Circle the meaning of a phraseological unit around your finger. How to fool people

TO TWIST SOMEBODY AROUND ONE'S FINGER whom. CHEAT whom. Razg. Express It's tricky to deceive. Gagarin came to him like a fox, flattered and wooed him, and in no time deceived the master: he took the forest, the land and the mill for almost nothing(Sokolov-Mikitov. On the warm earth).

"Trick around the finger" in books

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You have me wrapped around your finger

From the book Viktor Tsoi and his CINEMA author Kalgin Vitaly

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Thumb sucking

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Thumb sucking

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Thumb sucking Doctors believe that in the first two to three years of life, thumb sucking is normal and usually harmless and should not be of particular concern. However, in some cases, prolonged thumb sucking can affect the shape of the upper teeth. Although many children

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27. How I learned to fool secretaries and telephone operators

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0 Fraudsters and people who do not want to earn money honestly have lived in Rus' at all times. It doesn’t matter what Russia is going through, recession or economic recovery, war or famine, these little people are always nearby, and strive to profit from your goods. Therefore, sayings appeared among the people from time to time that denoted certain criminal areas of activity. Some of them, especially successful ones, were picked up by the people and actively used in their vocabulary. Today we will talk about another proverb that is popular even in our time, this Cheat, which means you can read a little lower. This resource makes it possible to study in more detail slang words and expressions used in different layers of our society. Add our website to your bookmarks to always have access to useful and important information.
However, before I continue, I would like to draw your precious attention to a couple of our interesting publications on the topic of sayings and phraseological units. For example, what does it mean: They fooled a fool with four fists; how to understand Husband and wife are one Satan; meaning of the expression Finance sings romances; what does the phrase Mouse Fuss mean, etc.
So let's continue Circle the finger, meaning? This floorboard has several interpretations, and in this article we will analyze the most popular of them.

Cheat- means to cleverly deceive someone, outwit or deceive.

Synonym for the expression Circle your finger: to fool, to fool, to deceive, to leave with the nose, to deceive, to deceive, to deceive, to deceive, to pull one's nose, to fool.

Origin Wrap around

Version one. The simplest thing you can think of is to wrap a thread around your finger. In Dahl's explanatory dictionary there is an addition that the expression discussed here comes from the saying “wrap it around your finger,” which meant to cope with a task or work easily and quickly.

Second version. It is believed that this phrase was borrowed from the German language "j-n um den kleinen Finger wickeln", which can be translated as "wrap around the little finger." It means that deceiving a person is as easy as wrapping a rope around your little finger.

Third version. In Tsarist Russia there was practically no entertainment, and people even enjoyed the performances of market magicians. Some “magic” techniques were carried out with the aim of distracting attention, for example, taking a scarf or some other thing and wrapping it around a finger. At that moment, the public's attention was focused on one hand of the illusionist, while with the other he could do “magic” without being noticed by the respectable public.

Fourth version. It is quite gloomy, it talks about a hand cut off from a dead man, which, according to popular beliefs, helped thieves “rob” houses. To do this, an experienced person entered the building and passed the hand of the dead man several times over the head of the sleeping owner, which allowed him to fall into such a deep sleep that the robbers could calmly do their business without fearing anyone at all.

Fifth version. The gesture of shaking a finger is very characteristic and is used among many peoples. That's why people often wiggle their fingers to attract attention.

After reading this informative article, you learned phraseology Cheat, its meaning and origin, and now you won’t find yourself in an unpleasant situation if you suddenly come across this proverb again.

The expression “being fooled” is still widely used today, although few people know where it came from. We will consider both the meaning of the phraseological unit and its history, especially since the legends about the emergence of a stable speech pattern are fascinating. And over time, it is already so difficult to distinguish truth from fiction.


Before moving on to the fascinating stories, let's talk about what the expression “fool around your finger” means. There is no mystery here. When they say this, they mean that the person was deceived, outwitted, or cheated.

For example, when a student managed to cheat on a test, but the strict teacher did not notice, the teacher was fooled. But, it is true, there are also stories when the teacher himself is “happy to be deceived.” Most often this happens at a university when the teacher does not want to waste time on retakes. Then he takes a newspaper or book and reads it with enthusiasm, and at this time the students just as enthusiastically and selflessly copy down answers to questions that, of course, have been prepared in advance.

However, enough about that, let’s move on to dessert, keeping in mind the history of the expression “twisted around one’s finger.”

Practical versions

It is known how easy it is to wind a thread around your finger. This principle is used to explain the origin of the saying “to wrap one’s finger around one’s finger.” According to Dahl, for example, the expression came from its cognate “wrap it around your finger,” which meant “to cope with a task quickly and easily.”

The second practical hypothesis says that in fact there was some kind of German proverb that was copied, resulting in our famous expression. The German proverb talks about a weak-willed person who is even easier to deceive than to wind a thread around a finger.

These are the versions of the origin of the stable phrase, which are based on some of the physical capabilities of the thread and the finger. We remind you that our focus is on the phraseology “twist around your finger.” There will be much more interesting stories to come.

Magicians, robbers and the dead

Imagine a public place with a lot of people. And there must be an illusionist there. One of the legends says that the expression appeared because magicians distracted the curious with tricks, while their accomplices thoroughly cleaned the pockets of onlookers.

The reader will indignantly ask: “What does the phraseology “twist around your finger” have to do with it? Calm, just calm. The Magician has large hands, so he would take something from a random spectator and hide it in his palms, perhaps even his fingers. Remember the trick with a coin that ends up behind the spectator’s ear, and the magician does all this so that it appears there. Big hands are vital for an illusionist.

Another legend is associated with robbers, only this story has a mystical flair. The bandits believed that the dead man’s hand had evil magical powers; all they had to do was make circular movements over the heads of the sleeping people, and the sleep would become deeper, which would allow the criminals to silently and painlessly empty the victims’ pockets of everything unnecessary. After all, in ancient times, people did not stay in a hotel, but often slept right on the street, by the road, for example. By the way, history has not preserved evidence of how effective such a terrible method was.

Of course, one can ask which legend is true and which is not? But is it really that important? The main thing is that the meaning of the expression “twist” will not change. And the reader learns not only something new, but also something truly wonderful. But it would seem to be an ordinary, everyday stable expression.

How to convince someone in an argument and achieve what you want, if honestly it’s difficult to do? So it’s time to trick the enemy and deceive him with cunning. How to trick a person around your finger?

You've got me wrapped around your finger
You've got me wrapped around your finger
I know you played with me.
Victor Tsoi

To cheat means to deceive, outwit, and beat someone by some not-so-honest means. Where did the phraseological phrase “twist around your finger” come from? There are several origin ideas:

The expression is compared to quickly winding a thread around a finger. When a person is easy to subdue, it is as easy as winding a thread around a finger.

Market magicians cheated with the help of objects with which they deceived the viewer, distracting attention. At this time, the accomplices were emptying the pockets of the unwary man.

Thieves and robbers believed that the hand of a dead man put a person to sleep. Thieves carried a severed hand with them, moving it around the sleeping people so that they would not wake up and interfere with the quiet robbery.

How to achieve what you want if it’s honestly difficult to do it? Trick your interlocutor around your finger! Use these cunning techniques that will definitely come in handy more than once in this life.

The conversation and its type depends on the number of participants. The more spectators, the more tactful and careful you need to be. It's easier to be rude and direct in private. But in front of spectators, you can shame your opponent, play on his conceit, pride or pity.

When preparing for a conversation, prepare in advance facts and arguments that will be difficult for an unsuspecting person to challenge. You will have facts to support your opinion, but your opponent will not. Use quotes, statistics, scientific data, research to disarm your opponent. The arguments may be far-fetched, but if you are prepared for the argument, it will be easy to fool your opponent.

It's easier to fool a friend or friend. Only friends can stab you in the back with a dagger; an obvious enemy cannot do this. Create a friendly atmosphere during an argument. Copy his movements, manner of speaking. A friendly conversation will reduce the enemy’s vigilance and lull his attention. If you are a friend, then you will not be expected to strike with a dagger. This will make it easier to manipulate the enemy, attack him or ask him in a friendly way.

To hide secret lies, use overt lies to fool your opponent. This way the secret lie will go unnoticed against the backdrop of the big Trojan horse.

Almost no one is immune to compliments. Use flattery and compliments, enveloping your interlocutor with them. Everyone loves praise, even if it is not well deserved.

The strength of the entire chain is determined by the strength of the weakest link. Identify the weak point in time and remove the defective link. Defeat your interlocutor where he is least prepared. Look for inconsistencies, weaknesses in arguments and destroy them.

Do not get personal and insults, in this case it will be difficult to achieve what you want. You can expose yourself to bias, personal hostility, and thereby disarm your opponent. Forcing him to apologize and make concessions.

A cooler person will be able to fool you. Stay calm when arguing. An unbalanced interlocutor who has lost his composure makes mistakes and looks like a loser in the argument. To do this, give injections and try to unbalance the person. If a person does not control himself, then even if he is right, he will not be able to prove otherwise.

You can fool anyone if you prepare for the conversation in advance and think through its different options.

Viktor Tsoi “You tricked me around your finger”

Whether you're trying to convince someone during an argument, or trying to convince one of your parents to buy you a new phone, there are certain things you can do to make you more likely to outsmart people. While there is no surefire way to outsmart everyone (since every person is different), making sure your argument has weight and knowing what to say can make a big difference!


outsmart someone in an argument

    Prepare in advance. If you know that Grandpa Joe likes to complain about how "kids these days are like this," make sure you attend family gatherings armed with facts about what good your generation is doing, the hardships it faces compared to grandfather's, and the like.

    • You can't always expect to be fully prepared for an argument, but there are some things you can do to make sure you're more likely to come out on top in an argument.
    • If there are certain things that are important to you, make sure you know as much as possible about them. This way, even if you are not prepared for a particular dispute, if one arises, you will have the facts to support your opinion.
    • Make sure you understand how to present a strong argument (see section on presenting an argument). You need to avoid going into certain fallacies in an argument.
  1. Know your audience. Your argument will differ based on what type of people are involved in the argument and who is listening. The fewer people you're dealing with, the easier it is to argue because you won't have to try to include as many different types of arguments into the equation.

    • For example: Going back to your Grandpa Joe, you wouldn't want to get into a loud and angry argument with him in front of all your relatives. This will make him less likely to back down, no matter how stupid his side of the argument is. Instead, you could talk to him in a more private setting without all the family members watching you.
  2. Keep calm. A person who loses his temper or does not control his emotions is firstly a person who has no arguments. It doesn't matter how good your facts are because you have no control over yourself and will most likely make a mistake.

    • Take a deep breath if you feel anger rising and emotions running high.
    • This is why it is important to listen carefully when the other person is speaking. If you can focus on what they are saying and take a moment to consider your objection, it is less likely that your immediate response will be an involuntary emotional reaction.
  3. Ask questions. This was a favorite tactic of philosophers such as Socrates. By asking questions, you perform a number of tricks in the argument: it gives you control of the argument (because you steer it in the right direction and keep your opponent's argument under pressure), and it exposes any inconsistencies or weaknesses in your opponent's argument.

    • Ask for evidence or sources to back up their claims. For example: if you are arguing with someone about the defeat in Gaza, and the opponent makes all sorts of monstrous statements, ask him to justify them with evidence and sources.
  4. Imitate the other person. You need to create some sort of camaraderie between yourself and the other person or persons. This will help lower their guard as they will feel more comfortable and less attacked, but will make them more open to listening to you.

    • Try to subtly imitate their speech pattern. You don't do this to laugh at the way they talk, but to connect with them on the same level. So, for example, when you're talking to Grandpa Joe, it's better to imitate the "nice guy" speech pattern rather than your super scientific "lots of long, nasty words" language.
    • You should also try to subtly imitate their body movements. Make sure you are a slower, less perfect mirror. Do it very close and your opponent will get caught. For example, if grandpa crosses his legs and leans forward, wait a couple of seconds and do the same.
  5. Don't assume you know what your opponent's arguments are. Assuming you know what your opponent will argue is a surefire way to get caught without an effective counterargument. Prepare as much as possible based on what you think your opponent will offer as an argument, but leave room for surprises.

    • Make sure you listen carefully to what the other person is saying. If you missed something or got distracted, ask him to repeat what he said.
  6. Distract your opponent from his position. If you manage to throw him off balance, it makes almost no difference whether his argument makes more sense than yours. Always act confidently in an argument.

    • Throw in a punchy joke: “You’re being defensive,” or “That’s beside the point,” or “What are your parameters?” These types of phrases are sure to irritate people and can have the added benefit of actually putting them on the defensive even if they haven't been previously.
    • You need to be careful with this step because you don't want to turn an argument into an attack on the other person's character (which is called getting personal and should be avoided).
    • Focus only on some of his arguments, especially the ones you know you can win. Confidently assume that you have won once you have defeated them.

    outsmart someone by making a case

    1. Use logos in your arguments. It is a type of argument that calls upon and relies on logic and reason. It typically has facts and sources to back it up and usually comes from inductive and deductive reasoning.

      • Inductive means that it takes a particular view of a situation or fact and then draws a conclusion based on those facts. You must base this type of reasoning on a sufficient amount of reliable and supported evidence.
      • Deductive reasoning typically begins with a generalization or conclusion and then applies it to a specific situation. You must base your generalization on a variety of reliable evidence, however. Twisting facts to support a hasty assertion will not help you.
    2. Apply ethos. It is an ethical call that is typically based on the character, credibility, or reliability of the source or person. Ways to establish trust or check the credibility of your sources include:

      • Double or triple check your sources with other sources to make sure the argument is supported by multiple statements.
      • Make sure that the author or you yourself are using truthful, factual statements and not information that is supported only by anecdotal evidence and so on.
      • Make sure you understand your position and the position of your sources. They should be clear and obvious from the very beginning.
    3. Have at least some emotional charisma. This is called "pathos" and it seeks to appeal to the audience or the needs, values ​​and emotional feelings of the opponent. There is a place for emotions in an argument as long as they are not what you are basing your argument on.

      • It is especially useful to use emotional appeals to make a persuasive argument. For example: If you are arguing about the situation in Gaza, you might connect facts about the number of Palestinians killed with an emotional description of a personal story.
      • Don't base your argument on emotional appeal and only use it if it supports the claim you are making. You don't want to use emotional charm to distract from the real issue of the argument or argument.
    4. Stick to only a few, compelling arguments. If you have too many arguments, it will be difficult to keep track of them. You should stick to a few that you think are incredibly compelling and that you have sources to back them up with.

    5. Avoid getting personal in your arguments. Getting personal is when you attack someone based on their appearance or character rather than their opinion. While this may anger someone to the point where they lose track, it will make you look ugly.

      • This type of attack will likely reduce the likelihood that your opponent will hear your side of the argument.
      • If the other person attacks you in this way, call his attention to what he is doing and let him know that your appearance or character has nothing to do with the current argument. If he is forced to resort to these types of attacks, then his arguments must not be very convincing.
    6. Avoid hasty generalizations. This is when you make a conclusion based on very insufficient, erroneous or biased information. This is what happens when you rush to a conclusion or make an argument without getting all your facts and considering all sides in advance.

      • If someone does this to you, feel them out. Ask questions. Let him provide sources where he got such information and so on.

    outsmart an authority figure

    1. Choose the right time. Unfortunately, there is no way to outsmart an older or authority figure, such as a parent or teacher, every time. However, there are times when they are more susceptible to persuasion.

      • If you're trying to get something out of your parents when they've just gotten home from a hard day, you won't have much luck getting them to agree to anything. In fact, you can make it so that you never actually get the thing.
      • Likewise, if you ask your teacher in front of your classmates to extend the deadline for a project you haven't completed, you're less likely to allow it than if you discussed it with him privately.
    2. Soften them up. Very few people are immune to a little flattery or cajoling. It is important that you do this not only when you need something, however, otherwise they will be able to see through your tricks.

      • Thank them for something. For example: If you're trying to convince your mom to buy you a new phone, say something like, "Mom, I really appreciate how hard you work at work."
      • Praise them in a way that is not too obvious or directly related to what you are trying to get out of them. Say something like, “Miss Harding, you are my favorite teacher because you are always willing to go the extra mile and help me.”
    3. Give them a reason why it will benefit them too. People are much more likely to be willing to help or give to you if it benefits them too. Authority figures are likely to react to the same things as others.

      • For example: If you're trying to get a new phone, you could say something like, "Mom, I really want to make sure you can reach me whenever you need it."
      • Imagine yourself as if you are a terrible liar. Tell some obvious lie with all the signs of a deceiver (not meeting anyone's eyes, giggling nervously, making nervous gestures, etc.).
      • It will also be better if the lies you are hiding are less complete lies than half-truths. It’s easier to deceive by not saying anything or telling lies that have a truthful basis.
    • You should practice the things described in this article. They are not something you can become good at without putting in a little effort.


    • These tactics won't work in every case. Some people are more susceptible than others, so you will need to evaluate your opponent or parent on an individual basis.