Wallpaper for the walls of the house. Wallpaper for a room - how to choose modern options for any design (105 photos)

Without wall decoration, any room will seem uncomfortable. The exception is when it is part of a design project. Finishing is carried out using a variety of finishing materials. The most popular are . Manufacturers offer various options, among which it is easy to choose the right one. For those who choose wallpaper for their walls, the photo catalog will help them choose the appropriate option for a particular one.

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Features of choice

The ornament will appeal to those who prefer shabby chic or retro. They add rigor to a bedroom in an art deco or classic style.

To select wallpaper for the living room, we use a photo catalog with examples of finishing

Liquid wallpaper - a universal solution

The advantages of this type of finishing material for walls include:

  • Eco-friendly and hypoallergenic;
  • Resistance to temperature changes;
  • Can be used to decorate walls in unheated rooms;
  • Maintainability. The damaged layer is quite easy to restore;
  • Formation of a complete fabric without seams;
  • High vapor permeability. As a result, there is no condensation or mold on the surface of the walls;
  • Resistance to wall shrinkage;
  • Reusability;
  • Durability;
  • Good noise and heat insulation characteristics.

To remove liquid wallpaper from the wall, just use warm water and a spatula. The collected mass can be dried and reused later, or immediately applied to another surface.

Attention! Liquid wallpaper should not be applied in rooms with high humidity and poor ventilation.


From this article you can learn how to choose the right wallpaper for the wall in a room: a catalog of popular design solutions using the most popular types of finishing materials, tips and recommendations from professionals on choosing coatings, taking into account the purpose of the room (kitchen, living room, bedroom, hallway). The text contains a brief description of non-woven and vinyl fabrics with prices for them.

From time to time, the owner of an apartment or private house is faced with the need to carry out repairs. Most often, difficulties are associated with the choice of finishing material. To do this, you have to look through catalogs of modern wallpaper for walls in stores, booklets and numerous photos on the Internet, look for interesting ideas and design solutions.

If previously the choice was based on the purchase of high-quality finishes, today the range of durable and reliable coatings is so wide and varied that the home owner has to delve into the decorative properties of the materials.

Interesting fact! There is a certain pattern that is confirmed every year: the current wallpaper design is a reflection of textile trends in the fashion world. To choose a modern material for wall decoration, it is enough to follow the evolution of fabrics. In 2017, decorators and stylists give preference to floral patterns and antique patterns.

Modern style trends have also become more democratic and flexible. If necessary, fashionable, sophisticated motifs can be integrated into modern, high-tech and loft without harming the integrity of the interior.

What wallpaper is in fashion now: general trends in design

When it comes to finishing materials this year, manufacturers are striving to focus on conciseness and precision of design. The catalogs of Italian wallpaper for walls in 2017 do not contain obtrusive ornaments, overly catchy shapes and patterns, as well as abstract decor. All this provides a color overload of the finish. For this reason, it is not recommended to use this design in a modern interior.

Black and white prints, metallic surfaces and wallpaper decorated with vertical patterns remain relevant.

Fashionable ideas from wallpaper catalogs for walls: photos and prices of popular options for 2017

Most apartment owners prefer non-woven and vinyl wallpaper. These materials are strong and durable, they have a wide range of textures and colors.

Paper, non-woven and fiberglass materials, their features, pros and cons. Prices for products from popular manufacturers.

Manufacturers use various technologies to create designs on vinyl wallpaper:

  • silkscreen printing;
  • foaming of polyvinyl chloride for coatings;
  • hot stamping;

  • imitation of various surfaces on heavy vinyl, for example, tiles, wood, stone.

Vinyl coverings have a huge selection of textures, colors and patterns. You can verify this by looking at Erisman's wallpaper catalogs. This German manufacturer offers consumers more than 20 collections of modern and fashionable high-quality wallpaper.

Prices for vinyl wallpaper Erisman:

Style Collection Price per roll, rub.
Children's FUNPARK 800
Classical PRIMAVERA 1450
ARCANO 1750-1800
Modern POESIA 1800-1900
Floristics CHARM 1900
Provence MELODY 2000
COUNTRY 2050-2115

To decorate walls using this material, you will need to purchase a special adhesive for vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis, designed for fixing heavy canvases. It is desirable that it has a fairly thick consistency and dries quickly.

You can refresh the interior and make the space original by combining and ordinary

Features, photos, prices of non-woven wallpaper for walls: manufacturer's catalog Marburg

Non-woven wallpaper has the same base as vinyl wallpaper, but they differ in the top decorative layer, which is a homogeneous coating consisting of 100% dense fabric. This material is environmentally friendly and practical, although it does not have as much design as vinyl products.

An example of high quality in the finishing materials market is the products of the German brand Marburg, which includes more than 25 collections of wallpaper for premises for various purposes.

Price of non-woven wallpaper: manufacturer's catalog Marburg:

Style Collection Price per roll, rub.
Classical ORNAMENTALS HOME 1240-1290
Modern HOMESTORY 1300-1320
Floristics ESTELLE 1530-1570

Helpful advice!When choosing which adhesive for non-woven wallpaper is better, you should pay attention to the products of quality brands - Exclusive, Methylane, Quelyd, Kleo, Pufas. Otherwise, the coating will not adhere well or stains will appear on its surface.

What is the difference between vinyl wallpaper and non-woven wallpaper?

The differences between vinyl and non-woven wallpaper are not significant. Although some nuances may be important for some buyers.

Non-woven and vinyl wallpapers differ according to the following criteria:

  1. Material - previously it was believed that vinyl was harmful to health, but both of these types of wallpaper, if they have a quality certificate, are completely safe for health.
  2. Assortment - vinyl wallpapers offer more design options than non-woven ones.
  3. Level of air permeability - non-woven fabric allows air to pass through well, providing natural ventilation, and rooms decorated with vinyl wallpaper need to be ventilated periodically.
  4. Glue for fixing canvases on the wall - to fix the non-woven covering, any high-quality adhesive intended for paper wallpaper is sufficient; vinyl belongs to the category of dense materials, so gluing it will require a compound with a very strong fixation.

Apartment renovation options: wallpaper design, interior photos

The extensive range of wallpaper on the market allows the owner of an apartment, even without special skills, to create a modern and fashionable interior in his home.

The most popular wall finishing options in 2017:

  • plain coverings;
  • wallpaper with scenes;
  • coverings with patterns;
  • photo wallpaper;
  • coverings in the form of frescoes;
  • landscapes;
  • geometric designs;
  • textured and textured surfaces;
  • floral motifs on the wallpaper.

Note! If professionals take on the job, the price of wallpapering per square meter will range from 200 to 700 rubles. This indicator depends on the pricing policy of the company providing the services, the complexity of the work, as well as the type of finishing material.

Kitchen renovation using fashionable wallpaper for walls in 2017

To decorate modern kitchen interiors, sets and pieces of furniture of laconic shapes and calm colors are used. Using wallpaper on the walls in a room, you can create accents by adding patterns of rich colors to the decor. For these purposes, coatings that realistically convey the image are suitable. Using laconic forms, rich colors and non-standard effects, you can concentrate attention on one of the walls and even adjust the space of a narrow kitchen.

Black and white kitchens are still fashionable. Monochrome colors will never look monotonous or boring. Due to the contrast, the interior of the room will become original. Almost any furniture can fit into this design. Even the presence of massive or antique elements will not be able to introduce dissonance into the design.

Combined wallpaper: photo of design in the living room

Typically, the living room interior is done in a classic, Provence or retro style. If you don’t want to burden the decor by decorating the walls with bright colors and wide canvases, you can limit yourself to using small inserts. Separate sections of free walls, niches and other structural elements of the room are suitable for this.

The following colors will be optimal in this case:

  • brown;
  • violet;
  • red, etc.

By using these inserts in combination with a light main background in the living room, you can create an interior in a modern style. Also in the photo of wallpaper for walls in 2017 interiors, calm shades with prints predominate. Most often, the canvases contain geometric patterns, classical or floral patterns. Combined wallpapers look good in the living room interior.

A combined design can be achieved in two ways:

  1. Combining plain and patterned wallpaper.
  2. By creating a tandem of different patterns that support different themes.

In this case, the patterns must be harmonious. Small and catchy printed images on the trim are best combined with strict patterns, for example, small flowers and stripes.

Note! It is not advisable to stick large patterns around the entire perimeter of the room, otherwise it will look gloomy and cramped. It is enough to focus on one wall.

The presence of striped wallpaper in the interior as a decoration for partitions, niches and protrusions will highlight the peculiarity of these elements of the room, as well as hide unevenness.

Three-dimensional compositions with a 3D image effect, as well as realistic ones, remain relevant for living room design in 2017. A suitable finishing option in this case would be urban scenes and landscapes, as well as flowers.

Choosing modern wallpaper for a room: photo of bedroom design

Fashion has brought back floral decoration motifs to bedroom interiors. Natural themes, with the right choice of palette, are even suitable for creating modern design. Pastel shades remain a classic design option for a relaxation room. It is allowed to use bright colors as accents. Wallpaper in rich colors is most often pasted on the wall behind the head of the bed, which allows you to highlight the central surface in the room. Muted tones can also be used for decoration. However, their use does not come without some nuances.

Rules for using dark colors in the bedroom interior:

  • to improve the perception of shade in the room, you need to install a sufficient number of lighting fixtures, for example, lamps, sconces;
  • the presence of a window in the room is mandatory;
  • To make the interior less gloomy, you can combine dark coverings with light wallpaper decorated with patterns.

An important role in the interior of the bedroom is assigned to shades. White, beige, yellow, soft blue, and other tones of the pastel palette will look good as a background. They go well with almost all colors. It is much more difficult to achieve harmony in an interior with bright accents. The easiest way to do this is if the room uses textiles and accessories that match the colors of the wall decoration or the pattern on the wallpaper.

Which wallpaper design to choose in the hallway

Trends in hallway design in 2017 follow the fashion of past years. When choosing a finishing material, you should give preference to small patterns, as well as light shades, which will visually expand the space.

If the hallway has an irregular shape, it can be corrected with striped wallpaper. Coatings that realistically imitate natural surfaces have become fashionable this year. In the interior of the hallway, brickwork made in white or light gray, stone, imitation bamboo and light tree bark will look advantageous.

Renovating an apartment is a responsible task, in which the most important role is played by the choice of finishing. Wallpaper is best suited for these purposes. They offer thousands of interesting design options due to a huge variety of textures, colors, designs and patterns. Using methods of horizontal and vertical combination of wallpaper, placement of accents and other design techniques, you can create a modern and stylish interior of the room.

When choosing wallpaper for a room, you need to take into account the area of ​​the room, the type of lighting, and the functional features of the room. When choosing, you also need to take into account the style and color of the furniture; it is much easier to choose wallpaper to match the furniture than to change the furniture in the room. Various types of wallpaper on the manufacturer's market allow you to satisfy the most daring ideas and tastes of customers; in addition, by choosing the right wallpaper you can cheaply and beautifully complement the interior and style of the room and the room as a whole.

Each room in the room has its own characteristics, knowing and taking into account which, you can make a wonderful renovation using wallpaper. First of all, you need to take into account the area of ​​the room; for a small room it is better to choose wallpaper with small patterns and ornaments in light colors. But in large rooms it is better to glue wallpaper with a large print; you can experiment with colors, combining and matching them. In rest and relaxation rooms you need to glue wallpaper in soothing colors.

For the hallway, corridor and living room, you need to choose the following wallpaper:

  • Bright colors and shades;
  • Large ornaments and drawings;
  • Combined wallpaper.

It is imperative to choose the optimal wallpaper material when gluing it in rooms with different purposes.

In rooms where there is frequent traffic and traffic, where contamination is possible, for example, in the hallway or in the kitchen, it is better to glue universal non-woven wallpaper that can be processed well.

And for the bedroom, living room and children's room, it is better to use natural paper or textile wallpaper.

Wallpaper in a one-room apartment: what to pay attention to

It is quite difficult to decorate a one-room apartment and give it a presentable look; it is very difficult to choose wallpaper for it. For a narrow hallway, light-colored non-woven or vinyl wallpaper is most suitable; they are well-treated from dirt, and the light color of the wallpaper visually enlarges and illuminates the room. In the kitchen of a one-room apartment, it is better to put up vinyl wallpaper, preferably with a washable surface. The color of the wallpaper should also be restrained.

It is better to cover the hall with natural paper or textile tones, the main thing is to choose:

  • Light tone wallpaper;
  • Small pattern or ornament;
  • Wide wallpaper sheets.

The bedroom should also be covered with natural light wallpaper; from the colors it is better to choose delicate pink, white, peach beige.

You can use wallpaper with small floral patterns and ornaments. If there are niches in the rooms, it is better to seal them, and if they are highlighted, then only with natural colors, for example, wallpaper imitation wood, concrete, or stone. Interior doors should be light, this will visually add space.

Which wallpaper is better for a large room: choosing the best option

In large rooms, you can safely experiment with the color and type of wallpaper, choosing bright colors, large prints, and combining canvases with each other. If you want to keep a large room visually in the same area, you can simply cover the room with plain wallpaper. Furniture, interior and decorative elements, indoor flowers will fill the space.

But it also happens that the room is too large; in a large square room you can zoning the space:

  • Select a recreation area;
  • Work area;
  • Niches available in the room.

A combination of several colors combined along the spectrum and wallpaper of different materials will help with this. Using this wallpapering option, a large room can be made very stylish. This idea is also suitable for decorating an office, both at home and at work.

The advantage of large rooms is that you can glue different types of wallpaper here, feel free to experiment in the process of pasting the walls.

Experts consider non-woven, fabric and textile wallpapers to be the most successful types of wallpaper for hanging large rooms. The colors can be different, from large ornaments and designs to small prints.

Rooms with photo wallpaper in the interior

Decorating walls with photo wallpaper is the current trend in the world of renovation and interior design. Photo wallpapers are perfect for any room in terms of size and purpose, and if you choose the right design, you can highlight the room and its advantages.

The most common photo wallpaper ideas are:

  • Cities of the world;
  • Floral prints and nature;
  • Animals;
  • Children's photo wallpaper;
  • 3D photo wallpaper.

Both for home and studio, photo wallpapers look amazing on the walls. Modern digital photo printing on wallpaper conveys patterns and images as accurately as possible; it can be used to visually expand a room and hide imperfections in the wall surface.

Photo wallpaper can be used to cover not only the surfaces of walls and ceilings; they can be used for designer pasting of old furniture and entrance doors to a room.

Beautiful wallpaper for the room

Beautiful wallpaper will always complement the interior and can act as an independent decorative element. But what wallpapers are considered beautiful? First of all, it is correct for a particular room. In addition, you need to take into account the age of the owner of the room. Fashionable and youth wallpaper, in the rooms of teenagers and young people, this is photo wallpaper. Wallpaper with cartoon characters and wallpaper in bright colors look good in a children's room. For a young man, photo wallpapers with images of cars and a marine theme are suitable.

Please also pay attention to tips for choosing stylish and unique wallpaper for the bedroom:

For a girl, floral prints on paper wallpaper, photo wallpapers with cities, countries are suitable, the main thing is to combine them correctly:

  • Furniture color and wallpaper color;
  • Interior style and wallpaper texture;
  • Maintain the color scheme in decorative elements.

You should not emphasize the bright color of the wallpaper with rich decorative elements; it is better to use bright decorative elements for rooms with light wallpaper in pastel colors.

We glue wallpaper and do repairs

You need to glue wallpaper correctly, following the technology of working with wallpaper, using the right glue and tools. To do this, first of all, you need to know the consumption of wallpaper per room, which a special calculation table will help you find out. The next step is the right glue. So that the wallpaper sticks well to the walls. Glue must be selected according to the type of wallpaper.

And the last thing that lies in the secret of successful repairs when gluing wallpaper is the correct wallpapering:

  • Preparing walls for gluing;
  • Using a pen for wallpapering;
  • Correct measurements of wallpaper strips;
  • Carefully apply glue to the wallpaper and to the wall.

If you are replacing old wallpaper with new ones, you definitely need to plaster the walls in places where there are errors and prime them before gluing the new wallpaper.

Having carefully prepared for the repair and prepared the necessary materials, you can make high-quality repairs yourself, without the services of expensive professionals.

How to decorate the walls in a room other than wallpaper

Finishing the walls during the renovation process is the most important stage, because it is the surface of the walls that a person most often comes into contact with, both visually and tactilely.

Different materials are used for wall decoration:

  • Plastic;
  • Siding;
  • Drywall;
  • Decorative plaster;
  • Painting;
  • Tile;
  • Lining.

But the most profitable, budget-friendly and affordable material for wall decoration is wallpaper. They can be painted, re-glued, and decorated at any time, with minimal cost to changing the style and design of the room.

How to choose and paste wallpaper (video)

Repair is always a costly affair; before finishing a wall, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Wallpaper has always occupied first place in the renovation market for surface finishing and remains in the same place, thanks to new technologies and types of material production.

Wallpaper in the interior (photo)

No matter what modern methods of finishing vertical surfaces appear, wallpaper still remains one of the most popular options for covering walls in the bedroom. This is due, first of all, to the purpose of the room - in the bedroom we relax and gain strength for the upcoming tasks of the next day of our life. The important function of relaxation and a sense of comfort can easily be spoiled by inappropriate surroundings. But everyone has different ideas about a relaxing interior. Some people like a neutral palette, others like awakening colors, for some newfangled trends and the latest trends are important.

In this publication you will find many examples of bedroom design with different types of wallpaper for every taste and color. An inspiring selection of the entire spectrum of color palettes, all kinds of textures and their combinations will help those who are preparing to renovate or reconstruct a bedroom to make a choice.

Accent wall - a trend in recent years

Recently, the following technique has become increasingly popular in bedroom design - highlighting one of the walls of the room using a shade or pattern of wallpaper. Sometimes panels or individual segments are made on an accent wall using moldings or other finishing materials.

In the case of small areas reserved for the sleeping area, using wallpaper with an active pattern on all walls would be a mistake; in this case, an already small room would seem even more modest. Therefore, highlighting one wall, often at the head of the bed, allows you to dilute the monochromatic decoration of the entire room.

Often the color of wallpaper for an accent wall is chosen to match the color of curtains or carpeting; there is also the option of combining the wallpaper palette at the headboard with the color of textiles for the bed - bedspreads or bed linen.

Sometimes it is simply necessary to dilute the decoration of the bedroom with at least one colored surface, especially if the rest of the walls are made in light, neutral colors.

An accent wall helps create a visual bridge between the snow-white finish of surfaces and the dark tones of the main piece of bedroom furniture - the bed and its textiles.

In this case, the accent wall was located not only on the head of the bed, but also on two window openings. As a result, there is not so much bright pattern in the interior of the room to make it too colorful, but it cannot be said that its furnishings are boring and monotonous. The rich blue hue of the wallpaper, coupled with an abundance of natural light, gives the room freshness and lightness.

Another example of the fact that an accent wall does not have to be located at the head of the main piece of furniture; it all depends on the decor of the room, the location of window and door openings and the taste preferences of the residents, of course.

Textile wallpaper with a pattern is perfect for decorating accent walls. They look great in the bedroom; this material is non-toxic and easy to use. The only drawback is the rather high cost, but it will more than pay for itself if you choose textiles for the bed and windows to match the wallpaper, resulting in a harmonious and relaxing bedroom interior.

The design of these rooms with accent walls is suitable for decorating girls' bedrooms. Against the background of simple and laconic decoration, elements of romanticism and some naivety look very advantageous.

In this case, we have a non-trivial option for creating an accent wall - not at the head of the bed, but in the space around the window. The design of the window opening became a presentation area for the dressing table and an easy chair next to it. Such a presentation needed a bright and active wallpaper pattern.

The light mint shade of the bedroom decoration is also present in the accent wall, but is diluted with silver embossing, which goes perfectly with the decorative elements of the room.

A great example of choosing wallpaper for an accent wall, which harmoniously linked the colors of carpeting, textiles and decorative items.

Sometimes an accent wall does not require brightness or active colors; a neutral palette and an unusual texture are enough, which can be repeated in decorative items or bedroom textiles.

You can use photo wallpaper to create an accent wall. For example, in this bedroom the wallpaper imitates bookshelves, not only diluting the snow-white decoration of the bedroom, but also radically changing its appearance.

A spacious and bright bedroom can withstand the active pattern of accent wallpaper, which contains shades used in the decoration and furnishing of the room.

An extraordinary approach to the design of an accent wall is expressed in the structure of the wallpaper itself, made from pieces of patterns and sewing patterns, which personalizes the bedroom design and gives an idea of ​​the owners of the room.

Panels, moldings and niche decoration in modern bedrooms

For those. For those who find simply creating an accent wall at the head of the bed boring or want some variety and individuality, the following wall decor options may be suitable.

Using moldings and wallpaper in active colors, symmetrical segments are formed that look like wall panels. Such designs do not overload the bedroom decoration with excessive color and help to bring individual charm to the interior of the room.

Using bright, colorful wallpaper you can decorate the niche in which the bed is located. Against the background of light or snow-white wall decoration, such an element looks refreshing. It invigorates the character of the bedroom and makes it more interesting.

The spaces above the bedside tables are decorated using bright stripes of wallpaper with an active pattern. This decor adds symmetry to the bedroom and adds brightness.

Bright wallpaper - awakening bedroom interior

Psychologists recommend choosing colors from a neutral, light palette for decorating the walls of a bedroom. And designers tend to believe that you need to use shades that you have always liked, prompted action, or, on the contrary, calmed you down. You can find the gold standard between expert opinions and your own preferences by choosing your favorite colors in a diluted version or a less active color.

All homeowners have different ideas about brightness. For some, the red color of the walls is bright and rich, for others, the presence of this shade in small print elements on the wallpaper is already too much for the bedroom interior. It's just important to remember. That when using active colors of wallpaper, it is better to abandon prints on textiles for windows and beds, giving preference to plain, calm options.

For wallpaper with a pronounced geometric pattern, neutral light-colored curtains with a smooth texture are more suitable. In decorative items, it is also better to avoid excesses in color and texture.

Here is an example of decorating bedroom walls with plain wallpaper in a rich blue color. At the same time, the space of the boudoir and dressing room is decorated with bright printed wallpaper.

A monochrome wallpaper pattern can also look bright and catchy. But this Art Nouveau bedroom needed just such a wall decoration print that would fit into the overall slightly bohemian atmosphere of the spacious room.

Wide stripes of wallpaper visually elevate the rooms, and a floral print on the accent wall adds a touch of frivolity and romanticism to the traditional setting of a classic bedroom.

The eclectic design of this bedroom needed a vibrant wallpaper color as an accent surface. The colors of the pattern on the wall are repeated in textiles for the decoration of windows and beds, and even in furniture and mirror frames.

Turkish cucumber wallpaper is the focal point in this bedroom. The harmonious combination with textiles made it possible to create a truly positive and festive atmosphere in the room.

Textile wallpaper with a floral pattern, repeated in the material of the pillows, and decorative items created a harmonious and visually attractive alliance.

Some tones from the active colors of the wallpaper at the head of the bed were repeated in the decoration of the space of open shelves for books, which harmoniously connected the interior of the bedroom.

Only light, neutral textiles on the windows and beds, a snow-white ceiling and pastel-colored flooring could withstand such a bright wallpaper print. The result was a non-trivial, interesting room design.

This Art Nouveau bedroom is full of designer decor, and the wallpaper is no exception. Such an interior is unforgettable and bright. It immediately becomes obvious that the owners of the room are creative people with an extraordinary approach to arranging space for relaxation and sleep.

The deep emerald shade of the textured wallpaper provided the perfect backdrop for the warm and vibrant wood tones of the furniture. The non-trivial design of the bedroom was complemented by artistic work above the head of the bed.

The bright but monochrome wallpaper pattern consists of shades that are actively used throughout the bedroom interior. The bright and spacious room amazes with its lightness, brightness and summer mood.

Wallpaper for the bedroom in light colors

Of course, the most widespread wallpaper for the bedroom is from a light spectrum of colors. This is due to the fact that for many homeowners, calm, pastel colors are associated with restful sleep, rest and relaxation. Neutral colors not only allow you to visually expand the area of ​​the room, but also serve as an excellent backdrop for any shades of furniture, accessories and decorative items. For plain light wallpaper, it is easy to choose textiles for windows and beds. And also to mask errors in the structure and texture of the room itself.

Light wallpaper expands the space, and a print of vertical stripes also makes the bedroom taller. You can use dark textiles for curtains and not be afraid to visually make the room smaller.

Even with a large pattern, but in a light color, wallpaper serves as an excellent background for wooden furniture surfaces, door and window openings.

Dark mint wallpaper with golden embossing harmonizes perfectly with brocade curtains and the gilded shine of a luxurious chandelier. Wallpaper complemented the royal interior of the bedroom.

It’s not often that you come across a bedroom design in which the walls and ceiling are decorated in a single version of the finishing material. Unusual wallpaper with a slight metallic sheen goes perfectly with leather bed upholstery, dark curtains, and designer artwork on the wall.

The light, but at the same time bright interior of the bedroom owes its originality, among other things, to wallpaper with a fine ribbed pattern. The combination of white and greenish shades has become a key trend in bedroom design.

This bright room is made much more interesting with wallpaper that features trees. A touch of natural warmth in a minimalist setting diluted the overall atmosphere of the bedroom.

Dark wallpaper - non-trivial bedroom interior design

We bring to your attention several images of bedrooms with dark wallpaper. The deep palette of wall decoration allows you to create a truly unique individual bedroom design.

The deep, dark indigo color in the wall decor provided an excellent backdrop for artwork and a light bed.

Dark blue wallpaper with a large pattern became the center of attraction of all eyes in this bedroom. A dark bedspread, pillows, roller blinds and even tulle on the window supported the slightly decadent atmosphere of the sleeping room.

To mix country and modern styles, black textile wallpaper became an interesting choice, supporting the dark palette of window frames. Wallpaper does not darken the room thanks to large window openings and natural light flows.

Repair is not only time, money and effort, it is also difficult to choose. How often, when making mistakes with wallpaper, a person is left with regrets, and the next repair comes sooner than expected. To make the design of a room decent, appropriate and concise, you need to take into account the proportions of the room and its purpose.

Whether you are planning a global renovation or just a local one, choose not only beautiful wallpaper, but also modern, practical ones. You can transform the space with your own hands, for example, visually expand a narrow room, or make a small one larger.

Replacing wallpaper in an apartment: where to start

Any master will tell you that it is preferable to part with old wallpaper - that is, remove it. This is where the renovation begins.

You can remove wallpaper with your own hands like this:

  • Interlining and vinyl can be removed without much difficulty. Just pull the bottom of the strip and it will actually come off completely. The remaining pieces need to be moistened with warm water, and then calmly removed with a spatula.
  • Paper wallpaper removed by moisturizing. Wet the wall with warm water from a spray bottle, wait about forty minutes, and the wallpaper itself will begin to pull away from the wall, and then remove it with a sharp spatula.
  • You can remove wallpaper by making cuts on the wall. The wall is also moistened, but moisture will enter the adhesive composition through cuts.
  • You can steam the wallpaper iron through a damp cloth. It’s better to use a steam generator, it’s faster and more convenient.

Stores today actively sell special compounds just for removing old wallpaper. These liquids are safe for human health, so they can be applied to walls even in the presence of other people in the room.

Room with photo wallpaper: features

A photo on the wall can also be in the form of wallpaper. But it’s very easy to make a wrong choice and decorate the wall with an image that will quickly get boring. There are some universal recipes that will help you choose photo wallpaper for your apartment.

Universal themes of photo wallpapers:

  • Landscape panoramas or individual elements of nature. One piece of advice - don’t be fooled by very bright, exotic landscapes. They are too dynamic, and often exert pressure on the nervous system and analyzers.
  • Photo wallpaper depicting a river or road. This wallpaper can be used to cover the wall of a small room or just a small wall, as it creates the illusion of movement needed in this case.
  • Stories with animals. The main thing is that such wallpapers are not too colorful.
  • Photo wallpapers with images of courtyards and streets. Both urban themes (city) and antique themes are popular for vintage interiors.

If we talk about choosing a color, then everything related to the spring theme is good - delicate colors, awakening, warmth and freshness. Photo panels will look good in a children's room, in a bedroom, and in a room for a young man.

Wallpaper for a young man's room: how to choose

If renovation is planned in a young man’s room, the design of this space should not only be aesthetically pleasing and modern, but also not interfere with the functionality and practicality of the room. Youth wallpaper is a good option, but far from the only correct one.

For a young man, a room is both a bedroom and a living room, and it also functions as an office. And in this sense, cool shades of wallpaper are preferable, as they seem to add fresh air to the space, and therefore visually make it a little larger.

If a warm color scheme of wallpaper is preferable, then it should be accompanied by clear lines and bright accents.

Wallpaper colors for a young man's room:

  • Blue is a win-win option, a fashionable classic;
  • Noble gray;
  • Calm green;
  • Quiet and neutral white color;
  • Beige and all its shades - mocha, café au lait, ivory.

The same wallpaper can be used to zone a room to emphasize its functionality and make the space laconic and clear.

Wallpaper for a room in a studio apartment

Wallpaper for an apartment with only one room is the main background of this apartment. These wallpapers, or more precisely, their choice, are, of course, worth thinking about.

If the room is large, then you have more options.

Criteria for choosing wallpaper for a room:

  • Color. Light colors, cold ones are preferable for a small room; in a large room you can use warm colors, which still visually narrow the space a little.
  • Drawing, texture. A small pattern visually expands the room, while large elements have the opposite effect.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about combination. By combining wallpaper, you can highlight the main part of the wall, highlight functional areas, and use vertical lines, for example, to make the ceiling visually higher.

Wallpaper consumption per room: table

Repairs also require strict calculations. To prevent repairs from being costly due to unnecessary materials, the remains of which may not be useful, use the following table.

Room area, m2 (conditional wall height – 3m)

Wallpaper length per roll (m) with a width of 0.5 m

How many rolls will be required (r.)

It would also be a good idea to record data for the house and its renovation from previous work. This data will be useful to you in the future.

Zoning a room using wallpaper: basic techniques

Repair with zoning differs in different techniques. The most popular ones are not difficult to implement.

Popular zoning techniques:

  • Pasting the walls with a coating with a horizontal stripe visually lowers the ceiling, but expands the space inside;
  • A vertical stripe on one or two walls is logical in a room with a low ceiling, but large in area;
  • A floral print to highlight the seating area makes the space cozier and more logical.

If you use the same floral print in a square room, it is better to take wallpaper with a chaotic and small pattern - this will make the room weightless and airy.

In a studio apartment, you can make one wall the central one and cover it with a decorative coating with a dark pattern and large flowers. The wall will be more significant and visible.

Do-it-yourself zoning (video)

How to decorate the walls in a room other than wallpaper

There is, of course, alternative decor; not only wallpaper can decorate the walls of a room. You can start renovations using liquid materials - for example, decorative plaster. With its help, you become the designer of your space; it is possible to create different effects. This also includes liquid wallpaper, which you, by the way, can make with your own hands.

Just as often, renovations involve the use of tiles, plasterboard structures, wall panels, decorative stone and good old-fashioned painting.

How to choose material for wall decoration (video tutorial)

In the room you can create a unique space that is close to you in terms of atmosphere, color scheme, and zoning of the room. Use original options, combining, incorporating, framing with paper plinth, etc.

Happy renovation!

Wallpaper for the room (photo)