How to wash your hair with nettle. How to wash your hair with nettle? — For healthy and silky curls

Nettle is one of the most famous medicinal herbs, which even children know about. As a rule, many people are not even aware of the healing properties of this plant, since they associate it with burning and unpleasant sensations. This may surprise some, but rinsing hair with nettle is a useful procedure that has a beneficial effect on the hair.

Obvious benefits for hair

  1. Chlorophyll. This pigment prevents hair loss and senile baldness.
  2. Vitamins A, K, C, B2 and E. Saturate skin cells with oxygen, accelerate growth, strengthen and give hair a beautiful shine.
  3. Microelements. Iodine, iron, magnesium, silicon, chromium, copper, calcium, potassium and many other trace elements have a positive effect on the condition of the scalp and hair.
  4. Organic acids. Carotene, tannin, secretin and other substances of this type control metabolism in the scalp.
  5. Flavonoids. This group of biological compounds strengthens hair follicles and prevents hair loss.

What positive results can be achieved by rinsing your hair with nettle? Here are some:

  • dandruff disappears;
  • hair follicles are significantly strengthened;
  • Excessive fat content disappears;
  • hair acquires smoothness and natural shine;
  • itching and irritation of the scalp disappear;
  • the strands are nourished and enriched with vitamins and beneficial minerals.


Before rinsing your hair with nettle, you should familiarize yourself with the main contraindications:

  1. This herb may cause an allergic reaction. If you wash your hair too often with a product that contains this plant, it is possible that a person may soon develop an allergy. If you are at risk, then you are strongly advised not to wash your hair with this herb.
  2. People with dry hair should use nettle very carefully when washing their hair. This herb is best suited to combat oily hair.
  3. Blondes and girls with light brown hair should also use products with this plant very carefully, since nettle has coloring properties, which can cause the strands to acquire a greenish tint. To avoid this, stinging nettle should be used together with other ingredients (burdock, marigold, etc.).

Recipes for decoctions, masks and homemade shampoo

Nettle is widely used in home cosmetology. You can make a decoction, infusion, strengthening medicinal mask, or oil from it. Below are the best ways to prepare medicinal remedies from nettles, from which you can choose a recipe to your liking.

  1. Nettle decoction. The easiest and most popular recipe. How to brew nettle for hair? It's simple: finely chop the nettles and pour boiling water, leave for a little and strain. We use the resulting washing solution for rinsing after each wash.
  2. Nettle decoction with sea buckthorn juice. To do this, pour 3 tablespoons of dried nettle leaves into 400 ml of boiling water, add 200 ml of sea buckthorn juice, put the mixture on low heat and cook for 30 minutes with continuous stirring. The prepared broth must be cooled and strained, after which it is completely ready for use.
  3. A decoction of nettle, calamus root and coltsfoot. Finely chop all of the listed components (they must be dried) and mix in equal proportions (depending on the desired quantity). Then add a liter of hot water to the mixture and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes. This decoction will serve as an excellent remedy for combating oiliness, brittleness and dandruff.
  4. Nettle decoction with burdock and hop cones. Chop fresh nettle leaves, chop the cones, mix everything. Then pour 3 tablespoons of the resulting mixture into a liter of boiling water and cook over low heat for an hour (a water bath is suitable as an alternative, in this case boil the mixture for 10 minutes, then leave for 1 hour). After straining the broth, you can rinse your hair.
  5. Decoction of nettles and marigolds: 400 grams of fresh stinging nettle should be mixed with 100 grams of marigolds, finely chop everything, add a liter of hot water and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain the broth. This product should be rubbed in a circular motion into the scalp before and after washing your hair.
  6. Nettle shampoo. This product can be bought in a store, but it will be much more effective if you prepare it at home using the following recipe:
  • Pour 100 grams of dry or fresh nettle into 1 liter of boiling water;
  • add 0.5 liters of apple cider vinegar;
  • put the mixture on low heat for half an hour;
  • After cooling, strain the mixture through a sieve.

After preparation, you should pour a liter of clean water into a basin and add our brewed shampoo there (2-3 glasses). You should wash your hair with this solution without using other cosmetics.

  1. Nettle infusion. You already know how to brew nettle for hair to make a decoction, now you can tell us about the infusion. Preparing this remedy does not take much effort: pour 1 tablespoon of dry leaves of the plant with 200 ml of boiling water, then cover the vessel with a lid and place in a dark and cool place for exactly an hour. After filtering the infusion, you need to wipe your scalp. Some people decide to wash their hair after the procedure, but this should not be done, as the entire healing effect will be lost.
  2. Nettle juice. To prepare it, you need to finely chop fresh nettle leaves and then squeeze them well through cheesecloth (you can use a juicer). The resulting extract must be thoroughly rubbed into the roots of the hair, wrapped in cling film or a shower cap, covered with a towel or scarf, and left for about an hour. After this, your hair should be rinsed with water at room temperature.
  3. Herbal oil. If you want to use this medicine, then be prepared for the fact that it will take you a lot of time to prepare: 100 grams of dry nettle should be poured with olive oil (300 g). The container with the liquid must be tightly closed and then stored in a dark and cool room for 3 weeks. When the product is ready, it can be rubbed into the roots and ends of the hair or used as an additional ingredient for a mask.
  4. Hair mask based on burdock and nettle. This is a good remedy that has a powerful healing effect. To prepare it, follow these steps: you need to separately prepare a decoction of burdock root and a decoction of nettle leaves, mix in equal proportions. Distribute the resulting mixture evenly over the entire length of the hair and rub into the roots. Leave the mask for 1 hour, rinse your hair with cool water.

As you can see, this article contains only the best and most accessible recipes that anyone can prepare. The most important:

  • The first week you may not see any effect, but over time the final result will amaze you. The main thing is not to quit what you started. Only regular use of the products can be beneficial.
  • Do not store prepared products, use them immediately after preparation. Decoctions can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Nettle for hair is a unique and very effective remedy for normal and oily hair types. Now you know how to rinse and how to wash your hair with homemade shampoo. We hope this information will be useful to you. Good luck!

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!

Nettle is a flowering plant whose leaves and stems are covered with hairs that cause itching and burning if touched. The grass is common in urban environments, near people, but finding it in open areas in fields can be difficult. Despite the unpleasant sensations that nettle “gives” when touched, this plant becomes a faithful assistant against diseases and has a wonderful cosmetic effect. Its use for hair is especially popular. With a few recipes you can easily improve their health.

What are the benefits of washing your hair with nettle decoction?

The beneficial substances that ordinary nettle is rich in make it indispensable in the fight against certain scalp diseases, and also help restore shine to hair and make hair less dull and weak. The plant is used to get rid of gray hair and stop the loss of pigment: for this, not only nettle decoctions are prepared, but also masks. What healing elements does the plant contain and how is a nettle decoction based on it useful for hair:

  • Vitamin A. Thanks to this element, the scalp becomes better, minor damage heals, it provokes hair growth from inactive follicles and accelerates metabolic processes.
  • Vitamin C. Helps scalp cells receive oxygen more actively, so hair grows much faster.
  • Vitamin K. Returns shine, improves hair condition, gives a beautiful natural glow.
  • Beta carotene. Useful for those who have increased oil production on the scalp. This element moisturizes and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Tannins. Promotes smoothness and elasticity of hair, because... cause the scales of which it consists to stick together and fit more tightly to each other.
  • Flavonoids. They help the hair to stay better in the sprout area, so hair loss will be reduced.
  • Organic acids. They make hair growth more active because they regulate the metabolism of the scalp.

How to make a nettle decoction for rinsing hair

Nettle for decoctions is taken fresh and dried, as an independent element and in combination with other substances and plants. The final composition of a medicinal or cosmetic product will depend on what effect a person wants to achieve. Buying nettles at the pharmacy is inexpensive, but young shoots collected yourself will bring particular benefits. If it was not possible to use all of it, the remains of the plants should be dried in order to make decoctions with healing properties in the cold season. Rules for collecting herbs:

  • Harvest nettles while it is not raining or humid outside, between May and June, when they bloom.
  • Do not touch plants whose leaves or stems are damaged.
  • Don't forget to wear gloves to protect your hands from the stinging nettle hairs.
  • Before preparing a decoction with a fresh plant, rinse it well.

How to dry:

  1. Make a canopy so that the sun's rays do not hit the plant, in a well-ventilated room.
  2. Spread the collected grass underneath it.
  3. Wait a little more than a week, maximum two.
  4. Separate the leaves from the stems.
  5. Place the leaves in paper bags and close them well.
  6. Store for no more than 2 years (preferably until the next harvest season).

Classic recipe from young nettles

A decoction of fresh nettle is an excellent remedy that will help get rid of dandruff, give your hair more strength and shine, and is good for gray hair. To prepare a decoction, take one hundred grams of a young plant and rinse well. Separate the leaves, place them in a saucepan or bowl, add a liter of hot water, and boil for about half an hour. The fire should be slow. Strain the resulting liquid. Rinse your hair with nettle decoction:

  • Prepare a liter of boiled or filtered water, add 0.5 tsp. soda, pour 250 milliliters of concentrated broth.
  • Using a convenient container with a handle, rinse your hair for about five minutes, tilting it over the bathtub.
  • Wrap your head in a towel and pat lightly, but do not dry
  • Do not use a hairdryer; let the strands dry on their own. From the first use you will see high efficiency - shine, shine.

With burdock for growth

Combined decoctions will help to have a comprehensive effect on hair problems. Burdock is a plant that contains many vitamins. The famous burdock oil is obtained from its roots. The ideal option is to prepare a decoction with nettle and burdock root in a water bath, this way the healing substances will be better preserved. Take both plants in equal proportions, place them in a small container with cold, clean water, and place this in a larger pan that will sit on the fire. Do not bring to a boil. After preparation, leave the product to infuse for 1-2 hours.

With added chamomile for strengthening

A decoction of chamomile and nettle is used when you need to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands or lighten your hair slightly. Take 100 grams of each plant and 30 grams of black tea. All ingredients are mixed together and poured with two liters of boiling water. Next, the resulting mixture should be simmered over low heat for about half an hour, then removed from the stove and allowed to brew until cooled. Before use, the decoction must be strained. The resulting natural product is used as a root lotion or as a rinse after washing hair with harmful alkaline shampoos.

Recipe for infusion against hair loss

Nettle decoction has a wonderful effect on hair and its growth. To prevent hair loss and strengthen the follicles, a person can prepare the following decoction: pour dry leaves of the plant (4 tablespoons) with a liter of boiling water and let it brew under a saucer or lid. When thirty minutes have passed, add a spoonful of honey to the product, which should quickly dissolve, then cover the mixture for another half hour. When using this decoction for rinsing, you need to lightly rub it with your fingers into the scalp. It is better to ensure drying without a hair dryer.

How often can you use nettle decoction?

Cosmetologists recommend rinsing weak, dull hair or problematic scalp several times a week until it regains its former strength, shine and stops falling out. Then the decoction should be used for preventive purposes and the procedure should be done once a week or two so that the hair does not dull. For blondes, it is better to choose an alternative remedy and alternate with nettle. After all, nettle infusion, although not harmful, can color the strands with a greenish tint.


When preparing nettle infusion, it is extremely important not to make mistakes and to carry out all stages of processing the herb correctly so that the plant retains its beneficial substances. A training video will help you cope with this task, which describes in detail how to create a healing mixture in the right way for beautiful, shiny, and most importantly, healthy hair on your head. The presenter notes that nettle had a particularly beneficial effect on hair roots, made them strong, and greatly reduced hair loss. See the recipe for preparing a herbal infusion for rinsing after washing your hair:

In ancient times, nettle was a very popular plant. It served as a universal raw material that was used in many fields. Strong ropes were made from nettles, fabrics and fishing nets were made, they were eaten, used for punishment and treatment. Nettle has also found application in cosmetology. It was especially often used for hair care. Today we will talk about what exactly nettle is good for hair, how to prepare and use it correctly.

Nettle - beneficial properties for hair

In ancient times, there were no expensive shampoos and conditioners containing keratin or arginine, yet women managed to look their best and conquer others with luxurious hair. Of course, our great-grandmothers owe much of the good condition of their hair to a favorable environmental situation, a diet that did not contain harmful additives and any chemicals, and their lifestyle was completely different, much healthier than the current one. But natural cosmetics made from the gifts of nature also played an important role in the beauty of hair.

One of the most popular hair products was, and remains to this day, . This amazing plant has the most beneficial effect on the human body. With its help, you can solve many internal problems, for example, getting rid of diseases of the bladder and liver, and external ones - healing wounds, ulcers, relieving inflammation, etc. Nettle also has medicinal properties that can best affect the condition of the hair and scalp. This effect is due to the high content and successful combination of nutrients in the plant. Nettle contains vitamin K, which is necessary for hair, such well-known vitamins of female beauty as E, C and B, carotenoids, calcium, organic acids and phytoncides that have a beneficial effect on hair. Due to its wide range of actions, nettle affects the curls and scalp as follows:

How does nettle work?

Almost everyone knows the ability of nettles to sting. But despite the discomfort, it is quite useful. After contact with nettle, blood actively rushes to the affected areas, reaching even the most distant and small capillaries of the skin. As a result, they are more saturated with nutrients and oxygen than usual, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. The same thing, although with less intensity, happens to the scalp when using nettle juice or decoction. But the condition of the hair itself largely depends on its condition.

Nettle for hair - rules of use

For effective hair care, you can use both fresh and dried nettle. The herb can be used as an independent remedy, preparing infusions, decoctions or masks from it, or together with other components. But before you decide to care for your hair with nettles, you should familiarize yourself with some nuances:

  • Nettle products make hair stiffer and slightly dry, so those with dry curls should avoid rinsing and use herbal products only for rubbing into the roots.
  • Nettle has a slight coloring effect. After using it, blonde hair may acquire a greenish tint. To avoid this, it is recommended to add lemon juice to infusion, decoction or any other means made from nettle.
  • To make it easier to apply liquid nettle products to the roots, use a spray bottle.
  • After rinsing the strands, lightly rub the product into the skin and hair, and then massage the scalp.

Read also:

How to get rid of gray hair

Rinsing hair with nettle

Regular rinsing with nettle can successfully replace expensive salon procedures. As a rule, a decoction or infusion is used for rinsing.

Nettle decoction for hair

This product can be prepared in several ways:

  • Fresh nettle decoction. Thoroughly wash fresh nettles with stems (about fifty grams). Boil half a liter of water, then put nettles in it, simmer for a quarter of an hour.
  • Decoction of nettle leaves and roots. This product will help eliminate many hair problems. To prepare it, combine dry nettle leaves and roots in equal quantities in one container. Place a couple of spoons of raw materials in a saucepan with a glass of water brought to a boil. Boil the nettle for half an hour, then cool and strain. Use a product to rub into the roots. For rinsing, it is recommended to dilute the broth with boiled water.
  • For dry hair. Combine coltsfoot and nettle in equal quantities. Steam three tablespoons of herbs with half a liter of boiling water, and then boil them for a quarter of an hour.
  • Decoction for dandruff. Mix equal amounts of heather, nettle, crushed hop cones, chamomile and burdock root. Bring four hundred milliliters of water to a boil in a saucepan, then add a couple of tablespoons of a mixture of herbs, boil them for about ten minutes, cool and strain. Use for rinsing.

It is recommended to rinse your hair every time after you wash your hair. If you are used to carrying out this procedure every day, you still shouldn’t wash your hair with nettle products so often; do it about three times a week. By the way, if you are forced to wash your hair every day because your hair is oily, after using nettle, you can do this in a day or even two.

Hello, dear readers and friends of the blog!

In our area, spring has already brought its first. A young nettle has grown. It's time to use it in salads and make a nettle decoction for hair, because it is at the peak of flowering that the plant accumulates all the most useful things.

I’ve already made soup with nettles.

And although I fell in love, it’s also useful to use other recipes that nature itself gives us.

Today I will tell you how I make a decoction and infusion of nettles for hair and how I use them.

What are the benefits of nettle for hair?

Our ancestors knew about the benefits of nettle in hair care. After all, it contains beauty vitamins C, E, B, calcium, silicon, vitamin K, which is especially important for beautiful hair, iron, manganese, copper and other micro- and macroelements.

Vitamin K, on ​​which normal blood circulation depends, also has a positive effect on hair, the follicles of which receive useful substances from the blood. Therefore, the use of nettle makes hair strong, strong, and shiny.

Thanks to the presence of silicon and organic acids in its composition, nettle miraculously strengthens hair, prevents hair loss, and hair becomes healthy and beautiful.

Tannins reduce irritation of the scalp, so nettle infusion relieves itching and is also useful for those who have problems with dandruff.

Nettle for hair is used in the form of rinsing it with a decoction or infusion, and you can also make masks from nettle.

Rinsing your hair with nettle decoction reduces oiliness, improves hair structure, helps with split ends, and promotes hair growth.

How to properly collect and dry nettles

Dry nettle leaves, ready for use, are sold in pharmacies. Just don’t buy dust in bags, the benefits from it are the same as from tea in bags, i.e. no.

And it’s always more pleasant to collect useful herbs yourself while walking in the forest. It’s good if it grows on your summer cottage. I have nettles nearby and I never weed them out, I use them in salads and soups, and also for rinsing my hair. You can dry nettle leaves for the winter.

You can collect nettles, like all herbs, in dry sunny weather, preferably in the first half, after waiting until the dew subsides.

Wet raw materials can simply rot.

Naturally, this needs to be done away from the roads; we don’t need grass covered in exhaust fumes.

Choose bushes with healthy leaves, dense green leaves, not yellowed and free from any insects.

Nettle is a rather pungent plant that can cause burns, so don’t forget to take gloves made of thick fabric. I use regular household ones with a rubberized coating.

There is no need to mercilessly break, much less uproot, a bush. Using pruners, scissors or a knife, cut off a branch with leaves at a height of about 10 cm from the ground and put it in a basket. It should not be compacted; let it lie freely and breathe air. There is no need to cut off the existing inflorescences; they will also suit us.

Having brought it home, we cut off the leaves and lay them out on cotton cloth or parchment paper to dry in the shade, the drying area should be well ventilated. Once a day, you can turn the leaves with your hands.

Drying in the open air usually takes 5-7 days. You can dry nettles in an hour. To do this, place it on a baking sheet covered with parchment in two thin layers and dry at a temperature of 40-50 degrees.

Properly dried leaves should easily crumble into dust in your hands.

We store dried leaves in jars with a closed lid, in paper bags.

How to prepare nettle decoction for hair

Well, now we finally come to the recipe for making nettle decoction for hair.

The herb is used both fresh and dried. Fresh, of course, is better, because it contains the maximum amount of nutrients. The only difference in preparing the decoction is the amount of nettle; you need to take more fresh herbs.

Nettle decoction for hair. Simple recipe

  1. Take three or four tablespoons of dried herbs or half a liter jar of fresh nettle leaves, along with the stem (they must be cut first, of course), pour them into a small saucepan.
  2. Pour out a liter of boiled water. Water should be taken that has just boiled, but not hot boiling water, but one that flows with a white spring, exactly the same as we use when brewing tea.
  3. Cover the pan with a lid and, after bringing to a boil, cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Let it sit for 20-25 minutes.
  5. Strain the broth through cheesecloth. The sieve is less suitable for straining; small particles of dry grass can still slip through it.
  6. Add warm boiled water to a volume of 1 liter.
  7. Let's wait a little longer until the broth cools down to a comfortable warm temperature. This may take an hour to an hour and a half, so prepare it in advance, not just before use.

The infused decoction turns out to be dark green in color.

By the way, for this reason it can only be used by dark-haired people; fair hair will acquire a greenish tint after using this product. Although, they say that you can try adding lemon juice or chamomile and other ingredients that suppress the coloring effect to the nettle decoction. But I wouldn’t experiment; in this case, it’s better to use chamomile to rinse your hair.

It is preferable to always prepare the decoction fresh; during storage, a significant part of the beneficial properties disappears.

Nettle infusion for hair

The procedure for preparing nettle infusion for hair is much faster, the benefits of it will not decrease in any way, I believe that there are even more benefits in the infusion, since nothing needs to be boiled, which means there is a chance that the beneficial properties will not be boiled out, but will be work to the maximum.

The whole process just involves pouring boiling water over the herb and letting it sit.

Just as for the decoction, I take three tablespoons of dried or half a can of fresh nettle per liter of water, then the infusion is more saturated.

Cover the bowl with the herb filled with boiling water with a napkin or lid and leave to brew until it cools. And the infusion gives off such a pleasant spring-herbal aroma!

Rinsing hair with nettle infusion or decoction

We use a decoction or infusion of nettle as a rinse after washing your hair with shampoo and using a balm.

Pour the prepared mixture into a basin, lower your head and rinse your hair. You can water your head from a mug.

There is no need to rinse again with clean water. Dry with a towel and that's it.

The result in the form of healthy shine and silky hair is noticeable immediately after the first procedure. They become so soft, elastic, obedient, very pleasant.

But hair strengthening and stopping hair loss can be expected only after two to four weeks.

My review is nothing but enthusiastic, I especially like that my curly hair, which I have no problem with, after rinsing with nettle it straightens out as if a straightening iron had been run through it. I’m so sorry that I didn’t use nettle before, I was afraid of getting burned.

How often to use

For prevention and to pamper your hair with a useful procedure, you can use a nettle decoction for hair in a course of 10 days with an interval of 2-3 days.

Nettle rightly takes pride of place as a natural hair growth stimulator. This “biting” shoot is supported by its effectiveness, availability and possibility of use at home. Let's look at the most effective ways to use nettle for hair growth.

Operating principle

Nettle is a real gift from nature to everyone who cares about the health of their hair. This is a bush 50–70 cm tall, sometimes a meter in height. It grows everywhere.

Composition and beneficial properties

These green shoots have a rich composition of necessary elements that allow you to grow and maintain luxurious curls for a long time. The plant has the following composition:

  1. Vitamin K returns shine and brightens color even to bleached and dull hair.
  2. Vitamin C helps increase blood supply to the follicles, being an activator of hair growth.
  3. Vitamin A is responsible for awakening “dormant” follicles and healing the scalp. Gets rid of split ends, effectively dealing with treacherous gray hair.
  4. Vitamin B nourishes health, giving them growth speed.
  5. Flavonoids successfully fight baldness.
  6. Organic acids normalize metabolic processes occurring in the roots.
  7. Carotene stabilizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and moisturizes along the entire length.
  8. Tannins soothe the scalp, providing “mirror” smoothness of curls.
  9. Chlorophyll strengthens and saturates them with strength.
  10. Trace elements (iron, manganese, barium, sulfur, molybdenum, aluminum) important for health and growth.

This is interesting! Lemon is 10 times inferior to nettle in the presence of vitamin C, which makes the plant an excellent antioxidant that ensures youthful curls for a long time. Regular use of this herb will make the scalp healthy and, accordingly, accelerate their growth.

What problems can it solve?

The juice of the fresh plant increases the activity of scalp cells, accelerating all the processes that occur in it.

Blood begins to circulate at an increased pace, improving the supply to the follicles. Thus

  • This medicinal herb in just 5-6 uses relieves:
  • dandruff;
  • eczema;
  • fragility and split ends;

gray hair. Using decoctions or masks containing nettle

  • , Can:
  • restore lost shine;
  • normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands on the scalp;
  • strengthen the hair and improve its structure;
  • get rid of irritations on the scalp;
  • restore health and strength to curls;

accelerate hair growth. Note,


You can use the “stinging” herb at any time of the year. In spring it is useful to eat it fresh, and then dried. Both have the same properties.

  • Before you start using this product, you need to familiarize yourself with possible contraindications. Otherwise, this may lead to unwanted complications of existing pathologies. These include:
  • increased blood clotting;
  • pregnancy;
  • ulcers or ulcers on the head;
  • wounds or injuries to the scalp;
  • intolerance to components;

renal failure.

If the use of nettle is contraindicated for you, do not worry. Try other herbs for hair growth.

Photos before and after

Rules for preparing the decoction The surest remedy for strengthening, shine and growth of hair is nettle decoction.

In order to achieve the desired effect, it is important to follow the following points:

How to collect

There are a considerable number of useful elements in nettle shoots and its flowers. There are especially many of them during the flowering period. It is during this period that the plant must be harvested. The full flowering phase begins in June and lasts until early August. It is important to have time to prepare shoots during this period. Cutting is done in dry weather, after the dew has completely dried. It is not recommended to consume nettles from roadsides, gas stations, etc.

It is best to use a field or garden plant. This will be the best guarantee of its environmental friendliness. Dry the grass in the shade, in warm weather outside or on a well-ventilated veranda.

To do this, you need to spread the flowers and leaves in a thin layer on fabric or paper.

It is recommended to rinse your hair with this decoction every time after washing, every other day. Do not blow dry. Continue for 30 days. Take a break for three weeks and repeat. Can be used for preventive purposes.

Advice. To add a glossy shine, you can add 2 tbsp to the prepared nettle decoction. lie 9% vinegar.

Do not be upset if you were unable to prepare nettle shoots for future use. After all, dried herbs purchased at a pharmacy are absolutely not inferior to those collected with your own hands and have no less benefits.

Effective means

If the hair has become dull, split and growing out of control, it will need emergency help. A mask containing nettle will accelerate hair growth, revitalize hair, returning and enhancing all its vital functions.

To achieve 100% results from the mask, it is important to adhere to the basic rules for its preparation. The improvement becomes noticeable after the first use of the product.

Rules for preparing a mask

  • do not use metal or plastic utensils;
  • purchase raw materials of the best quality;
  • mix the ingredients until smooth;
  • Apply to the scalp and the entire length of the hair;
  • put on a plastic cap and wrap it with a scarf or towel.


Egg mask for growth and shine:

  • Beat 2 homemade eggs with 2 tablespoons of honey;
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of nettle decoction with 1 tablespoon of cognac;

If your hair is very dry, you can add 1 tablespoon of olive oil; if your hair is very oily, you can add 2 tablespoons of blue clay.

Mix everything and apply to scalp and hair. Do before bed, 2 times every 7 days. After washing your hair, you can rinse with nettle infusion.

Herbal mask for hair growth and gray prevention:

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of chamomile with 1 tablespoon of nettle (crushed).
  2. Add 50 grams of warm water and let it absorb.
  3. Add 1 yolk from a homemade egg.
  4. Gently distribute over the entire length.
  5. Rinse off with water after 45 minutes.

Attention! This mask should be done at least 2 times a week. In just a couple of weeks, your hair will gain vitality and begin to grow rapidly.

Vitamin mask against hair loss:

  • 1 tbsp. nettle juice;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 tbsp. honey;
  • 1 ampoule of vitamin B1.

Mix the yolk with the vitamin, stir in the juice and honey. Mix. Use the mask immediately. Wash off after half an hour with warm water. After the second use of this mask, your hair will become elastic and strong.

Against hair loss and to enhance hair growth, the following decoction will give an amazing effect:

  • 2 tablespoons chopped burdock root;
  • 2 tablespoons chopped nettle;
  • 1.5 liters of water.

Pour boiling water over burdock and nettle and keep on low heat for 15 minutes. Cover and leave for 20 minutes. Strain and rinse your hair after washing. Can be used every other day.