Is it possible to eat a lot of watermelon when you are losing weight? Is it possible or not to eat watermelon in the evening when losing weight?

Watermelon has been the favorite berry of many since childhood. But this is not only a very tasty product, but also a whole storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It is also useful for those who want to get rid of a few unnecessary kilograms. What are the benefits of striped berries and how can you lose weight with it?

Many are looking forward to the coming of summer, the time when delicious and sweet watermelons will appear on the shelves. Children perceive this product as a delicacy; for the fair sex, it is an opportunity to lose excess weight without harming their health.

But this is not only a delicacy that can get rid of extra pounds, it also improves the health of the body. We suggest below to learn about the properties, calorie content and consumption rate of watermelon.

The benefits of watermelon

If the berry is chosen correctly and grown without adding nitrates, then you can be sure that this delicacy will bring great benefits to the body. The pulp contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that can provide the human body with its daily requirement.

This is not only delicious food, but also improves the health of the body and saturates it with necessary components. What are the benefits of delicious berries:

  1. The main benefit of watermelon is its taste. A tasty berry can relieve depression and lift your spirits;
  2. Eating the pulp will strengthen the immune system and improve vision;
  3. Strengthens the functioning of the nervous system;
  4. Improves intestinal function;
  5. Stabilizes blood pressure, has the ability to constrict and dilate blood vessels;
  6. It is an excellent prevention of anemia and atherosclerosis;
  7. The choleretic and diuretic qualities of the berry are considered the most valuable. Thanks to its diuretic properties, watermelon can relieve swelling.

Like any other product, striped berry has not only positive qualities, but also contraindications. What harm can a watermelon cause?

Harm of watermelon

Due to human intervention in the berry ripening process, its benefits are beginning to be questioned. In order for the berry to gain more mass as quickly as possible, it is pumped with nitrates.

Nitrates accumulate in the pulp. They are not dangerous in themselves, but when they enter the gastrointestinal tract, they turn into nitrites. And these elements can cause cancer.

Nitrites disrupt blood transport, resulting in hypoxia and a lack of oxygen in the tissues.

Watermelon is not allowed:

  1. People with kidney disease;
  2. When diagnosing kidney stones. The diuretic effect of the pulp can start the movement of stones;
  3. People with diabetes;
  4. For diseases of the pancreas and prostate gland.

Calorie content of fresh watermelon per 100 grams and 1 kg

Watermelon diets are very famous. They help not only to lose extra pounds, but also to cleanse the body of harmful toxins and accumulated toxins. This is the most delicious and low-calorie product. 100 grams of watermelon contain only 38 calories. You can safely eat it without fear of gaining weight.

Calorie table:

The norm for watermelon consumption on a diet

Doctors recommend eating no more than 2 kilograms of watermelon pulp per day. In addition, some experts do not recommend spending many days on a watermelon diet. The best thing is to arrange fasting days. A fasting day will help you lose about 1 kilogram of excess weight. There are several options for fasting days on watermelon:

  1. You can limit yourself to eating 1.5 kg of pulp per day, divided into five to six meals. If you feel very hungry, you can eat some rye crackers. Be sure to include drinking clean water or herbal tea in your daily diet;
  2. You can use the option of eating 2 kg of watermelon per day and two slices of rye bread. We must not forget about the mandatory consumption of water;

Eating more than two kilograms of pulp per day will place a very heavy burden on the kidneys. This can cause swelling, so exceeding the norm is not recommended.

How much watermelon can you eat in the evening/at night when losing weight?

Watermelon at night is not only not harmful, but even beneficial. Its properties improve intestinal function. It is at night that toxins are removed from the body, and this is difficult if there is not enough fluid in the body. Therefore, eating pulp at night will be useful not only for weight loss, but also for health.

Many experts say that it is best to consume berries an hour before bedtime. And limit yourself in volumes. It is advisable to eat no more than two slices.

A large amount of pulp can lead to swelling in the morning.

Is watermelon so harmless for those losing weight?

Watermelon diets, due to their diuretic and cleansing properties, can lead to rapid weight loss. Gynecologists believe that sudden weight loss is harmful to the body. Optimal weight loss should be 2 kilograms per month.

In addition, monogamous diets are not beneficial for the body. For example, with a watermelon fasting day, a woman receives only 3 grams of fat. This is a very low rate, which will negatively affect estrogen production. Prolonged mono-diets can lead to menstrual irregularities.

Watermelons are very useful not only for maintaining and strengthening health, but also for losing excess weight. Proper consumption of this delicious berry will lift your spirits and cleanse your body!

And about the beneficial properties of watermelon - additional information in the next video.

Slimness, every girl, young woman, woman dreams of it. What methods does the fair sex try in pursuit of the desired result? But grueling diets, even if they give results, are only temporary. And only a few can withstand them. So what should we do?

Eat watermelon. Yes, yes, this particular berry will help you get in shape and get rid of unwanted pounds. In addition, it is very tasty and healthy.

This article will tell you in detail how to use stripes correctly when losing weight.

Useful properties of watermelon

The largest berry in the world, the appearance of which is eagerly awaited by both children and adults. Everyone likes its refreshing taste and melt-in-the-mouth pulp. And the medicinal properties contained in it make it a valuable product for human nutrition.

Nutritional value per 100 g of berries:

  • and organic acids 0.1 g each;
  • dietary fiber - 0.4 g;
  • - 0.6 g;
  • - 5.8 g;
  • water - 92.6 g.

The main benefit is the following effect on the body:

  • support of the circulatory system;
  • help with chronic fatigue and insomnia;
  • stabilization of digestive processes;
  • preventing the formation of kidney stones;
  • supporting normal muscle function;
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • diuretic effect;
  • improvement of skin condition;

Watermelon is also very useful for pregnant women, because it is a source of folic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the development of the child. However, it is not recommended to consume this berry in large quantities, as the berry can cause discomfort and flatulence.

It is also useful for nursing women to eat watermelon, it helps increase milk volume. In addition, “minke” is a tasty, healthy and natural antidepressant.

Calorie content

The striped berry contains fructose, which practically does not cause the production of insulin, which promotes the conversion of consumed carbohydrates into adipose tissue.

This feature of watermelon, combined with the fact that it has a high water content, makes the berry a product with an extremely low calorie content.

But the calorie content of watermelon fluctuates. Depending on the size of the berries, as well as how sweet they are, the calorie content will be higher.

On average, per 100 g of watermelon there are:

  • fresh berries - 25-30 calories;
  • canned - 37-38 calories;
  • watermelon juice - 38 calories.


Carbohydrates are a source of energy necessary for the functioning of the body. However, most diets suggest eliminating them from the diet. It is not right.

A complete exclusion of proteins will lead to a person:

  • will experience a constant feeling of fatigue;
  • will become lethargic;
  • will lose concentration;
  • will constantly want to eat.

In addition, such weight loss will develop cravings for harmful foods. The body will find another source of energy - glucose contained in chocolates, cookies and similar products.

As already written above, 100 grams of watermelon contain 5.8 grams of carbohydrates. The main part of them is fructose - the most useful source of carbohydrates, which practically does not contribute to the deposition of fat.

Vitamins and minerals

Watermelon consists mainly of water, so it does not contain many vitamins. But it does not at all reduce the value of this berry. Its seeds contain saturated fatty acids.

And the minke pulp contains:

  • pectin substances;
  • sucrose;
  • fructose;
  • glucose;
  • vegetable protein.

Watermelon contains vitamins:

  • B1,2,3,6,9;

And minerals:

  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • a nicotinic acid.

In addition, watermelon contains:

  • Antioxidants that shed youth.
  • Potassium, which promotes good mood and maintains the balance of water and salt in the body.

Is it possible to eat watermelon while losing weight?

Watermelon is an ideal berry for weight loss. In some cases, it is even recommended by doctors.

Thanks to its watery structure, it promotes rapid saturation. And due to the diuretic effect that the berry has, toxins, excess fats and cholesterol are washed out of the body.

The calorie content of "minke" is minimal, and it can be eaten on a diet. In addition, the active concentration of urine in the body occurs precisely in the evening-night period, so eating the berry will help not only lose a couple of kilograms, but also remove kidney stones.

How to eat watermelon correctly to lose weight?

The maximum effect of consuming watermelon for weight loss can be achieved by consuming it according to the canons of a mono-diet:

  • The essence of the diet: Eat exclusively watermelon throughout the day.
  • Proportion: 1 kg of berries per 10 kg of your weight. But no more than 5 kg of watermelon per day.
  • Diet principle: The main role is played by the liquid, its diuretic effect. Going on a juice diet.
  • Duration: no more than five days.

All the time you are losing weight, you need to carefully monitor your well-being. If you suddenly experience bloating, flatulence, or diarrhea, the diet should be stopped. If everything is fine, you can withstand all five days.

It is acceptable to combine striped berries with black bread.

How the watermelon diet works

The principle of losing weight with the help of a watermelon diet is the diuretic effect that the berry has on the human body.

Eating watermelon helps remove excess fluid, so to maintain water balance, you need to drink one and a half liters of clean filtered water or freshly brewed tea during the day and avoid drinking alcohol.

The watermelon diet is:

  • tough- the most effective, includes berries and water;
  • lightweight- watermelon and black bread, vegetables, fruits, cereals;
  • free- the least effective, gentle, berry composition for , for , for - normal diet;
  • modified- combining any diet with eating watermelon.

A highly effective weight loss complex that takes into account activity biorhythms and breaks down fat. The set includes two concentrates - for morning and evening use.

The complex helps speed up the process of losing weight and is most effective when limiting calorie intake in combination with exercise.

How to choose a watermelon?

For the quality of the diet itself, as well as to achieve good results, you need to choose the right watermelon.

To do this, pay attention to the following features:

Take seriously the choice of striped berries for weight loss, so as not to get harmful consequences.

Fasting day on watermelon

It has the following properties:

  • Speeds up metabolism
  • Burns fat deposits
  • Reduces weight
  • Lose weight even with minimal physical activity
  • Helps reduce weight in cardiovascular diseases

Negative consequences Stories from our readers!
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The morning watermelon diet has been a hit in Tokyo since 2008, and has subsequently found thousands of followers on every continent. And it is called morning only because a piece of watermelon is required in the morning, but at any other meal you can choose the fruit at your discretion. And the question immediately arises: what is the advantage of the watermelon diet?

Watermelon in a weight loss diet

This diet cannot be called strict. She encourages you to eat fruit, control your feelings of hunger and fullness, not eat after 8 pm, and go to bed no later than 12 am. You should stop eating when you feel 80% full. You may ask how to determine when this 80% saturation occurs? Is it possible to eat watermelon at all these 80%? There is no answer to this question.

Perhaps you have to be Japanese to feel such things. However, we can all feel the moment when “ could have eaten a little more", and it is at this moment that you should stop. You will also have to give up dessert after dinner and all types of alcoholic beverages.

The authors of the morning watermelon diet also recommend going to bed as early as possible and taking care of quality and complete sleep, as they consider it extremely important for maintaining proper metabolism in the body. It is also recommended to keep a diet journal, writing down everything you eat during the day. This will allow you to analyze what you ate and easily determine what was superfluous on this list.

Basic principles of the watermelon diet

There are different versions of the morning watermelon diet, but in general they are similar. But the watermelon diet means eating only watermelons for breakfast. No melons, grapes or similar goodies. For breakfast you should eat watermelon and drink water at room temperature. Watermelons must be ripe and should not be cooked or frozen. If you are still hungry, wait 15 to 30 minutes and you can eat something else.

For breakfast you eat only watermelons and nothing but watermelons. But for lunch and dinner, you can, in addition to watermelons, eat your usual dishes. It can be whatever you want, but the authors of the diet recommend Japanese cuisine, especially rice. If watermelon for lunch and dinner is simply too much for you, you can replace it with other fruits from time to time, but only one type of fruit per meal. You are only allowed one snack per day in the afternoon and this is the only meal that allows sweets. Alcohol should be avoided. The diet also recommends avoiding or minimizing the consumption of dairy products and ice cream.

One of the reasons why this diet is effective is that watermelon improves digestion and increases metabolism, which means your body will burn more calories. Another possible explanation is that watermelons are high in resistant starch, a type of fiber that can make you feel full and block the absorption of some carbohydrates.

However, nutrition experts tend to believe that you can lose weight on such a diet simply because you will consume fewer calories. They claim that there is no scientific evidence that watermelons have the ability to reduce weight.

Sample watermelon diet plan

  • Breakfast. One piece of watermelon. One glass of water at room temperature.
  • Dinner. One piece of watermelon (can be replaced with another fruit). Dishes and drinks of your choice (limitation: dairy products, alcohol and sweets).
  • Afternoon snack (if you feel hungry). Around 3 pm, a small snack of your choice is allowed.
  • Dinner (no later than 8 pm). One banana (can be replaced with another fruit). Dishes and drinks of your choice (limitation: dairy products, alcohol and sweets).

When buying watermelons in a store, be sure to evaluate their “appearance”: the watermelon rind should have a rich green color; a bright green tail indicates spoilage of the watermelon; it should be dry. Don't buy unripe fruits.

The best way to store fruit is not in the refrigerator, as everyone thinks, but simply in a vase on the table at room temperature.

Watermelon first appeared in South Africa; lovers of this tasty and juicy berry owe it to this region. Perhaps watermelons have been known since Egyptian times. They were brought to Western Europe during the period when the Crusades took place, and only in the 16th century did the Russians learn about it. Almost everyone associates berries with summer; probably everyone knows that this berry is quite beneficial for the body. In particular, it is famous for its microelements, of which there are large quantities in its composition. But here Is it possible to eat watermelon while losing weight? or not - the question is relevant.

Thanks to it, the functioning of the liver and intestinal tract improves. At the same time, this is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis. However, the immune system as a whole becomes stronger and better. There is an opinion that watermelon is an excellent assistant in the fight against excess weight, because it has very few calories. And experts recommend eating berries even for diabetics and people losing weight.

The calorie content of watermelon per 100 grams is 40 calories. At the same time, this is a very low-calorie product. Even the sugar that is in the composition does not affect weight gain in any way, because it is perfectly absorbed, and excess weight is not added.

Nutritional value of the berry:

If you use it in moderation, it is impossible to get better from it. In addition, you can adhere to a watermelon mono-diet and eat only watermelons for several days.

Watermelon contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements. It is in the red pulp of the berry that there is a huge amount of useful elements, as well as vitamins A, E, C, B9, B6, B2, B1, PP.

The main carbohydrate is fructose, and not sucrose, as is commonly believed. And this fact makes it possible for even people suffering from diabetes to eat berries.

It is very useful for men to consume the pulp, because it is an excellent prevention of male infertility and improves potency. This is explained by the fact that it contains lycopene, which is known for its antioxidant properties. The pulp and juice are an excellent diuretic and choleretic agent.

Dietary fiber in the pulp is in the amount necessary for the body, making watermelon beneficial for the intestines. Both the kidneys and liver will thank you if you consume enough berries, and the level of cholesterol in the blood will decrease.

Are berries good for weight loss?

Many people wonder whether it is possible to eat watermelon while on a diet? Watermelon fiber is useful because it has a laxative effect on the body, in particular, it improves intestinal function. This means that the berry will help cope with constipation and remove cholesterol from the body. True, before losing weight on a diet where the main dish is watermelon, you need to take into account several factors:

  • Does the person have diabetes?
  • Do you suffer from pancreatic and prostate problems?
  • Presence of kidney stones.

If you have any of the above, then you should limit yourself to the amount of this product. In other cases - green.

It is also important that the berries do not contain nitrates, because there is a high probability of vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. Nitrates are dangerous for those who suffer from kidney disease, as well as for children.

Pay attention to whether you are eating the berries clean. When in doubt, eat the berry only halfway through. The fact is that nitrates accumulate near the peel.

The benefits of watermelon for weight loss

Some people say that you should avoid watermelon when losing weight, especially before bed. This is due to the fact that the berry puts a large load on the circulatory system, as well as the digestive system. In fact, there are many examples that prove that watermelon pulp is great for losing weight. The only negative in this matter is the seasonality of the berries, because they are sold only in the summer. It is useful to eat watermelon because you suffer from hypertension, which often coexists with obesity. It contains a lot of magnesium. If you suffer from hypertension, then you need to arrange fasting days, which will be strictly controlled by your doctor. To get the required amount of magnesium, it is enough to eat about 150 grams of pulp per day, and if you want to get the healing effect, then about 2 kilograms.

It is especially important that the berry can be combined with a wide variety of foods. How exactly does watermelon help during weight loss? It is the composition of the berry that makes it possible to lose weight. The circulatory and digestive systems begin to function actively. It is no secret that the basis of the berry is water, as well as minerals. There are practically no fats or proteins in it. There are carbohydrates that give the pulp its sweetness. True, these carbohydrates do not stay in the body for long, quickly breaking down, so they are not converted into fat deposits. And water can remove harmful elements from the body, in particular waste and toxins.


Of course, where there is benefit, there is likely to be harm. Therefore, when eating watermelon, you need to remember important rules:

  • Before consumption, you should not eat foods high in salt or smoked foods.
  • Overeating watermelon can lead to swelling and bloating.
  • Watermelon should not be consumed by people who are allergic to weed pollen, because this can only provoke negative reactions. It may be a burning sensation, itching.
  • Watermelon containing various chemicals is harmful. Most often they are found in melons, which are sold outside the summer. In August, this berry is most available.
  • Those who suffer from liver diseases, as well as pregnant women, should not eat nitrate watermelon.

Watermelon diets

There are several types of watermelon diets. The first is different in that you can eat watermelon in any quantity throughout the day and add it to a variety of dishes. It may be new to some, but you can cook a lot of delicious dishes with it.

Forget about ordinary cooking, make delicious watermelon puree, add lemon, ginger and herbs to taste. You can eat this way for no more than three days. If you tolerate this diet well, then increase it to 5 days. But no more, because there is a possibility of an increase in the concentration of arsenic in the body. But it is better if the duration of the diet is prescribed by a nutritionist. In fact, the reviews from those who have already tried the diet are amazing, because in three days they can lose up to 4 kilograms.

Diet No. 1

In order to achieve the desired results, you should not eat sugar, eggs, foods high in carbohydrates, dairy products, fats and cereals during the watermelon diet.

You need to go out and diet very carefully, eat muesli or porridge, cottage cheese with apple, tea for breakfast. For lunch, eat a salad of vegetables and herbs, fish or meat, and one egg. Eat watermelon for dinner too. In fact, the watermelon diet impresses many people, thanks to its excellent results, you come back to it every time. And all because it is easy and delicious to sit on, and at the same time the kilograms gradually disappear.

Benefits of the diet

The watermelon diet has a huge number of advantages, which have already been mentioned above in one way or another.

However, it is worth summarizing that thanks to such a diet you can:

  • no need to count the amount needed to eat watermelon
  • no need to spend a lot of money on buying groceries
  • Eating watermelon allows you to cleanse your body.
  • The berry has a valuable composition that is beneficial for the body as a whole.

True, you need to listen to your body, because consuming pulp puts a lot of stress on the kidneys, such a mono-diet is quite strict, at first only liquid is removed from the diet, there are no fat deposits. In some cases, watermelon removes sodium and potassium along with harmful substances.

Is it possible to eat watermelon at night?

It is known that it is in the evening that we really begin to want to eat junk food. And this desire will be perfectly satisfied by watermelon. Just a small piece of watermelon can saturate the body, and the sweetness of watermelon will overcome the desire to eat salty or smoked food. This is an excellent dinner that removes accumulated harmful deposits from the body. Therefore, eating watermelon at night is a good way to lose weight. This is exactly what nutritionists are saying publicly.

Practical advice: True, it is better to eat it an hour to an hour and a half before bedtime, and in the evening you should limit yourself to a few slices.

Remember that this is a dish on its own; there is no need to mix it with bread, buns and other foods, because this causes fermentation in the stomach. This can lead to stomach upset, general discomfort and bloating. There is no need to eat foods high in salt before eating the pulp, as this contributes to the appearance of swelling on the body.

It is believed that watermelon is a false berry. It belongs to the pumpkin family and is, according to botanists, a pumpkin. And pumpkin is a berry!

It contains a wide range of antioxidants and fat- and water-soluble nutrients important for the body (A, E, C, group B - B1, B2, B6, PP), important micro- and macroelements (magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron ). The low content of fats, carbohydrates and proteins makes it a healthy dietary product. When using it in this capacity, it is important to know whether it is possible to eat watermelon at night.

Calorie content and composition of watermelon

The calorie content of watermelon is 38 kcal per 100 g of product. It is included in the list of low-calorie products because it contains in 100 g of product:

Carbohydrates – 8.8 g (of which: 2.4 g glucose and 4.4 g fructose);

Protein – 0.7 g;

Fat – 0.2 g.

Everything else is fiber and water. The sweet taste of watermelon is determined mainly by fructose.

Watermelon contains lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. Numerous studies have proven its anti-carcinogenic properties.

Is it possible to eat watermelon at night? Everyone is also worried because of the short “watermelon season”, which lasts from the end of July to September. It is during this period that you can safely eat a large amount of it without fear of being poisoned by nitrates. The usual maximum daily dose is 2 kg (760 kcal).

Useful properties of watermelon

Watermelon has many medicinal properties that are useful both for a healthy person and for patients with certain pathologies:

1. Watermelon pulp has a diuretic and choleretic effect. Toxins, waste, fats, and cholesterol are eliminated along with urine. By losing a large amount of fluid, a person loses weight - watermelon is used in a diet for weight loss.

2. Dietary fiber improves intestinal functions: by increasing its motility, it reduces constipation. Recommended as a mild laxative for those suffering from constipation.

3. According to the literature, watermelon increases potency and has a positive effect on male infertility due to the content of arginine - one of the essential amino acids that improves blood circulation and has the properties of Viagra.

4. Has an effect on cholesterol levels - with active consumption of watermelon, it reduces its amount due to its active removal.

5. Due to the high content of magnesium, potassium has an effect on the heart muscle, and iron helps with anemia.

An invaluable product for diet

Low calorie content and diuretic effect - these properties of watermelon are widely used in dietary nutrition. It is especially widely used for weight loss. In this case, it is recommended to eat it in the proportion of 1 kg of berries per 10 kg of person’s weight with an interval of 3 hours for 7 days, no more. If all recommendations for eating watermelon are correctly followed, the daily loss of body weight is approximately 800 g, and the course loss is up to 10 kg. The specified diet is possible in the absence of contraindications. Given such a large amount of watermelon, the question becomes relevant: is it possible to eat watermelon at night?

Nutritionists believe that it is possible to eat watermelon at night: when a person sleeps, there is better absorption of polysaccharides and removal of toxins. The only limitation is the portion, which should not be higher than that established by the diet.

Is it possible to eat watermelon at night - the effects of consumption

Is it possible for those who do not follow a diet to eat watermelon at night? Nutritionists also answer this question in the affirmative. As a rule, it is not recommended to have dinner after six in the evening, so as not to burden organs and systems and not provoke the appearance of excess weight. But it is at this time, due to the work of certain hormones, that the body begins to intensively demand food. Therefore, it is recommended to satisfy attacks of evening hunger with a small portion of watermelon: it is quickly absorbed due to its high glycemic index and creates a feeling of fullness. This will make it possible not to consume harmful foods (fried or smoked). In addition, the removal of harmful substances from the body will be enhanced.

The serving size plays an important role: if you eat a lot of watermelon, you will not be able to sleep due to the pronounced diuretic effect. In addition, by the morning, swelling will appear due to the large amount of liquid contained in the watermelon. The formation of swelling is also influenced by other foods that were eaten along with watermelon, especially smoked, salty, and alcoholic drinks. The fermentation process in the stomach when eating watermelon immediately after eating causes a deterioration in well-being and discomfort in the stomach.

In addition to the above, watermelon is rich in another essential amino acid - serotonin, the “happiness hormone”, which nourishes the brain and improves its functioning, making it less sensitive to the effects of external irritants and thereby promoting better rest. It is especially useful for people with depression and low mood levels.

Contraindications: who should not drink watermelons at night?

But not everyone benefits from such a diet: a negative answer to the question of whether it is possible to eat watermelon at night will be given to those who have kidney pathology. Not recommended during pregnancy.

Other contraindications are:

Individual intolerance with an allergic component;



The presence of large stones in the kidneys;

Pathology of the digestive tract;

Diabetes mellitus is a relative contraindication for high glucose levels in the second type of disease.

To lose weight, in the absence of contraindications, it is recommended to eat several slices of watermelon 1-1.5 hours before bed, but not immediately before going to bed. This is a rule for those who go to bed late. If you go to bed early, you can eat watermelon just before bed. The maximum permissible quantity is 1 kg, provided that no other products are eaten with it. In case of diabetes mellitus, watermelon should be eaten with black bread in order to prevent sudden jumps and decreases in blood sugar and reduce strong feelings of hunger after a short time.

If there is a need to switch to a diet using watermelon, you should consult your doctor, also asking whether you can eat watermelon at night. If there are no contraindications, the specialist will tell you in what quantity you need to consume this valuable product for the body, how best to distribute its intake by hour, and how to eat it correctly.