What vitamins and minerals are in pears? Beneficial and harmful properties of pears What microelements are contained in pears.

With the arrival of autumn, a juicy and fragrant fruit called pear begins to appear on our tables. It is tasty and healthy, and is also considered an excellent dietary and multivitamin product.

In ancient China, the pear was associated with longevity, due to its varied, rich composition and beneficial properties. Let's look at what vitamins the pear contains, and whether it really is that healthy.

What vitamins does the fruit consist of?

Pears, as a rule, contain fiber and juice, consisting of a variety of vitamins, minerals, as well as pectin, phytoncides, organic acids and sugar. In the table below you can see in more detail the vitamin content of this fruit, which has a beneficial effect on the human body.

List of vitaminsTheir quantity is 100 g. pears (mg)Effect on the body
WITH5,5 Develops resistance of body cells to various types of infections, increasing immunity. Strengthens blood vessels, enriches them with oxygen.
TO4,5 Normalizes blood clotting, controls stable kidney function, and takes part in the formation of bone tissue.
E0,4 It inhibits cell aging due to its antioxidant properties, quickly heals various skin damage, and stabilizes the functioning of the reproductive and endocrine glands.
PP (niacin)0,2 Normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and the condition of the mucous membranes, promotes better blood circulation and lowers high blood pressure.
N (biotin)0,1 Takes part in the process of metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Has a positive effect on the defenses.
IN 10,02 Activates brain activity, as well as the functioning of systems such as cardiovascular and endocrine.
AT 20,03 Restores visual functions, takes part in the formation of hormones and red blood cells.
AT 50,05 Improves intestinal function, leads to faster healing of injuries, and supports the immune system.
AT 60,03 Reduces the number of muscle spasms, reduces nervous stimulation, and prevents premature aging of body cells.
B9 (folic acid)2 It affects digestion and plays an important role in the formation of new cells.

Of course, none of these vitamin substances completely cover the needs of the human body. For example, to get the daily requirement of vitamins K, C and E, a person should eat 18, 11 and 25 pears.

Because of this, nutritionists strongly advise eating other fruits and foods that also have beneficial properties along with pears.

Minerals in pears

The minerals contained in the fruit also perform their positive functions in relation to the body, satisfying its needs. The data is presented in the table.

MineralsTheir content is 100 g. pears (mg)How do they affect the human body?
Potassium155 Strengthens the heart muscle, normalizes blood pressure.
Calcium19 It is a building block for bone and tooth growth, ensures normal functioning of the nervous system, and fights stressful situations.
Magnesium12 Regulates the functions of the nervous system and takes part in all biological actions.
Sodium14 Replenishes cells with oxygen and necessary nutritional components, participates in the regulation of metabolic processes.
Phosphorus16 Maintains acid and alkaline balance.
Iron2,3 It is a source of hemoglobin.
Cobalt6 Stabilizes the functioning of the pancreas, takes part in metabolic processes.
Silicon10 Reduces capillary fragility and ensures tissue elasticity.

Having eaten a pear that weighs 150 grams. As a rule, it is possible to enrich the body with microelements such as silicon and cobalt by 100%.

Healing qualities of the fruit

Constant consumption of this fruit helps improve immunity and helps maintain beauty and health for a long time. Although pears taste sweeter than apples, they contain less sugar.

Please note that pears contain more fructose than glucose, so they can be consumed in moderation by people suffering from diabetes. This is another plus of this fruit. But still, before taking it, it is important to consult your doctor.

It is important that the pear is a fruit that does not contain any allergens. As a result, it can be safely given to children. Doctors allow babies to be given pear puree as complementary foods at 8 months. Thanks to pectins, which are part of the pear, they regulate the stool of a small child and increase immunity.

A decoction of the seeds of this fruit is very useful for helminth infections. But compote, which is made from dry fruits, very well removes toxic substances from the body and helps in the absorption of food. Therefore, it is useful to drink it during intoxication of the body and in the treatment of poisoning.

Doctors also advise pregnant women to consume pears. This is due to the fact that folic acid, iron and calcium, which are contained in the fruit, help the baby strengthen and develop in the mother’s womb.

Baked pears are considered a source of energy. As a rule, when stressful conditions occur, constant intake of this fruit leads to the regeneration of nerve cells, as well as a general relaxing effect.

Who should not eat pears and when?

If you eat this fruit incorrectly, bad consequences may occur. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to some points, namely:

  • Doctors do not advise eating pears on an empty stomach. This is due to the fact that the rough cell adversely affects the gastric mucosa
  • It is forbidden to drink fruit with milk or raw water, this will lead to stool disorders
  • Eating tart, unripe fruits can lead to constipation.

Having found out what vitamins are contained in the pear, we can confidently say that it is a fairly healthy fruit for the human body. Enjoy its taste, combining healthy and pleasant qualities. And also don’t forget to stock up on healthy jam and dried pear fruits for the winter.


What are the benefits of pear for the body? What vitamins are in it and what is the chemical composition. How to eat pears correctly.

There are dozens of different fruits and vegetables in our diet. But few of us think about the benefits of this or that product. The same pear is regarded as an ordinary fruit with decent taste, which should be included in the diet periodically. In fact, this fruit is storehouse of vitamins, capable of meeting the body’s needs for nutrients and protecting against many diseases. How is pear useful and what vitamins are included in it? What is worth knowing about the features of storing and choosing fruit?

A little history

Pear belongs to the genus of fruit trees. But many varieties of fruit are not suitable for food and are regarded as decorative. China is considered the world's main supplier. As for the homeland of the fruit, legends still tell about this. Mention of pear trees dates back to 2000-2200 BC. According to one version, the first fruits were grown in Central China, and according to another, in Ancient Greece.

Modern varieties were bred already in the 18th century by breeders from France and Belgium. In Europe, the culture became popular only at the beginning of the 19th century, and today the fruit is sold all over the world and is valued due to its unique qualities and composition. The benefits of pear have been proven by many scientists, which has made the product one of the main “medicines” in alternative medicine.

In addition to China, the leading countries in cultivation are the USA, Chile, South Africa, Argentina, Spain, and Italy. At the same time, China takes upon itself 53-55% of the entire volume. Recently, varieties bred in Russia have begun to appear on Russian markets - “Trimf”, “Conference” and others.

What are the benefits for the body?

Doctors say that adding these fruits to your diet and consuming them regularly helps strengthen the immune system and preserve youth. Unlike an apple, the product contains less sugar, which is considered an additional advantage for weight loss. In addition, the fruit contains diuretic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory substances.

The benefits of pear for the body are as follows::

  • Increasing overall resistance to various infections, protecting against depression, improving the functioning of the central nervous system.
  • Synthesis of healthy blood cells, which guarantees timely renewal of plasma and the elimination of many diseases of the circulatory system. Thanks to this, dizziness and excessive fatigue when receiving heavy loads are eliminated.
  • Removing harmful elements from the body and protecting the skin from aging.
  • Helps you lose weight thanks to its low carbohydrate content.
  • Improving the functioning of the pancreas.
  • Saturation of the body with folic acid. For this reason, the benefits of pears for women are beyond doubt.
  • Optimization of metabolic processes in the body, which reduces the risk of colds.
  • Normalization of the pancreas.
  • Supplying the gastrointestinal tract with useful fiber, which improves digestion and accelerates the removal of harmful elements from the body. Along with this, the overall intestinal microflora improves.
  • Providing a diuretic effect on the body, which allows the use of the pear tree fruit for high blood pressure or problems with the genitourinary system.
  • Strengthening bones and teeth.
  • Removing harmful cholesterol from the body.

The usefulness of the pear is not in doubt. In addition to the above, it is worth highlighting the following pros:

  • High nutritional value, high content of vitamins and microelements.
  • Sweet taste despite low sugar content.
  • Strengthening the heart muscle and eliminating arrhythmia.
  • Fast digestion. Despite the popular belief that the fruit in question is a “heavy” food for the stomach, the pulp of the fruit is better tolerated than the inside of the more popular apple.
  • Improved mood. The substances contained in the product have a refreshing effect, invigorate and remove bad mood.
  • Eliminate stomach discomfort.
  • Possibility of inclusion in numerous diets due to its unique composition and low calorie level.
  • Help in preserving beauty. The properties of pear are well known in cosmetology. When making a special gruel for masks, ripe fruits are used. It is recommended to collect those pears that have already fallen from the tree.

Vitamins and chemical composition

The benefits of the fruit are due to its special composition, which contains the most important vitamins and microelements.

What is healthy about pears in terms of nutritional value? First of all, it is low in calories and fat, the presence of dietary fiber and organic acids.

Let's look at the composition of the pear (proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other elements):

  • calorie content - total 47 kcal;
  • proteins - 0.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 10,3 G;
  • fats - 0.3 g;
  • organic acids - 0.5 g;
  • alimentary fiber - 2.8 g;
  • water - 85 g;
  • di- and monosaccharides - 10 g;
  • ash - 0.7 g;
  • starch - 0.4-0.6 g.

As can be seen from the list, the product contains enough useful elements. Let us separately consider the chemical composition of pear:

From the lists above you can see how healthy pear is. The chemical composition of the fruit only confirms this.

Pear - main source of calcium, which is responsible for regulating water balance, has a diuretic effect and strengthens the heart muscle. An equally useful element of the fruit is iron, which is only slightly less than in apples. These words are confirmed by the appearance of darkening on the pulp if the fruit is cut and left for a long time. Iron speeds up the process of absorption of vitamins from pears and makes the product more useful for daily consumption. In addition, it improves oxygen exchange and activates hemoglobin production.

Zinc is another key micronutrient that accelerates the production of male hormones. It is because of its deficiency that the prostate appears. Zinc is no less important for women. With its help, growth hormone and insulin are produced, and the renewal of epidermal cells is activated.

The vitamins in the composition have a multifaceted effect on the main organs and systems. Thus, elements of group B play a key role, improving the functioning of the central nervous system. They solve many skin problems and eliminate intestinal disorders.

Rutin is a substance responsible for capillary permeability. In case of its deficiency, varicose veins develop, which is a real problem for many women.

A small amount contains carotene. It has a positive effect on vision, moisturizes the mucous membranes of the eyes and fights myopia. When considering what vitamins are in pears, it is worth highlighting tocopherol, which is responsible for maintaining youthful skin, hair condition and healthy nail plates. In addition, vitamin E is involved in the production of female sex hormones.

Rules for eating

Considering the beneficial properties of pears for humans, we forgot about the rules for eating fruit for food. There are a few tips to get the most benefit:

  • Do not cut off the peel - it contains the largest amount of fiber, which improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes digestion processes.
  • Do not eat the fruit on an empty stomach. The fruit contains coarse fiber, which injures the gastrointestinal mucosa and can lead to severe pain.
  • Do not drink the pear with liquid due to the risk of stomach problems. It has been proven that the intake of water along with the fruit leads to disorder.
  • Eat fruit 30-40 minutes after the main meal.
  • Do not eat the fruit of the pear tree if you plan to eat meat afterwards. This combination overloads the stomach and complicates the digestion process.

Now you know what vitamins are present in the pear, how many calories and vitamins are in the fruit, and what are the features of its intake. So the rich composition made the fruit popular in folk medicine. With its help, the temperature is reduced, the body is disinfected, and even stones are removed.

Contrary to popular belief, the fruit does not lose its beneficial qualities after heat treatment. That is why pears are allowed to be dried, boiled and made into various preparations. In folk medicine, decoctions of the fruit are used to relieve inflammation of the urinary tract. If you have kidney stones, it is recommended to add pear compote to your diet.

The beneficial properties of pears are due not only to the special composition of its pulp. The leaves of the tree are considered no less beneficial for the body. In the East they are used along with fruits. The leaves are dried, ground into a powder, and then used to treat many problems:

  • relieving inflammatory processes;
  • eliminating excessive sweating;
  • removal of dermatitis;
  • fighting fungus and so on.

A decoction of pear tree fruits helps with stomach upsets due to the tannin content. Considering the benefits and harms of pears, it is worth noting the possibility of eliminating worms and effectively combating prostatitis (especially important for males).

Application in cosmetology

Knowing what vitamins are contained in pears, it is worth using healing properties for cosmetic purposes. The fruit is used in the treatment of dermatitis and to improve the condition of the epidermis. To prove the benefits of the product, just read the composition of expensive cosmetics - they often contain fruit extract. After using it, the skin acquires elasticity, smoothness and a healthy color.

Pear masks help quickly relieve inflammation. It is also recommended to wash your face with crushed puree or scrub your face and décolleté.

How to choose?

Many people do not understand the varieties and characteristics of the fruit. But in practice, there is no need for any deep knowledge. The easiest way to make the right choice is by tactile sensations and aroma. If the fruit is already ripe and filled with useful elements, then it gives off a sweetish smell. When buying an unripe fruit, you should not be upset - they can “reach” at home at room temperature. So if you come across a hard fruit at the market or in a store, do not rush to eat it or throw it away - let it ripen.

When considering what vitamins are contained in a pear, as well as storage features, it is worth considering the variety of the fruit:

  • . These fruits are distinguished by their bright aroma, juicy core and pleasant taste. The color is bright yellow, with pink “spots” on the side. It is difficult to confuse "Duchess" - it is given away by its shape, which clearly tapers towards the stalk. Many connoisseurs of the fruit believe that Duchess is the most delicious and healthy variety, but due to its excessive softness, long-term storage is contraindicated. It is recommended to eat the product within 1-2 weeks after collection, otherwise the fruit will begin to rot.
  • Chinese pear. This variety is distinguished by its round shape and bright yellow color on the outside. A distinctive feature is hardness and moderate sweetness.
  • "Williams"- a fruit that has delicate pulp and unique taste. For this reason, baby puree is made from the Williams variety. Scientists have long found out what is contained in this variety of pear, making it the most popular in the food industry.

Is there any harm?

To be completely honest, it is worth considering the risks of taking pears, the benefits and harm to the body. The positive properties of the fruit have already been mentioned. What is it health hazard? Doctors assure that pears should not be consumed on an empty stomach or combined with meat products. In addition, it is not recommended to drink the fruit with a large volume of water. The product contains lignified cellulose and dietary fiber, which can be dangerous in case of gastrointestinal problems.

Unripe fruits pose a danger to the body of children and the elderly. To avoid problems, under the age of 12 and after 60 years It is recommended to eat only baked pears. In this case, vitamins are preserved, and it is easier for the stomach to cope with the digestion of food. To improve the taste, you can bake the fruit with sugar, honey and other spices. The advantages of such a dish are undeniable:

  • excellent digestibility;
  • no irritation to the gastrointestinal tract;
  • preserving most of the useful elements.

To prevent the fruit from causing harm, you should choose moderately soft fruits, without rot. Before eating, wash each fruit (this allows you to remove any coating that is dangerous to the body if chemical treatment has taken place).

Pear is a fruit whose benefits and harms have been well studied and should be taken into account by every person. If you have any doubts about your health, please contact a doctor and undergo an examination. At this day 1-2 pears are enough to cover the body's needs.

Secrets of storage

As mentioned, pears spoil quickly. To delay this process, you should store them in a cool place - cellar, basement, balcony and refrigerator. But even at the right temperature, you shouldn’t expect long-term storage - it’s better to eat them as quickly as possible. As for freezing, this is generally prohibited.

During storage, it is recommended that the fruits do not touch each other or foreign products. This is due to the likelihood of absorbing someone else's aroma. In addition, to extend the shelf life, it is recommended to keep the fruit in wooden boxes with paper lined on the bottom. At the same time, it is worth inspecting each fruit for damage.


In the article we touched on many questions - what are the features of pears, composition, vitamins, benefits and harm to the body. Based on the above, we can conclude about the importance of the fetus for the body. At the same time, remember about the rules of administration and contraindications, which will help you avoid health problems.

Pear is a deciduous plant belonging to the Rosaceae family. The first mentions of these trees are found in ancient Chinese odes dating back to the 2nd millennium BC, therefore the lands of Central China are considered the birthplace of the plant. Today, pears grow over a vast area from Western Asia to Eastern Europe. However, China remains the largest producer of the fruits of this plant and their supplier to the international market.

Pear is a tree up to 23 meters high, with an abundantly branched dense crown and a powerful trunk covered with gray wrinkled bark. The leathery green leaves of the plant, located on elongated petioles, have an oval or round shape. The tree blooms at the end of April with large pink or white flowers collected in small inflorescences.

The pear bears fruit for the first time 3–8 years after planting. The fruits of the plant can have a spherical or elongated shape with a slight expansion at the bottom. The size, taste and color of pears can vary markedly depending on the variety. The fruits fully ripen by early autumn.

Pears are eaten fresh, baked and dried. Juices, compotes, candied fruits, salads, snacks, preserves, jams and fillings for confectionery products are prepared from the fruits of this plant. In addition, they are actively used in alternative medicine to combat a whole group of pathologies.

Nutritional value of pear and vitamins in its fruit

The nutritional value 100 g pears:

  • 0.349 g protein;
  • 0.271 g fat;
  • 10.214 g carbohydrates;
  • 0.486 g of dextrins, starch;
  • 0.495 g organic acids;
  • 9.794 g sugars;
  • 5.114 g fructose;
  • 1.784 g glucose;
  • 2.716 g fiber;
  • 84.792 g water;
  • 0.698 g ash.

Vitamins in 100 g of pears:

  • A, retinol equivalent – ​​1.878 mcg;
  • B9, folate – 1.914 mcg;
  • K, phylloquinone – 4.483 µg;
  • B1, thiamine – 0.017 mg;
  • C, ascorbic acid – 4.858 mg;
  • B2, riboflavin – 0.027 mg;
  • E, tocopherol equivalent – ​​0.378 mg;
  • PP, niacin equivalent – ​​0.183 mg;
  • B5, pantothenic acid – 0.047 mg;
  • H, biotin – 0.091 mcg;
  • B6, pyridoxine – 0.026 mg.

Calorie content of pears

The calorie content of 100 g of fresh pears is 46.481 kcal. Thus, one medium-sized fruit (140 g) contains 65.073 kcal. Dishes prepared from pears have the following energy value (per 100 g):

  • fruit puree – 51.738 kcal;
  • juice – 47.892 kcal;
  • dried fruits – 248.411 kcal;
  • jam, jam – 272.388 kcal;
  • compote – 69.812 kcal;
  • baked fruits – 46.213 kcal.

The most high-calorie product made from pears is candied fruit. Their energy value is 344.627 kcal per 100 g.

Useful elements in pears

Video recipe for the occasion:

Microelements in 100 g of pears:

  • boron – 129.711 mcg;
  • nickel – 16.127 mcg;
  • selenium – 0.092 mcg;
  • manganese – 0.064 mg;
  • zinc – 0.087 mg;
  • iodine – 0.977 mcg;
  • vanadium – 4.881 mcg;
  • copper – 119.534 mcg;
  • rubidium – 43.572 mcg;
  • fluorine – 9.613 mcg;
  • cobalt – 9.992 mcg;
  • molybdenum – 4.812 mcg;
  • iron – 2.213 mg.

Macronutrients in 100 g of pears:

  • magnesium – 11.711 mg;
  • silicon – 5.849 mg;
  • phosphorus – 15.723 mg;
  • sodium – 13.923 mg;
  • potassium – 154.709 mg;
  • chlorine – 0.914 mg;
  • sulfur – 5.212 mg;
  • calcium – 18.424 mg.

Features of choosing and storing pears

When choosing pears, you should focus on smell and tactile sensations. Well-ripened and high-quality fruits have a strong sweetish-fruity aroma and a soft texture. At the same time, their skin should not show signs of rotting, mold or damage.

The duration of storage of pears depends on their variety. These fruits should be stored in dark and cool places: on balconies, in refrigerators, in cellars or basements. Freezing pears is not recommended.

Beneficial properties of fresh pears for the body

  • Pears are a rich source of vitamins and other nutrients that create conditions for the normal functioning of the body. People who regularly include these fruits in their diet do not face the problem of vitamin deficiency and recover faster from illnesses and increased physical and mental stress.
  • In alternative medicine, pears have been used for centuries to prevent and treat prostatitis. Traditional healers recommend that men aged 50 years and older eat at least 1 fruit of this plant daily.
  • Pears contain pectins, organic acids, and tannins that have antimicrobial properties. That is why the fruits themselves and decoctions prepared from them are used in alternative medicine to combat infectious diseases.
  • The pulp of pears contains useful substances that can increase the body's immune system.
  • A few pears eaten during the day completely replenish the body’s need for B vitamins. Therefore, people who regularly include these fruits in their menu are less likely to experience depression, sleep disorders, neuroses, and more easily tolerate psycho-emotional shocks and stress.
  • The beneficial compounds contained in pears speed up metabolism, promoting weight loss. At the same time, the fruits themselves have a reduced energy value, which means that people trying to get rid of excess weight can supplement their diet with them without fear.
  • Pears contain nutrients that can block the spread of inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Pears are a natural source of iron and other elements, without which the formation of healthy blood cells is impossible. People suffering from diseases of the hematopoietic system are recommended to eat 2 fruits of this plant per day.
  • The pulp of pears contains nutrients that ensure the normal functioning of the heart muscle, regulate the heart rate, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and give them additional elasticity, remove excess cholesterol from the body and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. With regular consumption of these fruits, the risk of developing cardiac pathologies is significantly reduced.
  • With moderate consumption of pears, digestive processes are normalized and the production of gastrointestinal enzymes is activated. The beneficial compounds present in the pulp of these fruits prevent the development of rotting processes in the intestines.
  • Raw pears are an effective remedy for constipation.
  • The fruits of this plant contain substances that have tonic properties. When consuming pears, your mood improves, daytime sleepiness disappears, and your performance increases.
  • Antioxidants present in pear pulp have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, increase its firmness and elasticity, give it a radiant, healthy appearance, and prevent the formation of wrinkles. In addition, substances belonging to this group prevent the formation of cancer cells in the body and the development of cancer.
  • Cosmetic masks made from pureed pears help to cope with acne and tighten enlarged pores on the face. Due to the presence of hard stone-like cells, pear pulp can be used as a natural scrub to remove dead skin particles.

Beneficial properties of dried pears

  • A decoction made from dried pear contains a large amount of tannins - compounds with pronounced astringent properties. In order to get rid of diarrhea, it is enough to drink at least 2 glasses of this drink during the day.
  • Dried pear compote is an effective remedy against urinary tract diseases. The drink blocks the spread of the inflammatory process, destroys pathogens, increases diuresis, thereby promoting accelerated recovery.
  • In folk medicine, a decoction of dried pears is used to treat severe coughs (including tuberculosis). The drug is taken 400 ml per day, dividing the entire dose into several doses.

Benefits of pear juice

  • Pear juice with the addition of rosehip syrup is an effective folk remedy for bronchitis. For medicinal purposes, the drink is taken 1.5 glasses per day, dividing the daily portion into several doses.
  • Freshly squeezed pear juice quickly relieves fever and eliminates symptoms of intoxication in the body. To obtain a therapeutic effect, it is enough to drink 1/5 glass of this drink every hour.
  • Traditional healers believe that people suffering from urolithiasis should drink half a glass of freshly squeezed pear juice daily. This drink contains substances that can dissolve stones.
  • Pear juice contains compounds that accelerate the elimination of toxins, waste and other toxic substances from the human body.
  • According to nutritionists, this drink can improve the condition of people with diabetes. For medicinal purposes, take 70 g before each meal. With normal tolerance, the dose of the drug is gradually increased to 180 g.

Contraindications and harm of pears

  • Raw pears are contraindicated for people suffering from stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Nutritionists do not recommend eating these fruits on an empty stomach: their pulp contains substances that irritate the intestinal epithelium. The optimal time for their consumption is 40–50 minutes after eating.
  • Pears are a potential allergen. Therefore, people with allergies should be careful when including these fruits in their diet.
  • Nutritionists do not recommend washing down the pear you have just eaten with water: such actions can lead to the development of diarrhea.
  • It is advisable for elderly people and children to eat only well-ripened cultivated pears or fruits that have undergone heat treatment (boiled, baked, etc.).

With the onset of the golden season - autumn, a sweet and incredibly aromatic fruit appears on our tables - the pear. The benefits of the pear, a tasty juicy fruit, have been known since ancient times. The fruit is used to make preserves and jam, stuff it into pies, add it to sauces, squeeze out the juice, and also use it in gourmet meat dishes to add piquancy to the taste and aroma.

However, the benefits of pears lie not only in taste; first of all, it is a fruit rich in pectin and fiber, and having learned what vitamins the fruit is rich in, no one can doubt its healing properties.

China is rightfully considered the birthplace of pears, but it is not known for certain where this tree of the Rosaceae family spread throughout Europe and Central Asia, the fossilized remains of these fruits were found in Switzerland, and on the frescoes found on the former territory of Pompeii, there is an image of a fruitful tree resembling the shape pear fruit. One way or another, the pear is a very tasty fruit and today occupies a place of honor in the diet of a modern person, thanks to the vitamin benefits it brings to the body.

Biochemical composition

The wonderful pear fruit is useful due to its balanced composition and relatively low calorie content; 100 grams of product contains only 47 kcal, which makes this fruit suitable for dietary nutrition, and the low content of glucose and sucrose, compared to fructose, allows even diabetics to enjoy them.

Vitamins in the pear (fruit and tea from the leaves), along with other bioactive substances, are also found in sufficient quantities. The juicy pulp contains especially a lot of vitamins C and A, as well as folic acid, which is the special beneficial properties of the fruit for women preparing to become mothers. What nutrients and minerals does the fruit contain? What are the benefits of drinks like juice and leaf tea, and what are the benefits of pear and its nutritional value for women?

The nutritional value

The nutritional value of this product consists of the following ratio of substances per 100 grams of product:


The fruit in its raw form has great health benefits, since it contains many microelements necessary to maintain the body every day, especially in the fruit there is a lot of potassium, sodium, calcium, as well as silicon and iron. Thanks to this chemical composition, pears can increase hemoglobin levels and reduce the risk of anemia. You can find out more about what vitamins are contained in pears from the table.

per 100 grams of product vitamin content mg
Vitamin A 0.002
Vitamin B1 0.02
Vitamin B2 0.03
Vitamin B5 0.05
Vitamin B6 0.03
Vitamin B9 0.002
Vitamin C 5
Vitamin E 0.4


per 100 grams of product mineral content mg
Potassium 155
Calcium 19
Phosphorus 16
Sodium 14
Magnesium 12
Sulfur 6
Silicon 6
Iron 2.3

Healing properties

The fruits and juice have a number of useful and, to some extent, healing properties due to the vitamins pears contain in large quantities. The vitamin C content in one fruit satisfies a quarter of the daily requirement for an adult, and natural phytoncides have antibacterial properties. So, for colds, stomatitis and sore throat, tea from pear leaves is used, the benefit of which is its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

The pulp of this juicy fruit contains substances that stimulate the production of endorphins - good mood hormones, and natural analgesics have a mild effect on migraines and headaches. Therefore, both juice and tea from the leaves are great for colds and stress.

The problem with this healing fruit is that it is quite poorly stored, so in order to preserve all the beneficial properties, the fruits are dried. Dried and sun-dried pears have the same benefits as fresh ones, so during the spring period of vitamin deficiency and respiratory diseases, dried fruit compote, leaf tea or juice will be a kind of cold prevention.

The juice is used in folk medicine to normalize blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, and also as an antiseptic for throat diseases. It contains a large amount of essential acids, as well as potassium and magnesium, which help remove toxins from the body and replenish the hydrolytic balance after viral diseases.

The value of pears for the body lies in the fact that the biochemical composition contains a very valuable substance - the antioxidant glutathione, without which other antioxidants do not last long in the body and, when oxidized, pose a threat to the body. Under current living conditions, including ecology and stress, the body is not able to produce the required amount of this antioxidant, hence strokes, autoimmune diseases and hypertension. Daily consumption of fruits in the form of juice, compote, or raw is a kind of support for the body’s strength and the prevention of these diseases.

Conference and pakham pear varieties are especially prized; these varieties come from China. Conference pear brings invaluable benefits in cosmetology; based on the pulp of these fruits, numerous natural and therefore harmless masks are made that have a cleansing and regenerating effect on the skin of the face.

Harm to health

Despite all the positive properties of pears, these fruits, when consumed in excess, can be harmful to the body, so there are some contraindications due to the fact that the fruit pulp contains woody cellulose. We all probably felt in some varieties, even juicy and soft, hard grains located closer to the core. These granules do not dissolve in the stomach and help cleanse the intestines if the stomach is healthy. In the same case, if a person has a history of chronic ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, pears should be consumed with great caution.

The pear fruit is harmful to people suffering from constipation, since its core, as well as its peel, contains a large amount of tannins, which contribute to the constipation of stool.

Tea made from pear leaves to promote weight loss is contraindicated for those who have kidney stones, since its cleansing and diuretic effect can be harmful, causing colic.

You should not overuse pears before bed, as the high cellulose content can slow down digestion and cause bloating. For the same reasons, pregnant and lactating women should not get carried away with fruits.



Of course, everyone is familiar with such a garden crop as the pear, since it can be found in every soda garden. And this fruit, by the way, is not only tasty, but also very healthy, because many people don’t even realize that vitamins are found in large quantities in pears. The pulp of the fruit is very sweet and juicy with a wonderful aroma. And the stronger the aroma, the more benefits the fruit will bring to the human body.

What benefits does a pear have for the human body?

With regular use of this product in the diet, immunity is significantly increased and the natural beauty of the skin and the health of internal organs are preserved for many years. Even though pears have a sweeter taste than apples, their sugar content is much lower. They contain not only vitamins, but also all the microelements necessary for normal life, which have anti-inflammatory properties.

  1. Pears contain a large amount of essential oils that help the body fight various types of infections and are simply an excellent remedy for depression;
  2. The pulp contains iron, which helps healthy cells divide. This is especially necessary during constant physical activity or increased fatigue;
  3. The main vitamins in the pear are, of course, C and E, which have properties that protect the skin from aging;
  4. Due to the low caloric content, the product can be safely consumed during diets aimed at weight loss, but only, of course, in normal quantities, since the product contains a lot of carbohydrates. Also, these vitamins and microelements have a positive effect on the pancreas;
  5. Pears contain a lot of fiber, which enhances metabolism and normalizes intestinal microflora. Due to the presence of vitamin B in sufficient quantities, timely cell renewal occurs, and the available folic acid is very useful when bearing a child;
  6. The fruit of this group is rich in potassium, which has diuretic properties, due to which even experts recommend the constant consumption of pears for people who have diseases of the urinary system or hypertension. Of course, potassium also has its negative qualities, that is, with excessive saturation, cholesterol in the blood increases.

The main vitamins and microelements that make up the pear

Why is the pear considered such a healthy fruit? If the product is of high quality and ripe, it will emit an excellent aroma. And as mentioned earlier, the stronger the aroma, the more benefits the fruit has. It should be noted that the largest amount of vitamins and microelements will be contained only in a product that has not undergone any type of heat treatment.

Harm and possible contraindications

Those who love this fruit very much should be aware of what consequences can occur if it is not eaten correctly. In order to avoid adverse consequences, you should not eat a pear on an empty stomach. Since the composition includes a large amount of coarse fiber, which can negatively affect the gastric mucosa. The ideal option would be to consume the treat about half an hour after eating the “normal” food. In addition to all this, the fruit should not be washed down with water, since this combination can soon simply cause disorder. The simultaneous consumption of fruit and meat is also harmful.
Thus, even taking into account all the features and beneficial properties, the fruit should be introduced into your diet gradually and not overdo it with the quantity. This is especially true for older people, who simply should avoid tart varieties due to poor absorption by the body. It is best for older people to consume pears boiled or baked.