Oxygen therapy: indications and contraindications for treatment, features of the procedure and patient reviews. Oxygen concentrator: absolute benefit for everyone Oxygen concentrator benefits

In our body, oxygen is responsible for the process of energy production. In our cells, oxygenation occurs only thanks to oxygen - the conversion of nutrients (fats and lipids) into cellular energy. When the partial pressure (content) of oxygen in the inhaled level decreases, its level in the blood decreases and the activity of the body at the cellular level decreases. It is known that more than 20% of oxygen is consumed by the brain. Oxygen deficiency contributes. Accordingly, when oxygen levels drop, well-being, performance, general tone, and immunity suffer.
It is also important to know that it is oxygen that can remove toxins from the body.
Please note that in all foreign films, in the event of an accident or a person in serious condition, emergency doctors first of all put on an oxygen apparatus to the victim in order to increase the body’s resistance and increase his chances of survival.
The therapeutic effects of oxygen have been known and used in medicine since the end of the 18th century. In the USSR, the active use of oxygen for preventive purposes began in the 60s of the last century.


Hypoxia or oxygen starvation is a reduced oxygen content in the body or individual organs and tissues. Hypoxia occurs when there is a lack of oxygen in the inhaled air and in the blood, when the biochemical processes of tissue respiration are disrupted. Due to hypoxia, irreversible changes develop in vital organs. The most sensitive to oxygen deficiency are the central nervous system, heart muscle, kidney tissue, and liver.
Manifestations of hypoxia are respiratory failure, shortness of breath; dysfunction of organs and systems.

Harm to oxygen

Sometimes you can hear that “Oxygen is an oxidizing agent that accelerates the aging of the body.”
Here, from the correct premise, the wrong conclusion is drawn. Yes, oxygen is an oxidizing agent. Only thanks to it are nutrients from food processed into energy in the body.
The fear of oxygen is associated with two exceptional properties of it: free radicals and poisoning due to excess pressure.

1. What are free radicals?
Some of the huge number of constantly occurring oxidative (energy-producing) and reduction reactions of the body are not completed to the end, and then substances are formed with unstable molecules that have unpaired electrons at the outer electronic levels, called “free radicals”. They try to grab the missing electron from any other molecule. This molecule, turning into a free radical, steals an electron from the next one, and so on..
Why is this necessary? A certain amount of free radicals, or oxidants, is vital for the body. First of all, to combat harmful microorganisms. Free radicals are used by the immune system as “projectiles” against “invaders.” Normally, in the human body, 5% of substances formed during chemical reactions become free radicals.
Scientists cite emotional stress, heavy physical exertion, injury and exhaustion due to air pollution, consumption of canned and technologically incorrectly processed foods, vegetables and fruits grown with herbicides and pesticides, and ultraviolet radiation as the main reasons for the disruption of natural biochemical balance and the increase in the number of free radicals. and radiation exposure.

Thus, aging is a biological process of slowing down cell division, and free radicals, erroneously associated with aging, are natural and necessary defense mechanisms for the body, and their harmful effects are associated with disruption of natural processes in the body by negative environmental factors and stress.

2. “It’s easy to get poisoned with oxygen.”
Indeed, excess oxygen is dangerous. Excess oxygen causes an increase in the amount of oxidized hemoglobin in the blood and a decrease in the amount of reduced hemoglobin. And, since it is the reduced hemoglobin that removes carbon dioxide, its retention in the tissues leads to hypercapnia - CO2 poisoning.
With an excess of oxygen, the number of free radical metabolites increases, those same terrible “free radicals” that are highly active, acting as oxidizing agents that can damage biological cell membranes.

Terrible, isn't it? I immediately want to stop breathing. Fortunately, in order to become oxygen poisoned, you need increased oxygen pressure, such as in a pressure chamber (during oxygen barotherapy) or when diving with special breathing mixtures. In ordinary life, such situations do not occur.

3. “There is little oxygen in the mountains, but there are many centenarians! Those. oxygen is harmful."
Indeed, in the Soviet Union, a number of centenarians were registered in the mountainous regions of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia. If you look at the list of verified (i.e. confirmed) centenarians of the world throughout its history, the picture will not be so obvious: the oldest centenarians registered in France, the USA and Japan did not live in the mountains..

In Japan, where the oldest woman on the planet, Misao Okawa, who is already more than 116 years old, still lives and lives, there is also the “island of centenarians” Okinawa. The average life expectancy here for men is 88 years, for women - 92; this is higher than the rest of Japan by 10-15 years. The island has collected data on more than seven hundred local centenarians over a hundred years old. They say that: “Unlike the Caucasian highlanders, the Hunzakuts of Northern Pakistan and other peoples who boast of their longevity, all Okinawan births since 1879 have been documented in the Japanese family registry - koseki.” Okinawans themselves believe that the secret to their longevity rests on four pillars: diet, active lifestyle, self-sufficiency and spirituality. Local residents never overeat, adhering to the principle of “hari hachi bu” - to eat eight-tenths full. This “eight-tenths” consists of pork, seaweed and tofu, vegetables, daikon and local bitter cucumber. The oldest Okinawans do not sit idle: they actively work on the land, and their recreation is also active: most of all they love to play the local variety of croquet.: Okinawa is called the happiest island - there is no rush and stress typical of the large islands of Japan. Local residents are committed to the philosophy of yumaru - "a kind-hearted and friendly joint effort."
It is interesting that as soon as Okinawans move to other parts of the country, there are no longer long-livers among such people. Thus, scientists studying this phenomenon have found that the genetic factor does not play a role in the longevity of the islanders. And we, for our part, consider it extremely important that the Okinawa Islands are located in an actively wind-blown zone in the ocean, and the oxygen level in such zones is recorded as the highest - 21.9 - 22% oxygen.

Therefore, the task of the OxyHaus system is not so much to INCREASE the oxygen level in the room, but to RESTORE its natural balance.
In the tissues of the body saturated with a natural level of oxygen, the metabolic process accelerates, the body is “activated,” its resistance to negative factors increases, its endurance and the efficiency of its organs and systems increase.


Atmung oxygen concentrators utilize NASA-developed PSA (Pressure Swing Absorption) technology. The outside air is purified through a filter system, after which the device releases oxygen using a molecular sieve made from the volcanic mineral zeolite. Pure, almost 100% oxygen is supplied in a flow under pressure of 5-10 liters per minute. This pressure is sufficient to provide a natural level of oxygen in a room up to 30 meters in area.

Air purity

“But the air outside is dirty, and oxygen carries all the substances with it.”
That is why OxyHaus systems have a three-stage incoming air filtration system. And the already purified air enters a zeolite molecular sieve, in which air oxygen is separated.


“What are the dangers of using the OxyHaus system? After all, oxygen is explosive.”
The concentrator is safe to use. Industrial oxygen cylinders pose a risk of explosion because they contain oxygen under high pressure. The Atmung oxygen concentrators on which the system is based do not contain flammable materials, they use PSA (pressure swing adsorption) technology developed by NASA, it is safe and easy to operate.


“Why do I need your system? I can reduce the CO2 level in a room by opening a window and ventilating it."
Indeed, regular ventilation is a very useful habit and we also recommend it to reduce CO2 levels. However, city air cannot be called truly fresh - in addition to an increased level of harmful substances, it also has a reduced level of oxygen. In the forest, the oxygen content is about 22%, and in city air - 20.5 - 20.8%. This seemingly insignificant difference has a significant impact on the human body.
“I tried to breathe oxygen and didn’t feel anything.”
The effects of oxygen should not be compared with the effects of energy drinks. The positive effects of oxygen have a cumulative effect, so the body’s oxygen balance must be replenished regularly. We recommend turning on the OxyHaus system at night and for 3-4 hours a day during physical or intellectual activity. It is not necessary to use the system 24 hours a day.

“What is the difference with air purifiers?”
An air purifier only performs the function of reducing the amount of dust, but does not solve the problem of balancing the oxygen level of stuffiness.
“What is the most favorable oxygen concentration in a room?”
The most favorable oxygen content is close to the same as in a forest or on the seashore: 22%. Even if, due to natural ventilation, your oxygen level is slightly above 21%, this is a favorable atmosphere.

“Is it possible to poison yourself with oxygen?”

Oxygen poisoning, hyperoxia, occurs as a result of breathing oxygen-containing gas mixtures (air, nitrox) at elevated pressure. Oxygen poisoning can occur when using oxygen devices, regenerative devices, when using artificial gas mixtures for breathing, during oxygen recompression, and also due to exceeding therapeutic doses in the process of oxygen barotherapy. With oxygen poisoning, dysfunctions of the central nervous system, respiratory and circulatory system develop.

Currently, the medical equipment market offers a fairly large number of models of devices for oxygen therapy - oxygen concentrators. For a person who is faced with the need for independent use for the first time, choosing such a device can present certain difficulties. What you need to know about these devices, how to choose a device that will meet the individual needs of the patient and can provide the most effective and safe therapy, read in this article.

What are oxygen concentrators for?

Oxygen concentrator- a medical device that produces highly concentrated oxygen from the surrounding atmospheric air and is used for oxygen therapy in patients with dysfunction of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, accompanied by respiratory failure. The use of this device makes it possible to compensate for oxygen deficiency in the tissues of the body during severe hypoxia and prevents the development of severe changes caused by it in the central nervous system, heart, liver and kidney tissues, prolongs life and improves its quality in patients.

What is an oxygen concentrator?

Usage oxygen concentrators in medical practice began in the second half of the twentieth century, when a reliable and simple method for the production of purified oxygen was developed using PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) technology - pressure swing adsorption. PSA makes it possible to obtain an unlimited amount of concentrated oxygen in almost any place where electricity and atmospheric air are available.

This process uses a molecular sieve made of synthetic zeolite that can absorb nitrogen and impurities from the air flow passing through it at high pressure and release them back into the atmosphere at low pressure. Oxygen passes freely through the sieve, accumulates and is supplied in concentrated form to the patient for inhalation. Devices using this technology are efficient, highly economical, safe and, thanks to their ability to self-clean, are designed for long-term operation for many years.

What types of oxygen concentrators are there?

Despite the fact that all oxygen concentrators operate on the same principle, they can still differ from each other in a number of parameters, among which two interdependent factors are decisive: purpose and performance. Therefore, if you are planning buy an oxygen concentrator, first of all, you need to determine the purpose of its use: professional in a medical institution or individual at the patient’s home.

Oxygen concentrators for medical institutions

Devices designed for use in medical institutions are characterized by high productivity, which can reach 10 or more liters of highly concentrated oxygen per minute. They can work in combination with a ventilator and anesthesia device and are installed in pulmonology and cardiology hospitals, intensive care units, maternity hospitals, children's health and health resort institutions. Such models may have two oxygen outlets for the simultaneous treatment of two patients and an expanded set of functions, including the ability to perform nebulizer and aromatherapy, and prepare oxygen cocktails.

Oxygen concentrators for home

Devices for home use, although they have a lower productivity compared to professional ones (from 1 to 6 l/min), are often not inferior to them in functionality (the ability to prepare oxygen cocktails, perform aerosol inhalations, aromatherapy). Such models, as a rule, have greater mobility, are smaller in size and weight, and allow patients to move freely around the room, speak, and eat during oxygen therapy. Many devices can be used inside a car.

How to choose a suitable oxygen concentrator model?

When choosing an oxygen concentrator, it is also worth considering a number of other parameters that can have a significant impact on the effectiveness and convenience of therapy.

  • Availability of humidifier- a prerequisite for comfortable treatment. Allows you to avoid “over-drying” of the respiratory tract, which often occurs during oxygen therapy, causing discomfort to the patient.
  • Dimensions and weight. This factor becomes most important when choosing an oxygen concentrator for your home.
  • Mobility. The presence of special devices for transportation (wheels, carrying handles) and moving the concentrator indoors increases the ease of use of the device, especially when it comes to elderly or weakened patients.
  • Portability. Portable models with the ability to operate autonomously are small in size and weight (up to 3 kg). Such devices can easily be placed in a small bag or backpack, allowing the user to move freely and maintain an active lifestyle.
  • The noise level created by the device during operation determines the degree of comfort of therapy during night sleep.
  • The presence of a timer makes it possible to set the required operating interval and not worry about the need to turn off the device after the session time has expired.
  • Manufacturer . Give preference to models of oxygen concentrators from the most well-known, well-established large manufacturers on the Russian market with sufficient experience in the development of such devices.
  • Safety . An oxygen concentrator is a high-tech medical device, the safety of which must be confirmed by Russian certificates of conformity and registration certificates. A good sign of the quality of the device is its compliance with European quality standards, which is confirmed by ISO, CE, TUV, etc. certificates.

An oxygen breathing apparatus can be for medical, home use or universal. They differ in productivity: 5-10 liters per minute are needed in a hospital, universal ones produce 5-6.

An oxygen concentrator that supplies 1-3 liters of oxygen per minute is suitable for oxygen therapy at home. Inhalations at home are carried out for 10 minutes from 2 to 6 times a day, and in case of severe pathology, procedures are prescribed for a total duration of up to 12 hours.

To prepare a cocktail with oxygen, the concentrator tube is dipped into juice, infusion of herbs or rose hips. Oxygen therapy helps strengthen the immune system, memory, tones the body and helps recovery after serious illnesses and operations. The cost of an oxygen concentrator for home procedures ranges from 12,500 to 100,000 rubles, it depends on performance, country of manufacturer and additional functions.

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What is an oxygen breathing apparatus like at home?

To conduct oxygen breathing sessions, you need devices called oxygen concentrators; they can be used at home and in the hospital. Their main types and properties are shown in the table.

Type of breathing apparatus Scope of application Oxygen production capacity Notes
Medical First aid, surgery or long-term oxygen therapy in hospital5-10 l/min.Can be mobile or stationary (mounted)
Portable Available in ambulances or portable models to take with youUp to 5 liters per minute, in pulse mode it can increase to 6-7Powered by batteries or accumulator
Universal Suitable for physical therapy rooms, fitness center, spa and home use5-6 liters per minuteSome devices can additionally humidify the oxygen mixture
For home use only Used for oxygen inhalation at home and preparing cocktails with oxygen1-3 liters per minuteCompact, aesthetic and modern design, durable, easy to use

How the device works

An oxygen concentrator releases oxygen from atmospheric air; the device operates in the following sequence:

  1. First, the air enters the dust filter and is cleaned of contaminants (mechanical and microbial).
  2. The mixture of air gases is pumped by a compressor to a molecular separation filter.
  3. The air flow passes through zeolite pebbles (balls), which retain nitrogen.
  4. Oxygen moves to the storage tank.
  5. The oxygen mixture (87-96% oxygen) is humidified.
  6. Through the diffuser, gas flows to the nozzle and can be used for inhalation or making cocktails.
  7. Nitrogen and other impurities are released into the atmosphere, but since their percentage is minimal, this cannot change the qualitative composition of the surrounding air.

How it affects the body

Oxygen is the most important component for all metabolic processes and energy production; its effect on the body is manifested in:

  • increasing immune defense;
  • improving performance and increasing concentration and memory;
  • good tolerance to physical activity;
  • increasing resistance to stress factors;
  • activation of the liver and kidneys;
  • relieving depression and chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • reduction of irritability, headaches;
  • deeper and longer sleep at night.

How much does a device for supplying oxygen to the lungs cost?

Devices for supplying oxygen to the lungs, which can be used at home, cost from 12,500 rubles to 100,000 or more.

The price is determined:

  • productivity (the higher, the more expensive);
  • percentage of oxygen (from 85 to 96%);
  • country of manufacture - Chinese ones are cheaper, and the most expensive ones are produced in the USA, Italy, Germany, Switzerland;
  • additional functions - the display, remote control, sound notification may affect the increase in cost.

If there are no chronic pulmonary and heart diseases, then there is no point in purchasing a very expensive device; an ordinary household device with a capacity of up to 3 liters per minute is sufficient. Its average price will be about 20 thousand rubles. In case of severe pathology, it is advisable to buy a more powerful oxygen concentrator; it will cost about 40,000 rubles.

Watch the video on how to choose an oxygen concentrator:

Oxygen cylinders for breathing are used only in stationary conditions, and portable cylinders can be purchased for home use. They come in the form of an aluminum bottle, similar to a hairspray package. Inside there is from 5 to 12 liters of gas under pressure. The mixture contains 80 to 90% oxygen and 10-20% nitrogen. For the convenience of inhalation, a mask is included with the medical device.

An oxygen cartridge is used for:

  • working in stuffy rooms;
  • motion sickness in transport;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • daytime sleepiness;
  • overwork;
  • under stress;
  • feeling of lack of air;
  • wearing contact lenses;
  • dry and dull skin.

Usually, to improve the condition, it is enough to take 5-7 breaths and repeat the inhalation after 15 minutes. The price of one can is on average 700 rubles with a capacity of 12 liters; there is an option to purchase a set of 5-8 pieces at a discount.

The main difference from the device is that it is a one-time use, while the device usually lasts for years. The advantage of the can is its ease of use on the road or at work.

Indications for oxygen therapy at home

  • climate change to high mountain (during the adaptation period);
  • living in a metropolis, especially close to factories or major highways;
  • work in a poorly ventilated, crowded area;
  • diseases of the respiratory system - chronic inflammation of the bronchi, lungs, bronchial asthma, emphysema, hardening of the lungs (pneumosclerosis), bronchiectasis (dilatation of the bronchi);

  • recovery from chest injuries and surgeries;
  • anemia, blood loss;
  • heart failure - valve defects, weakening of the heart muscle, rhythm disturbances, previous heart attack, angina pectoris;
  • carbon monoxide poisoning or poisons that destroy blood cells;
  • vascular spasms, high or low blood pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • changes in cerebral circulation;
  • impaired renal and liver function;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • pregnancy;
  • stressful or physical overload;
  • elderly age;
  • suffered a long-term illness (regardless of the diagnosis);
  • respiratory apnea syndrome (snoring and stopping breathing at night);
  • frequent headaches;
  • depressive disorders;
  • difficulty remembering and concentrating on mental work.

How to carry out oxygen treatment at home

When using a device for oxygen treatment at home, follow fairly simple instructions:

  1. Fill the water container (humidifier).
  2. Attach the mask to the device and put it on.
  3. Turn on the device.
  4. Breathe oxygen for the right amount of time.

Watch the video on how to use an oxygen concentrator:

How much to breathe

For preventive purposes, you need to breathe oxygen for 10 minutes 2 times a day. For the treatment of chronic diseases, the period of use of the device can be from 1 hour a day to 12. It should be noted that oxygen therapy cannot be considered a panacea and independently increase the number and duration of inhalations.

This can lead to a lack of carbon dioxide in the blood, which is accompanied by palpitations, dizziness, and shortness of breath.

Prolonged and uncontrolled use of oxygen therapy causes drying of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and oxygen poisoning.

To prepare an oxygen cocktail, you need:

  • pour 100 ml of juice without pulp, rosehip infusion or other herbal tea into a glass;
  • lower the tube from the oxygen concentrator into the liquid (the technical specifications must indicate a function for saturating cocktails with oxygen);
  • The drink is ready in 3 minutes.

Preventive use of such cocktails:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • stimulates breathing and blood circulation;
  • increases the intensity of digestion;
  • enhances kidney and liver functions;
  • eliminates the consequences of oxygen starvation in diseases of the heart, lungs, and blood;
  • improves brain function;
  • has a general strengthening and tonic effect.

Security measures

Oxygen supports combustion and is explosive, so when using the device at home you need to:

  • No open flame sources (lighters, gas stove, smoking, heating appliances) should be placed near the device;
  • a free space of at least 30 cm is required from walls and furniture;
  • Be sure to use a humidifier.

If the concentrator is used for inhalation through a mask in a patient with an infectious disease, then after each session it should be washed in warm soapy water and wiped with an antiseptic solution (for example, Chlorhexidine).

Is it always possible to do oxygen inhalations?

Oxygen inhalations can be given to everyone to prevent diseases, but if there are serious lung pathologies (for example, risk or existing bleeding, tumor), a doctor’s examination is required. Self-medication, exceeding dosages and duration of sessions, or prolonging the course of therapy are dangerous.

Signs of overdose

If you frequently breathe mixtures with high oxygen concentrations, poisoning may occur with the following symptoms:

  • inflammation or irritation of the mucous membranes of the pharynx, trachea and bronchi - soreness, dry mouth, cough;
  • destruction of the protective layer (surfactant) in the alveoli, focal inflammation and areas of collapse of lung tissue, decreased vital capacity of the lungs - shortness of breath, respiratory failure with cyanosis (blue) skin;
  • chest pain;
  • cold hands and feet;
  • convulsive syndrome.

Chest pain

The best devices for oxygen procedures

Based on user reviews and technical characteristics, you can select several of the best devices for oxygen procedures: Armed 7F3L, Bitmos OXY-6000, OXYbar Auto. Oxygen concentrator Armed 7F3L

The device is manufactured in Germany, its characteristics:

  • produces up to 6 liters of oxygen per minute;
  • you can prepare oxygen cocktails;
  • weighs about 20 kg, it is easy to move, as it looks like a suitcase on wheels;
  • there is an audible alarm when the power is cut off or the flow decreases;
  • oxygen concentration is 95% at a flow of up to 4 l/minute, but at maximum productivity the saturation of the mixture drops to 75%;
  • silent;
  • can be connected to a computer (there is a USB port);
  • designed for 30,000 hours of operation;
  • price – 108,000 rubles.

Oxygen concentrator Bitmos OXY-6000

This model is produced by Atmung, Germany. The device is very convenient for home use, as it:

  • compact, lightweight (weighs 5.2 kg);
  • quiet during operation;
  • There is an adapter that allows you to connect the device in a car;
  • can work all day without a break;
  • there is an electronic display, easy to control and switch operating modes;
  • 1 year warranty (3500 operating hours);
  • price – 29,000 rubles.

Oxygen concentrator OXYbar Auto

The disadvantage of an oxygen concentrator is that at maximum productivity (6 liters per minute) the oxygen concentration is only 30%. Since at least 75% is needed for therapeutic purposes, the flow rate is set to 2-3 l/min, and at the minimum (1 l/min) you can get 90% oxygen.

Devices for breathing oxygen are called oxygen concentrators, they can be used in the hospital and at home for inhalations and cocktails. Indicated for preventive purposes and to eliminate the consequences of lack of oxygen.

Oxygen concentrator: an absolute benefit for everyone It is no secret that city air often contains insufficient amounts of oxygen due to environmental and meteorological factors. This instantly affects our well-being. The situation is aggravated under conditions of increased stress on the body: stress, illness, and sports require increased oxygen consumption. How to compensate for oxygen deficiency? For urban air, the oxygen content is considered normal at 20.8%. At 18%, even healthy people may experience headaches, drowsiness, and decreased mental activity. This is the minimum concentration at which a person can breathe normally without an oxygen apparatus. A drop in oxygen concentration to 16% causes increased breathing and dizziness, 13% leads to loss of consciousness

In recent years, weather reports have begun to include data on the oxygen content of the air and warnings about possible illnesses in people with chronic respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. To the relatively harmless, quickly passing weather fluctuations are added more persistent environmental problems, and often disasters. For example, in the summer of 2010 in some areas of Moscow and the region, during forest fires, the oxygen concentration in the air decreased by 3.7 times compared to the norm. It turns out that during this period literally every resident of the region needed oxygen support. And if the composition of outdoor air is difficult to normalize due to large volumes, then indoors there is a chance to take control of the situation. What is an oxygen concentrator Previously, the problem of insufficient indoor air quality was solved using cylinders with liquefied oxygen.

However, this method has a number of disadvantages: it is difficult to ensure a uniform supply of oxygen, there is a risk of leakage and increased fire hazard, and the cylinder may even explode. A modern and safe solution - . Using this device, you can pass pressurized air through a filter that traps nitrogen and releases a gas mixture with 95 percent oxygen. The hub can operate on mains power or autonomously on a battery. The filter is a cylinder filled with granules of a sorbing mineral - zeolite, which is known for its ability to retain nitrogen at high pressure. When the device is turned off, some nitrogen will be released back into the atmosphere - but this will be a very small amount, the bulk of the nitrogen will remain in the filter.

Any sorbent becomes saturated over time, so approximately every five years the zeolite granules must be changed so that the performance of the concentrator does not decrease. You cannot replace the filler yourself - to do this, you should contact one of the service centers. This is an inexpensive service that should not be neglected. By the way! Oxygen concentrators were invented by NASA engineers to provide oxygen to astronauts. Soon they began to be used in medicine. Now space technologies are available for everyday use. Zeolite, which is used in oxygen concentrators, is a natural sorbent with a microporous structure; it is also widely used in industrial water treatment, agriculture, medicine and the food industry. Oxygen concentrators are used in medical, health, and sports institutions, and recently household models have become widespread.

Types of oxygen concentrators Depending on the purpose of use, the devices vary in size and performance. Medicinal. Designed for hospitals, health resorts, ambulances. Can be used for long-term or emergency breathing support, producing 5–10 liters of oxygen per minute. Equipped with alarm systems to monitor the patient's condition. Universal. They are used to prepare oxygen-rich foamy drinks (so-called oxygen cocktails) and oxygen therapy sessions in fitness centers and beauty salons. Produce 3–5 liters of oxygen per minute.

For home use. These have a capacity of 1–3 liters of oxygen per minute, are small in size, operate silently, fit easily into any interior, and can be used for inhalation using a nebulizer (usually included in the kit) or preparing oxygen cocktails. The attitude towards an oxygen concentrator as an expensive toy is gradually being replaced by an understanding of its necessity in every home. Why is this happening? Who needs an oxygen machine

People with respiratory and cardiovascular diseases literally need it like air. Particularly noteworthy is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - COPD, the causes of which are mainly air pollution and smoking. According to WHO, it ranks fourth in terms of mortality, second only to heart disease, stroke and lower respiratory tract infections.

In light of the fact that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, there is reason to think about the quality of the air you inhale. Oxygen therapy is recommended for athletes, smokers, and elderly people. Sometimes it is prescribed to pregnant women to prevent fetal hypoxia. The benefits of oxygen cocktails are confirmed by research from the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Thus, an oxygen concentrator is useful for the whole family, especially in metropolitan conditions, which provoke slight but constant hypoxia even in healthy people. It is important!

The supply mode, duration of sessions and dosage of oxygen must be agreed upon with the attending physician. Despite the absence of absolute contraindications to oxygen therapy, remember that an overdose of oxygen can cause no less harm to the body than a deficiency. This should be especially taken into account if you are going to use the concentrator with the whole family. Before use, read the instructions. You will learn the details of using a particular oxygen concentrator model from the instructions, which you must read carefully.

General safety rules are as follows: Oxygen is explosive, so using the concentrator near gas stoves and other sources of fire is unacceptable. Smoking in the room where the concentrator operates is also prohibited. The distance from the operating concentrator to walls and furniture must be at least 30 cm. When inhaling, it is necessary to use a humidifier (included in the kit). Nasal cannulas for inhalation should be used individually.

Filters and zeolite granules must be changed at the intervals specified in the instructions. Like any electrical device, an oxygen concentrator should not be left turned on unattended. How to choose an oxygen concentrator First of all, determine the purpose of using the device. If it is purchased for one or two healthy people for preventive purposes, a household model is suitable. For a large family in which someone suffers from chronic lung diseases, it is better to purchase a universal concentrator. If there are elderly people in the family with severe heart and lung diseases or bedridden patients, a treatment device may be required.

Manufacturer. The Russian market includes devices manufactured in the USA, Germany, Russia and China. In terms of price-quality ratio, Russian concentrators can be recommended for home use. Dimensions and weight. Directly related to performance, which requires more or less zeolite granules. , as a rule, larger and heavier due to additional functionality. Concentrators with a capacity of 1–5 liters can weigh from 6 to 30 kg. The smallest, portable devices can be installed on a desk; larger ones are equipped with wheels for easy transportation

With air flow 0–5 l/min (left) and 0–1 l/min (right). Noise level. Home hubs are noisy at 35-45 dB, which is comparable to a soft conversation. Medical concentrators produce a slightly higher noise level. Functional.

Can be designed for one or more users. If it is intended for inhalation, a humidifier is built into it. Many models are equipped with a timer so that you can set the exact duration of the session. Performance. For short-term preventive inhalations, a flow rate of 1–3 liters per minute is sufficient. If a concentrator is required for medicinal purposes, it is better to choose a model with higher performance. Gas flow saturation. The maximum oxygen concentration at the outlet is 96%. On average, saturation parameters range from 87–96%.

Keep in mind that they decrease as the resource of zeolite granules is used up. Price. The minimum cost of a concentrator is about 20,000 rubles. Professional models can cost several hundred thousand rubles. Equipment. The kit may include humidifiers, nasal cannulas, masks, diffusers, a mixer for preparing oxygen cocktails, and a remote control. Service life and warranty.

As a rule, the concentrator is designed for 5–10 years of operation, which makes its cost not so high, especially taking into account the warranty period. Some manufacturers provide a warranty of up to 3 years. When determining which model of oxygen concentrator is right for you, try to simulate the situations in which you will use it. Imagine where it will stand, whether it will need to be moved, how often you will turn it on. This will help you make the right choice.


In the modern world, we all live in conditions of oxygen starvation, or polluted air, as a result of which the risk of dangerous diseases is several times higher. Today, a huge number of people around the world are beginning to understand the power of oxygen. Increasing the oxygen content in the body is a natural way to get rid of hypoxia, it is a quick and effective way to always keep yourself in good shape. For a healthy and active lifestyle, oxygen is simply necessary, but its lack has a detrimental effect on the human body.

The benefits of oxygen for pregnant women.
In pregnant women, the load on all internal organs increases several times, and therefore the consumption of oxygen, which is necessary for the full functioning of metabolic processes. Therefore, expectant mothers need to breathe fresh air more often.
Oxygenated blood will flow through the placenta to your unborn baby, which will significantly reduce the risk of miscarriage. After all, oxygen is the guarantee of normal intrauterine development of the fetus.
However, if there is a threat of miscarriage, doctors prescribe strict bed rest and a minimum of movement. How to combine these recommendations?
will help you Oxygen Concentrator, which will provide your internal organs and the baby’s body with a sufficient amount of life-giving gas. You can do oxygen inhalations while lying in bed and making a minimum of movements, which means you will not violate the doctor’s instructions and will not harm your unborn baby.
The oxygen concentrator is very easy to use and maintain. It is portable and therefore easy to move from place to place. Oxygen inhalations will also be useful in the postpartum period, as well as for the period while you are breastfeeding your baby.

The benefits of oxygen for children.
Lack of oxygen is especially dangerous in children. This affects the condition and functioning of all organs and systems of the child’s body; insufficient oxygen saturation of the blood leads to impaired brain function, rapid heartbeat, decreased immunity and an increased risk of respiratory diseases.
Of course, you need to be in nature more often. However, sometimes this may not be possible. Then oxygen therapy can be a good remedy.
A good solution to this issue could be to purchase oxygen concentrator. Thanks to this, your child can take oxygen inhalations every day, thereby strengthening the nervous system and activating brain function.
Regular inhalation of pure oxygen strengthens the child’s immunity, increases his resistance to colds and improves the general condition of the body.
In addition, using an oxygen concentrator you can do oxygen cocktails, which are so loved by children. The basis of such a cocktail is natural juice without pulp, herbal tea, mineral solution, which is saturated with oxygen using a machine and brought to the state of a delicate and airy foam, which has a unique pleasant taste. (there are contraindications, consult a specialist).

The benefits of oxygen for older people.
In old age, human anatomical and physiological systems undergo significant changes. As you age, your health and well-being deteriorate.
Lack of air, feeling of suffocation, shortness of breath... This happens because the lungs of older people do not supply oxygen to other organs so effectively.
The lung tissue of older people loses its elasticity. The mobility of the chest and diaphragm decreases. The lungs cannot fully expand when inhaling. Due to a decrease in the blood supply to the lungs and sclerosis of the walls of the alveoli, normal gas exchange is disrupted, as a result of which oxygen from the air poorly penetrates through the alveoli into the blood, and carbon dioxide from the blood. Hypoxia develops - a condition accompanied by a low oxygen content in the blood, which leads to rapid fatigue. Hypoxia causes sleep disturbances, impairs digestion, and affects memory and thought processes. With hypoxia, the immune system is weakened, which leads to the development of diseases. Therefore, older people need extra oxygen.
Oxygen pillows, which doctors previously recommended in such cases, have been replaced by a new modern device - an oxygen concentrator. Oxygen inhalations create the effect of walking in fresh air. The cells of your body are saturated with oxygen, but the heart muscle does not experience unnecessary stress. Using a portable home oxygen concentrator improves the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system.
The use of an oxygen concentrator is also useful for people in a post-stroke state. Enriching the blood with oxygen accelerates the process of recovery and return to a full life.

We can talk endlessly about the benefits of oxygen, but it’s better to experience its effects for yourself!
Oxygen enhances sexual activity;
Improves memory and concentration;
Strengthens immunity;
Significantly improves skin condition;
Helps remove toxins from the body and slows down the aging process;
Promotes rapid recovery of strength;
Supports muscle activity;
Calms the nerves;
Promotes burning fat in the body and helps normalize weight
Reduces the harm caused by smoking;
And even helps relieve hangover.

Under the influence of oxygen, the general tone of the body increases noticeably, sleep also normalizes: it becomes deeper, the period of falling asleep decreases. The positive effect of oxygen is primarily due to the elimination or reduction of hypoxia of the central nervous system. Oxygen is indispensable for chronic fatigue syndrome, physical and mental fatigue, to increase the overall tone of the body and performance.
Oxygen concentrators are becoming increasingly popular among the world's inhabitants, and this is not only due to the high efficiency of the device and ease of maintenance, but also due to its accessibility and the absence of large operating requirements. The equipment becomes a kind of guarantor of excellent well-being, while the effort that needs to be made is minimal.
Oxygen concentrators are widely used to treat sick people in hospitals and hospitals; oxygen therapy sessions using this device are prescribed in rest homes and rehabilitation centers; it is increasingly possible to see the use of an oxygen concentrator in sports-type institutions - fitness clubs, swimming pools, gyms, etc. sports grounds. The scope of application of this device is growing every year - in spa salons, cosmetic clinics, centers that relieve drug and alcohol addiction.
The mechanism is designed in such a way that the source for the formation of oxygen is the air surrounding people from all sides. This factor facilitates the operation process and reduces associated costs. All that is needed is power supply from the city network or a battery. The device can be purchased without any difficulty in Medtekhnika stores.
With great success, more and more ordinary citizens are using an oxygen concentrator at home, realizing that there is nothing more valuable in life than the health of loved ones. Adults teach their children to use the device and soon notice how their immunity strengthens, the incidence of illness decreases, and their academic performance increases. The oxygen concentrator gives everyone health and longevity.