How Cancer and Pisces Meet Compatibility. Cancer Girl and Pisces Boy

Having studied the compatibility horoscope for Cancer and Pisces, we can conclude that these two zodiac signs are perfect for each other. They correspond to the elements of Water, and therefore the unions of Cancer and Pisces are successful and harmonious. Very often, such signs understand each other more than all other signs.

The mood of Pisces can be affected by the volatility of the ocean. It is like mother-of-pearl, the color of which cannot be predicted. And it may seem that the partner has already begun to understand Pisces, as his mood immediately begins to change. Cancers are affected by the moon. It is enough to trust the lunar calendar, and the partner of Cancer will understand the change of mood.

In general, the relationship of these two signs is a mysterious and exciting game. The water element has a beneficial effect on relationships, but even it cannot guarantee a reliable and ideal union of cancer and fish. A real storm in a relationship can arise on financial grounds. For Pisces, money is an evil that should be disposed of immediately. They rarely tend to accumulate money, do not take into account profit and loss. Pisces find it boring and unnecessary. And for Cancers, finance is a good topic, which is like the best pleasure. Cancers try to impose their point of view on Pisces, and a real scandal can break out on this basis.

Cancers treat everything carefully and economically, while Pisces is characterized by generosity and negligence. Cancers become possessive in relation to a partner, and they try to create their ideal from a loved one. They prefer to keep their secrets to themselves, but to find out other people's secrets - for them it becomes practically the meaning of life. However, by virtue of their nature, Pisces are excellent interlocutors, and sometimes they manage to find out everything from Cancers.

According to experts, the main danger to the happy family life of Cancer and Pisces are alcohol and drugs. The world of pleasure can drag these two signs of the zodiac to the very bottom. Therefore, you should not experiment with prohibited and undesirable phenomena.

The compatibility horoscope Cancer and Pisces says that crayfish love their own home and make every effort to create home comfort. Pisces are prone to change of residence. Cancer can only be forced to change location by the possibility of more income, but they will always be haunted by the thought of returning home. Pisces, on the other hand, are not sentimental and they are ready to succumb to the flow and sometimes do the most unexpected things.

If these signs of the zodiac travel together, they will experience great pleasure from the trip. Cancers will pull home, and Pisces in some situations may give in to their partner.

A Cancer and Pisces couple can last a very long time, and their true reasons for a good relationship will be emotions, feelings and spiritual closeness. A happy marriage will turn out only when one of the partners begins to listen to the opinion and preferences of a loved one and can break his character. Only this in a life full of turmoil, differences of opinion, in understanding the future, will help two lovers feel comfortable.

For a pair of Cancer - Pisces, the compatibility of zodiac signs can be equal to 30 percent. This is a rather small indicator, but it all depends on the nature of the Pisces. The Pisces partner cannot hide and restrain his feelings, which can cause conflict. And after a certain period, He may fall in the eyes of Cancer.

Cancer Woman Compatibility Pisces Man

These two partners feel great about each other. They are similar in spirit and this gives a chance for a happy future. The couple is united by a creative desire, sincere conversations about the high. However, their strong relationship can be broken by life and household duties. Pisces man and Cancer woman have a complex character, and in order to save a family, a woman will need to become more patient, gentle and loyal. With a strong-willed character, they perfectly cope with this task, they can skillfully avoid scandals and troubles.

Compatibility Cancer Man - Pisces Woman

The relationship of such a couple resembles a hurricane. They always have passions and a desire to find out the relationship. Cancer man and Pisces woman are ideally suited to each other sexually, but as soon as they find a secluded corner, Cancer and Pisces begin to sort things out, teach each other about life. But whatever the scandal was, they are waiting for the same quick reconciliation. And as soon as they part, even for one day, each of the signs of the zodiac begins to miss their beloved greatly.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign cancer friendship with other signs - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Water sign. The character is open, the nature is dreamy. Cancer is the most mysterious sign of all the signs of the Zodiac, since it is under the dominance of the Moon, which sharpens its sensitivity and influences its spiritual world so much that it seems strange and incomprehensible to others. These are people with a fine nervous system and a well-developed intuition.

Cancer men live according to some laws they understand, logic is alien to them. What is a trifle for others, grows into a tragedy for them. Therefore, those born under this sign often annoy others and come into conflict. However, people love to patronize such natures. They are instilled with a sense of pity by the infantilism of Cancer, its separation from reality. In addition, those born under this sign are most often decent people, loyal friends, interesting interlocutors.

Cancer loves nature. At work, it is not always easy for him because of certain traits of his character. But he has a subtle intuition, patience and exactingness to himself. This is the type of thinker, scientist, musician, conscientious employee.

The same can be said about Cancer women that was said about men born under this sign of the Zodiac. But they are also faithful wives and excellent mothers. A sense of duty for them above all.

Cancer: compatibility with other signs

Especially favorable alliance with Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo and Pisces. Unfavorable alliance with Libra and Capricorn. Aries is too impulsive for Cancer due to disagreements and contradictions in the worldview and attitude. So that such an alliance does not fall apart, both must control themselves, restraining their character. With Gemini, Cancer develops spiritual intimacy. And Leo attracts him with his strength. Cooperation, friendship and, finally, a happy marriage can arise between them. With Scorpio, Cancer has mutual sympathy. Sagittarius loves independence too much, and this offends Cancer. With Aquarius - friendship and mutual respect. With Pisces, a harmonious union in friendship and love.

Friendship with Cancer

In friendship, people born under the sign of Cancer can play three roles. Sometimes they choose a patron friend who will give them a sense of security. Cancers are inferior to such a friend in any disputes, one might even say, they indulge. They are like a small sticky fish that accompanies a huge sea fish to feast on the remnants of its meal. And satisfying, and safe - who will offend this whopper?

However, unlike sticky fish, Cancers have something to offer their influential friends in return. First, it is admiration and respect, recognition of merit. Secondly, in difficult times, Cancers are ready to support their "rich Pinocchio", if not by deed, then certainly by word. They will always listen carefully, sympathize, give balanced advice. And, thirdly, if trouble really happens to a friend, then Cancer will still come to his aid .. after waiting, however, for some time. Cancer until the last hopes that the situation will settle down on its own. But if one cannot do without his participation, he, with a sigh, will extend a helping hand.

The second role of Cancer in friendship is completely opposite. Seeing a weak and defenseless creature, unable to stand up for itself, but at the same time kind in soul, Cancer can boldly stand up for him. At the same time, he can show such selflessness, which he is afraid to even think about in peacetime. Who knows why he does this? Perhaps his noble soul does not tolerate injustice? Or does he see himself in a weak being, only at a younger age? Most likely, it's both.

And yet, the most healthy and enjoyable for Cancer is the third role. In this case, he chooses a friend who looks like himself like two drops of water. Here sometimes there is such a kinship of souls, which is not often seen between relatives. However, there is an important condition - a friend of Cancer must have a similar material wealth. Simply put, if you have less money than Cancer, then he will start to shun you a little.

The issue of money is generally very sensitive for people of this sign. They know how and love to earn (or receive) money, and terribly dislike spending it. What is there to spend! The real Cancer will not even admit that he has a couple of coins in his pocket. He will in every possible way shirk from any spending, show down, assure that he is on the verge of financial collapse. In general, in his imagination, this is not far from the truth - any ruble spent for him is a great loss. And the conclusion from all this is this: if you like to freely manage money, make expensive purchases, go out in the best restaurants and the like - Cancer will never become your bosom friend.

All Cancers hate risk. It seems to them stupid and unnecessary, like playing with fire. For this reason, they never play slot machines or place bets in casinos. People who love adventure and are easy-going can cause a lot of admiration and surprise in Cancer. But Cancer will never agree to share their entertainment, it’s better for him to sit quietly at home. You will not tempt him with the dream of conquering Everest, but he will gladly support a trip to the nearest and proven water park.

Cancers are so devoted to their friends that there cannot be many of them - two, three, and most often one. Quite often, this is a childhood friend with whom Cancer made friends at school or even kindergarten. Such a friend will enter the house of Cancer along with his family. For the sake of his best friend, Cancer is capable of anything, but only if he knows that such an attitude is mutual. It is worth trying to earn the good attitude of Cancer. If you succeed, then you can be sure that he will not let you drown in the abyss of life's troubles.

Compatibility of Cancer with other zodiac signs:

Cancer and Aries Friendship: Cancer is ready to give Aries a leadership role in exchange for protection, but deep down he will be unhappy with this unequal relationship.

Cancer and Taurus Friendship: Complete understanding and complementarity. This couple will never have disagreements.

Cancer and Gemini Friendship: Cancer may admire Gemini or even envy him. But the Gemini loves to laugh at the slow Cancer. No wonder if Cancer holds a grudge.

Cancer and Cancer friendship: Double caution, prudence and frugality promises them excellent business relations. Together they can come to great wealth.

Cancer and Leo friendship: there will be friendship-patronage. Leo will willingly take Cancer under his wing, and in return will listen to eulogies all day long.

Cancer and Virgo Friendship: They have a lot in common, although sometimes Virgo's criticism can drive Cancer into a real depression. Let Cancer show a little humor and lightness, and Virgo show indulgence.

Cancer and Libra friendship: These relationships are likely to be superficial. Here, most likely, not friendship, but secular acquaintance. Libra is too fickle in the eyes of Cancer.

Cancer and Scorpio Friendship: The two water signs get along well with each other. True, Scorpio receives more from this union. But only until Cancer gets smarter.

Cancer and Sagittarius Friendship: Many Sagittarius qualities cause sincere admiration in Cancer: this is openness, honesty, and adventurism .. But they rarely become friends, they are too dissimilar.

Cancer and Capricorn friendship: Friendship is like the relationship between a child and an old man. If Capricorn gives Cancer more freedom, then the relationship can be improved.

Cancer and Aquarius Friendship: They are always interested in being in each other's company, but there can be no talk of true friendship. Aquarius is too ephemeral for Cancer, who loves stability in everything.

Cancer and Pisces friendship: Cancer and Pisces friendship: This is the kind of friendship where one of the friends is constantly comforting the other. Whoever starts crying and complaining first will win this game.

Zodiac friends - what are they?

Friendship is the main and enduring value in human life. Finding out what the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac is in friendship is a kind of help to find a reliable and faithful comrade. No one will deny that friendships arise regardless of races, genders, zodiac signs. Compatibility according to a horoscope is a kind of model of human relationships in which friends are selected according to absolutely objective criteria.

Astrology claims that soul mates are most often people born in the same element. They have a lot in common, but the main thing is one temperament.

Fire element (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Those born in this element have strength, energy, temperament. These are typical choleric people: fast, impulsive, irritable. They live by the principle: to desire and act.

They have a huge energy potential, but they are often subject to emotional breakdowns and downturns. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will find comrades in their fiery element. They will also like Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Air signs, fanning the flames of fire, bring new ideas and inspiration.

Earth Element (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Those born under the auspices of the earth element are static, solid. Typical phlegmatic. It's hard to get them out. In any case, they are unhurried, calm and diligent. They have a sense of duty and practicality. They do not like and do not want to show emotions. They are close in spirit to people of their element and representatives of Water.

Air Element (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

These are typical sanguine people: contact, mobile, positive and lively. But they are defeated by frequent and abrupt mood swings. They are sociable, cheerful and curious. They have an independent character, are often uncollected and undisciplined.

Their friends are air and fire signs.

Water Element (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Aquatic representatives are sensitive, vulnerable and dreamy. A typical representative is a melancholic. Lives by the principle: feel and feel. Often capricious, tearful. These are the most conservative people. Friends are chosen either from their native element, or from representatives of earth signs.

Zodiac sign and friendship with him

If you know under what sign a friend, acquaintance, colleague was born, it will become easy to find common interests and common ground.

Aries. Reliable, always, in any situation, will support with advice and deed. He won't let you get bored. It's fun and interesting with him. But there is a small drawback: Aries are looking for friends who can submit to them. If this does not happen, the friendship may end. Aquarius can be your best friend. He does not enter into close relationships, keeps at a psychological distance, and this attracts Aries.

Calf. The most devoted and reliable friend. He will always give useful advice and will not refuse to help. Taurus without much thought will help out with money and things. As a rule, friendship with him is tied for many years. Taurus value friendship and are able to do everything in their power to keep it. Best friends - Pisces, Cancers, Capricorns.

Twins. They are fickle and are rarely attached to people. They are more interested in literature, travel, give all their attention and time to hobbies. Often they simply do not have time and desire for friendship. But the only friend will not be bored. Aries, Libra, Aquarius are suitable for communication.

Cancer. The most generous friend. Always comes to the rescue, but requires the same from friends. As a rule, he discusses his problems with his comrades, and shares joyful moments in life with outsiders. Those who want to make friends with them should remember that they are the most sincere, but rather closed people. Suitable Lions, Virgo, Pisces.

A lion. He has a lot of arrogance and selfishness. He is flattered by the attention. Leo can forgive a lot, but he will hold a grudge and will not forget. Makes a lot of demands on friends. Only an erudite person with a good sense of humor will be a friend. Suitable Gemini, Aries, Scorpio.

Virgo. Surround a friend with care and attention. He will always give practical advice, help in any household affairs. Often with special care refers to any trifles and is not averse to pointing out shortcomings. Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer will become comfortable.

Scales. People are frank and always telling the truth in the eye. Friendship is valued and valued. Indulgent, accepting people for who they are. Much is generously forgiven. Suitable for Gemini, Leo, Aquarius.

Scorpion. Born critic. It's hard to really get along with him. But he will become a faithful and reliable comrade. Betrayal or betrayal will not forgive and can become an implacable enemy. As comrades, it is better to choose Virgo, Capricorn, Aries.

Sagittarius. A friend with whom it will always be interesting and fun. They are reliable and resourceful people. They know how to solve any problem. They say about them: "you can go on reconnaissance with him." Suitable for Aries, Gemini, Leo.

Capricorn. Closed, "man-case". She trusts almost no one with her secrets and experiences, does not show her feelings. But if required, he will gladly provide assistance with advice or deed. With a few, but real comrades, he maintains relationships all his life. Compatible with Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio.

But strong friendship will be only with one or two comrades. One of the first to come to the rescue in difficult times. Aquarius is comfortable with Gemini, Sagittarius.

Fish. Always try to create strong friendships for years to come. They strive to gain unlimited trust from a comrade. Pisces is important spiritual connection. These are open and sincere comrades. Do not forgive betrayal and lies. Vulnerable and touchy. Pisces will be comfortable with Cancer, Leo, Capricorn.

Representatives of all zodiac signs have different temperaments and character traits. But this should not prevent people from creating long and strong relationships. If it is easy and comfortable with a friend, then his sign does not matter.

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crayfish friends

Cancer friends? How do they make friends and with whom do they develop friendly relations? Let's deal with all these issues in order.

So, if at one of the parties you notice a guest who communicates with only a couple of friends at most all the time, while staying closer to the snacks and behaving quite quietly. Most likely, this person is a representative of the zodiac sign Cancer.

Cancer friends are cute, calm and even a little shy, they do not like mass events or noisy gatherings. As a rule, their circle of acquaintances is limited, and their few comrades are really people tested by time and circumstances.

Cancerians love to spend time with their friends, moreover, they often show maternal (paternal) care towards them, sometimes it seems that they are ready to literally strangle their friends in their arms.

However, given the sensitivity and emotional vulnerability inherent in Cancers, these people expect the same from their friends in return: sincerity, warmth and reliability. Cancer does not tolerate quarrels, it can be easily offended, and feeling unfairly hurt, such a person can hide in his “shell” and then not show his nose from there for a long time.

Otherwise, Cancers are wonderful friends, it is a pleasure to be friends with them. They are always glad to their guests and will visit you with pleasure. Comrades like them can be completely relied upon.

Cancer Compatibility in Friendship

Cancers tend to get along well with other water signs, Pisces and Scorpio. All of them are very emotional and well (intuitively) feel the mood of each other. These are mutually cozy friendships: Cancer will be able to tame Scorpio and smooth out all the sharp corners in their relationship; Cancer and their friend Pisces are generally "one field of berries", bosom friends.

Remarkably friends Cancers with the earth signs of the Zodiac - Virgo and Taurus. Virgos like the calm and gentle nature of their friend, who, in turn, is impressed by the Virgo's thoroughness and honesty in relations with a friend. Taurus and Cancer are a stable pair of friends (one could even say “do not spill water” about them, if Taurus were not annoyed at times by the variability of Cancer), who are accustomed to spending time with great pleasure and comfort (often at a well-laid table).

In the case of Gemini, one can hardly speak of strong friendship, rather just a good relationship. Cancer is always pleased when their Gemini friend says everything for them in the company (introduces them to new people, easily introduces them to a new society, etc.).

Relationships with Leo will also develop well in friendship, who will take on the role of a protector and assistant for his friend Cancer. He, in turn, will be on the sidelines with pleasure to admire and take care of his royal comrade.

But the friendship between Cancer and Sagittarius is unlikely. Sagittarius is too rough and superficial for Cancer.

Also, Cancer and Aquarius have little in common. Their friendship simply has nothing to cling to.

Fiery Aries at some point may become too "much" for Cancer. Their friendship will end due to quarrels and misunderstandings. Aries will be in this pair of comrades the “eternal bully”, whom Cancer will eventually get tired of reassuring.

Cancers do not get along very well with representatives of the sign of Libra. These people seem to Cancers to be too capricious and even outwardly they do not particularly impress them.

Friendship with Capricorns will not work either. They are too cold, heavy and reserved, which Cancers can never accept.

Cancer friends don't "happen" that often in our lives. But if you are lucky enough to have such a comrade, then you "risk" to carry this friendship through the years in the status of, indeed, real friends!

Horoscope of compatibility of signs of the zodiac in friendship

Establishing a friendship with a person is not an easy task. The incompatibility of the zodiac constellations with each other can affect the relationship of people. In order to know how to avoid pitfalls and find the treasured key to the heart of a loved one, you should study the horoscope. If the signs of the zodiac compatibility in friendship are studied carefully, they will understand how they should act. Advice from heavenly bodies will tell you whether you can make friends with a certain person or not.

Friendship with Aries is not easy. For communication, they are looking for interesting interlocutors and bright personalities, like themselves. Envy on the part of the representative of Fire for the success of others can destroy a fragile relationship. Aries have good compatibility with those who admire them and are always a little behind them. Tough disputes and disagreement on the part of a friend will become a stumbling block in communication.

The strongest connections in this constellation can be tied up with the signs of Fire and Air. The least points of contact and compatibility will arise with Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio.

For Sagittarius, friendship is one of the important places in life. They are very friendly, sociable and always ready to help. As a rule, they do not have one or two friends - there are always many more of them. Sagittarians are ready to exert a beneficial influence on those who trust them. The negative traits of this zodiac sign include the inability to keep secrets, straightforwardness and short temper. They are compatible with the same adventurers by nature as they are.

The best friends of Sagittarius can be: Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius. With Cancer, Virgo and Taurus, finding common ground will be the most difficult, since compatibility in such communication is minimal.

Friendly and sociable Leos are conducive to communication. They may not have many friends, but they will all be reliable and time-tested. This constellation has good compatibility with those who know how to praise and cheer them up in difficult times. Lions tend to be friends with people who are much more successful than them, since it is important for them to take the palm everywhere.

Good contact and compatibility is possible with fire signs, as well as Gemini and Libra. With Taurus, Cancer and Pisces, communication is the most difficult.

It is Libra who can become an interesting interlocutor and friend. They are ready to sacrifice a lot for a friend and help in difficult times. However, they are not always ready to maintain contact with various signs of the zodiac. They often get depressed, so communication, change of events and vivid impressions are very important for them.

Ideal compatibility is possible in friendship with representatives of the air element, as well as Leo. Least of all points of contact with Cancer and Virgo.

As a rule, Gemini can have a lot of friends. However, in friendship they are superficial and can safely forget their friends for the sake of new acquaintances. It is always interesting to communicate with this sign of the zodiac, he is quite inventive in stories and has a good imagination. If necessary, Gemini is very quickly able to re-establish contact with an old friend and get the desired help.

Gemini has good friendship compatibility with fire signs, as well as Libra and Aquarius. The least strong ties hold him together with Pisces and Virgo.

“An interesting fact is that it is Aquarius who can become an ideal friend! There is always something to talk about and discuss with him. This person is very generous and, if necessary, is ready to lend a helping hand. In fact, all signs of the zodiac, having made friends with him, will not find a better companion. To the extent of his sociability, he is friends with many, however, he does not trust everyone. Aquarius knows how to keep other people's secrets and expects the same from the rest. Compatible in friendship with many.

He has a strained relationship with water and earth constellations. The strongest ties and the best compatibility in friendship with this constellation arises with representatives of the elements Air and Fire.

Pisces can become reliable friends. They do not crave to have many friends (friends), so for friendship they choose one person they can trust. They are ready to lend a helping hand at a difficult moment, but they expect the same in return. Their weak side is the statement and gullibility. They do not think about who can tell the facts about their lives, and to whom it is better to remain silent.

With earthly constellations, Pisces has good compatibility in friendship. They are also able to establish strong ties with such zodiac signs as Scorpio and Cancer. It is very difficult for them to build friendship with Aquarius and Gemini, due to poor compatibility.

Most often, Cancers do not have many associates. One or two friends are enough for them. They know how to keep secrets and provide a shoulder of support in difficult moments. They are not in a hurry to open their souls to others, they are very secretive. Most compatible with independent and sociable people. Rich friends and their social circle attract Cancers.

This sign of the zodiac may have different relationships with different people:

  • they have good compatibility in friendship with water and earth signs of the zodiac;
  • it is better for them to refuse to communicate with such constellations as Aries, Leo and Aquarius;
  • friendly contact with Cancers will develop with the same zodiac sign and Capricorns.

Maintaining contact with Scorpions is very difficult. They are quite envious and mercantile. However, having chosen one or two people to communicate, this zodiac sign is ready to maintain close ties for many years. In difficult situations, you can always rely on him. For close friends, this constellation is ready to “turn mountains”. The main advantage of Scorpios is the ability to keep secrets and not to dedicate strangers to unnecessary things.

Scorpio is worth counting on strong friendship and good compatibility with Cancer, Virgo and Capricorn. The worst option for communication for him will be: Aries, Leo, Libra.

It is characterized by a constant state of celebration and fun. Taurus knows how to make friends and is ready to help in a difficult situation. Easily compatible with people who have the same good taste as he does. Visiting a good concert or an interesting place is considered an ordinary pastime for them. Most of all, people with a high position in society and good material wealth are valued. The negative sides of the earth sign of the zodiac include touchiness and impatience.

Those signs of the zodiac, whose compatibility in friendship with Taurus is ideal, will receive a reliable companion in their role. They have the strongest friendships and good compatibility with Capricorns, Sagittarius and Virgos. They should refuse contacts with Gemini, Leo and Aquarius.

Very rarely do Virgos have true friends. They are quite closed and suspicious. In the case when they manage to establish contact with others, they are able to begin to trust people. In all difficult situations, Virgos are used to relying on themselves and their talents. They will become ideal interlocutors for those with whom they have similar interests. Representatives of the elements Earth value people with their own opinions and their own beliefs. If they are once betrayed, then it is no longer worth counting on a second chance.

Compatibility in friendship with this zodiac sign is great with earthly representatives of the zodiac constellations, as well as Sagittarius and Scorpio. You should not count on close contact with the constellation with Aries and Gemini.

Such a sign of the zodiac as Capricorn is able to do without friends due to his incredulity. In the case when he has a desire to make friends, it will be very easy for him. A person born during this period does not have many friends, however, if they do exist, then Capricorns behave with dignity with them. They are quite generous and selfless people. Lending a helping hand and comforting them at a difficult moment is not a problem for them. The negative qualities of the constellation include the inability to trust people and suspicion. In some cases, they can use people.

This zodiac sign can count on close ties and good compatibility with those who belong to the earth and water elements. With Gemini, Leo and Sagittarius, it is better for Capricorn to limit communication if possible, since nothing good will come of it.

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In the character of the people of these signs of the Zodiac there are features that bring them together and move them away from each other, so compatibility between Pisces and Cancers can be quite good - provided that both contribute to mutual understanding. Both signs have similar habits, feelings and emotions are of great importance in their lives, but Cancers, despite all their emotionality, are still less dreamy than Pisces and stand more firmly on the ground. In this combination, absolute fidelity to each other cannot be expected from both partners. They look at the material side of life differently, which also does not bring them together at all. The horoscope does not consider this combination to be successful, but with some effort, everything can work out.

Compatibility Chart for Pisces and Cancer

Zodiac signs Compatibility Love Communication
Pisces and Cancer High High High

Pisces and Cancer Compatibility in Love and Marriage

When Pisces and Cancer are together, they are accompanied by a harmonious melody of vibration. With the exception of those cases when the luminaries or planets in their horoscopes are in difficult aspects, most Cancer-Pisces unions develop successfully. Sometimes they understand each other better than anyone else, and, of course, much better than others understand them - these three. Yes, there are not two of them, but three (Pisces is a dual sign, its symbol is two fish), and they are equally secretive, sensitive, changeable and fickle. The mood of Pisces is governed by the ebb and flow of feelings, and they wax and wane, repeating the ebb and flow of the ocean.

Trying to determine the mood of Pisces at any given moment is like trying to determine the color of mother-of-pearl. As soon as you think that you have found an exact definition for it, something in it flashes, and it changes. Since the fantasies of Pisces mysteriously depend on the ebb and flow, it can be said that they are also influenced by the Moon, although they are people of Neptune.

The Moon influences Cancers not so indirectly, therefore they are more predictable. Pisces can predict the mood of a Crab just by looking at the moon phases on the calendar, but Cancer will have a hard time if he decides to plot the mood changes of a Pisces friend, business partner, relative, lover or spouse. Their relationship is an exciting game full of mysteries. This combination is favorable, but it is not capable of guaranteeing full and permanent compatibility. From time to time, conflicts may arise that require some compromise, and this depends not only on the possible negative aspects of the Sun-Moon between their birth charts, but also on some individual qualities of their still different natures.

When these two Water signs touch the topic of money, huge waves rise in their relationship. Pisces most often think of money as an unfortunate inevitability, as an evil that must be dealt with at the lowest cost, and, having got off, forget about everything until the next time. People ruled by Neptune are usually careless with cash, rarely frugal and not very interested in saving money, counting and hiding, taking into account any income, profits, losses and the like. All this is such an uncreative, prosaic and frankly boring exercise!

Cancers, on the other hand, treat financial matters with reverence and reverence. For a typical Cancer, the ringing of coins is pleasant music, the rustle of unfolded banknotes (or shares) is almost a symphony. Crabs are very aware of the intricacies of mutual benefit and may even try to inject these theories into the dreamy mind of Pisces - albeit with little success. Caution and thrift - this is the slogan of the Crab. This motto is supported by an unconscious fear of poverty, giving rise to strange and funny habits in some "lunar" people.

If caution and frugality are the slogan of the Crab, then negligence and generosity (sometimes exorbitant) is the motto of Pisces (with the exception of those rare children of Neptune, in whose horoscopes the influence of Cancer, Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn is clearly felt). They think about caution only when it comes to personal safety, and they want to live in such a way that they are not disturbed, but they are not going to disturb others either. “Live and let live” is so similar to the Aquarian beliefs, but maybe more explicitly. Pisces will not teach others to live, although this does not mean that they are not interested in someone else's life. They are known to be a bit curious. Of course, they will not spy or find out something on purpose, but the gossip that floats past their ears is clearly interesting to them.

Cancers, both men and women, are possessive of others and try to mold others into what they like. They take pleasure in poking their nose into other people's secrets, but keep their own secrets behind seven seals. They manage to find out what you're thinking, subtly, but when you try to figure out what they're thinking, they close their shells so you're unlikely to get anything out of them. However, Pisces, like Scorpio, sometimes succeeds. This is because Pisces is such a sympathetic and attentive listener, and no one has as many fears, haunting memories, both beautiful and sad dreams and trembling hopes as Cancer.

He just has no one to pour his soul to. But how joyful it is when you have a listener who really knows how it is when you feel so acutely that you are not loved, and you are so lonely and unreliable. There is someone who will unselfishly rejoice at your successes and victories, who will empathize with your failures and disappointments. What a sweet relief! The humility and kindness of Pisces will also overflow until all the energy of Neptune (weak and insignificant) dries up. Usually, Pisces does not pretend to be interested in the secrets of the Crab - this is not a simple courtesy, but genuine interest and real participation, and, perhaps, no one will appreciate this more sincerely than the grateful Crab touched by attention and sympathy.

One of the main dangers of these seemingly fertile relationships (apart from conflicts over money) is their addictions. A less dangerous departure from reality is also quite possible - into dreams, into the unreality of life, into self-deception that it is better to put everything off until later. The seductive alluring pleasures of the flesh can lure the Crab and Fish so deep that the waves close over their heads, so they must be constantly on the alert. It will be better if these two remain at a healthy distance from experiments with black magic, hypnosis, séances and other out-of-the-ordinary occult sciences, because the joint vibrations of the signs of Water too easily carry them into deceptively exciting matters, which sometimes turns into a tragedy.

Cancer loves the house and the hearth, and Pisces tends to be more wanderlust. But it happens that the Crabs are fascinated by a distant glow, and they crawl out to explore it, and are lost among the sand dunes, unable to find their way back to the hearth. When this happens, even the moon seems to frown, refusing to light the dangerous path until the lone wandering Crab truly repents. Why does he need this nomadic life, when there is a cozy house, familiar aromas of yesterday, old friends and neighbors? And also mom...

Sometimes the Crab falls for the lure of ambition. The opportunity to make a huge fortune tempts many Crabs to travel far from their fireplace and from the apple tree in the yard. But their hearts refuse to follow their bodies, and long, disturbing dreams stubbornly call them back home. Pisces doesn't have that sentimental attachment to home. The house gives a feeling of cozy security, and it's so nice! But at the slightest opportunity, Pisces are ready to swim upstream to another lake or even into the ocean, and for their creative imagination, this is better than the boring monotony and monotony of life.

Crab and Fish can go on a trip together, and it will give them pleasure. Then the heart of Cancer will begin to pull the "lunar" personality home, especially at night and during the full moon. The fish may return - for the sake of their Crab friend - but reluctantly. For the people of Neptune, change is what life is made of. Pisces are full of imagination, but the problems of others or earthly responsibilities often make them put their dreams aside and dust them off in anticipation of that magical morning when everything can finally be realized!

Adherents of astrology can often determine a person's belonging to a zodiac sign with just a little conversation with him. Horoscopic affiliation dictates to any of us one or another line of behavior, affects character traits and even appearance. In some countries, before marriage, it is customary to contact a professional astrologer to find out if people are suitable for each other, and what awaits their union in the future. What, for example, is the prospect for the relationship between Cancer and Pisces? What does astrology say about this?

Characteristics of signs

Astrologers they believe that the interaction of such zodiac signs as Cancer and Pisces is at a sufficient level, since they are controlled by a common element. Water gives them high emotionality, sentimentality, promotes the manifestation of intuition.

Although Cancer is considered more rational, because he leans more firmly on the ground. Quarrels and conflicts between them break out infrequently and are quickly resolved. Divorces in such couples are quite rare.


Cancers are very sensitive natures, this gives them the ability to understand people well, but makes them vulnerable themselves. The nervous system of these individuals is susceptible, they may suffer psychological crises and breakdowns. Representatives of the Cancer sign are prone to mysticism and everything mysterious. Pretty goal-oriented people who want and know how to achieve what they want. By themselves, they are very secretive, rarely open their souls to anyone. They love to indulge in memories, appreciate the warmth of the family hearth. The following traits intertwined in the character of Cancers:

  • conservatism;
  • vulnerability;
  • indecision;
  • mystery;
  • emotionality.

Cancers are vindictive, they carry their resentment in their souls for a long time. Many of them are prone to secret revenge. But people of this sign do not enter into open confrontation. They do not like change, they tend to maintain an established lifestyle and habits once and for all. They always defend their point of view to the end, they can agree with the opponent for appearances, but in their hearts they will be sure that they are right. Cancers in the zodiac are quite capricious and can throw a tantrum out of the blue.


These people are mysterious intuitions. Some representatives of the sign may have superpowers, for example, to foresee future events. They are easy to touch and evoke their sympathy. Pisces try to avoid any negativity, they are already prone to depression and apathy. In critical situations, they can be mobilized, as they have an inner core. These individuals love material wealth, but calmly endure temporary financial difficulties.

The main character traits of Pisces include:

  • the ability to empathize;
  • mystery;
  • secrecy;
  • sensitivity;
  • daydreaming;
  • wit;
  • depression.

Pisces easily adopt someone else's mood and become infected with pessimism, so they prefer to communicate with positive people. Often they are in a dreamy mood, headlong into the world of dreams. People of this sign do not always keep their word, they can avoid responsibility. Pisces are reputed to be liars and do not know how to keep other people's secrets. They are often characterized as slippery people.

Interaction of signs

Astrologers evaluate overall compatibility Crayfish and Pisces how good. Belonging to the same element, these people easily guess the mood and thoughts of each other. The difference is that the actions of Cancers depend on the phase of the moon, and Pisces often act spontaneously. The increased emotionality and sensuality of both signs, as well as their developed intuition, contribute to excellent mutual understanding. Cancer appreciates in Pisces the ability to show their sympathy at the right time.

There will be no clear leader in the relationship. Pisces will take over the right to act in critical situations, the management of daily affairs will be entrusted to Cancer, so we can say that they complement each other. These people get along well in general, but they also have disagreements. They both feel the vulnerability of a partner, but Cancer often violates boundaries, trying to invade someone else's personal space - friction is possible on this basis.

Pisces, on the other hand, often infuriate their counterpart with their daydreaming and inactivity. These people have different attitudes towards financial issues. In Pisces, money goes through their fingers, they do not value them. Cancer, in order to feel confident, always needs to have a margin. If serious problems arise in a relationship, difficulties can arise, as both signs avoid responsibility.

The level of their interaction is also affected by the horoscope by year of birth. Tiger, Dragon and Horse make these zodiac representatives courageous and strong, but can lead to rivalry. Monkey, Rat and Rooster are sure to cause conflicts. The goat will make its representative even more vulnerable, which will upset the balance in the pair. If people were born in the year of the Rabbit, Boar, Snake and Dog, compatibility will not suffer. In the business sphere, it is better if Cancer is the boss.

Cancer woman and Pisces man

Relations in such a pair become stronger as they get closer. It is easy for them to find a compromise.

Sometimes a couple is created from former opponents. Their attraction has literally magical power, even if they fail to create a marriage union, they will maintain a warm relationship, appreciating the spiritual closeness that exists between them.

Cancer man and Pisces woman

In such a pair, the Cancer man will suppress the Pisces woman.. If they have a superficial relationship, it's not scary. But at work and in the family, serious disharmony can arise between representatives of these signs.

At first, both may have the illusion of a pleasant and easy relationship. Over time, their general similarity will seem false to both.

Compatibility in bed

For a Cancer man, trust plays an important role in bed. Only by experiencing this feeling for his partner, he will be able to fully open up and realize his fantasy. By itself, Cancer is prone to promiscuity, especially if love has not come into his life. With age, such men settle down. They love to dominate in bed. He tries to please the woman, but does it not for her, but to feel like the best lover.

Cancer loves foreplay, role playing and compliments. It is better not to share information with them about previous partners, these men are jealous and will take revelations painfully. They should not make any comments in bed either. Criticism will make cancer closed, and even contribute to its departure.

Girl Cancer in sex always gives her partner her tenderness. With her beloved, she is not shy and is ready for any caresses. Confidence that the partner is faithful to her will help her to completely liberate herself. A romantic date in a cozy restaurant or a candlelit dinner can put such girls in close proximity. A little good wine will help loosen up.

Intimate relationships play an important, but far from the main role for such girls. Her goal will always be to create long lasting relationships and marriages. She is sincere in bed, but a man will have to take the first step to help her give herself completely. Cancer woman likes foreplay, kissing, touching. In a relationship, these are very faithful partners.

The Scorpio man starts having sex early, so he has a good set of tricks to help please his lover. All their external coldness melts after the first kiss. Their desire to bring a woman to ecstasy directly depends on the strength of feelings. The girl she likes, Scorpio will pursue until she gets her way.

Few people can resist the people of this sign. In bed, such men are passionate leaders, but tough experiments are carried out only with the consent of the partner. Sex for Scorpions means a lot, if he finds the perfect girl for himself in bed, he can stay with her for a long time.

Scorpio woman has a whole arsenal of means of seduction. There is passion and magnetism in her, but she chooses her partner carefully and only shows her real self to him. She remains faithful to her chosen one, because the one whom she has been waiting for so long has already been found. These girls in bed are able to sensitively adjust to their partner. She is able to drive any man crazy with her caresses and the embodiment of his fantasies.

But these people are quite demanding. If the lover does not give her what she needs, she will part with him without regret. The disadvantages include her irrepressible jealousy. These women are able to see signs of infidelity out of the blue. The partner of such a lady must necessarily be smart, a primitive man will have no chance.

Attention, only TODAY!

Crayfish and Pisces were born under the element of water, and are similar in many ways. Water guys are emotional, sensitive, and easily amenable to mood changes. However, despite the fact that the guys have the same element, the water of Pisces and Cancers is different. Crayfish water is often in a state of steam, energetic and tireless, able to overcome any obstacles. And the water of Pisces is usually underground, it is able to penetrate anywhere, flood and win.
Cancers are patronized by the beautiful and distant sorceress Luna, who is responsible for the emotions of her wards and influences their mood. Pisces are the pets of Neptune, the Roman god of the seas, who tells his beloved pets how to be a person and act in difficult situations.
Cancers, born in the summer months, are gentle and vulnerable, strange and mysterious, they depend on the phases of their patroness of the Moon, and quite often fall into melancholy. Pisces are winter-spring creatures, they are endowed with the need to love everyone, and therefore Neptune's pets are the happiest of the other signs of the zodiac, they often laugh and smile, although they also have periods of depression. Both Cancers and Pisces are prone to mysticism, water guys see through the people around them, and easily read their thoughts.

The union of Cancers and Pisces can be favorable, and the compatibility of water guys is often ideal, wise astrologers say. The stars joyfully sit in the sky, and affectionately watch the pets of the Moon and Neptune - what will they get?

Cancer woman and Pisces man

The Cancer girl is affectionate and shy, charming and capricious. The girl of water loves to dream about the future, she is capable of occult sciences, even in a crib her parents found baby Cancer with fortune-telling cards. The pet of the Moon has a delicate nervous system and a well-developed intuition - a person has not yet been born who is able to circle the girl of Cancer around her finger. The lady of water spends a lot of effort to seem independent - Cancer has many admirers, but they are embarrassed to come closer than a meter. Although in fact, the Cancer woman is soft and kind, and very vulnerable, like a hothouse flower. As a wife, the ward of the Moon is excellent, but Cancer is a terrible owner, and will forgive her husband everything except treason.

Boy Pisces is a dreamer and a romantic. The Pisces guy has a well-developed sixth sense - he not only predicts the future by the hand, it is enough for Neptune's pet to look a person in the eye. From birth, the handsome aquatic man knows which girl he will choose - it was not for nothing that he carefully examined female babies while still in the maternity hospital. The fish boy is shy, he prefers the woman to choose him herself - thousands of ladies are happy to go to the registry office with the water guy, but Neptune's ward will entrust the final decision to his heart. The fish is susceptible to the phases of the moon - on the full moon, the water boy is ready to move mountains, and when a new moon is born, he becomes lethargic and lethargic. A husband from a water guy will turn out to be excellent, but the wife must remember that her husband, although Pisces according to the horoscope, prefers to play the role of a cat in life, which in itself - Neptune's pet does not tolerate encroachments on its freedom.


Cancer girl is not a fan of parties and social events. It is pleasant for her to be at home, lounging on the sofa, and sorting through a collection of coins, or stamps. The Pisces guy will also prefer his favorite rocking chair, instead of rocking out at a fashionable party. However, water guys also adore walks, and the stars decided to organize their meeting somewhere on the river bank, for reliability.

The Cancer girl will stand thoughtfully at her beloved tree, bending its branches over the river, touching the foliage, and remembering her unsuccessful novels. The Pisces man has been watching a beautiful stranger for a long time, and is looking for original phrases to strike the beauty with his wit.
As soon as the girl Raku turns around and meets the gaze of the guy Pisces, a terrible storm will begin on the river right there, vacationers will rush to run to their cars, and even avid fishermen will try to swim faster to the other side. Only the water guys will stay in place, and will be ready to stand by the tree at least until the next morning, as if in some kind of series where love pierces a guy and a girl at the first moment of the meeting.

Pisces will be the first to come to their senses, and will definitely read something from Pushkin or Lermontov for the Cancer lady. And the pet of the Moon will think only of one thing: how good it is that she did not stay at home, and fate itself led her to this mysterious place. But then Cupid fell from the tree, his legs and wings were already numb, and advised the water guys to go home and get ready for the first date.


The Pisces boy will regret that he made an appointment with Lady Cancer only in a week, because these days of waiting seemed like an eternity to him. But the Cancer girl managed everything - she ran around the best dressmakers, rolled up to the most fashionable stylist, lost ten kilograms, and was ready for the meeting one hundred percent.
The Pisces guy will turn on not only his imagination, he will also ask his friends to help organize a date. In general, everything will be great. The tree, where the water children met, Fish will decorate with garlands and lanterns, and even enclose it with a carved fence, and put a patterned arbor next to it.

Then the Pisces guy will run to the dry cleaners with his many suits, but still not satisfied with the result, and will tear all the jackets and shirts into small strips. Fortunately, one of the friends of Neptune's pet has recently recovered greatly, and gave Pisces an almost new chic suit, in which it is not a shame to go to an appointment with the minister. When the girl Rak came to the meeting, even local fishermen fell into the river from admiration, scattering all their catch. What can we say about the guy Pisces - he just froze in amazement and completely forgot his prepared fiery speech.
Then everything was like in a kind children's fairy tale - the water doves cooed cutely in the gazebo until late at night, shared stories from their lives, and only when the moon appeared in the sky, Pisces plucked up courage and invited the Cancer girl to his home.


Water children will decide to live together right away. The Cancer girl will insist on settling in a tent near her favorite tree, but the Pisces guy, although he often hovers in the clouds, in this case will be adamant and invite Madame Cancer to his home. Even such words as Harmonious and Ideal are not suitable to describe the relationship of water guys. In bed, lovers will have one hundred percent compatibility, and all past novels and relationships will seem to the pets of the Moon and Neptune a pathetic parody of love.

Legends have long been made up about the tree near which water lovers met, and many couples have managed to hang locks there as symbols of eternal love and fidelity. Cheerful Cupid, finally, became happy and gathered his beloved Cupids to go on a well-deserved vacation.
The Cancer girl will surround the Pisces guy with tenderness and affection, she will wash his shirts every day and iron handkerchiefs. The pet of Neptune himself will go daily to jewelry stores and flower shops - on the bed of the lady of Cancer there will always be fresh daisies and exquisite jewelry. All local storytellers will beg Pisces and Cancer to tell about their love - the world has never heard so many beautiful and amazing stories.


The Cancer girl hid her jealousy for more than a month, but then she realized that fighting with herself was a thankless task, and the green-eyed monster broke out. Pisces boy wasn't too worried when he caught Cancer girl looking at messages on his page. When the Moon's pet snatched the phone from Pisces, as soon as someone called him, Neptune's pet became worried. And when the water guy, sitting in his office, saw a strange lady in dark glasses outside the window of the fifth floor, who pretended to wash the glass, and recognized the Cancer girl in her, he realized that something had to be done!
On the day when the water jealousy threw the first tantrum to the Pisces guy, the neighbors thought that other people had moved into the lovers' apartment, because the sweet and charming girl Cancer simply cannot scream like that. But when the boy Fish jumped out of the house, and services, flowers, and shirts flew out of the window, the tenants realized that it was bad!

For a week, Neptune's pet lived in a friend's apartment, complaining, and washing down his grief with champagne. And the ward of the Moon was already almost gray-haired from the thought that Pisces had abandoned her, got all her relatives and friends, and they came up with a plan to reconcile the lovers. Yes, and Cupid was urgently called from the resort, and he even forgot his quiver, fortunately, the love potion is always with him. The Pisces guy realized that he would not be able to live another day without his capricious lover, came to the apartment of the Cancer girl, and promised that he would never even look at the beauties in his life, would not greet the old women on the benches, if only the water jealous would not worry .


The wedding of aquatic newlyweds will be held on an extraordinary scale. Cupid will replace both the registrar and the toastmaster, so long as everything goes smoothly, without a hitch. The Cancer girl will be the most charming bride in the last century. The Pisces boy decides to go to the wedding blindfolded so as not to accidentally look at some beauty. But the Cancer bride will assure the Pisces groom that she will try to restrain herself and not pull out the hair of the female guests.

To celebrate the ceremony, the guys will rush to the place of their acquaintance. In addition, storks have already settled on a famous tree, and they are only waiting for commands.
Charming wife Cancer will be charming, Pisces will never find her in a washed dressing gown, or in holey shorts. Even when the water lady becomes a mother, she will monitor her appearance, to say nothing of the children - the world has never seen such clean peanuts. Father Pisces will idolize his children, and will fulfill their every desire. In general, children with water spouses will be happy and satisfied with life. Cancer wife and Pisces husband will learn to compromise together and will enjoy family life, celebrating each anniversary at the same tree, where couples roam in droves and declare their love to each other.


The Cancer girl is unusually tactful and delicate, she is attentive to others, although she does not like big companies. Pisces boy is very kind and sweet, he is always ready to come running to the aid of anyone who needs it. However, the water boy often lives in a world of dreams, he can forget himself and go for a walk barefoot.

It was then that the Cancer girl will offer her friendship to the water boy. She will take out the shoes of the Pisces guy, and carefully put them on his legs.
The Cancer girl decides to take care of the water guy all her life, and the Pisces will be grateful to her for this. Friends will be happy next to each other - water buddies love a quiet and peaceful environment. The Cancer girl will surprise the Rybka guy with mysterious stories, and the Neptune pet will often make the Moon's ward laugh, especially when Cancer falls into another depression.

Water friends may not talk at all, even being in different cities, Pisces and Cancer will be able to read each other's thoughts - they don't even need the Internet for correspondence. Why be surprised when the Cancer girl sits in sadness and alone, as the restless boy Pisces, who has rushed thousands of kilometers away, just to support his beloved girlfriend, will ring at the door. With age, friends will build a nursing home themselves, and will live there together with all the amenities, sometimes taking old guests from their element.


Boy Pisces is extraordinarily talented, he often looks for himself in the field of art and, with a good combination of circumstances, can achieve incredible results. Lady Cancer is smart and always strives to win, but often underestimates herself.

By joining forces, the water guys can succeed in any area - the intuition of the pets of the Moon and Neptune just rolls over, and Cancer and Pisces will not miss a single profitable deal. The guys from the water team, if desired, could not work - it is enough for the girl Cancer to turn on the gift of clairvoyance, and for the guy Pisces to tell fortunes by the hand. And it's in the bag - all the money in the world is in the pockets of the water boys. But the fact is that the pets of Neptune and the Moon are unusually fair and honest, and will not be able to cool off while other people work hard from eight to five. In addition, water children are not interested in money in itself - the process and the desire for success are important to them. Pisces and Cancer, of course, will have competitors, but after a couple of deals carried out by water businessmen, all opponents will evaporate, in all directions.

The stars advise Cancer and Pisces to invite an energetic Leo to their team - by the elements, the fire sign is not very suitable for water guys, but this is also interesting. Water guys can soar in the clouds as much as they like, while honest Lyova keeps accounts and signs contracts.

Cancer man and Pisces woman

The Cancer guy is gentle and sensitive, dreamy and sentimental. The moon affects the sensory world of its ward, which is why Cancer seems strange to others, and many spend decades, but still cannot understand the water guy. Cancer strikes people with its amazing intuition, and even acquaintances are completely afraid to talk about his gift of clairvoyance - all of a sudden, the water sorcerer will feel that it is about him and apply his magic. Girls adore the Cancer guy - he is kind and caring, and always gives tips on how to act in difficult situations. But Cancer as a friend does not suit the ladies - they want to drag the handsome water man to the registry office. However, this is not so simple - the Moon's pet chooses his wife for a long time and carefully, and one hundred percent that Cancer's spouse will not be an ugly woman, or a simpleton. He marries at least the English queen.

Pisces woman is a luxurious and beautiful, charming and sensual mermaid. The water lady attracts men, and they fly to the light, ready to disappear for the sake of one Pisces smile. This mystical beauty has a fatal power over men - Pisces could bewitch any guy who meets on her way, but the water lady does not use her gift. She, like all women, is looking for true love, and finds it, thanks to her sixth sense. The husband of the Pisces woman will be in seventh heaven with happiness, the water wife will not allow him to go down from there - she will bring a three-course dinner and please her in bed. True, Rybka herself also loves a comfortable life, and is not averse to swimming in a private pool while her husband prepares fresh orange juice.


Water guys are not fans of fashionable parties, and going out. But the boy Cancer and the girl Pisces sometimes go out of their comfort zone to, for example, stock up on groceries, or walk out new outfits. The stars decided not to philosophize, and arranged a meeting for the pets of the Moon and Neptune in a cafe. The Rybka girl just ran out of coffee, and she decided to arrange a little holiday for herself by drinking a cup of fragrant drink and treating herself to a cherry cake.

The Cancer guy entered the cafe solely for one purpose - to exchange a large bill. While the administrator was running around the employees and looking for money, Cancer absently glanced at the pretty visitors. But when he saw the girl Rybka, there was no trace of boredom - the water Don Juan immediately ordered coffee for himself and settled down at the next table. The Pisces girl noticed the Cancer guy for a long time, she just pretended to be absorbed in studying the messages on the phone, but no, no, she cast an interested look at the cute boy. Luna's pet could not stand it, and with a modest smile sat down at the table with Neptune's ward. The waiters' trays immediately flew to the floor, the visitors jumped up from their seats in a panic, as they thought that an earthquake had begun. Only one strange old man with a quiver remained calmly sitting in the corner of the cafe - he already knows what the matter is, besides, Cupid managed to conjure over the coffee of the water guys.


Acquaintance will gradually develop into a date, the stars are sure of this. The water guys will part only for an hour, so that the Rybka girl has time to change clothes. While Pisces is running home, Cancer will call all his friends, and in a minute there will be a cabriolet, or a carriage, in front of which beautiful white-maned horses will beat with their hooves. But when Lady Fish swims out of the entrance, even the horses faint - she will be so good. The neighbors will lean out of the windows, and the kids will immediately start screaming: the bride and groom.

Cancer will arrange for his new friend a chic walk around the city at night. A water romantic will certainly invite Pisces to the river, where, against the backdrop of a moonlit path and reflecting trees, Cancer will quote great poets and surprise Rybka with his education. The date will end in Cancer's apartment - by that time, the water guys will feel like they've known each other for a thousand years. And when the Pisces girl sees the same records that she listens to at the Cancer boyfriend's house, notices the same books that she likes to read, the last doubts will disappear. This is love, the same one to which the water guys have been going all their lives. Well, when Rybka tastes the dishes that Cancer will cook in a couple of minutes, it will seem to the water lady that she has already been here, and of course, the cute and impressionable water romantic Cancer will feel the same.


Both Pisces and Cancer are simply born for love, and it would be strange if the water guys did not experience this magical feeling towards each other. The Pisces girl, until the moment she met Cancer, lived in anticipation of a miracle, and hoped that there was a man in the world who would do a beautiful banality for her sake - sprinkle the bed with rose petals. From the first meeting, the Cancer guy guessed about this sweet desire of Rybka - he will buy 999 roses, and shower not only the bed, but the whole apartment.

Cupid knew perfectly well that in bed the water guys would be perfect for each other, but just in case, he soaked all the thorns of roses with a love infusion. Cancer man and Pisces woman will forget about sleep and food, about work and relatives - indeed, can something like this exist in seventh heaven?

The dreamy and languid girl Pisces will drive Cancer crazy - the water boy will be ready for any madness for the sake of a beautiful lover. The fish herself lost her head, though she will notice this only when she sugars the soup and salts the coffee. But lovers eat cabbage soup and drink coffee - after all, they have not had poppy dew in their mouths for a week. For the time of love euphoria, Cancer will take an indefinite vacation - after all, the water boy is sure that this idyll will last forever.


But Cancer was mistaken about endless harmonious relationships, it’s still difficult to create heaven on earth, and the pet of the Moon will spoil everything. Well, of course - the water owner will begin to be jealous of the beautiful mermaid, and will ruffle her nerves. Pisces will endure Cancer's chicanery for a couple of days, but when the Moon's pet breaks the door of a handsome neighbor and challenges the poor boy to a duel, the Pisces girl will not stand it.

The water lady will set a condition for Cancer - either trust, or it's time to scatter. Poor Cancer will rush to swallow motherwort and valerian, sign up for trainings, but learn to control himself - still, for the sake of the Pisces sorceress, you can’t make such sacrifices. The whims of the girl Rybka will make you laugh and touch the boy Cancer - even at three in the morning he will be ready to break for edelweiss, or for fresh strawberries, if only Rybka does not whimper.

Neptune's pet, while Cancer is at work, will have time to meet her friends and talk about her unearthly happiness. Rybka's friends can no longer think about anything, just to get to know Cancer and understand who makes their water friend so blown away? One day, the Cancer guy will find the Pisces in sadness, and without thinking twice, he will rush to the jewelry store. Fish has never seen such a sweet and touching marriage proposal in any melodrama, and of course, she will immediately burst into tears and agree.


The gentle girl Rybka will insist on getting married somewhere in the mountains, and preferably in winter - the surrounding landscape should be as pure and majestic as the unearthly feeling of water lovers. The groom Cancer will be magnificent - he will never be jealous of his water bride for the toastmaster, and he will look condescendingly at the male guests. True, during the ceremony, the bride Rybka will be lost a couple of times - she merges too much in her snow-white dress with sparkling snowdrifts. Water spouses will enjoy the idyll for a couple of years in a row, because they will often visit the cafe in which they met, and there, as before, the stubborn Cupid is still sitting.

Quarrels in an aquatic family can start solely from monotony, but the stars have already called the storks, and the birds are about to look into the house of Cancer and Rybka. There will be no time to be bored and sad with the birth of children - the world has never seen such restless parents as mother and father of water. Pediatric doctors will hide as soon as they see Mommy Rybka, hurrying to an appointment with a maliciously smiling baby. And the teachers will climb the tree when dad Cancer comes to the kindergarten for his children - the water father again invented something, and now all the children will enthusiastically take part in crazy pranks! The stars are sincerely happy for the happy union of the husband of Cancer and the wife of Pisces - it turns out that arranging a Paradise life is quite real.


Girly Pisces is a quiet and peaceful baby, she often dreams and does not notice those around her. The boy Cancer is attentive and caring, kind and sensitive, however, he often hovers in the clouds and does not see what is under his feet. Children of the water can meet very simply - they will collide foreheads in the locker room of the kindergarten, and will be delighted to watch the stars that fell from the blow.

Pets of the Moon and Neptune are unusually sensitive to the mood of others - and they will read each other like open books. But this will not prevent the water guys from making friends - an amazing relationship of souls, and the similarity in characters will first strike Cancer and Fish, and then the water creatures will understand - fate has connected them forever.

The Cancer boy will often surprise his sweet girlfriend by arranging miracles and fairy tales for Rybka. Either a water romantic brought chamomile to a friend in the middle of winter, or he put a touching heart-shaped pillow in her briefcase. People around will naively believe that Cancer and Pisces will get married. Only water guys know that the oath of eternal friendship cannot be broken, and some marriage bonds are not able to deprive them of this gift. With age, the friendship of water guys will be even stronger. Old Man Cancer and Granny Fish will constantly wander arm in arm, visit their grandchildren, and make them laugh with their stories from their turbulent youth.


The Cancer man is neat and hardworking, persistent and honest. Sometimes Cancer gets depressed - at these moments, the water guy does not care who is standing next to him: the boss, or the technician. Everyone will get it, even if the President of America runs past the sad Cancer, he will also hear a couple of “compliments” addressed to him.

The Pisces girl is surprisingly delicate in nature, the water lady is smart, educated and unusually artistic. If she is next to Cancer when he looks melancholy out the window, then Rybka will instantly play the role of an excellent psychologist, and there will be no trace of Cancer's sadness. Water guys should try themselves as entrepreneurs - the stars are sure that the union can be interesting and quite promising.
Both the Pisces girl and the Cancer guy have amazing intuition, they know all the ins and outs of competitors, but what can I say - water sorcerers can tell business opponents about the secret desires of each of them, and about childhood dreams, when businessmen were still kids and ran under table in yellow and blue pants.

In general, all the competitors of the pets of Neptune and the Moon have long retrained as shoemakers or tailors, just not to deal with big money. After all, where there is wealth, there is a Cancer guy with a Pisces girl - there is no doubt about that.