Calcium intake per day for children. What foods contain a lot of calcium or what should you eat to meet your daily calcium requirement?

Main Feature: macronutrient Biogenic chemical element, i.e. a permanent component of the human body.

99% of calcium is contained in the skeletal system, 1% is free calcium.

There are three states of calcium in the cell: calcium ions localized inside cellular organelles; chelated calcium (associated with a cytoplasmic protein molecule); free or ionized calcium. It is free calcium that regulates various intracellular processes.

About half of the calcium in the blood is bound to plasma proteins, mainly albumin. It plays a role in the transmission of intracellular signals, in blood clotting, in the functioning of nerve and muscle tissue, in the functioning of enzymes and hormones.

The main regulators of bone tissue formation are three hormones: metabolites of vitamin D3, which have hormonal activity, parathyroid hormone (PTH, parathyrin, parathyroid hormone - the main regulator of calcium metabolism) and calcitonin.

The inclusion of calcium in the bone tissue of the body is associated with the activity of the parathyroid glands, which produce parathyroid hormone and calcitonin, which are antagonists.

The skeleton is a dynamic depot of calcium, where new calcium crystals are formed and old ones are destroyed. The rate of this destruction and construction, called the turnover rate, varies significantly with age. In children of the first year of life it is more than 100%, after a year - more than 10% per year, in adults from 2 to 20% per year.

Although peak bone mass may not be reached until age 25, calcium is thought to accumulate in the body before age 25, a phase of bone mass growth that begins in utero. At 25-35 years of age, calcium is in balance, that is, approximately 0.4 g enters the body daily and the same amount leaves it. Peak bone density and total mass corresponds to approximately 30 years of age. After 35 years, calcium consumption exceeds its intake from outside with food. From the age of 40, there is a phase of predominance of resorption (resorption) of bone tissue over renewal. During this period, bone mass and strength decrease by approximately 3% per year. From the age of 45, due to changes in hormonal levels (more often in women, but age-related osteoporosis also exists in men), calcium is intensively washed out of the bones and osteoporosis develops. In this case, the total mass of bones decreases significantly, their structure is disrupted, mechanical strength decreases and fractures occur. More common in women than men, more common in whites than blacks, more common in short people than tall people. Thus, the risk of osteoporosis is greatest in small white women. The tendency to osteoporosis is also inherited.

Daily requirement
Adults: 800-1100 mg.
Women: 25-50 years old - 1000 mg, postmenopausal women - 1500 mg,
Postmenopausal women receiving estrogens - 1000 mg.
Men 25-65 years old: 1000 mg.
Men and women over 65 years of age: 1500 mg.
Doses up to 2500 mg are considered safe.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women - 1200-1500 mg; from other sources - 2 times the daily requirement for an adult.
People confined to bed - 1500 mg.
Newborns - 400 mg.
Children: from 6 months to a year - 600 mg, 1-5 years - 800-1200 mg, over 11 years old and young people under 24 years old - 1200-1500 mg.
Side effects occur with daily calcium doses of more than 1 g in infants, and more than 4 g in older children.

The need for calcium is increased in the following cases:
- in women at high risk of osteoporosis (family cases);
- with increased physical and emotional stress;
- in people bedridden.

Significance in the body
- is the main structural element of bone tissue;
- affects the permeability of cell membranes;
- participates in the transmission of nerve impulses;
- carries out muscle contraction;
- plays a role in all stages of blood clotting;
- participates in the work of many enzyme systems (activates amylase, lipase).

Role in vitamin metabolism
- Calcium is not absorbed without vitamin D, which stimulates the absorption of calcium in the intestines. Many older people suffer from a lack of vitamin D due to the fact that aging skin is unable to synthesize it under the influence of the sun, and the kidneys can no longer convert it into the active form. A lack of active vitamin D leads to brittle bones, making women more vulnerable to breast cancer, and men more vulnerable to prostate and colon cancer;
- Violation of the ratio of calcium to phosphorus, which should be 1:1, interferes with the synthesis of vitamin K or its absorption, which can cause internal bleeding.

Relationship with other microelements
- Consumption of calcium reduces the risk of toxic effects of heavy metals by 30%.
- The plastic material for bones is calcium along with at least phosphorus and magnesium. Magnesium, which is a natural calcium antagonist, ensures its absorption and normal deposition. Calcium, together with magnesium, helps improve the health of the cardiovascular system. The ratio of calcium to magnesium should be 2:1. The intake of large amounts of calcium reduces the absorption of magnesium and vice versa.
- Aluminum and magnesium contained in antacids (Maalox, Almagel, Phosphalugel) form complexes with phosphorus and promote the removal of calcium from the body.
- Boron reduces the excretion of calcium and manganese through the kidneys.

Use in medicine
- If the ratio of externally supplied calcium to phosphorus, which should be 1:1, or calcium is more than 2 times greater than magnesium, bone fragility develops. Therefore, it is important to have a balanced calcium complex.
- Calcium has an anti-atherosclerotic effect, reduces depression and anxiety.
- Calcium can reduce the effect of calcium ion antagonists (verapamil, nifedipine, phendiline).
- Digoxin does not combine with vitamin D and calcium ascorbate.
- Calcium may reduce the activity of tetracyclines.
- Foods rich in calcium and magnesium and calcium supplements balanced with magnesium not only do not increase the risk of kidney stones, but, on the contrary, reduce it.

Causes of excess
Vitamin D overdose, some diseases with impaired mineral metabolism (rickets, osteomalacia), bone sarcoidosis, Cushing's disease, acromegaly, hypothyroidism, malignant tumors.

Consequences of excess
An overdose of calcium of more than 2 g can cause hyperparathyroidism.
Initial signs: growth retardation, anorexia, constipation, thirst, polyuria, muscle weakness, depression, irritation, hyperreflexia, dizziness, imbalance when walking, suppression of the knee reflex (and others), psychosis, memory loss.
With prolonged hypercalcemia, calcification, arterial hypertension, and nephropathy develop.

Causes of deficiency
- Hypoparathyroidism, spasmophilia, gastrointestinal diseases, endocrine diseases, renal failure, diabetes mellitus, vitamin D hypovitaminosis.

Contributes to calcium deficiency in the body:
- Sedentary and sedentary lifestyle. Immobilization causes a decrease in calcium absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.
- One of the reasons for calcium deficiency in the body is its low (less than 8 mg/l) content in natural water. Chlorination of water causes additional calcium deficiency.
- Stress.
- Many medications (hormonal, laxatives, antacids, diuretics, adsorbents, anticonvulsants, tetracycline). Calcium can form compounds with tetracyclines that are not absorbed in the intestine. With prolonged use of tetracycline, they are washed out of the body, and there is a need for replenishment from the outside.
- Consuming large amounts of protein. An increase in the daily amount of animal proteins by 50% causes the removal of calcium from the body by also 50%.
- Consumption of large amounts of sugar (when dissolved in the stomach, it interferes with the absorption of calcium, disrupts phosphorus-calcium metabolism).
- Consumption of large amounts of salt (it helps remove calcium from the body)
- It has been established that when cooking and frying foods, organic calcium in them turns into inorganic calcium, which is practically not absorbed.
- Other products with an acidic reaction (animal fats, premium flour products, oxalic acid, spinach, rhubarb) lead to calcium metabolism disorders.
- Early artificial feeding of children up to one year old, since calcium in artificial formulas is absorbed by 30%, and from breast milk by 70%. This covers the daily requirement of calcium for an infant, provided that the nursing mother eats properly.

Consequences of Deficiency
Initial signs: tension, irritability, bad hair, nails, teeth. Calcium deficiency in children may manifest itself as a desire to eat dirt and paint.
- Lack of calcium also affects the muscles, contributing to their spasm and a feeling of numbness, up to convulsive attacks (tetany). Characteristic are hand tremors (convulsive readiness), night muscle cramps; morning cramps of the hypokalemic type. - This also includes intestinal spasms, which are called spastic colitis or spastic constipation. Premenstrual syndrome and cramping abdominal pain in women during menstruation are caused by calcium deficiency.
- Subsequently, osteoporosis develops. Calcium is always present in the blood, and if it is not supplied with nutritional supplements and food, it is washed out of the bones. This manifests itself as pain in the bones and muscles. The risk of fractures increases with the smallest loads, the most dangerous and most common of which is a fracture of the femoral neck.
- Calcium deficiency contributes to the development of atherosclerosis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, and hypertension.
- Calcium and magnesium deficiency worsens the course of allergic diseases.


The most important source of calcium is dairy products and cheeses. Calcium contains aloe vera, white grapes, slippery elm, watercress, chickweed, chili pepper, parsley, borage, comfrey, chlorella, skullcap, rose hips, and garlic.

Organic salts, found in abundance in dandelion root and leaf, are necessary to maintain the balance between sodium and calcium ions.

Even with proper nutrition and sufficient intake of calcium into the body, it is not always absorbed, since 70-80% of calcium supplied with food is excreted through the intestines, and another 150-350 mg through the kidneys.

Calcium supplements are of great importance in childhood, when bone formation occurs, and up to 25 years, when bone mass is being built up and the formation of the skeleton is completed. The strongest and most powerful bones in a person are between twenty and thirty years old. Girls need especially a lot of calcium at the age of ten, that is, during the period of active bone formation.

Taking calcium supplements is a good prevention of hypertension and cancer. The risk of developing colon cancer is three times higher in people who consume little calcium.

Oats, chocolate, cocoa, coffee, rhubarb, and sorrel interfere with the absorption of calcium.

The ideal calcium content in natural water for longevity is 8-20 mg/l. This is precisely its content in natural water that is typical for regions with the largest number of centenarians - Yakutia, Abkhazia, Dagestan.

Among other microelements, calcium is of paramount importance for children. During the growth period of the body, calcium deficiency has a detrimental effect on the formation of the musculoskeletal system, muscles, and tissues.

Why is calcium needed?

Calcium is part of cells, regulates the functioning of muscle fibers, and coordinates the conduction of nerve impulses. Calcium is the main mineral that strengthens bones. All parents know about this and make sure that their children consume enough of it. But Dr. Komarovsky will tell you what is needed for calcium to be absorbed.

Calcium is necessary for:

  • Growth of bones and their strengthening;
  • Formation and growth of teeth;
  • Skeletal muscle contractions;
  • Contractions of the heart muscle;
  • Blood clotting;
  • Tissue formation;
  • Protein synthesis processes;
  • Cell regeneration

Calcium deficiency leads to slower growth of the child, the development of rheumatic diseases, excitability and sleep disturbances. Involuntary muscle contractions – tics, cramps – appear. Bones, nails, and hair become brittle and brittle. Problems with teeth and enamel defects arise.

Young children experience growth retardation, poor posture, and bone deformation. In children under one year old, the fontanel does not close on time, teething is delayed, they are easily excitable, capricious, and sleep poorly.

Severe calcium deficiency leads to the development of rickets. For better absorption of calcium, vitamin D3, thyroid and parathyroid hormones are needed.

Calcium norm for children

The daily amount of calcium for children of different ages varies:

  • In children from birth to six months, the norm is 400 mg;
  • From 6 months to 1 year – 600 mg;
  • From 1 year to 3 years – 700 mg;
  • From 3 to 5 years – 800 mg;
  • Children over 5 years old require 1000 mg per day

Parents of teenagers should pay special attention to the amount of calcium-containing foods their children eat.

During this period, rapid growth of the body occurs, hormonal changes and the daily microelement norm increases to 1300 mg.

Sources of calcium

Calcium enters the body from outside: with food or vitamin-mineral complexes.

  1. The main source of calcium is milk and dairy products - fermented baked milk, kefir, cottage cheese. With properly organized nutrition, the child replenishes about 80% of the daily calcium requirement with the help of dairy products;
  2. Calcium from peas, beans, and other legumes is well absorbed. Young children should not overuse legumes, as they lead to increased gas formation and colic;
  3. Many vegetables are rich in calcium - radishes, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions, parsley, green salad, basil, dill, white cabbage, boiled potatoes;
  4. Children's favorite fruits and dried fruits are a supplier of calcium for the growing body - oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits, kiwis, bananas, apples, pineapples, dried apricots, dates, prunes, raisins;
  5. Calcium is found in raspberries, grapes, black currants;
  6. Various types of nuts are very useful;
  7. Among the various types of meat, chicken and veal should prevail;
  8. The children's diet must include mackerel, fish of the salmon family, cod, and herring.

If you have serious metabolic disorders, for example, lactose intolerance, calcium deficiency can be replenished without consuming dairy products.

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a large number of medications that provide children with sufficient amounts of calcium.

Medicines as a source of calcium

Calcium gluconate

The most affordable drug is tablets calcium gluconate. They are not recommended for children under 3 years of age.

For a child 2 years of age or younger, it is preferable to give calcium in liquid form or in the form of chewable lozenges.

Before use, calcium gluconate tablets are crushed to a powder state, since the drug is insoluble in water. You need to take the medicine with milk. The dose is selected by the pediatrician individually in each specific case.

Self-medication is fraught with excess calcium in the body.


"Complivit Calcium D3 for babies" are produced specifically for use in children in a convenient form - powder for preparing a suspension.

The powder is diluted with boiled water to measure and given to the child 5-10 ml per day, depending on the doctor’s recommendation. The course of treatment is 4 weeks, its duration varies depending on the condition of the small patient.

Complivit is given to the child with food. The drug has a fruity taste, which makes the medicine attractive to the child, but additives can cause allergies.


The Tianshi brand dietary supplement is not a medicine. It contains egg powder, milk powder, crushed and ground calf bones, vitamins (including D3) and minerals.

The powder is dissolved in boiled water and mixed with food; the best choice is cottage cheese.

Calcium D3 nycomed

Orange, lemon or mint flavored chewable tablets are intended for children over 5 years of age. The dosage is selected by the pediatrician depending on the age, weight, and health status of the child.

Vitamins Multi-Tabs for children

The Multi-tabs series of drugs is designed for children of different ages and is balanced taking into account age-related calcium needs.

  • Baby vitamins are intended for children under one year of age. They contain vitamins A, C, D3, necessary for teeth growth and proper bone formation. The form of the medicine is liquid.
  • Multitabs Baby - for children over one year old, but under 4 years old. Release form: chewable tablets with a fruity flavor.
  • Enriched with calcium, Baby Calcium+ is recommended for children aged 2 to 7 years with calcium deficiency in the body and for its prevention.
  • Multitabs Junior make it easier to adapt and study at school and contain the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals. Chewable tablets for children under 11 years of age.
  • For children over 11 - a special Teen series, designed to satisfy the needs of the body during the period of rapid growth and puberty.

Calcium chloride

The drug Calcium Chloride is used for emergency measures - to quickly raise calcium levels in the blood. The main dosage form is a solution for intravenous injection. The injection is given only in medical institutions under strict supervision, as it can cause bradycardia, weakness, and difficulty breathing.

Calcium glycerophosphate

To regulate phosphorus-calcium metabolism, children over 2 years of age are prescribed calcium glycerophosphate in the form of tablets. However, modern pharmacology offers more convenient and accessible forms of drugs, with fewer contraindications and possible side effects.

In conclusion…

There is a category of parents who firmly believe that all medications, mineral and vitamin complexes are “chemicals” that are harmful to the child’s body. Instead, children receive crushed eggshells, chalk and other “natural” substances.

It should be borne in mind that even with a high level of calcium in eggshells or food, its availability to the body must be assessed. Calcium must not simply enter the body; it must interact with cells and tissues.

What is the best way to maintain calcium levels in a child’s body is up to parents to decide. Advice from a competent pediatrician will help you make the right choice.

Having information about the numerous calcium supplements for children listed in the article, parents will be able to talk with a specialist on equal terms and make the right informed choice.

Calcium is a chemical element without which a person cannot live. This is the most accurate, from the point of view of biochemistry and physiology, definition for this macroelement. At the cellular level, calcium is involved in more than 150 different biochemical reactions. It is part of hydroxyapatite, the main mineral component of the bone matrix. The unique physical and chemical properties of calcium provide the necessary safety margin for the human skeleton, teeth and nails. Calcium is involved in the conduction of nerve impulses, ensures myocardial diastole (the resting phase of the heart muscle) and is one of the factors of the blood coagulation system. Therefore, calcium deficiency can lead to catastrophic consequences. In the process of growth and development of the body, the daily need for calcium increases significantly. It is especially important to “comply with this biological standard” 100% for pregnant women, children and adolescents. It is during pregnancy and adolescence that the risk of developing calcium deficiency conditions increases significantly.

One of the most dangerous pathologies associated with calcium deficiency is. A disease of the skeletal system, in which the density of the bone matrix decreases and calcium is “washed out” from the skeleton into the blood. The main clinical signs of osteoporosis are:

  • persistent bone pain;
  • development of periodontal disease;
  • fatigue, irritability, emotional instability;
  • leg cramps;
  • increased bone fragility (fractures);
  • tachycardia and arrhythmia.

In the early stages, osteoporosis is often asymptomatic and is a consequence of the body's compensatory response to a general calcium deficiency. Calcium deficiency conditions can occur due to stress and physical exhaustion. A sedentary lifestyle, lack of adequate physical activity, smoking and alcohol abuse are risk factors for the development of calcium deficiency in the body.

What foods are rich in calcium?

In addition to classic dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt), celery, asparagus, parsley, broccoli, cabbage, beans and canned sardines or salmon can be used as a source of natural calcium. There are foods that reduce the absorption of calcium in the gastrointestinal tract and its bioavailability. These are coffee, table salt, spinach and sorrel.

How to choose an effective mineral complex to prevent calcium deficiency?

When choosing a mineral complex, the consumer must be armed with the necessary information about the main active substances and forms of calcium. Recommendations from a doctor and pharmacist will allow you to choose the optimal drug, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Today, manufacturers include calcium in medications (tablets, capsules, ampoules, suspensions, drinking solutions) in the form of various salts: phosphates, gluconates, carbonates, citrates, ascorbates, chlorides. Calcium carbonate and citrate are the main biologically active substances that are found in vitamin and mineral complexes. The most bioavailable form is chelated calcium compounds with amino acids. Calcium chelates with aspartic acid are significantly superior to both carbonates and citric acid salts (citrates) in this indicator. For complete absorption of calcium, vitamin D3 (ergocalciferol) and magnesium are necessary. The ratio of calcium and magnesium in the mineral complex should be at the level of 2:1.

Daily calcium requirement

The daily calcium requirement for an adult is, according to various sources, from 800 to 1200 mg. During pregnancy, it is necessary to adjust the dosage of calcium taking into account the needs of the mother and the unborn child. An overdose of calcium can cause serious complications from the cardiovascular system. When choosing a calcium dosage, consider your daily menu - foods that contain a lot of this macronutrient (milk, cottage cheese, etc.). Be careful when choosing a mineral complex and take care of your health!

In the adult human body, calcium makes up approximately 2% of total body weight. This substance has a number of important functions that ensure the normal functioning of internal organs and the development of the bone skeleton. In Mendeleev's Periodic Table, this component is numbered 20. In nature, calcium is not found in its pure form (there are several variants of related compounds). To replenish the supply of an important component, two main methods are used - taking specialized medications and controlling the diet. You can find out which foods contain calcium from special tables.

Calcium - what it is, what it is responsible for, role in the body

Calcium is a vital component and building material necessary for the normal formation of the bone skeleton and internal systems of the body. The process of accumulation of this substance begins from the moment of intrauterine development. The main percentage of the component is found in the bones (99%), and the minimum amount is in the blood (approximately 1%).

After 35 years, the body loses calcium, so this age group is at risk of hypocalcemia

The importance of the substance for different systems of the human body

  • formation of bone tissue (the substance is a structural element);
  • participation in the processes of hormone secretion and ensuring the normal functioning of the endocrine system;
  • ensuring normal transmission of nerve impulses and synthesis of neurotransmitters;
  • normalization of the process of muscle contraction (including effects on the smooth muscles of internal organs);
  • regulation of blood pressure and normalization of the cardiovascular system;
  • ensuring brain activity (prevention of mental overstrain);
  • normalization of cell membrane permeability and strengthening of connective tissues of cells;
  • regulating the process of insulin release from the body (reducing the risk of diabetes);
  • increasing the protective functions of the body (the effect on immunity occurs at the cellular level);
  • participation in the process of binding salts and ensuring their complete removal from the body.

In the blood plasma, the component is present in three forms - the active ionized form (60%), compounds with low molecular weight anions (10%) and with albumin (30%). The first type of substance takes an active part in ensuring muscle contraction, the process of cell division, secretion of hormones and conduction of nerve impulses. Two additional forms of compounds do not affect biochemical processes in the body.

Why is it important for a person?

The main function of calcium in the human body is considered to be the creation and maintenance of the normal state of bone structure, but the substance takes part in ensuring almost all vital processes associated with internal systems. The development of pathological conditions is caused not only by a lack of this component, but also by its excess.

The substance helps normalize the following processes in the body:

  • functioning of the immune system;
  • ensuring normal levels of blood clotting;
  • the process of formation of the bone skeleton and muscle tissue;
  • secretion of hormones and production of enzymes;
  • performance of the nervous system;
  • functioning of the endocrine system;
  • ensuring vitality and replenishing energy reserves.

What happens to the body when there is a deficiency

A lack of calcium in the body provokes deviations in the functioning of almost all internal systems. First of all, bone tissue is damaged (the condition of teeth and hair worsens, and joint pain appears). Pathologies of the endocrine, cardiovascular, immune and digestive systems gradually develop. Lack of the substance is especially dangerous in children. The component plays a key role in the formation of the skeleton, determines the growth of the child and is involved in the formation of vital internal organs.

The deficiency provokes the following conditions:

  • dehydration of the skin (skin loses tone);
  • deterioration of hair condition (excessive hair loss, fragility, dryness);
  • abnormalities in the digestive system (including a tendency to constipation);
  • tendency to convulsive conditions (including “pins and needles” sensation and numbness of the limbs);
  • brittle nails (nail plates become thinner and weaker);

    Calcium is essential for maintaining healthy nails

  • disorders of the nervous system (irritability, anxiety, etc.);
  • excessive fragility of the skeleton (minimal bruise can cause a fracture);
  • thinning of tooth enamel (with a critical lack of calcium, teeth begin to fall out);

    Dentures are not cheap

  • decreased blood clotting (tendency to bleed);
  • risk of formation of stones and sand in the kidneys;
  • rickets and growth retardation in children (the consequences cannot be corrected);
  • increased blood pressure (decreased vascular tone);
  • general weakness of the body and excessive fatigue;
  • increased levels of “bad” cholesterol in the blood;
  • prolonged menstruation in women (including menstrual irregularities)

The deficiency can be due to two reasons: a lack of a component in the diet and progressive hypocalcemia (low levels of the substance in the blood). The second group of provoking factors includes low levels of magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin D in the body, the negative consequences of taking drugs that disrupt the functioning of the liver, kidneys and metabolic processes. In addition, the process of calcium absorption is disrupted during menopause in women and due to age-related changes.

What products does it contain?

You can replenish calcium in the body by adjusting your diet. When selecting products with a high content of this component, it is important to take into account some nuances.

Calcium, which the body receives from food, is not completely absorbed. Other vital substances play a key role in this process. For example, if magnesium levels are low, calcium will be absorbed at a slower rate. A similar problem occurs among smokers and coffee drinkers. To ensure the optimal level of calcium entering the body with food, the average values ​​must be increased.

Table: Products considered record holders for calcium content

Product Calcium content per 100 g
Sesame seeds1600 mg
Poppy1400 mg
Dry cream1000 mg
Whole milk powder1000 mg
nettle leaves700 mg
600 mg
Goat cheese500 mg
Hard cheeses500 mg
Brynza500 mg
Sardines380 mg
Basil370 mg
Processed cheeses300 mg
Condensed milk300 mg
Cashew nuts290 mg
Dog-rose fruit260 mg
Hazelnuts250 mg
Salmon220 mg
Parsley210 mg
White cabbage200 mg
White mushrooms190 mg
Beans190 mg
Dried apricots170 mg
Figs160 mg
Curdled milk120 mg
Shrimps110 mg
Almond110 mg
Milk (3% fat)100 mg
Walnut100 mg
Sunflower seeds100 mg
Cottage cheese95 mg
Sour cream90 mg
Peas90 mg
Raisin80 mg
Legumes76 mg
Celery70 mg
Pumpkin seeds60 mg
Chicken eggs55 mg
Carrot50 mg
Carp50 mg

Not only healthy, but also a tasty treat. A piece of cheese for breakfast will never hurt. Adding greens will enrich any dish with vitamins.

Daily intake rate for adults and children

The average daily intake of the substance for a person is 800–1200 mg. Recommendations for children of different ages, men and women will be different. During pregnancy, the need for calcium increases (1300 mg per day). The maximum daily intake should not exceed 1000 mg for children and 2500 for adults. You can replenish the calcium supply in the body not only with certain types of food, but also with special preparations.

Table: Daily calcium intake

How to reach the daily requirement?

When creating a diet to replenish calcium in the body, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances. If you simply introduce foods high in this component into the menu, the daily requirement will not be met. It is necessary to supplement them with food rich in other substances that help accelerate the absorption of calcium. After following a specific diet, it is recommended to check the blood composition with special tests.

The following substances help absorb calcium:

  • boron (broccoli, apples, nuts, grapes and legumes);
  • magnesium (bananas, nuts, corn, brown rice, whole grain bread);
  • manganese (spinach, nuts, green onions and grains).

Table: Daily menu options to replenish the norm

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner For the night
Herbal tea with a slice of lemon, rice porridge with milk, a piece of hard cheese, two teaspoons of sesame seeds.A glass of kefir, cottage cheese with prunes (prunes can be replaced with nuts or dried apricots).Vegetable-based soup, boiled chicken breast, dried fruit compote, nutritious salad (white cabbage, cucumber, cilantro, fresh herbs, sesame oil).Milk jelly, persimmon (or dried apricots).Stewed vegetables (or vegetable casserole) with fresh herbs, boiled fish (high in calcium).A glass of kefir with dried fruits (pre-fill with boiling water to swell).
Buckwheat porridge with milk, herbal tea, a piece of cheese.Cottage cheese with the addition of fruits, dried fruits or nuts, a glass of freshly squeezed juice.Rice soup, salad with fresh vegetables and cheese, chicken breast.Salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers (be sure to add fresh herbs).Vegetable salad with seaweed, a glass of kefir, baked chicken breast or fish, juice.Curdled milk, any types of dried fruits.
Oatmeal with cranberries, a glass of milk (fat content should be at least 2%).Small wholemeal bran bun, yogurt with raisins.Fish soup, pasta with arugula, herbal tea.Banana smoothie (make your own from one banana and a glass of yogurt).Cream soup of broccoli or cauliflower, a glass of kefir.A glass of orange juice, 2 loaves of bread.

When following a calcium diet, it is important to exclude from the menu foods and drinks that will disrupt the process of calcium absorption. These include carbonated water, coffee, alcohol and fatty meats.

If specific diseases are identified that provoke a violation of the outflow of bile, metabolism and other pathologies, then nutritional control should be combined with the necessary therapeutic measures. The absorption of calcium by the body is influenced by a person's lifestyle, so it is important to perform reasonable physical activity and spend enough time in the fresh air.

What medications can you find calcium in?

It is quite difficult to stabilize the level of the substance with food. In case of a critical deviation from the norm, experts recommend using vitamin supplements or medications containing this component. Before starting a course of taking them, it is necessary to find out the exact level of calcium in the blood. The concentration of the component in such medications may vary.

Examples of medications to replenish calcium:

  • Calcium D3 Classic (the drug is available in the form of chewable tablets with orange or apple flavor, colecalciferol and calcium carbonate are used as active ingredients);
  • Complivit Calcium D3 (the line of drugs with this name contains medications for different age categories of patients, including very young children, the active ingredients are colecalciferol and calcium carbonate);
  • Calcium Gluconate (the drug is prepared not only in the form of tablets, but also as a solution for intravenous or intramuscular administration, the main component is calcium gluconate);
  • Calcemin Advance (a complex preparation containing calcium citrate, the composition is supplemented with magnesium, boron, zinc and copper, used not only to replenish calcium, but also to prevent its deficiency);
  • Vitrum (a complex vitamin complex that helps replenish not only the supply of calcium, but also other substances vital for the body; due to the high concentration of components, it is not recommended to supplement the drug with other vitamins);
  • Marine calcium (the drug belongs to the category of dietary supplements; there are several supplement options with additional components - iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium and vitamin C).

Calcium levels in the body must be regularly monitored. Timely detection of deviations from the norm will allow you to avoid numerous health problems. You can get tested at the direction of your general practitioner or pediatrician. If you have symptoms of calcium deficiency or excess, it is recommended to consult an endocrinologist. The doctor will prescribe a comprehensive examination and identify the consequences of processes that have been disrupted in the body.

According to average data, a resident of Ukraine uses calcium in your daily diet is several times less than the required norm. These indicators are influenced by dietary traditions, as well as individual failure to produce the enzyme lactose, which binds calcium from food.

Food preparations containing calcium.

When building bone tissue to plan for a future healthy skeleton, youth need to monitor their daily calcium intake. Particular attention should be paid to daily physical exercise to strengthen the muscles that support the skeleton. The progress of treatment for osteoporosis should be carefully monitored. Indeed, with osteoporosis, it is often not enough to eat well and take calcium supplements. It is necessary to include traditional comprehensive correction of metabolic processes in the body. During menopause, when hormonal levels are reduced, a sharp decrease in the amount of calcium in skeletal tissues is possible.

The National Institutes of Health Consensus Conference established standards calcium for main age groups.

  • 700 - 800 mg per day from one to ten years of age
  • 900 - 1000 mg/day for the female and male body during the period of active hormone production and for women taking the hormone estrogen after menopause
  • 1100 - 1200 mg/day in adolescence and for young people up to 23 -24 years old.
  • 1400 - 1500 mg/day for women not taking estrogen after menopause.
  • 1100 mg - 1500 mg/day for women carrying a child and during breastfeeding.
  • 2000 mg is the maximum permissible intake of calcium per day.

The daily calcium value is calculated based on the following figures:

  1. 90 mg of calcium is found in half a serving of ice cream.
  2. 200 mg of calcium per cheese sandwich.
  3. 300 mg of calcium is found in a glass of milk.
  4. 450 mg of calcium is found in 200 grams of yogurt.
  5. 1300 mg of calcium is found in 1 cup of cottage cheese.

When we monitored the diet of Ukrainian women, calculations showed that a woman receives less than 500 ml of calcium per day, that is, three times less than the norm. To increase the amount of calcium entering the body, it is necessary to diversify the diet with milk, cottage cheese and yogurt, and by consuming dietary supplements with calcium, you can achieve additional intake of it into the body. Food products fortified with calcium have proven themselves well.

Recent discoveries by scientists in the field of calcium absorption indicate that calcium from natural sea pearls is named the best preparation. In addition to 40 percent calcium, pearls contain zinc, magnesium, iron, molybdenum and many other useful trace elements.

Thanks to new biotechnologies, a new generation drug based on natural

pearls, systemic gel calcium with lecithin and olive oil - "GOLDEN PEARL". Soft gel capsules GOLDEN PEARL are made on the basis of natural pearls, the main value of which is its high calcium content. Calcium is an important element for the formation of bones and teeth. In addition, calcium regulates the permeability of cell membranes and is responsible for the penetration of nutrients into the cell. It is involved in the regulation of nervous tissue excitability and muscle contractility, is necessary for blood clotting, and activates a number of enzymes and hormones. Calcium is of particular importance for older people, for women during pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause, as well as for smokers. For children calcium necessary for intensive growth and development of bone tissue. To produce these capsules, a patented enzymatic hydrolysis technology is used - it allows inorganic pearl compounds to be converted into a bioavailable complex. Note that the capsules contain olive oil, which contains vitamin D, which is necessary for the complete absorption of calcium in the body. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR USE: Replenishes calcium deficiency, especially recommended for children, elderly people and women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Strengthens bone tissue, teeth and nails, improves hair condition.

Accelerates the formation of bone structure after fractures and other injuries, effective for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

Participates in the regulation of blood clotting and prevents the development of vascular thrombosis.

Promotes the removal of heavy metal salts and radionuclides from the body, reduces the risk of kidney stones.

Necessary for the regulation of acid-alkaline balance in the body, an antioxidant.

It has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and increases resistance to stress.

According to the conclusion of the Research Institute of Pharmacology, GOLDEN PEARL capsules are the best calcium preparation in Ukraine, and one of the best on the world market. Thanks to patented enzymatic hydrolysis technology, systemic gel calcium from natural pearls based on active oxygen is absorbed by 98 percent. The structure of the gel shell has a cellular shape, which allows the active substance to be absorbed in portions over three and a half hours in the small intestine. The shell also contains plant collagen. MANUFACTURER: Under the control of TM McASTER, the company for the development and manufacture of health products RONGSHENG BAIHE, RONGSHENG, China

1 capsule contains 1100 mg, there are 100 capsules in a package.