Levomycetin 3 alcohol solution for acne reviews. Anti-acne properties of salicylic acid

Acne on the face is almost always accompanied by inflammation caused by the activation of pathogenic microbial flora.

Therefore, antibiotics, antiseptics, and antifungals are often used for its treatment.

Levomycetin alcohol is used for acne, as it destroys almost all types of bacteria. Inflammation decreases, tissues gradually heal.

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But does anti-acne medication really help, what form of the drug to choose and how to use it correctly?

Let's look at these questions in detail. We will also weigh all the pros and cons of antibiotic treatment.


The main active ingredient of chloramphenicol alcohol is the broad-spectrum antibiotic Chloramphenicol.

This is a powerful antiseptic, available in 25 or 40 ml bottles. The dark glass jar indicates how many percent of the active ingredient it contains. Typically this is a 1, 3, 5% or 0.25% solution for external application, which also contains ethanol.

Instructions for use of the drug indicate that the drug is effective against the following types of microbes:

  • streptococcus;
  • salmonella;
  • chlamydia;
  • spirochete.

Since chloramphenicol is an antibacterial agent, it has no effect on viruses and fungi. And its influence on protozoa is selective.

Release form

Levomycetin is available in the form of tablets or capsules, alcohol solution and ointment.

It can also be part of combined antimicrobial agents. The medicine should be stored out of the reach of children for no longer than 1 year.

After the expiration date, it is prohibited to use it.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of chloramphenicol alcohol is its low cost.

The product is effective in the following cases:

  • for purulent infections;
  • for healing bedsores;
  • for disinfecting cuts, scratches and other minor skin injuries (it is allowed to treat only with an alcohol solution of 0.25%);
  • for the treatment of boils and purulent acne;
  • for excessive sweating of the feet (relieves unpleasant odor).

The disadvantage is that the alcohol solution is not suitable for people with dry and sensitive skin.

Even when applied to oily skin, it can cause a feeling of dryness, flaking or irritation.

Video: “How to get rid of blackheads and pimples using folk remedies quickly”

How to properly use chloramphenicol for acne

To do this, soak a cotton swab or disk in the solution and use it to wipe the problem areas.

However, it is worth remembering that if no improvement is observed within a week, then it would be better to go to see a doctor.

Recipe for making mash

Photo: products for making anti-acne chatter

  • If the acne is purulent, then 8 tablets (Metronidazole), crushed to a powder, should be added to a bottle of chloramphenicol. Shake the prepared product vigorously before use. And then spot treat the inflammation areas using a cotton swab.
  • Mix chloramphenicol and salicylic alcohol in equal proportions, add the same amount of pharmacy calendula tincture. It turns out to be a very powerful medicine, which is also better to apply separately to each pimple so as not to cause a skin burn. Moreover, it should not be used by people with sensitive or dry skin.
  • Combine 10 ml of boric acid and 40 ml. Crush 10 tablets and... Mix everything vigorously and apply it to the affected areas, after washing with warm water without soap.

Photo: iodine leaves burns when applied to the skin

  • Some people prefer to treat acne to make it go away faster. But iodine does not have an antibacterial effect, but is simply considered an antiseptic due to the fact that it contains alcohol. It is not advisable to apply it to the face, as there is a risk of severe burns to delicate skin. Red spots and even red spots then remain in this place.

Masks with tablets

A mask will help tone the skin, dry out acne and relieve inflammation.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 2 tablets of Levomycetin, crushed into powder;
  • a little aloe juice or decoction;
  • natural – 1 tsp.

Dissolve the antibiotic in the juice to make a thick paste, add honey and mix.

  • The mask is not applied to the entire face, but only to areas of inflammation. After 15 minutes, the composition is removed using a cotton pad. Finally, the skin should be rinsed with chamomile decoction.
  • In order to destroy bacteria, you can make a mask with 3 crushed Levomycitin tablets, 1 tbsp. lie blue cosmetic and 2 tbsp. lie alcohol tincture of calendula. The method of application is the same as in the previous recipe.


In the pharmacy you can find ointments called "", "Levomycetin" or "Levomekol".

Photo: antibacterial ointments against acne

  • The ointment is also applied directly to acne.
  • But for moderate or severe boils, large or painful boils, only a compress will help. It is necessary to lubricate the affected area with a thick layer of ointment, cover it with a sterile napkin and fix it.

If such treatment does not help, then you will have to determine the etiology of the disease and develop the correct treatment regimen.

After all, this means that the cause of acne is not bacterial.

Table comparing the cost of anti-acne drugs in Moscow


  • Levomycetin in any dosage form is contraindicated during pregnancy.
  • It should not be used by breastfeeding women as it passes into milk.
  • For newborns and infants, the product can be dangerous because it can cause a severe allergic reaction.

And also the drug is not prescribed:

  • for systemic dermatological diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema);
  • in case of fungal or viral skin infection;
  • with extensive wounds;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • in the presence of renal or liver failure;
  • after radiation therapy (used with caution);
  • people with blood diseases;
  • with individual intolerance.

Questions and answers

Since chloramphenicol is a serious antibiotic, many questions arise during its use.

A dermatologist gave answers to the most exciting ones.

How it works

Levomycetin is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug with high bacteriostatic activity.

  • It is capable of breaking the cellular barrier and penetrating all organs and systems.
  • The product fights equally well against almost all types of both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The drug prevents their reproduction, disrupting the structure of the cell membrane and inhibiting the synthesis of microorganism proteins.
  • It is effective in the treatment of burns and trophic ulcers, which is explained by the ability of chloramphenicol alcohol to accelerate the regeneration of epithelial tissue. When used externally, the product is practically not absorbed into the bloodstream. And the duration of local action is from 6 to 12 hours.

Are there any side effects

Levomycetin may cause adverse reactions.

Photo: when using the product, an allergic reaction may occur

  • Most often they appear in the form of a rash or hives.
  • In case of an overdose, swelling of the tissues and redness of the skin occurs.

If small dots, spots appear on the skin, itching or pain is felt, then you should immediately stop using the drug.

  • It is not recommended to use chloramphenicol alcohol more than once a day or for more than a week, since the product is carcinogenic and very toxic.
  • The drug is especially dangerous during pregnancy, as it penetrates the placenta and can cause intrauterine damage to the fetus.

You should not play with your health and self-medicate. Such serious medications should be prescribed by a doctor strictly when indicated.

Levomycetin is a natural antibiotic and has a wide spectrum of action. Based on it, many products and preparations are created for the treatment of acne, acne and other rashes. Levomycetin will help not only save money, but also quickly get rid of the problem. You can buy the drug in tablet form, alcohol and as an ointment.

Effects of Levomycetin on the skin

Medicinal properties of the drug Levomycetin:
  • elimination of the inflammatory process;
  • destruction of bacteria - streptococcus, staphylococcus, chlamydia and other pathogens;
  • disinfection of the skin;
  • drying effect;
  • wound healing and regeneration of damaged tissues and cells;
  • exfoliation of dead cells – peeling effect;
  • evens out complexion, whitens skin.

Levomycetin helps in the fight against pimples, blackheads and other skin rashes, but the drug is completely ineffective against psoriasis and eczema.


  • eczema, psoriasis, fungi;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • open wounds, burns;
  • allergic reaction.

Adverse reactions are also possible in case of overdose and allergies. Most often this is a skin irritation.

Using an alcohol solution

An alcohol solution of "Levomycetin" can be purchased at any pharmacy kiosk. In addition to a natural antibiotic, it contains purified ethyl alcohol and salicylic acid, which in itself is indicated for acne. Therefore, the action is comprehensive.

If you use an alcohol solution as an independent remedy, then you need to wipe the lesions twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. The duration of treatment is 14 days. 5-10 minutes after the procedure, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer.

To get rid of acne, you can make the following solution:

  • for 1 bottle of alcoholic infusion of Levomycetin, add 2 crushed tablets;
  • to stir thoroughly;
  • apply to the skin for a few minutes;
  • Be sure to lubricate generously with moisturizer.

The alcohol solution can be applied as a spot directly to the pimples. It is best to use a solution with a concentration of 2.5%. Be sure to consult a dermatologist before use - an allergic reaction is possible.

Application of ointment

Levomycetin ointment is intended to combat skin rashes. It contains all the components of natural origin necessary for this. Feature – there is no effect of drying out the skin epidermis.

The ointment can be used even on open wounds and burns (both chemicals and thermal damage to the skin). This ointment can even be used in ophthalmology, so the range of applications is very wide.

Recipes for products with Levomycetin

In folk medicine, there are a huge number of all kinds of recipes using the drug Levomycetin against acne. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the best, most effective and efficient means.

Levomycetin chatter

Chatterbox is a gentle product with a mild effect. It is made on the basis of tablets. Used for moderate and mild forms of acne inflammation. To make it you will need the following:

  • Levomycetin tablets in the amount of 5 pieces;
  • – 5 units;
  • – 5 ml;
  • – 0.5 bottles.
  • Grind all 10 tablets together.
  • Add boric acid and salicylic acid to the powder.
  • Mix thoroughly until the solution is homogeneous.
There is another one universal mash recipe, which additionally releases sebaceous plugs from the pores:
  • For 1 bottle of alcohol you will need 3 tablets of chloramphenicol and acetylsalicylic acid.
  • Grind the tablets into powder.
  • Fill it with alcohol.
  • Wipe your face twice a day.
In the following video you can clearly see the step-by-step process of preparing acne mash:

You can do something like this lotions for daily skin cleansing:
  • Combine crushed Levomycetin and Aspirin tablets in equal proportions (3 pieces each). Pour in boric acid (1 bottle).
  • Combine four alcohol tinctures - boric alcohol, Levomycetin, calendula tincture and salicylic acid.

Preparation of masks and ointments based on Levomycetin

  • This mask not only eliminates pimples and inflammatory processes, but also slightly smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes, and tones. Crush Levomycetin tablets into powder, add enough honey and Aloe Vera cream to form a creamy mass. Apply to pimples and leave on for 10-20 minutes.
  • Make a decoction of calendula herb according to the standard recipe. For 2 tablespoons of decoction you will need 3 tablets of Levomycetin and 2 tbsp. l. clay (choose the color of clay taking into account your skin type). Combine the ingredients and apply to the face. Additionally, the pores are cleaned.
  • Take 2 tablets of Levomycetin, 1 tsp each. liquid natural honey and fresh squeezed. This mask is intended for very sensitive skin types.
  • Make a powder from 2 tablets of Levomycetin. Put a teaspoon of honey, aloe juice, chamomile decoction. Apply to face along massage lines. Keep for no more than 15 minutes. Wash off with chamomile decoction.
  • Levomycetin ointment. For 50 ml of alcohol tincture of Levomycetin, take 60 ml of boric acid (3%), the same amount of alcohol tincture of salicylic acid and 2 tsp. zinc paste. Apply a very thin layer twice a day.
  • Another ointment. Levomycetin – 6 tablets, acetylsalicylic acid – 2 tablets, liquid honey – 2 tbsp. l., zinc paste – 1 tbsp. l. Additionally, it has a calming effect.
  • Buy it at the pharmacy or make it yourself (this is a long process) tincture from walnut shells. Take it in the amount of 10 drops, add a chicken egg, a spoonful of buckwheat honey and 10 drops of Levomycetin in the form of drops. Keep the mask on for no more than 25 minutes. Suitable for use only for oily and combination skin types, as the mask dries out the epidermis.
  • Take 25 ml of boric acid and medical alcohol (50%), about 2 grams of sulfur and 1 tablet of Levomycetin. Apply to skin before bed, wait 5 minutes and apply moisturizer on top.
  • For a package of Levomycetin (10 tablets) take 60 grams of vodka, 50 ml of boric acid and a couple of grams of salicylic acid. Mix in one container. Apply once a day. Ideal for teenagers.
  • You can add 5 tablets to the previous composition

Quite a large number of people struggle with skin inflammations such as acne throughout almost their entire lives. They have different origins and cause a lot of discomfort. Despite the fact that modern cosmetic and medicinal products have been developed to combat them, chloramphenicol alcohol for acne has been and continues to be very popular. Just don’t confuse it with regular ethyl alcohol. It will not harm the skin like the latter can do.

Composition and healing properties of chloramphenicol alcohol

Levomycetin alcohol for acne - Drug

The antibiotic is available in several forms:

  • capsules;
  • pills;
  • ointments;
  • alcohol solutions.

It has a wide spectrum of action, therefore it should never be taken without the consultation and permission of a doctor.

Remember! Levomycetin, even when included in other drugs, remains toxic and carcinogenic. Should be used no more than once a day!

The main ingredient of the described drug is chloramphenicol alcohol solution for acne, and it may contain different concentrations. Thanks to its special properties, this healing agent is able to cope with various inflammations. The medication contains chloramphenicol. It is a synthetic substance that has excellent bacteriostatic properties. The antiseptic effect is assigned to another component of the product - alcohol.

The main victims of chloramphenicol solution for acne:

  1. Gram-positive bacteria.
  2. Gram-negative bacteria.
  3. Spirochetes.
  4. Some viruses.

The whole secret of the effectiveness of this simple drug lies in its invincibility. It is known that all kinds of bacteria sneakily adapt to antibiotics, but this trick does not work with chloramphenicol. It will take extremely long time for harmful microorganisms to “hack” the protective system of the drug.

Interesting: The active substance of the solution itself is contained in the mass of drugs. Many of them cost a lot of money, but they help against the same illness associated with skin irritation. It can affect inflammatory processes in almost the same way as penicillin or tetracycline.

Beware of contraindications!

When a doctor prescribes chloramphenicol for acne in the form of an alcohol solution, he starts a course of treatment with almost instantaneous healing of skin lesions. It can be:

  • pimples, acne;
  • burns;
  • cuts;
  • purulent wounds;
  • cracks.

Almost everyone can use chloramphenicol solution for acne. However, experts still identified a so-called risk group, which included people with a ban on the use of this medicine. It included:

  • People with hypersensitive skin.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding moms!
  • Patients with psoriasis, eczema, fungal infections.
  • Children under 12 years old.
  • People with liver and kidney problems.
  • Having blood diseases.

Important! All medications (including alcohol solution) containing this antibiotic have complex side effects, and therefore are not approved for independent use! Consult a doctor and do not play with your health!

We use the alcohol solution of chloramphenicol correctly!

So, having discussed the details of the treatment course with your doctor, you can begin the actual process of treatment using a chloramphenicol alcohol solution for acne and massive acne.

There is nothing complicated or tricky about the method of applying the medication. This procedure can be of two types:

  1. Digging.
  2. Lubricating areas of the affected epidermis.

The first is used when the patient has an occlusive dressing applied. It is under this that this solution is dripped. There are also frequent cases of treatment of otitis media with the introduction of drops into the ear canal. In other situations, the drug is spread with light movements on the wound or pimple. It is best to discuss the frequency of use with your doctor.

When you apply an alcohol solution of chloramphenicol for acne directly on acne, do it pointwise. Getting drops on the skin will very quickly make it dry. Those with dry and sensitive skin are especially afraid of this effect.

Levomycetin solution for acne - Spot application

So how to prepare the famous “chatter” for acne with chloramphenicol?

In pharmacies, chloramphenicol alcohol solution against acne is one of the most affordable products, naturally, with permission from a doctor. However, many people prepare “chatterboxes” based on this drug. It's easy enough to do at home!

To prepare, those who want to try their hand at “pharmacology” should stock up on:

  • ethyl alcohol 90% (50 g);
  • chloramphenicol (5 g);
  • boric acid (50 g);
  • salicylic acid (5 g).

Some also add sulfur. So, all this should be mixed and stored in glass in a cool place. When it comes to application, shake the bottle.

The second recipe includes:

  • 10 ml boric acid;
  • 10 tablets of chloramphenicol;
  • 10 metronidazole tablets;
  • 40 ml of salicylic alcohol.

The ingredients in the tablets are crushed into powder and filled with liquid components. Before using this “talker”, you should cleanse your face by washing with warm water. The same procedures are done when using chloramphenicol alcohol for acne. The main thing is to carefully read all the information about the solution and its active ingredient.

Levomycetin (or chloramphenicol) is an antibacterial agent that is widely used systemically or topically to treat infectious diseases. It belongs to the group of amphenicols. In the form of a solution for external use, the drug is used in surgery, therapy and otolaryngology.

A huge advantage of the medicine is its availability, since the price of this antibacterial agent is much lower than other analogues.

However, there are a number of strict indications for its use. Therefore, only a qualified doctor can decide whether this drug can be used for skin wounds, or dripped into the ear for otitis media.

Pharmacological features of the drug

Levomycetin has a pronounced bacteriostatic effect on pathogenic flora. When used topically, its particles quickly penetrate the cytoplasmic membrane of the pathogen cell and irreversibly disrupt protein synthesis in it, blocking the ribosomal subunit.

Because of this, the microorganism loses its ability to divide and reproduce, and a number of metabolic processes are also disrupted, which together leads to its death from the action of the immune reactions of the human body.

Levomycetin acts on a large number of bacterial pathogens, primarily staphylococci, streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae and Escherichia coli, Neisseria, spirochetes.

When using the drug for viral or fungal pathology, no positive effect is observed. The importance of Levomycetin is that this drug is often used in situations where the local use of sulfonamides or aminoglycoside antibiotics has proven ineffective.

Local use of an alcohol solution of Levomycetin has a number of advantages over the systemic one. As is known, chloramphenicol is considered to be quite toxic. Therefore, tablet forms of the drug are reserve drugs for the vast majority of diseases when they can be used. With local use of Levomycetin, the bioavailability indicator (the part of the drug that enters the peripheral bloodstream) is low. This avoids systemic action of the antibiotic.

Indications for use of Levomycetin

Levomycetin is most widely used in surgery. Its alcohol solution is prescribed in outpatient and inpatient settings for the treatment of wounds, in order to prevent or treat secondary bacterial inflammation. The medication is also applied to superficial or deep burns (thermal or chemical) during the tissue healing phase.

Levomycetin is also used to prevent the development of surgical complications of diabetes mellitus, for trophic ulcers on the feet or legs, furunculosis and bedsores in patients after injuries or cerebrovascular accident. In such cases, the drug promotes faster healing, epithelization and restoration of the skin.

An alcohol solution of Levomycetin is also used in otolaryngology. Its main indication here is acute purulent otitis media or external otitis.

Contraindications to medication use

Even for forms for local use of Levomycetin, there are a number of situations when its use is strictly prohibited:

You should also be careful when using an alcohol solution of Levomycetin in pregnant patients. When prescribing the drug in otolaryngology, audiometry is necessary to prevent the development of sensorineural hearing loss.

If any side effects occur after using the medication, you should consult your doctor. It is he who must decide whether it is advisable to continue using Levomycetin, or whether it should be immediately discontinued or changed to another drug.

Side effects when using Levomycetin

When used topically, the most common side effects are allergic reactions of varying severity. They are usually manifested by redness of the skin or the appearance of a rash at the site of application of the drug with severe itching. In this case, swelling of the adjacent tissues is also possible.

The second side effect occurs when using Levomycetin solution to treat bacterial ear diseases. Cases of ototoxicity of the drug have been described, especially in patients who already had symptoms of sensorineural hearing loss.

It is because of this that this drug has been used much less frequently in the last decade. Advantage is often given to safer medications for the treatment of acute otitis media.

Features of antibiotic use

Today, on the pharmaceutical market, an alcohol solution of Levomycetin is presented in various concentrations: 1%, 3% and 5% - which are used in the absence of violation of the integrity of the skin (alcohol can damage internal tissues) and 0.25%, which can be applied to open mucous membranes wounds and instilled in otolaryngology for ear pathology.

For the treatment of surgical pathologies, an alcohol solution of Levomycetin is used for daily wound treatment.

At the same time, it is recommended to apply it 1-3 times a day, depending on the type of pathology and stage of the process. There is no limit on the use of the medication. If it is well tolerated and there are no local allergic reactions, it can be used for weeks.

Usually in surgery, the drug solution is applied to a sterile cotton or gauze swab, which is used to treat the wound or affected surface. After this, if necessary, an aseptic bandage is applied to this place.

In case of acute otitis media, a 0.25% solution of Levomycetin can be dripped into the ears 2-3 drops 3 times a day. The duration of exposure during the procedure is 5-10 minutes. However, it can be used by patients over one year of age.

Before prescribing these ear drops, you must consult an otolaryngologist.

The drug does not need to be specially heated before use, as this may reduce the effectiveness of treatment. If there are any signs of hearing impairment, Levomycetin should be discontinued immediately.


The video talks about how to quickly cure a cold, flu or acute respiratory viral infection. Opinion of an experienced doctor.

Levomycetin for acne is used quite widely. It provides a good healing effect.

Talkers and masks with Levomycetin have the most beneficial effect. The drug is prescribed by a dermatologist for mild and moderate forms of rashes.

Self-treatment can worsen the situation. How to get rid of acne on the face with Levomycetin?

Levomycetin is a fairly powerful antibiotic. It kills bacteria that cause breakouts.

Alcohol solution of Levomycetin for acne is more popular than tablets and ointment, but they have the same properties:

These properties have a beneficial effect on the skin and a detrimental effect on acne.

The main active ingredient is chloramphenicol. This is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It disrupts the synthesis of proteins in microorganisms whose resistance to the substance develops slowly.

Effective against bacteria that are resistant to tetracyclines, penicillin, and sulfonamide drugs.

The drug is available, the cost is not high. It can be used in large quantities in recipes, but given the price, it is more profitable to purchase Levomycetin than advertised products, which are not always as effective.

The main advantages of Levomycetin:

  • when compared with other antibiotics and benzoyl peroxide, the drug dries out the skin less if it is added to the mash;
  • when used correctly and used with other products, it can effectively remove acne;
  • also used as a lotion, a component for masks and mash;
  • low cost.

The alcohol solution is intended for external use.. It is used for burns, to disinfect cuts, treat cracks, purulent infections, and bedsores.

Levomycetin alcohol solution is effective against regular acne, red subcutaneous pimples, acne, blackheads.

Composition of the drug:

  • chloramphenicol;
  • salicylic acid;
  • ethanol.

For treatment, a product with a concentration of 1% is used. It is applied pointwise to the affected areas. Also, in combination with hormonal therapy, it is used against acne caused by hormonal imbalance.

Levomycetin tablets are used half an hour before meals. Typically, adults are prescribed 1-2 tablets three times a day. No more than 2 g per day. Before use, please read the contraindications.

Levomycetin should not be used in the following cases:

  • the presence of eczema, psoriasis;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • fungal diseases;
  • renal, liver failure;
  • intolerance to components;
  • skin hypersensitivity;
  • pregnancy, lactation.

Can cause allergies, rashes, swelling.


Levomycetin is also available in ointment form. The main effect is antibacterial. The drug relieves inflammation and diseases that arise due to infection.

The ointment is used against:

  • infected burns;
  • bedsores;
  • open wounds;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • boils;
  • acne.

A boil is a purulent inflammation that spreads to nearby tissues. Caused by staphylococcus, which successfully develops with reduced immune defense of the body. The infection will spread and form new foci.

Levomycetin will help get rid of boils. The ointment is applied to the affected areas in a thick layer, covered with a sterile napkin, and secured with a loose bandage. Apply twice a day.

To treat acne use 1% ointment. The product is applied in a thin layer to the inflamed areas. You should not wipe your entire face, as this may make the situation worse. Also, the ointment should not be used as a prophylaxis.


Possible side effects:

  • rash;
  • anemia;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • thrombocytopenia.

The drug is especially effective when used as a mash. There are many recipes for pimples and acne masks with Levomycetin.



Talkers are used only when there are not very many rashes on the face. They are prescribed by a dermatologist after tests. The mash is prepared in a pharmacy, and the composition is calculated based on the condition of the skin and its type.

You can also prepare the product yourself, but it is better to discuss the composition and methods of use with your doctor. It is used while following a special diet: the patient eats food five times a day in small portions, excluding sweet, spicy, salty, flour, and smoked foods from his diet.

Chatterboxes with Levomycetin can greatly dry out the skin. They should not be used by those with sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions. After use, the skin is moisturized with a nourishing, non-greasy cream. If a burning sensation occurs, treatment with the drug must be stopped.

Chatterboxes with Levomycetin can get rid of stagnant red spots left after acne. The result will be noticeable with daily use for two weeks.


The mash needs to be applied only once a day in the evenings with a cotton swab.

If you apply it all over your face, it will dry out your skin.. The skin must first be cleansed of dirt and cosmetics with foam or gel for washing.

After using the product, the skin needs to be moisturized with a light, non-greasy or baby cream. During the treatment period, it is better to avoid cosmetics.

The best results can be achieved also using tar soap when washing. It heals and cleanses the skin.


The following acne masks with Levomycetin will also dry out the skin and help get rid of inflammation:

For acne masks, Levomycetin is used only in tablets: an alcohol solution can dry out and burn the skin.

Should be used in combination with calendula tincture, which provides a healing and antiseptic effect. When used together, Levomycetin, calendula and aspirin can get rid of rashes very quickly.

Calendula is used to treat furunculosis, lichen, sore throat, oral diseases, rash. Goes well with chamomile and yarrow.

Calendula is harvested during the period of full bloom of inflorescences, which are harvested without peduncles. The plant is laid out in a thin layer in a dark place and dried.

To prepare the tincture take two tablespoons of calendula, pour a glass of boiling water, put on fire for ten minutes, stir. After cooling, the tincture is filtered.

Boric acid- antiseptic for external use. Release form: alcohol solution. Concentration from 0.5% to 5%. Used to treat acne and pimples. The drug is able to cleanse the skin, disinfect, and get rid of sebum.

Burns out inflammation. Not addictive. Should be used regularly, twice a day, applied pointwise. Can quickly relieve inflammation.

But boric acid is toxic and causes serious side effects. Do not use in the presence of renal and liver failure, children, pregnant women.

Streptocide- an antimicrobial drug with a pronounced bacteriostatic effect. Available in the form of tablets, powder, ointment. Particularly effective against ulcers. Removes current inflammations and prevents the appearance of new ones.

The drug is not used for pregnancy, lactation, in the presence of individual intolerance.

Getting rid of acne completely is a long journey that takes time. Complex therapy will help with this, since the use of Levomycetin without diet and skin hygiene is useless.

The course of treatment is selected by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin and the reasons that caused the rash.