Chicken stomachs: composition, benefits and harms, cooking. Chicken stomach: calories and nutritional value

Meat by-products, which include liver, lungs, udders and livestock viscera, are distinguished by a specific taste, smell and cooking technologies. Meanwhile, properly selected, cleaned and cooked, they acquire a delicate structure and become the central delicacy of the table.

We will talk about how to get gastronomic pleasure from chicken stomachs in this article.

Chicken stomachs: composition, nutritional value and calorie content

The rigidity and “puffiness” of the chicken stomach determines the fact that this organ serves as a muscle for processing the food consumed by the chicken: swallowing stones - gastroliths, the chicken fills the stomach, and then compresses and unclenches the walls of the organ, thereby grinding food. As a result, we get a low-calorie pantry of useful substances.

These by-products contain a lot of iron, phosphorus and potassium. Organic acids, zinc, microelements are presented in abundance. The indicator of complete animal protein is about 25%.

A portion of chicken stomachs can be safely equated with a drunk course of vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the human body: the point is contained in the navels of pantothenic, folic and ascorbic acids, riboflavin, niacin.

The fiber contained in chicken stomachs will provide you with a long feeling of fullness and normalize the digestion process. The offal is also distinguished by a high content of ash, which contributes to the removal of toxins.

Due to the low fat content in one hundred grams of the product - 6 grams - chicken stomachs are a dietary and low-calorie food. So, the caloric value of the offal is from 130 to 170 kcal.

It is worth noting that the daily norm of cholesterol recommended by nutritionists should not exceed 300 mg: a 100-gram serving of chicken stomachs contains about 240 mg of the substance. Exceeding the norm leads to an increased risk of heart disease.

The benefits and harms of chicken stomachs

Like any product, chicken navels have both positive and negative effects on the body. In fact, balance and moderate consumption of the product in accordance with the rules of rational nutrition will help to avoid the latter.

The studies revealed the following positive changes that occurred in the human body after the inclusion of chicken stomachs in the diet:

  1. The product, rich in a number of useful substances, improves the condition of the skin, hair, and immunity. Chicken stomachs support the function of the circulatory system, increase appetite;
  2. The content of folic acid and B vitamins in chicken by-products is responsible for stimulating the processes of cell division, growth and development of tissues and organs;
  3. Yellow films - coating of chicken stomachs cleanses the intestines, develops a healthy microflora. Offal affects the digestive system, speeding up metabolism and improving appetite.

The negative effects of use include:

  1. The probability of release of toxins hazardous to human health by stale offal into the body;
  2. Chicken navels are not a complete alternative to meat. Abuse of offal is not beneficial for the human body.

To be extremely careful in the use of chicken stomachs is for people suffering from individual intolerance to the product: food should still bring gastronomic pleasure.

The right choice of chicken stomachs is the key to a successful dish

Most housewives are concerned about the questions: “How to choose chicken offal? What to pay attention to?

Going to the nearest supermarket or to a familiar butcher, be sure to study the date of manufacture and expiration date of chicken stomachs. As mentioned earlier, by-products that have overcome the storage threshold of 48 hours become dangerous for consumption.

Do not be afraid of the rigid and dense structure of the meat product, because the chicken navel is, first of all, a muscle organ. If there is an opportunity to purchase pre-cleaned navels, do not neglect it: this will help to avoid the painstaking work of cleaning the navels from the insides that are not suitable for consumption.

By the way, the shelf life of the cleaned frozen offal, if not defrosted and re-frozen, is automatically extended to several (!) Years.

Cleansing chicken stomachs

So, you have purchased fresh, unpeeled offal, and the internal filling of chicken stomachs has become in the way between you and a delicious dish. Most often, navels produced in poultry farms can be cleaned, while chicken stomachs bought from the hands of a farmer cannot.

The fat layer and the elastic membrane (cuticle) are what you need to get rid of in the muscle pouch before cooking.

Prepare in advance for ventricular cleansing and fill the product with ice water. At the sink, ensure that there are two bowls, one filled with food and one filled with ice water. On a cutting board, placing the chicken bag with the intestinal opening up, cut it lengthwise and rinse under running water.

Grab the cuticle with your fingernail and, moving your finger under it, slowly tear it away from the walls of the stomach. Use a knife to clean out fatty deposits and remove cartilage. Place the stomach in cold water.

What's delicious to cook?

The range of dishes from chicken stomachs is limited only by the chef's imagination. The most famous variations of the use of navels: noodles, meat pancakes, salads and snacks, goulash. Of course, the beneficial properties of these by-products are superior to gastronomic ones, but it is possible to get a delicious dish from them. The main thing is to give it proper heat treatment: in this way it will acquire a soft, if not completely delicate structure. The methods of preparing "bags" are varied: stewing, boiling, frying, baking.

To cook deep-fried chicken ventricles, you will need:

  • Offal - ½ kg;
  • Vegetable oil - from 250 ml;
  • Kefir - 250 ml;
  • Wheat flour - 200 g;
  • Salt, pepper, spices to taste.

Before proceeding with the direct frying of the stomachs, they should be boiled and cooled. It will take about 40 minutes to cook a young offal, but for an old one you will have to spend several hours. Pour kefir into one container, flour into another. We use a deep frying pan or deep fryer, in which we heat the vegetable oil until smoke appears.

We dip each ventricle first in kefir, and then roll in flour, completely covering the product. Fry until golden brown. Transfer to a plate, let cool, and pat dry with paper towels to remove excess oil. Season with salt and spices. Bon appetit!

Tip: in the preparation of an offal, do not skimp on the addition of spices, sauces and seasonings. Herbs, roots, vegetables and other products to improve the taste will make the dish unique. Use soy sauce for a unique tenderness.

The concept of "healthy eating" is most often associated with products such as chicken, beef, vegetables and fruits. These are valuable sources of nutrients. But if we talk about protein sources, then it should be noted that offal has the right to take its place in the list of useful and important components of our menu. For example, the calorie content of chicken stomachs is very low. Feel free to experiment, come up with salads, first and second courses with "navels", as they are also commonly called by the people.

Beneficial features

Everyone has a different attitude towards by-products. Some take them with pleasure and cook them because of the reasonable price, others just like the original taste. But there are those who do not agree to touch the "insides" for anything in the world. Despite their unsightly appearance, stomachs are very useful. Therefore, if you didn’t like them before, you should look for interesting recipes in which they will sparkle with new colors. When they enter the body, they quickly break down into amino acids, which are important for the functioning of all organs and systems.

For those on a diet

The calorie content of chicken stomachs is very low, so those who follow their figure can safely use them. Complemented with fresh or stewed vegetables, they are the perfect option for a lunchtime meal. At the same time, the stomachs provide the body with a fair amount of vitamins. With anemia, they must be included in the diet every day.

Not everyone knows that iron from offal is perfectly absorbed. At the same time, not too high-calorie chicken stomachs and liver should be placed in the first place among the source products. After that comes the beef. It is worth noting that the price of navels is quite democratic. If you learn how to cook them, you will definitely fall in love with them for their special, delicate taste.

Perfect Product

To be healthy, each person must eat only the right food. Therefore, you need to make for yourself a list of the most useful products that saturate the body with the necessary substances and do not overload it with excess fat and carbohydrates. The calorie content of chicken stomachs and saturation with useful substances allows them to be included in this list. Moreover, the navels can be put in one of the leading places.

Useful properties of stomachs:

  • Improve the condition of hair and skin.
  • Saturate the body with a large amount of vitamins.
  • Increase immunity.
  • They are very useful for a growing organism, as they stimulate growth.
  • Support the immune system.
  • They are useful for pregnant women and children.
  • They are a dietary food.

They have unique properties that they acquire due to the yellow film lining the inner surface. Thanks to this film, after eating dishes from the stomachs, intestinal activity is normalized. Experts say that its effect is stronger than that of advertised yogurts. If you don't want to mess with the film, you can just throw it away. In this case, you will get just a useful product without medicinal properties.

The nutritional value

The calorie content of stewed chicken stomachs is low, which allows them to be consumed even during a diet. Introducing them several times a week into your menu, you enrich your body with nutrients. This allows you to maintain a balanced diet.

For 100 g of product there are 18.2 g of protein, 4.2 g of fat, 0.6 g of carbohydrates. All of them are important for the growth and development of the body. But most of these substances we get from other products. Therefore, it is important to especially emphasize the presence of B vitamins. They are needed in the diet every day. Don't miss out on this inexpensive and tasty product.

Vitamins and minerals

The calorie content of chicken stomachs per 100 grams of product is only 114 kcal. At the same time, the amount of vitamins is very large: A, B 2, B 3, B 12, C. The high content of selenium in chicken stomachs improves immunity, prolongs youth and prevents vascular diseases. In addition to this substance, chicken navels give the body a large amount of calcium and magnesium, potassium and phosphorus, iron and zinc. This is a classic composition of all dietary supplements. But there you pay for a beautiful box, and here you get everything the same, but with the usual lunch.

For diet

The calorie content of boiled chicken stomachs is approximately 90 kcal per 100 g. This is an excellent dietary product. It combines two important qualities: it is a source of a large amount of protein with a low calorie content. That is, stomachs can be called the best choice for athletes. If you have set yourself the goal of losing a lot of weight, you will have to love the navels. The benefits of this product are comparable to the use of protein shakes. In any case, the principle is the same: a minimum of calories and a maximum of protein.

Cooking methods

As already mentioned, the calorie content of boiled chicken stomachs is low. Thanks to this, they can be eaten almost without restriction. But during cooking, you need to exclude the addition of a large amount of butter and cream. But the addition of onions and carrots slightly adds calories, but pleasantly sets off the taste of the finished dish.

The best cooking option that does not affect the figure is long-term stewing. In this case, the dish turns out to be very tender and nutritious. To date, special diets have been developed that involve the consumption of large amounts of protein. This is required to reduce the calorie content of the diet. And this unique product fits perfectly into the framework of such a diet.

For healthy nutrition and treatment

These are two concepts that are much closer to each other than it might seem at first glance. How well you supply your body with nutrients ultimately depends on your well-being and health. The yellow film with which the stomachs are covered from the inside has pronounced healing properties. Therefore, during the preparation of the dish, it must be carefully removed and stored for future use (just wash and dry). It contains a large number of enzymes, which allows you to cope with disruption of the intestines and dysbacteriosis. We have already talked a little about this above, so we will not dwell on it in more detail.

Possible harm

The calorie content of boiled chicken stomachs per 100 g of the product can be further reduced. To do this, they are boiled in two waters. The first time they are boiled until half cooked, after which the broth is drained and fresh water is poured. Usually it takes less. The result is a dietary dish, the calorie content of which is not higher than 70 kcal.

But chicken stomachs are considered a dangerous product due to their high cholesterol content. It is a high protein food, so it is potentially harmful for those with kidney disease. But for those who adhere to a healthy diet, but at the same time want to diversify their diet, they are just perfect. This product produces tender and very tasty dishes that do not spoil your figure.

The most delicious chicken stomachs are stewed. The calorie content per 100 grams in this case is about 140 kcal, because all fats are preserved during the cooking process. Ready gizzards are served along with a small amount of concentrated juice in which they were prepared. But the difference with boiled ones is not so big, so you can safely please yourself with different cooking options. The only point: it is not recommended to add oil or high-fat cream when stewing. But even in this case, the calorie content per 100 g of the product will be lower than when using fatty pork.

  • It is recommended to use navels no more than 3 times a week, in an amount not exceeding 100 g.
  • Choose only fresh navels, paying attention to the release date. By-products are stored no more than two days. To avoid health problems, it is best to take chilled products.
  • They are very tough and are not suitable for preparing a quick snack. If these are stomachs from young chickens, then the heat treatment process can take 40 minutes. And if the bird was old, then the navels will have to be cooked for at least 2 hours. For comparison: chicken fillet can be cooked in 15-20 minutes.

cooking options

If you need dinner faster, you can slightly reduce the cooking time. For this you need a cauldron. Heat it up and fry a small onion in oil. After that, fry the offal and add half a teaspoon of soda. When the sauce foams, close the lid and simmer until soft. Cooking time is approximately 30 minutes.

You can cook dietary pilaf with navels. To do this, also lightly fry the onion and carrots in a cauldron, then lay out the offal. Add garlic, tomato, bell pepper and a small eggplant. When all the vegetables are fried, add the washed rice and cover with water. It remains to close the lid and wait 30 minutes. It turns out a delicious and not too high-calorie dinner. If you eat it no later than 18:00, then you will never have problems with the figure.

Meat offal is not to everyone's taste. The benefits and harms of chicken stomachs depend on various indicators. Properly selected, fresh, well-heated poultry organs will become a tender and juicy addition to any dish and side dish. Regular inclusion of this delicacy in the menu will diversify the diet, have a positive effect on the body and help save calories.

Offal composition

Another popular name for chicken ventricles is navels. The calorie content of this part of the chicken is low and depends on the method of preparation: 100 g of boiled product contains 105 kcal, stewed stomachs - 75 kcal, fried stomachs - 120 kcal.

Chicken navels are 20% high quality protein. Animal protein is essential for the renewal, construction and maintenance of all body cells. Poultry offal is rich in fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the digestion process. They supply the body with an impressive amount of minerals and vitamins.

  • Iron - ensures the delivery of oxygen to all organs and tissues, participates in the formation of hemoglobin, has a strengthening effect on the body as a whole.
  • Phosphorus - is responsible for the health of bones and teeth.
  • Selenium - helps to increase immunity, maintain and prolong youth, prevents problems with the heart and blood vessels.
  • - has a positive effect on men's health and fertility.
  • Potassium - regulates the water-salt balance, improves bowel function.
  • Vitamin B2 is responsible for the condition of the skin, making them supple and smooth. The lack of this compound leads to visual impairment, a disorder of the nervous system, and general weakness.
  • Vitamin B3, or nicotinic acid, has a calming effect on the nervous system, normalizes blood cholesterol levels.
  • B9, or, is necessary for the growth, development and regeneration of all tissues
  • Lack of vitamin B12 found in chicken stomachs can lead to anemia and problems with the nervous system.
  • Vitamin E prevents premature aging, improves the protective functions of the body.
  • Vitamin A has a positive effect on vision.
  • C - is a powerful antioxidant and has general strengthening properties.

Beneficial features

Due to the rich composition, the dietary offal has the following valuable properties:

  • improves appetite, helps develop and maintain a healthy intestinal microflora;
  • affects the proper functioning of the immune system;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, brain, kidneys and heart;
  • improves the condition of the skin, hair;
  • contributes to the rapid saturation of the body;
  • activates the process of cell division.

Unique features are also attributed to the yellow films that cover the meat delicacy from the inside. Many do not see their value; when cutting and processing navels, they simply throw them away. Traditional healers in ancient times to this day use films to treat many ailments. So, dried and powdered chicken waste is an excellent salvation from diarrhea, dysbacteriosis. The tool is used for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, for the prevention of rickets and dystrophy. The enzymes in the cuticle, the yellow film, can heal kidney stones and remove grit. True, the result will have to wait a long time.

Norms for the use of offal

In order not to harm your health and get the maximum benefit from including chicken stomachs in your diet, you need to know that it is advisable to eat them no more than twice a week and no more than 100 g in one meal. So proteins, vitamins, iron, zinc, selenium and other valuable compounds are absorbed.


For children under 3 years of age, it is better not to give offal. It will be difficult for the child's digestive system to process such food. After three years, it is recommended that the baby be offered ground stomachs once a week, while observing the reaction of the child's body.

In the menu of pregnant women and the elderly, it is worth using slightly chopped navels. A portion of the offal should not exceed the established norm: no more than 2/3 of the volume of a person's fist. It is necessary to cook dishes with chicken delicacies without onions, tomato paste and tomatoes, use more gentle sauces and dressings.

How to choose the right chicken navels

Poultry ventricles are a perishable product. Shelf life is only 48 hours. Only within two days, the navels can be eaten, then harmful toxins appear on the surface of the chicken organ.

It is important to buy a chilled product, paying attention to the production date. In frozen offal, some of the nutrients are destroyed.

The appearance of the stomachs should be pleasant, the color should be pinkish, the muscle tissue itself, when pressed, is elastic, slightly moist, damage and traces of mucus are excluded on the surface of the delicacy.

There is a secret how to accurately recognize a stale product. To sell an expired organ, unscrupulous sellers soak it in garlic water with spices. Chilled stomachs should be smelled - in the presence of a light garlic aroma, you should refuse to buy.

Harm from eating poultry stomachs

It is harmful to eat offal in large quantities due to the high content of cholesterol in it. Experts recommend less than 300 mg of cholesterol per day, but a portion of the stomach contains 239 mg. Overeating chicken delicacy can lead to heart problems. A large amount of protein can harm people with kidney and liver disease.

A contraindication for eating chicken navels is individual intolerance.

Chicken delicacy is endowed with excellent taste and, with proper heat treatment, brings significant benefits to the body. The low price compared to other types of meat and useful qualities distinguishes it from other offal. By eating navels twice a week, you can improve the functioning of the digestive system and lose weight.

Chicken stomachs (popularly called "navels") are offal of birds. They are characterized by a specific taste, but if you follow the correct technology during the cooking process, then as a result you will get a tender and juicy dish that will take center stage on the dining or holiday table.

The basis of the stomachs is a rigid muscle tissue, so long-term heat treatment is necessary. It is worth paying attention to the taste and beneficial properties of this product for the body.

The nutritional value

The main component of the product is 22% animal protein. The composition of chicken stomachs includes fiber, which can improve digestion, and ash, as a natural sorbent.

The chemical composition of chicken stomachs is diverse - these are macro- and microelements in the form of potassium with phosphorus and sodium, calcium with zinc, iron and copper. As part of the product, vitamins were isolated - niacin with pantothenic, folic and ascorbic acids, riboflavin.

The calorie content of chicken stomachs is low - in the range of 130-170 Kcal per 100 g of offal, so they belong to the category of dietary products.

This product belongs to the category of offal, so the question arises - are chicken stomachs useful? Before purchasing this type of offal, find out how chicken stomachs are useful. Each product is characterized by both benefit and harm - chicken stomachs are no exception. Pay attention to the beneficial properties of chicken stomachs:

  • improving appetite, stimulating the processes of secretion of juice in the stomach, ensuring healthy microflora in the intestines;
  • normalization of the work of the kidneys with the brain, the heart with the nervous system;
  • supplying the body with energy;
  • the content of a sufficient amount of iron to prevent the development of anemia;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • ensuring the prolongation of youth due to selenium in a record amount, which is responsible for the prevention of malignant tumors with a general increase in immunity;
  • saturation of the body with zinc, which is necessary in the process of skeletal formation;
  • general improvement in the condition of the skin and hair due to vitamins in large quantities.

The list shows that the benefits of chicken stomachs are great for the body.

How to store chicken stomachs

Chicken stomachs are included in the category of perishable products (shelf life is only 2 days), so during the purchase process, pay attention to the packaging, with production and sale dates. Shop for peeled chicken stomachs and unpeeled chicken stomachs.

Follow the correctness and shelf life - if the conditions are violated, then the spoiled product can harm the body. After 2 days, chicken stomachs become a source of toxic substances. Chilled offal is considered healthier than the frozen version.

You can visually determine the freshness of the stomachs - they should be clean and shiny.

How do you clean and cook them?

Before sending chicken stomachs for cooking, properly process them by rinsing and cutting off the yellow film.

Culinary processing of chicken stomachs carries five main features:

  • it is better to defrost the frozen version of chicken stomachs in the refrigerator - this will take 12 hours;
  • film of chicken stomachs is considered useful when used separately in the form of a powder. Remove it from the product before cooking, cleaning the stomachs and washing out the sand;
  • it is important to know how much to cook chicken stomachs - if the bird is young, it will take about 40 minutes, and if the old one - at least 2 hours;
  • a distinctive feature of the stomachs is the absorption of aromas and flavors of spices, so use various herbs with roots in the cooking process;
  • for maximum benefits, cook the dish on a minimum level of fire - chicken stomachs will take time, but the result will please you.

There are few people who do not like chicken stomachs, the very ones that are popularly called chicken navels. Chicken stomachs are part of the giblets offered in stores. You can cook a lot of delicious treats from this offal, but let's talk about the benefits and dangers of this product, and also find out why he fell in love so much.

Chicken stomachs: calories and composition

In terms of their chemical composition, chicken stomachs are similar to most poultry offal. Among the ingredients of this type of giblet are proteins, a small amount of fat, water and less than 1% carbohydrates. The main value of the product lies in the fact that the navels contain a large amount of iron and folic acid. The latter, as you know, is an indispensable element for tissue regeneration and organ development. In addition, chicken stomachs include: vitamin A, B vitamins (including thiamine, niacin and riboflavin), potassium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, manganese, cobalt, copper.

calories: 100 grams of boiled chicken ventricles contains 105 kcal, stewed navels are less caloric - 75 kcal / 100 g, calorie content of fried stomachs is 120 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Beneficial features

We got acquainted with the composition of chicken ventricles, but it is quite difficult for a person who is not familiar with the characteristics of a particular substance to understand what benefits it has on the body. Therefore, we hasten to bring to your attention a list of the properties of chicken stomachs.

1. Increasing appetite, improving the condition of the skin and hair, maintaining the functions of the circulatory and immune systems are largely possible due to the content of protein, folic acid and iron in chicken stomachs.

2. Stimulation of the process of cell division, growth and development of almost all tissues and organs are due to the inclusion of folic acid in the composition of chicken navels. Due to this property, this product should be included in the diet of young children and pregnant women.

3. Improved bowel function. Chicken stomachs are covered with a yellow film from the inside, it contains substances that contribute to the natural cleansing of the intestines and the normalization of its microflora.

4. The yellow films mentioned in the previous paragraph, called the cuticle, are not used in cooking. Nevertheless, traditional healers have found a worthy use for them. So, carefully dried and powdered films that cover the ventricles from the inside are an excellent remedy for diarrhea and even bloody diarrhea. By the way, they use a similar powder for dysbacteriosis, pain in the stomach and pancreas, as well as for exacerbation of gastritis. All the same yellow films help with dystrophy and rickets, as well as a weakened body.

Chicken stomachs: harm and precautions

Undoubtedly, chicken stomachs are very useful, but when going shopping, remember that they are a perishable product. The maximum storage time for navels in the refrigerator is 2 days, after the expiration of the indicated period, the giblets will not only lose most of their beneficial properties, but can also pose a danger to your health, because they can absorb harmful toxins over time. That is why it is extremely important when buying to pay attention to the date of manufacture of the ventricles, and after cooking, try to eat them as soon as possible.