How to reveal latent abilities? How to develop intuition and hidden abilities yourself.

Inner instinct exists, but its voice can be very quiet. and the clues are unclear. It is possible to develop the ability to understand the sixth sense. Intuition is not a paranormal phenomenon from fantasy films, it is the ability to extract knowledge from the “bins” of memory.

Intuition is called the sixth sense, the inner voice, instinct, thinking without thinking. It seems to us that it arises spontaneously, without reasoning or conclusions - we just feel with our skin what to expect from another person or how to act. Some see mysticism and paranormal phenomena in intuition.

The American sociologist Herbert Simon disagreed with those who attributed supernatural properties to intuition, and defined it as follows: “The situation gave a clue, the clue gave the expert access to information stored in memory, and the information gave the answer. Intuition is nothing more than recognition."

Intuition is especially developed in people with imaginative and scenario thinking (thinking in images and actions) and in people who have the ability to feel the inner state of another person.

All people have intuition to varying degrees. This has probably happened to everyone: the phone rings, and we almost unmistakably guess who it is. We just thought about someone, and he comes towards us. There are also such stories: a feeling of anxiety that comes from out of nowhere forces a person waiting for a bus to take a step forward - and suddenly a huge icicle falls from the roof onto the place where he had just been standing. “Intuition,” we say.

In such a case, mathematicians would remember the theory of probability. Princess Diana of Wales said that no one can dictate to her how to behave, because her best adviser is instinct. However, he let her down: Diana died in a car accident in a Paris tunnel. “The whim of chance rules the world,” said the ancient Roman philosopher Sallust.

So can you rely on intuition or not? Many successful people - founders of large businesses, owners of large capital - stated that intuition helped them make the final decision on important issues.

Japanese businessman and business guru K. Matsushita wrote in his book “The Mission of Business” that he “has always relied on intuition to one degree or another.”

Bo Burlingham, editor-in-chief of a business magazine, also noted in the book Great Not Big: “I relied on intuition as much as rational analysis.”

The famous American financier, investor and trader George Soros said that he traded intuitively, and specific back pain helped him make decisions. He wrote about this in his autobiography: “I rely a lot on animal instincts. … I considered the attack of acute pain to be a signal that something was wrong in my investment portfolio...”

Trader Curtis Feis wrote a book called Trading with Intuition, where he noted, “Your intuition is only as good as what you train it,” and “to get better results, you should constantly train your intuition.”

Does this mean that only those who have developed or trained it can trust their intuition? Without a doubt. Others shouldn't rely on it too much. The correctness of intuition largely depends on a person’s mood and on his ability not to succumb to illusions.

Once upon a time, intuition told people watching the Sun move across the sky throughout the day that it was the Sun that revolved around the Earth. In accordance with their intuition, they believed that feelings originate in the heart because its beating accelerates under the influence of emotions. They were let down by a lack of practical knowledge, because it is now known that it is the brain that gives the command to produce hormones that excite the nerve centers.

It is dangerous to completely trust your intuition without experience and knowledge, because it may turn out to be false or “unprepared.” Someone noted that thanks to intuition we can avoid troubles, but thanks to it we can also get into them.

How to train your intuition

1. Let's become professionals

Intuition has a rational explanation. For example, in 2005, the final match of the Champions League between Milan and Liverpool took place in Istanbul. It would later be named among the greatest matches in football history. In a tense game, the Liverpool team won, and their victory was largely due to the Polish goalkeeper, who parried difficult shots in the penalty shootout.

What told him where the ball would fly, in which direction he should throw? Intuition? Of course, but intuition based on experience. In a split second, his brain did the greatest job, considering several options and choosing the only correct one.

Another example: a painting appraiser must determine whether it is an original or a copy. They assure him that it is original, but he has a strange feeling that it is not so. The painting is sent to a laboratory, where the appraiser's doubts are confirmed - it is a fake. The evaluator was an expert in his field, so his intuition told him what the laboratory needed time to do.

It is unlikely that in these cases intuition would work for novice football players or art academy students who do not have knowledge and experience.

Curtis Face's book Trading with Intuition tells the story of American billionaire entrepreneur John Templeton, who is described by one publication as "perhaps the greatest stock picker of the 20th century." Thanks to practical experience, he intuitively sensed both favorable opportunities when he could start to play short, and impending danger when he should stop playing on the stock exchange.

“Our brains are capable of making decisions almost instantaneously using thousands of individual inputs,” he writes. “Think with your head, but feel with your gut,” is his advice to traders.

“Intuition is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is its devoted servant,” said. And he continued his thought: “We have created a society in which the servant is exalted and the gift is forgotten.”

Our ancestors relied more on instinct to survive. Today we trust our reason more often, and we often suppress our inner voice. And as a result, we make mistakes that could have been avoided if we had trusted our first impulse. Let's try to awaken forgotten abilities in ourselves and strengthen our intuition.

2. Opening the “third eye”

Let's sit comfortably, close our eyes and breathe deeply for a few minutes, imagining the starry sky. After we feel completely relaxed, we will place our palm on the point between the eyebrows - the “third eye” and, lightly pressing on the skin, we will massage this point, moving the palm clockwise. Repeat every day for two to three minutes.

Soon we will feel a slight tingling sensation in the massaged area. This is a sign that the “third eye” is opening.

3. Communicating with the subconscious

We arrange ourselves in the same way as indicated above, only we imagine a spiral staircase with ten steps leading down. We are at the very top. We take a deep breath and as we exhale, we mentally descend one step lower. And so on until we go down, after which we say to ourselves: “This is my subconscious, I can be here as soon as I want.” Repeat every day for a week.

4. Developing the ability to internally perceive

Let's turn off the light or close our eyes. Let's spin around to lose orientation in space and begin to move around the room by touch. There is no need to try to determine the position of the furniture. At first we will bump into objects, but we should not try to recognize them. We simply bypass obstacles and move on, guided only by our inner sensations, we try to feel objects.

We perform this exercise for 5 minutes 3-4 times a week. It can be done in the park, but, of course, someone should stand nearby for backup.

Another option is to walk slowly with your eyes closed along the corridor, feeling the walls with your skin and trying not to peep.

5. Learning to understand without words

We turn on a TV channel in a language we don’t know - Chinese, Arabic, Hindi, etc. We don’t try to understand what the characters in the film are talking about and don’t follow the plot. Just watch and record your spontaneous thoughts, feelings, impressions. After some time, an understanding of what is happening on the screen will come.

You can watch films or programs without sound, trying to guess from the facial expressions of the characters or presenter what information they convey to the viewer - positive or negative, important or unimportant.

6. Developing intuition with the help of art

When visiting an art gallery or exhibition (best in the abstract style), we look at paintings, sculptures, installations, without trying to understand what the artist or sculptor had in mind. We pay attention only to our feelings. What impressions and emotions do these works evoke?

Same with musical works. We listen to classical music a few minutes a day with our eyes closed, focusing on the mental images it evokes.

7. Guess

The phone rings? Before we answer, let’s ask ourselves who it could be. We are trying to guess: which bus will come first, who will come around the corner - a man or a woman? Is he young or old, blond or brunette, what color is he wearing?

Let's close our eyes and ask ourselves: what time is it? Just don’t analyze it: I was home at five, about two hours passed - probably already seven. The answer to this question should appear as a mental image: in the form of a dial or several numbers. Then we look at the clock. If we were wrong by just 5 minutes, our intuition works flawlessly.

8. Exercise while shopping

We don’t plan which store we’ll go to—let our feet carry us on their own. Let's distract our brain with extraneous thoughts: for example, counting to 5,000 or remembering all the words starting with the letter “r”. Our behavior should be guided exclusively by the subconscious. When we find ourselves in a store, we will impulsively head to a shelf or rack with clothes and take what our hand reaches for. Perhaps this will be the thing we have long dreamed of.

Did you bring your legs to the men's department? Let's look around - what if we meet the man of our life here?

9. Let's be ready for intuition prompts

Let's not let doubts and fears drown out her voice. Sometimes, instead of concentrating on a problem, it is better to relax and do something completely different. And perhaps the right decision will come on its own.

  • 3. Try new things
  • 4. Go beyond the format

Every person has a talent - and more than one. This does not necessarily mean the ability to sing, dance or draw pictures. Repairing a car so that it doesn’t break down for a long time, throwing awesome parties for friends or finding lost things are also talents.

We also have abilities that we don’t even suspect about. Or we know, but have forgotten. Because they were not developed in childhood, or they were developed in the wrong way. While the son was realizing his mother’s dream and practicing scales on the piano, somewhere in him the talent of a great boxer or chef was slowly fading away.

But don’t be sad if you are sure that your talents remained unrealized in childhood or do not exist at all. They are there, just dormant deep inside us.

There are a number of techniques that help identify a person’s hidden talents and develop them. But today we will not talk about the development of abilities - this is a separate, complex and extensive topic. In this article I will tell you how to find out your hidden abilities, because this is the first and important step towards your goal.

1. Create a questionnaire for friends

Your friends and loved ones know you even better than you yourself. Ask them a series of leading questions - preferably in writing, in mail and on social networks:

  • If you needed help, what problem would you turn to me with?
  • What do I do best?
  • Which of my activities (hobbies, work, entertainment) do I talk about most often in a positive way?
  • If I could start all over again, in what profession would you see me successful?
  • What can I do well, but don’t take advantage of this opportunity?
  • Which of my inclinations should I develop?

2. Create a questionnaire for yourself

Relax, close your eyes and think about these questions:

  • What do I really love to do, but don’t do because I don’t have enough time/money/energy?
  • If I had a lifetime of stable passive income and didn't have to work, what would I do?
  • If I weren't afraid of novelty and risk, would I change jobs? On what?
  • What can I do for hours on end, not paying attention to anything around me (the activity should be creative, lying on the couch or drinking beer with friends does not count).
  • What comes easiest to me?

Now summarize the results of both questionnaires. Your friends' answers will show the objective side of your talents and help you identify hidden abilities that you might not know about. Self-analysis will help you understand which talent you like best. Developing an ability requires that you have the initial inclinations (it turns out well and easily) plus the desire and love for this activity.

It often happens that a person has talent, but he does not like this activity. Well, he doesn't like it! And it happens the other way around - it turns out very badly, but you really want it. The second option can only be used if the author does not torment anyone with the results of his creativity. Sing into a comb in front of the mirror, write poetry in a notebook and hide it in a drawer - no one forbids you to do this. But it’s better to discard the first option right away - you can’t force yourself to do something you don’t feel like doing.

Well, using the method of analysis you have identified your talents (after all, there may be several of them at once). All that remains is to develop it.

But how can you find out your hidden talents if they lie dormant so deeply that even asking your friends and yourself doesn’t help? Don't despair, because we have several more methods in stock.

3. Try new things

They say correctly: until you try, you won’t know whether you like it or not. There are thousands of hobbies and interesting professions, a lot of sports and creative entertainment. Take it - I don’t want it.

Go to the shooting range - maybe you have a keen eye? Sign up for a master class on modeling from polymer clay or sewing interior toys. Go hiking and kayaking, restore your old furniture, bake an intricate trot, knit a scarf. Make a basket out of wicker, sing a song, ride a motorcycle. We can continue endlessly, because this list is inexhaustible.

And remember - it’s never too late to learn something unexpected about yourself; real life consists of such revelations.

4. Go beyond the format

Do you analyze, try, but can’t figure out if you have the ability? Definitely there. It’s just that many, having watched enough talent shows, are sure that their abilities are not abilities at all.

“This doesn’t suit us, the audience won’t be interested,” the judges say to bright and extraordinary performers who don’t fit into the format.

Throw the TV out the window or follow my example and put it on a cabinet. Because television cuts thinking down to a rectangular speck, leaving behind its borders a whole unknown world.

Remember - television produces only a rating product that is understandable to the majority, and this is not even always talented. Don’t be guided by what you see from store windows, advertising billboards and glossy covers. This is a product imposed on the crowd by advertising, consumer goods, the brainchild of marketers.

But our task is not to be interesting to the crowd, but to find something that will be interesting to us ourselves! Maybe you can’t beautifully perform Stas Mikhailov’s songs because you were born for brutal styles of music, where vocalists sing growl or scream? This is also in demand! Maybe your paintings are too incomprehensible to your friends, but will find fans among connoisseurs of avant-garde art?

Sometimes talent can be hidden under the most unexpected mask - tear it off.

5. Let your flaws reveal your hidden abilities.

Remember that every character trait has two sides - negative and positive. Attentive, methodical and calm people tend to be slow and boring. To disorder, inconsistency and emotional outbursts - creative individuals. Behind coldness and impartiality hides an analytical mind, and behind an eccentric character lies kindness and the ability to sympathize. Revelers are generous and outgoing, while misers know how to accumulate wealth.

When others too often pay attention to our shortcomings, the positive aspects are erased and fade into the shadows. But if you pay more attention to the good, the bad will immediately fade in front of it. Where is the talent here, you ask? When used correctly, any of our traits can be a talent.

If acquaintances are tired of a friend’s tales and call him idle talk, then it’s time for him to go work on the radio, where they need just such people. Kindness is also a talent for those who work in an orphanage or animal shelter. Are your relatives infuriated by pedantry? And in stores and supermarkets it is encouraged - who else would be so diligent in hanging clothes by color and arranging goods on shelves in orderly rows?

Seek and you will find. There are no people without talent - there are those who were unable to dig it out in a heap of fears, fatigue and disappointments.

The use of your abilities can be very diverse. One talent will become your new profession, another will help you in everyday life, thanks to the third you will find new friends, and the fourth will simply give you pleasure. These are your strengths, what will make your life better, better, deeper and wider.

Don't be afraid or shy, even if some attempts end in failure. Sooner or later you will find yourself. No one knows where exactly. Maybe somewhere you didn't expect to find it. Columbus did not reach India - but is this so bad for Columbus?

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Some of these hidden abilities can be attributed to the realm of extrasensory perception: for example, when my wife gave birth, I also felt her pain, and sometimes I even felt her teeth hurt.

One of our friends told how, during a serious illness, she imagined that she was floating above her own body, and another was able to foresee a road accident (a collision with a taxi) at least a minute before it happened. But in fact, this category of so-called hidden abilities did not interest me too much. I was more attracted to those amazing divine moments of unadulterated joy when a feeling of omnipotence or freedom washes over us. Here is an excerpt from a friend of mine’s story about the “enlightenment” that came to him while he was hitchhiking around the world.

During these travels I had to endure a lot, both physically and emotionally, so when I reached the port of Limassol in Cyprus, I was overcome with joy at the thought that all the suffering was behind me. One day at sunset I was sitting on the shore, absentmindedly looking at the darkening sea. I had just had dinner at a small Greek tavern and was calm and relaxed. And suddenly some unusual pressure arose in my head: it seemed as if someone’s gentle hand had penetrated my skull and was trying to squeeze another one next to my brain. I felt a delightful lightness of being, an indescribable feeling as if a whole universe was pouring into me - or as if this universe was emerging from some depths of my being. My "" trembled and was filled with feelings, and my consciousness somehow embraced everything in the world - sea and land, sky and space. I hovered among the stars and planets, feeling the presence of amazing cosmic entities: ephemeral creatures of incredible size, moving through space. Waves of revelation washed over me one after another. It all happened too quickly for my mind to register anything other than a sense of delight and wonder.

I have never experienced anything so extraordinary, but throughout my life I have repeatedly fallen into a state of all-encompassing delight. One of the most vivid memories of this kind is associated with my wanderings around France at the age of nineteen. I was hitchhiking, intending to get to Strasbourg. Some driver drove me to a small roadside restaurant, where I ate deliciously and drank a glass of wine. Until now, being in a foreign country with almost no money had depressed me a little, but after I left the restaurant and looked around at the rolling hills with the mountains visible in the distance, I was overcome with such strong delight that everything that worried me at once lost any meaning. It was as if I had changed my point of reference - it seemed that I had left my own body and was now looking at myself from somewhere else. Undoubtedly, this state was associated with the influence of wine, but not only: I did not just “feel” - I “saw”. Once again I realized that the main problem of man is that he is rarely able to put the little things of life out of his head and embrace life as a whole - like a short-sighted artist who sees only what is under his nose and cannot examine what he has written entire canvas. But "moments of enlightenment" make us understand that this opinion is wrong. Undoubtedly, we are all endowed with the ability to “distance ourselves” from reality - again, like the myopic artist who, if he wants, can easily step away from the picture and put on glasses. If we learned to induce this state at any time, our life would become completely different. As it is, we spend almost all our time coping with insignificant problems that we significantly overestimate. And if many people learned to do this, the world as a whole would change, because most of the evil and dirt in life arises precisely because we are immersed in the vanity of vanities.

Perhaps the most important aspect of these "moments of enlightenment" is that they teach us that there is a way of acquiring knowledge that is completely different from traditional learning through experience. When does it start working? hidden ability to look beyond the ordinary, the mind, like an X-ray machine, gains access to information that is closed to the ordinary eye. It’s interesting that similar life experiences can be found in cinema. For example, in the interesting series “Traffic Light,” which clearly describes incidents in the life of modern bachelors. It turns out that there are different levels of bachelor life and if the series is , then you can find out some details about these levels.

In 1969, a certain Derek Gibson was riding his motorcycle to work and suddenly noticed that the sound of the engine became quiet, like a whisper.

"After that, everything around me changed. As before, I could see everything that had form and matter, but instead of looking at objects, I looked into them. I saw what was located under the bark of trees and behind their trunks. I I could also look into the grass - it was as if I had been given a powerful magnifying glass, which even allowed me to monitor the movements of microorganisms! And I not only saw what was happening in every part of the world, but in the full sense of the word, I was there. Looking at all this greenery, I saw. every blade of grass and every leaf, as if they were individually lying right before my eyes - or, rather, as if I was in them.

The world turned into a fairyland of bright shades of green and brown, while I not so much saw as felt these colors. Moreover, my mind did not just observe the world - it lived in what it perceived. “I no longer existed, but now I knew everything and could do everything. I remember well that the words “Now I know” formed in my head. There was not a single question in the universe that I could not answer. I was an organic part of this world."

Everyone knows that every person has abilities. But not everyone can confidently name their natural abilities. How to determine a person’s abilities and in which direction to develop? Let's clarify this issue.

These are the personal characteristics of an individual, based on which a person achieves significant success in a certain type of activity. Abilities are not directly related to abilities, knowledge and skills, but manifest themselves in the speed, depth and thoroughness of comprehension of methods and techniques of activity. They are given to a person from birth, therefore already in childhood the child’s inclinations for one activity or another are manifested.

Innate human abilities

Usually no one notices them or pays attention to them. Why, over time, the ability to rejoice, be in the present time, communicate, play, enjoy life, openly show emotions, feel love, be active and happy is lost. And a person yearns for childhood, as if for a lost paradise. There is a way out here, the door is wide open, you just have to want to use it. What does it mean? Just treat everyone with love and be grateful for every minute you live. You will see how the feeling of fullness of life will return, and with it happiness.

Hidden human capabilities

By the way, they can also be congenital, but often manifest themselves as a result of sudden shocks, critical situations, the vast majority of a negative nature. Then the person suddenly “sees the light”, becoming a clairvoyant, he is subject to telepathy, x-ray vision and similar phenomena.


These are what we most often mean by the phrase “human abilities.” When an individual is realized in any activity, reaching significant heights, talent is evident. Musical, artistic, literary, sports, etc. If a child likes to do something, it makes sense to pay close attention to this activity and help the young talent take the path of developing his talent.

Human abilities: to acquire and develop

How to find your unique abilities? Is it possible to form them? These problems can be solved in two ways:

Scenario #1

As mentioned above, this is the experience of a critical situation, although not necessarily sudden. The development of abilities is helped by a feeling of hopelessness, a forced state of affairs, when life itself dictates the conditions. For example, a civilian does not have the ability to survive in extreme conditions. And if war happens, he will, willy-nilly, develop new skills. If a person is hungry and not clothed from childhood, he will either develop criminal talent, or become a businessman, or both. While peers who grew up in warmth and comfort will most likely become simply competent specialists in some field.

Scenario #2

First, answer the question: is there a need to develop the ability to play billiards if you have never picked up a cue? Then how do you know if you have these abilities? Conclusion: you can find your talents through experience. The main thing is that you like the work you will be doing, and everything else will follow.

Intuition is a feeling that is given to each of us at birth. It’s just that in some it is more developed, in others it is weaker. Intuition helps us make decisions; it warns us against mistakes and other troubles. If you want to have a great sixth sense, then in this article we will tell you how to develop intuition and hidden abilities.

Probably every person in life has had a premonition of something. This is intuition. Sometimes this sixth sense failed, but only because it was not developed. Just imagine how much simpler a person’s life would be if he more often relied on his own well-developed intuition and knew how to access it. In any case, decisions would be made faster and there would be fewer problems.

If you want to learn how to develop intuition, then first of all you need to learn a few rules:

  1. Explore all your sensations that can be associated with the moment when your inner voice speaks to you. The fact is that this happens differently for everyone. Some people feel a burning sensation in their stomach, others feel dizzy or their pulse quickens. You definitely need to know in what form your subconscious mind works, how it gives you signals.
  2. Try to call upon your intuition when you need it. Just sit down on a chair or sofa, relax and ask yourself a clearly formulated question. The first thought that comes to your mind is the voice of intuition, but to figure out what it is leading you to, listen to your inner feelings.
  3. During the day, try to predict events that may happen in your life. Of course, you need to think only about the good, so as not to attract negative emotions and events into your life.
  4. Try to wake up every day, close your eyes, pick up a notebook with a pen and draw everything that is drawn in your head. These pictures are signals about upcoming events. From them you can decipher what you should prepare for.
  5. Make other notes in the notebook in the same way - with your eyes open. Write down 5 words that come to your mind first, and then match them with meanings. Don’t think for long - write down everything you think about at once. This way you can develop your intuition and hear your guardian angel, who will send you signals in this way.
  6. Don’t forget that in addition to intuition, in life you need to be guided by common sense and logic. Ideal if you learn to combine logic with a sixth sense. In such a tandem, you can develop intuition at home much faster.
  7. Be sure to play sports. Because after physical exercise, muscles, nerves and brains relax. Against this background, intuition works much more effectively.
  8. Don't confuse intuition with fear and doubt. If you have any emotions when you think about something, then this is definitely not intuition.

Having mastered the above simple rules, you can easily figure out how to perform exercises to develop the sixth sense - intuition. We will give you the most effective, but at the same time quite simple ones:

  1. "Psychodar." Stand in front of some object. Close your eyes (it’s better to blindfold them with something). Imagine this object and extend your hand to it. Try to feel how far he is from you. Approach it, and then remove the bandage and analyze what prevented you from accurately guessing where the object under study was located.
  2. "Question answer". Write a few questions on a piece of paper with your working hand, and then write down the answers to them with your other hand. When you connect your other hand, the other hemisphere of the brain will also work, which helps develop the sixth sense.
  3. Develop neural connections between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. To do this, you need to print out a special alphabet, in which, in addition to the correct sequence of letters, other letters that carry a certain meaning are indicated. For example, next to the letter “A” there is a small letter “p”. This means that when you call it, you must raise your right and left hands up. If there is a letter “l” next to the letter, then you need to raise your left limbs up, if “o”, then you need to raise all the limbs up at the same time.
  4. Learn to see the future in your dreams. To do this, every time you fall asleep, think only about what will happen tomorrow. You need to dwell directly on this thought. If you exercise regularly for 30 days, the chance that you will be able to predict the future for yourself is very high.
  5. Try to predict how the person you live with will behave. To do this, you need to constantly put yourself in his place, get used to him, monitor his reactions and copy everything exactly what he does. Over time, you will learn to influence people's subconscious in this way and guess their feelings.

The exercises are simple, but require time and patience on the part of a person who wants to develop his intuition. If you have a goal, then you will succeed. Just don't let anyone lead you astray from your intended path.

Which zodiac sign has intuition?

People with developed intuition These are strong and creative individuals who can cope with a huge number of difficulties quickly and easily. However, not everyone can achieve this skill. Astrologers are convinced that the factor of mastering supernatural abilities is greatly influenced by a person’s zodiac affiliation. We have made for our readers a selection of characteristics of each zodiac sign in terms of their predisposition to the development of intuition:

  • Aries have very strong intuition by nature. Thanks to her, they are always in life and achieve results. However, people born under this zodiac constellation are too hot, so they forget about their gift and act guided by logic. Aries should know that as soon as they are overcome by a feeling of doubt, it means that the decision they want to make is already wrong.
  • Taurus are endowed with intuition, which works great only in matters related to family. Taurus cannot protect themselves, thanks to their sixth sense. To achieve this, they will have to train their intuition a lot and for a long time.
  • Geminis tend to have a sixth sense, but just because they are skeptical about everything, they cannot develop it. Those born under this zodiac constellation need to learn to recognize the signals that the Universe sends them.
  • Cancers not only have excellent intuition, they can predict the future. They don’t even need to make any special efforts to develop a sixth sense, they just need to learn to listen to their inner feelings.

  • Leos are people who have practically no intuition. To protect themselves and their families, they need to be guided by logic and trust those in their circle of loved ones who are endowed with a sixth sense.
  • Virgos don't trust what their inner voice tells them. It is more common for them to be guided in life by common sense, although they have a predisposition to intuition.
  • Libras generally rarely listen to their intuition, which constantly speaks to them, because they listen to opinions from the outside. Because of this, problems always arise in their lives.
  • Scorpios are an amazing zodiac sign, because people born under it are characterized by everything mystical. Therefore, their intuition is excellent; it only needs to be constantly fed with some exercises and new knowledge.
  • Sagittarians are people who never listen to themselves. They definitely need to do this, because they, like Libra, have an excellent predisposition to supernatural abilities.
  • Capricorns, like Geminis, are skeptics by nature, so they do not trust what their heart and soul tells them. If they learn to do this, then their intuition will never let them down in life.
  • Aquarians are unique individuals who can magically influence people and change their lives. The main thing is to trust your intuition, which is well developed among representatives of this zodiac constellation.
  • Pisces know very well what intuition is. They are guided by it in life, but not for themselves, but for strangers. Therefore, sometimes the sixth sense works to their detriment.

In life it is always very important to know where the golden mean is. You shouldn't abuse your abilities, but you shouldn't underestimate them either. Always listen to your sixth sense, but do not follow its lead. After all, intuition can sometimes fail.

Video: “How to develop intuition?”