Lumps of bisha where removed. Massage using a terry towel

Bisha's lumps - what are they?

Have you ever noticed that even skinny people with ascetic features, do they look chubby in childhood photographs? The effect of swelling of a child's face is explained by the presence of local accumulations of adipose tissue between the facial muscles, first described by the French physiologist Bichat.

Bisha's fatty lumps perform three important functions.

  • Promote intense sucking movements.
  • Create favorable conditions for the work of chewing muscles.
  • Protect facial tissues from external mechanical influences.

As you get older, the lumps become less pronounced. However, some faces retain round outlines.

Is it possible to get rid of Bish's lumps? The procedure does not affect the physiology of the facial tissues of an adult, so removing Bish’s lumps is quite acceptable.

Indications for surgery to remove Bisha's lumps

Plastic surgery of Bisha's lumps refers to aesthetic surgery.

Currently, questions are asked about which clinic can remove Bisha's lumps from best result, asked by patients of different ages. Young girls strive to give their faces sophistication, older ladies are concerned about age-related changes. How to remove Bisha's lumps in Moscow, what is the price of the procedure? Increasingly, representatives of the stronger sex are also showing interest.

In what cases is removal of Bisha's fatty lumps indicated?

  • The cheeks are too full, and diet is not helping.
  • The patient wants to give his face expressiveness and sophistication.
  • There is ptosis of facial tissues - sagging cheeks, jowls.
  • A comprehensive correction of signs of aging is carried out.

Features of the operation

The operation allows you to remove Bisha's lumps completely, reduce or relocate fat capsules. By acting on Bisha's lumps, the surgeon practically performs facial sculpting at the request of the patient. The procedure requires jeweler precision from the doctor. For this reason, we urge you to choose a doctor and clinic with a good reputation, read patient reviews, and only then proceed to financial issue: how much does it cost to remove Bish's lumps?

Main stages of the operation

  1. Anesthesia (usually local).
  2. Access to the operated area through oral cavity.
  3. Making an incision of the mucous membrane up to 2 cm in size.
  4. Separation of the fat capsule from muscle tissue, then its extraction.
  5. Stitching the incision with absorbable thread.

The patient usually leaves the clinic the same day.

Bisha's fatty lumps removed: rehabilitation

After removal of Bisha's lumps, negative consequences, if they occur, are most often associated with the body's reaction to anesthesia. The mucous membrane usually grows together within 3 days. Swelling in the mouth can persist for up to 10 days.

During the rehabilitation period, the patient should adhere to certain rules and restrictions.

  • Avoid physical activity.
  • Do not chew, take food only in liquid form.
  • Don't strain facial muscles.
  • Avoid thermal procedures.
  • Lie only on your back with your head up top part bodies.


Valid general contraindications for anyone surgical intervention: reduced level immunity, exacerbation chronic pathologies, infections, poor clotting blood, etc. In addition, there are specific restrictions on the operation.

  • Inflammatory phenomena on the face, in the mouth.
  • The patient is planning to lose weight or has an unstable weight.
  • Young age – up to 25 years of age, the natural degradation of fat capsules continues.

Removing Bisha's lumps: before and after (photo)

When the rehabilitation process is completed, you can see how the face has changed. Graceful depressions appeared in the cheek areas, cheekbones were clearly defined, and the entire lower part of the face became lighter. In general, the appearance has acquired sophistication. This is noticeable in the photo, but in reality the effect is much better.

Surgery to remove Bisha's lumps: price

It is clear that everyone who wants to remove Bish’s lumps is not least interested in the price.

Prices for removing Bisha's lumps in Moscow vary widely.

In our Clinic we adhere to a pricing policy that is as favorable as possible for patients. Removal of Bisha's lumps, the cost of which includes all associated examinations, tests, and anesthesia, is available to almost everyone.

Attention! All aesthetic plastic surgeries and most cosmetic procedures strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as well as people whose weight exceeds 100 kg.

Currently, the fashion for women’s Kustodiev forms, as well as for plump, rosy cheeks, has sunk into oblivion. And now almost every representative of the fair sex dreams of an “aristocratic” oval face with clearly defined cheekbones, which the generally recognized sex symbols of world cinema can boast of.

However, it is difficult to achieve this with the help of a simple diet and cosmetic procedures, because in most cases the shape of the cheeks is determined by hereditary factors.

Removal of Bisha's lumps is a plastic surgery, the main purpose of which is to correct the shape of the cheeks and change the contours of the oval of the face.

These formations are encapsulated fat capsules located between the muscle fibers of the cheek and the external muscles of the face. They received their name from the name of the French doctor, famous for research in the field of histology and pathology, Marie François Xavier Bichat.

Scientists still argue about what function this structure performs in the body. However, most experts are inclined to believe that Bish's lumps are very important in infancy. They take part in the act of swallowing while feeding with formula or breast milk and promote better chewing of food as complementary foods are introduced. This structure also performs a protective function, preventing damage to the mucous membrane inner surface cheeks from the outside. But with age, these formations gradually atrophy, so removing Bisha’s lumps does not negative consequences and does not affect the functioning of the oral cavity in any way.

The surgical intervention is safe; capsules with adipose tissue are removed through a small incision. In this case, no traces remain on the skin, since the removal of Bisha's lumps is carried out through the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. The rehabilitation period takes a few days; the patient does not even need to stay in the hospital.

There are no medical indications for such plastic surgery. Therefore, removal of Bish’s lumps is carried out only if a woman wants to appear more attractive in the eyes of men.

A cosmetologist may recommend such surgical intervention for:

  • excess accumulation of fat in the lower part of the face;
  • sagging of the cheeks and changes in the shape of the nasolabial folds as a result age-related changes, because closer to old age, the subcutaneous muscles of the face weaken and are unable to maintain the contours of the face;
  • to correct the shape of the face, especially in combination with other plastic surgeries to eliminate a double chin and correct other defects.

In some cases, only partial removal lumps of Bisha. This is necessary for .

On numerous forums dedicated to issues plastic surgery, reviews of women who have done this operation, prices for such a procedure are also indicated. However, any intervention poses a certain risk for the patient, especially since the removal of Bisha's lumps is carried out in close proximity to salivary glands And nerve fibers, providing facial movements.

Therefore, it is necessary to make a decision about surgery after assessing all the pros and cons and analyzing all the risks. To understand what will happen on the operating table, you can watch several videos describing the surgical procedure.

What are Bisha's lumps, preparation for surgery, restrictions on the procedure, the course of surgery

To perform the operation, you must go to a specialized clinic with many years of experience, where the classification of doctors does not raise any doubts. Before surgery, the patient must make an appointment with the doctor, who will perform the operation.

He will explain what Bish's lumps are and how the procedure goes. The doctor examines and palpates the patient’s cheeks and cheekbones in detail; some clinics provide 3D computer modeling services.

In this way, the doctor can show the woman what her face will look like after removing Bisha’s lumps.

After discussing all the details of the upcoming operation, the doctor issues directions for the necessary laboratory research. Must be submitted clinical tests blood and urine tests infectious diseases(HIV, syphilis, hepatitis), coagulogram.

During surgery, the doctor makes a superficial incision, so general anesthesia is not an urgent need; the operation can be performed under local anesthesia. However, if the patient insists on general anesthesia, in most cases they meet her halfway. In such a situation, consultation with an anesthesiologist is necessary and additional research. As soon as all the test results are received, the day of surgery can be set, and the patient will soon forget what Bisha’s lumps are.

But there are certain contraindications to surgical intervention:

  • intolerance to anesthetics and other drugs used for anesthesia, allergic reaction to components suture material;
  • blood clotting disorders of any origin;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • severe pathologies endocrine system;
  • age up to 18 years, however, experts recommend not removing Bisha lumps until 25-35 years old, as this can affect the further formation of the oval of the face and cause the premature formation of deep wrinkles and jowls;
  • spicy respiratory diseases, lesions of the oral mucosa (stomatitis, gingivitis, glossitis, etc.), but surgery can be performed after completion of the course of treatment and the disappearance of symptoms of infection;
  • inflammatory processes and ulcerations on the skin of the face;
  • dental infections, since such diseases increase the risk of wound infection in postoperative period;
  • excess or, conversely, too little weight.

The operation itself to remove the formations, named after the French doctor, lasts 30-60 minutes (although this time may be longer when performing general anesthesia). After the anesthetic takes effect, the doctor makes a small incision (its size does not exceed 1-2 cm) on the mucous membrane of the cheek in the area where the wisdom teeth are located and removes a dense capsule filled with fatty tissue. Then, in exactly the same way, the lump (body) of Bish is removed from the opposite side. The wound is sutured using a self-absorbing thread.

There are accumulations near the incision site nerve cells, salivary glands and facial muscle tissue. Therefore, after the anesthesia drugs have stopped working, the doctor must make sure that the function of these structures is preserved in full. If the operation is successful, there is no point in the patient staying in the hospital. The doctor talks about the features rehabilitation period and sends the patient home.

Removal of fatty lumps of Bisha, the process of rehabilitation and recovery

After the operation is completed, the surgeon places a sterile pad impregnated with disinfectant solution, and the outside of the cheeks in the cheekbone area is supported with an elastic bandage. Often, the removal of Bisha’s fatty lumps is carried out in parallel with the elimination fat deposits in the chin area and other minimally invasive operations to correct the shape of the face.

The rehabilitation process takes only a few days. But in the first three days it is strictly forbidden to eat solid food, and in the next 2-3 weeks the diet consists only of pureed foods and pureed soups. Dishes should be warm so as not to further injure the mucous membranes; hot tea, coffee and other drinks are prohibited, and drinking too cold is also contraindicated. It is necessary to brush your teeth carefully and stop using an electric toothbrush and toothpicks for a while. Until the wound is completely healed, you should avoid visiting saunas and steam baths, solariums, and physical activity. You need to sleep on your back on a high pillow to avoid swelling and post-operative bleeding.


For several weeks after surgery, it is necessary to carefully maintain oral hygiene, rinse your mouth after every meal.

Removal of Bisha's fatty lumps must be accompanied by a mandatory intake antibacterial agents. Doctors often prescribe disinfectant solutions to treat the oral mucosa. Pain, which often occurs within several days after surgery, is eliminated with the help of analgesics (doctors recommend Nimesil or Ketanol).

The entire rehabilitation process takes from 4 to 6 weeks. During this period, slight swelling and soreness may persist, intensifying while eating. But after this period, the woman in fully will be able to evaluate the aesthetic effect of plastic surgery.

Removal of Bisha's pouches: result and possible complications, cost of surgery

In some cases, surgery can cause certain complications:

  • Allergic reaction. Typically manifests as swelling, rash and itching. However, allergies are very dangerous because severe swelling mucous membrane can cause obstruction of the respiratory tract.
  • Damage to nerve fibers and muscles. As a result of a sloppy incision, facial expressions may suffer and asymmetry of the oval of the face may occur.
  • Pain. It may persist during the first week after surgery, otherwise you should consult a doctor.
  • Wound suppuration. Accompanied by strong painful sensations, fever, red cheeks, severe cases- specific taste and odor from the mouth.
  • The appearance of wrinkles. Usually occurs if the removal of Bisha's pouches was carried out in early age or at sharp decline body weight.
  • Reappearance of fat deposits. Typically occurs with weight gain or hormonal imbalances.

The price for removing Bisha's pouches depends on the prestige of the clinic and the qualifications of the doctors performing the operation. But on average, the cost of surgical intervention ranges from 50,000 rubles. This amount may increase if other defects are corrected at the same time. Most patients are satisfied with the effect of the intervention. It is relatively non-invasive, rarely causes complications, and the result of the operation is noticeable almost immediately.

Bisha's lumps are fatty formations under the cheekbones, between the mucous membrane of the cheeks and the epidermis. In infancy, they tone vulnerable cheeks and help suckle milk by reducing muscle friction. In the process of growing up, the body’s need for these “helpers” disappears, but they remain for life. For some, baby cheeks disappear with age, but most often the volume does not go away over the years. And in pursuit of Hollywood beauties, many girls decide to remove Bisha's lumps.

At the beginning of the last century, large molars were removed to achieve the effect of sunken cheekbones. According to legend, such a barbaric procedure was performed by the famous artist Marlene Dietrich. This “dentist’s nightmare” was replaced by gentle plastic surgery.

The effect of removing Bisha's lumps remains forever, since the fat capsules are completely removed and are not restored. For the operation itself there are age restrictions: it is not done until the age of 25, since by this age the lumps may decrease in a natural way. Plastic surgeons It is not recommended to perform such an operation if your weight is unstable, because this may lead to sagging cheeks in the future.

Bisha's lumps: stars before and after surgery

Angelina deservedly leads the ranking called “The Most Standard Cheekbones.” Sculpted cheekbones accentuated by makeup cause envy among viewers of the film “Maleficent.” Experts suggest that the actress acquired such a refined oval face at a plastic surgery clinic after removing Bisha's lumps. Of course, the actress lost weight, but it is unlikely that weight loss had such a strong impact on the hollowness of her cheeks.

Victoria Beckham

The fact that the ex-vocalist of the Spice Girls resorted to breast augmentation surgery, rhinoplasty and chin correction is no secret to anyone. But where did her chubby cheeks go? Perhaps she lost the girlish roundness of her cheeks with age, but most likely Victoria decided to remove Bish’s lumps; before and after the operation, you can see this from her photographs.

Keira Knightley

On latest photos without that expressive cheekbones Cyruses are more defined. It is likely that she would not have been able to achieve her refined facial features without removing Bisha’s lumps.

Megan has repeatedly resorted to the help of plastic surgeons, wanting to achieve perfection. Ideal facial proportions and aristocratic cheekbones are the result of an operation to remove Bisha's lumps; the before and after photos are clear proof of this.

Taylor used to win the hearts of fans with her chubby cheeks. Plastic surgeons suspect that the round-faced girl Taylor Swift turned into a luxurious woman after the operation to remove Bisha's lumps.

Jennifer Lopez

The hot Latina looks better at 48 than at 28. With age, her voluminous cheeks gave way to sculpted cheekbones. Chiseled face with high cheekbones looks great in contrast with the actress’s appetizing figure.

Is it worth removing Bish's lumps?

Is it worth having surgery to remove Bish's lumps in pursuit of ideal facial features? The opinions of surgeons differ: some talk about the effectiveness and safety of the procedure, others predict sagging cheeks with age. Doctors always warn that the result of surgery varies individually due to different sizes fatty formations in the buccal area. Unfortunately, no one can guarantee that after surgery your cheekbones will look like Marlene Dietrich’s. Until the controversy is over, removing Bisha's lumps remains at the peak of popularity. The procedure only takes about 30 minutes, minimal incisions allow for a quick recovery, without scars or scars.

In any case, the decision always remains with the patient; the main thing is to carefully study all the information and seek advice from, who will help you understand all the intricacies and weigh the pros and cons.

The roundness of the baby's cheeks pleases young mothers. It's hard to imagine small child without round cheeks. With age, the cheeks “fall off”, this is natural process. But it seems to us that roundness does not always completely leave our face, making it too round, weak-willed, etc.

What is the reason? Is it possible to improve the situation? It turns out that it's all about Bish's lumps. You can deal with them. And there is more than one way to do this.

What are Bisha's lumps

Bisha's lumps are fatty bodies located on the face between the cheek and superficial muscles. First detailed description they were given by the French anatomist Marie François Xavier Biche, after whom they are named. Bisha's lumps are encapsulated fatty formations, i.e. such formations, the elements of which are enclosed in a capsule.

There are three lobes of lumps:

  • front,
  • back,
  • average

Bisha's lumps - is it worth removing them? The video below will tell you about this:

Reasons for appearance

IN childhood Bisha lumps are needed:

  • They participate in the sucking process at the time of feeding, giving muscle tone,
  • Reduce friction of the baby's facial muscles in the first years of life,
  • Serve as a kind of shock absorber, protecting facial muscles and nerves from mechanical damage,

Consequently, Bish’s lumps are what is inherent in a person from the very beginning; they conscientiously perform the function assigned to them. With age, this function is almost completely lost. Actually, Bisha's lumps do not grow along with other tissues, they simply go into a passive state. This is why baby cheeks are lost over time. But Bish's lumps do not disappear, they remain in their place. This is not a pathology, but a natural state. Not all young people like this state of affairs, and they try to get rid of round cheeks.

The fat bodies of Bisha's lumps have enough high density, therefore, if you are naturally endowed with round cheeks, then it will be difficult to cope with them with the help of a diet.

However, nothing is impossible; adjustments are permissible in any case: at home, in beauty salons, in the clinic.

How to get rid of them

Nutrition! This is where many problems begin and where they end. It is impossible to completely get rid of Bisha's lumps with the help of nutrition, especially if you do not have a “round” shape. If the whole body is full, then reasonable nutrition is necessary.

The important point here is consumption large quantities liquids (up to 3 liters per day). You will have to give up refined foods, large amounts of salt, etc. The main products for your diet are: fruits, vegetables, dairy products, honey, cereals, lean soups, fish. And already against the background of nutrition, you can undertake certain procedures.

Important! Do not try to lose weight quickly; this can lead to sagging skin tissue, which simply does not have time to “catch up” with you.

Removing Bish's lumps is shown in this video:

We cope at home


The first thing you need to use is special exercises. Exercises for the face have their own name - face building. They should be done daily, not for long (10 - 15 minutes), but definitely every day!

  1. We strongly inflate our cheeks and exhale as slowly as possible (6 - 8 times),
  2. We hold a pencil with our lips and draw in the air with it, you can try to “write” the alphabet,
  3. Rinse your mouth with air for 3 minutes,
  4. Place your elbows on the table and place your chin in your palms. Now we forcefully open our mouth. We repeat the exercise 10 - 15 times,
  5. Open your mouth wide and pronounce vowel sounds loudly, say them 30 times.


Massage - very effective remedy, which allows you to significantly “tighten” your cheeks. Asahi massage is very popular. It really has a great effect. It is also acceptable to use traditional massage:

  1. Cleanse the skin, apply nourishing cream,
  2. The first movement is stroking (from the middle - to the temples, ears),
  3. The second movement is pinching (we do not change the direction of movement),
  4. The third movement is clapping, gradually increasing the tempo,
  5. Fourth movement - acupressure(we strictly follow the direction of movement, the same lines - from the middle to the temples),
  6. The final movement is stroking.
  7. Relax your muscles and let them rest for a few minutes.

Facial massage is best done in the evening. It takes 10 - 15 minutes. You shouldn’t expect lightning-fast results; only after a month you will see the first “fruits”. But the fruits will be good, they will pleasantly surprise you. However, don't give up on this activity.

Oil and masks

If you intend to “fight” Bish’s lumps, facial skin care must be impeccable. The first thing that needs to be fully used is masks. They can be manufactured or purchased, that's not the point. What masks can be used in this case?

  1. Yeast mask: dilute yeast in milk (ratio 1: 1), apply 1 layer to the skin, let it dry, then apply a second, etc. You will need to apply 5 layers of the mask. Finally, wash off the mask warm water. The procedure is performed daily.
  2. Blue clay: mix clay with water in equal proportions and apply to the skin. Wait until completely dry and rinse with warm water. This mask is applied to the face 2 times a week.
  3. Kefir with rolled oats: 2 tbsp. soak spoons of rolled oats in 1 cup of kefir, let stand for 20 minutes, then apply the mask to your face for 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Repeat the procedure every other day.

We use everything possible means: procedures with contrast washing, massage with terry towel etc. Lumps can be corrected using. This procedure is already carried out in beauty salons.

Treatment without surgery

Cosmetic procedures performed in the clinic will help to effectively cope with the problem. What do cosmetologists offer to correct this phenomenon?

  • : promotes lymph outflow, activation metabolic processes, and excess fat deposits,
  • : the procedure is carried out using electromagnetic pulses that “burn” body fat and at the same time pull up skin tissue,
  • : injection method using meso-cocktail, the main component of which is hyaluronic acid. The method is based on “launching” metabolic processes that help burn fat in the cheek area.

Removing Bisha's lumps (scheme)

Plastic surgery

Plastic surgery is the most effective and radical method for removing Bisha lumps. The result is visible immediately. Most often, the operation is performed at the age of 18 - 19 years ( optimal age for colossal effect). There are no clear age restrictions. Only the lower threshold is precisely stated - surgery is not permissible before the age of 18, since it does not make sense, adipose tissue not fully formed. There is no age limit.

Before deciding to undergo an operation, which still has a long series of contraindications, you need to carefully analyze the situation. Not in all cases the result is positive, the reason for which is individual feature each person. Many surgeons are skeptical about the operation, considering it justified only in cases where it is combined with another plastic surgery.

There are several types of surgery:

  • Interior. This is the direct removal or relocation of Bisha's lumps: internal incisions 1 cm long are made through which the lumps are removed. If the patient's face is thin, the lumps are moved to another area. After the procedure, cosmetic sutures are applied, which later dissolve on their own. The operation lasts no more than 30 minutes.
  • Outer. Removal of Bisha's lumps is carried out in parallel with the procedure for contour plastic surgery and is only an addition to the main operation.

The rehabilitation period is short, complications occur extremely rarely. Indications for rehabilitation are similar to those that exist for all plastic surgeries.

Even more useful information on the topic - in the video below:

There are few people who would be completely satisfied with their appearance. This is especially true for the face - someone dreams of a different eye shape, someone wants to remove wrinkles and tighten the oval, and someone wants to make it visually thinner.

One of the most popular aesthetic operations in this area today is removal of Bisha's lumps - a fatty body that is located below the cheekbone, between the skin of the face and the buccal mucosa. It is these lumps, located between the chewing and cheek muscles, that form additional volume in the lower part of the face.

This operation is often resorted to by patients who are unable to lose weight naturally - fat deposits from the face disappear extremely slowly and even after achieving slim figure you can be left with overly plump cheeks. Removal of fatty lumps is no less in demand among people whose skin and facial muscle tone has weakened with age, which has led to their sagging and the formation of “jowls” - unesthetic folds that descend on both sides of the lower jaw.

What are Bisha's lumps?

The fatty tissues in the cheeks are called Bichat's lumps (lumps) after the French anatomist who first described their characteristics and properties. In the body they perform two main functions:

  • make it easier for babies to suck (that’s why almost all children have such chubby cheeks)
  • ensure smooth gliding of the chewing and cheek muscles while eating, and also protect them from possible external injuries.

With age, the need for lumps disappears; they gradually decrease in size, or rather, they do not grow against the background of the development of other tissues. Childhood swelling disappears from the cheeks, dimples appear, and cheekbones stand out more clearly.

Indications for surgery

Fat deposits under the skin of the cheeks can cause patients only aesthetic inconvenience; from a medical point of view, they are not a pathology, regardless of size and shape. As a rule, they are removed, reduced or moved if the patient:

  • there are obvious excess fat on the cheeks;
  • initially round form face, increased by fatty deposits;
  • with age, the cheeks sank, “jowls” formed and the nasolabial folds deepened;
  • other aesthetically sound prerequisites for .

It is important to understand that by excision of lumps it is impossible to form a completely new oval of the face - however, you can significantly correct it bottom part, visually rejuvenate and smooth.

The operation can be performed either under local anesthesia or under general anesthesia. The choice of pain relief method is at the discretion of the doctor. The surgeon makes a small (1-2 cm) incision on the inner surface of the cheeks, through which he gains access to excess fat. Exactly how many to remove is determined depending on the wishes of the patient and the characteristics of the face shape.

In some cases, fat is not extracted, but is moved to the cheekbone area to create additional volume. After completing all planned actions, cut into inside The cheeks are sutured with a cosmetic suture.

How the operation is performed. Photo 1 - making an incision to access Bisha's lumps:

Photo 2 - removal of lumps and suturing:

The rehabilitation period is quite short. Already on the day of the operation, having recovered from anesthesia, the patient can go home. Swelling of the tissues on the face persists for 2-3 days, which is why visually the cheeks may appear even wider than they were. Sutures (if self-absorbable material is not used) are removed after 5-8 days.

As with any other surgery, patients will need to cancel physical activity for 2-3 weeks, avoid visiting the sauna and prolonged swimming. Also, during this period, it is not recommended to put excessive stress directly on the facial muscles (writhing, laughing, screaming, etc.), and you will have to sleep on a high pillow to avoid swelling, and mainly in a position on your back, so as not to accidentally injure operated areas.

After removal of Bisha's lumps, special requirements are placed on the patient's diet: for the first 3 days a liquid diet is indicated, for the next 2-3 weeks it is necessary to avoid solid food, which must be chewed for a long time and with effort. All food should be at medium temperature - nothing hot or cold. After each meal, you should rinse your mouth thoroughly and, if possible, brush your teeth. Additionally, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics or alternative drugs to avoid inflammatory processes in the internal tissues faces.

It will be possible to evaluate the results of the operation in a couple of weeks, when the swelling subsides, and the final appearance of the face will take place in 5-6 months, after complete healing and settling of the tissues.

Photos before and after operations to remove Bisha's lumps:

Contraindications and possible complications

Removal of fat from the cheeks is not recommended for patients whose body weight deviates significantly from the norm, up or down, or if a significant decrease or gain is planned. Like any other plastic surgery, removal of Bish's lumps must be carried out after weight stabilization. Besides, Other general surgical contraindications also apply: problems with blood clotting, infectious diseases, exacerbations chronic diseases and so on.

Also, it is not recommended to perform plastic surgery before the age of 25, since until approximately this age the natural decrease in the thickness of the fat layer continues, and a previously operated person may end up looking thin or emaciated - and it will be very difficult to restore the lost fat volume.

The likelihood of complications developing is minimal. In rare cases, it is possible to develop inflammatory process on the internal tissues of the cheeks - if the patient initially had foci of inflammation in the body or soft fabrics the mucous membranes were injured (for example, involuntarily during sleep, playing sports or chewing solid foods).

How much does it cost to remove Bisha's lumps? Current prices

Costs to the patient will depend on the amount of fat removed, the technique used by the surgeon, and the anesthesia method chosen. Average prices for removing Bisha lumps in Moscow are 25-50 thousand rubles. As with other operations, this figure may vary (mostly upward) depending on the status of the specialist and the clinic.

Despite the fact that the procedure is considered quite simple, it is not worth saving on it. The fact is that all manipulations are carried out in close proximity to facial nerves and an inexperienced surgeon has a chance of damaging them. In addition, there are cases where fat from different cheeks was removed unevenly, and as a result the face looked asymmetrical.