How to fry frozen chebureki so that they are soft. How to fry frozen pasties? Cooking methods and features

The dish is prepared quickly - both the dough and the minced meat do not take much time, money and effort. It’s even easier, knowing how to fry frozen pasties, buy a high-quality semi-finished product in the supermarket and bring it to condition at home in 5 minutes. True, even in this case you will have to take into account some subtleties so as not to spoil the delicious pies.

First, let's talk about the choice of semi-finished products.

The whole truth about frozen convenience foods

Since we do not prepare the minced meat and dough ourselves, we need to take care of purchasing a decent product from the manufacturer. For what attention should be paid?

  • Dough color. It should be snow-white, without any shades. This indicates that the semi-finished products are made from high-grade flour with a high gluten content - they will not fall apart in the pan.
  • Cracks on the surface of products. If an unscrupulous manufacturer dilutes the minced meat too much with water, when frozen, the filling swells and breaks the dough in places. It’s not hard to guess that pasties covered with a network of cracks will contain little meat and a lot of liquid; do we really need this?
  • Sticky products. In this case, we are dealing with semi-finished products that have been thawed several times. Their freshness and taste are highly questionable.
  • Compound. It is advisable that industrially prepared products do not contain vegetable proteins - this does not have the best effect on their taste. The list of necessary ingredients, in addition to flour and meat, includes onions, spices and herbs. It's good if it's in the test eggs present, it will be more elastic and will not crack during frying.

If you want to cook pasties yourself, we offer you.

So, we have purchased a product that is excellent by all criteria - all that remains is to prepare it properly.

How to fry in a frying pan

This seemingly simple oriental dish has its own secrets. One of them is the correct selection and preparation of oil for frying. It is believed that pasties are made well with any vegetable fat. But the advantage still remains with sunflower oil.

It should be:

  • Refined. The unrefined product has a pronounced aroma that overpowers the real taste of the pasties and makes them bitter. In addition, when heated strongly, unrefined oil begins to “shoot” and burns faster.
  • Red-hot. Only in this case will we get the thin, crispy crust characteristic of chebureks with very juicy, watery minced meat.
  • Don't skimp on oil. Pour it into the frying pan in a layer of at least 2 centimeters, since the dish is cooked almost deep-fried.

Before frying pasties, you need to check the supply of vegetable oil. It will need to be topped up periodically when the dough will absorb some of the fat from the pan. If there is not enough oil, our baked goods will be hopelessly spoiled.

Some housewives, when encountering semi-finished products for the first time, first defrost them completely. Under no circumstances should you do this! The liquid from the minced meat will saturate the dough, causing it to spread and tear during frying. The same recommendation applies to any similar preparations: dumplings, dumplings, pancakes, and so on.

Some culinary recipes advise to slightly defrost the product, otherwise the meat may not be fully cooked. The line here is so thin that It’s better to put the pies in the pan not thawed at all than to keep them warm.

The frying algorithm is extremely simple:

  1. First, heat a dry frying pan over low heat - a thick-walled one, preferably made of cast iron (the best choice would be a saucepan or wok, if available). After a couple of minutes, pour in the oil and wait until it gets hot, producing an easily recognizable crackling sound. You can pinch off a tiny piece of dough and throw it into the fat; if it immediately floats, the base has been heated to the desired temperature. Attention: Add oil to a non-stick frying pan immediately. so as not to damage the dishes.
  2. We lay out the first batch of chebureks. It is undesirable to place them too close to each other - they can stick together and increase in size. We keep the remaining semi-finished products in the freezer for now.
  3. Fry the pies for about 5 minutes on one side, until a crispy golden crust appears, and then, turning them over, wait the same amount of time. The heat needs to be medium so that the oil does not boil too much. It is impossible to determine how long to fry chebureks with an accuracy of a second, because everyone has their own individual utensils. Here we focus on the crust of the product and our own experience. The pies are not covered with a lid during the frying process, but if there are concerns that the filling will be damp, you can do this at the end, turning down the heat a little.
  4. Remove the finished products not with a fork, but with kitchen tongs. Place in a deep plate lined with a paper towel and cover. In this way, we simultaneously get rid of excess fat and maintain the softness of the baked goods. The pies should be served hot.

To accompany the chebureks, you can add spicy sauces from oriental cuisine: adjika, Bazhe or Katyk. They will highlight the taste of the dish.

Cooking in the oven

Frying in a large amount of boiling oil is unlikely to seem attractive to adherents of a healthy diet and those who watch their figure. So why refuse a delicious dish?

The solution is to bake oriental pies in the oven. The advantage of this method is that the filling will definitely not remain raw, as sometimes happens with semi-finished products that are fried in a frying pan.

Chebureks are prepared as follows:

  1. Line a baking tray with baking paper and generously grease it with vegetable oil.
  2. We lay out our preparations (without defrosting) so that there is a small free space between them.
  3. Brush the surface of the pies with egg, otherwise they will not turn out golden brown and cover the baking sheet with foil so that it does not touch the baked goods. Preheat the oven to 200ºC.

You need to cook the frozen product for 15 minutes under foil, and then for the same amount without it. You can, after the coating is removed, sprinkle the pasties with grated cheese and finely chopped herbs.

The taste of the dish is not quite familiar, but this does not make it any worse.

Multicooker instead of deep fryer

Modern kitchen assistants allow you to cook quickly and with minimal energy consumption. The multicooker will perfectly cope with the role of a stewpan or deep fryer, eliminating the need to wash off splashes of fat that fly away during frying and ensuring a delicious product at the end.

The crust of the “raw pies” will be crispy, and the filling will be tender and juicy.

Here's how to properly fry frozen pasties in a slow cooker:

  1. Pour refined oil (sunflower, corn, cottonseed oil) into the bowl to a height of approximately 1.5 cm. Turn on the “Frying” mode and wait until the fat warms up to the desired temperature.
  2. At the signal from the device, place frozen semi-finished products into the bowl: 2 or 4, depending on the volume of the multicooker.
  3. Fry with the lid closed for 5 - 7 minutes, then turn over and cook for the same amount without closing. The exact time depends on the brand of the device, so if we fry pasties for the first time, we need lift them with a silicone spatula to check if the crust is burning.

If the multicooker does not have a “Frying” mode, “Baking” can successfully replace it. The steps are the same: preheat a glass of oil poured into the bowl for about 10 minutes, then lower the pasties into it and fry with the lid open on both sides until cooked. When the multicooker is closed, the process takes longer, and the crust on the pasties is not as crispy.

When do you need a microwave?

If the product has been frozen and already fried, it is best to reheat it in a microwave oven.

To do this, the pasties are placed in a plastic bag with pre-pierced holes and sent to the microwave. At maximum power to completely “restore” frozen pies, we it will take no more than 5 minutes.
If you want to fry a product without a bag, you need to sprinkle it with water before heating, otherwise the baked goods will turn out dry and lose their “signature” taste.

When buying frozen chebureks, it is better to take semi-finished products rather than an already fried product. Industrially prepared pies contain a large amount of carcinogens, since the oil in deep fryers is changed extremely rarely.

Is it possible to freeze pasties at home and how to do it correctly

There's nothing better than completely homemade baked goods. We are responsible for the quality of each ingredient and cook with love and care for our loved ones. But there is not always time to deal with the dough and filling, if we are talking, for example, about pasties.

And you don’t need to, because these wonderful meat pies can be frozen for future use!
Home harvesting is no different from industrial harvesting. It is permissible to freeze both raw products and fried ones, which we could not “overcome” in one go.

First, the product is placed on a tray, which is covered with cling film or generously sprinkled with flour, and sent to the freezer for a while. When blast freezing, 1 hour is enough, so that our semi-finished products “set”. Only after this, the already hard and non-stick pasties are packaged in sealed plastic bags or containers.

Now we can put the workpiece back in the freezer until we need it.
Subsequently, homemade chebureks stored at low temperatures are treated in the same way as store-bought ones.

If possible, you should freeze raw, rather than fried, products - at the end they turn out more juicy and tasty.

For those who have not yet tried cooking chebureks, we recommend that you definitely pay attention to this magnificent dish, equally suitable for both a quick family snack and for luxurious holiday treat.

Caucasian cuisine can boast of dozens of mouth-watering dishes, one of which we will prepare today. Homemade chebureks are flat, thin pies that are remembered by everyone who has tried them for their crispy crust, juicy minced meat, wrapped in the most delicate dough. Delicious crispy dough for chebureks is kneaded without yeast and prepared using the custard method.

In the homeland, minced meat for chebureks is prepared from fatty lamb with a lot of onion, which is why the filling turns out so juicy. However, pork, beef or poultry can be used as the meat base. Pasties with cheese filling are no less tasty. Fry the pasties in a frying pan in a large amount of vegetable oil.

Chebureks are especially tasty when hot, but even after cooling they remain a very attractive delicacy. Learning how to make these pies with your own hands based on Caucasian cuisine is not at all difficult. I suggest using my reliable and time-tested recipe. Try it and see for yourself.

Recipe information

Cuisine: Caucasian.

Cooking method: frying.

Total cooking time: 1.5 h

Number of servings: 10 .


For the test:

  • flour – 800 g
  • water – 400 ml
  • salt – 1 tsp.
  • sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil – 120 ml

For minced meat:

  • beef – 700 g
  • onions – 5 pieces
  • parsley – 1 bunch
  • water – 100 ml
  • salt – 1 tsp.
  • black pepper, ground – 1 tsp.


  1. Pour half the flour into a bowl, add sugar and salt, stir.

  2. Pour in water and stir well. At first the dough will be liquid.

  3. The dough is also very fluffy due to brewing it with hot oil.
    Heat the oil until very hot, pour into the dough, stirring the mixture quickly.
  4. Add the rest of the flour and knead the dough. It turns out elastic and smooth. Properly prepared dough should not stick to your hands. If necessary, add a little flour.

  5. Roll the dough into a ball, wrap in film and set aside to rest for 30 minutes. If you did everything correctly, the final result will please you, as the dough will turn out smooth and crispy.

  6. Now let's start preparing the minced meat. First you need to grind the greens with onions. Add more onions and don’t skimp. Thanks to the onion, which soaks the meat fibers, the minced meat turns out so juicy.

  7. Add 1/2 cup water.

  8. Combine onion pulp with minced meat, salt and pepper.

  9. Knead the dough again, divide into pieces the size of a chicken egg.

  10. Roll out a portion of dough thinly.

  11. Place minced meat on one half of the dough.

  12. Cover the pie with the other half of the dough. Connect the edges, form a cheburek either using a plate or using a knife to cut the dough.

  13. Fry in well-heated vegetable oil until golden brown, 1.5 minutes on each side. The fire should be medium.
  14. Place the finished pasties on a dish and serve. The seductive aroma wafting from the kitchen, the tempting color of the golden crust has long attracted household members and they are probably waiting for dinner. You can safely treat your guests to this meaty treat in dough!

  15. There are chebureks, it is recommended to eat them hot, biting on one side so that the juice of the minced meat does not leak out.

Recommendations for obtaining delicious dough and beautiful cheburek:

  • Once you have molded the edges of the patty, make scallops on the edge by pressing lightly with a fork. Thanks to this simple manipulation, the pasties will have a more aesthetic appearance.
  • The dough for chebureks turns out to be very fluffy and tender if, instead of water, you pour beer or a little kefir diluted with water into it.
  • The dough for chebureks can be prepared with the addition of 1 egg. In this case, the amount of flour will need to be increased slightly.
  • The effect of crispy bubbles on the surface of the pasties is achieved by adding 2 tablespoons of ordinary vodka to the dough.
  • Fry the pasties in a frying pan without a lid, then they will turn out crispier.
  • The dough for pasties can be prepared for future use and stored in the freezer for a month or more. Thaw the dough before cooking.

If you are asking this question, most likely you bought a frozen semi-finished product in a store and now you don’t know how to fry pasties correctly.

So, in front of you is a bag of ready-made frozen pasties, but you don’t understand whether you need to defrost them in order to fry them, or you can do it straight away without defrosting.

How to fry pasties

To easily cope with the task, you will need:

  • thick-walled frying pan;
  • frozen pasties;
  • vegetable oil.

How to fry the finished product:

  • Place the frying pan on the stove and turn on low heat.
  • After 1-2 minutes, pour in vegetable oil. We do not skimp on the oil; it is necessary that the cheburek is literally bathed in oil.
  • It is best to use refined oil - that is, odorless; if unrefined is available, then it can also be used, only the pasties will turn out with an extraneous aroma. Not everyone likes it.
  • When the oil is thoroughly warmed up, this usually takes about 3-4 minutes, you can start frying.
  • How do you know if the oil is hot enough? Listen, the hot oil will begin to crackle and bubbles may form on the surface. If this is the case, it's time to act.
  • Place several pasties in a frying pan. Evaluate the capabilities of the frying pan in advance, because it is better not to put a lot of frozen semi-finished products at once, since under the influence of high temperature they can stick together. It is best to fry chebureks in small batches, 3-4 pieces at a time.
  • Fry the pasties on one side for 5-7 minutes, then turn them over and continue frying for the same amount of time.
  • The heat is medium, make sure that a beautiful crispy crust forms on one side, then you can turn the product over to the other side.
  • Fry pasties only with the lid open. If you notice that the crust is dry, and you like slightly moist pasties, then after you have fried them, you need to add a little water to the oil, reduce the heat, put all the pasties (ready) in a frying pan, cover with a lid and steam for 1-2 minutes.

The second method of frying pasties

And another option for frying the finished product, when you made the pasties yourself and did not freeze them.

Then you need to fry a little differently:

  • place the frying pan over medium heat for 2 minutes;
  • When the pan is hot, pour in vegetable oil. It is best to fry the pasties in a large amount of oil, approximately 3 cm from the bottom of the pan. If more is even better;
  • The oil should heat up well, this will take up to 4 minutes. It’s easy to determine whether the oil is ready: it will crackle, you can even throw a pinch of flour (just a little) or a piece of dough (residue from making pasties) into the oil. If you see that the oil is sizzling and the dough immediately begins to turn golden brown, then it’s time to start frying the pasties;
  • Carefully place 2, 3 or 4 products on the frying pan, making sure that they do not stick to each other so that there is enough space;
  • time for frying the cheburek on one side is 3 minutes, until a golden brown crust forms, then the cheburek needs to be turned over and frying continues;
  • The finished pasties should be placed in a large saucepan or bowl and immediately covered with a lid to prevent them from cooling down.

Homemade pasties with minced chicken

A simple recipe for pasties with photos and calorie calculations.

Delicious juicy homemade chebureki with chicken.

A great dish for unexpected guests.

I've been making chebureks like this all my life. I consider them a Ural version, because my grandmother from the Urals baked the same ones. However, it is quite possible that she learned to bake them elsewhere.

Unlike belyashi, where housewives are always worried about the meat being baked, here both the dough and the meat are in a very thin layer. It has never happened that meat was left raw.
Probably, they may not bake if you put them in a thin-walled, almost cold frying pan. Have not tried.

If you are still worried about cooking too quickly, such pasties can be made with boiled meat filling, as well as: potatoes, mushrooms, eggs and green onions.

For raw meat filling, be sure to add water to the homemade minced meat. Minced meat from the store can be quite liquid even without it. Then the chebureks come out with a juicy filling.

This recipe often helps me out because the preparation itself takes a little time. Many times I managed to prepare them from scratch before the arrival of unexpected guests while they were driving an hour and a half from the station.

If you have planned guests, I prepare the dough and minced meat in advance and keep it in the refrigerator. Half an hour at most and hot pasties are on the table.

If you’re really pressed for time, you can let the dough sit for half an hour or even start rolling it out right away. In this case, the dough is less manageable, but it’s possible.

By the way, you can also use first grade flour. In my opinion, they are even tastier from the first grade. It can also be used in a mixture with wheat.

Homemade pasties


For the test:

  1. Premium flour – 2 cups
  2. Vegetable oil – 3 tablespoons
  3. Egg – 1 pc.
  4. Sugar – 1 teaspoon
  5. Salt – 0.5 teaspoon
  6. Water – half a glass – 125 ml

For filling:

  1. Minced chicken fillet – 200 g + salt, pepper
  2. Onions – 1 pc.
  3. Water – about 20 ml

Calorie content of 100 grams of ready-made pasties: 289 kcal

Calorie calculation below the recipe.


Preparing the dough:

1. Combine egg, sugar, salt, vegetable oil in a bowl. Stir, add water, stir.

2. Add flour to the liquid mixture in portions. Finish kneading on the table. It turns out to be a ball of plastic dough. It will be a little sticky. Place the bun in a plastic bag or simply cover the bowl with a lid and leave for 1 hour at room temperature.

You can prepare the dough in advance and keep it for 8-12 hours or even a day in the refrigerator. It is always easier to work with such dough; it does not stick at all.

By the way, flour differs in moisture content both among manufacturers and at different times of the year. Even if you measure accurately on a scale, you may need a little more or less. It is better to correct sticky dough after resting, when rolling it out on a table sprinkled with flour.

Successful dough rolls out without any flour at all and hardly sticks to the table or hands. However, I have been baking this recipe for thirty years, and the dough is not always perfect. Depends on the quality of flour.

With a liquid dough everything is clear; it is much more difficult to fix a tight one. If you overdo it with adding flour, the pasties will be dry and will not stick together well. However, with a juicy filling, the result should be normal. But you should pay attention to the corners, do not leave empty corners too large. May be too hard.

Too much excess flour in the dough is obvious when rolling out. The rolled out cake shrinks like rubber. How to fix? It's long, but real.

Roll out the dough into one flat piece, moisten the surface generously with a wet hand, roll it into a roll, and use your hands to assemble the roll into one piece. Leave in a plastic bag for 1-2 hours. The procedure may need to be repeated.

In my opinion, in short, make a new dough, and leave the unsuccessful one in the refrigerator for later. If the dough is not needed the next day, it is better to move it to the freezer, where it can be stored for two months. And don’t be upset, this is an invaluable experience.

In fact, pasties made from any plastic dough will be edible. It's all about quality.

Prepare the minced meat:

Grind the meat with a meat grinder, add water, mix. Consistency so that the minced meat can be easily spread on the flatbread.

The onion can be chopped along with the meat or finely chopped and added at the end.

I have onions through a meat grinder.

The minced meat can be immediately salted and peppered. I do it differently, I salt and pepper each cheburek separately.

Let's make pasties:

Making pasties is absolutely the same as dumplings. You can roll out all the dough and cut out circles from it. Or you can cut the dough into pieces and roll out each piece.

I do this:

1. Place the dough on a lightly floured table.

Shape into a block and cut into 8-10 pieces. Shape each piece into a flat cake, lightly dip in flour if sticky.

If I roll out the dough without flour on the table, I cover the dough and cakes that are not in use with film so that they do not dry out.

2. Roll out a circle very thinly (1-2 mm) with a rolling pin to the size of the frying pan or slightly smaller, do not align the edges. They can be stretched or gathered when forming a cheburek.

3. Line the minced meat in a bowl with a knife according to the number of pasties. Makes approximately one tablespoon. Place the minced meat on half the circle. Add salt and pepper if the minced meat is unsalted. Close the other half of the circle and pinch the edges.


1. Fry two pieces at a time in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil over medium heat. A little oil. For the first portion, add 2-3 tablespoons of oil, then add more. On the first side we bake under the lid. They bake very quickly, no longer than 2 minutes on each side. Do not over-dry in the pan!

It is better to bake in a cast iron or aluminum thick-walled frying pan. But I baked in , it’s fine.

2. Place the finished pasties on a plate on a paper towel to remove some of the fat.

I post them without it, they are less fatty than yeast pies.

3. Serve hot. Store in the refrigerator, best to reheat before serving.

Calculation of calorie content of a dish

"Chebureki in a frying pan"

Products Weight In 100 g




For the test:
Wheat flour 2 cups 300 334 1002
Sunflower oil 3 tbsp. l. 30 899 270
Egg 1 pc. 50 157 78
Sugar 1 tsp. 6 399 24
Salt 0.5 tsp. 3
Water 125 ml 125
Total in the test: 514 1374
For filling:
Minced chicken fillet 200 120 240
Onion 1 pc. 50 43 21
Water 20 ml 20
Total in filling: 270 261
Oil for frying 50 899 450
Total: 2085

Weight of finished chebureks on scales: 721 g

In 100 g of ready-made chebureks: 2085:721∗100=289 kcal

It turned out 8 chebureks. On average per one: 261 kcal

© Taisiya Fevronina, 2016.

Pasties in a frying pan prepared according to this step-by-step recipe with photos turn out very tasty, juicy and tender. The advantage of this recipe is not only its taste, but also its ease of preparation; even an inexperienced housewife can handle it and will not leave her family and guests indifferent to her culinary dish.

It takes about 1.5 hours to prepare chebureks with meat, and the output is about 16 pieces.

How to cook pasties


  • Flour - 6 cups.
  • Water (boiling water) – 2 cups.
  • Sunflower oil – 4 tablespoons.
  • Salt – 2 teaspoons.
  • Minced pork – 800 grams.
  • Water – 100 grams.
  • Onion – 1 piece.
  • Salt.
  • Ground pepper.


Tasty and crispy pastry dough - step-by-step recipe with photos

1. Sift 2 cups of flour into a container prepared in advance for preparing the dough. In the future, we will also sift all the flour in order to fill it with oxygen, this will make the dough light and airy, and the baked goods themselves will rise faster and turn out more uniform and beautiful.

2. In another container, mix 2 cups of boiling water, 4 tablespoons of sunflower oil and 2 teaspoons of salt.

3. Little by little, in a thin stream, add our entire mixture to the flour, stirring constantly.

4. Gradually add another 4 cups of sifted flour to the resulting mass (stir constantly), at the end remove the spoon and knead the dough with your hands. Sprinkle the kneaded dough with a little flour and let it rest for 1 hour. At this time, let's prepare the minced meat.

Juicy and tasty minced meat for pasties

1. Place our minced pork on a plate. We use minced pork, but you can use another one, depending on who you like, beef or lamb.

2. Peel the onion and chop it finely.

There is absolutely nothing difficult about making delicious pasties at home; once you try homemade pasties with meat, you will hardly want to go back to store-bought ones. Unfortunately, many people are not “familiar” with them from the best side)), since the quality and taste of store-bought chebureks are quite questionable, to say the least….

If the chebureks are made at home from fresh, high-quality minced meat, which does not raise doubts about its good quality, which you prepared yourself, they will be so tasty that it is hardly possible to resist trying this crispy delicacy with a fragrant and juicy filling inside. You can prepare more pasties with meat at home and freeze them.

They can be stored in the freezer for several months, but when you want a crispy, delicious pasty, you take them out of the freezer and fry them without defrosting. Of course, freshly made and immediately fried tastes better than frozen ones, but the difference is not significant. So, how to cook chebureki recipe with photos step by step...


  • premium wheat flour (1 kg) - for dough and dusting
  • homemade minced pork and beef (0.5 kg)
  • large onion (1 pc.)
  • water in the dough (1.5-2 tbsp.)
  • vegetable oil (2 tbsp) - for dough and about a glass for frying
  • pepper, salt - to taste

* From this amount of products you will get 30 - 35 homemade chebureks

Pasties with meat recipe with photos step by step

Knead the dough

1. The dough at home is prepared differently, I have a very simple recipe, like dumplings, only without eggs and softer. If it’s more convenient for you, start kneading it in a deep bowl; I’m used to kneading it right on the table. Sift the flour, make a well in the mound of flour and pour in water, add butter and salt, about 1/2 tsp.

Lightly mash the beans with a fork and add coriander and fried onions. The filling is ready.

Filling for chebureks with mushrooms:

  • Fresh mushrooms (mushrooms, champignons, porcini or any other) - 200 grams;
  • Onion - 1 piece;
  • Butter – 3 tablespoons;
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Chopped parsley and dill - one and a half cups;
  • Salt pepper;
  • Flour – 1 heaped tablespoon.

Preparing mushroom mince.

The washed mushrooms and onions are finely chopped. The onion is fried together with flour until golden brown in butter.

Now mushrooms are added to the pan, and the filling is further simmered over low heat, covered with a lid. Beat the eggs and add salt and pepper to taste. The resulting mass is poured into the mushrooms and sprinkled with herbs on top a few minutes until fully cooked.

Ingredients needed for pumpkin filling:

  • Onions – 3 pieces;
  • Pumpkin, peeled and cut into pieces - 800 grams;
  • Odorless vegetable oil - 1 glass;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper.

Grate the pumpkin on a coarse grater. The resulting mass is salted and pepper to taste.

Finely chopped onion is fried in a frying pan in vegetable oil. Grated pumpkin is also added here.

When preparing the dough:

  1. When making a batch, you need to use hot water, but not boiling water;
  2. To get a fairly elastic and at the same time tough dough, take one and a half glasses of water and a pinch of salt per kilogram of flour;
  3. The dough is kneaded for a long time. While kneading, it is periodically sprinkled with water;
  4. The finished dough must be placed in a cold place, covered with cling film.

When preparing the filling:

  • The most important rule is that only fresh products are taken, especially for meat;
  • A lot of onion is added to all types of minced meat; it is this that will give the necessary juiciness to the cheburek.

The oils you choose are refined sunflower oil, olive oil, and you can even take corn oil. It is taken in large quantities.

The dishes need to be deep with a thick bottom. They also use deep fryers; they make the process of preparing pasties much easier.

Important details:

  1. The thickness of the dough should be approximately 2-3 mm;
  2. The edges of the chebureks must be tightly sealed to prevent juice from leaking out;
  3. Fry in very hot oil, the temperature of which is approximately 180 degrees. You should not reheat it any more, as the filling will not have time to fry, while the dough will begin to burn;
  4. Be sure to shake off the flour from the cheburek before frying.

To prevent guests from taking you by surprise, write down in your notebook several options for snacks that you can quickly prepare. Be prepared for unexpected visits!

How long have you cooked manti? Don't you know how? So read our recipes. We are sure that with them you will not only learn how to cook manti, but also make it your favorite dish!

And there are photo recipes for khachapuri. Real Georgian delicacy!

Have no doubt, you will get the most delicious pasties!

By the way, did you know that chebureks can be lazy?

Yes, yes, like dumplings or cabbage rolls.

The video below confirms this!

This is a great idea, especially for those who don't like fiddling with dough.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Homemade baked goods always turn out very tasty, as they are prepared with soul and from proven ingredients. And no matter what you cook: or a delicious cake, you should definitely have a good recipe. And today for you - chebureki, a step-by-step recipe with a photo in a frying pan. If you haven't cooked them at home yet, it's time to try it using our recipe, which describes the entire cooking process from start to finish in great detail. Join us, you won’t regret it)

For the test:
- wheat flour – 500 g;
- vegetable oil - 4-5 drops;
- warm water – 250 ml;
- salt – 1 teaspoon.

For filling:
- minced meat – 300 g;
- onions – 3 pieces;
- water – 0.5 cups;
- salt and black pepper to taste.
- vegetable oil for frying.


Sift the flour into a bowl, add 4-5 drops of vegetable oil, add salt and rub the flour well with your hands.

Pour in small portions of warm water.

Knead a fairly stiff dough, like dumplings.
Wrap the dough in cling film and let it rest for 30-40 minutes.
While the dough is resting, make the filling.

Place the finished minced meat in a bowl.

Peel the onion, cut into small cubes, place in a bowl, add salt and lightly squeeze with your hands so that the onion releases juice.

Add onion to minced meat.

In order for the filling in the cheburek to be juicy, you need to pour water into the minced meat.

Let's start cutting the dough. Cut the dough into small pieces of 50 g.

Stretch each piece slightly and fold the edges of the dough towards the middle.

And again fold the dough from the edges to the middle.

Make these blanks and put them in a bag so they don’t get windy.
Roll out the dough into a small flat cake, 2-3 mm thick.

Place a small amount of minced meat on one half of the flatbread.

Cover the top with the other half of the cake, carefully closing the edges.

To ensure that the edge of the product is even, cut it with a knife.
To be safe, so that the cheburek does not open during frying, press the edges with a fork.

Pour vegetable oil into the frying pan, heat it up and start frying the pasties, first on one side, then on the other, about 2-3 minutes on each side.