Treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Treatment of the cardiovascular system The best sanatoriums for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases


Purpose of the program:
Restoring the performance of the heart and the whole body, preventing new cardiovascular diseases. Improving quality of life.

Why is it important to treat cardiovascular diseases in the early stages!
Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of disability and premature death.

Patients should undergo evaluation and treatment if any of the following symptoms are detected:

  • Pain in the heart or behind the sternum;
  • Heart rhythm disturbances (feelings of “fading” or interruptions in the heart, palpitations, irregular pulse);
  • Dyspnea;
  • General physical weakness, occasional weakness in an arm or leg;
  • Severe dizziness or headaches;
  • Temporary speech or vision disturbances;
  • High blood pressure.

Advantages of treatment in the sanatorium "Moscow Region":

  • The patient in the program for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases is managed by a therapist of the highest category (or cardiologist) (consultation on the day of arrival and then regularly throughout the program).
  • Examination by specialists within 1-2 days from the date of admission: cardiologist, physical therapy doctor, nutritionist, physiotherapist.
  • The sanatorium is open seven days a week - round-the-clock medical and nursing supervision of patients, procedures are performed on weekends and holidays.
  • More than 55 years of experience in the field of rehabilitation medicine.
  • Individual approach and selection of treatment procedures.
  • Effective treatment methods (external counterpulsation, cryotherapy, electrophoresis, diet therapy, laser therapy, whirlpool baths).
  • Issuance of methodological manuals on dietary nutrition, physical activity and timing of control observations.

Indications for treatment:

All cardiovascular diseases except: acute myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, angioplasty, coronary artery stenting, valve replacement for up to 1 year.

The effectiveness of the cardiovascular disease treatment program at the Podmoskovye sanatorium:

  • Relieves angina attacks;
  • Reduces the risk of heart attack;
  • Restores ability to work;
  • Increases life expectancy;
  • Minimizes the risk of complications;
  • Maximizes the quality of life and improves the prognosis of the disease;
  • Helps restore health and mental activity;
  • Allows you to avoid disability;
  • Reduces the risk of repeated heart attacks and other cardiovascular accidents;
  • Reduces the likelihood of re-hospitalizations;
  • Reduces the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases;
  • Improves the patient's physical condition;
  • Reduces the need for medications;
  • Reduces blood pressure;
  • Slows down the development of atherosclerosis and its clinical consequences;
  • Improves cardiopulmonary activity;
  • Improves motor activity;
  • Improves psycho-emotional state.

Duration of the program:
The travel period is 12-21 days. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the number of days.

Treatment program:
1. Round-the-clock monitoring of the patient under the program for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases in the sanatorium “Podmoskovye” - a medical post and an intensive care ward.

2. The patient’s attending physician for the cardiovascular disease treatment program is a cardiologist (or therapist) of the highest category.

3. Examination plan (timing is determined individually at the beginning and end of treatment)

  • Laboratory research methods (clinical and biochemical blood tests).
  • ECG is an inpatient examination using electrocardiography.
  • Daily ECG (according to indications) - round-the-clock continuous recording of ECG indicators in the patient’s normal life.
  • Daily blood pressure monitoring (according to indications) – measurement of blood pressure throughout the day with determination of the degree and variability of hypertension.
  • Echocardiography (if indicated)*.
  • VEM is a diagnostic method of electrocardiographic research for identifying hidden coronary insufficiency and determining exercise tolerance.
  • Pulse oximetry is a non-invasive method for determining the degree of oxygen saturation in the blood over a certain period of time (12-24 hours).

4. Advisory block

5. Treatment block

LH using simulators 10 18 Daily Increases strength and endurance of various muscles.
Manual massage of the collar area or hardware massage or underwater massage. 6-8 10 Improving the condition of the central and peripheral nervous system, blood and lymph circulation, muscle relaxation, relaxing effect.
General baths (iodine-bromine, pearl-coniferous, sea or “dry” carbon dioxide) 5-6 10 In one day Activation of metabolism. Improving central and regional hemodynamics, increasing myocardial resistance to hypoxia, reducing myocardial oxygen demand, reducing blood viscosity. Normalization of blood pressure.
Shower (circular, Charcot, fan) 5-6 8-9 In one day Activation of blood circulation and metabolism. Normalization of vascular tone and blood pressure. Improving the condition of the central and autonomic nervous system.
General cryotherapy* 6 10 Eliminates the use of thermal procedures Improving blood circulation and metabolism. Normalization of vascular tone and blood pressure. Training and increasing the reserves of the cardiovascular system, general strengthening effect.
External counterpulsation* 10 15 Daily Improving the condition of blood vessels, forming collateral circulation, increasing blood supply to the muscles of the heart, brain, kidneys, liver, and pelvic organs. Reduced blood pressure. Improving the “quality of life”.
Transcranial electrotherapy 6 8-10 Of the proposed hardware physiotherapy, no more than 2-3 types are prescribed simultaneously (taking into account the combination of effects) Improving the regulation of heart function, reducing oxygen consumption by the myocardium, normalizing blood pressure and vegetative-vascular reactions.
Electrophoresis of drugs for cardiovascular diseases Improving blood circulation and metabolism, lowering blood pressure, sedative effect + effect of the medications used.
Exposure to magnetic fields in cardiovascular diseases Vasodilation, increased blood flow, improved microcirculation. Actoprotective, hypo-coagulating, lymph-draining effect. Reducing oxygen consumption by the myocardium. Reduced blood pressure.
Laser therapy for cardiovascular diseases Positive effect on the hemostatic system and lipid metabolism. Improving the rheological properties of blood, increasing the oxygen content in the blood, including collateral vessels in the blood flow. Improving blood supply to tissues and tissue respiration. Activation of metabolic processes.
Swimming in the pool 11-12 20-21 1 per day Improved muscle tone, general strengthening effect
Psychotherapy 5-8 8-12 Daily Normalization of mental state. Mastering psychological self-regulation exercises.
Acupuncture 6-8 10-12 Normalizing effect on the central and autonomic nervous system, vascular wall tone.
Medical nutrition Formation of a proper diet with a reduced content of animal fats and the exclusion of refined carbohydrates.

*- paid according to the current price list.

The examination and treatment plan is drawn up individually by the attending physician; changes and adjustments are possible.

- Angina pectoris 1U functional class.
- Stage III circulatory failure.
- Extrasystole such as bigeminy and group, polytopic.
- Paroxysmal rhythm disturbances with a frequency of attacks more than 2 times a month.
- Atrioventricular block II-III degree without pacemaker.
- Arterial hypertension with pronounced changes in the fundus, impaired nitrogen excretory function of the kidneys and a crisis course.
- Recurrent thromboembolic complications.
— Diabetes mellitus is decompensated and severe.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the rehabilitation program after myocardial infarction in the Podmoskovye sanatorium (on a 10-point scale).

Duration of treatment is 16-21 days.

*If the travel period is less than 7 days, the appointment of procedures and their number are determined by the attending physician at the initial appointment, on an individual basis, based on the feasibility and possibility of completing the treatment course.

A person suffering from heart and vascular diseases must constantly take care of his health. This is not only a correct lifestyle and following the doctor’s recommendations, but also periodic visits to cardiological sanatoriums, which will help maintain health and well-being. It is these sanatoriums that we will talk about in this article.

Many years of experience show that the influence of resort factors, as well as additional methods of physiotherapy, can significantly improve a person’s condition. Cardiovascular sanatoriums are often recommended for patients at the rehabilitation stage, as well as in the presence of many chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels in the non-acute stage and when the condition is stable. During a stay in a sanatorium, a person can have a good rest, gain strength and undergo additional treatment that will help avoid exacerbations of diseases.

Such treatment can be carried out after inpatient treatment in the form of rehabilitation and in the form of periodic maintenance rehabilitation. The necessary conditions for such patients can be provided by cardiovascular sanatoriums, where the patient’s condition, the severity of the disease, the nature and degree of the body’s response to the action of natural healing factors are adequately taken into account. The medical staff of the cardiological sanatorium will take into account all the health characteristics of the incoming patient, and the resulting vacation will be useful and enjoyable.

Indications for visiting the sanatorium

Sanatorium-resort treatment can cause significant improvements in the patient’s condition, so after a trip to the sanatorium, your heart will be grateful to you! Spa treatment can be prescribed for the following diseases:

  • at the stage of recovery after myocardial infarction (with stable condition and after hospital treatment)
  • endomyocarditis with a minimal degree of process activity, condition after myocarditis (after the disappearance of signs of process activity and with minor circulatory failure)
  • heart defects (with minor circulatory failure)
  • angina with mild attacks
  • cardiomyopathy without adverse rhythm disturbances and minor circulatory failure
  • hypertension (up to stage 2) without vascular crises, adverse rhythm disturbances and circulatory failure
  • arterial hypotension
  • residual effects after phlebitis (without acute effects).

In some cases, spa treatment with a special individual approach is recommended for patients even after operations.

What to pay attention to

It is important to understand that diseases of the cardiovascular system are often contraindications for many procedures. If you want to visit a sanatorium, consult with the supervising cardiologist, who will tell you when and which sanatorium is best to go to for relaxation.

Also, for these diseases it is very important to correctly determine the location of the chosen sanatorium. Patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases do not always tolerate climate change well, and in this case, sanatoriums located in a climate zone similar to their place of residence can be a good option. Currently, the choice of sanatoriums is quite wide, and you can choose exactly the one in which you will be most comfortable.

To expand the reserve capabilities of the cardiovascular system and maintain physical performance, various options for spa treatment can be offered. Usually this is special rehabilitation cardiology: sanatoriums often offer a similar selected set of rehabilitation measures, adjusted for a specific patient by a rehabilitation specialist. Such programs vary and include a variety of treatments, including physical therapy.

After completing the course, patients feel healthier, not only their well-being improves, but also their mood. The programs may include aerotherapy, heliotherapy, massage, balneotherapy, some types of physiotherapy, exercise therapy, etc.

Children's cardiology sanatoriums are often recommended for children with congenital heart defects, depending on the type of defect and the child's condition.

Contraindications to spa treatment

Unfortunately, a doctor cannot always recommend a sanatorium. Cardiovascular diseases are sometimes a contraindication for visiting even a special sanatorium. With caution, patients with cardiovascular diseases with significant circulatory disorders, with severe atherosclerosis and severe vascular damage, with hypertension of more than the second degree and with a tendency to cerebrovascular accidents, with severe symptoms of angina are sent to the sanatorium, especially with a significant change in climatic conditions. and frequently recurring attacks, etc.

The cardiovascular system is a system that provides blood circulation in the human body. The circulatory system can safely be considered the most important component of the human body. By ensuring the transport of useful substances to vital organs and removing all unnecessary substances (waste) from the body to the excretory system, the cardiovascular system provides us with a full, healthy life.

The cardiovascular system includes the heart and blood vessels of different sizes, each of which is an integral part of the smooth beneficial operation of the entire system. The heart, like a motor, drives blood through the vessels, delivering necessary substances and taking away those that are no longer useful. Without such transportation, the human body would not have such an important immunity, without which it is common to constantly get sick or even worse...

Unfortunately, even such an important and powerful organ as the heart, and consequently its assistants - the blood vessels, can get sick... and due to the heavy load they do this most often. Among all the diseases diseases of the cardiovascular system are leaders. People over 40 years of age are most susceptible to cardiovascular diseases.

The most common diseases are:

  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Hypertension;
  • Coronary heart disease (CHD);
  • Heart failure;
  • Arrhythmia.

Drug treatment of the cardiovascular system

Medication treatment of the heart and blood vessels occurs quite often. Each disease has its own drugs used to treat it. Of course, medications and drugs can alleviate the disease, but medications have a lot of side effects. Moreover, in no case should you prescribe medication for yourself, based on the advice of friends or information on the Internet. CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR, which will tell you more accurately what you can take and what you shouldn’t even think about.

Treatment of cardiovascular diseases in a sanatorium

In Russia and the CIS countries there are many sanatoriums with a cardiology department and a license for treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Sanatorium-resort treatment of heart and vascular diseases in the sanatorium is carried out using various techniques, including light drug treatment and treatment with natural healing factors present at the resort.

When choosing a sanatorium, you must take into account the resort where it is located, because... In addition to diseases of the cardiovascular system, you may also be accompanied by concomitant diseases with which visiting a particular resort is contraindicated. So, for example, if the disease does not allow you to tolerate the heat, you should not go to the resorts of Crimea in July, because... This is just the hottest time of the year. Unfortunately, not everyone pays attention to this, and in order to prevent such cases, we recommend consulting with a spa specialist who can not only refer you to a resort for the main disease, but also take into account all the associated ones and ultimately choose the best option for treatment and rest.

Spa treatment: prevention of heart attacks and strokes

Sanatorium-resort treatment in cardiological sanatoriums:

– reduces the risk of heart attacks by 7 times in people with coronary heart disease 1

– reduces the risk of myocardial infarction and strokes by 5 times in patients suffering from hypertension 2

– with hyperlipedemia, a higher clinical effect is achieved in the early asymptomatic stages of the disease 3

WHO states: cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. In the Russian Federation, disorders of the circulatory system, the mortality rate from which is 2 times higher than the European average, occupy first place in the structure of primary disability; in terms of the number of cases and duration of temporary disability they are in third place.

The main resort factors and methods of resort therapy for the prevention and rehabilitation of diseases of the circulatory system: climatotherapy, balneotherapy with carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and radon waters, hydrotherapy, as well as hardware methods of physiotherapy against the background of adequate drug therapy.

Climatic resorts: seaside, mountain, forest

The influence of various climatic factors on cardiac patients, such as sunbathing, sea bathing, and air baths, differs significantly from the adaptation reaction of healthy people. The acclimatization process may be accompanied by a deterioration in well-being: with coronary heart disease, angina attacks may become more frequent or more severe, and in patients with cerebral atherosclerosis, headaches and dizziness may intensify.

The first days of your stay at the mountain resort, with a reduced oxygen content in the air, will require a plains resident to mobilize adaptive mechanisms in order to properly supply the body with oxygen. As a rule, symptoms of mountain sickness do not occur when rising to an altitude of up to 2000 m above sea level, however, in cardiac patients, the adverse effects of mountain climate can also manifest themselves in mid-mountain resorts. In Kislovodsk (altitude 800-1200 m above sea level), in the first days you should not go for a walk along the entire route of the health path, limiting yourself to the central part of the Resort Park (altitude up to 1000 m).

In the hot climate of southern resorts The body loses heat only through sweating. At high temperatures and high air humidity in the conditions of resorts in the humid subtropics (Sochi), evaporation from the body surface is difficult, which leads to disruption of thermoregulation. In cardiac patients and elderly people, an increase in body temperature, increased respiration and pulse, hyperemia of the skin with a relative decrease in blood supply to internal organs, and thickening of the blood may be observed. These phenomena are especially intensified during muscle load. Solar irradiation increases blood clotting properties with possible thrombus formation in blood vessels and the development of myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke.

When choosing a resort or sanatorium for diseases of the circulatory system, patients with meteotropic reactions should refrain from traveling to resorts with contrasting climatic conditions, making a choice in favor of sanatoriums in the climatic zone of residence or southern resorts in the off-season.

The velvet season in the resorts of the South of Russia is preferable due to favorable weather conditions, the possibility of sea swimming and sunbathing, and the abundance of fruits in the diet, which is one of the leading factors in spa treatment for diseases of the circulatory system and metabolic syndrome.

IMPORTANT:limit physical activity inthe first days of stay at the resort, during the acclimatization period

Thalassotherapy has an effect on the cardiovascular system due to a complex of factors: sea water, aerosol of sea water salts, air ions of sea coasts, solar radiation. The totality of physiological changes in the circulatory system in the conditions of seaside resorts indicates an improvement in blood supply and metabolic processes in the myocardium, central hemodynamics, specific vascular resistance and blood pressure are normalized.

When swimming in the sea, the influence of thermal, mechanical and chemical factors should be taken into account. Sea water has a stimulating effect similar to that of sodium chloride baths, especially in patients with low blood pressure. When swimming, blood pressure increases and heart rate increases. When swimming calmly for 5-10 minutes after leaving the sea, cardiac indicators normalize within 5 minutes and often improve compared to the initial state. Bathing is always accompanied by an increased emotional state, so the load is easily tolerated and is not subjectively assessed as excessive, however, it can lead to serious complications from the cardiovascular system. It is necessary to take into account the influence of solar radiation, especially its ultraviolet part, which can penetrate water to a depth of 1 m.

Sea bathing is prescribed on days free from mineral baths, or no earlier than 2 hours after them.

(walking along the intended route) is one of the methods of physical training for diseases of the circulatory system. Alternating tension and relaxation during ascents and descents while walking along a path creates favorable conditions for the functioning of the circulatory, respiratory and nervous system. During walks, a person is simultaneously affected by the climate and the surrounding nature, having a hardening effect and a positive effect on the psycho-emotional sphere, which significantly enhances the healing effect of therapeutic walking along health paths. At mountain climatic resorts, for example, Kislovodsk and Zheleznovodsk, health resort routes are prescribed by a health resort doctor.

Physical activity should be dosed by the length of the route, the angle of ascent, the pace of walking, the number and duration of rest stops, limiting the load in the first days of your stay at the resort.

Hydrotherapy and balneotherapy in a cardiological sanatorium

Hydrotherapy in the form of medicinal baths, has proven itself well in the sanatorium-resort treatment of cardiac patients. Short-term cold and hot showers increase the tone of the vascular system. Contrast procedures, directing blood flow either to the skin or deep into the body, improve microcirculation, normalize blood pressure, increase the contractile function of the myocardium, and stimulate all types of metabolism.

Baths (mineral and fresh with various additives and gas, full and partial) form the basis of hydrotherapy and balneotherapy in cardiology. All baths, fresh and of different mineral composition, have a thermal and hydrostatic effect. In all cardiac patients (hypertension, coronary artery disease, heart defects without circulatory and heart rhythm disturbances), after baths there is a decrease in heart rate, an increase in stroke index, a decrease in blood pressure and specific peripheral vascular resistance. Hydrostatic pressure, which when taking medicinal baths is calculated within 20-30 cm of water column, can impede the work of the heart due to some compression of the peripheral veins and an effect on the abdominal area. Although this pressure is insignificant, it nevertheless has to be taken into account when prescribing baths for patients with cardiovascular disorders. Therefore, for people with heart disease, baths with immersion under water up to the level of the heart are recommended, and in case of circulatory problems, half-baths.

Elderly people and patients with circulatory disorders, in order to avoid vascular collapse, should release the water before leaving the bath.

Contraindications to the use of shared baths are a tendency to dynamic disorders of cerebral and coronary circulation, circulatory failure above stage I B, pronounced phenomena of atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis with chronic coronary insufficiency of the second and third groups, hypertension stage III B, recent myocardial infarction (up to a year) or stroke, severe angina pectoris

The gas and mineral composition of mineral waters determine the principles of differentiated choice of resort for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Carbon dioxide baths– one of the most effective methods of balneotherapy and resort treatment in general for diseases of the circulatory system. The effect of carbon dioxide baths is explained by the contrast irritation of the skin by bubbles of carbon dioxide (t° 12 ° C) and warm water, which is called a “gas brush”, which is manifested by an intense expansion of skin capillaries, a decrease in internal body temperature and venous blood. The second mechanism of action is chemical, due to carbon dioxide, which enters the body with inhaled air and through the skin. When taking carbon dioxide baths, peripheral vessels dilate, blood circulation in the vessels of the heart increases, the coronary constricting effect at the level of the central nervous system is suppressed, the contractile function of the myocardium improves, the energy supply of the heart and endurance to physical activity increases, oxygen consumption by the heart muscle decreases, the heart rate slows down, and the arterial pressure.

Indications for prescribing carbon dioxide baths for cardiac patients. As a result of complex spa treatment with the use of carbon dioxide baths, attacks of angina disappear or are reduced, a decrease in the sensation of interruptions in the heart at rest and during physical activity, and in case of hypertension, blood pressure decreases. Under the influence of carbon dioxide baths, lipid metabolism increases, the level of cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins in patients with atherosclerosis decreases, and the breakdown of fats and fat-like substances increases. In case of hyperlipedemia without clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis, balneotherapy with carbonic water helps to reduce elevated levels of total cholesterol and reduce body weight.

Contraindications: coronary heart disease, angina pectoris III-IV class, mitral heart defects, hyperthyroidism.

Dry air carbon dioxide baths have the same beneficial properties as water baths, but are easier to tolerate due to the absence of the loading effect of water on the heart and therefore can be used by more severely ill patients, including those who have suffered a myocardial infarction, in the early phase of rehabilitation in urban balneotherapy hospitals or suburban cardiological sanatoriums .

Radon waters have a therapeutic effect due to the alpha radiation of radon. 2.5 hours after the radon procedure, radon is completely eliminated from the body, and after another two hours the daughter products disappear.

Radon baths have a hypotensive effect, normalizing the lipolytic enzymatic system, fibrinolytic activity of the blood, and the permeability of blood capillaries. A decrease in peripheral vascular resistance under the influence of radon baths helps to improve the contractile function of the myocardium. As a result of a course of treatment with radon baths, blood pressure decreases, the number of extrasystoles and episodes of “silent” myocardial ischemia decreases.

Indications for prescribing radon baths for cardiac patients.

Radon baths are used in the treatment of patients suffering from uncomplicated arterial hypertension of the I-II degree, vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive type, especially against the background of neurosis, hyperthyroidism with arterial hypertension, angina pectoris of I-II functional classes, arrhythmias of low grades, atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, obliterating endarteritis , postthrombophlebitic syndrome.

Radon baths are contraindicated patients with sick sinus syndrome, bradycardia less than 60 beats per minute, slowing of atrioventricular conduction.

Sulfide (hydrogen sulfide) waters in terms of their influence on the circulatory system, they occupy one of the first places among all resort medicinal factors. Sulfide water, acting through local mechanisms for regulating vascular tone and through vasomotor centers, causes dilation of skin capillaries and arterioles, increases the number of functioning capillaries, accelerates blood flow in them and the reaction of skin redness, known in Russia as the “Matsestin reaction”. A course of balneotherapy in the form of general and two- and four-chamber hydrogen sulfide baths improves the contractile function of the myocardium, improves hemodynamics, helps reduce hypercholesterolemia and increase lipolytic activity of the blood, has a hypotensive effect in patients with hypertension, and tolerance to physical and orthostatic stress.

Hydrogen sulfide baths are shown patients with hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease with a fairly high coronary reserve (very rare and mild attacks of angina), with atherosclerotic lesions of peripheral vessels with concomitant diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis of the spine, inflammatory and metabolic diseases of the joints) and the peripheral nervous system .

Contraindications to the administration of hydrogen sulfide baths to cardiac patients: coronary heart disease, angina pectoris III FC, heart failure stage II, vegetative-vascular dysfunctions, severe cerebral atherosclerosis, toxic-allergic reactions to hydrogen sulfide,

Carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide baths(Essentuki, Pyatigorsk) have a beneficial effect on patients with atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries of the heart and blood vessels of the brain, due to the cumulative effect of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide.

Sodium chloride (salt) baths have an effect on the body due to mechanical, thermal and chemical actions. The mechanical action is manifested by a buoyancy force, the greater the degree of mineralization of the baths. The heat flow into the body from sodium chloride waters is 1.5 times higher than from fresh water. Absorbed heat expands the superficial vessels of the skin and increases its blood flow by 1.2 times. The chemical effect of sodium chloride waters is realized due to the salt cloak, which irritates skin receptors and increases the flow of afferent impulses entering the brain. The stimulating effect of sodium chloride baths is especially noticeable in patients with low blood pressure, which increases under the influence of baths. Salt baths have a training effect as a result of a favorable restructuring of central and peripheral hemodynamics. The hypotensive effect when using general sodium chloride baths occurs due to a pronounced effect on peripheral vascular resistance.

Sodium chloride baths help improve blood circulation, microcirculation and tissue trophism, eliminate blood hypercoagulation and normalize immunological processes. During a course of treatment, there is a decrease in blood viscosity, aggregation and adhesive ability of platelets, and an increase in subcutaneous and muscle blood flow (trace effect). Sodium chloride waters have a training and antiarrhythmic effect on patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) with extrasystole. At the same time, there is an increase in physical performance and coronary heart reserve; reduction in the number of ventricular and supraventricular extrasystoles, manifestations of painful and “silent” myocardial ischemia. An important clinical effect of sodium chloride baths is their ability to normalize vascular tone, especially to increase the tone of peripheral veins.

Sodium chloride baths are indicated patients with atherosclerosis in its very initial stage with moderately expressed asthenic syndrome, stage I-II hypertension, arterial hypotension, autonomic-vascular disorders, peripheral vascular diseases. Resorts with sodium chloride waters can be recommended for cardiac patients with concomitant diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Contraindications:

water have a more gentle effect on the cardiovascular system compared to other balneological procedures. Iodine, as one of the main components of iodine-bromine baths, has a direct effect on microcirculation processes, elastic properties of the vascular wall, rheological properties of blood, and lipid metabolism. Bromine ions enhance inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex and help restore the disturbed ratio of excitation and inhibition processes, which affects the course of diseases of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension). Iodine-bromide waters cause expansion and increase in the number of capillaries, reduce blood viscosity and accelerate blood flow. The lipotropic effect of iodine bromide waters is more pronounced than that of sodium chloride waters, which is manifested by an improvement in the morphofunctional state of the myocardium and a decrease in the morphological signs of atherosclerosis in the vessels. Iodine-bromine baths have a vasodilating, diuretic and hypotensive effect.

A course of use of iodine-bromine baths improves coronary circulation, myocardial contractile function, increases the fibrinolytic activity of the blood, which is suppressed during atherosclerosis, reduces its coagulation properties and the aggregation ability of platelets, which is accompanied by the disappearance of pain in the heart, headaches, insomnia, and an improvement in general well-being.

Indications and contraindications: general for spa treatment in cardiology (see below)

Oxygen baths and pearl baths enrich the skin with oxygen, stimulate tissue respiration, improve blood circulation, and activate metabolic processes. have a calming effect, reduce increased general excitability, vascular reactivity and blood pressure. They are relatively easily tolerated by patients and are prescribed to those for whom other balneological procedures (carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and radon baths) are contraindicated due to the state of the cardiovascular system.

Scented with the addition of aromatic oils have a positive effect on the function of the cardiovascular system, has a beneficial effect on the course of coronary heart disease, since the components of some essential oils dilate coronary vessels, improve oxygen supply to the heart muscle, and can normalize blood pressure levels.

Drinking treatment with mineral waters used to correct lipid metabolism, which is associated with their ability to improve the functional state of the liver, enhance the conversion of cholesterol into bile acids and remove bile into the intestines. With mineral water, biologically active elements (iodine, manganese, zinc, etc.) enter the body, the exchange of which is disrupted in atherosclerosis.

Mud therapy used for diseases of peripheral vessels: varicose veins, consequences of thrombophlebitis. Mud enhances peripheral blood circulation, promotes more intense movement of red blood cells, the transfer and release of oxygen, and improves tissue oxygenation and metabolism. Under the influence of mud procedures, coronary circulation improves, myocardial contractility and peripheral resistance change. Cardiovascular diseases are one of the limitations for prescribing therapeutic mud in the form of classical applications. Recently, gentle mud therapy techniques and biologically active preparations of peloids (mud extracts, humisol, etc.) have been increasingly used.

All resort prevention and rehabilitation programs in cardiology are compiled individually, taking into account concomitant and concomitant diseases. When prescribing therapeutic exercises for cardiac patients, the level of physical activity, exercise tolerance (based on fitness testing data), and the climatic conditions of the resort are taken into account.

Indications for spa treatment for diseases of the circulatory system

  • Rheumatic heart defects (I05—I08)
  • Hypertension (I10—I15)
  • Coronary heart disease (I20—I25)
  • Peripheral vascular diseases (I70-I87)
  • Hypotension (I95)
  • Condition after surgical treatment (I97)
  • “Neurosis of the heart” or NCD (F 45.3)
  • Congenital heart defects (Q20–Q28)
  • Disorders of lipoprotein metabolism and other lipidemias (E78)