Who should light candles and how many? How many candles should be lit in church? Before surgery, how many candles should be lit.

To avoid any unnecessary inconvenience when visiting a church, we have created this article with complete rules and traditions for installing candles in churches.

A candle has several spiritual meanings: it is a voluntary sacrifice to God and His temple, a testimony of faith, a person’s involvement in the Divine light and the flame of his love for the one at whose face the believer places the candle.

A burning candle is a symbol, a visible sign; it expresses our ardent love of goodwill towards the one to whom the candle is placed. This is a sign of our faith and hope for God’s gracious help.
The light in an Orthodox church is an image of heavenly, Divine light. In particular, it signifies Christ as the Light of the world, Light from Light, true Light, which enlightens every person coming into the world.

Why light candles in church?

Candles in the temple are our modest material offering to God. You need to understand that a candle bought outside the walls of the temple and then brought into the temple is not a sacrifice, but an attempt to pay off. And you can’t put such candles near icons. Asking the Omniscient Creator for something for yourself and being cunning at the same time is the same as playing fools with yourself. Such a game is not worth the candle.

It is better to buy only two candles for twenty rubles in the temple than to come with a dozen bought for the same amount outside the temple. Buying candles is a small sacrifice to God and his temple, let it not be burdensome, most importantly, voluntary.

The number of candles cannot “appease” the saints. You can ask for spiritual help by bringing your own only from a pure heart.

A pure heart is the best sacrifice to God. With a pure heart, light a candle in front of the image, even if it is small, but pleasing to God. A burning candle is a visible sign of the warm, bright burning of the human heart, ardent love for God, the Mother of God, and the saint to whom the candle is placed. But if all this is missing, then the candles have no meaning, the sacrifice is empty.

Lighting a candle formally, with a cold heart, is a sin. When lighting a candle, you need to pray, at least in your own words, but carefully, reverently, with faith. Turning all your thoughts and feelings to God.

How to properly light candles in church

If the candlestick is filled with sand, then placing a candle is very simple.
If it is metal, then the bottom of the candle should be heated from any already burning wick. The candles are lit one from the other, burning, and placed in the socket of the candlestick. The candle should stand straight. This can be done not only before the service, but also during it. You just need to not interfere with other parishioners’ prayers.

You should not use matches or lighters in the temple if there are already burning candles in the candlesticks. You should not light a candle from a lamp, so as not to drip wax into the oil or accidentally extinguish the lamp.
It happens, especially on patronal feasts, that all the candlesticks are occupied. How to light candles in church in this case? Under no circumstances should you worry about this, much less get angry.
Those who put two candles in one cell or remove someone else's candle to put their own do it wrong.
The candle should simply be placed on the edge of the candlestick or close to it. It will definitely be installed by other believers or ministers as soon as the place becomes available. All that remains is to be glad that there are so many parishioners in the church, and their faith is so strong.

Having placed a candle in front of the saint of God you have chosen, mentally say: “Holy Servant of God (name), pray to God for me, a sinner (or the name for whom you are asking for).”
Then you need to come up and venerate the icon.

Lighting the candle, cross yourself and say:

Before the image of the Savior: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner”.
Before the icon of the Mother of God: "Most Holy Mother of God, save us"
Before the chosen saint: “Holy Servant of God (name), pray to God for me, a sinner (or the name for whom you are asking)”
At the image of all saints: "All saints, pray to God for us"
Before the image of the Life-giving Cross of Christ: “We worship Your Cross, Master, and we glorify Your Holy Resurrection”

And venerate the icon, crossing yourself and bowing.

Superstitions about church candles

There are many superstitions associated with candles, and they are all meaningless. They are spread mainly by unchurched, religiously illiterate people.

You shouldn't believe the talk about
that the candle should be lit only with the right hand;
that if it goes out, it means there will be misfortunes;
that the lower end of the candle should not be scorched to ensure stability in the hole, and so on.

But what is definitely not allowed is purchasing church candles for some magical actions, divination, witchcraft. In itself, all this is a monstrous sin. And if you committed it, even foolishly, in childhood, not to mention conscious participation in these ungodly deeds, then confess as soon as possible and bring deep repentance. And let the candles that you light inform the sky only about your godly intentions.

Who should light candles and how many?

There are no mandatory rules about how many candles to put and to whom. Their purchase is a voluntary sacrifice to God.

First of all, it is good to light a candle for the “holiday” (central analogue) or a revered temple icon, then for the relics of a saint (if they are in the church), and only then for health (for any icon) or for repose (on the eve of – square or rectangular table with a Crucifix).

If you pray for a person suffering from an illness, pray in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Healer” and light a candle.
If a person has taken the path of alcoholism, then a candle can be placed on the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon. They often light candles for their patron saints.
If you light a candle(s) for yourself, then you say to the Lord, the Mother of God or the saint in front of whose image you place the candle, so that this candle will be accepted for you, your health and salvation.

If several candles are placed, then, as a rule, in this order:

Parishioners usually try to light several candles. First of all, a candle is placed for the holiday icon, which is located on a lectern in the middle of the church, and only then candles are placed for health or for repose.

— Holiday (icon opposite the Royal Doors).
- The relics of the saint (if they are in the temple).
- For health (to your saint, whose name you bear, to the revered icons of the Mother of God and to the revered saints).
- For the repose (on the eve).

About health candles are placed for the Savior, the Mother of God, and saints to whom the Lord has given the grace to heal illnesses. They also often pray for the health of the sick and light candles in front of the icon of the great martyr and healer Panteleimon.
You can light candles and pray for your health. A candle is a symbol of prayer to God. And most prayers are written in the first person.

About family well-being They pray to the Mother of God, Saints Guria, Samon and Aviv, and Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg. It is also useful to remember and realize your guilt in relation to your husband, ask for forgiveness, and try to reconcile

About getting rid of passions(drunkenness, drug addiction, etc.) you can pray and light a candle in front of the icons of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”, martyr Boniface, righteous John of Kronstadt.

How to light candles and pray for health

When praying for ourselves or for the health and well-being of our loved ones, after lighting a candle, we must definitely invoke the name of the saint or saint in front of whose icons we place candles.
For example, “Most Holy Theotokos, save us!” Or: “Reverend Father Sergius, pray to God for me and for the servants of God (name)”

“Pray to God for me, Saint (name of the saint), as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and a prayer book for my soul. Guardian Angel: Angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me from God from heaven for my protection, I diligently pray to you: enlighten me today, and save me from all evil, guide me to good deeds and direct me on the path of salvation. Amen."

In the temple, it is customary to place candles for health in any candlesticks (usually they are like in the picture, but on a high leg, except for those that stand on the eve table and are intended for candles that are placed for repose (see material below). But there are churches , in which there are no eve tables and candles for health and repose are placed in any candlestick, because the main thing is prayer:

“Save, Lord, and have mercy on my spiritual father (name), my parents (names), relatives and benefactors and all Orthodox Christians.”

A candle for health will be lit in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem near the Throne, located directly above the place of the Nativity of Christ (Star of Bethlehem).

How to light candles and pray “For repose”

Each temple has especially revered shrines, in front of which candlesticks are placed. To commemorate the dead, eve tables are installed in churches - usually located on the left side of the church, in front of the image of the Holy Cross - where candles are placed with a prayer for the repose of the deceased (“for the repose”)... Such a table is easily recognized by the rectangular candlestick on which the Crucifix is ​​installed. (pictured). If you have brought any food so that the church ministers can pray with you to remember your family and friends, put it in the baskets that stand right here on the table, and then go to the candlestick.

Decide in advance how many candles you will put. It's difficult to advise anything here. You can light one candle for everyone you remember, or you can light it for each one separately.

Approaching the candlestick, you should cross yourself twice and bow to the shrine (usually with a bow from the waist), then light a candle from other candles, melt the bottom and place it in the socket of the candlestick. She should stand straight without falling. If it doesn’t work the first time, melt the bottom again and put it in the nest again.
You should not use matches or lighters in the temple if there are already burning candles in the candlesticks. You should not light a candle from a lamp, so as not to drip wax into the oil or accidentally extinguish the lamp.

To renounce earthly things, look at the flickering light for a while, calm down, forget about the worldly and read the prayer mentally or in a whisper. If you don’t remember by heart, take a piece of paper.

“Rest, O Lord, the souls of Your servant (names) and all my departed relatives and benefactors, and forgive them all their sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.”

After reading the prayer, stay close to those for whom you prayed. Remember their faces, their speech... Don’t be shy about tears if you cry. Before you slowly leave, make the sign of the cross and bow.

It may happen like this: the candle you just lit was extinguished by a church minister for some reason. Do not be indignant not only in word, but also in spirit. Your sacrifice has already been accepted by the All-Seeing and All-Knowing Lord.

When there is a Divine service, and because of the crowd of people you cannot get through, then there is no need to push your way to the eve table. You will disturb those praying. Hand over the candles and food, saying to put it “for the dead.”

It happens, especially on weekends and holidays, that all the slots in candlesticks are occupied. Those who put two candles in one cell or remove someone else's candle to put their own do it wrong. In this case, put your candles in a special box (drawer). Candles sacrificed will definitely be burned. The attendant monitors this. But, after placing or passing the candles, do not forget to pray. The main thing is prayer. Read from the heart, it will reach the Lord and be properly accepted by Him.

In this prayer we do not mention our name, but: “pray for others and you will be rewarded” - this is how we can briefly characterize the statements and instructions of the holy fathers of the Church of all times. The same applies to our ill-wishers and enemies: “pray for those who use you and persecute you,” said Jesus Christ

A person who accidentally, out of ignorance, placed candles for health on a tetrapod (candlestick for funeral candles) has no reason for unbridled despair. According to the word of the Holy Scripture, “all are alive with God.”

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for the sake of Her icon “Inexhaustible Chalice”

“Oh, most merciful Lady! We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but graciously hear us: wives, children, mothers; and the serious illness of drunkenness of those possessed, and for this sake from your mother - the Church of Christ and the salvation of those who fall away, brothers and sisters, and heal our relatives.

Oh, merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the falls of sin, bring them to saving abstinence.
Pray to Your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not to turn His mercy away from His people, but to strengthen us in sobriety and chastity.

Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children, of wives who weep for their husbands, of children, orphans and wretches, abandoned by those who have gone astray, and of all of us who fall before Your icon. And may this cry of ours, through Your prayers, come to the throne of the Most High.

Cover and protect us from the evil trap and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, with Your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, so that the mercy of God will cover us for the endless ages of ages. Amen."

For the dead, candles are placed on the eve of the crucifix.

By the way, you cannot light a candle for the remission of sins. Sins are forgiven only at Confession after a sincere, detailed confession of all of them in the presence of a priest and the reading of a prayer of absolution to him. A candle is a symbol; in itself it does not free one from sins and does not connect one with God.

If the required icon is not in the church, then you can put a candle in front of any image of the Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos, or in front of the icon of All Saints and say a prayer. You can pray in your own words, as long as they are sincere.

You can pray for the unbaptized with your personal prayer and light candles for them, you just cannot write their names in church notes, since the Church does not pray for the unbaptized.

It is advisable for those who come to the temple to light candles before the service begins. If you are late, wait until you can light a candle. so as not to disturb other believers and not to violate decorum. If you pass the candle to those in front, then indicate which icon to put it on.

It is better to purchase candles only in the temple where you came to pray - this is a small sacrifice to this particular temple. It is believed that a Candle purchased in a temple is an object of veneration for a believer; it is intended to serve as a sacrifice to God, but a Candle purchased by you outside the walls of a temple, even in a pious place, and then brought to the temple is not a sacrifice (I don’t know why ?).


It is customary to stand with lit candles at a memorial service during the service of Great Heel Matins. Candles are also lit on polyeleos, but this tradition is mainly preserved only for clergy. A burning candle must be handled carefully: make sure that the wax does not drip onto the floor, and that the clothes of the person standing in front do not accidentally ignite. The rest of the time, it is more correct to place the candle on a candlestick that is specially designed for this purpose. In the temple one must follow the established order, and not do as one pleases.


Sins are forgiven only at Confession after a sincere, detailed confession of all of them in the presence of a priest and the reading of a prayer of absolution to him. A candle is a symbol; in itself it does not free one from sins and does not connect one with God.


For family well-being they pray to the Mother of God, Saints Guria, Samon and Aviv, and Saint Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg. It is also useful to remember and realize your guilt towards your husband, ask for forgiveness, and try to reconcile.


You can pray for the unbaptized with your personal prayer and light candles for them, you just cannot write their names in church notes, since the Church does not pray for the unbaptized. A sick child should be baptized as soon as possible. If the child is seriously ill, you can call the priest home or to the maternity hospital. In the Sacrament of Baptism, the child will receive a special grace that will help him. If a child dies unbaptized, the parents will bear the sin. And a baptized child can be given communion, order magpies, prayers for health - this is first aid in illness.


You can pray for deliverance from this passion and light a candle in front of the icons of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, the martyr Boniface, the righteous John of Kronstadt.


A candle can be placed next to any icon: the Lord Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, the holy saints of God. In addition, you need to know that a child’s illness is a time of prayer and repentance for the whole family. It seems to stimulate spiritual life. The baby should be given holy water and washed with this water.
And the most important thing is the communion of the sick child with the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Communion can take place at home, in a hospital, or in a church, depending on the condition of the baby. If a child already knows how to pray, let him do it himself, but if he doesn’t know how, then his parents and godparents should do it for him. And, of course, spiritual work must be combined with treatment that a professional doctor can recommend.


You can light candles and pray to the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon, the holy unmercenary doctors Cosmas and Damian. You also need to prepare for Confession and Communion, order a prayer service for the successful outcome of the operation, find out the name of the doctor and pray that the Lord will control his hands.


Of course, you can light candles and pray for your health. A candle is a symbol of prayer to God. And most prayers are written in the first person.


Everyone can and should light candles and pray for the departed.


Anyone who wants to receive anything from the Lord or from the saints must not only pray to them, but also build his life according to the commandments. Through the Gospel, God appeals to everyone with a request to be kind, loving, humble, etc., but people often do not want to listen to this, but themselves ask Him to help them in business. For prayers to be successful, you must pray with words coming from the heart, with faith and hope for God’s help. And it should be remembered that not everything that a person asks from the Lord is useful for him. The Lord is not a machine that fulfills all desires, you just have to press the right button, that everything He sends is aimed at the benefit and salvation of the soul, although sometimes people think this is unfair.


You can light candles and pray for the unbaptized, but you cannot give notes in church with the names of the unbaptized.


You can always light candles for health and repose, but the Church does not perform prayers for the departed on Easter and Bright Week; they are transferred to Radonitsa - the second Tuesday after Easter.


Candles are usually purchased in the temple where they come to pray - this is a small sacrifice to this particular temple.

WHAT TO DO WITH THE CANDLE AFTER THE Blessing of Easter cakes and eggs? CAN I TAKE IT HOME?

You can take it home and light it during home prayer, or you can put it in a church in front of any icon.


Due to the large number of people who want to light candles, they are sometimes removed not completely burned out. There is no need to be embarrassed by this, or by the fact that the candle that was not completely burned out was extinguished after the end of the service - the sacrifice has already been accepted by God.


Incense is used in the Church during divine services, as well as during funeral services for the dead, and during the consecration of dwellings by the priest. You can also use incense during home prayer.

We must remember: in order for prayers to achieve success, one must pray to the Holy Saints of God with faith in the power of their intercession before God with words coming from the heart.

Many parameters of gasoline engines depend on the correct operation of spark plugs.

Monitoring their serviceability and timely replacement is a condition for proper operation of the vehicle.

Reasons for their natural and premature wear

The spark plug operates under extremely extreme conditions:

  • high temperature in the working cylinder;
  • aggressive environment in the form of a mixture of fuel, air and oil;
  • high pressure during ignition;
  • high voltage and temperature of electric spark.

The simultaneous action of these factors leads to an intensification of the processes of their natural wear. This process can be significantly accelerated in the following cases:

  • reduction of compression, wear of valve stem seals due to oil entering the working volume;
  • incorrect setting of the ignition angle, leading to the formation of increased carbon deposits;
  • choosing spark plugs that do not match the engine brand;
  • misfire in cylinders;
  • incorrect gasoline/air ratio due to malfunctions of the flow meter, air leaks;
  • incorrect operation of injectors.

Signs that they need to be replaced

The main sign of the need to replace spark plugs is misfires (tribling). This is not always due to problems with spark plugs. To finally decide on the need to replace them, the easiest way is to install a known good one instead of the problematic spark plug.

The easiest way to identify a possibly faulty spark plug is with the engine running. To do this, it is necessary to sequentially disconnect the high-voltage wires (or the connector of the individual ignition coil) from each of them. The non-working cylinder will be the one from which, when disconnected, the nature of the engine operation does not change.

Also signs of a required replacement of spark plugs are:

  • visual malfunction (contamination, carbon deposits in the gap area, change in the normal gray color of carbon deposits, its wetting, mechanical chips on the insulator);
  • unstable engine speed;
  • increased smokiness of exhaust gases;
  • engine detonation;
  • message or on-board computer.

How often do you need to change spark plugs?

Each manufacturer indicates the period or mileage of trouble-free operation of spark plugs. This period is calculated for engines with a service life of no more than five years. If the car is equipped with an older engine, the service life (mileage) of the spark plugs is reduced.

There is no clear gradation of mileage and timing for replacing spark plugs. Experienced car enthusiasts consider it correct to carry out a technical inspection and replace them before the start of each autumn-winter season of operation. If the car is not used in the cold season, it is rational to check and replace them in the spring.

Video - when to change spark plugs and why it is important:

Based on the car's mileage, spark plugs should be replaced after 15 - 20 thousand kilometers. Iridium and platinum spark plugs can easily withstand mileage of 100,000 km or more, but this is also with a relatively new engine.

Internal combustion engines running on gas have an increased combustion temperature of the fuel-air mixture; their service life should be reduced by 20-30%. Another factor in a similar reduction in the replacement period for spark plugs is the use of low-quality gasoline.

Their extraordinary replacement is carried out after major and major emergency repairs, or after the car has been parked for a long time.

Replacement sequence

Despite its apparent simplicity, this operation should be taken responsibly. Replacement should be made as a complete set (!). Partial replacement of one or two “lost” spark plugs is only possible for a short time.

Different gaps and types of spark plugs and their conditions lead to inevitable failure of ignition timing, increased detonation, and contribute to increased engine wear.

Based on reference data. You shouldn’t rely on “these are the best” recommendations. It is better to purchase products only from trusted manufacturers.

As the main tool for replacing spark plugs, it is better to use a special long head with rubber inserts to grip the spark plug being removed. Before purchasing it, you should measure the diameter of the mounting hole.

The standard sizes of spark plug heads are 16 and 21. The length of the seating zone can be different, up to 180 millimeters in certain engine models. In some cases, you can use a spark plug tube, but keep in mind that its reliability is less. It’s even worse to use special keys from unknown manufacturers in beautiful packaging. They may break the first time you unscrew them.

Sequence of spark plug removal:

  • remove the installed high-voltage wires, having previously noted or photographed the sequence of their installation;
  • if the car has individual ignition coils or a coil block installed in the spark plug space, dismantle them (in V-shaped engines this process can be complicated by the need to dismantle part of the intake manifold and other engine elements);
  • be sure to check the spark plug installation areas for the presence of foreign objects (when removing the spark plug, fragments of insulation and other objects may fall directly into the cylinder and cause big problems);
  • securely install the spark plug wrench, apply medium force, and begin unscrewing;
  • if the dismantling process is difficult, it is necessary to use special means for decoking the threaded connections, and do not try to apply excessive force;
  • remove the spark plug (if the retaining rubber band has come off, you can do this using the tip of a high-voltage wire);
  • It is better to install a plug or throw a clean rag on the vacated spark plug hole (there are many cases when, during the repair process, nuts, washers and other “surprises” get there, that is, into the cylinder).

Video - replacing spark plugs for Renault Logan and Largus (8 valves):

New ones are installed according to the following rules:

  • first, use a clean rag to clean the installation area from oils and dirt (if this place is inaccessible for visual inspection, it is better not to do this: trying to remove contamination from above the threaded connection, you can redirect it to the thread);
  • when installing new ones, you must once again check that the seating depth of the spark plug matches the old one;
  • The initial direction of the spark plug into the seat is done carefully using a spark plug wrench; you should not “throw” the spark plug, this may change the gap;
  • preliminary tightening should be done with a slight force; if movement is difficult, you need to unscrew and start tightening the spark plug again;
  • the final “squeezing” of the spark plug is done with medium force (at service stations, a torque wrench is used for this; the tightening torque is set in the range from 15 to 35 Nm, depending on the thread diameter and type of fit);

  • The last stage of installation of spark plugs is the installation of high-voltage wires.

Why change spark plugs if the old ones work?

Theoretically, they can last ten years or more, especially if they are cleaned periodically.

There is an opinion that spark plugs should be changed only when obvious signs of wear appear, or when repairs related to problems with ignition and the engine as a whole are carried out. However, old, although serviceable, spark plugs can negatively affect engine performance:

  • changing the gap area affects the ignition timing;
  • minor misfires lead to increased detonation and mechanical stress;
  • dirty spark plugs can cause breakdown of the ignition coil, high-voltage wires, and slider resistor;
  • Incorrectly functioning spark plugs affect the environmental characteristics of an internal combustion engine.

The most dangerous problem when replacing spark plugs infrequently is coking of the threaded connection area.. This is fraught with the possibility of thread breakage and damage to the spark plug during dismantling. In turn, such a malfunction may lead to the need for major repairs, even replacement of the cylinder block.

Therefore, experienced car enthusiasts carry out preventive dismantling and installation before the next autumn-spring season of car operation. At the same time, you can (and should) make a visual inspection of them.

Serviceable and serviced spark plugs are one of the main factors in the stable operation of a gasoline engine.

Video - spark plug wear and when to change them:

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Comments on the article:


    The main sign that makes you pay attention to the spark plugs is, of course, “triple” when the engine is running. Sometimes it helps to wash the spark plug, remove carbon deposits and check the gap, or replace the spark plug with a spark plug of the same model.

    Sergey Vasilevich

    The basic rule is don’t pour any crap into the gas tank and the spark plugs will be fine. In general, everything is described normally in the article. And also, if a new car is not worth bothering with spark plugs at all, even if this is our auto industry.


    I changed the spark plugs a year ago, so I decided to visually assess their condition. It turned out to be normal, but I was confused by the reddish coating and soot. Surprisingly, the spark plugs were washed off perfectly with rust remover (I was just working on the thresholds that day). After soaking in the cleaner, I removed all the deposits with a brush and a rag, and they sparkled almost like new. Washed in water and dried. Before installation, I checked the gap - within normal limits. Now they work great.


    I always check the condition of the spark plugs once every six months or after 10 thousand kilometers (whichever comes first). Usually, high-quality spark plugs easily last 50 thousand km. When checking, I make sure to bend the ground electrodes by placing a 0.8 mm thick probe in the gap. Usually, over 10 thousand km, the electrodes burn out by one or two tenths of a millimeter, so I consider adjusting the gap mandatory.
    It is also necessary to clean the insulator from carbon deposits - either by sandblasting, or at least mechanically pick at it (carefully), since carbon deposits are a conductor, and if it is thick, instead of a spark between the electrodes, a short circuit will result through the carbon deposits, and we will get misfires.


    On a ToYoTa engine you can’t get close to the spark plugs and it’s difficult to check them yourself. And the repairman at the car service says that it’s not the cause...


    Nowadays they sell such candles that even 10,000 do not last (you have to make a replacement). Only the factory ones were able to last 3 years (51 thousand mileage).


    If the car’s engine is new or after a major overhaul and runs smoothly without strain, then you can forget about the spark plugs for a while. Unless, as the author of the article objectively recommends, do not forget about the threaded connection. It’s another matter when the engine “eats” oil. There the thread will not rust. The candles will need to be removed frequently for cleaning and drying. About a couple of times a month and always have a new set of candles in stock.


    I have also had candles for three years now. I can definitely say that you need to choose them carefully. I wouldn’t recommend buying them at the market; it’s better to buy them in trusted stores.

    Ivan Kozin

    I approach the issue of choosing candles very carefully; high-quality and reliable ones immediately remove a lot of questions.


    I always change spark plugs before winter so that it starts normally in cold weather. The car is already 10 years old, there have been no problems. It’s better to change a small thing than to end up with a big one later.


    You buy cheap candles - for a maximum of a month, buy expensive ones - for a maximum of a year. With this market, damn it, everything will soon work strictly until the end of the warranty period.


    Most often, spark plugs fail due to improper operation of the fuel system. That's why I change spark plugs very rarely.


    I change spark plugs strictly according to the regulations: after 15,00 km or one year after installation. Never let us down.


    In order not to find yourself standing in the middle of the road, of course you need to know the signs of spark plug failure and how to replace them. Previously, on Soviet cars, when there were practically no electronics in them, they took out the spark plug and looked to see if there was a spark on it while the engine was running. Now on modern cars, this is extremely dangerous, you can damage the ignition module, switch, or burn the coil. Therefore, I do not recommend using old-fashioned methods. It is best to go to a service center for computer diagnostics. True, if you know your car and it is not too sophisticated, you can remove the wires from the spark plugs one by one and listen to how the engine behaves. If you turn off a working spark plug, the nature of its operation will change; as experts say, it will “start to trip”; in Russian, the engine will shake violently. If nothing changes, we change the spark plug, it is acting up. If nothing changes again then there is a direct road to service. And don’t buy candles one at a time – change the set. When buying candles, be sure to take the vehicle registration certificate (there is a VIN number there) so that the seller can find the right spark plugs in the catalog. And you need to think about replacing them when: the engine has stalled, power has dropped and fuel consumption has increased.

    Karpukhin Vitya

    I believe that spark plugs need to be changed at every oil change. After all, they don’t cost much, and in principle they are consumables. Gone are the days when they were unscrewed to check the gap, cleaned with sandpaper, and calcined over a fire. In my opinion, they even stopped counterfeiting them; what’s the point of copying a cheap consumable? Of course, there are especially thrifty people who will drive 30-40 thousand km on spark plugs, like my neighbor in the garage. But I still don’t understand such savings. It’s better to spend three hundred than to listen to the engine running rough in the morning until it warms up or idling rough.


    There were several problems with candles on a long journey, far from home. So now I carry a set of new candles with me. I replace them every fall, before the onset of cold weather. Winter is the harshest operating conditions, so only in autumn.


    We all know well that spark plugs need to be changed, that starting, operation, efficiency, power, etc. depend on their quality. They are considered to be “consumables” with a limited service life, so the manufacturer of both cars and the spark plugs themselves declare a certain resource for their products.
    This figure greatly depends on the type of spark plugs (single electrode, multi-electrode, platinum, iridium, etc.)
    For single-electrode spark plugs, the service life is 30 thousand km; for multi-electrode spark plugs or with a silver electrode, the service life is at least 50 thousand. There are expensive spark plugs with iridium or platinum electrodes that last up to 100,000 km. Of course, this is all theoretical within the walls of laboratories, so in practice I change candles every year in the fall (winter, one of the worst operating conditions). Just write down the km. When they lit the candles, I think rarely anyone will come. Therefore, we do what is convenient. So I tied this period to winter.
    Now about the signs of the need to replace spark plugs. The first is the operation of the engine intermittently, tripping, etc. We take out the spark plugs and look - most often the electrode has burned out. There may be large deposits on the spark plugs - this is the power system not working properly; there should be no deposits during normal combustion. Defects in the ceramic insulator are also possible; they can be found by the brown mark on the insulator.
    And most importantly, I change all the spark plugs as a set so that after a while I don’t have to do this again. Good luck to everyone on the roads.


    I completely agree with those who change spark plugs regularly, when they hear and feel a specific noise in their machine. Some people start talking nonsense, like you can wash it, etc. Needless to say, it's tricky... You can, of course, wash it to save some time, but it's better to buy new ones and replace everything right away.


    The last time I changed the spark plugs was after 20,000 km. In the fourth cylinder, the spark plug had an obvious breakdown and small stripes appeared on the insulator. I didn’t change the wires, I didn’t touch the spark plugs during the entire run. In my opinion, it is cheaper to change the entire set than to do magic with washing and cleaning. A lot depends on the fuel, so I try not to fill it with any nasty stuff. Of course, it’s difficult to guess where the quality is and where it’s not, but I don’t go to “left-field” gas stations.


    The condition of the spark plugs affects the correct operation of the engine, so drivers should know when and how to change spark plugs. Previously, in Soviet times, during the era of shortages of everything, we cleaned them, bent them, setting a gap, checked whether there was a spark on them, sometimes we were shocked, but we were not afraid of anything. Nowadays, it’s probably rare that anyone does this and does it correctly, since in a modern engine, checking a spark plug for a spark can cost a couple of orders of magnitude more than the spark plug itself. Such a test can easily damage the ignition module, coil, and God knows what else.
    Replacing spark plugs in a car is necessary in three classic cases:
    1. The engine began to run unevenly or, as they say, to trip;
    2. The engine power has dropped, you began to accelerate with effort, i.e. the engine began to pull worse;
    3. Fuel consumption has increased noticeably.
    Then we go to the auto store. We take the CRC (registration certificate) with us because the VIN number is written there. You can choose the right spark plugs only based on it, neither the make of the car, nor the engine power, nor the year of manufacture, namely the VIN number.
    By the way, an experienced driver or a service station mechanic will tell you about an engine malfunction by the color of the spark plug electrode. If the color is red-brown it is bad gasoline, black thick coating means oil has gotten into the mixture, the engine needs repair, etc.


    In order not to bother taking into account the mileage traveled, I regularly change spark plugs in the fall, since winter is the most unfavorable conditions for them. I judge the quality of the spark plugs by the appearance of the electrode - by the color of the deposits on it. And also regarding the stability of the engine, if the engine “troubles” or does not work stably, the first thing I do is check the spark plugs.


    I always inspect my car in the fall, since winter is the hardest time for a car. I change oil, filters, wiper blades and spark plugs (regardless of their condition). It's better to be on the safe side than to get stuck on a frosty road in winter. I inspect the removed candles and if they are in good condition, then I use them next spring. And in the fall of the second year I throw it away.


    I replace them every 8-10 thousand together with changing the engine oil, I think the original ones are better, there is no need to set a gap on them.


    The spark plugs of any gasoline engine operate under extreme conditions. Their work is indeed influenced by many factors, but also by the driver himself, on the degree of his ability to start the engine correctly, choose the right oils, high-quality gasoline, as well as the storage conditions of the car. In my life, I have had to store a car in different conditions, and even under a canopy in winter, this affects the engine starting and the serviceability of the spark plugs. I had a Lada-10 car. It stood under a canopy in the yard, at an air temperature of minus 25 degrees below zero, it started like a match, as soon as the temperature approached 30 degrees below zero, it wouldn’t start the first time, and if you continued to turn it, trying to start it, nothing worked. The candles were filled with a flammable mixture and failed. Even blowing the engine didn't help; all that was needed was replacing the spark plugs. And here, first of all, you need to know that in order to change spark plugs you must have a spark plug wrench, which is completely different for all types and brands of cars. You also need to know that you need to change the entire set of spark plugs at once and buy them only of those brands and models that are recommended for a particular car, in other cases, the thread length will be long, or the thread diameter is not quite the same, it is better to immediately buy what you need.


    I change spark plugs not based on how long they have been working, or how many kilometers the car has driven with working spark plugs. I always try to change it before winter. In winter, the extreme performance of spark plugs increases; new ones will work flawlessly, which is very important for winter driving. When the car is not used in the winter, it is used only in the summer season, then it is better to replace the spark plugs in the spring; spark plugs that have been left in the engine for a long time without working may fail or it will not even be possible to start the engine.


    I change spark plugs once a year, in the spring combining this procedure with an oil change. I only use candles recommended in the manual. This is much more reliable than waiting for some spark plug to fail on the road. You always carry a set of spare spark plugs in your car, just in case, for yourself or for that guy standing in the middle of the road. I always throw away the old (replaced) ones right away so as not to get confused. Saving will cost you more. Annual mileage is 13-15 thousand km.


    I changed the spark plugs, as a rule, when the engine started to misfire, and started in the winter down to minus 20 without problems. And we almost never have any more.

Church candle:
A sign of fervent faith
an attempt to pay off?

What is a candle in a temple? This small lamp is one of dozens and hundreds that burn in front of icons every day.

When we come to church, we go to the church shop to buy candles and then place them in front of the icons. What for? Such a tradition, they will say, is accepted as such. And it is not surprising that many people come to church just to “light a candle.” Not for worship, not for prayer. And by lighting a candle in church we mean some kind of magical act, which in itself brings happiness. A kind of consumer, basically pagan, form of communication with “higher” forces, like a deal: I give you a candle - you give me “so that everything will be fine for me.” And such people come to church only on great holidays, or because of a major everyday need. They put a candle, as if a tick in an imaginary “book of good” deeds,” and, confident that they did everything in a Christian way, with a clear conscience they forget about this very Christianity until the next candle.

There are also those who understand something about Orthodoxy, go to church more often, and can even stand for an hour, listening to the singing and looking at the icons. Such Christians prefer, once they have reached the temple, to go around all the icons as much as possible, at least the most beautiful and largest ones, and light a candle in front of each one, asking for themselves and their loved ones. Some kind of icon will help - they reason practically - the main thing is to put candles everywhere, so that for sure... And they leave the temple, satisfied with the work done and quite pleased with themselves: “Oh yes, I asked for so much goodness, it should work! Plus the benefit - I saved on buying candles.” Yes, practical people come to church with their own bunch of candles, purchased cheaply somewhere at a funeral agency or other retail outlet. And they don’t even think that, in essence, they are making Cain’s sacrifice. Yes, fat, abundant, but insincere, selfish, greedy.

What is a candle in a temple? This is our humble material offering to God.

You need to understand that a candle bought outside the walls of the temple and then brought into the temple is not a sacrifice, but an attempt to pay off. And you can’t put such candles near icons. Asking the Omniscient Creator for something for yourself and being cunning at the same time is the same as playing fools with yourself. Such a game is not worth the candle.

It’s better to buy only two candles for twenty rubles in the temple than to come with a dozen bought for the same amount outside the temple. Buying candles is a small sacrifice to God and his temple, let it not be burdensome, most importantly, voluntary. The number of candles cannot “appease” the saints. You can ask for spiritual help by bringing your own only from a pure heart. A pure heart is the best sacrifice to God. With a pure heart, light a candle in front of the image, even if it is small, but pleasing to God.

What is a candle in a temple? This is an earthly light, which, in combination with prayer, can ascend to the heavenly world, like a searchlight beam cutting through the night sky.

In church tradition, a candle is an integral attribute of worship. A burning candle is a visible sign of the warm, bright burning of the human heart, ardent love for God, the Mother of God, and the saint to whom the candle is placed. But if all this is missing, then the candles have no meaning, the sacrifice is empty. Lighting a candle formally, with a cold heart, is a sin. When lighting a candle, you need to pray, at least in your own words, but carefully, reverently, with faith. Turning all your thoughts and feelings to God.

The holy righteous John of Kronstadt warns: “If you light candles, but do not have love for God and your neighbor in your heart: you are stingy, you do not live peacefully, then your sacrifice to God is in vain.”

What is a candle in a temple? This is a tiny beacon of our participation in the church’s prayerful appeal to the Creator.

Explaining the symbolic meaning of candle wax, the 15th-century liturgist, Blessed Simeon, Archbishop of Thessalonica, says: “Pure wax means the purity and innocence of the people bringing it. It is offered as a sign of our repentance for perseverance and readiness to continue to obey God, like the softness and pliability of wax. Just as wax produced by bees after collecting nectar from many flowers and trees symbolically means an offering to God, as if on behalf of all creation, so the burning of a wax candle, like the transformation of wax into fire, means deification, the transformation of earthly man into a new creature through the action of fire and the warmth of Divine love and grace."

The holy righteous John of Kronstadt speaks of church fire as follows: “The fire of burning... candles and lamps, as well as the censer itself with hot coals and fragrant incense, serve for us as an image of spiritual fire - the Holy Spirit, who descended in tongues of fire on the apostles, burning away our sinful defilements, enlightening our minds and hearts, igniting our souls with the flame of love for God and for each other: the fire in front of the holy icons reminds us of the fiery love of the saints for God, because of which they hated the world and all its delights, all untruths; It also reminds us that we must serve God, pray to God with a fiery spirit, which for the most part we do not have, for we have cold hearts. “So in the temple everything is instructive and there is nothing idle or unnecessary.”

There are no mandatory rules about where and how many candles to place. Their purchase is a voluntary sacrifice to God.

First of all, on the advice of the monks of the Holy Trinity Lavra, it is good to light a candle to the “holiday” (central analogue) or a revered temple icon, then to the relics of the saint (if they are in the temple), and only then about health (to any icon) or about repose (on the eve - a square or rectangular table with the Crucifixion). What is important is not the number of candles placed, but the sincerity of faith and prayer.

There are many superstitions associated with candles, and they are all meaningless. They are spread mainly by unchurched, religiously illiterate people. You should not believe the talk that you should light a candle only with your right hand; that if it goes out, it means there will be misfortunes; that the lower end of the candle should not be scorched to ensure stability in the hole, and so on.

But what is definitely not allowed is purchasing church candles for some magical actions, divination, witchcraft. In itself, all this is a monstrous sin. And if you committed it, even foolishly, in childhood, not to mention conscious participation in these ungodly deeds, then confess as soon as possible and bring deep repentance.

And let the candles that you light inform the sky only about your godly intentions.

Most Orthodox Christians wonder how to properly place candles in a church. These wax attributes emit the divine radiance that Our Savior brought to the sinful earth. Only the Son of God is able to dispel the darkness and ignorance of the common people.

Pure wax is a symbol of a person’s complete repentance for his own crimes before the world. This attribute can be a direct guide towards God's consciousness.

How to light candles in a church

The basis for the correct process is the sincere faith of the individual. It is necessary to place these church attributes with love and a real awareness of the purpose of this action. By buying candles in a church, you are already demonstrating these qualities before the Lord, and a pure heart allows you to achieve what you want. Before visiting a sacred place, you should carefully prepare for Confession and the necessary Communion. These rituals are part of the mandatory routine of any worship service.

On a note! The number of candles that a person wishes to put in the monastery does not affect the fact that the wish will certainly come true.

The ritual of establishing a wax attribute is a voluntary action that should not be considered as a magical rite. Neither the cost nor the number of candles provides an absolute chance of fulfilling hopes and desires. It is recommended to purchase them in church shops. Any monetary donations for candles are used to pay utility bills, repairs and support the activities of social ministries.

This small sacrifice is obligatory for worship. When a person lights a candle, he needs to read a prayer. It is possible to turn to the Lord through your own words, but sincerity is required.

The order of lighting candles during services is as follows:

  • Approaching the candlestick, a person needs to cross himself, bow and put the candle in an empty place;
  • Candles are lit from other candles that are already burning.
  • It is not recommended to use matches in monasteries and churches.
  • Candles are not lit from a lamp, since wax can extinguish the fire of the latter.

Church candles

special instructions

The parishioner must observe the rules of decency, behave sedately and calmly.

  • If you are standing with a burning candle, make sure that the wax does not drip down.
  • Be careful not to set the person in front on fire.
  • Before coming to church, try to learn the rules of conduct in a holy place.
  • It is allowed to light candles and pray for an unbaptized person, but writing his name in the church book is prohibited.
  • In case of a drug problem, it is advised to place candles in front of the icon of the Mother of God, which is called the “Inexhaustible Chalice”, in front of the images of Boniface the Martyr or John of Kronstadt.
  • Wax in front of the image of St. Panteleimon helps reduce the negative consequences of the upcoming operation.
  • Anyone who wants to gain prosperity from the Almighty and the saints must sincerely pray and live according to the commandments. Through the Holy Gospel, God draws everyone's attention to virtue, love and humility. However, people only ask, but cannot take an independent step towards improvement.
  • It is allowed to light wax candles for health or repose on any day, but prayers for the dead are not performed on Easter. The process is transferred to Radonitsa.
  • Try to make a donation for the temple. The desire for help must come from the depths of the heart. Donate your finances to the poor, who can be seen in large numbers near the monasteries.
  • Goodwill brings more benefit than a large sum of money donated insincerely. The Lord pays attention to a person’s spirituality, and not to his pocket. He does not condemn poverty, but instructs people to get rid of greed.

About church candles:

The ritual of lighting candles for health or repose is the most important means of comprehending love for the Lord. The candle symbolizes many virtuous qualities and light on the path to His abode. The duties of a believer who comes to the procession include bows, gestures of the cross and sincere prayers. By lighting candles, a person asks for prosperity, health and business success, and also honors the deceased.

When to light candles

You can place candles on different candlesticks:

  • For health. It is carried out for a variety of reasons: a successful purchase, thanksgiving, assistance in the implementation of any business.
  • Funeral candles are placed on the kanun (specific table) to honor the memory of the deceased.

Priests recommend first placing candles at the central lectern (table) or at the holy icon. Then it is brought to the relics of God's saints, and only then for health or for peace.

Important! If the fire suddenly goes out, then people talk about damage or a bad sign. Rational monks refer to low-quality wax or defective production technology. The same applies to crackling.

Church candles for health

This can be done anywhere in the monastery and in front of any image. It is most correct to address your own patron saint on the icon. The clergy notes that what is more important here is sincere prayers, of which there are a sufficient number.

Advice! Collections of petitions should be purchased at specialized church stores, because underground literature often contains false information.

Candles for health are often placed in front of the image of the Healer Panteleimon, Christ, the Mother of God, Matrona of Moscow and other saints. All these images have power in healing from fatal illnesses and in resolving difficult situations in life.

A couple wishing to give birth to a child places candles in the temple and offers prayers to the faces of Anna and Joachim, who are the parents of the Virgin Mary. Asking the Holy Mother of God also helps women expecting a newborn.

Place for candles for health

Church candles for the repose

In many churches, special tables called kanuns are installed for remembrance. Most often they are located on the left side of the church. The eve has a rectangular shape, and a Crucifix is ​​installed on its surface.

Important! Church attributes are established before the start of the church service.

If there are no special tables, lit wax can be placed on any candlestick. The gifts brought should be placed in baskets that are located next to the eve. It is necessary to understand that a candle is a small gift for the Lord, and prayer is a major part of any request for help.

Special rules have been created for installing a candle for the repose:

  • Approaching the eve, an Orthodox Christian must cross himself twice and bow.
  • The candle is lit from those already burning on the pedestal. The use of matches or lighters is not recommended.
  • The lit candle is placed in a special place and must stand straight.
  • To distract the mind from worldly troubles and calm down, it is recommended to concentrate on fire for a short time.
  • If you wish, you can read the funeral prayer in a whisper or mentally.
  • You can reproduce in your memory the image of the one for whom the petition was made.
  • You can move away from the eve after the final bow and the sign of the cross.
On a note! You should not be offended if church ministers blow out a candle. The prayer has already been heard by the Almighty, and the sacrifice has been made.

Place for candles for the repose - with the Crucifix.

History of tradition

For most people, any church is associated with lighting a fire. When Christianity was just emerging, secret meetings, which were hidden from persecution in catacombs and dungeons, were illuminated only by oil lamps.

Fire was often used in paganism. The use of such products in worship was first mentioned in the pages of the life of the martyr Cyprian.

The state of affairs changed radically under Constantine, when Christian rituals began to penetrate Roman culture. Gradually, candles acquired the status of a permanent attribute in divine services. From the 4th century they are lit near the bodies of the dead; they were also accompanied on their “last journey.” In the 5th century, candles were used everywhere.

The candle has its own symbolism:

  • Soft and pliable wax was always associated by the founders of the Orthodox Church with a soul melting with repentance.
  • It symbolizes obedience to the will of the Almighty Father.
  • Wax has good plasticity, this demonstrates how the human soul is naturally reborn in Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church.
  • The fire on the candle openly symbolizes warm hope in serving God.

Folk superstitions

Most church rituals are accompanied by a lot of prejudices. Orthodox Christians tend to avoid them.

  • A believer will commit a great sin if he lights a funeral candle in the name of a living person. These manipulations should be avoided, since the Church classifies them as black magic.
  • 12 candles in 12 churches are placed in the name of obtaining happiness. The plot is read three times before any image of God's saint.
  • Priests classify the hobby of dreams as dangerous. Interpretations can be opposite and explain dreams in different tones.
  • If in a person’s dreams he saw himself lighting candles in a destroyed temple, this signifies misfortune. A visit to a restored monastery (in a dream) speaks of first aid in personal matters.
  • Church singing foreshadows the fulfillment of your deepest desires.
  • Watch a video on how to light candles

The custom of placing a candle in front of an icon is very ancient. Everyone knows that this should definitely be done, but not everyone knows about the reasons why this ritual is performed.

The custom of lighting candles in churches came to Russia from Byzantium, but it arose in Old Testament times. In the Tabernacle of Moses, lamps were a necessary accessory to the priestly service: they were lit in the evening before the Lord and served as a symbol of God’s guidance, that the Law of God is a lamp for man in his life.

“We never perform divine services without lamps,” said the teacher of the Church Tertullian, “but we use them not only to disperse the darkness of the night, - our Liturgy is celebrated in daylight; but in order to depict through this Christ - the uncreated light, without which we would wander in darkness even at midday.” Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12).

Gradually, rules for lighting candles in churches were developed. First, a burning candle preceded the bringing out of the Gospel, and during the reading, all the candles were lit. Subsequently, candles began to be placed in front of other sacred objects, in front of the tombs of martyrs, in front of icons. The custom of lighting candles has survived to this day. Moreover, it has become so familiar to us that when lighting a candle, many do not think about what this action means?

A candle lit in front of an icon is a symbol of prayer, a sign of spiritual aspiration towards God. Pure wax, from which candles are made, is a symbol of the fact that a person repents of his sins and is ready for obedience before the face of God. Speaking about how to place candles correctly, it is worth starting with the fact that this should not be done automatically, but with awareness and with a feeling of love in the heart for the one to whom the candle is placed. When you buy a candle in a temple, it becomes your voluntary offering, a symbol of your faith and love.

External action is accompanied by internal action - prayer. A praying person often cannot find words to accurately convey his state, to express everything that he wants to say to the Lord, especially when he is surrounded by other people. And here a candle helps him, the flame of which is a symbol of this prayerful feeling that is inexpressible in words.

How many candles to place and in front of which icons depends on the desire of the believer. But they always light a candle with a prayer. If this is an icon of our Lord Jesus Christ or the Crucifixion, then you can say: “Lord, have mercy on Thy servant (name)” or “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us.” Or you can also read this prayer: “Lord, accept this sacrifice for Your servants (for whom you put your name).”

If this is an icon of the Mother of God, then with the words: “Most Holy Theotokos, save us, Thy servants (names),” before the icon of the saint: “Holy servant of God (name), pray to God for me (or for us and list the names).”

It is very good to add to these prayers a prayer in your own words, expressing your request and thanksgiving.

Approaching the candlestick, you need to light a candle from other candles or from a lamp on the candlestick (if there are no burning candles around), then put it on a free place (or, if all the places are occupied, just put it next to it - they will definitely put it on the vacant place). After this, you should cross yourself twice, venerate the shrine, cross yourself again and bow.

Questions also arise: Why can’t you light a candle from a lamp in order to place it on a candlestick? There are no religiously or theologically explainable prohibitions on lighting candles from lamps, and any discussions on this matter do not go beyond the scope of “grandmother’s folklore,” which is very common among non-church people, and sometimes, alas, is found inside the temple. We see the only reasonable reason for the ban on the issue under discussion is that when lighting a candle from a lamp, it is very easy to drip wax into it, which is then very difficult to clean off. Perhaps it is precisely this struggle for purity that forces the keepers of the candlesticks to pull back the worshipers.

The candles that believers buy in church have another very important spiritual meaning: they are a person’s voluntary sacrifice to God and the Church. This has been the case since ancient times: at first, believers themselves donated wax for candles, then the production and sale of candles became one of the income sources for monasteries and churches. The proceeds from the sale of candles are spent on the maintenance, repair and decoration of the temple, on the maintenance of the choir, Sunday school, on the salaries of clergy and workers. Therefore, candles should be purchased only in the temple where a person came to pray. You cannot bring candles purchased outside the walls of the church with you and place them in front of icons, because they may not be consecrated.

Since the level of well-being of believers is different, they can donate different funds. An expensive large candle is not at all more beneficial than a small one. It is better to put a small one with humility and pray fervently than to grumble and regret an expensive one. And remember at the same time that the most important thing is the burning of a believing heart. If we do not have ardent love and reverence, then the candles have no meaning, our sacrifice is in vain.

So, where and to which of the saints to put candles is up to you to decide. But it is advisable to maintain order. If you are going to light several candles, then the first one should be placed to the Lord Jesus Christ and in front of the icon of the holiday (usually it is always located in the center of the temple on a lectern). Then a candle is lit for the Mother of God, then for the Archangel and the saints, to whom the Lord has given special grace to heal illnesses and help us in various needs.

It is customary to light candles for the saint whose name the person bears and for the Guardian Angel.

To commemorate the repose of the deceased, one should light a candle on the eve - a special rectangular candlestick with a Crucifix.

If the required icon is not in the church, then you can put a candle in front of any image of the Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos, or in front of the icon of All Saints and say a prayer. And pray in your own words, as long as they are sincere. Let the clear fire of candles help build a warm, bright prayer in your heart!

It is good to light church candles and at home in the red corner, in front of the icons. Candles and lamps are lit not only while reading the morning and evening prayer rules, but also when solving important life problems (choosing a life partner, choosing a profession, getting a job, purchasing a house, car, etc.), when we are overcome by illness, grief, sadness, or with the obvious action of demonic forces on a person.

During the Six Psalms (when the reader comes out into the middle of the temple and all the lamps in the temple are extinguished), the candles are extinguished. But after finishing this reading, the candles are lit again. Therefore, having lit your candle during this period of time, there is no need to look for any bad sign in this, much less swear.

About candles in questions and answers

How to place a candle correctly?

- The candles are lit one from the other, burning, and placed in the nest of the candlestick. The candle should stand straight. It is PROHIBITED to use matches and lighters in the temple if there are already burning candles in the temple candlesticks. You should not light a candle from a lamp, so as not to drip wax into the oil or accidentally extinguish the lamp.

Who should light candles and how many?

– There are no mandatory rules about where and how many candles to put. Their purchase is a voluntary sacrifice to God. First of all, it is good to light a candle for the “holiday” (central analogue) or a revered temple icon, then - for the relics of a saint (if they are in the temple), and only then - for health (for any icon) or for repose (on the eve - square or rectangular table with a Crucifix).

Is it possible to put a candle on a candlestick if there is nowhere to put it?

- That’s what you should do. As a last resort, you can light the candle wick, extinguish it and place it on the candlestick. Those who put two candles in one cell or remove someone else's candle to put their own do it wrong.

Is it possible to hold a burning candle in your hand and stand with it?

– It is customary to stand with lit candles at a memorial service during the service of Great Heel Matins. Candles are also lit on polyeleos, but this tradition is mainly preserved only for clergy. A burning candle must be handled with care: make sure that the wax does not drip onto the floor, and that the clothes and hair of the person standing in front do not accidentally ignite. The rest of the time, it is more correct to place the candle on a candlestick that is specially designed for this purpose. In the temple one must follow the established order, and not do as one pleases.

Who should I light a candle for remission of sins and what should I read?

— Sins are forgiven only at Confession after a sincere, detailed confession of all of them in the presence of a priest and the reading of a prayer of absolution to him. A candle is a symbol; in itself it does not free one from sins and does not connect one with God.

Is it possible to light a candle for an unbaptized newborn baby who is sick?

– You can pray for the unbaptized with your personal prayer and light candles for them, you just cannot write their names in church notes, since the Church does not pray for the unbaptized. A sick child should be baptized as soon as possible. If the child is seriously ill, you can call the priest home or to the maternity hospital. In the Sacrament of Baptism, the child will receive a special grace that will help him. If a child dies unbaptized, the parents will bear the sin. And a baptized child can be given communion, order magpies, prayers for health - this is first aid in illness.

Is it possible to light a candle for yourself?

– Of course, you can light candles and pray for your health. A candle is a symbol of prayer to God. And most prayers are written in the first person.

Is it possible for a pregnant woman to light candles for her repose?

– Everyone can and should light candles and pray for the departed.

Is it possible to light a candle for the tragically deceased and, in general, for the repose of the unbaptized?

– You can light candles and pray for the unbaptized yourself, but you cannot give notes in church with the names of the unbaptized.

Is it possible to light candles for health and repose on Easter?

– You can always light candles for health and repose, but the Church does not perform prayers for the departed on Easter and Bright Week; they are transferred to Radonitsa – the second Tuesday after Easter.

Is it possible to put candles purchased in another temple?

– Candles are usually purchased in the temple where they come to pray - this is a small sacrifice to this particular temple.

What to do with a candle after blessing Easter cakes and eggs? Can I take it home?

– You can take it home and light it during home prayer, or you can put it in a church in front of any icon.

When is incense used and can it be used at home?

– Incense is used in the Church during divine services, as well as during funeral services for the dead, and during the consecration of dwellings by the priest. You can also use incense during home prayer.

Some churches collect donations for a common candle. What it is?

— The tradition of collecting funds for a common candle is not found in all churches. As a rule, the funds collected are spent on purchasing candles, which are placed on candlesticks and burned when there is no one in the temples. There is another tradition when a large wax candle is purchased on a candlestick, which is taken out at certain moments of the service.

I read prayers at home every morning. The church candle, which I have been lighting for two days, began to crackle loudly (crackling like a log in a fire, only a little quieter) What is this?

— There’s nothing wrong with that, this happens often, and it’s connected with candle production technology. There is no mysticism in this.

I am left-handed, since childhood I have done everything with my left hand, my parents taught me some things since childhood, for example, to write with my right hand, also when I go to church, when I need to cross myself I do it with my right hand, sometimes when I light a candle, sometimes with my left hand. I’ve heard that you can’t use your left hand, and I’ve read a lot and it’s written everywhere that the left hand is somehow all bad.

- Don't pay attention to these stupid superstitions. You can light candles with your right or left hand, there is no difference.

I'm not baptized. My parents died, they were also not baptized. Can I light candles in the church for their repose?

- Yes, you can light candles with a prayer for the repose of the souls of your parents. But you cannot submit notes about their repose to the altar, or order memorial services and perform the funeral service for them.

Please tell me how to properly light a church candle in a church? In one church, I lit a candle from another candle, and they told me that I couldn’t do that, because it was someone else’s sacrifice, and it was unknown with what thoughts the person lit it. The next time I lit a candle from a lamp. They reprimanded me again and said that I couldn’t do that. How to light a candle correctly?

— A candle is lit from another candle standing on a candlestick. It doesn’t matter who and with what thoughts lit the candle from which you will light yours. These are all superstitions, don't pay attention to them. If necessary (when there are no candles lit on the candlestick), you can light a candle from the lamp, but try not to do this so that the wax does not get into the lamp. This, too, has not a symbolic, but a purely practical explanation - the lamp then needs to be cleaned of wax, both outside and inside, so it’s better not to get it dirty.

My mother died a little over 2 months ago, she was Orthodox, I am a Muslim. Mom was buried according to Orthodox customs. My relatives are all Orthodox, and everything they did in the church and beyond was done by them, and I took part in it. I prayed myself and I pray for her soul. Tell me what is the right way in my case to remember my mother, can I light candles in the church for her myself? Maybe something else? And for some reason I dream about my mother being sick...

— Please accept my sincere condolences on the death of your mother. You are doing the right thing by praying for your mom. Yes, you can light candles yourself with a prayer for the repose of her soul. Also do all possible alms and some good deeds in memory of your mother. Usually the fact that we dream about the dead means that they need our prayers for them.

Yesterday my grandmother died... A person I really loved. I want to do something, go to church... It’s very difficult. Please tell me when and how to light a candle for the repose and what else should be done in such cases?

— Please accept my sincere condolences on the death of your grandmother. If your grandmother was baptized, order a magpie for the repose of her soul, arrange a funeral service (they will tell you how to do this behind the candle box - this is the place where they accept notes and sell candles). On the ninth and fortieth day, order memorial services. If the grandmother was unbaptized, light a candle and pray in your own words, asking the Lord to forgive the grandmother her sins and save her soul. In any case, it is good to give all possible alms for your grandmother and do good deeds in her memory. Candles for the repose of the dead are placed on a canon - this is, as a rule, a rectangular candlestick with a crucifix (ask to show where the canon is when you purchase candles).

I have been taking part in the sacrament of unction during Great Lent for the 3rd year now. In previous years, parishioners always took a candle with them, so that later, if necessary, they could pray with this candle for health. But my friend says that it is better to leave this candle in the church, explaining this by the fact that many unhealthy people are present at the service during the unction, and the candle absorbs all the negativity, and when used again, it will no longer be beneficial, but harmful. If possible, please answer is this so?

- No, this is a superstition: a candle does not absorb any negativity, and in itself does no harm or good. We get benefits from prayer, not from a candle. You can take the candle home, you can leave it in the temple - it doesn’t matter: traditions can be different, both are acceptable. God bless you!

My friend’s mother is very sick, they are Muslims, can I light a candle for her health in church?

- Yes, you can light a candle with a prayer for the health of your friend’s mother.

Good afternoon. I live in Germany and there is no Orthodox Church in our city. I would like to know if Orthodox Christians can light candles in a Catholic Church? And if so, how to do this without the presence of icons (for example, Archangel Michael, John the Warrior or Saint Panteleimon, etc.)?

Of course, you can light candles in a Catholic church. If there are no icons in the temple, simply pray to the saint to whom you would like to light a candle. But to participate in the sacraments, you will need to travel to Berlin: there are two Orthodox churches there: the Cathedral Church in honor of the Resurrection of Christ and the Church of St. Konstantin and Elena.

I buy large candles from church, light them during prayers at home, and then blow them out until next time. Can this be done or should it burn out to the end?

- Yes, you can blow out the candles after finishing the prayers and light them again next time.

Today I was at the Danilovsky cemetery, visited the grave of the Blessed Matrona. I wanted to ask and pray, in the church shop I took candles, an icon and an akathist to the Blessed One to read at the grave. When I finished reading the akathist and went to pick up my icon, I noticed the candle I was placing, its upper part was bent in half, there were strong wax drips on the candle. This alarmed me and when I left, my candle was removed, apparently so that people would not be scared. What could this mean?

No need for superstitions, dear pilgrim!

My question is this: is it possible to light a candle bought in a store for prayer at home or does it have to be a candle purchased in a church?

The main thing is that the candle should be purchased at a church institution (a church supply store (for example, Sofrino, Sretenye stores), a temple, etc.).

Hello! I am a Muslim, there are Orthodox Christians in our family, through whom I joined the Christian religion. Arriving at one of the churches, I wanted to light a candle to the Mother of God, but the novice, having learned that I was not baptized, explained that my prayers might not be fully heard and it would be better to light a candle to St. Nicholas, and through him, supposedly, all prayers would come through, right? This!

This was not a novice, for novices are in monasteries. This is the first one. Further, ONLY PRIESTS have actual knowledge in the church field. This is important to understand. Third. Who and how to light candles should be “better known” to the pilgrims themselves. Don’t be embarrassed, what happened to you is a common situation, the root of which is incorrectly addressing the question - talk with the clergy more often.

I have this question, I am not baptized, my mother-in-law cleaned me at home with a church candle, and a slightly darkened bulge formed on my candle. What does this mean?

This means that you and your mother-in-law are passionate about magic.

Please tell me what to do with the candles that remain after Easter?

Light it and let it burn.

Is it possible to pray and light candles for those who have not been baptized?

You can light candles and pray yourself for those who have not been baptized, but church prayer for them is impossible: you can submit notes in church for the Liturgy, prayer services and memorial services only for Orthodox Christians.

Please explain on which side (right or left) the crucifix should be in the church, where candles for repose can be placed? In some churches on the right, in others on the left, some priests say that candles for repose are placed only on the left. Is it considered a sin to light funeral candles on the wrong side?

The kanun (candlestick where candles are placed for repose) can be located either on the left or on the right. This does not have any fundamental significance. Moreover, there is no sin in putting candles on the “wrong side.”

One of our friends said that she lit candles for us in the temple for relief. I've never heard of this, please explain what it means?

In Orthodoxy, candles are lit only with a prayer for health or peace. The prayers said at the same time may be different. Relaxation is the weakening of an illness or a difficult situation. Apparently, this is exactly what your friend prayed for when she lit a candle for health.

My husband and I have candles that were used to marry us in church. Maybe they need to be used somehow? What meaning do they have now after 22 years of marriage?

There is such a pious tradition that spouses keep wedding candles at home near icons, or in another pious place.
A candle is a symbol of your common prayer, your marriage. Candles can be lit for prayer on some special days for you, marriage anniversary days, or on other joyful or sad occasions.
If you don't need candles, you can simply give them to the nearest temple.

When a priest consecrates a house or we ourselves, after the consecration, feel the need to cleanse and protect it, we do this with the help of prayer and holy water. This is written about, and we can see this in the temple. However, there is another action: go around the house with a lit candle and prayer, making the sign of the cross on the walls, windows and doors. Instead of water - a candle, fire. It’s probably simply dangerous to walk around with lit candles in a church when there’s a crowd of people. And they don’t do this in the temple. Please explain whether there is a difference between these actions, what determines the choice between water and a candle, and whether there are any prohibitions on one or the other.

The Church does not know such a thing as “cleansing the house.” There is a consecration that is performed by a priest and the rite of which is in the Trebnik. Sprinkling of holy water by the residents of the house themselves is quite acceptable and appropriate on certain days. So, for example, on Epiphany Eve, according to tradition, houses are sprinkled with holy water brought from the temple. However, this is not in the nature of some kind of “cleansing” or “protection”. And from what or from whom, in fact, are you going to cleanse yourself or defend yourself? As for “walking around the house with a candle,” this is a semi-occult folk art that has nothing to do with Orthodox ritual.

Tell me, please, a candle is lit from another candle standing on a candlestick. But what to do when there are no burning candles nearby? I lit a candle from the lamp, but then my lamp went out. Due to ignorance and lack of knowledge, we were very afraid of how to act, and my husband lit the lamp himself - with a lighter. At that moment, we did not understand that this could not be done. Please tell me all our wrong actions, where are superstitions, and where is there really a prohibition of behavior in the church, what would that mean? How can you correct your guilt? How to act in such cases. This question worries me very much.

Don’t worry, your husband didn’t do anything prohibited, you don’t need to correct anything. When there are no burning candles on the candlestick, the candle can be lit from a lamp or from a candle standing on another candlestick, from a lamp in front of another icon. In some churches, candles are asked not to be lit between services; they are simply placed on a candlestick, and they are lit during the service. If necessary, using a lighter to light a candle is perfectly acceptable.

As soon as I came from the temple, my whole soul was bubbling. How to feel about passing candles during the Liturgy? Ignore? Breaking prayer? And if I take it, I definitely won’t pass it on to others during the Creed... But it’s not good to refuse either. And if you wait for a “break”, I can forget who: they give a lot, 7-8-10 candles reached me today. So she stood there with her fistfuls full. What to do?! When can I donate candles? Should I take them from other people? And if so, when?

Of course, it is wrong to distract from prayer with a request to pass a candle. But it is wrong to condemn people so ardently, coming from church after the Liturgy with a “bubbling” soul. At the end of the Liturgy we sing “Let our lips be filled with Thy praise, O Lord,” and not “condemnation of those around us.” At the Liturgy, the most important moments are the Small Entrance, the reading of the Apostle and the Gospel, the Great Entrance, and the Eucharistic Canon. At this time, you can take the candle, but do not bother the other person with a request to pass it on. Or you can try to stand in a place where you don’t have to pass the candles, or look for some other way out. But don't let anger and judgment overcome you. God help you!

Is it possible to purchase wax candles online (much cheaper) and use them for home prayer and reading the Bible and spiritual literature? How to consecrate these candles? When I visit a temple or church, I buy candles from that particular church or temple.

Theoretically, it is possible if you are sure that you are ordering candles from an Orthodox store (temple), and not bringing income to scammers. In this case, there is no need to consecrate them; what is purchased in the temple is pre-consecrated.

My husband’s relative often gives me candles from the temple! But there is some suspicion towards this person and some anxiety that these candles are not for good! My soul feels uncomfortable, and I have no desire to light them up! Can a person negatively influence another through a candle? What is the best way to deal with these candles? If you don’t take them at all, then I’m afraid they won’t understand me and will be offended!

How can candles from a church be “not for good”? Following logic, we can assume that the church is planning something evil against you. Sounds funny, doesn't it? If you don’t like something, tell the person about it. After all, the whole problem is precisely because there is no clarity in the relationship. Once you make it clear, everything will immediately fall into place and the candles from the temple will stop frightening you.

I once heard on television that if you light a candle for your enemy’s health, God will punish the offender. I think not every person will be able to forgive the enemy enough to sincerely wish him happiness. Is this superstition, or is it revenge?

This is both superstition and stupidity at the same time. You can light ten candles; it is unlikely that the wax melted from the temperature will somehow harm your offender. This does not mean that there is no point in lighting candles, but when the question is posed in this way, this action loses its full spiritual meaning and becomes a meaningless action.
You are right, not everyone can forgive their enemy, but everyone can refrain from at least wishing him harm. You need to pray not for God to punish the offender, but, first of all, for admonishing your enemies and resolving the situation in a way that pleases the Lord.

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Nowadays, the development of information technology makes it possible to submit memorial donations remotely. On the website of the Holy Resurrection Church (old) in Vichug, such an opportunity also appeared - submitting notes via the Internet. The process of submitting a note takes just a few minutes...

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