Regular blue lamp. Blue warming lamp, application, what makes blue color

The blue heating lamp, or (Minin reflector), has been used since ancient times by our grandparents.

Often this was the only way to treat runny nose and acute respiratory diseases. To this day, blue lamps are sold on sale and are used in most families at the first cold. Traditional medicine also recommends and recognizes the healing properties of the Minin reflector.

We will consider where and when it is necessary to use this method of treatment, how to use it and, of course, what positive effect after use.

Characteristics of the blue lamp

Color and light are an integral part of the body, and a deficiency is accompanied by pale skin and the development of various diseases (drowsiness, depression).

Blue color has a certain frequency of waves, which, passing through the skin, are converted into electrochemical energy, which in turn has a positive effect on the cells of the body.

  • Power supply 220 V
  • Frequency 50 Hz
  • Power is usually 60 W
  • The distance from the lamp to the surface of the skin is at least 200 mm.
  • The temperature at the above distance is 50-70 degrees C.
  • Dimensions: 300x180x90 mm.
  • Weight no more than 0.5 kg.

When manufactured in Russia, the device must be certified.

Purpose of the blue lamp

This device is a reflective spherical reflector that directs the flow of heat to a specific point and a regular incandescent lamp with blue glass.
Main functions of the lamp:

  • Using infrared radiation and blue glass, it warms the surface of the skin, penetrating deep. It is this color that does not heat the surface, but warms it as deep as possible into the body.
  • A spherical reflector collects heat into a beam and concentrates it on a specific area.

Therapeutic effect of warming up:

  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels
  • Kills bacteria
  • Reduces pain
  • Tissue repair
  • Improves breathing
  • Stimulates blood circulation


When irradiated, the reflector should not expose the skin to a burning sensation. The optimal distance from the lamp to the surface is 20-30 cm. In this case, the patient should feel a pleasant warmth and tingling sensation. When exposed to heat, pain decreases, breathing becomes easy and free.

They are used for lymphadenitis of the inguinal glands, trophic ulcers and other diseases, which we will discuss later.

One session lasts from 10 to 20 minutes, after which you need to take a break for 1 hour and repeat the procedure. Throughout the day, you can repeat up to 10 times. For certain diseases, warming is prescribed for several days.

For what diseases is a blue lamp used?

First, you need to make sure that dry heating is exactly what you need and is not contraindicated for this disease. To do this, be sure to consult your doctor. There are a number of people who experience an allergic reaction when the skin is exposed to additional heat. Unlike warming with salt, a heating pad, or a bottle of water, the result is much better, thanks to constant uniform heating and the effect of direct thermal radiation (spectrum) on the skin.

Applicable for:

  • Runny nose, sinusitis, otitis media, laryngitis, tonsillitis
  • Bronchitis (upper respiratory tract)
  • Trauma to the musculoskeletal system, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis
  • Painful sensations accompanied by diseases of the nervous system, radiculitis
  • Muscle strain and inflammation
  • Depression, fatigue, chronic lack of sleep, low immunity

It is often used for warming up the nose, throat, and acute respiratory diseases.

Blue lamp for a runny nose

While warming up the face area, you need to cover your eyes with a bandage or cloth. During rhinitis, the area of ​​the bridge of the nose is warmed up. Hold the reflector so that the rays hit the surface at a right angle. Distance from 20 to 40 cm.

You should feel a faint, pleasant warmth, and not a burning sensation that is difficult to bear. The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day for 10-20 minutes. If you do not feel relief on the first day, repeat the warming again the following days. As a rule, 2-3 days are enough for treatment.

Acne treatment

Problem areas of the skin, in particular acne, the blue lamp itself is not able to cure the disease. The reasons lie much deeper. These are: blood composition, frequent or regular hypothermia, seasonality, adolescence, as a consequence of illness. But in combination with other methods of treatment, the lamp can complement the positive effect, dries and warms the skin.

Treatment of sinusitis

Minin reflector is prohibited for independent use for rhinitis. Such treatment gives only a superficial effect, and the problem of rhinitis lies much deeper. Self-medication can even complicate the situation. Consult your doctor who will prescribe the right treatment for you.

Contraindications to the use of a reflector

  • Bleeding
  • Purulent pimples, or suppuration
  • Oncological diseases
  • Tuberculosis
  • High body temperature
  • During pregnancy
  • Sometimes during menstruation (individually), high basal temperature
  • High blood pressure
  • Pathologies or diseases of the brain

As you can see, the blue lamp, as one of the methods of traditional medicine, is able to cure a number of diseases, but there are also contraindications when a number of ailments are not subject to this method.

If you are unsure about use, consult your doctor first.

In Soviet times, one could find various massagers and home therapy products in almost every home. They were actively used by a variety of family members: both children and the elderly. And many of them really effectively contributed to the treatment of many ailments. This also applies to a popular device for physiotherapy procedures at home - a blue lamp. Few people know that there is another name for such a device - the Minin reflector. So, the topic of our conversation today will be a blue lamp, we will discuss its use and clarify what the blue color does?

What is a blue lamp? What does it give to a person?

The blue lamp is an ordinary incandescent lamp, but made of blue glass. It is placed in a special hemispherical mirror shade. This device is capable of performing a number of functions useful to humans. It is a source of infrared (thermal) radiation, which, due to the blue color of the bulb, does not have such a strong heating effect on the surface of the skin as an ordinary transparent light bulb, but at the same time effectively penetrates deep into the tissue.

The special lampshade of the Minin reflector promotes reflection, collection and concentration of radiation on a selected area of ​​the body.

There is evidence that the use of a blue lamp helps improve and stimulate blood circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, eliminate pain and neutralize many aggressive microorganisms. In addition, the Minin reflector also improves the function of external respiration and has a positive effect on the conduction of nerve impulses.

Blue lamp - application

The blue heating lamp is used in the treatment of diseases that require the use of dry heat. It gives a much more pronounced positive effect than the folk (home) methods of warming that are familiar to all of us, represented by a water heating pad, a bag of hot salt, a boiled egg and other home-made means of heating. Doctors say that this positive effect is explained by the special therapeutic properties of rays that have a blue spectrum, because they affect all the processes that occur in our body.

Experts often recommend using the Minin reflector for the treatment of ENT diseases such as runny nose, otitis media and sinusitis. It should also be used in the correction of respiratory tract ailments, namely bronchitis and pneumonia.

This therapeutic effect will help patients who have experienced injuries to the musculoskeletal system, as well as those who have developed inflammatory muscle diseases, namely myositis.

There is evidence that heating with a blue lamp quite effectively helps eliminate pain syndromes that accompany diseases of the peripheral nervous system. It should be used in the treatment of myalgia, neuralgia, sciatica, etc.

As practice shows, the Minin reflector is most often used in the treatment of a wide variety of colds. It is suitable for use in both adults and children. In some cases, exposure to a blue lamp helps to achieve a rapid recovery and improve health by an order of magnitude already on the first day of the disease. But under no circumstances should it be used at temperatures.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to direct the switched-on lamp onto the problem area of ​​the body so that the distance from it to the skin is from 20 to 60 cm. The rays should fall obliquely, not perpendicularly. And it is strongly not recommended to overheat the skin. Warm-up sessions should last for five to ten minutes. They can be repeated every ten to fifteen minutes, but in general, doctors recommend using the lamp three to four times a day. The Minin reflector should not come into contact with open eyes, and after using it you should protect yourself from cold and drafts.

What does blue give??

Color therapy experts say that blue color has a positive effect on the health of the nervous system as a whole. It helps you calm down and learn to control your energy, and also adds balance. In addition, blue color improves concentration and reduces impulsiveness, but at the same time it helps to achieve self-confidence.

There is also evidence that exposure to blue light can help cope with insomnia and a variety of inflammations.

Color therapy specialists claim that blue color is excellent for the treatment of various diseases. It is recommended for use in improving the health of the respiratory system and skin, and especially for ailments of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis and pulmonary diseases. Blue color has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, slows down bleeding and helps heal various wounds. This coloring will also benefit women suffering from menopause and menstrual irregularities.

But at the same time, there is evidence that excessive exposure to blue can cause a number of negative reactions, as a result of which a person may develop boredom, excessive fatigue and melancholy, as well as anxiety and doubts.

Additional Information

It is worth noting that the use of a blue lamp has a number of contraindications, including high body temperature, purulent processes, bleeding, cancer, active tuberculosis and pregnancy.

The device for physiotherapeutic procedures was first used in the treatment of many pathologies by doctor Minin. Therefore, the blue warming lamp began to be named after the doctor. It was first used as a pain reliever in dental practice. But then it became in demand among therapists and ophthalmologists, since it had a strengthening and anti-inflammatory effect. Currently, the Minin reflector is widely used in the treatment of ENT diseases in patients of any age.

How does the blue warm-up lamp work?

A reflector is a device with a metal rim, the inside of which has a mirror coating applied. An incandescent lamp has a rich blue color. Heating is carried out by a tungsten filament.

If you compare the Minin reflector with a simple home lamp, they differ quite a bit. The shade of the blue lamp helps to reflect the light and direct it to the desired point. It is due to mirror coating that the device works as a reflector.

Diseases are treated using infrared radiation and warm energy. A beam of directed light is absorbed by the skin and converted into dry heat. Infrared rays help improve blood circulation and metabolic processes. The blue lamp helps the body fight inflammation on its own. And radiation destroys various types of infections.

Indications for use: who can use IR radiation?

The Minin reflector is prescribed as a physiotherapeutic device to eliminate the following pathologies:

  • Symptoms of colds: rhinitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis media, pharyngitis
  • Problems of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, osteochondrosis, ligament injuries
  • Diseases of the nervous system: neuralgia, radiculitis, migraine, constant fatigue
  • Gastrointestinal disorders, hepatitis
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, ischemia

When exposed to infrared radiation, patients experience restoration of the functions of various systems and organs. Thanks to the effects of dry heat, metabolism is regulated and pain is reduced. In case of injury or tissue damage, good regeneration is observed. As reviews show, in the treatment of acute infectious diseases, respiratory function improves and the immune system is strengthened.

The use of the Minin reflector improves the conduction of nerve impulses. Because heat causes blood vessels to fill with blood, delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues is accelerated. This effect stimulates the synthesis of cellular energy.

In case of circulatory disorders, the blue lamp reduces blood density, regulates hemostasis, strengthens vascular walls and promotes better capillary circulation. The device is also used in the treatment of fungal infections, in particular candidiasis.

Instructions for use of the Minin reflector

In order for the blue lamp to have the most positive effect, it is used for various pathologies according to certain rules. If the inflammation is localized in a specific part of the body, for example, in the knee or on the back, then the device is directed to the affected area so that the lamp is at a distance of 60 cm from the skin. The duration of light radiation can reach 10-20 minutes, but no longer. It is best to conduct physical therapy sessions several times a day.

While exposed to the switched on lamp, you must keep your eyes closed. There are no other precautions when using the reflector.

After a single warm-up physiotherapy, the patient must remain indoors and not go outside, so it is better to buy such a device for home use.

A blue lamp is used to warm the nose twice a day. The duration of a single application can be 5-20 minutes. Patients' health status noticeably improves after just three warm-ups.

If rhinitis is accompanied by a cough, then the reflector is directed to the chest in the projection of the location of the lungs. It is also recommended to warm up your back.

For sinusitis, a blue lamp is directed to the area of ​​the maxillary cavities and forehead. Otitis media is treated by heating each ear in turn.

How to warm up a child's body?

It is best to carry out warming procedures with a blue lamp when the baby falls asleep. At this time, a cloth folded in several layers is placed over the child’s eyes so that the radiation does not wake him up.

The distance from the reflector to the skin must be calculated independently. The temperature should be comfortable and pronounced. Treatment of a runny nose in children is carried out within 5-15 minutes. But parents should check from time to time how warm the baby's skin is. If it becomes hot, then the procedure should be completed or the device should be moved a little further.

Reviews from parents who use the reflector show that the warming device can be used in another way. For example, it is recommended to buy a blue lamp for a warming procedure instead of mustard plasters or cans. Some parents warm up their child’s back and heels. And if you influence the feet, you can stimulate the points responsible for the functioning of the baby’s inflamed organs. In addition, such warming with a reflector will increase the ability of the immune system to fight diseases.

As a rule, the physiotherapy procedure lasts up to 10 minutes. Sometimes this time can be increased to 20, but no longer. Less than 5 minutes is also not recommended, because the skin will not receive enough dry heat and the body will not respond fully to infrared radiation. Therapy can be repeated twice a day.

Since there is a place to buy a blue lamp even in small towns, parents are recommended to use it in the treatment of colds in children. Thus, the following positive points can be achieved:

  • Antibacterial therapy should not be used as often, which will be required in advanced stages of a cold and the appearance of complications.
  • Increase the impact of topical medications, such as nasal decongestants

To prevent your child from avoiding the warming up procedure, you can tell him a fairy tale.

Contraindications: who is prohibited from using a blue lamp to warm the nose and other organs

Despite its high efficiency, the Minin reflector has contraindications, which you need to familiarize yourself with before starting a physiotherapeutic procedure. These include:

  • Acute inflammatory processes accompanied by fever
  • Oncological diseases
  • Periodic exacerbation of severe chronic pathologies
  • Dysfunctions of the autonomic system
  • Purulent inflammation (for example, sinusitis)
  • Cerebrovascular accident
  • Urolithiasis disease
  • Tuberculosis in active phase
  • Pregnancy
  • Serious heart problems
  • Varicose veins
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Sympathalgia

It is also contraindicated to warm the thyroid gland, even if the patient does not have dysfunctional disorders.

The use of the Minin reflector is prohibited in the treatment of patients who have insensitivity to thermal energy. These include patients with diabetes and people who are intoxicated.

Also, do not use a blue lamp when there are open wounds or an aggravated injury on the patient’s skin.

Questions and answers about using a blue lamp

Many people ask not only where to buy a lamp and how effective it is. They are also interested in other questions. Let's look at the most popular ones.

  1. Is the blue lamp ultraviolet?

No, despite the fact that the bulb has a blue tint, Minin’s reflector has nothing in common with ultraviolet.

  1. Does the lamp disinfect the air?

Also no. To destroy viruses and bacteria, use a quartz or bactericidal lamp.

Moderate doses of ultraviolet radiation are the key to good health. The body receives a sufficient amount of ultraviolet rays only on sunny summer days; the rest of the time we suffer from a lack of them.

Having at least one UV lamp in your home, you can significantly improve the health of all family members, reduce the risk of illness during periods of epidemics, and regularly solve a number of problems that arise in the course of life.

UV quartz is a powerful weapon against viruses, bacteria and germs and a way to reduce dependence on pharmaceuticals prescribed by doctors of various specialties.

First of all, ultraviolet light is aimed at destroying pathogens. A home quartz emitter is used to sanitize the air in living and working areas.

The device is also indispensable for the following situations:

  1. prevention of skin pathologies and viral infections,
  2. treatment of ENT, gynecological, musculoskeletal, dermatological diseases,
  3. strengthening the immune system,
  4. disinfection of skin and nails after pedicure and manicure.

The use of the device for home use - the ultraviolet quartz irradiator Sun - is advisable for the treatment and prevention of various diseases and for general quartzization of the home. Numerous reviews from doctors and grateful patients indicate the enhancement of any therapy with dosed radiation.

Among the devices produced by domestic manufacturers, the devices of Solnyshko LLC have gained particular popularity among the people. The domestic market offers various models of home appliances, which include special attachments and sunglasses; they are certified and approved for sale by sanitary and epidemiological services.

Important: The information below is provided for the device OUFK-01"Sun", intended for home use.

UFO "Solnyshko" indications for use

Indications for home use of ultraviolet irradiation are:

How to use an ultraviolet lamp at home:

Quartzization of premises and objects in the apartment

To carry out the event, the front shutter of the quartz generator is opened, the device is connected to the network and operates in the room for about 30 minutes (area from 15 to 30 square meters), while there should be no people or pets in the room.

This procedure allows you to cleanse the air of germs and bacteria, as well as get a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. The same method is used to sanitize children's toys, bedding, and personal hygiene items, especially those belonging to patients with viral infections.

Attention! Switching the device on and off should be done wearing light-protective glasses.

Quartzization of the human or pet body

Treatment and prevention of pathologies of the nasopharynx and respiratory organs, including otitis media, colds, rhinitis, symptoms of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, sinusitis, etc. By affecting the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, UV leads to a decrease in inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract and nose, relieving swelling and pain.

The following quartz treatment techniques are used: local irradiation of damaged skin, irradiation of the mucous membranes of the nose, oral cavity, ears (external auditory canal), vagina, general irradiation for rickets, fractures, skin pathologies.

UV "Sun": instructions for use

The Solnyshko OUFK-01 device is intended for use from the age of three, except in cases of rickets, when irradiation improves the growth and development of the child and eliminates the deficiency of vitamins D.

In order for the procedures to be not only safe, but also effective for children, it is necessary to determine the child’s individual biodose. The determination method involves irradiating the baby’s body in the area of ​​the buttocks or abdomen.

Sunshine: how to determine biodose

The emitter is installed at a distance of ½ meter from the skin surface and 6 shutters are alternately opened in front of the biodosimeter windows. Use a stopwatch, opening each flap at ½ minute intervals. Thus, the skin in the area of ​​the first window will be irradiated for 3 minutes, the second - 2.5 minutes, the third - 2 minutes, the fourth - 1.5 minutes, the fifth - 1 minute. and sixth – ½ min. A day later, the condition of the child’s skin is checked. The biodose is determined visually by the degree of redness. The area with the least hyperemia is an indicator of the time of irradiation of the baby.

How to properly use “Sun” for ARVI

Today, many people are concerned about the issue of preventing the occurrence of influenza.

  1. Since the influenza virus spreads primarily through airborne droplets (much less often through household items), sanitizing the air in living and working areas and disinfecting objects is of particular importance. Turn on the UV device daily to destroy pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Human irradiation to increase resistance to ARVI is carried out daily or every other day (the average course is 10 procedures). Experts recommend irradiating the following areas: the face, the mucous membranes of the nasal passages (through tube attachments) and the back wall of the pharynx (through tubes).

The duration of irradiation for adults is 1-3 minutes. for each site. Irradiation for children is carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions attached to the device, or on the recommendation of an experienced pediatrician.

How to use UV irradiation for various diseases


For this pathology, children under 3 months of age are exposed to irradiation of the posterior surface of the body, placing the irradiator at a distance of ½ meter. The first session is 1/8 of the previously determined biodose. In children over 3 months. use ¼ biodose. After every 2 procedures, the irradiation time is increased by 1/8 and ¼ biodose, according to the age of the baby. The maximum session time is 1 full biodose. The number of procedures is 15-20 with a frequency of 1 time per day. If necessary, the course is repeated after 2 months.


A runny nose is one of the most common symptoms of colds of various etiologies. Inflamed mucous membranes of the nasal passages cause dysfunction of breathing, smell and tear production. Mucus is actively produced from the nasal sinuses - in this way the body gets rid of germs and irritants.

Rhinitis can be triggered by the activity of viral agents and bacteria, hypothermia of the body, and chemical compounds.

  1. When the first signs of a runny nose appear, the feet are irradiated with ultraviolet rays. The distance to the surface of the feet is maintained at about 10 cm, the procedure time is up to a quarter of an hour, the course is from 3 to 4 days. For children, exposure time ranges from 5 to 10 minutes.
  2. After the amount of mucus secreted from the nose decreases (but not less), and rhinitis enters the attenuation stage, irradiation begins using a nozzle - a tube with a diameter of 0.5 cm - of the mucous membranes of the throat and nose. These procedures are carried out to prevent the development of secondary infection and the development of complications of the runny nose - otitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, etc. The course of irradiation lasts up to 6 days, the initial irradiation time is 1 minute with a gradual increase to 2-3 minutes per day. For children, the initial dose is ½-1 minute with a gradual increase to 3 minutes.

Acute inflammation of the extramandibular sinuses is called sinusitis. The pathology develops as a consequence of infection of the body by pathogenic bacteria and viruses and is most often a complication of ARVI, measles, scarlet fever, and acute rhinitis. Sometimes sinusitis provokes inflammation in the roots of the four upper teeth.

The UFO device is used only after the disease has been diagnosed by an otolaryngologist and all necessary medical procedures have been performed: puncture and rinsing of the sinuses with medicinal solutions.

Irradiation is carried out through a tube (diameter 0.5 cm), the radiation is directed to the area of ​​the nasal canals. The procedures are carried out once a day, the irradiation time is from 1 minute to 4 minutes (the duration increases gradually). The course of physiotherapy lasts up to 6 days. Children's dosage is similar to adults.


For inflammation of the middle ear, accompanied by swelling of the auditory tube and impaired ventilation, ear congestion and discomfort, hearing loss and noise/ringing, autophony and the feeling of iridescent fluid when changing the position of the head, use ultraviolet irradiation of the mucous membrane of the posterior throat wall and nasal passages using a tube with a diameter of 1. 5 cm. Initial dosage: 1 minute on the back of the throat and each nasal canal.

Gradually increase the dosage to 2-3 minutes (every session). At the same time, ultraviolet irradiation of the affected auditory canal (from the outside) is carried out for 5 minutes through a tube with a diameter of 0.5 mm. The total number of procedures is 5-6, every day. Treatment of children is carried out according to the same scheme.

Bronchitis and tracheobronchitis

For inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, accompanied by coughing attacks, therapy begins from the first day of the disease. Irradiation is carried out on the anterior surface of the sternum at the location of the trachea and on the posterior projection of this organ in the interscapular area.

UV irradiation is performed using a perforated localizer, which is applied every day to areas of the skin that have not yet been treated. The distance to the body is set at 10 cm, the session time is 10 minutes on the front and 10 minutes on the back surface of the chest. Redness procedures 1 time per day, quantity – from 5 to 6.

Treatment of the wound surface

To clean cut and lacerated wounds from pathogenic microorganisms, before the initial surgical treatment, the wound and adjacent tissues are irradiated with ultraviolet radiation for 10 minutes. With each change of dressing and at the time of removal of suture material, the wounds are irradiated for 10 minutes.

If there are necrotic formations and pus in the wound, ultraviolet irradiation is done only after preliminary cleansing of the surfaces from pyogenic masses, starting from 2 minutes and increasing the time to 10 minutes. The number of sessions is from 10 to 12, the frequency is with daily wound sanitation and dressing.


Acne affects teenagers during puberty. The rashes are localized on the face, neck, upper chest and back. UFO is performed sequentially, changing the area of ​​exposure every day: face, chest, upper back, and so on.

The distance to the irradiator is from 12 to 15 cm, the exposure time of the device is 10-12-15 minutes (increase gradually). The number of sessions depends on the severity of the inflammatory process and ranges from 10 to 14 procedures. Using the same method, boils and abscess sites are irradiated, both before opening the abscess surgically or spontaneously, and after that.

Mastitis during breastfeeding

Ultraviolet rays, affecting the mammary gland and nipple, help get rid of inflammation, help cleanse the surface of cracks, their epithelization and destroy microbes. Each nipple and mammary gland is irradiated for 6-7 minutes, placing the device at a distance of 10 cm. The frequency of sessions is every other day, the course of treatment is 10 procedures.


The pathology is caused by the activity of streptococci. The zone of a tense spot with clear contours, daily increasing in size, is irradiated from the first days of the appearance of the plaque, capturing an area of ​​tissue located at a distance of 5 cm. The distance from the device to the body surface is from 10 to 12 cm, UV irradiation starts from 10 minutes, gradually increasing the time session up to 15 minutes. The frequency of procedures is every day, the number is 12-16.

Inflammation of the external genitalia in women

For vulvitis, bartholinitis and colpitis (vaginitis), ultraviolet irradiation is carried out in a gynecological office using a specialized mirror. For the session, a tube with a diameter of 1.5 cm is used, the procedure time is 2 minutes with a gradual increase to 8 minutes. The external labia are also additionally irradiated from a distance of 10 cm for 10 minutes. The average number of sessions performed each day is 7.


Orthopedists and traumatologists recommend ultraviolet irradiation to their patients for fractures of limbs or ribs. At the early stage of fusion, irradiation has an analgesic, anti-edematous, bacteriostatic effect, and at later stages it activates phosphorus-calcium metabolism and improves the growth of callus. The device is placed at a distance of 15 cm in the problem area and 10 sessions of 12-15 minutes are carried out every day.

Ultraviolet lamp OUFK-01: contraindications

Like any physiotherapeutic procedures, local and general UV irradiation of the human body has its contraindications, which include:

  • suspicion of a malignant tumor;
  • any malignant neoplasms, including skin ones;
  • systemic pathologies of connective tissue;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • tuberculosis (in open form);
  • tendency to any bleeding;
  • hypertension (stage III);
  • history of circulatory failure (II, III degree);
  • atherosclerosis;
  • the first time after myocardial infarction (first 4 weeks);
  • renal and liver failure;
  • period of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, hepatitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, colitis, etc.);
  • acute cerebrovascular accidents;
  • allergies to ultraviolet radiation, photodermatoses;
  • thin, dry, sensitive skin, prone to cracking and peeling;
  • cachexia.

There are no contraindications to using the irradiator to disinfect indoor air and any objects.

Ural irradiation becomes especially relevant if small children and people with a high degree of allergies live in the house. All procedures should be carried out strictly in accordance with the official instructions, maintaining the time accurate to the second. It is recommended that you consult with your healthcare provider before using the UV irradiator.


    Boris - 02/26/2017 00:12

    Please tell me, does the sun help with nail fungus?

    Mila replied:
    March 10th, 2017 at 12:07

    Hello! Nail fungus (onychomycosis) is a disease that should be treated comprehensively. In advanced cases, you should not only use local pharmaceuticals (solutions, drops, ointments, creams, varnishes, etc.), but also take antifungal drugs orally. Moreover, it is advisable to do this as prescribed by an experienced dermatologist. Ultraviolet irradiation of damaged nail plates helps only as an additional measure and cannot act as independent therapy.

    Marina - 03/11/2017 16:40

    I bought a quartz sun lamp right before the New Year. A very good thing, my daughter took quartz after a sore throat.

    And after the NG I got sick, I also decided to try it on myself. I couldn’t swallow at all, I quartzed for 2 days and everything went away, although I need to quartz for 5 days according to the instructions.
    I have OUFB-04.

    Elena Alexandrovna replied:
    March 27th, 2017 at 17:26

    Marina, is this just a blue lamp? Or is she some kind of special?

    Vika - 03/16/2017 12:26

    I bought a quartz lamp “sun” OUFK-01. I have a question: a child (8 years old) has a sore throat. How long can you heat? Will we get a burn from the lamp?

    Marina - 05/04/2017 22:15

    Please tell me, has anyone quartzed toys? How to quartz them correctly?

    Vera Vladimirovna - 06/19/2017 17:41

    Hello dear forum users and site administration! I came across this article by chance and decided to leave my review. I can say that I am an “experienced” user of the ultraviolet lamp Sun-01.
    We bought it last fall at one of the local pharmacies. Its price at that time was 2100 rubles. We bought it on the recommendation of friends and did not regret it. Indeed, on the one hand, the device is very simple, but it really does have benefits.
    In winter (as always the cold season) we got sick, first the husband, then the children, and I myself held on until the last and soon became sniffly...
    Undoubtedly, during the treatment process we used the sun device (only when there was no high temperature) and I can only say positive things about it! OUFC is wonderful, but it is also worth remembering: comprehensive care is important, and in no case should you refuse the doctor’s recommendations.
    If anyone has any questions, write, I will be happy to answer.

    Darina - 07/22/2017 17:07

    Girls, tell me where I can buy a quartz lamp. Pharmacies don't have it

    Igor - 07/22/2017 20:01

    This lamp does more harm than good! When you burn the mucous membrane, it’s a direct path for bacteria to reproduce.

    Marina - 08/14/2017 12:45

    Hello, I bought the sun OUFB-4, the store told me that it can be used for ages 3 and up. My son is 3.2 - I want to treat the throat, I didn’t find a dosage, only for OUFD-1... maybe I should have taken it after all? Please tell me if it’s worth exchanging...

    Pavel replied:
    August 14th, 2017 at 17:31

    Hello Marina! You need to know that the models of the “sun” device differ in power. The device with -01 has the lowest power, in particular it is suitable for use in children. In turn, this type is divided into OUFd-01 and OUFk-01
    — For children from birth and adults — quartz lamp OUFd-01 is recommended
    - For children from three years of age and adults - it is allowed to use OUFk-01
    As for OUFb-04, it is acceptable for use by adult adolescents over 12 years of age.

    Denis - 08/19/2017 12:24

    Hello. I want to buy a UV lamp for treating and disinfecting rooms. I don't know which one to choose. I have two small children - 9 months and 1.9 years. Rooms up to 24 m2. I would like the lamp to be used for treating adults as well. Is there such a thing?

    Irina - 08/26/2017 21:45

    We fell ill with ARVI, and decided to try a new method of treatment, not to use any antiviral drugs, which did not help us, but to use ultraviolet radiation. I called the pediatrician, she spoke extremely negatively about this method, saying it would be ineffective. But since we had nothing to lose, I decided to use the lamp myself. We shined the light on the throat and each nasal passage for one and a half minutes three times a day. As a result, the temperature was only a day, and not six or seven, as usual. The sore throat went away within a day, not a week. The runny nose still persists, it’s now the fifth day, it’s too early for the runny nose to go away. I decided not to use the lamp anymore; in the end it lasted 4 days. I came to a conclusion for myself: it’s a great way to cure a child without putting a strain on the liver. I recommend it to everyone. My only question is, can this method of treatment have a negative effect on the blood? Or is this method of irradiation safe for blood? We haven't done any analysis yet. And as for the lamp itself, how long does it take to change it?

    Marina replied:
    August 27th, 2017 at 18:53

    Irina, what kind of lamp power do you have? Oufk-1 or oufd-1?

    Irina - 12/10/2017 23:12

    And now I have one more question. Our pediatrician told me that frequent use of a UV lamp can cause cancer. I haven't found such information anywhere. Please answer, if you use a lamp several times a month, does it really cause oncology? Because we got carried away here, we do inhalations into the throat and nose for prevention and boost immunity. We have the model Sun OUFB-04. Thank you!

    Elena - 01/07/2018 23:27

    At the pharmacy we were offered a bactericidal ultraviolet lamp OUFK-09. Tell me which is better OUFK-09 or OUFK-01. What are the differences?

    Maria - 01/14/2018 23:58

    Hello! We bought the device OUFD-01 for a baby (1 year old). We want to prevent rickets, because synthetic vitamin D is poorly absorbed. But the instructions for the model say nothing about the prevention of rickets and quartzing the room. Is it possible to rely on the instructions for the OUFK (listed on the website)? And it’s still not clear whether to determine the biodose with a valve? And is a shutter necessary when irradiating a child’s body? Should I irradiate only the buttocks or can I irradiate them on both sides (tummy too)?

    Elena - 03/08/2018 22:08

    We bought OUFD Solnyshko 01 for a child. But she got sick herself, had a long cough, and decided to try the irradiator. I made a perforated localizer and carried out the procedure with 10 cm, but instead of 10 minutes, 13 minutes, because I thought it was for children, and the dosage was too weak for an adult. I burned my skin! On the chest, neck. It’s good that I tried it on myself and not on my child. It's scary to think what would happen to a child's delicate skin. I would like to note that my skin is not sensitive, dark. It is simply impossible to touch the skin.

The blue lamp, used in the treatment of runny nose and colds, is familiar to many from childhood - and is just as good as the usual mustard plasters in combination with hot foot baths. The procedure has gained wide popularity because it does not require complex manipulations with complex instruments, can be performed even on a small child, and the session duration does not exceed 20 minutes. To warm up, you only need a special lamp installed in a reflective lampshade. The blue lamp is used for a large number of diseases; it is indicated mainly in the case of inflammatory processes of different localization. Warming up with a blue lamp for a runny nose will be useful in treatment if you know about the rules of use and contraindications.

The essence of the method

Many people know about the blue lamp, but not everyone understands what it is and how it works. Can a throat lamp really help with a runny nose? Does this treatment method have side effects and contraindications? How to warm your nose with a blue lamp correctly? Of course, before you start using the device, you should find out the answers to all these questions.

A blue lamp for warming up the nose is called a Minin emitter, or reflector, named after the doctor who first proposed its use in the treatment of various pathologies. It is used not only in otolaryngology - warming is useful for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, bronchopulmonary and genitourinary systems. The device is a source of such types of radiation as:

  • visible;
  • infrared.

Visible radiation can be perceived by the organ of vision, while infrared radiation remains unnoticed, but has a thermal effect - in many cases quite noticeable. The degree of penetration (the ability to heat superficial and deep tissues) depends on the radiation range. In this case, short-wave radiation can reach deep tissue structures.

The maximum radiation of the blue lamp corresponds to the border of the short-wave and medium-wave ranges.

This means that the reflector is used mainly to warm up the surface layers of the skin. The device includes a lampshade with a mirror surface and a handle to be held in the palm, as well as an incandescent lamp with a blue color. It consists of cobalt glass, its power ranges from 25 to 60 W.

What beneficial effects are inherent in the reflector? A blue lamp for a runny nose has the following effect:

  1. Anti-inflammatory (in particular, anti-edematous).
  2. Local analgesic (helps eliminate pain).
  3. Metabolic (intensification of metabolic processes in tissues exposed to light).

Blue phototherapy lamps are also believed to have a bactericidal effect.

Under the influence of radiation, the local temperature of the skin increases - they heat up by about 1-2 degrees. The consequence of this is, first of all, dilation of blood vessels and increased blood flow in the irradiated area. Sometimes you can come across the opinion that a lamp for warming up the nose is an alternative to dry heat, the source of which is using improvised means - bags of salt, boiled eggs.

Rules of application

Diseases of the ENT organs are not an absolute indication for the use of the Minin reflector. However, the device may be effective for some of them. It is often purchased by families with small children. Many parents speak positively about the reflector, but it cannot be considered an alternative to treatment prescribed by a doctor. Before starting the procedures, it is best to consult with a pediatrician - the method has contraindications, the presence or absence of which must be verified by a specialist.

How to properly warm your nose with a blue lamp? Most often, the device is used in case of colds caused by a respiratory virus. To use the lamp, you must:

  • connect the device to the electrical network;
  • wait for heating;
  • keep at a distance of 15–20 cm from the affected area;
  • Continue heating for 5 to 20 minutes.

Eyes should be protected from radiation by covering them with cardboard glasses.

During warming up, do not touch the lamp directly. The procedure can be repeated several times during the day. In this case, you should pay attention to the heating of the skin. The main requirement is a feeling of moderate, pleasant warmth. Severe heat should not be allowed. This is especially important when treating children, who cannot always formulate specific complaints. Therefore, you should remember in advance how to use a blue lamp when you have a runny nose and stop the procedure if you suspect too much heating.


Is it possible to warm your nose with a blue lamp when you have a runny nose? The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. It all depends on the etiology of the runny nose (rhinitis), that is, a disease that is manifested by nasal congestion and nasal secretion. The lamp eases the course of colds, but it cannot be used in the following cases:

  1. Purulent sinusitis.
  2. Acute purulent inflammation in the area near the nasal cavity.
  3. Suspicion of a neoplasm.
  4. Increased blood pressure.
  5. Severe fever.
  6. Bleeding.

Purulent inflammation is an absolute contraindication for heating.

Sinusitis of any localization (in particular, sinusitis) is usually provoked by bacterial agents and is characterized by the presence of pus in the paranasal sinuses. Heat exposure is strictly prohibited. Instead of relieving the condition, the patient may face serious complications that are life-threatening.

Heat should not be used if there is a severe fever.

In the acute phase of the inflammatory process, when body temperature is significantly elevated, any warming procedures are prohibited. This is worth remembering when treating a patient of any age. During a fever, the body strives to “shed” excess heat; you should not artificially increase body temperature, even locally.

Ultraviolet lamps

Warming the nose with a blue lamp is not the only way of exposure to radiation for various types of respiratory infections. A UV lamp for the treatment of runny nose is part of an emitter device equipped with a tube. There are portable (portable, home) lamps, but most often UV devices can be found in physical therapy rooms. They are also called quartz lamps and are used in medical institutions not only as part of a complex of physiotherapeutic measures, but also when treating premises in order to prevent the spread of pathogens of infectious diseases.

The principle of operation of a portable UV lamp is to direct ultraviolet radiation to the desired area of ​​the body. The tube is inserted into the nostrils (and, if necessary, into the throat) one by one for a certain, strictly limited time. Start with 1 minute, then gradually increase the duration of contact to 3–5 minutes. It’s worth clarifying right away that these are general recommendations. The exact duration of exposure to UV rays must be determined by a doctor, and irradiation is prescribed according to indications.

The UV lamp does not warm up the nose.

Ultraviolet radiation has no thermal effect. It has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. UV rays also promote faster healing of wounds and reduce the severity of pain.

During the procedure, the patient should limit physical activity and breathe calmly and evenly. Before using the lamp, you must read the instructions and study the rules for processing tubes after irradiation. The device is not an alternative to medications or medical procedures.

Eye protection is a must.

The radiation should affect only certain areas of the mucous membranes - this is what the tubes are designed for. The lamp should not shine directly into your eyes. It is strictly not recommended to look into the housing while the device is turned on.