Which dental implants are best to get: types, ratings and comparisons from different manufacturers - Israel, Switzerland and others. What are the best dental implants? The best dental implants

Implantation is a method of restoring lost teeth. Constructions allow you to return a tooth without affecting the surrounding teeth. There is no official classification of systems, but they have properties by which they can be grouped. In addition, designs are produced by different manufacturers. Which companies produce the best dental implants, and what criteria should you use to choose them? We will talk about this in this publication.

Selection criteria

An implant is a cone-shaped or cylindrical pin made of titanium or its alloy. Luxury brands produce structures made of zirconium oxide. Why does one artificial root cost 15 thousand rubles, and another 60,000?

Survival rate

The main criterion by which the reliability of the system is determined. Reputable brands guarantee a rate of 97%, some brands 99-100%.

Titanium structures are better compatible with the tissues of the human body than other types. However, titanium alone is not enough for excellent results. For better engraftment of the system, the structure is coated with titanium oxide or phosphate.

Luxury brands produce pins made of zirconium dioxide. They have an aesthetic advantage, because... implants are light in color. Thanks to this, they do not show through the gums. However, they are more difficult to work with and osseointegration is more difficult. Used for allergies to titanium.

The shape of the implant plays no less a role than the composition. There are several types.

Root-like. Peculiarities

  • used for severe bone atrophy due to long-term absence of teeth;
  • preliminary bone augmentation is required;
  • have a high rate of osseointegration (up to 98%).

Lamellar. Peculiarities

  • have the form of flat wide perforated plates;
  • implantation is carried out without bone augmentation;
  • high invasiveness during installation;
  • are used only in cases where the bone is so narrow that installation of root-like structures is impossible.

Mini implants. Peculiarities

  • 4 times smaller in size than classic models, which allows teeth to be restored for patients for whom standard implants are not possible;
  • rapid engraftment;
  • little trauma;
  • no preliminary required;
  • immediate installation of a removable denture is possible.

Structures are also divided into the following types:

  1. Basal - are implanted into the deep layers of the bone when restoration of the dentition is required, but the size of the bone is too small, and extension is impossible for some reason.
  2. Subperiosteal - implanted under the periosteum. Used for thin bones and the impossibility of plastic surgery. They look like a mesh with parts protruding above the gums.
  3. Intramucosal - used to fix dentures, and are implanted into the gums in an amount of 2-4 pieces. Their top resembles buttons on clothes.
  4. Endodontic - used to increase the stability of “native” roots.

Prosthetic solutions

Quality determines the functionality and appearance of teeth. Most manufacturers, in addition to implants, develop comprehensive solutions to ensure that prosthetics are as successful as possible: tools, protocols, equipment and software for it. The more installation methods the dentist knows, the better the procedure of any complexity will be carried out.

Healing time and durability

The average period of osseointegration of structures is 6 months. Some companies have already developed solutions that can reduce the period to 1.5 - 4 months.

The higher the titanium content, the better the quality of the product: they contain fewer impurities that reduce the survival rate and service life, or do not contain them at all

The service life of implants depends on the quality of the crown and installation, which provides a feasible load.


Clients pay attention to this criterion first of all. Today there is a choice in every price category. Of course they are different.

It is generally accepted that the cheaper the implant, the more difficulties will arise during operation in the future. However, economy class products will not necessarily lead to complications. It’s just that when using it, the risks are, to some extent, higher.


The cost of pins produced by luxury brands can include up to a 15% premium for a big name. This is fair, since these manufacturers have been on the market for several decades. They managed to invest millions of dollars in product development.

The name of the manufacturer is an important criterion for choosing a design, but clinical indicators are much more important, because the quality of each system depends on them.

Implant rating

Each person’s body is individual, as is the qualifications of doctors. An inexpensive system in the hands of a competent specialist can quickly take root. A high-cost model in the hands of a doctor who does not have sufficient qualifications can lead to complications.

The most popular question from people who decide to resort to implantation is: “How much does it cost?” Therefore, the design review was compiled within budget.

The best premium dental implants

Installing one pin without a crown will cost at least 40,000 rubles.

Nobel Biocare (Switzerland, USA)

The brand produces a wide variety of types of implants, which allows implantation for different clinical pictures. All products are high quality. Distinctive features: cone-shaped, double thread, triangular connection.

In addition to pins, the company produces orthodontic materials, equipment for scanning and modeling - Nobel Procera, as well as proprietary software Nobel Guide.

Astra Tech (Sweden)

The company produces products of similar quality to Nobel, but the brand is not so promoted.

Straumann (Switzerland)

A distinctive feature of the product is the unique processing of the implant: the design has a porous structure (and not just the surface, like other manufacturers). This allows the structure of the system to be brought closer to the structure of the bone, which increases reliability and accelerates osseointegration.

Premium products come with a lifetime warranty.

Middle price segment

The cost of implantation starts from 28 thousand rubles.

Green Implant (Germany)

Green Implant includes self-tapping implants with the widest line of implants, prosthetic parts and modified instruments.

  • For Green Implant, neither the presence of chronic diseases nor age are absolute contraindications for dental implantation.
  • Thanks to the patented innovative developments of the Green Implant system, the patient has the opportunity to significantly reduce rehabilitation time and get a smile with ideal aesthetic results.
  • An innovative implant has been developed and implemented, which is installed in the same way as a standard implant. However, if the implant is exposed, it is possible not to remove it, but to treat it.
  • The survival rate of Green Implant implants is 99.9% of cases if the implantation protocol is followed and the correct choice of implant.
  • Lifetime warranty from the manufacturer.
  • The highest German quality at an affordable price. The cost of one GreenImplant implant with installation is 25,000-35,000 rubles.

Xive (Germany – USA)

The company produces pins for two-stage and one-stage implantation.

They are equipped with a unique thread and a porous surface, which speeds up regeneration by 1.5 to 2 times and guarantees a low percentage of injuries.

Additionally, the manufacturer provides sets of necessary tools, which minimizes the likelihood of complications.

Xive Ankylos (Germany – USA)

The most popular German brand. The products are high quality. The brand describes its production as "affordable Nobel Biocare."

The brand's products are characterized by affordable cost of implantation with high quality pins.

Impro (Germany)

Good German designs with no special features.

BioHorizons (USA)

The Prodigy line is in demand in Russia: high-quality construction, medium healing time (up to 4 months), due to calcium phosphate coating and innovative Laser-Lok technology - the rough surface provides better adhesion to the bone.

ROOTT (Switzerland)

The brand produces basal implants, the installation of which is actively promoted. The designs have the following features:

  • implanted into the deep layers of bone;
  • requires 1 to 3 visits to the doctor for installation;
  • the crown is placed immediately after installation;
  • errors made during the operation cannot be eliminated, the structure will need to be removed, and unpleasant consequences are possible;
  • 10 year warranty.

The best dental implants in the mid-price segment in terms of survival rate, compiled based on manufacturer data:

ManufacturerSurvival rateMinimum cost, rub.
Green Implant99,9% 30 000
Xive99,5% 38 000
ROOTT99,3% 28 000
Xive Ankylos99% 35 000
Impro98% 32 000
BioHorizons97,3% 30 000

Best Budget Dental Implants

The cost of installing an implant starts from 16 thousand rubles.

Mis Osstem (South Korea)

The company, in addition to implants, produces instruments, abutments, etc. This gives dentists more room to maneuver.

A special thread that facilitates insertion of the pin into the jaw bones and allows changing the direction of the pin during the operation is a characteristic feature of the systems.

Implantologists who dealt with the product noticed that the direction sometimes changes spontaneously, which leads to incorrect installation of the structure.

Doctors trained in the systems provide high-quality treatment.

Dentium (South Korea)

The systems are equipped with a self-tapping thread on the neck that is self-tapping during implantation. The advantage of the designs is compatibility with elite systems (Straumann, Astra).

Alpha Bio (Israel)

Leader in the production of economic systems in the world. They quickly stabilize and take root, have an affordable price, and a wide range makes it possible to choose an option for any clinical case, for example:

  • NEO1, moderately damaging to bone tissue;
  • DFIs that provide stability and allow single-stage implantation.

Product advantages:

  • patented NanoTecTM surface;
  • the company produces the necessary instruments and develops documentation for the operation, which simplifies the work of the implantologist and allows one to predict the outcome;
  • are used for one-stage implantation (with simultaneous installation of a crown) and guarantee high survival rate.

In 2008, Alpha Bio was acquired by Nobel Biocare, but the products remained budget products with the same characteristics.

The company recently began offering a lifetime warranty on its products.

Experts believe that the quality is similar to American BioHorizons implants, which are 1.5 - 2 times more expensive.

MIS (Israel)

The implants are taking root well. The manufacturer adds the least amount of impurities among budget segment companies.

For better implantation, a classic SLA surface is created - the implant is implanted within 6 months.

The company produces a line of systems for different cases:

  • V3 has a unique triangular neck, which reduces the load on the bone and its atrophy;
  • Seven are used for simultaneous installation of a crown and prosthetics on 4 or 6 implants.
ManufacturerSurvival rateMinimum cost, rub.
Alpha Bio99, 6% 16 000
Osstem99, 2% 21 000
Dentium99% 23 000
M.I.S.97,3% 16 000

The word “budget” should not be interpreted negatively. Democratic rulers are reliable. But they do not have such a variety of solutions for installation and prosthetics (especially in complex cases). But they are 2 or more times cheaper than mid-price systems, and 3-4 times cheaper than premium systems, which is what attracts patients. Price is the main advantage of economy systems.

The pins are made from biocompatible materials, have an SLA coating for quick healing and a special thread, which allows them to compete with implants costing 60-90 thousand.

Disadvantages of budget implants:

  • the warranty is given for no more than 5 years (except for Alpha Bio);
  • survival rate is not always 99%, but is at a high level (in smoking patients, with diabetes mellitus or hepatitis, it is consistently low);
  • Not all implants have the latest threading and surface structure found in luxury brands.

However, in uncomplicated cases, disadvantages do not play any role. Inexpensive implants osseointegrate well and last at least 10 years.

The price of affordable products is the same, the characteristics are also close, you should not give preference to a specific brand. First of all, you need to decide on a clinic and an implantologist, and then purchase a system that the doctor works with. An experienced dentist will select implants for your case, regardless of price and brand.

Dental implantation dates back to the middle of the last century - however, during this time it has undergone noticeable changes, and not only the methods of installing implants have changed, but also their appearance. Many researchers are working to create the perfect implant. So that it does not cause discomfort to the owner, its installation does not injure the surrounding tissues, so that it takes root as quickly as possible and without inflammatory processes.

It is also important that the structure can withstand even the highest loads and not be rejected even in the presence of inflammation of the oral cavity. This is the ideal implant, on the development of which millions of researchers from world universities and companies that create products for dental restoration are still working to this day.

What affects the quality and survival rate of implants?

When creating implants, modern scientists use two dominant approaches that were developed back in the last century:

Modern dental implants: which are the best?

Today, dental implants have almost reached their ideality - they rarely fail, take root quickly, and do not destroy bone tissue. But this result was obtained solely through practice and mistakes made - millions of dollars were spent to achieve the ideal design. But, naturally, scientists have room to strive, and every year new designs will appear, more ideal and perfect.

Today, researchers are trying to combine two approaches to creating implants as effectively as possible - however, as always. The structures must have an ideal shape and composition for rapid and high-quality engraftment into the patient’s bone. It’s hard to imagine, but just a few decades ago, implants took root much less frequently than they do now - they often destroyed bone tissue, since they were much stronger than it and under load it crumbled into small pieces. Often the materials used contained foreign impurities that were not at all properly perceived by the patient’s body.

We can definitely say that scientists will continue to work on improving implants for dental restoration. After all, our world is actively developing and what seems ideal today will become hopelessly outdated in just five years.

TOP 10 manufacturers of the best implants:

The above list of TOP 10 brands of dental implants is based on the availability of long-term results, as well as data from recommendations of patients, implantologists and international symposia. You can use this list as your guide, but make your final choice only after consulting your doctor. So, only a doctor can determine your individual characteristics of the structure of bone tissue, bite, and the interaction of metals with the body.

Where is the best place to place implants?

The most popular and difficult question facing a patient who has decided to install dental implants. Today there are a lot of really good clinics and doctors, after all, implantation has been used in our country for about 20 years and during this time domestic specialists have accumulated their own experience and professionalism.

Criteria for choosing a good clinic and doctor

In the network of partner dentists of the Hotline for dental implantation, you can have a consultation with an implantologist completely free of charge in the clinic closest to you.

Anastasia Vorontsova

Dental implantation is currently an excellent alternative to prosthetics.

There are many models of implants on the dental market, both from leading manufacturers and from less well-known ones, which differ not only in quality, but also in cost.

To decide which dental implants are the best, you need to know not only the advantages, but also the disadvantages of the proposed models.

A dental implant consists of an implant (artificial root) installed in the jaw bone in place of the lost tooth and an abutment - a structure that connects the implant to the denture.

It is worth noting that in the event of any breakdown, the abutment, like the crown, can always be replaced, while the implant is permanently implanted into the jawbone.


There are several types of implants, which differ in shape, strength and implantation technology:

  • Root-shaped implants have a cylindrical shape with a thread applied to the surface. They are the most popular designs. They are used only if there is sufficient bone tissue.
  • Plate implants that allow penetration into the bone tissue to the maximum depth, which will provide stability to the structure. They are used when it is impossible to implant a root-shaped implant.
  • Combined structures have a complex shape. They are a combination of the two previous types of implants. Used in the presence of dental defects.
  • Intramucosal implants that do not require fixation in bone tissue. Used to stabilize removable dentures.
  • Endodontically stabilized ones, according to most dentists, are the most reliable. When installing them, there is no risk of injury to the oral mucosa. Used to lengthen and strengthen the tooth root.
  • Subperiosteal implants are used when the patient has very thin bone tissue. They are installed under the gum and are quite firmly fixed between the bone and periosteum.

Implant selection criteria

Despite the huge selection of implantation systems, it is necessary to be guided by some basic criteria:

  • Implant survival rate. Root-like structures made of titanium are biologically compatible with the tissues of the human body.
  • Ease of implantation of the structure. The simpler the implants are to install, the easier it is to coordinate surgical and orthopedic actions.
  • Possibility of implantation without bone grafting. In this case, the duration of treatment is reduced.
  • Availability of a quality certificate for the implant and an official dealer of the company in Russia. Otherwise, the possibility of counterfeiting the design cannot be ruled out.
  • Durability of titanium root.
  • The presence of a microporous implant surface promotes faster osseointegration than if the surface of the structure is smooth.
  • Features of the thread and method of connecting the implant to the abutment. The best option is to have a microthread without a polished neck.
  • The presence of an aesthetic component. The wrong choice of implant can cause such a defect as translucency through the gums. In this regard, you will need to listen to your doctor’s recommendations.
  • Construction cost. Some clinics are either dealers themselves or provide significant discounts on implant manufacturer products.

Video: “Implants. How to restore teeth"

What to pay attention to


Today, titanium and its alloys are recognized as the best material for the manufacture of implants.

Its advantages are that it is not rejected by the body and has high resistance and anti-corrosion properties.

It is important that the structure is made of high-quality titanium (at least Grad 5), since lower quality titanium contains impurities that prevent successful osseointegration.

Surface of the structure

  • In order for the implant to grow faster with the bone tissue, its surface is treated in such a way as to give it a microrelief that replicates the structure of the bone.
  • The surface of the structure is made porous by plasma spraying, anodizing, sandblasting, acid etching, or a combination of these techniques.
  • To improve osseointegration, crystals of hydroxyapatite and phosphates are applied to the surface of the implant, which allow bone tissue to grow into the pores of the surface of the titanium root.

Implants with a polished and smooth surface fuse with the bone very poorly.

Availability of available sizes

Russian implant manufacturers offer a choice of at least four sizes of diameters and lengths of structures from 6 to 16 mm, which allows you to select an implant for various clinical conditions.

A small range of designs cannot guarantee the quality of treatment.

Implant shape

  • Quality implants should be conical or have a patented platform switching system.
  • This type of structure has the fastest and highest quality engraftment.
  • Another important point is that the chewing load is correctly distributed on such titanium roots.


Manufacturers of high-quality implants took into account the presence of different densities in different areas of bone tissue.

Applying several types of threads to one implant allows for high-quality fixation of the structure in bone tissue in various clinical situations.

If the implant has less than two or three types of cutting, then it should be abandoned.

Tools and equipment

  • The position or marker must be monitored during implantation.
  • Therefore, the clinic must be equipped with a computed tomograph or an orthopantomography system.
  • An important component of successful implantation is the presence of a cooling system.
  • In order to prevent bone tissue burns, drills must be cooled with saline solution during preparation of the implant bed.

Type of internal connection

The implant is connected to the crown using an abutment.

This place is one of the most fragile in most implant systems.

Abutment fracture or loosening of the abutment and crown often occurs.

Some implant manufacturers have introduced innovative abutment-to-implant attachment.

For example, a triangular (three-channel) connection allows the most accurate positioning of the abutment and tooth crown, and also eliminates internal stress in the metal and fracture of the structure.

Manufacturer reputation

It is better to give preference to implants manufactured in Europe or the USA, due to the fact that the products of these manufacturers fully comply with the required international quality standards.

Implantologist qualification

According to Russian legislation, a dental surgeon who must undergo specialization in dental implantology has the right to install dental implants.

Here is a list of documents that a specialist must have:

  • Diploma of graduation from a higher educational institution with a specialty in dentistry.
  • A certificate giving the right to practice surgery.
  • Availability of a document confirming the qualifications of an implantologist.

Without the above documents, the doctor does not have the right to install implants and is obliged to present them to the patient upon request.

The best option is for all documentation to be posted in the reception area for patients to review.

In addition, the dentist-implantologist must have a diploma in the implantation of exactly the implant system that he offers to the patient.

The most trustworthy are specialists who are members of the European Association of Implantologists and the Russian Association of Dental Implantology.

This confirms the doctor’s recognition in the professional community.

Clinic status

The clinic where implants are installed must have a license to conduct such operations.

Implant rating

To determine which dental implants are better, you need to know their survival rate, the frequency of complications and the service life of the structures.

This requires certain statistics.

This is quite difficult to do, since there are no two identical organisms or similar bone tissue structures.

The qualifications and experience of specialists may also vary.

Therefore, not an expensive model installed by a professional can take root and last a sufficient period of time, but a more expensive one in the hands of a novice dentist can cause complications.

Survival rates may also be affected by the individual's immune response.

The data on implants given in the table differ in their characteristics and cost.

The reliability of these manufacturers has been tested by time, therefore, for successful implantation it is necessary to find a qualified implantologist.

Place Company and country of origin Cost (in rubles for 1 implant)
1 Straumann (Switzerland), Astra Tech (Sweden), Nobel Biocare (Switzerland) 35000 — 55000
2 Xive Friadent (Germany) and Ankylos (Germany) 30000 — 40000
3 Bicon (USA), BioHorizons (USA), Biomet (USA) 20000 — 35000
4 MIS (Israel), AlphaBio (Israel), Ards (Israel), Implantium (South Korea) 12000 — 25000
5 Russia, Ukraine, Belarus 8000 — 15000

As can be seen from the table:

  • The first place in the ranking is occupied by premium-class designs. They are of high quality and have a lifetime guarantee. The companies, together with implantation systems, offer modern implantation technologies and also train specialists.
  • Dental implants, ranked second, were created with financial support from the German government. Unlike premium models, they are cheaper, but of sufficient quality.
  • In third place are American implants, which have average prices. They quickly take root, are securely fixed and do not cause discomfort in patients.
  • Budget implants produced by Israeli companies, as well as South Korean ones, take fourth place in the ranking. Despite their low cost, implants are of good quality and are in good demand. The percentage of engraftment of such structures is 98 – 99%%.
  • The last place belongs to the cheapest implants produced in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine.

People who have lost individual units in a row are concerned about the question, which implants are best placed on chewing teeth? We will list the rating of the highest quality ones and provide reviews from patients who have already experienced the difference in quality and manufacturers.

The loss of any functional unit in the mouth leads to a significant deterioration in overall health and, even more so, in the appearance of the face. Therefore, it is very important to contact professionals in a timely manner and install implants to restore the dentition.

Features of implantation of chewing teeth

You need to understand that the side is responsible for the highest loads. It has been established that the human jaw can withstand 30-50 kilograms, which requires special strength characteristics from each unit. If any of them is lost, you should wisely choose a replacement element.

Chewing teeth in dentistry are called molars and premolars. In total, there are 20 of these on the healthy jaw of an adult. And only when they are fully present can we say with confidence that they perform all the functions assigned by nature. The main thing is careful processing of food.

But these same units, although they are the most durable and strong, are still the most susceptible to destruction. Due to the fact that there are many hard-to-reach places, food residues accumulate in them, which a person is not always able to clean efficiently on his own during daily hygiene procedures. Thus, bacteria actively multiply and quickly lead to caries and further loss of chewing units.

When replacing them, it is worth noting the following important features that the dentist and the patient should pay attention to:

  • When implanting upper chewing teeth, you need to remember the proximity of the maxillary sinuses, so a concomitant procedure is often required - a sinus lift. To do this, one of its walls is raised and enough bone material is implanted to install the desired implant. This procedure requires a specialist to have good skills and experience.
  • The lower chewing molars and premolars are simpler in location and easier to replace. But if there is not enough bone tissue to fully fix them, then plastic surgery may also be required.

Are implants placed on chewing teeth?

Since there are many nuances and difficulties with this issue, maybe there is no point in putting artificial roots and crowns on the side of the jaw? Isn't it easier to get by with alternative methods of prosthetics? Of course not. It is better to place implants even on the chewing side, since their modern models are quite durable and can withstand high loads for a long period.

Manufacturers offer a variety of variations in pin materials, its processing and coating for better osseointegration, as well as rod sizes, diameters and shapes. This entire range is created in order to be able to select the most suitable products for each specific case of implantation.

If even one unit in a row is lost and there is no adequate replacement, the following unpleasant consequences begin to appear in a short time:

  1. Food processing deteriorates significantly, which leads to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. The cheeks sink and the oval of the face changes, wrinkles appear.
  3. Neighboring teeth shift and their correct placement is disrupted.
  4. The alveolar ridge is rapidly decreasing, which will soon lead to the impossibility of implantation and the need for bone grafting.

All this is reflected in appearance, internal sensations and makes a person feel old ahead of time. In some cases, diction even worsens and shyness appears, which leads to a decrease in social activity.

The indication for implantation on chewing teeth is the loss of any number of units in a row. But there are many more contraindications. This:

  • cancer;
  • problems in the nervous system;
  • infections and inflammations in the oral cavity that must first be treated;
  • lack of bone tissue, which requires plastic surgery;
  • the presence of systemic diseases - diabetes mellitus, heart problems, kidney problems, insufficient blood clotting, various infections;
  • decreased immunity for any reason;
  • pregnancy period;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • bruxism;
  • jaw deformations and some forms of malocclusion;
  • bad habits such as smoking;
  • poor oral hygiene, etc.

Which one is better for the patient to choose?

To decide which products are the best, you must first start looking for an experienced doctor who takes his work responsibly. It is because of the mistakes of specialists that unsuccessful operations occur, leading to rejection and other unpleasant consequences.

Only after consulting with a good specialist can we talk about choosing suitable implants. In this case, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • quality of materials and processing of the rod;
  • level of osseointegration, rate of pin engraftment;
  • manufacturers' warranties;
  • expected service life, tested experimentally, and even better, based on the experience of other patients;
  • ratio of price and quality of the procedure;
  • length, shape and size of structures, available options suitable for a specific clinical case;
  • aesthetic characteristics of the appearance of an artificial crown.

According to the experience of many clinics, German, Swiss and Austrian manufacturers remain the best (Nobel, Straumann, Astra Tech, etc.). Although, in order to reduce the cost of the product, you can choose fairly good designs from domestic, American, Korean or Israeli brands. It is important that the doctor who will install it knows the features of the selected implant from the manufacturer and knows how to work with them.

The cost of such products varies greatly depending on the manufacturer. One set can cost from 30 to 60 thousand rubles, or even more. But to the total amount that the patient will have to pay for the procedure, you need to add some more nuances:

  • cost of specialist work;
  • additional elements if necessary (for example, temporary crowns);
  • performing bone grafting;
  • the material from which the outer part of the product will be made - metal, ceramics, zirconium, etc.

Video: which implants are better to choose?

Having lost a molar, I thought it was no big deal. After all, it is not visible, which means that the smile will not suffer. But the doctor convinced me that even its replacement is necessary, since the absence of a unit on the side leads to dire consequences. I had to get an implant, fortunately, I didn’t delay it for long.

In an accident I lost a tooth on the chewing side. A suitable replacement was carefully selected, as it requires special strength and length of the rod. I settled on German quality, albeit at a high price. But the whole procedure was easy and the product took root without any complications.

I would never take risks with my health, and especially my dental health. Therefore, I choose only trusted manufacturers. A friend somehow decided to save money and got Korean implants; as a result, she couldn’t eat normally for a year because there were many side effects and she had to remove the structure and take a long time to heal the soft tissue.

Which dental implants are better: manufacturer ratings

There are many ways in dentistry to create a Hollywood smile. The most effective and widely applicable is the implantation method. This is an ideal solution to the problems of dental restoration, chewing function of the jaw and aesthetic beauty.

Every year, dental manufacturing companies produce new orthopedic designs and implantation instruments, allowing clients to make the best choice based not only on the individual structural features of the dental system, but also on price and quality.

Which implants are best? German or Israeli, domestic or Swiss, Korean or Swedish, Belarusian or Ukrainian? What type of implant and from which manufacturer is best to place on chewing teeth? The right to choose always remains with the patient.

Types of implants

Depending on the shape of the orthopedic structure, strength, installation technology of the implantation system and the location of its implantation, the following types of dental implants are distinguished:

What to pay attention to

When selecting orthopedic structures, it is worth considering the following recommended characteristics.

The best and most durable material for such products is titanium, which has ideal biocompatibility. Most implant systems are made based on titanium or its alloys.

Of particular importance is the grade of titanium, which is responsible for the quality level and should not be lower than 5 degrees. If the value is less, then there are impurities that will affect the rate of engraftment and reduce the service life of the implant.

For more expensive orthopedic models, zirconium dioxide is used, which is recommended by dentists for allergic reactions to titanium material and its alloys.

Implant surface

If there is a smooth and polished surface, implantation is much more difficult. In order for the orthopedic product to take root quickly and efficiently, a plasma spraying system is used (the top of the implant is treated with a special solution to make the surface porous), sandblasting, acid etching and other methods.
This method of improving quality significantly increases the cost of the product.

Manufacturers of implantation systems provide a fairly large size range of implants with a length of 6-16 mm and a diameter of 3 mm. The range of implant sizes must include at least 4 types of length and diameter. Thanks to this variety, the client can be selected the most appropriate size of the missing tooth.

Reputation of the manufacturing company

Manufacturing companies in the USA and Europe produce the most high-tech and high-quality dental products and instruments. It is these companies that are subject to the highest quality standards. Their designs have rare cases of rejection and a fairly long service life.

Orthodontists prefer implants with a cone shape or with patented nanoplatform switching technology. Their distinctive feature is the ability to press tightly and evenly distribute the chewing load on the structure.

Availability of thread

Manufacturers pay a lot of attention to the thread design, quality, fixation and high degree of implantation. In the manufacture of implants, they use several types of threads, taking into account the different survival rates and densities of the bone-jaw tissue in all its areas. In this regard, before prosthetics, you should choose implants with several types of threads.

Connection type

The place where the crown and abutment contact is very fragile, so a unique connection method is used to avoid twisting and fractures.

Implant selection criteria

There are many options for manufacturers and types of implant systems available for the client to choose from on the dental construction market.

To make the right choice, it is worth considering some criteria for selecting implants:

In addition, the wider the range of implants in the clinic, the more choice the client has.

Implant rating

  • survival rate of the product;
  • frequency of complications and consequences;
  • operational service life.

That is, some statistics are required, which are quite difficult to carry out due to the individual structural features of the human body, reaction to a foreign body, specialist qualifications, and much more.

It is also worth paying attention to the cost and technical characteristics from manufacturers. Therefore, it is possible that a budget model installed by a qualified specialist will be better than a premium implant in the hands of an inexperienced doctor.

Premium implants

Systems from Swiss and Swedish manufacturers took first place.

Nobel Biocare (Switzerland)

Applicable in all cases, as they have cone-shaped pins with double threads, a triangular reconnection method, excellent contact and functional connection between the implant and the bone-jaw tissue on which the load is applied.

The highest priced implants (40,000-70,000 rubles per unit), but differing in the level of quality and lifetime warranty.

The manufacturer offers 4 models:

  • Branemark System;
  • Nobel Speedy;
  • Nobel Replace;
  • Nobel Active.

Astra Tech (Sweden)

High-quality products with a large range of pin sizes (up to 5 types).

  • small carving;
  • cone shape with a unique contact contour between the abutment and the implant;
  • Osseo Speed ​​coating;
  • the product promotes effective osseointegration;
  • Easily and firmly fixed.

The average cost is approximately 60,000 rubles.

Straumann (Switzerland)

It has been supplying implants for over 60 years, has good recommendations, and a lifetime guarantee. The main materials are titanium, ceramics, zirconium and leucosapphire. The technology of imparting porosity to the surface by internal processing of a dental implant makes them unique in comparison with the jaw bone tissue. The average price is 50,000-75,000 rubles. for one system.

Ankylos (France)

Titanium products are of the highest quality, with very good resistance to environmental influences. The cost varies between 30,000-40,000 rubles.

Xive Friadent (Germany)

They produce products with a unique thread and the ability to be installed in cancellous bone tissue. Price approximately 30,000-40,000 rubles.

BioHorizons (USA)

Orthopedic structures made of a special metal alloy, very durable, with a rough surface due to the combination of calcium phosphate and quartz. The carving is square in shape, similar to a beveled wedge.

Laser-Lok surface ideal for soft tissue applications. Price range 35,000-55,000 rubles.

Middle class implants

The following took place at the second average price level:

Budget implants

The third place goes to the budget option:

Before you start implantation, you need to familiarize yourself with all types of implantation systems presented on the Russian market from imported and domestic manufacturers. And also study experienced specialists in this field.

When choosing implants, dentists recommend paying attention to all the characteristics of the product: brand, country of manufacture, selection criteria, main advantages, and not just the price, because it is not the key one. An important role is played by the professionalism of the doctor and his ability to work with a specific implantation system.

Which implants are best?

How to choose the right dental implant? Israeli or German, Swiss or domestic... which one is better and is there really a difference between them? Let's decide on the types, highlight the features and, most importantly, try to form a rating. Finally, a comparison of the most popular implants MIS and Nobel Biocare. Enjoy watching!

Popular implant models: 9

Israeli implants of very high quality for reasonable money

The optimal solution in terms of price-quality ratio

Nobel Biocare is the most popular brand in the world of implantation

The best implants from Israel

Review of some of the best implants from the USA

Features and advantages of German Ankylos implants

High-tech dental implants from Sweden

Innovative Swiss dental implants

Main characteristics and model range of implants from Germany

Implantation is an excellent solution to problems with dental prosthetics and recreating a beautiful smile. This article examines the structure of implants, presents the characteristics of their main types, and also publishes a rating of the best designs (by price categories) from world-famous manufacturers.

What is an implant and implantology?

Implantology is a fairly young area of ​​dentistry, which originated in the middle of the last century, as a result of the engraftment of titanium into bone tissue, better known as osseointegration.

This is interesting! The world's first operation to implant a titanium root was performed by the Swiss under the leadership of Professor Ingvar Brånemark.

The rapid development of this technique led to the fact that at the end of the 80s of the 20th century the whole world knew about it.

What does a dental implant look like?

So, an implant is an artificial root consisting of titanium, which is screwed into the bone tissue. It quickly takes root in the place of the missing tooth due to the unique properties of the metal.

A tooth with an implanted root consists of three parts:

It is worth noting that, if necessary, the abutment, which is a connecting element, can be changed, as well as the crown. Whereas the implant is screwed into the bone tissue forever, thus solving the problem of millions of people who suffer from missing teeth.

Dental implants can be divided into several types, differing in strength, design shape and installation technology:

  1. Root-like. The most popular of all types of implants, which are a special threaded cylinder, which is based on a titanium screw. They are used only if the patient has a large amount of bone. If there is not enough space to install a root-shaped implant, specialists either artificially increase the mass of bone tissue (sinus lift operation) or install a different type of implant.
  2. Lamellar. Implants that allow for maximum penetration into the jawbone, which, in turn, ensures the stability of this mechanism. Their help is used when the bone width is insufficient, that is, when it is almost impossible to install a root-shaped implant.
  3. Combined. They are a combination of the two previous types of dental implants and have a rather complex shape. Used in the presence of all kinds of dental defects.
  4. Subperiosteal implants. Designs that belong to the so-called fragile mechanisms, used when the patient has very thin bone tissue. They are placed under the gum. Despite their “openwork”, subperiosteal implants occupy a relatively large surface and, due to this, are firmly held between the bone and periosteum of the jaw.
  5. Endodontically stabilized. Many experts consider this type of implant to be the best, justifying their choice with a high degree of reliability and the absence of the risk of injury to the oral mucosa. This design is used when it is necessary to strengthen or lengthen the root of a tooth.
  6. Intramucosal. The only type of implants that does not require screwing the prosthesis into the jawbone, which is used when it is necessary to stabilize dentures.

Different Types of Dental Implants

Rating of dental implants

Although dental implants are not officially classified into different classes, each titanium root produced falls into a specific category that corresponds to its clinical capabilities. You can find out what criteria are used for selection and which manufacturers are among the top best from the implant rating according to Startsmile.

Selection criteria

Why does one dental implant cost 20,000 rubles, and another – 45,000 rubles? This question can often be found on various dental treatment forums. Indeed, at first glance, all implants are the same and represent a small titanium pin of a conical or cylindrical shape. Why is there such a difference in price? It would be wrong for us to say that there is no premium for the brand in this area. The loud name alone can add a good fifteen percent to the cost of the implant. But don’t think that this is unfair: almost all luxury brands have been on the market for decades. During this time, they invested millions of dollars in research, development and marketing, earning themselves a name and credibility. It is logical that you have to pay extra for a more proven and recognizable brand.

Now we come to the most important thing. Name and status, of course, matter, but in the case of implants, clinical indicators are the main thing. Below you can see the key parameters on which the quality of a particular implantological system most depends.

Survival rate

This is one of the main criteria for the reliability of an implant. It must be said that it is high for all more or less well-known brands (97% or more), but for top manufacturers this figure reaches almost 100%, and this is confirmed by research results. Be that as it may, the rating of dental implants in terms of survival rate is quite conditional, since much depends on the actions of the doctor and the patient’s compliance with the necessary instructions.

Possibilities for prosthetics

A very important factor, since the beauty of a smile and the functionality of artificial teeth largely depend on the quality of prosthetics. Each manufacturer has its own “orthopedic portfolio” - a number of solutions for prosthetics. Everything is simple here: the more options an orthopedic surgeon has for installing a prosthesis (including in complex clinical cases), the better.