How to choose the right hearing aid? How to choose a hearing aid The most modern hearing aids.

In the 21st century, ear health problems are becoming increasingly common. Most often, this problem affects older people, however, recently, hearing impairment has become more frequent in young people. The cause of this problem lies in trauma to the ear organ or in case of complications of inflammation.

If drug therapy is ineffective, doctors prescribe hearing aids to patients. In this material we will examine the question of which hearing aids are considered the best. This is a truly important question, since many aspects of human life depend on the comfort and convenience of the device.

Exists two types of hearing aids:

  • mono;
  • stereo.

So, in the case of using a hearing aid on two ears at once allows you to quickly understand human speech. In addition, binaural use of the device allows:

  1. Facilitate sound localization.
  2. Each ear functions with the same load.
  3. If two devices are used at once, it is easier for a person to distribute the pitch of sounds.

Remember that stereo devices are not intended for mass use. In addition, the pricing policy in this case is much higher. Therefore, before purchasing this type of device, consult your doctor.


In addition to the functionality of the device, the design of the hearing aid is important. Today in the hearing aid market there is three types:

  1. In-canal devices. They differ from other species in their size. They are considered to be the smallest and most comfortable, as they are located in the ear canal itself. Therefore, they are invisible to prying eyes. However, in-canal devices have some limitations in their power and require special care.
  2. BTE view is no less in demand. They are located behind the ears, and a small tube is directed into the ear canal, which has an earpiece. They differ from other types, for example, from intra-ear ones, in their smaller size, but despite this they are considered one of the most powerful.
  3. In-ear device located on the auricle and inside the ear canal. They differ from others in their larger sizes, but thanks to this they have greater power.

Remember that you need to choose a hearing device with the help of a seizure doctor. Each drug is individual, and the patient has specific goals.

When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the comfort of the device when worn, since the hearing aid is used daily.

Power of hearing devices

After choosing the design and appearance, please note on the power of the device. When choosing a hearing device, pay attention to sufficient power reserve. Since the loss of hearing acuity only increases over time, the power of the device must be quite high.

Before purchasing a device, please review the following specifications:

  1. The device must have several channels. This is necessary to configure the device.
  2. The device must be able to amplify several frequencies simultaneously. At the same time, the device must maintain the naturalness of sound waves.
  3. One of the main features of a hearing aid is the ability to suppress noise and extraneous sounds. This function is necessary for the intelligibility of human speech in the presence of numerous extraneous sounds, for example, when a person is in crowded places with a large number of people.
  4. The device must have microphones. They come in two types: non-directional and with a specific range.

Some devices have additional features that are not described above. Yes, n Some digital devices have the ability to tune to the acoustic environment, and certain types are regulated independently or using a special remote control.

In some cases, devices have the function of wireless signal transmission. Thanks to this, they can be connected to computers, tablets or mobile phones.

The best hearing aid companies

When choosing a hearing aid for older people, you need to pay attention to well-known brands, since this product is used every day.

Among the world's manufacturers there are companies "Phonak", "Siemens", "Widex". Among other global companies there are also worthy devices that treat the consumer with care.

When choosing a device, also pay attention to the quality guarantee and the availability of a service system. So, in the event of a device breakdown, the company must have repair centers. Therefore, if you prefer unknown companies in Russia, you may encounter service problems.

Hearing aids for young people

It is believed that the best devices are for young people produced by Siemens. The company's products are affordable. Thus, the average price of a device varies from four thousand. The maximum price of a hearing aid reaches up to eighty thousand rubles.

The devices of this company are compact and reliable. These factors have earned them the trust of customers.

Among Russian representatives, pay attention to the company "Sonata".

They differ from similar Russian companies in the quality of their products, as well as in their pricing.

So, a hearing aid from this company will cost you about ten thousand rubles.

Among the top ratings, the company is separately noted "Widex". This company is aimed at manufacturing in-ear digital devices. They differ from other representatives of similar companies in the clearest sound possible.

The company's hearing devices reduce all noise while preserving speech clarity and ambient sounds, such as birdsong or the sound of rain. The price of one device varies from twenty to seventy thousand rubles.


Once you have purchased a hearing support device, it is important to learn how to use it. Remember that hearing aids require some care. Only if you keep it clean and use it carefully will it last quite a long time.

Remember that in addition to beauty and power, the device should be comfortable to wear and use. Since hearing aids are designed for daily use, pay special attention to this.

Hearing loss is always a big problem, since his life and opportunities depend on how a person hears. Deafness occurs due to many factors, such as working conditions, injuries, heredity, age, so a hearing aid can be used to solve this problem. How to choose the right one and what you need to know for this is described below.

The meaning of hearing

Hearing is an important part of life. Even before birth, the embryo distinguishes sounds, thanks to which it maintains contact with the inner world. It ensures human safety, as it allows you to timely identify objects that are approaching or atmospheric phenomena and recognize them by rustles, noises and other sounds. Moreover, this can be done even in the dark, when vision cannot help with this.

Hearing is of considerable importance when communicating with people, as it provides the basic functions of mutual understanding. It also helps to experience various emotions - from delight and joy to horror and sadness. It turns out that initially a person learns about everything by hearing, and then the picture is supplemented with visual images.


It is necessary to know how to choose a hearing aid, since employees and scientists of medical centers are working to improve them, constantly adding new models to the market. The power and design are being modernized every time. All devices that improve hearing can be divided into several types.

Depending on the processing of the incoming signal:

  • Digital devices are created using modern technologies and are perfect for people of all ages with varying degrees of deafness. Available in various designs on the market. The main advantage of such devices is considered to be the maximum opportunity for hearing correction, suppression of external noise and sound filtering.
  • Analog. Such devices are created in such a way that they enhance all the sounds of the surrounding world. Their main disadvantage is considered to be the inability to highlight the human voice and at the same time suppress unnecessary noise. Today, their use is less and less welcome, but the main advantage is still the low price. A doctor or a consultant at a special center will tell you how to choose hearing aids of this configuration, since their adjustment is an important factor, and it should also be carried out by a specialist.

Depending on the type, devices are divided into:

  • intracanal;
  • glasses;
  • behind the ear;
  • intraauricular (which can also be classified into semiconchs and conchs);
  • Pocket.

Depending on the possibility of sound conduction:

  • With air transmission. The speech that enters the microphone begins to be amplified, and then a louder sound is transmitted to the ear canal thanks to the earphone.
  • With bone conduction. Such devices are used in cases where there is a violation of sound propagation. When using such a device, only vibration is transmitted.

Setting methods

According to this criterion, the configuration of devices can be divided into two main groups:

  • Programmable devices are adjusted based on the final results of the patient's audiogram. At this point, the computer calculates the most optimal gain parameters. This automatically takes into account age and experience wearing the device.
  • Trimmers are adjusted exclusively in manual mode. To do this, you need to rotate the regulator with a screwdriver. Of course, using this method, it is quite difficult to set the specified parameters, so the accuracy of the adjustment is much lower here.

Before the purchase

There are rules on how to choose a hearing aid. The recommendations are as follows:

  • You need to check your hearing level with an audiologist and listen to his recommendations regarding a suitable device specifically for these characteristics.
  • A hearing center in which there is a desire to purchase a device must have a license. Little-known organizations need to be treated with caution, as they may sell a cheap fake instead of a high-quality device. And you shouldn’t believe experts who claim that over time such devices improve hearing or completely eliminate background noise. Those who want to understand how to choose a hearing aid need to know that even the highest quality device will not be able to do this.

  • Before purchasing, you need to ask whether the device has a trial period, a kind of trial wearing. Sometimes it takes several days to figure out whether the chosen model is actually suitable for the client. In some hearing care centers this service is free.
  • Taking into account the ability of hearing to gradually deteriorate, it would be useful to ask your doctor whether the selected model has a reserve for enhancing the sound.
  • Any device must have a warranty period.

After the purchase

It will take some time to get used to the device. If the client has figured out how to choose the right hearing aid, then after a while he will feel quite comfortable and will also perceive amplified sounds wonderfully.

You need to pay attention to some nuances:

  • the device will never make hearing normal, it will not even restore it, it is intended only to enhance the necessary sounds and eliminate loud background noise;
  • The device can be used in various places and situations to train your hearing;
  • You shouldn’t be upset if you can’t immediately control the hearing aid: the longer you wear it, the faster the person will get used to it, and there is even a possibility that they will stop noticing it.

How to choose a hearing aid and its selection without a doctor

Most often, it is the elderly who do not like to go to the hospital, so their relatives wonder whether it is possible to purchase a device without visiting suitable centers. It should be noted that most often a trip to the doctor remains mandatory, since buying “by eye” can lead to impairment of already weakened hearing. In the best case, the patient will experience constant discomfort, will not be able to get used to the product, and will generally be disappointed in hearing devices. If the person is elderly and there is no way to get to the store, then you can call a specialist to your home. Many centers offer this service. The doctor will take with him all the hearing testing devices and, based on the audiogram obtained, will recommend purchasing this or that product.

If it is still not possible to visit a doctor or invite him to your home, then it is better to give preference to trimming devices. They do not require digital adjustment and can be adjusted without special skills. It is enough to know the degree of your hearing loss.

Modern device improvements

Those who are thinking about which hearing aid to choose need to know that their developers are constantly working to ensure that a person with such a device feels more confident in any situation. Therefore, innovations are added to the devices:

  • Targeted Microphone System is a technology that enhances the ear's ability to fully receive sounds from the environment. This also helps to take into account the difference in incoming vibrations of unequal directions (left-right, back-front).
  • Telephone adapters - this technology is called telecoil. Many hearing aids have a similar implementation that allows the user to pick up sounds coming from the phone. Many models automatically switch to conversation mode as soon as the device is near the ear. But you need to take into account that not all mobile phones are suitable for this purpose, but only those that have the function of connecting to the hearing aid telecoil.

  • Bluetooth technology. Innovative models of hearing devices are “friendly” with MP3 players and computers using an interface that, using wireless technology, increases the waves and directs the signal. You don't have to hold it near your ear to hear sounds from your phone.
  • Remote control. Some important functions of the devices, such as increasing noise reduction or volume, can be controlled without touching the device itself.


The main signs indicating that a person with hearing loss urgently needs a hearing aid are:

  • loss of the ability to adequately respond to induction sounds that were previously perceived without any problems;
  • age-related changes leading to narrowing of the ear canal, as well as thickening of the eardrum;
  • the appearance of extraneous noise in the ears, which causes discomfort and unpleasant sensations.


It is very important to know when a hearing aid is not recommended to be used:

  • decreased function of the vestibular apparatus;
  • inflammatory processes of the inner and middle ear;
  • motility disorders of the upper limbs.

In addition to all this information, doctors strongly do not recommend using these devices for people with epilepsy, convulsive neuroses and other similar diseases that are accompanied by lightning-fast seizures and uncontrolled actions.

How to choose a hearing aid for older people

The types of devices for improving hearing today are presented very extensively, so the device is selected in several stages. Initially, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics, which helps to identify the nature and extent of the disorder. Professional research has no negative consequences and takes very little time, since it is performed only with special equipment, which allows you to most accurately check the dynamics of changes in hearing indicators. In order to figure out how to choose a hearing aid for older people, you need to use only the data obtained. Based on the inspection, the device is selected and configured. To ensure absolute tightness (due to a loose fit of the earbud, whistling may occur) and reliable fixation, you can order the production of an earbud based on an individual impression.

Many people who have lost their hearing and want to regain a full life can only do this with the help of a hearing aid. How to choose and how to choose the right device is already known from the material above.

But there are a few useful tips to note:

  • At the time of purchase, the emphasis should be on the aesthetic and functional side. Pay attention to the practicality of the device - it should be easy to maintain and use.
  • It is necessary to decide whether additional functions are needed, and whether a person can independently control this device and change its settings.
  • Be sure to find out if there is a warranty.
  • Before choosing a particular device, you should consult a highly qualified doctor.


We figured out how to choose a hearing aid. The price in Moscow and other cities may vary due to many factors. Conventionally, devices can be divided into five price classes:

  • basic;
  • economical;
  • average;
  • top premium;
  • top hi-class.

However, every day the lines that separate the classes become more and more transparent. The industry is evolving so much that even the most demanding user will be satisfied with the device of the lowest category, since it may contain a sufficient set of functions to satisfy the needs.

  • The hearing categories of the budget group (basic and economical) are equipped with the possibility of both manual and software settings, as well as analogue or digital sound processing. There is no noise reduction or speech highlighting function. This is the cheapest class, and devices can be purchased for 10 thousand rubles.
  • The price threshold for the middle class varies from 25 to 40 thousand. These are, naturally, programmable digital devices with noise reduction functions and ease of speech extraction. Often there is a system of two microphones. Such devices are multi-channel and multi-program.
  • Top-end devices offer maximum functionality and individuality; their cost starts from 40 thousand rubles, and there is no limit to this perfection.

Choosing a hearing aid is a responsible matter. A hearing aid is a device for individual use. A low-quality or incorrectly selected hearing aid not only irritates the user, but can also cause irreparable harm to his residual hearing.

People often use the advice of a sales consultant who guarantees 100% hearing in absentia when purchasing any of the hearing aids available in their company’s range. Don't believe such promises!

Do not use advice from a sales consultant who does not have special education. Trust your hearing to professionals.

If you certainly do not know which hearing aid is suitable for you or your loved ones, it is better to consult an audiologist.

Tips on how to choose the right hearing aid:

First of all, you need to determine the shape of the hearing aid, i.e. where you are going to place your hearing aid - behind the ear (behind the ear) or inside the ear (in-the-ear, canal).

In addition to your requirements for appearance, the hearing aid must fulfill its intended purpose - to amplify sound efficiently and clearly, without distortion. Good speech intelligibility in any situation, natural sound sensations, simplicity and ease of use - these are the main parameters that you should pay attention to first.

The few tips you will read below will certainly help you make the right choice.

Choosing the shape (appearance) of the hearing aid

If you have chosen an in-ear hearing aid or its in-canal variant based on cosmetic considerations, then you need to remember that:

  1. Small hearing aids have smaller batteries. The service life of these batteries is limited to three to ten days, depending on the hearing aid model.

  2. Due to their small size, such hearing aids are difficult to remove and insert into the ear, therefore people with impaired hand motor skills will experience great difficulty in using them.

  3. Particularly careful care and control of the cleanliness of both the hearing aid and the ear canal itself is required.

  4. The service life of such hearing aids is half that of behind-the-ear models.

  5. In-the-ear hearing aids have power limitations. This means that only those with mild to moderate hearing loss can use them.

  6. The cosmetic value of such a device depends on the power of the hearing aid itself, i.e. on its size (the more powerful the model, the larger it is) and on the size and shape of the ear canal.

  7. In-ear hearing aids have contraindications for use - inflammatory diseases of the outer and middle ear.

An excellent cosmetic solution today are OpenFit hearing aids or “open ear” - this is a hybrid of the convenience and practicality of a behind-the-ear form and the cosmeticity of an in-ear one. The minimal dimensions of the hearing aid itself and the thinnest tube that conducts amplified sound into the ear canal make it practically invisible.

Traditional hearing aids are behind-the-ear hearing aids. They are located behind the ear. Modern technologies make it possible to create a powerful hearing aid in a small package. That's why modern behind-the-ear hearing aids are small and very comfortable. The technological capabilities are much wider than those of their in-ear counterparts.

The hearing aid is attached to the auricle using an earmold, which is recommended to be made individually. The effectiveness of hearing aids largely depends on the shape of the earmold.

Choosing the power of the hearing aid

The power of a hearing aid is determined by hearing testing, which is necessarily carried out by an audiologist. An incorrect hearing test can lead to the wrong choice of hearing aid. A small hearing loss will require compensation with a low-power hearing aid, a medium one - medium, and accordingly, with a large hearing loss, high-power or super-powerful hearing aids are used.

The power of a hearing aid must be strictly verified by a specialist so that the hearing aid is not more powerful than what your hearing requires. But even lower power of the device will not provide sufficient amplification. Typically, for computer-programmed hearing aids, the program itself will “tell” the recommended power in a particular technological class of devices.

Hearing aid characteristics

An important characteristic, in addition to power, is number of channels. A channel is a range of frequencies over which the gain can be adjusted independently. The greater the number of channels, the more accurately you can adjust the hearing aid to your hearing loss and ultimately achieve greater speech intelligibility. However, one should not think that the number of channels is the only characteristic that determines the sound quality and speech intelligibility in a hearing aid.

Compression system– uneven amplification of sounds of different intensities. A more advanced compression system provides greater comfort when using a hearing aid, as it allows the hearing aid to be adjusted so that soft sounds can be heard without loud sounds being uncomfortably loud, maintaining a natural sense of loudness.

Also important noise suppression system. The more advanced the system, the greater speech intelligibility and comfort the hearing aid provides in noisy environments. There are devices that not only suppress noise, but can also enhance speech against background noise.

Microphone system. Microphones may not have any directionality, or may be fixed directional. The most advanced directional system is adaptive, in which case the directionality changes automatically depending on the acoustic situation. The most advanced hearing aids also give the user the ability to control the directivity of the microphones.

In addition to those listed, there are many more parameters on which sound quality, comfort and speech intelligibility depend (gain formula, feedback suppression system, smoothing of sharp impulse sounds, etc.). A qualified specialist will help you understand how important this or that parameter is for you.

Choosing a hearing aid class

The class of a hearing aid is a set of functions and capabilities for its successful and effective use. The class of the device determines its cost. There are 5 classes of these devices: basic (lowest), economic, medium, business class and premium class.

The basic class includes manually adjustable hearing aids that have preset parameters (for example, for a specific hearing loss - a separate device), and as hearing changes, it becomes necessary to replace this device with another that is suitable for the already changed hearing.

The economic class includes programmable hearing aids, the advantage of which is that they do not have specific frequency-amplitude parameters. Before such a device starts working, it is necessary to set its operating mode. Otherwise it will only make noise. This process is called hearing aid programming.

This is very convenient, because just as hearing can change over time, individual wishes for sound perception are not constant.

Middle class - these are digital programmable devices with a certain set of functions for speech extraction and noise reduction. This functionality is of an average level and has certain requirements for the acoustics of the room where the user is located.

Business and premium level devices are the most efficient and comfortable. They not only improve hearing, but also restore and maintain speech intelligibility. The basis of such digital devices is a special electronic processor, a digital converter, which provides complex sound processing algorithms. Such devices are more accurate, reliable, and comfortable.

The division into classes is due to the fact that each subsequent technological class takes into account the shortcomings of previous models and has additional options for regulation towards the best intelligibility and natural sound.

A few more tips:

  • If you are concerned about the effectiveness of a hearing aid in various acoustic conditions (for example, on a noisy street, in a theater, in a workshop, at a lecture, etc.), choose hearing aids with several programs, the operating mode of which is selected for a specific acoustic situation.

  • If you are not sure that the model of hearing aid offered to you has the function of isolating the speech signal, which is so necessary for the most intelligible speech perception, be guided by the cost of the device, which in this case cannot be less than 20,000 rubles.

Additional functions

Despite the fact that most digital hearing aids automatically adjust to the acoustic environment, many devices allow you to independently adjust the volume and switch additional programs. A program is a hearing aid operating mode for specific conditions (noisy environments, watching TV, listening to music, etc.). The hearing aid can be controlled by buttons or switches located on the body or using the control panel.

The most advanced hearing aids have wireless data transmission technologies (for example, Widex Link), which allow communication with mobile phones, audio players, and computers through additional devices.

Devices may have specific capabilities, for example, the Zen program for people with tinnitus, a frequency transposition function for profound hearing loss in the high-frequency region, etc. A specialist will tell you about such functions.

Choosing the price of a hearing aid

Conventionally, devices can be divided into five price classes: basic, economic, medium and TOP (Premium or Hi-class).

However, every day the lines separating them become more and more transparent - the industry is developing so quickly that even a demanding user can be satisfied with a device in the lowest price category - it may have a sufficient set of functions to meet the needs of a particular user.

Hearing categories of the budget group have the possibility of both manual and programmable settings, analogue or digital sound processing. They have one acoustic program (not counting the telecoil), usually 1 or 2 processing channels. There is no speech extraction or noise reduction function. This is the cheapest class of hearing aids.

The price threshold for the middle class is, as a rule, in the range of 25 thousand - 40 thousand rubles. These are necessarily digital programmable hearing aids with noise reduction systems and a simple speech extraction system. It is possible to have a two-microphone system (fixed or adaptive). Multichannel and multiprogram devices.

High-end devices offer the user maximum functionality and individuality of hearing aids.

The main manufacturers of hearing aids presenting their products in Russia are Widex (Denmark), Siemens (Germany), Bernafon (Switzerland), Oticon (Denmark), Fonak (Switzerland).

However, even the most modern hearing aid will be completely useless if it is not programmed correctly. Setting up a hearing aid is 50% of the success of hearing care in general. And the higher the technological class of the device, i.e. The higher the cost of a hearing aid, the more demanding you need to be about the professional qualities of a specialist.

When answering the question of how to choose a hearing aid, first of all we would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is necessary to select a device together with a specialist. A hearing aid is a complex medical device, so its choice must be taken extremely seriously after a hearing diagnosis.

Based on the results of the study, a device with optimal power parameters is selected that will most accurately compensate for hearing loss. In addition, each model is characterized by a certain set of functions and programs, which are selected depending on the noise environment in which the device will be operated.

One of the clear signs of age-related hearing loss is a more difficult perception of female voices. Due to the fact that the female voice has a higher frequency relative to the male one, people with hearing problems stop hearing it. But hearing loss is not always a sign of age; it can be a consequence of past illnesses, rupture of the eardrum, impaired blood flow, etc. A high-quality hearing aid will help restore the sound picture of the world.

What varieties exist depending on the method of fastening? The rating of the best hearing aids of 2018 will help you choose the right device and which company.


price, rub.

Briefly about the main thing

One of the smallest hearing aids on the market and 30% smaller than traditional in-ear hearing aids.

An economy-class miniature chip without wireless functions provides a gain of 40 dB.

State-of-the-art adaptive signal processing for a more organized soundscape.

Increases sound by 48 dB. Maximum volume 135 dB.

Design using invisible open prosthetics technology (Invisible Open Technology, IOT).

The first economy class device with audibility range extender and SmartSpeak voice message generator.

Despite their size, they provide more gain than in-ear models.

Analogue for the correction of mild, moderate and moderate-severe hearing loss, including with FUNG.

Digital heavy-duty 8-channel device with automatic switching to a mobile phone.

Convenient and simple with 3 channels of audio processing and the ability to customize.

Heavy-duty for compensation of I-IV degrees of hearing loss.

Types of hearing aids

Today there are 4 main types on sale:

  • Pocket;
  • behind the ear;
  • intra-ear;
  • intracanal.

In turn, pocket and behind-the-ear devices are divided into analog and digital. The choice of a particular device is determined by age, degree of hearing loss and ease of use.


The most inexpensive devices available to almost all pensioners and elderly people. The device consists of an earpiece inserted into the ear canal and a block with control levers. The device does not produce interference, whistling or acoustic feedback.


Simple and reliable, not conspicuous, easy to use. Consists of a microphone with an ear canal and an operating part behind the ear. Operation is not always easy for older people, as you need to move a wheel (analog) to adjust the volume.

It is more convenient to choose a digital model with automatic settings. If your hearing loss is slight, you can choose a device with a remote receiver (RIC), which improves the sound and does not cause acoustic interference.


In-canal and in-ear devices are difficult to use for older people due to their miniature size and sensitivity to earwax. These models are more suitable for young people, but with certain limitations - there is no external or otitis media, there is no rupture of the eardrum.

In-canal ear tips

With the tightest possible fit, the sound of the device is almost identical to natural. Earbuds are made of PVC or silicone; they are standard or made to order based on an ear impression. The impression is made by a hearing therapist using silicone paste and a cotton pad. The procedure is painless and absolutely necessary for the quality functioning of the hearing aid. On average it lasts 3 months.

The devices are the smallest in size among other types of hearing devices. They are very compact and are located quite deep in the ear canal, therefore they are invisible to people around them.


Representative of the new Widex Dream collection. Comfortable in-canal hearing aid with invisable technology - “nothing less can happen.” Compensates for mild to moderate hearing loss. Unique is more discriminating than other hearing aids. Equipped with improved A/D converters to create a wide range of perception, intelligent self-regulation and wind noise reduction system resulting in an improvement in SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) by 8.4 dB. Uses a type 10 battery.


Hearing loss grade I-III, maximum power 118 dB, maximum gain 61 dB. The ultra-compact CALL-DEX device is available as an option for transmitting conversations directly to the hearing aids from a mobile phone.

The latest series of in-ear devices from Phonak (Switzerland). The miniature body, the smallest of all in-ear models, contains powerful technologies for recognizing the surrounding acoustic environment. Virto V instantly changes settings depending on where the person is. The Virto V series implements the AutoSense OS audio processing algorithm, which copes with speech recognition in conditions of strong noise, echo, and listening to music.

The Virto series is divided into 4 price categories - Economy, Standard, Business and Premium. They differ in the range of functions, number of channels and programs for recognizing the acoustic environment. Phonak Virto V50-nano is a representative of the economy segment, provides a maximum gain of 40 dB.

Using the AutoSense OS algorithm, Fonak recognizes and adapts to a wide variety of acoustic situations. Reduces typical vehicle broadband noise, facilitating communication and reducing hearing strain. Detects reverberation frequency and reduces gain, eliminating distortion and increasing comfort.

A family of miniature devices with the most complete functionality. Suitable for all types of hearing loss grades 1-4. Oticon Agil digital 15-channel hearing aids offer the latest adaptive signal processing, maximum sound quality with a frequency response of up to 10 kHz and wireless audiology.

Spatial Sound 2.0 is designed specifically to preserve the surround characteristics and naturalness of the input sound. Speech Guard focuses on speech and makes it easier to understand the speaker. The family contains all models from CIC to BTE Power, including two new attractive models: CIC Power (up to 90 dB HL) and the very small RITE model (up to 110 dB HL).

AGIL CIC is a premium programmable hearing aid with binaural Dynamic Feedback Cancellation 2 (DFC2), increased bass, music expansion and 3-level noise control.

In-the-ear devices are not suitable for hearing loss greater than 70 dB, while behind-the-ear models are suitable for hearing loss greater than 120 dB. The choice of device should be appropriate to the degree of hearing loss. For the first degree of hearing loss, with a hearing threshold of 40 dB, any models are suitable, including intra-canal and in-ear, if there are no problems with their installation in the ear canal.

Axon K-82

Boosts sound by 48 dB. The set includes 3 ear pads (attachments) for different ear sizes, so you can easily choose the optimal ear size. Sound quality is checked at medium volume.

The Ahon device is powered by a battery, which lasts for 12 days of continuous operation. Stored in a special hard case complete with attachments.

The package includes the device itself, 3 attachments of different sizes and a storage case. The body is made of plastic, maximum volume: 135 dB, sensitivity above 50 dB. Color: flesh-beige, weight: 3 g.

Digital channel in-ear with wireless technologies. Developed on the latest primax and pure platform. The innovative SpeechMaster function activates all functions, including binaural, according to environmental changes to highlight the speaker's voice and reduce listener effort in every listening situation.

This is achieved using three key technologies:

  • Noise reduction - suppresses ambient noise.
  • Directionality - Focuses in the direction of the speaker.
  • Amplification - amplifies the speaker's voice compared to environmental noise.

All Insio primax models can be controlled remotely. There are 48 signal processing channels, 6 acoustic programs, 2 directional microphones, extended bandwidth, adaptive streaming control and feedback suppression. Recognizes and highlights speech at a distance of 3 steps.

An in-ear gadget made on the basis of invisible open prosthetics technology (Invisible Open Technology, IOT). Patented remote microphone technology - its location provides complete protection from wind noise and speech intelligibility in all sound situations. The device is fully automatic - no settings need to be adjusted manually.

There are natural vents, which allows you to naturally hear your own voice and avoid the feeling of ear congestion. The system, which clearly determines the presence of speech in the signal, works individually in each channel. Noise is suppressed without affecting speech.

Most often, older people are prescribed behind-the-ear hearing aids. They are quite simple to put on and use, and you can achieve maximum purity of sounds. At the same time, it is imperative that the earmold corresponds to the anatomical features of the ear and does not cause problems, pain or discomfort when worn.

Widex Mind 220

The Widex Mind™ 220 series is designed with innovative Audibility Extender and SmartSpeak technology to improve sound quality and wearing comfort.

Audibility Extender (frequency transposition) makes high frequency sounds audible again. For example, speech such as children's voices, birdsong, etc. The operating principle is based on the transfer of inaudible high-frequency sounds to a lower frequency region, where they are perceived by cochlear cells.

SmartSpeak uses actual speech to indicate functionality. For example, the system will warn that the batteries are running low, that a particular program has been selected, etc.

Custom BTE and in-ear models are available.

Economy-class BTE devices characterized by high-quality sound, elegant appearance and reliable technology. Suitable for patients with 1-2 degrees of hearing loss. They are configured using special software based on the audiogram results.

It is powered by 13 type batteries. Oticon Get BTE has 4 channels and 4 programs. Advantages include high-quality audio processing on the RISE platform, 100% feedback protection, fast and intuitive setup, direct audio input (DAI), FM compatibility and program switching indicator.

Analogue hearing aid in a miniature case for the correction of mild, moderate and moderate-severe hearing loss, including with FUNG. Manufacturer Istok-Audio (Russia). Body type: behind-the-ear (BTE). Medium power level.

Provides a high degree of speech intelligibility, maintaining the natural ratio of sounds of different volumes. Due to surface mounting technology, it is reliable in operation, simple, objective, there is nothing to break. The sensitive telecoil provides greater volume and clarity when talking on the phone.

Compact sound amplification device to help people with hearing impairments. It has a microphone for capturing external sounds and encoding them into digital form, a microprocessor (amplifying and processing the digital signal), a miniature loudspeaker that transmits sound directly into the ear canal, and a battery.

Unitron 360+

Digital ultra-powerful 8-channel hearing aid with 2 automatic and 3 manual listening programs, adaptive directional microphone. Among the advantages are AntiShock impulse noise suppression, feedback suppression, wind noise, and acoustic interference. Automatically switches to the phone.

Digital 360 devices use an 8-channel audio processing system that automatically adapts to the surrounding sound environment. The speech selection function has been implemented. The devices are equipped with a program switch and volume control. The new housing design protects against water penetration.

Widex Menu ME-9

Digital, easily customizable to individual patient needs. It is sold in a convenient plastic case. The case is durable, so it is unlikely that you can accidentally damage the device inside it. Frequency range 100-7500 Hz, recommended for 1-3 degrees of hearing loss. Operating time without battery replacement is 325 hours.

The device itself consists of a behind-the-ear part in a plastic case and silicone elements, including an earbud. The size is small, and the part behind the ear is not thick, slightly widening towards the end for better fixation on the auricle. The silicone earmold is made individually for the patient's specific ear. It takes a week to make. That is, the selection of a hearing aid is carried out in two stages: a hearing test and selection of a model at the first appointment, and at the second appointment the doctor will give you a completely finished hearing aid and adjust it.

Heavy-duty digital BTE hearing aid of the Standard class, developed on the Venture platform. Designed to compensate for I-IV degrees of hearing loss, including for the deaf. Powered by 13 battery. Manufacturer Phonak (Switzerland), 12 channels with the most comprehensive noise reduction system. Advantages include wireless functions, FM compatibility and nano-coating.

The new 2018 model includes the AutoSense OS algorithm for recognizing the acoustic environment (situation options: quiet situation, speech in noise, comfort in noise). The Bolero family is considered the most thoughtful among its analogues. Developed using the latest technologies based on the high-speed Quest processor for people with different hearing losses, including the most severe, and lifestyles.

In the series of behind-the-ear digital devices, we can note Siemens Motion Primax and SX with a rechargeable battery (price from 65 to 150 thousand rubles).

VIDEO: How a hearing aid works