Alcoholism treatment clinic. The best alcoholism treatment centers, rating of Russian clinics

Alcoholism is a progressive chronic mental illness, which is expressed depending on alcohol. Addiction (dependence) manifests itself on both the psychological and physical levels.

The disease develops in several stages:

  • attraction to alcohol, excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages, uncontrolled behavior while intoxicated;
  • the appearance of withdrawal syndrome (in in this case- hangover) in the absence of alcohol intake;
  • the destructive effect of the disease on the organs and systems of the body, primarily the nervous system, pathological intoxication, complete physical and psychological dependence.

External signs and symptoms of alcoholism:

  • periods of heavy drinking (haphazard drinking for several days/weeks without breaks);
  • the body stops rejecting alcoholic drinks (no vomiting, dizziness and feeling unwell when consuming large quantities);
  • withdrawal syndrome;
  • deterioration appearance skin (flabbiness, unhealthy color), hair, nails, as well as others external signs: swelling under the eyes, swollen veins;
  • change in behavior - aggressiveness, forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, inability to control oneself;
  • deterioration of the situation in society, low social status.

Diagnostic tests

Diagnostic tests and treatment are carried out by a narcologist, seeking additional advice from a therapist, neurologist and psychiatrist.

The diagnosis is made based on the results of a general examination, medical history and the following studies:

  • clinical blood and urine tests;
  • blood chemistry;
  • ECG and chest x-ray.

Main stages of treatment

Treatment of alcoholism is carried out comprehensively using the following methods.

Aversive therapy. Effective in cases where the patient does not recognize his illness. Includes coding for alcoholism, that is, the introduction of substances that cause rejection of alcoholic beverages. May also consist of taking medications, which in combination with ethanol cause vomiting, dizziness, and general deterioration of health.

Psychological therapy. Shows the best results if the patient agrees to be treated voluntarily. Includes methods and techniques that enable the patient to control his passion for alcohol, to prioritize normal life rather than addiction.

Detoxification. It is necessary to get rid of physical addiction, as it helps cleanse the body of toxic substances and prevents the development of withdrawal syndrome.

Social adaptation. The final stage of the patient's return to normal life, resocialization with learning to build a new life in society.


Alcohol is a substance that has a destructive effect on human body. It causes dependence following problems with health:

  • liver diseases (cirrhosis, pancreatitis, hepatitis);
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system (the risk of strokes and heart attacks increases significantly);
  • oncological diseases (most often pancreatic and esophageal cancer);
  • hypoglycemia (low blood sugar);
  • exhaustion (due to the body’s loss of ability to absorb nutrients);
  • disorders nervous system and psyche (neuroses, neuritis, psychoses).

Under the influence of alcohol, a person ceases to be a person, his ability to work decreases, his well-being decreases, and his moral values ​​are leveled. Destruction is vital important systems the body, in turn, leads to a total deterioration in health, comatose states and, ultimately, fatal outcome.

Of course, those who are forced to live with an alcoholic will not agree with the statement that alcoholism is a disease. Nevertheless, it is true. You will not blame and despise a person who is sick diabetes mellitus? It's the same with alcoholics. These are sick people who cannot cope with the disease themselves. And they need to be treated. But not folk remedies, not by persuasion or dubious pills. Correct treatment alcoholism can only be done in a specialized clinic, and, of course, it must be carried out anonymously.

This is exactly the kind of effective and anonymous treatment for alcoholism that our Insight Moscow center offers. Thanks to proven techniques and individual approach to each patient, our specialists achieve significant success.

Why is it impossible to heal on your own?

The fact is that this dependence is not so much physical as psychological, so the disease is accompanied by significant personality changes:

  • An alcoholic does not admit that he is sick; he constantly looks for excuses for his weakness. Everyone drinks, I'm stressed, I need to relax... Sound familiar?
  • Alcohol consumption is closely associated with positive feelings and emotions. To put it simply, an alcoholic develops a conditioned reflex.
  • Personality change. A person gets used to lying, he gradually narrows his circle of interests, begins to communicate with similar alcoholics and gradually “gets used to” this lifestyle.

Thus, only a specialized program to get rid of not only physiological, but also psychological dependence from alcohol.

What does our clinic offer for alcoholism in Moscow?

  • Detoxification therapy. This is the first stage in which, with the help various drugs, the patient is relieved hangover syndrome, because it is he who pushes the patient to constantly drink alcohol.
  • Rehabilitation period. Today, alcoholism treatment clinics in Moscow have great capabilities in terms of methods and medications, so for each specific patient it is possible to formulate individual program rehabilitation.
  • Post-rehabilitation period. This is a rather critical period, because even with complete recovery there is a possibility of relapse. Therefore, moral support and assistance from specialists during this period is especially important.

How is alcoholism treated?

As mentioned above, the main stage of getting rid of addiction is the second, rehabilitation stage. Therefore, it is worth dwelling on it in more detail. What methods are used?

Today, alcoholism in Moscow lends itself to many types of therapy:

  1. First of all, this is psychotherapy. This includes "coding" and different kinds hypnosis This also includes psychotherapeutic sessions in groups, which allow you to get rid of scenarios and behavioral patterns that push you to drink alcohol.

An important role is also played by the search for new areas of activity and hobbies that allow the patient to reveal the potential and fill life with new meaning.

  1. Drug therapy. Are used different drugs, which, in one way or another, force you to give up alcohol.

But alcoholism treatment clinics place the main emphasis on the psychotherapeutic aspect of therapy, which is true, because this disease is more psychological than physical.

There is a problem? There is a solution!

If you are looking for anonymous alcoholism treatment in Moscow, contact the Insight Moscow center. A complex approach and extensive experience in this field allow us to guarantee the success of therapy in most cases.

It is clear that we provide alcoholism treatment anonymously, so each patient can be sure that no one will know about his problem.

Anonymous treatment of alcoholism: prices

Our prices are quite affordable. It is clear that the cost of therapy cannot be too low, but it is feasible for many, but what is more important is that in this case the costs are recouped. After all, if a person does not drink alcohol, he does not spend money, and this is a significant saving.