False chord in the heart. False chord of the left ventricle: causes and methods of prevention

False chord of the left ventricle is one of the common types of small anomalies in the heart. Making this diagnosis is not a cause for great concern; it indicates that consultation with a cardiologist and constant monitoring are necessary. Most false chords in the left ventricle are not dangerous and do not threaten the patient’s life; there is only one type that can affect the functioning of the organ.

Interesting! Doctors have identified one pattern: in males, false cords are much more common.

Anomaly and its types, their characteristic features

To understand when a false chord in the heart is dangerous and what it is, it should be noted that in the structure of the myocardium there are tendon tissues in the form of threads (which are called chords). There are several of them, they are attached at one end to the valve, and at the other to the inner wall of the organ. The main purpose of these strands is to prevent the valve from bending and help it, when closing, to hold blood in the ventricle, preventing bending and reverse blood flow.

This anomaly is one of the most common

During intrauterine development, a disturbance in the structure of the myocardium may occur, for example, false chords are formed in the cavity of the left ventricle of a thicker diameter or with a slightly incorrect attachment. The first type is noted as “hemodynamically insignificant”, they do not affect the functioning of the organ at all and do not pose a danger. The second ones can behave differently, which depends on their fastening. They are:

  • longitudinal;
  • diagonal;
  • transverse.

The first two types of attachment are also classified as “hemodynamically insignificant”, i.e. they are safe. The third, with transverse attachment, is called “hemodynamically significant” and requires more detailed study.

Clinical picture

False chord of the left ventricle of the heart in most cases does not manifest its presence and does not affect a person’s quality of life. Many patients with this diagnosis do not even suspect an anomaly in the main organ for years.

It should be noted that there are not only single anomalies, but also multiple ones. In this case, there is a connection between the false chord and heart block in the form of cardiac arrhythmias, early repolarization of the ventricles or their overexcitation.

The anomaly cannot be determined by listening, but in some cases the presence of pathology can be suspected, as with many other heart pathologies. For example, a false chord and blockade of the legs of His may be accompanied by systolic murmurs in the upper part of the organ (the latter causing brighter sounds).

Deterioration in general health is often observed, such as:

  • increased fatigue;
  • weakness, lethargy;
  • the appearance of pain in the chest;
  • constant emotional stress.

Attention! With this anomaly, patients complain of the sensation of distinct sounds during heart contractions.

What can lead to an anomaly

What can lead to the development of minor anomalies in the heart is currently not fully understood, but the fact that this is a hereditary phenomenon has been proven. If such a phenomenon is detected in the mother, there are defects or diseases of the cardiovascular system, then a false chord is detected in the heart and in the child.

Ultrasound of the heart will help identify the disease

Doctors suggest that some other dangerous factors can lead to abnormalities. All causes of false chord of the left ventricle are associated with the lifestyle of the expectant mother during pregnancy (after all, this is a congenital phenomenon). These include:

  • living in an environmentally polluted area;
  • radiation exposure;
  • weak immunity of women;
  • infections transmitted to the fetus;
  • smoking during pregnancy, drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • stress and other psycho-emotional stress.

What diagnostics and therapy are prescribed?

If the doctor detects murmurs during auscultation (listening), or the patient’s visit contains the above signs indicating problems with the heart, you must undergo:

  • electrocardiogram (ECG);
  • ultrasonography.

With a false chord in the left ventricle in a child or adult, an accurate diagnosis, as well as the location of the cord and possible danger, can only be determined by ultrasound.

In most cases, no special treatment is required, you just need to take control of your heart function and lead a healthy lifestyle. If the false chord causes discomfort or is accompanied by some characteristic signs, then drug therapy may be prescribed. It can be:

  • vitamins (to improve nutrition of organ cells);
  • antioxidants (for metabolism in cells);
  • nootropic drugs (if a functional disease is detected).

Important! Surgical interventions are an extremely rare occurrence; they can only be indicated for a “hemodynamically significant” type of anomaly, and only if it interferes with the functioning of the organ.

What to do if an illness is detected

If a false chord is detected in a child, it is not a reason to panic, but you should make it a rule to undergo regular, annual examinations by a cardiologist.

Vitamin complexes will help keep the body in good shape

In addition, there are a few more adjustments that should be included in the normal rhythm of life.

  • Physical activity should not be excluded; it is needed for the general strengthening and development of the body. However, it is important to distribute them correctly: avoid overwork and do not count on professional sports. Boxing, mountaineering, and parachuting are not recommended.
  • It is recommended to engage in physical therapy (you can do this on your own or attend classes at medical centers):
  1. classes with sports equipment (hoop, ball, jump rope, rope, wall bars);
  2. rhythmic movements and dance steps.
  • It is imperative to follow a daily routine, set aside enough time for proper rest and sleep, as well as daily walks in the fresh air.
  • You should pay special attention to nutrition. It should be rich in vitamins (especially those belonging to group B) and microelements (potassium, magnesium).
  • Stress and emotional overstrain should be avoided.

Important! Patients with this diagnosis must adhere to all existing preventive measures for infective endocarditis.

The tendinous chords, or tendinous filaments in the cavity of the left ventricle, are connective tissue formations represented by a thin fiber attached on one side to the fleshy trabeculae in the wall of the left ventricle, and to the leaflets of the mitral or bicuspid valve, on the other.

The function of these threads is to provide a connective tissue framework inside the heart and to support the valve leaflets to prevent it from sagging into the cavity of the left ventricle (LV). When the ventricular myocardium relaxes, the chords tighten, the valve opens, allowing a portion of blood to pass from the atrium into the ventricle at the moment of diastole (relaxation) of the latter. When the ventricular myocardium contracts, the chords, like springs, relax, and the valve leaflets close, preventing the reverse flow of blood into the atrium and facilitating the correct release of a portion of blood into the aorta at the time of ventricular systole (contraction).

chords and trabeculae in the structure of the heart

Sometimes during the period of intrauterine development, for various reasons, not several chords are formed, as usual, but one or more additional threads.

If both ends of the thread are fixed, we are talking about a true chord, and if one end is not attached to the valve leaflet, but hangs freely in the cavity of the left ventricle, we are talking about a false additional or accessory chord of the left ventricle.

As a rule, one additional chord is found; multiple ones are less common. In relation to the longitudinal axis of the LV, longitudinally, diagonally and transversely located chords are distinguished. In most cases, such formations do not have a negative effect on the flow of blood through the chambers of the heart, therefore, they are considered hemodynamically insignificant formations. However, in the case of a transverse location of the ectopic (that is, located in the wrong place) chord relative to the cavity of the left ventricle, its presence can provoke type heart rhythm disturbances.

Recently, the frequency of recording additional chords in the heart has increased, mainly due to an increase in the number of examinations performed in the neonatal period, according to new standards of examination of children under one month of age. That is, such chords do not appear clinically, and if the child had not undergone echocardioscopy, the parents might not have known that the child had an abnormally located chord in the heart.

Diagnosis of “additional trabecula of the left ventricle” in the vocabulary of doctors, ultrasound diagnostics is actually equivalent to the concept of an additional chord. Although, as mentioned above, from the point of view of anatomy, the trabecula is a separate formation that continues the notochord.


Accessory chordae are classified as minor anomalies of the heart (MACD)– these are conditions that arise in the fetus during the prenatal period and are represented by a violation of the structure of the internal structures of the heart. In addition to the additional chord, MARS also includes.

The development of an additional chord is caused, first of all, by heredity, especially on the mother’s side, as well as exposure to unfavorable environmental conditions, bad habits of the mother, stress, malnutrition and concomitant somatic pathology of the pregnant woman.

The occurrence of MARS may be caused by a disease such as connective tissue dysplasia is a hereditary pathology characterized by “weakness” of connective tissue in the heart, joints, skin and ligaments. Therefore, if a child has several heart abnormalities, the doctor should rule out dysplasia.

Symptoms of accessory chord

As a rule, the accessory chord does not manifest itself in any way throughout a person’s life. This is observed in most cases when the anomaly is not accompanied by connective tissue dysplasia and is represented by a single thread.

If a child has several chords identified by ultrasound of the heart, which also occupy a transverse position in the heart, it is quite possible that cardiac complaints may occur during periods of intensive growth of the child, as well as during puberty and pregnancy. These include weakness, fatigue with chest pain, accompanied by a feeling of palpitations and a feeling of lack of air, pallor. In some cases, such chords can provoke the appearance of the patient.

In the case when the occurrence of MARS is caused by dysplasia syndrome, the corresponding symptoms are characteristic– high growth of the child, thinness, hypermobility of joints, frequent dislocations of joints, deformation of the spine and ribs, structural abnormalities in other organs (prolapse of the kidney, dilation of the renal pelvis, deformation of the gallbladder, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and other anomalies in their various combinations).


Usually the additional notochord is an “incidental” finding when performing echocardioscopy on a child aged one month or a little later. Currently, all babies at this age should undergo a cardiac ultrasound to identify undiagnosed ones immediately after birth and as a routine examination of the child. Therefore, even for parents of a healthy baby, a doctor’s conclusion about the presence of a chord in the heart may be a complete surprise. However, in the absence of other significant pathology, such children are considered practically healthy by pediatricians and do not require close monitoring by a cardiologist.

If the chord in the heart is combined with another pathology of the heart and blood vessels, the child should be observed by a pediatric cardiologist. In this case, the examination of the baby will include, if necessary, an ECG with physical activity at an older age, and daily monitoring of ECG and blood pressure in the presence of heart rhythm disturbances. For adult patients with ectopic chord, the observation plan is the same with examinations performed once a year or more often if indicated.

Is treatment of additional chord required?

If a child has an abnormal chord in the heart, and the baby does not have other significant cardiac diseases, there is no need to treat this condition.

In cases where functional disorders of the cardiovascular system are observed at an older age, which do not cause hemodynamic disorders, development due to the inability of the heart muscle to contract correctly, and also do not lead to, it is possible to prescribe medications that support and nourish the myocardium. The use of potassium and magnesium supplements is justified (magnerot, magnevist, panangin, asparkam), B vitamins, antioxidants ( Actovegin, Mildronate, Mexidol and etc). The prescription of complex vitamin preparations is also indicated.

If the patient has significant cardiac dysfunction, taking medications such as diuretics, antihypertensives, antiarrhythmics and other groups of drugs is indicated. Fortunately, indications for this in the case of abnormal chordae in the heart are extremely rare.


There is no need to follow a specific lifestyle for a child with an additional chord. A balanced diet with fortified foods, long walks in the fresh air, as well as regular physical activity is enough. It makes no sense to limit a child’s participation in physical education or sports. A child can actively run, jump and perform all those physical activities acceptable for his age and practiced in the educational institution he attends. Swimming, figure skating and hockey are welcome.

Regarding preventive vaccinations according to the national calendar, we can say that an additional chord of honey. is not a diversion, and the baby can be vaccinated according to age.

As the child grows up and enters the difficult period of puberty, it is important giving up bad habits and following the principles of a healthy lifestyle. In case of any age-related manifestations of the heart and blood vessels (sweating, fatigue, tachycardia, shortness of breath), the teenager should be shown to a cardiologist and, if necessary, take the above-mentioned drugs or inject them.

Pregnancy for girls with an additional chord is, of course, not contraindicated. In the case of the presence of several of the congenital heart anomalies, it is recommended to conduct an ultrasound of the heart during gestation and observation by a cardiologist.

Serving in the army is not contraindicated for young men. A disqualification from the army is the patient's development of heart failure, which, again, is rare with an additional chord.

A few words should be given to the nutrition of children and adults with structural or functional disorders of the heart. If possible, you should avoid eating fatty, fried, salty and smoked foods. Preference should be given to fresh vegetables and fruits, natural juices, fermented milk products and low-fat fish. The consumption of red and black caviar, dried apricots, raisins, tomatoes, carrots, bananas and potatoes, rich in substances beneficial to the heart muscle, is encouraged. In addition, your daily diet should include cereal products, for example, various cereals for breakfast. Of course, you should protect your child from eating chips, canned soda and various fast food dishes, as this can lead to obesity, and excess weight will have an extremely adverse effect on the condition of the heart muscle and vascular walls in the future.

False chord of the left ventricle is considered a minor cardiac anomaly. This is an additional muscle-tissue formation of a connective nature. The notochord is attached to the opposite walls of the ventricular septa. Most often, this anomaly is observed in representatives of the stronger sex.

In medicine, this diagnosis is quite common. But it does not apply to life-threatening pathological conditions. The patient is required to review his lifestyle and undergo regular examination by a cardiologist. If an anomaly is found in a child, then this is not a death sentence. There is no need to limit his activity, attending school, or communicating with peers. It is worth giving up only professional sports when the body is under constant physical stress. Parents need to monitor the well-being of their child and undergo regular medical examinations.

Ways to manifest an anomaly

False chord can form due to a hereditary factor. It is genetic predisposition that is considered the main root cause of the formation of the anomaly. If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with a heart disease, then the percentage of heart pathology in a newborn baby is very high. But the reasons include the harmful influence of the external environment, the impact of mutagenic elements (nicotine, alcohol, drugs). Various harmful habits have a particularly negative effect on the embryo until the sixth week of development, when the formation of connective tissue occurs.

There are no specific manifestations in a single anomalous formation, but false chord and His blockade can be detected due to specific systolic murmurs that are not typical for a healthy body. The difficulty of diagnosis lies in the absence of symptoms in the initial stages or with a single formation. Murmurs may also not be audible, so auscultation alone cannot be relied upon.

As a rule, an additional chord is detected in a child immediately after birth. If it is not detected, then after a while the following signs may appear:

  • heart pain, the intensity and frequency of which may vary;
  • a feeling of contractions of one’s own heart (in a normal state a person does not hear the rhythm);
  • general weakness, high fatigue without objective reasons;
  • autonomic dysfunction of the organ;
  • psychological stress.

The connection between false chord and heart block is arrhythmia, early restoration of the original parameters of the heart chambers, or their overexcitation.

Note! In most cases, the presence of such an anomaly does not affect the health and well-being of the child. Therefore, parents should not panic; it is enough to follow the doctor’s simple recommendations.

Key examination methods

False chord in the heart - what is it? To determine its characteristics and effect on the body, the physician prescribes instrumental research methods:

  • initial examination with listening to the heart to determine the presence and nature of the murmur;
  • EchoCG – ultrasound examination may reveal a dense linear anomaly;
  • ECG - necessary to determine a problem with the heart rhythm;
  • daily ECG monitoring;

The doctor will decide what examination the patient needs to undergo. In most cases, an ultrasound of the heart is sufficient. Additionally, other examinations may be prescribed if there are concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular system or if it is necessary to clarify the effect of the pathology on the contractility of the heart.

Optimal methods of therapy

Without pronounced symptoms of left ventricular false chord in a child, there is no need to prescribe drug therapy. You only need to regularly visit a cardiologist, undergo an echocardiogram and an ECG at least once a year. Such preventive measures make it possible to monitor the patient’s well-being over time and, if necessary, begin therapy.

When symptoms of cardiovascular pathologies appear, groups of medications are prescribed. They are aimed at normalizing the condition and eliminating the symptoms of the abnormality.

  1. The vitamin complex is necessary to improve the nutrition of the heart muscle. The vitamin course lasts at least one month and is repeated at least once a year.
  2. Normalization of the process of conducting electrical impulses, which can provoke arrhythmia. Prescribe medications with a high content of magnesium and potassium. The course of taking these funds is also about a month. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor individually, taking into account the patient’s age, the severity of the disease, the presence of other diseases and the individual characteristics of the body (the presence of an allergic reaction to certain medications).
  3. Antioxidants are necessary to restore metabolic processes. Without normalizing metabolism, it will not be possible to improve the patient’s health, but thanks to taking this group of medications, it is possible to bind and neutralize free radicals.
  4. Nootropic drugs are aimed at combating neurocirculatory dystonia. They significantly increase the body’s energy potential and stimulate the central nervous system, as well as activate natural protective mechanisms.

It is imperative to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and carry out certain health measures:

  • harden the body - hardening helps strengthen blood vessels and increase overall resistance to temperature changes and colds;
  • balance the body, enrich your diet with vitamins and other beneficial elements that are necessary for the normal functioning of all internal organs, including the heart;
  • spend a lot of time outdoors;
  • maintain a work and rest schedule, avoiding overload at school and at work, and we are talking about both physical fatigue and stressful situations;
  • engage in moderate physical activity - sports are always necessary, but the permissibility of the load is determined by the doctor.

Transverse multiple chords can provoke arrhythmia and associated pathological conditions. Diseases that progress on this basis can have a lot of negative consequences and complications. In these cases, careful diagnosis and treatment in a hospital under the supervision of a cardiologist is required.

In particularly difficult cases, cryodestruction (the chord is exposed to cold) or excision of the formation may be required.

It is not always possible to say whether a pathology threatens dangerous complications. The presence of a chord is not considered a dangerous phenomenon for the health of the body if the abnormal formation does not provoke disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Complications with an additional chord appear in extremely rare cases. Regular use of medications reduces the possibility of complications to a minimum. The only condition is that you must take only those medications recommended by your doctor, and only in the prescribed dosage. The use of incorrectly selected medications can provoke heart rhythm disturbances and other pathological conditions.

The prognosis for life with this diagnosis is favorable if there are no hemodynamic and arrhythmogenic disorders.

The child can lead a normal lifestyle without significant changes or restrictions. The key rule in this case is a healthy lifestyle and control of pathology.

After identifying an additional chord (false) in their baby, parents have difficulty maintaining calm. They begin to read various literature, search for medical institutions and consult with pediatric cardiologists. In this situation, the child also has a difficult time. Previously, he lived quietly and explored the world around him, but now he has to frequently visit doctors and undergo many tests.

Chordae are thin muscles that connect opposite sides of the heart ventricle. During the next pulsation, the valve in the heart bends a little and, without opening, holds back the blood until a certain moment. It is the chords that hold the heart in this position. Chordae can form during pregnancy, when the baby's heart is not yet fully formed and continues to develop. This happens in 35% of cases. An additional chord is a special connecting formation that is superfluous and has a non-standard structure. In most cases, the chord is found in the left ventricle of the heart. Although rare, it is also found in the right ventricle. Experts studied this unusual phenomenon for a long time and came to the conclusion that the chord does not interfere with the work of the heart, does not make itself known, and its presence is not life-threatening. The chord is discovered completely by accident.

Doctors consider the additional chord to be a genetic disease inherited by the fetus through the mother's side. Although another chord is considered an anomaly, it does not have a negative effect on other important organs. The help of medicine in this case consists of constant monitoring and consultations with specialists.

Few cases of this anomaly have been reported in the past. Apparently, the reason for this was the inability of the equipment to provide accurate examination results. In recent years, the quality of equipment has improved significantly, so the anomaly in newborns has begun to be recorded much more often.

The work of a child's heart

Very often, the cause of the abnormal appearance of the chord in the ventricle is heredity. If the mother has diseases of the cardiac system, there is a high probability that the fetus will receive one or more pathologies. In addition to another chord, other heart pathologies often develop. In addition, an abnormal formation can occur for a number of other reasons. The latter include the environmental situation, the pregnant woman’s use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs, constant stress, etc.


In a child, the chord can exist for years, and no one will know about it. She has no functional load, the pathology is not accompanied by certain symptoms, so the child’s heart works in a normal rhythm. Are there any ways to suspect it in a newborn? The main method of determination is by systolic murmur, determined between the third and fourth ribs. Even with it, the child will develop completely normally.

In the case of a false chord, the child experiences dizziness

However, in the case of too intensive development, the development of the musculoskeletal system faster than the internal organs, the cardiac load will increase. Now the chord often declares itself for the first time. The signs of pathology are as follows:

  • dizziness;
  • increased causeless fatigue;
  • frequent changes in mental and emotional state;
  • pain in the heart;
  • frequent changes in heart rate.

Diagnosis if an anomaly is suspected

In case of certain suspicions of the presence of an anomaly in the heart, the diagnosis is as follows:

  • listening to the child by a pediatrician using a simple stethoscope, with the help of the device it is possible to hear systolic murmurs;

The doctor usually prescribes the following to the child:

  • electrocardiogram (ECG without load and with load);
  • 24-hour electrocardiogram monitoring (continuous ECG recording for 24 hours or more);
  • bicycle ergometry.

Diagnosis of cardiac abnormalities in a child is carried out using an ECG.

The doctor makes a decision about the need for a specific examination during the examination.

Treatment options

If the child has no signs of a problem, heart treatment with medications is not required. It is enough to constantly be observed by a doctor and conduct an echographic examination along with an ECG.

Treatment of the anomaly with the use of medications is advisable if its symptoms appear.

The doctor prescribes vitamins to further enrich the heart with nutrients, and products containing magnesium and potassium (Magne B6, Magnerot, Panangin and others) to normalize the repolarization process.

Vitamins and medications are taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

Certain treatment prescribed by a doctor to a child must be carried out together with health-improving and preventive measures. Parents need to make sure that he eats properly, hardens himself, spends more time in the fresh air, rests after active time, and plays sports with physical activity appropriate to his state of health.

Quite rarely, the structure of the chord is combined with nervation of the heart; such a pathology negatively affects its work. The only treatment in this case is surgery (destruction by cold or cutting off).

Not a sentence

Having discovered this chord in a child’s heart, you should not consider it a very terrible disease. He can be healthy and live long enough without even knowing about it. There is no need to panic for no reason, but simply see a doctor and follow simple preventive measures:

  • compliance with the activity and rest regime;
  • proper nutrition;
  • Healing Fitness;
  • hardening;
  • being in the fresh air;
  • ensuring adequate sleep;
  • prevention of frequent and severe stress;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • taking medications only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • exercise only after consulting a doctor.

Parents do not need to protect their child from everything; they should not treat him as if he is disabled, otherwise they will aggravate the process of socialization. If he, like all normal children, attends kindergarten, communicates with peers, and engages in sports appropriate to his health status, he will be able to more easily adapt to society and feel healthy in it.

Anomalies in the development of the cardiovascular system (together with defects of the gastrointestinal tract) are the most common. Thus, an additional left ventricular chord (LVAC) can occur in 8-9% of the population.

Chordae in the heart are connective tissue “threads” that connect the valve flaps between the ventricles and atria with the muscle trabeculae of the former. In the left half of the heart, this is the mitral, and the right part is separated by the tricuspid.

An additional chord is considered to be a cord from the trabeculae to the valves, existing in excess of their normal number. More than 94-95% of all cases occur in the left ventricle. Therefore, further discussion will be about its additional chord.


Classification of additional chords is carried out according to several criteria:

  • quantity;
  • tissue structure;
  • places of their attachment;
  • nature of the location.

The quantitative criterion divides all additional cords into two groups. These are single chords (there is one abnormal “thread”) and multiple (two or more). In the first case, it is often located separately from normal fibers. With the second option, it is possible to place them either separately or between normal cords.

Based on the nature of the tissue from which these anomalies are formed, several groups can be distinguished.

  1. Connective tissue. Occurs in most cases. They are cords consisting entirely of elastin fibers and primary collagen.
  2. Tendon chords. Consist only of secondary collagen fibers.
  3. Muscular. Normal muscle growths.
  4. Mixed chords. They contain various components of muscle and connective tissue. Among other anomalies, they are rare.

There can be three places for attachment of anomalous chords. The most common is the apex of the heart. In the left ventricle, this is the part of the cavity farthest from the valve. The option of attaching to one of the walls is possible. Basal fixation of abnormal chordae is very rare. When it (they) are fastened at one end in the area of ​​the septum separating the ventricle from the atrium.

The nature of the location of the anomalies can be either parallel to the normal strands or different from their direction. If the LVDP deviates no more than 25-35 degrees, it is said to be oblique or diagonal. When the angle is more than 40 (even 90) – the chord is in a transverse position.

Why does it occur

The reason for the development of anomalies is associated with deviations in genes located on the X chromosomes. The more of them, the greater the likelihood of developing an accessory chord in a child.

Important! The trait is transmitted through the maternal line in 90%, and through the paternal line in 10%.

It is not the chord itself that is inherited, but the factors that cause it. Even in the first months of the baby’s intrauterine development, additional tissue is laid down. During the formation of the interventricular septum, “extra” tissue often becomes part of it. A child with a hereditary history of heart abnormalities is born without LVDC. But the action of a number of factors during pregnancy contributes to the fact that the “excess” tissue degenerates into an additional chord. This:

  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • use of certain medications (ACE inhibitors);
  • stress;
  • viral diseases.

In the presence of such chronic diseases as diabetes mellitus, systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis, there is a risk of developing an accessory chord even without heredity.

Features of the pathology

The development of the anomaly occurs in the fetus during the prenatal period, and by the time of birth it is already formed. Due to the fact that it does not affect hemodynamics, it is almost always detected by chance. Only a small part (this applies to transversely located muscular and mixed chords) can have negative consequences for the work of the heart and all hemodynamics.

The peculiarity of the false chord in childhood is its incomplete development. But the situation should be constantly monitored by parents (they should not miss the first warning signs) and the local doctor. In the first year, a false chord of the left ventricle in a child cannot be eliminated without surgery, but its development can be influenced.

Only a hemodynamically significant abnormal chord can “make itself known.” This can be seen from the following signs:

  • discomfort in the chest (but the newborn baby will not be able to report pain);
  • high fatigue and poor exercise tolerance;
  • frequent attacks of heartbeat;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • changes in psycho-emotional behavior (most often the baby becomes whiny and irritable, and the teenager may become withdrawn).

The doctor may suspect the presence of an abnormal chord due to one more sign - a murmur on auscultation of the heart.


An additional chord in the left ventricle is corrected only if there is a negative effect on the functioning of the heart. The most radical method is surgical intervention. There must be compelling reasons to carry it out.

  • Uncorrectable rhythm disturbances associated with an abnormal chord. This is especially true for young people and children.
  • Rapidly progressive heart failure due to accessory chordae.

Surgical treatment is possible in two options. This is either cryodestruction or its excision. The first type is carried out with a single cord that has its own blood vessels. Removal is necessary in all other cases.

If there is no indication for surgery, the following measures are recommended for everyone (especially children):

  1. Observation by a cardiologist with echocardiography at least once a year until the age of 18. Every 2 years – for young people and up to 40-45 years old.
  2. Maintaining proper diet.
  3. Dosed loads. Simply put, the right combination of work and rest.
  4. Hardening and general strengthening measures.
  5. Get proper rest and sleep at least 7-8 hours every night.

The issue of non-professional sports can only be resolved together with a doctor. Sports at the professional level are not recommended by cardiologists. If there are no signs of hemodynamic disturbances, it is allowed to engage in all types of physical activity, with a few exceptions. All types of strength sports and high cardio loads are contraindicated - the additional chord of the left ventricle of the heart can increase its effect on the functioning of the organ.


Abnormal cords that did not cause hemodynamic disturbances in childhood and adolescence never lead to a worsening of the condition in adults. But the additional chords, which somehow made themselves felt in children, deserve close attention at any age. They can be the cause of a number of heart diseases. Any such chord requires lifelong monitoring with constant adherence to the following rules:

  • Rational mode of labor activity. All loads must be well tolerated.
  • Get proper rest at night and during the day (as fatigue appears).
  • A periodic course of medications aimed at maintaining the functioning of the heart (pantogam, asparkam, cytochrome, magnesium preparations and vitamins PP, group B).

Full life activity can be possible in any situation if all recommendations were followed on time, according to Dr. Komarovsky. The accessory chord in the cavity of the left ventricle completes its development in the first 10 years of life.