Blood during ejaculation. What does ejaculation with blood indicate?

Men often turn to doctors complaining of bloody ejaculation. This phenomenon greatly frightens the stronger sex and makes them run to the doctor. The causes of the disease can be minor or represent serious pathologies.

In this article we will tell you:

Causes and symptoms

Ejaculation with blood occurs for various reasons. Often the culprit of the problem is an inflammatory or infectious process in the male reproductive system or organ damage. The main role in the formation of sperm is played by the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland. With the development of pathological processes in them, bloody impurities may appear in the seminal fluid.

Factors such as:

  1. Increased size of the prostate gland.
  2. Development of urethritis.
  3. Traumatization of the urethra, testicles, perineum.
  4. Neoplasms in the organs of the genitourinary system, benign or malignant.

Blood during ejaculation can occur in people of different ages, but most often it is observed in middle-aged and elderly men. To determine the reasons for the appearance of bloody impurities in semen, you should consult a doctor. This should be done as quickly as possible to avoid the development of serious problems.

Even small blood clots in semen are a reason to consult a doctor

With bloody ejaculation, additional symptoms are usually present. These include:

  • Pain in the genitals and lumbar region.
  • Swelling of the affected area.
  • Pain during sperm discharge.
  • Difficulty emptying the bladder.
  • Increased body temperature.

Attention! If such signs appear, you should immediately visit a doctor. You should not rely on your own strength and look for a solution to the problem in traditional medicine. Treatment is prescribed exclusively by a specialist.

Ejaculate color in different pathologies

By the shade of sperm one can judge the development of a particular pathology. If the color change happened only once and did not happen again, there is no need to panic. But it is still advisable to undergo a preventive examination. If the color of the liquid is constantly changing, then this is a serious reason to visit a doctor.

The color of sperm in men under various pathological conditions can be as follows:

  • Transparent. This phenomenon is possible with azoospermia. It is a disease in which there are no sperm in the seminal fluid.
  • Pink. When sperm of this shade appears, there is a possibility that it contains red blood cells. The reason may be different, which helps to establish a special study. Also, the color may change due to eating certain foods that contain a lot of dyes.
  • Yellow. This coloring occurs in diseases of the genitourinary system, for example, inflammation of the prostate and bladder. Purulent processes, active smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages may also be the cause.
  • Brown. This shade of sperm indicates that there is old blood in the seminal fluid. This is possible with inflammatory pathologies of the seminal glands, vas deferens, and testicles. Also, the presence of blood impurities can indicate the development of malignant prostate tumors.

Types of hemospermia

Hemospermia is divided into two main types: true and false. The first form is characterized by the fact that sperm mixes with blood in the testicles, prostate gland, seminal vesicles or vas deferens. In this case, the ejaculate is uniformly colored reddish. Such hemospermia occurs due to the development of various pathologies or surgical interventions on the genitals.

With false pathology, blood streaks are observed in the seminal fluid, with which they mix in the urethra. It occurs from time to time and does not depend on the presence of inflammatory and infectious diseases in the organs of the genitourinary system. With this form, red blood cells are not detected in the semen, and patients do not experience pain or problems with emptying the bladder.


Before starting treatment, you should find out the reason for the appearance of blood in semen after ejaculation. To do this, doctors prescribe the following examination methods:

  1. Urine and blood analysis.
  2. Sperm examination.
  3. Analysis for sexually transmitted diseases.
  4. Digital examination of the prostate gland.
  5. Ultrasonography.

Based on the data obtained, the doctor makes a diagnosis and selects the optimal treatment tactics.


Treatment of ejaculation with bleeding depends entirely on what caused the disease and what symptoms accompany it. In a single case, therapy may not be required. If hemospermia is observed several times, you need to consult a doctor who, after examination, will prescribe appropriate treatment.


To eliminate pathologies that cause blood after ejaculation, different methods are used. Physiotherapeutic procedures and surgery are widely used. The selection of necessary measures is carried out by the attending physician. The list of procedures depends on what diagnosis the man was given.

To combat pathologies, the following physiotherapeutic techniques can be used:

  • Electrophoresis. Prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland and seminal glands. The therapy is carried out using an electric current, through which medicinal substances enter the body.
  • Ultrasound therapy. It is also used for the development of inflammation and sexual dysfunction. Ultrasound also allows you to relieve swelling and improve the metabolism of substances.
  • Magnetotherapy. A magnetic field is used for treatment. It helps to cope with various inflammatory diseases that affect the pelvic organs. The therapy produces an excellent therapeutic effect and is suitable for almost all patients.

Treatment with such procedures is carried out in courses of several days or weeks, depending on the doctor’s prescription.


Medicines are also used to eliminate male diseases. They are prescribed exclusively by the attending doctor. It is strictly prohibited to take any medications on your own to avoid serious consequences.

For infectious diseases, it is recommended to take antibacterial agents. Anti-inflammatory drugs are required to relieve inflammation. If the release of sperm with blood is accompanied by severe pain, painkillers are prescribed.


If physiotherapeutic procedures and medications do not bring the desired result, a decision is made to undergo surgical intervention. Surgery is usually required if tumors form in the organs of the genitourinary system.

With benign neoplasms, it is possible to completely get rid of the problem. If malignant tumors are detected, the treatment process is more complex. Depending on the extent of the lesion, the doctor may remove only the formation or the entire affected organ.

Thanks to modern technology, surgery has become much more effective


To prevent the development of health problems in the male reproductive system, it is necessary to protect the organs from injury and damage. To do this, it is recommended to follow safety rules when playing sports, wear clothes that do not tighten the body, and avoid situations that could lead to bruises or falls.

Intimate life is of great importance for the prevention of diseases of the genital organs. It should be regular. With prolonged abstinence, various pathologies arise, which later lead to more dangerous consequences.

Regular sex is the key to men's health

In the presence of pathological processes, treatment should be started immediately to avoid complications. It is also important to undergo a preventive examination of the reproductive system at least once a year for timely detection of disorders.

The presence of blood in semen, which appears regularly and is accompanied by pain, should be a serious reason to consult a doctor. Most pathologies can be cured completely if you consult a specialist in time.

Ejaculation with blood occurs infrequently in men. The presence of impurities in sperm is not a disease, but a symptom of pathology. Some diseases of the genitourinary system are accompanied by blood entering the urethral canal or vas deferens. During an erection, seminal fluid mixes with it. Externally, a man may notice darkening or redness of the sperm. The symptom is also accompanied by additional signs. You should not look for the cause of the impurity on your own. If blood is detected in the ejaculate, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. Only correct diagnosis will help identify the cause of the pathology.

Ejaculation process

Ejaculation in men is accompanied by the release of seminal fluid through the urethral canal. Sperm consists of secretions and germ cells. The secretion of seminal fluid is produced in the prostate gland of a man. Sex cells are formed in the testicles. The formed sperm secretion is stored in the seminal vesicles. These organs are located in front of the prostate gland. When aroused, the fluid leaves the vesicles and passes through the vas deferens to the testicles. In the scrotum, sperm are mixed with secretions. The finished sperm enters the urethral canal and comes to the surface.

If a pathological process develops in one of the organs, then a modification of the seminal fluid occurs. Ejaculation is accompanied by the release of thick liquid with different colors. Some pathologies are accompanied by bleeding. In this case, minor red inclusions or a large number of blood cells can be found in the ejaculate.

Reasons for changes in ejaculate color

Several organs are simultaneously involved in the process of ejaculation. There are a large number of diseases that affect the reproductive system. The appearance of blood in semen can be caused by factors such as:

  • Presence of hemospermia;
  • Inflammatory processes in the prostate gland;
  • Infections of the urethral canal;
  • Vesiculitis of various etiologies;
  • Injury to the vessels of the reproductive system.

When blood is detected in semen, many doctors talk about the presence of hemospermia. This pathology is accompanied by a significant change in the color of the seminal fluid. Ejaculation is accompanied by the release of red fluid. The disease is divided into true and false forms.

The true type is characterized by the presence of prostatitis, acute urethritis or vesiculitis in the patient. Blood impurities in their true form appear in varying quantities. In case of false pathology, the patient has blood in the testes. Its quantity is unchanged. This helps specialists quickly find the cause.

A common cause of bleeding is acute prostatitis. Inflammation of the prostate gland can occur in many men. Pathology develops due to poor nutrition, inactive lifestyle, various concomitant diseases or infection with pathogens. In this case, the organ enlarges. The walls of the prostate are stretched, the vessels on its surface are torn. Blood enters the cavity of the prostate gland. During ejaculation, blood mixes with secretions and leaves the prostate.

Various infections of the urethral canal lead to its modification. Many pathogenic microorganisms cause severe irritation of the tissues of the urinary tract. They become inflamed and begin to bleed. When passing through such a section, the ejaculate mixes with blood. During ejaculation, a man notices small inclusions in the sperm.

Vesiculitis can also be a factor that leads to a change in the color of the ejaculate. The disease occurs in the seminal tubercles. The pathology is accompanied by a narrowing of the urethral canal. The process of emptying the bladder becomes more difficult. During sexual intercourse, a man experiences discomfort or pain. The sperm has small inclusions of red threads.

Injury to the vessels of the genital organs is in many cases accompanied by the appearance of blood in the urine or semen. Minor ruptures of small vessels lead to the entry of red blood cells into the urethral canal. The fluid passing through it will be mixed with blood.

Symptoms of the problem

The appearance of blood during ejaculation is itself a symptom. Many pathological processes in the genitourinary system are accompanied by the appearance of impurities in the seminal fluid. Bleeding may also be accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • Problems emptying the bladder;
  • Discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • Pain in the groin area;
  • Increase in body temperature.

Many patients complain of difficulty emptying the bladder. The process may become more frequent at night. False urges often arise. Some patients experience spontaneous leakage of urine. The cause of this symptom may be urethritis or prostatitis. In acute pathology, ejaculation occurs with blood.

Various infectious diseases of the genitourinary system are accompanied by discomfort during sexual intercourse. Patients complain of a burning sensation in the urethral canal and pain when seminal fluid passes through it. If the appearance of a symptom does not lead to a visit to the doctor, then serious complications are possible.

Pathologies of the intimate area may also be accompanied by pain in the groin area. The localization of pain varies. It depends on the reason that caused the bleeding. Some men take painkillers on their own. This only makes the problem worse. If pain occurs, you should immediately contact a urologist. Thanks to localization, the doctor will quickly identify the disease.

The acute form of prostatitis and urethritis causes an increase in body temperature. This occurs due to the rapid spread of infection. It is recommended to bring down the temperature with anti-inflammatory drugs. Antipyretic substances can alleviate a person’s condition for a short period of time. After it expires, the temperature will rise again.

Diagnosis of the problem

To make a diagnosis, the doctor must carefully interview the patient. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the presence of chronic diseases and concomitant treatment. If a man has no visible reasons for the appearance of blood during ejaculation, an ultrasound examination is necessary.

Ultrasound of the internal organs of the pelvis allows you to quickly find the inflamed organ or area. If the cause is not detected by ultrasound, the patient is referred for Doppler examination. This type of diagnosis allows you to study the structure of blood vessels and clarify their patency.

When diagnosing, specialists also take a semen analysis from the man. This is necessary to determine the nature of the blood impurity. In some cases, pathogenic bacteria are also found in semen.

Only after a thorough examination is the patient prescribed treatment.

Therapy problems

The purpose of treatment depends on the factors that influenced the appearance of impurities during ejaculation. Specialists use the following treatment methods:

  • Medicinal;
  • Surgical;
  • Hardware;
  • Conservative.

Medicines are selected individually for each disease. To treat genitourinary infections, many specialists use antibiotic drugs and anti-inflammatory drugs. Both types of medications eliminate the cause of inflammation and relieve swelling from the affected organ. This causes a decrease in pressure on the blood vessels. Capillary ruptures stop. Blood disappears during ejaculation.

Some diseases can only be eliminated by surgery. Modern urological surgeons use lasers for operations. This effect can significantly reduce blood loss during incision and disinfect the wound surface. Patients recover quickly after laser surgery.

Hardware influence is carried out using magnets or electric current. Both radiations produce heat. It has a destructive effect on inflamed tissue. Hardware treatment is prescribed only after the acute condition has resolved.

If blood appears in semen, a man should seek help from a urologist. The specialist will find out the reasons that caused the impurity during ejaculation.

The presence of blood in the ejaculate is called hematospermia. Blood during ejaculation is usually a painless, benign and isolated symptom. Why is there sometimes blood in men after ejaculation?

Blood during ejaculation is not uncommon and can occur in men of any age after puberty. Most often, this pathological symptom is observed in men aged 30 to 40 years.

More than 90% of patients have no previous signs of damage to the genitourinary system.

The male reproductive system consists of testes, a system of ducts (tubes) and other glands that open into ducts. Sperm is produced in the testes. During orgasm, waves of muscle contractions transport sperm and a small amount of fluid from the testes to the vas deferens. The seminal vesicles and prostate produce additional fluid to protect the sperm. This mixture of sperm and fluid (sperm) travels along the urethra to the tip of the penis, where it is ejaculated (released). Bleeding can occur anywhere along this sperm path.


Bloody ejaculation can be caused by inflammation, infection, blockage or injury anywhere in the male reproductive system. Because the seminal vesicles (a pair of glands located on either side of the bladder) and the prostate are the main organs that contribute fluid to semen in a man. Infectious processes, inflammation or injury in any of these organs can cause the appearance of blood in the seminal fluid.

Blood can be detected in semen as an independent symptom (primary hematospermia) or combined with other symptoms (secondary hematospermia).

Bloody ejaculation may be noticed during/after sex, but rough sex is not the cause of bleeding. Severe trauma to the genitals/urinary tract can cause bleeding from the urethra, but this symptom is different from hematospermia.

Blood in semen is very rarely due to any sexually transmitted infection (STI).

Bloody ejaculation can also be caused by the following factors:

  1. Blockage due to enlarged prostate;
  2. Prostate infection;
  3. Irritation in the urethra (urethritis);
  4. Trauma to the urethra;
  5. Prostate tumors;
  6. Testicular cancer;
  7. Malignant tumors of the genitourinary system.

Older men with risk factors for cancer should be carefully screened.

Depending on the cause, other symptoms may occur:

  1. Blood in the urine;
  2. Fever or chills;
  3. Lower back pain;
  4. Pain during intestinal peristalsis;
  5. Pain during ejaculation;
  6. Pain when urinating;
  7. Scrotum swelling;
  8. Swelling or tenderness in the groin area.


If a man has blood after ejaculation, the doctor will first examine the scrotal area to ensure that there are no abnormalities present in the testicle, epididymis, or along the vas deferens. The seminal vesicles and prostate are examined with a digital rectal examination. The doctor inserts a gloved finger into the rectal area to feel the surface of the prostate gland and determine if there are any areas of irregularity.

Men over 40 should have a PSA test to make sure there is no prostate cancer.

PSA or prostate-specific antigen is a test that is used in clinical practice to determine the amount of prostate-specific antigen in the blood for the purpose of diagnosing or determining the prognosis of the disease. PSA is a protein that is released into men's blood as part of the normal functioning of the prostate gland. Total serum PSA levels are generally low in healthy adult men. However, with age and physiological changes in the glandular matrix, levels of this protein may increase slightly in the blood. It must be remembered that antigen levels themselves are not dangerous and are only of diagnostic value. In oncology, the PSA norm is determined after removal of prostate cancer in order to identify the diagnosis of the tumor.

Some men with existing prostate cancer may sometimes have normal prostate-specific antigen results.

If PSA increases, the doctor should prescribe the patient a diagnostic examination for a malignant prostate tumor.

To differentiate between benign hyperplasia and prostate cancer, a number of tests must be performed:

  1. PSAD (which compares prostate size with corresponding PSA values);
  2. Increases in prostate-specific antigen concentrations are assessed over time;
  3. Determination of different forms of PSA to determine the need for additional examination.

Laboratory and instrumental diagnostics for hematospermia:

  1. PSA blood test;
  2. Sperm analysis;
  3. Sperm culture;
  4. , pelvic organs or scrotum;
  5. General urine analysis;
  6. Urine culture.


If the above tests show normal results, nothing further needs to be done. Hematospermia usually goes away on its own over time. For some men, this may be an intermittent problem.

If there is a constant presence of blood in the semen, it is necessary to do a transrectal ultrasound examination to evaluate the seminal vesicles and prostate gland. Prostate ultrasound is performed by inserting a small probe into the rectum, which takes sonographic images of the prostate and seminal vesicles. This is a simple procedure similar to a rectal examination. An ultrasound is performed to ensure that there are no abnormalities such as calcifications in the seminal vesicle or prostate gland.

Discharge of blood from the genital organs in men is always an alarming signal, even if it appears against the background of good health and the absence of other symptoms, and especially if the discharge occurs simultaneously with ejaculation.

Blood during ejaculation in men may indicate the presence of diseases of varying severity, but always associated with the delicate genitourinary system.

And if such problems start, it can be fraught not only with a serious deterioration in health, but also with the inability to lead a normal physical, sexual and emotional lifestyle.

Discharge of blood from the genital organs in men is always an alarming signal

Hemospermia: causes and factors

The official medical term for blood during ejaculation is hemospermia. This condition is considered serious enough that a man who discovers it in himself should immediately consult a doctor. Hemospermia in most cases is caused by factors that threaten the quality of the patient’s sexual life, which can cause disruption of his reproductive function and health problems in general.

There are two types of conditions in which bloody ejaculation occurs:

  • false hemospermia (characterized by the presence of streaks and blood clots in the seminal fluid, often the source of bleeding is the urethra, so the two fluids do not mix);
  • true hemospermia (a characteristic feature is the coloring of sperm, which means complete mixing of blood with ejaculate even before the stage of biological fluids entering the seminal tract).

In a fairly large number of cases, hemospermia develops in diseases affecting the prostate gland and seminal vesicles (testes), that is, those parts of the reproductive system that are directly responsible for the process of formation of seminal fluid and its quality. In the early stages, these problems practically do not manifest themselves with other symptoms, so diagnosing them in a timely manner is extremely difficult.

In the most favorable (if this definition can be attributed to health problems) cases, the reasons for the appearance of blood during ejaculation lie in certain mechanical factors, including:

In a large number of cases, hemospermia develops in diseases affecting the prostate gland and seminal vesicles

  • medical intervention (for example, damage to the prostate gland during tissue sampling for biopsy);
  • damage to the network of blood vessels that penetrate the penis during rough masturbation, sloppy oral sex or caressing the testicles;
  • minor damage to the urethra, cracks and ruptures of the frenulum of the penis, obtained during various experiments during sexual intercourse.

In the above cases, blood from the urethra will cease to be released within a couple of days (maximum, a week), as soon as the damage leading to bleeding heals. Sometimes it happens that hemospermia occurs in completely healthy people, and it is caused by prolonged abstinence from sexual intercourse, so everything goes away even without treatment.

And yet, most often, ejaculation with blood is a sign of pathology in the body. It could be:

  • vesiculitis (inflammation of the testes);
  • urethritis (inflammation of the urethra);
  • epididymitis (inflammation of the testicular appendages);
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • prostate tumor (including malignant formation).

Ejaculation with blood: the most common causes

The most common causes of bleeding during ejaculation are acute prostatitis, urethritis and vesiculitis. Acute inflammation of the prostate gland as a cause of blood discharge along with ejaculate can affect many men of all ages. Developing against the background of a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, irregular sexual activity, various genitourinary diseases and infection of the body with pathogenic microorganisms, this disease leads to an increase in the size of the prostate. When the muscle tissue of the walls of the organ is stretched, ruptures of the blood vessels on their surfaces occur, as a result of which blood enters the cavity of the prostate gland, mixes with secretions and is excreted during ejaculation.

Acute inflammation of the prostate gland, as a cause of bleeding, can affect men of all ages

When the urethra becomes inflamed (urethritis), blood from the tissues of the urinary tract, irritated by pathogens, is mixed with the seminal fluid. Infections of the urethral canal provoke constant inflammation in the tissues and continuous (or quickly renewed) bleeding. When sperm passes through these parts of the canal, it mixes with blood particles, and as a result, after ejaculation is completed, a man may notice small bloody inclusions in the ejaculate.

Vesiculitis, or an inflammatory process that begins in the testes, is a pathology that is characterized by narrowing of the urethral canal. This disease is characterized by extreme pain that accompanies urination and sexual intercourse, irritation and tissue ruptures that occur with every attempt to empty the bladder or have intimacy, provoking the addition of bloody inclusions in the form of red threads to the seminal fluid.

Symptoms other than ejaculation with blood

The condition of hemospermia, which is most often a manifestation of lesions of the genitourinary system, is also accompanied by other symptoms. In particular:

  • pain accompanying urination and ejaculation;
  • pain in the lower back, groin (especially in the testicles);
  • increase in temperature;
  • increased frequency of urination;
  • erectile dysfunction (impotence);
  • a decrease in the brightness of sensations that usually accompany sexual intercourse;
  • general weakness;
  • decline in performance.

If the blood stains the seminal fluid in a dark color, this manifestation of the disease may be accompanied by a fever (change of fever to chills) and a problem with premature ejaculation.

If you have these symptoms or other similar signs, you should never ignore blood from the urethra. It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible and undergo diagnostics. During the examination, the doctor will interview the patient, find out whether there are chronic diseases in his medical history (especially in the genitourinary area) and whether he has undergone treatment previously. If there are no apparent reasons for ejaculation with bloody inclusions, the patient will have to:

  • take tests (complete blood count, urine test, PSA blood test if prostatitis is suspected, semen analysis);
  • undergo an ultrasound examination, after which, if it does not give results, a Doppler examination.

The drug treatment method uses antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs

Based on the diagnostic results, the patient will be prescribed appropriate treatment. How successful it will be depends on the timeliness of seeking help and the man’s willingness to fulfill all the requirements necessary for a full recovery.

Treatment of hemospermia

The therapeutic effect, which allows a man to be relieved of such a frightening symptom as blood in the ejaculate, is determined by the reasons that initially served as the “trigger”. Each disease, the symptom of which is hemospermia, is treated with the use of separate remedies. However, in general we can say that all treatment methods are divided into:

  • medicinal;
  • operational;
  • hardware.

So, to combat infections that affect the organs of the genitourinary system, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medications, painkillers and diuretics (for problems with urination) are used. This complex allows you to eliminate the cause of inflammation, relieve swelling of organs, cleanse the body of waste products of infections, as well as relieve pain and facilitate the process of emptying the bladder. As a result, pressure on the blood vessels is relieved, they are not damaged and do not allow blood to pass into the urinary and ejaculation system.

Surgical intervention is used mainly when medicinal methods of influencing the disease do not justify themselves. Surgical procedures are necessary for emergency care of patients when, for example, with prostatitis, there is a sharp delay in the outflow of urine. Surgical (mainly laser) methods are used to remove affected areas of prostate tissue for benign hyperplasia, as well as for malignant oncology of the prostate.

The anti-inflammatory effect, which makes it possible to stop bleeding, which is manifested by inclusions in the seminal fluid, is also successfully produced by the method of hardware influence (magnetotherapy or weak electric discharges). The heat generated during such therapy suppresses chronic inflammatory processes in tissues, thereby eliminating the cause of bleeding.

The specific method of treatment in each specific situation is prescribed by a doctor, who must be contacted when blood appears in the semen and as quickly as possible. The consequences of “sitting” at home in the expectation that “it will go away on its own” can lead to irreparable consequences for the fragile male sexual health.

Blood that suddenly appears outside the limits set by nature can frighten any person, no matter how sane he is. The admixture of blood in semen is not only scary, but also humiliating, and it is for this reason that many men are embarrassed to see a doctor and cannot decide to ask for help. However, this must be done, since the male genitourinary system is an extremely vulnerable thing, and diseases will not have to “work” too hard to spoil its parts. But for doctors to cope with the consequences of patients seeking help too late, it’s quite the opposite.

Do you have serious problems with potency?

Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

Sometimes it happens that a man finds blood in his seminal fluid. Of course, the release of sperm with blood is an alarming symptom, which in medicine is called hematospermia. During this condition, blood is found in the ejaculate. Some representatives of the stronger sex do not pay attention to the appearance of blood in semen. And in vain. The reasons why blood collects in the ejaculate are not fully understood, but in some cases this indicates serious illness.

Blood with semen is usually detected without any prerequisites. Sometimes this happens once, sometimes it repeats sporadically.

If you notice blood in the semen after intercourse, it may not indicate your problems, but the woman’s bleeding.

To reliably determine whether there is blood in the semen, you can perform the so-called “condom test”; if blood collects in the condom, then the man really has a problem.

This symptom may appear due to bleeding in the urinary tract. To establish the true causes, it is necessary to examine the kidneys, ureters and bladder.

There are two types of this condition:

  1. True
  2. False

These types differ from each other in their causes of occurrence and characteristic course. There is a great danger true hemospermia when the semen turns dark red or brown. This happens due to inflammatory processes that occur in the prostate gland, seminal vesicles or urinary tract.

False hemospermia often a consequence of injury, but sometimes it also indicates inflammation in the prostatic urethra. In this case, scarlet fresh blood in the form of bloody threads is detected in the seminal fluid. Often a man discovers blood on his underwear.

Hemospermia is often accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • bloody discharge in the urine
  • pain during ejaculation and urination
  • groin pain and swelling in this area
  • swollen scrotum and testicles
  • lumbar pain

Often, when a man is not yet 40 years old, and he bleeds with sperm, this is not yet evidence of a pathological condition. Only a condition is considered alarming when blood appears in more than 10 cases of ejaculation. After 40 years, the presence of blood impurities in the semen requires a detailed and complete study, because in this case the blood can signal the development of a malignant neoplasm.

If you find blood in your semen, consult your doctor. Most likely, there is nothing dangerous in this, but it won’t hurt to get checked

Sometimes sperm comes out with blood due to injuries to the genital organs or due to various surgical procedures on the prostate.

Most often, hemospermia develops due to disorders that occur in the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, ducts, testicles and epididymis, ureter and urethra. These include:

  • Chronic prostatitis
  • Cysts
  • Various diseases of the urinary system
  • Infections and so on.

To make a correct diagnosis, the patient should undergo a series of studies and pass the necessary tests. The study includes:

  • Transrectal ultrasound

Treatment of hemospermia

Treatment is prescribed taking into account the patient's age. In addition, the doctor takes into account such indicators as the duration of the disease and the nature of its course. In addition, you should definitely find out the reasons why blood is found in semen.

Sometimes the presence of blood in semen may be accompanied by additional symptoms, one of which is pain during ejaculation.

If the cause of blood is in sperm in prostatitis, therapy is prescribed aimed at destroying bacteria. If diagnosed prostate adenoma, medications that reduce the degree of urinary tract obstruction should be prescribed. It happens that blood appears instead of sperm for blood clotting disorders, in this case specific treatment is also carried out.

In some cases, when a patient has varicose veins of the prostate gland, which is the reason why blood appears in the semen, it is impossible to do without surgical intervention - coagulation of these veins.

Treatment of hemospermia with folk remedies

Since ancient times, people have been familiar with a male plant called red root. It is he who is indispensable in treatment when a man discovers blood in his seminal fluid. You can prepare an infusion or decoction based on the root.

Red root decoction. Grind the red root, measure 25 grams. raw materials and pour boiling water (a liter is enough). Then let it sit for an hour. Should be taken three times a day half an hour before meals.

Red root infusion. Pour 50 grams of root into a bottle of vodka and leave for a week in a dark place. Then strain. The finished balm should be taken three teaspoons before meals. In this case, the infusion can be mixed into tea - green or herbal. The course of treatment is three months.

Propolis extract. To get this extract, you have to evaporate 40 grams. propolis in 200 ml of alcohol. When it has evaporated, you need to mix the resulting consistency with cocoa butter (0.1 g of extract per 2 g of oil). Then roll the resulting mixture into candles. Before going to bed, place these suppositories rectally until you feel improvement.

The above recipes can be combined with taking Potentilla decoction(made with milk) and infusion of parsley seeds.

Preventive measures and forecasts

In order to avoid this condition, you should be more careful about your reproductive organs. If you engage in high-risk sports, take care to protect your groin by using protective clothing.

Red root is an excellent remedy that will help cope with the disease.