What herbs help with what? How to use herbs correctly and safely - complete instructions for use

List of diseases and herbs used to treat them


Wild strawberry, stinging nettle.


Stinging nettle, greater burdock, dandelion, lesser centaury, St. John's wort, chamomile, greater celandine, calendula officinalis, peppermint.


Marshmallow, garlic, sage, burnet, calendula officinalis, rhodiola rosea, onion, peppermint.


Stinging nettle, calendula officinalis, horsetail, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, peppermint, tripartite succession.


Coltsfoot, oregano, wild strawberry, stinging nettle, licorice, greater celandine, elecampane, common anise, large plantain.


Large plantain, wild strawberry, onion, garlic, yarrow, horsetail, dandelion, stinging nettle, peppermint, chamomile, motherwort, burdock, tripartite.


Dill, motherwort five-lobed, peppermint, valerian.


Horsetail, sage, yarrow, coltsfoot, marshmallow, elecampane, oregano, chamomile, stinging nettle.


Great plantain, peppermint, common yarrow, common oregano, chamomile, St. John's wort, knotweed, centaury, calendula officinalis, trifoliate, stinging nettle.


Common tansy, onion, garlic, chamomile, centaury, three-leaf watch, peppermint, valerian officinalis, chamomile.


Dill, onion, calendula, anise, peppermint, dandelion, wild strawberry, St. John's wort, stinging nettle, sage, horsetail, calamus, elecampane, tansy, common yarrow.


Tansy, motherwort five-lobed, knotweed, calendula officinalis, yarrow, horsetail, valerian.


Onions, garlic, coltsfoot, common anise, centaury, three-leaved watch, chamomile, bergenia, wild strawberry.


Knotweed, peppermint, ginseng.

Diabetes mellitus

Dandelion, tripartite string, stinging nettle, large burdock, elecampane, St. John's wort, knotweed, great plantain, wild strawberry.


Tangut rhubarb, anise, chamomile, motherwort five-lobed, plantain, dandelion.


Great plantain, wild strawberry, sage, yarrow, calamus, onion, garlic, valerian.


Onions, Rhodiola rosea, ginseng.


Common anise, garlic, marshmallow, elecampane, oregano, coltsfoot, licorice, large plantain, horsetail.


Centaury, chamomile, sage, peppermint, snakeweed, valerian, horsetail, motherwort five-lobed.

Uterine bleeding

Stinging nettle, elecampane, common yarrow.


Chamomile, valerian officinalis, anise, dill, elecampane.


Oregano, knotweed, valerian, tall elecampane, coltsfoot, St. John's wort.

Runny nose

Onions, coltsfoot, oregano, marigolds.


Blue cornflower, horsetail, marshmallow, tansy, St. John's wort, anise, curly parsley, calendula.


Stinging nettle, knotweed.


Oregano, stinging nettle.


Burnet, calamus, marshmallow, chamomile, knotweed.

Kidney stone disease

Onions, garlic, knotweed, horsetail.


Three-leaved watch, large burdock, stinging nettle.

Common yarrow, greater plantain, dill, sage, greater celandine, greater burdock.


Oregano, chamomile, St. John's wort, tripartite string, elecampane, coltsfoot, licorice, large burdock.

Heart failure

Chamomile, motherwort five-lobed, peppermint, St. John's wort, valerian officinalis.


Onions, wild strawberries, chamomile, sage, yarrow, anise, horsetail, elecampane, bergenia, calamus, burnet.


Garlic, chamomile.


Stinging nettle, peppermint, dill.


Birdweed, common oregano, St. John's wort, three-leaved watch, coltsfoot, horsetail, burnet.


Dandelion, garlic, coltsfoot.


Dandelion officinalis, elecampane tall.


Calamus, horsetail, yarrow, curly parsley, sage, chamomile, marshmallow.


Calendula officinalis, chamomile, plantain, wild strawberry, tansy.

Peptic ulcer

Calendula officinalis, plantain, common yarrow, St. John's wort, knotweed, calamus, small centaury, elecampane, dandelion.

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Medicinal herbs are one of the most widely available traditional medicine. Having a broad and mild effect on the body, all medicinal herbs and names that will help cure many diseases without resorting to the use of chemicals that have many unwanted side effects.

A relatively small set of medicinal herbs allows you to prepare medicinal mixtures used for a wide variety of diseases. For example, eye herbs such as starry eyebright and dandelion are generally recognized as some of the best herbs for the eyes.

Since time immemorial, people, studying the properties of plants, have used medicinal mixtures and decoctions for healing. And today, folk and scientific medicine widely use natural resources, such as medicinal herbs, to cure many ailments.



St. John's wort


Tree bark is used. Shows antiviral effect. In practice it is used as an antifever and analgesic.


Cilantro (coriander)

Ancient herbalists, medical books and records of doctors provide an opportunity to discover long-forgotten compositions, compositions, prescriptions for medicinal herbs and remedies. Studying ancient books will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the technologies and recipes for preparing medicines that can be useful in our time, and will open up an understanding of pharmacy and the level of development of medicine of the past.

The modern reader of ancient herbalists can experience amazing feelings. On the one hand, you understand the imperfection and naivety of techniques and methods of treatment, the poor range of medicines, and on the other hand, you see the originality of the technology and formulation, you rediscover forgotten medicinal recipes and substances. You are amazed at the tenacity of the healers and pharmacists of those years, who managed to successfully fight various ailments with this simple arsenal, and sometimes work miracles.

Herbalists of medicinal plants.

Modern medicine suggests using medications for most diseases. But despite the latest pharmacological developments, the use of such substances can be quite dangerous. This is due to the artificial nature of the substances and many side effects. That is why many people turn their attention to the advantages of natural medicines, and in particular to herbal medicines.
Medicinal herbs have been used since ancient times. Nature has created a huge number of substances that affect various processes in the human body, normalizing and improving them. Most of these substances are found in plants.

Benefits of using medicinal herbs for treatment
Nowadays, traditional herbal treatment is gaining popularity as opposed to standard chemical medicines. Natural substances contained in plants have a gentler effect on the body. Of course, they can also cause allergic reactions and side effects, but to a much lesser extent. If you follow the dosage of herbal preparations, they will not cause harm. At the same time, medications act harshly: when treating one organ, several others often suffer.
When treating with folk remedies, it is possible to provide a comprehensive effect on all diseases that a particular person has. The most important thing is to choose the right recipes or create a herbal mixture that will cover the maximum number of problems. The effect of medicinal herbs is not narrowly targeted. The same plant can have a positive effect on several organs at once. Most herbs go well together.

Disadvantages of herbal medicine
When treating with herbal decoctions, you should remember that they also have certain disadvantages. They are also associated with the characteristics of the effects of these drugs.

  • Firstly, medicinal herbs do not treat severe, advanced diseases. In these cases, herbal medicine can be used as a supportive, additional method, but not as the main treatment. Cancer, diabetes and much more should not be treated exclusively with herbs.
  • Secondly, the mild and gradual effects of herbal preparations, as well as the difficulty of precise dosage, make them useless for emergency use. When you need an urgent and strong effect of medicine on any organ, herbs are not suitable. Many of them have a cumulative effect and require taking for weeks, and in some cases, months.
  • Thirdly, herbal preparations also have contraindications that must be taken into account. Some plants can be mutually exclusive for one of the effects, which does not allow them to be used in one collection. The collection should be compiled by a specialist who is well versed in all the features of such medicinal raw materials.
  • Fourthly, it is not always possible to obtain high-quality medicinal raw materials.

Our “herbalist” is the 14 most useful herbs that you can rely on with a full description of their valuable properties and a list of contraindications.


This plant of the succulent genus was first discovered in the countries of South Africa and Arabia. During the Russian ship's voyage to South Africa, one of the crew members contracted an unknown tropical fever and had to be left ashore. Literally a month later, another team found the sailor in the same place - he looked much better. It turned out that in the jungle he found a tropical plant that looked like a bush and chewed its leaves (most likely from hunger), and then noticed that his health began to improve significantly. This is how, according to unofficial data, aloe came to Russia.

More than 200 different types of aloe are known in nature, but the most common in our country is aloe vera or agave. As a rule, two useful products are obtained from its leaves: juice and gel. The first one is more often used in medicine, the second one in cosmetology. Aloe juice contains useful microelements: manganese, copper, potassium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, bromine, vanadium, iron, iodine, silver, fluorine, silicon, zinc and many others.


  • strengthens the immune system
  • cleanses the blood
  • treats diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive and urinary systems
  • has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effects
  • treats eye diseases
  • enhances the secretion of the digestive glands
  • normalizes cholesterol levels
  • accelerates the healing of wounds and ulcers
  • treats gynecological diseases
  • relieves inflammation from gums


Aloe juice should not be consumed if you have cancer, possible allergic reactions, uterine bleeding or pregnancy (only with the permission of your doctor).


This perennial plant of the Araliaceae family grows mainly in mountainous regions, and most often it can be found in the Far East, China, Tibet, Vietnam, Altai, and Siberia. China is recognized as the birthplace of the plant, and the pronunciation of its name is borrowed from the Chinese language (although in the original ginseng is written in two words and translated as “root of life”). The most useful part of ginseng is really the root, which is shaped like a small human figurine (for this reason, ginseng is sometimes translated from the same Chinese as “man root”).


  • has an anti-inflammatory effect
  • affects carbohydrate metabolism
  • improves vision indicators
  • increases the body's endurance and its resistance to stress, infections, changes in external temperatures, etc.
  • equalizes blood pressure in case of hypotension
  • lowers cholesterol levels
  • activates adrenal function
  • stimulates blood circulation in the brain
  • accelerates fat metabolism
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds and ulcers


In cases of self-medication with uncontrolled use of drugs containing ginseng, a deterioration in health may occur, even leading to fatal poisoning, so it is better to consult a doctor before taking it. Ginseng is completely contraindicated in the development of acute infectious diseases, high blood pressure, and pregnancy.


In nature, there are about 30 different types of Eleutherococcus, but only one is used in medicine - Eleutherococcus senticosus. This species is a shrub with branching, thorny trunks (plant trunks can reach 4 meters in height) and fruits in the form of black berries. Eleutherococcus belongs to the Araliaceae family, like ginseng and, accordingly, has properties similar to it. For this reason, it is often used as a tonic for fatigue. By the way, Eleutherococcus is included in the classic composition of the Russian drink “Baikal”.


  • tones
  • increases performance
  • relieves chronic fatigue
  • tidies up the nervous system
  • helps reduce blood sugar levels
  • helps in the prevention of cancer
  • has a calming effect on the eyes, has a beneficial effect on vision in general
  • improves appetite
  • increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases
  • helps with radiation and poisoning
  • helps treat stomatitis and other oral diseases
  • useful for restoring the menstrual cycle and infertility
  • increases male sexual activity



Tussilágo or “cashlegone” is the name this plant bears in Latin. “Coltsfoot” is more of a Russian folk interpretation, the basis for which was the leaves of the plant, slippery on the outside and fluffy on the inside. The plant belongs to the Aster family (Asteraceae), and its main beneficial property is the treatment of cough and other bronchodilator diseases. Coltsfoot contains alkaloids that have an antibacterial effect, and inulin, which improves the quality of food absorption and improves digestion.


  • improves the secretion of gastric juice
  • A decoction of the plant relieves muscle and joint pain
  • helps with inflammatory skin diseases (furunculosis, acne)
  • helps with excessive sweating of the feet
  • promotes the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases (tonsillitis, tonsillitis, farengitis)
  • helps with dental problems (periodontal disease, gum disease)
  • treats bronchodilator diseases


Salvia (Latin name for sage) is a large genus of shrubby plants. By the way, as for the original name of sage, it comes from the Latin word salvere (from Latin “to be healthy”). Descriptions of the use of this plant remained in the records of many Greek and Roman physicians. Hippocrates, in particular, called sage a “sacred herb.”

There are about 700 species of salvia recorded around the world. However, in theory, only 100 of them are used for medical purposes, and in practice, there are only 2 types of sage known for their medicinal properties - meadow sage (wild) and medicinal sage (specially grown in gardens and vegetable gardens). Sage leaves are mainly used for treatment: decoctions, tinctures, oils and ointments are prepared from them. Fresh sage leaves are used externally only. The leaves contain vitamins, phytoncides, essential oils, alkaloids, flavonoids, organic acids, resinous and tannin substances, and natural antioxidants.


  • helps in the treatment of skin diseases, external wounds, ulcers, tumors
  • has anti-inflammatory properties
  • has a general strengthening effect on the body
  • limits sweating
  • helps with diarrhea
  • helps prevent arthritis and treat frostbite
  • has antiseptic and antispasmodic effects
  • effective in the prevention and treatment of diabetes and women's diseases
  • helps improve memory
  • has a strengthening effect on hair (slows down the process of baldness in men)


Women should not use sage during breastfeeding, as it helps reduce lactation (however, when the time comes to wean the baby off breast milk, sage, on the contrary, will be useful)


Nettle owes its original name and sad popularity among children to the stinging hairs covering its stems and leaves. In theory, we all know from early childhood that we shouldn’t touch nettles with our hands, because you can get burned or “stained,” but in practice, the benefits of nettles significantly exceed its malicious property of “stinging” everyone (except for the nettle tree native to New Zealand, touching which not only burns, but is, in principle, life-threatening).

In Russia you can find only two types of nettles - stinging nettle and stinging nettle. Nettle contains carotene (there is more of it than in carrots and sorrel), ascorbic acid, calcium, magnesium, potassium, nickel, sodium, copper, titanium, manganese, boron, iodine, phosphorus, iron, as well as vitamins A, B1 , B2 and PP, and in terms of vitamin C content, nettle surpasses even lemon. Nettle is often used to prepare various decoctions for medicinal purposes, but its leaves can also significantly brighten the taste of many soups in cooking.


  • cleanses the blood
  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood
  • helps treat skin diseases (boils, acne, eczema)
  • has a hemostatic and healing effect
  • helps the female body recover faster after childbirth
  • relieves symptoms of PMS and menopause
  • helps to increase the tone of the cardiovascular system, improves heart function
  • helps in the treatment of rheumatism, radiculitis, relieving muscle pain
  • Can be used for hair and scalp care, reduces hair loss
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system, gives choleretic and laxative effects
  • normalizes blood sugar levels in diabetes mellitus


Nettle is contraindicated during pregnancy, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, and atherosclerosis.

Ginkgo biloba

The main places of origin of ginkgo biloba are Japan and Southeast Asia. It existed on our land back in the Mesozoic era. Ginkgo biloba has long been one of the main drugs in Asian medicine, and today it is successfully used both in the West and in Russia as a means to improve memory and prolong youth. The extract from Ginkgo biloba leaves contains more than 40 biologically active compounds. This plant also has its own unique components ─ bilobalides and ginkgolides (to which it owes its unusual name), and it is they that largely determine its special pharmacological activity.


  • stimulates mental activity
  • improves concentration, clarity of thinking and memory
  • slows down the development of senile dementia and brain aging processes
  • relieves dizziness and headaches
  • fights depression
  • stimulates reaction speed and performance
  • eliminates feelings of restlessness, anxiety and irritability
  • stimulates libido
  • improves sleep


Women should not use ginkgo biloba extract during pregnancy.


Kombucha or, as it is called in Russia, kombucha ─ is a symbiosis of a vinegar stick and yeast fungi. Kombucha came to us in the 20th century through Transbaikalia straight from China. In everyday life and folk medicine, both in Russia and in the countries that pioneered kombucha (China, Japan, India), it is not the mushroom itself that is used, but its infusion. In Japan, geisha drank kombucha infusion to lose weight, rinsed their hair with it, removed age spots and even warts on the skin. In India, kombucha infusion was used to fix paints on fabrics. In China and Russia, it is also drunk as an invigorating and excellent thirst-quenching drink. Kombucha also copes well with medicinal purposes, as it contains many healing components (alkaloids, vitamins, enzymes, glycosides, aromatic substances, as well as sugar, acetic acid and alcohol).


  • strengthens the immune system
  • has antibacterial and antiviral effects
  • helps in the treatment of runny nose, sore throat, bacterial dysentery
  • calms down
  • tones
  • relieves mental fatigue
  • restores gastric microflora after taking strong drugs


Due to the high sugar content, kombucha may not be useful for people suffering from fungal diseases, obesity, and diabetes.


A perennial plant of the legume family, whose birthplace is China, it has high nutritional value, and therefore is often used for digestive disorders. The plant contains isoflavones and flavones (substances that regulate hormonal activity in women), saponins (substances that block the absorption of cholesterol) and chlorophyll, which helps cleanse the entire body. Alfalfa also contains minerals (iron, zinc, potassium, calcium) and acids (citric, malic, ascorbic, fumaric, oxalic).


  • cleanses the body
  • helps women's health (menopause, breastfeeding)
  • helps in the treatment of cystitis, hemorrhoids, prostatitis, pyelonephritis
  • stops nasal bleeding
  • helps remove kidney stones
  • helps stimulate hair growth
  • relieves redness and swelling


Leuzea grows high in the mountains. The most famous places where you can pick a bouquet of Leuzea are Altai, Sayan Mountains, and the mountains of Kazakhstan. People often call this plant “deer root,” and all because in the fall, deer deer that live in some mountainous areas dig up and eat its roots. Actually, thanks to them, the usefulness of Leuzea was once discovered.

Due to the biostimulants concentrated in the root of Leuzea, the plant is also often called a natural anabolic (a substance that gives energy, increases endurance, and promotes rapid muscle recovery). So Leuzea root can often be found in popular sports supplements.


  • improves blood composition
  • stimulates the vital processes of the body
  • promotes vasodilation, thereby regulating blood pressure
  • increases hemoglobin levels
  • has a tonic and restorative effect
  • treats apathy, depression
  • increases performance
  • lowers blood sugar levels
  • can help fight alcoholism and impotence


Leuzea root is contraindicated for use in cases of epilepsy, arrhythmia, sleep disorders, arterial hypertension, increased nervous excitability, chronic liver and kidney diseases, and acute infectious diseases.


Even the ancient Greek philosopher Xenophanes wrote about it in his works. Over the entire history of wormwood, about 400 species have been bred. There are about 180 species in our country, of which the most popular is wormwood. The plant is a straight stem about 1.5 meters high with leaves and yellow (sometimes reddish) flowers. The stems and leaves of wormwood contain many beneficial substances and essential oils. In addition, carotene, ascorbic acid, potassium salts, malic and succinic acids were found in wormwood. By the way, another popular type of wormwood is tarragon, which you definitely know as tarragon. Wormwood is a component of absinthe and some other vermouths.


  • stimulates the body's vital functions
  • gives the body tone
  • has cleansing properties
  • fights pyogenic infections
  • has an anthelmintic effect
  • helps in the treatment of eczema, bronchial asthma and rheumatism
  • used to rinse the mouth when there is an unpleasant odor



Horsetail is a perennial herbaceous plant, known to many gardeners as a difficult to eradicate weed. Horsetail reproduces by spores, looks like a mini Christmas tree and is a bit like a horse's tail (horsetail is a derivative of "tail"). As befits a weed, horsetail does not have its own historical homeland; it is only known that in different countries, depending on the climate, its height varies. For example, in Russia it reaches no more than 1-1.5 meters, but in South America you can find a 12-meter plant. Horsetail contains many useful substances and elements ─ vitamin C, flavonoids, potassium salts, silicic acid salts, bitterness, saponins, carotene, resins and tannins.


  • stops bleeding
  • heals wounds and ulcers
  • has a strong diuretic effect
  • has antispasmodic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and restorative effects
  • treats diarrhea
  • treats eczema, ringworm and dermatitis
  • recommended for the prevention of tuberculosis
  • useful for arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism


The use of horsetail is contraindicated during pregnancy, nephrosis and nephritis.


This perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family usually grows in vacant lots, hence its name. The area of ​​distribution of motherwort is very extensive: it can be found in Europe, Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Western Siberia. The most common type of plant is motherwort. It is its solution that calms in stressful situations and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. Of all the known soothing herbs, motherwort has the most powerful effect: it contains flavonol glycosides, essential oil, saponins, the alkaloid stachydrine, tannins and carotene.


  • helps treat neuroses, heart diseases
  • helps with gastrointestinal disorders
  • has a beneficial effect on sleep and menstrual disorders
  • heals wounds and burns
  • used in the early stages of hypertension


Motherwort is contraindicated during pregnancy, arterial hypotension, bradycardia, stomach ulcers, and erosive gastritis.


Echinacea is a perennial plant from the Asteraceae family. There are only 9 species of echinacea in nature, and the most studied is Echinacea purpurea, which is used for medicinal purposes. In appearance, Echinacea resembles chamomile (only the petals are of a different color), and you have probably often encountered it in nature. Stems, flowers, leaves and rhizomes with roots are used as medicinal raw materials. All parts of echinacea contain polysaccharides, essential oil, caffeic acid esters (echinacoside), glycosides, resins, betaine, organic acids (cerutic, palmitic, caffeic, linoleic, oleic, as well as phytosterols, phenolic compounds, phenolic acids, tannins, polyenes and alkaloids). Echinacea is a powerful herbal antibiotic.


  • has an immunostimulating effect
  • increases the body's resistance to viral and infectious diseases (due to caffeic acid)
  • has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects
  • helps with burns, furunculosis, wounds, abscesses, urticaria, insect and snake bites, eczema, herpes and other skin diseases
  • used for diseases caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays, ionizing radiation, chronic inflammatory processes
  • helps in the treatment of polyarthritis, rheumatism, gynecological disorders, prostatitis, upper respiratory tract disease

If you have an acute stage of the above diseases, you should consult your doctor before using these plants and their derivatives. These plants, with rare exceptions, are not recommended for children under 12 years of age.


Folk remedies for all diseases. In the spring-summer period, you can prepare a huge variety of medicinal herbs, from which you can prepare healing decoctions and potions. Herbalist E. F. Zaitseva shows how Traditional medicine helps people improve their health.

Herbalist E. F. Zaitseva

“I always say: “If you don’t want to get sick, dig yourself 3 roots - burdock, wheatgrass and dandelion.” From these roots you will make a collection and drink it.

Healing roots - We save potatoes and throw away weeds. And they are more valuable than potatoes. No weeds should be thrown away. The day will come for every person when he will need not potatoes, but treatment. All weeds are treated! All these difficult-to-eradicate weeds assert their necessity to all living things on earth.


Wheatgrass is a malicious weed that the Lord literally puts under our feet for our healing. There is not a single vegetable garden that does not grow. There is not a single disease that he cannot treat, from the eyes to oncology. All wild animals, cats and dogs are treated with it. For humans, it is invaluable because it restores impaired metabolism. Infusion and decoction of rhizomes are used for dropsy, edema of various origins, cystitis, urinary incontinence, kidney stones and gall bladder, all diseases of the lungs, kidneys, chronic bronchitis, intestinal diseases, diabetes, hypertension.

Wheatgrass roots are used as a pain reliever for gout, rheumatism, lumbago, and various arthritis. The juice and decoction of the fresh plant can be taken during the summer; it helps well with partial loss of vision. Wheatgrass root treats osteochondrosis, ovarian dysfunction in women, pulmonary tuberculosis, exudative diathesis, furunculosis. There are no contraindications to taking it.

We ground flour from wheatgrass roots and baked bread. It is healthier and tastier than wheat. You can make porridge and coffee from it. In times of famine, he helps everyone out. Dandelion root is also a weed. In early spring, you need to collect dandelion leaves, soak them in salt water for two hours to remove the bitterness, and make a salad. We made soup from its leaves and fried its roots.


Dandelion root treats pernicious anemia, stomach and liver cancer, inflammation of the lymph nodes, diathesis, arthrosis deformans, arthritis, osteochondrosis, and all joints. In the fall, if you see a dandelion that has not bloomed and has not given all its strength to flowering, dig it up.

Burdock - “academician”

Once I was giving a lecture and said: “There is an academician who treats all diseases. An academic burdock sits in the ground and waits for someone to take him and treat him.”

Now almost all people are sick. Cancer just kills people. And burdock cures all cancer diseases. Treats diabetes, bronchitis, sinusitis, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, osteochondrosis, bone fractures, intervertebral hernias, atherosclerosis, ear diseases, chronic coronary insufficiency.

Burdock cures hepatitis! In Moscow, many people, especially men, suffer from hepatitis. Even persistent hepatitis C can be cured without a trace with burdock. After two to three months of treatment there is no hepatitis. Burdock root treats liver tumors and even cirrhosis of the liver! Treats cholecystitis, kidney diseases, crushes kidney and gallstones.

It treats all skin diseases: burns, bedsores, eczema, trophic ulcers, hair loss, purulent wounds, psoriasis, lupus erythematosus and so on. No skin specialist can treat all skin diseases, but he can!

During a flu epidemic, people run to doctors, who prescribe antibiotics. And burdock root treats flu and relieves fever.

During the war we had no shoes. It's already frosty, and we all walk barefoot. Sometimes we caught a cold and the temperature rose. Mom will give us burdock root and linden flowers, and wrap us in warmth. We sweat, and we don’t have any fever.

Burdock root cures paralysis! No one has ever treated paralysis. And he heals.

We baked bread, cooked porridge, and made dressings from these roots.

Soup and salads were prepared from young burdock leaves. The root itself was fried, baked, and made into coffee. When someone treats me to coffee, I drink it and think: is this coffee? Coffee should be made from chicory, burdock and wheatgrass roots. Mom made this coffee - it was simply incredible!

There was a case in my practice: I treated one priest in Sergiev Posad, who had large hernias of the spine. He was supposed to have an operation performed by medical luminaries in Moscow. I told him: “Let your luminaries wait one month.” He drank a tincture of the roots, a month later I saw him: he walked freely from the car to me and said: “I don’t have any hernias!”

Rule for brewing roots

The most valuable roots are in early spring, but they can also be dug in the fall. Burdock is a biennial plant. You should dig up one-year-old burdock, which has young leaves - this root is very strong. But burdock with dry leaves and burdocks is already useless; it has given all its strength to flowering. You can collect burrs from it, infuse it and rinse your sore teeth - it will relieve the pain.

Dig up the roots, wash and dry. Burdock root is thick, so it needs to be cut. Pour one tablespoon of dry crushed roots into two glasses of boiling water. Boil for ten minutes. Leave for two hours. Strain and drink half a glass three times a day 10-15 minutes before meals. When you drink a medicinal infusion before meals, the blood immediately absorbs it and distributes it throughout the body. You can drink a collection of burdock, wheatgrass and dandelion roots in equal proportions or one root at a time: a week - burdock, a week - dandelion, a week - wheatgrass.

Healing herbs

The Lord gives us all the herbs we need. There is no need to buy foreign herbs or go to China or anywhere else for them.

Quinoa is added to the soup. When we were kids, we fried it and ate it with potatoes. The squash is used in soup instead of cabbage. Shiritsa seeds are used to make flour and are added when pickling cucumbers.

Wormwood stays close to people. If your temperature rises or your bladder becomes inflamed, take it. It is also a strong sedative. Wormwood relieves all bruises, bruises, and tumors. Treats alcoholism, thrombophlebitis, paralysis, stroke, pain in the pelvic area. Wormwood (or Chernobyl) treats epilepsy, impotence in men, nervous and female diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, stomach and intestinal cancer and sarcoma.

The cocklebur grows along the banks of rivers. Treats cancerous tumors, nephritis, male diseases. In China everyone drinks it, and there is much less cancer there.

Wild meadow geranium treats angina pectoris, osteochondrosis, rectal cancer, and stones. Tatarnik treats skin cancer, hemorrhoids. Thistle cures breast cancer.

I make infusions of 14-15 herbs, and each herb will find where there is inflammation, stagnation, swelling, and will heal. But you can drink one herb at a time.

I always advise everyone to collect a bag of knotweed. This can be done in the fall. In four to five days the grass will dry out and there will be half a bag of it. And as soon as you get a little sick, drink it. Knotweed, or knotweed, grows near every home and has filled all the paths. Last year there was a drought, everything around Moscow dried up. But knotweed is not a staff. It has very nutritious seeds, birds feed on them. If it weren't for him, they would have died. It is popularly called grass-murava or goose grass. The Lord gives it to us.

If your back or joints hurt, it will expel all the salts. This herb is rich in silicon salts. It crushes stones in the gall bladder, bladder, and kidneys. He scratches and scratches these stones, they turn into sand, and in two or three months there are no stones. And the doctors are only surprised.

The avian knotweed treats tuberculosis, cystitis, kidneys, gastric ulcers, cholecystitis, rheumatism, obesity, nervous exhaustion, prostate adenoma in men, cancer. It has no contraindications.

Not only herbs heal, but also every tree. Rowan flowers even treat multiple sclerosis. Rowan drives bile and prevents the appearance of kidney stones. Reduces cholesterol, treats obesity, thyroid diseases. Rowan infusion and decoction help with cancer.

Viburnum vulgare treats malignant neoplasms of various localizations, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, diathesis. You can mix it with honey and eat it. Even its seeds are useful. It can be used to make a tincture for breast cancer. Aspen helps men with prostatitis. Hawthorn heals the heart, birch - the buds, oak - the heart, alder - the intestines, pine - the lungs. All trees heal!

How to infuse herbs?

To prepare a medicinal infusion, take two tablespoons with the top of the herbal mixture (mix the herbs in equal proportions), pour into a porcelain or enamel teapot and pour two glasses of boiling water. Cover with a lid or towel and let sit for 30 minutes. Strain through two or three layers of gauze or a strainer and drink half a glass three times a day 10-15 minutes before meals. It is necessary to brew the infusion in the morning every day, since drinking yesterday’s infusion is useless.

The course of treatment is one to one and a half months. You must drink the same herbs for a month. Herbs truly heal, but they heal slowly, imperceptibly, gently. If a person were immediately cured, it might not be good for him. The Lord tells us this: show diligence and patience.

To avoid addiction, after a month of herbal treatment, rest for five days and then drink more. An advanced disease should be treated for three to five months. It is better not to brew herbs in a thermos - it contains dead water. Previously, teapots were used throughout Russia. You can drink the infusion both warm and cold. But you need to brew it every day, once in the morning - for the whole day.

There are poisonous herbs, they also serve humans - hemlock, datura, but they are infused with vodka and drunk in drops. There are harmless herbs - like knotweed. There are herbs that are slightly toxic, such as celandine, tansy, and wormwood. They can be infused only one teaspoon per two glasses of boiling water.

When to collect herbs?

Herbs are like people: they sleep at night. In the morning they wake up, wash themselves with dew and take God’s energy. A person blooms from 18 to 45 years old, gives birth to children, creates. It’s the same with herbs: when they bloom, they are the strongest. Therefore, they are collected when they bloom. And when they bloomed, they gave all their strength to the seeds. It is better to collect herbs with prayer on a clear sunny day after dew until two or three o'clock in the afternoon. Dry in the shade in a ventilated area, preferably in the attic. If the grass dries out in the sun, it will give back the Divine energy that it took.

Grind the dried herbs by hand. You cannot store grass in plastic bags, it suffocates and loses half of its properties. Can be stored in paper bags, linen bags, glass jars. Herbs are stored for a year, maximum two years.

When to collect leaves?

In early spring. First, the buds of birch, aspen, and poplar are collected. As soon as the leaves have blossomed, you need to collect the leaves of birch, aspen, and hazel until Trinity. When the ground has thawed and nettles, dandelions, celandines, and celandines have begun to grow, they must be collected. Leaves are collected before flowering. The seeds of many herbs are also collected.

Fees for various diseases

Stomach (gastritis, catarrh, ulcer, poor digestion) with high acidity.

Anyone who is nervous releases adrenaline and burns the stomach. We need soothing herbs: motherwort, Chernobyl, sage, mint, lemon balm, calendula, coltsfoot, yarrow, cudweed, sage, white marigold, birch leaf, St. John's wort, chamomile, lanceolate plantain, hops. Roots of valerian and blue cyanosis. For low acidity, use the same herbs, but add large plantain.

To treat the liver, you first need to undergo an ultrasound to make sure that there are no stones in the liver, otherwise they may move from the herbs and go into the ducts.

Collection when there are no stones: tansy, immortelle, calendula, goldenrod, agrimony, oregano, smokeweed, St. John's wort, nettle, corn hair, cinquefoil, coltsfoot leaf, knotweed, horsetail, hops, string, celandine.

Collection, if there are stones: St. John's wort, buckthorn bark, peppermint, flax seeds, dill seeds, nettle, tansy, hops, celandine, knotweed. Take all the herbs in one part, and knotweed - five parts - it amazingly crushes stones.

Roots of burdock, chicory, wheatgrass

Cardiovascular collection (hypertension, cardiosclerosis, tachycardia, etc.): astragalus, immortelle, horsetail, cudweed. Hawthorn flowers, motherwort, Chernobyl, peppermint or any, lemon balm, oregano, sweet clover, linden flowers, arnica flowers, yarrow, adonis, birch leaf, valerian roots, mistletoe.

Pulmonary collection (pneumonia, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, tuberculosis, cancer):
sage, thyme, wild rosemary, marshmallow, coltsfoot, lungwort, pikulnik, plantain, black elderberry flowers, tricolor violet, nettle, birch leaf, knotweed, pine buds.
Roots: soapwort, elecampane, licorice, lovage, meadow iris.

Kidneys (nephritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, renal failure): horsetail, knotweed, birch leaf, lingonberry leaf, fireweed, St. John's wort, goldenrod, lungwort, blueberry leaf, plantain, coltsfoot, toadflax, round-leaved wintergreen, dill seeds, yarrow, mint, immortelle, wheatgrass and burdock roots.
The kidneys cleanse the blood of salts. When they get sick and stop performing this function, salts are deposited in the spine and knees. Therefore, it is often necessary to treat the kidneys first.

Collection for diabetes mellitus: green bean leaves (rich in insulin), clover, blueberry leaf, black currant leaf, strawberry leaf, birch leaf, lingonberry leaf, galega officinalis, mint, nettle, sweet clover, knotweed, calendula, horsetail, St. John's wort, plantain.
Roots: burdock, chicory, dandelion, peony, elecampane, licorice.

For hypertension: birch leaf, sweet clover, licorice, oregano, coltsfoot, plantain, horsetail, dill, anise fruit, lemon balm, motherwort, hawthorn, immortelle, dried grass.

Women's diseases: chamomile, plantain, yarrow, calendula, mint, celandine, beech, St. John's wort, nettle, shepherd's purse, field grass, knotweed, mantle, clover, cinquefoil, fireweed, birch leaf.

Collection for the treatment of various types of cancer: nettle, calendula, tansy, St. John's wort, immortelle, celandine, horsetail, knotweed, blueberry leaf, birch leaf, speedwell, bindweed (whole plant), forest geranium, sweet clover, oregano, clover (flowers and leaves), mantle, peppermint, plantain, mallow, dried cucumber, tartar, sage.

Roots of wheatgrass, burdock and dandelion

Collection for breast cancer: celandine, calendula, field grass, white jasmine, chestnut color, field grass, tansy, nettle, St. John's wort, oregano, clover, plantain, wheatgrass. Eat beets, carrots, horseradish.

Herbalist E. F. Zaitseva gave you advice

Folk remedies for all diseases

Anyone who constantly eats cumin herb will never have a stroke.
An aversion to smoking can be caused by smoking a cigarette dipped in milk (dried).
Aftershave cream with vitamin P helps against herpes.
If you have hangnails on your hands, you need to soak your hands in a decoction of fresh cod.
Regular carrots improve vision and are extremely beneficial for hair.
Cottage cheese softens lips.
150 g of ground nuts for breakfast or a piece of fish will get rid of acne.
Sheep cheese will “repair” your nails.
Bananas are a cure for dry skin on hands.
To rejuvenate the whole body, you need to take fennel, chop it and add the same amount of honey. Stir and take ¼ teaspoon in the morning for about a month. Very useful in spring.
Chamomile flower tea, infused for 10-15 minutes and drunk with cream and sugar at night, induces sound, restful sleep.
Fresh raspberries are good for relieving intoxication.
Pain and colic in babies can be cured by lightly massaging the abdomen with warm vodka.
The next day after a festive feast, onion soup helps.
Those who constantly eat caraway grass and its seeds will never have a stroke.
By consuming large quantities of strawberries, you can completely recover from gout.
For gout, it is beneficial to drink ginger tea daily.
For anemia, eat lightly fried hazelnut kernels.
Hair loss is promoted by combing your hair immediately after washing your hair.
A thick decoction of pear fruits is used as a lotion for headaches.
A thick decoction of dogwood fruits is used as a lotion for headaches.
If you have a headache, comb your hair slowly for 7-10 minutes with a wooden comb.
For temporal headaches, rub garlic paste onto your temples.
Drink 1/3 cup of tomato juice and a tablespoon of honey 3 times a day before meals for anemia, for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis

Watch the video series of Zaitseva’s conversations: Folk remedies for all diseases!