What vaccinations are required for healthcare workers? Vaccination of workers - what vaccinations do adults get at work? What regulates the vaccination of healthcare workers against influenza?

Timely vaccination against diseases helps to avoid many serious complications and mass infections. But if in the case of vaccination of children few questions arise, and basically all parents go through this procedure without difficulty, then immunization in adulthood is not carried out by every person. However, the Preventive Vaccination Calendar clearly gives instructions on who is eligible for them and when. The law also approved mandatory vaccination of workers in certain industries.

The importance of immunization in adulthood

With age, a person does not independently receive protection from diseases if he has not had them, so preventive vaccinations are not only for children.

The list of mandatory vaccinations is prescribed by law.

However, many people underestimate the importance of immunization in adulthood; some believe that the disease will not affect them, while others believe that they will survive it normally.

Regarding the first opinion, it was already said at the beginning, but as for the second, people do not take into account that, having become infected, they can become a source of mass spread of the disease. And this applies not only to family members, the entire environment is at risk.

Particularly severe consequences are possible if a person works in a kindergarten, school, university, hospital and other places where people visit in large numbers.

Regulatory documents on mandatory vaccination

Mandatory vaccination for employees is regulated by the following government and Ministry of Health regulations:

  • Order of the Russian Ministry of Health number 125-N. According to it, all employees must be vaccinated against infectious diseases to prevent the risk of infecting other people. The order came into force on March 21, 2014.
  • In the absence of contraindications to vaccination, all employees must be vaccinated against infectious diseases based on the adopted federal law of September 17, 1998, number 157 “On the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases.”
  • The current Federal Law of November 21, 2011, number 323 “On protecting the health of the population of Russia.” Each employee is required to consent to vaccination if he has no contraindications.
  • Based on the resolution of Federal Law No. 257, every citizen has the right to vaccination.
  • In the decree of July 15, 1999, number 825, a list of works that are associated with a risk of infection was published. For this reason, employees holding positions in educational institutions are required to be vaccinated against a number of infectious diseases.
  • The National Vaccination Calendar was approved by order number 125n of the Ministry of Health dated March 21, 2014.

According to the Annual Flu Vaccination Calendar, the following are subject to:

  • Employees of educational organizations.
  • People over 60 years of age.
  • Working in the medical field.
  • Persons with various chronic diseases, which include: cardiovascular, pulmonary pathologies, obesity and metabolic disorders.
  • Working in the public utilities sector.
  • Drivers of vehicles.
  • Pregnant women.

What preventive vaccinations are given to adults at work: a complete list

Legislation, in particular the Calendar of Preventive Vaccinations, prescribes mandatory vaccination against many diseases for working people.

Vaccination against influenza is carried out every year to all people, regardless of age category.

For measles

Two vaccinations against measles are required for people under 35 years of age, employees of food industry organizations and those working in the catering industry.

Vaccination is also given to employees up to 55 years of age:

  • Areas of trade.
  • Medical organizations.
  • Communal sphere.
  • Drivers of vehicles.
  • Educational organizations.

For tetanus and diphtheria

Vaccination against tetanus and diphtheria for an adult is prescribed every 10 years from the date of the last vaccination. For people who have not been vaccinated against these diseases, it is carried out using three vaccinations.

For hepatitis

It is necessary to carry out 3 vaccinations against viral hepatitis B - for persons under 55 years of age, and against viral hepatitis A, medical workers and those serving sewerage and water supply facilities are vaccinated.

Other vaccines

Women under 25 years of age must be vaccinated against rubella 2 times.

Vaccination against typhoid fever is carried out regardless of age, for people dealing with live cultures of typhoid pathogens, transporting, collecting and disposing of waste, as well as for workers in sanitary cleaning of populated areas.

Mandatory vaccination of workers

Based on current legislation, immunoprophylactic measures can be divided into mandatory and recommended. In the first case, every employee is obliged to get vaccinated, and in the second, the employer will make the decision at his own discretion.

Vaccination against the influenza virus is not mandatory, but is recommended for preventive purposes for:

  • Military personnel.
  • Employees in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • Medical workers.
  • Builders.
  • Employees who are members of the workforce at an enterprise, in various institutions, organizations and others.

In some cases, flu vaccination may be mandatory:

  • People who carry out work activities in territories included in the list of endemic and enzootic zones. At the moment, there is no specific list of such territories; for this reason, it is not possible to carry out mandatory vaccination.
  • According to epidemic indicators. Vaccination is prescribed when there is a threat of mass spread of infection or a dangerous disease in certain areas. In this case, the following personnel are subject to immunization: medical and educational institutions, nursing homes, trade and services, and transport services.

The decision to carry out mandatory vaccination in epidemic areas is made by the chief state sanitary doctors.

Employees of educational institutions

Based on labor legislation, the manager who provided the employee with a workplace bears administrative responsibility for the sanitary and epidemiological condition of his educational institution.

Thus, if a teacher becomes ill and if students become infected with it, all responsibility will fall on the manager, up to and including bringing him to trial.

If the employee has not undergone mandatory vaccination, then such a circumstance will be considered a violation of health protection orders, sanitary-epidemiological and labor legislation.

The work of teachers and educators is considered to be among the professions most exposed to the risk of infectious diseases, therefore:

  • For employees in the education sector, it is necessary to receive a flu vaccination every year, and a booster vaccination every 10 years from the date of the last vaccination.
  • The measles vaccine can be administered to employees under the age of 35 and only if they have not previously had the disease.
  • Vaccination against rubella for females is permissible up to the age of 25 years if the disease has not been suffered and if there is no previous vaccination against this disease.
  • Vaccination against hepatitis B is required for workers in the educational sector aged 18 to 55 years, if they have not previously had hepatitis and have not been vaccinated against it.
  • For preschool education workers, it is necessary to carry out 2 vaccinations against hepatitis A and Sonne dysentery.

These rules apply to employees of schools, kindergartens, boarding schools, higher educational institutions, etc.

Medical workers

All citizens must be vaccinated, including medical workers for whom there is mandatory immunization against diseases:

In addition to mandatory vaccinations for medical workers, there are a number of additional vaccinations for contact with cultures of plague, tick-borne encephalitis, tularemia, typhoid fever, leptospirosis, yellow fever, rabies, and brucellosis.

Food industry and catering personnel

Infection of one of the employees of the catering department of a children's or other institution contributes to the spread of the disease among the team and consumers. The infection process can occur as a result of communication or due to the consumption of food that was in contact with the sick person.

To reduce the risk of contracting infection to other food industry and catering personnel, timely preventive vaccination and compliance with personal hygiene rules are necessary.

Immunoprophylaxis for food industry and catering workers is carried out against the following diseases:

  • diphtheria and tetanus;
  • measles;
  • viral hepatitis B;
  • rubella;
  • dysentery.

Workers of water works

Due to working conditions in places with high pollution, workers in water supply facilities must undergo preventive vaccinations, which are recommended for others according to the law. It is most important to vaccinate such personnel against viral hepatitis A and typhoid fever. In the event of a serious accident in the sewer or water supply network, vaccination against shigellosis is also required.

Responsibility of the employer for carrying out mandatory vaccination at the enterprise

According to the law, working personnel have the right to refuse vaccination, however, every employer is obliged to comply with sanitary standards. It must provide employees with safe working conditions, as well as produce products and provide services that are not dangerous to consumers. Without carrying out preventive measures among personnel, fulfilling these obligations is not possible. Therefore, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities are responsible for carrying out immunization prescribed by law. Otherwise, the employer will be subject to legal proceedings.

Obliges legal entities, in direct accordance with the activities they carry out, to comply with all norms and requirements of sanitary legislation.

Do they have the right to force people to get vaccinated at work?

Based on the law established on September 17, 1998, under article number 5, an employee in the field of education can make a voluntary decision to refuse vaccination and other medical intervention.

However, this may result in the following consequences:

  • Denial of employment in medical or educational institutions.
  • Restriction of travel to foreign countries.

An employer does not have the right to force people to get vaccinated, but they can refuse employment or fire an employee who refuses the mandatory vaccinations prescribed by law. But in any case, the employer must take measures to ensure that the requirements of the law are met.

Vaccine prevention is of great importance not only in childhood, but also in adulthood. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this, which creates an additional risk of mass spread of one or another disease. According to the law, some vaccinations are mandatory for employees, and refusal to receive them may result in dismissal or refusal to accept employment. But there is also a list of optional vaccinations, the decision to carry out which is made by the employer at its own discretion and taking into account the consent of the staff.

In Russia, according to the Preventive Vaccination Calendar, the entire population is subject to vaccination. Particular attention is paid to immunization of working citizens, especially in the medical field. Doctors, nurses and laboratory workers are constantly at risk of contracting infectious diseases not only to themselves, but also to those around them.

Preserving the life and health of health workers through vaccination is part of the Russian state program. Let's find out which vaccinations are mandatory for healthcare workers. We will also understand the legal issues of vaccinating medical workers.

Legal aspects of mandatory vaccinations for health workers

Mandatory vaccinations for medical workers are carried out in accordance with government regulations and the order of the Ministry of Health. The following regulations are currently in effect.

  • Order No. 125 H dated March 21, 2014 on approval of the National Preventive Vaccination Calendar, as well as the vaccination calendar for epidemic indications. This order requires all health care workers to be vaccinated against infectious diseases, as they are most at risk of infection.
  • Order of the Chief Physician of Russia No. 163 of December 9, 2010 on the rules for waste management in medicine. According to these rules, a person who has not been vaccinated against hepatitis B cannot be allowed to work related to the disposal of medical waste.
  • Decree of the Chief Physician of the Russian Federation dated February 28, 2008 No. 163 on sanitary and hygienic rules, according to which all health workers are required to be vaccinated against hepatitis B upon entering work.
  • Order on vaccination of health workers, issued on July 15, 1999 No. 825 “On approval of the list of works, the performance of which is associated with a high risk of contracting infectious diseases and requires mandatory preventive vaccinations.”
  • Vaccination of health workers is carried out according to the Russian Vaccination Calendar. In the event of an outbreak or threat of an epidemic, vaccination is carried out according to epidemic indications. In this case, healthcare workers and epidemiologists are vaccinated first. Federal Law No. 257 states the right of citizens to immunization.

    Important! Free vaccination is carried out within the framework of the Calendar in state and municipal medical institutions. Vaccination of health workers is provided by the institution in which they work.

    According to the Federal Law issued on September 17, 1998, under Article 5 “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases,” a medical worker may refuse vaccination. However, everything is not so simple. The same law also talks about the consequences of refusal:

  • lack of vaccinations can lead to removal from work or refusal to hire;
  • a ban on travel to those countries that require vaccination against diseases according to the calendar in those regions;
  • temporary refusal of admission to health and educational institutions in the event of a threat or outbreak of infections.
  • According to labor legislation, a medical organization is responsible for the actions of its employees in the field of medical procedures. An infected employee who infects a patient not only suffers material damage in the form of compensation for harm to the patient’s health, but is also held accountable. Therefore, medical organizations will not hire an unvaccinated potential employee.

    Vaccination is carried out for people who have no contraindications. If a person has them, then he can write a refusal to be vaccinated, justifying it by the presence of contraindications. The list of contraindications is established in the guidelines of the resolution of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2008.

    What vaccinations are required for healthcare workers?

    According to the Russian Vaccination Calendar, the entire population is vaccinated. Immunization against the following infectious diseases is mandatory for medical workers:

  • against tetanus and diphtheria with revaccination once every 10 years;
  • from the flu;
  • immunization against measles;
  • vaccination and revaccination against hepatitis B;
  • rubella vaccination is given to those who have not been vaccinated or have only one experience of this vaccination, as well as to those who have not been ill.
  • People without information about what they have already been vaccinated against should also get immunized.

    Vaccination is also carried out according to epidemic indications:

    In addition to these vaccinations, additional vaccinations are carried out for health workers who have contact with cultures of brucellosis, plague, rabies, yellow fever, tick-borne encephalitis, leptospirosis, tularemia, and typhoid fever.

    What vaccines are used to vaccinate healthcare workers?

    To vaccinate healthcare workers against influenza, the Grippol and Grippol Plus vaccines are used. Alternative vaccines "Agrippal", "Influvac" or "Vaxigrip" are also used to vaccinate workers against influenza. The Russian-made “Grippol” and “Grippol Plus” vaccines are administered once annually. For pregnant health workers, the children's vaccine "Grippol Plus" is preferred for influenza vaccination as it contains fewer preservatives.

    Vaccination of healthcare workers against hepatitis B is done with the domestic vaccine “Combiotex” in a dose of 1 ml at the age of 18–55 years, if they have not been sick and have not been vaccinated. Revaccination of health workers against hepatitis B is carried out after 1 and 6 months. Alternative vaccines, Engerix B and HEP-A-in-VAK, are also used for vaccination.

    Vaccination of health workers against measles is carried out at any age for unvaccinated people who have not been sick. To immunize health workers against measles, the Russian-made LCV vaccine is used in a dose of 0.5 milliliters.

    Once every 10 years, health workers are revaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus with the ADS-M vaccine.

    Rubella vaccinations for healthcare workers are carried out between the ages of 18 and 25, if they are not vaccinated, have not been sick or do not have information about their vaccinations. For this purpose, “Live attenuated rubella vaccine” is used.

    Vaccines for immunization of health workers for epidemic indications

    For immunization against polio, according to epidemic indications, the Imovax Polio or Pentaxim vaccines are used. According to the calendar, the OPV vaccine is used, but the issue of abandoning the live oral vaccine is currently being considered due to the development of vaccine-associated polio. Primary immunization with the French inactivated vaccine "Imovax Polio" to unvaccinated individuals is done three times with an interval of 1 month. After 1 year and 5 or 10 years, revaccination is done. "Pentaxim" is convenient because it can be vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus and polio simultaneously.

    According to epidemic indications, health workers are also vaccinated against hepatitis A. For immunization, the Russian vaccine “HEP-A-in-VAK” is used twice, 1 ml each with a break of 6-18 months. The Belgian vaccine “Havrix” is also used for vaccination in a single dose of 1 ml.

    According to epidemic indications, medical workers are vaccinated against shigellosis with the Shigellvac vaccine in a single dose of 0.5 ml. If revaccination is required, it is done after a year.

    Summarizing the topic of vaccinations for health workers, we emphasize that immunization is mandatory for them. A health worker can refuse vaccinations, but this will have negative consequences in the event of employment and admission to a university. In addition, the employer has the right to fire an unvaccinated medical employee. A healthcare worker who has not undergone immunization may be held liable if harm is caused to the patient’s health during the provision of medical and preventive care.

    Flu vaccination is voluntary or mandatory

    Home » Flu » Flu vaccination voluntary or mandatory

    Is flu vaccination mandatory?

    On the one hand, the federal law “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases” states that preventive vaccinations are carried out with the consent of citizens. Here is the law http://www.magichild.ru/vaccine/law_17_06_1998.html. But there is also “a list of jobs, the performance of which is associated with a high risk of infectious diseases and requires mandatory preventive vaccinations” (http://www.privivki.ru/law/fed/150799.htm). This list includes work “in all types and types of educational institutions.” So this is a moot point if the case comes to court. You have already been given good advice - honey. withdrawal for health reasons.

    No, this is a voluntary event.

    I don’t know for sure, but it seems like it’s not necessary to get vaccinated. It should also not be done when you have a cold or have recently been sick. because you can get sick again due to a weakened immune system.

    Flu vaccination is not required. Moreover, they may or may not protect.

    Now they want to make vaccination mandatory for those who work with children! I work with children myself, they told us the same thing!

    This is voluntary, but if you really “insist” on work, try taking honey. withdrawal (the argument “I’m planning a pregnancy in the near future” is guaranteed to work)

    Not a single medical procedure in the Russian Federation is mandatory unless there is a court decision in this regard!

    Guys! you are all wrong! there is a law “On the Basics of Vaccine Prevention” where it is written that a citizen can refuse vaccination, but below there is an article where it is written that there is a list of professions for which vaccinations are mandatory. Read it!

    So they sent me to get a measles vaccination. They also said that they would fire me, I work at a school. At work, some kind of inspection should have come from the department. So the authorities started fussing. For some reason, it seemed to them that at the age of 30 I urgently needed to get a measles vaccination. I came to the clinic, and they looked at me like I was a fool. They sent me out with a certificate that I didn’t need to do anything, since everything had already been done to me as a child, just like everyone gets vaccinated against measles at an early age. And in general, the doctors sat and were dumbfounded by the fact that they demanded that I get vaccinated against measles. They said I have lifelong immunity. They were shocked by my superiors. Probably they have never had this in practice before. I, like a fool, came to demand a measles vaccination at the age of 30. I hate it all. In general, at our school, none of the parents agree to get a flu shot. And then there is no point in teachers doing it if children become infected from each other, and not from teachers.

    Is it okay to get a flu shot? Do they have the right to be forced at work?

    In Russia, there has long been Article 33 of the Law on the Protection of Citizens on the right to refuse medical intervention (dated July 22, 1993 N5487-1), Article 5 of Federal Law No. 157 (on the right to refuse preventive vaccinations).

    I and most of my friends wrote refusals to both our children and ourselves a long time ago. And if suddenly you are forced to do so at school, kindergarten or at work, demand an explanation in writing and go to the prosecutor’s office. So far in Russia there has been no need for prosecutorial intervention.

    By the way, Rospotrebnadzor can no longer force even doctors; law-abiding officials prefer to comply with the laws and the Constitution.

    The refusal form is on the website www.privivkam.net, and there is such information on the forums that many supporters of vaccination are no longer such - just statistics and just facts.

    This is the harm from flu shots: Comed Files prove that Thimerosal containing flu shots lead to miscarriage http://www.privivkam.net/iv/viewtopic.p. &start=135

    About 15 years ago it was easier to “buy” a vaccination certificate, but now laws have come into force

    All this is nonsense - they have the right.

    Vaccinations are done on a voluntary basis! They have no right to force

    this is a voluntary matter

    depending on what field you work in - doctors are forced - my mother, a doctor of the highest category, does it for herself. but as practice shows, they don’t save a damn thing from the flu, especially when everyone around you is sick (

    With us, everything is always voluntary - forced!! but you should know that the effect of vaccination is only 15% and the risk of complications is also present ((

    no one can force you, you can refuse in writing, say that you are allergic and everyone will leave once and for all

    to force - they do NOT have the right. According to statistics, 83 percent of those vaccinated against the flu last year fell ill with the same flu. The reason is simple: to be vaccinated effectively, a person must be ABSOLUTELY healthy. not the slightest runny nose, not scratching in the throat, no source of inflammation in the body, including a sore tooth. Anyone who gives up on this - there is no point in getting vaccinated, it is even harmful, because you will get sick anyway.

    Svetlana Mosolova (Gornostaeva)

    They have no right to force. I never do

    If you have never had the flu, it is not recommended to get vaccinated.

    It's worth doing. If you work with people, management has the right to put pressure on you.

    It depends where you work. If in a “private” organization, then it’s better to do it, but you can forget about “rights”. Otherwise it could all end in dismissal.

    This is a voluntary matter; they have no right to force you. But I would

    Is the flu shot mandatory?

    no is not! Influenza vaccination is not included in the mandatory or, more accurately, calendar vaccinations.

    no.. this is voluntary participation..

    lies. They just have a plan to vaccinate so many children, that’s why they’re scaring. but in general it's a personal matter. Vaccines didn't help us

    No. but it's better to do it!

    No and don't do it.

    No. I never do. Thank God I'm healthy.

    it's your business. it's not obligatory.

    any vaccination is a blow to the immune system, so much has already been said.

    You just_don't_go_crazy

    No. As desired. I don't do that. All this is harmful. This year there are 3 virus stamps. One person got sick, and the vaccine consists of 3 types of antibodies. What happens? Otherwise, it turns out that one can and will work in the right direction, and the other two will attack the body by confusing it with a microbe. This is how you can get nervous paralysis. Many people have already suffered.

    If your child is often sick, then it makes sense to get vaccinated. And if not, then there is no need. And if the child is not allergic to chicken protein. The influenza virus is constantly changing, so each time you encounter an updated virus, the vaccine may not be effective. Any vaccination reduces the overall immunity of the body, and you can catch another disease.

    No! This is voluntary! But for doctors’ reporting, it’s compulsory!

    Do I have to explain my reasons for not getting the flu shot?

    this is a voluntary matter. no prosecutor's office is a decree here. I didn’t even play this crap on my children. although they demanded it in kindergarten and school. also sent (to the forest)

    After all, we are still a democracy

    They have no right to demand.

    Let them show the vaccination order at the enterprise. This is a reason for the prosecutor's office.

    But it’s bad to quarrel with the authorities. It is better to refer to personal intolerance to vaccinations.

    Like an allergic reaction to egg whites.

    This is a purely voluntary matter, whether you like it or not. They did not require a receipt; initially they conducted a survey about who would be vaccinated and who would not; they did not require any receipts. Let them scare you with the prosecutor’s office, but I’m just wondering what they’ll show her, and what does the prosecutor’s office have to do with it anyway.

    What nonsense! It's your own business! To vaccinate or not! Doctors have nowhere to put the vaccine!! ! They need a plan! And if the case goes to court (which I personally doubt), then you will also receive compensation for moral damage.)))

    The flu vaccine is not mandatory, but desirable; they have no right to force it. this is voluntary

    According to our valiant legislation, you have the right not to comment on your decision regarding voluntary vaccinations, which is the flu shot. If you refuse mandatory vaccinations, you must have either a medical exemption or a written refusal.

    Nonsense. You don’t have to explain anything to anyone. And if the administration has nothing else to do, then let them at least write to the prosecutor general. Vaccination is voluntary!

    The matter is voluntary. no prosecutor's office will help. As a last resort, in order not to quarrel with your boss, go to the doctor and tell him that you just had the flu, she will tell you to come back in a month. A month later the same thing... I never! I haven’t had a flu shot and won’t. There are 1500 or 2000 types of influenza, and the vaccine is given from two to three. And so the vaccine doesn’t help.

    if you don't want to do it, there must be a reason.

    We wrote an explanatory note for refusal.

    I did it and nothing, the last time I was sick was in March

    What do parents need to know about compulsory vaccination of children?

    In accordance with the Federal legislation of Russia, there is a specific schedule for vaccination of children. Parents need to find out in advance what vaccinations their children need at a certain age. This list contains not only mandatory vaccinations, but also those that can protect the child’s body from other, no less dangerous diseases.

    To prevent seasonal outbreaks of viral and infectious diseases, and epidemics of dangerous diseases in Russia, the Ministry of Health carries out routine vaccination of children, starting from the first days of their life. During artificial immunization, antigens of microorganisms are introduced into the child's body in a certain amount.

    This specially prepared material can maximize children’s resistance to diseases of infectious and viral origin. Immediately after the introduction of antigens, a process begins in the child’s body that stimulates the production of antibodies to specific pathogens.

    Vaccination methods

    Vaccination of children, in accordance with Russian legislation, is carried out both for the purpose of prevention and treatment of diseases. Today, many parents are categorically against vaccinations, as they believe that they can harm their babies. When deciding to refuse routine vaccination, you need to be aware of all the consequences and problems that you may encounter.

    Vaccination of children in Russia can be carried out in several ways, depending on the type of vaccination. The most common method of administration is intramuscular which allows you to achieve maximum effect.

    Antigens introduced in this way quickly spread through the bloodstream, and children quickly begin to develop immunity to a specific disease.

    Preoral administration The vaccine involves the introduction of an infection of enterovirus origin (poliomyelitis). Subcutaneous method Vaccination of a child is advisable only for live vaccines, fever (yellow), mumps, rubella, measles, etc. Cutaneous and intradermal method vaccination is carried out with the introduction of dry tularemia vaccine and the following antigens: BCG, bacillus Calmette-Guerin, smallpox.

    There is another method of vaccinating children in Russia, which does not lead to the development of stable immunity to diseases. Intranasal method vaccinations (through the nose) involves the use of vaccinations made on the basis of ointments, creams, aerosols and aqueous solutions.

    Such vaccination allows for a short period of time to create a barrier to harmful microorganisms that enter the body of children through airborne droplets (rubella, measles, influenza).

    Is it mandatory to vaccinate children? Is it possible to refuse?

    Parents who have decided not to give their children routine vaccinations should carefully study the legislation in force in Russia. In accordance with the regulations of Article 11 of the law of September 17, 1998. No. 157 of the Federal Law, any vaccinations for children under the age of majority must be done only with the consent of their parents. Using the same legal act (Article 5), routine vaccination can be refused directly in the maternity hospital.

    In order to legally not participate in vaccinations in Russia, parents need to know what documents need to be filled out and where they should be submitted. First of all, you need to draw up a statement in two copies, which requires you to indicate that the parents refuse to vaccinate their children.

    On the second form of the document, a representative of the institution where the application is submitted (maternity hospital, school, kindergarten, etc.) must put a receipt stamp, indicate the date, incoming registration number and signature. If parents decide to send their waiver by mail, they must include the form in certified mail, complete an inventory, and provide a notice. Learn more about how to refuse vaccination for a child >

    List of mandatory (scheduled) vaccinations

    The Russian Ministry of Health has approved a list of vaccinations that medical workers should give to children, starting from a very early age. The same department approved a calendar for preventive vaccination (Order No. 51n dated January 31, 2011), according to which Russian children should be vaccinated against the following diseases:

    Revaccination is carried out at 18 months; 20 months; 14 years

    Revaccination is carried out at 18 months; 6-7 years; 14 years old; 18 years

    Revaccination should be carried out at 18 months; 6-7 years; 14 years old; 18 years

    1. The first vaccination is at 3 months, the second from 3 to 5 months, the third at 6 months.

    2. The first vaccination is at 6 months, the second at 7.5 months.

    3. The vaccination is done once from 1 year to 5 years.

    Revaccination should be done at 18 months of age

    Before enrollment in kindergarten, the child must undergo a medical examination, the results of which are reflected in the appropriate form. The form also indicates all vaccinations given to the baby, both mandatory and optional.

    If the child's medical record does not contain a record of the following vaccines, he may be denied admission to kindergarten:

  • meningococcal and hemophilic infection (2 months before visiting kindergarten);
  • pneumococcal infection (30 days before visiting kindergarten).
  • Vaccination against meningococcal and hemophilus influenzae infections in Russia should be carried out no earlier than the child reaches 18 months of age. If in the region in which a family with small children lives there is an unfavorable epidemiological situation, then vaccinations against these diseases begin at 6 months, followed by revaccination after 3 months.

    Children should be vaccinated against influenza annually, between September and October. Vaccination against pneumococcal infection can be carried out once, after the child reaches two years of age.

    How should children be vaccinated?

    To avoid complications after vaccination, children must be carefully prepared:

  • Blood and urine tests are required.
  • Get advice from a neurologist, allergist and therapist, who will give professional opinions on the possibility of vaccinating your child.
  • Immediately on the day of vaccination, children need to have their temperature measured. If there is the slightest hesitation, the vaccination should be postponed to another, more favorable day.
  • Every parent should carefully monitor the quality of the vaccine that is given to their child. If there is such a possibility, then you need to find out under what conditions ampoules with antigens are stored. In the specialist’s office, you should find out what the expiration date is for the vaccination that he is going to give to the child.

    If there are any doubts about the quality of the vaccine or the professionalism of the medical staff, parents should refuse vaccination and choose a more reliable medical facility.

    After vaccination, the following rules must be observed:

  • There is no need to leave the medical facility immediately after vaccination. It is advisable to be in close proximity to the therapist’s office for 30-60 minutes, who will be able to provide qualified assistance in case of any problems.
  • After vaccination, you should not wet the area where the injection was given.
  • If the DPT vaccination was given in the summer, parents need to carefully monitor the child’s temperature. If it increases slightly, then you should give the baby an antipyretic drug, which was recommended by the local physician. It is important to remember that children under 5 years old should not be given Aspirin. If the temperature rises rapidly, you need to seek help from the nearest medical facility or call an ambulance.
  • The usual diet of children can be changed only one day after vaccination.
  • If, after vaccination, the behavior of children causes anxiety among parents, they urgently need to get advice from specialists.
  • Problems that may arise if children do not have routine vaccinations

    Today, for many parents, the issue of childhood vaccination is an urgent one. Many people do not know whether or not to get mandatory vaccinations. This is due to the fact that the number of children who have complications after routine vaccinations increases every year.

    As a result, more and more families are deciding not to vaccinate their children. By deliberately taking such a risk, they may encounter problems when registering their children for kindergarten or school, or when traveling to sanatoriums or summer camps.

    The legislation in force in the Russian Federation does not force children to undergo mandatory vaccination. Only their parents have the right to decide this issue. If a family decides not to vaccinate their child, they may only encounter temporary difficulties when enrolling him in a kindergarten or educational institution.

    The Directorate has no legal grounds to refuse admission to unvaccinated children. Parents can receive a temporary refusal only if, at the time of registration of documents, there is a mass illness of children (infectious or viral) in the institution.

    In practice, the management of schools and kindergartens usually tries in every possible way to prevent such children from joining the group, since they pose a “threat” of epidemics and outbreaks of serious diseases. Managers either do not accept medical cards without notes on scheduled vaccinations at all, or they blame their reluctance to register a child who did not participate in vaccination by the lack of available places.

    The Sanitary and Epidemiological Station closely monitors that children without vaccinations are not admitted to preschool institutions. It is also worth noting that in Russia, during a mandatory medical examination before a kindergarten or school, health care workers may refuse to sign the card of a child who has not received routine vaccinations.

    If parents still want to exercise their constitutional right to freedom to decide whether to vaccinate their children, they can do the following:

    1. Write a statement to the head physician of a medical institution whose employee refuses to sign the child’s medical record.
    2. If the management of the clinic refuses to resolve the issue peacefully, parents should submit an application to the prosecutor's office.
    3. At the same time, it is recommended to write a complaint to the local Health Department.
    4. In the event that children do not want to be admitted to a kindergarten or school, parents need to submit a request to the institution, demanding to indicate the reason for the refusal. Management is obliged to respond to such a request and respond in writing. If they refer to the lack of vacancies, then after such a response, other children can be admitted to the institution only after notifying the parents of the unvaccinated child about the vacancy. They are also advised to write a complaint to the directorate of the kindergarten or school, and to the education department.

    When planning vacations and recreational activities in Russia and abroad, parents of unvaccinated children need to remember that in sanatoriums and summer camps it is necessary to issue certificates of epidemic welfare and vaccination certificates.

    Is the flu shot mandatory or not in 2018?

    Late autumn and almost all winter is the peak of colds, infectious and viral diseases. Every person needs to take care in advance about maintaining personal health. The most common illnesses of the above period are influenza and ARVI. While hardening and prophylaxis of the body works well against ARVI, doctors recommend timely vaccination against influenza.

    Getting a flu shot in 2018 will help you stay healthy and also protect yourself from the viral disease.

    Vaccination in 2018

    Medical statistics indicate that almost every winter there is a peak in colds, infectious and viral diseases. In the coming time, the flu will be widespread in Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus. If in past periods every second person had the flu, then the same situation will be repeated in the coming time.

    Is the flu shot mandatory or not in 2018? This question excites hundreds of thousands of minds of Russian residents. Influenza has a wide variety of subspecies. To date, it is not known exactly which stamp of the disease will progress in the next year. But doctors have prepared thoroughly, so the population is offered vaccination with modern and effective injections.

    According to medical forecasts, it can be revealed that throughout the entire emergency period, three main strains of influenza will operate in nature, and they will alternately replace each other. At the assembly of doctors, it was decided to vaccinate with the most modern drugs. The pharmacological name of the flu shot in 2018 has the following variations:

  • Children's version - Grippol plus;
  • vaccine for adults - Influenza.
  • Vaccinations will begin to arrive at medical institutions from the beginning of August. It is important to remember that vaccination is carried out only intramuscularly. The vaccine for children is more gentle; its main advantage is that it contains practically no preservatives.

    Is flu vaccination necessary?

    Which flu vaccinations are better in 2018 have already been determined. The question remains open: is this vaccination with preventive drugs so important and necessary?

    In order to get only a real answer to a given problem, you need to know the following facts:

  • The vaccine helps maintain the body's immunity against influenza viruses. The injection will help activate the human body’s defenses at the highest level;
  • The protective effect of the preventive mechanism begins to activate after 12 hours after administration of the vaccine;
  • The duration of the additional protective forces of the body is determined to be 12 months.
  • Doctors recommend vaccination for everyone before the onset of constant cold weather, that is, until November. According to some data, it has been determined that the peak of the viral disease will begin in February. Accordingly, by this time all necessary medicinal procedures must be carried out.

    Is a flu shot mandatory or not in 2018? Only the person himself can decide what to do with his health. Influenza vaccination is carried out primarily for all the most vulnerable segments of the population. These include schoolchildren, students, preschoolers, educators and doctors. In addition, elderly people who have reached 60 years of age, sales and service personnel, and chronically ill people have a high rice factor.

    Vaccination location

    Preschoolers are vaccinated in kindergartens, schoolchildren and other students are vaccinated at their place of study. The only thing that is required before vaccinating a minor child is obtaining consent for vaccination from parents or adults replacing them.

    The working population, who are officially employed by any enterprise, undergo all the necessary procedures at the place of work, subject to the conclusion of an agreement with medical institutions.

    All others who wish to be vaccinated undergo the necessary procedures in clinics at their place of residence.

    Before vaccination, each person should consult with their doctor. Only after receiving an affirmative answer from a doctor can you get vaccinated.

    The flu shot has certain contraindications:

    • allergic reactions to the composition of the drug, chicken protein;
    • individual intolerance of the human body to the components of the drug;
    • increased body temperature;
    • the presence of chronic diseases of the upper or lower respiratory tract;
    • asthma;
    • some diseases of the central nervous system;
    • endocrine diseases;
    • disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system;
    • infancy up to 6 months.
    • Doctors confidently declare that the new composition of the flu vaccine can be used positively even with a moderately elevated body temperature in humans. But before you decide to get vaccinated, you need to visit your doctor and monitor the current state of your health.

      Mandatory flu vaccinations

      The first vaccinations for children are given in the maternity hospital. This “mosquito bite” of the vaccine syringe protects the child from possible mortal danger. Vaccination of children allowed us to forget about such terrible diseases as smallpox, plague, diphtheria, measles. However, in the 21st century, the century of high technology, parents have developed an ambiguous attitude towards vaccinations. Do children need them? At what age is it better to vaccinate children, and which vaccinations are required? Let's figure it out together.

      The baby is born with innate immunity, then receives additional protection along with mother's milk. Every day the baby’s body gets stronger if it receives a complete balanced diet and develops correctly physically. And vaccinations for a child are necessary so that his natural immunity is complemented by the acquired one, and the baby becomes resistant to viral diseases.

      Vaccinations for children: pros and cons

      Doctors consider vaccinations necessary, but some natural philosophers hold the opposite opinion. According to the law of the Russian Federation, parents have the right to independently decide whether their child should be vaccinated. However, before testing your method of refusing a vaccine on a defenseless baby, you should consult with an experienced pediatrician, weighing the pros and cons of vaccinating children.

      Those parents whose children are often sick should be especially careful. According to pediatricians, such babies produce fewer antibodies than children with strong immunity. This is why these guys need additional protection, and not a refusal to vaccinate.

      Which children do not need to be vaccinated?

      Stories about how, because a child was vaccinated with a runny nose, and the baby became infected with all possible diseases, are greatly exaggerated by impressionable parents. Modern medicine suggests few contraindications for vaccinating children.

      The main temporary contraindications for vaccination of children under one year of age and at an older age are anemia or low hemoglobin levels. Therefore, if the baby has recently been ill, experienced severe stress, or even suffers from a runny nose, doctors really recommend postponing vaccination until complete recovery.

      However, they refuse vaccinations altogether or do them in a lighter form when the primary vaccination caused the baby to develop complex allergic edema, malignant blood diseases, and progressive neurological pathologies. If the area of ​​the skin where the injection was made swells and the child’s temperature rises to 40C, the doctor may also cancel vaccinations or increase the interval between them.

      Mandatory vaccinations for children

      BCG vaccinations are mandatory for children, because in the harsh Russian climate, tuberculosis infection can be caught in any public place, and in order to become infected with this dangerous disease, it is not necessary to have close contact with a patient.

      Vaccination will reduce the risk of developing the disease by 15 times. The injection is given to the child's left shoulder. Under no circumstances should the vaccination site be lubricated with antiseptics (brilliant and iodine). After a couple of months, the child will develop a small lump and a crust at the vaccination site, which also should not be removed or soaped. The vaccine helps the baby develop protection against tuberculosis for 7 years.

      Vaccination of children with DPT is repeated three times: the first vaccination is given at 3 months, at 4.5, 6 months, and then the babies are revaccinated a year later. Vaccination protects babies from three dangerous diseases - whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. After vaccination, immunity is formed in almost all children. A child will not be afraid of diphtheria for 5 years, whooping cough for 5-7 years, but the vaccine will protect the child from tetanus for 10 years. Children will receive booster vaccinations at school.

      On the day of vaccination, the baby should not be bathed, and if the child’s leg hurts after the DPT vaccination, you should consult a doctor or nurse. The temperature should be brought down if it rises above 37.5. For the first two weeks after vaccination, it is recommended to limit the baby’s contact with others.

      Some children develop a lump after the DTP vaccine, which goes away on its own within a few days. But if this lump bothers your baby and does not go away, we also recommend that you contact your pediatrician.

      Should a child be vaccinated against hepatitis? It's definitely worth it. Hepatitis B is rightfully considered a disaster of the 21st century. This liver-damaging virus is transmitted not only through blood, but also through urine and saliva. If the immune system is weakened, it, like tuberculosis, can be “caught” in public places. Therefore, vaccination against hepatitis B is always included in the calendar of mandatory vaccinations for children under one year old; children are given an injection in the first 12 hours of their life, and then the vaccination is repeated after a month and six months.

      Pediatricians recommend not to deviate from the schedule, because this vaccination is easily tolerated by the child and gives him invaluable protection. It takes 5 years for a child’s immunity to develop. But if you vaccinate a child at the wrong time, the effectiveness of the procedure will sharply decrease.

      Poliomyelitis remains one of the most dangerous infections of the century. This intestinal virus is transmitted by airborne droplets and secretions. All parents know that the disease leads to paralysis, so it is imperative that their child be vaccinated against polio. It can be carried out using a live vaccine (OPV) or a non-live vaccine (IPV). If you choose OPV vaccination, the baby and his close relatives should be monitored for 30 days.

      At the same time, the child is vaccinated against rubella, mumps and measles. Immunity against diseases is formed for 5 years. The baby's temperature may rise on days 5-14, and sometimes swelling of the glands appears, so parents should be attentive to the child after vaccination.

      Vaccination calendar for children under 3 years of age

      The mandatory vaccination schedule for children, taking into account the necessary combinations of vaccines and intervals, is as follows:

    • Day 1: hepatitis (first vaccination);
    • 3-7 days: tuberculosis;
    • 1 month: hepatitis (second vaccination);
    • 3 months: DTP + polio (first vaccination);
    • 4.5 months: DTP + polio (second vaccination);
    • 6 months: DPT + polio (third vaccination);
    • 12 months: MMR – measles, rubella, mumps;
    • 18 months: DTP + polio (first revaccination);
    • 20 months: Poliomyelitis (second revaccination).
    • Preparing a child for vaccination

      In order for the vaccine to protect the baby, it is not enough just to follow the vaccination plan for children under one year old; the baby must be prepared for the upcoming procedure.

      Before the injection, you should be examined by a pediatrician. The main contraindication to vaccinations in children is recent acute illness. If the baby’s immunity is weakened, the doctor prescribes an individual vaccination schedule in such a way as to vaccinate the baby healthy and strong.

      Are you worried that your child will develop a fever after vaccination or that a rash will spread throughout his body? Then take an immunity test, based on the results of which you will select an appropriate vaccination schedule for your child. If your baby suffers from allergies, you should also contact an endocrinologist: the doctor will decide how to prepare the child for vaccination and will also develop an individual vaccination plan.

      Then the child needs to undergo blood and urine tests, and if the results are satisfactory, begin preparing him for vaccinations. A week before the appointed date, you should not give your baby new foods, so as not to provoke an allergy. Do not refuse the antihistamine prescribed by your pediatrician. Take the drug for several days before and after vaccination.

      Children after vaccination: observation

      After the injection, carefully monitor the baby’s well-being. However, do not panic if your baby has a slight fever, feels weak and wants to sleep all the time - this is a normal reaction of the body to the virus. A slight swelling and redness at the injection site is also not worth your nerves. Remember, the skin in the grafted area should not be wetted or combed; the seal will go away in a few days.

      A few words about the flu shot

      Many parents wonder whether their child needs a flu shot. Doctors do not have a clear answer to this question. The danger of influenza lies in its complications: unlike the classic cold, this disease can lead to pneumonia, sinusitis and various cardiovascular diseases. Is it worth risking the baby's health?

      The World Health Organization recommends that babies over 6 months of age be vaccinated against influenza. Vaccination should be carried out in October-November, since the baby’s immunity is formed 2 weeks after vaccination.

      Modern flu vaccinations cause virtually no side effects. The only reaction to the vaccine in a child may be a slight fever and slight swelling at the injection site.

      However, the flu vaccine should not be given to children who suffer from the following diseases:

    • Kidney pathology;
    • Immunodeficiency states;
    • HIV or AIDS;
    • Lung pathology;
    • Diabetes;
    • Blood diseases;
    • Allergic reactions;
    • Bronchial asthma.
    • Parents' concerns: Can a child get sick after vaccination?

      Every parent worries about the health of their baby. I really want my beloved child not to know the problems and side effects of vaccinations, and for all unpleasant diseases to pass him by. If you are not sure about your child’s vaccination schedule, want to get a second opinion from a pediatrician, or simply consult with an experienced specialist about your baby’s health, the experienced specialists of the American Diagnostic Center are waiting for you at usvdc.com!

      You can ask our pediatrician any question: is it possible to walk with your child after vaccination, how should you eat after the procedure, when is the best time to get an injection, and many others. Just register at usvdc.com, choose a convenient consultation time, and an experienced pediatrician at the American virtual diagnostic center will resolve all your doubts. We wish you and your child health!

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      Is a flu shot mandatory or not in 2018?

      Every year, hundreds of people suffer from infection with the influenza virus, which constantly mutates and causes irreparable harm to humanity. Doctors have invented special vaccines that prevent the development of this disease by forming artificial immunity, so it is necessary to separately discuss the issue of.

      What will the flu shot be like in 2018?

      Vaccination and its features

      Scientists are constantly developing new modern drugs that are aimed against the development of this disease, because they help create artificial immunity. No one will be required to do them (according to the latest official government data), but we can say for sure that vaccinations have already been developed, and everyone can undergo the vaccination procedure (at their own request and in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations).

      Everyone should know the official pharmacological name of the flu shot in 2018, as well as the fact that the vaccine has two variations for adults and children:

    • Grippol Plus (a drug intended for pediatric injections);
    • Flu (for adults).
    • The first vaccines can begin to be given in early August, because this is when they will begin to appear in medical institutions. And it is best to take care of performing the injection in advance, because the body must have time to form immunity to the strain of the virus, otherwise the vaccine will not have any effect.

      Benefits of the influenza vaccine

      The question of which flu vaccinations are better in 2018 is easy to answer, because, in fact, medical professionals suggest that the population pay attention to only two options for this drug, intended for each age group separately.

      However, it must be said that everyone needs to use the opportunity to strengthen their own body, because a timely injection allows you to form artificial immunity and activate the protective properties of the human body, and it will work for a whole calendar year, therefore, no one should refuse to undergo this procedure not worth it.

    • Contraindications to injections are:
    • protein allergy;
    • development of a severe allergic reaction to a previous injection;
    • acute phase of any infectious disease or exacerbation of a chronic disease;
    • elevated body temperature.

      Several myths about vaccination

      Only those patients who are at risk need to be vaccinated, because their body cannot resist viruses on its own.

      However, in reality, a person of any age can become infected with the flu, as well as suffer from the consequences of this disease, so it is best to give injections to every person, regardless of his age category.

      An equally popular belief is that the virus is constantly mutating, and the vaccine is created against only one of its varieties. However, this is not the case, because scientists say that the drug contains remnants of different strains of the virus, which are quite capable of forming anti-influenza immunity.

    Naturally, one cannot help but say that prevention against the development of the disease can be carried out using other methods - taking immunological drugs, for example, or using traditional medicine, but its effectiveness will be minimal, so the likelihood of infection with the influenza virus will still be just as high.

    Today, doctors know many methods for preventing diseases. They can be either specific or nonspecific. As practice shows, most diseases can be prevented quite simply: you just need to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat a healthy and balanced diet, harden yourself and visit a doctor in a timely manner for prevention. But for many diseases, such methods are not enough, in which case they resort to immunization. The topic of our conversation today will be immunization in kindergarten; we will discuss the importance of immunization in disease prevention in a little more detail.

    Immunization is a method of specific prevention in which a person gains immunity or loses susceptibility to infectious diseases, which is achieved in most cases with the help of a vaccine. This method of disease prevention is a proven tool to avoid infectious diseases that can threaten life and health. According to statistics, timely and correct immunization makes it possible to prevent two to three million deaths a year.

    Immunization in kindergarten is determined solely by the vaccination schedule. In this case, vaccination is carried out either individually or in an organized manner. With organized immunization, specialists (a doctor or a nurse from a clinic) come to the kindergarten with ready-made medications. At the same time, medical workers in children's institutions must draw up vaccination plans, including in such lists all children who need vaccination.
    All data on the manipulations carried out in preschool institutions must be entered into a special vaccination list (form 063/u) or into a medical card (form 026/u - 2000).

    It is worth clarifying that immunization in kindergarten can only be carried out with the consent of the parents or legal representatives of the children. If they want to refuse to vaccinate their child, they must register the refusal in writing in the office of the preschool institution and notify the nurse.

    Many parents are skeptical about immunization in general, fearing side effects and possible complications of vaccines. But as practice shows, any vaccine is hundreds of times safer than the disease from which it protects. However, before vaccination, you need to make sure that the baby is in complete health and that he has no contraindications to using the vaccine.

    Immunization of children is carried out only according to the schedule. But parents can contact their local pediatrician at a medical facility and have their child additionally vaccinated against rotavirus infection, chickenpox and hepatitis A. Such ailments are most often successfully treated, but can be complicated by various unpleasant health problems.

    The importance of immunization in the prevention of infectious diseases

    So, vaccination is a method of creating artificial immunity against certain diseases. To achieve this effect, fairly harmless antigens that are part of microorganisms that cause diseases are introduced into the body.

    Thus, immunization is one of the best methods for protecting a person from infectious diseases that can cause serious complications and even death. Injecting a vaccine stimulates the immune system to respond as it would during a real infection. As a result, the immune system remembers the aggressor, and when it enters the body again, it enters into active resistance.

    So, this is the first measure to prevent such life-threatening conditions. Immunization also helps prevent the incidence of polio and measles. Girls in the absence of acquired immunity must be vaccinated against rubella, because if it is affected in the first trimester of pregnancy, the risk of congenital deformities in the child reaches almost one hundred percent. Boys are recommended to be vaccinated against mumps, because in males this disease can cause infertility.

    As for immunization as a means of preventing less dangerous diseases: influenza, HPV, etc., the feasibility of its implementation in these cases remains questionable. Many doctors are confident in the need for such vaccination, while others believe that the benefits of such vaccinations have not yet been sufficiently proven, and the likelihood of side effects and complications is quite high.

    Importance of immunization of healthcare workers

    Healthcare workers are a special group of people who face the risk of getting sick every day. After all, they come into contact with sick people and a wide variety of infected materials many times a day. In order to reduce the likelihood of contracting infections, vaccination is carried out. It is worth noting that systemic immunization is indicated not only for hospital workers, but also for those who perform similar work privately and work in nursing homes. The same measures are needed for school doctors, laboratory workers, and emergency services.

    Preserving the life and health of medical workers through vaccination is part of the state program of our country. Immunization against tetanus and diphtheria (with an interval of ten years), against influenza, measles, hepatitis B and rubella (in the absence of a history of illness) is mandatory.

    Traditional treatment

    To effectively protect against infectious and other diseases, you also need to increase your immunity, and for this purpose you can use traditional medicine.

    So you can brew a tablespoon of chopped echinacea herb with a glass of boiling water. Soak this product in a boiling water bath for a quarter of an hour, then cool and strain. Take the finished medicine, a quarter glass three times a day.

    You can also combine equal shares of dry and crushed rose hips, hawthorn and raspberries. Pour a tablespoon of raw material with a glass of boiling water and leave under the lid until it cools completely. Strain the finished drink and drink like tea, sweetening with honey.

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    In Russia, according to the Preventive Vaccination Calendar, the entire population is subject to vaccination. Particular attention is paid to immunization of working citizens, especially in the medical field. Doctors, nurses and laboratory workers are constantly at risk of contracting infectious diseases not only to themselves, but also to those around them.

    Preserving the life and health of health workers through vaccination is part of the Russian state program. Let's find out which vaccinations are mandatory for healthcare workers. We will also understand the legal issues of vaccinating medical workers.

    Legal aspects of mandatory vaccinations for health workers

    Mandatory vaccinations for medical workers are carried out in accordance with government regulations and the order of the Ministry of Health. The following regulations are currently in effect.

    Vaccination of health workers is carried out according to the Russian Vaccination Calendar. In the event of an outbreak or threat of an epidemic, vaccination is carried out according to epidemic indications. In this case, healthcare workers and epidemiologists are vaccinated first. Federal Law No. 257 states the right of citizens to immunization.

    Important! Free vaccination is carried out within the framework of the Calendar in state and municipal medical institutions. Vaccination of health workers is provided by the institution in which they work.

    Refusal of vaccination

    According to the Federal Law issued on September 17, 1998, under Article 5 “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases,” a medical worker may refuse vaccination. However, everything is not so simple. The same law also talks about the consequences of refusal:

    According to labor legislation, a medical organization is responsible for the actions of its employees in the field of medical procedures. An infected employee who infects a patient not only suffers material damage in the form of compensation for harm to the patient’s health, but is also held accountable. Therefore, medical organizations will not hire an unvaccinated potential employee.

    Vaccination is carried out for people who have no contraindications. If a person has them, then he can write a refusal to be vaccinated, justifying it by the presence of contraindications. The list of contraindications is established in the guidelines of the resolution of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2008.

    What vaccinations are required for healthcare workers?

    According to the Russian Vaccination Calendar, the entire population is vaccinated. Immunization against the following infectious diseases is mandatory for medical workers:

    People without information about what they have already been vaccinated against should also get immunized.

    Vaccination is also carried out according to epidemic indications:

    • from polio;
    • from hepatitis A;
    • from shigellosis.

    In addition to these vaccinations, additional vaccinations are carried out for health workers who have contact with cultures of brucellosis, plague, rabies, yellow fever, tick-borne encephalitis, leptospirosis, tularemia, and typhoid fever.

    What vaccines are used to vaccinate healthcare workers?

    To vaccinate healthcare workers against influenza, the Grippol and Grippol Plus vaccines are used. Alternative vaccines "Agrippal", "Influvac" or "Vaxigrip" are also used to vaccinate workers against influenza. The Russian-made “Grippol” and “Grippol Plus” vaccines are administered once annually. For pregnant health workers, the children's vaccine "Grippol Plus" is preferred for influenza vaccination as it contains fewer preservatives.

    Vaccination of healthcare workers against hepatitis B is done with the domestic vaccine “Combiotex” in a dose of 1 ml at the age of 18–55 years, if they have not been sick and have not been vaccinated. Revaccination of health workers against hepatitis B is carried out after 1 and 6 months. Alternative vaccines, Engerix B and HEP-A-in-VAK, are also used for vaccination.

    Vaccination of health workers against measles is carried out at any age for unvaccinated people who have not been sick. To immunize health workers against measles, the Russian-made LCV vaccine is used in a dose of 0.5 milliliters.

    Once every 10 years, health workers are revaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus with the ADS-M vaccine.

    Rubella vaccinations for healthcare workers are carried out between the ages of 18 and 25, if they are not vaccinated, have not been sick or do not have information about their vaccinations. For this purpose, “Live attenuated rubella vaccine” is used.

    Vaccines for immunization of health workers for epidemic indications

    For immunization against polio, according to epidemic indications, the Imovax Polio or Pentaxim vaccines are used. According to the calendar, the OPV vaccine is used, but the issue of abandoning the live oral vaccine is currently being considered due to the development of vaccine-associated polio. Primary immunization with the French inactivated vaccine "Imovax Polio" to unvaccinated individuals is done three times with an interval of 1 month. After 1 year and 5 or 10 years, revaccination is done. "Pentaxim" is convenient because it can be vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus and polio simultaneously.

    According to epidemic indications, health workers are also vaccinated against hepatitis A. For immunization, the Russian vaccine “HEP-A-in-VAK” is used twice, 1 ml each with a break of 6-18 months. The Belgian vaccine “Havrix” is also used for vaccination in a single dose of 1 ml.

    According to epidemic indications, medical workers are vaccinated against shigellosis with the Shigellvac vaccine in a single dose of 0.5 ml. If revaccination is required, it is done after a year.

    Summarizing the topic of vaccinations for health workers, we emphasize that immunization is mandatory for them. A health worker can refuse vaccinations, but this will have negative consequences in the event of employment and admission to a university. In addition, the employer has the right to fire an unvaccinated medical employee. A healthcare worker who has not undergone immunization may be held liable if harm is caused to the patient’s health during the provision of medical and preventive care.

    Source: privivku.ru

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    Hundreds of suppliers bring medicines for hepatitis C from India to Russia, but only IMMCO will help you buy sofosbuvir and daclatasvir (as well as velpatasvir and ledipasvir) from India at the best price and with an individual approach to each patient!

    Some employers take care of the health of their employees and maintaining their performance during the flu and ARVI epidemics. For this purpose, vaccination is organized. We’ll look at how to do this correctly in the article.

    Employers are interested in the uninterrupted operation of all structural divisions during an epidemic of influenza and ARVI, so they can choose the most suitable method of vaccination for the organization.

    3 ways to vaccinate workers:

      conclude an agreement for vaccination with a medical organization that has a license for medical activities;

      conclude a voluntary health insurance (VHI) agreement, which provides, in particular, for influenza vaccination;

      compensate employees for the cost of vaccinations paid for by them themselves.

    Legal requirements

    Article 11 of Federal Law No. 52-FZ of March 30, 1999 “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (as amended on November 28, 2015; hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 52-FZ) obliges individual entrepreneurs and organizations, in accordance with their activities, to carry out requirements of sanitary legislation, regulations, instructions of officials carrying out federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, as well as to carry out sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures.


    Sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures include preventive vaccinations carried out in accordance with current legislation in order to prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases (clause 2 of article 25, clauses 1, 3 of article 29, article 35 of Federal Law No. 52 -FZ).

    In accordance with Art. 9 of the Federal Law of September 17, 1998 No. 157-FZ “On the Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases” (as amended on December 31, 2014, as amended on December 14, 2015), influenza vaccinations are included in the national calendar of preventive vaccinations, approved by the Order of the Russian Ministry of Health dated March 21 .2014 No. 125n. The calendar states that employees of certain professions and positions (medical and educational organizations, transport, public utilities) are subject to mandatory flu vaccination.

    In addition, issues of influenza prevention are regulated by SP “Prevention of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections” (hereinafter referred to as SP

    Extract from SP

    VIII. Organization of preventive and anti-epidemic measures in the pre-epidemic period

    8.3. Heads of organizations whose employees belong to risk groups for influenza and ARVI (employees of medical and educational organizations, trade, public catering, transport) must take measures to carry out specific prevention of influenza and nonspecific prevention of ARVI.
    8.4. Heads of other organizations organize preventive vaccinations against influenza for employees in accordance with current regulatory legal documents.

    Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated August 20, 2015 No. 39 requires vaccination as part of measures to prevent influenza and ARVI in the 2015-2016 epidemic season. Clause 2.1 of this resolution recommended that heads of organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form, allocate funds for organizing and conducting vaccinations of employees against influenza.

    Consequently, the legislation does not establish an unconditional obligation for all employers to vaccinate employees against influenza and ARVI. In most cases, its organization and implementation is voluntary decision of the employer.

    Can vaccination be mandatory?

    Vaccination against influenza and ARVI for employers can be not only voluntary, but also mandatory.

    Mandatory vaccination of workers carried out by the employer in pursuance of the law or by order (resolution) of an official exercising federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, or another authorized body (for example, the chief state sanitary doctor or his deputy in accordance with subclause 6, clause 1, article 51 of Federal Law No. 52-FZ).

    If the organization has decided to vaccinate employees, this must be recorded in the order (instruction) of the manager. In this document, it is desirable to justify (with references to legislation) the need for vaccination of workers. If vaccination of employees is mandatory, references must be made to the relevant law or the received order (resolution) of an official.

    All employees must be familiarized with the vaccination order (see appendix).