How to take mummy in tablets – instructions for use. What does mumiyo treat: healing properties, how it is useful for prevention and how it helps in treatment How to properly use mumiyo internally

Shilajit is one of the most beloved and most frequently used natural remedies in folk medicine. This popularity was facilitated by its extraordinary effectiveness in a number of diseases, availability and relatively low price.

As for availability, in our time mumiyo in tablets has become very popular, and in this article we will analyze how to use it correctly and in what cases.

Although I personally am not a fan of this product in tablet form and I prefer the natural product, someone may think differently and find it more convenient to use tablets. Well, the choice is yours. And for those who hear about mummy for the first time, it will be more useful to read.

In what cases do you take mummy tablets?

I will say right away that mumiyo in its pure form and the same product in tablets will essentially be different products, although they have the same name. The medicinal properties of the latter will be an order of magnitude lower, since in the manufacture of such tablets, in addition to the mummy itself, several other components are added, and the product also undergoes some thermal changes.

Therefore, if you are planning to take your health seriously, it is better to buy a 100% natural product without any additives. So, in what cases can you use mummy in tablets?

  • for diseases of the stomach and intestines
  • for respiratory diseases
  • for ENT diseases
  • after operations, for quick recovery of the body
  • , for their rapid healing
  • with high cholesterol
  • for neuralgic disorders
  • to strengthen the immune system
  • as an aid to weight loss
  • for hair loss

“Mountain tar” can be a very effective remedy for headaches. To do this, you need to take 1 tablet morning and evening for 3 weeks. You can mix them with honey or dissolve them in warm milk. After a 3-week course of treatment, a 10-day break is required, after which the therapeutic effect can be secured by repeating the course of treatment.

Mumiyo has also found wide application in cosmetology. For example, with its help you can strengthen and improve your hair, give your skin elasticity and a healthy appearance. Below I will give recipes for using this most useful product of nature.


Mumiyo is an artificial stimulant for the body of any person. This means that it should not be taken on a regular basis or for very long. The fact is that the human body gets used to it.

You should also not take alcohol in any form during the course of treatment. And so the contraindications for mumiyo in tablets are the same as for the natural product:

  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding period in women
  • Hypertension
  • Children's age (usually up to 12 years)
  • Allergy or individual intolerance

Instructions for using mumiyo in tablets

So, let's figure out how you can take them? There are both general recommendations and individual recipes. First, some general recommendations.

  1. It is not recommended to use such tablets for more than 1 month without a break. Be sure to take a 10-day break, after which you can repeat the treatment
  2. Typically, the oral dosage regimen involves 2 doses in the morning (half an hour before meals) and in the evening (2 hours after meals). Taking more than 2 tablets per day is not advisable!
  3. The dosage for oral administration is calculated based on the patient’s weight and age.
  4. When treating chronic diseases with mummy tablets, multiple repetitions of courses are required with breaks between them

Recipes for use

For stretch marks during pregnancy

Shilajit allows you to deal quite well with stretch marks, which inevitably occur during pregnancy. To do this, you need to prepare a simple cream according to this recipe:

  • We take regular baby cream, boiled cooled water and 3 mummy tablets.
  • The tablets need to be crushed, dissolved in a small amount of water (a teaspoon or a little more), and then mixed with baby cream.

This stretch mark cream is applied to problem areas once a day for at least 2 months. After this you will be pleasantly surprised!

As an aid to weight loss

The so-called “Mountain resin” is an excellent aid for weight loss. But only auxiliary! By itself, one dose of mummy tablets is unlikely to help you lose extra pounds, but in combination with exercise and diet, it works! Tested more than once!

Shilajit is an excellent metabolism activator; moreover, when taken regularly it also reduces appetite, which also promotes weight loss.

They drink mumiyo tablets for weight loss in courses of 10 or 20 days, with breaks between them of 7-10 days (morning and evening). The dosage can be found in this table, it depends on weight

For hair loss and strengthening

  • Take 1 glass of fresh cranberries and 200 ml. warm water, mash the cranberries with your hands and add 2 - 3 mummy tablets and 4 tablespoons of honey to this paste.
  • This mask should be thoroughly rubbed into the hair roots and left on for an hour. After which the head is washed in the usual way.

1 more recipe:

  • We take 5 tablets, grind them into powder, add 2 chicken yolks, a tablespoon of propolis and 3 tbsp. spoons of almond oil. Mix everything and dilute with 50 ml. liquid honey.
  • This mask is applied to the hair for exactly 90 minutes, covered with a towel on top, and then washed off.

If you find it difficult to carry out such procedures, you can simply add mumiyo to your shampoo, which many people do. This useful supplement will also have a positive effect on the condition of your hair, strengthen it and give it healthy shine and volume.

Recipe for fighting acne

If you are tormented by pimples and blackheads, you can try to fight them with the following recipe:

  • Take 50 ml of liquid honey, add 4 tbsp. spoons of olive oil 2 crushed mummy tablets.
  • Apply the resulting mixture to cleansed skin.
  • Hold for about 40 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

For diseases of the stomach, intestines, ENT diseases and neuralgic disorders

For the above diseases, the dosage regimen and dosage are usually prescribed by the attending physician. Treatment is usually prescribed in courses (10 or 30 days). A break between courses is required.

Shilajit tablets are taken twice a day, in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening - 2 hours after meals. For chronic diseases, it may be additionally prescribed to be taken at lunch (one hour before meals).

The method of application is usually as follows:

  • The tablet is dissolved in 2 - 3 tablespoons of warm (but not hot) water and taken orally. The taste is not very pleasant, but it is healthy!

For female diseases (inflammatory process, erosion, etc.)

  • For the treatment of female diseases, 1 tablet of mumiyo is dissolved in 50 ml. warm water and a tampon moistened with this solution is inserted into the vagina.

For joint pain, radiculitis

If you are plagued by constant joint pain, you can try using mummy in tablets according to the following recipe:

  • 2.5 tablets need to be crushed and dissolved in 100 grams of honey.
  • The resulting mixture is rubbed into the sore spot before bedtime for 30 days. If the effect is insignificant, the treatment can be repeated.

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Surely each of you knows that any drug has both its indications and contraindications for use. No exception is mumiyo. This product of natural origin, despite the fact that it belongs to the category of the most harmless products, also has some contraindications for use.. website) will help you find out if you read this article. If you are interested, then stay with us.

What does mummy look like and what does it consist of?

First, a few words about the mummy itself and its medicinal properties. First of all, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that mumiyo has absorbed a huge number of useful components. These are vitamins, microelements, essential oils, macroelements, bee venom, metal oxides, and so on and so forth. Surely many of you are interested in what mummy looks like. The appearance of this product resembles a solid mass that is black or dark brown in color. The surface of the mumiyo is transparent, it tastes bitter.

What medicinal properties are inherent in mumiyo?

Shilajit is endowed with quite powerful anti-inflammatory and restorative effects. It also has antitumor, antitoxic and restorative properties. Once in the human body, this substance stimulates the functioning of all organs and systems. It also strengthens the immune system, restores the functioning of peripheral nerve trunks, the brain, and is also directly involved in the biosynthesis of cell DNA. And that's not all. Disturbed mineral metabolism can also be restored through mumiyo. You cannot do without his help even if you have a bone fracture. If you are tormented by insomnia, feel constant pain or have no appetite, mumiyo will help you cope with these problems.

Contraindications to the use of mumiyo

Now let’s get back to the main thing, namely the existing contraindications to the use of mumiyo. We would like to immediately draw your attention to such a rather important thing - everything should be in moderation! Remember these words for the rest of your life. It is especially important to remember them when it comes to medications. Correct, and most importantly, moderate consumption of mumiyo is the key to your health. That is why the most important rule for using mumiyo is considered to be its rational use. Under no circumstances should you use mumiyo to combat those ailments for which this substance is not intended.

Shilajit is also contraindicated for those patients who have been hypersensitive to its components. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, then you should also avoid this product of natural origin. Quite often, scientists draw people’s attention to the fact that mumiyo cannot be used if you have cancer. The fact is that clinical studies have proven that this dietary supplement can accelerate the development and spread of cancer cells. It is not advisable for older people to take mumiyo. Shilajit is also contraindicated for children under twelve years of age.

And also, under no circumstances drink alcohol during the course of mumiyo therapy. Moreover, we are talking not only about alcohol, but also about medications that contain alcohol. Their use along with mumiyo is also contraindicated. It is very important that you also remember that you need to take this substance diluted. You can dilute it in tea, juices, milk or water. By the way, you can use mumiyo both internally and externally.

Use this dietary supplement as needed. In some cases, you may refuse to use it. Believe me, you can get rid of, for example, insomnia by following a healthy lifestyle, so mumiyo is not always necessary.

Mumiyo is a gift of nature, used for a long time to treat various diseases and improve appearance. There are a huge number of articles on the Internet and in specialized literature that this product is suitable for weight loss, and also helps fight stretch marks and cellulite. To find out whether this is true or not, you need to know the composition of the substance and the effects it can have on our body.

Altai mumiyo, the use of which is said to help get rid of various defects in appearance, is a black natural mass with a peculiar smell and bitter taste, resembling resin in appearance. It is mined from rock gorges and mountain voids. Due to this, people also call it “mountain resin.”

Medicinal properties

Mountain-Altai mumiyo is a completely natural component of black and dark brown shade. The composition includes inorganic and organic substances. Often, admixtures of sand and crushed stone are also found: this is a normal natural phenomenon.

In Altai, as well as in other regions where this substance is mined, it has always been used for treatment. Modern cosmetology suggests using it to try to get rid of stretch marks and lose weight.

Mountain resin actually has a wonderful effect on the skin. It activates blood circulation, which is why reduction-oxidative processes in the body return to normal.

In addition, active growth of new cells and skin regeneration occurs. The body is cleansed of various harmful substances and improves metabolic processes, resulting in weight loss.

Indications for use

Altai mumiyo has interesting qualities. Its use is possible for the following diseases:

  • internally and externally as a bactericidal agent;
  • for blood diseases: the drug renews and cleanses the blood;
  • in various inflammatory processes;
  • for kidney and liver diseases;
  • in case of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • for diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system;
  • with suppuration and inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • in case of damage to various tissues of the body;
  • for hypertension;
  • with low immunity, deficiency of amino acids and minerals, and the presence of chronic diseases.

How to use mumiyo?

In the ancient therapeutic practices of India, Mongolia and Tibet, an excellent method of treatment using this remedy was formed. It is still widespread today according to the following scheme: take 10 days, break 10 days, take 10 days. Compliance with this method of administration eliminates the possibility of any side effects if you use Altai mumiyo.

The drug is used only when dissolved in water. In addition, you can combine external and internal use if the disease suggests such a possibility.

Losing weight with mumiyo

The main effect of mumiyo is to normalize metabolism. The body of overweight people begins to burn calories much more actively if they use this remedy. In addition, the drug can reduce feelings of thirst and hunger, simultaneously relieving problems with edema or digestion.

Mountain resin brings sleep back to normal, therefore, the overall well-being of the body improves if you use Altai mumiyo, the use of which is so popular among knowledgeable people. By the way, in order to lose weight quickly and well, you need to get enough sleep. It should be noted that scientists have proven that it is lack of sleep that often pushes us to gain weight.

It is important to take Shilajit correctly so that it can have a positive effect on the body. So, losing weight using this product occurs due to cleansing the intestines, stabilizing metabolic processes and normalizing sleep.

Preparing the body

Before starting a course of taking mumiyo (instructions will be given in the article below), which can be purchased in pharmacies, you need to prepare the body. You should switch to a diet that promotes cleansing for a few days. You don’t need to starve for this, you just need to exclude flour and sweet, smoked, spicy and fried foods from your diet. You can only drink water, forgetting about drinking alcohol during the course of using mountain resin.

You should introduce more fresh fruits and vegetables and seafood into your diet. You can drink juices, but only fresh ones. Green tea is also acceptable. It’s good to go to a bathhouse or sauna to remove excess water from the body and also cleanse it.

Reception features

In various sources you can find different opinions on how to take Altai mummy in tablets. Experts recommend not giving the body more than 0.2 g (1 tablet) of this substance at a time.

Although you can start from this dosage:

  • if your weight is up to 70 kg, then 0.2 g will be needed per dose;
  • up to 80 kg - 0.3 g;
  • up to 90 kg - 0.4 g;
  • more than 90 kg - up to 0.5 g.

It is advisable to take the tablets in the morning on an empty stomach, and in the evening three hours after the last meal. You should not take mumiyo, instructions for use of which are included with each package, without a break for more than three weeks in a row. In order to lose weight, the described product can also be used externally.

Anti-cellulite creams

When a problem such as cellulite arises, you need to start not only taking various supplements and eating right, but also treating problem areas on the skin. Creams containing mumiyo will help you in this situation. You can add this product to your regular one and rub the resulting mixture into problem areas. You can make this preparation yourself. To do this, you need to dilute 2 g of mumiyo in a spoon of water. Add the mixture to 100 g of cream, preferably for children. Apply the resulting product once a day.

To ensure that the mummy, a photo of which can be seen in this article, does not lose its properties, the prepared creams must be kept in the refrigerator for a maximum of a week.


Creams made according to the specified recipe can also be used for wrapping. People who have severe skin damage or problematic blood vessels should avoid it.

The cream should be gently rubbed into the skin. Then this area of ​​the body must be wrapped in thin cling film, which can cause blood flow to the required place and enhance metabolic processes in the body. After the cream is washed off, you need to dress warmly.

Kidney and liver diseases

You will need Altai mummy in tablets and water. You need to dissolve 5 tablets of the drug in 1 liter of water. The finished composition should be taken three times a day, 20 ml. It is advisable to drink it with fresh beet juice. After 10 days of treatment, you need to rest for 3 days and repeat.

Healing bath

A bath to which purified Altai mumiyo will be added will help you relax and lose weight. Just 5 g of this product must be dissolved in 0.5 liters of warm water. Pour the composition into the bath, which is then taken for 30 minutes. You can take a warm shower first to help open your pores.

For bladder diseases

Drink 0.2 g of mumiyo with warm milk three times a day, and at night douche with the prepared solution (1 g of mumiyo per half a glass of warm water).

Dyspeptic phenomena

Take 0.2 g of the drug with honey or milk twice a day: in the morning and evening for 26 days. In this case, cure occurs after 2 weeks. Use for chronic and inflammatory allergic diseases, runny nose, sore throat, cough.

For bronchial asthma

Take Altai mumiyo, instructions for use of which are given in this article, 0.2 g along with honey or milk and beef fat on an empty stomach in the morning, and also in the evening before rest. Prepare the drug in a ratio of 1:20. You need to undergo up to 3 courses of treatment, each of which lasts 28 days.

For bone fractures

Altai mumiyo (reviews of this miraculous drug can be read in the article below) take 1-2 tablets per ¼ glass of water orally along with compresses, which are applied above the plaster cast or on the affected area. The course of this treatment is 4 weeks, if necessary it can be repeated after 10 days. Apply the compress without interruption.


  • The period of breastfeeding and bearing a baby.
  • Age up to 12 years.
  • Tumors.
  • Internal bleeding.
  • Problems with the central nervous system.
  • High blood pressure.

Even if there are no contraindications from this list, before you start taking Gorno-Altai mumiyo, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

From the information above, it becomes clear that mumiyo is not a direct cause of weight loss. This is actually a unique substance with an excellent composition that activates various systems and strengthens the body. As a result, it is precisely due to the well-established functioning of the body that the extra pounds begin to disappear. But it is impossible to achieve instant weight loss with this product.

Altai mumiyo: reviews

Among all the reviews that can be found on the Internet today about this product, there are several of the most common. Thus, many women boast that with the help of mumiyo they were able to smooth out the skin, eliminate cellulite, as well as other visible defects of the dermis. Someone admires the fact that after completing a wellness course they begin to feel much better, while losing excess weight. But there are also those who show dissatisfaction by talking about contraindications.

What diseases does mumiyo treat and how to take it correctly. Mumiyo is a solid mass of dark brown or black color with a shiny surface, with a bitter taste. Shilajit is used to treat a number of diseases. Moreover, the effect of treatment often exceeds the effect of using traditional drugs. The list of diseases for which mumiyo is recommended in traditional medicine is so wide that miraculous properties are attributed to this drug. What diseases does mumiyo treat? Diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Rheumatism. Fractures, bruises, dislocations and sprains. Joint pain. Bone tuberculous processes. Diseases of the nervous system. Radiculitis, plexitis, neuralgia, neurodermatitis. Headaches, migraines, epilepsy, facial paralysis. Stuttering. Skin diseases. Purulently infected wounds, boils. Eczema. Burns, boils. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Hypertension, heart failure. Post-infarction state. Thrombophlebitis. Respiratory diseases. Pneumonia. Bronchitis. Bronchial asthma. Pleurisy. Tuberculosis. Pulmonary hemorrhage. ENT diseases. Sore throat, laryngitis and pharyngitis Sinusitis (sinusitis), runny nose. Acute otitis media. Nose bleed. Diseases of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Intestinal atony. Hepatitis. Zero acidity. Gastritis, duodenitis. Heartburn, nausea and vomiting. Haemorrhoids. Cholelithiasis. Colitis. Constipation. Diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis. Eye diseases. Barley. Glaucoma. Diseases of the genitourinary area. Urolithiasis (kidney stones). Cystitis. Ulcerative diseases of the bladder. Male and female infertility. Erosion of the female genital organs. Cervical erosion. Inflammation of the mammary gland. Periodontal disease, stomatitis. Anemia, radiation sickness and other diseases of the blood system. Prevention/treatment of influenza and other viral infections. Decreased immunity and vitality. And other diseases. How to drink mumiyo correctly. Mumiyo can be taken early in the morning, immediately after waking up from sleep, and at night, 3 hours after dinner. As an external remedy (as an ointment or compress from a weak solution), mumiyo is used immediately before bed. To prevent the ointment prepared from mumiyo from sticking to your hands, you should lubricate your hands with boiled vegetable oil before rubbing it in. During treatment using mumiyo, alcohol consumption is contraindicated. General recommendations. Take diluted mumiyo on an empty stomach 1-2 times a day, morning and evening. One course of treatment – ​​25-28 days. At an advanced stage of the disease, repeat the course after 10 days. In most recipes, the recommended dose is 0.2 grams. With clean hands, separate 0.2 grams of mumiyo, rolling into a ball with a diameter of about 6 mm, the size of a black peppercorn. It is advisable to dilute it in milk in a ratio of 1:20 (2-3 tablespoons). You can also dilute it in water, adding honey to taste. It is useful to alternate dilution of mumiyo with juices (grape, cucumber). During the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, it is necessary to follow a diet. For severe and chronic diseases, it is necessary to take mumiyo with medicinal herbs recommended for a specific disease, dosing it depending on the person’s weight. Source: Encyclopedia of Useful Knowledge © How does mumiyo in tablets differ from mumiyo - raw? Tableted mumiyo is not a real mumiyo! These are tablets based on mumiyo extract. When tableting, mumiyo is exposed to chemical and thermal influences, after which mumiyo loses its main medicinal properties. Also, during the tableting process, various components are added to it, thanks to which the raw material acquires the necessary physical and mechanical properties. And these substances are not only not useful, but sometimes even harmful to health. Real mumiyo is whole, it is a resinous, viscous black or brown mass with a bitter taste and a specific odor. Advantages of the natural mumiyo paste offered by us: The healing properties of mumiyo are preserved as much as possible. 100% guarantee of supply of natural mumiyo paste. Our original packaging allows you to protect the product from direct sunlight and simplifies the packaging of mumiyo by the consumer, provided that the lock on the bag is closed after each use. Packaging, storage. It is most convenient to dose and apply mumiyo when it is in an elastic state. Our packaging is made of metallized material. The advantages of bags with a zip-lock fastener allows you to repeatedly close and open the bag without losing the seal, which allows you to keep the mumiyo elastic for an unlimited period. The story of how the indigenous tribes of the Himalayas discovered mumiyo and why they decided to consume it varies depending on who is telling it. Over time, this substance has become widely used medicinally throughout Asia and is a common ingredient in Ayurvedic preparations. Mumiyo, in fact, consists of fresh and processed humus residues - the organic component of soils. This thick, black resin is formed from more than 6,500 species of ancient plants that decay and compact under the weight of the mountains. Beneficial properties of mumiyo Scientific research has shown that mumiyo is one of the most nutritious substances in the world, containing at least 85 minerals in ionic form, as well as triterpenes, humic and fulvic acids. It is a powerful source of vitamins and microelements, a powerful adaptogen that protects the body from all types of mental and physical stress and contributes to the normalization of the body. Naturally occurring humic and fulvic acids are two of the most powerful and rare detoxifiers of heavy metals and other pollutants that disrupt natural body functions. Shilajit is also rich in ellagic acid, fatty acids and plant sterols. As a result, it has a harmonizing effect on the endocrine system and slows down the aging process as a whole, increasing the overall tone of the body. Here are some of the most powerful beneficial properties of mumiyo: 1. Anti-aging. Mumiyo slows down the aging process because it rejuvenates every cell, saturating it with oxygen and nutrients, serves as a natural antioxidant, supports the functioning of the body as a whole, and helps get rid of free radicals. This substance also strengthens the immune system, bones (due to the accumulation of calcium) and improves memory. 2. Anti-inflammatory properties. Mumiyo is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent that can eliminate tissue damage and thereby accelerate the healing process. 3. Anti-disease. Thanks to its rich supply of nutrients, mumiyo is useful for those who suffer from the following diseases and painful conditions: diabetes, stress, arthritis, obesity, Alzheimer's disease, genitourinary diseases, jaundice, indigestion, epilepsy, nervous disorders, anemia, bronchitis, hemorrhoids , kidney stones, edema, asthma, thyroid dysfunction. 4. Strengthens physical performance. Another name for mumiyo is “destroyer of weakness.” This substance speeds up the body's recovery after training, increases endurance and improves brain function, has a positive effect on strength and muscle mass, and also helps with joint pain and arthritis. 5. Aphrodisiac. Shilajit is also known as the "Indian Viagra" - it works wonders in improving male sexual function and has been used for centuries to increase libido and sexual performance naturally. In addition, mumiyo is the main ingredient in Ayurvedic preparations to increase libido and sexual performance in general.

What is mumiyo?

Mumiyo as a medicine has been known in Eastern folk medicine for more than three thousand years and is used to treat various serious diseases. Mumiyo is a heavy and solid substance that has a characteristic color and odor and dissolves without sediment.

Some scientists attribute mumiyo to a type of geological rock that occurs in cracks in mountain rocks. Modern expeditions extract mumiyo in deep caves, grottoes located at high altitudes (2,860 - 3,000 m), in places inaccessible to animals and birds and unfavorable for the growth of even plants such as lichens.

Chemical and spectral studies of mumiyo have shown that its composition is unusually rich in microelements (especially silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, manganese, cobalt, magnesium, titanium, nickel), as well as various amino acids and fatty acids.

The materials for the formation of mumiyo are: microelements, soil microorganisms, plants, animals and their metabolic products.

At high altitudes, in conditions of reduced oxygen content, strong winds, sudden temperature changes, increased ultraviolet radiation, as well as in hot, dry areas, the activity of microorganisms that ensure the decomposition of organic residues is sharply reduced. Because of this, conditions are created under which biomass of animal or plant origin is not destroyed by microorganisms, but mummifies and polymerizes over time. In some places inaccessible to moisture, they harden, and in others they are dissolved by soil water, dissipating or forming sinter structures in the voids.

Mumiyo- a bitter-tasting solid mass, highly soluble in water, dark brown or black in color, with a smooth surface polished by time. Mumiyo is a low-toxic substance and easily softens when heated. The best mumiyo is considered to be black, shiny, with a slight smell of oil.

Avicenna knew and wrote a lot about the medicinal properties of mumiyo. Mumiyo, as indicated in eastern manuscripts, gives strength to the human body and especially to his heart. Good results are achieved in the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers, intestinal disorders, liver diseases, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, purulent-infectious wounds, burns, bone-tuberculosis processes, headaches, migraines, chills, dizziness, epilepsy, general paralysis and facial paralysis , inflammation of the mammary gland, bleeding from the lungs, inflammatory and allergic chronic diseases, sore throat, runny nose, cough, erosion, inflammation, tissue defects of the female genital organs and other female diseases, infertility of men and women, decreased sexual function, hypoaspermia (poor quality semen in men ), thrombophlebitis, radiculitis.

Mumiyo helps with poisoning, scorpion stings, stuttering, providing a general strengthening effect. Under the influence of mumiyo, the healing of bone fractures is accelerated, and callus forms 8 to 17 days earlier than usual.

Mumiyo can be taken early in the morning, immediately after waking up from sleep, or at night, 3 hours after dinner. After taking mumiyo in the morning, it is advisable to stay in bed for another 30 - 40 minutes.

As an external remedy (as an ointment or compress from a weak solution), mumiyo is used immediately before bed. To prevent the ointment prepared from mumiyo from sticking to your hands, you should lubricate your hands with boiled vegetable oil before rubbing it in.

Take diluted mumiyo on an empty stomach 1 - 2 times a day, morning and evening. One course of treatment is 25 - 28 days. At an advanced stage of the disease, repeat the course after 10 days.

Take the quantity of mumiyo in accordance with the table. It is advisable to dilute it in milk in a ratio of 1:20 (2 - 3 tablespoons). You can also dilute it in water, adding honey to taste. It is useful to alternate dilution of mumiyo with juices (grape, cucumber). During the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, it is necessary to follow a diet.

Dosage of mumiyo depending on a person’s weight

Human weight, kg

reception, g


Dose for 1 course of treatment
28 days each, g

Dose for 3 courses of treatment
28 days each, g

Dose for 5 courses of treatment
28 days each, g

Children under 1 year

Children from 1 to 9 years old

Children from 9 to 14 years old

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