What do high eosinophils mean? Causes of abnormal eosinophil levels, diagnosis and treatment

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In medical practice, eosinophilia understand the condition of the blood, in which there is an increase in the level of special blood cells - eosinophils. At the same time, infiltration (impregnation) of other tissues with eosinophils is also observed. For example, with an allergic rhinitis, eosinophils can be found in nasal secretions, with bronchial asthma with bronchitis - in sputum, with accumulation of blood in the lungs or pleural tumors - in the lung fluid.

In an adult, the number of eosinophils in the blood is considered normal from 0.02x10 9 / l to 0.3x10 9 / l.

The following degrees of eosinophilia are distinguished:
1. Small - up to 10% of the total number of leukocytes.
2. Moderate - 10-20%.
3. High - over 20%.

Persistent eosinophilia is most often a sign of helminthic lesions, allergic reactions, and some leukemias.

Eosinophilia - symptom or disease?

Eosinophilia is not an independent disease, but a sign (symptom) of many infectious, autoimmune, allergic and other diseases. Their list is quite wide.

4. Symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases.
Since many diseases of the digestive system lead to a violation of the intestinal microflora, the process of cleansing the body of toxins slows down, which leads to an increased content of eosinophils. With such dysbacteriosis, the patient may be disturbed by vomiting and nausea after eating, pain in the umbilical region, diarrhea, convulsions, signs of hepatitis (jaundice, liver enlargement and pain).
5. Blood diseases.
For systemic histiocytosis against the background of eosinophilia, frequent infectious diseases, enlargement of the liver and spleen, damage to the lymph nodes, cough, cyanosis of the skin (cyanotic staining), dyspnea (difficulty breathing) are characteristic.
Along with eosinophilia, with lymphogranulomatosis, fever, pain in the bones and joints, weakness, itching on most of the surface of the skin, lymphadenopathy, enlargement of the liver and spleen, and there may be a cough are noted.
Eosinophilia in non-Hodgkin's lymphomas is also accompanied by fever, weakness, decreased body weight and motor activity, as well as symptoms characteristic of the defeat of certain areas. So, when a tumor appears in the abdominal region, symptoms such as thirst, an increase in the abdomen, and intestinal obstruction are noted. From the side of the central nervous system - headaches, paralysis and paresis, decreased vision and hearing. There may be pain behind the sternum, cough, swelling of the face, impaired swallowing.

Pulmonary eosinophilia

This term is understood as infiltration (impregnation) of the lung tissue with eosinophils. This is the most common tissue localization of eosinophils.

The disease combines the following conditions:
1. Eosinophilic granulomas.
2. Pulmonary infiltrates (volatile).
3. Eosinophilic vasculitis of the lungs caused by various causes.
4. eosinophilic

Eosinophilia is a marker of various pathologies, and during laboratory testing it is found in the composition of the patient's blood.

In the blood of a child's body, this marker appears much more often than in an adult.

What are eosinophil molecules?

The normative indicator of eosinophils in the blood is no more than 5.0% of the total number of leukocytes.

Eosinophils in the blood are a type of leukocyte molecule. Eosinophils got their name from the pink hue of the cytoplasm, and they are clearly visible in laboratory studies of blood using microscopy techniques.

In the laboratory determination, it is necessary to know not only the percentage ratio, but also their quantitative volume, which should not be more than 320 in one milliliter of blood plasma.

A quantitative increase in eosinophils in the composition of blood plasma signals that the immune system is under tension in the body. Neutralization of histamine during allergies lies on eosinophils, as they penetrate into the localization of the pathology and reduce the effect of histamine, so their number in the blood plasma is large.


This pathology is not a primary disease, but its primary etiology, it is a very rare anomaly in the body and it occurs with oncological malignant neoplasms (cancer).

With malignant neoplasms, eosinophils appear in an abnormally increased volume in the cells of the bone marrow.

The etiology of the disease eosinophilia is quite wide, therefore, it is possible to establish the main cause of the disease only with a comprehensive laboratory clinical examination of the body, using instrumental examination of damaged organs.

Therapy for eosinophilia as an independent disease is not provided, and it is necessary to treat the pathology that provokes an increase in eosinophil molecules in the blood plasma.

ICD code 10

According to the international classification of diseases of the tenth revision of ICD-10 - this pathology belongs to class D 72.1, "Eosinophilia", and is also classified as a secondary pathology of involving the immune mechanism from code D 80 to D 89.

In some situations, the etiology cannot be ascertained, as in the eosinophilic syndrome. High index eosinophil molecules in the syndrome are kept constant, then this syndrome is classified according to the ICD - eosinophilia, and a drug therapy regimen is prescribed for it.

Normative indicators of eosinophil molecules

The norm is significantly different for an adult organism and for a child, there are also slight differences by gender:

  • the normal index in an adult male body is 0.50% - 5.0% of the volume of all leukocytes in the blood plasma;
  • the relative norm in the female adult body is from 0.50% to 5.0%, but the difference from male indicators is that during the menstrual period these indicators deviate slightly. The first phase of the menstruation cycle - fix the excess of eosinophils, and after ovulation of the egg - they are reduced;
  • the standard for children from birth to 5 calendar years - 0.50% - 7.0%;
  • the normative indicator for children from 5 years of age to 14 calendar years is from 1.0% - 5.0%.

The absolute standard value in adults is 0.15-0.450X10.0⁹ per liter of blood plasma.

From the results of the general analysis of peripheral capillary blood - about the pathology of hypereosinophilic syndrome indicate the value of eosinophils in the blood plasma more than 15.0% of the total volume of leukocytes.

Eosinophilia is divided according to the percentage increase in eosinophil molecules in the blood plasma:

  • mild degree of pathology - not more than 10.0% of the total number of leukocytes;
  • the degree of moderate course of the disease - from 10.0% - 20.0% of the total;
  • severe course of the disease - more than 20.0% of the total plasma concentration of leukocytes.

General symptoms of eosinophilia pathology and why

Symptoms of the pathology of eosinophilia are determined by primary diseases that are provocateurs of an increase in eosinophils in the blood:

Symptoms of eosinophilia

With this pathology, an increase in eosinophils is observed, as well as severe symptoms of the pathology of eosinophilia:

Allergic etiology and Loeffler's Syndrome

It is manifested by an excess of the normative units of eosinophils and leukocytes, and is also expressed in the following symptoms:

Gastric pathologies

With these pathologies, a high value of eosinophil molecules in the blood plasma, which provoked eosinophilic diseases, is expressed in the following signs:

  • nausea, which leads to vomiting, after eating;
  • pain in the abdomen, in the navel area;
  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • cramps of the limbs;
  • systematic constipation;
  • jaundice;
  • enlarged liver and its painful condition.

Symptoms of blood pathology - provocateur of eosinophilia

A lot of things are said by elevated rates in histiocytosis, which provokes eosinophilia, the symptoms are characteristic:

Symptoms of oncological neoplasms in eosinophilia

With malignant tumors in the peritoneum with eosinophilia, these symptoms appear:

  • constant thirst;
  • increase in the volume of the abdomen;
  • not the functionality of the intestine.

In the human nervous system

From the organs of the nervous system, the following signs and symptoms are manifested:

What analysis should be done. To make an initial diagnosis, it is necessary to take a complete blood count. Peripheral capillary blood is suitable for this analysis.

If the decoding of the KLA showed high eosinophil indices, then the doctor collects an anamnesis, examines the patient and makes a differential diagnosis.

The role of specialized methods of additional diagnostic studies is to establish an accurate diagnosis.

To study for eosinophilia, peripheral capillary blood is taken - for a general analysis. For biochemistry, venous blood is needed. All material (blood, urine, faeces) for research should be freshly collected.

More about venous blood -.

In order to get the most correct value of this study, it is necessary to properly prepare the body for the procedure of blood sampling and urine testing:

  • it is recommended to donate blood in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • urine for the study of eosinophils must be collected and handed over in a sterile container;
  • collect urine early in the morning;
  • the last urination before collection for analysis, preferably should be no less than 6 - 8 hours before this urine collection procedure;
  • before taking the biological fluid of urine, it is necessary to wash the genital and urinary organs with water without the use of gel and soap;
  • correct collection of urine for general analysis - you need the first portion when urinating urine, and drain its remainder, and the middle portion of urine is taken for study;
  • the last meal should be at least 12 hours before blood sampling and for urine donation;
  • within 48 hours before blood sampling and urine collection, follow a diet - do not eat fried, salty, fatty, and also do not eat sweet foods;
  • do not drink alcohol in the last 48 hours before the material is submitted for analysis;
  • stop smoking;
  • stop taking medications at least 7 calendar days in advance.

Eosinophilia in children

The norms of the eosinophil index differ from the birth of a child to his stage of growing up. In a newborn baby, the normative index is not higher than 8.0%, and in a child of 5 years of age - 6.0%.

The etiology of eosinophilia in a child's body is similar to the etiology of this pathology in adults.

Fluctuations in the concentration of eosinophils in the blood plasma are associated with weak immunity, which is only at the formation stage, and the body of babies is daily attacked by infections and the influence of allergens.

The child is faced with the root cause of allergies from the moment of birth. In its first year of life, the digestive system is formed and adapted to a variety of food products. During this period, the first collisions of the child with food allergens occur.

The mucous membrane of a child is too weak in the first years of life, and allergens affect it, provoke pathologies in the child's body:

  • diathesis - a skin reaction to a food allergen, manifested by a rash and itching;
  • bronchial obstruction;
  • urticaria disease.

In this period, eosinophilia manifests itself as a secondary pathology of such diseases of the child's body:

  • infectious scarlet fever;
  • tuberculosis;
  • infectious enterobiasis;
  • infectious giardiasis.

By the age of 2, the child's food allergy is gone, unless the infant has a congenital allergic pathology.

With the manifestation of eosinophilia in children, it is necessary to carry out a differential diagnostic method in order to exclude from the list the root causes of this pathology, hematopoietic disease.

What are the reasons for the increase in eosinophils in children:

  • drug allergy - a common childhood allergy to drugs;
  • infections that got into the baby during fetal development;
  • worms;
  • skin lesions;
  • entry into the body of fungal pathogens;
  • effect on the body of staphylococci;
  • infectious vasculitis;
  • deficiency in the body of the trace element magnesium.

Eosinophilia in a child's body does not require special therapy. It is necessary to remove the root cause of the pathology and the disease will pass automatically.


To treat eosinophilia, it is necessary to start therapy for the underlying cause of the disease.

The drug course depends on the primary source of the pathology, on its scale of damage and on the stage of development.
  • medication Vermox;
  • means Decaris;
  • drug Vermakar.
  • drug Fenkarol;
  • medicine Pipolfen;
  • vitamin complex;
  • preparations containing iron for anemia.

To reduce indicators for eosinophilia caused by an allergic underlying cause, antihistamines should be treated:

  • drug Dimedrol;
  • Parlazin;
  • anti histamine Claritin;
  • Fenkarol.

Also, with more severe allergic manifestations, hormonal agents are prescribed:

  • Prednisolone;
  • Dexamethasone.

In addition to drug therapy, infusion treatment is carried out.

Infants with diathesis are prescribed ointments on the skin, or creams that have an antihistamine effect and hormonal components:

  • cream Advantan;
  • ointment Celestoderm;
  • Epidel.

In order to reduce the allergic effect on the body, it is necessary to take sorbents - activated carbon.

In case of allergy to food products, it is necessary to remove from the diet those foods that cause attacks of an allergic reaction.

To treat eosinophilia in malignant neoplasms, such groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • cytostatics;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • immunosuppressants.

The entire drug course is signed according to the scheme, the dosage is calculated individually by a hematologist.

To prevent infections and bacteria from entering the body, treatment with antibacterial drugs, as well as antifungal medications, is supplemented.

To influence the infection and with immunodeficiency eosinophilia, in addition to general therapy, vitamin complexes and a balanced diet are used.

Treatment of eosinophilia with raspberry tea.

In order to use traditional medicine, you need to establish the root cause of the pathology. And then use medicinal plants in order to reduce or raise the concentration of eosinophils in the blood.

For the treatment of an allergic root cause, decoctions are used, as well as infusions of such plants:

  • raspberries;
  • wormwood grass;
  • sage;
  • wild rose plant;
  • cabbage leaves;
  • grass series;
  • couch grass;
  • viburnum.

To eliminate the root cause of helminthiasis, apply:

  • pumpkin seed kernels;
  • blue iodine solution.

Low eosinophil index - eosinopenia

A decrease in the eosinophil index is detected when taking a general blood test.

The root causes of a low index of eosinophils in the blood are:

  • surgical interventions in the body;
  • inflammation that occurs in the chronic stage with constant relapses;
  • burns over a large area of ​​the skin;
  • infections that are in the body for a long period of time and have passed the stage of adaptation;
  • intoxication of the body, especially reduces the concentration of eosinophils alcohol poisoning;
  • body overload;
  • constant stressful situations;
  • state of shock;
  • severe injuries of the body;
  • malignant oncological tumors;
  • sepsis in the internal organs;
  • insomnia;
  • long-term use of corticosteroid medications.

Pregnancy and the birth process can cause a decrease in the eosinophil index, as well as increase their level.

The danger of eosinophilia

The danger of this pathology is in its negative consequences and in a complicated form. A complicated form of eosinophilia occurs if for a long period it is not possible to diagnose and identify the root cause of the pathology.

Complicated eosinophilia affects the internal organs of life support of the body:

  • the brain - provoking hypoxia, which leads to a stroke;
  • lungs - causes oxygen starvation of the cells of the body, which leads to pulmonary edema;
  • cardiac organ - provokes coronary insufficiency, which can lead to ischemia of the heart muscle and myocardial infarction;
  • cause disorders in the gastrointestinal tract and pathologies in the digestive system;
  • deviations in the work of all centers of the nervous system.

During pregnancy, eosinophilia can cause a number of serious complications:

  • inflammation in the kidneys - pyelonephritis;
  • inflammatory process in the bladder - cystitis;
  • interruption by the body of the intrauterine formation of the fetus - the fading of the fetus;
  • miscarriages;
  • premature birth of a child - a premature baby;
  • difficult exit of the child through the birth canal.


The necessary preventive measures, prevention of deviations from the norm of the eosinophil index, which provoke the development of the pathology of eosinophilia in the body, are aimed at preventing the occurrence of primary pathologies of eosinophilia.

Prevention of disease provocateurs of this disease is:

  • observe the rules of personal and intimate hygiene;
  • be sure to wash your hands after visiting crowded places: after traveling by public transport, after visiting a market or a store, after undergoing a preventive examination in a clinic, and so on;
  • prohibit a small child from taking a toy picked up from the floor into his mouth, as well as taking his fingers into his mouth;
  • a healthy lifestyle;
  • accustom the child to the procedures of hardening the body;
  • food culture is foods that are as rich as possible in vitamins, as well as the method of cooking. Avoid frying as much as possible. It is recommended, especially for children, to steam, bake and boil foods;
  • timely preventive diagnostics of the organism and detection of disease provocateurs at the initial stage of their development;
  • timely treatment of diseases that can cause an increased index of eosinophils, as well as their decrease in the composition of blood plasma.


Eosinophilia is a blood pathology that signals many diseases in the body. Eosinophilia is a marker that shows abnormalities in the immune system, or an overactive immune system. Even a slightly increased eosinophil ratio indicates the penetration of an infectious agent into the body.

Timely diagnosis and treatment of primary diseases leads to the fact that the disease is completely cured and therefore the prognosis is favorable.

A complicated form of eosinophilia, with damage to vital organs, as well as a pathology that is provoked by oncological neoplasms - the prognosis in 80% of cases is unfavorable.

A blood test provides a doctor with a lot of useful information about a person's health. Sometimes during the next study, you can hear from a specialist that eosinophils are elevated. Since these cells are leukocyte and are responsible for the functioning of the immune system, a change in their number indicates the development of pathological processes. A decrease or increase in eosinophils is called a shift in the leukocyte formula.

Meaning of cells

What is an eosinophil and why is it needed - natural questions that arise in a person during a blood test. Eosinophils are cells of the leukocyte group. Their main function is to provide the body's defenses when exposed to pathological microorganisms. The mechanism for implementing this function is that when a foreign protein enters, the immune system begins to produce antibodies. They block the functioning of a foreign cell. Eosinophils eat this compound and purify the blood.

The process of formation of these cells occurs in the bone marrow. In the absence of an alien attack, they are in the depot. Their main properties are:

The norm of the eosinophilic index - what does it mean? A complete blood count allows you to get data on the leukocyte formula. To conduct it in order to avoid high eosinophils, it is necessary to follow some rules:

  • hand over in the morning;
  • exclude food intake before carrying out (the interval between analysis and food intake is at least 8 hours);
  • limit emotional and physical stress;
  • observe the diet before the study, that is, limit the use of sweet, fatty.

The normal amount of these elements fluctuates throughout the day due to the functioning of the adrenal glands. At the same time, eosinophils in the blood of children are higher in number than in the blood of an adult. In the latter, this figure is 0.4x10 9 / l, and in children - up to 0.7x10 9 / l. Normally contains the following percentage of cells:

  • At birth and within 2 weeks after it - 1-6%;
  • from 15 days to 12 months - 1-5%;
  • from 1.5 to 2 years - 1-7%;
  • from 2 to 5 years - 1-6%;
  • in children older than 5 years and in adults - 1-5%.

Increasing the normal level

The increased content of eosinophils is called eosinophilia. Why are eosinophils in the blood higher than normal? All provoking factors of this condition are divided into 4 types:

  • development of a viral and bacterial infection;
  • the appearance of an allergic reaction;
  • defeat by worms;
  • occurrence of autoimmune processes.

Eosinophilia can be of three types of severity:

  • mild, in which the total number of eosinophilic cells is not higher than 10% compared to the norm;
  • moderate, in which the increase is up to 15%;
  • severe, when the number of cells is increased by more than 15%.

The last degree is dangerous because it is characterized by oxygen starvation of tissues.

The reasons for the increase in eosinophils in the blood are:

  • development of helminthic invasions (damage by giardia, ascaris, chlamydia);
  • the occurrence of acute allergic conditions;
  • damage to the lung tissue;
  • development of autoimmune diseases;
  • the occurrence of an acute infectious process;
  • exacerbation of the chronic form of an infectious disease;
  • oncology.

In addition to the causes of a pathological nature, physiological conditions are distinguished when eosinophils in a blood test will increase:

  • night time;
  • the beginning of the menstrual cycle;
  • the use of certain drugs, for example, aspirin, diphenhydramine, penicillin antibiotics;
  • violation of the diet before the blood test will be carried out (even eating a large amount of sweets on the eve of the test can increase the level of eosinophils).

Decrease in normal level

In some cases, in addition to an increased level of eosinophils in the blood, a state of eosinopenia occurs. It consists in a decrease in eosinophils. The reasons for this may be:

  • complication of infections to the state of sepsis;
  • the initial stage of inflammation;
  • the occurrence of a pathology that requires surgical treatment (appendicitis);
  • the development of an infectious and painful shock, when blood elements stick together into complexes that settle inside the vessels;
  • pathology of the functioning of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands;
  • heavy metal poisoning;
  • the presence of constant stress;
  • advanced form of leukemia.

What to do

If it was found that eosinophils are elevated in the blood, then the doctor, as a rule, sends for a biochemical study. This allows you to clarify the diagnosis or confirm it. At the same time, the doctor's attention will also be drawn to the protein indicators of enzymes. Additionally, a study of urine, feces is prescribed.

You should not take independent measures to normalize eosinophils. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a gemologist.

In addition, it should be remembered that a change in the number of eosinophils is just one of the symptoms of another condition, usually pathological.

Therefore, all attention should be paid to the root cause.

Its elimination or suppression will help restore or bring the number of eosinophils in the blood closer to normal. And in order for this to be done correctly, one cannot do without visits to the doctor. He will prescribe an effective treatment regimen and will oversee the entire process.

Blood testing is of great importance for a person. After all, no one is immune from various diseases. Situations when eosinophils are higher than normal may imply different conditions, including physiological ones. Therefore, when deciphering your own test results yourself, you should not panic. And even more so, they will prescribe medications for themselves. Only a doctor can tell what is the reason for the deviation and prescribe appropriate therapy if necessary.

In contact with

Eosinophils able to absorb and digest foreign microorganisms. However, their main function is to produce special membrane receptors for class E immunoglobulins (IgE).

They do most of their work in the tissues, not in the bloodstream.

Functions of eosinophils:

The most common method for determining the level of eosinophils is clinical blood test. In order to determine the nature of the pathological process, it is necessary to conduct additional research methods - a biochemical blood test, a clinical urine test, and a fecal test for worm eggs.

The reliability of the results of the examination may be affected by the preparation for the analysis. A few days before the test, you must stop taking alcoholic beverages, sweet, salty and spicy foods.

It is not recommended to conduct a study during menstruation and nervous tension. If a person takes drugs, then he should inform his doctor about this. After chemotherapy and antibiotic therapy, the date of the examination must be postponed by 2 weeks.

This rule also applies to physiotherapy sessions and x-rays.

What values ​​are considered elevated?

The level of eosinophils is determined in a clinical blood test when compiling a leukocyte formula. The number of eosinophils is divided by the total number of leukocytes. This indicator depends on age. In children of the first week of life, it ranges from 0.5-6%. From 1 month to 12 years - 0.5-7%. At the age of 13-15 years - 0.5-6%. In adult men and women - from 0 to 5%.

More about indications in children:

When the level of formed elements exceeds the maximum permissible value, then they speak of eosinophilia. A decrease in the level of eosinophils is called eosinopenia. These two states are not clinical diagnoses.

They are only a symptom of the disease.

According to the severity, eosinophilia is divided into 3 degrees:

  • light - the level of eosinophils 5-10%;
  • moderate - 10-15%;
  • heavy - more than 15%.

Causes of eosinophilia

An increase in eosinophils in the blood occurs as a result of:

Very often, eosinophils are elevated in an adult due to an allergic reaction. The use of drugs, waste products of pathogens (syphilis, tuberculosis) can provoke the development of hypersensitivity of the body. Often the cause of hypersensitivity are household allergens and food. Eosinophilia can occur against the background of hay fever, bronchial asthma and diathesis.

Eosinophils are cells contained in the blood that perform a protective function and are an integral part of the leukocyte formula. To determine their number, a general blood test (from a finger or a vein) is used.

Eosinophils also store and release substances (called inflammatory mediators) such as histamine, phospholipase, and others involved in general immune responses (eg, anaphylactic shock). In addition, eosinophils are able to absorb and destroy small microbial bodies.

Indications for donating blood

The simplest, most reliable and convenient method for determining the number of eosinophils is a complete blood count. According to the norms of modern medicine, a complete blood count is a mandatory study. This means that it should be prescribed to all patients with any diseases in hospitals and outpatient clinics.

In a blood test, eosinophils are determined together with other cells of the leukocyte formula (neutrophils, basophils, monocytes and lymphocytes). Their number is measured as a percentage of all leukocytes. Eosinophils are designated by the letter (E), and their number is considered normal **:

*from the total number of leukocytes

**according to independent laboratory Invitro

Reasons for deviations

The number of eosinophils can change up (eosinophilia) or down (eosinopenia) side of the norm.

Causes of a decrease in eosinophils:

  • acute infectious diseases (eosinophils leave the vascular bed into tissues to perform their functions, as a result of which their concentration in the blood drops)
  • trauma (just like in infectious diseases, eosinophils tend to the focus of damage)

Correction of the level of eosinophils in the blood

It is important to understand that an increase or decrease in eosinophils is an extremely relative concept. For example, with a low number of eosinophils in the blood, their increased number can be found in the tissues of the body, and, conversely, an increase in their number in the blood is a consequence of their release from the tissues.

In this case, the total number of eosinophils can remain unchanged. From this it follows that in most cases (except for cases of oncological diseases of the hematopoietic system), a change in the number of eosinophils in the blood is not a disease, but only reflects the processes occurring in the body.

Therefore, with adequate treatment of the disease that caused the change in the number of eosinophils, after recovery, their indicators will return to the normal range.