Can viruses cause cancer? How viruses can cause cancer, what processes occur in the body, and what can be done about it

Some types of cancer are caused by viruses and bacteria. However, don't be scared. Most carriers of these viruses do not become victims of cancer, since only additional factors influence the biological changes that lead to a diagnosis of cancer.

The main causes of cancer are genetic changes in cells and chronic inflammation.

But you still need to know about infections that are indirectly or directly related to a serious diagnosis:

1. Human papillomavirus (HPV)

Most sexually active women are exposed to one or more strains of HPV. This infection, a sexually transmitted infection, increases the risk of developing cervical cancer. But only a small percentage of women who become infected with HPV are at risk of developing cancer. Not all strains of human papillomavirus increase the risk of disease; some cause genital warts, which are relatively harmless.

Scientists have developed two vaccines (Gardasil and Cervarix) to prevent HPV infection. To avoid becoming a victim of the virus, a woman of childbearing age should regularly visit a gynecologist and, upon his referral, undergo a colposcopy in order to promptly identify precancerous changes in the cervix. A disease detected at an early stage has a very high chance of cure.

2. Helicobacter Pylori

The spiral-shaped bacterium screws into the stomach lining and causes chronic inflammation or cellular proliferation, that is, uncontrolled tissue growth. Some people infected with this bacterium suffer stomach ulcers, and only 1-2% develop stomach cancer.

Patients with ulcers should be tested for Helicobacter Pylori and treated with antibiotics if the infection is active. To reduce your risk of developing cancer, stomach problems need to be identified and treated promptly.

3. Epstein-Barr virus

Infectious mononucleosis virus, which is accompanied by severe fatigue and other flu-like symptoms. The virus is linked to some types of cancer. One of them is brain lymphoma. However, the risk of encountering brain lymphoma is highest among people with symptoms of AIDS, as well as other diseases that significantly reduce immunity.

4. Hepatitis B virus

This virus is transmitted through contact with the organic fluids of an infected person. Chronic hepatitis B increases the risk of developing liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Most often, the virus is transmitted sexually, and other routes of transmission are considered unlikely. Symptoms of hepatitis B: headache, weakness, fever and chills. A rash appears on the skin, and later, in the icteric stage, jaundice appears.
A vaccine has been developed against hepatitis B; it is recommended for children under 18 years of age.

5. Hepatitis C virus

Hepatitis C is an infectious disease that affects the liver. Most often it leads to the development of cirrhosis, and a small percentage of patients experience liver cancer. There is no preventive vaccine against hepatitis C.

The hepatitis C virus is transmitted only through contact with blood. In most people, the virus destroys the liver asymptomatically, and can only be detected by biopsy in 85% of cases. Chronic infection, also leading to cirrhosis, is treated with long-term therapy.

So to the question: “Can you get cancer?” there's an answer. Yes, if you don’t take care of your health at all and don’t visit a doctor.

Since ancient times, people have become accustomed to the fact that almost all diseases are contagious, that is, they have their own pathogens that can be transmitted from one person to another through air, food or water. By analogy with other diseases, many began to attribute such properties to and. It seemed that such a formidable disease as cancer, which claims millions of lives across the planet, could not arise on its own. To resolve the question of whether cancer is contagious, let’s turn to official medicine for help and consider in more detail the mechanism of tumor development.

What is cancer and some myths about it

One of the most common myths about cancer is that cancer is a relatively new disease. This was considered so at the beginning of the 20th century. However, as medicine developed, it was revealed that tumor changes in the bones were observed in people as early as 5000-7000 BC. This is evidenced by data from archaeological excavations and the results of a number of analysis methods.

The origin of the term “cancer” has several hypotheses. According to one, it is believed that Hippocrates gave this name to the disease, drawing an analogy with the tenacity of the disease and the high mortality rate among those affected. According to another hypothesis, the term took root in the early 19th century, when tumor samples were studied under the first powerful microscopes. Some types of sarcomas in the form of preparations have the appearance of the claws of this crustacean.

Modern medicine claims that cancer is a polyetiological disease that has many causes and predisposing factors, but has one mechanism of development. The most reliable and significant predisposing factors include:

      • genetic factors, heredity,
      • chemical carcinogens,
      • physical impact (radiation, temperature, etc.),
      • chronic tissue trauma,
      • viruses,
      • excess weight.

Despite the reliability of these reasons, the key factor that leads to the degeneration of a cell from normal to malignant, capable of uncontrolled division, is still unclear.

In the middle of the last century, the so-called oncogenes were clearly defined. They turned out to be sections of human DNA that normally controlled tissue growth. Under unfavorable conditions for the cell, these genes became the starting point for the onset of carcinogenesis—the growth and development of a cancerous tumor.

History of the issue of viral etiology of cancer

The theory that cancer is a viral disease and can be contracted first appeared in the 30s. Shortly before this, in 1911, the American scientist Peyton Routh announced the viral nature of some sarcomas in chickens. American virologist J. Bishop added fuel to the fire. In 1979, he discovered the first cellular oncogene (scr). The structure of scr was similar to the chicken sarcoma gene, and its mutation led to the formation of a malignant tumor.

All this led to persistent rumors that cancer was a viral disease. And until now, every oncologist in his practice has at least once heard this question from the relatives of patients: is it possible to become infected from a cancer patient like a virus, is cancer contagious to others? Let's look at the problem in more detail.

Mechanisms of tumor development

To this day, it is not reliably known what the causes of cancer are. This is why medicine cannot prevent cancer. And that is why prejudices, myths and questions arise in society about whether cancer patients are contagious. All that remains for us is to diagnose the disease as early as possible and begin to fight it. There are several assumptions about why a malignant tumor occurs.

Cancer can be caused by spontaneous cell mutations, hereditary factors, chemical and radioactive exposure. Of the five existing theories of carcinogenesis (the theory that cancer develops from a single tumor cell), only one is viral. After much research in the 1940s. virologist Lev Zilber concluded that virus structures are present in tumors only at an early stage.

Thus, the virus, if involved in the pathological process, is indirect. Tumor cells multiply without the participation of the virus! According to statistics, among carriers of oncoviruses, cancer occurs in a maximum of 0.1%. For a person infected with a virus to develop cancer, too many factors must coincide.

Today, medicine knows about several types of viruses that are involved in 15% of all human tumors. HPV (human papillomavirus) is transmitted primarily through sexual contact, but contact transmission through microdamages of the skin and papillomas on the external genitalia is possible. The viruses that cause hepatitis B and C cause almost 80% of liver cancer cases. But not because cancer comes with a virus.

Chronic viral inflammation of the liver leads to the development of cirrhosis, which in turn disrupts normal cell growth. Epstein-Barr virus is transmitted through saliva. Almost all of us have this virus. The mechanism by which cancer may develop during this infection is poorly understood.

Also, human herpes virus type 8 is still poorly studied; it is most often associated with AIDS. With a severely weakened immune system, the body is unable to resist even a cold. Against this background, the appearance of cancer is not excluded. But this has nothing to do with the virus itself or AIDS. Human T-cell leukemia virus is a very rare virus that is transmitted from person to person through blood transfusion, sexual contact, or breastfeeding. Doctors have no doubt whether a cancer patient is contagious! Oncologists, nurses and other workers in oncology departments suffer from cancer no more often than other people. That is, they do not become infected from their patients.

Is cancer contagious to others: an oncologist’s answer and interesting experiences of doctors

The safety of communication with cancer patients is confirmed by experiments. At the beginning of the 19th century, French surgeon Jean Albert isolated an extract of a malignant breast tumor and injected it under the skin of himself and three volunteers. Acute inflammation was observed at the injection site, which disappeared within a few days. Later, Albert repeated the experiment - the result was the same.

Italian Carla Fonti conducted a similar experiment on herself in the mid-20th century. One of her patients suffered from breast cancer in an extremely advanced form. The tumor came out and the skin was covered with ulcers. Fonti transferred the discharge from these sores to her breasts. A few days later there were all the signs of cancer on the skin, but careful diagnosis and monitoring of the progress of the disease showed that this had nothing to do with oncology. Most likely, the inflammation was caused by bacteria from the ulcer surfaces.

And finally, today, scientists have received new confirmation of the impossibility of contracting cancer from humans. In 2007, the results of interesting observations were published in Sweden. Doctors analyzed 350 thousand blood transfusion procedures that were carried out in 1968-2002.

Later, 3% of donors were diagnosed with cancer, but none of the recipients had cancer. Thus, cancer is not transmitted through blood either. Let us note once again that cancer is not a viral disease and the question of whether cancer is contagious relates more to mythology than to medicine. Oncological disease develops in the body individually and does not enter the body through a virus or contact with patients.

Cancer is not transmitted from person to person, just as diabetes or hypertension is not transmitted.

Is cancer contagious or not: conclusions

Another important conclusion that arises after analyzing the above medical experiments is that the genetic component in the development of a malignant tumor has much greater weight than the viral or any other one. This means that the entry of any virus (associated with oncology) into the human body will play almost zero significance in the development of the disease, while an error in the genetic code is key.

In simple terms, most modern experts agree that a person’s genetic predisposition to the development of a particular tumor is more important than other reasons combined.

Thus, to the question of whether cancer is contagious, the oncologist’s answer is unequivocal - no. And the opposite opinion refers to cave superstitions and myths. This problem becomes especially relevant if we remember that a person with cancer is psychologically depressed and needs close communication with those around him and their support. Therefore, such myths will only harm the patient and his relatives.

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I still have questions

The older a person is, the more at risk they are of getting sick. Every year, more than 6.5 million cases of malignant neoplasms are registered worldwide. So it's no surprise that people are worried about finding out if cancer is contagious and how to avoid it.

According to the study, a sick person cannot infect others by airborne droplets, sexual contact, household contact, or blood. Such cases are simply not known to science. Doctors involved in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients do not use the same safety measures as when treating infectious diseases.

Foreign scientists were able to prove that cancer is not transmitted at the beginning of the 19th century. In particular, a surgeon from France, Jean Albert, injected himself and several volunteers subcutaneously with an extract of a malignant tumor. None of the participants in the bold experiment got sick. American scientists conducted a similar experiment in 1970. Research Institute employees Sloan-Keternig injected a culture of cancer cells under the skin of volunteers. None of the volunteers got sick.

Additional evidence that cancer is not transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person comes from research by Swedish scientists. In 2007, the results of studies on blood transfusions in the country during the period were published. According to the data, after blood transfusions, it turned out that some donors had cancer. The recipients who received blood transfusions did not get sick.

Rumors about the risk of contracting cancer

Some time ago, there was a widespread belief among ordinary people that it was possible to become infected with cancer because it was viral in nature. Panic sentiments prevailed among the population, but they turned out to be unfounded.

And the reason for this erroneous opinion was the publication of research results by scientists who discovered cancer viruses in some animals. Thus, the mammary cancer virus was transmitted when an adult mouse fed its young.

But such a virus was not found in humans during long-term studies. The fact is that there are biological differences between humans and animals, in addition, tumor diseases have different specificities among representatives of fauna and homo sapiens.

Is cancer inherited?

The question concerns a genetic predisposition to the development of cancer. Scientists have identified cases where cancer was transmitted at the gene level from generation to generation. In particular, we are talking about breast cancer. The probability that it will be passed on to descendants is 95% of cases.

As for cancer of the stomach or other organs, there is no data on their hereditary transmission. For the most part, doctors talk about a family predisposition to tumor diseases due to the weak immunity of relatives, and not to genetics.

Relatives of people diagnosed with cancer should lead a healthy lifestyle.

What viruses are transmitted and cause cancer?

A clear answer to the question of whether it is possible to contract cancer from a patient is the health of medical workers treating cancer patients. The history of medicine does not know a single case in which clinic staff or relatives providing care to a patient became infected with cancer.

Simple contacts and communication are not dangerous. But there are viruses that can be transmitted from person to person. Everything would not be so scary if these viruses did not provoke cancer, especially in people with reduced immunity.

For example, kissing a person who has stomach cancer is not advisable if you suffer from gastritis or ulcers. Scientists have revealed that the main provocateur of stomach tumors is the microbe Helicobacter pylori. It lives in the stomach of every person, whether he is sick or healthy. If a person has a healthy stomach, the bacterium will not harm him, but if there is a long inflammatory process (ulcer, gastritis), cancer may begin to develop in the affected area. Helicobacter is transmitted through saliva, which is important to consider for people with stomach problems.

Another example is hepatitis B and C viruses. They play a role in the occurrence of liver tumors. As a rule, liver cancer is a consequence of cirrhosis, which, in turn, is caused by hepatitis viruses. It can take a long time from the day you become infected with the hepatitis virus to the development of liver cancer. You can become infected with hepatitis through sexual contact through blood. Therefore, you need to be careful when treating wounds in patients with liver cancer if they have been diagnosed with hepatitis viruses.

Papillomas on the body are evidence of weakened immunity and the likelihood of an exacerbation of the human papillomavirus (HPV). According to medical statistics, every woman becomes infected with HPV after about 3 months from the start of sexual activity. It is this virus that is considered a provocateur of cervical cancer, but all women should not panic.

HPV only spreads actively if the immune system is compromised. Therefore, anyone who begins to develop papillomas on their body should consult a doctor. HPV is transmitted sexually, but can also be transmitted through contact through microdamage to the skin of the genital organs. By the way, a condom is not able to protect against HPV, since the virus penetrates through the pores of the rubber.

A little-known fact to many is that most of us were infected with the Epstein-Barr virus as children. 9 out of 10 people have it. The presence of the virus is asymptomatic; in rare situations, the virus manifests itself as mononucleosis (enlarged spleen, lymph nodes against the background of changes in blood composition).

If mononucleosis progresses to the chronic stage, the risk of tumors of the nasopharynx and lymph nodes increases. Considering that almost everyone has the virus, there is no need to be afraid of the fact that it is transmitted through saliva. But what you should be afraid of is the activity of the virus when immunity decreases.

What factors provoke a tumor?

The state of the environment affects the risk of getting sick. For example, entering an area with high radiation, working in a hazardous industry, staying in the sun for a long time or inhaling exhaust fumes provokes the development of thyroid cancer, leukemia, melanoma, etc.

Biological factors include exposure to the viruses listed above - HPV, hepatitis, Epstein-Barr, etc.

Unbalanced nutrition, unreasonable diets, as well as overeating - all this leads to metabolic disorders. And if you often consume carcinogenic aflatoxins (in peanuts, moldy foods, corn), water pollutants (arsenic), fast food, then the risk of developing a malignant tumor increases.

Excess weight affects the amount of estrogen in the body and other hormones, which can affect the development of cancer. Obesity does not provoke cancer, but it interferes with its diagnosis and treatment - a layer of fat reduces the effectiveness of the effect.

Smoking is a well-known and controversial factor that causes constant controversy. Scientists in countries are trying to find a relationship between smoking and stomach and lung cancer, but cannot provide scientific substantiation of the hypotheses. However, according to statistics, cancer is much more common among smokers.

What viruses cause cancer?

Information-wave theory of the occurrence of cancer

Wave radiation of human DNA and its internal organs, excluding individual organs included in the reproductive system, can have only two values: 1 and 2 MHz. At the same time, it is impossible to determine in advance what frequency a particular organ emits, since it depends on hereditary factors.

What types of cancer can viruses cause?

This type of cancer includes cancer of the lymph glands, which has 2 types. The first, lymphogranulomatosis or Hodgkin's disease, occurs in an aggressive form and in most cases ends very quickly in death. This disease is caused by an oncovirus. The second type of damage to the lymph glands is a sluggish disease of the hematopoietic system; it can last for decades; it is caused by an oncogenesis virus. A dependence on the frequency of DNA radiation also exists in men. In one case, the virus can cause prostate cancer in them, in another - “only” a sluggish violation of its function.


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Any form of Cancer can be cured!

According to experimental studies, a tumor develops under the influence of certain classes of viruses with horizontal transmission (through the lymphatic system).

The tumor may be caused by superinfection of certain RNA and DNA VIRUSES.

Tumors arise in the lymph nodes of organs as a result of their inflammation due to the penetration of Viruses. Inflammation of the lymph node prevents the outflow of waste fluid and dead cells. As a result, the process of decay begins in this lymph node. This process is comparable to the appearance of boils that appear on the body as a result of a violation of the outflow of lymph through the external (epithelial) lymph capillaries and lymph vessels. As a result, a certain external lymph node becomes clogged, an abscess appears, which matures over time and all the rot comes out.

My Grandmother, many years ago, told me that the CAUSE OF ANY CANCER DISEASE IS LYMPH. She called LYMPH "WHITE BLOOD". If you bring the LYMPH to a normal state, then any malignant tumor completely disappears. Unfortunately, chemotherapy, radiation, and ESPECIALLY SURGICAL INTERVENTION, further aggravate the condition of the LYMPH SYSTEM, which is already impaired in CANCER DISEASES.

TUMOR drug resistance is the most difficult problem of modern chemotherapy.

Among the reasons for tumor resistance are activation of the Multidrug Resistance Gene, insufficient supply of the drug into the cell, insufficient activation, increased inactivation, increased concentration of the binding enzyme, the emergence of alternative metabolic pathways, rapid recovery of TUMOR CELLS after damage, etc.

In modern medicine, the use of various NATURAL biologically active agents (interferon, interleukins, etc.) is intensifying. As well as immunomodulatory pharmacological drugs. This is a new promising area of ​​medicine, the development of which is closely related to the improvement of testing of immunological reactions in humans. The use of Bio and Herbal Medicine in the oncological practice of modern Medicine is just beginning.

At the same time, there are a number of medicinal herbs, COLLECTIONS from which, in a certain combination, quite effectively RESTORE THE MICROFLORA (living microorganisms) of the gastrointestinal tract, the same, in turn, effectively “resolve” the neoplasm (tumor), while simultaneously destroying the viruses that caused the formation of the tumor itself. Tumors. Influencing directly the neoplasm itself in any way is ineffective.

But these are not CELLS that provide IMMUNITY.


When the tumor is localized in the head of the pancreas, painless JAUNDICE with a positive COURVOISIER symptom may occur.

Treatment is surgical. The prognosis is bad.

Treatment is surgical. Hormone therapy is possible. Radiation therapy is ineffective.

CANCER OF THE ANTHRAL STOMACH is accompanied by a clinical picture of outlet stenosis.

BREAST CANCER develops against the background of mastopathy 11 times more often than in a normal gland.

CANCER OF THE NIPLE AND AREA (PAGET'S disease) is an eczematous lesion of the nipple that cannot be treated with conventional medications.

erysipelas-like cancer - occurs due to blockage of lymphatic drainage pathways. Also occur: Panzer CANCER, Ulcerative form, edematous.

Routes of METASTASIS: in regional lymph nodes (axillary, subclavian, parasternal, supraclavicular lymph nodes), in the bones of the spine, pelvis, lungs, less often in the liver.

Treatment of official medicine is surgical or combined (radiation, chemotherapy).

Five-year survival depends on early diagnosis and timely treatment.

LUNG CANCER - 98% of primary LUNG tumors are CANCER originating from the bronchial mucosa. Men get sick 8-10 times more often than women. LUNG CANCER METASTASIS along LYMPHATIC pathways: to the LYMPHATIC nodes of the root, trachea, mediastinum (bifurcation) and pleura. By hematogenous route (blood flow) to the bones, brain.

Cancer virus (oncovirus) - types and prevention

Viruses are microscopic organisms, most of which cannot be seen with a regular microscope. They contain a small amount of DNA or RNA genes surrounded by a protein capsule. The vital activity of viruses is aimed at penetrating living cells, where the infection multiplies. During the division process, some strains of viruses introduce their own DNA into the host cell, which can subsequently trigger the development of a cancerous process.

What is a cancer virus?

Cancer virus is a complex concept that includes:

  • Infections that directly cause cancer.
  • Viruses whose action is aimed at the development of chronic inflammatory processes.

Each oncovirus, as a rule, infects only a certain type of cell. Currently, in the scientific world, the amount of information about the role of viruses in the formation of tumor processes is increasing. Such knowledge helps scientists develop cancer vaccines. But, unfortunately, universal vaccination can prevent the formation of several types of neoplasms before the virus enters the body.

Oncoviruses and their classification

  • Human papillomaviruses:

Papillomavirus represents more than 150 related viruses. The name of the pathology is explained by the fact that most of them cause the formation of papillomas in humans. Some types of HPV affect only the skin, while others affect the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat or reproductive organs in women.

All types of papillomatous infection are transmitted through direct contact (touching). In more than 40 types of virus, infection occurs through sexual contact. Most of the world's inhabitants become infected with the papilloma virus during active sexual activity. A dozen strains of this infection can cause cancer.

In most people, the activation of viral damage is controlled by the immune system. And only with a decrease in the body’s nonspecific resistance is there a risk of developing a malignant neoplasm.

What viruses cause cervical cancer? For several decades, medical science has identified several types of papilloma viruses responsible for the occurrence of cervical tumors. For many years, special Pap tests have been used all over the world, which show precancerous changes in the cells of the cervix. Thanks to this testing, it is possible to prevent the development of cancer in women through the timely removal of modified tissues.

Human papillomavirus

The human papillomavirus also plays a role in the occurrence of certain types of cancer of the male genital organ, vulva, and anus.

This type of herpes virus is known to cause mononucleosis. The disease can be spread by coughing, sneezing or sharing cutlery.

Herpes viruses that cause cancer, after entering the body, remain in it for life. The infection is concentrated in white blood cells (B lymphocytes).

EBV infection of the body can lead to nasopharyngeal cancer, lymphomas and stomach cancer, as well as cause cancer of the lip and oral cavity.

These viral infections cause chronic destructive inflammation of the liver, which in the long term can undergo cancerous degeneration.

Hepatitis viruses are transmitted through needle sharing, sexual intercourse, or childbirth. Transmission of infection through blood transfusion is practically absent in modern medical practice due to testing of donor blood.

Hepatitis virus model

Of these two viruses, type B is most likely to cause clinical symptoms such as a flu-like state or signs of jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes). In almost all cases, hepatitis B is completely curable.

The greatest danger to humans is the hepatitis C virus, which causes chronic inflammation of the liver tissue without external manifestations. This disease is extremely difficult to treat and can remain asymptomatic for a long period. Chronic hepatitis C is considered a very serious risk factor for liver cancer.

After diagnosing the disease, the patient undergoes specific treatment in order to slow down the destructive processes in the liver and prevent the formation of a malignant neoplasm.

In medical practice, there is a vaccine to prevent viral hepatitis (type B only), which is recommended for all children and adults who are regularly exposed to the risk of infection.

HIV enters the body and causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, which does not directly cause cancer. But this disease increases the risk of cancer through a decrease in the body's resistance.

Routes of transmission of HIV infection:

  1. Unprotected sexual contact with an HIV-infected person.
  2. Carrying out injections or using instruments that have not been sufficiently sterilized.
  3. Prenatal (before birth) or perinatal (during childbirth) transmission of infection from mother to child.
  4. Breastfeeding of mothers living with HIV.
  5. Transfusion of blood products containing the virus.
  6. Organ transplantation from HIV-infected donors.
  7. Accidents in medical institutions associated with accidental injury from an instrument with a viral infection.

HIV infection most often provokes Kaposi's Sarcoma and uterine cancer, as well as some types of lymphoid tumors.

It is important to know:

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The information on the site is presented for informational purposes only! It is not recommended to use the described methods and recipes for treating cancer on your own and without consulting a doctor!

Cancer and viruses

Risks of cancer

Oncovirus (also oncogenic virus, tumor-producing virus) is a common name for all viruses that potentially lead to the development of cancer. In the past, a certain subgroup of retroviruses was also classified as oncoviruses, but at the moment this classification is outdated.

In the early 50s of the last century, with the development of oncology and virology, a systematic study of the role of viruses in the development of malignant tumors began. As a result of these studies, many viruses were discovered that can cause tumors in animals (Rouse sarcoma virus, Bittner mammary cancer virus, chicken leukemia virus, leukemia and sarcoma viruses in mice, Shoup's papilloma virus and others).

At the same time, these data, as applied to humans, for a very long time diverged from many years of experience in oncology, which did not show a connection between viruses and the development of cancer in the human body.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the theory of the infectious nature of malignant tumors was very popular and widespread. It stated that the main cause of cancer is various bacteria and viruses. In some studies of that time, such a connection was proven and a Nobel Prize was awarded for one of these works.

With the development of medical science, research theory and statistics, the infectious theory of cancer was subsequently rejected and forgotten.

The role of viruses is currently being studied.

These microscopic objects are often detected in the body of cancer patients, but the oncogenicity (the ability to cause malignant tumors) of most of them has not been confirmed.

Only a few viruses have been linked to cancer development.

A connection has been established between the incidence of cervical cancer and the infection of women with the human papillomavirus (HPV), especially viruses of types 16 and 18. It has been proven that in the group of people who are carriers of HPV types 16 and 18, the risk of developing cervical cancer increases many times over. Prostitutes and women with a large number of sexual partners are especially at risk. The role of HPV is so great that this infection is currently recognized as one of the main causes of cervical cancer. The study of HPV and advances in molecular biology and genetics made it possible to create a vaccine against virus types 16 and 18. It is supposed to vaccinate girls before the onset of sexual activity, and great hopes are pinned on the use of this drug to reduce the incidence of cervical cancer, especially since it has increased significantly in recent years.

A connection has been established between the development of rare aggressive forms of leukemia (so-called leukemia) in young people with the HTLV-1 virus. The disease has an unusual geographic distribution and is concentrated in the Caribbean, Japan. There is evidence linking infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) with an increased risk of developing Kaposi's sarcoma and some lymphomas (malignant tumors of lymphatic tissue).

A connection has been established between infection with chronic hepatitis B and C and the development of primary liver cancer (that is, cancer growing from the liver cells themselves - hepatocytes). Chronic viral hepatitis occurs over a long period of time, constantly causing damage to liver tissue. As a result, liver cells undergo restructuring with the formation of cirrhosis, a severe chronic disease. This greatly increases the risk of developing liver cancer. Many researchers consider the chain “chronic hepatitis B, C – viral cirrhosis of the liver – liver cancer” to be successive steps of one process, flowing into one another. Prevention of infection with these viruses, timely and modern antiviral treatment of chronic hepatitis B and C can reduce the risk of developing viral cirrhosis and liver cancer. Vaccination against hepatitis B also has a preventive effect. There is currently no vaccine against hepatitis C.

In recent years, the significance of Epstein-Barr virus infection in the development of malignant tumors has been intensively studied. It has been established that this virus has oncogenic properties and plays a certain role in the development of certain forms of lymphomas (non-Hodgkin's, Burkitt's lymphoma), nasopharyngeal carcinoma. There is a connection between an increase in the titer of antibodies to the Epstein-Barr virus in human blood several years before the development of lymphogranulomatosis (Hodgkin's disease).

Thus, the long history of oncology and the achievements of modern virology and epidemiology have not confirmed the theory of the occurrence of malignant tumors solely due to viruses.

However, some of them can actually contribute to the development of cancer. Research into this contribution of viruses is being actively studied, and methods are being developed to prevent and treat malignancies through the prevention and treatment of viral infections.

Retroviruses are fundamentally different from the viruses mentioned earlier in their ability to transfer genetic information not only horizontally, but also vertically.

Horizontal transfer is a normal process of viral infection in which the number of affected cells increases in a single host. Vertical transfer is associated with the integration of the virus into germ cells as an endogenous provirus. It is inherited according to Mendel's laws. The life cycle of the virus is carried out using reverse transcription: RNA-ssDNA-dsDNA - integration into the genome - infectious RNA.

Integration into the genome leads to vertical transmission of the provirus. Expression of a provirus can generate retroviral particles that transmit genetic information horizontally.

Based on their ability to cause cancer, tumor retroviruses are divided into two large groups:

1. Non-defective viruses that have a life cycle typical of retroviruses. They have a long latent period and are often associated with the occurrence of leukemia. There are two classical models: FeLV (Feline leukemia virus) and MMTV (mouse mammary tumor virus). Tumor formation is not associated with specific viral software, but with the ability of the virus to activate cellular software.

2. Rapidly transforming viruses transmit genetic information new to the cell in the form of software. If the virus does not contain an oncogene, then the virus is not dangerous. The software becomes the original cellular genome. Rapidly transforming viruses rapidly cause cancer and can transform cells in vitro.

A retrovirus hijacks a cell gene by exchanging its own sequence for the cell's. This viral transduction has two very important properties:

1. Such a virus containing a cellular gene usually cannot replicate itself, since viral genes do not need exchange with the cellular gene for reproduction. All such viruses are defective, but they can infect using a “helper,” a wild-type virus that provides functions lost during recombination.

2. During infection, the transducing virus carries cellular genes that it receives as a result of recombinant events and their expression can damage the phenotype of the infected cell. A virus that carries information about cell growth has an advantage in the future cycle of infection. After a virus captures a cellular gene, a mutation may occur in it and its effect on the cell’s phenotype will increase.

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How is cancer transmitted? First symptoms of cancer

Since the isolation of the virus that causes cancer, the disease has been thought to be contagious, leading to illogical questions such as whether cancer is transmitted through saliva. Over time, the mechanism of action on the cell was revealed, and the theory about the contagiousness of the disease was refuted.

The symptoms of cancer are clearly spontaneous in nature, but usually appear in the last stages of the disease, when the disease is practically invincible. To exclude the possibility of developing a cancerous tumor in your body, undergo regular medical examinations, and do not ignore your health.

Common signs of cancer

A cancerous tumor causes cells to release toxins that negatively affect the entire body, causing the manifestation of certain symptoms. The first symptoms of cancer in men, women and children are different, but have common features:

  1. During long-term treatment of diseases, problems in the fight against which have not previously arisen, it is worth thinking about the possibility of cancer. Symptoms that are not characteristic of a particular disease, or the lack of results from traditional treatment, are reasons to consult a doctor.
  2. Exposure to stress, decreased immunity, sudden weight loss – such seemingly insignificant symptoms may indirectly indicate the development of a tumor. They are common to any type of cancer. Losing weight by just 5-7 kg is a good reason to pay attention to your health.
  3. If you detect any tumor, tissue deformation, growths, or asymmetry of body parts, immediately consult an oncologist. Such neoplasms must be examined to exclude the development of oncology.
  4. Increased body temperature for no apparent reason. Fever and regular chills without other symptoms confirming the development of infectious diseases are often a sign of the presence of a tumor.
  5. Changes in the skin in the form of pale or blue discoloration, itching, irritation, and dryness may indicate damage to internal organs by cancer. All of these are also possible first symptoms of cancer.
  6. Particular attention should be paid to moles. Changing their shape, size, color and especially quantity is a reason to pay attention.
  7. Regular intestinal disorders, pain when urinating, the presence of blood in stool or urine should ring a bell when diagnosing cancer.
  8. Regular headaches, dizziness, a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure are also reasons to seek help from a specialist.
  9. Anemia. If the functioning of the affected organs is disrupted, the process of red blood cell production slows down, which affects the hemoglobin content in the blood. Diagnosis is possible in the laboratory using a general blood test, and the external manifestation is pale skin and hair loss.

The general symptoms described above often accompany other diseases and should not be ignored in any case. There are also more specific signs of oncology, each type of cancer has its own.

Cancer detection methods

A person who does not have the symptoms described above cannot consider himself 100% healthy. Only regular professional examinations, a series of tests and studies can completely eliminate the development of cancer cells in the body. To understand how cancer is transmitted, scientists have conducted more than one study. And we can definitely say that in order to detect cancer at an early stage, it is necessary to take the following actions:

  • donate blood for general analysis and biochemistry;
  • undergo fluorography;
  • do an ECG;
  • do a computed tomography scan;
  • do a magnetic resonance imaging scan.

Common types of cancer in women

Cancers that progress exclusively in women are becoming increasingly common: breast and cervical cancer. Additional research is required to verify:

All the studies described are superficial and do not provide complete confidence in the absence of the disease. You can get more complete information about your predisposition to developing cancer by donating blood to identify tumor markers: alpha-fetoprotein, carcinoembryonic antigen, CA-125, CA-15-3, CA-19-9, CA-242, prostate-specific antigen. The presence of one or more markers indicates the development of a tumor.

How cancer is transmitted: external and internal factors

During the development of oncology, a tumor forms in the human body, which can be benign or malignant. In most cases, a benign tumor is removed and no longer bothers you; a malignant tumor has to be fought for years, but in some cases it cannot be defeated.

The emergence of one of the most complex diseases of the 21st century is due to the influence of internal and external factors.

External factors

  • Radiation.
  • Ultraviolet radiation.
  • Carcinogens.
  • Some viruses.
  • Tobacco smoke.
  • Air pollution.

Under the influence of external factors, mutation of the cells of the affected organ occurs. Cells begin to divide at high speed, and a tumor appears.

Intrinsic factors in the development of cancer

The influence of internal factors is understood as heredity. Predisposition to cancer is due to a decrease in the body’s ability to restore the affected DNA chain, that is, immunity to cancer is reduced, as a result of which the susceptibility to cancer increases.

Until now, scientists around the world are arguing about the causes and methods of transmission of cancer cells. At this stage of research, it was revealed that the affected cell appears as a result of genetic mutations. Throughout life, such cells mutate under the influence of external factors.

Due to the lack of methods for influencing the mutation, methods for predicting the development of cancer cells have not been determined, so modern treatment of cancer only allows one to influence the result, suppressing tumor growth through chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Types of cancer that are caused by hereditary factors

In some cases, cancer is inherited, but you need to understand that this is a very small probability. Doctors named the types of oncologies that are most often inherited:

  • Breast cancer. With an inherited mutation of certain genes, the likelihood of developing breast cancer increases to 95%. Having this type of cancer in close relatives doubles the risk.
  • Ovarian cancer. The occurrence of a malignant tumor on the ovaries doubles if close relatives have this disease.
  • Lungs' cancer. Has a family tendency. A sharp development is provoked by smoking. Therefore, answering the question of whether cancer is inherited from the father, it can be argued that if a person gives up smoking, then negative consequences can be avoided.
  • Stomach cancer. 15% of those suffering from this type of cancer have close relatives with the same diagnosis. Stomach ulcers, pancreatitis and other types of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract provoke the development of cancer cells.

The most common causes of cancer

If you are wondering how cancer is transmitted, then you don’t have to worry, because doctors have proven that 90% of oncology is associated with exposure to external factors:

  • Smoking. 30% of cases are caused by smoking.
  • Poor nutrition. 35% of patients had digestive problems due to poor nutrition.
  • Infections. 14% of patients became ill as a result of a serious infectious disease.
  • Impact of carcinogens on the body. Accounts for 5% of all cases.
  • Ionization and ultraviolet radiation. 6% of patients were exposed to regular radiation.
  • Alcohol. 2% of patients had alcohol dependence.
  • Polluted environment. 1% of cases occur in regions with severe air pollution from heavy chemicals.
  • Inactive lifestyle. 4% of patients lead a sedentary lifestyle.

What conclusions can be drawn?

There is one question about cancer that can be answered unequivocally. Is it possible to become infected with oncology through airborne droplets? Of course not. Yes, cancer is a virus, but it is formed inside the human body, and does not come from outside. And yet, how is cancer transmitted? It is impossible to become infected with cancer by any known route. Cell mutations are transmitted exclusively at the gene level. In addition, a person susceptible to such a terrible disease as cancer needs support, communication and care, and not isolation and contempt. No one is immune, there is no vaccine against cancer, and the only thing a person can do is lead a healthy lifestyle.

Many people are also concerned about how blood cancer is transmitted. The answer is clear - it is not transmitted through blood! Once in the body of a healthy person, the affected cells will simply leave the body after some time without causing any harm.

Doctors and scientists around the world do not stop working on methods for diagnosing and treating cancer. The time is not far off when it will be possible to find out about your health status from an instant blood test. Until this time comes, it is important to be attentive to your health, listen and hear your body, because in some cases cancer is inherited. Timely contact with specialists will help save your life and protect your loved ones from losing loved ones.

It doesn’t matter which cells to parasitize on, healthy or sick; it’s easier to parasitize cancerous ones, given their rapid growth.

And this idea is not new, it all started in 1911. a patient with advanced stomach cancer was bitten by a rabid dog, after which he was given Pasteur vaccinations with a live attenuated vaccine, and a miracle happened, the patient began to recover.

Throughout the world, studies are repeatedly conducted on the effect of viruses on the course of cancer and studies of the tropism of oncolytic viruses and their oncolysate, that is, the decay product of a cancer cell killed by the virus.

In our country, attempts to treat cancer with VIRUSES were carried outemployees of the Institute of Poliomyelitis in Moscow, now named after Chumakov, who put forward this idea in 60. Currently, only one country in the world, CHINA, officially provides treatment with oncolytic viruses.
In Latvia, LEVs are produced based on the culture of enteroviruses RIG VIR. This vaccine is based on the old anti-polio vaccine of the Sabin strain (the American virologist who provided the virus strain in the USSR)

British scientists have invented a new way to fight cancer. It turns out that a dangerous disease can be treated using a modified herpes virus.
Researchers have modified herpes so that it can only reproduce inside cancer cells. Having multiplied, the viruses kill cancer cells without affecting healthy ones, and stimulate the immune system with the help of protein.
The results of experimental treatment showed that in combination with traditional types of therapy, the herpes virus copes with malignant tumors much more effectively. A new method of combating head and neck cancer was tested on 17 patients in a London hospital.
During the experiment, the herpes virus was injected into patients' lymph nodes affected by cancer. Then the experiment participants underwent radiotherapy and chemotherapy. After surgical removal of the tumor, 93% were found to have no traces of cancer. Only two experienced a relapse.
According to the leader of the research team, Dr. Kevin Harrington, who works at the Institute of Cancer Research in London, existing treatments are effective only if the cancer is diagnosed early, but for many the disease is detected at a late stage. "Between 35% and 55% of patients receiving standard treatment with chemotherapy and radiotherapy develop cancer again within two years, so our results are very encouraging," he adds.
The use of herpes turned out to be safe, the side effects from the new type of therapy are minor, and they arise mainly due to radiation and medication. Therefore, scientists hope to use this method in the future to treat other types of cancer, such as skin cancer.
Let us remember that recently scientists also found that every 30th case of a tumor is associated with chronic alcoholism. Abuse of not only vodka or liquor, but also beer can lead to an incurable disease and a sad outcome.
According to experts, if you drink 50 g of pure alcohol (half a liter of wine) daily, the risk of developing malignant tumors in the mouth, throat and esophagus increases threefold. If a person consumes more than 80 g of alcohol daily, then this figure reaches 18, and with a combination of such bad habits as addiction to strong drinks and cigarettes, the risk of dying from cancer increases even 44 times.
British doctors used a genetically engineered herpes virus to successfully treat patients with neck and head cancer. It turned out that herpes kills tumors much more effectively than standard medications.
Using the herpes virus in combination with chemotherapy and radiation has saved the lives of several British people suffering from advanced neck and head cancer. Scientists have modified a regular virus so that it reproduces itself only in cancer cells, without affecting healthy ones.

The virus spreads inside the tumor, and then seems to explode it from the inside. In addition, it also helps stimulate the human immune system. It is noteworthy that the patient does not become infected with herpes itself.

Study author Dr. Kevin Harrington said: "The virus has been genetically modified to pose no threat to the patient's health. We have removed the genes that in a normal herpes virus help it hide in the body in order to manifest itself after a while."

Every year, several tens of thousands of people in Russia fall ill with tumors of the neck and head (this includes cancer of the mouth, tongue and throat). Approximately 35-55% of patients treated with standard chemotherapy and radiation experience relapse within two years.
Dr. Harrington stresses that he has only conducted a small clinical study, so it is too early to draw broader conclusions. But the data obtained is already encouraging. More large-scale testing of the methods is ahead.

The vaccine, which was originally developed against herpes, helped a patient recover from skin cancer during trials.

The results of the first trials stunned us; we were developing a vaccine for one disease, and as a result we received a cure for cancer. It all happened completely by chance; in the group of volunteers there was one person with an initial form of melanoma. A week after vaccination, his altered skin began to return to normal, and after another 10 days the tissue was completely restored, says Mark Lloyd, head of the research group (Ottawa, Canada).

The vaccine did not show good results for the prevention of herpes, but now scientists are no longer upset about this. The fact is that skin cancer has become increasingly common in recent years; in 2009 alone, it was diagnosed in five thousand people and caused the death of 942 patients.

Skin cancer is much more dangerous in its consequences for humans, so we are very pleased with the results obtained. Immediately after curing one volunteer, we recruited a group of twelve people who had melanoma in various stages. After one month, 8 people from the group were completely cured, and four experienced stable remission. The principle of action of the drug is based on the activation of the immune system, added Mark Lloyd.

Currently, scientists are preparing to conduct another trial, which will involve 430 people.
Employees of the Royal Marsden Hospital in London (UK) used a genetically modified herpes virus to treat patients with cancerous tumors on the head and neck.
The results of experimental treatment showed that in combination with traditional types of therapy, the herpes virus copes with cancer tumors much more effectively.

During the experiment, the GM herpes virus was injected into 17 patients into the lymph nodes affected by cancer. Participants then underwent radiotherapy and chemotherapy. After subjects had their tumors surgically removed, 93% found no trace of cancer. Only two had a recurrence of cancer a couple of years after treatment with the herpes virus. It is also important that the side effects from the new type of therapy were either mild or moderate, and arose mainly due to radiation and medication.

The herpes virus has been modified so that it can only replicate inside cancer cells. Having multiplied, the viruses “explode”, killing cancer cells, and stimulate the immune system with the help of protein. According to study leader Dr. Kevin Harrington, the transgenic virus is not capable of causing herpes fever because the genes that allow it to “hide” in the body have been removed.

Tumors of the head and neck, including cancers of the mouth, tongue and throat, affect around 8,000 people every year in the UK alone. In the United States, 39 thousand people fall ill with these types of cancer every year, reports. Malignant neoplasms of the head and neck account for 2.1% of all cancer deaths. It is known that smoking and chewing tobacco are responsible for 85% of cases of cancer of this type.
At the Royal Marsden Hospital Cancer Center in London, a genetically modified herpes virus has been successfully used to treat neck and head cancers
According to doctors, when using this method of treatment, 15 out of 17 patients showed no traces of metastases after surgery, and 14 people remained completely healthy after more than 2 years, when with the previous method, almost half of them would have gotten sick again.

As UNIAN reports, the modified virus has a triple effect: it infects cancer cells, activates the patient’s immune system and produces special proteins that “attract” immune antibodies. The virus is “programmed” in such a way that it infects only malignantly mutated cells, bypassing healthy ones.

The good result gives hope that the modified herpes virus can subsequently be used to fight other types of cancer, including skin cancer.

Like any new method, the use of the herpes virus needs longer trials and direct comparison with conventional treatments. However, experts are rather optimistic. “This small study demonstrates the potential of using genetically modified viruses as a weapon against cancer,” said a senior researcher at Cancer Research UK.
Eight thousand people in the UK are diagnosed with a brain or neck tumor (including cancer of the mouth, tongue and throat) every year. English doctors and scientists have been looking for ways to combat this dangerous disease for several years, and it seems that they have now found a way to resist it, reports the BBC.
British doctors began to use the herpes virus to treat cancer patients, implanting it at the level of genetic engineering - the first experiments turned out to be quite successful. Experiments carried out among 17 patients at a London hospital showed that using the virus along with chemotherapy and radiation therapy helped destroy the tumor in most patients.
“13% of patients who received the virus in large quantities experienced a relapse of the disease. Over two years of treatment, 82% of patients did not develop a tumor,” writes the American journal Clinical Cancer Research.
The innovative technology works as follows: the herpes virus enters cancer cells and kills from the inside, also increasing the level of the patient's immune system.
The head of the research team, Dr Kevin Harrington, who conducted the experiments at the Institute of Cancer Research in London, said that current treatment would be more effective if the cancer was detected at an early stage. However, many patients go to the hospital when the tumor has already progressed.
The herpes virus has also been successfully tested on patients with skin cancer. A genetically modified virus is implanted inside tumor cells, where it grows without affecting the healthy epidermis.
Genetic scientists hope that the herpes virus can soon be used to fight other types of cancer. Further research is planned for later this year.

Any form of Cancer can be cured!

Oncological diseases do not have specific signs, that is, those by which this diagnosis could be made with 100% accuracy. This is also the problem of identifying, and therefore treating, cancer. At the same time, almost throughout the world the term “CANCER” means any malignant tumor, regardless of its tissue origin. In fact, cancer is a malignant tumor of the epithelium. A benign tumor of the epithelium is called Papilloma. Typically, the tumor grows gradually; it can increase over several years or even decades. Therefore, a person does not notice any special symptoms. The tumor does not bother the patient for a long time; he does not even suspect its existence. But at some point, increased fatigue, weakness, decreased performance, and fatigue appear. Distortion of taste sensations, loss of appetite, lack of pleasure from previously favorite food may occur, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and various dyspeptic disorders may occur.

TUMOR GROWTH is caused by various etiological agents (VIRUSES).

According to experimental studies, a tumor develops under the influence of certain classes of viruses with horizontal transmission (through the lymphatic system).

The tumor may be caused by superinfection of certain RNA and DNA VIRUSES.

Tumors can be benign or malignant. But since the main cause of CANCER is VIRUSES, CANCER must also be treated as a Systemic Viral Disease. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that not a single VIRAL DISEASE, be it Hepatitis, HIV, etc. It is not possible to cure with the help of chemicals, therefore modern medicine is not able to treat CANCER DISEASES, since the body itself (lymphatic system) and immune cells resist the penetration of chemicals at the cellular level.

Tumors arise in the lymph nodes of organs as a result of their inflammation due to the penetration of Viruses. Inflammation of the lymph node prevents the outflow of waste fluid and dead cells. As a result, the process of decay begins in this lymph node. This process is comparable to the appearance of boils that appear on the body as a result of a violation of the outflow of lymph through the external (epithelial) lymph capillaries and lymph vessels. As a result, a certain external lymph node becomes clogged, an abscess appears, which matures over time and all the rot comes out.

In the case when such a “boil” appears inside the body, the process of decay intensifies, worsens and is accompanied by the movement of putrefactive substances through the lymph system (metastasis) of CANCER.
At the same time, part of the rot enters the blood and poisons all organs without exception...Thereby causing a general weakening of the body...

My Grandmother, many years ago, told me that the CAUSE OF ANY CANCER DISEASE IS LYMPH... She called LYMPH "WHITE BLOOD Y". If you bring the LYMPH to a normal state, then any malignant tumor completely disappears. Unfortunately, chemotherapy, radiation, and ESPECIALLY SURGICAL INTERVENTION, further aggravate the condition of the LYMPH SYSTEM, which is already impaired in CANCER DISEASES...

TUMOR drug resistance is the most difficult problem of modern chemotherapy.

Among the reasons for tumor resistance are activation of the Multidrug Resistance Gene, insufficient supply of the drug into the cell, insufficient activation, increased inactivation, increased concentration of the binding enzyme, the emergence of alternative metabolic pathways, rapid recovery of TUMOR CELLS after damage, etc.

The introduction of maximum therapeutic doses of drugs involves the development of side effects of varying degrees.

They can be observed directly (nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions, etc.), in the short term (leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, diarrhea, stomatitis, etc.) or in the long term as a result of long-term use of drugs (petroleum, cardio, neuro -, ototoxicity, etc.).

In modern medicine, the use of various NATURAL biologically active agents (interferon, interleukins, etc.) is intensifying. As well as immunomodulatory pharmacological drugs. This is a new promising area of ​​medicine, the development of which is closely related to the improvement of testing of immunological reactions in humans. The use of Bio and Herbal Medicine in the oncological practice of modern Medicine is just beginning.


At the same time, there are a number of medicinal herbs, CHARGES from which, with a certain combination, quite effectively RESTORE THE MICROFLORA (living microorganisms) of the gastrointestinal tract, which in turn effectively “resolve” the neoplasm (tumor), while simultaneously destroying the viruses that caused the formation of the Tumor itself... The impact directly on the neoplasm itself, no matter how Either way is ineffective.

Only with the help of internal MICROORGANISMS can one cope with ANY “INCUREABLE” DISEASE. The body only needs to be helped by enhancing the reproduction of its own “DEFENDERS” that live in the body of every Person!
But these are not CELLS that provide IMMUNITY!!!

Chemicals are aimed at destroying any microorganisms. Therefore, they are practically ineffective in the treatment of indolent, chronic diseases...

When the tumor is localized in the head of the pancreas, painless JAUNDICE with a positive COURVOISIER symptom may occur.
Treatment is surgical. The prognosis is bad.

PROSTATE CANCER is a hormone-dependent malignant tumor. For a long time it is asymptomatic and metastasizes mainly to the bones.
Treatment is surgical. Hormone therapy is possible. Radiation therapy is ineffective.

I think there is no point in talking about RADICAL (surgical) “treatment”... Everyone knows what hormone therapy leads to... As for Treatment with Herbal Mixes, this is the most effective way to completely cure a DISEASE...

STOMACH CANCER is a malignant tumor arising from the mucous membrane. Accounts for 40% of all human malignant tumors. Causes: Achilles gastritis, peptic ulcer, giant hypertrophic gastritis (MENETRIER's disease), gastric polyposis.
CANCER OF THE ANTHRAL STOMACH is accompanied by a clinical picture of outlet stenosis.

BREAST CANCER develops against the background of mastopathy 11 times more often than in a normal gland.

CANCER OF THE NIPLE AND AREA (PAGET'S disease) is an eczematous lesion of the nipple that cannot be treated with conventional medications.

erysipelas-like cancer - occurs due to blockage of lymphatic drainage pathways. Also occur: Panzer CANCER, Ulcerative form, edematous.
Routes of METASTASIS: in regional lymph nodes (axillary, subclavian, parasternal, supraclavicular lymph nodes), in the bones of the spine, pelvis, lungs, less often in the liver.
Treatment of official medicine is surgical or combined (radiation, chemotherapy).
Five-year survival depends on early diagnosis and timely treatment.

LUNG CANCER - 98% of primary LUNG tumors are CANCER originating from the bronchial mucosa. Men get sick 8-10 times more often than women. LUNG CANCER METASTASIS along LYMPHATIC pathways: to the LYMPHATIC nodes of the root, trachea, mediastinum (bifurcation) and pleura. By hematogenous route (blood flow) to the bones, brain.