Royal jelly scares diseases and heals easily! The use of royal jelly Royal jelly benefits and harms how to take.

Royal jelly is a secretion product of honey bees. It is produced by insects to feed the larvae and the main bee of the hive - the uterus. The natural product contains a large number of substances useful for the human body. In folk medicine, it is used to treat various diseases and strengthen the immune system.

The milk has a cream color. There are sour tones in its taste, it has a sharp and burning aroma. The pH of royal jelly is 3.5–4.5. Store the product in a refrigerator in a hermetically sealed container at a temperature of +3 °C. In heat, it begins to oxidize intensively and lose its healing properties. The content of solids in it is about 34%.

According to its consistency, bee milk can be:

  • thick - intended to feed the uterine queen;
  • liquid - for feeding larvae.

The larvae feed on royal jelly during the first 3 days of their development. Nectar-gathering worker bees, 4–15 days old, secrete a cream-like product from the maxillary and pharyngeal glands. Their mixture forms a creamy mass, called royal jelly.

Honey bees simultaneously lay in the absence of a queen from 9 to 150 queen cells. The larvae nest in them. Cells with larvae are filled with milk at 2-3 mg, and mother liquor - at 200-400 mg.

How is royal jelly obtained

When collecting the product, beekeepers take into account the biological characteristics of insects. The bees are stimulated to produce royal jelly by placing the queen into a new colony of larvae. The best time to collect is the height of summer. Each beekeeper has his own tricks, but they are all based on general principles.

Bees spend a lot of energy on feeding the larvae, as the entire brood can die in a few minutes. In this regard, the nurse has to produce up to 1300 doses of milk.

A feature of the collection is that the bees do not lay it for long-term storage. You can collect the product only during the period of growing bees. One way to get milk is to use bowls. The essence of the process is that one-day-old larvae are transferred from their native places to small wax plates.

The environment in which they will be located must have:

  • relative air humidity 90–95%;
  • temperature 25–30 °C.

To transfer the larvae from one environment to another, special spatulas are used. Before the transfer begins, the larvae must go through the first molt. After this process, their white coating acquires a sheen. At the bottom of the bowls intended to accommodate the larvae, add 1 drop of milk, the freshness of which should not exceed a day.

The use of two or three drops to fill the bowls leads to a deterioration in the quality of the future product. The bowls intended for obtaining royal jelly are placed on a grafting frame, which is installed where the bee colony lives without a mother. On the third day after installation, the frame can be removed to collect milk.

You can increase its amount under certain conditions:

  • for the production of the product, young bees are selected with an indicator of the functioning of the glands above average;
  • during the "milking" period, the bees are fed with sugar syrup;
  • to increase the queen cells, the nests are insulated and their size is reduced.

Collection requires sterility. In home beekeeping, bowls are processed at a temperature of 30 ° C. The extraction of the product is carried out after removing the larvae from them using a special spatula. It must be made of the same material as the milk collection container. To exclude the possibility of chemical reactions, the walls of the collection vessels are treated with wax.

The duration of milk production by one bee colony is 3 weeks. The quality of the assembled product must meet certain requirements. In the Russian Federation, they are formulated in GOST 28888–90.

Composition of the product

An important component of royal jelly is acetylcholine. It plays a huge role in strengthening memory and maintaining sexual functions. 66% of the bee product consists of water. About 15 - 19% of its composition belongs to representatives of the protein group. It includes enzymes:

  • lipoproteins;
  • albumins;
  • globulins and other proteins.

The group of non-protein substances includes peptides and amino acids. The chemical composition depends on many factors. Among them:

  • type of race of milk-producing bees;
  • environment surrounding the nest.

The effect of milk on the body: medicinal properties and contraindications

The impact of royal jelly on the human body is complex. It is often used as a food additive. Regular intake of the product slows down the aging process and strengthens the immune system. The deoxyribonucleic acid contained in the milk allows a person to maintain youth. She is the bearer of information about health, youth and beauty. With the help of royal jelly in China, arthritis is treated. Despite the benefits of the product, it is recommended to take it in moderation.

Beneficial features

Some types of proteins contained in the bee product, when interacting with potassium, affect blood pressure. These substances relieve tension from the walls of blood vessels and improve their elasticity. Among the useful properties of the product:

In folk medicine, you can find a large number of recipes for the treatment of various inflammatory processes. Using a bee product as a dietary supplement can help a person lose weight.

If you consume honey with royal jelly, you can speed up your metabolism

Preparations based on royal jelly are used to treat gastritis, colitis and many other types of diseases.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Eating royal jelly can be dangerous for hypertensive patients. Doctors recommend that people with cancer, problems with the adrenal glands and those suffering from individual intolerance to the product treat the product with caution. Pure royal jelly is a powerful biostimulant. The product and preparations based on it are of particular danger to a person with a rare endocrine Addison's disease.

Before including royal jelly in the diet, it is necessary to check the sensitivity of the body to it. At the slightest sign of an allergy, it is necessary to impose a ban on its reception. It is possible to use the product for medicinal purposes only with a healthy reaction of the body and no more than 20–30 g per day. An overdose leads to increased heart rate and excessive arousal.


Not more than 1-2 times a year, men are recommended to undergo a rejuvenation course based on the intake of a bee product according to a special scheme. Athletes use the rejuvenation course during periods of intense training in order to adapt to physical stress. The mechanism of action of the product is aimed at:

  • removal of stress, on which the decrease in male potency directly depends;
  • increased spermatogenesis.

The course of rejuvenation leads to the normalization of metabolic processes and stimulation of the male gonads. A side effect is often the removal of symptoms of a headache, which was based on prostatitis. The standard duration of the rejuvenation course is 14 days. During this period, the drug is taken 2 times a day, 100 mg. This is done 1 hour before meals.

Also, the product is used to strengthen potency. With sexual weakness, the drug is taken 3 times a day, 30 mg each, the duration of the course is from two to three weeks.


Royal jelly contains immunoglobulins. They increase the immunity of the female body. Biotin is responsible for the metabolic processes occurring in it. Thanks to it, the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood decreases. Ribonucleic and deoxyribonucleic acids are involved in the processes of tissue regeneration, help to preserve youth. Young beauties with the help of the remedy solve skin problems.

The product has proven its effectiveness in menstrual irregularities. During this period, it relieves premenstrual symptoms and normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system. The ability of the remedy to regulate the metabolic processes of the body is very important for women.

How to use milk for expectant and nursing mothers

In modern medicine, royal jelly is used to treat infertility in women and smooth the course of the entire pregnancy. The hormones included in the product prevent the risk of miscarriage. Conducted research on the product made it possible to find out what effect it has on the hormonal background of women. The product stimulates the production of eggs capable of fertilization.

During treatment, every morning, women take 20–30 mg of milk, which is absorbed in the sublingual zone.

In early pregnancy, the product helps to cope with toxicosis. Thanks to its reception, the level of hemoglobin is normalized. The tool facilitates the process of childbirth.

For nursing mothers, the product is important for its ability to intensify the lactation process. The recommended daily dose for women during this period is 25–30 mg.


Candles with royal jelly are allowed to be used to treat various ailments and to improve the health of children when they reach the age of 20 days. They are inserted into the anus. Thanks to suppositories of this kind, babies improve their appetite. They are gaining weight well. The substances contained in the product block the development of dysbacteriosis in the child's body. They help to cope with colic, increased gas formation and restless sleep. The use of a small amount of the product forms a normal intestinal microflora in infants. This prevents the development of fungal diseases in the child's oral cavity.

At any age, children are given royal jelly during periods of influenza epidemics. The tool helps to cope with delays in physical and speech development, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, and also participates in the formation of the children's skeleton. The product improves sleep and the functioning of the nervous system, strengthens the body. The product plays an important role in the work of the endocrine system - it stimulates the metabolic process. The daily dose of admission is 10-15 mg.

How to take royal jelly for various diseases

Royal jelly is part of various medical preparations. The method of their administration and dosage depend on the type of disease:

  1. Cold and flu. For the prevention of diseases, a course of admission is carried out from two to three weeks. 3 times a day you need to take 20-40 mg of royal jelly.
  2. Dentistry. The oral cavity is treated with an alcohol solution of the product for stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontal disease. Bee milk, infused with alcohol, is diluted in one tablespoon of cold boiled water. The mixture is kept in the mouth until completely dissolved.
  3. Eye diseases. 10-15 drops of an alcohol solution of the product are diluted with a teaspoon of boiled water. A compress is made on the eyes for glaucoma, cataracts, conjunctivitis and blepharitis. To restore lost vision, the remedy is taken along with walnuts. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  4. Fungal diseases. In the treatment of external manifestations of the disease, ointments prepared on the basis of a bee product or alcohol solutions are used. They are applied to the areas affected by the fungus. Milk, infused with alcohol, is diluted with distilled water in a ratio of 1: 2.
  5. Cardiovascular diseases. The tool is used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and heart muscles, as well as to lower blood cholesterol levels. It is used to treat coronary heart disease and bronchial asthma. It should be taken 1/2 teaspoon of honey with royal jelly 3 times a day. Course - 1 month.
  6. With baldness and dandruff. For treatment, a solution of distilled water with honey and milk is used. It is rubbed into the scalp before washing at least 3 times a week. At the same time, the mixture is taken orally in 0.5 dessert spoons.
  7. With diaper rash. Water and alcohol solutions are used. A recipe that is used for fungal diseases is effective.
  8. For healing wounds and ulcers. The wound is treated with a product infused with alcohol. Then a swab is applied, soaked in a mixture of milk, honey and distilled water. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions.

Dosage forms

To store bee milk, it is given various forms. The most common of them:

  1. Granules. They are dry concentrate. The most famous drug of this group is Apilak. It is a dry, adsorbed royal jelly. The granules of the drug dissolve well in the liquid. Before use, they are diluted in neutral drinks. The best of them is milk. In the absence of a suitable liquid at hand, the granules can be placed under the tongue. The standard dosage of admission is 5-10 granules. Drink 1-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.
  2. Frozen milk. The product is stored in a sealed container and a regular household refrigerator. The shelf life is 1.5–2 years. Freezing of the product is carried out at a temperature of -17 °C. The standard dosage for treatment is 1/2 teaspoon. The course lasts 1-2 months.
  3. Honey with royal jelly. The preparation of the product does not require high temperatures. No preservatives are added to it.
  4. Capsules. When preparing the product, soft drying of the milk is carried out. Take capsules for a course of 2-3 months no more than 3 times a year. The standard dosage is 1 capsule per day.

Varieties of dosage forms: examples in the photo

Granules retain their healing properties in sealed packaging for two years.
These types of drugs are most often produced in Asian countries.
The product is frozen immediately after collection
This method of preserving milk allows you to extend its shelf life.

How to choose a product

When buying bee milk, you should:

  • check the documents for the product and the apiary where it was received;
  • pay attention to the integrity of the package, the date of manufacture and expiration date;
  • way of storing the product during the implementation.

It is best to shop for a bee product in specialized stores. The consistency of fresh collection of royal jelly is similar to thick sour cream. It is not recommended to buy the product by hand. The broken integrity of the package is a sure sign of its damage.

Storage methods

Royal jelly is a perishable product. Vacuum-packed, it can be stored for up to two years at low temperatures. The shelf life depends on their value. It is:

  • 9–10 months at t -2–5 °С;
  • one and a half years at t -18 ° С.

The adsorbed product is stored in a dark glass container. It can be stored at t +6 °С for 10 months.

Royal jelly has many beneficial properties. It is better to use a natural product after consulting a doctor. You can not buy milk from random people in a place unsuitable for trade.

Royal jelly, also called queen bee nourishing juice or bee mother milk, is their most perfect creation. The juice that makes the bee queen. And in fact, only this food makes a growing bee not a simple worker bee, but a majestic queen bee. If the beekeeper takes an egg from a small brood cell for rearing worker bees and transfers it to a large cell for rearing queens (queen bed), then the bees will grow a queen from this egg. That is, there is no genetic difference between ordinary bees and queen bees, but nutrition is very different. This example clearly shows what a huge impact the quality of nutrition can have!

royal jelly video

The power of royal jelly

Young worker bees are able to produce royal jelly in the head glands only from the 6-12th day of life. They feed it to all reared larvae. With only one difference: future worker bees and drones receive this royal food for only three days, and the queen bee - throughout her life. It's amazing what effect this food has: thanks to it, the period of development of the queen from egg to hatching is only 16 days, while for worker bees, the period of development is 21 days, and for drones - 24. So the queen, the largest bee of the entire swarm, the shortest period of development.

It can live for several years (three to six), which is much longer than worker bees and drones, which live from a few weeks to several months. The queen bee lays eggs from early spring to late autumn. In the main season, the weight of daily laid eggs (1500-2000 pieces) often exceeds the weight of the queen's own body. These colossal results are possible only thanks to high-quality nutrition - royal jelly.


To encourage the bee colony to produce more royal jelly, the beekeeper must remove the queen. Then the bee family has a need to grow a new queen as soon as possible, for which it lays several queen cells at once. But collecting royal jelly from 6-10 cells, which are usually laid by a swarm, is unproductive.

Therefore, the beekeeper sets up a whole series of so-called artificial uterine cells, bowls, in which he lays one egg or a newly hatched larva. If there are enough young bees in the family at the moment, then these cells will be filled with royal jelly in three days. After 72 hours, a maximum of milk is collected - approximately 200-300 mg per cell. Now the beekeeper must collect milk, otherwise the larvae will quickly eat most of it. After that, the procedure can be repeated. So for a year, one bee family can produce an average of 300 g of royal jelly.

Not so simple

But the bee family is not always ready to participate in such a procedure: to fill new queen cells with royal jelly again and again, without getting a single queen from them. After all, without a new queen there are no new worker bees, and without young bees there is no royal jelly. Therefore, only experienced beekeepers-specialists can engage in the extraction of this product, since this requires a lot of skill and a good understanding of the behavior of bees. Until now, many beekeepers are limited to extracting milk from "extra" queen cells, without taking the queen. But even here there is a tendency to change the situation, as the interest of beekeepers and consumers in this product is growing.

different quality

Probably the largest production of royal jelly in Western Europe is in France, where there are many traditional large apiaries (also bio-apiaries) that produce and process high quality royal jelly. But even they do not cover the full need for this product.

Most of the royal jelly is supplied to Western European countries from Asia, mainly from China. However, unfortunately, there are often doubts about its quality. Royal jelly, whether dried or frozen, is predominantly processed for food supplements and cosmetics.


Fresh royal jelly has the consistency of natural yogurt and a slightly sour taste. Many of its highly valuable components are sensitive to external influences. Due to the high protein content, storage in a cool place is required. If royal jelly is preserved in honey, then it will be stored even longer. On sale, royal jelly is offered chilled or frozen, mainly in 10 ml vials, in the form of ampoules with a solution (often with various additives) or mixed with honey. For proper cooling and storage, please follow the manufacturer's instructions.

What is hidden in royal jelly, what is the composition?

Royal jelly contains approximately 66% water, 15% carbohydrates, 13% amino acids (mostly essential) and 4.5% high biological value fatty acids. In addition, it contains many minerals and vitamins, most of all of the B group. According to Professor Dustmann, it also contains a significant amount of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that can fight senile dementia. In addition, royal jelly contains many biologically active substances, not all of which have yet been identified and studied in relation to the effects on the human body.

Royal jelly in apitherapy

Like colostrum (the first milk produced by the female mammary glands before "mature" mother's milk), royal jelly contains many biologically active protective substances. If we trace the incredibly rapid development from the egg to the insect, it becomes clear what a miracle is hidden in it.

Energy and protection, the benefits of royal jelly

The extremely rapid cell division and differentiation that occurs during the development of a new queen bee requires a large amount of building and other substances that manage and control this process. At the same time, it is necessary to provide optimal protection against environmental influences, since microorganisms also readily use these building materials for their own development. Royal jelly could become an excellent breeding ground for them if there were no special protective substances that effectively destroy bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Preparations with royal jelly are taken under the tongue: it should be absorbed as much as possible by the mucous membranes of the mouth, because the acid of the gastric juice destroys many biologically active substances. With a good composition of royal jelly, it is enough to take about 0.2 grams per day.

Application area

I always recommend royal jelly to people who are severely weakened by illness or have a weak immune system. It can even be given to children. It well supports the body with viral infections and promotes rapid recovery.

Royal jelly is especially useful for the female body and helps with many diseases of the genitourinary system. It is very effective for frequent inflammations in this area, for violations of the reproductive function (infertility) and for complaints during menopause.

The natural pharmacy has reserved for a person many wonderful potions to maintain and strengthen health. An important place among natural remedies is occupied by bee products. Put knowledge about royal jelly into the piggy bank of your experience - information about its beneficial properties and areas of application will certainly come in handy!

What is royal jelly

This super-healthy product has other names: royal jelly or white honey. Royal jelly is a secret produced by working young bees (5-15 days old). This substance is formed in the pharyngeal glands of insects when they chew bee bread (pollen) and honey. Bees use this product to feed their larvae, and the most selected milk is sealed in special wax flasks. Such food is intended only for the queen bee, which will consume this concentrate throughout her life.

On such a diet, the queen of the hive grows twice as large as ordinary insects, lives for about 6 years and during this period actively performs its function - it lays eggs every day, providing the swarm with new workers. Due to the high concentration of valuable substances in this bee secret, it is also very useful for people. This product is obtained in apiaries for further use for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. The necessary scrupulousness in the preparation and storage of white honey affects the fact that it has an expensive price, but it pays off with a lot of useful qualities.

Royal jelly - medicinal properties

The main indication for the use of such a product, which is suitable for everyone, is the strengthening of the body's defenses, the effective prevention of bacterial and viral infections. The healing properties of royal jelly are also manifested in the impact on specific organ systems. bee product:

  • improves the functioning of the digestive tract, affecting the enzymatic composition of gastric juice, bile secretion, intestinal motility;
  • helps regulate blood sugar levels;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis, effectively lowering cholesterol levels;
  • balances the hormonal background;
  • promotes muscle building;
  • has a healing effect on tissues;
  • positively affects the work of the central nervous system, as a result of which concentration of attention improves, memory is strengthened.

Royal jelly - composition

What useful substances are laid down by nature in the basis of this product? The composition of royal jelly includes:

  • proteins similar in properties to blood serum proteins;
  • fats: phospholipids, sterols, glycerols, decenoic acids;
  • carbohydrates: fructose, glucose, sucrose;
  • amino acids;
  • essential fatty acids;
  • a wide range of macro- and microelements;
  • vitamins A, E, D, C, group B;
  • mineral salts;
  • hormones: estradiol, progesterone, testosterone;
  • the neurotransmitter acetylcholine;
  • enzymes;
  • other important biologically active substances.

Royal jelly - application

Due to a wide range of valuable active ingredients, this product is widely used in traditional medicine recipes as an effective tonic, tonic. The use of royal jelly has an effective therapeutic and prophylactic effect in diseases:

  • blood;
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • respiratory tract;
  • eye;
  • organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • organs of the urinary system;
  • endocrine system;
  • sexual sphere;
  • skin and hair.

Royal jelly for men

What is the special benefit of such a product for the stronger sex? Royal jelly for men is not only a valuable supplement that helps maintain optimal physical and mental shape. The effectiveness of this product on male fertility has been proven: it increases the level of testosterone in the blood, which has a positive effect on potency and spermatogenesis. Treatment with royal jelly is also successfully used for prostate adenoma, prostatitis.

Royal jelly for women

White honey is extremely useful for strengthening women's health and maintaining a beautiful appearance. In addition to general strengthening properties for the whole body, royal jelly for women increases the chances of becoming pregnant and bearing a healthy baby. It is good to use this product for nurses - it improves the functioning of the mammary glands during breastfeeding, and the high content of iron here prevents the risk of anemia during lactation. The property of royal jelly is also known to soften PMS and hot flashes during menopause.

The rich vitamin and mineral composition of this substance, extracted from beehives, explains the widespread use of such a remedy by women for self-care. For example, pantothenic acid will help maintain a slim figure, and biotin will bring great benefits to hair, skin, and nails. In order to maintain beauty, white honey can be used both internally and externally - as part of masks and creams.

Royal jelly for children

There are many reviews about the benefits of using this product, even for babies. Royal jelly for children is valuable in that it can increase their appetite and strengthen immunity. With the help of this secret, malnutrition is effectively treated, the baby begins to gain weight well. Wiping the skin with an alcohol solution of bee milk will help rid the child of diaper rash.


You need to know that in certain cases this extremely useful product should not be taken so as not to harm the body. Contraindications for royal jelly are:

  • allergies and individual intolerance to bee products;
  • infectious diseases at an acute stage;
  • kidney failure;
  • Addison's disease;
  • tumor processes.

How to take royal jelly

To get the maximum benefit from this bee secret, you need to know how to properly use such a concentrate. Today, this product can be bought via the Internet or in a pharmacy in dry form in the form of tablets, granules, capsules. It is also sold as part of a lactose-glucose mixture or a mixture with honey. For the manufacture of these preparations from the native substance, a large percentage of all useful components are adsorbed. It is more convenient to take royal jelly in this form, because natural royal jelly quickly deteriorates under improper storage conditions.

Manufacturers in the instructions for the drugs indicate the specific dosage and duration of administration, but before starting the treatment course, it is recommended to agree on the daily dose and duration of treatment with the doctor. Pay attention to the important features of the intake of the absorbed product.

  • These drugs are not drunk with water, but are taken sublingually - they are kept under the tongue until completely dissolved.
  • Such a drug should be taken in the first half of the day, 20-30 minutes before meals, due to its inherent pronounced tonic effect.

The term "royal jelly" is often heard in television advertisements. Especially those related to hair and skin care. In fact, the range of medicinal properties of the bee product is much wider. From this article you can learn everything about what royal jelly is, why it is useful, in what cases and how to use it, and where to store it.

Buy royal jelly can be directly from our apiary "Svіy honey".

What is this?

Royal jelly is a nutrient fluid produced in the glands of nurse bees. They lay them in honeycomb cells with brood - the larvae will feed on this product in the first 3 days of their life in order to get stronger and increase their weight several times.

In addition to raising offspring, milk has another purpose - it is a daily dish in the diet of the uterus. There is a theory that this explains the longevity of the queen bee. For comparison, the age of an ordinary worker is only about 3 months. And the average life expectancy of the uterus is 3-5 years.

A brief description of:

  • color - white, milky
  • taste - sour, leaves a tingling sensation on the tongue
  • smell - sharp, sour
  • consistency - like heavy cream

Interesting fact: Previously, a natural product was available only to members of royal families and the nobility close to them. After all, obtaining royal jelly was a painstaking process, which greatly limited its volume. The favor of high society gave the bee product the proud title of “royal jelly”.

Beekeepers extract the product from May to August - when bees and drones actively breed. It is at this time that they actively fill the cells with new larvae and fresh milk for feeding.

Related article:What is royal jelly?

Royal jelly: types

Depending on the method of collection and processing by the beekeeper, two types of product are distinguished - native (unprocessed) and adsorbed (dried). More about them - later in the article.

Native royal jelly

Milk is called native, which was obtained by a beekeeper in its original state and was not amenable to further processing (with the exception of the necessary freezing). There are two main ways to get it:

  • cutting together with wax cells (queen cells) and larvae inside
  • pumping out the “jelly” with a syringe or other device

Regardless of the method of collection, it is possible to preserve the benefits of royal jelly only under the condition of operational deep freezing (at a temperature not higher than -18-20 degrees). This will extend the shelf life up to 12 months. Otherwise, the product will deteriorate in the next 3-5 days.

This type of bee product is the most popular. allows you to save a maximum of useful properties. However, it is associated with strict storage rules, which greatly complicates the transportation of milk from the apiary to the buyer.

There is also an alternative “format” of milk - adsorbed. Beekeepers collect it in the same way as native, after which they are dried and crushed using a special technology. Further, the concentrate is sold in the form of tablets, capsules or granules.

The adsorbed milk of bees is considered more convenient for regular intake: the shelf life of the product is longer, the storage conditions are more loyal, and it is much easier to calculate the daily dose. However, scientists argue that when adsorbed, the product loses some of its medicinal properties.

How to choose royal jelly?

A photo of a bee product will not help you choose a quality product. But there are a few signs that you should definitely pay attention to:

  • a characteristic feature of fresh native milk is a pearly sheen on the surface
  • a natural product has a sharp sour smell, but if alcohol is mixed with it, the process of souring has probably begun
  • when purchasing “jelly” in mother liquors, pay attention to their integrity and dimensions - created in natural conditions, they are most often different in size
  • the mixture must be homogeneous, without traces of rotting or mold

Royal jelly will benefit, not harm, if the main condition is observed - to maintain the optimum temperature and not defrost it. Otherwise, the use of the product will not be of any use.

Royal jelly: composition

The composition of royal jelly to date is still not thoroughly studied by modern scientists. Approximately 5% of substances remain an unsolved mystery. The rest include:

  • carbohydrates
  • squirrels
  • lipids
  • mineral salts
  • nucleic acids (ribonucleic, deoxyribonucleic and adenosine triphosphate)
  • organic acids
  • fatty acids (succinic, palmitic, stearic, etc.)
  • vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B12, B15, E, A, D, C)
  • minerals (potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, etc.)
  • enzymes (amylase, glucose oxidase, ascorbine oxidase, catalase, invertase, protease, phosphatase, cholinesterase, etc.)
  • hormones (testosterone, progesterone, estradiol)
  • acetylcholine

The composition of the bee product contains the entire nutritional complex necessary for a person: proteins (49%), carbohydrates (39%), fats (12%). But the calorie content is relatively low: in 100 grams of “jelly” - about 139 kcal (about 579 kJ in terms of energy value). But the daily norm for an adult is much less - up to 1 gram of a natural product.

The bee product is also striking in that it contains hormones. For example, progesterone and estradiol are indispensable for the functioning of the female reproductive system. And testosterone is known as the main hormone for the stronger sex. This makes royal jelly for men and women an indispensable tool for solving various problems of the sexual sphere: from frigidity to infertility.

Also in the composition of the liquid, a hormone-like acetylcholine was found, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, muscle mass and sexual functions.

The high level of fatty acids lays great opportunities in the field of healing properties, however, makes the product unstable to various environmental factors. If strict storage conditions are not observed, the milk can instantly deteriorate.

You can buy royal jelly directly from our apiary "Svіy honey":

Royal jelly: useful properties

The natural product has an immuno-strengthening and tonic effect on the body. Using it daily, you will feel a noticeable surge of physical strength - when you get up in the morning, you will no longer need a portion of caffeine so much. There is an improvement in memory and performance, sleep becomes stronger, and the mood becomes less and less spoiled under the influence of stress.

The medicinal properties of royal jelly have found their application in the fight against the following diseases:

  • colds and viral diseases
  • heart and vascular system (lack of hemoglobin, hypotension, hypertension, angina pectoris, anemia, ischemia, atherosclerosis, endarteritis, myocardial dystrophy)
  • gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, gastroduodenitis, gastric and duodenal ulcer, cholecystitis, fatty hepatosis, cholelithiasis)
  • respiratory system (laryngitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis)
  • musculoskeletal system (arthritis, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, myositis)
  • male genitourinary system (erectile dysfunction, prostate adenoma, prostatitis, impotence, infertility)
  • female reproductive system (cervical erosion, menstrual and ovular disorders, infertility, menopause)
  • organs of vision (conjunctivitis, cataract, glaucoma, blepharitis, iridocyclitis, keratitis, corneal ulcer, retinal diseases)
  • oral cavity (stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis)
  • skin (eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, ulcers, lupus erythematosus)

Interesting fact: especially popular is the use of royal jelly in gynecology. The product acts on the fair sex in the following way: it normalizes the hormonal balance and the menstrual cycle, stimulates ovulation and, as a result, increases the chances of successful conception. Royal jelly during pregnancy relieves the symptoms of toxicosis and guarantees the full development of the fetus, and after the birth of the baby, it enhances lactation. In the case of men, the use of queen cells will also not be superfluous: they increase sexual strength, improve sperm activity and the quality of seminal fluid.

Related article:

In addition, the benefits of royal jelly are noticeable in the following cases:

  • with obesity or anorexia
  • in the postoperative period, when recovering from severe injuries or illnesses
  • with beriberi
  • with diabetes
  • in disorders of the nervous system
  • with a decrease in lactation in nursing mothers
  • with chronic fatigue
  • with baldness, as well as fragility of nails and teeth

The product is also widely used in cosmetology - it is believed that it can slow down the process of external aging. Royal jelly for skin can be used as an anti-age cream or mask. Moreover, you can start using them from a young age - in order to maintain maximum freshness. "Royal Jelly" also strengthens the hair structure, increases their volume and prevents hair loss.

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Instructions for use of royal jelly

Reviews indicate that the use of bee products is very effective, especially as an auxiliary drug. However, the application must be carried out according to clear rules - the exact dosage depends on your age, weight and severity of the disease.

The dosage of native royal jelly for adults is calculated based on your weight: 0.3 g (approximately 1 queen cell) for every 30 kg of body weight. For example, if you weigh up to 60 kg, you need to take 2 queen cells per day. If up to 90 kg - 3 queen cells per day.

For children, the following doses are provided:

  • up to 1 year - not recommended
  • 1-6 years - ½ of the contents of the mother liquor 1 time per day
  • 6-12 years - 1 mother liquor 1 time per day

Please note: The indicated doses are approximate and are intended for prophylactic use. If you need treatment for any disease, you must first consult with your doctor. For example, the dose of royal jelly in diabetes is much less - 0.3 g 1-2 times a day.

It is necessary to consume the product no less than 40-60 minutes before meals. Remove the contents of the mother liquor (it is possible with the larva, it is possible without it) and put it on the tongue. Slowly and thoroughly dissolve for 2-3 minutes, mixing the contents with saliva.

Interesting fact: before using the “jelly”, rinse your mouth with a light soda solution (½ teaspoon per ½ cup of water) or at least cold water. This is necessary in order to neutralize certain active substances in saliva, which can damage the beneficial properties of the bee product.

The duration of the prophylactic course is 1 month. If necessary, you can take a 4-week break and repeat the course.

Queen cells are very often used in combination with other bee products - it is believed that this will enhance the effect of the intake. We offer you the most popular folk recipes:

honey:“jelly” is mixed with honey in a ratio of 1:100. Mixed until maximum uniformity. Take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day 40 minutes before meals. Keep under the tongue until completely absorbed.

complex: 5 g of honey, 2.5 g of perga, 10 g of bee pollen, 0.1 g of milk (about ⅓ of the mother liquor). Blend with a blender until smooth. Take 1 teaspoon 1-2 times a day 40 minutes before meals.

alcoholic: 40-degree alcohol is mixed with "jelly" in a ratio of 1:20. It is used inside 10-20 drops 3 times a day. Can be mixed with a little water.

How to take royal jelly in granules, ampoules and tablets - depends on the dosage of the drug. Before use, we recommend that you carefully read the package insert for the drug.

Related article: Honey with royal jelly: from the hive to the first aid kit

Royal jelly: contraindications

“Royal jelly” is contraindicated for those who suffer from individual intolerance to bee products. This is especially true in cases where you take the liquid not in its pure form, but mixed with other bee products: honey, pollen, bee bread, etc. Therefore, before use, it is recommended to undergo a preliminary medical examination.

Also, the product is contraindicated in acute infectious diseases, Addison's disease (chronic adrenal insufficiency), benign and malignant tumors. In the latter case, milk is sometimes used as an adjuvant, but only on the advice of a physician.

With caution, you should take the bee product for those who suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure), hypercoagulability (increased blood clotting activity), as well as insomnia.

Pregnancy, lactation and diabetes are not contraindications to the use of folk remedies. However, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor to determine the correct daily dosage.


After buying, it is better to transfer the mother liquors to a glass jar with an airtight lid so that foreign odors or moisture do not penetrate inside. It is not recommended to leave the milk in a plastic bag, as this is a less environmentally friendly package than glass.

The answer to the question of how much royal jelly retains its beneficial properties depends on the conditions under which the product was stored. At room temperature, mother liquors can only be stored for 3-5 days. Therefore, it is recommended to keep them exclusively in the freezer at a temperature of -5 to -18 degrees. In this case, the shelf life of the product will be extended to 12 months.

If you purchased adsorbed milk, then you can read the instructions for its storage in the package insert. As a rule, it is enough to keep it out of the reach of children, at air temperatures up to +25 degrees.

Related article: How to store bee products: instructions and expiration dates

Video "How royal jelly is collected and used"

Royal jelly is the most valuable product in beekeeping. The unique healing and nutritional properties, the complex extraction process, have also led to a high market price for this product. Establishing the production of such milk in your own apiary is a difficult task, but quite real (we are not talking about industrial scale, but about providing yourself and your family with a valuable product). As it turned out, the beekeeper and at home will be able to get royal jelly.

Did you know? The unique composition of royal jelly allows it to inhibit the growth of harmful microbes and bacteria, it is actively used for medical and cosmetic purposes.

How royal jelly appears, the nature of the process

(it is called native or natural) looks like jelly, has a white color, has a characteristic burning and sour taste, a peculiar smell, and is obtained naturally. Milk is produced by worker bees (not older than 6-15 days old) with the help of glands (mandibular and pharyngeal). The produced product provides the queen larva with nutrition and is laid by bees in the mother liquor (from 200 to 400 mg).

The composition of royal jelly surpasses the food of worker bee larvae hundreds of times in its indicators (a worker bee lives 2-4 months, the queen - up to 6 years).

The technology for obtaining royal jelly involves the use by beekeepers of the biological characteristics of bees - in the absence of a queen, delay queen cells and actively produce royal jelly. One family can lay from 9 to 100 queen cells at the same time (depending on the breed or race of bees and conditions). You can force worker bees to actively produce royal jelly by removing the queen and planting larvae in the colony to feed the new queen.

Safety rules when performing work

The answer to the question of how to get high-quality royal jelly from bees will be a recommendation to strictly observe certain sanitary and hygienic standards. First of all, cut or selected queen cells should be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator (+3°C) until they are removed and further used.

Important! At home, the ideal option would be to store royal jelly in the refrigerator and in natural packaging - without removing it from the mother liquor. Shelf life of mother liquors is one year.

If you just extract the milk from the mother liquor, it will lose all its miraculous qualities in two hours, so you need to know how to properly collect royal jelly.

For the safe extraction of pure raw materials from mother liquors, the following is required:

  • the presence of a separate prepared room (laboratory), where disinfection is carried out, bright sunlight is excluded, a stable temperature regime (+25 ... + 27 ° С) and high humidity are maintained;
  • availability of special tools and a refrigerator;
  • before starting work with raw materials - wipe your hands with alcohol (or disinfect in another way);
  • Sterilize tools and containers for storing products. Containers should be glass or aluminium. Plexiglas and plastic are contraindicated;
  • work with raw materials in sterile clothing and a 4-layer gauze bandage.
  • Important! It is advisable to avoid contact of royal jelly with air and bright sunlight as much as possible.

    Fundamentals of beekeeping, obtaining queen cells

    The best time for the extraction of royal jelly is the beginning of summer (the height of the bribe, enough bee bread, a lot of working young animals). To get more royal jelly, you need to select more queen cells.

    There are several traditional ways to form queen cells:

    • “quiet shift” (few queen cells);
    • swarming (there are many queen cells, but there is a danger that the bees will fly away);
    • "orphanhood" of the family (there are many mother cells).

    The third option for obtaining royal jelly is more preferable. When replanting the queens, one-day-old larvae (up to 60) can be planted in the family for feeding. After three days, the milk selection process begins.

    The most commonly used methods are:

    • Miller (since 1912). 4 triangles of foundation are fixed on the frame (not reaching 5 cm to the bottom bar), placed between two brood frames. The bees pull out the foundation, and the queen lays the larvae. The brood frame is removed, thinned out and placed in a strong queenless colony. The bees begin to pull the queen cells. After three days, it is already possible to collect royal jelly and put a new frame.
    • Alley (published as early as 1882): in cut strips of honeycombs with four-day-old larvae, cut them in half with a knife and expand the cells, thin out the larvae. The strips are glued with wax to the honeycomb. In the strongest family, the queen is taken in the morning, and the larvae are planted in the evening. Bees begin to rebuild queen cells;
    • more progressive and used method - transfer of larvae in wax bowls: it is better to make it yourself from light and pure wax in a water bath (temperature + 70 ° C). To do this, you need a template made of wood with a diameter of 8 - 10 cm. In advance (you can put it in the refrigerator for half an hour), cool the disk, then immerse it several times in liquid wax (the bottom should turn out to be more massive), then cool and, rotating, separate the bowl.

      The next step will be the transfer (grafting) of the larvae to the bowl with a spatula (the operation is very responsible and complicated - you need not damage the larva). After three days, you can take out the queen cells and substitute new bowls;

    • Jenter's way: plastic honeycombs are used, and the selection of raw materials occurs without the transfer of larvae. The plastic bottom plug with the larva is removed and attached to the frame in the hive (allows you to do without a spatula). A bribe from each such family (teacher) is 7-8 g of milk daily.
    • Did you know? In the 1980s, beekeeper Carl Jenter made a discovery that enabled millions of beekeepers around the world to extract royal jelly without transferring larvae. This discovery is considered the fourth most important in beekeeping (after the frame hive, honey extractor and honeycomb maker).

      How to get royal jelly and what you need for this

      Royal jelly is taken with a glass or plastic stick (you can remove it immediately, you can collect it 6-7 days after storage in the refrigerator - royal jelly will not suffer from the cold). All larvae are removed first. The raw material is placed in a refrigerator (where it can be stored for no more than 24 hours) in a special glass container made of brown opaque glass (preferably treated with wax from the inside) with an airtight twist.

      Did you know? In ancient Egypt, China and Rome, royal jelly was called the balm of life.

      For preservation, adsorbents are also used (glucose (1: 25), honey (1: 100), vodka (1: 20). But the medicinal properties are preserved worse. At home, adsorption and drying under vacuum is extremely difficult.

      Getting bee milk requires inventory: