Heavy menstruation and anemia. Anemia after heavy menstruation

The normal period of menstruation, according to endocrinologist Marina Johnson, lasts 2-7 days within the monthly cycle, which ranges from 21 to 35 days. When bleeding occurs more frequently, lasts longer than 7 days, or is too heavy, you may have irregular or irregular periods.

There are many reasons for irregular menstrual bleeding, but the most common is hormonal imbalance in the female body. Fortunately, vitamins K, C, A, B and D, as well as iron, can help relieve heavy monthly bleeding.

  • K is known for its role in the formation of blood clots, so it helps with excessive menstrual bleeding. Belongs to the group of fat-soluble substances that are absorbed in the intestines. Recommended daily dose: 65 mcg.
  • C can reduce heavy monthly bleeding if it is caused by fragile blood vessels. Vitamin C helps strengthen blood vessels and makes them less susceptible to damage. The recommended daily dose is 200 mg.
  • A According to Dr. Marilyn Glenville, it acts as a powerful antioxidant that plays a role in protecting cell membranes from damage and promotes successful replication of blood cells. Apparently, vitamin A deficiency can also cause heavy bleeding in some women of reproductive age.
  • Group B. Designed to relieve unpleasant symptoms during menstruation. Used by the liver to convert excess estrogen into weaker and less harmful forms. For example, B6 is necessary for the production of prostaglandins, which reduce abnormal blood clotting. The recommended daily dose of vitamin B6 is 100 mg.
  • D. It is often prescribed to couples who are being treated for infertility. It eases monthly bleeding and balances hormones. It is also vital for the health of women's breasts, intestines, ovaries and prevents prostate cancer. The best way to get adequate amounts of vitamin D is to spend at least 10 minutes in the sun about 2-3 times a week.


According to the National Anemia Council (NAAC), heavy bleeding during menstruation is often caused by iron deficiency in the body. This type of anemia affects millions of women around the world every month.

There are two forms of supplements for women suffering from menorrhagia:

  • with divalent iron;
  • with ferric oxide iron.

The first type in tablets is preferable because it is better absorbed and absorbed by the female body. You can choose one of three types of iron-containing vitamins: ferrous fumarate, ferrous sulfate and ferrous gluconate. The recommended daily dose of elemental iron is 60-200 mg.

Those who suffer from anemia can take Hematogen during menstruation. ... Albumin increases the osmotic pressure of the blood, which leads to a decrease in the severity of edema due to fluid retention, as well as lymphostasis.
  • It thickens the endometrium, causing menstruation to occur if it is delayed. ... This happens with severe bleeding, age after 40 years, persistent anemia, or the inability to clearly determine the cause of the disease.
  • Bleeding should be treated, otherwise it can lead to the development of anemia and inflammation. ... There was copious clear discharge. Then the period is delayed by 2 weeks.
  • Anemia during menstruation. ... Hello. A delay in menstruation can be due to various reasons, including due to lack of appetite and changes in diet.
  • Previously asked:

      Alexander Lastovets (obstetrician-gynecologist)

      Hello. If you are only worried about a headache, and there are no complaints from the genitourinary system during menstruation, then it is unlikely that this is due to the IUD. Try taking medications for symptomatic treatment, such as anti-inflammatory drugs. You should also pay attention to your blood pressure level; it is quite possible that it fluctuates during your period. If the symptom recurs or worsens, you will need to consult a doctor.


      Hello! I am 22 years old, in the last couple of years I have sometimes had periods twice a month (once every six months). Have no children. I have had my blood tested more than once and the analysis showed a low hemoglobin content - about 100. A year ago, the therapist prescribed me to take fenucles for a month, took tests for 120, the doctor said everything was normal. But now heavy periods of 7-10 days have begun to bother me again. Do you need to drink it all the time? I don't know what to do, this worries me.

      Hello. If you have anemia due to blood loss from heavy periods, then iron-containing preparations will only temporarily alleviate your condition and remove symptoms. You need to make an appointment with a gynecologist and he will prescribe you treatment (most likely with combined hormonal drugs) to correct the menstrual cycle. This will give a truly long-lasting effect.


      Good afternoon I am 47 years old. For the last three months I have been in a state of constant menstruation. The cycle became like this: there is discharge for 7-10 days, the first days it’s copious, then it’s just a blur. Then a week of rest, and again into battle. I can’t say that my condition is anemic, everything seems to be the same as before, only my joints began to hurt. And besides, my blood pressure has been 90x60 all my life. I got used already. For the last five years, myoma has been diagnosed, but it is not growing. Is it possible to determine whether this is menopause or something more serious?


      Hello. At your age, you can already expect to enter menopause. And for some women, the first stage brings similar surprises. But still, such frequent discharge must be dealt with in any case. Be sure to go to a gynecologist, only an examination will reveal whether it is premenopause or a pathology in addition to it. Diseases can appear simultaneously with the onset of menopausal changes. And you can find out whether this is really menopause by analyzing FSH.


      Hello! After giving birth (caesarean section), 4 months have passed, the other day I started experiencing pain when urinating with blood and small clots... I went to the gynecologist, took a blood and urine test, discovered (according to her assumption) hemological cystitis, prescribed Monural 3 g and indomethacin (I’m breastfeeding)…After taking monural, the cramps went away, but not completely, plus the bloody discharge increased, similar to menstruation, the abundance is not strong...Today a headache and a state of malaise appeared....The question is: what is it, menstruation or bleeding with cystitis? And which specialist should I contact?

      Usually the first 2 days are voluminous, and the next 2-3 just a little
      This is bad? And is it possible to drink iron during menstruation or is it better before/after it?
      Thank you in advance!
      P.S. I'm very nervous

      Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

      Hello, Marina! In terms of abundance, your periods are normal. You can take a couple of iron-containing tablets during your period, but it is still better to take a general blood test and check your hemoglobin level. If it is normal, there is no point. And excess incoming iron will only be deposited in the internal organs, disrupting their functioning. Menstruation is often painful. Of course, it is better to find out the reason, but sometimes this is not possible. In such situations, you just need to choose an anesthetic drug that best relieves pain (ibuprofen, analgin, ketoprofen, spasmalgon or others) and drink it before the pain begins, if it always occurs. All the best!

  • Most women suffering from anemia develop iron deficiency due to heavy periods. “Normally, women’s periods last three to four days,” says Professor Ivan Danilov. “If they lengthen by at least a day, then a gradual decrease in the amount of iron in the body begins and the formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin is disrupted.” As a result, one in ten women with heavy periods suffers from anemia.

    What is anemia?
    Externally, iron deficiency manifests itself in deterioration of the condition of hair, nails and skin. Hair becomes dull and dry, and often begins to fall out, which sometimes leads to partial baldness. Nails peel and break, and the skin peels severely. In addition, there is a pronounced pallor of the face, and “jams” (cracks) appear in the corners of the lips.

    Hidden signs of anemia are increased fatigue, drowsiness, shortness of breath, headaches, and tachycardia. Mental abilities may also be affected. Professor Danilov explains this by saying that due to a lack of oxygen and other nutrients in the tissues, dystrophy (malnutrition) occurs, which affects all organs, primarily the functioning of the brain.

    Any of these signs should alert you, but to confirm suspicions you need to see a doctor and take a general blood test. Today, this is the most reliable way to identify iron deficiency conditions.

    How to restore iron in the body
    Diet rich in iron. Proper nutrition allows you to replenish iron reserves in your body every day. However, it only replaces the normal daily loss. The fact is that the maximum amount of iron absorbed from food is 2 mg per day. The same amount is excreted from the body daily, and during menstruation this figure increases to 15 mg. To replace this amount, you would have to eat about 5 kg of meat or 90 kg of fresh pomegranates! So diet is just a good way to maintain normal iron levels in a healthy body.

    Preparations containing iron
    The main means of combating iron deficiency are medications containing iron and vitamin C. The main function of the drugs is to quickly restore iron loss and maintain its stable level in the body.

    But there are also disadvantages of such treatment - side effects such as irritation of the intestinal mucosa, heartburn, and staining of tooth enamel. The course of treatment with them is long, so it is important that the drug is well tolerated by the body. Although there are modern preparations (for example,), in which iron is enclosed in a special liposomal capsule, which means it does not come into contact with mucous membranes and does not stain tooth enamel, and it is convenient to take it only once a day.

    By the regularity of menstruation, the amount of blood loss, and pain, one can judge a woman’s health. Normally, menstruation lasts up to 7 days; they should not be accompanied by a pronounced disturbance of well-being or loss of strength. During this time, up to 150 ml of blood is lost. This volume manages to be compensated by the body’s internal reserves and is not reflected in the tests. But what to do if you have heavy periods that deplete you and disrupt your normal rhythm of life?

    What is considered pathology?

    The duration of the cycle is on average 28 days, but the duration can vary individually. Directly during menstruation there are 4-7 days. If discharge is observed for more than the maximum period, pathology should be suspected.

    Menstruation may be accompanied by minor painful sensations, but should not disrupt the usual rhythm of life. If you are forced to take time off from work or spend time lying in bed, then this is also a reason to consult a doctor.

    The amount of blood loss is critical. It should not lead to the development of anemia, the signs of which are dizziness, tachycardia, darkening of the eyes, and shortness of breath. How to determine whether it is heavy periods or bleeding: you need to calculate how often the pads are changed. If a tampon or sanitary pad overflows within an hour, this is not normal.

    The separated endometrium may look like small strands or clots. But sometimes bleeding occurs with the release of large dark clots and a small amount of light blood. This condition also has its reasons.

    Why does the nature of the discharge change?

    The reasons for heavy periods can be different - from minor functional disorders to severe pathologies.

    Pathology of the uterus

    With severe myomatosis, the internal area of ​​the uterus increases and its shape changes. Therefore, the endometrium separates longer, there is more of it, and therefore bleeding is more profuse. Endometriosis is a pathological growth of the endometrium. It grows into the muscular layer of the uterus. The separation is accompanied by pain and heavy blood loss. Both pathologies develop against the background of hyperestrogenism, which contributes to endometrial hyperplasia. This condition is also characterized by intermenstrual bleeding.

    The reasons for heavy periods with clots may be a change in the shape of the uterus. If there are any that interfere with the normal outflow of blood, it lingers inside, manages to coagulate and comes out in the form of clots.

    You should be wary when heavy periods with clots appear after 45 years. Especially if a woman has already entered menopause and has not had menstruation for a long time. The cause of such changes may be cancer.

    Abortion and childbirth, the presence of an IUD

    If there were complications during the birth of the child or in the postpartum period, for example, bleeding or inflammation, the former can be very profuse. After a caesarean section, such changes in the nature of the discharge are also a consequence of trauma to the uterus. When breastfeeding, menstruation is absent for a long time. But at the initial stage of cycle recovery, periods may last longer than usual.

    Changes in the duration and intensity of menstruation are observed after intrauterine manipulation:

    • abortion:
    • scraping;

    We should also not forget about the possibility of spontaneous abortion. Sometimes a woman is unaware of her pregnancy. This situation often occurs with an irregular cycle. Then a delay of several days is perceived as the norm. But the fetus does not attach to the uterine cavity, and after a short delay, more pronounced bleeding than usual begins.

    The presence of an intrauterine device increases the likelihood of changes in the amount of blood loss. Only if the intrauterine system with gestagens is used for endometriosis and fibroids, the volume of lost blood will decrease and the number of critical days will be reduced.


    Taking medications that thin the blood can make menstrual bleeding longer. This applies to Aspirin, a group of antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs that are used in the treatment of thrombosis and blood clotting pathologies.

    Medical abortion is carried out using drugs that lead to the death of the fertilized egg and its natural rejection. Sometimes with incomplete periods there are heavy periods. This condition must be monitored using ultrasound, and if complications develop, medical attention will be required.

    Heavy periods after a course of Duphaston are a consequence of the drug’s effect on the endometrium. Under the influence of the hormone, vascular growth increases in it. The looser mucous membrane is actively rejected during menstruation.

    Hormonal changes

    During the period of formation of the monthly cycle in adolescents, bleeding of different types may alternate. The same can be said about women who are on the verge of menopause.

    Diseases and hypovitaminosis

    Pathologies of the endocrine organs and blood coagulation system, including congenital ones, can affect the amount of blood loss during menstruation. A lack of vitamins C, K, P, as well as calcium, disrupts the blood clotting process, which threatens to worsen the condition during menstruation.

    There is also evidence of the influence of dietary patterns. A diet with a predominance of lactic acid products - kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt - leads to increased synthesis of substances in the liver that thin the blood. The consequence is a deterioration in its coagulability.

    Principles of therapy

    The gynecologist chooses treatment tactics only after establishing the cause of the pathological condition. It is unacceptable to decide on your own what to drink during heavy menstruation. Self-medication will lead to the progression of the pathology and its transition to a severe form.


    Hemostatic drugs belong to different groups. The choice of a particular remedy may depend on the cause of heavy menstruation.

    • Askorutin

    It is a vitamin preparation whose action is aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels. But the effect develops gradually, not earlier than after 3 weeks of regular use. Therefore, it is used for prophylactic purposes, as well as after intrauterine manipulation. An analogue is the drug Rutascorbin.

    • Vikasol

    A vitamin preparation, a source of vitamin K. It is a component of prothrombin, a protein that ensures blood clotting. To prescribe a medication, it is necessary to provide a diagnosis and prove that the cause of bleeding is a vitamin deficiency.

    • Hemostatic tablets Dicynon (Etamzilat)

    Accelerates blood clotting, but does not affect thrombus formation and does not constrict blood vessels. It is allowed to use it for metrorrhagia, heavy bleeding in women with. But the drug is prohibited for use in pregnant and breastfeeding women. Despite the fact that Etamzilat does not increase the likelihood of blood clots, it is not used for thrombosis. The drug increases coagulation due to the platelet component, so in patients with thrombocytopenia the effect of therapy will not appear. In mild cases, Dicinon can be used in the form of tablets; in case of severe blood loss, treatment begins with intravenous injections, then switches to intramuscular and oral tablets.

    • Tranexam

    In the form of tablets, it is used in cases of bleeding associated with the activation of fibrinolysis - the dissolution of a clot that has formed at the site of a bleeding vessel.

    Additional effects of the drug are: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-infective.

    Tranexamic acid is used for heavy menstruation and uterine bleeding. But it can cause thrombosis. Therefore, in case of pathologies of the coagulation system or the presence of thrombosis in the past, its use is not recommended.

    For symptomatic therapy, iron supplements, folic acid, and vitamin C are used. They are necessary to restore blood and treat anemia. Iron and ascorbic acid are antagonists - in the presence of vitamin C, the absorption of ferrum occurs more actively. Folic acid affects the division of new red blood cells and the formation of complete hemoglobin.


    With heavy and prolonged periods, the use of herbs can help reduce the amount of blood loss, improve blood clotting, and compensate for the deficiency of certain substances. But they are not a panacea, the effect of herbal remedies is mild, and the exact dosage cannot be calculated: the amount of active substances varies greatly depending on the collection period, drying conditions and storage of the substances. Herbal preparations may slightly reduce the severity of symptoms, but will not cure endometriosis, fibroids and endometrial hyperplasia, and will not cut intrauterine adhesions.

    To reduce blood loss, traditional medicine suggests using nettle. A decoction or infusion is prepared from it, which is taken several days before the onset of menstruation.

    Corn silk has a hemostatic effect. A decoction is prepared from them, which is taken several times during the day.

    Water pepper extract is sold in pharmacies in the form of an alcohol solution. It is able to reduce the duration and severity of bleeding. Take it as prescribed by a doctor with a slight increase in blood loss, as well as after an abortion. The duration of treatment is determined individually.

    Yarrow has a similar effect to nettle. For medical use, it is better to buy ready-made pharmaceutical raw materials, which are collected in compliance with all sanitation requirements, and the concentration of useful substances is maximum. Yarrow is used in the form of decoctions and water infusions.

    Viburnum extract, a decoction of shepherd's purse and peppermint are used as an astringent and hemostatic agent.

    Some healers suggest using homemade herbal remedies for douching. This treatment can be very harmful. Reverse flow along with menstrual blood can cause an infection, which will lead to the development of inflammation.


    To prevent and eliminate heavy bleeding, you need to change your lifestyle. For a while, you should completely avoid alcoholic beverages, coffee and strong tea. Those who are actively involved in sports should give up training or reduce its intensity on critical days. The same rule applies to lifting weights.

    Hot baths, saunas, steam baths, and any thermal procedures increase the amount of blood loss. This also includes active insolation and many warming physiotherapy procedures.

    other methods

    If the bleeding has become pathological, emergency medical attention is required. Contracting drugs are not prescribed in this case. The only way to stop bleeding is curettage - mechanical removal of blood clots that prevent the uterus from contracting. In severe cases, transfusions of blood, plasma or plasma components may be required if pathological signs of blood loss develop.

    In adolescence, curettage of the uterine cavity is not used. For girls, there is a way to stop bleeding using medications. Combined oral contraceptives have hemostatic properties. But they are taken not according to the usual scheme - 1 tablet per day, but according to a special system, several tablets per dose at short intervals.

    Some women do not even suspect that the cause of their poor health, weakness, lethargy and fatigue after childbirth is anemia. For many, it is diagnosed during pregnancy.

    There are many reasons for the development of anemia after the birth of a woman: blood loss during childbirth, irrational food restrictions during breastfeeding, heavy menstruation, etc. Signs of this pathological condition can be noticed without even seeking medical help. Why does anemia occur after childbirth, how to identify it, can it be cured on your own?

    Read in this article

    Anemia is a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in a woman’s blood to less than 110 g/l. It is this border that is the starting point during pregnancy and during the first months after the birth of the baby. Then the norm increases and corresponds to the usual for all women - 120 g/l.

    Hemoglobin is a protein that contains iron in its structure. It itself is found in red blood cells. The main function of hemoglobin is to participate in gas exchange, i.e. its molecules bind to carbon dioxide and carry it from the cells to the lungs, where they exchange it for oxygen and distribute it further to the tissues. Accordingly, with anemia, a woman exhibits signs of hypoxia to varying degrees, which leads to disruption of the functioning of the entire body.

    Since hemoglobin is directly associated with red blood cells, when its quantity decreases, these blood cells become smaller.

    Thus, the following parameters indicate anemia:

    • A decrease in blood hemoglobin level below 110 or 120 g/l is mild. Moderate is characterized by its content in the range of 70 - 90 g/l, if lower - pronounced.
    • Decrease in the number of red blood cells, their norm in the blood is 3.5 - 5 * 10 12 / l. Indications vary slightly depending on age, level of physical activity and some other parameters.
    • A decrease in hematocrit level, which shows the saturation of the blood with iron. Normally it is 35 - 45%.

    Sometimes this pathology is called anemia, but this is not a medical term. There are acute and chronic anemia. In the first case, it occurs due to sudden blood loss, for example, during or after childbirth. It is more difficult to tolerate because the body does not have time to adapt.

    Chronic anemia occurs with a gradual, prolonged decrease in the number of red blood cells. For example, women often have reduced hemoglobin even before giving birth, and during pregnancy and after the condition only gets worse. But this condition is easier to tolerate, since the body is already accustomed to being constantly in conditions of oxygen starvation.

    Watch the video about the disease:

    Reasons for the appearance of a young mother

    Anemia can occur due to increased destruction (including loss) of red blood cells or due to a decrease in the rate of their formation.

    The main reasons can be identified as follows: Cause
    Why is this happening? Anemia that existed before pregnancy
    In this case, iron reserves in the body are negligible, and blood loss during childbirth (on average 300 ml) aggravates the situation and again leads to a decrease in hemoglobin levels. Massive blood loss during and immediately after childbirth
    This is often observed after a cesarean section, with pathology of the placenta, a large number of ruptures, etc. In such situations, cases of blood transfusion are common; the indication for this is a decrease in hemoglobin level below 70 g/l. Poor nutrition after childbirth
    Often new mothers sharply limit themselves for various reasons. Some are afraid of causing allergies in their baby, others are trying to lose weight. The result is the same - anemia and all the ensuing consequences. Heavy menstruation after childbirth
    Normally, the amount of blood lost during one period is no more than 150 ml. If the volume is increased (clots, very long-lasting, etc.), the body does not have time to compensate for the loss. As a result, hemoglobin gradually decreases. This is especially common if a woman has uterine fibroids, endometriosis, etc. Anemia and heavy periods after childbirth are frequent companions of each other. A similar condition can be caused by various chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, ulcers and others), spleen (if it is enlarged), and bone marrow. You should know that cancer pathology is always accompanied by anemia.
    Infectious diseases During all infectious diseases, in most cases there is also a decrease in hemoglobin levels, which is restored some time after recovery.

    There are many reasons that can lead to anemia in a woman after childbirth, in addition to those listed. Only a doctor after examination can determine the true cause.

    Signs and symptoms of pathology

    The signs of anemia are familiar to many. Firstly, it is the pallor of the skin. The woman notes that she gets tired quickly and wants to sleep all the time. She develops weakness, increased sweating, and periodic dizziness. Anemia after childbirth, the symptoms of which immediately begin to subside after treatment, sometimes still brings a lot of anxiety to a woman. With moderate and severe degrees, a rapid heartbeat occurs and decreases.

    Dull and weak hair, brittle and peeling nails, “jams” in the corners of the mouth, dry skin all over the body, shortness of breath during normal physical activity, a feeling of shortness of breath - all these are manifestations of anemia, and are often attributed to the normal state after childbirth.

    If at least a few of these signs appear, you should take a general blood test and rule out a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood.

    Sometimes anemia may not show itself in any way, and a woman associates its minor signs with lack of sleep and overwork.

    This is especially true for mild cases, which are often discovered by chance.

    Diagnosis of the condition

    In order to determine the presence of pathology, it is not enough to identify the symptoms of anemia in a woman after childbirth. It is necessary to take a general blood test, preferably a detailed one, from which it will be possible to tell how long the disease has been going on and how serious it is.

    But after identifying anemia, it is necessary to clarify its cause. This is the only way to effectively cure the pathology.

    • The following changes in the general blood test can be detected with anemia:
    • decreased levels of hemoglobin, red blood cells, hematocrit;
    • increase in ESR;
    • microcytes appear - immature and defective red blood cells that arise under conditions of iron deficiency;

    other indicators in detailed analyzes also change - distribution by volume, etc.

    Treatment is based on the cause that caused it, as well as the degree of neglect. Thus, signs of mild anemia after childbirth go away with a diet enriched with iron. But moderate and severe cases must be subjected to drug therapy. A hemoglobin level below 70 g/l and the presence of other symptoms (pallor, tachycardia and others) are an indication for transfusion of blood components.

    Treatment of anemia is a long process, at least a month. Even with normal test results, you still need to take the pills for some time to replenish your iron reserves.


    There is a wide variety of drugs to increase the level of iron in the blood, which will also increase the formation of hemoglobin. Almost all of them are allowed both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. The most popular and effective are totema, maltofer, ferronal, dzheferol and the like.

    Many of them, in addition to iron, contain additional microelements that contribute to better absorption of iron. Most often these are vitamin C and B12, manganese, copper, folic acid. Also, when choosing a drug, you should take into account which iron - divalent or trivalent - is included in the drug. This affects the degree of absorption of decao. In the gastrointestinal tract, trivalent is absorbed, and for two, an oxidizing agent is required, often vitamin C plays this role.

    In most cases, tablet forms are used, but intramuscular injections are also possible. They are most often prescribed to treat moderate to severe anemia.

    It happens that iron supplements cause stool disturbances such as constipation, as well as a change in its color to a darker one. If necessary, you need to take, for example, lactulose and others.

    The dosage regimen can only be prescribed by a doctor, based on the severity of symptoms and test results.

    The use of dietary supplements and homeopathic remedies is possible, but they are more suitable for preventing relapse or in combination with iron-containing drugs.


    Plays an important role in maintaining normal blood counts. If you have anemia, you should include as many red foods and its shades as possible in your diet. This is meat (beef, pork to a lesser extent), (beef in this case is better than chicken), buckwheat, legumes, apples, pomegranates and others. Of course, breastfeeding women should use them with caution, as they can cause allergic reactions in the baby, problems with gas formation, etc.

    Fresh air is also important for girls with anemia. Regular walks will help to quickly reduce symptoms, as more oxygen is consumed in such conditions.

    Traditional methods

    If a woman is diagnosed with anemia after childbirth, treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor. And only in addition to it can you use various traditional medicine recipes.

    Recipe 1. To do this, you need to take nettle leaves, yarrow flowers and dandelion root in equal parts. Then you should brew the resulting mixture in water and let it brew for several hours. Everything is done at the rate of 1 - 2 tbsp per 300-400 ml of water. The resulting infusion should be taken half a glass 3-4 times a day for several weeks.

    Recipe 2. You need to grate fresh carrots on a fine grater. Radish and beets should be chopped in the same amount. Then squeeze the juice out of these vegetables. The resulting solution should be stored in a cool, dark place. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 2 - 3 times a day for several weeks.

    Recipe 3. You need to take 50 - 70 g of hawthorn berries and 200 - 250 ml of dry red wine. Mix the ingredients and let it brew for 2 - 3 weeks, then take 2 - 3 tbsp. l. 3 - 4 times a day for at least a month.

    Recipe 4. You should peel one medium pomegranate and squeeze out the juice, then mix it with 200 - 300 ml of dry red wine. Use the resulting solution 2 - 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. within a few weeks.

    Recipe 5. You should take lungwort officinalis 30 - 50 g and leave it in 200 ml of alcohol for 2 - 3 weeks in a dark, cool place. Then strain and drink 2 tbsp. l. several times a day.

    Anemia after childbirth is a fairly common occurrence. Sometimes women feel a loss of strength, weakness, drowsiness, skin changes for a long time and do not know what caused this condition.

    Anemia can only be detected in conjunction with clinical tests prescribed by a specialist. This pathology has no obvious symptoms, so it is almost impossible to determine it on your own. Grade 1 anemia after childbirth can be corrected with nutrition, but moderate and severe anemia can only be overcome with the use of medications and sometimes even blood transfusions.