Nettle is a useful plant for male potency. Useful plant for men's health

Stinging nettle is well known in folk medicine, but for ignorant people it is a stinging weed. The healing properties of nettle are well known; it was previously believed that the plant could replace seven healers. It is difficult to answer what nettle cures, because it has established itself as a universal medicine and helps against many ailments.

The benefits of nettle for the body

“Green healer” - as this herbaceous plant is popularly called - is a valuable food product and an effective remedy. The unique properties of nettle for the body are determined by its chemical composition. This is a balanced multivitamin concentrate and a storehouse of organic substances, containing vital substances, including:

  • vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin K and others;
  • minerals: iron, silicon, gum, manganese, copper, nickel;
  • proteins, fats, fiber, sugars.

The plant contains more vitamin C than citrus fruits, and more carotene than sea buckthorn and carrots. In addition to these vital substances, the grass is rich in chlorophyll, starch, tannins, flavonoids, histamines, phytoncides, glycosides, and glucokinins. It contains organic acids. All these components determine the medicinal effect.

Nettle - medicinal properties for women

The beneficial properties of nettle for women have been confirmed by many years of experience in the effective use of medicinal and cosmetic products. Contraindications are the presence of thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, pregnancy, individual intolerance. Masks, decoctions, lotions based on plant materials have a refreshing and tonic effect.

Effectively used to strengthen hair:

  • Fresh Juice;
  • infusion of leaves for rinsing hair.

A decoction of seeds is effective:

  • for the prevention of neoplasms in women;
  • used to stop bleeding;
  • relieves painful conditions during menstruation.

For men

The plant is also useful for men's health. The medicinal properties of nettle for men help restore sexual function and prolong a man’s full life, increasing sexual desire. In addition, infusions have proven themselves in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. Nettle treatment (decoctions and tinctures) is effective for getting rid of prostate adenoma.

Medicinal properties of leaves

The leaves are a source of vitamins; young shoots are eaten for severe hypovitaminosis and to normalize metabolism. The medicinal properties of nettle leaves are manifested in improving blood circulation, having a blood purifying, hemostatic and vasoconstrictive effect, and lowering blood sugar. The leaves are used for anemia, allergies, and urticaria. Hypertension may be a contraindication.

Infusions and decoctions from the leaves have an analgesic, wound-healing and antiseptic effect; they are effective for acne. The recipe for such tinctures is simple; their description is attached to the medicinal raw materials purchased at the pharmacy. The dry leaf is slowly brewed with boiling water and consumed as tea. This remedy works well for nervous disorders. Multivitamin infusions from herbs have a general strengthening effect.

The brewed herb has a therapeutic effect for bronchitis, suffocation, and has an expectorant effect. The use of the collection is effective for rheumatism, gout, and has an anticonvulsant effect. Contraindications are kidney disease. Without consulting a doctor, this herbal raw material should not be used, nor should it be prescribed, otherwise it can cause serious harm.

Nettle root

The medicinal properties of nettle are not limited to the use of only the leaves of the plant. The medicinal properties of dried nettle root have a very wide spectrum of action. Syrup and tinctures from the root of the plant have a choleretic effect on the gastrointestinal tract, activating the liver, stimulating appetite, working as a mild laxative, they are also useful for liver diseases.


The beneficial substances contained in the plant are easily destroyed when exposed to high temperatures, so the maximum benefit of nettle infusion depends on proper preparation. For this purpose, grass and plant roots are used, which are infused with an alcohol base in a place protected from light, at room temperature, in a transparent container. It is better to store the infusion in a dark container.


To prepare a high-quality decoction, medicinal raw materials are poured with boiling water and infused. It is not recommended to boil the resulting infusion. Depending on the purpose of using the medicine - drinking, compress, lubrication, rinsing, rubbing - it is infused for different times in order to obtain useful substances in a certain concentration. The benefits of nettle decoction are difficult to overestimate.


Stinging nettle can be found on river banks, wastelands, and roadsides. Thickets of this stinging plant, sometimes reaching two meters in height, are a common sight in areas with a temperate climate.

Nettle is a perennial plant; its stems are tall, tetrahedral, and its leaves are ovate-lanceolate.

It blooms from June to September with greenish flowers, united in inflorescences.

Although the plant is considered a weed, due to its unique chemical composition it has been used in folk medicine for a long time.

All the wealth is in the leaves; they contain not only vitamins K, C, E, B, carotene, but also tannins, organic acids, salts, and chlorophyll. The list could take a long time.

A clear indication of the benefits is that nettle contains almost twice as much vitamin C as lemon and black currant, and is ahead of carrots in terms of carotene.

By eating a salad seasoned with nettle leaves, you can provide yourself with vitamins for a day.

In the old days in Rus', nettle leaves were added to bread, soup, porridge and thereby saved themselves from vitamin deficiency and scurvy.

Hippocrates and Dioscorides - scientists of Ancient Greece discovered the healing properties of the juice of fresh nettle leaves, described them in their treatises, and advised using the juice to treat wounds. Vitamin K provides hemostatic properties; it improves blood clotting and prevents inflammation.

Chlorophyll, which is part of the leaves, also accelerates wound healing. But its beneficial properties do not end there. It is beneficial for the respiratory system, improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, improves metabolism, and tones the intestines. Chlorophyll is used in the production of drugs for the treatment of radiation therapy.

Hair, skin and nails need vitamins that are found in nettles, namely E and B. They also accelerate the healing of burn wounds, slow down aging, relieve chronic fatigue, and help reduce the harmful effects of medications.

Nettle preparations can be used to treat diseases that are based on allergies. These include urticaria, hay fever, allergic conjunctivitis, and pruritic dermatitis. The effect in the treatment and prevention of these diseases is achieved due to its antihistamine effect, the ability to relieve inflammation, and relieve pain.

Nettle can be used to treat anemia. Iron, protein, vitamins help improve blood quality. More red blood cells are produced, and hemoglobin levels increase. Infusions and decoctions of nettle leaves help to get back on your feet faster after operations and restore skin after burns.

Nettle contains secretin, a hormone essential for the pancreas, which can stimulate the production of insulin. Taking drugs with nettle extract reduces sugar levels in diabetic patients. Nettle helps in treating the pancreas.

Nettle has good diuretic and choleretic properties; drugs are made on its basis, the purpose of which is to treat diseases of the main human organs, such as:

  1. Liver.
  2. Kidneys.
  3. Gallbladder.
  4. Bladder.

Men appreciated nettle, it is good for men's health. It is very useful for men to drink nettle tea to prevent prostatitis. The phytosterols included in the composition help normalize the functioning of the prostate gland, and together with vitamins improve potency.

May nettle: video

Like any medicinal plant, nettle has contraindications. Harm may occur if infusions and decoctions of nettle are used simultaneously with pharmaceutical medications.

The effect may be negative. First of all, this concerns hypertension. You should not take medicine to lower blood pressure or drink nettle infusion.

It is not advisable to take antidepressants and nettle medications at the same time, as it suppresses the central nervous system and enhances the effect of medications on it.

Consulting a doctor will help you understand whether nettle preparations can be taken together with other medications.

The hemostatic properties of the plant can harm patients diagnosed with:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • varicose veins;
  • atherosclerosis.

Taking nettle preparations increases blood clotting and increases the risk of blood clots.

Bleeding: cysts, polyps, tumors should not be treated with nettle preparations, they should not be used by women at any stage of pregnancy, it is fraught with uterine contractions and miscarriages.

At home for treatment you can use:

  • decoction
  • infusion

How is the juice used?

The juice helps with various diseases. If you suffer from stones in the gall bladder, bile ducts or bladder, drink a dessert spoon of freshly squeezed juice before each meal, but no more than 4 times a day.

If there is internal bleeding, drink 1 teaspoon of juice, no more than 5 times a day. To prevent hypovitaminosis, it is enough to take a teaspoon 3 times a day.

The juice can be consumed freshly squeezed or prepared for future use. Vodka taken in the same proportion as the juice is suitable as a preservative. Store this infusion in a tightly closed bottle, placing it in the refrigerator. If you drink fresh juice with a teaspoon or a dessert spoon, then you should drink the vodka tincture in double size.

Juicing is easy.

  • Grind,
  • roll the gauze several times
  • put the pulp in it and squeeze out the juice.

You can prepare a decoction of the roots, seeds and leaves of nettle. A decoction prepared from the roots treats cholelithiasis, urolithiasis, prostate adenoma, gastritis, colitis, and cough.

For preparation:

chop dry roots, take 2 tbsp. l, pour a glass of water, boil the mixture for 10 minutes, placing it on low heat. Cool. Strain. Add boiled water, you should get at least a glass. Drink six tablespoons throughout the day.

A decoction of the seeds treats cough and insomnia. To prepare you will need:

  • seeds 2 tbsp. l;
  • water 1 tbsp.

Bring the mixture to a boil, cook for 8 minutes, leave for an hour. The finished broth is filtered and topped up with chilled boiled water. The broth should be no less than a glass. If you have a cough, drink a tablespoon 4 times a day; if you have insomnia, then before going to bed drink a quarter glass of the decoction.

Decoctions prepared from the leaves can be used externally for hair problems. You can wash your hair with it without using detergents at least three times a week for a month. Grind the dry leaves, take 100 grams, add water and 9% vinegar. Proportion 1:1. Boil for half an hour. Cool. Strain.


A tincture prepared from the roots helps: with bleeding, diarrhea, irregular periods, prepare it for 10 days. You will need:

  • vodka 0.5 liters;
  • dried roots, chopped 2 tbsp. L.

Take 30 drops*3 times a day.

An infusion of dry leaves can treat gingivitis, stomatitis, and periodontal disease. Used for rinsing.

Easy to prepare:

3 tbsp. Pour l dried and crushed leaves into a glass of boiling water, close, and let it brew. You can rinse your mouth with warm infusion after 30 minutes, strain first.

Helps lose weight, cleanses the body of toxins, strengthens the walls of the blood vessels.

Both dried and fresh leaves of the plant are suitable for brewing tea.

First, they should be placed in a bowl and filled with plain water at room temperature. Cover with a lid and bring to a boil over low heat. Immediately after boiling, remove the broth from the heat.

The tea should steep for 25-35 minutes. Drink nettle tea no more than 3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals.

Nettle is very useful for men. Helps increase the production of the male hormone testosterone, treats the prostate, helps with frequent emissions, urological inflammation and male infertility.

Seeds 1 tsp infused in 1 tbsp will increase potency. boiled water. Leave for half an hour. Drink a glass twice.

A very effective tincture prepared from 0.5 liters of dry red wine and 5 teaspoons of dry stinging nettle seeds. Boil the mixture for at least five minutes, then leave and strain. Drink a tablespoon before each meal. Daily norm 3 tbsp. l.

Nettle juice will help with heavy periods. It can be prepared only from fresh leaves that are picked when the nettle blooms profusely. When your period arrives, dilute 1 teaspoon of juice in a quarter of a glass of water and drink before each meal.

A decoction of dried nettle also helps normalize menstruation; you can dry it yourself, or it’s easier to buy it at the pharmacy.

For a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. l, boil for several minutes. Leave for two hours, strain. The norm is 3 times * 0.5 tbsp before meals.

Taking the decoction significantly reduces the amount of discharge. There is also a pharmaceutical preparation containing nettle, it is produced in the form of tablets - Secrets of Longevity.

You can force menstruation if it does not occur on the desired day. Pour 1 tbsp. l leaves 1 tbsp boiling water, leave for an hour, drink in one go. Your period should come the next day.

Nettle has a stimulating effect on hair roots, promotes their growth, and increases thickness. A rinse made from nettle makes hair stronger and more beautiful.

You will need:

fresh leaves 10 tbsp. l, 2 l of boiling water, can be used after an hour. First wash your hair with shampoo and then rinse with infusion.

This product will not only add beauty to your hair, but also reduce hair loss.

Nettle seeds, like other parts of the plant, have valuable medicinal properties. From them you can make infusions, teas, decoctions, ointments and other products that strengthen male power, normalize blood sugar levels, and solve a number of problems in the cosmetic field. The herb is also popular for its low price, which is offered in pharmacies, but if desired, nettle can be grown at home.

Active substances

All parts of nettle are rich in vitamin C, which can strengthen the body and also has a negative effect on many diseases. All nettle seeds contain not only vitamin C - they also contain vitamins B, E, K and other important elements.

The plant is very useful because it contains natural fatty oil, the majority of which is linolenic acid. This element allows you to improve metabolic processes in the human body, and also reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

If you take various seed-based products, cell aging will be slowed down. Due to the large amount of this acid, all products made from seeds can normalize hormonal levels.

Benefits of seeds

Like any other natural product, nettle seeds have medicinal properties and contraindications. As statistics show, many men suffer from diseases of the reproductive system. To help avoid such problems, pharmaceutical companies produce many different medications and supplements that contain nettle seeds. The plant can improve potency and erection. You can also use medicines based on nettle to treat prostate adenoma and other male diseases.

It is best to take all medications containing nettle seeds only after consulting a doctor, since the plant is not suitable for everyone.


Knowing the positive properties of nettle seeds, it is also necessary to take into account who is contraindicated in taking tinctures, decoctions and other remedies.

  1. People with thick blood, as blood clots may form.
  2. People who have varicose veins or thrombophlebitis should not take the product.
  3. Hypertensive patients, patients with atherosclerosis, and pregnant women should avoid taking medications by mouth.
  4. It is forbidden to use nettle if there is bleeding caused by tumors in the uterus.

It is also worth knowing that nettle seeds can enhance lactation in women.

Natural Medicines

To increase sexual desire and potency in men, nettle should be used, but not any part of it, namely nettle seeds.

Traditional medicine is rich in different recipes that can improve potency, but if you use seeds, it is better to prefer the following technology:

  1. You can make a medicine if 1 tbsp. l. crushed seeds, pour a liter of boiling water and leave the ingredients for 30 minutes.
  2. You will need to take the medicine 3 times a day, in a volume of 70 ml.

The infusion can significantly improve the functioning of the reproductive system, as well as improve health and improve metabolic processes.

For a similar effect, you can pour 1 glass of plain water into 2 tbsp. l. seeds Next, the ingredients are simmered over low heat for about 10 minutes, after which the mixture is filtered and a glass of boiled water is added. This recipe can be used not only to improve potency, but also for insomnia. To regulate sleep, drink 50 ml an hour before bedtime. The decoction can be used for illnesses and coughs. In this case, drink one tablespoon three times a day.

Kazakh recipe for potency

To strengthen male power, Kazakhs advise using the following method of preparing medicine:

  1. 5 tbsp. l. seeds, pour 500 ml of port wine from grapes and let the mixture boil, then boil for 5 minutes.
  2. When the mixture has cooled, you need to strain it and drink it using two methods: you can take the medicine once a day, 50 ml or 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.
  3. If there is no port wine, then it is replaced with wine, but it is better to add honey to the wine. For 5 tablespoons of nettle, you need the same amount of honey. Drink a tablespoon of wine-based medicine before starting a meal.

To prepare a stronger potency enhancer you need:

  1. Add a quarter of the seeds to 0.5 liters of fortified wine.
  2. The tincture should steep for a month.
  3. The finished product is drunk 2 tbsp. l. three times a day, about half an hour before the start of a meal.

The course of treatment with this remedy is 1-2 months. If it is necessary to repeat the course, you need to take a break of 30 days and only then start reusing the medicine.

Delicious medicine for male power

Medicines do not always taste bad; on the contrary, they can be very tasty. The described recipe is proof of this. For cooking, 1 tbsp will be enough. l. seeds, as well as one banana. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and one such serving per day is enough. If you don’t have regular nettle, you can buy nettle seeds at the pharmacy. Today this is not a problem.

Cosmetology products

Many women prefer to prepare face and body care products on their own, and one of the popular nettle recipes is the following:

  1. Nettle seeds (200 g) are poured into a liter of boiling water, and when the water cools down a little, another 2 tbsp is added. l. honey
  2. After an hour, the infusion will be ready for use and the product will be used to wash and wipe the skin. The medicine is used for problem skin, and also as a means to strengthen hair.

Since ancient times, nettle seeds have been used to remove hair from any part of the body. To prepare such a medicine, it is necessary to use stinging nettle seeds, but they must be fresh. You need to pour 40 g of the plant with 100 grams of sunflower oil and leave to infuse for 2 months. After the specified time, you can rub the oil into the problem parts. This is how nettle seeds are used for hair removal. This is a kind of natural depilator.

Procurement of seeds

In all the remedies described, you need to use stinging nettle seeds, since it is the one that is very valued. It is collected only in clean areas, from July to August. For harvesting, you can cut the stems of the plant, the length of which is no more than 0.5 meters. Nettle seeds will have medicinal properties only if they are ripe. The stems themselves must be tied in a bunch and placed under a canopy to dry for up to 2-3 days. After the specified time, the bunches should be beaten onto oilcloth or cloth and all the seeds should be collected, which should be left to dry for up to a week.

The finished product can be stored in woven bags or jars. The beneficial properties will last for a couple of years.


Using plant seeds as a folk remedy for treatment, you can not only quickly get back on your feet after illness, but also significantly improve your health. By taking decoctions or infusions according to the indicated recipes, you don’t have to be afraid of any illness, and men will only benefit from such remedies.

Nettle is indispensable for potency due to its composition and properties. The herb has been successfully used since ancient times. This is the absolute truth, because it is beneficial for both women and children, as well as for men.


The following dessert is suitable to increase potency. The seeds of the plant are ground in a mortar and mixed with banana crushed in a blender. You can add to taste and take one serving once a day.


If you have prostate adenoma, but it does not yet give obvious symptoms, it is recommended to try preparing a decoction. Pour a glass of boiling water over a few teaspoons of chopped roots and leaves and cook over low heat for 5-10 minutes. The broth is filtered. You should drink it a little twice a day for two months.


Infusion of seeds in red fortified wine. You need to take half a liter of wine and a glass of seeds, mix and leave for 4 weeks, shaking occasionally.

You need to take half a glass 30 minutes before meals twice a day. Use is allowed for no longer than two months, after which you need to take a break.


Nettle tea is prepared as follows. You will need 100 grams of dried nettle, pour a glass of boiling water. Nettle should be brewed for 30 minutes until the liquid cools. Add honey and lemon to taste.


Nettle with honey is a source of vitamin C, which you should stock up on before winter. In addition to preventing colds, the mixture will protect a man from decreased potency.

  1. Extract the juice from the plant in a juicer.
  2. Next, take 1 part juice and 4 parts honey. First, the honey needs to be softened a little by heating.
  3. Store the mixture in jars, leaving them in a dark, cool place.

The benefits of the product are worth the time and effort spent preparing the recipe.


Nettle pancakes are a simple dish that any man can prepare. It is necessary to break two eggs in a plastic bowl, add a glass of kefir there, and beat everything thoroughly with a fork or whisk.

Everything is thoroughly mixed. After 30 minutes of rest, pancakes are laid out with a spoon onto a heated frying pan, greased with oil. Fry until golden brown on both sides. The pancakes are delicious served hot with sour cream and garlic sauce.

Nettle is on the list of the most common plants growing in Russia. It can be found near bodies of water, on the side of the road, in the forest, in vacant lots and even next to housing. Due to its unique composition, it is used in agriculture (as livestock feed), cosmetology, cooking, folk medicine, as well as in the manufacture of pharmacological drugs. The herb has a huge list of medicinal properties, among which the main place is normalization of hormonal balance, treatment of diseases of the male reproductive system and getting rid of problems with potency.

Nettle is a storehouse of useful substances necessary to maintain normal human health. The chemical composition of the plant includes:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • calcium;
  • vitamins B, K;
  • carotene;
  • potassium;
  • fintocides;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • nickel;
  • manganese;
  • iron.

Because of its unique set of vitamins and microelements, scientists call nettle a valuable natural multivitamin concentrate that can replace a number of medications for potency, including Viagra.

How does nettle affect potency?

Regular use of nettle-based medications will relieve poor health, restore internal strength, reduce cholesterol levels in the body, and also cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins. At the same time, the plant has a beneficial effect on the state of the vascular system, as a result of which blood circulation is normalized, and blood flow to the pelvic organs increases during excitement.

Using nettle to prepare tinctures, decoctions and other traditional medicine significantly reduces the risk of developing erectile dysfunction and eliminates existing problems with potency. Men who were treated with this plant for one month noted a sharp improvement in their health and good changes in the functioning of the reproductive system.

Contraindications for use

Despite the large list of positive qualities, sometimes nettle can cause serious harm to health. Preparations and products containing the extract of this plant are prohibited for use by those who suffer from:

  • diseases associated with an increased likelihood of blood clots;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;

  • bleeding disorders;
  • plant allergies.

With the uncontrolled use of medicines from nettle, if there is any contraindication, a person may experience a number of adverse reactions: acute headaches, nausea accompanied by vomiting, allergic rash, increased symptoms of the underlying disease.

Nettle for male power: the best recipes

Traditional medicine has a huge list of options for preparing various medicines from nettle that can restore potency and relieve a number of disorders of the reproductive system. Below are the best existing recipes, the effectiveness of which has been proven in practice by several generations of our ancestors.

The main option for making an infusion to strengthen men's health was the combination of 200 grams of nettle leaves with a tablespoon of crushed calamus root. The two ingredients are mixed, and then poured with 0.5 liter of vodka or diluted alcohol (1 part alcohol to 3 parts water). The resulting mixture is infused in a cool, dark place for three days. The finished product should be drunk daily, 50 grams. repeatedly. The duration of treatment using this method is at least 1.5 months.

The second recipe for making nettle tincture includes several additional components:

  • ginseng root – 50 g;
  • honey - one tablespoon;
  • Dubrovnik – 4 teaspoons.

All components of the medicine are mixed into a homogeneous mass, after which 300 grams must be poured into it. vodka. The product is infused throughout the day and taken 1 tablespoon before each meal.

To enhance the properties of nettle tincture, doctors recommend combining it with other methods of increasing potency. This could be taking vitamin-mineral complexes, special pharmacological medications for erectile dysfunction, doing Kegel exercises, or following healthy eating rules.


To prepare decoctions, herbalists recommend using nettle leaves picked a few hours ago. This is explained by the fact that when the plant dries out, it loses some of its beneficial properties. However, in the absence of fresh raw materials, you can brew medicine from dried herbs, which are sold in pharmacies at a low price, or prepared in advance.

Honey-herbal decoction

Honey is considered not only tasty, but also quite a healthy natural product. It is used in the treatment of a number of diseases of internal organs, and is also an excellent addition to nettle infusion.

To prepare this medicine you need to take 250 grams. nettle leaves, add a liter of water and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, the broth is decanted into a clean container, where 2 tablespoons of honey are added.

If desired, nettle can be combined with ginseng root or ginger powder. These two components will also have a beneficial effect on potency and accelerate the restoration of male strength.

Eleutherococcus and nettle to increase potency

Eleutherococcus has a large list of beneficial properties, and its use together with nettle allows you to get rid of many serious diseases of the genitourinary system and strengthen an erection that has weakened due to decreased immunity.

To prepare the medicine, you need to take two tablespoons of the leaves of each plant, pour 500 ml of hot water over them and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Afterwards, the broth is filtered and drunk warm in two doses with a short interval.

You need to drink this remedy every morning and afternoon for one month. If there are serious problems in the functioning of the reproductive system, the course of treatment will need to be repeated again. The prepared decoction cannot be stored; it is consumed within half an hour after preparation.

Eleutherococcus excites the central nervous system, which is why it is contraindicated for people suffering from sleep disorders. When taking the decoction at night, insomnia and headaches may occur.

Tea for potency is a good alternative to decoctions

If you don’t want to bother making decoctions, you can brew nettle tea with the addition of hawthorn or mint leaves. The combination of these plant components has a lot of positive properties:

  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;

  • prevention of infectious diseases of the urinary tract;
  • calming the nervous system;
  • stimulation of the reproductive system organs;
  • increasing the quality and quantity of ejaculate.

To properly prepare tea and preserve all the beneficial substances contained in medicinal herbs, you must first wash their leaves and then pour boiling water over them. Next, the liquid is drained and the plant is re-filled with hot water. Herbal tea should be brewed for 5 minutes and drunk immediately after cooling. This drink cannot be reheated. If the tea was not drunk on time and it has cooled down, then it needs to be poured out and a new one prepared.

Nettle tea, like the decoction, does not have a very pleasant taste, so it can be sweetened a little with artificial sweeteners, fructose or honey. It is not advisable for men who complain of decreased potency to consume natural sugar.

Dishes made from nettle leaves

Preparing various dishes from nettle is a common practice among lovers of traditional medicine. In this case, only a freshly picked plant is used, which has not had time to lose its beneficial properties.

Despite the fact that nettle has a specific taste, it can become a substitute for many ingredients. It is often added to dishes such as:

  • green borscht (instead of sorrel);
  • salads instead of cabbage;
  • pastry as a filling.

Soup with greens

To prepare a healthy soup to get rid of impotence, you need to take:

  • 500 gr. nettle leaves;
  • 200 gr. spinach or parsley;
  • 400-500 gr. smoked ribs;
  • 5 small potatoes;
  • onion, carrot;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • seasonings to taste.

First you need to cook the ribs in 1.5 liters. water. After boiling, they are pulled out of the water and the meat is cut off from them.

While the potatoes and herbs are boiling, you should prepare the frying. To do this, you will need to chop the onion, garlic and carrots and fry them in olive oil for a few minutes.

When the potatoes are almost ready, the roast is poured into the broth, as well as the meat cut from the ribs. After 5 minutes, the soup will be completely cooked and you can add salt and seasonings to it.

Other methods of treating impotence with nettles

In addition to preparing drinks or dishes, in folk medicine there are several other, no less effective ways to use nettle for medicinal purposes for sexual impotence. They are suitable as an addition to the main course of therapy and significantly speed up the healing process.

Nettle seed baths

Hydrotherapy is one of the popular methods of combating erectile dysfunction, which receives a lot of positive feedback from professional doctors. Regular bathing with the addition of a decoction of nettle seeds:

  • improves blood circulation in the pelvic area;

  • will improve sperm quality;
  • strengthens erection;
  • relieves tension in the muscular system;
  • will prevent diseases of internal organs.

To prepare a decoction for potency, nettle seeds are first washed and kept in clean water for 2-3 hours. Next, you need to take a two-liter jar of raw materials and pour it into 4 liters of boiling water. After the medicine has boiled for 15 minutes, it is filtered and poured into a hot bath.

You need to take water procedures with a decoction of nettle seeds every two days for 1-1.5 months. After 15 days, the man will feel an improvement in his general health, and at the end of the course of hydrotherapy, he will experience a number of favorable changes in the functioning of the reproductive system.

Nettle baths are contraindicated in some forms of prostatitis, atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis. Before using this treatment method, you need to consult a doctor.

Therapeutic enemas

If you have an unhealthy lifestyle and lack of physical activity, doctors recommend using enemas from a decoction of nettle leaves or seeds.

To prepare it, you need to take one tablespoon of plant material and simmer it over low heat in two glasses of water. Afterwards, the finished medicine is cooled, filtered and injected into the rectum using an enema.

This procedure should be done no more than once a week, preferably an hour before going to bed. The duration of treatment is from 4 weeks to two months.

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