Karmic diseases and their true causes. Karmic diseases, hereditary and genetic….Diseases and their karmic causes

In recent years, the number of people of all ages suffering from cancer has increased significantly throughout our world.

But how can one explain the nature of the occurrence of such diseases, such as brain tumors or lung cancer, karmic reasons - this is what esotericists focus on. In this article you will learn how oncology is explained from a metaphysical point of view and what actions contribute to its cure.

Why do people get cancer: karma and its impurities

Every day people face many different diseases. These can be viruses, various infections and other types of pathogenic effects on the human body. You can protect yourself from most of them thanks to a strong and powerful immune system, which, like a shield, protects human health. But things are completely different when the disease does not need to penetrate the body, since it is part of it and is already inside. Cancer is exactly such a disease.

Oncological diseases arise quite unexpectedly. Often a person does not know that he is sick and finds out only after undergoing appropriate tests and examinations.

Cancer is not transmitted in any way, but is a kind of disruption of the endocrine system or some cells in particular.

Cancer cells are not brought into the body from the outside, they are the same cells of one or another organ, but they lose their original appearance, functions and begin to divide randomly, affecting an increasing number of cellular “neighbors”, which then form a tumor.

The most terrible diseases are always associated with the human body itself. After all, when we discover any disease that is foreign to the body, we can select an individual medicine that will eradicate the infection, but will bring virtually no harm to the person himself. But what to do if the body itself is the source of the disease, how to destroy what needs to be saved, on the contrary?

In fact, modern medicine does not have a single method of treating oncology that would provide a 100% guarantee of healing. Of course, there is painful and excruciating chemotherapy, but quite often it becomes just torture for the patient, which slightly delays the inevitable end.

Naturally, the reality is not so gloomy; you can easily find a lot of examples from life when people who were diagnosed with even the third or fourth stage of cancer emerged victorious from the battle with the disease. Such cases occur quite often; usually in this case, medicine calls the healing that has occurred nothing less than a miracle. Esoteric teachings have a slightly different opinion on this matter, and victory over cancer from this point of view is not a surprise, but a completely logical pattern.

Such a concept as karma came to us from the East - an area of ​​our world that is traditionally considered the cradle of metaphysical wisdom. It was here that most of the religious teachings that prioritize human spiritual development originated. All this knowledge is always based on the idea of ​​reincarnation. This concept itself means an infinite number of rebirths of the human soul. It follows from this that people do not come into our world once, the immortal soul is simply placed in a new physical shell over and over again, while the material consciousness does not remember what happened in a past life.

True, sometimes a minor glitch occurs, which is expressed in the appearance of phantoms of the past and fragments of memories of events that never happened. That's right, they didn't happen only in this particular life, but before they happened when the soul was imprisoned in another material shell.

Like any phenomenon in our world, reincarnation has its own laws, which it strictly obeys. The most important of them is karma. If we briefly consider this systematization of reincarnation, we will get a cause-and-effect relationship for any action. This means that karma acts as a kind of scale that balances the balance of evil and good in our world.

In cases where he causes any harm to other people, he also releases negative energy; this force does not go anywhere and does not dissolve in space. Instead, negative energy returns back to the one who generated it, and this does not necessarily happen at the same moment. It even happens that having done something terrifying in one life, a person receives the fruits of such action in another. It is this effect that is considered by esotericists to be confirmation that oncology is a karmic disease.

Undoubtedly, where there is negative energy, there is also positive energy. By bringing light energy into your karma, it is purified and gets rid of the destructive influence of negativity. Of course, such work cannot be easy, especially in those cases when the karmic balance is strongly inclined in the negative direction, but diligence and, most importantly, a complete understanding of the nature of these processes allows you to do truly impressive things.

According to esotericists, each person’s karma is a kind of scale. Imagine this classic device that has two bowls. When we place something heavy on one of them, the second one immediately rises up. This means that the balance of power is disrupted, and our Universe, as we know, is structured in such a way that it tries to maintain harmony in everything by any means, and does not tolerate such significant disturbances.

When a person commits actions of a negative nature, he loads his karma, usually the payment for this is some minor deprivation or test in the future. There are practically no special difficulties in overcoming such troubles. Things are completely different in cases where negative actions are systematic or a person does something truly terrible. The result of such incredible pollution is the processing of karma by oncology.

At first glance, such a payment seems quite cruel, especially in those cases when the disease comes to a person who is just a reincarnation. In essence, the patient did not do anything wrong, but he has to pay for the mistakes of others. In fact, these mistakes are not alien and do not come out of thin air.

Cancer is a karmic disease, which is a full-fledged test.

How a person will overcome these adversities and whether he will endure them with dignity - his healing depends on this. Oncology is an extreme measure that the Universe takes in order to maintain the balance of power, so this should not be neglected and it is necessary to take advantage of this chance to correct everything.

Karmic diseases and their causes: cancer and other serious diseases

According to esotericists, there are several options for why cancer forms. The most common of them is resentment and anger, which devours a person from the inside. These feelings may be hidden deep in the soul and not be obvious even to the person himself. What is typical is that after such people are diagnosed with the disease, these feelings begin to manifest themselves especially clearly; even family and friends notice this. Think about exactly how resentment and anger feel.

At first you feel something insignificant, as if a small seed has been planted inside you. Then, over time, it grows and now your entire inner space is filled with this harmful sensation, it has engulfed you completely and causes, first of all, harm to your body, and not to the object from which it arose.

Agree, this process is somewhat similar to the development of cancer at the physical level, when the tumor slowly takes over more and more healthy tissue, turning it into the same pathogenic one as itself. That is why, in such cases, esotericists recommend, first of all, to nip at the root the mentioned feelings within yourself. This first step is often sufficient and the disease miraculously subsides after a while.

Of course, there are also cases when getting rid of feelings that are eating away from the inside is not enough.

Oncology is, first of all, a sign. A sign that signals that something is wrong with your life.

There are a large number of examples when people, having learned that they have been diagnosed with cancer, drop everything and radically change their lives. They know the approximate date when the disease will lead to death and try to have time to do everything that was inaccessible to them in ordinary life.

The result of such life changes is that the patient not only does not die at the appointed time, but doctors also state that the diagnosis was erroneously made, since no signs of the disease are detected. This widespread phenomenon is esoterically explained by the fact that by changing his life, a person also changes his karma, a kind of working out of the negativity that has accumulated and caused the onset of the disease.

Buddha said that every suffering has a cause, and if it is eliminated, then the suffering itself will disappear.

The same scheme works here, only cancer plays the role of suffering.

Quite rarely, the cause of cancer is the presence of a person with negative karma in the house. The fact is that when we consider a family, the karmic boundary between spouses or close relatives is erased. Each family member becomes a participant in the common karmic cycle and working out certain mistakes of the past occurs together.

Of course, most often family ties allow the most successful correction of the negative nature of karma, rather than transferring illness, but if both family members have negative karma, then in combination with each other such symbiosis has unpredictable results. Although, you should never discard the option that the coming into your life of a spouse with negative karma is precisely the test that is prepared for you personally to correct your energy.

It is impossible not to note another theory put forward by some esotericists. As you know, our entire world is filled with energy, which is constantly in a state of vibration. These vibrations occur in every object, regardless of whether it is animate or not. The sum of all these vibrations represents a single system, which is considered the vibration of the Universe.

In recent years, its frequency has increased significantly, as noted by many cosmoenergetics and representatives of other esoteric teachings. Negative karma, in turn, has a low-frequency structure. It is this frequency resonance, according to these experts, that is the cause of cancer. In this way, the Universe, as it were, is trying to restore harmony and rid the Cosmos of all manifestations of negative energy with a low frequency.

After a person with cancer has been healed or reborn, his soul becomes a full-fledged part of the energy space of our world, which is tuned to high frequencies.

Another energy theory can also be included here, only it is not connected with the peculiarities of the Universe, but is hidden in the depths of the human energy body itself. Everyone knows how negatively the presence of negative energy within a person’s biofield has an impact. Polluted karma is precisely the clearest example of such power.

Due to its presence on the physical level, some cells are oversaturated with energy, and because of this, their uncontrolled division occurs, which then forms a tumor. According to supporters of this theory, healing a cancer patient is possible if, at the first stage, karma is made positive, and then the energy balance of the biofield is normalized.

I would like to remind you that all means are good in the fight against serious illnesses, but you should not think that working with karma is a panacea. Perhaps this helped someone, but for others this method will not bring any tangible results and will have absolutely no positive effect on, for example, progressive lung cancer.

Karmic reasons are just a theory, one of many that try to explain the nature of this serious illness. First of all, if you have been diagnosed with this terrible disease, you need to seek the help of traditional medicine, and only then work on additional measures. Faith in your strength and confidence in the future victory over oncology are the main postulates that you must remember. This is precisely the secret of those who emerged victorious from their battle with cancer.

Traditional medicine has accumulated a large amount of practical material explaining the causes of all types of diseases - from infectious to oncological.

Viruses, bacteria, stress, neglect of healthy eating rules, abuse of bad habits - all this, according to medical standards, can cause illness.

Causes of karmic diseases

There is such a thing as “karma”. It is believed that karma is a program with which a person came into this world from other lives and must be worked out.

In the karma of every person there are imprints not only of his past lives, but also of the lives of members of his family, his ancestors.

The accumulation of “bad” karma leads to the occurrence of karmic diseases. Illness is a lesson that the Universe teaches to careless students so that they correct disharmony at such a cost.

If a person acquires a disease during his life, although he was initially healthy, it means that he has allowed destructive energy into his aura.

A fatal mistake, the wrong line of behavior, negative actions - these are the possible causes of karmic diseases in such cases. A child born with a congenital disease works off the karma of his parents or older members of the clan.

A healthy baby who suddenly begins to catch colds often may have karmic illnesses due to the negative attitude of family members towards each other.

Our aura is a vessel with positive energy. As long as it is in this vessel, life continues. Negative experiences and strong emotions experienced can reduce its level: anger, fear, envy, slander, apathy, irritation, jealousy.

And, conversely, the aura gets a second wind when the person to whom it belongs experiences positive emotions: joy, love, optimism, faith, hope, kindness, compassion for another person. These qualities do not depend on material security, level of education and other factors.

One can have access to excellent medical care, but not be able to eliminate the causes of karmic diseases due to a negative attitude towards this world. Or you can never take a single pill in your life, but live with a pure heart and a clear soul until a ripe old age.

How to work with the table of diseases?

So that you can correct your karma, a table of karmic diseases has been created. It consists of two columns:

  • Vulnerable organs and systems.
  • Possible karmic reason.

You need to select your problem in the first column and determine what could have caused it, what character traits or actions caused the pathology. Examples of karmic causes of diseases:

  • Kidney diseases - the desire to remake the world “for yourself”;
  • Obesity – the need to build protection from the world, vulnerability;
  • Dental problems – fear of making key decisions;
  • Stomach diseases - fear of the future, past envy, pettiness and stinginess;
  • Diseases of the large intestine - fear of change, desire not to change anything in your life;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system - lack of positive emotions, joy, inhibition of love and tenderness directed towards another person.
Diseases and affected organs/systems Possible karmic reason
Allergic reactionsDenial of one's own abilities and strengths, loss of goals and positioning oneself with weakness
FluNegative beliefs, points of view, principles
ObesityAcute anxiety, feelings of vulnerability, need for protection from something
Colds, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infectionsFrustration, anger, irritation for no good reason
Caries, pulpitis, other dental problemsInability or unwillingness to make key decisions in your own life
Gastritis, ulcerFear of the future, envy, stinginess
Bronchitis and other pulmonary diseasesAnxiety towards others, fear of remaining misunderstood and unheard, internal tightness
Colitis, enterocolitis, other diseases of the colonExcessive conservatism, fear of any change, constant desire for strict stability, reluctance to develop, desire to live life without stress
Pathologies of the small intestineInability to act independently, making decisions solely on the instructions of others
Diabetes mellitus, endocrine disorders, pancreatic diseasesAssertiveness, constant desire to keep everything under control, resentment, dissatisfaction, thirst for comprehensive control, abnormal authority
Cystitis; infections and other diseases of the genitourinary systemCompliance with the ban on the manifestation of sexual and intimate experiences
Heart attacks, tachycardia, hypertension, hypotension, other cardiovascular pathologiesLack of positive emotions in life, persistent fear of showing love and tenderness towards another person, lack of joy
Nephritis, kidney stones, other kidney pathologiesFear of moral shocks, manifestation of dislike for the world around us, desire to remake it in one’s own way
Gallstone disease, biliary tract disease, other diseases of the biliary tractA deeply hidden old grudge, the inability to forgive and understand a loved one
Chest painFear of showing love, fear of intimacy
Mental and central nervous system disordersStubborn unwillingness to cooperate with the laws of the Universe and understand its obvious signs, a constant path “following the same rake”, inability and unwillingness to correct and work on mistakes, rejection of karmic lessons, desire to do things “out of spite”
Hepatitis, cirrhosis, other liver pathologiesPerception of one’s own evil deeds as nobility, cruelty justified by “good intentions”, constant feeling of “undeserved” insults and insults in one’s direction

You need to have a high level of self-control to accept the information that the table of karmic diseases offers. Its creators claim that after serious work on oneself, not a trace of the disease will remain. Cleansing karma from negative emotions and eradicating destructive feelings will lead to healing and will avoid the return of the disease.

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Over all the variety of diseases described by modern medicine, a metaphysical pyramid can be modeled. This will make it possible to understand the super-essential cause of any disease.

All diseases can be divided into two large groups: karmic and sacred. Each of them has several levels.

KARMIC 1. Hereditary 2. Genetic 3. Admitted

SACRED 1. Restraining 2. Purifying 3. Managing karma.

In each of these levels there are physical, disease planes.

Genetic Diseases are formed only by the character of each person, this is his individual karma, and hereditary diseases are the karma of people like you. This is the fundamental difference in genetic disorders and disruptions that some people experience during conception, while others have children born healthy, but at some point in their lives they get sick and suffer complications at the genetic level.

For example, polio, meningitis, diphtheria and many other diseases. It is characteristic that many genetic failures occur as an infectious disease. This suggests that the spirit and soul of this person have become infected with spiritual dirt. Children bring this dirt from a past life, and adults have collected it in this life.
We already know that diseases that go untreated, become chronic, require hormonal treatment or surgery - all of this is genetically coded to change your soul and spirit. You yourself will change this, but in your next life, although everything can be cured while a person is alive, until he leaves our earthly world.

Karmic medicine says that there are no incurable diseases, there are people who do not want to change anything in their lives, in their consciousness and feelings.
The genetic hereditary disease of the spirit, which manifests itself after birth, can be influenced by blocking it with vaccinations and vaccines. This method is used to block the individual karma of the spirit, and spiritual monsters appear in families and society, who block the development of civilization and the evolution of souls with their character. Many have already regretted having given birth to a child who does not understand anything, does not listen to anyone, does everything in defiance, drinks, smokes, swears, fights, and so on and so forth.

A GENETIC malfunction that occurs after a person’s birth can be cured, but only when the spirit is directed towards spirituality. Medicine, psychology and pedagogy should be aimed at this.

Admitted diseases. The name itself suggests that through the unreasonable strength of our will or the weakness of our soul, we have created favorable conditions for the development of disease in our body. These are karmic diseases with the karma of the present, laying the foundation for the karma of the future. These diseases are rewarded to us for our inability to control our thoughts and feelings.

Some admitted diseases are formed from the forces of evil, envy and pride, when the body is in a constant excited state. A person is always missing something, and then these thoughts and feelings begin to suppress him. There is a desire to throw off this accumulated dirt and be filled with new energies. This is how a disease appears, which in karmic medicine is called “energy vampirism.” If a person allows his feelings to lapse, then this gives rise to a lot of karmic diseases that can become chronic and incurable. And we already know what this leads to.

Other admitted diseases arise from weakness of soul and spirit. To put it simply, a person often and for a long time gets sick from rudeness and rudeness, to which others provoke him. By doing this, they force a person to open up, respond, and throw out a bundle of life-giving energy. And then the heavy energies of your partner begin to fill this void. People call such diseases “stasis”, and in karmic medicine this phenomenon is called “donation”, when you gave away the energy of your health and received a disease in return.
With vampirism, the body calms down, returns to “normal,” so no illnesses are felt for a long time, but in fact, great upheavals and terrible troubles arise in the body.

When donating, the body will immediately react to an altered state or pound in the temples, and the soul at this time groans and cries. If a person cannot calm down for a long time, then the disease will progress and even become chronic. Thus, energy vampirism and donation are the first triggers for the majority of admitted diseases.
Any karmic illness comes at first as an admitted one, and then it begins to teach us to live differently: to restrain ourselves and control ourselves. There is a very good way to not allow illness into yourself - this is the tone of life. Whatever the tone of your thoughts and feelings, this is how your body will behave.

SACRED DISEASES. They can be divided into three levels: restraining, purifying and controlling karma . Each of these levels bears a special imprint of sacred action. Sacred diseases occur only in people who are mistaken in something or do not understand the essence of the things happening around them. And vice versa, unrighteous, evil and rational people do not have sacred diseases, but only karmic ones. We have already said that bad (biopathogenic) people are outwardly more resistant to diseases, while righteous people suffer from the slightest feeling, thought or action.

Restraining Diseases are diseases that stop a person from the wrong path. The less rationality in people's actions, the more accessible they are to biopathogenic people. These signals begin with the endocrine and lymphatic systems, indicating the search for the inner secret of the soul and spirit that can change the state of health.

Let us remember the Venerable Elder Seraphim of Sarov. He spent many years bedridden. Seeing the spiritual imperfection of people, priests, striving for power, positions and titles, he could not object to them, could not and did not want to convince them, and from this there was a heaviness of powerlessness in his soul. He knew that they would not understand him, that they would condemn him, that even without that, many priests looked askance at him for his righteousness. Therefore, illnesses held him back from active actions, because one can easily break, but nothing can be changed. Only through your work, patience and humility can you show both the Path and the Truth.

Containing diseases cannot be cured, because the nature of their origin is such that they will continue until the circumstances and events around the patient change. Remember how many times in your life, when you need to do a seemingly important task or work, you get sick. This is the restraining sacred disease. But as soon as the time of the event passes, the disease suddenly stops. Therefore, do not blame, do not punish yourself for what you missed, otherwise the disease will remain in your body for a long time. “Whatever God does is for the best,” people say, and this phrase is karmically justified.

Another option for recovery from a restraining illness will occur only when you learn to restrain your feelings and thoughts that give rise to actions. Because all this creates new causes for new health problems.
Most of all, these include diseases of the sense organs: vision, hearing and touch. Diseases of these sense organs tell a person not to look, listen or come into contact with what constantly irritates him. Only when he learns this will the senses restore their functions.

Containing diseases can appear unexpectedly and disappear just as suddenly. They can last for years and decades until a person realizes something. Many childhood illnesses act as a deterrent for parents, especially the mother, to change their lifestyle, work, feelings, etc.
The most important tool for controlling our thoughts, feelings and actions is intuition. It is she who will tell you: don’t go there, don’t do this, don’t communicate with that. If you don’t hear the voice of intuition or go against this inner feeling, you will get sick, stop, delay to lie down and think.

The danger of restraining diseases may lie in the fact that, by restraining oneself from unpleasant thoughts and feelings, a person keeps them within himself, thereby creating tense zones in his body. And again, a simple sacred rule will help you cleanse the filth of thoughts and feelings from yourself. This rule is the same for everyone, for any illness: forgive, forget the offense, admit that you yourself were wrong, repent. Then all diseases will begin to leave the body with pain, and the body will begin to cleanse itself.

Cleansing diseases. This is the second type of sacred diseases, which indicate that a person is experiencing changes in soul and spirit. These diseases occur only in people who begin to change their lives in its best Spiritual qualities.
When our feelings constantly shook the body and swayed the functions, the entire body was under constant pressure, shrouded in heavy energies and permeated with negative vibrations. And so the person calms down. He begins to perceive the world and events in a new, different way. The quality of feelings and energies in his body begins to change, replaced by purer ones, and this is accompanied by incomprehensible pain. If, for example, a person stains his body with paint, then he has to wash it mechanically, and this causes pain. So inside the body there is washing, washing out, scraping off old dirty energies and toxins. That is, the body-temple is put in order so that it shines from the inside.

And this radiance is immediately noticeable in a person’s eyes, in his speech and demeanor. The shining of the eyes indicates that the soul is ahead of the development of the spirit and leads it in the direction necessary for God, giving it spiritual qualities. But this process takes a long time and is painful, because it is impossible to become different at one moment, to rebuild your thoughts and feelings. No medicine helps, but natural remedies and prayer help.

Elena Ivanovna Roerich, who experienced these sacred pains, wrote about them like this: “Urusvati knows what sacred pain is. Modern doctors will call this pain NEURALGIA, NERVOUS CRAVIS, INFLAMMATION OF NERVE CHANNELS. Many definitions will be expressed, but even an earthly doctor will see something special. We define this something as the knocking of psychic energy from Infinity... Such pains begin for no apparent reason and also cease without consequences. They are varied, and it is impossible to predict which center will become ill. Now one can imagine how susceptible Great Teachers are to such stress. It cannot be otherwise - the primal energy is knocking on new spheres. Treatment of such pain can only be vibration. We send currents often of very strong degrees.”

In addition, Helena Roerich points out that “these diseases are called occult fever, which is caused by increased fatigue and changes in the body. We must go through this time carefully.”
During the course of cleansing diseases in the human body, pain is felt not so much in any particular organ, but an entire area inside the body is captured by this sensation: throat, heart, stomach or intestines. A strange burning, burning or tingling sensation occurs in these areas. These are new currents breaking through. They capture space, which in Indian yoga is called chakras.

If, in addition to mental changes, a person also changes in consciousness, then this further intensifies the pain and expands its boundaries. Therefore, for everyone who is imbued with new knowledge of secret teachings, religions, who studies and follows these teachings, changes begin within the body. I myself went through these pains and this is what I discovered amazing. These pains return again and again to different areas of the body, but they are more gentle and fleeting, but the sensations of perceiving the world and knowing it become easier, purer and more understandable.
Carlos Castaneda, having experienced the state of sacred pains, described them this way: “A person walking the path of knowledge may feel an itching in the stomach or a burning sensation, then pain that is so strong that it causes convulsions. This may continue for several months. But the more pain, the better; true strength is always preceded by pain. When the pain and cramps go away, the person notices that he perceives the world in an unusual way. He gained strength and will.”

Sometimes cleansing illnesses go unnoticed. This can be diagnosed by looking at the hands. I will note only one point that occurs more often in children, although it often happens in adults. White dots under the nails are the main indicator that points us to these hidden processes. Doctors call these points metabolic disorders. Everything is correct. The process is broken, but which one? White dots under the nails indicate a cleansing process inside the body, because changes occur in the human soul in a pure and bright direction. It’s not for nothing that we say that white dots are for gifts. It’s nice to give gifts to a child when he is passionate about some kind of creativity, when he is obedient and kind. These children, and adults too, are vulnerable and sensitive, because they are kind at heart. Let the white dots under your nails make you happy. The process began, irrevocably breaking the old attitudes of the soul and spirit. Therefore, I call these points “sacred and good.” Let them help you diagnose the quality of the soul, the functioning of its feelings and functions.

From the point of view of karmic medicine, cleansing diseases can hardly even be called diseases, because restructuring occurs in the body on all planes and levels. This can be called a transformation into a new quality, causing painful sensations. Therefore, help your body with the joy of your soul, the love of life, and you will see and feel something new in yourself. You will have new acquaintances, friends with whom you will find spiritual unity, and the old ones will move further and further away. You try to pull them into your new world, but they are more accustomed to the old, established one, and therefore chronic and karmic.

In addition, it has been noted that the more subtle, purer and more moral a person sets himself the task of perfection, the better his body is cleansed of toxins, energies and stench, and the pain becomes more and more mysterious. If moral laws become the norm of your life, then on the spiritual plane each sense organ begins to perform holy work: vision cleanses the liver and gall bladder, taste cleanses the heart and small intestine, touch cleanses the spleen and stomach, smell cleanses the lungs and large intestine, and hearing - kidneys and bladder.

Cleansing pains indicate that the body’s susceptibility to infections, radiation and environmental problems of land, water and air drops sharply, and ultimately stops completely. For a person cleanses his living space with the power and light of his feelings and thoughts. That is why it is said: save yourself, and thousands will be saved around you.
And one more statement by Helena Roerich: “The question of people who cleanse and people who harm is needed in medicine. Without solving this issue, there will be no salvation from many new diseases.”
It’s a completely different matter when a person forcibly and constantly cleanses his body of toxins and heavy energies. This is already working with karmic problems that remain unresolved.

Karmic medicine says that cleansing pains also free the body from the influence of vaccines. Having received vaccinations against various diseases in childhood, we thereby had the opportunity to sin with impunity. Every sin leaves its sediment in the body, from which you can only get rid of it through repentance, and various techniques and methods of cleansing do not even affect this level of spiritual-biological blocks. So we once again come to the conclusion that cleansing illnesses and pains occur only when a person sincerely repents of his sinful life.

It is impossible to immediately cover the entire spectrum of feelings and all the moral laws of existence. Even when putting things in order, you can endlessly get angry and scream at those who arrange it, which means that all your impulses towards light will only be mental breakdowns. Therefore, cleansing pains last for many years, periodically signaling to us that the process of physical and spiritual perfection still continues.
And this is the main conclusion we come to. The body, purified through feelings and thoughts and filled with light energies, becomes incorruptible after death. These are saints. Their souls no longer return to earth, for the process of evolution is completed. Their souls and strong Spirit became a new cosmic quality of a “radiant person.” They returned to God the Father to help Him perfect those remaining on Earth. Therefore, there is a reason to bow before the relics of the saints and ask them for help, support and health.

Karma Managers . To understand these diseases, we must define one important principle. When children get sick, we say that this is a holy disease, because why did the Lord punish him, small and sinless, with some kind of disease? It’s as if we don’t yet know that this illness came with him from a past life. We only see that a sick child was born in this family. This means that parents, and especially the mother, will have to devote themselves to the sacred task of caring for a sick and helpless child. Parents are obliged to bear this holy cross to the end.

The ancient physician-sages knew and spoke about holy diseases until Hippocrates appeared. In his book “On Sacred Diseases,” he dispelled the myth of the divinity of any disease. In particular, he wrote: “And as a result of ignorance of what they do not know, they give it (epilepsy) a divine property; as a result of knowledge of the method of treatment, divinity is abolished.” Wow! It turns out that Hippocrates knew how epilepsy was treated, but it still remains incurable. Paradox! In this statement of Hippocrates lies the most important and biggest mistake of modern medicine, which has led to the fact that the cause of any disease is sought at the biological level, forgetting about the existence of spiritual, divine and karmic ones.

Karmic medicine considers the sacredness of any disease, especially children's, in that it forces and compels parents, relatives, doctors and teachers to develop the warmth of their souls for the weak, sick and infirm. So that there is no time and nowhere to disperse oneself except for divine earthly service.
Deviation from these sacred duties will cause a lot of problems, both at the family and household level, and at the social level. But not only do we ourselves not want to deal with sick children, but also doctors have come up with a remedy that frees a person from the karma destined for him. This remedy is a vaccine and universal vaccination of children and adults against possible karmic diseases.

Illness is a signal that a person has ceased to live in harmony with the Universe and is violating its laws. The subconscious mind communicates through illness that we are overreacting to life events and are minding our own business. A person born with an illness or in a problematic family has karma from past incarnations and his task is to understand his mistakes, be kind to people, and accumulate good karma. If a person was born healthy, but fell ill, it means he made some mistake, violated the law of nature, and accumulated negative karma. Childhood illnesses are a reflection of the behavior and thoughts of parents. This is a signal to the whole family. Normalizing the atmosphere in the family leads to the child’s recovery.

Calm, balanced people with an optimistic mindset get sick less often and live longer. A person is surrounded by an energetic shell and imbued with energy. He constantly gives and receives energy from everything that surrounds him and what his attention is focused on. Positive emotions and feelings increase the amount of energy, which is facilitated by joy, kindness, optimism, faith, hope, love. The amount of energy decreases if a person experiences anger, irritation, despondency, disbelief, envy, jealousy, fear. A person’s aura depends on the amount of energy, which protects him from external influences like a cocoon. If the aura is depleted, then various diseases appear, including death.

Causes of some diseases:

Allergy is denial of one's abilities.

Flu is a reaction to negative beliefs.

A cold is irritation, annoyance.

Obesity is a defense against something.

Dental problems - inability to make decisions.

Lungs - fear of remaining unheard, misunderstood, internal constriction.

Stomach - fear and envy of others (stinginess).

Large intestine - excessive desire for stability, fear of change and the desire to live life without shocks (potato juice).

Pancreas (increased sugar, immunity) - excessive power, the eternal desire to put everything under your control, resentment, dissatisfaction.

Heart - fear of showing love, suppression of emotions, lack of joy. Listen to your heart.

Small intestine (noise, pain in the ears, weakened vision, contraction of the little finger of the hand) - fear of action (acts only at the direction of others).

Bladder (cystitis, infections) - a ban on the manifestation of sexual emotions.

Kidneys (nephritis, pyelonephritis) - back pain, epilepsy, convulsions - rejection of the world around us, an obsessive desire to remake it according to our own system, fear of shocks (not moving anywhere).

Pericardial meridian (chest pain) - fear of sexual intimacy.

Three cavities of the body (nervous system, psyche) - persistent reluctance to accept lessons from the Universe (tongue, ring finger, lower leg, knee joint, subclavian fossa).

Gallbladder (neck, face, vision) - inability to forgive a loved one, to understand.

Barley - anger at someone.

Blindness is the unwillingness to see something.

Conjunctivitis - avoiding conflict.

Colorblindness - realize the unity of all things and its diversity.

Cataract - find the light within yourself. Glaucoma - admit your sadness, shed unshed tears.

Myopia - you cling to little things. Find space within yourself and expand the boundaries of the world around you.

Strabismus - be honest. Don't try to displace part of the wholeness.

Farsightedness - you see the fullness of life, you don’t cling to the little things.

Nose - desire to withdraw. You need to take a break from people and problems, gather your strength and resolve the conflict.

Ears - reluctance to listen, stubbornness. Listen to your inner voice. Listen and learn.

Mouth - inability to accept new impressions and ideas.

Teeth and gums - suppression of aggression out of fear that you will lose the love and recognition of others. Be honest with yourself. Transform aggression into positive creative force. Learn to love yourself and others. Night grinding of teeth is helpless aggression. Become aware of your aggression. Tartar is an unresolved problem. Recognize them and solve them.

Neck - fear, suppression of feelings, non-acceptance of something. Be yourself. Don't force yourself.

Cough is a desire to get rid of something.

A heart attack is the sum of accumulated anger and frustration.

Anemia is a lack of joy, lack of strength and dynamics. Joy, strength and energy are in the Universe, accept them.

Hypertension is the inability to resolve a conflict. Learn to leave the past behind, accept and get over the problem.

Hypotomia is a desire to avoid problems and conflicts, an escape from sexual life. Accept yourself as you are. Be sincere to yourself. Find strength within yourself.

Varicose veins - lack of flexibility and energy, the inner core. Become free internally - blood will circulate freely.

I wish you good luck on your journey in life!!!

Every person encounters certain diseases or skin problems at least once in their life.

One of the questions that karma diagnostics helps to solve is: “Why does the skin of the body itch: dermatitis, urticaria, ichthyosis, or is there no reason for alarm?” Perhaps the illness is not too serious, but karmic factors of deteriorating health always require consideration and careful work on oneself.

Karma, psychology and skin problems

The function of the skin in the human body is obvious - it covers the body, serves as protection and a tool for understanding the surrounding world. And there are no alternatives to this - without skin, contact with the outside world is impossible. At the metaphysical and psychological level, the skin and its condition indicate the same issues, only related to the spiritual and emotional aspects of life.

Skin reflects a person’s emotional state in relations with the outside world. Her appearance and health symbolize what the person himself thinks about himself, how he sees himself in this complex and confusing world. Essentially, everyone can be characterized by the condition of their skin: tender, dry, soft, cracked, rough, etc.

Any diseases and deterioration of the epidermis indicate a person’s shyness. Not for actions or thoughts, but simply for yourself. Such a person shows painful concern for the opinions of others. The need to constantly conform to some unreasonable framework plunges a person into constant tension.

The constant search for minus certainly leads to results, and now thoughts about imperfection seem justified. There is a rejection of one’s own personality, one’s individuality. A person forbids himself to be himself. Already here there is a strong karmic mistake - without awareness of individuality in beliefs and actions, it is impossible to move along your own Path. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the emotional and spiritual state of such a person is very easy to influence from the outside.

Karmic causes of skin diseases

Diseases in which pus forms in the skin symbolize a feeling of hostility towards certain people or circumstances. This feeling is usually suppressed by arguing with questions of morality. Therefore, discomfort and unpleasant sensations find their way out in physiological form.

Difficult to treat and externally unpleasant skin diseases are a metaphysical consequence of the desire to retire. If a person does not have enough inner strength to decide to isolate himself, circumstances and the frightening appearance of his skin will do it for him. Here the skin successfully performs the opposite function - it serves not to establish contact, but to guarantee its absence.

A skin disease, which is strongly expressed externally, is also a way of justification for a person who is able to distance himself from people. With such a weighty reason, he convinces, first of all, himself, eliminating the feeling of shame for, as it seems to him, unfair treatment of others. Forced untouchability is tolerated more easily by people of this type. Moreover, they want to put on a new skin - to enter society again, to be assessed by different views, beliefs and actions.

The karmic problem of skin cancer is rejection. Most often, this is a person whose love impulses are not reflected. Due to personal uncertainty, failure in such a sensitive issue gives rise to frustration and shame in the soul. Again, I want to get out of this skin, literally gain a new look and try my luck again.

Diseases that affect the upper layers of the skin are a sign of deep emotional feelings about separation, rupture or loss of a person.

A feeling of rejection boils inside, a person tries to save people, especially of the other sex.

To more accurately determine the karmic causes of diseases, you need to look at where they arise. Sick skin on the face, for example, is almost always a fear of losing face. On your hands - fear of losing control over something.

Mental attitude

The correction of painful karma is seriously related to psychological issues. It is important for a person to understand that the skin is visible to him as well as to other people. Anxiety is akin to overthinking; it gives birth to a lump of irrelevant prejudices about oneself. Therefore, this problem requires a reconsideration of one’s attitude towards oneself.

You can do it very simply - write a list of positive qualities on paper. On the first day - all that you remember, on each subsequent day - one additional. This is a good practice for karmic and psychological healing.

This is mentioned when discussing the karmic causes of any disease, and yet. It is imperative to seek help from loved ones if you feel that difficulties have arisen that cannot be overcome alone. Skin disease calls on the individual to recognize his own imperfection not as a mistake, but as a natural state of affairs or even a personal right. It is wrong to be afraid of judgment from others for decisions that are made with the aim of bringing good.

The highest value of a person lies in his individuality, will, ability to create, and has very little in common with the values ​​of the physical world. Therefore, their suppression is a crime against karmic laws. As a result, karmic debt is formed. It creates physiological and psychological health problems and life difficulties arise.

Moreover, without working through it in this life, heavy karma is transferred to a person in his next earthly incarnation or to his ancestors along the family tree.

Redness of the skin: karmic causes

Redness figuratively speaks of the tension associated with restraining oneself. A person, in an attempt to follow some example, forcibly suppresses his true desires and actions. The emotional exhaustion that follows often gives him the impression of being a prisoner of this role, since it is impossible to achieve a standard that is not close in karmic purpose. Moreover, such ideals are often fictitious and utopian.

Redness of the skin on the face and neck may indicate sudden fear. Most often, this is the fear of not living up to other people’s expectations, of being judged for one’s actions. To correct the situation, you need to be aware of the same principles that were described - there is nothing more important and truer than individuality. When communicating with people, you need to trust sincerity - if you suspect dissatisfaction with yourself, just ask about it. Having found confirmation, find out the reasons for this, learn a lesson, but do not focus on guilt.

Redness and changes in the condition of the skin occur with urticaria. This disease is mainly caused by allergic factors, so for its treatment it will be useful to study the karmic causes of allergies.

In short, hives are a sign of small fears that a person does not eliminate, but hides. It is only because of their fear that such individuals tend to make disasters out of small problems. To solve a problem, you need to cultivate calm, peace, and an objective approach to troubles.

When looking for metaphysical prerequisites for certain diseases, one should understand that full recovery requires both physiological and spiritual measures. Therefore, when trying to figure out, using karma diagnostics, why the skin of the body itches (dermatitis, itching, ichthyosis, urticaria, etc.), one should not neglect drug treatment.

All pathologies that occur in the human body are not random. They indicate that a person ceases to live in harmony with the Universe, violates its laws, therefore the Higher Powers thus give him a sign that he needs to change the strategy of his behavior. There is a very interesting table that lists karmic diseases and their causes, we invite you to familiarize yourself with it.

Karmic diseases

Alcoholism, drug addiction- a person is unable to solve his problems. He experiences a feeling of terrible fear, wants to hide from everything. Escaping reality.

Allergic reaction- indicates that a person cannot stand someone from his environment, and also denies his personal power. Cannot express his inner protest against anything.

Appendicitis– there is a feeling of fear of life, positive energy is blocked.

Lack of sleep– a feeling of fear, a person does not trust life, feels guilty. Nervous excitability is also increased.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia– a person is infantile, does not believe in his own strength, tends to doubt and blame himself.

Increased appetite– presence of strong fear, desire to protect oneself from everything. The person doesn't love himself.

Excess body weight- the desire to protect oneself from something. A person feels an inner emptiness, a lack of communication, positive events in life, and therefore begins to “seize” problems.

Decreased appetite- a sign of dislike for oneself, reluctance to arrange a personal life, together with thinness indicates a fear of being rejected.

Inflammation- indicate a feeling of internal fear, rage, inflammation of consciousness. The person suffers from anger and disappointment.

Hirsutism(increased hair growth in girls) – carefully hidden anger, covered by fear. A person tends to blame others for his problems and does not want to develop himself.

Eye pathologies– eyes are a symbol of the ability to clearly see the past, present and future. You may be unhappy with what you observe in your life or you may not see the true state of things.

Headache– a person cannot correctly assess his abilities and capabilities. He tends to criticize himself, feels a sense of fear, and his self-esteem is unreasonably low. The connection with your inner “I” is lost. You need to forgive yourself to get rid of headaches.

Throat pathologies– the individual is unable to defend himself. “Swallows” anger and experiences a creative crisis. There is also a reluctance to change the situation. Throat diseases are provoked by a feeling of inferiority, as well as the feeling that we are not allowed to do everything we want. Indicates internal irritation, a feeling of confusion.

Hernia– indicates a feeling of internal tension, burden. The individual does not have the correct creative thinking.

Diabetes- a feeling of longing for unfulfilled dreams. A person needs to be constantly monitored. The development of diabetes is facilitated by a feeling of inner sadness and inability to accept and give love. There are various personality conflicts.

Respiratory tract pathologies– a person refuses to breathe life, does not use all its possibilities. He is overcome by fear and resists change. Doesn't want to change anything in his life.

Asthma- the most common respiratory disease. It indicates suppression of feelings of love, crying, fear of life, and excessive manifestation of negative emotions. This is a fear of being frank, of trusting others, and there is also suppression of sexual desire.

Sinusitis– a person feels sorry for himself, cannot control the situation.

Runny nose- is a plea for help. A person feels like a victim and does not recognize his true value.

Nosebleeds - wants to gain recognition and be loved.

Gallstones– a constant feeling of bitterness, the presence of difficult thoughts, a feeling of pride.

Gastric pathologies - a person experiences fear of something new, also feels fear, and is dissatisfied with himself.

Gastritis- indicates a prolonged period of uncertainty, a person feels doomed and is prone to outbursts of anger.

Ulcer– the presence of fear, a person is convinced that he is flawed, cannot live up to the expectations of his environment. An ulcer indicates the presence of an internal conflict, when a person strives to become independent, but at the same time zealously wants to be under someone’s care. Increased anxiety and suspiciousness.

Dental pathologies- indicate indecision, a person is not able to generate ideas, does not analyze them, and finds it difficult to make important decisions. Lost faith in one's own strength. You need to learn to act instead of just thinking and talking, to detail your wishes as much as possible and to actively implement them.

Gums are bleeding– a person is not happy with the decisions he makes.

Infectious pathologies- indicate irritation, anger, frustration experienced inside. There is no joy in life. Also, the appearance of any infection means that a person is experiencing a certain internal conflict. Weak immunity is provoked by dislike of oneself, low self-esteem, self-deception, hopelessness, and inability to distinguish one’s own desires from the desires of others.

Watch the following video in which Gadetsky talks about the connection between diseases and subtle karmic reasons.

Cyst- a person cannot cope with his grievances, and because of this he constantly returns to the past. It develops inharmoniously.

Intestinal pathologies– a person is afraid to let go of the old, what has already faded into the background. Tends to make premature conclusions, does not know the true nature of things.

Haemorrhoids– Previously, a person suffered greatly from increased anger. He cannot independently cleanse himself of his problems and negative experiences, and “sours” into negativity. Experiences a feeling of carefully suppressed fear.

Constipation– lives by outdated ideas and stereotypes, tends to get stuck in the past. The presence of constipation indicates that a person has accumulated a lot of feelings within himself, we are overcome inside by experiences that he does not want to let go of in order to allow new emotions and events to come into life.

Colic– feeling of irritation, dissatisfaction with people around you.

Flatulence– indicates internal constriction, fear of getting into a hopeless situation. There is a feeling of constant anxiety about your future; many ideas are not realized.

Diarrhea– a person is overcome by strong fear and is in a restless state of consciousness. Afraid, wants to escape from reality.

Skin pathologies– skin is the personification of a person’s internal thoughts, emotions and experiences regarding his appearance. The presence of skin diseases indicates that a person experiences a feeling of shame towards himself, and is overly worried about the opinions of others about himself. Tends to deny himself. It is also a feeling of inner restlessness.

Ulcers (abscesses)– their presence indicates the presence of disturbing thoughts, as well as hidden grievances.

Fungus– a person does not develop in his beliefs. He does not want to leave the past; it is the past that has a great impact on his present.

Burns – feeling of anger, internal boiling.

Psoriasis- fear of being offended or hurt. The person refuses to take responsibility for his feelings.

Neck diseases– their presence indicates that a person sees the situation only from one side, there is no flexibility of thinking. He is stubborn and does not want to look for a way out of the situation.

Eczema– the person suffers from psychological problems, feels insecure when planning his future.

Arthritis- a feeling of self-dislike. Difficult experience of criticism and insults. The inability to refuse others, the desire to punish oneself, the position of a victim.

Herniated discs– a person ceases to feel support from life.

Curved spine– the inability to reconcile and calmly float along the river of life. A person experiences a feeling of fear in trying to retain outdated mental images. There is no integrity of personality, no courage in convictions.

Pain in the lumbar region– many ideas in the personal sphere remained unrealized.

Radiculitis– there is hypocrisy, anxiety about one’s financial resources.

Rheumatoid arthritis– a person is very critical of power. Suffering from an overwhelming burden of problems and troubles. Cannot release the negative energy and experiences accumulated inside.

Back diseases – feeling afraid about finances. Fear of need, of being used. If diseases concern the middle part of the back, it means that the person feels guilty and does not trust the people around him.

Upper back pathologies – lack of moral support. A person feels unloved and tends to hold back love.

Blood pathologies– there are few joyful experiences in life, there is no mental movement. A person does not listen to his own internal needs.

Anemia– there is no joy, while the person is afraid to live, convinced of his inferiority.

Arterial pathologies- this is also an indicator that there is not enough positive in life, plus it is difficult for an individual to listen to his inner “I”.

Now you know what the true karmic causes of illness are. To rid yourself of any pathologies and prevent their occurrence in the future, it is important to practice spiritual development and not be led by negative emotions.