Mycosis of internal organs: causes and signs of appearance. Fungal infections of the liver. Treatment of deep mycoses

The infection appears not only on the surface of the skin, but even inside the body. This type of fungus is called deep mycoses. The fungus can affect all organs and tissues in the body. This is very serious and dangerous to the health of any person. It is very important to diagnose the infection in time and take measures to avoid consequences.

How dangerous is the infection?

With superficial mycoses, direct charging occurs; other types of mycoses are transmitted, like worms, through the air and food. Infectious diseases originated with the use of antibiotics. Because healthy body has a balanced microflora, and taking antibiotics washes away and kills the natural environment and place beneficial microorganisms occupied by pathogenic viruses and infections. And they already provoke fungal pathogenic processes.

Disease cat scratch is an infection thought to be caused by bacteria carried in a cat's saliva. People can get it if they are scratched, bitten, or otherwise exposed to saliva from an infected cat. The illness is usually not serious. It usually includes swollen lymph glands and flu-like symptoms that resolve within a few weeks.

Cats do not get sick when they are infected and act only as vectors for the disease, carrying the bacteria on their claws or teeth. Therefore, you cannot tell which cats may spread the disease to you. Once infected, cats carry the bacteria in their blood for many months, but appear to be able to transmit the infection for only a few weeks. Kittens, apparently, with more likely carry bacteria than older cats, and households with kittens have more high performance human infection.

Pathogens and causes

While taking antibiotics, mycosis may develop.

People with reduced immunity are more prone to the disease. At risk are also those who already have fungal diseases or are leaking serious illnesses V chronic form, and newborns with maternal illness. The tendency to infection is caused by the following reasons:

If kittens have fleas, the infection rate is 29 times higher than if they do not have fleas. In rare cases, the disease can also be contracted by dogs. The disease spreads to humans through contact with the saliva of an infected cat from a cat bite or scratch, or if the cat's saliva comes into contact with broken skin or conjunctiva. You can get the infection from a cat scratch because the cat gets its paws infected by licking them. You can get bacteria in your eyes if you pet a cat with bacteria on its fur and then rub its eyes.

You can also become infected if you scratch yourself on a surface contaminated by infected cat saliva. Some people with cat scratch disease do not remember scratching or biting a cat, and some have no contact with cats at all. This makes it likely that there are other modes of transmission, such as sources environment bacteria or other animals.

  • reception strong antibiotics and oncological drugs;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • HIV infection;
  • diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, bronchial asthma;
  • skin ulcers, inflammatory processes, wounds;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • residence or location in an area of ​​increased radiation;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • bad habits: smoking, alcohol, drugs;
  • harmful or hazardous conditions labor.

Pathogens of deep mycoses internal organs provoke the following ailments:

Who gains and who risks?

Children are most likely to contract cat disease because they are more likely to get a scratch or bite. Typical symptoms Cat scratch diseases include the following. The illness may not appear immediately - it may appear three to ten days after the bite or scratch. Swelling may occur at the site of initial infection, followed by enlarged The lymph nodes along the path of lymphatic drainage from the site of injury. For example, if the infection comes from a cat scratch on the arm, the glands in the armpit may become tender and swollen.

  • The disease can take a long time to heal.
  • Weight loss.
  • Enlarged spleen.
  • Sore throat.
  • Pain or joint pain.
  • Abdominal pain.
If you remember that you were bitten or scratched by a cat and then developed painful, swollen lymph nodes, your doctor will likely be able to diagnose the disease based on this history.

  • sporotrichosis;
  • coccidioidosis;
  • geotrichosis;
  • histoplasmosis;
  • nocardiosis;
  • blastomycosis;
  • actinomycosis;
  • chromomycosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • aspergillosis.

Types of mycoses

Mycoses are divided into varieties, depending on the pathogen that infects or the place of origin. There are 4 common groups:

In some cases, physical examination also shows an enlarged spleen. When the diagnosis is unclear, diagnostic tests can help the doctor make a diagnosis. Tests used in the diagnosis of cat scratch disease. Other diseases such as tuberculosis, brucellosis and lymphoma can cause similar symptoms. For most people, cat scratch disease is mild and resolves without treatment or side effects. Sometimes symptoms persist for several months and then clear up.

Antibiotics may be needed if the infected lymph nodes remain painful and swollen for more than two to three months. Antibiotics may also help if you have a fever for a long time or if the infection is in your bones, liver, or other internal organ. Antibiotics that have been shown to be effective against suspected pathogens include: erythromycin or azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim, doxycycline, and rifampin in combination with another agent.

  • Keratomycosis is a lesion of the stratum corneum of the epidermis and cuticle of the hair.
  • Dermatomycosis is an infection of large areas of skin, nails, and hair.
  • Candidiasis - damage to the skin, oral mucosa, and internal organs.
  • Deep mycoses - general disease several fungal infections.

Based on the depth of localization, the fungus is divided into the following types:

However, their effectiveness in humans is questionable. If the lymph node is very large or painful, your doctor may drain it to relieve the pain. The lymph node is drained by placing a needle through the normal skin towards the node and then moving the needle into the swollen node. The needle is then inserted into the assembly and the fluid is drained. This is not recommended regularly.

Prevention and treatment of mycoses

Feline sclerosis disease is mild and self-limiting in most patients and lasts about two to four weeks, although it may take several months for swollen lymph nodes to return to normal. In rare cases, it can persist for up to two years. Forecast healthy people excellent.

  • Subcutaneous - damage to subcutaneous tissues. Fungi enter through infected areas of the skin, as well as through breathing.
  • Respiratory fungal infections. Once in the lungs, the infection (usually mold mycosis) begins to spread throughout the body, affecting other organs.
  • Patients with weakened immune systems are prone to this.

There are many fungal diseases, and even one type of fungus causes deep mycosis of internal organs. The disease, the causative agents of which are histoplasmosis or coccidioidosis, always carries serious consequences, and sometimes death.

And very often the symptoms of a fungus can be confused with other serious diseases, which complicates the recovery process. Avoiding contact with cats helps prevent illness. Where this is not possible, washing your hands well after handling your cat, avoiding scratches, bites and cat saliva will minimize the risk of infection. If you are bitten or scratched, immediately wash the wound with antiseptic soap and hot water

. Children should be taught not to tease or irritate cats, and rough play should be discouraged. Some people use a glove when they "play fight" with their cat. Decabration is also not recommended, as infection can occur without a cat scratch. Call your doctor if you notice the following. Cat scratch or bite that does not heal usual time

, an area of ​​redness around a cat scratch or bite that continues to spread more than two days after the injury; a fever that lasts for several days after the cat scratches or a bite and swollen lymph nodes for more than two to three weeks; bone or joint pain, abdominal pain, or an unusual degree of fatigue for more than two to three weeks. Previously reviewed by Dr Andrew Withelow, University of Cape Town and Groote Schuur Hospital.

Symptoms of the disease

  • Characteristic symptoms: infection skin
  • and mucous membranes; disorders;
  • nervous system
  • subcutaneous tissue;
  • damage to internal organs;

disorders in the musculoskeletal system.

The body is able to independently fight pathogens, but when the body is weakened and fungi are very pathogenic, the fight becomes difficult and infection cannot be avoided. In this case, it is necessary to correctly diagnose the disease in order to correctly apply the treatment prescribed by a specialist in this field. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is a manifestation of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus, characterized by the presence of one or more opportunistic diseases that occur primarily, or in some cases only, when the function immune system

Adenocarcinoma. Glandular tissue cancer or tumor from which cells derived from the gland form glandular structures. Fat transfer syndrome is a group of rare metabolic disorders that can be either inherited or acquired. They are characterized by abnormalities in adipose tissue associated with fat or partial loss body fat, abnormalities in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, severe resistance to natural and synthetic insulin and dysfunction of the immune system. These disorders are differentiated by severity and by the areas or systems of the body affected.

Diagnosis of infection

A skin scraping will help diagnose the disease.

Deep mycosis is confirmed thanks to laboratory research. Such analyzes include luminescent examination, microscopic examination, histology and mycological indicators. For research, biomaterial infected with a fungus is used:

They may also be associated with other disorders and various developmental manifestations. Abnormalities. aid- auxiliary treatment, which is secondary to the main treatment. Adjuvant - a substance or medicine, which helps another substance in its action.

Jaundice as a complication of penicillin therapy

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, the most common of the motor neuron diseases, a group rare diseases in which the nerves that control muscle activity degenerate in the brain and spinal cord, causing weakness and wastefulness of the muscles.

  • purulent discharge;
  • sputum;
  • scraping from nail plates or hair particles;
  • punctate internal organs;
  • collection of tissue biopsies or blood.

Treatment of mycoses

Treatment is characterized by a comprehensive methodology, but the duration depends only on the nature of the lesion and the complexity of the symptoms. The attending physician takes into account the following factors when choosing a method:

Anaplastic carcinoma thyroid gland- an aggressive, invasive form of thyroid cancer. This happens most often in people older than age. The application has been submitted. The marketing application was submitted by the company to the Food and Drug Administration.

Aspergillosis. An infection caused by aspergillosis, a fungus sometimes found in old buildings or decaying plant matter. Bacteremia is the presence of bacteria in the bloodstream. Bacteria that cause Gram-negative bacteria release poison after they die. This leads to fever and causes fluid to leak from the more permeable walls blood capillaries into surrounding tissues. This can lead to endotoxic shock, a serious decrease in blood pressure.

  • location and extent of spread of mycosis;
  • symptoms of fungal disease;
  • the nature and severity of the disease;
  • the presence of other ailments and infections;
  • personal intolerance to medications;
  • weight and age of the patient.

Drug treatment

Nizoral ointment is used for external fungal infections.

For external use, ointments are used - “Lamisil”, “Nizoral”, “Mifungar”. Tinctures (iodine-containing) and solutions (salicylic-resorcinol alcohol) are often used. medicated shampoos and gels. Effective for thrush vaginal suppositories- “Clotrimazole”, “Pimafucin”, “Livarol”. IN severe cases course of the disease, when other methods do not bring the desired result and for complex treatment drugs are used in the form of tablets - “Lamisil”, “Mikosist”, “Ketoconazole”.

Diagnosis and treatment of mycoses

Candidiasis is a fungal infection usually of moist cubic areas of the body including the skin, mouth, esophagus and Airways. Squamous cell carcinoma is one of the three most common types of skin cancer, arising from flattened, scab-like skin cells and mainly due to prolonged sun exposure.

Cerebral palsy is a general term for movement and postural disorders caused by damage to the brain during pregnancy, birth, the newborn period, or early childhood. Cervical dystonia is a violation or absence of muscle tone in the neck muscles.

When the body is weakened, it is advisable to use vitamin complexes to restore the body's protective function and probiotics. Measures are necessary to restore the microflora. Sometimes choleretic drugs and diuretics are used. This depends on the location of the fungus and the antibiotics used for other diseases. During treatment and to prevent reinfection, it is important to adhere to personal hygiene, boil bed linen, and disinfect clothes and shoes.

Dermal - for the skin. Cystic fibrosis - genetic disorder exocrine glands, which causes abnormal mucous secretions that obstruct the glands and ducts in various organs. Cystinosis - Kistin, an amino acid accumulated in internal organs, leading to damage and cystinuria.

Dysplasia, bronchopulmonary - abnormal growth of cells of the lungs and air passages associated with the impact of immature lungs on high level oxygen. Epidermolysis bullosis is a rare, inherited condition in which small blisters appear on the skin after minor injury. It mainly affects young children and has wide range seriousness.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are used both externally and internally. For external use you will need lotions and douching solutions, baths from herbal decoctions, ointments and lotions. Decoctions and different tinctures herbs are also used internally. The following herbs are used in the treatment process:

  • yarrow;
  • red rowan and elderberry (berries);
  • nettle;
  • ivy;
  • rosehip (fruit);
  • currants and blackberries (leaves);
  • meadowsweet;
  • mint;
  • marshmallow;
  • wild rosemary;
  • fennel;
  • dandelion;
  • chamomile;
  • mustard;
  • tansy;
  • celandine.
Fresh pastries and cakes should be excluded from your diet.

When you are sick, it is important to follow a certain diet. Foods that are rich in carbohydrates are contraindicated, since the body is already impaired carbohydrate metabolism and this leads to increased blood sugar. And sugar creates a favorable environment for fungi to live. Pasta, cakes, fresh pastries, carbonated drinks should be excluded from the diet. Stale bakery products It is worth checking for mold and disposing of it if there is fungus. To relieve the liver, you should give up fatty, smoked and fried meats. Be sure to include the following products in your diet:

Esophageal varices, bleeding - diluted, weakened veins in the walls of the lower esophagus that can rupture and cause acute bleeding. Fabry disease is a genetic metabolic disorder that causes the accumulation of certain lipids. It becomes clinically obvious in childhood and adolescence with fever, pain and small vascular tumors. It progresses to central nervous system disorders and renal and heart failure in midlife.

Pathogens and causes

The goal is to get important new drugs to the patient sooner. Typically, the determination of factors includes: does the drug affect factors such as survival, daily functioning, or the likelihood that the disease, if left untreated, will progress from less serious condition More seriously, filling an unmet medical need is defined as providing a therapy where none exists or provides a therapy that could potentially be superior to an existing therapy.

  • lean stewed or boiled meat;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream;
  • yogurt and kefir;
  • acidophilus.

Prevention of deep mycoses

An environment where dampness, warmth and darkness prevails is favorable for the development of fungus. Therefore, it is very important to exclude these factors. It is important to be careful when using medicines , including antibiotics. IN dangerous places

, during epidemics and quarantines, use a gauze bandage. It should be borne in mind that the fungus can be contracted not only in everyday life and lack of personal hygiene, but also during sexual intercourse, or by consuming low-quality or spoiled food.

If one of the family members is ill, you need to provide him with separate bedding, towels, dishes, clothes and limit contact until complete recovery. It is advisable to frequently disinfect and ventilate the premises. With the first suspicious symptoms, consult a doctor, since the initial form of the fungus can be treated much faster than the advanced form. Usually, fungal infection liver develops against the background of immunodeficiency, including AIDS, acute leukemia

, cancer and condition after liver transplantation. The liver is involved in pathological process

along with other organs, especially the kidneys, spleen, heart, lungs and brain. In this case, the indication for performing a puncture biopsy of the liver is fever with increased activity of serum transaminases or alkaline phosphatase. On echogram multiple low-amplitude echoes are observed in the liver and spleen, often target-shaped (“bull’s eye”). At CT

multiple non-enhancing low-density lesions are detected. Scan results are not diagnostic.

Morphological examination usually reveals granulomatosis; the pathogen can be identified using appropriate staining and culturing methods to select adequate antifungal therapy.. At autopsy, liver damage is found in three quarters of patients with disseminated candidiasis caused by Candida albicans. Morphologically, granulomas and microabscesses are most often detected in the liver. Fungi of the genus can be detected in the liver Candida. Fluconazole is used for treatment.

Patients with immunodeficiency may develop disseminated aspergillosis accompanied by respiratory, renal or liver failure.

Cryptococcosis liver disease usually develops in patients with reduced immunity, but sometimes it can also be observed in practically healthy people. In this case, granulomas with yeast cells are found in the liver biopsy.

The clinical picture may resemble that of sclerosing cholangitis, and the causative agent can be isolated from the bile.

At disseminated coccidioidomycosis Liver damage may occur, for which diagnosis a liver biopsy is necessary. Currently, syphilis is a very rare cause of jaundice in newborns.

In older children who did not have a clear picture of congenital syphilis in the neonatal period, gumma in the liver may be observed.

To confirm the diagnosis, a serological test is performed, the results of which are congenital syphilis always positive. To diagnose and monitor the effectiveness of treatment, a puncture biopsy of the liver is performed.

Secondary syphilis

In secondary syphilis, during the period of septicemia, spirochetes penetrate the liver to form miliary granulomas.

In this case, in 50% of patients there is an increase in the activity of serum enzymes. Clinically apparent hepatitis is rare. However, in some cases, a picture of severe cholestatic jaundice is observed.

Serological reactions are positive. ALP levels are elevated. Observed positive reaction to fluorescent antimitochondrial M1 antibodies to cardiolipin, which disappear as recovery progresses.

Histological examination reveals in the liver nonspecific changes, represented by moderately expressed infiltration of polymorphonuclear cells and lymphocytes, changes in hepatocytes, however, cholestasis is absent or weakly expressed, with the exception of patients with severe clinical picture cholestasis. Necrosis may be observed in the portal and central zones. Sometimes, with appropriate staining, spirochetes can be identified in a liver biopsy.

Tertiary syphilis

With tertiary syphilis, single or multiple syphilitic gummas are formed in the liver. They are usually located in right lobe liver. Syphilitic gumma consists of a caseous mass surrounded by a fibrous capsule, from which it spreads interstitially fibrous tissue. Healing is accompanied by the formation deep scars and large lobules (lobular liver). Otherwise, the liver architecture does not suffer, and therefore these changes cannot be considered true cirrhosis.

As a rule, syphilitic gummas in the liver are discovered accidentally during laparotomy or autopsy. In some cases, an enlarged, nodular liver may be misdiagnosed as cirrhosis or liver metastases. Indicators functional tests liver do not help in diagnosis, but positive serological reactions are not sufficient evidence syphilitic liver damage. Therefore, morphological confirmation of the diagnosis is necessary by aspiration biopsy of accessible lesions. Adequate penicillin therapy over a long period of time leads to a reduction in the size of the lesion.

Jaundice as a complication of penicillin therapy

In rare cases, patients have an idiosyncrasy to penicillin. In such cases, approximately 9 days after the start of treatment, jaundice, chills, and fever occur, often accompanied by a rash (erythema Milian). This is one of the manifestations of the Herxheimer reaction. The mechanism of occurrence of jaundice has not been precisely established.