Treatment of a runny nose without drugs. How to quickly cure a cold at home: folk remedies and medications

The nasal mucosa is inflamed due to various diseases. Characteristic symptoms are congestion, difficulty breathing, discharge. To quickly cure a runny nose, it is necessary to determine its cause and type. A timely and correct diagnosis helps to avoid undesirable consequences and facilitates the course of the disease.

What is a runny nose

People think about treating a runny nose (rhinitis) when the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract is swollen.

A common cause is mechanical or chemical irritants. Some people have a stuffy nose and want to sneeze when exposed to dust, in a draft, or in too bright light.

A runny nose caused by the reasons listed above does not go away for several days in adults and children and does not require treatment.

The runny nose itself is not contagious; its causative agent is unknown.

But the symptoms of a runny nose are characteristic of many diseases - for example, the initial period of ARVI, influenza.

In everyday life, some associate the need to cure a runny nose with nasal congestion. Others consider heavy discharge a mandatory symptom. Still others are looking for a cure for a runny nose when they start sneezing.

The mucous membrane swells when there is a change in temperature, under the influence of alcohol, a strong odor, or for other reasons.

Types of runny nose

Vasomotor variety associated with watery compartments. Congestion alternately in one or the other nostril. I want to sneeze, tears flow, my head hurts.

Reasons: tobacco smoke, hormonal disorders, emotional distress. This type of runny nose is correctly considered a disease of a neuro-reflex nature.

The condition is accompanied by weakness, increased fatigue, irritability, and insomnia.

Allergic variety manifests itself seasonally or as a reaction to certain foods, dust, animal hair, substances that are part of detergents or cosmetics.

I want to sneeze, my nose itches and tingles.

To avoid bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis is treated rather than relieved with medications or ointments.

With vasomotor and allergic rhinitis, the nasal cavity is not inflamed.

Infectious variety occurs with colds. The cause is viruses, bacteria, fungus. Symptoms: burning and dryness in the nasopharynx. To prevent the virus from entering the throat and bronchi, begin treatment immediately.

Coryza manifests itself or as a symptom of acute respiratory diseases.

The nose is slightly itchy, dry, general lethargy and weakness. It’s hard to breathe through both nostrils, you want to sneeze, tears flow.

The condition is accompanied by a deterioration in the sense of smell, abundant mucopurulent discharge from the nose, and if the blood vessels are damaged, it is bloody (bloody snot).

The duration of an acute runny nose is a week or longer. Maybe 37C or higher.

Chronic runny nose in a simple form manifested by copious discharge, often unilateral congestion. Develops as a complication of the acute form in case of impaired blood circulation in the mucous membrane, diseases of the paranasal sinuses.

If a simple chronic runny nose is not treated, and also under the influence of sudden climate change, the development of an inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses, the adenoid, it turns into hypertrophic form.

Headache, stuffy nose, constant discharge, poor sense of smell.

Chronic atrophic runny nose develops in weakened patients, after infectious diseases with acute runny nose, as a result of surgical intervention in the nasal cavity, exposure to unfavorable climatic conditions, and harmful substances.

The nasal cavity is dry, the sense of smell is reduced, it is difficult to blow your nose completely, and there are periodic nosebleeds.

If you do not get rid of a runny nose, over time it becomes chronic and can cause inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Complications are associated with inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and middle ear.

Treatment of acute runny nose

The onset of the disease is dry nose, a feeling of heat. After 1-2 hours, the nose is stuffy, there is a headache, there is copious discharge. I have to sneeze often and my temperature is elevated. A week later, the discharge is thick and purulent.

Acute runny nose is treated by observing bed rest:

  • Place mustard plasters on your calves.
  • Warm your feet in hot water with mustard added (1 tablespoon per 8 liters of water).
  1. Mix in equal quantities, coltsfoot, .
  2. Or mix equal amounts of eucalyptus,...
  3. Brew 1 tsp. one of the collections with a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, leave in a sealed container for 1 hour.

To rinse your nose when you have a runny nose, drop 10 drops of infusion into your nostril. Then tilt your head, let the liquid flow out, and blow your nose. Repeat 7-10 times for each nostril.

If the nose is very stuffy and rinsing is difficult, drop 5-6 drops, do not blow your nose. Treat for 7-10 days.

As prescribed by the doctor, instill vasoconstrictor drugs Ephedrine, Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Galazolin.

Use vasoconstrictor drugs to treat a runny nose no more than 1-2 times a day, so as not to cause irreversible changes.

Treatment of chronic runny nose

With a constant runny nose without fever, one or both nostrils are blocked, especially when lying down. Copious mucus, decreased sense of smell, headache, dry mouth. Chronic runny nose lasts several months or years.

The left nostril is placed on the left side, the right - on the right. Nasal breathing is difficult when lying on your back.

A common cause is a deviated nasal septum. The growth and thickening of the mucous membrane closes the nasal passages, which impairs breathing through the nose.

Sometimes the mucous membrane, on the contrary, is thinned. Very viscous mucus forms crusts. When the crusts decompose, a fetid runny nose (ozena) is diagnosed.

This form of rhinitis causes inflammation of the middle ear (otitis) or paranasal sinuses (sinusitis).

To recover, some people instill vasoconstrictor drops for a long time, which give short-term results.

Treatment is more effective if there is no pathological enlargement of the pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids) - it makes breathing through the nose difficult. Otherwise, the adenoid is removed.

To dry the mucous membrane and reduce secretion, ointments for the common cold are used, which contain streptocide, menthol, and lanolin.

Oxolinic ointment is effective against viruses. Against sinusitis - Simanovsky ointment.

For prevention and treatment during periods of exacerbations, the following composition is useful:

  1. Mix 1 part calendula flowers and 2 parts raspberry leaves.
  2. Brew 3 tsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 minutes.

Inhale for 5 minutes twice a day. Treat within a week.

How to cure a runny nose at home

To get rid of the disease, direct efforts to alleviate specific complaints and avoid possible complications.

Some people believe that walking in the fresh air can quickly cure a runny nose. But cold, moisture-saturated air irritates the mucous membrane. Therefore, the answer to the question “Should I go for a walk with a runny nose?” more negative than positive.

During treatment, it is useful to exclude everything that irritates the mucous membrane and causes increased blood circulation - inhaling warm steam, smoking.

When treating a runny nose, especially an infectious one, use disposable wipes to prevent self-infection from a handkerchief.

When treating a runny nose, exclude milk and dairy products as a source of mucus, as well as foods high in sugar. Limit consumption of peanuts, fatty foods, and citrus fruits.

As prescribed by a doctor, allergic rhinitis is treated with Suprastin, Pipolfen.

Treatment with menthol oil (1%).

  • Place oil in your nostrils several times a day.
  • In a lying position, place cotton swabs in the nostrils,
  • Squeeze them through the wings of the nose, squeezing out the oil so that it penetrates into the back lower part of the nose.

Children under 3 years of age cannot be treated with this method.

Lanolin ointment (1-2%).

  • Lubricate the front of the nose with a mixture of lanolin ointment and Vaseline.

Balm “Star” helps cure infectious (cold) runny nose or alleviate the condition. Essential oils and other substances have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, eliminating the cause of the disease.

  • Apply a little balm to the temples and sides of the nose.
  • Place a small amount of balm (about half the size of a match head) in a glass of boiling water.
  • Wrap the glass in a cone with a towel folded several times.
  • Inhale steam through the hole in the cone through your nose for 5 minutes.

Ascorbic acid. You should not immediately take pharmacological medications for a runny nose - this way the immune system does not participate in the treatment:

  • When the first symptoms appear, take 1 g of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) after breakfast for 1-2 days.

Washing with saline solution. To make a runny nose go away faster, rinse your nose with salted water at the rate of 1 tbsp. table or sea water per glass of warm boiled water. At the pharmacy, ask for a special nasal watering can or use an old teapot:

  1. Tilt your head to the side over the sink.
  2. Pour salt water into the upper nostril so that the water flows out of the lower nostril.
  3. Tilt your head to the other side and repeat the procedure.

The procedure is shown in the figures in the article.

Another way to rinse your nose when you have a runny nose is to suck in a handful of water with your nose so that the water ends up in your mouth and spit.

Blow your nose alternately through the right and left nostrils so that the discharge does not penetrate the Eustachian tube and cause otitis media.

Hungry saliva:

  • In the morning before breakfast, insert turundas moistened with saliva into the nostrils.

Traditional treatment for a runny nose with mustard

Recipe 1. Actions at the first symptoms:

  1. In the evening, fasten the mustard plasters on the heels, wrap them in flannel, and put on woolen socks.
  2. After one or two hours, remove the mustard plasters, walk quickly for 5-10 minutes, and go to bed.

This method relieves runny nose and congestion in one day, allowing you to wake up healthy in the morning.

  • Pour dry mustard powder into socks and walk for several days.

Recipe 3. Warming your feet in the first hours cures a runny nose:

  • Add 200g of table water and 150g of mustard powder to a bucket of warm water.
  • Place your feet and cover your hips and knees with a woolen blanket.
  • When your feet turn red, rinse with warm water, put on wool socks, and lie down.
  1. Brew 1 tsp. mustard powder with a small amount of boiling water, stir.
  2. Moisten a cotton swab with the mixture and inhale through each nostril alternately.

How to cure a runny nose with honey

  1. Soak bandage rollers with fresh liquid honey and insert 2cm into the nostrils.
  2. Tolerate the burning sensation, which soon turns into heat. Keep for 30-60 minutes.

For adults and children, 3-5 sessions are enough.

Recipe 2. If the burning sensation is too strong:

  1. Dilute 1 tsp. honey in 2 tbsp. warm boiled water, moisten the rollers.
  2. Insert into each nostril one by one.
  • Instill 4-6 drops of honey solution into each nostril 3-4 times a day.
  • Grind 5g, add a little butter, up to 50g sunflower oil, mix thoroughly.

Application of propolis ointment:

  • Soak the tampons and place them in each nostril in the morning and evening for 10 minutes.
  • Soak the tampons and insert into the nostrils. Lie without a pillow for 5 minutes on your left side, 5 minutes on your right side.

Onions, garlic, horseradish - cures for the runny nose

  • Cut the onion, rub the wings of the nose with it, put small pieces through gauze into the ear canals.

The product provides quick relief. Some people use this method to get rid of a runny nose for three days.

  • Finely chop or on a plate and inhale the vapors.

Recipe 3. Another way to get rid of a runny nose:

  1. Finely grate the garlic, place in a glass bottle, add water, and cap.
  2. Heat in a saucepan of boiling water so that the sides of the bottle do not touch the pan.

Inhale through each nostril from the neck of the bottle. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day.

  • At night, secure parts of the bulb near the nostrils.

The method helps to quickly cure a runny nose and cope with sinusitis.

Recipe 5. To cure a runny nose in adults and children:

  • Instill an aqueous solution at the rate of 1 drop of fresh garlic juice per 1 tablespoon. water.
  • Take 1 tsp after 2-3 hours. mixture of onions and honey.
  • Place chopped fresh garlic in the nostrils in gauze and stir thoroughly.

Some people use this method to cure a runny nose in a few hours.

  • A runny nose can be quickly cured by instilling a mixture of onion juice, fresh potato juice, sunflower oil, honey, taken in equal parts.

Recipe 9. Instill the infusion:

  • Stir 2-3 tbsp. finely chopped onion, pour 50 ml of warm boiled water, add 0.5 tsp. honey, leave for half an hour.

Recipe 10. The best remedy for a runny nose:

  1. Grind fresh garlic, add water until it stings your tongue.
  2. Mix with the same amount of aloe juice, add the same amount of honey.

Instill a few drops 3-4 times a day.

Recipe 11. Horseradish juice helps cure chronic runny nose:

  • Mix 150g of horseradish juice and the juice of 2-3 lemons; horseradish juice is not consumed in its pure form.

Take the mixture 1/2 tsp. twice a day, do not eat or drink for half an hour. The product eliminates mucus and has a diuretic effect. At first it causes a lot of pain.

Juices for a runny nose

Beetroot juice.

  • Place 5 drops of fresh beet juice in each nostril for children. Can be mixed with honey at the rate of 1 tsp. honey for 2.5 tsp. juice
  • In case of thick discharge, rinse your nose with boiled juice.
  • Moisten cotton swabs with beet juice and place them in your nose for 10 minutes.

Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.

Kalanchoe juice helps to quickly get rid of a runny nose.

  • Lubricate your nostrils 1-2 times a day with fresh juice to remove mucus.
  • Instill aloe juice 2-4 drops 4 times a day.

Radish juice:

  • Place tampons moistened with radish juice into the nostrils.

Ginger, lemon juice for the treatment of chronic runny nose.

  • Mix 50g of grated and juice.

Take 1/2 teaspoon twice a day on an empty stomach.

  • Mix fresh ginger juice with the same amount of water

Instill in children three times a day and before bedtime.

Coltsfoot, yarrow:

  • For a persistent runny nose, instill juice from coltsfoot leaves, as well as yarrow juice.

Oils for runny nose

Rosehip or sea buckthorn oil quickly relieve congestion:

  • Instill 2-3 drops or place oil swabs in the nostrils.

Eucalyptus oil Helps cure a runny nose:

  • Heat 100 ml of vegetable oil, add 0.5 tsp. dry eucalyptus leaves, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, leave in a sealed container for 5 hours, strain.

Instill warmly up to 6 times a day.

Pumpkin oil, garlic:

  • Stir 1 tsp. and 1-2 drops of fresh garlic juice.

Bury in warm form.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis pumpkin oil.

  • Instill 6-7 drops for 14 days.
  • Take 1 tsp orally. three times a day an hour before meals.

How to treat a runny nose by warming the nose

Buckwheat, salt from a prolonged runny nose:

  • Fill the cloth bag to the top with thick, hot buckwheat porridge or salt.

Keep in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses (on the sides of the nose) until it cools.

Boiled egg for the treatment of runny nose:

  • Apply near the nose through a handkerchief.

Hot hand baths help cope with runny nose and congestion.

How to rinse your nose with a runny nose

Chamomile, St. John's wort from a severe runny nose:

  • Instill a decoction of chamomile and St. John's wort twice a day at the rate of 1 tsp. per glass of boiling water.

St. John's wort has an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates recovery processes.

Soda. Rinse your nose at night:

  • Add a weak soda solution.

Tea mushroom Helps get rid of a simple runny nose:

  • Rinse with a weak infusion (dilute with 10 parts of water).

Golden mustache:

  • Grind the leaves, add a glass of water, simmer over low heat for 3 minutes, let cool. Add 1 tsp. salt and 0.5 tsp honey, mix.

Rinse your nose with warm solution.

Starch Helps cope with sneezing when you have a runny nose:

  • Instill a weak starch solution.

Cotton wool. In Tibet, when you have a runny nose, you tickle your nose with a match with cotton wool at the end. Sneezing causes copious mucus production.

How to cure a runny nose

Hydrogen peroxide helps at the beginning of the disease:

  • Instill a 3% solution (3-6 drops per 1 tablespoon of warm water).

After copious mucus discharge, the congestion goes away. After half an hour, sniff ammonia through each nostril alternately.

Flax seeds, rye crackers:

  • Heat rye bread or crackers in a frying pan until smoke appears, inhale through the nose.

Treat a runny nose several times a day.


  • For prolonged runny nose, sniff oregano herb powder.

Nettle treat allergic rhinitis:

  • Mash the green leaf and inhale the aroma for 3 minutes several times a day.

Horseradish, radish, honey, salt:

  1. In the evening, warm up your body in a sauna or bath.
  2. Grate the rump with grated radish mixed with the same amount of grated horseradish.
  3. Add a little honey and table salt.

Afterwards, drink tea with raspberries and mint. The next morning I manage to get rid of my runny nose.

Modified: 06/26/2019

What is a cold? What are the signs of the disease developing? What factors provoke the formation of a pathological condition? How to quickly cure a cold without medications, as well as with the use of medications? The answers to these questions can be found by reading our publication.


Before telling you how to quickly cure a cold, I would like to say a few words about the factors that provoke trouble. The main prerequisite for the development of the disease is a decrease in the body’s protective functions.

With the onset of cold weather, our body is regularly exposed to hypothermia. In addition, during this period, the daily diet is no longer saturated with an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits. Seasonal changes in the body, along with a lack of vitamins and nutrients, lead to suppression of the functioning of the immune system. Thus, there is an increased vulnerability to various types of infections.

High levels of air humidity and frequent changes in weather conditions create a favorable environment for the spread of pathogenic bacteria in the surrounding area. Pathogenic microorganisms gradually settle on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. A weakened immune system opens the door for infection to enter the body. The result is the appearance of characteristic cold symptoms.

Clinical picture

The onset of a cold is accompanied by sneezing, a runny nose, which is characterized by an abundance of clear discharge from the sinuses. There is also a cough and blockage of the upper respiratory tract with mucous masses of varying densities. There is a slight increase in body temperature up to 38.5 o C. Among the accompanying symptoms it is worth noting:

  • general weakness, malaise;
  • tearfulness, feeling of pain in the eyes;
  • chills, which is accompanied by increased sweating;
  • sore throat;
  • muscle and joint aches;
  • decreased appetite;
  • headache;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes.

So we looked at the symptoms, as well as the mechanism of development of the pathological condition. Now let's figure out how you can quickly cure a cold through the use of pharmacological agents and traditional medicine methods.


How to quickly cure a cold in an adult? An excellent solution is to use the drug “Anaferon”. The pharmacological agent belongs to the category of effective immunomodulators. In other words, the medication helps to activate the body’s protective functions. Taking the medicine reduces the risk of developing a cold during seasonal epidemics of infectious diseases. If trouble has already overtaken a person, the drug makes it possible to significantly accelerate the course of the disease and minimize the likelihood of severe consequences of the pathological condition.

Each Anaferon tablet contains purified antibodies that stimulate the active production of interferon in the human body. The result is the production of protective immune agents that fight pathogenic microorganisms. In fact, the medicine does not directly destroy the threat, but only helps the body adapt to the penetration of an abundance of pathogenic bacteria.

Taking Anaferon 4 tablets per day allows you to quickly cure colds and flu. It is recommended to take the medicine after meals. The tablets are placed under the tongue and dissolved until completely dissolved. The dosage is gradually reduced until the characteristic signs of the development of a cold disappear. If your health does not improve with such therapy for a long time, it is advisable to seek help from a doctor.


"Arbidol" is also an effective immunomodulator. The medicine is available in the form of tablets and capsules. The main active ingredient is umifenovir. The component of the pharmacological agent helps the body actively resist viral infections that can cause respiratory diseases. Taking the drug helps destroy the lipid cell membranes of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, infectious agents lose their ability to self-replicate.

How to quickly cure a cold? To do this, “Arbidol” is taken one tablet before each meal. For prevention purposes, take the drug 2 capsules once a day. This treatment regimen helps slow the spread of infection in the body and significantly speeds up the healing process.

Arbidol is prescribed for children only as prescribed by a doctor. The dosage and duration of treatment in the case of children depends on the age, nature and severity of the disease, and the state of the immune system.


How to quickly cure a child from a cold? A safe solution is the use of a local antiseptic called Grammidin. The drug is intended to relieve the main symptoms of a cold, in particular to relieve inflammatory processes that develop in the nasopharynx. The medicine is excellent for combating ailments that occur during the off-season.

How to quickly cure a cold with medicine? For therapeutic purposes, Grammidin is taken 2 tablets 3-4 times a day. Treatment is continued for a week. Do not take the medicine on an empty stomach. Since the rapid dissolution of the active ingredients of the drug in the gastrointestinal tract leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug.


The drug is active against viral infections. The active ingredients of the pharmacological agent inhibit the vital activity of various strains of pathogenic microorganisms. The medicine begins to have an effect on the causative agents of colds immediately after entering the body. As a result, viruses lose the ability to self-replicate, which negatively affects their activity. In this way, agents of the immune system are able to increase the body's defenses.

Taking Remantadine 3 tablets per day can quickly cure colds and runny nose. Subsequently, the dosage is reduced to 2 capsules of the drug per day. For the treatment of children, the dosage is only one tablet of the drug. During treatment with the drug, doctors recommend avoiding activities that require increased attention and quick response to changing conditions.


The medicine occupies a leading position in the list of drugs that are popular when it is necessary to eliminate the symptoms of colds. The product has an immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect on the body. Thanks to taking the drug, sputum discharge increases. The active ingredients of the drug accumulate in body tissues, which helps increase the body's resistance to infectious agents.

How to quickly cure a cold in a day? For these purposes, Sinupret is taken 2 tablets 3 times a day. For children, the dosage is halved. Use the drug without chewing. Swallow the tablet whole with plenty of water.


How to quickly cure a cold at home? Eating garlic will help you achieve your goal. The product contains phytoncides. These substances are something akin to antibiotics, having a destructive effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

The preparation of a folk remedy for colds is as follows. A few cloves of garlic are crushed using a crusher. The resulting pulp is combined in equal proportions with honey. This medicine is taken several times a day with water. It is not recommended to consume chopped garlic in its pure form. After all, this can lead to burns of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx.

Honey, lemon and ginger

How to quickly cure a cold at home? If you do not want to take medications, you should use a folk remedy based on honey, lemon and ginger. Using the method makes it possible to significantly improve your well-being, relieve nasal congestion and cough, and strengthen your immune system.

To prepare the medicine, take a large lemon. Citrus is peeled and then cut into small slices. Ginger root in an amount of about 300 grams is passed through a meat grinder. The components of the product are thoroughly mixed. Then 200 grams of honey are added to the composition. The resulting mass is sent to a glass jar and covered tightly with a lid. After infusing for 24 hours, the medicine is taken a teaspoon several times a day or added to tea.

Milk with honey

To quickly cure colds and runny nose, it is possible to use a product prepared on the basis of milk and honey. The use of this composition helps to saturate the body with an abundance of nutrients and vitamins. The result is strengthening the immune system and increasing resistance to infectious agents.

To prepare the product, take fresh milk in the amount of one liter. Add 4-5 tablespoons of honey here. Place the mixture over low heat and bring to a boil. The medicine is removed from the stove and then infused for several minutes. After consuming the composition, lie down in bed under a warm blanket. The procedure is recommended to be performed before bedtime. This therapy is continued until the characteristic manifestations of a runny nose and cold disappear completely.


How to quickly cure a cold in 1 day? An excellent solution is to use a medicine prepared using the medicinal plant coltsfoot. The use of a home recipe allows you to eliminate inflammatory processes that make themselves felt when an infection develops. Moreover, the product helps relieve fever.

The treatment regimen is as follows. A few tablespoons of dry plant collection are poured with boiled water. The product is infused for half an hour. Then the liquid is carefully filtered. The resulting medicine is consumed 3-4 times a day, 3 tablespoons.

Mulled wine

The famous drink, made from wine, has a warming effect on the body and also enriches tissues with vitamins and beneficial amino acids. Spices in the product have an antimicrobial effect and improve blood circulation.

How to quickly cure a cold with this method? To prepare mulled wine, use weak wine. A pinch of cloves, a few dessert spoons of sugar, a handful of ground pepper and nutmeg are added to the composition. Finely chop the lemon, which is also added to the composition. The product is placed on low heat and heated until the first signs of boiling. The resulting drink is consumed warm as a prophylactic for the treatment of colds.


To increase the protective properties of the body and relieve chills during a cold, it is possible to use a folk remedy based on peppermint. To prepare a healing product, pour a tablespoon of raw material into a glass of boiling water. The composition is placed on low heat and heated for 5 minutes. The medicine is filtered, a slice of lemon is added, as well as a dessert spoon of honey. Use the product shortly before going to bed. The use of this drug allows you to feel an improvement in your well-being after waking up.

Burdock decoction

How to quickly cure a cold? A good antipyretic remedy is a decoction of burdock leaves. The use of a folk recipe makes it possible to eliminate the manifestations of a runny nose, in particular, relieve the effect of nasal congestion. In addition, the medicine helps relieve sore throat.

To prepare a folk remedy, take a tablespoon of dry crushed burdock leaves. The raw material is poured with a glass of water. Place the product on low heat and bring to a boil. The medicine is allowed to brew for 15-20 minutes. Then the composition is filtered. The finished decoction is taken a teaspoon 5-6 times a day, which allows you to gradually relieve the main symptoms of a cold.

Eucalyptus oil

A good solution for colds is to perform inhalations using eucalyptus essential oil. This treatment option makes it possible to significantly improve well-being when the first signs of the disease develop.

What is the treatment? A few drops of eucalyptus oil are added to a pan of boiled water. Then they are placed above the container. The head is covered with a towel and inhalation is performed, inhaling the aromatic vapors of eucalyptus. At the end of the procedure, the upper respiratory tract is cleared. Nasal congestion does not return for several hours, which allows you to breathe freely.


It is always easier to avoid developing colds than to treat them. To avoid trouble, you should not allow your body to become hypothermic. In the off-season, you should eat more fresh foods rich in vitamins and beneficial minerals. With the onset of autumn, it is important to resort to preventive intake of vitamin complexes.

If the cold is already making itself felt, you can use the effective medications and folk remedies discussed in our article. Before performing therapy, it is better to once again consult with your doctor regarding the advisability of using a particular medicine in a particular situation. Self-medication is not recommended.

At the same time, we completely forget that our grandmothers, great-grandmothers and great-great-grandmothers also caught colds in those days when there were no traces of tablets, drops or new-fangled sprays. And nothing, somehow they were treated and, thank God, they recovered - otherwise you and I wouldn’t exist... So, maybe we should also look into our grandmother’s old “pharmacy” for lost health recipes?

When a cold begins, it is useful to rub the palms of your hands and soles of your feet with garlic, put on woolen socks and go to bed, keeping your hands under the covers all night.

You can rub your feet with castor oil at night and wear wool socks. To enhance the therapeutic effect, add turpentine (1 tablespoon) to heated castor oil (2 tablespoons) and rub the chest with this mixture before going to bed.

This original and, at first glance, rather funny advice will help you quickly get rid of unpleasant sensations in your throat: try... singing. At first it will be unusual and difficult, but after a while you will sing so much that you will forget about the pain. After several chants, the symptoms of the disease will completely disappear.

At the first signs of a cold, you should drink two cups of hot tea with raspberries, linden blossom and lemon or hot milk with honey and a small amount of soda, apply a pepper patch to your heels or put on socks with dry mustard, go to bed, cover yourself with a warm blanket and try to sleep . After a good night's sleep and profuse sweating, you'll feel much better by morning. Otherwise, the next day you need to move on to more intensive methods of treatment.


If you have a runny nose, do not rush to buy galazolin, naphthyzin, or sanorin at the pharmacy. It is much more effective to bury your nose with warm olive, peach, rosehip, sea buckthorn, menthol or sunflower oil, as well as an oil solution of vitamin A.

Every home probably has several heads of garlic. You can make garlic drops from it. To do this, you need to peel 3 cloves of garlic, chop them, pour 50 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours and drop them into your nose several times a day.

Onion juice is also suitable for this purpose. It can be obtained by grating the head of an onion on a fine grater and squeezing the onion pulp through cheesecloth. For 1 tbsp. A spoonful of water will only require one drop of onion juice. This mixture should be dropped into the nose every hour.

If you have honey, prepare honey drops. Dilute honey (preferably linden) with warm water in a ratio of 1:2 and instill 5-8 drops into each nostril 3-4 times a day.


If you experience a sore throat or sore throat, start gargling as soon as possible with herbal decoctions, especially sage and chamomile. These herbs are practically irreplaceable for their anti-inflammatory and softening effect on the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Tricolor violet has a similar effect. Herbal decoctions for gargling are prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon of herb per 1 glass of water. The herb is brewed with boiling water, infused for 15-20 minutes, and the solution for treating the throat is ready. During the day you need to gargle at least 4-5 times.

You can dilute 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons of honey in a glass of water at room temperature. Gargle with this solution 3 times a day. Before each rinse, prepare a fresh solution.

Black radish juice is good for the throat. A glass of juice should be diluted with half a glass of water and gargle as often as possible. For severe coughs, it is recommended to take freshly squeezed black radish juice orally. This is an excellent anti-inflammatory and expectorant. To prepare it, you need to mix 1 part of black radish juice with 2 parts of honey and take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day. You can do without honey. Cut 6-8 black radish tubers into thin slices, sprinkle each slice thickly with sugar, and leave in the pan, covering it with a lid. After 10-12 hours, sweet juice is formed. Take it 1 tbsp. spoon every hour.

A very simple recipe - drink warmed beer at night. It’s not very tasty, but it’s useful: it heals the throat, softens coughs, eliminates sore throat and restores a hoarse voice.

When a sore throat begins, slowly chewing raw lemon, especially the zest, or gargling with lemon juice helps. After this, it is advisable not to eat anything for an hour. Repeat the procedure every 3 hours.


Typically, steam inhalations are done for respiratory diseases 2 times a day - morning and evening. The duration of any inhalation should not exceed 15 minutes, since longer procedures can increase dryness in the throat and cause irritation of the already inflamed mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. People suffering from hypertension should be treated with special caution when using inhalations.

Inhalations are carried out no earlier than half an hour after meals and physical work. During inhalation you should not be distracted - read, talk. If the nasopharynx is predominantly affected, it is preferable to inhale through the nose, and exhale through the nose and mouth. If the bronchi are predominantly affected, inhale through the mouth and exhale through the mouth and nose. In any case, after inhaling, you need to hold your breath for a few seconds, and then exhale slowly. Breathing should be infrequent, of medium depth, so as not to cause coughing.

To carry out inhalations at home, you need to have a saucepan or kettle (sometimes a tin can) specially designed for this purpose, a red brick, a large thick towel with which you will cover yourself when inhaling the vapors, and the main active ingredient, which, when brewed, will exude healing properties. couples.

Another auxiliary device is a funnel made of thick paper, through which, in fact, the vapors will be inhaled. The funnel is either inserted with its narrow end into the spout of the kettle, or its wide end is used to cover a pan or jar (the diameter of the wide end of the funnel should be slightly larger than the diameter of the pan or jar neck).

Most often they breathe over potatoes. But there are many other much more effective inhalation formulations.

Here are some of them:

add 5-10 drops of iodine tincture or 1 teaspoon of onion juice to a kettle with boiling 4-5 glasses of water;

put 3 tbsp in the pan. spoons of pine buds, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, heat for 3-5 minutes over low heat, remove the broth from the heat and place the pan on a hot brick;

Place very heated stones on the bottom of the pan and sprinkle them every 2-3 minutes with a decoction of St. John's wort or oak bark;

half a hot brick is placed in a pan, finely chopped garlic is poured onto it, which soon begins to smoke;

add 2-5 drops of eucalyptus, menthol (1-2% solution) or fir oil to a kettle with 250 ml of boiling water;

pour 250 ml of boiling water into a can and add a small amount of Vietnamese Golden Star balm.

Garlic inhalations are used to quickly eliminate cold symptoms. To do this, grate 3-8 cloves of garlic on a fine grater and quickly, so that the phytoncides contained in it do not evaporate, apply this pulp to a bandage measuring 10x40 cm. The bandage is immediately placed on the bottom of an empty teapot and covered with a lid. Place the spout of the teapot in your mouth, pinch your nostrils with your fingers and slowly inhale the garlic aroma for 8-10 minutes. Exhale through the nose so that the exhaled air does not enter the kettle. If you are persistent and do 5-6 such inhalations a day, not only the incipient runny nose and cough will recede, but also much more serious diseases - sore throat, bronchitis and even pneumonia.


They are used to artificially warm the skin, for which they smear it with some medicinal product and rub it evenly into the skin with their hands. After rubbing, the lubricated areas of the skin are wrapped in a warm scarf or scarf. Most often, vodka or alcohol is used for rubbing. But other means can also be used.

For example:

onion pulp is mixed in half with goose fat and rubbed on the chest for a strong cough;

2 tbsp. tablespoons of sunflower oil are mixed with 0.3 teaspoons of ground red or black pepper;

add 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 tbsp to 0.5 cups of radish juice. a spoonful of honey;

mix alcohol and castor oil in a ratio of 1:2;

melted pork fat is mixed with turpentine and the chest is rubbed dry with this mixture.

Sometimes, instead of rubbing, they draw a grid on the skin with iodine. To do this, dip a thin wooden stick in iodine tincture and draw parallel strips along the chest at a distance of 5-10 mm from each other: first horizontal and then vertical. The iodine mesh is also applied to washed and dried feet from the soles to the ankles. Usually this procedure is done at night.

In the initial stage of a cold, a mixture of essential oils should help: eucalyptus (11 drops), ravansara oil (11 drops) and cinnamon leaf oil (2 drops). This mixture is combined with 30 g of vegetable or almond oil, mixed well, then applied to the throat and upper chest and rubbed.

Put on old pajamas that you are not afraid of getting dirty, and repeat the treatment several times a day. Rub yourself one last time before going to bed. In the morning you will feel that the cold has subsided.


The compress is used to quickly resolve local inflammatory processes. It is applied to the sore spot - throat, ear, chest, back, back of the head, soles, calves.

The compress should consist of 4 layers. The first layer is a piece of fabric folded into 2-3 layers and soaked in water at room temperature or vodka: it is strongly wrung out and applied to the body. The second layer is oilcloth, wax paper or cellophane. The third layer is cotton wool. The fourth layer is a cloth or bandage with which the wrap is made, and thus the compress is tightly, but not tightly (so as not to compress the vessels) fixed on the body. You can also tie a woolen scarf or scarf over this structure.

The size of the first layer should be slightly larger than the area of ​​the body to which the compress is applied. The size of each subsequent layer is 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. The duration of the compress is from 1 to 12 hours, depending on the age of the patient, the severity of the disease and the type of compress.

Traditional medicine has a rich selection of remedies that can be used to treat colds at home.

The fabric is soaked in sunflower oil and kept on the body for 4 hours.

At night, make a compress by mixing 50 ml of vinegar, 20 ml of camphor oil and 30 ml of vegetable oil.

Red pepper powder mixed with a slightly squeezed gruel of grated potatoes is applied to the neck, chest, calves, soles or behind the ears.

Horseradish gruel is placed in a thin layer on a cloth and applied to the back of the neck for 30 minutes for fever.

Crushed potatoes, boiled in their skins, are mixed with honey, vegetable oil, alcohol, mustard and applied to the back in the form of cakes.

The pumpkin pulp is grated on a coarse grater, mixed with warm milk and rye flour and applied in the form of cakes to the back, chest, and neck.

The throat is wrapped in fresh cabbage leaves and tied with a warm scarf on top. Leaves are changed every 2 hours. To enhance the healing effect, a fresh cabbage leaf can be ironed with a hot iron or steamed in hot milk and applied as a compress to the throat.

A mixture of honey, alcohol and sunflower oil (all in a tablespoon) is spread on paper and applied to the sore spot, a layer of mustard is spread on top of the paper and covered first with cellophane, then with cotton wool.

At high temperatures, grate 2 raw potatoes with skins on a coarse grater, add 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar, wrap the resulting mass in a clean cloth or gauze and apply to your forehead - the heat will subside within an hour.


Baths with medicinal plants give noticeable results for colds, but we must remember that if you have a high temperature and feel unwell, you should not take a bath. The water temperature should be between 35-37 degrees, and the duration of the bath should not exceed 15 minutes. It is best to take baths at night or an hour before meals.

To prepare medicinal baths, it is recommended to add plants such as chamomile (flowers), pine (needles and shoots), oak, birch leaves, mint, oregano, wormwood, sage, valerian, and yarrow to the water. In this case, 300-400 g of raw material is poured into a bucket of boiling water, infused for an hour, filtered and poured into the bath. You can use 1-2 plants, but decoctions of 4-5 plants give a stronger healing effect.

Mustard baths promote rapid recovery from colds. They are prepared like this: dilute 250-400 g of mustard powder in warm water to the consistency of sour cream and grind until a pungent mustard smell appears. Pour the resulting slurry into the bath and shake it well in the water. The duration of such a bath is 5-6 minutes. After the bath, you should quickly wash yourself in the shower and go to bed, wrapped in a warm blanket.

Garlic baths are very useful. You need to crush 30 cloves of garlic, pour 10 liters of boiling water over them and leave to steep for 6-8 hours. Heat the resulting infusion again, without bringing it to a boil, pour it into the bath and add plain hot water to the required volume.

If you want to take a full garlic bath, then the ratio of garlic broth and water should be 1:6. If sitting, then 1:3. If you need to steam only legs or arms, then 1:7. Just keep in mind that hot and warm garlic baths have a stimulating effect, so be careful not to overdo it with the time you take them. It is better not to do this procedure at night.


Hot chest wraps are performed for colds accompanied by cough, but only at low body temperature. This procedure is performed as follows. A bare-chested patient sits up in bed. Behind him lies a folded flannelette blanket, over which is thrown a sheet folded in four.

The one who performs the wrap, wearing thick rubber gloves on his hands, immerses a terry towel pre-rolled with a roller into water with a temperature of 65-67 degrees, then quickly and firmly wrings it out and places it on the patient’s back. A prepared blanket and sheet are immediately placed on top of the towel, and the patient, with his hands behind his head, lies on his back.

A woolen cap is placed on the patient's head to cover his ears, and he is wrapped in a cotton blanket on top. After 20 minutes, unwrapping takes place. A warm flannelette shirt with long sleeves is put on the body. The patient, wrapped in a dry, warm blanket, should remain under it for at least 2 hours. The hat does not come off.

There is a saying: “If you feel a cold, starve it to death.” If you feel unwell, you need to urgently change your diet. Try to give up dense, heavy foods for 1-2 days. Go on a cleansing diet. Eat mostly salads, vegetable soups and fruits. Drink more. Sudorific teas and freshly squeezed juices, especially pineapple, are very useful.

“Autumn has begun, and again not a single spray for a runny nose helps me. Some medications help relieve congestion, but then fluid and mucus flow in streams. It is difficult to sleep at night, again due to a stuffy nose. ENT sent me for physiotherapy, but it didn’t help much. I started thinking about alternative medicine ─ are there any breathing techniques or exercises that will help “break through” the nose?”

Tatiana (31)

Yoga trainer's response:

During illness, the body's protective functions weaken, so a common ARVI can last a very long time. To avoid relying on pills, sprays and syrups, try to speed up your recovery by performing special exercises that will restart your immune system to actively fight the virus.

For example, the following asanas are ideal for these purposes:(they are very simple, so don’t be afraid to try them, even if you haven’t done yoga):

Deep bend towards the feet. Thanks to this asana, blood begins to circulate better in the body, supplying cells with oxygen, and the sinuses are freed from mucus. The asana brings calm, which also promotes recovery. Perform it without tension: spread your legs hip-width apart and gently lower yourself into an incline, relaxing your upper body, including your head. Bend your knees if you feel tension.

Downward facing dog. One of the main poses in yoga, which increases blood flow, improves metabolism, improves ventilation and breathing, and relieves nasal congestion. To perform this pose, lower your knees to the floor, your pelvis on your heels, and stretch your arms forward, straightening your elbows. Fix your palms and metatarsals and, without changing their position, lift your pelvis up. If you feel discomfort in your back, bend your knees slightly and relax your spine from your tailbone to the top of your head.

Camel pose. In this asana, the main emphasis is on opening the chest, due to which breathing becomes deeper, the flow of inhaled air increases, the sinuses open and nasal congestion goes away. Take a kneeling position, open your chest and lower your body back, grabbing your heels with your hands. Try not to arch your lower back too much, breathe deeply and calmly. Stay in this pose for 40-60 seconds and you will immediately feel improved breathing.

In addition to yoga asanas, it will help fight a runny nose and nasal congestion. special breathing technique ─ nadi shodhana. To perform it, sit with your back straight (if it is difficult to maintain an even position, place a pillow or blanket under your pelvis). Open your chest and reach up with the crown of your head. Place your index and middle fingers between your eyebrows and close your right nostril with your thumb. Inhale with your left. Immediately close the left nostril with your ring finger and exhale with the right, and again, inhale with the right and exhale with the left. Inhale with your left, exhale with your right. Inhale with the right, exhale with the left, and so on. Continue breathing in this rhythm for 2-3 minutes or more if you feel comfortable.

The most common manifestation of upper respiratory tract disease is a runny nose. How to get rid of a runny nose? At the first sign of nasal discharge, do not immediately run to the pharmacy for medications. This can be done quickly and without medications. A slight runny nose is a protective reaction of the nasal mucosa against microorganisms and other foreign objects getting on its surface: dust, pollen, various chemical agents. If, after the appearance of mild symptoms of a runny nose, they do not go away, the appearance of nasal discharge intensifies, then urgent measures are taken to influence the cause of the disease.

It is no secret that in the current social system, which has already become private, the employer does not want to pay sick leave to its employees. As a result, when people feel unwell, they go to work so as not to be fired. But at the same time, the person becomes infected even more, or infects others. So how to get rid of a runny nose? Upper respiratory tract diseases are transmitted through airborne droplets and are highly contagious. What to do in these cases without medications?

  • Have long-proven methods and remedies for the common cold;
  • Carry out effective preventive measures in advance so as not to become infected from others in the event of a sudden onset of an epidemic of acute viral infections and not to react so sharply to the presence of infected people in a group or at home.

Physical exercise

Most often, adults become infected from sick children. Children's immune systems have not yet developed. They become more susceptible to highly contagious viral infections.

It is important to start every morning with simple morning exercises. It will help good blood circulation in the body. Supports the cardiovascular system. This has a very good effect on the condition of the mucous membranes. Good blood circulation helps remove waste substances and nourishes the body tissues well.

We must not forget that colds do not like fresh air and ventilated areas.

It is necessary to ventilate the room three times a day for fifteen minutes. Such prevention of infectious diseases is strictly necessary. Especially during periods of epidemics. It is necessary to clean the premises frequently. Do wet cleaning, get rid of house dust. Remove all sources of infections.

This does not allow creating a greenhouse effect in the room, which is very favorable for diseases such as influenza, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and other colds.

Washing method

As a preventive measure, rinsing the nostrils with warm water and sea salt will help. Do not over-rinse your nose with saline solution. Otherwise, it will simply dry out the mucous membrane and create the most comfortable conditions for infection. The meaning of the procedures is that sea salt contains organic iodine. You can simply add a drop of iodine to the water. The water should be slightly orange in color. This water is great for rinsing the nasal passages. Don't forget about the oral cavity. It also needs to be treated with the same solutions that you use in the nasal cavity.

Rinse the nose with solutions, infusions and decoctions of various medicinal herbs: calendula, sage, St. John's wort, thyme, chamomile.

It is very useful to make an infusion of the Golden Usa for home use. This “homely beauty” takes root very easily. Its stems and leaves have a bactericidal effect.

They do it like this: bring the water to a boil. Let it sit for five minutes and throw in the crushed leaves or stems of the plant. The infusion is cooled, poured into a convenient container and used. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to several years. The infusion does not lose its healing properties because of this.

In some cases, colds cause damage to the mucous membrane of the eyes. Blepharitis and conjunctivitis of viral origin occur. In these cases, the infusion of the Golden Mustache also helps a lot.

Thermal treatments

  1. Warming procedures for the nasal area. Warming procedures on the nose and face area help well with rhinitis. Do not forget that when you have a runny nose, there is an automatic response from the mucous membranes of the maxillary sinuses. This is especially common in children. When traveling, warm up the area of ​​the wings of the nose and sinuses of the upper jaws with freshly boiled potatoes, boiled eggs, warm salt or warm sand, which is placed in small bags.
  2. Hot bath. A hot bath with the addition of sea bath salts and coniferous tree oils helps a lot. Take a bath for at least 30 minutes. If the water cools down, then add hot water to the desired temperature, or to the temperature that can be withstood.
  3. Bath or sauna. At this moment it is good to visit a bathhouse or sauna. The bath uses moist steam and warm air. It is good to use eucalyptus, cedar, pine, fir, and spruce oils in the steam room. Dry steam is used in the sauna. Which is not very useful if you have copious nasal discharge.
  4. Cold and hot shower. It is useful to use contrast showers, both in the bathhouse and in the sauna. We must not forget about this very useful procedure. It helps to harden the body well and carefully. Do not introduce sharp temperature contrasts from the very beginning. At first, a person uses such differences that he can withstand. Over time, the temperature difference can be gradually increased. First use the shower for this. And then, after the steam room, jump into a cold pool. This helps not only to recover, but also to strengthen overall well-being and overall resistance of the body.

The operating principles of such procedures are simple. They artificially raise body temperature to 39*C. At what temperature do most viral and bacterial infections that cause acute respiratory diseases die?

An untreated acute viral disease easily becomes chronic.

Medicinal herbs

Known cases of using hot spices in food. They irritate the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity when inhaled and fluid begins to flow from the nose. Causes sneezing. Sneezing is a protective reaction of the body in such cases.

  • Garlic. The most radical remedy is the use of garlic in food. It has long been considered an excellent remedy for colds. How to cure a runny nose? To avoid getting sick, eat a medium-sized clove of garlic every day. It is better to grow garlic yourself or buy it from grandmothers in private markets. Place the cut garlic in gauze or a bandage and place it in the nasal passages. Garlic is a powerful natural immunomodulator and antibiotic.
  • Honey. Honey is also used for colds. It is drunk with herbal decoctions of sage, thyme, chamomile, and fireweed.
  • St. John's wort. Don't forget about another natural antibiotic, St. John's wort. It has excellent antibacterial effect. But besides this, it is also an excellent antidepressant. If you feel unwell, a decoction of this herb will not only help you recover by killing the infection, but also help you get a good night's sleep. This is no less important for a sick person.
  • Mustard powder. Mustard powder is used as an irritant therapy. Dry mustard powder is poured into cotton socks. They wear them at night.

Acupuncture methods

Nowadays, treatment through exposure to acupuncture points is very popular and effective. Points for the treatment of colds in the nasal cavity are located in the area between the eyebrows, at the inner edge of the eyebrow, in the area of ​​the wings of the nose on both sides. And also in the projection of the apices of the roots of the fifth teeth on the upper jaws.

If you know exactly the projections of these points, you can influence them with the “Star” balm. Due to the irritating effect of this balm, a healing effect is obtained. A runny nose goes away quickly. This method can be actively used at work. It won't attract attention. There will be no need to wear a mask at work.

It is recommended for healthy people to wear a mask to avoid becoming infected from sick people. It is not recommended for sick people to wear a mask. Due to poor air flow through the mask, the patient’s general well-being will worsen and there will be a need for emergency care.


To treat the runny nose, immunomodulators and immunostimulants are used. One of them, garlic, is discussed above. The 21st century is called the century of immunomodulators.

  1. Vitamin C. The simplest immunomodulator is vitamin C. No need to shrug your shoulders. One of the most effective remedies is this vitamin. It is a natural immunomodulator. There is a lot of it in lemon, cherry, and acerola. But in order for it to show its immunomodulatory effect, you need to eat twenty-five lemons a day. Who can afford it? Whose stomachs can handle this? But it is quite possible to eat a small tablet that contains the required therapeutic amount of this vitamin. You can eat them every day. Not necessarily during periods of epidemic. Such vitamins help strengthen human immunity. It is very useful to eat vitamin multipacks. But they must contain organic substances, not synthetic ones.
  2. Organic iodine. It is good to stimulate the thyroid gland during periods of epidemics by taking capsules with organic iodine. For example, “Iodbalance” contains potassium iodide, and “Sveltform” contains an extract from seaweed. In the first case, the tablets contain synthetics, in the second they contain organics. Synthetics are absorbed by 5%, organics are absorbed by 98%. What is more effective is clear to the child.
  3. Medicinal herbs. We must not forget that medicinal herbs simultaneously have several medicinal properties and can treat the body from many diseases at the same time. Synthetic drugs from pharmacies cannot do this.
  4. Marsh cinquefoil. Now a good remedy has appeared: Marsh Sabelnik. Produced by RIA Panda. City of St. Petersburg. It is a capsule with dry powder isolated from the medicinal herb cinquefoil. This herb also helps relieve inflammation during colds. We mainly know it as a remedy for joint diseases. Sabelnik has good detoxifying qualities and acts as an antibiotic. For colds, it dries out the nasal cavity well with copious discharge without droplets. It also helps the body cope with an incipient infection. Helps you recover.

Nature is our most important healer. Don't forget about this.