What size is a Miniature Pinscher? Description of the Miniature Pinscher breed

Breed miniature pinscher (miniature pinscher) was developed in Germany. This is a small dog, 25 - 30 cm tall. Its weight ranges from 4 to 6 kg depending on gender. Can live 15 or more years.

The character of a tireless puppy and an amazing dancing gait are the first things that lovers of these dogs will notice. The elegant toy dog ​​moves like a little horse, gracefully puts his strong legs and looks around proudly, because he is not just anyone, but a miniature pinscher!

According to the FCI classification, the Miniature Pinscher belongs to the group of working dogs. This is one of the smallest along with the Miniature Schnauzer. Its strong physique allows it to be widely used in various types of sports training (freestyle, agility, IPO, etc.)

Initially, a purebred dog had to have a docked tail and ears. But lately, pinschers' ears have been cropped less and less often.

Guard qualities
Security qualities
Attitude towards children

Photo: Miniature Pinscher or Miniature Pinscher

From the history of the miniature pinscher

The birthplace of this breed, which is more often called the miniature or miniature pinscher, is considered to be Germany. It is difficult to say for sure when exactly the history of these tiny dogs begins, but it is known that references to dogs similar to pinschers appeared back in the 15th century!

Having originated in the region of German Württemberg, miniature pinschers quickly won the people's love: living near the stables, the small dogs regularly caught rats and guarded the owner's property. This is why they were lovingly called “griffins of the stables.”

A little later, brave and hardy kids began to accompany carriages and stagecoaches, loudly barking the surroundings along the entire journey and thereby frightening possible ill-wishers. Often the little one was taken for hunting: in a word, despite its miniature size, it was a universal dog that successfully completed any task assigned to it.

Miniature Pinscher standard: height, weight

Interestingly, the Miniature Pinscher is very similar to the Doberman Pinscher, but there is no relationship between them. In fact, a certain Mr. Doberman at one time admired miniature pinschers so much that he decided to breed a similar dog of a larger size.

In its appearance, the mini pinscher really resembles a miniature Doberman: the dog’s height does not exceed 30 cm, and its weight is 5 kg.

Slender, with well-developed bones and muscles, the pinscher has high strong legs, with the hind legs somewhat longer than the front ones, a small but proportional head to the body with a very noticeable transition from the forehead to the nose, an elegant, moderately long and thick neck, oval eyes of a dark color and smooth, shiny coat. In addition, classic miniature pinschers should have docked tails and ears, but more and more often owners and breeders do not do this so as not to torment the animals.

The breed standard was officially adopted in 1880, and 15 years later the first miniature pinscher breeders club opened in Germany. Thanks to them, the breed began to develop and increasingly appear at exhibitions in other countries. Thus, in Europe they learned about mini-pinschers after an exhibition in France, where the dog was presented as a “smooth-haired terrier from a stable.” And immediately the tiny dogs with a cheerful disposition became the favorites of the public, however, as was the case with many breeds, world wars threatened the existence of miniature pinschers. It was only thanks to the efforts of breeders and fanciers that these wonderful animals were preserved.

By color, they distinguish between one-color, namely brown-red, and two-color, black and tan, miniature pinschers, and the tan should have very clear boundaries: on the throat, above the eyes, on the inside of the hind legs, at the base of the tail and two identical triangles on the chest . It is interesting that previously the standard allowed a third color - brown and tan, but now dogs with this coat color are bred only in the USA.

Character of the miniature pinscher

The Miniature Pinscher is well suited for keeping in an apartment, but requires experienced dog breeders who will not follow the dog’s lead. Early and proper education is of great importance for this breed, which will help to avoid problems with such character traits as stubbornness and spoiledness.

But in the character of the miniature pinscher there is also tenderness, affection, and energy. They get along very well with children, but it is necessary to teach children that these small dogs are not toys at all and, due to their size, are very vulnerable and need their own space.

Miniature Pinschers usually get along well with other animals in the house. Pinschers can be aggressive towards other dogs. They only get along well with dogs they know from an early age.

Naturally suspicious, these dogs are prone to excessive barking. Therefore, if there are frequent guests in the house, the dog must be specially trained to calmly receive guests who do not threaten the owner. This little one must be kept on a leash in public places.

On the one hand, these are cheerful and faithful dogs, but on the other hand, they are demanding and strong-willed. But their negative traits can be successfully dealt with through timely training. Fortunately, pinschers. When a Pinscher recognizes its owner, it will be happy to learn what its owner wants.

This dog is ideal for people living even in a small city apartment, because it takes up little space and rarely sheds, in addition, it is a very smart and easy to train breed.

The main thing in communicating with an animal is not to spoil the pinscher, since it can be very stubborn and headstrong if you do not educate it from early childhood. Otherwise, this is a sweet and gentle dog that adores its family and always strives to please its owner in everything.

She can become a great friend for your children, as long as they understand that a tiny dog ​​is not a toy. Pinschers also get along well with other pets, but can only be aggressive towards dogs if they are not introduced to them from an early age.

But this breed is very wary of strangers. Being a born watchman, the Miniature Pinscher will greet strangers with an angry bark, his fur will immediately stand on end, and his eyes will sparkle, because this dog is not a coward and is ready to bravely defend his owners and their home.

During a walk, the miniature pinscher is calmer and explores everything around him with interest. Surprisingly, such a baby is always full of desire to fight, and even if the opponent is superior to the mini-pinscher in size and strength, this will not stop the brave dog!

Miniature Pinschers are wonderful companions for single people, cheerful, playful and curious. They love to play with any household items, which sometimes poses a danger to the animal.

In general, the miniature pinscher is a fairly healthy breed of dog, but it also has its own predispositions to diseases such as diabetes, urolithiasis, pannus, shoulder dislocation, glaucoma, cataracts and other eye diseases, as well as a tendency to deafness and epilepsy.

Care and maintenance of the miniature pinscher

This is a very easy breed to care for. It is enough to brush your miniature pinscher several times a week and sometimes remove dead hair with a damp towel.

A small dog does not need a lot of food, but its quality is all the more important in order for the dog to always be active and healthy.

It is necessary to protect miniature pinschers from cold and drafts, and in the cold season they must be walked in clothes. However, it is worth keeping in mind that due to its mobility, the miniature pinscher does not freeze too much in mild frosts. Only at minus 7-10 degrees do his paws begin to freeze. Therefore, for winter walking you need not only overalls, but also boots.

In hot weather, your little pinscher is at risk of heatstroke. Therefore, on long walks it is necessary to take water to drink, and in particularly hot weather the dog should be slightly wetted, especially if the dog is black and tan.

They also need to ensure a fairly active lifestyle, since this breed is quite prone to obesity. An apartment dog, even one trained to a tray, needs to be actively walked regularly, ideally twice a day, for at least half an hour. It is better to constantly offer him active games: Frisbee, etc.

Miniature Pinschers do not like to be left at home alone without something to do. Therefore, you should not leave him alone for a long time, or he will do something without the special permission of the owners, playing with things that are not intended for this.

This and in order to avoid the development of destructive behavior, they need constant mental activity. You can teach them something throughout your life.

The miniature pinscher is a wonderful companion also because representatives of this breed live in our climate for quite a long time, have good health and require the simplest care.

Miniature dogs only need to be brushed several times a week, and they accept brushing as a form of affection and love to be brushed.

You should not pick up the Pinscher by the front paws or the scruff of the neck, so as not to damage the tendons; it is better to carry the dog by holding it under the belly. It is also necessary to protect the baby from the cold and not let him off the leash in public places. But you need to walk the baby several times a day, since this breed is prone to obesity, which means that the pet simply needs constant physical activity.

It is not advisable to wash miniature pinschers, since after this procedure the dog can easily catch a cold. So take baths as needed – not more often.

It is important to shorten the nails in time, since the dog is light in weight, and they do not have time to grind down when moving, and this can even lead to a dislocated paw.

To keep your miniature pinscher healthy and alert throughout its life, it is important to monitor its diet. Natural food is preferred for this breed, with most of the diet being raw beef and horse meat, as well as poultry.

The Pinscher should receive food strictly on schedule, after which, ideally, he licks the plate and rests. If the dog hasn’t finished eating or, on the contrary, stands near the plate with sad eyes, then the portion should be reduced or, accordingly, increased. Sometimes you can include fresh chopped garlic in the menu to prevent worms and intestinal diseases.

The history of miniature pinschers goes back more than 300 years, and during this time they have repeatedly proven that, despite their miniature size, they are brave and loyal companions. And if you don’t believe it, check it out!

Price of puppies and where is the best place to buy

How much does a miniature pinscher cost? Currently, the price of miniature pinscher puppies varies from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles. The cost depends on several factors. The cheapest puppies are without pedigrees or breeding marriage. Their cost will not exceed 10,000 rubles. From 10,000 to 20,000 You can buy puppies with pedigree documents in nurseries. And for the price from 20,000 rubles and up to 30,000 rubles you will have to pay for a puppy whose parents are titled champions and the puppy itself has brilliant exhibition prospects.

Where is the best place to buy a miniature pinscher puppy to avoid making a mistake?

Under no circumstances buy a dog from someone else or from a poultry market. You should also be wary of private advertisements in newspapers or the Internet. It is best to choose a puppy from real breeders who have their own kennel. These specialists know everything about the breed and will select the optimal puppy for you based on your wishes.

Photo of a miniature pinscher or miniature pinscher

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The miniature pinscher (miniature pinscher) is one of the most popular breeds in Europe. These animals have an energetic character, elegant appearance, strength and endurance that famous writers and artists admired, making these miniature dogs the heroes of their works.

Breed characteristics

Origin story

According to some data, the first mention of the Miniature Pinscher breed was registered in 1471 in Germany. Then this dog was recognized as the best accompaniment for the charioteer, which not only served as a traveling companion, but also served as a guard for the horses.

It is known that the ancestors of the miniature pinscher were kept in stables as guard and hunting dogs. Despite their rather modest size, these animals performed their functions perfectly: they acted as excellent catchers of rats and mice, and, if necessary, could scare away intruders.

It was in Germany at the beginning of the 19th century that breeders began to develop a purebred miniature pinscher breed. The first breed standard was adopted by the famous breeder Richard Strebel in 1880, and in 1900, at an exhibition in Stuttgart, these miniature representatives of the breed were shown to the world.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, miniature pinschers have become very popular not only in their historical homeland, but also far beyond its borders, completely turning into domestic dogs.

Description of the Miniature Pinscher breed

The Pinscher breed includes three types of dogs: Miniature Pinschers (Miniature Pinschers), German Pinschers and Doberman Pinschers.

  1. Unlike their counterparts, miniature pinschers are the smallest in size: their height reaches only 25-30 cm at the withers, and the weight of an adult dog does not exceed 5 kg.
  2. These dogs have an elongated muzzle with fairly strong jaws.
  3. If the animal's ears are cropped, they should stand high; if not, then they should droop slightly.
  4. The Miniature Pinscher's eyes are dark in color, set straight, and oval in shape.
  5. The neck has a beautiful curved shape. According to the breed standard, it should be neither short nor fat.
  6. The physique of these animals is slender, quite dense, and the muscles are well developed. The chest is wide, slightly oval.
  7. The limbs are smooth and muscular, proportional to the length of the body.
  8. The tail should be docked at the level of the third vertebra. However, at European shows there is a ban on docking, so if you plan to take part in competitions, you should take this into account.
  9. The Miniature Pinscher's coat lies tightly to the body, is smooth and short, and shiny.

FACT! Since Miniature Pinschers are very similar in appearance to their Doberman counterparts, they are often called Miniature Doberman Pinschers or Mini Doberman Pinschers. However, the Miniature Pinscher breed appeared much earlier and, in fact, became the progenitor of the Doberman Pinscher.


According to the standard, miniature pinschers can be one-color or two-color (bicolor).

  1. Solid Color: Dogs are fawn or brown-red in color.
  2. Two-tone: black and tan, with clear tan borders above the eyes, throat and chest.

It is curious that there used to be another color - brown and tan. Now dogs of this color can only be found in the USA, where they are currently being bred.


The Miniature Pinscher is very cheerful and energetic, has high intelligence, attentiveness and passion. On the one hand, these dogs are affectionate and faithful, on the other – stubborn and wayward.

  1. Miniature Pinschers get along well with children and all family members.
  2. Despite their selfless love for their owner, these animals do not tolerate excessive displays of feelings and are not delighted with constant “tenderness” and stroking. Therefore, they can behave a little aggressively at such moments.
  3. Very distrustful of strangers.
  4. Miniature pinschers are friendly towards other pets, provided they have known them since childhood. If you are planning to have a new pet after the arrival of a miniature pinscher in the family, you should devote some time to adaptation and establishing contact between the animals.
  5. These dogs are very curious and enjoy getting to know everything new that surrounds them.
  6. During walks, it is better to keep your pet on a leash, because despite their miniature stature, miniature pinschers are very cocky towards other dogs, even if they are larger than them.

The peculiarity of the breed of these, at first glance, cute dogs is their very loud barking. They greet all the guests and animals who visit the master's house with it.


The miniature pinscher is exactly the breed of dog whose training requires great attention. And the sooner the animal’s educational process begins, the easier it will be for you to cope with the stubborn and slightly capricious character of your pet.

After a miniature pinscher appears in your family, you must immediately establish that the owner is the boss in the house. Otherwise, in the future it will be very difficult for you to cope with this small wayward animal. You can carry out training both at home and seek advice and help from specialists.

  1. Start training when your pet is 3 months old; it is at this time that the dog is able to perceive and remember commands.
  2. The favorite and most understandable task for a dog at this age is the “fetch” command.
  3. Next, it’s worth learning such commands as: “to the leg” and “nearby”. Before you take your puppy for a walk, be sure to accustom him to a collar and leash.
  4. Designate a separate place for the dog in the house and gradually, from the first days of the pet’s appearance, accustom it using the command: “place”.
  5. Be sure to learn the commands “fu” and “fas” with your dog so that his communication with your friends takes place in a calm atmosphere. Or, if necessary, to scare away intruders.
  6. Due to their natural tendency towards hostility, the process of raising miniature pinschers can be quite harsh. Sometimes, if a puppy behaves aggressively, it is necessary to stop him with strict commands or even spank him so that he knows who is the leader.

In fact, training a dog is long and painstaking work. Conduct training in the form of games in the fresh air, communicate and talk more with your little friend, and then the educational process will be easy.

The life expectancy of the Miniature Pinscher breed is 13-17 years, depending on the dog’s heredity and the conditions of its keeping. These animals are very unpretentious in care, since this breed does not require any additional conditions for keeping.


  • For dogs of this breed, long active walks in the fresh air are simply necessary, otherwise their behavior in the apartment may become uncontrollable;
  • It is important to know how to wash your pet so that the dog does not catch a cold. To do this, bathe your Pinscher only as needed and in a warm room;
  • Keep an eye on your pet's eyes and ears and clean them regularly;
  • The animal must be brushed several times a week using a special brush for smooth-haired dogs. It is especially important to do this during the molting period;
  • When walking, monitor the animal’s well-being: in the hot season, walk in shady parks to avoid overheating, and in cold weather, dress your pet in warm clothes, since pinschers do not tolerate cold well;
  • Trim your dog’s nails regularly with a special nail clipper;
  • pay attention to dental prevention - brush them regularly once a week with a special brush;
  • Puberty in miniature pinschers begins at 10 months. At this time, dogs become aggressive, may not obey their owners and behave restlessly. It is best to make the first mating during this period.

Before you get a miniature pinscher, take care of keeping it comfortable in your home.

  1. Designate a separate place for your dog to sleep and rest. At your pet's height, try to remove all wires and secure sockets.
  2. Purchase all the necessary items to care for your Pinscher.
  3. Buy your puppy a variety of toys, and if you live in a cool climate, also clothes, as these dogs are sensitive to cold.
  4. Purchase a comfortable leash and collar in advance.
  5. Prepare a separate corner in the kitchen for feeding your baby. Buy bowls for water and food.

Don't forget that the Miniature Pinscher is a very active dog breed, so be prepared for frequent daily walks.


In order for your pet to live a long and healthy life, you must first familiarize yourself with the list of the most common diseases of the breed.

The most dangerous diseases that occur in these dogs:

  • glaucoma and cataracts;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • problems with joints, fractures and dislocations of limbs (due to the high activity and curiosity of the breed);
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • deafness;
  • epilepsy.

Overall, the Miniature Pinscher is a very healthy and hardy dog. However, we should not forget about animal prevention. From the very first day your pet arrives in your home, find a good veterinarian and conduct regular examinations of your dog. Get all necessary vaccinations and follow your doctor's recommendations.

IMPORTANT! Rabies vaccination is mandatory. It should be carried out no earlier than 7 months of age of your pet.


Even before a miniature pinscher appears in your home, you will need to decide: what will you feed the dog? It is very important that the diet is balanced.

When purchasing a pinscher, find out from the breeder what and how your future pet was fed and stick to the already established schedule. If the puppy has just been weaned from its mother's milk, then its first complementary food should be goat's milk.

What to feed your miniature pinscher puppy:

  • The basis of the diet is raw beef or horse meat (40%). Occasionally you can give a bird, no pork at all;
  • fermented milk products and cottage cheese;
  • raw or cooked vegetables (30%);
  • porridge: oatmeal, buckwheat and others. You can cook it in meat broth without salt.

An adult dog can be switched to premium professional food. It contains all the necessary substances and vitamins for the full development of your pet. It is better to select such food with an experienced veterinarian. And if any signs of allergy appear, the food will need to be changed.

It is important to remember that under no circumstances should you give your pet food from the owner’s table, since our food is very fatty and salty for the animal. Also, do not follow your dog’s lead if he starts begging or, which is generally not acceptable, stealing food. Stick to a strict feeding schedule and always give your Pinscher the same portions. And don’t forget about clean water, which should always be in your dog’s bowl.

The miniature pinscher (Zwergpinscher) is a miniature dog, usually its height at the withers does not exceed 30 cm. This breed was bred in Germany. A distinctive feature from the German Smooth Pinscher is the size of the dog.

The weight of a healthy adult pet usually does not exceed 6 kg. This breed is characterized by docked ears and tail. Dogs live over 15 years.

There is a breed standard for the miniature pinscher. Miniature Pinschers must meet the following parameters:

  1. The dog's weight should not be less than 4 kg, but not exceed 6 kg.
  2. Height at withers 25 – 30 cm.
  3. The color is black and tan or red.
  4. The coat is short.

In America, brown and tan pinschers are often found, but they are not recognized as the breed standard.

Externally, the dog looks like a dwarf Doberman, a miniature pinscher looks the same, but its height does not exceed the size of a Yorkie or Chihuahua.

Origin and purpose of dog breed

The first mention of the breed was more than 300 years ago. The homeland of the miniature pinscher is considered to be Germany, where it is known as the miniature smooth-haired pinscher, or miniature Doberman. For cynology to this day, the history of the origin of the breed is a mystery.

Some are inclined to believe that they were originally Scandinavian dogs, others argue that the miniature pinscher was bred from the English black and tan terrier breed. And although many people believe that the Pinscher is a small copy of the Doberman, it’s quite the opposite. A fan of the Pinscher breed, Mr. Doberman set out to make his favorite breed larger and breed a large Pinscher.

Initially, pinschers were great helpers, both in hunting and in stables (catching rats), or they played the role of a guard perfectly, having a loud bark.

  • Today, miniature pinschers are more pets. The breed's character is soft and amenable to training. Despite its small stature, the dog can follow any command.

The first miniature pinscher standard was approved in 1880 by Richard Strebel. And for the first time the breed was exhibited at an exhibition in 1900 in Stuttgart.

Appearance of the dog

Despite the fact that the Miniature Pinscher is not very tall, it has quite strong muscles and bones.

The limbs are strong and slender. The dog's height is 25-30 cm. The head has a flat forehead. Although the shape of the skull is not wide, the transition to the muzzle is clearly identified, narrowing towards the nose.

The line of the muzzle and forehead are parallel. Nose is black. The ears are erect and semi-erect; as a rule, the breed is characterized by cropped ears, but they are still larger than the head. The Pinscher has a very beautiful curved neck.
The Zwerpinscher is smooth-haired, the coat is hard but smooth.

The eyes are dark, always alert and expressive. Scissor bite. The tail is pointed upward. Tail docking up to 1.25 – 2.05 cm.

The dog has a special gait. They raise their front legs high, which vaguely resembles the gait of a riding horse.


How long dogs of this breed live depends on the owner. The average life expectancy is 15 years. With proper care, miniature pinschers can live longer.


Training a miniature pinscher is an important stage that should not be delayed. Despite the touching descriptions of the breed, it is worth remembering its domineering character and the roots of the breed. Although the dog's character is quite soft, it is still quite aggressive towards strangers. Which makes her a wonderful guard.

Having missed the moment of training and giving in to the slack, the miniature pinscher quickly seizes the moment, taking the leading position.

The dog has a stubborn character, an inquisitive mind, agility and activity. Therefore, he is not always obedient. The owner should take this into account when starting training. An aggressive attitude towards other dogs is also an important point. To avoid conflicts, it is worth teaching your pet to be calm in advance.

Pinscher care

The dog is quite active, physical activity is very important for it. In order to lose all her energy, she simply needs active games and long walks in the fresh air.

Having accustomed your pet to socializing with other dogs, he will enjoy spending time in their company. If the owner shows persistence and drive, the dog can be introduced to the sport.

Features of care

A miniature pinscher is perfect for an apartment, but if its home is a private sector with its own large yard, this is a huge plus for the dog. If there is not much space, you should take care of your pet by creating his own corner, hidden from prying eyes, where he can relax and sleep.

Social adaptation

If there are children in the apartment, it is worth explaining that a dog is, first of all, a friend, but not a toy, then the pinscher will become your child’s best friend and support. It is worth paying special attention to the dog’s behavior if the baby appears when the pinscher is already an adult.

It is difficult to talk about the relationship between the pinscher and other animals. This depends both on the dog itself and on other animals. When playing with small animals, it is worth making sure that during the game she does not bite or injure a smaller pet.

Caring for a miniature pinscher is quite simple. You should brush your dog at least 2 times a week with a special thick brush. After brushing, you can wipe the dog’s fur with a damp cloth to remove dead hair. You should bathe your dog rarely, dry it well with a towel, and hide it from drafts.

Ear care requires special attention. So, you should clean them regularly and make sure that no water gets into them when swimming. Due to their low weight, the claws do not always grind down on their own, so they sometimes need to be trimmed.


Pinschers sense the weather very sensitively. The worst thing is the heat. During the cold season, caring for your dog includes purchasing fashionable and comfortable clothes that are comfortable and do not hinder your pet’s movements.

  • Keeping a pinscher in winter differs significantly from summer. If it's cold at home, you should wear a T-shirt or light jacket.

You can walk your Pinscher in winter only in clothes, and only not for a long time, otherwise the dog will freeze and get sick.
In the summer you can walk your dog as much as he wants. In hot weather, you can take your dog to the water. At the same time, remember that a dog’s ears are open. Caring for your ears is to prevent water from getting into them.

Since your dog is playful and inquisitive, you can buy her toys. In this case, preference should be given to interactive and musical toys that arouse the dog’s interest.

Just don’t be zealous and overwhelm your pet with toys, as his interest will quickly fade away. You should read the description of the toy and look at the composition. It is not recommended to buy toys made of plastic and rubber. By gnawing, he can swallow a piece.

Pinscher nutrition and health

With proper feeding and lifestyle, pinschers live for quite a long time. Therefore, you should more carefully study and analyze the content of your pet’s diet. You can feed both natural food and dry food, but only premium class food.

If it is natural food, preference should be given to a balanced diet. Feeding only meat or only cereals is strictly prohibited. A little less than half of the diet is meat (horse meat or beef is possible), a third of the diet consists of plant components, the rest is porridge.

If the dog is young, you can introduce fermented milk products into the diet. If you plan to feed your dog dry food, it is better to switch to it as early as possible. You can give other food, but rarely, as a reward.

It is important to feed your dog according to a schedule. It is also worth making sure that the portion is eaten at a time. Pinschers are uncontrollable when it comes to food, which is why they often suffer from obesity. Constant access can only be to water.

To boost your dog's immunity, you can feed your dog vegetables and fruits. To do this, finely chopped raw vegetables and fruits are added to the main dish.

The Miniature Pinscher is a healthier breed. But she is characterized by a number of diseases. If you feed and care for your dog incorrectly, there may be manifestations of eye disease, obesity, diabetes, allergies, urolithiasis, and shoulder dislocation.

If more than two puppies are born in a litter, it will be quite difficult for the pinscher mother to feed them, so you may have to help with feeding.

Miniature Pinschers resemble Doberman Pinschers in appearance, but are smaller in size. The peculiarity of the breed is its dancing gait. The running of a dog is similar to the gait of a horse. Future owners of a miniature pinscher must remember that the dog quickly becomes attached to its owner and has a hard time being separated from a person.

History of the breed

The history of the breed goes back 300 years. Germany is considered the birthplace of the miniature pinschers. There are no reliable sources when the first representatives of the breed appeared. It is known that similar dogs lived in Switzerland in the 15th century. According to another version, the ancestors of Pinschers came to Germany from England.

The similarity of the breed with Dobermans is no coincidence. Mr. Doberman set the goal of breeding large dogs, being delighted with miniature pinschers. Previously, representatives of the breed lived near the stables. They were excellent at catching rats and protecting the premises. Gradually they acquired the status of pets. Breeders became interested in the breed in the second half of the 19th century. Miniature pinschers were first presented at the exhibition in 1900. Then the breed becomes popular among Europeans. The dog came to Russia from Germany after the Second World War, in the form of a “trophy”. Considered common. The miniature animal is suitable for keeping in a house or apartment.

Initially, the pets were used as guard dogs. Only in the middle of the 15th century did they live in stables, catch mice and engage in intensive protection of domestic animals. At the beginning of the 20th century, small dogs began to be used exclusively as indoor decorative pets. Breeding and approval of breed standards began in Germany.

The Miniature Pinscher breed was first presented at an exhibition in England in 1954. Miniature representatives of the breed began to march through European countries, where they were recognized as an extremely popular breed.


  1. Miniature pinschers have developed bones and muscles.
  2. Compact, height no higher than 30 cm.
  3. Dog weight up to 6 kg.
  4. The lines of the forehead and muzzle are parallel.
  5. The eyes are dark and expressive.
  6. The tail is set high and carried high up.
  7. The tail is docked to 2 cm in childhood.
  8. The ears are triangular in shape, erect or semi-erect.
  9. The coat is hard to the touch, short, close-lying.

Dogs come in three colors: red, black and tan and brown and tan. The latter species is now found exclusively in America. The miniature breed is great for keeping in an apartment.

If we talk about character, dogs:

  1. Smart.
  2. They love active games.
  3. Agile and fast.
  4. Proud and courageous.
  5. Capable of showing aggression towards other dogs.
  6. They don’t like it when their personal space is encroached upon, especially during rest.

Features of miniature pinschers

Miniature Pinschers are smart, energetic dogs suitable for large families and single people. You cannot spoil your dog too much, otherwise living with your pet next to you will not be easy.

Miniature pinschers are extremely agile. They need constant walks and physical activity. Miniature Pinschers get along well with children. Familiarity will not be tolerated. For adults, representatives of the breed will be excellent companions. Pinschers can be aggressive towards other dogs. They are only friends with animals they have been with since puppyhood. Miniature pinschers coexist peacefully with other pets.

Miniature Pinschers exhibit a unique gait that distinguishes them from other breeds. When running and walking, the dog raises its front legs high, making the movements similar to the gait of a riding horse.

Remember, initially representatives of the breed caught rats and mice; the hunting instinct in dogs is highly developed. During a walk, they are quite willing to run after the animals; they should be allowed to run freely only in a fenced area or in the absence of such danger.

Suspiciousness is noted among the breed's character traits. Dogs are prone to constant barking. The miniature pinscher also speaks when left alone. Well-socialized representatives of the breed calmly accept guests if they see that the owner is not in danger.

Miniature dogs are highly trainable. Intellectual stress is necessary, as well as physical stress. Sometimes 2-3 repetitions are enough for the dog to learn the command.

Health and care

Popular diseases that dogs are susceptible to:

  • Cataract,
  • Diabetes,
  • Dislocation of the shoulder joint,
  • Glaucoma,
  • Urolithiasis disease.

Sometimes puppies are born with congenital deafness. Owners should be careful when using medications for dogs. Allergic reactions to selected medications are possible. Shampoos with pesticides are used only if the dog has fleas. Recently, an alternative to products has appeared - shampoos with cedar oil.

Caring for the Miniature Pinscher's coat is simple. The dog does not shed and has no specific odor. Required:

  • Brush periodically to avoid tangles.
  • A couple of times a year you will need trimming and removal of old hair.
  • Representatives of the breed are prone to obesity. Regular physical activity will help you avoid this problem. Try to think about your pet's diet.

Miniature Pinschers have short fur that provides little protection from the cold. Light frosts are tolerated. In extreme cold, you should limit your dog's walks. Some owners get out of the situation by purchasing warm overalls for their pet.

Miniature pinschers live 15-20 years and are considered the longest-livers among dogs. Representatives of the breed are recognized as ideal watchdogs. The dog barks loudly and loudly when a stranger approaches the protected area. Miniature Pinschers have a fearless nature. They are capable of getting into a fight with another animal, regardless of the latter’s size. In a fight, a representative of the breed is capable of becoming a serious contender.

When strangers see a miniature dog for the first time, they try to pet it. But the miniature pinscher does not allow everyone to touch him. Suspiciousness is considered an important character trait of a dog. Strong, healthy parents usually produce a healthy litter of 3-4 puppies.

When choosing a puppy, inspect the condition of the coat. A healthy dog ​​has a good appetite and is active. It is better to go to specialized nurseries with a good reputation to take care of your pet. It is advisable to choose the most active puppy from the litter, with excellent health and a cheerful character. Pinschers are usually friendly towards people. Dogs require early socialization, especially those who have spent more than 2 months in the kennel. The owner must prepare for the dog's prolonged maturation. Even a two-year-old pinscher sometimes looks like a stupid puppy.

A correctly chosen and adequately trained representative of the breed instantly becomes a family favorite. He treats his family favorably, but with excessive attention he becomes very spoiled. From time to time, your miniature pinscher should be reminded who is boss. Try to avoid physical punishment; the miniature pinscher is touchy and vindictive.

Proper care of your Miniature Pinscher involves following basic hygiene rules. The dog always has clean ears, eyes, and nails are trimmed on time. There is no point in hoping that the claws will grind down on their own. Representatives of this species do not have much weight, they live mainly in houses or apartments, their claws simply do not have time to wear down, and it is imperative to monitor the condition of their paws. Otherwise, overgrown claws will lead to a dislocated paw while walking or playing.

Water procedures are performed only as needed. The dogs are clean and have no characteristic odor. Make sure that after washing the dog is not exposed to a draft; you should not take him outside after bathing. Dry your pet thoroughly. Representatives of the breed catch colds easily.

It is advisable to start hygiene procedures at an early age. Miniature Pinscher puppies have a positive attitude towards the procedures, accepting them as a kind of game. This is a good quality; later, in adulthood, the dog reacts calmly even to procedures that do not evoke positive emotions.

What to feed

The miniature pinscher requires little food, but high quality food. What to choose - dry food or natural food, the owner decides independently. Make sure that the food is filled with the nutrients and elements necessary for the dog’s body.

Representatives of the species are unpretentious in food, but the dog cannot eat from the owner’s table. The structure of the dog's body is different from the structure of the human body.

It is worth focusing on the main aspects of nutrition. It is better to feed representatives of the breed with natural products rather than specialized food. They often give meat, beef or horse meat is suitable. The rest of the diet is as follows:

  • Products of plant origin make up up to 1/3 of the total diet.
  • Poultry meat is introduced into the diet only after one year of age. Initially, the meat is offered carefully in small portions, carefully observing the pet’s reaction.
  • Pinschers are supposed to be fed once a day at a set time.

For Miniature Pinscher puppies, the diet is different. After the puppies reach the age of 1 month, the dogs begin to be fed with high-calorie foods with sufficient calcium content. During this period, active growth occurs in dogs and continues for up to 6 months. Then less high-calorie, nutritious foods are introduced into the diet.


Miniature Pinscher training begins at an early age. Pinschers have long been decorative lap dogs; they are wonderful watchdogs. Instinct is still alive in dogs. They clearly ensure that the boundaries of the home are not violated by uninvited guests, and without hesitation they will rush to protect the family and territory.

The Miniature Pinscher dog breed is easy to train. But the owner must constantly prove to the pet his dominant position. Many inexperienced breeders make a big mistake by not taking cute dogs seriously. In vain, the subsequently grown pinscher causes a lot of trouble, because it strives to take a leading position in the family and begins to prove to everyone that it is right. You must learn how to care for and train a Miniature Pinscher before choosing an unusual, but loyal and devoted dog.

Squeeze, grab, press. This is how the verb to pinch is translated from English. The name of the breed is presumably derived from it miniature pinscher. She was bred in Germany, where the first special breed exhibition was held in 1887.

So, the pinscher's body outline is almost square. However, visually the representatives of the breed look elongated. The illusion is achieved due to the leanness of miniature pinschers and thin but strong paws.

The Miniature Pinscher is recognized by the International Association of Cynological Organizations. FCI, by the way, is not favorable to all breeds. For her, the pit bull terrier and the Moscow watchdog, for example, do not seem to exist.

For the miniature pinscher, the Federation presents a clear standard. It notes that representatives of the breed do not have a clearly protruding occipital protuberance. The Miniature Pinscher's forehead is flat.

The bevel of the head is parallel to the nose. The latter, by the way, is dark, almost black in the Pinscher. Black lips. They fit tightly to the jaws. Respectively, miniature pinscher not the kind of slobbering dog.

The pinscher's forehead meets the muzzle at a slight angle. However, the joint line is clearly marked. The standard also clearly identifies 42 pointed teeth that fit tightly together with a scissor bite.

In describing the compactness of the pinscher, the characteristic “short distance from the last rib to the hip” is added. On top of the defining line is a slightly rounded croup. It transitions smoothly into the tail.

Another question with the sternum. She performs strongly. The rest of the chest is moderately wide, with the lower extremity reaching the elbows of the front legs. Their elbows, by the way, are set straight. There are breeds in which the joints are everted, most often towards the outside. IN miniature pinscher kennel they won't take them.

The miniature pinscher's paws are called cat paws. The mustachios are reminiscent of tightly pressed, arched fingers. There is little in the character of the Pinscher that is feline. Let's get acquainted with the behavioral attitudes of the breed.

The character of the miniature pinscher and its care

Miniature Pinscher in the photo resembles a Doberman and, like the “big brother”, belongs to the group of Great Danes. It includes not only pinschers, but also miniature schnauzers. In character, the hero of the article is closer to the latter.

Representatives of the breed are playful and active. The liveliness of miniature pinschers is combined with natural suspiciousness. This helps to raise a guard dog out of a dog, but requires the owners to use a tight rein.

Sensing weakness in the owner, pinschers turn into domestic tyrants. That's why, miniature pinscher price rarely interested in families with children, or those who are making their first four-legged friend.

The hero of the article is a selection of experienced dog breeders who have training skills and know how to be the main one in the “pack”. Intellectually miniature pinscher training is given simply. Representatives of the breed are smart and quick-witted.

Combined with endurance, excellent scent, attentiveness and vigilance, this makes pinschers excellent hunters. As a rule, representatives of the breed get animals out of holes. Duck hunting with a pinscher is rather an exception, although it swims well.

The guardian instinct in the miniature pinscher awakens before six months, usually at 3-4 months. We are preparing for a dull growl at the door. At home it can be annoying. Pinscher owners are lenient towards their barking on the street.

If in the old days they ran behind horse-drawn carriages, now they become companions on bicycle rides and hiking trips. Miniature pinschers don't even care about mountains. If the rocks are not steep, your four-legged friend will be able to climb them.

By the way, on hikes, the pinscher also displays the qualities of a watchman and hunter. The dog drives away forest dwellers from tents and winter huts who come to the camp in search of food. If you have to get into a fight and be injured, the Pinscher is ready for a quick recovery. Representatives of the breed are less susceptible to pain and come out of many troubles with a positive attitude.

Miniature pinscher nutrition

Despite their active lifestyle and lively character, miniature pinschers are prone to obesity. Buy a miniature pinscher and feeding him sausages and sweet gingerbread from the master’s table is a bad idea.

Your four-legged friend needs a healthy, balanced diet. Dog handlers recommend sticking to either natural products or dry food. Both diets are suitable for Pinschers. Mixing them is contraindicated.

The choice in favor of natural food obliges owners of miniature pinschers to fill their pet’s diet with meat by at least 40%. It is desirable that it constitutes 60% of the foods consumed by the dog.

Vegetables and cereals complement meat in the miniature pinscher's diet. As a rule, dogs eat the latter with great pleasure. This recommendation does not apply to puppies.

For the first month they only need mother's milk. It can be replaced by specialized mixtures. From a month onwards, the stomachs of newborns accept goat's and cow's milk, liquid porridges cooked on them.

From 1.5-2 months, when the puppies have adapted to porridge, minced beef is introduced into the diet. After another couple of days, you can give finely chopped fillet. Soups with a small addition of cereals begin to be served at the same time as minced meat.

Up to 2 months, puppies are fed natural products. Afterwards, you can switch to special dog food. It is important to choose items that are high in protein. From 2 months, the percentage of foods in the diet of miniature pinschers is compared with the requirements of adult dogs. Only the number of feedings differs.

Up to 7 months, adolescents need 2 feedings per day. Adult pinschers eat 5-6 times, washing down their meals with plenty of water. Therefore, it is imperative to have a container of clean water next to the food bowl.

Reproduction and life expectancy of the miniature pinscher

Representatives of the breed are fully formed by 9 months. Bitches can have their first heat as early as one year of age. There are difficulties in breeding. Representatives of the breed are the golden mean between Dobermans and Toy terriers.

Thus, males and females began to appear with a sharp transition from the forehead to the muzzle, slightly bulging eyes, and thin bones. Do you recognize the Toys? Therefore, breeding miniature pinschers is close to producing offspring from poodles. Some puppies from the litter are classified as small, others as dwarf, and still others as toi.

When breeding a breed, it is important to trim in time. miniature pinscher ears. Tails are also docked. Until the 2000s this was the rule. Now, the Russian Canine Association allows all-natural dogs to participate in exhibitions.

However, if you don’t cut off their tails and ears before they are a month old, when the cartilage has not become stronger, you will have to do staging. Compliance with the standard is required. About the ears, for example, it says: “Triangular, high-standing.”

Therefore, those who refused miniature pinscher docking, stock up on bandages. Textile glue will also work. It is necessary to secure the dog's ears in the desired position, repeating the procedure until the result is established.

Trained dogs that have received an exhibition rating of “very good” or higher, with a pedigree, are officially allowed for breeding. Mating miniature pinschers in such cases it is paid. The owner of the dog receives the money. They often collude to pay off the sale of puppies. By the way, young dogs are also given away for mating.

Miniature pinschers usually have 4-5 puppies in a litter. Representatives of the breed, with good care, live for about 15 years. 10 of them are reproductive. Miniature pinschers are allowed to be bred annually. It becomes clear why some people professionally breed purebred four-legged animals. Find out prices for puppies.

Miniature pinscher price and reviews about it

The cost of a miniature pinscher depends on the pedigree. If it is filled entirely with show champions, puppies will be bought for 50,000 rubles. With a mediocre pedigree, breeders' requests, as a rule, do not exceed 20,000 rubles.

The price tag can skyrocket during periods of popularity of the breed. Its outbursts are often associated with films, songs, and dogs that celebrities own. There are also periods when no one needs miniature pinschers. Breeders have to keep puppies for months. These are no longer puppies at all, but young dogs. Isn't this a reason to give away four-legged animals for next to nothing?