maintaining stable, normal blood sugar, as in healthy people, is an achievable goal, even in severe type 1 diabetes, and even more so in type 2 diabetes. Most complications can be not only slowed down, but also completely cured. To do this, you do not need to starve, suffer in physical education classes or inject large doses of insulin. However, you need to develop discipline in order to comply with the regime.

Complications of Gestational Diabetes Who is at risk for developing gestational diabetes? Diagnosis of gestational diabetes How is gestational diabetes controlled? How to change the diet? How safe is exercise? Weight gain during pregnancy What happens after the baby is born? Is there diabetes after the baby is born?

How to monitor blood sugar levels?

Monitoring blood sugar levels throughout the day helps to track a positive trend towards recovery: is exercise and proper nutrition effective to keep blood sugar levels under constant control, or is it necessary to increase the dose of insulin, which helps protect the development of the child. The doctor will advise you to write down what the woman eats per day in a special diary, as well as record the indicators of the blood sugar measurements taken.
To do a blood test at home, you need to pierce your finger with a lancet (small, sharp needle), then place a drop of blood on the test strip, and determine the result. Next, write down the test result, and then carefully place the lancet and test strips in the correct place (in a sharps container or in a hard plastic container). You should bring all the records with you to the appointment with the doctor, because. the doctor will look at and evaluate how the patient monitors the level of blood sugar, and may also make any adjustments to the treatment plan.
Your doctor will show you how to use the blood sugar meter correctly and tell you where you can buy one. It is sometimes possible to borrow this device from a hospital, as many hospitals provide such devices for women with gestational diabetes.
The goal of blood glucose control is to keep sugar levels at the proper level, approaching the ideal. Ranges include:

If the blood sugar level is outside the normal range, then insulin is prescribed.

Do I need to take insulin?

Based on the test results, your doctor will determine if you need to take insulin injections during pregnancy. Insulin is a hormone that controls blood sugar levels. If the patient was prescribed insulin, then he will definitely be taught how to make insulin injections.
Because pregnancy develops, the mother's placenta will produce more hormones and large doses of insulin will be needed to control blood sugar levels. The attending physician will prescribe the dose of insulin, taking into account individual indicators.
When taking insulin, a reaction associated with low blood glucose, or hypoglycemia, can occur if you do not eat enough food, skip meals, do not eat, or exercise more than usual.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia are:

  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling shaky
  • Headache
  • Sudden feeling of hunger
  • sweating
  • Weakness

    Hypoglycemia is a serious problem that requires immediate treatment. If the patient suspects that he is developing a "low blood glucose reaction", then the blood sugar level should be measured. If the sugar level is less than 60 mg / dts (milligram per deciliter), then you should eat foods containing sugar, such as orange or apple juice (1 cup); 1 cup skim milk; 4-6 sweets (sugar-containing); 1 st. a spoonful of honey, brown sugar or other. 15 minutes after taking one of the above foods, measure your sugar level. If it's still less than 60mg/dts, eat one more of the above foods. If there is more than 45 minutes left before the next meal, eat a piece of bread and some of the foods that contain protein to prevent another reaction from developing.
    Record all reactions associated with low blood glucose in a diary, including the date, time, and description of reactions that occurred during treatment.

  • Elevated blood sugar levels can mean many things. It can rise both after a hearty meal or a delicious cake, and due to a disease - diabetes. How to determine that the sugar level is not normal, the danger of this condition and how to lower blood sugar without taking medication - we will tell you about everything in this article.

    Blood sugar level - what is it?

    The main symptoms of critical blood sugar levels

    So, the general symptoms of hyperglycemia are quite simple to understand. But some of them may appear immediately, as soon as the level of sugar has risen, and some will show themselves only after a few months, or even years. In addition, their activity will directly depend on the degree of increase in glucose concentration.

    In order not to miss the moment when you need to provide urgent assistance to a person with a glycemic crisis, remember the main clinical signs that will appear in each patient:

    1. Strong thirst.
    2. Increased appetite.
    3. Nausea, vomiting, constipation.
    4. Severe itching of the body and mucous membranes.
    5. Dry mouth.
    6. "Sand" in the eyes, decreased visual acuity.
    7. Pollakiuria - frequent nighttime urination.
    8. Bleeding of wounds, even small ones, and their slow healing.
    9. Distracted attention.
    10. Loss, fear.
    11. Weight gain.
    12. Disorders of sexual function.
    13. Irritability.

    Such symptoms, which began suddenly, should be regarded as a life-threatening condition. The patient himself and the people around him should urgently begin to take action.

    If this happens to a person with diabetes, most likely they will have an insulin preparation with them. He himself will be able to use it or explain to others what to do. After that, it is still worth calling an ambulance team. If this is the first case detected, you need to urgently call the doctors.

    With frequent hyperglycemic attacks, you should contact a specialist to adjust the therapeutic dose. Constantly knocking down high sugar on your own is dangerous, because the opposite condition can develop - hypoglycemia.

    Non-drug methods for lowering glycemia

    It is impossible to reduce high glycemic numbers at home without the use of medications. Only calling an ambulance will help. An endocrinologist can write a prescription for drugs that lower blood sugar, after studying all the tests and the state of the body. To maintain glycemia within acceptable limits and correct minor deviations, the following can help:

    1. Reducing the amount of food or skipping one of the meals.
    2. Regular use of the proper amount of drinking water.
    3. Unsweetened drinks with cinnamon.
    4. Active physical exercise.

    The main helper of a person with high glycemia is strict. It differs in that each meal must be balanced. You should count the carbohydrates that enter the body. It is almost completely required to exclude sweet and starchy foods - these products lead to a sharp jump in glycemia. The following food groups are welcome to help remove sugars:

    1. Basic diet. Vegetables, cereals (excluding rice), legumes.
    2. Sour fruits and berries, for example, plum, gooseberry.
    3. Meaty and low fat. Predominantly steamed, stewed, boiled.
    4. Greens and vegetables slow down the absorption of glucose. Green foods are your best friend in the fight against high sugar levels.
    5. The fragmentation of food intake. You should eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.


    The fact that cinnamon in its effect is almost an analogue of medicines may appeal to many lovers of aromatic spices. It has a sugar-stabilizing effect, that is, it can normalize its level. It also tones the body, returns vital energy. But that's not all.

    Here are the main properties of cinnamon:

    • acts directly on sugars, reducing them;
    • stimulates the pancreas;
    • increases metabolism;
    • restores protein metabolism;
    • activates the motility of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • improves the body's immune systems.

    But even with such a large number of positive effects, there are also undesirable effects of this product. Some conditions and diseases that are contraindications to the use of cinnamon are highlighted. Namely:

    • hypertonic disease;
    • allergic reactions;
    • lactation period.

    It is necessary to take seasoning on an empty stomach in the morning. It is allowed to receive both ground and pods. Drink this "medicine" with plenty of water. It is allowed to consume no more than 4 grams of cinnamon daily. It is better not to do this in the evening, otherwise the possibility of insomnia increases.

    Bay leaf

    Bay leaf, which housewives are accustomed to using as a fragrant spice for various dishes, is also a great helper in the fight against glycemia. It helps stabilize the pancreas, which produces insulin. There is some compensation for its lack in the bloodstream.

    To combat diabetes, you should take a decoction of bay leaves:

    • Pour 8-12 sheets of parsley with half a liter of boiling water in a thermos. Let it brew for 5-6 hours, then drink half a glass half an hour before meals.
    • 8-12 bay leaves pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. Let it brew for a day, strain through a fine sieve or gauze. Take 2 weeks for ¼ cup half an hour before meals.

    One of the properties of the bay leaf is the ability to thicken the body's natural fluids. Based on this, such decoctions have a number of contraindications. This remedy should not be taken:

    • during pregnancy and during lactation;
    • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, with a tendency to constipation;
    • with diseases of the kidneys and bladder;
    • with pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
    • with individual intolerance, allergies.

    Table and apple cider vinegar

    Table 9% and apple contain a large amount of trace elements that can help the body maintain normal sugar levels, as well as strengthen tissues and bones. Apple cider vinegar is rich in calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, vitamin B. It removes excess waste products from the body, stabilizes carbohydrate metabolism.

    Some beneficial effects of vinegar:

    • reduces appetite;
    • interrupts the desire to eat sweet foods;
    • stimulates the production of gastric juice - stabilizes acidity.

    You can buy apple cider vinegar or make your own at home according to a folk recipe.

    1. Select ripe apples, wash, cut into small cubes, put in an enamel pan.
    2. Pour fruits with sugar at the rate of 50 g of sugar per 1 kg of apples.
    3. Pour hot water 3 fingers above the level of the mixture, close the pan and put it in a warm place (on the battery). Stir 1-2 times a day.
    4. After 14 days, strain the mixture through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. Drain everything into glass jars, leaving 5-7 cm on top (the composition will ferment).
    5. After 2 weeks, the apple bite will be ready. Liquid can be bottled for storage.

    Vinegar should not be taken in its pure form (especially purchased). It is best used as a salad dressing, marinade for meat and fish products. Homemade vinegar can be diluted with water (2 tablespoons per glass of water) and taken an hour before bedtime. Such treatment is contraindicated in gastrointestinal ulcers.

    Egg Lemon Mix

    An egg is a high-protein product that easily saturates the body and satisfies the feeling of hunger. Citrus fruits contain many organic acids. It is these substances that can reduce the amount of sugar in the blood plasma.

    Thus, the product of mixing egg and lemon can be another easy way to control glycemic levels.

    To prepare an egg-lemon mixture, you should prepare one large chicken egg or 4-5 small quail eggs and one lemon. The egg is beaten with a whisk until foamy, 50 ml of juice is squeezed out of the lemon and mixed. The resulting mass should be taken once a day for half an hour before meals.

    There is a certain scheme for using the egg-lemon mixture to achieve the best result. Take three days before meals in the morning, three days - a break. This 3:3 cycle is repeated for a month. To achieve the best result, the course should be carried out 5 times a year.

    decoction of oats

    Oats are a real gift not only to people with metabolic diseases, but also to all healthy people. It contains insulin, which is able to inactivate some of the glucose in the intestinal lumen, before it enters the bloodstream. This is extremely beneficial for the course of diabetes.

    Among other things, oats have antioxidant and antitoxic effects, which are the best way to protect the body from pathogenic effects.

    You can take oats as porridge, decoction or raw (sprouted cereals):

    1. Oatmeal or vegetable milk. To prepare it, a glass of oats is poured with a liter of boiling water in a thermos and left to infuse overnight. In the morning, you can take a decoction. Use it for a month 3 times a day before meals. After that, you can do it only in the morning, but more frequent use is not forbidden.
    2. Oatmeal is a complete healthy breakfast. It gives strength and helps the body to normalize sugar levels. Of course, sugar, jam, jams and other sweet additives should not be added to porridge. With compensated diabetes, you can cook porridge with milk. But still it is better if the base is water. To make it tastier, you can add sour fruits or berries - raspberries, currants, plums.
    3. Sprouted cereals should be consumed on an empty stomach, in the morning, every day.

    Exercise to help fight high sugars

    The most gentle and useful option for lowering blood glucose levels is physical activity. This not only normalizes carbohydrate metabolism, sending excess sugars for energy production, but also strengthens the body and improves mood. Physical activity is a fairly quick way to lower glycemic levels.

    To achieve a positive effect, it will be enough to give exercises for 30-40 minutes daily. All exercises should be performed at an average pace or choose a comfortable one for yourself. If you feel excessive fatigue or dizziness, stop exercising.

    The optimal set of exercises:

    • head turns to the sides and rotation in a circle;
    • circular movements of the arms back and forth;
    • body tilts forward-backward, right-left;
    • rise on toes;
    • squats with arms outstretched forward;
    • sitting on a chair, leaning on the back of a chair, raising straight legs parallel to the floor, in turn;
    • sitting on a chair, lifting your legs off the ground, stretching your arms in front of you;
    • sitting on a chair, bringing the knees to the chest, in turn;
    • leaning on the back of the chair, raise the knee, then swing the leg back;

    Such a simple set of exercises normalizes metabolism and compensates for the violation of carbohydrate metabolism, that is, it helps to get rid of "excess" sugar.

    Emergency relief of hyperglycemic state

    If high blood sugar is detected, you need to do something right away. The relief of sharp increases in sugars in type 1 and type 2 diabetes will be slightly different. The first type is often insulin injections. Insulin is long-acting, short-acting, and ultra-short-acting. Which one should be taken by a particular patient in order to reduce sugar is usually prescribed by an endocrinologist.

    Insulin of ultrashort action is usually used to sharply lower glycemia. The dosages of all insulins are calculated based on the number of bread units taken (conventional units for calculating caloric content and carbohydrate content for patients with diabetes mellitus).

    To treat type 2 diabetes, Metformin is usually the drug of choice. There are drugs of other groups that contribute to better absorption of glucose, as well as stimulating the pancreas. Here are some of them:

    1. Diabeton. Stimulates pancreatic cells that produce insulin when food enters the body.
    2. Starlix. It is taken before meals. Increases the digestibility of carbohydrates.
    3. Glucobay. Blocks the absorption of sugars as they pass through the intestines.

    Dosages of drugs always depend on the content of the diet and its quantity. Therefore, all appointments of drugs for diabetes mellitus and borderline conditions should be carried out by a specialist strictly individually.

    What happens to the body when we cut out sugar

    Sugar has an amazing effect on our body. It affects almost all metabolic processes. Therefore, when you give up sugar, interesting changes will occur.

    Two days later:

    1. The work of the digestive tract will improve, the stool will normalize. Bloating, diarrhea or constipation will disappear.
    2. The mood is balanced, anxiety and irritability will go away. Even dealing with everyday stress will suddenly become much easier.
    3. Toddlers who are accustomed to sweets, two days after the refusal, begin to easily agree to healthy fruits, vegetables and cereals. Just two days can separate a child from proper nutrition.

    After a week:

    1. Skin color will change, a healthy glow will appear, rashes and acne will disappear. The natural elasticity of the skin will also begin to recover.
    2. Energy will appear, fatigue and drowsiness will go away. The body will begin to build its "mode" of the day, not getting confused in the chaotic sugar supplements from the outside.
    3. The process of falling asleep and sleep itself is normalized. The production of cortisol will again begin to be controlled by the body. There will be good dreams.

    After 10 days:

    1. The blood will be cleansed of excess cholesterol. Vessels and tissues will begin to recover.
    2. The excess weight that appeared due to the sweet will begin to go away.

    After a month of abstaining from sugar, this initially difficult process will become your habit for a long time. And you will get nice bonuses:

    1. The skin will become young and beautiful again.
    2. The weight is adjusted up to 10 kg.
    3. Brain cells will start active. It will become easier to think and concentrate.

    List of allowed foods for diabetes and foods that are not recommended for consumption

    People with newly diagnosed diabetes can find it difficult to get used to a new diet right away. It is all the more difficult to remember which foods are useful and which can harm. To do this, you can print a table that will always come to the rescue.

    Products without limits

    Restricted products

    Prohibited Products

    Cucumbers, tomatoes

    Low fat dairy products

    Sugar, honey, jam, jams, sweet drinks

    Any kind of cabbage

    Lean meat, poultry (no skin)

    Candy, chocolate, ice cream

    Zucchini, eggplant


    Sweet pastries, cakes, cookies


    Low Fat Cheese

    Butter, lard

    Any variety of greens, lettuce

    Low fat sour cream and cottage cheese

    Mayonnaise, sour cream, cream

    Onion garlic


    Dairy products with high fat content


    pasta, bread

    High fat cheeses

    Radish, radish, turnip

    Potatoes, corn, beans

    Fatty meat, sausage, sausages


    sweet fruits

    Pates, preserves in oil

    Pears, apples (not too sweet)

    Vegetable oil

    Nuts, seeds

    Grapefruit, orange, kiwi


    Peaches, plums

    Blueberries, strawberries

    Tea, coffee without sugar, mineral water

    The norm of blood sugar depending on age

    The quantitative values ​​of sugars for our body change slightly over time. For each age period, their indicators are relevant. It is worth knowing them so that self-diagnosis is more truthful.

    2 days - 4.3 weeks

    2,8 - 4,4

    4.3 weeks - 14 years

    3,3 - 5,6

    14 - 60 years old

    4,1 - 5,9

    60 - 90 years old

    4,6 - 6,4

    90 years or more

    4,2 - 6,7

    Controlling the amount of glucose in the body can improve a person's life, and in some situations, save it. The most important thing is not to try to cure yourself. Such a difficult task is best left to a professional. And after the selection of therapy, always know how to reduce blood sugar if necessary.