How to remove swelling of the upper lip. Possible causes of swelling of the upper and lower lips

Causes of tumor

There can be many reasons why the upper lip is swollen. You can’t list everything, but some of them are worth talking about. A swelling is a normal reaction to physical impact or irritant: a blow to a blunt object or a bite, eating citrus fruits or chocolate. With herpes, the lip also swells, so each case should be approached individually. If the swelling is caused by an allergic reaction to cosmetics (lipsticks or balms), medications or food, in addition to eliminating them from the diet, antihistamines are required.

Mechanical damage

If the upper lip is swollen from mechanical damage, then swelling will appear along with a hematoma. The appearance, of course, will not be “ice”, but with a closed wound there is no need to fear infection. Apply a cold object or ice, previously wrapped in clean material, to the site of swelling. Repeat the procedure several times to relieve feverish pulsation at the bruise site. The main thing is to prevent hypothermia, which can cause tissue necrosis. You should not use ointment after bruises. The delicate skin of the lips reacts poorly to it.


If your upper lip is swollen from herpes, then under no circumstances get rid of the blisters. They contain the causative agent of the disease, which, when it gets on a healthy area of ​​​​tissue, will turn it into a swollen area. Is the affected area small and not painful? Then hurry to the nearest pharmacy. There are a lot of antiviral ointments on sale now, so use Zovirax, Gerpevir or syntomycin gel. Any anti-inflammatory drug for the lips will help the wounds heal quickly.

What to do if your lip is numb

In medical practice, there are cases where the upper lip is swollen and, in addition, numb. This is an allergic reaction to swelling. As soon as the latter subsides, you will again feel a rush of blood to the damaged area. A slight tingling and burning sensation will begin. In this case, you should consult a doctor to recommend an antiallergic drug and ointment.

Do not panic!

If your lip is swollen, then there is no need to panic. Try alternating cold and hot compresses. The benefits of ice were discussed above, but for the second method, a clean piece of cloth soaked in warm water is suitable. After 15 minutes you will feel a slight relief, but the swelling will not be relieved immediately. Don't have a clean napkin handy? Brew a tea bag and apply it while cooled to the damaged area. This is also a good remedy for reducing tumors.

When the causes of swelling are unknown, then going to the clinic is the right decision. If trouble finds you on the road, try to keep your lips moisturized. Cracks in dry skin are an excellent place for infections. Support yourself with vitamins C and B: with their help, the body will quickly restore the skin. Don't forget about proper nutrition: your menu should not contain hot sauces and seasonings, smoked meat and fish. Try to avoid drinking carbonated drinks and alcohol for a while. After consulting with your doctor, you will understand that you did everything right.

A swelling on the lip can appear on one side, affect half, on the inside, on the entire lip, or just in the middle. The swelling may be sudden, appear at night while you sleep, or at any time. Moreover, this problem can affect both children and adults.

Associated symptoms

Symptoms can be mild or severe and indicate a number of possible causes. Common symptoms include the following:

  • Increased size (bloating)
  • Numbness
  • Density and dryness
  • Tingling, itching, inflammation
  • Redness and discoloration of the skin
  • Lip blisters and cracks
  • Pus-filled lumps or discharge
  • Fever, chills, stuffy or runny nose.

These are not the only symptoms. There are many others that depend on the underlying cause.

If you have symptoms such as difficulty breathing, swelling of the tongue, hives and rashes, difficulty swallowing, and changes in the color of your nails (turning blue), you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a medical examination.


Injuries and surgeries

Lip injury

The most common causes of a swollen upper lip are trauma and surgery, which include blunt force trauma, surgery, dental procedures, lip piercings, biting, kissing, burns (such as hot food), braces injuries, injections, Botox, playing music. instruments, etc. d.


An allergic reaction manifested as aneuretic edema

Allergic reactions are another common cause of swollen lips. Can be triggered by various allergens, such as food, latex, certain medications, pet dander, various lip care products, etc. Allergies may also be accompanied by additional symptoms such as swollen face or eyes, watery eyes, runny nose and etc.

For example, if your upper lip swells after eating a certain food, you may be allergic to some product. One must get proper treatment and avoid consuming this food.

Infections of the mouth and lips

Ulcers on the lip mucosa with stomatitis can cause swelling
Herpes simplex virus – painful blisters are a characteristic symptom

Stomatitis, herpes simplex type 1, wounds and ulcers, cheilitis, and other infections can cause swelling.

Acne and pimples

An inflammatory reaction around a pimple can cause lip swelling

Having acne (pimples) can also cause swelling of the lip, both lower and upper, especially if you have cystic acne, which tends to be larger and more painful.

Sunburn and weather conditions

Exposure to too much sunlight can cause not only swollen lips, but also chapped or blistered lips. Similarly, exposure to very dry, windy and cold weather conditions can be dangerous and can negatively affect the lips and lead to puffiness.

Swelling of the lips against the background of urticaria

The cause of swelling on the upper lip can be when urticaria is present on the body. This is a fairly serious allergic reaction, “a skin disease characterized by the rapid appearance of intensely itchy, flat, raised, pale pink blisters, similar in appearance to nettle sting blisters” [Wikipedia]. It can occur on any part of the body, including the lips.

Other reasons

There are other causes, such as ingrown hairs, abscess, especially after piercing, eczema, myxedema, lip cancer, organ failure, blood transfusion reactions, herpetic sore throats and many others.

Swelling of the upper lip in the morning (at night or during sleep)

One of the known causes in this case may be hypoxia , associated with sleep apnea (stopping breathing). In addition, this may be due to allergic reactions (Quincke's edema) to bedding material or food that you ate before bed or insect bites.

Swelling and numbness

Common causes of this problem are allergies, dental aesthetics and labiaplasty, infection of upper lip and frenulum piercings, granulomatous cheilitis or cellulitis, which is a “bacterial skin infection that causes red, irritated skin that is usually swollen and warm,” and others.

Sudden swelling of the upper lip

Sudden swelling of the upper lip in a child

The main culprit for sudden swelling of the upper or lower lip is an allergic reaction to various ingredients, including lip care products (such as lip gloss, lipsticks or balms), food allergies, allergies to latex, certain medications and pet dander, and other allergens.

If your lower or upper lip is suddenly swollen for no apparent reason and there have been no insect bites, try taking antihistamines.

Swollen frenulum of the upper lip

Swelling in the frenulum of the upper lip due to piercing

The cause of swelling in the frenulum area (the mucous fold on the inside of the lip) can be piercings, injuries, gum disease, or dental problems. This may include pathology such as

A swollen lip is not only unsightly and interferes with speaking and eating. A small injury on the inside of the lip can be a sign of various serious pathologies.

Lip swollen from the inside - probable causes and symptoms

The lip can swell in different ways. For example, its volume may completely increase, and this will be visible from the outside. Another option is that the swelling may have a limited volume, but it interferes even more than a uniform increase in the lip.

Swelling of the lip from the inside is manifested by impaired diction, pain and discomfort when speaking. While eating, biting of the affected area is possible, sometimes quite strong and leading to injury. Lip sensitivity may be impaired. If the swelling is severe, then it is noticeable externally - the patient’s face is distorted.

There are several reasons why this happens, each of them will be discussed in more detail:

· Inflammatory edema;

· Allergic edema;

· Traumatic edema;

· Carrying out various medical interventions.

Hypothermia, spicy food, and irritating substances can provoke increased swelling. The emotional state also plays a role - the effect of the main causes is much stronger against the background of stress, neuroses, and depressed states.

Infectious diseases

The infection enters the mucous membrane of the lips through damage or from neighboring organs due to dental diseases or when the mucous membrane of the lips comes into contact with contaminated objects or hands. The combination of these factors is almost guaranteed to cause the lip to swell from the inside.

Symptoms of this condition are severe swelling and pain, loss of sensitivity, and local increase in temperature. There may be general malaise, a feeling of heat on the face, and slight numbness. Such a lesion is often combined with stomatitis, carious teeth, gingivitis and acne.

The infectious process on the mucous membrane of the lip is dangerous because it can easily spread to other tissues of the face, as well as cause infection to penetrate through the blood into the membranes of the brain (especially the upper lip). The vascular network of the head is rich in anastomoses, which makes it very vulnerable to bacteria and viruses.


Several factors can cause an allergic reaction on the face. These could be insect bites, contact with food or inhaled allergens, or irritants. Also, rashes and swelling, similar in symptoms to allergies, often accompany nervous diseases, stress, and neurodermatitis.

A bite of an insect

When a person is bitten, irritating substances contained in the saliva or venom of insects always enter the skin or mucous membrane of a person. Therefore, the bite is always accompanied by itching, local swelling and redness. On the inner surface of the lip, these phenomena become pronounced due to the structural features of the subcutaneous fatty tissue - on the face it is loose, and the mucous membrane of the inner side of the lip is quite thin. As a rule, the swelling in these cases is asymmetrical, it is clearly visible from the outside, and noticeably impairs diction.

Irritation from the bite can be combined with hypersensitivity, and then the swelling quickly spreads, can occupy a significant part of the face, and cause life-threatening reactions.

Allergens in food and air

This route of entry of allergens often leads to the lip swelling from the inside. What to do in this case? First of all, it is necessary to identify the allergen and stop contact with it. For people with allergies, it is important to know what substances cause an allergic reaction and avoid contact with them.

Features of the symptoms are impaired facial sensitivity, pain when touched, pronounced swelling. Possible deterioration in health, the appearance of a rash on the face and other parts of the body.

Neurodermatitis and atopic dermatitis

These diseases are not actually allergic, but are similar in their manifestations. They are characterized by the sudden appearance of a rash and swelling in several areas of the body. The provoking factor may be stress, overwork or hypothermia. Characteristic symptoms are severe swelling, severe facial asymmetry, severe itching of the face and body.


Any injury to the skin or mucous membrane causes a local inflammatory reaction. If microorganisms are not involved, then the inflammation is aseptic in nature. Inflammation is a natural response to damage, which is necessary for the process of tissue regeneration to begin.

The peculiarity of this inflammatory process is that it passes quite quickly. The causes of aseptic inflammation as a result of injury can be piercing, accidental biting of the lip from the inside, or bruising of the face. If you provide the affected area with peace and cleanliness, then such an inflammatory process does not pose a great danger.

During an injury, an infection can enter the mucous membrane. Most often this occurs due to accidental injury. This can also happen if the lip piercing is performed incorrectly, if the rules for the procedure or care for the damage are violated. In this case, there is a sharp increase in pain, purulent discharge appears, and clear signs of an inflammatory process of a bacterial nature.

Medical interventions

What to do if the inside of the lip is swollen as a result of medical intervention, the doctor can warn you during the procedure. In some cases, this phenomenon is normal. For example, after anesthesia, a feeling of numbness and swelling persists for several hours. In this case, the lip can actually swell and increase in size. Diction becomes slurred, and biting the inside of the lip is possible when chewing. That is why the patient after treatment is advised to refrain from eating until the anesthesia wears off.

In other cases, numbness and swelling of the lip may be a sign of damage to the mucous membrane of the lip, blood vessels or nerves during manipulation due to incorrect actions by the doctor. In this case, the numbness persists for a long time and does not stop for several hours. If swelling and numbness of the lip does not go away within a day, and additional symptoms appear, for example, a taste of blood in the mouth, pain, or minor damage is visible upon examination, you should consult a doctor as quickly as possible.

The most common manipulations in which damage to the mucous membrane of the lips occurs are tooth extraction, dental treatment, root filling, installation of supporting structures for jaw fractures, prosthetics and dental implantation. When performing them, the doctor must be especially careful, and it is important for the patient not to distract the specialist and follow his recommendations.

Diagnosis and treatment

To identify the reasons why the lip is swollen from the inside, you need to consult a doctor. The specialist will begin to identify the causes by collecting a detailed medical history, which will indicate injury, dental procedures, allergic reactions or an insect bite. It is also possible that provoking factors will be immediately identified. A careful examination is also important to identify the causes and associated symptoms.

Further treatment depends on the cause of the disease. If there are signs of an infectious inflammatory process or there is an injury that was received in clearly unsterile conditions, a course of antibiotic tablets is required. For allergic reactions and insect bites - antihistamines in the form of tablets or gels. It is also important to eliminate additional provoking factors.

The doctor will also recommend what to do to alleviate the condition if the lip is swollen from the inside. To do this, you can use local remedies with a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. It is necessary to rinse your mouth with local antiseptics - chlorophyllipt, miramistin. You can cauterize the inflamed area with furacillin and hydrogen peroxide. Ointments with dexamethasone and lidocaine have a good effect - they reduce the severity of pain and inflammation.

During treatment you should follow a diet. The affected area should be spared, avoid contact with irritating substances - hot seasonings, large amounts of salt, hot and cold foods. If there are obvious signs of an inflammatory process, sweets should be limited, as they are a breeding ground for bacteria.

Why can the upper lip become very swollen? Various are possible - for example, a banal insect bite, a blow to a blunt object or other mechanical damage that is difficult not to feel. However, the situation becomes noticeably more complicated if you do not know what exactly preceded the swelling that appeared.

Such factors include allergies, in particular to lip products, as well as to foods consumed: sweets, citrus fruits, chocolate. Possible causes of swelling of the upper lip include:

What to do if your lip suddenly becomes swollen?

The choice of method for eliminating severe swelling of the upper lip largely depends on the swelling. If you have an allergic reaction, you should take antihistamines, which will relieve itching and gradually reduce swelling. Also, with the latter, sometimes tangible things happen. Don't be afraid of this. This phenomenon occurs due to a decrease in blood supply through the vessels compressed by edema. Accordingly, as soon as the swelling subsides, blood supply will be restored. In this case, slight redness is possible.

Do not overexpose the ice! This can lead to hypothermia, which can then lead to frostbite.

If the swelling is caused by mechanical damage, it is usually accompanied not only by edema, but also by a hematoma caused by damage to the blood vessels of the lip. In this situation, you should apply something cold that is at hand, if possible ice, wrapped in a clean cloth.

If the cause is, use antiherpetic medications. You can also apply a warm compress with salt, which will help relieve swelling of the lip. Do not try to get rid of bubbles under any circumstances. They contain a pathogen that, if it gets on a healthy area of ​​skin, will cause infection there as well.

In case of lip swelling due to herpes, use antiviral ointments, and then Gerpevir, Zovirax or syntomycin gel.

If you do not know the exact cause of the sudden swelling of the upper lip, try alternating cold and warm compresses. This procedure will greatly help relieve swelling. For a cold compress, ice is suitable, and for a warm compress, a cloth or gauze folded several times, soaked in warm salted water.

Keep in mind that self-medication is only a temporary measure; it is better to consult a doctor to clarify the cause and prevent consequences.

If a person has a swollen lip, this affects not only visual attractiveness, but also basic comfort, because eating, smiling and laughing in such a situation is almost impossible. If a person has a broken lip, how can the swelling be removed in the shortest possible time?

Methods for removing a tumor

If a person has a broken, damaged or stitched lip, it can be difficult to remove the swelling. In this situation, a person will have to use numerous folk remedies.

The easiest way to remove swelling from a split lip is to apply a piece of ice. But before doing this, you should carefully examine your lip for visible bruises or serious damage. If no abnormalities other than a tumor are found, it is necessary to apply ice to the sore spot, but only wrapped in a bandage or a piece of cloth. Under no circumstances should you simply apply ice cubes to a sore spot, as this can lead to hypothermia and even tissue neurosis.

Ice should be applied for 5-10 minutes. You can repeat the procedure several times a day. Typically, positive effects appear after the first applications.

How to remove swelling from lips in other ways? For these purposes, bodyaga can help, which can be purchased in pharmacies in the form of powder or gel. This bodyagu should be applied to the sore spot, rubbing it in until it dries completely. If the rubbing process causes severe discomfort, you should simply apply the ointment and leave it on the painful area for the whole day.

What to apply to a broken lip if body ag does not help? In this case, a person should try special lead lotions. Modern pharmacies sell healing lead water. Before use, it should be cooled in the refrigerator, and then moisten a cotton pad in water, applying it to the sore spot. Lead water usually gets rid of swelling very quickly, eliminating pain in the damaged area of ​​the skin.

Another effective way that will help quickly remove swelling from the lip is hydrogen peroxide. You can buy it at any pharmacy. A few drops of peroxide should be applied to a cotton pad, and the sore spot should be treated with this composition. Usually 2-3 such procedures, repeated at intervals of 2-3 hours, help get rid of the tumor. The only drawback of such a quick method is that the person will feel a slight burning and tingling sensation in the sore spot.

A photo of a broken lip usually looks very ugly, and people dream of getting rid of such a problem as quickly as possible. Special ointments against bruises are very effective in this regard. You can consult a pharmacist about which ointment is suitable specifically for this swelling. A good ointment against a bruise costs a lot, but the positive effect it produces will be significant. It is better to apply the ointment at night, without washing off the product before going to bed. This way it will act much faster and have a significant positive effect.

What not to do if you have a swollen lip after a bruise

How to remove the swelling of a broken lip is always a pressing question, and you can find many answers to it on the Internet. But sometimes these answers mislead a person, only worsening his problem.

What should not be done if a person’s lip is swollen after a bruise? Firstly, under no circumstances should you apply something hot to the sore spot. It is also not recommended to use warming ointments. Such remedies will cause the lip to swell even more, and the person will feel considerable discomfort.

Thirdly, if your lip is slightly swollen, you should refrain from using cosmetics for a while. Using lipstick can introduce an infection to a sore spot, further worsening the situation. It was also mentioned above that ice should not be applied to the sore spot without a bandage or piece of cloth, since such exposure to cold can cause tissue neurosis.

If you have a broken lip, what to do and how to get rid of the tumor are quite common questions that people turn to both doctors and the Internet. Now there are several ways to combat the problem. By treating the damaged area with ointments or folk remedies according to all the rules, a person will be able to forget about the recent, severe tumor within 3-4 days.

A swollen lip after mechanical damage is a problem that many people have encountered. With the help of cold compresses and special ointments, the problem can be dealt with, and the main thing in such a situation is not to use untested methods that can only worsen the problem and lead to its further development.