Atropine eye drops side effects. Atropine – eye drops

Atropine eye drops are an ophthalmic agent used to diagnose the patient’s vision condition.

The herbal components included in its composition act on the pupil, provoking drug-induced mydriasis.

The use of the medication at home without a doctor's prescription is prohibited.

Instructions for use

To purchase the product, the pharmacist will need to present a prescription from the supervising physician.

Atropine (in drops) is a translucent, uncolored solution, at a concentration of 1% in a 5 ml container (polyethylene capsule - dropper). The medicine is packaged in a thin cardboard box; when purchasing, check whether there are detailed instructions for use. The retail chain sells Atropine eye drops with a doctor's prescription.

Atropine is a substance based on plant components of the alkaloid class, which is contained in plants from the nightshade class.

The drug slows down the circulation of fluid in the eyeball and provokes dilation of the pupils, which increases pressure, progresses paralysis of accommodation, reduces the clarity of vision, and causes myopia.

When prescribing Atropine, it is forbidden to drive vehicles, read books and strain your eyesight.

The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood plasma is observed thirty minutes after administration of the drug. Penetration of the drug occurs through the conjunctiva of the eyes and causes a slowdown in the outflow of fluids, and eye pressure increases.

In patients with exceptional types of glaucoma, the medication causes an exacerbation of symptoms. Full vision is restored within four days from the date of completion of treatment with Atropine.

In rare cases, it will take seven days for eye function to recover. After this period, the pupil is able to react to stimuli, contract and expand due to reflexes.

Useful properties of the medicine

The use of Atropine by ophthalmologists is reduced to the properties of the drug to enlarge the pupil of the eye, which facilitates the examination of the patient’s fundus. Used for research purposes and in making a diagnosis.

The components of eye drops act on muscle atrophy and relieve spasm in case of eye injury and burns. Atropine, due to its antispasmodic effect, provides peace in case of eye injuries and a predisposition to the formation of blood clots. Without using a solution, healing takes longer.

The negative characteristics of the use of Atropine affect patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, with special types of cataracts, glaucoma and in people with increased intraocular pressure.

A number of chronic diseases (cardiac arrhythmia, systematic increase in blood pressure, cases of hypertensive crisis, renal or liver failure, thrombophlebitis, adhesions on the bronchi of the lungs) are taken into account when prescribing Atropine eye drops to avoid provoking side effects.

An ophthalmologist prescribes an eye treatment after reviewing the medical history of a person with an eye disease. The patient takes full responsibility for informing the doctor about health problems.

Indications and use in solution form

Atropine eye drops are prescribed for diagnosing and checking the fundus of the eye, for relieving spasms and pain relief for eye injuries. The specialist selects the exact dosage and concentration of the medicine, after which they write out a prescription to present it at the pharmacy.

If the patient used lenses before prescribing eye drops, then during treatment with the drug they are discarded and replaced with glasses. In bright sunshine, use sunglasses with a high filter of ultraviolet rays.

In ophthalmology, eye drops are used in the form of an aqueous solution, instilled into the eye, in the amount specified by the doctor. Instillation is carried out in a certain way to avoid the medication getting into the patient’s nose and throat.

Thanks to its composition, Atropine has found use in several areas of medicine. Anesthesiologists administer it during operations to suppress the activity of the salivary glands and reduce reflex reactions.

When examining the organs of the gastrointestinal tract using X-rays, an Atropine solution is prescribed to reduce the activity and tension of these organs.

Ophthalmologists use the drug in the treatment of acute eye inflammation (iritis, keratitis, iridocyclitis) and trauma.

Let's try to figure out how long the solution lasts. Rapid penetration of the drug and maximum concentration of the active substance is observed in patients half an hour after use. Restoration of the natural functions of the eye occurs after seven days.

Contraindications for use

As a potent drug, Atropine has contraindications:

  • keratocone;
  • closed-angle glaucoma;
  • synechia of the iris;
  • increased eye sensitivity;
  • hypothermia;
  • increased body temperature;
  • mitral stenosis;
  • cardiac arrhythmias;
  • hypertension (systematic increase in blood pressure);
  • bearing a fetus;
  • age over sixty years.

Under control:

  • children, age up to seven years;
  • adults over forty years of age due to the likelihood of developing glaucoma.

To use Atropine, you need to take into account its compatibility with drugs. There is a weakening of m-cholinomimetics and anticholinesterase drugs when taken together. Antacids contain aluminum and calcium and reduce the absorption of Atropine in the gastrointestinal tract.

Antihistamines increase the risk of side effects from using eye drops. Prescriptions for taking drugs together are made by a doctor under strict control of the results.


Side effects and consequences

A long course of taking the drug Atropine affects the general condition of the patient. Visual impairment caused by the components of the solution deprives a person of the opportunity to do usual things, for which concentration and eye strain are an integral part.

With physical limitations, problems arise and deterioration in health is a manifestation of the body’s adverse reactions to the drug.

When using Atropine eye drops, side effects are observed in the form of:

  • swelling of the eyelids and conjunctiva;
  • swelling of the eyeball;
  • hyperemia of the skin of the eyelid;
  • mydriasis;
  • photo and photophobia;
  • increase in pressure inside the eye.

Systemic side effects:

  • migraine;
  • cardiac tachycardia;
  • dizziness;
  • dry mucous membranes in the mouth;
  • slowing down processes in the bladder and gastrointestinal tract;
  • violation of the passage of feces.

If symptoms of the negative effects of Atropine are detected, stop using the medication and immediately consult a doctor.

The doctor cancels this drug or prescribes an Atropine analogue to continue treatment.

Use of Atropine sulfate drops 0.1, 0.5 and 1%

One or two drops of atropine sulfate at a concentration of 1% are injected into the eye three times a day at equal intervals of six hours. The ophthalmologist reduces the intervals between instillations if this improves the condition and degree of damage to the organ of vision. You cannot prescribe yourself treatment with Atropine sulfate; the effects of the medication on your health will be irreversible.

Subconjunctivally, a solution saturation of 0.1% is used in a volume of 0.2 to 0.5 ml. Parabulbar from 0.3 to 0.5 ml.

When performing electrophoresis through the eyelids using an eye bath, a solution with a concentration of the active substance of 0.5% is used.

Store the medicine at a temperature of five to six degrees in the refrigerator or a cool place up to eighteen to twenty degrees, protected from light. The shelf life of the drug is three years from the date of production.

The dropper containers with the solution are closed to prevent air from entering. The opened “dropper” is stored in the refrigerator with the cap closed for up to four weeks from the moment of opening.

If the product cannot be used within the period specified in the instructions, such a drug must be discarded. It is prohibited to use medicine that has expired!

Indications for use for children

With extreme caution and under the supervision of a specialist, children are treated with drops when they reach the age of seven years, observing the exact proportions of the active substance.

Depending on the severity of the eye damage, the doctor prescribes a course and dosage of up to two drops of a solution with a saturation of 0.5% up to three times a day, at intervals of six hours. In young children, Atropine drops are used for medicinal purposes for long-term therapy.

To diagnose eye diseases, medriatics with a short period of exposure are used. There are medications for pupil enlargement with rehabilitation in one day. The use of medications in this group will be more appropriate for performing manipulations on the children's visual apparatus.

The drug is injected into the child’s eye, following the effective instillation technique.

The medicine reaches the conjunctiva. Avoid getting Atropine into the nasal cavity and mouth.

The child is placed on a horizontal surface and his head is turned towards the eye where the instillation will be carried out.

Pinch the lacrimal canal with your finger (apply pressure on the canal without effort and press it against the bridge of the child’s nose), administer the medicine, allow the medicine to distribute evenly over the surface, and unclench the canal. During the initial administration, the child is under constant supervision of a specialist.

Many ophthalmological diseases have similar symptoms.

To confirm or refute the preliminary diagnosis, a detailed examination of the fundus is performed. This can be done after introducing special drops that dilate the pupil as much as possible and paralyze the functionality of the lens.

The drug has this effect Atropine .


The solution is a natural alkaloid that is obtained from plants (the nightshade family).

The mechanism of its operation is based on creating an obstacle to the outflow of fluid formed inside the eye and increasing the index. This combination inhibits the pupil focusing function, which makes it possible to conduct a thorough examination of the condition of the fundus.

1 ml of medicine contains:

  • composition basis – atropine sulfate(10 mg);
  • substances that promote the absorption of the active ingredient by the body (sodium chloride; sodium metabisulfite; water).

The ophthalmic product is packaged in bottles equipped with a dispenser cap, capacity 5; 10 ml.


The cost of Atropine in different regions of the Russian territory differs slightly.

One bottle of 5 ml is sold at a price 47-52 rubles.

You can buy an ophthalmic product in Moscow in a network of pharmacies or by placing an order in online pharmacies. According to the conditions of the holiday, the buyer must have a prescription.

Indications for use

An ophthalmic agent is prescribed during diagnosis to dilate the pupil for a more detailed examination of the back wall of the eye.

The drug is also prescribed for the treatment of various eye diseases.

After penetration of the active substance into the mucous membrane, the effect of temporary paralysis is achieved. As a result, it loses its ability to narrow and the eye cannot change its focal length. Favorable conditions are created for diagnosing the bottom part of the organ of vision.

Based on the information received, specialists can accurately make a diagnosis and identify the nature of myopia (true or false).

The medicine is used to put the eye into a state of rest - a prerequisite for the following visual impairments:

  • tissue inflammation;
  • retinal artery spasm;
  • tendency to form blood clots in blood vessels.

When muscles relax, which is achieved under the influence of atropine sulfate, the restoration of the functions of the organ of vision is accelerated.


The manufacturer indicates some restrictions on the use of Atropine:

  • Allergy to the active substance or auxiliary components of the composition;
  • Suspected or confirmed closed-angle and narrow-angle types;
  • Synechia;
  • Children under 7 years of age (1% solution).

The effect obtained as a result of the action of atropine sulfate must be justified by the existing risks.

Therapy using the drug is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor in patients whose age exceeds 40 years. For those who have problems with blood pressure or the cardiovascular system, a consultation with a cardiologist is first scheduled, who will assess the advisability of using the medication for treatment.

Therapy using eye drops requires special attention for people diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • thyroid gland;
  • liver;
  • pelvic organs.

Side effects

During the study of the drug, rare cases of adverse events were identified.

After administration of the solution, the conjunctiva and the surface of the eyelids may turn red, and a fear of light may begin to be felt.

Symptoms resolve spontaneously within 1-2 hours.

Other signs of side effects should also alert you:

  • attacks of headache;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • dry mouth;
  • unreasonable anxiety;
  • numbness of the skin.

If you feel worse, the medicine should be discontinued and you should consult an ophthalmologist to select a more suitable substitute.

Instructions for use

  • For research purposes Atropine solution is recommended for a single injection of 1-2 drops into each eye.

  • For treatment, instillations are prescribed with regularity of procedures 2-6 times a day. The time interval between procedures should be 6 hours, in rare cases it is reduced to 4 hours. The pharmacological effect after instillation occurs within 30-40 minutes.

To reduce the risk of side effects, it is recommended that after introducing the solution into the eye cavity, lightly press the tear duct with your finger (for 30-60 seconds). This will prevent the absorption of a large concentration of the active substance into the circulatory system of the organ of vision.

Features of use for children

Eye drops with a concentration of the active ingredient of 0.01% are used to correct myopia in children.

A 1% solution is prescribed from 7 years of age; up to this age it is recommended to use a concentration of the active component of 0.5%.

Selecting medications and developing a treatment regimen is solely the responsibility of an ophthalmologist due to the complications that Atropine can cause.

Caution should be exercised when prescribing medication to children who have the following health problems:

  • chronic lung diseases;
  • physical weakness and reduced immunity, which often occurs after surgery or serious injury;
  • brain damage;
  • Down syndrome.

After atropine cycloplegia, the pupil reacts painfully to bright lighting, so after administering the drops, the child needs to wear it for 7-10 days when walking outside.

Precautionary measures

Drug interactions

When complex drug therapy, the drug compatibility of Atropine with other pharmacological agents should be taken into account:

  • The simultaneous use of Atropine solution with anticholinergic drugs enhances the effect of eye drops.
  • Combination with Guanethidine reduces the pharmacological effect of the active substance Atropine.
  • The use of a solution with Phenylephrine provokes an increase in blood pressure.
  • Under the influence of nitrates there is a risk of increasing IOP.

Artopin is a drug that is intended to create medicinal mydriasis (pupil dilation). This medicine has a long-lasting effect, because the effect after its use lasts 10 days, so this feature should be taken into account.

Atropine eye drops

Let us immediately note that the drug also has a number of contraindications that should be taken into account. Because of this, it cannot be called quite popular, but it suits many people. However, it is strictly prohibited to use it without a doctor’s permission.

Atropine eye drops action

The substance Atropine now belongs to the group of alkaloids, they are found in the nightshade family of plants. Such a substance causes dilation of the pupils, which as a result will impede the outflow of fluid inside the eye itself. Because of this, pressure increases and paralysis of accommodation begins to develop. This effect can reduce visual acuity at short distances. Accordingly, after the appointment you will not be able to work with books or drive, which is not acceptable for many people.

Note! After taking the effect of the Atropine solution, you will feel it after half an hour. Basic eye functions will return in about 3-4 days, sometimes this period can be one week (it all depends on the body).

Atropine eye drops are always rapidly absorbed through the conjunctiva. Next, we begin to relax the lens, as a result, the muscles mix into the anterior chamber of the eye, which changes the outflow of fluid inside the eye itself. Due to this, pressure begins to increase, and accordingly, some people may experience an exacerbation of glaucoma.

Atropine use

Atropine eye drops instructions

Atropine eye drops are now used to dilate the pupil. This is done for diagnostic purposes during the treatment of various diseases and at a time when the pupils cannot contract and the eye loses the ability to focus distance. This effect is called “paralysis of ocular accommodation.”

Accordingly, doctors have the opportunity to identify all the problems and prescribe treatment that will restore vision to any person.

Atropine instructions for use eye drops are used in the following cases:

  1. During a serious eye injury.
  2. To relax the eye muscles, restore and heal essential functions that may be lost.
  3. The remedy is also used at a time if there is a tendency to blood clots.
  4. Sometimes the remedy is used in cases where the eye needs complete rest.
  5. With spasm of the retinal artery of the eyeball.

Atropine eye drops instructions for use

Please note that you should not take such drops without a doctor’s prescription; they can cause serious harm.

Atropine eye drops release form

But, if your doctor prescribed them for you, but there is no standard prescription, then you can follow the standard regimen for taking them. Atropine is used as follows6

  1. 1-2 drops in each eye (if affected).
  2. The drug should not be used more than three times per day.
  3. Installation 5-6 hours (interval between doses).

Atropine eye drops for children are diluted in proportions of 0.5% and below.


Now the drug cannot be used for:

  • Synechiae of the iris.
  • If you have hypersensitivity to the components of the drops.
  • Do not give to children under 7 years of age if the solution is more than 1%.

It should also be used carefully by pregnant women during lactation and people aged 40 years or more.

Note! The drug can increase blood pressure, and it can also cause cardiac arrhythmia or disorders of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, always consult a doctor.

The following diseases are also dangerous: diseases of the thyroid gland, intestines and stomach, high body temperature.

Side effects of the drug

Atropine eye drops also have a number of side effects, the main ones worth highlighting are:

  1. Dry mouth.
  2. Sense of anxiety.
  3. Difficulty urinating.
  4. Strong headache.
  5. Fear of light.
  6. Redness of the eyelids.
  7. Dry mouth.
  8. Impaired sensitivity of human skin.
  9. Long dizziness.
  10. Redness of the eyelids.

Reminder! The higher the dose, the more severe side effects may occur in each person.

Atropine price

Now the average price for atropine in pharmacies is 67 rubles. Some set a higher price, but since the drug is not popular, this is not always logical.

Atropine analogues eye drops

Now we can distinguish several analogues of this remedy.

The drops are a 1% solution of atropine sulfate. Available in bottles of 5 and 10 ml. The composition also includes auxiliary components: water for injection, sodium chloride and metabisulfite.

Atropine solution is a potent drug, so it is sold in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription. The main purpose of the drops is to dilate the pupil. The maximum effect is observed after 30-40 minutes. after installation, the effect of Atropine lasts for 3-4 days, sometimes 5-7 days.

When using the drug, patients should take into account the duration of the effect, since it is impossible to narrow the pupil with any ophthalmic agent.

Atropine sulfate is a plant alkaloid, it is quickly absorbed into the conjunctiva, relaxes the eye muscles that fix the lens in one position. As a result, the outflow of ocular fluid changes and intraocular pressure increases.

In addition to prolonged pupil dilation, Atropine solution causes a spasm of accommodation, since the normal outflow of ocular fluid is hampered. The patient has difficulty seeing objects, regardless of their distance from him.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the use of Atropine sulfate eye drops:

  • examination of the fundus structure and other diagnostic procedures;
  • treatment of injuries and inflammatory processes of the eye;
  • identification of true refraction;
  • spasm of the central retinal artery.

This ophthalmic drug cannot be used in case of individual intolerance to the components in the composition, children under 7 years of age and patients over 60 years of age. The product should not be used for severe diseases of the thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract and urinary system. The list of contraindications includes elevated body temperature.

It is allowed to use Atropine eye drops during pregnancy, breastfeeding, hypertension and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Instructions and dosage

The treatment regimen should be determined by an ophthalmologist, especially when treating a child. 1-2 drops of the product are injected into each eye, the frequency of installations is 2-6 times a day. It is necessary to maintain a time interval between instillations of at least 5-6 hours.

Atropine solution should be instilled into the eyes into the conjunctival sac. To prevent the product from getting into the lacrimal canal, it is necessary to compress the lacrimal ducts before installation. You need to press your finger on the inner corner of the eye (lacrimal punctum).

Instructions for use suggest the following features of using drops:

  • the solution affects visual acuity and reaction speed, so during the treatment process you need to stop driving a car and other work associated with a high concentration of attention;
  • store the drug in the refrigerator, after opening the bottle the shelf life is no more than 14 days;
  • During treatment, you should abandon them and replace them with glasses;
  • children are prescribed a 0.5% solution;
  • It is necessary to wear sunglasses over your eyes, this will protect you from vision problems.

Despite the fact that Atropine is contraindicated in children under 7 years of age, it is used in pediatric ophthalmology for patients of a younger age group. If the child is under 3 years old, preference should be given to safer drugs that have a similar effect.

In some cases, Atropine can be used for an infant under one year of age, but there is a high probability of increased adverse reactions. Before dripping the solution, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of allergies.

Side effects

When using Atropine sulfate, the following adverse reactions may occur:

  • redness of the eyelids or mucous membranes;
  • burning;
  • swelling of the conjunctiva and eyeball;
  • dry mouth;
  • dizziness and headache;
  • tachycardia;
  • impaired skin sensitivity.

In turn, more severe side effects rarely occur, namely stool disturbances, urinary retention, intestinal and bladder atony.

If such symptoms appear, you should stop using the drops and visit an ophthalmologist. Undesirable symptoms disappear instantly.

Lacrimation, photophobia and decreased visual acuity are normal consequences of Atropine installation.

In case of overdose, atropine poisoning is possible. It is manifested by vomiting, dizziness, increased excitability and motor activity.

Interaction with other drugs

Atropine should not be used in combination with monoamine oxidase inhibitors, quinidine, procainamide and chlorthalidone. There is an increased load on the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.


This product is cheap, about 50 rubles. But purchasing it is problematic, since not all pharmacies have it.


For children, pregnant and nursing mothers, it is worth choosing a safer product. Among the analogues are:

  • Mydriacyl. These are drops whose active component is tropicamide. Used to dilate the pupil and spasm of accommodation. The drug is contraindicated for glaucoma, high eye pressure and allergies to the active substance. Not recommended for use in children under 3 years of age. The cost of a 15 ml bottle is 320-400 rubles.
  • Tropicamide. Active substance tropicamide. Indications and contraindications are similar to those of Midriacil. The cost of 10 ml is about 100-140 rubles.
  • Unitropic. Active ingredient: tropicamide. Dispensed with a doctor's prescription. The cost of 10 ml is about 150 rubles.
  • Midriaticum-Stulln. The active substance is tropicamide. The maximum effect is achieved 1 hour after installation. The pupil returns to natural size after 6 hours. Cost from 350 rubles.
  • Cyclomed. Drops to dilate the pupil. The active substance is cyclopentolate hydrochloride. Cost 10 ml 400-500 rubles.

These drugs are available only with a doctor's prescription. Most often they need to be pre-ordered.

Atropine eye drops are usually prescribed once. For longer use, it is important to carry out installations correctly. This will help avoid side effects.

Useful video on how to put drops into your eyes

Atropine eye drops are an ophthalmic drug that is used to dilate the pupil. This condition of the eye may be necessary for effective diagnosis of diseases of the structural elements of the fundus and treatment of certain pathologies. The medicine is available in 5 ml or 10 ml bottles and is a clear liquid. The product is available by prescription as it is a potent drug.

Composition and mechanism of action

The main active ingredient in the medicine is a solution of atropine sulfate. Sodium chloride, water for injection and sodium pyrosulfite are used as auxiliary ingredients in the manufacture of these drops. When instilled, the product causes pronounced dilation of the pupil (mydriasis), which can last up to 7–10 days. The maximum effect occurs 30 - 40 minutes after the solution gets into the eyes. The duration of action of the medicine must be taken into account when planning your immediate activities, because it is impossible to quickly constrict the pupils even with medication.

The mechanism of action of atropine is to block certain receptors and disrupt the physiological course of a number of biochemical reactions. In addition to pupil dilation, the medicine causes a temporary spasm of accommodation - a condition in which a person ceases to normally see objects located at different distances from him.

Atropine sulfate is available not only in the form of drops, but also in the form of an injection solution. The general effect of the medication is manifested in relaxation of smooth muscles, increased heart rate and a decrease in the secretion of secretions from certain glands (sweat, salivary).

When the pupil dilates, a significant increase in intraocular pressure is possible, which disappears only after it has completely narrowed.


These eye drops are most often used for diagnostic dilation of the pupil and a full examination of the structures of the fundus. In addition, the medicine is used:

  • to treat certain eye injuries;
  • to achieve a spasm of accommodation and determine the true refraction of the eye (this is the process of refraction of light rays);
  • in the complex treatment of inflammatory processes in eye tissue;
  • to eliminate spasm of the central retinal artery.

For therapeutic purposes, atropine is instilled 1-2 drops up to 3 times a day, according to the recommendations of the attending physician. The interval between procedures should be approximately 5–6 hours.

For diagnostic use, 1–2 drops of the drug are sufficient to achieve the desired effect.

Contraindications and side effects

Since the drug acts quite strongly, it can cause a strong increase in pressure inside the tissues of the eye. Therefore, the drug is contraindicated for glaucoma. The use of this medicine for this disease can cause a sharp deterioration in the patient’s condition and even lead to blindness. This is one of the reasons why atropine is a prescription drug and cannot be used without first being seen by a doctor.

The medicine is prescribed with caution to elderly patients over the age of 60 years. When using these drops, they require additional monitoring by an ophthalmologist.

Atropine poisoning occurs only when the solution is overdosed or taken orally. It can manifest itself as increased excitability, excessive motor activity, clouding of consciousness, vomiting, etc. In addition, urinary retention, breathing problems, tachycardia and increased body temperature may occur. Eye drops cannot cause serious health problems if they are used in doses under the supervision of a physician.

When using atropine topically for the eyes, the following side effects may occur:

  • severe redness of the skin of the eyelids;
  • lacrimation;
  • burning;
  • rapid pulse;
  • swelling and redness of the tissues of the eyeball;
  • increased sensitivity to bright light;
  • dry mouth.

As a rule, all unpleasant symptoms disappear immediately after discontinuation of the drug. And since Atropine eye drops are most often used once or for a short period of time, side effects are not observed for long.

Precautionary measures

The medicine should not be used for the diagnosis and treatment of those patients who will soon drive a car or work with precision machinery. After instillation, the pupil narrows for several days (sometimes weeks), and this can significantly reduce visual acuity and also cause dizziness. These points must be taken into account when choosing drops that dilate the pupils for such patients.

Children are prescribed only a 0.5% atropine solution, since standard one percent drops can cause them to develop severe side effects. It is not advisable to use this medicine in young children (under 3 years of age); if possible, it should be replaced with analogues approved for use in pediatrics. It is important to remember how many days the pupils constrict after instillation, and to postpone visiting kindergarten and outdoor games for this time.

It is not advisable to use Atropine eye drops during pregnancy and lactation. To dilate the pupil in this category of patients, it is better to use safer analogues that do not in any way affect the development of the fetus and do not pass into breast milk. Such drugs include drops "Midriacyl", "Tropicamide", "Unitropic", "Midrum", etc. Their use is also associated with the risk of some side effects, but, according to the instructions for use, these medications can still be prescribed to pregnant women women and patients in the postpartum period.