Slight redness on the glans and foreskin. Irritation on the penis

Redness of the glans penis and foreskin can occur at any age, however, they are much more common in boys under four years of age and in adult men who have not been circumcised. According to recent studies, this common condition affects approximately one in every 25 boys and one in 30 uncircumcised men.

Quite a lot of men experience an unusual condition of the penis, where the skin may become dry, cracked and red. Although these signs are often harmless, it is best to consult a doctor for other symptoms that tend to worsen or do not go away on their own within a few days.

Redness on the head and foreskin in males is commonly referred to in medical science as balanoposthitis. At first it may seem that this condition is absolutely harmless, however, it can entail very dangerous consequences and lead to various complications.

Balanitis is an inflammation of the genital organ of an infectious nature, in which the head itches. The course of the disease is possible without itching in the early stages. Fasting is an inflammation of the foreskin. The foreskin is the loose skin that covers the head of the penis if the man has not been circumcised. Balanoposthitis occurs when both parts of the penis (both the glans and the foreskin) are inflamed.

Long-term, recurring balanoposthitis increases the risk of developing balanitis obliterans (chronic dermatitis, most often involving the glans and flesh), phimosis (too tight foreskin), paraphimosis (when the flesh fails to return to its original location when retracted), and cancer.

Redness of the male genitals can have both infectious and non-infectious causes. It is more common in patients with phimosis. Patients with diabetes are also more susceptible to developing this condition.

There are a number of possible causes of redness on the glans penis:

  1. Fungal infections. Candidal balanitis is a condition in which the head of the penis becomes infected due to an overgrowth of the Candida fungus. This form of balanitis is more common in men who suffer from diabetes, AIDS, or have taken antibiotic medications that can cause an overproduction of yeast in the body.
  2. Contact dermatitis. The head of the penis can become irritated and inflamed due to harsh chemicals and irritants in products such as shower gels, soaps, or latex condoms. Switching to natural laundry detergents, sports cotton underwear, using skin moisturizers and hypoallergenic lubricants, and condoms made from other materials can help relieve genital pain and reduce inflammation and redness.
  3. Some drugs. Medicines such as painkillers, laxatives and antibiotics can cause various redness on the skin and cause itching of the foreskin.
  4. Bacterial infections. In addition to yeast infections, which can cause inflammation, factors such as stress, poor hygiene and climate change can upset the balance of bacteria that live under the foreskin and around the genital area. This can cause bacteria to multiply and cause an infection.
  5. Traumatization. Cuts, bruises, or injuries to the glans penis can cause the skin to become swollen and more susceptible to infection.
  6. Dry skin can turn into an additional factor of irritation during masturbation or sexual intercourse, which also leads to a feeling of discomfort. Men with cracked penis pores and surrounding skin may find benefits from using a chemical-free moisturizer, which can affect the rate at which the skin heals and relieve dryness and irritation.
  7. Men who suffer from psoriasis elsewhere (not in the genital area) can identify the appearance of this condition on the head of the penis and skin by a number of additional signs, including redness, peeling and itching, which lead to self-doubt in addition to discomfort during sexual intercourse. Penile care options using products containing vitamin A can be effectively used for therapeutic purposes and can stop the development of genital psoriasis.
  8. Of course, STDs, along with HPV and herpes, can cause purple bumps and discomfort during sexual intercourse. For men who have been diagnosed with an STD, it is very important to abstain from sexual intercourse until examined by a doctor, undergoing tests and undergoing therapeutic measures.

In addition, there is a fairly wide variety of infections caused by bacteria or fungi that can affect the condition of the skin of the penis, causing it to become red, sometimes rash, and also painful.

Cracked pores can allow microorganisms to find openings to penetrate through the outer skin, causing symptoms that are mistakenly interpreted as an STD.

Likewise, infections like Candida can cause pink bumps or rashes, itching, and peeling skin pores. Treatment for this condition depends on the type of infectious agent. The most effective way to combat this is to keep your pores and skin clean by using a clean moisturizer.

Types and symptoms

Signs and symptoms of balanitis may include:

  • redness in the area around the head of the penis and flesh;
  • inflammatory processes of various nature;
  • soreness in the genital area;
  • itching of the head and foreskin;
  • unpleasant odors;
  • irritation under the foreskin, usually occurring two to three days after intercourse.

Redness of the foreskin in men can be one of the symptoms of the following skin conditions and pathologies:

  1. Lichen planus with small, itchy, pink or purple spots on the arms or legs.
  2. Eczema is a chronic (long-term) skin condition in which the skin becomes red, cracked, and dry.
  3. Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that is caused either by direct contact with an irritant or by an allergic reaction. Eczema is known as eczematous dermatitis.
  4. Psoriasis – dry, scaly skin. The disease is believed to be genetically transmitted. It occurs as a result of a malfunction of the immune system.

Types of balanoposthitis:

  1. Catarrhal. This type of condition is characterized by local symptoms of inflammatory processes and softening of skin tone with the subsequent occurrence of erosion. Among the subjective sensations, males experience itching and burning. Purulent discharge may occur.
  2. Erosive. This condition manifests itself in the form of painful, deep red erosions with soaked edges on the head in men. Pain occurs in the affected areas, and subsequently the affected areas can cause phimosis. The lymphatic system is a conductor of infection; during transmission, local lymph nodes enlarge.
  3. Gangrenous. In addition to local manifestations, fever and fatigue may occur. Since the head and foreskin are deeply affected, purulent and necrotic ulcers appear, and phimosis develops against the background of the disease.

Diagnostic methods

The condition is fairly easy to diagnose. A physician or dermatologist can make a diagnosis by detecting redness and inflammation of the head of the penis and foreskin. First, the doctor consults with the patient, educating him about potential irritants and good hygiene practices.

The doctor should then also carefully examine the skin for any type of dermatosis (skin disease) that may be involved in the itching and redness of the genitals.

If the redness of the skin does not go away after the patient eliminates the possible irritants, practices good hygiene, or treats the yeast infection, the doctor may order some diagnostic tests, which may include:

  • a swab taken from the head of the penis and sent to a laboratory to determine if there is an infection;
  • urine test if diabetes is suspected;
  • blood test to determine glucose levels;
  • biopsy (rarely) - a sample of inflamed skin to be examined in a laboratory.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment for redness of the head of the penis depends on the cause of its occurrence. In most cases, the doctor recommends to the patient the use of special means and strict adherence to hygiene of the genital organ.

If the redness in the penis and foreskin area is caused by an allergic reaction or some kind of irritant, your doctor may prescribe a mild steroid cream, such as 1% Hydrocortisone, to reduce the degree of inflammation. If you have candida (thrush), your doctor will prescribe an antifungal cream like Clotrimazole or Miconazole.

If the head of the penis is red due to a yeast infection, the patient will be advised to use an antifungal cream. Clotrimazole is a very effective over-the-counter medication used to treat vaginal yeast infections and athlete's foot. It must be applied to the affected areas two to three times a day for ten days.

Circumcision often prevents recurrent infections, especially in uncircumcised men who have tight, difficult-to-retract foreskins.

Once effective treatment has begun, the patient generally does not need to avoid sex, although sexual contact may chafe or even “inflame” the affected area. Rarely, sexual contact can transmit the infection between partners. If this occurs, both partners may require treatment to prevent further episodes of the disease.

It is also worth avoiding the influence of irritants. So, if there is a suspicion that the symptoms are associated with substances present in condoms or lubricants, you should try using special condoms for sensitive skin. In addition, it is advisable to use a non-biological washing powder for underwear and make sure that all detergents are thoroughly rinsed out after washing. If a person works with chemicals, then hands must be washed before going to the toilet, as traces of potential irritants may remain on them.

Home remedies

It is worth noting that in addition to conventional medications, there are home remedies to treat redness on the penis. These include dietary changes such as reducing your intake of sugar and high carbohydrate foods to reduce the likelihood of yeast infections. A healthy, balanced diet high in antioxidants and active enzymes will also help reduce the spread of infection and boost immunity.

Other home remedies to reduce inflammation and redness include:

  1. Consumption of fresh garlic. This product contains allicin, which helps fight bacterial infections and improves immunity.
  2. Adding an unusual food such as fresh cayenne pepper (high in vitamin A) to your diet may help reduce the pain associated with balanitis.
  3. Using aloe leaves to reduce redness of the glans penis. This procedure must be repeated twice or thrice a day until the symptoms (inflammation and pain) disappear.
  4. Consuming ginger, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, will help reduce the level of redness. You can add it to your food or drink ginger tea twice a day to achieve results.

One of the easiest ways to get rid of problems associated with redness of the penis and foreskin is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, moderate exercise (sports, yoga, therapeutic exercises, etc.), limiting alcohol consumption, and also quitting tobacco.

In addition, it is important to be selective in choosing sexual partners and monitor sexual hygiene.

By adhering to the preventive measures listed above, you can almost forever forget about redness on the head and foreskin, as well as inflammation and discomfort.

Methods for preventing the disease

Poor personal hygiene can lead to unpleasant symptoms in the penis and foreskin, especially in uncircumcised men. In order to avoid this problem, it is very important to monitor your penis and keep it clean. Uncircumcised males should remember the importance of regularly cleaning the foreskin of dirt. The use of cream for intimate areas can restore the normal state of pores, as well as protect the skin of the genital area from difficulties associated with diaper rash, infections of bacterial or fungal origin, as well as various redness.

The main cause of balanoposthitis among children is the reduction of the foreskin, when it is not possible to pull it back. This is a dangerous condition that promotes infection and redness.

Redness of the genitals is also observed among adolescents who tend to ignore hygiene procedures and, as a result, there is an accumulation of too much smegma, which collects under the head of the penis and causes not only redness, but also a burning sensation. There is a high risk of complications and the emergence of chronic forms of diseases among children, since adolescents do not always share their problems with their parents and do not consult doctors in a timely manner.

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Symptom: redness of the head of the penis.

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One of the most frequent requests from patients to urologists is redness of the glans penis. Sometimes it is accompanied by burning and itching. One of the most common causes of redness of the skin of the penis or its head are various infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted. Also, similar symptoms can occur as an allergic reaction to food, hygiene products, latex. Fungal infections, such as candidiasis, cannot be ruled out. The cause of redness can be diseases such as balanitis and balanoposthitis, sexually transmitted bacterial infections (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis).

Redness of the skin of the penis and other inflammatory processes can be caused by improper or irregular hygienic care. The foreskin of the glans penis makes it difficult to clean the glans; salts and bacteria accumulate under it, creating favorable conditions for the proliferation of fungi or pathogenic microbes. Irregular hygiene often leads to a disease such as phimosis. The result of this disease is difficulty in opening the head of the penis or the complete impossibility of opening it. In addition, failure to comply with the rules of personal intimate hygiene leads to diseases that impair metabolism, such as diabetes.

But still, the most common causes of redness of the glans penis are various infections. These can be streptococci, E. coli, enterococci, staphylococci, not counting sexually transmitted infections.

Most often, such infections affect men who have regular sexual relations with a partner suffering from dysbacteriosis or bacterial vaginosis of the vagina. The reasons that cause inflammation and redness of the glans penis are often oral sex, with a partner, having diseases of the oral cavity (for example, such a common disease as caries) and anal sex without using a condom.

Almost any infection that gets on the head of the penis can cause inflammation and, consequently, redness.

Redness of the glans penis often accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms. A variety of discharge may be observed; usually, during inflammatory processes of the head, smegma is released in large quantities. Redness of the glans penis is often accompanied by itching, burning, and increased sensitivity. Cracks, sores, and red spots may appear.

If you experience redness of the glans penis, there is no need to self-medicate; you should definitely find out the cause of the symptom and do a bacterial test. Redness can be caused by a variety of reasons, and the sooner these causes are identified, the faster and easier it will be to eliminate them.

Treatment should be prescribed only by the attending physician; you should not let the disease take its course or use folk remedies. The selection of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory treatment is carried out by the attending physician based on your bacterial tests and the individual characteristics of your body. The only thing you can do on your own if redness or itching occurs in the genital area is to be more careful about your personal hygiene.

An advanced disease can lead to a variety of consequences: a decrease in general immunity, metabolic disorders, and sexual disorders.

If you have redness of the penis or glans, then contact our Republican Center for Human Reproduction and Family Planning. Experienced doctors will be able to help you.

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Slight or severe redness of the foreskin in men occurs at any age. This is the main symptom of inflammation, which rarely goes away on its own. The adjacent head of the penis is involved in the pathological process, and a disease develops - balanoposthitis.


Most often the disease is of infectious origin. It is caused by fungi, coccal bacteria, viruses, E. coli, and Trichomonas.

There are known factors that provoke the occurrence of the disease:

  • violation of intimate hygiene rules;
  • use of synthetic underwear, insufficient frequency of changing it;
  • the use of low-quality or incorrectly selected washing, detergents and hygiene products;
  • use of barrier contraceptives and low-quality intimate lubricants;
  • pathological phimosis (), leading to the accumulation of smegma - a mixture of keratinized epithelial cells and fat-like secretion of the tizon glands of the foreskin;
  • abnormal development of the penis.

Causal factors of inflammation

The disease does not only affect adults. It is diagnosed in children - preschoolers and adolescents, less often at other ages. In boys who wear diapers, it occurs due to injury to the penis with an incorrectly selected diaper (size larger or smaller than required). One of the factors of rice is physiological phimosis.

Such causes and factors provoke the primary disease. Secondary inflammation is a manifestation of another pathology:

  • allergic diseases;
  • obesity;
  • endocrine diseases (thyroid pathologies, diabetes mellitus);
  • diseases in which the removal of fluid from the body is impaired (nephritis, kidney stones, cystitis, heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver);
  • skin diseases on the penis (psoriasis, vitiligo, lichen planus);
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • vitamin deficiency.

In adults, this list includes sexually transmitted diseases transmitted through sexual contact. Frequent sex often causes redness of the prepuce in men.

Inflammation of the foreskin in boys also provokes weakened immunity. The defenses of the child's body are reduced by malnutrition, unbalanced nutrition, and hypothermia.

Manifestations and signs

The symptoms of the disease depend on the form (acute, chronic) and type.

There are several types of balanoposthitis, the main ones:

  1. Catarrhal (simple);
  2. Erosive;
  3. Gangrenous (as in the photo above).

They have common symptoms:

  • hyperemia and swelling of the lesion;
  • itching, burning, pain in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • discharge from the cavity of the foreskin;
  • increase .

Acute inflammation occurs sharply and suddenly. There are problems with urination due to swelling of the penis. Progression of the disease is typical for severe types of the disease. In this case, tissue necrosis develops within a few days and ulcers form.

Catarrhal disease manifests itself with general symptoms. There is marked redness of the glans penis and prepuce, there is no discharge from the cavity between the penis and the foreskin (preputial sac), or there is some mucus. Burning and itching are mild. For fungal infection.

Erosive inflammation is characterized by the appearance. These are areas of damage to the upper layer of the mucous head and prepuce; they are red, clearly defined, and rough. Pain, burning and itching intensify, temperature rises.

In advanced cases, gangrenous disease develops with necrosis of areas of inflamed tissue. Ulcers do not heal well and sometimes perforation occurs. They scar, which leads to the formation of pathological phimosis.

Pus is released from the cavity of the foreskin, and a high temperature rises. Due to the absorption of necrotic tissue decay products into the blood, the patient exhibits signs of intoxication - weakness, lethargy, poor appetite and sleep, headache, nausea.

After poor quality or incomplete treatment, acute inflammation becomes chronic. It occurs in waves - exacerbations are replaced by temporary remissions.

The symptoms are blurred - slight hyperemia and swelling, white plaque in the preputial sac. If there is no treatment, the symptoms intensify. It appears, it becomes difficult. Erectile function is impaired, dryness of the glans mucosa increases, and cracks form. An advanced chronic disease occurs without itching or pain.

Medical therapy

After collecting an anamnesis, conducting an examination, and studying research, the urologist makes a diagnosis and prescribes individual treatment. It begins with eliminating risk factors. At the same time, intimate hygiene is regularly performed and underwear is often changed.

With catarrhal disease in boys, the preputial sac can self-clean from smegma. The inflammation disappears after a few days without treatment.

To suppress symptoms and eliminate the causes of redness of the foreskin in men, complex treatment prescribes rinsing, warm baths and lotions from a solution of Furacilin and decoctions of medicinal herbs, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antiseptic. Baths are performed by immersing the penis in a jar of solution.

Apply lotions of aqueous solutions of antiseptics with a bactericidal effect (Chlorhexidine, Sangviritrin, Betadine), which are applied to the penis. To do this, use sterile wipes or bandages. Solutions are also used to wipe the prepuce and head of the penis.

A solution of Chlorhexidine with a concentration of the active substance of more than 0.2% should not be applied to damaged skin and mucous membranes.

Prescribe ointments that are applied after rubbing, lotions, baths and drying the affected areas. Inflammation of bacterial origin is eliminated with antimicrobial agents (Levomikol, Sintomycin, Miramistin).

Fungal infection is suppressed with antimycotic ointments (Clotrimazole, Micogal, Lamisil), the effect of which is enhanced by the drugs Fluconazole, Mikosist for oral administration. The man's sexual partner should also undergo antifungal treatment.

In severe cases, complex treatment of the disease includes hormonal ointments with anti-inflammatory action, which also relieve swelling (Prednisolone, Advantan, Betamethasone, Lorinden).

They use medications that heal and protect the skin and mucous membranes (Panthenol, Bepanten, Zinc ointment).

Erosive and gangrenous disease is treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics:

  1. Ceftriaxone;
  2. Biseptol;
  3. Azithromycin;
  4. Ciprofloxacin.

If the infection is of fungal origin, antibiotics with antimycotic properties are used - Fluconazole, Fucis. Severe pain is relieved with Ibuprofen and Paracetamol. To improve immunity, vitamin complexes are prescribed.

Treatment is supplemented with physiotherapeutic procedures (UHF, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, darsonvalization, ozone therapy). They help cope with inflammation, accelerate the penetration of drugs, have an antibacterial effect, and strengthen the immune system.

Surgery for redness of the foreskin

The chronic course of the disease with frequent exacerbations, cicatricial phimosis is treated with surgical or laser surgery to circumcise the foreskin. Performed during remission using local anesthesia.

In children, chronic inflammation of the prepuce and head of the penis is rarely diagnosed. Surgical treatment is prescribed after several exacerbations, even in a child under one year old. It is carried out under general anesthesia. Parents are recommended quick, painless, bloodless laser circumcision.

Folk remedies for treating the disease

Traditional medicine is prescribed in the initial stages of development and for mild balanoposthitis. For baths and lotions, decoctions of medicinal herbs are used - chamomile, string, sage, St. John's wort.

Use folk remedies to wash the affected areas of the mucous membranes. Prepare a decoction of oak bark, a mixture of tricolor violet and string. Relieve inflammation with baking soda baths.

Treat the disease with fresh aloe leaf. It is washed, kneaded, and the top layer is cut off on one side. Apply to a dry surface with a cut. Fresh, clean, crushed plantain leaves are also used. The procedure is performed after the bath.

To enhance the effect of ointments, sea buckthorn and rosehip oil are prescribed. They use the anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties of calendula. Dried flowers are infused in olive oil and the affected areas are wiped.

Traditional medicine is effective in addition to drug therapy for redness of the foreskin in men. As an independent treatment, they can lead to chronicity of the inflammatory process.


Traditional recipes should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and the dosage should be agreed with him. High-quality treatment prevents serious complications - sexual impotence, cancer, decreased fertility.

In most cases, it is possible to prevent diseases. To do this, a man must observe the rules of personal hygiene, avoid casual relationships, use condoms, treat other diseases, and strengthen the immune system. This will help maintain sexual and reproductive health.

Everyone knows that in normal condition the head of the penis and the skin around it are pale pink. But there are situations when the skin turns red and unpleasant sensations appear, even painful. There are many reasons for this phenomenon and complex treatment may be required.

Sometimes everything is quite simple - during sexual intercourse or the process of masturbation, mechanical friction occurs, during which the delicate skin rubs and receives small stretch marks and abrasions. Treatment of redness of the foreskin in this case it will be simple - the skin just needs to be given time to rest and recover. If the effects continue, it is possible to obtain microcracks, the treatment and healing period of which is longer.

In medicine, redness of the foreskin has its own name - balanoposthitis. It is characterized by inflammation of the foreskin and glans penis. At the same time, we can say that one of the most common reasons for its occurrence is negligence regarding the rules of personal hygiene. It can also be aggravated by diseases such as diabetes, allergies, urethritis, hypovitaminosis and others.

In general, three categories of balanoposthitis can be distinguished, the symptoms of which differ from each other.

Simple form. At this stage, you can notice obvious redness of the skin of the head, swelling and softening of the tissues of the head itself occurs. It is possible to observe purulent discharge and the appearance of erosions. All symptoms are accompanied by pain, itching, and pain.

Erosion stage. At this stage of balanoposthitis, you can notice the appearance of white areas with dead cells and red erosions of a bright shade. Enlarged lymph nodes are also possible. At the same time, the pain persists and intensifies, the skin becomes thinner and becomes dry.

Gangrenous stage. At this stage, purulent ulcers appear. They are quite deep and cause discomfort. Areas of dead cells increase. The general condition is characterized by weakness and fever. The foreskin and glans have noticeable swelling.

To the question how to treat redness of the foreskin in this situation it is easy to answer. After the first signs of redness appear, it is necessary to pay more attention to personal hygiene. It is also necessary to treat the area of ​​the foreskin and glans penis with an antiseptic. If the discomfort does not go away, the redness continues to remain, and its area gradually increases, then it is better not to delay the visit to the doctor.

In the early stages, the disease is very easily treated with the use of anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents. In any case, it is necessary to undergo appropriate tests, on the basis of which the attending physician will prescribe treatment. Recently, many drugs have been developed that promote rapid restoration of the mucous membrane, but their prescription is made individually, since they have a different spectrum of effects. Any man should remember that in order to prevent diseases, serious attention must be paid to the rules of personal hygiene.

Itching, burning, and redness of the penis can periodically bother any man. The problem is not always illness. Sometimes redness on the head and itching can occur for “external” reasons not related to health. However, redness and irritation on the penis are a serious reason to consult a doctor, because a man has only one health, and it is easier to preserve it than to restore it later.

The most common causes of redness and itching of the head

Conventionally, the causes of unpleasant sensations in the genital area can be divided into “external” and “internal”.

External ones include:

Redness of the penis as a sign of a fungal infection

“Internal” causes of itching and redness are diseases that develop in the male body. Symptoms such as itching, burning of the glans, redness of the penis can be signs of various diseases. That is why, having noticed unpleasant symptoms, a man should urgently go to the doctor. Lack of timely treatment can lead not only to foul-smelling discharge, but also to more serious problems, and sometimes even to infertility. Redness of the penis, burning of the head of the penis, and itching sensation can be signs of various diseases. Their causes, symptoms and course of treatment should only be determined by a doctor. What diseases can the above symptoms warn about?

Most often, redness of the penis and discomfort on the glans occur if a man is infected with a fungal infection, for example, candidiasis (thrush). This disease is not a sexually transmitted disease, although it can be transmitted from an infected sexual partner. More often, candidiasis occurs against the background of a general decrease in immunity. This happens after illness, against a background of constant stress, due to developing dysbiosis and for a number of other reasons. Candidiasis can be treated quickly, almost always at home. However, only a doctor should prescribe treatment, and a man only needs to suspect a fungal infection. If Candida fungi in the body exceed the permissible limit, the following symptoms may occur:

  1. Itching, burning of the penis.
  2. Redness of the glans, foreskin.
  3. A cottage cheese-like plaque with an unpleasant odor may accumulate under the foreskin. If treatment is not started at this stage, uncharacteristic discharge may appear.

It is important to remember: both partners need to be treated, and sex should be avoided during treatment.

Redness of the head? Maybe it's balanitis

Balanitis is an inflammation of the skin covering the head. Most often, the disease also affects the foreskin, especially its inner layer. In this case, experts diagnose “balanoposthitis”.

Causes of the disease:

  1. Lack of necessary hygiene.
  2. Narrowing of the foreskin (phimosis).
  3. Injuries to the genitals.
  4. Complications after infections: herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, etc.
  5. Complications from diabetes, psoriasis, allergies, and other non-communicable diseases.

The first sign of balanitis and balanoposthitis is redness of the head of the penis and foreskin, which is sometimes accompanied by burning and itching. Swelling of these parts of the body develops somewhat later. If treatment is not started, rounded erosions will appear on the penis, which will gradually merge into one. The erosions are filled with pus and surrounded at the edges by remnants of the epithelium. The disease is accompanied by severe itching and burning, which are felt in the entire pelvic area. If help is not provided at this stage, the disease can cause inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes and provoke the development of phimosis.

Balanitis and balanoposthitis are easy to treat, especially if a man consults a specialist in a timely manner. At the initial stage, the doctor prescribes rinses and baths, and sometimes antibiotics. An advanced disease can result in surgical removal of the foreskin.

A man who has recovered from the disease and who has not undergone timely treatment may permanently decrease the sensitivity of the penis.

Redness and itching due to sexually transmitted infections

It is known that this kind of infection, as well as sexually transmitted diseases, is most often transmitted through sexual contact. This means that both partners are required to undergo treatment.

Usually, regardless of the type of pathogen, the infection begins with severe itching and a burning sensation. However, unlike other types of diseases, itching and burning are felt inside, and not on the surface of the penis. Infections spread not only to the head: they affect several organs of the urinary and reproductive tract at the same time. You can determine if you have an infection by the following signs:

  1. Redness appears on the skin of the genitals and around them. It can take the form of a spot, resembling insect bites.
  2. Later, in place of the reddened skin, pustules develop, fluid-filled blisters, pustules, ulcers, etc. appear.
  3. If treatment is not started, an unpleasant odor begins to emanate from the genitals and discharge appears.
  4. Lymph nodes in the groin become painful and enlarged.
  5. STDs may cause pain during sexual intercourse or urination.

Most symptoms develop over time. They are inherent in many diseases that require different treatments. That is why it is so important to immediately go to the doctor at the first unpleasant sensation or redness of the head.

Genital herpes is a life threat

This disease, caused by herpes simplex viruses, can lead to complete infertility. Herpes is especially dangerous because it can be asymptomatic, either dying down or flaring up with renewed vigor. Periods of remission can last from several weeks to several years. Interestingly, every fifth adult is a carrier of genital herpes, but most do not even know about it. The disease is transmitted through intimate contacts and kisses. The most reliable prevention of herpes is protected sex.

At the beginning of the disease, redness appears on the penis, foreskin, and groin. Then small bubbles filled with whitish liquid appear. Often their appearance is accompanied by unbearable itching and severe burning. Skin lesions can spread from the head and groin to the anus, buttocks, and thighs. If the patient is not diagnosed and treated, the blisters can develop into ulcers. They appear on the 6th or 56th day from the onset of the disease. At this time, the patient may develop a high temperature and the lymph nodes may become inflamed. Sometimes acute pain develops in the pelvis or leg. Herpes that is not treated in time can even lead to death. Many countries have a special program to monitor and prevent herpes. There is no such thing in Russia, so it is especially important to consult a doctor at the first redness or tingling sensation in the penis.

Burning, itching, redness of the genitals can be signs of various diseases. It is impossible to make a correct diagnosis without medical consultation. Self-medication or lack of treatment can lead to more serious illnesses, including prostatitis, infertility and even death. The conclusion is simple: redness and discomfort are a reason to seek help from specialists. Only urologists and venereologists will be able to correctly diagnose the cause of burning or redness and select effective treatment.