How to check your body's acid-base balance at home. Acid-base balance: what is indicated by altered pH values

From this article you will learn all the most important things about the acid-base balance of the human body: what is the normal pH level of blood, urine, saliva, how to measure the pH of the body, what threatens pH imbalance, how to restore acid-base balance.

What is acid-base balance?

The ratio of acid and alkali in any solution is called acid-base balance or acid-base balance. The acid-base balance is characterized by a special pH indicator (powerHydrogen - the strength of hydrogen), which shows the number of hydrogen atoms in a given solution. At pH 7.0, they speak of a neutral environment. The lower the pH level, the more acidic the environment (from 6.9 to 0). An alkaline environment has a high pH level (from 7.1 to 14.0).

The human body has a certain acid-base ratio, characterized by pH (hydrogen) value. The pH value depends on the ratio between positively charged ions (forming an acidic environment) and negatively charged ions (forming an alkaline environment). The body constantly strives to balance this ratio, maintaining a strictly defined pH level. Violation of the acid-base balance can lead to serious illnesses.

How to check acid-base balance

You can check your acid-base balance using pH test strips. This is done quickly and easily in the following sequence:

  1. Unpack the test strip.
  2. Moisten it with urine or saliva.
  3. Compare the reading on the test strip to the pH color chart included in the package.
  4. Evaluate your results by correlating them with the time of day.

If the urine pH level fluctuates between 6.0-6.4 in the morning and 6.4-7.0 in the evening, then your body is functioning normally.

If the saliva pH level remains between 6.4-6.8 throughout the day, this also indicates the health of your body.

The most optimal pH level of saliva and urine is slightly acidic, in the range of 6.4-6.5. The best time to determine the pH level is 1 hour before a meal or 2 hours after a meal. Check the pH level 2 times a week 2-3 times a day.

Normal urine pH

Urine pH test results show how well the body absorbs minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium. These minerals regulate acidity levels in the body. If the acidity is too high, the body must neutralize the acid. To neutralize excess acid that begins to accumulate in tissues, the body is forced to borrow minerals from various organs and bones. This way the acidity level is regulated.

Normal saliva pH

The results of salivary acid-base balance testing indicate the activity of enzymes in the digestive tract, especially the liver and stomach. This indicator gives an idea of ​​​​the work of both the entire organism as a whole and its individual systems.

Sometimes there is increased acidity of both urine and saliva. In such cases we are talking about “double acidity”.

Acid-base balance of blood

The acid-base balance of the blood is one of the most stringent physiological constants of the body. Normally, this indicator can vary between 7.35-7.45. A shift of this indicator by at least 0.1 leads to dysfunction of the cardiorespiratory system. When the blood pH shifts by 0.3, serious changes occur in the functioning of the central nervous system (towards suppression of its functions or overexcitation), and a shift by 0.4, as a rule, is not compatible with life.

Increased acidity in the body

An imbalance in the pH of the body in most people manifests itself in the form of increased acidity (a state of acidosis). In this condition, the body has difficulty absorbing minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium. Vital organs suffer from a lack of minerals. If not detected in time, acidosis can cause harm to the body gradually and unnoticed over several months and even years.

Causes of acidosis

Acidification of the body can happen for many reasons. Here are some of them:

  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • hypoglycemia (low blood glucose levels);
  • liver and/or kidney failure;
  • poor nutrition;
  • hypoxia (low oxygen content in the body);
  • dehydration;
  • complications of diabetes;
  • severe inflammatory processes;
  • taking certain medications;
  • increased physical activity for a long time.

What does acidosis lead to?

Acidosis may cause the following problems:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, including persistent vasospasm, increased blood pressure, decreased oxygen concentration in the blood;
  • kidney and bladder diseases, stone formation;
  • breathing problems;
  • weight gain and diabetes;
  • bone fragility, as well as other disorders of the musculoskeletal system, for example, the formation of osteophytes (spurs);
  • joint pain and muscle pain associated with the accumulation of lactic acid;
  • decreased immunity;
  • increased harmful effects of free radicals, which can contribute to the development of cancer;
  • general weakness, severe disorders of autonomic functions.

Video by nutritionist Marina Stepanova about acid-base balance

Increased alkali content in the body

With an increased alkali content in the body (state of alkalosis), as with acidosis, the absorption of minerals is impaired. Food is digested much more slowly, which allows toxins to pass from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood. Violation of the acid-base balance towards alkali is dangerous and requires treatment in a hospital. It is usually the result of hyperventilation, severe vomiting, dehydration, or taking medications that contain alkali.

How to restore acid-base balance

During the vital activity of the body, both acidic and alkaline decomposition products are formed, and several times more of the former are formed than the latter. The body's defenses, ensuring the unchanged acid-base balance, are aimed at neutralizing and removing primarily acidic decomposition products. It is in your power to help your body maintain a healthy pH balance, first of all, by properly composing your diet.

Acid-base balance of products

Different foods have different ratios of acidic and alkaline minerals. Conventionally, all products can be divided into acidic and alkaline.

Acidity of products: 1-6 acidic, 7 neutral, 8-10 alkaline

Acidic foods include:

  • coffee, black tea, cocoa, all alcoholic drinks, canned juices;
  • sugar and all products containing it (sweets, chocolate, sweet carbonated drinks, sweetened juices and fruit drinks, jams and preserves, pickled fruits), artificial sweeteners;
  • baked goods (especially white flour), pasta, legumes (except fresh beans and peas), rice, buckwheat, corn, spotted and purple beans, peanuts, nuts (except almonds), oats, pumpkin and sunflower seeds ;
  • meat, poultry, fish;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products (except for fresh milk and very fresh homemade whey and cottage cheese);
  • oysters, mussels, shrimp, crayfish.

Alkaline foods include:

  • all fresh and dried fruits, freshly squeezed unsweetened fruit juices, berries;
  • all vegetables, vegetable juices, leafy greens, seaweed;
  • olive, flaxseed and canola (rapeseed) oil;
  • green and flower tea;
  • fresh honey (in honeycombs);
  • mushrooms;
  • millet, wild rice;
  • breast milk;

Of course, we must consume both products (each product is useful in its own way), but at the same time maintain the proportion. There should be 2-3 times more alkaline foods in our menu than acidic foods.

Unfortunately, for various reasons, it is not always possible to maintain such a balance. A very good addition to proper nutrition are dietary supplements.

Products for alkalization

NSP offers a wide range of products that can regulate pH levels. Here are some of them:

  1. As you know, the most important mineral for regulating pH balance is calcium. Coral calcium – a source of bioavailable calcium and magnesium with a strong alkalizing effect.
  2. Calcium Magnesium Chelate – contains calcium and magnesium in an easily digestible chelated form, also helps neutralize acids.
  3. Chlorophyll liquid – another dietary supplement with a strong alkalizing effect. Can be taken for a long time.

The health of our body depends on an incredible variety of different factors. And in the modern world, where we have a lot of negative influence from the outside due to poor ecology, various infections and viruses, it is important to help ourselves with all our might to be in shape and monitor the condition of the body. Often, poor health, deterioration of the condition of the skin, nails and hair, exacerbation of allergic reactions, regular seasonal diseases, constant fatigue, depression and malfunction of internal organs are caused by a violation of the acid-base balance. In this material we will take a closer look at what it is, what it affects, and what should be done to restore it.

What is the acid-base balance of the body and what does it affect?

As we said above, the acid-base balance is incredibly important for the normal functioning of all our systems and organs. It is designated pH (the strength of hydrogen) and is the ratio of acid and base. To understand what the current environment is in your body, you can conduct an appropriate test. With the result:
  • 7.0 - it is neutral.
  • From zero to 6.9 - sour.
  • Starting from 7.1 and up to 14.0 - alkaline.
It is believed that if the proportions are correct, then the pH should lean slightly towards alkalinity and be in the range from 7.35 to 7.45. Most health problems arise due to severe acidification. With this phenomenon, cells do not receive the required amount of oxygen and other nutrients, their energy production decreases, they are damaged faster and are less restored, acids accumulate in tissues, especially fatty tissues. Increased fatigue, susceptibility to diseases, infections, and excess weight appear.

Failure of the acid-base balance leads to disturbances:

  1. In liver functions. This is especially noticeable if a person drinks a lot of alcohol. Liver cells are destroyed, become fat, dehydration occurs, the blood thickens, its fluidity weakens, and useful minerals are washed out.
  2. In kidneys, bones and skin. From them the body tries to extract the missing alkali and other minerals, which has a very bad effect on their general condition.
  3. In the lungs. Carbon dioxide is removed through them, and when acidified, this process is inhibited, which causes even greater oxidation.
  4. In the intestines. When there is a malfunction, you feel constant heaviness and nausea, since the alkali produced in the intestines is simply not enough to extinguish the acid formed in the stomach. And both of these products are necessary for normal digestion of food.
A large number of reasons can lead to an imbalance in the acid-base environment, among the main ones:
  • Low mobility.
  • Regular stressful situations, shocks, depression.
  • Obesity.
  • Abuse of cigarettes, alcohol, sweets.
  • Regular lack of fluid.
  • Slow digestion.
  • Diseases.
  • Medicines.
  • Poor nutrition.
This is not all that can cause a failure in the pH balance, and most often, it is not just one thing, but a combination of reasons that complement each other. Therefore, to cope with the problem, you need to carefully monitor your lifestyle. Many nutritionists believe that the greatest harm is caused by poor nutrition and correcting the diet will help quickly restore the acid-base balance, which will significantly improve the functionality of the entire body.

Restoring the acid-base balance with food

The diet for an adult should contain at least sixty percent of alkaline-forming foods and, in total, a maximum of forty remaining percent should be allocated to the acid-forming group. Experts often also call the percentage ratio 70/30%, and sometimes even 80/20%. Before deciding how to restore the disturbed balance, let's look at what belongs to which group.

Alkaline environment is:

  • Various green herbal and ginger teas.
  • Lemon, lime, avocado.
  • Natural orange juice and water with lemon.
  • Soy products such as milk, cheese.
  • Goat's milk and cheese.
  • Rapeseed and linseed oil.
  • Millet, amaranth, wild rice.
  • Green onions, garlic, parsley, dill, raw spinach, celery, sorrel
  • Vegetable juices.
  • Green beans, asparagus, fresh corn, peas.
  • Olives, mushrooms, peppers, radishes, zucchini, beets, tomatoes, pumpkin, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, horseradish, turnips.
  • Potatoes boiled in their skins.
  • White cabbage, red cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi.
  • Almonds and chestnuts.

  • The acid group includes:
    • Peanuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, cashews, walnuts, pecans.
    • Beef, pork, lamb, turkey, chicken.
    • Sea and river fish, mussels, clams, crayfish crabs.
    • Canned fruit juices, especially those with sweeteners, prunes.
    • Blueberries, cranberries, plums.
    • Chocolate, cocoa, sugar, especially white sugar, cookies.
    • Cheese, pasteurized and raw cow's milk, ice cream, butter, cottage cheese, yogurt.
    • Eggs.
    • Corn oil.
    • Alcohol.
    • Carbonated soft drinks.
    • Black tea and coffee.
    • White beans, cooked spinach, rhubarb.
    • White flour, semolina, white rice, pasta.
    Particularly harmful when the acid content is high is fatty meat, processed foods, canned fish, refined foods, sausages, alcohol, sweetened fruit juices, sugar, ketchup, mayonnaise, margarine, vinegar, soy sauce.

    Once you understand what acidic and alkaline foods are, you can move on to what to do if you have a pH imbalance. Naturally, we change our diet and increase the amount of alkalizing foods as much as possible. There is an opinion that for the first two weeks you should make up your entire diet from them. Next, you can already arrange fasting days for yourself and adjust your diet, based on your general condition and test results. The pH test can be carried out both at home and in the clinic; today, online stores and pharmacies sell test strips that determine the pH level in a liquid medium. You can use urine or saliva for testing, and it is recommended to do it in the morning an hour before a meal or 2 hours after breakfast.

    In addition to diet, you need to monitor how you live, how your day goes, drink plenty of fluids, because with high acidity, severe dehydration occurs. Also recommended:

    • move more;
    • to walk outside;
    • do not overeat;
    • do not get into stressful situations;
    • give up bad habits such as smoking and alcohol;
    • treat diseases in a timely manner.
    All this will make your life much more comfortable and enjoyable, and by restoring the correct ratio of acid and alkali in the body, in just a couple of weeks you will notice how much better you feel, both physically and mentally.

    For more information on restoring the body’s acid-base balance, watch the video below:

    Due to high acidity in the body, many health problems can arise. It destroys and negatively affects many vital systems. As a result, a person becomes more susceptible to disease. In addition to acids, any body also contains alkaline substances. They are also involved in metabolic processes. But an increased alkali content also leads to disruption of the body’s systems.

    Our article is devoted to the acid-base balance of the body. We will tell you what happens when it is violated, what consequences this can lead to. And how can you restore normal performance?

    What is the acid-base balance of the body?

    pH is a measure of the ratio of acid to base. Its value depends on the proportion between positively and negatively charged ions. Some form an acidic environment, while others form an alkaline environment. The body's acid-base balance is the balance between acid and alkali (otherwise known as pH for short). With the right ratio, it is constantly maintained at a stable level and has a very narrow range: 7.26-7.45. And even a small change in pH levels leads to serious illnesses.

    Why does acidity increase in the body?

    When the concentration of positively charged ions in the body increases, an “acidification” of the environment occurs, or an acid shift. This may occur due to lack of water, eating acidic foods or poor diet.

    How does the body respond to acid shift?

    Acid-base balance - what is it? Simply put, it is the balance between acid and alkali (which are found in the human body). When the balance is disturbed, the acid or alkali content increases.

    When the environment “acidifies,” the body begins to resist this. To reduce the acid concentration, it begins to retain water. And this negatively affects metabolism. As a result, the body quickly wears out and the skin becomes dry. Oxygen is transported to tissues and organs in insufficient quantities. Minerals are poorly absorbed by the body. It spends too much energy neutralizing excess acids, and as a result, biochemical reactions are disrupted.

    What is the danger of pH imbalance?

    Violation of the acid-base balance in the body can lead to serious illnesses. Hemoglobin decreases, osteoporosis occurs. A person develops fatigue, insomnia, and irritability. Mental activity may be impaired. Bones become brittle due to lack of calcium. It is taken by the body to neutralize excess acid. The risk of cardiovascular diseases increases and immunity decreases. A person may experience vision problems (farsightedness, cataracts), cancer and a number of other diseases.


    Acidosis is a state of high acidity. If the diagnosis is not detected in time, then the harm done to the body over months and years is almost unnoticeable. But in the end, acidosis leads to serious diseases, so a person’s acid-base balance must be maintained in balance.

    What acidosis can lead to:

    • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    • vascular spasms;
    • decrease in oxygen in the blood;
    • heart failure;
    • diabetes;
    • diseases of the bladder and kidneys;
    • stone formation;
    • digestive problems;
    • weakening of intestinal smooth muscles;
    • decreased immunity;
    • oncogenesis;
    • bone fragility;
    • the appearance of joint and muscle pain;
    • vision problems.

    Most experts believe that increased acidity in the body is associated with excessive consumption of certain foods. For example, dairy and meat. And from a lack of greens, vegetables and fruits.

    How to determine the body's acid-base balance (pH)?

    You can use urine or saliva test strips to determine your acid-base balance. Doctors determine pH using a blood test.

    Urine pH tests show the body's absorption of minerals (magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium). These are called "acid dampers" and regulate acidity. If the latter is elevated, then the body begins to use the listed minerals to neutralize it. This way the acid level is regulated.

    Saliva pH tests show the activity of stomach and liver enzymes. If acidity is increased not only in urine, but also in saliva, then it is called double acidity.

    The results of blood pH tests are very important. The acid-base balance of the body should be within the range of 7.36-7.42. Even a small shift often leads to severe pathologies.

    How is the body's acid-base balance maintained?

    The body can accumulate the necessary nutrients and minerals, and then properly absorb them, only with acid-base balance. The absorption of nutrients occurs at different pH values ​​(for example, iodine at 6.3-6.6, and iron - from 6.0 to 7.0). The body uses hydrochloric acid to break down food.

    For the vital functions of all organs, acid and alkali are necessary (20 times less of the latter is formed). Therefore, to achieve a balance between them, excess acid must be neutralized and eliminated constantly. To maintain balance, the body uses the buffer, respiratory and excretory systems.

    Symptoms of impaired acid-base balance in the body

    It is possible to determine whether the acid-base balance is disturbed without test strips. Symptoms may vary:

    • General condition: lack of energy, constant fatigue and weakness, low immunity. Chills often occur. The inside of the body feels cold and the body temperature is reduced.

    • Frequent headaches appear, the skin of the face turns pale, and the eyes become inflamed.
    • Sour belching and gastritis begin. Pain and cramps occur in the abdomen. Ulcers form in the stomach. If the acid-base balance of the body is disturbed, the smell from the mouth becomes stale.
    • Increased sweating, eczema, irritation and acne, dry skin.
    • Spasms and cramps, rheumatic pain appear in the legs.
    • Low blood pressure, anemia, tachycardia.
    • Nervousness, irritability, depression.
    • Inflammation of the genitourinary system and anal fissures.
    • Frequent colds, runny nose, bronchitis.
    • Nails are thin, brittle, peeling. They have grooves and white spots.
    • Enlarged thyroid gland.
    • The roots of the teeth are exposed and the gums become very sensitive.

    Ways to solve the problem

    How to restore the acid-base balance of the body? To do this, first of all, it is necessary to remove excess toxins. Make it a rule to do daily exercises. After exercise, it is best to take a contrast shower. Or replace it with any water procedures.

    Let your skin breathe fresh air several times a day, as much as possible. Don't overeat. Avoid alcohol and tobacco. Pay special attention to proper nutrition. Drink up to three liters of clean cold water every day. You can use infusions of raspberries, rose hips and black currants.

    What foods should you eat?

    How to restore acid-base balance? Products should definitely not be sour, many believe. But this is not an entirely correct opinion. For example, oranges and tomatoes enhance the alkaline factor. Lemon and apple cider vinegar alkalize the body. Any citrus fruits, despite their sour nature, are not oxidizing agents.

    To maintain normal body pH, experts recommend including fruits and vegetables containing a lot of potassium in your diet (preferably daily or at least three to four times a week). A variety of vegetable salads also increase alkali perfectly. Especially if you add avocado to them and season them only with olive oil.

    It must be remembered that when cooked, vegetables lose a lot of nutrients. When frying and stewing, they change their alkaline environment to an acidifying one. Therefore, it is preferable to eat vegetables raw. The same goes for fruits and berries. Among the grain crops, wild rice, millet and amaranth are very useful.

    Meat and pasteurized milk can be replaced with other foods, including nuts, seeds, goat's milk and cheese. Among fruits and berries, mangoes, watermelons, papaya, blueberries and apples are ideal for restoring the acid-base balance. It's a good idea to eat some raisins every day. Instead of artificial sweeteners, you can use natural honey and stevia. Green tea and decoctions of various herbs are very useful. The latter are sold in abundance in pharmacies and have virtually no contraindications for use. You can buy them and brew them daily, especially since they are not that expensive.

    Products that should be present in your weekly diet:

    • Root vegetables: radishes, carrots, horseradish, beets, rutabaga and turnips.
    • All types of cabbage.
    • Greens are mainly spinach. Then - beet tops, turnips and chard.
    • Garlic.
    • Red capsicum.
    • Lemons.

    What foods upset the body's pH balance?

    Often the acid-base balance is disturbed among fast food lovers. And also fans of carbonated drinks (lemonade, Coca-Cola, Fanta and others). They contain a very large amount of citric acid. But it shouldn’t enter the body in such quantities. This only increases its “acidification”. In addition, all carbonated drinks remove much-needed calcium from the body.

    For lovers of carbonated drinks, immunity first decreases, then the gastrointestinal tract malfunctions. Next, negative changes are recorded at the cellular level. In addition, thirst enhancers and taste stimulants are added to carbonated drinks. As a result, such water will not quench your thirst, and due to high acidity, more fluid is removed from the body than it receives.

    Meats, grains, sugar, artificial sweeteners, refined and dairy products create “acidification” in the body. Therefore, they need to be consumed only in small quantities.

    White flour and all products made from it often cause acidosis. Therefore, it is best to include as little pasta and bread products in your diet as possible. Plums, cranberries and blackberries are considered to “acidify” the body.

    What you need to know for proper nutrition

    In the human body, acids are produced in much greater quantities than alkalis. Therefore, it is necessary to include in the diet more foods that contain the latter in high quantities. The body, in turn, always tries to neutralize or remove excess acid. Thus, you can independently maintain the acid-base balance of the body.

    Foods that contain large amounts of acid are not harmful. But be sure to add more alkali to your diet to maintain a normal pH balance. It is best to have a fasting day once a week.

    Foods that increase acidity in the body contain a lot of protein. Mainly:

    • all legumes;
    • fish;
    • dairy and meat products;
    • asparagus;
    • Brussels sprouts;
    • artichokes;
    • alcoholic drinks;
    • coffee.

    Foods that increase alkalinity:

    • nuts;
    • leaf salad;
    • any greens;
    • herbal infusions and tea;
    • egg yolks;
    • potato.

    How does the body react to “acidifying” foods?

    First of all, the kidneys react to foods that “acidify” the body. They try to modify metabolism to get rid of high acidity. The body begins to take magnesium and calcium from the bones for alkalization. The muscles try to produce as much ammonia as possible. It is a very strong alkalizing agent. As a result, almost 150 different diseases can occur due to a lack of calcium in the body.

    What percentage of acid and alkali should be in the diet?

    For a normal pH balance in the body, it must be maintained independently by monitoring nutrition. To do this, the diet must contain alkali-forming (60%) and acid-forming (40%) products.

    But if the acid-base balance is already disturbed and it needs to be restored, then in this case the percentage ratio should be slightly different. Products containing alkali (80%) should predominate, and only 20% are allowed to be acidic.

    A healthy pH balance is the first line of defense against any disease!

    Did you know that our bodies live and die at the cellular level? We have billions of cells in our bodies that work to maintain alkalinity and thus keep us alive.

    Diseases thrive in an acidic body, which creates ideal conditions for the growth of viruses, mold, fungi, bacteria and yeast.

    Take care of yourself, use natural remedies and BE HEALTHY!

    The acidic state leads to a lack of oxygenation at the cellular level. When the pH value drops below 7.4, the blood receives less oxygen. Improper oxygenation causes unfriendly viruses, bacteria and mold.

    When the body is in an acidic state, it tries to protect itself from acid damage by storing the acid in fat cells. When acid levels become too high, calcium is depleted and your vital organs can suffer.

    The good news is that by returning to a balanced pH level, you can lose fat cells and save your organs from damage.

    In addition, when the acidic form causes the body to borrow other minerals from vital organs, this is the onset of diseases such as arthritis and osteoporosis.
    According to a 7-year study of 9,000 participants conducted at the University of California, individuals with chronic acidosis are at higher risk of bone loss compared to healthy pH levels.

    Additionally, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that hip fractures among middle-aged women are often due to high acidity caused by a diet high in animal products and low in fruits and vegetables.

    “Immune cells that are too acidic or too alkaline do not produce antibodies or cytokines (chemical messengers to regulate other immune cells), and they have impaired phagocytosis (the ability to engulf and destroy microbes).

    As a result, the affected person becomes susceptible to viral, bacterial, fungal and other infectious microbes, as well as cancer,” says Dr. William Lee Cowden.

    With that said, it's no surprise that alkalizing the body is key to boosting immunity and restoring bone health.

    A good way to test pH levels is to use pH paper.

    This article provides a recipe that is ideal for alkalizing your body and protecting against various diseases.


    1 liter distilled or purified water
    1 lemon
    2-3 teaspoons natural honey

    Add the juice of one lemon and honey to the water, mix well and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. It is advisable to consume warm.
    It is recommended to drink throughout the day between meals.

    Note. Many fruits, especially citrus fruits, are alkaline-forming. You need about eight servings of fresh fruits and vegetables to keep your body alkaline. On the other hand, dairy products, grains and meat make the body acidic. Experts recommend that your diet should contain about 75% alkaline foods.

    A shift in acid-base balance to the acidic side is called acidosis, and to the side of increased alkali content is called alkalosis.

    Metabolism is a sign of life, its stop is a sign of death, and its disruption is the basis of disease.

    There are diseases that can only develop in an environment with an altered acid-base balance. Their list is quite extensive.

    General practitioner, Doctor of Chinese Medicine Diana Chentsova, in her many years of medical practice, has repeatedly been convinced that normalizing the balance of acids and alkalis in the body helps get rid of painful conditions.

    Acid-base balance is one of the most important indicators of the conditions in which the cells of our body live and work.

    Proper metabolism occurs in a neutral environment

    Our body is approximately 70% water. But this is not distilled water. It contains various substances.

    Internal fluid constantly washes our cells, brings them nutrients and removes waste. But various biochemical reactions and biophysical processes also occur within it.

    And everything goes well and correctly if this liquid remains neutral (has a neutral reaction).

    A neutral environment, that is, a slightly alkaline environment, is the result of an equal content of acids and alkalis that enter the body with food or are formed during metabolism.

    But when this equality is violated - the content of acids and alkalis increases in the intercellular or intracellular fluid - changes occur in the body.

    Just imagine how an acid or alkali flows through the vessels. Then the cells of our heart, liver, brain, lungs shrink - they try to protect themselves. Other body processes are also disrupted. All this leads to the formation of free radicals, carcinogenic substances and other poisons, insoluble salts, which subsequently form into stones in various organs. We can say that there is a chemical war going on in our body.

    A shift in the acid-base balance to the acidic side is called acidosis, and to the side of increased alkali content is called alkalosis.

    When deviations from the norm towards acidosis or alkalosis are too great, or when these changes exist for too long, painful conditions develop in the body.

    • The vital activity of cells that are forced to work in a solution of either acids or alkalis is disrupted.
    • Metabolism is distorted, which cannot proceed normally under abnormal conditions, resulting in the intensive formation of free radicals that destroy our cells or cause their mutations (oncological, genetic and autoimmune diseases occur).
    • There is a rapid development of atherosclerosis and its complications, a violation of fat metabolism occurs (leading to obesity), and a violation of carbohydrate metabolism leads to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
    • There is a disturbance in protein metabolism (development of various allergies), mineral metabolism (formation of kidney stones, gall bladder and salt deposition in joints), nucleic acid metabolism (malignant tumors develop), metabolism in brain neurons (severe mental illnesses develop, control function is impaired activity of organs and systems, which leads, in particular, to the development of hypertension, bronchial asthma, diseases of the digestive system, urination and a number of others).
    • The activity of the immune system is disrupted (immunodeficiency diseases develop), early aging of the body and many other pathological changes occur.

    What do changed pH indicators indicate?

    The state of acid-base balance is characterized by a hydrogen indicator - pH, which is normally equal to:

    • for blood plasma – 7.35 – 7.45;
    • for urine – 6.0 – 7.0;
    • for saliva – from 6.4 – 6.8 to 7.9;
    • for sweat – 6.0 – 5.5;
    • for stomach contents – 1.8 – 3.0;
    • for intestinal mucus – 7.8 – 8.4;
    • for bile – 7.5 – 8.0;
    • for vaginal mucus – 6.4 – 7.2;
    • for prostatic juice – 4.5 – 5.0.

    A decrease in pH indicates the presence of acidosis, and an increase indicates alkalosis.

    A decrease in urine pH may indicate the development of gout, and an increase may indicate inflammatory or congestive phenomena in the kidneys.

    A decrease in saliva pH indicates that the body is overloaded with acid-forming foods, and an increase indicates an excess intake of alkali-forming foods.

    A decrease in sweat pH in the presence of any acute disease in the first 5-7 days may indicate an active position of the immune system in the fight against infection, and an increase may indicate insufficient activity of the body’s defenses, the occurrence of a protracted course of the disease, the development of various complications, or transition of the disease to a chronic form.

    A decrease in the pH of intestinal mucus indicates the presence of an active inflammatory process in the intestines, including the possibility of helminthic infestation, dysbacteriosis, intestinal erosions and others, and an increase indicates the development of atonic constipation, the formation of diverticula, the possible development of hemorrhoids and other congestive processes in the intestines. .

    A decrease in the pH of vaginal mucus and prostatic juice indicates the possibility of developing an active infection, erosive processes of the mucous membrane, hormonal imbalance, and the risk of developing cancer; and its increase indicates a decrease in the activity of the immune system, the risk of developing thrush and other fungal diseases, and the formation of chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages.

    Self-diagnosis of acid-base balance

    General deterioration in condition, weakness, changes in behavior, sleep disturbances, pain in muscles, joints, headaches, heaviness and pain throughout the body and others - all these symptoms may indicate the occurrence of an acid-base imbalance.

    However, there are also “specific” complaints.

    In the presence of acidosis (shift to the acidic side):

    • a salty or sour taste appears in the mouth, tooth sensitivity to cold, hot, spicy or sour foods increases, teeth decay, dark spots appear on the tooth enamel, and gum inflammation develops;
    • when emptying the intestines, a burning sensation appears in the anus, when urinating, a burning sensation in the urethra after urination and the release of concentrated urine;
    • nasal breathing through the right nostril (Yin side of the body) is impaired;
    • may “shock” when touching household electrical appliances (since the surface of the body is positively charged during acidosis); the conjunctivae of the eyes turn pale;
    • Feeling worse when a cold front passes through in windy weather.

    In the presence of alkalosis (shift to the alkaline side):

    • an unpleasant taste appears in the mouth, reminiscent of spoiled food, an unpleasant “fecal” odor appears from the mouth, plaque and tartar actively form;
    • when emptying the intestines, viscous, poorly washed off feces mixed with mucus are released;
    • There may be a burning sensation when urinating, cloudy urine;
    • nasal breathing through the left nostril (Yang side of the body) is impaired;
    • the surface of the body is negatively charged (“electric shock”), the conjunctivae of the eyes turn red, blood vessels are visible;
    • health worsens when a warm atmospheric front passes, accompanied by an increase in humidity.

    To independently diagnose the body’s predisposition to acid-base imbalance, you can use the definition of the Crodet index:

    • you need to measure blood pressure (the upper indicator is systolic pressure, the lower indicator is diastolic pressure),
    • count the number of heartbeats (HR).

    During normal cardiac activity, the pulse is counted, and in case of abnormal activity, count directly from the heartbeat.

    Divide the lower (diastolic) pressure by the heart rate and subtract one from this number (BP:HR-1).

    If the number is positive, the body is predisposed to alkalosis (alkaline shift), if negative, to acidosis (acid shift).

    These results are needed in order to correctly formulate nutrition and physical activity, on which the state of the acid-base balance in the body largely depends.

    Products that regulate the internal environment

    Nutritionists divide all the food we eat into two large groups:

    1) acid-forming food (when such food is processed in the gastrointestinal tract, a large amount of acids is formed, such food is called “acidifying”),

    2) alkali-forming (when a large number of alkalis are formed, it is called “alkalinizing”).

    There is also a division of food according to the degree of influence on the acid-base balance from intense influence - strong acidification or strong alkalization to a barely noticeable influence - slight acidification or alkalization.

    Foods that highly acidify the body include:

    • egg white,
    • game,
    • oysters,
    • crayfish.

    Strongly acidified:

    • grape juice,
    • fruits,
    • boiled with sugar
    • baked beans,
    • eggs,
    • veal,
    • beef liver,
    • chickens,
    • fish (all kinds),
    • mussels

    Average degree of acidification:

    • green bananas,
    • pickled plums,
    • dry peas,
    • starch,
    • egg grains,
    • white bread and flour,
    • groundnuts,
    • hominy and corn flakes,
    • lean pork,
    • lean bacon,
    • hard cheese.

    Weak acidification:

    • beef,
    • barley,
    • black bread,
    • soft cheese,
    • cream,
    • stewed lamb,
    • bacon is greasy.

    Very strong alkalization of the body occurs when consuming:

    • fresh beets,
    • carrots,
    • fresh tomatoes and cucumbers,
    • cauliflower,
    • celery,
    • burdock,
    • dried apricots,
    • figs,
    • berries (very strong to medium).

    Strong alkalization:

    • whole milk and whey,
    • oatmeal,
    • potatoes with skin,
    • pepper,
    • radish,
    • fresh beans,
    • parsnip,
    • melons,
    • watermelon,
    • fresh dandelion,
    • cauliflower and white cabbage,
    • almost all fruits
    • currants,
    • natural orange and lemon juice (lemon juice with sugar, on the contrary, is very acidic),
    • peaches,
    • dried plums,
    • fresh apricots.

    Average alkalization:

    • fresh and dried apples,
    • ripe bananas,
    • natural grape juice and grapes,
    • cherries,
    • prunes,
    • raisin,
    • dates,
    • green pea,
    • almond.

    Weakly alkalizes the body:

    • cranberry,
    • lard.

    To optimally maintain the level of acid-base balance during acidosis, you should preferentially consume alkali-forming foods, and in the presence of alkalosis, acid-forming foods.

    Microelements will help eliminate the consequences of imbalance

    Considering that during acidosis our body loses phosphorus and sulfur, the diet should be replenished with foods containing these microelements in sufficient quantities (wheat bran, corn, dried fruits, garlic, beans, nuts, seeds, pumpkin seeds, whole grains, Brussels sprouts, onions, soybeans, wheat germ, etc.).

    The presence of acid-forming ions in tissue fluids is involved in the processes of iron oxidation, which leads to the development of iron deficiency anemia.

    Therefore, in case of acidosis, foods with a high content of ferrous iron should be included in the diet: green leafy vegetables with a neutral reaction, whole grains and grain bread, beets, beans, red lentils, millet, peaches, pears, pumpkin, rice and wheat bran, sesame, algae, etc.

    • drinking plenty of alkaline drinks (freshly prepared vegetable juices or vegetable decoctions if you have gastrointestinal diseases);
    • fractional nutrition with alkali-forming foods (vegetable and fruit dishes, partly raw and partly cooked (1:3);
    • alkaline enemas and microenemas (with chamomile, decoction of burdock root, dandelion root, oat straw).

    With alkalosis, the body loses potassium and magnesium, which are very valuable for the functioning of the heart, liver, nervous and muscular systems, so the diet should include foods with a high content of them: a variety of fruits, beans, bananas, fish, meat, poultry, potatoes, viburnum, wheat bran etc..

    Also, when the acid-base balance is disturbed, there is a loss of ionized calcium, which, reacting with acid-forming and alkali-forming ions, forms insoluble compounds, as a result of which “stone” diseases are formed, and salts are deposited in various cavities.

    Therefore, for any form of acid-base imbalance, it is recommended to use ionized forms of calcium in combination with magnesium, which stabilizes the ionic state of calcium, preventing stone formation, and zinc, which prevents the “exit” of calcium from bone tissue.

    This is facilitated by periodic consumption of calcium, magnesium and zinc supplements during meals.

    Rules for cooking and eating it

    Warming food (boiling, stewing, frying, etc.) increases its acid-forming effect, and freezing, cooling, drying increases its alkali-forming effect.

    When cooking, you need to combine both properties either in one dish or when alternating them.

    Food should be used on the day it is prepared and should only be cooked in undamaged containers, preferably made of steel, ceramics or glass (they are chemically inert).

    Don’t eat “on the go,” don’t eat hastily, don’t eat in large chunks (as Chinese chefs say, an adequate portion of food that you put in your mouth is the amount that you can grab with Chinese chopsticks).

    Do not eat too hot or too cold food, be sure to use spices in accordance with the type of food, do not overuse spices.

    Eat 3-4 times a day.

    Avoid negative information while eating, eat in a calm state of mind.

    After eating, you should be at rest for some time.

    Monitor the timely emptying of the large intestine - the main excretor of alkalis, eliminate constipation or diarrhea associated with dietary errors.

    In terms of volume, per unit of protein food there should be 3 units of plant food (1:3) - then everything will be fine.

    By the way, the famous Chinese cooking is built precisely on this ratio. I was convinced of this when I once ordered pork in a Chinese restaurant. And when the dish was brought, I spent a long time looking for it among various crispy, sour, sweet strips.

    It turns out that it was modestly located among the vegetables, cut into small strips.

    Chinese cooking is considered one of the balanced cuisines, which is why many people prefer it today.

    Although our Slavic cuisine is no worse if everything is prepared correctly. It is necessary that our body receives a balanced supply of food that alkalizes and food that acidifies the body.

    Sound qigong gymnastics to restore acid-base balance

    The state of acid-base balance also depends on breathing.

    The process of breathing produces carbon dioxide, and depending on how we breathe, a certain amount of this substance can be in our body.

    At a high concentration of carbon dioxide, the internal environment of the body becomes more acidic, that is, acidosis develops, and at a low concentration, it becomes more alkaline (alkalosis develops).

    And since the bulk of carbon dioxide is eliminated by the lungs, their functioning also affects the acid-base balance.

    If the lungs function ineffectively, then most of the carbon dioxide remains in the body, which leads to the development of acidosis, and, conversely, with increased ventilation, an excess amount of carbon dioxide is removed from the body and alkalosis develops.

    The simplest version of breathing exercises is rhythmic 4-beat breathing (counting “4”: inhale – hold – exhale – hold). Repeat this rhythm for 1-5 minutes, preferably in the morning and before bed.

    It is important to consider: with acidosis, exhalation is accentuated (may exceed the duration of inhalation by 2 times and abdominal breathing).

    With alkalosis - a slow breathing rate and prolonged (up to 45 seconds) air retention during inhalation and especially during exhalation (diaphragmatic breathing).

    During sound Qigong gymnastics, simultaneously with inhalation and exhalation training, certain sounds are pronounced, the vibrations of which help normalize the energy of the main organs, which maintain an optimal level of acid-base balance.

    The method is based on the different vibration amplitudes of 6 sounds corresponding to the vibration of 6 types of Qi energy (liver, kidneys, pancreas, lungs, heart and triple heater).

    The pronounced sound should not come from the throat, but from the chest area as you exhale.

    In addition to the therapeutic effect, these exercises have a beneficial effect on the voice: it becomes clear and sonorous.

    "Chuy" - kidneys

    I.p.: sit up straight, cross your arms over your chest, calm your breathing, relax.

    Exhale through the mouth, inhale through the nose. During exhalation, the abdomen is drawn in, the tongue does not touch the upper palate. While exhaling, apply light pressure to the abdomen.

    While breathing calmly, imagine how a soft wave of blue color rises from the soles, along the legs, the front surface of the abdomen, penetrates the kidneys, then moves along the chest and gently spreads over the arms, reaching the third fingers on the hands as you inhale, inhale smoothly and slowly, saying the word "Chui".

    Do 10 - 20 times.

    Exercise improves energy and kidney function, improves hearing, relieves toothache and eye fatigue.

    This exercise can be performed independently, and not in combination, for diseases of the kidneys, ears, eyes, repeating it up to 50 times.

    "Hu" - pancreas

    Take slow breaths, protruding your stomach and imagining how the golden glow comes from the big toes, rises along the inner surface of the legs, thighs, penetrates the pelvic area, then along the lateral surfaces of the abdomen and chest, penetrates the pancreas, warming it, rises to level of the mammary glands, fills them with warm light and moves to the little fingers on the hands.

    As you exhale, tighten your abs and slowly pronounce the sound “Hu”, as if exhaling golden steam.

    Repeat the exercise 10 – 20 times. Make sure that all muscles except the abs are relaxed.

    This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles, eliminates the feeling of discomfort in the stomach, helps stop diarrhea, reduces nausea and eliminates vomiting.

    "Xu" - liver

    I. p. - the same. Respiratory movements are performed at the beginning of inhalation by expanding the chest, and at the end by protruding the abdomen.

    As you inhale, imagine how a sparkling green stream rises from the toes along the instep, flows down the leg, along the front surface of the abdomen, penetrates the liver, cleansing and rejuvenating it, quickly rises up and spreads through the arms, reaching the big toes.

    As you exhale, pronounce the sound “Xu” while simultaneously contracting your abdominal muscles and chest muscles.

    Repeat the exercise 10-20 times.

    It helps cure liver diseases, regulates the secretion of bile, cures photophobia, and quickly relieves nervous tension.

    "Sy" - lungs

    I. p. - sitting. The body is relaxed, the arms are in a comfortable position. During inhalation, both arms diverge in an arc to the sides - up, palms facing up, which increases the volume of air entering the lungs.

    As you inhale, imagine a white glow filling your chest with light, fresh energy. As you exhale, pronounce the sound “Sy”, contracting only the muscles of the chest.

    Smoothly move your hands to the lower abdomen to the area of ​​the “sea of ​​energy” point (approximately 2.5 cm below the navel), imagining how the white radiance of the energy of the hands penetrates this area, rises to the lungs and returns to the hands, closing the energy circle circulation of purification energy.

    It helps restore lung function in case of lung diseases, acute colds, ARVI, influenza, cough of any origin, sinusitis and other respiratory diseases.

    "Ke" - heart

    I. p. - sitting or standing. Keep your back straight. During inhalation, both arms are raised through the sides and crossed at forehead level.

    As you inhale, imagine how, together with your hands, a glowing pink warm train rises from the ground, moves after your hands, flows through your hands through the center of your forehead to your brain, nourishing and refreshing it.

    While exhaling, pronounce the sound “Ke”, drawing in your stomach and moving your hands from the forehead to the heart, moving the pink glow with them, filling the heart with it.

    Repeat the exercise 10 – 20 times.

    It helps eliminate cardiac dysfunction, eliminate dryness and bitterness in the mouth, and normalize blood pressure.

    "C" - triple heater

    I. p. - lying on your back, which allows you to inhale and exhale without involving the back muscles, and relax all the muscles that are not directly involved in the respiratory movements.

    The chest and abs participate in the breathing process, as if massaging the three energy centers of the heater - the lower abdomen, the stomach area, and the center of the chest.

    Inhaling freely, imagine how a scarlet wave of energy slowly rolls along the spine, spreads from the shoulder girdle along the arms to the fingers, rises back to the side surfaces of the neck, to the temples, penetrating the brain, eyes, ears, filling them with bright, clean energy.

    As you exhale, pronounce the sound “Si”, imagining how the exhalation energy spreads through space, filling the three energy centers of the triple heater.

    Repeat 5 – 10 times.

    The exercise has a general strengthening and harmonizing effect and is useful for the full restoration of health in case of any health disorders.

    It is extremely important to maintain an optimal acid-base balance to maintain a balance of emotions in our minds.

    Because frequent stress, the presence of “chronic stress” cause a more severe disturbance of the acid-base balance, and the re-occurrence of acid-base imbalance, and the low efficiency of restoring the optimal ratio of acids and alkalis.

    Considering that the main suppliers of acids and alkalis in our body are the respiratory and digestive systems, and the main balancing tools are the liver and kidneys, it is necessary to ensure their normal functioning. This means that it is necessary to ensure adequate external respiration function.

    And here the quality of the air we breathe is especially important (it should not contain gas impurities - tobacco smoke, kitchen gases, fumes from household chemicals and synthetic perfumes).

    The most harmful place in the house from this point of view is the kitchen. And those who prepare food are exposed to even greater negative impacts than steelworkers.

    It is important to humidify and refresh the air. published . If you have any questions about this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project .

    P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet