What causes hernias under the eyes? Hernias under the eyes: causes and methods of treatment

Eye hernias are cosmetic defects that do not cause harm to health. They spoil the appearance, age prematurely, and cause psychological discomfort. Women have a natural desire to remove hernias under the eyes without cosmetic surgery.

Most patients with hernias under the eyes ask their doctor how to get rid of swelling without surgery.

There are hernias that can only be corrected surgically. And, conversely, there are hernial formations in the eye area that cannot be treated surgically.


The appearance of eye hernias is provoked by the following factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • the effect of UV rays (in solariums and sunny weather, you should protect your eyes with dark glasses);
  • neuropsychological overstrain, stress;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • individual anatomical shape of the eyes;
  • impaired blood circulation;
  • eye diseases.

In people over 35 years of age, eye hernias occur due to age-related changes. With age, muscles lose elasticity, weaken and no longer maintain skin tone.

Education mechanism

An eye hernia is a clump of fat that forms under the skin of the eyelids. The facial muscles work continuously. Endless contractions of the facial muscles end with the skin of the face losing its elasticity. Voids form in epithelial tissues. The free space is intensively overgrown with fat cells. A stream of lymph flows into the eyelid area.

Voids filled with adipose tissue and lymphoid fluid turn into cosmetic defects. The skin in the eye area becomes deformed.

Swelling forms on the upper eyelids, and bags form on the lower eyelids. Defects make the face ugly and age it prematurely.


Symptoms of eye hernias are expressed in:

  • the appearance of a defect in the lower eyelid that looks similar to bags under the eyes (however, other factors provoke the appearance of a defect, and the mechanism of its formation is different);
  • swelling of the skin on the eyelids and in the corners of the eyes when lightly pressing on the eyeball;
  • drooping upper eyelid;
  • decreased vision and lacrimation (manifestation occurs with extensive swelling that compresses the tear ducts).

Once defects form, you should consult a doctor. He will advise you on how to remove hernias under the eyes and which treatment option is best to use.

Selecting a Method

Defects caused by structural features of the eye sockets or genetic factors can only be removed surgically. If swelling appears due to eye fatigue, disturbed sleep, or prolonged stress, their elimination does not require surgical intervention.

Surgery is avoided when eye hernias are caused by excessive alcohol consumption. Conservative methods help remove hernia caused by age-related and hormonal disorders.

Non-surgical treatment options

Preventive measures, cosmetic procedures and folk remedies help fight eye hernias. They relieve external symptoms, tone muscles, and prevent the development of hernia formations.

Debugging Life Mode

Sometimes in women, eye hernias disappear after normalization of the regimen. To do this you need:

  • eat right (eat spicy, salty, sweet, smoked foods in minimal quantities);
  • establish a drinking regime (do not drink at night);
  • get a good night's sleep;
  • give up alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • Spend less time at the computer and watching TV.

If simple prevention is followed, surgical removal of hernias under the eyes may not be necessary.

Cosmetic procedures

Cosmetologists get rid of the defect using hardware treatment methods. They are performed without surgery. Eliminate hernia formations using:

  • Lymphatic drainage. It improves the outflow of fluid, eliminates swelling, and promotes resorption of swelling.
  • Thermage. The laser beam removes dead skin layers.
  • RF lifting. The procedure allows you to tighten the skin of the eyelids.
  • Microcurrents. The method stimulates the skin, improves blood circulation, increases muscle tone, and prevents the accumulation of fatty tissues.
  • Injections - intradermal injections of enzymes and prednisolone. The drugs promote the production of collagen and increase the elasticity of the epithelium.
  • Plasmolifting. The method returns elasticity to the skin.
  • Scrubs and creams. Cosmetics cleanse and increase the elasticity of the skin.
  • Mesotherapy. The technology accelerates lymph flow and saturates tissues with nutrients.
  • Chemical peeling. The manipulation renews epithelial tissue.
  • Microneedling into the bag under the eye. The procedure stimulates the production of elastin and collagen.
  • Mesothreads. Special threads strengthen the skin - a new method in cosmetology.
  • Eyelid massage.

Hardware procedures are gentle, painless methods for removing an eye hernia. They are safer than surgery. After their implementation, patients do not need rehabilitation.

But removing a hernia under the eyes without surgery is permanently impossible. Hardware methods only eliminate visible signs of hernia formation on the eyelids.

They cannot be used to remove fat tissue. The effect of cosmetic procedures lasts for 1-5 years.

Folk remedies

Alternative treatment methods relieve external symptoms of a cosmetic defect at home. They improve blood circulation and tone muscles. As a result, the progression of the ocular hernia slows down.

Effective means:

  • Applications with parsley decoction. Take 30 g of chopped herbs, add 200 ml of water, boil for 5 minutes. The broth is filtered, cotton pads are soaked in it, and they are applied to the hernia formations. Application duration is 20 minutes.
  • Application made of white clay with rose oil (1:1 ratio). The mixture is applied to the eyelids, after 5 minutes the mask is washed off, and the skin is lubricated with cream.
  • Pumpkin compress. The pureed pulp of boiled pumpkin is applied to the eyelids. The mask relieves swelling and nourishes tissue.
  • A hernia under the eyes is treated without surgery by massage, which is performed with ice cubes for 15 seconds. For the procedure, freeze water or decoctions with parsley, oak bark, chamomile, calendula or sage.
  • After cooling, apply steamed tea bags to the eyelids. The duration of the cold compress is 15 seconds. The procedure improves blood flow, eliminates swelling, and prevents the formation of fatty deposits.
  • Birch leaves are brewed with boiling water and infused. The filtered infusion is used for applications lasting 15-20 minutes.
  • Potato compresses. Raw potato pulp is wrapped in a napkin and applied to the swelling. The duration of the procedure is 5-20 minutes. You can add chopped parsley and dill to the potatoes. Warm boiled potatoes in their jackets are also suitable for applications. The puree is transferred to a napkin and placed on the eyes.
  • Lotions from linden flowers, chamomile, rosemary. The infusion is prepared from 1 tbsp. spoons of raw materials and 250 ml of boiling water. Wipes soaked in a warm solution are applied to the eyes.
  • Cucumber mask. The cucumber is turned into a paste, placed on a napkin, and applied to the eye area. Cotton pads are generously soaked in milk and placed on top of the cucumber applications.
  • Natural tonics. Pour 250 ml boiling water 1 tbsp. spoon of sage, let it brew, filter. Divide the finished filtrate in half. In one jar, cool the infusion to 15 0 C, and in the second, slightly warm it up. Make alternating applications on the eyelids with cold and warm products. Contrast procedures increase blood circulation and skin turgor.

Gymnastics for the eyes

If there is a problem with hernias under the eyes, there is a simple solution - therapeutic exercises. Simple exercises help eliminate swelling of the eyelids. Exercises developed by ophthalmologists do not take much time and can be easily performed at work and at home.

A set of health exercises:

  • First they close their eyes tightly, then open their eyelids wide.
  • The head is straight. The gaze is directed to the right. At the count of 5, the gaze is transferred directly. The same exercise is done in the opposite direction.
  • Blink quickly and frequently. On the count of 11, close your eyes tightly without straining your facial muscles. At the count of 5, the eyelids open and look into the distance. The gaze is fixed on a distant object without visual strain.
  • The gaze is quickly moved from right to left, from top to bottom and vice versa. Perform circular movements with the eyes.

All exercises are repeated 5 times.

Surgical treatment

Surgery is the most effective way to get rid of eye hernias. After surgery, the look becomes fresher and the face becomes noticeably younger. Surgical treatment is carried out in 2 ways.


Using this method, a hernia of the upper and lower eyelid is removed. The method of blepharoplasty eliminates overgrown hernia formations with severe stretching of the skin. When operating on the lower eyelid, the excision is performed along the eyelash line or on the conjunctiva.

If the upper eyelid is being operated on, the excision is made parallel to the natural fold. Fat deposits are removed through the incision. Stretched skin is removed and normal tissue is sutured. Minor scarring remaining after the sutures are removed will resolve within 30 days. There are no traces left after it.

Rehabilitation lasts from 20 days to 2 months. Patients who have undergone surgery are advised to:

  • temporarily exclude physical activity;
  • protect your eyes from water;
  • walk with bandages for 4 days (until the stitches are removed);
  • make cold applications (they relieve swelling);
  • do not use cosmetics for 10 days.

Transconjunctival blepharoplasty

Surgery is performed without excision of tissue. The hernial formation is removed using a needle. A cannula is inserted into the eyelid and fat deposits are pumped out.

This method can only get rid of hernial formations that appear on the lower eyelids.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

Complications and contraindications

Postoperative complications occur in exceptional cases. They appear as:

  • hematoma;
  • lacrimation;
  • incomplete closure of the eyelids;
  • scarring.

An eye hernia is not operated on if there is:

  • diabetes;
  • hyperthyroidism (increased synthesis of hormones produced by the thyroid gland);
  • hypothyroidism (dysfunction of the thyroid gland, expressed by reduced production of hormones);
  • certain eye diseases.

Before surgery, patients undergo a full examination. Surgical intervention is performed if there are no contraindications to it.

It is impossible to completely cure eye hernias using non-surgical methods. They make them less noticeable. Surgery eliminates hernia formations. Those who prevent the development of pathology can avoid radical treatment.

Dark circles and bags under the eyes spoil your appearance and mood, make you look sick, but getting rid of them is not so easy. How to remove hernias under the eyes, and is surgery always the only way out?

Hernias under the eyes: what is it?

The skin of the lower eyelids is thin, with age it loses elasticity, its pores stretch. Fat cells accumulate under the eyes and unite, turning into hernias.

Swelling and dark circles after a sleepless night, stress, or excessive exercise go away on their own; they can be hidden with the help of cosmetics. Hernias are fatty formations that will not go away after taking it; they cannot be removed with a chamomile compress or ice.

What do hernias look like?

To make sure that it is a hernia, you need to close your eye and press on it: the characteristic protrusion of the lower eyelid towards the temple will be the most reliable evidence.

If the adipose tissue grows strongly and has a dense structure, then over time it compresses the tear ducts, and the eyes begin to water.

Why do hernias appear under the eyes?

Causes of hernias:

  1. Heredity is one of the main reasons for the formation of hernias under the eyes;
  2. Bad habits – alcohol and cigarette abuse;
  3. Insomnia, night sleep (constantly) less than 6 hours;
  4. Spending a long time in front of a computer monitor, a lot of strain on the eyes;
  5. Excessive amounts of fluid consumed in the afternoon;
  6. Poor nutrition – excessive passion for salty, spicy, smoked foods;
  7. Hormonal disorders;
  8. Abuse of solarium and tanning;
  9. Mental or physical stress.

Surgical methods for removing a fatty hernia

Removal of hernias most often occurs through surgery. Without surgery, hernias are eliminated using cosmetic methods. Offers his recipes and traditional medicine. All methods have pros and cons; each specific case requires specialist advice and an individual approach.

Surgical hernia removal

Surgery to remove a hernia under the eyes is performed in two ways:

  1. Blepharoplasty with a scalpel
  2. Transconjunctival intervention

Blepharoplasty of the lower eyelid using the scalpel method

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes an incision along the eyelash line. During the operation, the doctor mechanically removes fatty tissue and stretched skin of the eyelid, after which he applies cosmetic sutures.

With the proper level of skill of the surgeon, no traces remain after the operation. The eyelid finally heals after 6-8 weeks; at first, pain when blinking, photophobia, and lacrimation persist. All unpleasant symptoms disappear without a trace after 1-2 months.

Transconjunctival method

It can be performed not only in a hospital, but also in an outpatient setting. Along with general anesthesia, local agents, for example, eye drops, are used.

A thin puncture is made from the inner membrane of the lower eyelid (mucosa), through which a thin catheter is inserted into the area of ​​the lipoid formation.

Fatty tissue from under the lower eyelid is removed using vacuum aspiration (suctioned out with an aspirator).

Rehabilitation is quick and painless (when compared with scalpel surgery), which is important - there are no marks or scars left on the skin, the operation itself takes less time, there is no swelling, and there is no need to stay in the hospital. But this method is effective only at the initial stage of hernia formation, while it is small in size.

Treatment without surgery

New technologies in cosmetology make it possible to achieve impressive results without surgical intervention, but their cost does not always make the procedures accessible to the general public.

Cosmetic programs

  • massage of the infraorbital hernia;
  • skin under the eyes using hardware methods;
  • using hernia cream.

It is recommended to carry out the procedures in a beauty salon, trusting a professional. Inept actions at home can only aggravate the situation: stretch, damage the delicate skin of the lower eyelid, and provoke tissue inflammation.

You need to understand that these methods are not able to eliminate adipose tissue and are aimed at improving skin tone.

Electrical stimulation

Using a low-frequency current, it is possible to increase the contractility of facial muscles, increase tissue tone, create a barrier for further penetration of lipoid cells into the skin and visually reduce the size of the hernia.

Lymphatic drainage procedures

By removing excess lymph, the size of the hernia under the eyes is reduced. However, the fat cells themselves do not disappear.


The method is based on the administration of drugs using microinjections. Injections of the medicine increase muscle and skin tone, speed up metabolic processes, and help remove excess fluid. As a rule, 5-10 procedures are required to achieve a noticeable result, courses are repeated several times a year.

Radio wave lifting

The procedure is carried out using a special device that generates radiofrequency radiation. It affects the deep layers of the dermis, stimulating collagen synthesis.

The lifting effect is achieved due to exposure to high temperature (60-65 0), causing protein molecules to “sinter” and lose not only moisture, but also the ability to stretch. The skin on the muscle frame is stretched, including under the eyes.

To consolidate the effect, 4 to 10 procedures are required with an interval of 2 weeks. The price per session ranges (depending on the level and reputation of the salon, the equipment used, and the professionalism of the specialist) from two to five thousand rubles.

The listed methods cannot remove accumulated fatty tissue under the eyes, but visually make it less noticeable and improve the appearance of facial skin.

Laser removal of hernia under the eyes

Removal of a fatty hernia with a laser is a minimally invasive intervention in which a laser is used instead of a scalpel.

The incision is thinner and more accurate, the accuracy of the actions is controlled by a computer, and the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia.

Since the laser simultaneously coagulates blood vessels, the risk of bruising, swelling, and the rehabilitation period are significantly reduced in time.

How to reduce fatty hernias under the eyes without surgery using traditional methods

Traditional medicine recipes, as well as cosmetological methods, cannot eliminate fat cells; they are aimed at tightening the skin and improving metabolic processes.

Here are the best ones from this defect.

  • Chop a bunch of fresh parsley, add water, and keep on low heat for 5 minutes. Cool, strain, make cold compresses (moisten cotton pads or gauze in the broth, squeeze and apply to the lower eyelid area for 10-15 minutes).
  • Squeeze out the dried (used) tea leaves or tea bags and apply wrapped in gauze on the lower eyelid for 5-10 minutes. Substances contained in tea tone the skin.
  • Boil, crush and apply warm compresses to the eyelid.
  • Peel the avocado pulp, grind in a blender and apply to the skin of the eyelids for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply face cream.
  • Boil the potatoes in their jackets, cool slightly, peel and crush. Wrap the pulp in gauze or cotton napkin and apply to the lower eyelid area. You can use raw potatoes. Cut the tuber into 2 parts and apply to the eyes. Grated raw potatoes can be “enhanced” with parsley.
  • Cut the cucumber into thin slices and apply to closed eyelids. Water with mineral salts penetrates the skin, cell turgor increases, nutrition and metabolic processes increase. To prevent the cucumber from drying out in the air, you can cover it on top with a cotton pad dipped in milk or curdled milk (kefir, natural yogurt).
  • Fermented milk products are good for the skin of the eyelids. 1 tbsp. l. Mix rich sour cream with parsley and apply to the eyelid, leave for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • To make eyelid compresses, it is recommended to use herbal decoctions - linden, chamomile, arnica, rosemary. 1 tbsp. l. pour 0.2 liters of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes - an hour, strain.
  • Massage with ice gives a short-term but quick effect. Place ice cubes in a teaspoon and gently massage the area under the eyes. You should not use ice directly, as the delicate skin of the eyelids will react with irritation and redness.

How to remove bags under eyes with exercises

A set of simple exercises will help you tighten your muscles and make them work:

  • Alternately close your eyes tightly and open your eyes wide (5-10 times);
  • Move your gaze from side to side (holding for a few seconds) without turning your head;
  • Blink quickly 10 times, close your eyes tightly for 5 seconds, open your eyes and fix your gaze on a distant object;
  • Make circular movements with your eyes in one direction, then in the other direction, without rotating your head.

What are the names of ointments for bags under the eyes?

Strictly speaking, there is no special medicine that destroys fatty tissue in the lower eyelids.

To combat puffiness and bags under the eyes, medications are used that improve microcirculation, remove excess fluid, thin the blood, relieve inflammation and reduce capillary permeability.

Troxevasin, badyagu, and hemorrhoid medications are used as drugs for the treatment of fatty hernia of the lower eyelid.

It must be remembered that they have a number of contraindications, and the delicate skin of the eyelid and mucous membrane of the eye can react with inflammation, severe irritation, and allergies.

What to do to avoid hernias?

Prevention consists of following a daily routine, avoiding spicy and salty foods, cigarettes and alcohol. Facial skin needs good sleep, walks in the fresh air and moderate fluid intake in the afternoon.

Almost every fifth person experiences such an ailment as hernias under the eyes. They do not cause severe discomfort, do not hurt and rarely affect vision. However, externally, hernias, also called bags under the eyes, look unattractive. They age the face and give it a tired look. Let's find out why they occur and how to remove them.

Hernias under the eyes: what is it and why do they appear?

Hernias under the eyes occur due to the anatomical features of the orbit or are the result of natural aging of the body. The skin under the eyes is very thin and over the years it loses its elasticity. If fatty tissue, which protects the eyes from various damage, gets underneath it, bags under the eyes appear. They do not hurt, do not cause itching or other discomfort, but they negatively affect a person’s appearance.

Most often, hernias occur under the eyes in women over 30 years of age. It is almost impossible to hide them with cosmetics. A woman with bags under her eyes always looks tired, sleep-deprived, and gloomy. In addition, hernias visually increase a person’s age. If the fat bags under the eyes become larger and no measures are taken to remove them, they begin to put pressure on the nasolacrimal ducts. This leads to watery eyes and even blurred vision.

Bags under the eyes appear as a result of overwork, insomnia or alcohol abuse. They usually go away, you just need to rest a little, get some sleep, or apply a compress with ice, tea and other folk remedies to your eyes.

It is quite simple to distinguish fatty hernias from bags. You need to lightly press your finger on the eyeball. If the swelling under the eye has increased, then this is indeed a hernia.

Why do fatty hernias appear under the eyes?

Although hernias occur as a result of aging, not everyone gets them. The following reasons can provoke their occurrence:

  • metabolic disease;
  • skin diseases;
  • stress, insomnia, overwork;
  • alcoholism, smoking, unhealthy diet;
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • constant use of cosmetics;
  • paresis, paralysis of the eyelids;
  • circulatory disorders.

Often the cause of hernias under the eyes is a genetic factor. Fatty formations can occur under the lower eyelids and under the upper eyelids. In the second case, they begin to hang over the eyes, which over time leads to a decrease in visual functions.

Removing hernias under the eyes

Hernias under the eyes can be quickly and completely removed through surgery. There are several techniques used to remove fatty hernias:

Laser surgery. It is performed under local anesthesia. First, the surgeon makes a 3-4 mm long incision in the skin, and then removes the hernia under the eye with a laser. Then stitches are applied with threads, which dissolve over time and leave no marks. This method is most effective for small formations. If the hernia is very large, laser surgery does not always help. Another disadvantage of the procedure is the high cost.

Excision with a scalpel. This procedure is performed under general and local anesthesia, depending on the size of the hernia, other medical indications and the wishes of the patient. The surgeon makes a micro-incision along the edge of the lower eyelid, removes excess fat, and also excises an area of ​​stretched skin. Surgery has a significant drawback - a long rehabilitation period. The skin heals for several weeks, during which the patient experiences pain, swelling, and bruises under the eyes. It will be possible to see the final results of the operation only after 3-4 weeks.

Transconjunctival method. This is the newest technology used in cases where the formations under the eyes have not reached very large sizes. The procedure is carried out as follows: the doctor makes a puncture of the skin, through which excess fat is removed through a special tube inserted under the mucous membrane of the eyelid. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. There are no complications after the procedure, there is practically no recovery period.

There are no indications for surgical treatment, except in cases where hernias lead to visual impairment. The operation eliminates hernias completely, but not forever.

They may reoccur if appropriate measures are not taken. In addition, there are contraindications to the operation:

  • infectious diseases;
  • high intraocular pressure;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diseases associated with blood clotting;
  • AIDS;
  • severe pathologies of internal organs;
  • diabetes.

If the patient is not suitable for surgical treatment, he can get rid of the disease using other methods. Let's find out how to remove hernias under the eyes without surgery.

How to get rid of hernias under the eyes without surgery?

Surgery eliminates hernias 100%, and other methods help stop the process of their growth. Conservative treatment methods include hardware and injection procedures, folk remedies, and eye exercises. Let's look at these methods in more detail. Hardware procedures include:

  • Electrical stimulation is the effect of low frequency current on the skin. Thanks to this effect, the tension of the membrane that holds the fiber around the eyes is reduced.
  • Lymphatic drainage. This procedure also involves the use of low voltage current. Using the device, the skin under the eyes is massaged, which improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands and reduces hernias.
  • Thermolifting is a treatment with radio waves, high-frequency currents that affect the deep layers of the skin, preventing the growth of adipose tissue.
  • Ultrasonic lifting is an innovative method, the essence of which is to tighten the skin with ultrasound. Lifting improves the tone of the subcutaneous layer and the functioning of the sebaceous glands, promotes uniform distribution of fat. After several sessions, hernias become almost invisible, and the effect lasts for a long time.
  • Fractional thermolysis is a laser treatment that uses special lenses. They split the laser into many microbeams. They penetrate deep under the layers of the dermis, starting the process of skin rejuvenation. During laser exposure, adipose tissue is crushed, which leads to a decrease in swelling. Laser therapy also improves blood circulation, which is an important factor in preventing the recurrence of hernias.

Hardware methods cannot completely get rid of hernias. The patient will have to systematically sign up for such procedures to reduce puffiness under the eyes.

Hardware therapy does not help in cases where the hernia is very large. There are other disadvantages of this treatment - contraindications hinder its use:

  • presence of electrical implanted devices in the body;
  • skin diseases;
  • connective tissue diseases;
  • infectious diseases, including respiratory ones;
  • diabetes;
  • mental disorders;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Injection procedures as a way to eliminate hernias under the eyes

Fatty hernias under the eyes are removed using carboxytherapy - subcutaneous injection of carbon dioxide, as well as plasmolifting - injection of the patient's own plasma under the skin. Dermal fillers created with sodium hyaluronate help reduce hernias under the eyes. Injections are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Mental disorders, diabetes mellitus, malignant tumors and allergies are also restrictions for the appointment of injection procedures.

Traditional methods of treating hernias under the eyes

Folk remedies are the most accessible, but also the least effective for eliminating fat deposits. They are often used prophylactically and after surgery to prevent relapse. The most popular folk remedies are:

  • Parsley decoction. Pour boiling water over fresh parsley and leave it to steep for 30 minutes. You need to make lotions using the decoction. Instead of parsley, you can use chamomile, string, and sage.
  • White clay mask. Mix the clay with sea buckthorn or rose oil and apply to the skin under the eyes.
  • Green tea. It has a good calming effect. Brew tea bags, cool them and apply them to the bags under your eyes.
  • Boiled potatoes. Boil it until fully cooked, cool, cut and apply to hernias under the eyes.
  • Sesame oil. Apply a little oil to the skin and rub it until completely absorbed.

Removing the first signs of hernias under the eyes with exercises

Eye exercises help increase the elasticity of the eye muscles, strengthen them, improve blood circulation and stop the process of enlargement of hernias.

Gymnastics for the eyes is especially effective when hernias just appear. Experts recommend doing exercises several times a day, starting when you wake up.

There are various exercises, among which the following are most often practiced:

  • Close your eyes for 30 seconds and then open your eyes wide. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.
  • First, close your eyes, count to 10, and then open your eyelids wide and look up. Try not to wince, but to work only with your eye muscles. Complete this task 5-6 times.
  • Stand or sit with your back straight. Look to the right and hold your gaze on some object for 10 seconds. After this, look forward and close your eyes. Repeat the same steps, but with your gaze moving to the left.
  • The fourth exercise involves alternating rapid blinking and complete relaxation of the eyelids.

If you have a hereditary predisposition to the formation of hernias under the eyes, in order to avoid their occurrence, you should give up bad habits, try to get enough sleep, worry less, be in the fresh air more often, do not overwork, exercise and eat right.

", Moscow

  • Price: 45,000 rubles (until the end of November there is a promotion for Cosmopolitan readers: lower blepharoplasty 35,000 rubles, upper blepharoplasty 30,000 rubles instead of 40,000. When making an appointment, you must say “Cosmo”)
  • Indications: aesthetic
  • Contraindications: acute diseases and exacerbations of chronic
  • Where do the “bags” under the eyes come from?

    The connective tissue septa stretch, and the fatty tissue begins to swell. Hernias appear with age or are a consequence of a genetic predisposition - then “bags” can appear at the age of 15. Hernias are not dangerous and only spoil the appearance.


    What is blepharoplasty

    Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) includes several types of operations and techniques for performing them. Thus, traditional blepharoplasty is the correction of the lower and/or upper eyelids with sutures. With its help you can get rid of drooping eyelids, remove so-called bags and even change the shape of your eyes. Typically, traditional blepharoplasty is prescribed to patients over 40 years of age, when the face takes on a tired appearance and excess stretched skin around the eyes can only be removed surgically, that is, full-scale plastic surgery.

    There is no seamless upper eyelid surgery.

    Blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids can be combined with correction of the upper eyelids, reshaping the eye, brow lifting (correction of the eyebrow shape) and facelift.

    How is transconjunctival blepharoplasty fundamentally different from classical

    The operation is shorter in time, and rehabilitation is faster; there is no need to remove stitches; surgical intervention does not affect the shape and shape of the eyes (with classical blepharoplasty, the eyes may temporarily “round” during swelling; there is no risk of eversion of the eyelid (this happens with unscrupulous surgical intervention).

    Who is suitable for sutureless blepharoplasty?

    Transconjunctival (sutureless) blepharoplasty is an option for younger patients (about 30 years old) who have already developed lower eyelid hernias, but the skin is not yet overstretched and is elastic enough that excision of excess skin is not necessary. This is exactly the option for getting rid of “bags” and dark circles under the eyes that was offered to me by a plastic surgeon, Ph.D. Kirill Narzoev.

    How is surgery performed to remove lower eyelid hernias?

    The surgeon makes an internal incision in the conjunctiva behind the lash line, retracting the lower eyelid, and removes the fat sac. All manipulations with both eyes take about 30-40 minutes, there are no stitches left on the face, the shape of the eyes does not change, access to the hernia is through the conjunctiva.

    The operation is performed both under general anesthesia and under sedation - a type of anesthesia in which the patient is in a state of superficial medicated sleep, not feeling pain, but remaining conscious. You can choose your option immediately before the operation together with an anesthesiologist who will assess both the physical and psychological condition of the patient. In rare cases, general anesthesia is contraindicated, but in this state of health the operation itself is questionable.
    The operation is also possible with local anesthesia, but this is extremely inconvenient for both the surgeon and the patient himself - not everyone is able to remain calm throughout the entire operation.

    Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty

    After recovering from anesthesia, the patient remains in the room for about an hour with a cold compress over the eyes. There are no categorical requirements to limit reading or working with gadgets, but during the first 24 hours, “sand” or ripples may appear in the eyes, and focusing may also be impaired. For example, I saw everything clearly as soon as I woke up, but for several days after the operation my eyes began to get tired of the bright screen. It is ideal if work with gadgets is limited during the week after the operation, but I had to return to the office on the third day (the operation was performed on Friday morning, and on Monday I was already sitting at my workplace). I fought eye fatigue by dimming the screen brightness and taking frequent breaks, trying not to focus my eyes on anything. She continued to make cold chamomile compresses in the mornings and evenings. If there is hemorrhage in the sclera (this happens infrequently), vasoconstrictor drops are prescribed, but as planned, the doctor prescribes only antiseptic drops.

    Immediately after the operation, strips are applied to the lower eyelids, which are removed by the doctor after 3-4 days. The next day after the operation, bruises began to appear from under the bandages.

    When the patches were removed, the obvious bruises were almost gone, although the circles under the eyes lasted more than a week, but this is normal.

    After removing the strips (fourth day after surgery)

    After surgery, it is extremely important to follow all doctor’s recommendations. For example, make a cold compress with chamomile decoction every two hours on the first day, instill an anti-inflammatory solution 3 times a day for a week after surgery and apply an anti-swelling and bruising agent (arnica, badyaga, traumeel) to the eyelids. However, I did not part with the ointment for bruises for a long time after removing the strips. Rehabilitation is individual, and it is impossible to predict the timing of the body’s recovery in each individual case. For example, as soon as the doctor removed the patches (on the fourth day after the day of surgery), the skin around the eyes began to swell more (before that it was fixed with strips). For more than a week after removing the bandages, I applied Arnica ointment at night and in the morning to the lower and upper eyelids, and before that I washed my eyes with a chamomile solution, since a little ichor had accumulated on my eyelids during the night. Touching the lower eyelids was painful, so scratching the eyes or removing makeup had to be done very carefully (bruises and circles can be masked immediately after removing the strips).

    After two weeks, the bruises completely disappeared, the painful sensitivity decreased, the eyes stopped getting tired - and the result became visible. The lower eyelids stopped swelling in the morning, the skin under the eyes smoothed out, the dark circles did not disappear completely, but became smaller.

    Care after removal of lower eyelid hernias

    Cosmetic procedures - facial massage, cleansing - are possible after three weeks. 3-4 weeks after surgery, laser procedures (fractional rejuvenation will tighten the skin of the eyelids) or microcurrent therapy are useful to improve blood circulation and accelerate healing.

    Effect of transconjunctival blepharoplasty

    The operation provides a lasting effect for 10-15 years. With the right lifestyle (control your weight, eat a balanced diet), the effect can be extended up to 20 years. After this period, the skin may stretch due to age-related processes, and then we can talk about classical eyelid skin correction.

    Is it possible to get rid of dark circles under the eyes with surgery?

    As a rule, after blepharoplasty, bruises under the eyes become less pronounced - due to the leveling of the skin surface, the shadow caused by the hernia disappears. To combat bruises as such, there are “lightening” injections based on vitamin C based on the principle of mesotherapy - this is done by cosmetologists.

    What is prohibited after blepharoplasty:

    - lifting weights and physical activity for a week or two after surgery, including bending your head down (you cannot lower your head when tying shoelaces, picking up something from the floor, or cleaning);

    - solarium for two weeks after surgery;

    - wearing contact lenses for two weeks after surgery;

    - visiting the pool, bathhouse and sauna within a month after the operation;

    — it is necessary to wear dark glasses if the operation is performed during periods of solar activity;

    - In about five days you can fly on an airplane.

    What tests need to be done before blepharoplasty?

    - detailed blood tests (complete blood count, biochemistry, hospital complex, Rh factor and additional indicators prescribed by the doctor);

    - general urine analysis;

    - fluorography of the thoracic region;

    — consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary in case of the following problems: dry eye, recurrent conjunctivitis, glaucoma, diabetes mellitus and autoimmune disease, as well as high and extremely high myopia.

    Probably the most unpleasant evidence of age on the face is bags under the eyes or, more precisely, paraorbital hernias. They appear much earlier than a woman is ready to admit that the help of a professional cosmetologist is required. Fortunately, today there are many opportunities to eliminate this problem.

    Paraorbital fat hernias are swelling in the lower and upper eyelids. The skin under the eyes is thin, so age-related loss of elasticity in this area is more noticeable. Vision function does not suffer from these features. But the appearance becomes tired, painful, and shows age. Therefore, many women are looking for an opportunity to get rid of bags under their eyes.

    Note! Hernias under the eyes develop as age-related changes; they can occur at 30-35 years of age. Tension of facial muscles and weakening of connective tissue fibers lead to sagging skin. Over time, the empty space is filled with fatty tissue. It looks like bags under the eyes.


    This problem can develop at different ages, and many reasons contribute to this.

    With “wrong” fasting, muscle mass is lost and the water-electrolyte balance is disturbed. One of the consequences is the retraction of the eyeballs and the appearance of hernias under the eyes.

    As life progresses, muscles lose tone and fatty tissue fills the empty spaces. Thick skin does not allow these changes to be noticed. If nature has made you the owner of thin skin, accumulations of adipose tissue appear in the form of bags under the eyes.

    Hernial protrusions are often called edema, but this is not entirely correct. Edema, rather, contributes to the formation of paraorbital hernias. Water is retained in the body, edema forms due to reasons such as kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, electrolyte imbalance, abuse of table salt and foods containing it. Fluid accumulates in the connective tissue, impairs blood circulation in the muscles, causing their hypotrophy. This leads to the formation of a hernia.

    Important! Processes in the body are regulated not only by the nervous system, but also by the level of hormones in the blood. Conditions such as pregnancy, menopause, and diseases associated with hormone imbalance can trigger the appearance of hernias.

    Genetic predisposition is manifested by early loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin, structural features of the orbit and facial skull.

    Appearance, like a mirror, reflects your lifestyle. Systematic abuse of alcoholic beverages and tobacco smoking lead to the formation of periorbital hernias at an earlier age.

    Important! Poor sleep, lack of proper rest, psychological stress, and strenuous activity when working at a computer contribute to the formation of bags under the eyes.

    Among other reasons, experts cite prolonged exposure to the sun's rays, in a solarium, and lack of facial skin protection with creams and glasses.

    Another reason is the improper use of cosmetics. For example, you cannot use winter cosmetics in summer. Preparations for the area around the eyes make up a large part of cosmetic products. In order to make the right choice, you need to consult a medical specialist.

    Types of paraorbital hernias

    If fatty tissue accumulates in the sub-eyelid area, they speak of a hernia in the upper eyelid.

    If adipose tissue forms a protrusion in the area under the lower eyelashes, most often at the inner corner of the eye, they speak of a hernia in the lower eyelid.

    Such formations are familiar to everyone, and it seems that diagnosis cannot cause difficulties. However, despite its apparent simplicity, hernias can be confused with edema or other pathological processes. Including those with early signs of serious illness. Therefore, it is better to entrust the diagnosis to a medical specialist.

    Important! In most cases, hernial sacs only disrupt the aesthetic appearance of a person. In the mornings and throughout the day he looks tired, tired, and sick. But such changes sometimes lead to other problems: the outflow of lymphatic fluid is hampered, blood circulation and nutrition of muscles, ligaments, and connective tissue are disrupted.

    Most often, this problem is not life-threatening, except in cases of severe overhanging skin over the eyes and the inability to see fully.

    Operative methods

    It is possible to get rid of the problem through surgery. It's called blepharoplasty. Several types are used.

    Laser blepharoplasty

    Most often performed as a cosmetic procedure. In some cases, due to medical necessity (deterioration of peripheral vision).

    An anesthetic gel is applied to the skin. An incision is made on the lower eyelid under the eyelashes. Excess subcutaneous fat tissue is removed with a laser. The integrity of the skin is restored by suturing. They can be self-resorbable. The results of the manipulation usually last for a long time.

    If the excess skin is small, an incision is made with a laser through the conjunctiva. In this case, there is no need to apply stitches.

    Important! Despite the obvious advantage of the operation in the form of minimally invasiveness, the disadvantage is the high price of the procedure.

    Traditional blepharoplasty - excision with a scalpel

    This type of surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia. The choice depends on the patient’s preferences, his medical history, the volume of the hernial protrusion, and location.

    Surgical access is made through a micro-incision in the skin along the edge of the lower eyelid. According to indications, the surgeon can excise part of the stretched skin. Then the excess fat tissue is removed. The operation ends with suturing. The postoperative period is longer and requires rehabilitation. It may take three to four weeks.

    Note! During the healing process, the patient is bothered by swelling, subcutaneous hematomas, and moderate pain.

    Transconjunctival blepharoplasty

    This method is preferable from an aesthetic point of view, as it is seamless. It is most often performed in patients aged 20-35 years, so that sagging skin does not appear in the future.

    Excess fat is removed with a scalpel or evaporated by laser. The surgical wound heals without stitches.

    Note! The postoperative period does not require long-term rehabilitation and proceeds without complications. Local anesthesia is sufficient for pain relief.

    Preparation and examination before surgery

    As before any operation, it is necessary to conduct tests and undergo examinations.

    The standard examination list includes:

    • blood analysis;
    • tests for antibodies to HIV, hepatitis C, markers for viral hepatitis B, test for syphilis;
    • general urine analysis;
    • electrocardiogram.

    Medical indications are given for visual impairment due to paraorbital hernias.

    Contraindications for blepharoplasty:

    • infectious processes;
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the eye and its membranes;
    • increased intraocular pressure, dry eye syndrome;
    • severe somatic illnesses;
    • diabetes;
    • disorders of the blood coagulation system.

    Upper eyelid blepharoplasty

    One of the most common operations in cosmetology is blepharoplasty of the upper eyelid. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia. After several hours of observation, if there are no complications, the patient goes home.

    Excess fat tissue is removed through a micro-incision, and several cosmetic stitches are applied. On average, the procedure takes about forty minutes. If there are no complications, the sutures are removed on the 4th day. The postoperative scar is most often invisible, as it is located in the projection of the natural fold of the upper eyelid.

    Potential complications after surgery:

    • postoperative swelling;
    • subcutaneous hematoma;
    • lacrimation.

    Note! Usually complications disappear within a few days to two to three weeks.

    How much does the operation cost?

    The issue of the cost of the operation is very important.

    Prices depend on the complexity of the operation, the condition of the skin, the severity of the hernia, the pricing policy of the clinic, the conditions of the operation, and postoperative observation.

    Laser blepharoplasty – 90,000 – 120,000 rubles.

    Traditional blepharoplasty costs from 50,000 to 60,000 rubles.

    Blepharoplasty via transconjunctival access - from 60,000 to 65,000 rubles.

    Thermolifting of the upper or lower eyelids - 10,500 rubles.

    Local anesthesia – from 5,000 to 5,500 rubles.

    A set of rehabilitation procedures (6 sessions) - 12,000-13,000 rubles.

    Conservative treatment methods

    An alternative to surgical intervention is conservative therapy: hardware and injection procedures, folk remedies, exercises.

    Note! Hardware methods include exposure to electric current, ultrasound, radio wave radiation, and laser.

    Electrical stimulation is achieved through low frequency electrical current. This improves muscle tone, and therefore reduces the severity of hernial protrusion.

    Lymphatic drainage using microcurrents, carried out along the paths of outflow of lymphatic fluid, eliminates fluid stagnation, improves blood circulation in muscles and connective tissue.

    Thermolifting is a hardware method using high-frequency radio wave radiation. It stimulates the restoration of elastin and collagen fibers and enhances the activity of fibroblasts.

    Ultrasonic lifting allows you to increase the tone of the superficial muscular-aponeurotic system of the face. The lifting effect reduces the severity of paraorbital hernias.

    Fractional thermolysis is a hardware method using a laser, which is passed through special lenses. As a result, micro-rays are formed that penetrate deep into the skin and provide a complex effect: crushing adipose tissue, reducing swelling, improving blood circulation. The overall effect is skin rejuvenation.

    Each of the hardware methods has contraindications. These include:

    • skin diseases;
    • implanted pacemaker, metal implants in the body;
    • individual intolerance to electric current;
    • connective tissue diseases;
    • infectious diseases;
    • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
    • oncological, mental diseases;
    • diabetes;
    • history of seizures (epilepsy);
    • diseases occurring with damage to blood vessels;
    • pregnancy and lactation period.

    The effect of hardware procedures lasts for a long time with regular repetition. With a pronounced degree of paraorbital hernia, surgical treatment is necessary. Conservative therapy will not be enough.

    Important! The hardware procedures listed above have advantages over surgical intervention: no rehabilitation period is required, and the risk of complications is lower.

    Injection procedures

    Carboxytherapy is otherwise called “gas” injection. The method is a type of mesotherapy and consists of subcutaneous injection of carbon dioxide agents. Blood circulation and lymph flow improve, the metabolism of connective tissue and subcutaneous fat is activated. This allows you to get rid of such a problem.

    Plasmolifting is the use of the patient’s own plasma as an active substance in the form of a subcutaneous injection.

    Dermal fillers are a method of administering sodium hyaluronate-based products. They reduce hernias under the eyes and “fill in” wrinkles.

    Just as for other procedures, there are contraindications to the administration of various drugs:

    • diseases of a viral or bacterial nature;
    • conditions accompanied by increased body temperature;
    • severe somatic pathologies;
    • oncological diseases;
    • history of seizures (epilepsy);
    • hemorrhagic syndrome;
    • allergic reaction to drugs;
    • pregnancy, lactation period;
    • tendency to form keloid scars.

    Cosmetical tools

    Cosmetics for eliminating dark circles and bags under the eyes belong to different groups: creams for deep hydration, enrichment with vitamins, lotions, cooling rollers. With a large selection, it is difficult to settle on something specific or combine products correctly. Each of them is designed for a specific skin type, age, and solution to a specific problem. Professional consultation with a medical specialist is the best way to achieve lasting results.

    Traditional methods

    Folk remedies are accessible, simple, considered safe, time-tested. Moreover, their effectiveness is sufficient only to prevent or prevent relapses of such a problem.

    Popular means to “fight” this problem:

    • decoctions of medicinal herbs: string, birch leaves, chamomile, parsley;
    • White clay;
    • green tea infusion;
    • curd mask;
    • sesame oil and much more.

    Home Remedies Recipes

    Product used Description


    Grind 30 g of green mass and pour a glass of boiled water. Leave for five to six minutes over low heat, strain. Use the decoction by soaking cotton pads in it. An alternative method is to form ice cubes from the resulting decoction and rub them on the eyelid area twice a day for 10-15 seconds.
    Tea leavesIt is convenient to use this product already packaged in tea bags. Brew it in boiling water, then place it in the freezer. Use by applying a frozen bag to the eyelids.
    Pumpkin pulpJuicy pumpkin pulp, formed into gauze pads, is applied to the eyelids. It is enough to hold this product for 20-30 minutes to improve the color of the skin under the eyes and remove excess fluid.
    White clayAn excellent remedy for dark circles under the eyes is a mixture of a spoonful of white clay, a spoonful of milk and half a spoonful of honey. The product is applied under the eyes and washed off after twenty minutes.
    Cucumber maskCucumber pulp is applied to gauze strips and applied to the eyes. Cover the top of the paste with cotton pads soaked in milk. An easier way to use cucumber is to place a slice on each eye.
    Raw potatoesRaw potato gruel is mixed with 1 tsp. any vegetable oil. For twenty minutes, apply the composition to the skin around the eyes, previously lubricated with oil. After removing the mask, the skin is carefully treated with an infusion of green or black tea diluted with water.

    Thoroughly mashed cottage cheese is applied as a paste under the eyes for 15 minutes. After removing the mask, the skin is treated with tea infusion.


    Eye exercises are effective for the initial manifestations of hernial protrusions in the eyelid area. On the recommendation of a doctor, they can be used in the postoperative period to prolong the effect.

    Important! The main task of the complex is to strengthen the eye muscles.

    Below are the most accessible exercises that you can do every morning right in bed.

    Lying on your back without a pillow, close both eyes for 30 seconds and then open them wide, straining your eyelids. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

    Close your eyes, relax your facial muscles. Make slow circular movements with your eyes in one direction, and after a short break - in the other direction. Monitor your general condition. What is important is not the speed of the exercise, but the smoothness and depth of the movements. You can repeat the rotation twice in each direction.

    Alternate between blinking quickly and pausing to relax your eyelids.

    Lymphatic drainage at home

    Home lymphatic drainage massage is carried out with the application of cream to improve the outflow of lymphatic fluid. It contains extracts of medicinal herbs.

    The massage begins with the scalp. Alternate circular movements with fingers folded together and pulling strands of hair upward.

    Then massage movements are carried out in the forehead, eyes, including the sub-brow area and the upper cheek area.

    Using your fingertips, carefully tap the entire surface of the face, starting from the chin.

    Cover your face with your palms (fingers up) and press firmly several times. Place your palms towards your temples, without lifting them away from the skin.

    The problem of paraorbital hernias in men

    Males also face the same problems.

    Features of the structure of male skin:

    • it contains more collagen and elastin, denser connective tissue;
    • more active blood circulation, which means more opportunities for fluid stagnation.
    • giving up bad habits, abuse of foods high in salt, preservatives, carbonated liquids;
    • use of cosmetic products labeled “for men”;
    • optimal mode of physical activity, alternating stress and rest when working with a computer;
    • healthy sleep - 7-8 hours a day;
    • compliance with protection measures from direct sunlight - using various cosmetics, wearing hats;

    Most recommendations are true not only for men, but also for women. The basis of the beauty of facial skin and its even color is maintaining the health of the whole body. At different ages, representatives of both sexes face certain problems. Cosmetology offers ways to correct various defects. Of course, you can always have surgery and get rid of such a problem as hernias under the eyes. However, only the person himself can preserve and prolong the effects of cosmetic procedures thanks to proper skin care, prevention of various pathologies and careful attention to his health.