New evidence on the dangers of very bright light to the eyes. Light and vision

Properly organized lighting plays important role V Everyday life. The color of the luminous flux created by a light bulb affects our state and perception environment and shades of objects. Let's figure out which light, warm or cold, will be better for the eyes, and how to choose lighting for different areas of the apartment.

How does the shade of light affect a person?

There is no direct connection between the color of lamps and eye health. This means that, trying to maintain normal visual acuity, you don’t have to worry about what shade of light to choose for your office or living room.

Nevertheless, color temperature indirectly affects the health of the inhabitants of the room, affecting mood and general psycho-emotional state.

  • Cold glow tones, increases concentration, dispels drowsiness, and is therefore recommended for illuminating work areas.
  • The warm tone of light is characterized by the opposite properties: it relaxes, soothes, creates an atmosphere of comfort and coziness.

The human eye is capable of detecting changes in color temperature in the widest range– 800–20,000 K.

Selecting a light source

To find out what shade of light a regular or energy-saving light bulb emits, look at the color temperature of the product, which is printed on the packaging.

The temperature of light is measured in Kelvin (K). A yellow glow is produced by a light bulb with a lower value of this value. And at a high color temperature, the light from the device will be cold and slightly bluish.

The most common lamps with the following shades of light:

  1. Cool white, which corresponds to values ​​from 5400 to 5000 K.
  2. Natural (neutral) white with a temperature of 3500 to 5000 K.
  3. Warm white with a range of values ​​from 2700 to 3500 K.

Differences in light different temperatures are shown in the photo.

Which shades of light are best suited for different areas of the room?

Let's find out which glow colors are suitable for different rooms and areas.

Cold spectrum light

The glow in the cold temperature range is close in perception by the eye to the light of the sun in winter time of the year. It is ideal for work areas of an apartment or office. Cold light lamps:

  • looks brighter;
  • stimulates mental activity;
  • helps you concentrate and get ready for work;
  • suitable for work spaces with combined lighting - artificial and natural.

Note! Cold glow distorts the color scheme of objects painted in warm colors. Orange will appear brownish, yellow will appear green, red will appear purple. At the same time, the green and blue palette becomes brighter and deeper.

You also need to take into account that the final color of the lighting depends on the color of the lampshade and the bulb of the device.

Lamps with high values color temperature will find application:

  • In the washbasin area in the bathroom. The cold glow invigorates and stimulates brain activity, promoting a speedy awakening.
  • In the kitchen area. Spot lighting is used here to help the housewife increase organization and productivity.
  • In large rooms with ultra-modern design.
  • In work areas and offices to increase concentration and mental alertness.

You should not use lamps with a cold glow in bedrooms and living rooms, where the inhabitants of the apartment relax in evening time. Scientists have found that bluish light slows down the production of melatonin, a hormone that is responsible for biorhythms and healthy sleep.

Neutral white lighting

Neutral electric lighting is optimal for rooms where you have to be long time. Certain types of fluorescent and halogen lamps allow you to achieve a glow close to that of the sun. This backlight does not affect the tones of surrounding objects, so there is no fear of color distortion when it is turned on.

  • Above mirrors to see the most accurate reflection without distorted colors.
  • In corridors and hallways for quick adaptation of vision after street light.
  • In a child's room where a natural lighting tone is desired.
  • In kitchens and dining rooms, where owners spend a lot of time.
  • In places intended for reading.

Warm spectrum lighting

Light with a temperature of 3500–2700 K has a cozy, warming yellowish tint that is well perceived by the eyes. Such a glow is subconsciously associated with the morning or evening sun.

Both traditional incandescent lamps and halogen devices can emit light with a yellow tint that is familiar to us. We also produce fluorescent illuminators and LED devices with low temperature colors.

Light in the warm range enhances the color saturation of objects made in a pastel palette. Interior designers actively use this feature to create unique images. Details of cold tones with such lighting will become less expressive.

Important! Due to the absence of rays of the appropriate spectrum, cold colors under a yellow glow look distorted. Blue approaches green, blue turns black, violet turns red.

Yellowish warm light would be appropriate:

  • In the canteens. During meals, such lighting will make dishes more attractive and promote good digestion.
  • In bedrooms to create coziness and a calm atmosphere.

  • In the living rooms. Warm lighting will add ease and lightness to the atmosphere and relieve psychological stress for guests and apartment owners. A diffuser chandelier in this room will be the ideal solution.
  • In the bathroom in the bath area for relaxation and creating a sense of peace necessary for rest and relaxation maximum benefit from relaxing water treatments.

Extra options

In addition to the color temperature of the lighting device, other characteristics of the lamps are also important. There are several main criteria that need to be taken into account when choosing:

  1. Operating principle. There are incandescent, halogen, LED and fluorescent lamps.
  2. Coefficient useful action. In the first place in this parameter are LED devices.
  3. Flask device. It can have the shape of a ball, tube, mushroom, pear, spot.
  4. Price. Incandescent lamps will cost less. LED ones are more expensive than others, but the one-time overpayment will pay off over time with lower power consumption.
  5. Color rendering index. Indicated on the device packaging by the letters Ra. If it is equal to or exceeds 90, then the colors of the interior when illuminated by this product will remain natural, as in daylight. At a value of 80 and below, be prepared for distortion of familiar colors.

It cannot be said that a certain light tone - cold or warm - is better or worse. Each of them affects a person in a certain way, so it is important that the color of the lighting matches the purpose of the room or functional area.

As dusk sets in, we are all surrounded by artificial lighting. It has already become so fused with the way of life modern man that people cannot do without it. But to save good vision for many years it is necessary to choose correct lighting, because eye health directly depends on it.

What kind of lighting is not harmful to the eyes?

The ideal lighting for the eyes is natural sunlight. But here too there are important nuances that are worth knowing about. For example, you can't look at the sun without the sun safety glasses. Only absent-minded daylight will not harm your eyes. But, unfortunately, daytime sunlight It's not always enough.

Firstly, indoor lighting may change throughout the day due to the movement of the sun.

Secondly, in winter, autumn and early spring the light is quite dim, so it is not always enough for normal lighting.

That is why during the day sunlight is used rather as background light, which is supplemented with some kind of artificial lighting. And here the question arises, what kind of lighting is better to choose so as not to harm your eyes?

Choosing the right artificial lighting

To date, ideal artificial lighting has not yet been invented. The choice, of course, is small, either ordinary lamps incandescent or fluorescent fluorescent lamps. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages.

For example, obvious advantage The advantage of an incandescent lamp is that it does not flicker, that is, it does not create additional stress on the organs of vision. The light from it spreads evenly, there are no pulsations. The disadvantages include the following factors: yellow light, low light intensity, low efficiency.

The main advantage of fluorescent lamps is white light high intensity, which can illuminate large rooms. Among the obvious disadvantages is flicker, although it is barely noticeable, but theoretically it can negatively affect the organs of vision. Although no convincing evidence on this matter has yet been presented.

Yellow or white light?

The opinions of experts differ, some believe that the most useful light for the organs of vision is white because it is more similar to natural daylight. But other experts argue that daylight has a yellow tint, so incandescent light is preferable.

While there is no consensus on this issue, experts recommend using the lighting that you like best. But we can definitely say that white light quickly tires the eyes, and blue light is the most harmful.

What should the lighting intensity be?

Moderately intense lighting is the most comfortable for the eyes. At dim light, a person becomes sleepy and his vision deteriorates, and too bright lighting tires. Light glare is especially harmful to the eyes; they not only distract attention, but also strain vision. This is why there should be no glossy surfaces in the room; it is best to use matte ones, because they do not create glare.

Artificial lighting must be chosen wisely. For example, working or reading requires more intense light, while general diffused light is perfect for other activities. On workplace the lighting should fall from the side so that there are no shadows. If a person works at a computer, then every hour you need to take a break - 10 minutes and then your eyes won’t get too tired.

Even in conditions modern development technologies in different circles societies still go different myths, concerning the harm and benefits of certain things for health. It is often human nature to trust rumors rather than scientifically proven facts. Also, myths are often so ingrained in a person’s consciousness that it is extremely difficult to convince him, even by presenting worthy arguments.

This also applies to rumors that can harm the eyes. Considering that the organs of vision are really greatly influenced external factors, There is nothing surprising.

One common belief is that bright light can harm the eyes. Is this really so, or is all this just another myth from the past? It's worth looking into in detail.

In fact, such a myth is partly true. It's worth knowing the following facts about light to keep your eyes safe:

  • Bright lighting irritates the light receptors on the retina too much, which can lead to unpleasant sensations And increased secretion tear fluid. Also, if you look at a bright light for a long time, you may feel dark circles before your eyes.
  • Some spectrums of rays can be dangerous - blue and ultraviolet rays. The former are emitted by the monitors of modern gadgets and lead to severe fatigue of the visual organs. The latter come from the sun and some lamps, and are dangerous because they lead to faster aging and clouding of the eye lens - the development of cataracts.
  • Flickering lighting also negatively affects the eyes. You may not notice it, but almost all types of lamps flicker, including the now popular LED lamps. This flicker tires the eyes and can also negatively affect the nervous system.

Excessively bright lighting should be avoided. But you shouldn’t believe the myths that it can cause blindness or serious visual impairment.

How to improve vision when you are over... Gennady Mikhailovich Kibardin

Light and vision

Light and vision

The perception of light waves is a vital necessity for the human eye. Eyes are created by nature to perceive light, this is their main function. The eyes perform their purpose easily and efficiently when they are given the opportunity to periodically alternate between complete darkness and bright light.

IN last years Among individual physicians, as well as eyeglass dealers and advertisers, a disastrous, completely unfounded assertion has spread that bright light is harmful to the eyes, in particular its component - ultraviolet radiation. Wearing dark glasses has become ubiquitous and has become fashionable. However, what longer person wears sunglasses, the weaker his eyes become, the more afraid he is bright light.

The tendency of young people to wear dark glasses is understandable. It comes from the desire to imitate strong of the world this, favorite artists and modern fashion, as well as from the fear of bright light. Your fear of bright light people explain the discomfort they experience when bright light shines on their eyes.

A little history. Dark glasses appeared a little over 100 years ago and were at first extremely rare. At that time, people who wore dark glasses were considered sick and those around them treated them with pity and compassion.

Reader, pay attention to the fact that the entire animal world on Earth lived and continues to live happily without wearing dark glasses; in the same way, until recently, our ancestors did without glasses. Today, tens of millions of people can easily do without wearing dark glasses and do not experience any discomfort. Wise nature has created eyes in such a way that they can easily withstand very high intensity lighting.

The main causes of photophobia in modern people are the erroneous public opinion about the “harm” of bright light and increased tension in the eye muscles.

This opinion is also supported by some doctors who have not delved deeply into the essence of the problem. People believe this, taking it as truth. People are beginning to believe that bright sunlight is actually harmful to them. And therefore, when exposed to bright light, they begin to involuntarily frown their eyebrows, grimaces appear on their faces, expressing obvious symptoms overwork and tension.

Under the influence of false beliefs, people develop a purely mental fear of bright light, which causes a tense state of the sensory apparatus of the eyes. In such a situation, the eyes really suffer from discomfort, from fear of bright sunlight, artificially created by the human consciousness. As a consequence of all this, inflammation of the eye tissue appears, which further convinces the person that bright light is supposedly harmful to him.

Today, through the efforts of dark glasses manufacturers, in the name of big profits, an erroneous public opinion has been created that bright light is harmful to the eyes.

Modern man experiences constant tension in his visual organs throughout his life. At the same time, a person may not have a state of fear of sunlight, although bright sunlight periodically irritates him. Irritation occurs due to a person’s improper use of the organs of vision, and then his eyes are simply unable to respond normally to external stimuli. For tired eyes, bright light does become periodically painful, and this begins to cause a person to fear the light. And fear causes further tension and uncomfortable state In eyes.

The unconscious feeling of fear of bright sunlight can be eliminated from human consciousness through gradual adaptation to sunlight. And the feeling of discomfort due to the action of light is removed after performing some special exercises.

In all cases where bright sunlight causes discomfort, you need to start by developing a sense of confidence. It should always be remembered that bright natural light not harmful. Confidence in the safety of diffuse sunlight can be realized by gradually getting used to it through special exercises, one of which is indicated below.

Sunbathing (solarization) with eyes closed. The most convenient way to do this is simple, but effective exercise in spring or summer, on fresh air. The exercise is performed for 3 minutes, five to six times a day.

Sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes, tilt your head back a little and put your face towards the sun. You must close your eyes, but do not strain. Smoothly shake your head from side to side (deviating 10–15 cm from the vertical in each direction). Shaking your head avoids prolonged exposure to light (with your eyes closed) on the same part of the retina. If during the exercise with your eyes closed you feel discomfort from exposure to bright sunlight, then additionally cover your eyes with the palms of your hands. During the first three days after performing each exercise, be sure to palm your eyes.

After six to seven days of regular execution this exercise eyes open on the street painlessly perceive diffused sunlight. Sunbathing with eyes closed is recommended to be performed regularly for 12–14 days. After this, as a rule, the eyes gradually get used to bright sunlight, and visual acuity improves significantly.

Following this, photophobia and discomfort from exposure to bright light disappear, the need to wear dark glasses disappears, and involuntary grimaces on the face disappear. And most importantly, the tension in consciousness associated with the fear of bright light goes away.

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We all live in a world where life does not stop when the sun goes down, and for some it just begins. Those times when people fell asleep at dusk are a thing of the past with the invention of electricity and the light bulb. Therefore, today artificial lighting, which is designed to provide light at night, is an integral part of the life of a modern person.

But many people wonder whether artificial lighting is safe for human eyes or is it harmful to health? And if there is still harm, then you need to know how to get rid of it or at least minimize it. Today's article will help you understand this issue.

What do we know about light

Light for a person is the most important aspect life, since a person perceives up to 80% of information through the visual system. The most optimal lighting for us is considered to be a natural type of lighting.

Note! Natural light refers to the light of the morning, afternoon or evening sun. This also includes the light of a cloudy day.

Natural light indoors

Wearing sunglasses

It was under natural light that our civilization developed most of its existence. But, despite the fact that the light of the sun is perfect option for the eyes, there are some limitations that any person should know and put into practice. Such nuances include:

  • You cannot look at the sun during the day without special sunglasses;
  • You cannot stay in natural light for a long time in rooms that have large reflective surfaces. In this situation, without special protective glasses, a person may be momentarily blinded.

If these requirements are not met, even natural lighting can harm your eyes. Remember that in fact only diffused daylight will be adequately perceived by your eyes and it will be beneficial, not harmful.

Artificial analogue

In our lives, we often encounter a situation where natural lighting is not enough and we have to use artificial lighting. This light is formed using a variety of lighting fixtures and light sources LED, fluorescent, halogen, etc. type. Moreover, the lamps allow, by adjusting and the necessary light bulbs choose the optimal level of lighting for any type of room, depending on its purpose.
The need for additional lighting arises not only at night, but also during the day (in some situations). The time for artificial lighting comes at:

  • cloudy or rainy day;
  • as a result of twilight;
  • In spring and autumn, the level of natural light, due to the rotation of the planet around the sun, will change. As a result, natural light will no longer be enough to prevent our eyes from getting tired.

Combined backlight

In such situations, a combined type of lighting is widely used, when natural light is supplemented with artificial lighting. But at night and in the evening we can only use lighting devices.
As a result of this need, certain harm may arise due to the fact that not every light source will provide the optimal level of luminous flux.
Since there is nothing better for our eyes than sunlight, in order to minimize the harm from artificial lighting, lamp manufacturers strive to make them as similar as possible to natural light.

Negative phenomena

Due to the huge role of light in our lives, even minimal deviations in the level of illumination when creating an artificial type of lighting can lead to negative consequences. If the illumination using lighting devices is not built correctly, you can cause the following harm to your body:

  • create for work unfavourable conditions, which can lead to decreased attention and, as a result, injury;
  • irritability increases;
  • performance decreases;
  • in poor lighting it is impossible to have a good rest;
  • may get worse general state health;
  • You may have trouble sleeping. In this situation, insomnia usually manifests itself, nightmares begin to occur, people remain tired and unrested after sleep;
  • Nervousness develops, which can develop into disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

On greatest harm Incorrect lighting damages the eyes. As a result:

Eye reaction to light

  • watery eyes appear;
  • provides visual acuity;
  • possible redness of the eyes. In rare situations, even minor hemorrhage may occur;
  • inability to see small details;
  • the effect of “flickering and sand” appears.

If nothing changes, the person will soon need the help of an ophthalmologist and glasses. As we can see, artificial lighting can be harmful to the eyes, but only in a situation where the rules of its organization are not followed.

Light parameters

Due to the fact that an artificial type of lighting can negatively affect both the visual system and the general well-being of a person, special standards for the level of illumination have been developed.

All standards regarding the level of illumination necessary to form the optimal level artificial light, are registered in SNiP.

Room lighting level table

Determining the optimal lighting level for our eyes takes into account a number of parameters:

  • the dimensions of the room, as well as its purpose;

Note! For a children's room, kitchen and study, the level of illumination should be greater than in other home rooms.

  • ceiling height;
  • wall decoration. It must be remembered that surfaces such as walls, ceilings and floors may have a certain level of light reflection. If there is a light finish, the reflective ability of surfaces increases, and with dark colors it decreases;
  • the number of lamps that will be placed in the room. Here it is necessary to take into account not only their number, but also the transparency of the lampshades;
  • number and type of light sources.

All necessary calculations can be carried out either independently or using the help of programs. In the second case, you will not only save time, but also get more reliable calculations, since you can make mistakes when doing your own calculations.
If everything was calculated correctly, then create it in any room (residential or non-residential) required level illumination can be done quite easily. At the same time, artificial light will not harm your eyes.

Sources of light

An important step in creating an artificial type of lighting is the choice of light source. The modern lighting market has the following variety of light sources:

  • incandescent lamp. This light source is the very first and today is already obsolete. Despite the presence large quantity disadvantages, such light bulbs create a luminous flux that is normal for the eyes. But they often burn out and break, which can cause harm to health through mechanical damage;

Note! Based on the kind of light incandescent lamps create, they are considered the most optimal for the eyes, without having a negative effect on the visual system.

Incandescent lamp

Halogen lamp

  • halogen lamps. This is the next type of lamp, which in its own way appearance very similar to the previous light source. Usage of this type lamps can cause significant harm to human health due to the fact that there is gas inside the glass bulb. It often uses mercury vapor, which is very toxic to the human body;
  • fluorescent lamps. Such light sources are better, since they do not have the disadvantages inherent in the above-mentioned light bulbs. But there is another nuance here - during operation, the light source may begin to flicker. This effect is bad for the eyes and can cause them to start watering;

Fluorescent Lamp

LED lamp

  • LED light bulbs. LED light sources are considered the best today. This is due to the fact that LED lighting does not have all the disadvantages that other light sources have.

These bulbs are completely environmentally friendly and do not flicker. At the same time, they are economical in terms of energy consumption.

Whatever type of light source you use to illuminate your home, you can always choose a model that will create a luminous flux that is as close as possible to natural light.

Colorful temperature

Whatever type of light source you use to illuminate your home, you can always choose a model that will create a luminous flux that is as close as possible to natural light.

Another important criterion for choosing a light source for artificial lighting is color temperature. It represents a characteristic of the course of the intensity of radiation emitted by a light bulb.

  • This option comes in three options:
  • warm;
  • cold;


There is no indication of this in the standards prescribed in SNiP. which color temperature option is considered more optimal for our eyes. Here everything depends on the purely subjective feelings of a person, which light is more pleasant for him to look at - warm or cold. Note! Many experts prefer white light , since, in their opinion, it is closest to natural light. But others see in the light of the sun yellow

and are inclined to this option as the most optimal.

The main thing here is that the light flux is of the correct intensity so as not to cause eye strain.

Moderate lighting intensity is the most comfortable for the eyes. Deviations from the “golden mean” in any direction can harm the visual system of people in a room with this type of lighting. For example, in dim light a person may begin to experience apathy and feel sleepy. But in very bright light, your eyes will very quickly begin to get tired and watery.

At the same time, the biggest harmful influence will cause glare and flicker, which may appear as a result of improper operation of the light source or if there are glossy surfaces in the room.

Features of choice

When creating artificial lighting, the following parameters must be taken into account:

  • what type of lighting is expected - main, combined, additional, decorative, task, accent, etc.;
  • what kind of light flux is needed: diffused or directed. The first option is suitable for general illumination of the entire room, but the second is suitable for illuminating a local area.

If you want to feel comfortable, then you should definitely take into account the above selection criteria in order to choose the right lighting for each individual room.
It should be remembered that when creating a working type of illumination with just a lamp and a lamp, it will not be possible to avoid eye fatigue. Therefore, here it is necessary to follow the rules of work (for example, with a computer) and take short breaks every hour.


Any type of artificial lighting, if not designed correctly, can harm human health (especially the visual system). But if you adhere to all recommendations and standards, as well as choosing the right light source, you can minimize or completely eliminate Negative influence artificial light on your body.