How to treat with salt at home. Diseases of the liver, gall bladder, gastritis

You can find many recipes and medicines in which salt is one of the main ingredients. But did you know that salt dressings have miraculous powers in the fight against a number of diseases. Let's look at the effectiveness of such dressings using specific examples.

History of the method

The scientific history of the method dates back to the Second World War. In those days, a hypertonic solution of table salt (as the base of the dressings is called in medicine) was used to treat soldiers with open bullet and knife wounds.

The field hospitals did not have enough medicine to revive the large number of wounded soldiers. There was a problem with the lack of funds and the purchase of medicines, as well as the difficulties of timely delivery of medicines to field hospitals.

Then some surgeons began to actively use such dressings, because there was plenty of salt. This medicine was able to make soldiers combat ready in just a week of treatment. Pieces of cloth well moistened in a 10% aqueous salt solution were applied to the wounds. In just a few days it was possible to remove particles of dirt from open wounds and fight inflammation and decay.

What determines the therapeutic effect of bandages?

A 10% saline solution has the ability to remove excess fluid from cells. The effect of the solution is similar to the body's lymphatic system. First, the medicine absorbs moisture from the skin and subcutaneous layer. Then the impact falls on the more internal layers of tissue.

Thus, it is possible to remove pathogenic microorganisms, their metabolic products, dead cells and toxins from the body. As a result, a natural renewal of fluids occurs in the area of ​​damage, which soon leads to complete relief from the pathology.

Features of salt dressings

The effectiveness of using tissues soaked in a hypertonic solution depends on the characteristics of the medicine itself, the method and correctness of its use.

Features of salt dressings:

Winding material. The effectiveness of the method largely depends on the fabric material used as the winding. Namely, from its breathability. The dressing material and the affected area of ​​the body must be completely fat-free and free of alcohol and other foreign substances.

The most effective are cotton and linen textiles, which have been used in households for a long time. You need to fold the fabric in 4 layers. You can also take gauze, but it needs to be folded into 8 layers. For fixation, the bandage is bandaged in 1-2 layers and secured with a bandage;

Impregnation of fabric with solution. The piece of textile must be completely immersed in the solution container so that it is saturated to the inner layers. Then you need to squeeze the fabric so that it does not drip. You should also not squeeze too hard;

The saline solution is always used hot. You should not use boiling water, but you should feel warm;

The bandage is applied locally, that is, directly to the affected area of ​​the body. Therefore, the method of tying largely depends on the localization of the pathological process. In some cases, it is necessary to completely wrap an area around the circumference of the body, sometimes a piece of fabric is enough;

The treatment method requires caution. If you prepare a solution with a salt concentration of more than 10%, you can cause damage to the skin and subcutaneous tissue. A salt concentration of less than 8% will not bring the desired effect. The effect comes gradually. Mild pathologies can be cured in 3-4 days. But usually the course of treatment lasts from a week to 10 days. For serious illnesses, a longer course may be needed.

The effectiveness of saline dressings

It will not be possible to list all the positive effects of salt dressings in one article. Therefore, we will describe diseases in the treatment of which hypertonic solution is most effective. We will also briefly consider how to properly apply salt dressings.

The medicine is quite effective against the following diseases:

Open wounds. If there is a danger that an infection has entered an open wound, it can be pulled out using a hypertonic solution. To do this, apply a towel soaked in a hypertonic solution to the open wound, which then needs to be bandaged. If the wound is small, a few hours are enough. If the wound is deep, the bandage is applied overnight and for several days;

Colds. The bandage not only relieves the symptoms of acute respiratory infections, but also removes the infection from the body. To combat a runny nose and headache, use a headband. A runny nose goes away in less than 2 hours and does not return for a long time. And the next morning you will completely forget that you suffered from headaches. If the infection has already entered deep into the bronchi, the treatment needs to be intensified by placing a bandage on the back. In this case, a bandage consisting of 2 layers of dampened fabric and the same number of layers of dry textiles for warming is needed on the back. In 5 days it is possible to completely get rid of the infection;

Cholecystitis. In acute forms of cholecystitis, you can apply a bandage to the area where the liver is located. To do this, the towel is folded into 4 layers. The bandage is applied: from the area just below the nipples to the transverse line of the abdomen in width, and from the linea alba to the spine through the right side in length. You need to bandage tightly, preferably with a wide bandage. You need to fix it tighter on your stomach, as the bandage may loosen there. Time spent in the bandage is 10 hours. After this, you need to apply a hot heating pad to the liver for 30 minutes. This will allow excess fluid and bile mass to drain freely. Without a heating pad, you won’t be able to get a sufficient effect;

Malignant tumors. According to sources, in the early stages of tumor formation, its development can be suppressed. For example, in the case of breast cancer, bandages must be applied directly to the chest. It is applied at night for up to 9 hours. Some reviews indicated that in this way it was possible to get rid of cancer in just 2 weeks.

For uterine cancer, saline tampons are used. They are applied to the cervix for 14-15 hours. The course of treatment also lasts 14 days, during which the tumor decreases in size several times and its growth completely stops.

External cancerous moles can also be successfully treated with a hypertonic solution. For this, small stickers are applied locally. As surprising as it sounds, the first noticeable result appears after the first application. A total of 5 stickers may be enough, which give the mole a light shade, reduce its size, and eliminate fluid secretion.

Benign tumors. Breast adenoma is not as dangerous as cancerous tumors, but the diagnosis is very frightening, and the symptoms of the disease cause considerable discomfort. Benign tumors are successfully removed through surgery, but it turns out that this is not always necessary. Treatment involves applying salt bandages to your chest every night, and in just a few weeks you can eliminate the need for surgery. The same is true for prostate adenoma. The bandage is applied locally and completely eliminates the need to go under a surgical knife;

Leukemia. A blood disorder associated with excessive white blood cells can also be successfully treated with salt dressings, which are applied in a separate method. You need to wrap yourself in such a bandage, covering as much of the body as possible. That is, you need to wrap both the torso and legs. In a month you can completely recover from leukemia;

Whooping cough. The painful symptoms of whooping cough provide a lot of inconvenience. A constant cough greatly irritates the throat, and each time the cough becomes more and more painful. A salt bandage on the back will relieve cough in 2 hours, and the disease itself can be successfully treated in a few days if the method is applied at night;

Caries, gumboil, granuloma. Oral diseases are treated in different ways. For tooth pain, you can simply rinse your mouth with a hypertonic solution for 5 minutes. Caries is treated with a bandage that is applied to the entire jaw at night. You can completely get rid of caries in 14 days. More complex diseases, such as gumboil and granuloma, are treated with a saline tampon, which is inserted into the cheek.

How to prepare a dressing with a 10% solution

There are many ways to prepare salt dressings. But there is only one recipe for preparing a 10% solution. If you doubt that you will be able to prepare a high-quality solution, entrust this task to a familiar pharmacist.

Let's look at the easiest way to prepare a dressing:

Heat 1 liter of boiled water.

To obtain a 9% solution, add 3 tbsp to water. l. salt without a slide. If it is possible to measure exactly 100 g of salt, then you get a 10% solution. Chop well until the salt is completely dissolved.

Fold the gauze into 8 layers, dip in the medicine for 1 minute. Squeeze the gauze lightly so as not to dry it out and so that the solution does not drain from it.

Place moistened gauze on the affected area of ​​the body. Place a piece of natural lamb wool on top.

Cover the bandage with a bandage. This bandage is applied at night and removed in the morning. Surprisingly, such a simple recipe quickly relieves a number of diseases. When preparing the solution, it is extremely important to follow the proportions of water and salt indicated in the recipe. This is necessary to obtain an effective solution that will not cause harm.

Personally, we 100% trust Anna Danilovna Gorbacheva, who gave the recipe a new life, and with its help saved more than a dozen soldiers during the Second World War. To believe or not to believe in the miraculous power of salt dressings is everyone’s business. But we firmly believe that by taking advantage of the amazing properties of salt, you will be able to get rid of this annoying ailment. Be healthy!

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To get rid of certain diseases, including chronic ones, many people use salt. This technique has contraindications, and if the therapy is carried out incorrectly, it can negatively affect your health.

However, according to a number of doctors, if you do everything correctly, listen to the recommendations of specialists and use the substance in accordance with all the rules, then you can observe high effectiveness from salt treatment.

What diseases are treated with salt?

It is permissible to resort to salt treatment for many diseases, especially if diagnosed:

  1. Respiratory problems.
  2. Osteochondrosis.
  3. Bronchitis.
  4. Rheumatism.
  5. Oncology.
  6. Arthrosis.
  7. Acute poisoning.
  8. Arthritis.
  9. Colds.
  10. Mastopathy.
  11. Purulent lesions of the skin.
  12. Burns.
  13. Sinusitis.
  14. Increased intracranial pressure.
  15. Headache.

Important: Only a doctor can diagnose the disease and select a treatment method.

Contraindications to salt treatment

Before using saline solutions, dressings, etc., each person should be aware of the existing contraindications.

Treatment should be avoided if:

  1. Disturbances in the functioning of the heart.
  2. Hypertension.
  3. Migraine.
  4. Disturbances in the removal of fluid from the body.
  5. Problems with metabolism.
  6. Vascular sclerosis.

Advice: You should not start salt therapy without the approval of doctors.

Salt treatment

Salt therapy has a number of features:

  • has a small list of contraindications;
  • well tolerated by patients;
  • solutions, dressings, etc. are made quickly and easily.

Important: the effectiveness of the technique depends on the correctly selected salt, correctly prepared solution and compliance with all indications and restrictions on use.

How to prepare saline solution and saline dressing?

Each solution must be made according to the rules. For this it is recommended:

  1. Take purified water (one liter) and heat to 60 degrees.
  2. Put 15 grams of coarse salt in it.
  3. Stir.

The result is a 10% solution, which should be used immediately for its intended purpose.

Important: for children under 14 years old, you need to take 10 grams of salt for the same amount of water.

The use of salt dressings for treatment also requires knowledge of the fundamental rules:

1. Application is on clean skin. (It is advisable to take a shower before therapy.)

2. Great for making a bandage:

  • gauze; (The gauze must first be folded into 6 layers.)
  • cotton fabric;

Advice: Bandages should not be made from synthetic material; it does not absorb moisture well and is not good for the skin.

3. The bandage is lowered for 2 - 3 seconds into the prepared solution and wrung out a little by hand.

4. It is applied to the required area and, if necessary, fixed with a plaster or medical bandage.

Important: You cannot wrap a scarf or other warming compress over the bandage, as there must be air circulation.

5. After a maximum of 10 hours, everything is removed and the body area is rinsed with warm water.

The exact time during which the bandage is kept on the body is determined by the attending physician.

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“I cured my bad back on my own. It’s been 2 months since I forgot about the pain in my back. Oh, how I used to suffer, my back and knees hurt, lately I couldn’t really walk normally... How many times have I gone to clinics, but there they only prescribed expensive pills and ointments, which were of no use at all.

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In cases where a person is diagnosed with arthritis, arthrosis or rheumatism, salt therapy effectively helps.

For this it is recommended:

Apply a bandage soaked in saline solution. The main thing is to treat such diseases according to all the rules:

  • moisten gauze in the prepared solution; (Make the solution exclusively 10%.)
  • Apply the bandage to the problem joints for 10-11 hours.

The bandage should cover not only the desired area, but also the area 2 centimeters above and below it.

  • remove the gauze and take a warm shower.

For effectiveness, doctors advise using the procedure before bedtime for two weeks.

It is advisable to do everything at the same time, for example at 11 pm.

  • Snow compress.

You need to mix 200 grams of clean snow and salt. Next, apply the prepared product to a specific area of ​​the body and leave for 4 - 5 minutes. At the end of the time, remove all salt and drops of water with a dry cloth. The procedure is done 3-4 times and every other day.

Important: After a snow compress, you should not shower or wet the body area for 10 to 12 hours.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with salt

To get rid of osteochondrosis, experts recommend using salt dressings for 14 days. It is recommended to do them strictly 30–40 minutes before bedtime.

The mustard-salt mixture also helps effectively. To prepare you need to take:

  1. Coarse salt – 500 grams.
  2. Dry mustard – 5 grams.
  3. Bran – 5 grams.
  4. Water – 50 milliliters.

All components are laid out on a heated frying pan, then filled with water. Stirring occasionally, the mass cooks for 2 - 3 minutes, then the fire is turned off and everything is left under the lid. When the composition cools to 50 degrees, it is carefully applied to the desired area of ​​the body and kept for 15 minutes.

Advice: It’s better to wear a warm sweater or a woolen scarf on top.

The procedure is done 3 times a week, a total of no more than 5 - 6 times.

Pain and crunching in the back can lead to dire consequences over time - local or complete limitation of movements, even disability.

People, taught by bitter experience, use natural remedies recommended by orthopedists to cure their backs and joints...

Doctors' opinions on salt treatment

I consider salt dressings an effective method in the fight against joint damage. Regular procedures enable a person to get rid of the disease and forget about pain and discomfort.

Ilya Platonovich R., surgeon.

Treatment of arthritis, arthrosis and other joint diseases is possible only with complex therapy. Using salt as a separate method will not bring a positive result, but will only briefly reduce pain.

Anna Nikolaevna M., therapist.

Mikhail Ivanovich P., orthopedist.

The use of salt is considered an effective way to treat many diseases, provided it is used correctly and all proportions, contraindications and prescriptions are observed. However, you can resort to such therapy after consulting with doctors and determining an individual treatment regimen.

To understand the healing effect of salt, you need to know its composition and mechanism of action as a remedy. Sodium chloride (NaCl) is the main active ingredient of both table and sea salt. But table salt contains 100% sodium chloride, while sea salt contains almost half of the elements on the periodic table.

In addition to sodium chloride, it contains salts of magnesium, iodine, calcium, iron, manganese and other compounds. But the therapeutic effect of table and sea salt is explained by the action of sodium chloride. This action is based on osmotic processes in saline solutions.

Inflammatory processes in the joints are accompanied by swelling and accumulation of interstitial fluid in the joint cavity, which causes pain and limits their mobility. It is known that a change in the concentration of a dissolved substance in any medium creates the phenomenon of osmosis.

This process is characterized by the movement of molecules across cell membranes, which ensures a balance of concentration on both sides of the membrane. Cells, maintaining balance, give up their fluid, which leads to a decrease in swelling. Treatment with salt, salt dressings for joints not only attract the inflamed intra-articular fluid, but also absorb the toxic products contained in it, which leads to blocking the mechanism of inflammation in the joint.

The more concentrated the saline solution, the greater the osmotic effect observed. NaCl solution - has excellent antiseptic properties. It is used for gargling and nasal rinsing. Salt dressings and baths relieve inflammation from sore joints.

For which joint diseases can salt and salt dressings be used for treatment?

  • Sodium chloride is used in the treatment of such diseases of the musculoskeletal system as:
  • Arthritis is a disease associated with inflammatory lesions of the articular joints.
  • Monoarthritis is inflammation of one joint, polyarthritis is inflammatory damage to several joints;
  • Bursitis – inflammation of the synovial bursa;
  • Arthritis – dystrophic-degenerative diseases of joints associated with their destruction and deformation;

Osteochondrosis is an inflammatory disease of articular cartilage, leading to joint destruction.

What you need to know about treating joints with salt and salt dressings

When prescribing any treatment, consultation with the attending physician is necessary. In salt therapy, doctor's advice is also necessary. There are limitations and contraindications for salt treatment.. All types of this treatment are prescribed in the stage of subsiding exacerbation or in remission. There are also contraindications. Thus, saline solutions and saline dressings for joints are contraindicated in conditions such as:

  1. heart failure;
  2. kidney and urinary tract diseases;
  3. hypertension;
  4. pregnancy.

Saline solutions should be used with caution in case of metabolic problems and certain skin diseases. In order to avoid complications when carrying out salt treatment, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the concentration of sodium chloride in recipes for preparing saline solutions and saline dressings for joints. Exceeding the concentration of sodium chloride can result in a salt imbalance in the body.

The use of NaCl in the treatment of joints

Different types of salt procedures are used for treatment:

Saline dressing. It requires soft cotton fabric that absorbs moisture well. This can be a terry towel or gauze folded in several layers. The fabric must be ironed with a hot iron or placed in boiling water. This is done for disinfection purposes. The tissue is then dipped in a 10% salt solution. It is prepared by dissolving 10 teaspoons of table salt in 1 liter of hot water (65 degrees C). The affected joint is wiped with plain water and a bandage is applied. Before application, the fabric is dipped into the solution, wrung out and allowed to cool slightly so as not to burn the skin. The bandage on the joint can be secured with a piece of dry cloth. You can keep this bandage overnight (10 hours). The course of treatment with salt dressings for joints is 7-10 days. The mechanism of action is to first draw interstitial fluid from the upper layers of the skin and tissues with salt. Synovial fluid is then drawn out from the inflamed joint;

Salt compresses (simple, hot and steam). They are used to warm up the sore joint, improve blood circulation in it and relieve swelling. A simple compress is performed using a hypertonic (10%) NaCl solution at room temperature. The cotton cloth moistened with the solution is wrung out and applied to the sore joint. Cellophane film is covered over the fabric and secured with fabric. The hot compress differs only in the temperature of the saline solution. A cloth soaked in a hot solution is wrung out and applied to the sore joint. Cellophane is also applied and secured on top. The compress, unlike the bandage, is left for 30-40 minutes.

Course of therapeutic compresses – 10 sessions. Steam compresses are made using a linen bag filled with table salt. It is heated in a frying pan to 70 degrees C, poured into a bag, which is applied to the sore joint. To avoid getting burned, you can place a cloth under the bag. The top of the bag of salt is wrapped in cellophane film and secured with cloth. The effect of a steam compress is comparable to that of a sauna. It not only relieves pain and swelling of the joint, but has a relaxing effect on ligaments and muscles;

Salt baths are useful in the initial stages of polyarthritis and osteochondrosis. The physiological effects of salt baths depend on the concentration of the solution. You can take warm and hot salt baths. The latter are contraindicated for heart and kidney diseases. To prepare a bath solution, take sea salt and prepare a solution of medium concentration (2-3 kg of salt per 200 liters of water). You can take such baths daily for 10-20 minutes. The course of treatment is 15-20 procedures. Saline baths are not recommended for infectious diseases, oncology, thrombophlebitis, glaucoma, and chronic cardiovascular failure. Salt baths are strictly contraindicated for diseases associated with increased thyroid function.

Use of salt and honey in the treatment of joints

The combination of salt and honey has a great healing effect in the treatment of joint diseases. Honey has an anti-inflammatory and warming effect, which enhances the effectiveness of salt.

You can use honey and salt in the form of compresses for arthritis, arthrosis and osteochodrosis. This treatment is contraindicated if you are allergic to honey.

To prepare a compress, you need to use liquid honey and salt in a ratio of 1: 1. Having mixed salt and honey, the resulting composition should be laid out on a clean cotton cloth and applied to the sore joint. Place cellophane on top and secure with cloth. The compress can be left for several hours (overnight).

Treatment of joints with salt has long been deservedly popular. It cannot be considered as an independent, radical treatment of joint diseases. But, when used correctly, it has a noticeable effect in addition to medications. Do not forget that such treatment must be agreed with the attending physician.

Salt dressings are a unique medicine. According to reviews from supporters of their use, they treat almost everything. Is it so? This therapeutic method was discovered by doctor I.I. Shcheglov, who during World War II treated damaged bones, joints, and wounds with table salt. And today salt therapy is used quite widely. Let's consider the features of the application in more detail.

Important facts from history

During World War II, with a shortage of medicines, bandages, and disinfectants, military surgeon I.I. Shcheglov saved wounded soldiers from sepsis and gangrene using bandages with a hypertonic solution. He soaked folded linen and cotton fabric in the solution, applied it to the wound, and changed it 2 times a day. After 4 days, there was a decrease in body temperature, cleansing of wounds, and regeneration of muscle and skin tissue.

Nurse A.D. worked with Dr. Shcheglov. Gorbachev, who after the war continued to study the medicinal properties of salt. She first applied compresses with a hypertonic solution to patients undergoing surgery, then began to study the effect of the solution on nephritis, pancreatitis, gallbladder diseases, rheumatic diseases, heart diseases, respiratory diseases, joint diseases, osteomyelitis and many other health problems.

As a result of these studies, the Shcheglov-Gorbacheva method appeared. For therapeutic purposes, an 8-10% water-salt solution was used, which really can work wonders!

The history and modernity of the use of this therapeutic method in her book “Salt dressings” was described by I.A. Filippova.

Features of therapeutic use

The main therapeutic component of salt is sodium chloride (NaCl). With its deficiency in the body, an imbalance of micro- and macroelements occurs in organs and systems, drainage disorders and other disorders (diseases of the joints, blood vessels, etc.). Therefore, it is impossible to do without this substance.

Today, even specialists in official medicine recommend using saline solution to eliminate diseases of the joints, musculoskeletal system, most internal organs, and body regeneration in the postoperative period or after a serious illness. The wide therapeutic capabilities of the product are explained by its ability to absorb harmful substances and heal wounds without damaging healthy cells and tissues.

The saline solution has expressive absorption properties. When applying a compress, NaCl molecules immediately react with the fluids of internal organs and joints, absorb harmful substances, toxins, and microbes. Tissue fluids are cleansed and regenerated.

The interaction occurs with the organ whose area is in contact with the bandage. For example, when it comes to treating sciatica, NaCl affects the sciatic nerve area.

Salt as a therapeutic agent is useful for treating infections in injuries, burns, and purulent processes (initially, Shcheglov’s method was used primarily for these problems). Saline packs can be made at home to treat respiratory problems. The main condition is to maintain the proportions of salt and water when preparing a saline solution for the dressing.

In recent years, NaCl has gained popularity in the treatment and prevention of cancer, vascular, joint diseases, and musculoskeletal disorders (gout, arthrosis).

Preparation and use of the solution

Now let's look at a recipe on how to make a 10% solution and use it for therapeutic purposes.


Stir 100 g of table salt in 900 ml of boiled or hot distilled water. Compliance with proportions is very important; with a higher concentration of active substances, instead of benefit, you can get harm in the form of a negative skin reaction.


Fold cotton gauze into 8 layers and soak in the solution. Squeeze. Apply to the sore spot or on the projection of the disease. Secure with a clean, dry handkerchief, gauze, scarf, towel - it is important that the compress does not move.

This amazingly simple recipe can cope with many diseases by removing toxins and infectious agents from the body.

Important Factors

When carrying out treatment, you must follow some rules.

  1. 1st important factor– at what time to apply the bandage. The application is carried out at night and removed in the morning. If necessary, the procedure is repeated (also in the evening before bed).
  2. 2nd important factor– how long to keep the compress. It lasts 8-10 hours, no less and no more!

Some people are wondering if it is possible to make a compress at a fever? Yes, you can. The creator of the method, I.I. Shcheglov used it to treat inflammation, in most cases accompanied by an increase in body temperature. The procedure helped not only to draw out pathogens from the body, but also to reduce the temperature.

For headaches of various etiologies (with the exception of cerebral vascular sclerosis), a compress is applied in the form of a “cap” or a wide bandage on the head.

For posterior localization of pain, an application is made to the back of the head and secured with a scarf.

Sinusitis, sinusitis, runny nose

For sinusitis, sinusitis, and a runny nose, a bandage is applied to the face - on the frontal part, nose, cheeks, and secured with gauze tape. It is recommended to carry out the procedure at night. The course of treatment continues until complete recovery. At the same time, it is advisable to rinse your nose with saline solution.

Cough in children, whooping cough

Using salt compresses to treat whooping cough and cough in a child is the A.D. method. Gorbacheva. They are applied to the back at night. Relief is noticeable within a couple of hours; in some cases, children’s cough goes away the very next morning.

Sore throat, cold

Salt dressings applied to the neck, back, and head will save you from infectious and viral diseases, including sore throat, sore throat, flu and colds. Place a warm towel over the compress and leave it overnight. Full recovery usually occurs within 5 days.

Thyroid diseases

We are talking about symptomatic therapy, eliminating only the manifestation of thyroid diseases, but not treating the cause. Apply the compress at night, repeat the procedure until the signs of the disease disappear.


To treat pneumonia, compresses are applied to the back, on the projection of the inflammatory process, fixed with a scarf, tightly, but not tightly. Before starting therapy, you should undergo an examination to exclude internal bleeding!

Gastrointestinal tract

For diseases of the intestines and pancreas (in particular, pancreatitis), a therapeutic compress is applied to the entire abdominal area. Therapy lasts about a week, during which time the symptoms of the disease subside. Do not tighten the fixing scarf or handkerchief too tightly - excessive compression can cause the stomach to pull after salt dressings.

Diseases of joints and bones

To alleviate the manifestations of joint diseases (gout, arthrosis, etc.), a bandage is applied to the sore spot at night. In most cases, 2 weeks of therapy is sufficient.

The same treatment is carried out for dislocations, strains, sprains - for example, if the knee joint is damaged, a saline bandage is applied to the knee.

Diseases and bone lesions are treated in the same way. Therapy is local, i.e. a saline dressing is applied to the area where the disease is present:

  • for pain in the bones - to the source of pain;
  • for fractures - at the site of the fracture;
  • for cervical osteochondrosis - on the neck and back.

For legs

Leg bandages are used for various problems and diseases:

  • for varicose veins - applied to the area where there are bumps on the legs;
  • for thrombophlebitis - an application is carried out on the projection of inflammation and the presence of a blood clot (previously
  • should be examined to detect a blood clot);
  • for swelling of the legs - on the area from the knee to the ankle;
  • in case of bruised legs - directly to the affected area;
  • with spurs - on the heel/s.

For skin

The healing properties of salt dressings include effects on various skin diseases. They are applied to the affected area and secured with gauze. This treatment helps with psoriasis, dermatitis, most forms of eczema, acne on the body (it can also be treated on the face, but the application in this case is quite complicated; for the face it is better to choose a different, more convenient method).

This technique is also suitable for accelerating the healing of purulent wounds (with the exception of open wounds!).

Despite the fact that we are talking about a treatment suitable for eliminating edema, the use of saline eye patches (for bruises, tumors, swelling...) is not advisable due to the difficulty of preventing the solution from getting into the eyes. This is fraught not only with irritation, but also with serious complications.

Liver diseases

Health benefits from using the “salt method” are possible for inflammatory liver diseases. The compress is applied to the lower back and abdomen, secured with a scarf or handkerchief.
When treating the liver, it is necessary to alternate the use of salt and heating pads!


In case of a vertebral hernia, the application is carried out similarly to the above case, but only on the spine.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes

The use of Shcheglov's technique for inflammation of the lymph nodes is a controversial issue. The opinions of specialists and doctors differ in this regard. However, the ability of salt to “pull” disease out of the body is beyond doubt. However, before applying saline dressings to the lymph nodes, consult your doctor!


High blood pressure is one of the diseases of civilization. It can either be a consequence of certain diseases or their cause. Salt dressings, along with following the rules of a healthy lifestyle, can significantly alleviate the condition of a person suffering from hypertension. They are applied to the forehead before going to bed. Course – 10 days.

In case of hypertension accompanied by other symptoms (headache, impaired renal function, etc.), the application is carried out additionally in accordance with the problem that has arisen.


The application is carried out directly on the tumor or on its projection:

  • lung cancer - on the back in the lung area;
  • throat cancer - on the front of the neck, in the area where the tumor is located;
  • melanoma (malignant tumor of the skin) - directly to the site of the disease.

For teeth

Caries and periodontal disease are common diseases that threaten tooth loss. Of course, using a bandage in the mouth will not work, so treatment of these diseases is carried out by rinsing the mouth with a solution or rubbing it into the gums.

For women

The healing properties of salt are used in gynecology and in the treatment of a number of diseases characteristic of women.

  1. Mastopathy, mammary gland cyst - the bandage is applied to the chest (both glands). The therapeutic course is about 2-3 weeks.
  2. Ovarian cyst - a bandage covers the pelvic area and lower abdomen, applied in a circle - through the lower back, fixed with a towel.

For men

Prostate adenoma and other diseases of this organ are a big problem for middle-aged and older men. To treat these diseases, use a salt bandage on the groin area - it should cover the bladder.

What should you know?

Despite the positive effect on health in many diseases, salt dressings may not help. When is their use inappropriate? Therapeutic effects will not appear for the following problems:

  1. Pulmonary hemorrhages.
  2. Sclerosis of cerebral vessels.
  3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Peptic ulcer, digestive disorders, stool disorders.
  5. Gallstones and kidney stones.

The use of NaCl also has contraindications. The beneficial substance should not be applied to the heart area. Application to the head is possible after consultation with a doctor.

Diseases and disorders that are contraindications:

  1. Atherosclerosis.
  2. Kidney and heart failure.
  3. Migraine, cluster headache.
  4. Urinary tract diseases.
  5. Metabolic disorder.

Advice for pregnant women and during breastfeeding: consult your doctor before using NaCl!


An important factor in the effectiveness of treatment is the concentration of the solution. Concentrations above 10% will lead to oversaturation of cells with sodium and chlorine, consequently, to an imbalance in the salt balance. If the solution concentration is less than 10%, it will not have the desired therapeutic effect (although it will not cause harm).

Salt dressings are used in the treatment of many diseases and their effectiveness has been proven in practice. They have been used for many years and have saved many people from various illnesses and surgeries. Unfortunately, salt dressings have supplanted modern means and methods of treatment, but this does not reduce the effectiveness of this remedy. This treatment method is safe, simple and can be used at home. When treating with saline dressings, you need to know how to prepare the saline solution for this procedure and how to place the dressing correctly.

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Salt dressings work wonders

How to prepare the solution

For the saline solution, you need sea or simple table salt without preservatives, iodine and other impurities. Additives in this case can cause harm, causing irritation. Water must be taken purified from impurities; distilled, filtered, boiled, rain, and melt water are suitable for these purposes.
The best salt concentration in water is 8 - 10 percent. A smaller amount of salt is ineffective, and a larger volume can damage capillaries and cause irritation of the skin.

For the solution, take a liter of water and three level tablespoons of salt (90 grams). For small amounts, for example, for joint pain in the arm, 1 glass of water and 20 grams of salt are enough. The solution can be divided into 2 parts. You can use it in the next procedure, just preheat it. The shelf life of the saline solution is 1 day. Should be stored in a tightly closed container.
Before use, the finished solution is heated on the stove to 50 - 60 degrees.

How to make a bandage correctly

For a salt dressing, use cotton or linen fabric folded in 4 layers or gauze in 8 layers. For salt tampons, use regular cotton wool. The salt dressing should be breathable. The folded fabric is immersed in the hot solution for 1 minute. After this, squeeze out a little (water should not drip) and apply to the sore spot. The skin should be clean and dry, without cream or ointment.

There should be no cuts, scratches or damage to the skin.

The bandage is secured with a bandage or adhesive tape so that it fits fairly tightly to the sore spot.

It is forbidden to cover the bandage with airtight material, film, or a woolen scarf!

The bandage should be applied at night. If there are no contraindications, the bandage can remain on the sore spot for up to 12 hours. In the morning after removal, wipe the sore spot with a cloth moistened with warm water and wipe dry.

A salt compress is applied to clean, dry skin.

  • When applying a bandage to the stomach, it must be secured very tightly with a bandage. Overnight, the volume of the abdomen will decrease and the bandage will become looser; if it is loosely secured, it will dangle and will not bring any benefit.
  • When applying a salt bandage to the back, a roller is made of fabric, placed along the spine and secured with a bandage. The roller allows the bandage to fit more tightly to the sore spot.
  • The shoulder girdle is bandaged in a figure eight, from the back, through the armpits.
  • The lower part of the chest is bandaged in a circle.
  • For leukemia, a bandage is applied to the entire body using the principle of wrapping it in a sheet.
  • If it is necessary to cleanse the body, use a simple cotton shirt, which is soaked in the solution and put on overnight.

Why salt helps - expert opinion

The salt dressing has an absorbent effect. Salt, when it comes into contact with the skin with moisture, draws out viruses, microbes, pathogenic bacteria, toxins, and poisons.
At the same time, the body tissues are renewed and cleansed. The effect of the bandage is applied specifically to the diseased part, without affecting the others.

The saline solution removes from the body everything that the weakened lymphatic system cannot remove. At the same time, the load on the system is reduced and the body copes with the disease more easily.
The effects of salt on the human body have been studied for more than 25 years, and today many doctors offer their patients this alternative treatment, together with standard medications.

Video about the benefits of salt dressings

Treatment for sinusitis

Salt dressing is used in the treatment of sinusitis, runny nose and sinusitis. For sinusitis, the bandage is applied to the cheeks, nose and bridge of the nose, covering part of the forehead. Cotton swabs are placed on the wings of the nose. The bandage is secured on top with a bandage. This bandage remains overnight and is removed in the morning. Treatment continues until complete recovery. To enhance the effect, the nose is washed with a 9 percent saline solution.

Treatment of joints

For rheumatism, bursitis, polyarthritis, arthritis, the bandage is placed on the sore joints. The bandage should cover the limb 15 centimeters above and 15 centimeters below the problem area. The bandage is applied overnight. The procedure must be repeated for 2 weeks.

Treatment of joints

Muscle pain

In case of fatigue, muscle pain, sprains, a bandage is applied to the problem area. For an overall effect when overworked, you can additionally apply a salt bandage to the lower back and neck. In the morning, even severe pain will decrease, and with the repeated procedure it will go away.

Lower back treatment


For any inflammatory processes in the throat (sore throat, tracheitis, laryngitis), a bandage is applied to the neck. For headaches, it is applied to the neck and head and secured with a general bandage. The procedure must be repeated at least 3 times. The throat bandage is applied in the evening, before bedtime, and removed in the morning. A towel is placed on top of the bandage. After the first procedure you already feel relief.

Pneumonia, bronchitis

For bronchitis, a fabric bandage is applied to the chest. For pneumonia, the bandage is placed on the back, on the sore side. Then it is fixed so that it does not interfere with breathing, but is tight, and is covered with a towel on top. For a tighter fit, a cushion is placed on the spine. Treatment period is 5 days. For pulmonary bleeding, the bandage is not used.

Treatment of heart diseases

Saline dressing is used for pericarditis, endocarditis, myocarditis. For this purpose, take a waffle towel. Folds three times. Dip into a heated saline solution and wring out. The bandage is placed on the left shoulder, covering the heart area from the front and back. The ends of the bandage on the chest are fixed with a bandage. The procedure should be carried out every other day, 7 times.

For angina pectoris, heart valve disease, and coronary heart disease, a saline dressing is contraindicated.


Salt dressing is used in the treatment of goiter (thyroid gland) in an acute form. This procedure improves the condition, but unfortunately does not completely cure the disease.


For liver diseases, salt dressings alternate with hot heating pads. The bile ducts dilate and release stagnant bile, carrying it into the intestines.


For inflammatory processes in the intestines, the bandage is placed on the stomach. The procedure is repeated for 7 days. In case of poisoning, a salt dressing helps one time; in severe cases, it is repeated 4 times.


Saline solution helps with headaches caused by inflammation, swelling of the brain or lining of the brain, dropsy, and brain tumor. In case of cerebral vascular sclerosis, this procedure is contraindicated. The bandage is applied according to the principle of a wide strip or cap. The top is secured with a bandage.

Mastopathy, breast cancer

Salt dressing is quite effective for mastopathy and breast cancer. Treatment lasts 2 - 3 weeks. This effective remedy is used for leukemia, radiation sickness, anemia, prostate adenoma, benign and malignant tumors on the skin, hematomas, and burns. It can be used to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and poisons.


Duodenal ulcers, stomach ulcers, intestinal volvulus, constipation, hernias, adhesions, scars, stones in the bile ducts, kidneys cannot be treated in this way, since this procedure in this case can cause harm.

Reviews about treatment with salt dressings

This procedure helps against many diseases and, if a person has no contraindications or individual intolerance, can be used by almost everyone.
Studies have shown that salt dressings relieve cholecystitis, nephritis, chronic appendicitis, diffuse goiter, rheumatic carditis, rheumatism, osteomyelitis, abscesses, burns, inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract and other serious diseases.

A salt dressing helped me with poisoning. The pills didn't help, it got even worse. In addition to vomiting, diarrhea appeared and I decided to try my grandmother’s method and use a salt dressing. I placed the bandage on the abdominal area. After a couple of hours, the abdominal pain began to decrease, diarrhea and vomiting stopped. After 6 hours I felt much better and I even drank tea. Now, if necessary, I use this method on my household.

Valentina Grigorjevna:

I have been using salt dressings for decades. When I was young, she helped me cure pneumonia. Unfortunately, the necessary medications were not at hand, but a woman I knew suggested this remedy to me. I secured the bandage on my back and went to bed. In the morning there was no longer any fever, and the cough had decreased. I repeated this procedure 4 times and after that I began to feel complete recovery. After that, I began to use it for back pain, joint pain, colds and runny nose.

I burned my hand at work and unknowingly applied ointment to it. My hand was very swollen and painful. The pharmaceutical drugs had a short-term effect, and I didn’t want to take painkillers. I found information about salt dressings on the Internet and decided to try it. Half an hour after applying the bandage, the pain decreased. I repeated the procedure for 3 days. The burn first diminished and then began to heal.

Salt dressings have been used for decades and the properties of salt have been proven by real-life examples. Many people were saved from operations, even with advanced illnesses.
Saline solution is a safe remedy and can be used in the treatment of children.

Salt dressings are an easy-to-implement method that, according to supporters of alternative medicine, will relieve many ailments. What is the secret of its effectiveness, what pathologies does it help with, and how to carry out the procedure correctly?

What are the benefits of the procedure?

The essence of the method is that a bandage treated with a salt solution is fixed on a certain (depending on the existing ailment) area of ​​the body.

A little history.

Saline dressings gained popularity largely thanks to Anna Gorbacheva, a nurse who worked with surgeon Ivan Shcheglov during wartime. The doctor helped many soldiers using a sodium chloride solution, and Anna used bandages for various ailments for several years after the end of the war, and then shared the results.

The pharmacological properties of salt allow the product to be used in the treatment of many ailments

The procedure is carried out using table (rock) salt - sodium chloride. Thanks to this substance, the use of dressings:

  • has an absorbent effect (sucks out toxic substances);
  • provides antibacterial effect;
  • smoothes out pain;
  • suppresses inflammatory processes;
  • will relieve swelling (by removing excess fluid);
  • accelerates regeneration;
  • stimulates blood microcirculation.
  • purulent processes, infected wounds, burns and other skin injuries;
  • joint diseases;
  • pathologies of the respiratory organs;
  • ailments of the large and small pelvic organs;
  • hypertension;
  • headaches;
  • colds, sore throat, runny nose, cough, etc.

How to apply salt dressings?

When applying the method, it is important to consider some recommendations.

  1. Saline dressings should be considered solely as an auxiliary method as part of complex therapy. This method is not a panacea for all ills.
  2. Before resorting to sodium chloride treatment, it is important to consult a doctor.
  3. The recommended concentration of the solution required to make a bandage is 8–10%. Exceeding this indicator is fraught not only with discomfort, but also with vascular damage and other complications.
  4. To make a bandage, it is important to use absolutely clean, but at the same time washed several times, “breathable” (moisture and air permeable) materials: linen or cotton (the ideal option is “waffle” towels), ordinary gauze is also perfect.
  5. Linen and cotton fabrics can be folded in no more than 4 layers, gauze - up to 8 layers.
  6. The material treated with a solution of sodium chloride is fixed only with a bandage, a film cannot be applied over it, and you should also not resort to insulation with a scarf or thick fabric. Free air circulation is an indispensable condition for a correctly applied bandage.
  7. During the procedure, a feeling of coolness may occur, so it is recommended to moisten the fabric in a solution whose temperature is 60–70 °C. If necessary, the matter can be cooled a little by shaking it in the air.
  8. When applying a bandage, it is important to ensure that the room is warm and free of drafts.

A preliminary consultation with a doctor before treatment with saline dressings is required.

Description of the procedure

The very first stage of making a therapeutic dressing is preparing the solution.

Preparing the solution

Stir salt in water heated to 60–70 °C. It is recommended to use distilled or purified water with high-quality filters.

The proportional ratio of liquid and sodium chloride depends on the concentration of the composition needed for treatment: 80, 90 or 100 g of salt per liter of water to obtain 8, 9 and 10% of the composition, respectively.

Applying a bandage

  1. Wash the area of ​​the body where the bandage will be applied with running water and soap and dry with a towel.
  2. Moisten the cloth in the prepared solution, squeeze a little to remove excess liquid (excessively dry cloth will not provide the desired effect, too wet will cause discomfort), and apply, depending on the existing disease, to a specific area of ​​the body.
  3. Secure with a bandage.
  4. After a certain time (depending on what ailment is being treated), remove the bandage and wipe the skin with a soft cloth moistened with clean water.

A clean, but washed several times “waffle” towel is perfect for making a salt dressing.

The bandage provides a local effect, so it needs to be applied to a specific area, based on the existing disease.

Video: the benefits of salt dressings and application features

Table: features of treatment of various ailments

Video: salt dressings for varicose veins

Can I use the method during pregnancy?

Most sources do not list pregnancy as a contraindication for salt dressings, but before resorting to this method of treatment, you should definitely consult a gynecologist.

During pregnancy, the use of various treatment methods, including the use of saline dressings, requires special caution and prior consultation with a gynecologist.


The use of bandages is contraindicated when:

  • individual intolerance;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • sclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • pulmonary hemorrhages;
  • some dermatological pathologies (consultation with a doctor is required).


  • hypertension;
  • heart failure;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • dysfunction of the urinary system, kidneys;
  • frequent migraines.

In some cases, a bandage on the chest can lead to a weakening of the heart rhythm; if such an effect occurs, the method should be used within a day and only after consulting a doctor.

Dressings with sodium chloride solution will not help with:

  • hernias and adhesions;
  • constipation;
  • ulcerative lesions of the intestines and stomach;
  • volvulus;
  • stones in the kidneys, liver, gall and bladder;
  • heart valve pathologies;
  • ischemic disease;
  • angina pectoris.

What do the doctor's say?

The disinfecting properties of sodium chloride are valued in official medicine, but most doctors do not recognize salt dressings as an independent remedy in the treatment of serious ailments.

At the institute we were taught that salt dressings are excellent at drawing out pus from a wound. Change them when dry. Well, then I’ll tell you everything specifically.

Once upon a time, a long time ago, when I was still a student, I was vacationing with friends on an island on the Volga. In Saratov and in general in the Volga cities, this type of recreation is very popular in the summer.

And this had to happen - he injured his leg, and the wound festered. I can't walk at all. There are no medicines at hand at all, not even a basic bandage. An island is an island.

First I tried to look for plantain, because from childhood I remembered that plantain is very good for treating purulent wounds. A plantain leaf should be crushed and tied to the wound. After a few hours, apply another one, etc.

The next morning the wound will be clean, since plantain is the strongest natural antibiotic. But the plantain was not on the island, just as luck would have it. What do we do?

Then I took a clean cloth and diluted table salt in a jar at the rate of 2 teaspoons per 200 g of water. This turns out to be approximately an 8–10% solution. I moistened a cloth with this solution, wrung it out and applied it to the wound. As soon as it dries, I wet it again and apply it.

I did this all day long. The next morning it was much better and I continued my dressings. And the next day he galloped like an elephant. That's all the treatment. Without any pills.

This ratio is 2 tsp. salt per glass is optimal. Anything less will not work. If more, you can harm the body. Maintain proportion.

Video: doctor’s opinion on salt treatment

Patient reviews

Most ailments for which proponents of alternative treatment methods recommend using salt dressings require complex therapy, so this method should not be considered as a panacea. At the same time, the pharmacological properties of sodium chloride are also valued in official medicine, therefore, if the recommendations are followed, salt dressings can alleviate the patient’s condition.

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Ordinary salt plays a rather contradictory role in human life. History preserves the facts of its erection on a pedestal. Until the last century, a pinch of crystals was equivalent to gold. After a while, she was famously thrown off the “pedestal,” declaring her “white death.” What is her role?

There are many known facts when crystals simply saved people from death. For example, during the Second World War, treatment with salt dressings was effectively used. The followers of the technique carefully preserved reviews of unique healings and brought them to the present day.

Historical reference

A WWII participant, Anna Danilovna Gorbacheva, then still a young operating nurse, worked in a field hospital with the amazing surgeon I. I. Shcheglov. It was he who, not paying attention to the constant criticism from his colleagues, practiced treating many wounded with saline solution.

The doctor applied napkins soaked in a hypertonic solution to the contaminated wounds of his patients. They changed twice a day. Already on the 3-4th day, such treatment with salt dressings gave a favorable result. Reviews, carefully preserved to this day, testified that Dr. Shcheglov had virtually no amputations in the department due to gangrene.

After the end of the war, 10 years later, Gorbachev used Shcheglov’s method to care for postoperative patients. The result was great. This was the impetus for a more detailed study of the solution. Anna Danilovna carefully studied the influence of an amazing panacea on a number of ailments. Among them:

  • cholecystitis;
  • chronic appendicitis;
  • nephritis;
  • rheumatic heart disease;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • inflammation in the lungs;
  • articular rheumatism;
  • diffuse goiter;
  • abscesses.

Subsequently, the doctor will notice that she received positive results quite quickly. And a unique, amazing technique that has no analogues in the world will be born, popularly known as “Treatment with salt dressings according to Gorbacheva.”

Mechanism of action of the solution

What is the secret of such an unusual medicine? The fact is that a hypertonic solution is an active sorbent. It is capable of drawing out all the “nasty” from a damaged organ. Treatment with salt dressings cleanses wounds, providing an antimicrobial effect.

Salt acts exclusively on the affected organ or area of ​​the body where it is placed. Initially, fluid is absorbed from the subcutaneous layer. Then comes the turn of the deeper tissues. From them, the liquid rises to the surface, taking with it all microbes, fungi, and viruses. Thus, treatment with saline solution renews the diseased organ and cleanses it of pathology. This eliminates the disease.

A bandage soaked in a hypertonic solution affects the body gradually. Therefore, you should not expect instant healing. There is no clear answer to the question of how many procedures will be required for treatment. Since each disease has its own specific amount recommended. Moreover, the more complex the stage of the disease, the more bandages should be applied. On average, this process takes from seven to twenty days.

Rules for using dressings

It is very important to follow all recommendations so that salt treatment does not harm your body. Saline dressings must be breathable. It is prohibited to cover them with polyethylene or other compression materials. It is best to use linen or cotton fabric. You can use regular gauze.

The hypertonic solution used for medicinal purposes should be 8-10%. This means that per 100 g of water, respectively, eight or ten grams of table salt should be added.

The prepared fabric must be folded in 4-6 layers. Soak it in a warm solution (50 C). Squeeze a little. Just don't unscrew it completely. Otherwise, the bandage will be ineffective. Apply it to the sore area. If an internal organ is damaged - on its projection.

In the absence of any contraindications, a one-time treatment with saline dressings lasts from ten to thirteen hours. They are attached to the surface of the skin with a bandage or thin adhesive plaster. Never cover with a fabric that does not allow air to pass through!


Unfortunately, this method is not universal. Like other procedures, it has a number of contraindications. Therefore, if you decide to be treated with salt, be sure to consult your doctor. For some chronic ailments, this method may be contraindicated. And with pulmonary bleeding it is even dangerous! Sclerosis of cerebral vessels is a diagnosis for which salt treatment is strictly prohibited.

The solution should be used very carefully when:

  • hypertension;
  • heart failure;
  • disorders of the urinary system;
  • migraines;
  • impaired metabolism.

Remember: increasing the salt concentration will not add healing properties to the solution. On the contrary, such a bandage will provoke an oversaturation of the body with chlorine and sodium. As a result, a salt imbalance will occur.

One more important warning before we touch on amazing procedures and equally miraculous cure stories. Ulcers, scars, hernias, constipation, adhesions, and intestinal volvulus are not cured by salt dressings. And, unfortunately, salt cannot dissolve stones either.

The bandage will not bring relief for coronary artery disease, angina pectoris, or heart valve defects.

Treatment of ailments with hypertonic solution

Salt dressings can cure many diseases. The main thing is not to forget to consult a doctor. Another golden rule is not to refuse medications prescribed by your doctor. Use saline solution as an adjunctive therapy.

Now let’s touch on some ailments that patients have successfully overcome. They are happy to share their victories over various diseases in reviews.

Inflammatory diseases of the head

The salt treatment procedure is effective for dropsy, swelling of the brain and its membranes (arachnoiditis, meningitis). It is also used to combat influenza, typhus, sepsis, excessive blood supply, and tumor formations. Excellent results were also seen after use by patients who had suffered a stroke.

In this case, the bandage is a “cap” made of a thick bandage, folded into 8 or 9 layers. It is recommended to make a solution of 9%. You can wrap the entire head or put a bandage around it. The procedure is done at night, for 8-9 hours. In the morning everything is removed from the head. The latter must be washed.

Laryngitis, sore throat, tracheitis, inflammation of the thyroid gland (goiter)

Treatment with salt dressings for the thyroid gland has been experienced by many patients. They share their medical stories and miraculous cures. Patients with endemic goiter, for whom doctors recommended one option - surgery, began treatment with saline dressings. Reviews indicate miraculous healing. It turned out that 11 nightly procedures were enough. How surprised the doctors, and the patients themselves, were when the lump on the thyroid gland simply disappeared!

Patients who were diagnosed with nodules and lumps on the thyroid gland shared their experience of salt treatment. In most cases, a 9% solution was used. Warm gauze soaked in the solution was applied to the thyroid area. Patients have noticed that it is advisable to capture part of the chin and chest area. These dressings were applied daily. Reviews indicate that for most patients ten procedures were enough for complete healing. Doctors confirmed the cure.

Arthritis, polyarthritis, rheumatism, bursitis, osteochondrosis

For arthritis, treating joints with salt dressings will successfully eliminate the most unpleasant symptoms. We are talking about pain in the affected joints and swelling. Before using this technique, be sure to consult your doctor. He will determine the required duration of the procedure and its frequency.

If rheumatism is diagnosed, treatment of joints with salt dressings is no less effective. They perfectly relieve swelling of diseased joints. Normalizing fluid outflow leads to a significant improvement in well-being. It should not be forgotten that supervision by a rheumatologist is mandatory.

For dressings, use a 10% solution. The limbs should be bandaged 10-15 centimeters more than the affected area. The procedure is performed every night for 2 weeks.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with salt dressings is no less effective. For the procedure, apply a moistened cloth to the painful areas.

Hepatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis, cirrhosis, pancreatitis

Simple table salt will help to cope with the above serious ailments. It is recommended to apply the bandage in 3-4 layers. With a diagnosis such as dropsy of the abdomen, it is advisable to place the tissue over the entire surface, starting from the base of the chest and ending with the navel. The fabric is fixed with a wide bandage. This bandage should act on the body for 9-10 hours. The course of treatment depends entirely on the stage of the disease. On average it ranges from 7 to 10 procedures.

Pathologies of the pelvic organs

Polyps, rectal tumors, colitis, hemorrhoids, prostate adenoma, prostatitis are also treated with a hypertonic solution. For the procedure, gauze is folded in two layers. After moistening in a 10% warm solution, apply a bandage to the pelvis. The top is covered with a “waffle” towel and bandaged tightly. Rollers should be placed in the groin pits and bandaged in one layer. They are applied to press the bandage tightly.

This treatment with salt dressings is used for oncology. This procedure is recognized as effective in the fight against fibroids, uterine cancer, and ovarian cancer. Three weeks is treatment for cancer with salt. For other diseases mentioned above, it is recommended to apply salt dressings for 2 weeks. A special feature of this treatment is a certain alternation. During the first week, the bandages are applied every night. The rest of the time for both cases the procedure is repeated every other day.

Treatment of prostatitis with salt dressings is quite effective. The patients themselves talk about this, being surprised that it took only 8 nights to fight the disease.

Bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, emphysema, asthma

And the universal seasoning combats these ailments. Treatment of cough with salt dressings is very effective. This is especially true for bronchitis. Gorbachev herself used this remedy to get rid of cough from whooping cough. The babies she treated felt relief within an hour. And four procedures were enough for the children to fully recover.

It is worth recalling that treatment with salt dressings for oncology is very effective. In this case, for lung tumors. The procedure will require a 10% solution. The bandage is applied to the entire surface of the back. Men can also apply it to the chest. It is recommended to cover the moistened dressings with two “waffle” towels. They should be bandaged fairly tightly with wide bandages.

The course of treatment for inflammatory lung diseases is 7-10 procedures. In this case, bandages should be applied daily. The course for treating tumors lasts three weeks. For the best effect, it is recommended to apply the bandages every night for the first seven days. For the remaining two weeks, the procedure is repeated every other day. It is advisable to keep the bandages for about 10 hours (until they are completely dry).

It is very important to know that in case of pulmonary hemorrhage, the salt procedure is strictly prohibited. In this situation, it can cause harm to the body.

Women's diseases

Some illnesses, as a rule, proceed quite unnoticed. But many of them “hit” what hurts the most – the ability to give birth to a child. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor in time so as not to trigger this pathology.

At the same time, there is an excellent method to relieve the inflammatory process. As you may have guessed, treatment of female diseases with salt dressings. For the procedure you will need a 10% solution. Before applying the bandage, you should wash your stomach well (preferably with soap). As previously noted, linen or cotton fabric is ideal for a bandage. However, gauze remains the best option. It is folded in several layers. However, no more than eight. The solution for the procedure should be hot - about 60-70 C. But before applying the bandage, it is recommended to cool the gauze somewhat. Treatment with saline solution in this case lasts about 10-15 hours. Moistened gauze is applied to the appendage area. It is fixed with adhesive tape and panties. Again, no breathable fabrics! After the procedure, the body is dried with a damp towel.

Treatment of varicose veins

Such an unpleasant disease plagues many people, especially women. However, treating varicose veins with salt dressings is an effective way to get rid of this disease. A little effort and patience - and the disease is cured. You can forget about problems with blood vessels.

It is recommended to wear socks soaked in the solution at night. Place dry ones on top. Such procedures have a fairly beneficial effect on the body. This technique perfectly relieves edema, because it is aimed at normalizing the functioning of small vessels. It can even relieve thrombophlebitis.

Treatment with a saline solution with the addition of 3% hydrogen peroxide (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of liquid) is considered quite effective. Such dressings can get rid of knots in the veins and blood clots. The procedure lasts 3-4 hours. In this case, it is optimal to apply bandages twice a day to the damaged areas or to all calves.

Oncology. Reviews

It has been noted more than once that treating cancer with salt dressings gives a favorable result. This is confirmed by many patients. And since the topic of oncology has reached great proportions today, it is simply impossible not to dwell on it in more detail.

So, for the first time, Anna Danilovna Gorbacheva tested this remedy on a patient with a cancerous mole in the facial area. The result was great. Today's patients diagnosed with cancer also use this therapy. Many positive reviews about the technique give an idea of ​​the process. Typically, people find that multiple procedures can change a poor prognosis. And the full course of recommended treatment really works wonders. Patients are cured of such an insidious disease without surgical intervention.

The doctor has a lot of evidence in his archives of miraculous healing from cancer. Daily procedures can get rid of breast adenoma. Such an effective technique and, at the same time, simply simple, still heals many patients today. Treatment with salt dressings, reviews indicate this, saved patients from surgical intervention and from the need for a long and painful fight against the disease.

Amazing white salt crystals can also defeat prostate adenoma. Numerous reviews of patients who were cured thanks to salt dressings indicate that, on average, nine procedures are enough to defeat the disease.

And even leukemia can be cured with salt dressings. Patients suffering from the disease are recommended to wear them in the form of trousers and a blouse.

However, do not forget that when undertaking home treatment with a hypertonic solution, in no case should you refuse the doctor’s prescriptions!


I would like to end with the warnings of the author of the amazing technique - A. D. Gorbacheva. She tries to bring to the knowledge of patients that table salt solution (for all its effectiveness) is not a panacea for all ailments! This technique allows you to get rid of inflammatory processes, tissue swelling, and burns. At the same time, she is able to cope with some tumors.

The last thing the famous doctor reminds us of is strict adherence to all the rules. Only in this case can we talk about the complete safety and high effectiveness of this treatment method.

Let's talk about treatment with salt dressings. Before starting such treatment, be sure to carefully read and adhere to the following recommendations during the treatment process:

It is better to apply the bandage to cleanly washed skin

the material for the bandage must be clean and wet (it is better if it is gauze, linen or cotton fabric)

fold gauze in 6-8 layers, and cotton fabric in 4 layers (no more)

Do not cover the top of the bandage with anything! She must "breathe"

the salt concentration in the solution in all cases should not exceed 10% for adults (2 teaspoons per 200 ml of water) and 8% for children (2 teaspoons per 250 ml)

take hot water 60-70 C, while you prepare the bandage, it will cool down

keep the pad for 12 hours, then rinse in fresh water and rinse the bandage in fresh water for the next compress

For headaches, the first signs of flu, acute respiratory infections and high blood pressure, apply a bandage around your head.

If poisoning occurs, apply a bandage to your stomach.

If you have a sore throat or an infection in the lungs or bronchi, apply bandages to your neck and back.

In addition, there are many positive examples of the treatment of serious diseases with salt dressings. They can be a good assistant to the main treatment prescribed by your doctor. These are tumor formations of various etiologies, bruises, sprains, burns; stones in the kidneys and gall bladder (dissolves), restores the functioning of the hematopoietic organs, eliminating concomitant diseases, helps restore the functioning of the spine in various diseases.

Salt dressings will also help with the complex treatment of liver diseases. Apply the bandage from the right chest to the middle of the abdomen in front and to the spine in the back (you can call it a wrap). After 10 hours, remove the bandage and apply a heating pad to the epigastric region for half an hour - this is necessary so that the bile ducts expand and the dehydrated, thickened bile mass can freely pass into the intestines. Be sure to use a heating pad to avoid blockage of the bile ducts. itself

The main rule is not to increase the concentration of the saline solution on your own under any circumstances!

Remember! If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, then you need to apply bandages no more than every other day.

Just don’t think that salt therapy is limited to compresses! There are many other ways to heal and improve your health using salt.

We'll talk about them next time. See you on the pages of my blog.


During the Second World War, surgeon Ivan Ivanovich Shcheglov widely used a hypertonic (saturated) solution of table salt for damage to bones and joints.

On large and dirty wounds, he applied a loose large napkin, abundantly moistened with a hypertonic solution.

After 3-4 days, the wound became clean and pink, the temperature dropped to normal, after which a plaster cast was applied. Then the wounded man went to the rear.

According to Shcheglov's method, it is even possible to treat caries complicated by granuloma with salt tampons.

Let's look at the effect of a hypertonic solution on closed pathological processes in the body, such as cholecystitis, nephritis, chronic appendicitis, rheumatic carditis, post-influenza inflammatory processes in the lungs, articular rheumatism, osteomyelitis, abscess after injections, etc.

Back in 1964, in a clinic under the supervision of an experienced surgeon who diagnosed and selected patients, chronic appendicitis was cured in two patients with saline dressings in 6 days, a shoulder abscess was cured in 9 days without opening, and bursitis of the knee joint was eliminated in 5-6 days. , which did not respond to any means of conservative treatment.

These facts indicate that the saline solution, having absorbent properties, absorbs only liquid from the tissues and spares red blood cells, leukocytes and living cells of the tissues themselves.

Hypertonic solution of table salt is a sorbent; I once tried it on myself with a 2-3 degree burn. Desperate to relieve the pain with pharmaceuticals, she applied a salt bandage to the burn. After a minute, the acute pain went away, only a slight burning sensation remained, and after 10-15 minutes I fell asleep peacefully. In the morning there was no pain, and after a few days the burn healed like an ordinary wound.

Once I stayed in an apartment where children had whooping cough. To save the children from suffering and incessant and debilitating coughing, I applied salt bandages to their backs. After an hour and a half, the cough subsided and did not resume until the morning. After four dressings, the disease disappeared without a trace.

A five and a half year old child was poisoned by poor quality food at dinner. The medications didn't help. Around noon I put a salt bandage on his stomach. After an hour and a half, the nausea and diarrhea stopped, the pain gradually decreased, and after five hours all signs of poisoning disappeared.

Having convinced myself of the positive effect of salt dressings on common pathological processes, I decided to use their healing properties to treat tumors. The clinic surgeon invited me to work with a patient who had a cancerous mole on her face.

The methods used in such cases by official medicine did not help the woman - after six months of treatment, the mole turned purple and increased in volume. I started using salt stickers. After the first sticker, the tumor paled and shrank, after the second, the result improved even more, and after the fourth sticker, the mole acquired the natural color and appearance that it had before the degeneration. The fifth sticker ended the treatment without surgical intervention.

In 1966, a student came to me with a mammary adenoma. The doctor who diagnosed her recommended surgery. I advised the patient to apply salt dressings to her chest for several days before surgery. The bandages helped - no surgery was required.

After 9 years, I called my patient. She replied that she successfully graduated from university, felt well, there were no relapses of the disease, and only small lumps on her chest remained as a memory of the adenoma. I think these are purified cells of former tumors, harmless to the body.

At the end of 1969, another woman, a museum researcher, came to me with cancerous tumors of both mammary glands. Her diagnosis and referral for surgery were signed by a professor of medicine. Salt helped again - the tumor resolved without surgery. True, this woman also had lumps at the site of the tumors.

At the end of the same year, I had experience in treating prostate adenoma. The regional hospital strongly recommended surgery for the patient. But he decided to try the salt pads first. After nine procedures, the patient recovered. He is still healthy.

For 3 years, the woman suffered from leukemia - her hemoglobin content in her blood dropped catastrophically. Every 19 days the patient received a blood transfusion, which somehow supported her.

Having found out that before the illness the patient worked for many years in a shoe factory with chemical dyes, I also understood the cause of the disease - poisoning with subsequent disruption of the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow. And I recommended salt dressings for her, alternating the “blouse” dressing and the “trouser” dressing at night for three weeks.

The woman took the advice, and by the end of the treatment cycle, the hemoglobin content in the patient’s blood began to increase. Three months later I met my patient, she was completely healthy.

Having summarized the results of my 25 years of observations on the use of hypertonic table salt solution for medicinal purposes, I came to the following conclusions.

1. 10% solution of table salt – active sorbent. Salt interacts with water not only through direct contact, but also through air, material, and body tissue. When taken inside the body, salt absorbs and retains liquid in cavities and cells, localizing it where it is located. Applied externally (salt dressings), salt establishes contact with tissue fluid and, by suction, absorbs it through the skin and mucous membranes.

The volume of liquid absorbed by the bandage is directly proportional to the volume of air displaced from the bandage. Therefore, the effect of a salt dressing depends on how breathable (hygroscopic) it is, which, in turn, depends on the material used for the dressing and its thickness.

2. The salt dressing acts locally: only on the diseased organ, the affected area, penetrating into the depths. As fluid is absorbed from the subcutaneous layer, tissue fluid from deeper layers rises into it, carrying with it the pathogen: microbes, viruses, inorganic substances, poisons, etc.

Thus, during the action of the bandage, the fluid in the tissues of the diseased organ is renewed and disinfected - cleansing from the pathogenic factor, and therefore eliminating the pathological process. In this case, the tissues act as a kind of filter, allowing microorganisms and substance particles to pass through themselves, having a volume less than the lumen of the intertissue pore.

3. A bandage with a hypertonic solution of table salt is permanent. The therapeutic result is achieved within 7-10 days. In some cases, a longer period is required.

How to apply a saline dressing

For runny nose and headaches. Make a circular bandage across the forehead and back of the head at night. After an hour or two, the runny nose goes away, and by the morning the headache will disappear.

A headband is good for high blood pressure, tumors, and dropsy. But in case of atherosclerosis, it is better not to apply a bandage - it dehydrates the head even more. For a circular dressing, only 8% saline solution can be used.

For the flu. Apply a bandage to your head at the first sign of illness. If the infection has managed to penetrate the throat and bronchi, make bandages on the head and neck at the same time (from 3-4 layers of soft thin fabric), on the back from two layers of a wet and two layers of a dry towel. Leave the dressings on all night.

For liver diseases (inflammation of the gallbladder, cholecystitis, cirrhosis of the liver). The liver bandage (cotton towel folded in four layers) is applied as follows: in height - from the base of the left mammary gland to the middle of the transverse line of the abdomen, in width - from the sternum and the white line of the abdomen in front to the spine in the back.

Bandage tightly with one wide bandage, tighter on the stomach. After 10 hours, remove the bandage and place a hot heating pad on the epigastric region for half an hour in order to, through deep heating, expand the bile duct for the free passage of dehydrated and thickened bile mass into the intestine. Without heating, this mass (after several dressings) clogs the bile duct and can cause acute bursting pain.

For adenomas, mastopathy and breast cancer. Typically, a four-layer, dense but non-compressive saline dressing is used on both breasts. Apply overnight and leave for 8-10 hours. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks, for cancer 3 weeks. In some people, a bandage on the chest can weaken the rhythms of cardiac activity; in this case, apply the bandage every other day.

Conditions for using saline solution

1. Saline solution can only be used in a bandage, but never in a compress, because the bandage must be breathable.

2. The salt concentration in the solution should not exceed 10%. A bandage made from a solution of higher concentration causes pain in the area of ​​application and destruction of capillaries in the tissues. An 8% solution - 2 teaspoons of table salt per 250 ml of water - is used in dressings for children, 10% for adults - 2 teaspoons of table salt per 200 ml of water. You can take ordinary water, not necessarily distilled.

3. Before treatment, wash your body with warm water and soap, and after the procedure, wash off the salt from your body with a warm, damp towel.

4. The dressing material must be hygroscopic and clean, without residues of fat, ointment, alcohol, iodine. The skin of the body should also be clean. For the bandage, it is better to use linen or cotton fabric, but not new, but washed many times. The ideal option is gauze.

The salt dressing is made only from hygroscopic, well-wetted cotton material - repeatedly washed, not new, not kitchen or starched, “waffle” towels in 3-4 layers and thin, also well-watered, medical gauze in 8-10 layers, as well as hygroscopic, preferably viscose, cotton wool for tampons.

5. Linen, cotton material, a towel are folded in no more than 4 layers, gauze - up to 8 layers. Only with an air-permeable bandage is tissue fluid suctioned out.

6. Due to the circulation of solution and air, the dressing causes a cooling sensation. Therefore, the bandage should be soaked with a hot hypertonic solution (60-70 degrees). Before applying the bandage, you can cool it slightly by shaking it in the air.

7. The dressing should be of medium moisture, not very dry, but not too wet. Keep the bandage on the sore spot for 10-15 hours.

8. Nothing should be placed on top of the bandage. But in order to secure the bandage soaked in the solution, you need to bandage it tightly enough to the body: with a wide bandage on the torso, stomach, chest, and a narrow bandage on the fingers, hands, feet, face, head.

Bandage the shoulder girdle in a figure eight, through the armpits from the back. In case of pulmonary processes (in case of bleeding, do not apply under any circumstances!) the bandage is placed on the back, trying to get to the sore spot as accurately as possible. The chest should be bandaged tightly, but without squeezing the breath.

P.S. The compress can also be used for cosmetic purposes - it removes bags under the eyes and cleanses the skin.

In medical practice, a 10% solution of table salt (rock and no other) is usually used = 100 g per 1 liter of water. For the treatment of the pancreas liver, spleen, kidneys and for headbands, it is better to use an 8-9% solution = 80-90 g of salt per 1 liter of water). Salt for the solution must be taken strictly by weight, keep the container (jar) with the solution closed so that it does not evaporate and does not change its concentration.

Another source, the Healthy Lifestyle Bulletin (healthy lifestyle No. 17, 2000), indicates that spring, artesian, sea water, especially water containing iodine salts that neutralize table water in the solution, are not suitable for preparing a hypertonic solution.

A dressing with such a solution loses its healing, absorption and bactericidal properties. Therefore, it is better to use distilled (from a pharmacy) water or, in extreme cases, purified rain or snow water to prepare the saline solution.

/Here I do not agree, although it is possible to use the above-mentioned quality of water and will give results faster, but it is never worth wasting time. Use clean water as available. Salt itself has a cleansing effect; it consists of the elements of fire and water or fire and earth (black, Himalayan salt)

I used tap water, without filters, for blood poisoning after surgery on the Achilles tendon, and thanks to this I saved my leg. Note A Nepeine/

1. For headaches caused by inflammatory processes, dropsy, swelling of the brain and meninges (meningitis, arachnoiditis), diseases of other organs, for example, influenza, sepsis, typhoid, excessive blood supply from intense mental and physical work, after a stroke, as well as for tumor formations in the brain, a salt bandage in the form of a cap or a wide strip of bandage in 8-10 layers soaked in a 9% solution and slightly squeezed out is applied to the entire (or around) head and must be bandaged over the entire surface of the bandage with one small gauze bandage.

A dry bandage is tied on top, in 2 layers, preferably a cotton or old gauze bandage. The bandage is applied overnight for 8-9 hours until dry, removed in the morning, the bandage material is rinsed well in warm water, and the head is washed off.

In case of cerebral vascular sclerosis, a salt dressing is contraindicated!

2. For runny nose, sinusitis, frontal sinuses, the bandage is made in the form of a gauze strip in 6-7 layers on the forehead (for frontal sinuses), on the nose and cheeks with cotton swabs placed on the wings of the nose, pressing the strip to the skin of the face in these places. These strips are bandaged with two or three turns of a small bandage, last for 7-8 hours, and are used until healing.

During the day, the mouth and nose should be rinsed 2-3 times with a solution of a weaker concentration: one and a half medium heaped teaspoons of salt per faceted glass (250 ml) of water, from the tap.

3. Dental caries is also treated with a gauze strip in 8 layers, soaked in a 10% salt solution for the entire jaw with a diseased tooth and bandaged with 2-3 turns of a small bandage in a circular manner. It is applied overnight, the course of treatment is 1-2 weeks, after which the diseased tooth should be filled.

Caries and periodontal disease can be treated in another way: after dinner, before bed, hold a sip of 10% saline solution in your mouth for 5-7 minutes and spit, after which do not take anything into your mouth. For toothache, even under a crown, this procedure can be repeated several times. For caries complicated by granuloma, as well as for fluxes on a diseased tooth, a thick cotton swab (preferably viscose) as thick as a finger, soaked in a 10% solution and squeezed almost dry, can be applied to the gum (behind the cheek). The tampon must be kept in place all night.

If the cavities in the teeth are large enough, you can put cotton swabs soaked in the solution and squeezed out well into them (with a needle, small crooked scissors) and replace them with fresh ones after each meal.

A course of treatment with bandages (on the jaw) externally and tampons for up to 2 weeks, after which the diseased teeth should be filled

4. Sore throat, laryngitis, tracheitis, inflammation of the salivary and thyroid glands (goiter) are well treated with a gauze bandage in 6-7 layers (from a wide bandage), soaked in a 10% salt solution, applied to the neck, all night, and for headaches in the form of the same strip - and on the head.

Both of these strips (or one common one, extended to the neck and head) are bandaged with one small gauze bandage. The lower edge of the bandage on the neck (so as not to wrap up) is bandaged to the body with one turn of the bandage through the armpits of both arms and the back, and the bandaging is completed on the neck without squeezing the breath.

5. For pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy, emphysema, asthma of infectious origin, lung tumors, a bandage with a 10% solution is applied to the entire back, always to the site of the disease, and even to the entire chest (for men) from two “waffle” towels folded in two layers, across each.

One is soaked in a slightly warmed saline solution, slightly squeezed out (the squeezed solution is drunk back into the jar, it does not spoil), the same dry one is applied to the wet one in two layers, and both are bandaged quite tightly, without squeezing the breath, with two large gauze bandages.

The upper half of the back, the shoulder girdle, is bandaged in the form of a transverse figure eight through the armpits of both arms, the lower half is bandaged with a second bandage around the lower half of the chest. Bandaging is performed over the entire surface of the towels. The course of treatment for inflammatory processes of the lung is 7-10 dressings daily, for tumors - 3 weeks, one of them - daily, the remaining 14 dressings - every other night. These dressings also last 10 hours before drying.

6. For mastopathy, adenoma, cancer of one breast, a bandage with a 9-10% solution is made from one “waffle” towel, folded in 3-4 layers across, with a strip 25 cm wide, always on both breasts. If there is a wound, it is covered with a gauze cloth with a solution in 2-4 layers, which is covered with a towel, and together they are bandaged with one large gauze bandage, without squeezing the breath.

Mastopathy and other inflammatory processes of the mammary glands are treated with a bandage for one to two weeks, tumors - for 3 weeks (the first - daily, the rest - every other night). It is performed at night and lasts 9-10 hours.

7. In case of inflammation of the heart muscle and membranes of the heart (with myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis), in a 9% saline solution heated to 70°, only the ends of a strip of “waffle” towel, folded lengthwise in 3 layers, which is thrown over the left shoulder, they cover the heart in front and behind (between the shoulder blades), and these ends are bandaged with one wide gauze bandage around the chest. This dressing is performed at night, every other day, for 2 weeks.

Angina pectoris, coronary artery disease, and heart valve defects are not cured by a saline dressing.

8. When the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases or due to radiation exposure, the same bandage of 3-4 layers of “waffle” towel (or 8 layers of gauze) is applied to the entire chest in front. It should cover the breast bone, liver, spleen - hematopoietic organs.

The course of treatment for these organs is 2 weeks (one - daily, the rest - every other night). During radiation exposure, such a bandage should be applied simultaneously to the neck and thyroid area.

9. For cholecystitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, gastritis and pancreatitis, the same bandage of a “waffle” towel in 3-4 layers across a strip 25 cm wide, and for dropsy of the abdomen and for the entire abdomen, is performed around the lower half of the chest and the upper half abdomen (from the base of the mammary glands in women and nipples in men to the navel). This bandage is bandaged with one or two wide bandages. It also lasts 9-10 hours. The course of treatment is 7-10 dressings.

In patients with narrowed bile ducts, after 6-7 dressings, an unpleasant bursting sensation and even a dull pain in the “epistola” may appear - this thickened bile (under the influence of the dressing) presses on the walls of the gallbladder, lingering in the bladder and ducts.

In this case, after removing the bandage that caused these sensations in the morning, you need to put a hot rubber heating pad on the epigastric area, wrapped in a towel in two layers, lie on it face down for 10-15 minutes (by this time the liver is cleared of infection. and a heating pad for it is not dangerous), and put it on after removing each subsequent bandage until the end of the course of treatment, regardless of whether the unpleasant sensations in the “epistolum” reappear or not, the heating pad expands the bile ducts, and bile flows freely into the intestines.

Polyps and tumors, including cancerous ones, of this section, as well as others, are treated with a saline dressing for 3 weeks (one every day, the rest every other night).

The bandage does not cure stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, hernias, scars, adhesions, constipation, volvulus, and does not resolve stones.

10. Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa - enteritis, colitis, appendicitis - a bandage on the entire abdomen at night made of a towel in 3-4 layers successfully treats within one week. In case of poisoning, for example, from poor quality food, 3-4 bandages for 9-10 hours are enough, for children - 1-2 bandages for the same period of time, so that the intestines are cleared of poisons.

To stop diarrhea for the same reason in adults, two sips of a 9-10% salt solution are enough, preferably on an empty stomach, with an interval of 1-2 hours.

11. Pathologies of the pelvic organs - colitis, polyps, rectal tumors, hemorrhoids, prostatitis, prostate adenomas, inflammation and tumors of the pelvic organs - fibroids, fibroids, uterine and ovarian cancer, as well as inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder and hip joints are treated with saline a bandage of two “waffle” towels.

One, folded in 2 layers along the length, is moistened in a heated 10% solution, squeezed out medium, applied to the pelvic girdle, covered with the same second towel in 2 layers, and both are bandaged quite tightly with two wide gauze bandages.

In the inguinal pits, with one turn of the bandage around the thighs, dense rollers are bandaged, which press the bandage to the body in these recesses, and are secured to the bandage with pins. This bandage should cover the lower abdomen of the patient (sick) from the navel to the pubis inclusive in front and the sacrum and buttocks from the middle of the lower back to the anus in the back.

Inflammatory processes in the organs of this department should be treated for 2 weeks, tumors - 3, and in both cases, in the first week the bandage is applied daily, the rest are performed every other night.

12. Salt dressing also relieves hypertension. If it is caused by a stressful condition in the patient (nervous experience, shock), it is enough to apply 3-4 bandages of towel material in 3-4 layers on the lower back, soaked (and squeezed out) in a 9% saline solution. It should be bandaged with one large bandage.

When your kidneys hurt, for example, pyelonephritis, which also raises your blood pressure, you need to treat your kidneys. In this case, you should apply 10-15 salt dressings on the lower back throughout the night.

If you feel a headache, especially in the occipital region, tinnitus, simultaneously with bandages on the lower back, apply 3-4 bandages of 8-10 layers of gauze with a 9% solution around the head and always on the back of the head.

13. Arthritis, polyarthritis, bursitis, rheumatism of large joints (knees, ankles, elbows) are bandaged with large gauze bandages with a 10% saline solution at night every day for 2 weeks. Not only the joints themselves are bandaged, but also the limbs above and below by 10-15 cm.

14. Acute pain from burns of small surfaces of the body is removed by a soft 10% saline bandage in 3-4 minutes, but the bandage should be kept on for 8-9 hours, after which ointment or open treatment should be applied as prescribed by the doctor. I think they will also help with extensive burns.

Hypertonic solutions of table salt are not a panacea for all diseases. This short text lists some diseases, including eye diseases, that cannot be treated in this way. I repeat, a salt dressing effectively cures inflammatory processes, swelling of tissues, quickly relieves burn pain, treats some tumors (“it does not treat fatty tissues”, and perhaps it does not treat some other tumors, which can only be established experimentally).

Saline dressing is safe if the recommendations are strictly followed. Failure to comply with them can cause undesirable consequences in the body. For example, a bandage with a salt solution higher than 10 percent concentration, especially with long-term treatment, can itself cause acute pain in the tissues, rupture of capillaries and some other complications.

The article was taken from the Internet!