Which eggs are better white or brown. Why do eggs have a different shell color, what does it depend on and are there any differences between brown eggs and white ones

The color of the eggshell, as well as the shade of the yolk, excites the potential consumer, since in his mind, products that have a darker shell color and a more saturated shade of yellow substance are directly related to a higher content of valuable elements. Is this true and how the color scheme affects the strength and taste characteristics of the product, let's try to figure it out in this article.

Experts note the fallacy of this approach, since more yellow and even orange shades of the scale may not indicate at all an increased nutritional value of eggs, but the use of special chemicals when feeding laying hens. On the other hand, a slightly colored yellow substance of the chicken masonry product may indicate a weakened organism of the individual who produced it, or that poor quality grain was used in the process of feeding it, and there were almost no nutritional supplements.

The answers to these questions are inextricably linked to the factors that affect the color of the eggshell and the saturation of the hue of the yolk. There is a controversial opinion among the population that the brown color of the egg shell indicates the "home keeping" of the laying hen, in contrast to the products of the white shade of the shell, to which they attribute lower nutritional qualities. Despite the fact that the shade of the shell, according to scientifically proven data, is determined by the breed of chicken, habitat and conditions of detention, people stubbornly believe that the white color of products is a marker of their factory production.

In turn, the light shades of the shell and the central part of the egg, associated, in their opinion, with obtaining in an incubator, imply worse conditions than in subsidiary farms and farms and, as a result, lower nutritional quality of such products. In fact, scientists have not found any correlation between the color of masonry elements and their consumer characteristics. And some scientists even cite the fact that colored eggs are more prone to blood stains in the yolk area to refute the prevailing opinion, which reduces the demand for this type of product.

As is known from the school biology course, the formation of traits is influenced by a combination of genetic information and external conditions, which manifests itself in a change in the inherent characteristics under the influence of environmental parameters.

What determines the color of the shell of a chicken egg?

Experts identify the following factors that affect the shade and color of the shell of a chicken egg:

Important! Experienced breeders call earlobe color, according to their observations, coinciding with the range of eggs laid. In addition, experts say that the color of the shell surrounding the fetus is determined by genetic information and will persist throughout the life of the laying hens.

  1. Impact of external conditions can cause pigmentation of the membrane, its change can be caused by the influence stressful situation experienced by the bird 4-5 hours before laying. In this case, the state that has arisen through the nervous system has an effect on the mucous membranes of the oviduct, making it difficult for porphyrins to enter and limiting the release of pigment from the region of the gland responsible for the formation of the membrane.
  2. Some breeders note that the weakening of the shades of masonry color may be associated with the use medicines.

Important! The addition of a preparation containing 5 mg of nicarbazine / day, used in veterinary medicine for the treatment of cocidia, to birds, causes a visible change in the color of the eggs. The use of large doses of this substance can lead to a complete loss of pigmentation of the masonry elements.

  1. Lightening of the shell may be associated with d the chicken's long exposure to the sun, as an example, experts cite the weakening of pigmentation observed in the Maran species.
  2. The shift of the color gamut towards light tones may be due to increase in ambient temperature and drinking water.

Note! When the air temperature rises from 24 to 30 ° C or when water with a temperature above 50 ° C is supplied to the drinkers for chickens, eggs laid by birds with a dark feather color acquire light shades.

Important! The intensity of the color gamut can change under the influence of the birds transferred diseases of an infectious nature and due to damage to the body of the chicken helminths.

  1. Partially, the color of the final product can be influenced individual physiological processes in the body of the laying hen. If, as a result of acting factors or conditions of detention, the time of passage of the egg through the oviduct increases, it is highly likely that the shell will have a darker shade at the exit. This fact is due to a longer effect on the shell of porphyrin, an enzyme that determines the color of eggs, when they pass through the intrauterine tract.

Note! This fact can be confirmed by the fact that within the same clutch, the first egg hatched from the oviduct has a darker shade of color than the subsequent ones.

  1. A darker shade of color is given to the shell by a coloring matter called protoporphyrin contained in hemoglobin and vitamins.

As for the strength of the shell, it is not the color of the product that determines it, but the age of the laying hen, the feed and the presence of additives in the diet of the hen, the phase of the laying cycle, the season of the year. So, young chickens have eggs with a stronger shell, the hardness of the shell increases with good nutrition, at the beginning of the laying cycle, the shell has a greater thickness. On the other hand, a decrease in strength can be affected by vitamin deficiency that occurs with an unbalanced diet and in the spring season.

Video: what is the difference between white and brown chicken eggs

The yellow substance of the egg makes up slightly more than 1/3 of the total volume of the egg and can range from a faintly colored yellow to a rich gold and even orange tone.

What determines the color of the yolk in a chicken egg?

Among the factors affecting the color saturation of the yolk of a chicken egg, experts call:

  • Consumption of large quantities by laying hens food with a rich color, as a result of which the pigments of the carotenoid group contained in them also affect the shade of the emerging yellow substance of the egg. Among the substances with coloring properties that affect the color saturation of the yolk, experts call xanthophyll and lutein.
  • It is possible to ensure the delivery of these substances to the body of the chicken, including in its diet grass flour and corn varieties having the appropriate saturated hue. Possessing the properties of antioxidants, these pigment substances improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system of the bird and take part in the synthesis of vitamin A in the body.
  • Under household conditions, the properties of carotenoids can perform fat-rich food. So, a brighter shade of yolk in chickens can be obtained by including in their diet kitchen waste containing a large amount of fat, adding whey and mixed food, diluted with herbs.

Note! In the case of the predominance of light varieties of alfalfa and corn in the feed, a weak color gamut is transferred to the yellow substance.

Video: what affects the color of the egg yolk

Scientists say that the shade of the color of the yolk does not affect the nutritional value of the product. According to their data, it is the yellow substance of the egg that has the highest concentration of protein, and this property of the product and its ratio relative to the protein mass is preserved regardless of the saturation of pigmentation. In conclusion, it should be said that scientists have not found a relationship between the color of an egg and its taste characteristics. The taste of the yellow substance of the fruit does not depend on the color of the shell or the color of the yolk, but on nutrition. Experts say that with the same feeding, products produced by layers with colored feathers will have the same taste characteristics.

Video: why chicken eggs are different colors

In contact with

Hens are known to lay white or brown eggs. But not many people know that chicken shells can also be blue and olive. All these colors are completely natural, and there are a large number of factors due to which they appear.

Why do chicken eggs differ in color?

All eggshells are made from the same material, and the coloring is done by chemicals that either coat or penetrate the shell. Pigment is largely determined by genetics, so chicken breed is the main determining factor.

The brown color is a pigment that is superimposed on the membrane, it is called protoporphyrin IX, it is similar to the hemoglobin in your blood. But the hemoglobin in your blood has iron, so you get red, and the shell has no iron, so you get brown.

The protoporphyrin is layered on top of the calcium carbonate so that the brown color of the shell is on the outside, while on the inside it remains white.

Things are a little different with blue. Bilirubin, produced by the spleen, is responsible for the appearance of this color. It begins its influence even at the moment of laying the egg, so it has a blue tint both outside and inside.

There are several types of chickens that carry such testicles. This happens due to the fact that once their ancestors were ill with a virus that inserts its genome into the genes of chickens. As a result, an increased production of bilirubin begins, which settles on the membrane. It has no effect on humans.

What determines the color and shade of the shell of a chicken egg

There are many factors that affect the color of the shell.


Most often, white hens lay white eggs, and brown or reddish hens lay brown eggs. But there are a few breeds of chickens that lay green or blue because of their genetic makeup.

These include the olive eggers breed, and. Pure white, without a beige tint, are carried by chickens of the Leningrad gray breed.

Did you know? Chickens that lay olive and blue eggs are called Easter chickens.

Other breeds lay eggs with shells ranging from light beige to dark brown.

Environmental impact

The color of the shell can be influenced by such environmental factors:

  1. Stress. If the chicken has been stressed, the amount of porphin released is significantly reduced and the color of the shell becomes lighter. This is a temporary phenomenon.
  2. Temperature of air and drinking water. It has been proven that at ambient temperatures above 25 ° C, hens lay lighter eggs. It also happens if you give chickens water at a temperature of 50 ° C.
  3. Chicken coop lighting. The production of pigment depends on the length of daylight hours. The longer it is, the lighter the eggshell.

Important! Chickens begin to lay pale eggs when planted too tightly. It is necessary to adhere to the norm of 5 heads per 1 m².

Use of medicines

For the treatment of chickens, preparations containing sulfonamides or nicarbazine are often used. These substances are able to reduce the intensity of the color of the shell. To give a more intense brown hue, spores of Bacillus subtilis are used. They are added directly to the feed.
Adrenaline can also reduce or completely depigment.

Important! When treating chickens with various drugs, one should strictly adhere to the instructions for use. In some cases, it is necessary to refuse to eat eggs for the duration of treatment.

How long a chicken stays in the sun

It has been established that with a long stay of chickens in the sun, their eggshells acquire a lighter shade. The same phenomenon occurs at high temperatures in the chicken coop.

Did you know? Studies in Australia have shown that providing 5°C of water during very hot weather allowed hens to lay eggs that retained theirë many shell colors.

If laying hens are free-ranging, provide them with cool water and place feeders in a shady area.

Physiological processes

The first egg of a hen is always much darker than the next. This is due to the fact that it is much longer in the oviduct. The older the chicken, the lighter the shell. Sometimes a whitish coating appears on the shell.

This is due to the fact that the egg lingers in the uterus, due to which an additional layer of calcium is deposited on it.

Did you know? There is a rule: chickens with white "earrings" lay white eggs, and chickens with red ones - brown.

Does the diet affect the color of the eggshell

A balanced diet is very important for the production of quality eggs. The chicken should be fed a diet that provides the full range of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Since the egg shell is 90% calcium, its absence in the diet will adversely affect the appearance.
Uneven pigmentation may appear or, in extreme cases, there will be a complete absence of the shell. If there is too much calcium in the diet of chickens, the shell may have a sandy texture.

White and brown: is there a difference?

Apart from appearance, there is no difference between brown and white. As we have already found out earlier, the shell is initially white. After staying in the oviduct for up to 26 hours, it is stained with secreted pigments.

Nutritional value and palatability are more dependent on the diet of the laying hen than on the color of the shell.

What affects the color of the yolk

The diet of the laying hen has a special influence on the color of the yolk. It is known that grass and other plants, such as, and, enhance the yellow color of the yolk.


Pigments such as protoporphyrin IX and coprotoporphyrin III are responsible for the color of the shell, they are also responsible for the shade of the yolk. When using feeds with these pigments, the maximum yellow shade can be achieved no earlier than the 10th day.

There is an opinion that brown eggs have a more natural composition than white ones. Other inhabitants are concerned about the color of the yolk, which can be either pale yellow or poisonous orange. It has been proven that the color of the egg in no way affects the taste of the product, but it depends on the breed of the bird and the environmental impact. In turn, the color of the yolk and its usefulness are due to the nutrition of the chicken.

Some mistakenly believe that brown eggs are more beneficial to the body due to their natural composition. However, the color of the shell is not related to the taste and quality content of the product, but directly depends on many factors, the main of which are the breed and habitat.

The color of the shell has nothing to do with the taste and quality characteristics of the egg.

Factor one - the breed of chickens

The color of eggs laid in domestic and industrial conditions is primarily justified by the breed of poultry. The ability to lay eggs of a certain color is laid down at the genetic level, that is, the same hen will delight with products of a characteristic color throughout her life.

Repeated scientific studies have shown that the pigment that affects the formation of egg color is located in the cells of the uterine organ of the chicken. Therefore, the color of the shell is developed at the initial stages of egg formation.

Often there is a pattern when the color of the eggshell coincides with the tint of the feathers. For example, laying hens with snow-white feathers, as a rule, give white eggs, and golden and speckled hens - brownish. To determine the color of future eggs, you can carefully examine the earlobe: if it is white, then you should expect an egg of the same color, and if it has a red tint, then the shell is more likely to be brown.

Often the color of the eggshell matches the color of the chicken feathers.

Each breed of chicken has individual color characteristics. and Russian whites are characterized by the white color of the feather cover and the same color of the egg. These breeds are famous for their high egg production, so white protein products predominate on store shelves.

Many farmers prefer to breed poultry that can both lay eggs and put on weight well. Often these varieties of chickens are endowed with brown plumage, and they breed with eggs of the same color. Rhode Island can be attributed to meat and egg breeds with characteristic brown products. , Dominican laying hens, and others.

The stereotype about the usefulness and naturalness of brown eggs, which has taken root among people, encourages farmers to breed breeds that give only brown protein products, thereby winning the favor of buyers.

Interesting. In South America, there is an original one, which is famous for its bluish-green eggs. In the middle of the last century, these birds gained unprecedented popularity, thanks to the widespread opinion about the greater usefulness of blue eggs and low cholesterol in the composition. However, scientific studies have dispelled this myth and proved that the chemical composition of eggs is not related to the color of the shell.

Factor two - habitat and environmental conditions

The intensity of the shell color is predetermined by many external factors that significantly weaken the pigmentation process. Among them, one can note the air temperature, the transferred infectious and parasitic diseases, the quality of feed, the correct lighting, air exchange and stressful situations.

For example, with prolonged exposure to the sun, the representatives of the representatives observed a lightening of the color of the shell. The same thing happens when the air temperature in the chicken coop rises from 24 degrees to 30. It is also interesting that Australian scientists conducted a study and came to the conclusion that watering layers with water at 50 degrees leads to the termination of laying dark eggs.

Stressful situations can also cause eggs to change color. Stress has a direct effect on the cells of the mucous membranes, blocking the release of pigment by the shell gland and impairing the metabolism of porphyrins. There is evidence that strong stress 3-5 hours before laying an egg contributes to the appearance of uncharacteristic shades on it - gray, chalky, etc.

It is worth noting that not only diseases can cause a change in the color of the shell, but also some medications. For example, 5 mg of the active substance nicarbazine contained in the preparation for coccidiosis per day can significantly lighten the egg, and a large dosage leads to complete depigmentation.

The pigment protoporphyrin contained in vitamins can give the egg a brownish tint.

The pigment protoporphyrin, which is found in vitamins and hemoglobin, can give the egg a brownish tint and can be found in many forms of wildlife. The color saturation is also affected by the time the fetus passes through the oviduct: the longer the egg travels through the oviduct, the darker it will be. This phenomenon is due to the long exposure of the intrauterine pigment porphyrin to the egg shell.

What determines the color of the yolk

More than a century ago, scientists found that the color of the yolk is determined by the content of carotenoids - antioxidants involved in the formation of vitamin A and improve the condition of the skeletal system. Today, the most authoritative experts in the agro-industrial sector of the country agree that the taste and color characteristics of eggs depend on the properties of chicken feed.


The intensity of the color of the yolk can be either bright yellow or orange, or pale, almost beige. Under the influence of pigments of the carotenoid group, the tone of the yolk becomes more saturated, so farmers add corn, pumpkin, carrots, nettles and green hay to the daily menu of laying hens. However, not all types of pigment affect the color of the yolk: for example, beta-carotene, which makes carrots orange, will not affect the brightness of the yolk.

When a bird eats plants containing lutein or xanthophyll, the yolk acquires a bright color.

If the bird eats plants containing lutein or xanthophyll, then the yolk will acquire a very bright color. If the products contain yellow pigments, then the yolk will turn into a more saturated yellow or orange hue. A similar effect can be given by bright yellow varieties of corn and grass flour obtained by drying the green mass of clover, alfalfa and their mixture with cereal grasses.

When feeding layers with pale varieties of corn and alfalfa, a decrease in the intensity of the color of the yolk can be achieved. And the use of colorless feed contributes to its pallor with a barely noticeable yellow tint.

Carotenoids are able to manifest themselves in a fatty environment, therefore, in a household environment, chickens are pampered with wet mash with greens, whey and fatty kitchen waste.


The popular belief that fresh eggs should have an exceptionally bright yellow yolk has led to the addition of chemicals to bird food. Acting like natural pigments, they change the tone of the yolk in the right direction.

Synthetic pigments are not recommended for use in the private sector, since the dosages of their use are so small that they can cause difficulties when mixed with feed, in the worst case, an overdose. In addition, chemistry is quite an expensive pleasure.

Important. The bright color of the yolk is not an indicator of the freshness, naturalness and usefulness of the eggs. On the contrary, it may be due to the increased content of chemicals in the diet of laying hens. You should also be concerned about the presence of an excessively pale yolk, which indicates the low quality of the grain and additives that were fed to the birds.

White and brown: is there a difference?

The debate around the usefulness of white and brown eggs continues to this day. Some have no doubt that dark-shelled eggs contain more nutrients and have a higher taste. Most cooks also prefer brown protein products because they find them ideal for making pastries and creams.

There is no difference between white and brown eggs.

In reality, the only difference between white and brown eggs is their color. The shade of the shell does not play a role in shaping the nutritional characteristics of the product. The thickness of the eggs of both colors is exactly the same, but in some cases it may differ due to the age of the laying hen (in young individuals it is thicker and stronger).

The strength of the shell may also depend on the calcium content in the body, which comes directly from food. In spring, eggs tend to be fragile, because in winter the chicken body is depleted due to a lack of nutrients.

Given the identity of the characteristics of white and brown eggs, the question arises, why are their prices noticeably different on store shelves? The high price of dark products is due to nothing more than a marketing ploy. It should also be taken into account that breeds that produce brown eggs are more expensive to maintain and require more feed.

Sometimes people notice that eggs of different colors differ in taste, but this phenomenon is not justified by the color of the shell, but by the nutrition of birds. If the clumps that lay eggs with different colors follow the same diet, then there will be no differences in taste and color of the yolk.

In this video you will learn the difference between white and brown chicken eggs.

According to nutritionists, color doesn't matter in this case. and nutritional value is influenced by completely different factors.

So where did the myth of the superiority of brown and beige eggs come from? And what do you really need to pay attention to when choosing this product?

Let's try to figure it out together.

The most common myths about chicken eggs and the reason for their occurrence

We are already used to the fact that really high-quality food cannot cost a penny. Therefore, the fact that today specimens with dark shells have a higher price than light ones did not go unnoticed.

It’s better to pay more, but get the maximum benefit - we think and reach for a more expensive tray in the store. And then we proudly carry it home and assure our loved ones that brown eggs are definitely more useful than cheap white ones. Unfortunately, the stereotype: “More expensive means better” does not work here. The nutritional value of light and dark eggs is absolutely the same. and cost has nothing to do with it. What are we paying for?

Myth #1. The higher the price, the more benefit

Let us immediately reassure that manufacturers are not trying to deceive us by offering identical products at different prices.

The fact is that breeds of hens that lay dark eggs tend to be larger and consume more feed. And since the maintenance of such a bird is more expensive, we are forced to partially compensate for the difference from our own pocket.

Myth #2. Brown ones look more natural, which means they are environmentally friendly.

This delusion comes from our childhood. In the villages, eggs of all shades of terracotta used to be served at the table, and white ones were rather an exception. Why?

The fact is that the color of the eggshell is directly related to the plumage of the laying hen. From a bird with a dark or variegated color, we will not get a white egg, but from a light one - brown. In the villages, chickens with golden brown, gray, black or pockmarked plumage predominated, which is associated with the peculiarity of local breeds. Let's remember our childhood. Have we seen many white chickens on the village streets?

Dark-colored laying hens were in favor for a simple reason: they belong to the meat and egg breeds, while the light bird belongs to the egg-bearing ones, that is, you can’t cook a rich broth from it, and the roast will turn out so-so - without a bright taste. Naturally, in home production it is better to have "universal" than "profile" chickens.

So we have a memory that before the eggs were brown, very tasty and healthy (our grandmothers often used them for medicinal purposes).

Today, the stores are dominated by products of large poultry farms. White eggs in industrial trays subconsciously seem to be of lower quality. This is true, but it's not about color, but about the lifestyle of laying hens. The villagers walked in the fresh air, ate natural food, and moved a lot. And what do modern birds see, rarely leaving the limits of cramped cages? Whether they lay white or brown eggs, their products will not be healthier.

The same applies to the brightness of the yolk. It differs in a more saturated color in poultry, as opposed to the inhabitants of poultry farms, whose conditions of detention are far from natural.

Myth #3. Brown eggs have thicker and stronger shells.

In fact, this figure depends on the age of the chicken. The younger it is, the stronger the shell will be and vice versa.

No less important is the lifestyle of the bird, its state of health and diet. not without reason farmers introduce various calcium-containing supplements as complementary foods: ground shell rock, chalk, shrimp shells, bone meal. These measures allow you to increase the density of the shell, make it more resistant to mechanical stress.

But the color here is completely irrelevant.

Summing up

To the question: which eggs are healthier, white or brown, we answer without hesitation - homemade. Main - .

Because they:

  • Eco-friendly. Chickens in small farms are free-range, eat natural food, do not receive chemical stimulants and antibiotics.
  • They have a rich taste and pleasant aroma. Even the simplest dish from such a product will decorate the family table.
  • Good for the health. Roosters live in poultry houses, so almost all eggs are fertilized and have the “correct” hormonal background, which has a positive effect on our body.

In order not to fall for the bait of dishonest sellers who offer, under the guise of home-made store products with erased stamps, you should only contact trusted housewives.

Distinguishing factory eggs is easy. They are the same in color and size, covered with a smooth, as if polished shell. In domestic eggs, the surface is slightly rough, the shade and shape vary (after all, all laying hens are different), and on the yolk there is a noticeably bright spot - the future embryo.

Why are some eggs white and others brown?

We have already said that the color of the shell is influenced by the breed of laying hens. Meat-egg varieties always have dark plumage, egg-bearing varieties always have light plumage.

Accordingly, the former lay eggs with brown shells of all shades: from almost beige to brick, and the latter only with white.

Finding out exactly which eggs this or that chicken will carry is not difficult. Just look at her earlobes. If they are light almost white, this is exactly what the shell will be. If it is deep red, the eggs will turn brown.

A bit of biology

Persistent terracotta shades are given to the shell by the pigment protoporphyrin. It is produced in the uterine tissues of the laying hen. The longer the egg is formed, the more intense its color, since the pigment is absorbed into the shell for a longer time.

The percentage of protoporphyrin in cells is laid down at the genetic level. That's why hens lay eggs of the same color throughout their lives, and its shades vary depending on the living conditions of the bird.

Note that brown and white are not the only color options for eggshells.

  • Chickens of the Araucan breed, very popular in the USA and European countries, lay blue and turquoise eggs. For this they were even called "Easter". The breed got its name from an Indian tribe, which, through a long selection, brought out unique laying hens, the uterus of which contains the pigment biliverdin, which gives blue and green color.
  • Marana laying hens are famous for their "products" with a deep chocolate hue. They were bred in the last century in France.
  • The British breed Legbar can fill our basket with eggs of three colors at once: turquoise, olive and cream.
  • Black chickens of the ancient Asian species Uheilyuy are a real exotic. They lay eggs that have not only a unique light mint color, but also healing properties. The extract from these poultry products can cure anorexia, hormonal disorders, cardiovascular diseases and problems with the immune system.

Regardless of color, eggs of all breeds of chickens have approximately the same nutritional value and taste. When buying, you should pay attention not to the shade of the shell, but to its cleanliness (there should be no remnants of chicken droppings or adhering feathers) and the absence of gloss. Besides, the size of the egg, its weight and category are important.

The most useful are considered small in size, but noticeably heavy specimens. They are carried by young hens. A product labeled "1" is recognized as the most balanced in composition.

Now we will definitely choose only the best!

Have you ever wondered what determines the color of eggs in a chicken? After all, there are shells of different colors, both white and all kinds of brown shades. What is it - different varieties of eggs or a sign of quality? Let's try to figure out what affects the pigmentation of the shell and yolk. And at the same time we will find out why you should not choose this product, starting from the color.

Factors that determine shell color

There is an opinion among the inhabitants that the composition of brown eggs is more natural, so to speak, homemade. In fact, the quality of the product produced by a laying hen depends on many factors. But the color does not affect the taste or quality of the eggs. And vice versa, the conditions of keeping and feeding the chicken in no way affect the color of the future fried eggs. And yet, what determines the different color of chicken eggs?

Factor 1. Breed

So, the color of the shell in the products that are carried by domestic and industrial chickens depends on the breed of the bird. At the same time, the ability to carry eggs of a certain color is laid genetically. That is, the same chicken throughout its life produces fruits with a shell of a certain color. And such a pattern is often observed: the color of the shell depends on the tinting of the feathers.

So, laying hens with white feathers are mostly carried in white, but pockmarked and golden birds are brown. To know for sure what color your hen's eggs will be, take a closer look at the earlobe. If it is white, then the eggs will have the same color. In chickens with a red ear, the color of the shell will be brown.

For each breed of chickens, certain color characteristics are inherent. So, Leghorns and Russian Whites have white plumage, and their shells are of the same color. By the way, these breeds are distinguished by the greatest egg production. That is why white-shell protein products predominate in shops and markets.

In the household, they prefer to have birds that are capable of both carrying eggs and confidently gaining weight. Such breeds are mostly brown in color, respectively, and their eggs acquire the same color. These include Dominican laying hens, Rhode Island, Orpington and other meat and egg chickens.

For some reason, people have the opinion that since domestic eggs have a brown tint, this is a sign of their naturalness. One way or another, this stereotype is based on the subconscious, and has nothing to do with common sense. But farmers are breeding new breeds that lay well and produce brown-colored eggs in order to win the favor of the buyer.

By the way, we are all used to seeing chicken products with white and brown shells on our table. And in South America there is a specific breed of hens that lays bluish-green eggs. The chickens themselves look very original: they do not have tails, but feather decorations have formed on their heads due to their mustaches and beards. The breed is called "Araucana" - in honor of the name of the tribe of Indians who bred such chickens.

In the middle of the last century, testicles from Araucan chickens gained unprecedented popularity, but why? Among Americans, an opinion has appeared that the protein product of these outlandish birds contains several times more useful substances, and the cholesterol level, on the contrary, is much lower than in ordinary eggs. However, later studies have shown that the chemical composition of such eggs is no different from others, and the hype has passed.

Factor 2. Environment

The intensity of the color of the shell varies from pale, creamy shades to rich reddish. What does it depend on? The color of the shell is influenced by various external factors: air temperature, stressful situations, diseases. The brownish color comes from a pigment called protoporphyrin. It is found in hemoglobin and various vitamins, and is quite common in many forms of wildlife.

The more time it takes for the fetus to pass through the oviduct, the more intensely it stains. This is because the porphyrin acts on the membrane longer. Also, the intensity of the color depends on the laying period: the first ones usually turn out darker.

Scientific studies have proven that the color pigment that affects the formation of color is located in the cells of the uterine organ of the laying hen. Therefore, the color of the shell is determined even at the initial stages of egg formation.

What affects the color of the yolk?

The color of egg yolk sometimes excites both beginners and experienced housewives. Let's see why in one egg the yolks are pale yellow, in the other they have a bright saturated hue, and in the third there may be a poisonous orange yolk.

The color of the yolk is a consequence of the influence of pigments belonging to the group of carotenoids. Carotenoids are natural pigments that give color to plants and fruits. However, not all types of pigment affect the color of the yolk. For example, beta-carotene, which makes carrots orange, will not affect the color of the yolk. But the pigments lutein or xanthophyll are able to achieve the bright color of egg yolk.

The color of the yolk depends on the diet of the bird. If the chicken eats foods rich in yellow pigment, then the yolk will have a richer yellow or orange hue. This effect is given by corn of bright yellow varieties, grass flour. If you feed chickens with pale varieties of corn and alfalfa, then the tint of the yolk will be pale yellow. When feeding with colorless food, the yolk will also have a barely noticeable yellow tint.

This indicator is not a sign of freshness, naturalness or nutritional value of the egg product. But producers of eggs for sale are trying to feed hens with brightly colored food to make the product look more attractive to the buyer. An interesting fact: for some reason, the yolk contains more protein than the protein itself, so the benefits of the yolk are not measured by the shade.

Simple chemical processes explain why chicken eggs come in many different colors both inside and out. And these factors cannot be decisive when choosing a protein-rich product for your table.

Video "Myths about chicken eggs"

The video debunks several myths that relate to the chicken product.