How to prepare preserves from river fish. Canned roach

Do you like canned fish, but have doubts about the quality of the store-bought product? It’s not at all difficult to prepare them with your own hands. Canned fish in tomato at home is prepared from any type of fish and according to different recipes. We will present the best of them in our article.

Homemade canned fish

One of the advantages of canned food is that even inexpensive fish turns out amazingly tasty. You can prepare such a dish not only on the stove, but also in a pressure cooker or multicooker. The result will definitely please you.

Canned fish in tomato at home is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. A kilogram of fish (herring, capelin, herring) is cleaned of the head, entrails and tail, washed and cut into 4 cm pieces.
  2. Carrots and onions (300 g each) are chopped into cubes. If desired, carrots are grated on a coarse grater.
  3. Tomatoes (500 g) are crushed into puree using a meat grinder or blender. Instead of tomato, you can take tomato paste (about 3 tablespoons), but then it must be brought to the desired consistency with water, adding up to a volume of 500 ml.
  4. In a saucepan with thick walls or in a multicooker bowl, place first the tomato in layers, then fish, vegetables and spices (50 ml of vinegar, 100 ml of sunflower oil, 25 g of salt and twice as much sugar).
  5. The time for stewing the dish under the lid on the stove is 3 hours, in a multicooker (“Stewing” mode) - 4 hours, in a pressure cooker - 1.5 hours. The fish should literally simmer in tomato sauce, then it will turn out very tender, all the bones will become soft, just like in industrially canned fish.

How to cook gobies in tomato at home

One of the most favorite canned foods from childhood are bulls cooked in tomato sauce. This fish is inexpensive, accessible and tasty. They are prepared at home in just 4 hours and are identical to the store-bought product.

The prepared (cleaned and washed) fish is placed in layers in an enamel pan. Between the layers add onion rings, salt, pepper to taste and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. In this way the pan is filled to the top. Then table vinegar is diluted with water to taste to create a sour liquid and poured over the fish. 100 ml of vegetable oil is also added there. The pan is covered with a lid and sent to the stove. The fish will simmer over low heat for 4 hours. 40 minutes before the end of cooking, add tomato (3 tablespoons per 3-liter pan). This fish can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two months.

Sprat in tomato at home

Your favorite canned food “Sprat in Tomato” is not at all difficult to prepare yourself. According to this recipe, the dish will be baked in the oven for 1 hour, after which it can be safely served for dinner. Home-cooked sprat in tomato can be stored in the refrigerator, but not for long, since no vinegar is added to the dish.

To prepare such canned food, the sprat is washed and, if necessary, the head is removed. Onion, cut into half rings, is fried in a frying pan. Then it is transferred to a fireproof baking dish, fish, salt (1/2 teaspoon) and sugar (1 teaspoon), coriander, garlic and other spices to taste are placed on top, a glass of tomato juice is poured in and 3 tablespoons of ketchup are added. . After this, all the ingredients need to be mixed and placed in the oven to bake at 180°.

Canned fish for the winter

Canned fish prepared according to the following recipe are sealed for the winter without prior sterilization. At the same time, they “winter” very well in a dark and cool place, the jars do not open, and the dish does not spoil.

Canned fish in tomato for the winter is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Fish (1500 g) is cleaned of entrails, head and tail.
  2. Grated carrots and onions (500 g each) are fried in separate pans in vegetable oil.
  3. Tomatoes (1500 g) are crushed in a meat grinder or blender.
  4. Tomato, carrots and onions are mixed with salt (3 tablespoons), sugar (4 tablespoons) and vegetable oil (100 ml).
  5. The fish is placed in a pan in layers and then it is sent to low heat for 3 hours.
  6. 10 minutes before the end of stewing, vinegar (50 ml) is poured into the pan.
  7. Canned fish in tomato sauce at home is placed in sterilized jars, covered with lids and sealed with a can opener.

This amount of ingredients makes 5 half-liter jars of delicious homemade preserves.

How to cook canned fish in an autoclave?

You can preserve absolutely any fish in an autoclave. Bream, perch, and capelin are also tasty. You can even take fresh frozen mackerel, and it will also be very tasty.

Canned fish is prepared in tomato in an autoclave according to the following recipe:

  1. Mackerel (2 kg) is cleaned and cut into large pieces.
  2. Onions (2 pcs.) are fried in vegetable oil, after which finely chopped tomato (2 pcs.) is added to it.
  3. Add tomato paste to the vegetables in the frying pan, add vegetable oil (2 tablespoons each), 2 glasses of water, salt and sugar to taste.
  4. Pieces of mackerel are placed in sterilized half-liter jars and filled with prepared sauce. After this, the jars are sealed with lids using a can opener.
  5. will cook for 45 minutes at 110°.

The following tips will help you cook delicious fish quickly and efficiently. They are as follows:

  1. At home, canned fish in tomato is prepared from any type of fresh or frozen fish. Bream, capelin, herring, mackerel, saury, sprat are equally soft and tender.
  2. You can always replace fresh tomatoes in a recipe with tomato paste or juice. This will not make the taste of the dish worse.
  3. To keep canned food longer, it is recommended to place it only in sterilized jars.

I looked through everything, read it, thought about it and decided to look for something that would be like in canned food without the tomato yet.

Hurray, I found it, I’m sharing it. I write more for myself so as not to lose it! Girls, the photo is not mine, the fish was so tasty that it was eaten very quickly!

Homemade canned fish

Homemade fish (canned fish at home), tastes like store-bought canned fish in oil. Fans of canned fish should enjoy this dish.

Both ordinary river fish and any sea fish are suitable for cooking; by the way, it is very tasty to use mackerel, not salted herring; capelin will also taste good. In my version of the canned fish recipe, it is an ordinary medium-sized river fish. You can make fish salads and sandwiches from the finished dish. So let's get started.

Ingredients for canned fish:

  • Fish – 1 kg; I had: 850 g mackerel s/m
  • Onions – 500 gr; 300 gr
  • Salt – 1.5 teaspoons; 1 tsp
  • Black peppercorns – 10 pcs; 10 pieces
  • Sweet peas – 10 pcs; 10 pieces
  • Vegetable oil – 100 ml; 100 ml
  • Water – 300 ml; 300 ml
  • Tea (infusion) – 2 tbsp. spoons; 1 sachet per half cup
  • Bay leaf – 4 pcs. 4 things

Recipe for homemade canned fish:

Clean the fish, remove the intestines, cut off the head. Remove the fins and tail, cut into small pieces, about 5 centimeters each. Place the fish pieces in a bowl and add salt. Mix everything and set aside (photo 2).

Cut the onion into half rings.

We take a saucepan or cast iron with a thick bottom and a tight lid, put a layer of chopped onions on the bottom, then a layer of fish and so on until the fish runs out, the top layer must be onions. Don’t forget to put black and allspice peas on the fish layer and pour in vegetable oil (photo 3).

Pour boiling water over two bags of black tea or two tablespoons (preferably large-leaf tea leaves) and let it brew well.

(I brewed a bag of strong tea with less than half a cup of water, it was fine)

When the tea leaves are infused, pour it into the fish.

Cover the cast iron with a lid and put it on the fire, bring it to a boil, and when it boils, keep the fire low so that the fish barely gurgles, and cook it for two and a half hours. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, throw in the bay leaf (I threw it in right away because I put it in the oven and went for a walk, my husband controlled it and turned it off later)

After two and a half hours, homemade canned fish in oil is ready. Let it cool completely and you can use it. (simmered for 2.5 hours in the oven on the lowest heat, the bones were soft, chewy, but a little harder than the store-bought kind, maybe another half hour would have been needed and the desired softness would have been present)

Bon appetit!!!

Canned fish, the taste of which is familiar to all of us since childhood, can be prepared independently. Was your fishing successful? So that's great! This means that the catch can be used as a basis for preparing tasty, natural and healthy preparations. It is not difficult to prepare a variety of homemade canned fish from fish. On the contrary, this process is very exciting and will be of interest not only to housewives, but also to avid fishermen themselves.

Canned fish will be an excellent addition to the everyday table or an amazing holiday snack. However, fish lovers can afford to eat this dish at least every day.

How to prepare canned river fish at home?

You can cook it in three ways: in its own juice, with tomato or with butter. It all depends on personal taste preferences. Any fish caught in a fresh water body is suitable for canning, for example, carp, pike, crucian carp, bream and small fish.

In order for the finished product to be stored and consumed with full confidence that it is safe for health, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recipes and preparation technologies. The dishes and equipment used must be perfectly clean, and canned food must be sterilized for at least 8-9 hours.

If everything is done correctly, then you can store ready-made canned food at normal room temperature. But it is better to constantly monitor whether the lid is swollen. Dangerous bacteria can already develop in such jars. Be sure to pay attention to the smell when opening and serving: if it is suspiciously unpleasant, eating such canned food is strictly prohibited.

Cooking recipes

Homemade canned river fish

Let's try a recipe for river bream. For this we need 1 kilogram of fish, half a kilogram of onions and carrots. Mole and black pepper are added to your own taste.

First you need to clean the fish, remove all fins, entrails, heads and tails. Rinse well, cut into small portions. Rub all the pieces separately with salt and leave them to soak for 1.5-2 hours. After this, place the fish in a pan in dense layers, add water, put on fire and boil for 15-20 minutes.

At this time, you can cut the onion into half rings and chop the carrots on a coarse grater. Remove the finished pieces of bream from the broth, mix with vegetables, and place in pre-sterilized jars. Add ground pepper there. Now containers with canned food must be sterilized. Place a pan of water over low heat, lower the jars into it, placing gauze folded in several layers on the bottom. Sterilize for 30-40 minutes.

Carefully remove all containers, add vegetable oil (a tablespoon) and salt (one teaspoon for every half liter). Now you need to pour boiling water into each jar, screw them on and send them to sterilize again. Boil over low heat for three hours. It is better to leave them in the same pan for at least a day to cool.

Canned small fish in tomato

Sprat or cod can be prepared in a simple way, but get an excellent result. We will need:

1 kg of small fish;
- 1 glass of water;
- 2 glasses of tomato juice;
- 2 tablespoons of sugar;
- 2 tablespoons of vinegar;
- 0.5 cups of vegetable oil.
Add spices and salt to taste.

Rinse the fish well, remove the heads and tails, clean and place in a large container. Add salt, mix everything for even soaking and leave in a cool place for 30-40 minutes. After this, add all the other ingredients, mix and put on low heat. When the mixture boils, leave to simmer for 7.5 hours. If you use a pressure cooker to prepare canned food, two and a half to three hours will be enough.

After this, put the fish in sterilized jars and can be rolled up. Don’t forget to immediately try the deliciousness that you got as a result of the long cooking process.

Recipe for sprat with tomato sauce

For this recipe, we will take three kilograms of sprat. For this quantity we will need:

5 kg of ripe tomatoes;
- 1 kg of sweet pepper;
- 1 kg of onions;
- 2 kilograms of carrots;
- 0.5 liters of vegetable oil;
- 2 tablespoons of salt;
- sugar.

First of all, we prepare the sprat: clean, wash and mix with salt to soak. Leave for half an hour and at this time prepare the tomato sauce. Grind the tomatoes through a meat grinder, grate the carrots, and cut the pepper into strips. Fry the onions, carrots and peppers in oil, and then add the tomato mass to them and mix. This composition must be boiled for one hour. Then we send the sprat there, mix everything well and leave on the stove for another 1 hour. After that, add salt, vinegar and pepper. Cook for another 10-15 minutes, after which you can put it in jars and seal. Be sure to wrap the containers so that they cool for a long time. Such canned food can be served with a vegetable side dish or with vegetables. Bon appetit!

Choose a recipe for homemade canned river fish to suit your taste and start cooking!

Many people remember the taste of canned fish from childhood, some still love them. But nowadays it is not easy to find a natural product that does not contain various additives and flavor enhancers.

But you can make canned fish yourself at home. It is not only tasty and healthy, but also interesting. Especially when there is an avid fisherman in the family, and the question of where to put the fish is very acute.

Cooking rules

Preserving fish at home is a responsible matter, so you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules that should be followed:

  1. Any fish can be used for canning, river or sea, regardless of size. But in most cases, the question arises of how to process small river fish that have a lot of bones. Crucian pike, bream, carp and other representatives of fresh water bodies are often used in canned food;
  2. To make canned food, it is advisable to use fish with intact skin and only fresh fish. In this case, only natural oil can be added. The fish is very tasty and piquant in tomato sauce;
  3. The product is processed in a clean manner, utensils and materials are washed constantly. You should strictly follow the recipe so that there are no problems with storing canned food. Sterilization time is at least 8-10 hours, but it can be reduced by repeating the procedure several times;
  4. An important point: it is necessary to ensure proper storage of the product. If all the necessary requirements for the manufacture of canned food are met, they can be easily stored at room temperature for a long time.

If the sterilization requirements are not met or the lids are not tightly closed, then the lids may swell and there is a risk that the jars will simply explode. Bloating is explained by the fact that bacteria begin to multiply in canned food, which leads to their spoilage. It is worth noting that there may be no unpleasant odor at all, but consuming such canned food is extremely dangerous to health.

If there is no confidence in the quality of sterilization of the cans and the tightness of the closure, then canned food should be stored only in a cold place and for no more than a week.

Making canned fish at home

The fish is cleaned of entrails and skin, all fins and tail are removed, and the carcass is cut into two parts. The fish is generously sprinkled with salt. After 1.5 hours at room temperature, it is placed in prepared jars.

A bay leaf and allspice are placed on the bottom, pieces of fish are laid vertically. There should be at least 2 centimeters left from the top of the jar.

A wire rack is placed in the pan on which the jars are placed. Water is poured, there should be about 3 centimeters left to the edges of the jars. Be sure to cover the containers with lids, but do not close them completely.

The water is brought to a boil and the jars are heated over low heat for about 1 hour. At this time, liquid should be released, which is drained into a separate container. Vegetable oil is pre-boiled, which, after draining the juice, is poured into jars. One container requires 5-6 tablespoons of oil.

The jars are heated for another hour, after which they are rolled up. Further sterilization is carried out for 8-10 hours over the lowest heat, after which the canned food is cooled without removing it from the pan in which it was boiled.

To reduce the time of sterilization of jars, it can be done in stages. After the oil is poured into the jars, they are hermetically sealed and placed on low heat in a saucepan for 1.5 hours. Then cool for a day. This procedure should be performed three times.

Each time, starting the final sterilization, it is necessary to check how tightly the lids are closed. It is worth considering that water is poured into the pan for sterilization at a temperature of 25-30 degrees.

Finished canned fish can be served sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Recipe for canned river fish at home

Canning river fish will provide your family with canned fish for the entire winter. This is especially true if you only have to fish in the summer. River fish preparations will be an excellent snack or addition to the main dish during the holidays. You can take any fish for preservation, but you should take into account its fat content.

To prepare canned river fish, you can take:

  • 1 kilogram of bream;
  • 0.7 kilograms each of grated carrots and onions;
  • Ground black pepper and salt.

The fish is cleaned of entrails, fins, tail and head, thoroughly washed and cut into small pieces. After rubbing each piece with salt, they are left to soak. Then the fish is placed tightly in a pan and cooked for 15 minutes.

The finished pieces are removed from the broth and mixed with grated carrots and onion cut into half rings. Pepper is added and the mixture is transferred into jars. All that remains is to sterilize them in a pressure cooker.

It is more convenient to use jars with a capacity of 0.25 and 0.5 liters, preferably with screw caps.

You should not place jars directly on the bottom of the pressure cooker, otherwise the jars will simply crack. A clean rag or tray folded several times can provide a gap between the bottom of the pan and the jars.

A regular pressure cooker can hold up to 4 cans. The water should be poured there slightly heated, the water level ends slightly lower than the jar lids. The pressure cooker is closed and placed on medium heat.

After the water boils, this will become clear from the characteristic hissing of the pressure cooker, the fire is reduced and set for 30 minutes. After this time, the fire should be turned off. Steam is released from the pressure cooker gradually over 3-5 minutes.

Attention! The steam cannot be released faster; this will cause the contents of the cans to spill out.

The jars are carefully removed from the pressure cooker. Only now you can add salt to canned food at the rate of a teaspoon per 0.5 liter and vegetable oil - about a tablespoon per jar. The fish is poured with boiling water, and the jars are twisted, after which they must be placed in the pressure cooker again.

Since the jars are still hot, you can simply add boiling water and close the lid again. Simmer over low heat after boiling (starting to sizzle) for one hour. This time the pressure cooker doesn't open, it just turns off the heat. The jars should cool for 24 hours.

You can try to open the pressure cooker, but you should do this very carefully and not right away. If you rush, the lids may come off the jars. Ready-made canned food can be stored for several months.

Homemade canned small fish

The question often arises of what to do with small river fish, because, as a rule, no one wants to bother with them. No problem, you can prepare delicious canned food that your guests will eat in one sitting.

To prepare them you will need:

  • Small crucian carp;
  • Carrot;
  • Onion;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Spices and water.

Prepare 0.5 and 1 liter glass jars and sterilize.

Gut the crucian carp thoroughly and rinse thoroughly so that no bitterness remains. They are then fried in a frying pan so they float in plenty of vegetable oil until they form a nice golden crust.

Next, prepare the sauce: fry the chopped onions and carrots, after the frying has acquired a pleasant golden color, pour water into it, add pepper and salt, and a pinch of sugar. If you like greens, you can add that too. The vegetable mass is simmered in a frying pan for about 25-30 minutes, then removed from the heat.

The prepared fish is placed in sterilized jars, poured with sauce and rolled up. Store canned food in the refrigerator. But, as experience shows, this delicacy does not last long!

Delicious canned food in a slow cooker

A slow cooker is also quite useful for preparing canned fish. For cooking, you can buy small fish, such as capelin or sprat. Moreover, you don’t need to spend a lot of time cleaning them; you just need to tear off the heads and tails, and also thoroughly rinse the fish in running water.


  • 1 kg of fish;
  • 2 onions;
  • 5-6 tomatoes;
  • One large carrot;
  • Spices and salt;
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

Grind the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion, and it is best to turn the tomatoes into porridge using a blender. In a multicooker bowl, onions are fried in oil, you can use the “Baking” or “Frying” mode, after 5-7 minutes the carrots are added.

The prepared capelin is laid out on the vegetables without stirring; the mixture is poured with chopped tomatoes on top. You can add spices (peppercorns, bay leaf, salt). Under the lid, the fish are stewed until cooked; this will require about 4 hours in the “Stew” mode. Afterwards they are rolled into jars.

Fish is always cooked over low heat. Bones, as a rule, are not removed; there is no need for this. After processing in canned food, they are simply not felt.

It is more advisable to choose small jars for canning. This way the cooking process will not be delayed, and it will be more convenient to eat the product.

The finished product, once opened, can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days.

On store shelves today you can find many varieties of canned food. However, there is not always confidence that they are of high quality and will not harm our health. For many, fish preparations remain the most delicious. If you are afraid to buy industrially prepared products, you can make canned fish at home.

Is it possible to prepare canned fish for the winter at home?

Making real canned fish at home is a real art. To do this, you need to choose products without any damage. Both river and sea fish are suitable as preparations, but the best canned fish are made from mackerel. For filling, you can use olive or corn oil, add tomato juice if necessary.

If you decide to store canned food for the winter, they need to be rolled up in glass jars of 0.5 liters or 1 liter. Carrots, parsley, dill, and garlic are used as seasonings and additives. The aroma and taste of the future dish will depend on their correct combination.

The advantage of home canned food is natural products and the absence of preservatives. At the same time, if the technology is not followed, the workpiece may deteriorate after some time. Sometimes the fish is overcooked, and it loses its “marketable” appearance. If you still dare to make canned food at home, strictly follow the recipe.

Canned fish in oil at home

This is the simplest option. Its only drawback is the large amount of oil required for the preparation.



Canned fish in tomato at home

This preparation option is more complex, but everyone will like canned tomatoes. First you need to make the sauce. You can choose any fish, it all depends on the preferences of the hostess and her family.



  1. Chop the vegetables into small cubes.
  2. Place in a frying pan, add a little oil and fry lightly.
  3. When the onions and carrots have set into a crust, you can add salt, tomato paste, spices, and a little water.
  4. Simmer the sauce over low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Cut the fish into pieces and place in jars.
  6. Pour in tomato sauce and simmer in the oven at 120 degrees for 3 hours.
  7. Cool at room temperature and place in a cool place.

Canned fish in a slow cooker at home

If you have a multicooker at home, the process of preparing canned fish is greatly simplified. You can use the same ingredients as for traditional cooking in the oven, but you won’t have to sterilize the jars. It is enough to process all the components in a slow cooker, and then put them in a bowl and roll them up.


  1. Cut the fish into pieces, sprinkle with spices, add the necessary ingredients and place in the multicooker bowl.
  2. Set the mode required for extinguishing and process for half an hour.
  3. Place the finished product in sterilized jars.
  4. Pour sauce or oil and roll up the lids.
  5. Place in a cool place.

Canned fish in an autoclave with oil at home

If you have an autoclave at home, you can make real canned fish, similar to store-bought ones. This preparation will be stored for a long time, and you won’t have to worry about it. An autoclave is a special device for sterilizing canned products. It is usually used in industrial settings, but nowadays it is possible to purchase a kitchen appliance for the home. If you love canned food, you can't do without an autoclave.


  • for 1 kg of fish - 1 onion;
  • for 1 half-liter jar of preparation:
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • laurel leaf;
  • 3-4 peppercorns.


  1. Clean the fish and divide into portions.
  2. Place spices and bay leaves in jars.
  3. Place the fish pieces on top, leaving 2 cm to the neck of the jar.
  4. Fill each jar with 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
  5. Roll up the lids and place the workpieces in the autoclave. For sterilization, you can choose a mode of 110 degrees (process for 20 minutes) or 115 degrees (process lasts 15 minutes).

Canned fish at home in an autoclave with tomato


  • for 2 kg of fish - 2 pcs. onions and carrots;
  • 0.5 liters of tomato juice;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Prepare the fish, add salt.
  2. Heat a frying pan, pour vegetable oil into it.
  3. Place the fish pieces in flour and fry until a crust forms.
  4. Sauté onions and grated carrots in a separate frying pan.
  5. Pour tomato juice over the vegetables, add the pasta and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
  6. Place the fish in sterilized jars, pour in the sauce and add a little vegetable oil.
  7. Arrange the spices.
  8. Roll up the lids and place the canned food in the autoclave.
  9. Cook for 30-70 minutes at 120 degrees.

If you like to open a jar of something tasty in winter, recipes for canned fish at home will certainly come in handy. With their help, you can prepare a natural, healthy product and enjoy it on holidays or with a hearty home-cooked lunch.